1984 by george orwell егэ ответы

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Some of the 20th century authors felt ( RESENT ) about the ability of the state to control the life of individual.

So a genre of ‘dystopian fiction’ which was ( OPPOSE ) to the genre of utopia has become very popular among British, American and Russian writers.

One of the fi rst Russian dystopian fiction books is a novel ‘We’ by Yevgeny Zamyatin which is a ( COMBINE ) of science fiction, political satire and social criticism.

A British writer Aldous Huxley is best known by his dystopian book ‘Brave new world’ which has predicted many ( ACHIEVE ) of the 20th century science and technology.

In the novel ‘1984’ a famous British author George Orwell depicts a society that maintains an ultimate control over every single individual by the means of ( PUNISH ) and manipulation.

In the book by Ray Bradbury ‘Fahrenheit 451’ the society has banned all kinds of literature, and people who dare to hold the books are killed by a ( MERCY ) machine that looks like a giant spider.

Some of the 20th century authors felt resentful about the ability of the state to control the life of individual.

So a genre of ‘dystopian fiction’ which was opposite to the genre of utopia has become very popular among British, American and Russian writers.

One of the fi rst Russian dystopian fiction books is a novel ‘We’ by Yevgeny Zamyatin which is a combination of science fiction, political satire and social criticism.

A British writer Aldous Huxley is best known by his dystopian book ‘Brave new world’ which has predicted many achievements of the 20th century science and technology.

In the novel ‘1984’ a famous British author George Orwell depicts a society that maintains an ultimate control over every single individual by the means of punishment and manipulation.

In the book by Ray Bradbury ‘Fahrenheit 451’ the society has banned all kinds of literature, and people who dare to hold the books are killed by a merciless machine that looks like a giant spider.

Пробный вариант ЕГЭ 2021 по английскому языку №10 с ответами «ЕГЭ 100 БАЛЛОВ». Тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ 2021 по английскому языку с ответами.



Примеры некоторых заданий из варианта

1984 George Orwell
Chapter 9 The Hate continued exactly as before, except that the target had been changed. It ______ (BE)
during the moment of disorder while the posters __________ (BE)
torn down that a man had tapped him on the shoulder and said, «Excuse me, I think you _________ (DROP)
your briefcase.» He ___________ (TAKE) the brief-case without speaking.
Oceania was at the war with Eastasia: Oceania always________ (BE)
at war with Eastasia. A large part of the political literature of 5 years was now completely obsolete. Reports and records of all kinds, newspapers, books, films, sound-tracks- all had to be rectified. Although no directive was ever issued, it _________ (KNOW).
By the ______ (THREE) day his eyes ached and his spectacles needed wiping every few minutes.

Смотрите также:

Пробный вариант ЕГЭ 2021 по английскому языку №9 с ответами

3Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания А15–А21. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Lisa walked out onto the terrace and gazed at the

on the risk to their homes. The woman shrugged


along with many of the other farmers from the

didn’t want to sound like a fool, or worse, a

village, was out helping the fire brigade to try to


extinguish the fire. Lisa sighed. It was worrying

As she walked back towards her home, Lisa

getting closer but she

decided that she’d rather be laughed at than risk

many fires in the area

the safety of her children. With the children

every summer, the village had never been under

strapped securely into the back seat, Lisa drove the

threat. She went back indoors to start making

car onto the main road out of the village. She


hadn’t got very far before her worst fears were

Her children came running through the door

confirmed. Ahead of her, Lisa could see that the

just as she was setting the table. James and Maria

fire had reached the road only a few kilometres

were excited about the fire in the distance and kept

from the village. Lisa tried to remain calm, even

begging their mother to take them there to get a

though she felt sick with fear. As there was no way

closer look. “It will be out before you’ve finished

she could continue down the road, she returned to

your lunch”, she told them. But when she looked

the village to raise the alarm.


out of the kitchen window as she was doing the

Lisa would have liked, at that moment, to run

dishes, she could see that not only was the fire still

through the village screaming in terror. Instead,

burning, but she could now see flames, as well as

she stuck her trembling hands in her pockets and

thick smoke, coming from behind the mountain.

