A bright start the first disappointment orientate yourself егэ ответы

A bright start the first disappointment orientate yourself

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных высказываний и выразите своё мнение по предложенной проблеме согласно данному плану.

Comment on one of the following statements.

1. Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world.

2. An early choice of a career path is the key to success.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

− make a conclusion restating your position

Science has always been a sensitive issue. Nowadays some people say it iis the first thing that should be financed, others consider it less important.

I tend to agree with the latter. Firstly, there is no doubt science is important and must be financed, but there are more urgent problems that we already have means to solve, like poverty or ecology, for instance. Scientific research is not needed to create another thousand of jobs, which is essentially a way to control poverty. Secondly, science is risky in economical terms, since the percentage of successful projects is far from one hundred. Very far, in fact.

However, there are people that think science must be the world’s top priority. They say that science has made our lives as easy as they are now compared to the lives of our ancestors several hundred years ago, so we should keep pushing the progress to make life even easier and more pleasant.

Still, I cannot agree with those people. They are right about scientific discoveries making life easier, but it took decades to make use of those discoveries and thus improve people’s lives, meanwhile mot of the world’s population still lived by the old ways. If most of the financial resources go into scientific research instead of more urgent needs, soon most of the world will lie in ruins while a small group of the reachest people enjoy the results of the scientific progress, which is not the outcome everyone except for that group wants.

To wrap it up, I think it is safe to say that science is definitely not the top priority when it comes to distribution of the world’s financial resources.

Установление соответствия

Good enough for the royal family

From women to the military

The company moves overseas

The development of color film production required the Max Factor company to develop a new line of products. The existing make-up reflected surrounding colors. As a result of how bad they looked, many actors and actresses refused to appear in color films. At this time Frank Factor, Max’s son, took the lead and developed a suitable product. It had a solid cake form and was applied with a damp sponge, which concealed skin imperfections.

New products, new leaders

Soon actresses and other women working on movies sets were stealing new make-up to use in their personal lives. Its only disadvantage for everyday use was that it made the skin too dark under regular lights, having been designed for the powerful lights used in film studios. Frank Factor began developing lighter shades. In 1937, new “Pan-Cake” make-up was released to the public and it became one of the fastest selling cosmetic items.

From childhood and on

After Max Factor’s death, Frank Factor took the name Max Factor, Jr., and expanded the still private cosmetics firm. The company began development of a smear-proof lipstick which would not fade. A special machine was constructed to test the formula’s resistance. The result was “Tru-Color” lipstick in six shades of red. During World War II, Max Factor developed make-up shades for use by the US Marine Corps in camouflaging faces.

From movie stars to every woman

Max Factor, Jr., continued his commercially successful developments, such as cream make-up supplied in stick form. Soon the company offered shampoo for men and its first perfume called “Electrique”. The early 1960s saw the company go public and list its stock on the New York Stock Exchange. This period also saw the third generation of the Factor family rise to senior positions within the company.

Changes in cinematography, changes in make-up

Display inquisitiveness 2

Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. Запишите выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.

1. Display inquisitiveness
2. Be self-disciplined
3. Extend your learning
4. Discover cultural diversity
5. Challenge yourself
6. Focus on people’s wisdom
7. Involve yourself into new spheres
8. Stick to a schedule

A. Self-education requires a willingness to learn, the self-discipline to stay focused and a level of interest that exceeds the standard job mill education. A curious mind seeks to be educated. By asking questions, you can find out a lot of things that many people don’t know and won’t ever know. In fact, questioning is key to active and meaningful learning. The formulation of a good question is also a creative act. Questions help us to make sense of the world.

B. Try to expand your mind by learning beyond your comfort zone and seeing how other people think, perceive and understand things. If you only ever see romantic comedies, watch a documentary or an action film instead. If you only ever read comics, try a novel instead. If you only ever see car rallies, go and see a museum exhibition instead. Read world history and learn about different cultures. It is one of the finest ways of self-educating. Read about others who self-educate.

C. Curiosity is about pushing yourself beyond what you’re used to. There will be times when you feel really uncomfortable, out of your depth and perhaps even upset when trying to learn new things. This can happen especially where you feel dumb, unlearned or when your beliefs and values are challenged. These are the very times when you should keep pushing yourself to learn and to become wiser about whatever it is you’ve been avoiding. Read a lot. Without fail, always read something, and make it substantial.

D. Read English from different parts of the world, don’t assume that authors from your own country are the only ones worth reading. By extending your reading to elsewhere in the world, you’ll discover that even with one language, the thinking is diverse and the ways of seeing the world are wonderfully varied. When you feel more competent in this area, push into other languages. Realize that learning a language is about immersing yourself in another culture too.

E. If you’re learning or have learned the basics in math, science and other subjects, find out what you’ve yet to learn and set about teaching yourself. There is much more beyond the basics and most of it will challenge you in much more interesting ways than your initial learning did. If you did badly at a subject, do not let this hold you back. Every brain is plastic and capable of being rewired to relearn things and to learn new things.

F. Self-education requires very good self-discipline. Besides, borrow from intelligent people what you consider works well to improve the mind and understanding. Observe, learn and apply what you see good from them. You can learn a lot from them if you just take the time to sit with and listen to them. Should you feel that what they tell you is old hat and odd, put aside your biases and really listen. There are authentic human things to learn from older people.