tried to look relaxed because James and Maria had

Lisa tried to call her husband on his mobile

already picked up on her growing concern and had

phone but he didn’t answer. She realised that he

become unusually quiet. They walked quickly

was probably too busy to have a conversation with

back to the main square in silence. She gave her

her at that moment. But she needed to talk to

news about the fire reaching the outskirts of the

somebody about the fire. Was the increasing panic

village to the café owner. He was a kind and

that she was feeling just an over-reaction? Or were

sensible man and he patted Lisa’s arm reassuringly

others beginning to question the safety of the

as he told her that he would inform the authorities.

village, too? The only way to find out was to go

The air in the village began to thicken from the

down to the local café in the square, where many

smoke of the approaching fire. Lisa’s fear

of the village residents got together to chat and

suddenly turned into something quite different.

pass the time. Lisa called the children and told

How could they just leave the village when they

them they were going for a walk.

knew that all the residents were trapped and

A small crowd had gathered in the square. Lisa

helpless? Then she heard it. A soft whirring sound

walked over to where a group of women were

in the distance began to grow louder, until it was

standing watching the progress of the flames

unmistakable that helicopters were on their way.

across the mountainside. Children were running

Lisa knew she should feel relieved that they would

up and down the square playing a game of tag,

soon be rescued, but she was just too frustrated by

unaware of any danger from the fire in the

the slow response of the authorities to feel

distance. Lisa asked one of the women her opinion

anything but disgust and fury.

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They did not return to the subject until they had been in bed for half an

К разговору о книге они вернулись после того, как полчаса провели в

The evening was just cool enough to make it worth while to pull up
the counterpane.

Вечер был нежаркий, и они натянули на себя одеяло.

From below came the familiar sound of singing and the
scrape of boots on the flagstones.

доносилось привычное пение и шарканье ботинок по каменным плитам.

The brawny red-armed woman whom Winston
had seen there on his first visit was almost a fixture in the yard.

краснорукая женщина, которую Уинстон увидел здесь еще в первый раз, будто и
не уходила со двора.

seemed to be no hour of daylight when she was not marching to and fro
between the washtub and the line, alternately gagging herself with clothes
pegs and breaking forth into lusty song.

Не было такого дня и часа, когда бы она не шагала
взад-вперед между корытом и веревкой, то затыкая себя прищепками для белья,
то снова разражаясь зычной песней.

Julia had settled down on her
side and seemed to be already on the point of falling asleep.

Джулия перевернулась на бок и совсем уже

He reached
out for the book, which was lying on the floor, and sat up against the

Он поднял книгу, лежавшую на полу, и сел к изголовью.

‘We must read it,’ he said.
‘You too.

— Нам надо ее прочесть, — сказал он, — Тебе тоже.

All members of the Brotherhood have
to read it.’

Все, кто в
Братстве, должны ее прочесть.

‘You read it,’ she said with her eyes shut.
‘Read it aloud.

— Ты читай, — отозвалась она с закрытыми глазами. — Вслух.

That’s the
best way.


Then you can explain it to me as you go.’

По дороге будешь мне все объяснять.

The clock’s hands said six, meaning eighteen.

Часы показывали шесть, то есть 18.

They had three or four hours
ahead of them.

Оставалось еще часа три-четыре.

He propped the book against his knees and began reading:

положил книгу на колени и начал читать:

Chapter I
Ignorance is Strength

Глава 1
Незнание — сила

Throughout recorded time, and probably since the end of the Neolithic Age,
there have been three kinds of people in the world, the High, the Middle,
and the Low.

На протяжении всей зафиксированной истории и, по-видимому, с конца
неолита в мире были люди трех сортов: высшие, средние и низшие.

They have been subdivided in many ways, they have borne
countless different names, and their relative numbers, as well as their
attitude towards one another, have varied from age to age: but the
essential structure of society has never altered.

подразделялись самыми разными способами, носили всевозможные наименования,
их численные пропорций, а также взаимные отношения от века к веку менялись;
но неизменной оставалась фундаментальная структура общества.

Even after enormous
upheavals and seemingly irrevocable changes, the same pattern has always
reasserted itself, just as a gyroscope will always return to equilibrium,
however far it is pushed one way or the other

Даже после
колоссальных потрясений и необратимых, казалось бы, перемен структура эта
восстанавливалась, подобно тому как восстанавливает свое положение
гироскоп, куда бы его ни толкнули.

‘Julia, are you awake?’ said Winston.

— Джулия, не спишь? — спросил Уинстон.

‘Yes, my love, I’m listening.

— Нет, милый, я слушаю.

It’s marvellous.’

Это чудесно.

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