G. By the time finals roll around and your time is precious — every minute counts. That is why scheduling is essential during the preparation for the exams. So as not to become totally confused during this stressful time, make a realistic study schedule for yourself, too. Leave yourself time for breaks — you’ll be taking them anyway — and be sure to prioritize according to which class you’ll need to study for the most.

A bright start the first disappointment orientate yourself

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

1. Reading a lot is an important aspect of self-education.

2. Self-education doesn’t have to be boring.

3. Self-education is necessary even after you get a diploma.

4. The World Wide Web has made self-education really easy.

5. Self-education isn’t necessary with teachers at hand.

6. Self-education is not a good option for everyone.

7. Responsibility is the key to effective self-education.

Говорящий A B C D E F

Of course, everybody knows that we need to live and learn. That’s the point of going to schools or universities. But I seriously think that no teacher or professor can make you take in the information if you don’t feel like it. You need to be motivated and you shouldn’t just hope professors will teach you everything. You need to make some effort too. I guess that’s the essence of self-education – relying only on yourself while studying.

My parents say self-education is a great thing and I tend to agree with them. I remember when I was a child, I would be surprised every time my mom or dad answered a quiz question or did a crossword. I asked them where they had got it from and they said they had learnt a lot because they had read many books – not the books you have to read but books they simply wanted to read. Now I know the basis of self-education is to be on good terms with books.

With Internet access in every home, I don’t see any point of going to school or entering a university. You can educate yourself taking online courses, reading books and research papers. You can visit practically any museum and see and read about their exhibits, and you can watch documentaries and other educational programs. I think this way you can learn much more than while sitting in a stuffy lecture hall listening to teachers.

I know self-education has many advantages, but honestly it’s not for me. You need to be organized and disciplined for self-education, but I’m not like that at all. I’m lazy and I’ll never do an exercise if it’s not officially announced as homework by our teacher. I do what my teachers tell me to do and I’m happy to have their guidance. Moreover, having teachers means they are somehow responsible for your education and that’s good news for me.

I guess self-education now is a must for everyone who wants to be a real pro. I mean if you’ve graduated from a university – even if you’ve graduated with honours – it doesn’t mean you know everything that is necessary to do your job effectively. To be a good specialist you need to learn all the time, look through online publications concerning your job and so on. Graduation shouldn’t be a full stop in your professional development.

I think self-education is fun. It’s so flexible compared with schools, scheduled lectures and things like that. I like to impress my classmates with some quote they’ve never heard or some anecdote they don’t know. It’s not so difficult to do it, you just need to be alert – it can be some news item on the radio or on TV or a post on Facebook. There are so many opportunities for self-education and it doesn’t even have to be for school!

A — 7. You need to be motivated and you shouldn’t just hope professors will teach you everything.

B — 1. Now I know the basis of self-education is to be on good terms with books.

C — 4. With Internet access in every home, I don’t see any point of going to school or entering a university. You can educate yourself taking online courses, reading books and research papers.

D — 6. You need to be organized and disciplined for self-education, but I’m not like that at all. I’m lazy and I’ll never do an exercise if it’s not officially announced as homework by our teacher.

E — 3. I mean if you’ve graduated from a university. it doesn’t mean you know everything that is necessary to do your job effectively.

F — 2. I think self-education is fun. There are so many opportunities for self-education and it doesn’t even have to be for school!

английский для гуманитариев. Учебное пособие

1. Give the Russian equivalents to the words and word-combinations, learn the vocabulary:

17. to succeed
2. Put in the right preposition
1. When classes are over teaches stay … school.

2. He plans his work … what he learns about his children.

3. The relationships … him and his pupils should be based … cooperation and respect … a person.

4. The function … education is to prepare children … real life situations, to help them live … the community, to bring them … … the spirit … high moral ideals.

5. To be a teacher is not so easy as it may seem … first but love … children and great … patience combined … deep knowledge would be quite enough to succeed … work.

6. Thousands … young people choose this profession and dedicate their lives … the education … younger generation.

3. Match the words with their definitions. Give the Russian equivalents.

1. dedicate a. в духе
2. choice b. терпение
3. a model of competence c. развивать
4. in the spirit d. сочетание
5. develop e. выдающийся
6. patience f. нужды
7. industrious g. поколение
8. combine h. посвящать
9. needs i. выбор
10. generation j. образец для подражания
11. outstanding k. трудолюбивый

4. Match words 1-8 with words a-h to form collocations, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

1. native a. situation
2. outstanding b. hours
3. great c. land
4. life d. pedagogues
5.younger e. work
6. extra-curriculum f. job
7. office g. generation
8. interesting h. responsibility

5. Correct the sentences:
1. The function of education is to prepare children for tests.

2. They teach children to be outstanding pedagogues.

3. Teacher’s profession is very easy job.

4. They teach children to be a younger generation.

1. Why have chosen the profession of a teacher?

2. What qualities are the most important in a teacher?

3. What do teachers stay at school for when classes are over?

4. What is the main function of education?

5. What is necessary to succeed in teacher’s work?

6. What are the tasks and role of school in present-day life?

Read the following essay. Find the provements to the statements and comment them:

* Every teacher continues to be a student.

*Teaching is a two – way traffic.

*Teaching is an art and a science at the same time.

My ideal of a good teacher.

I’ve never supposed that I’ll study at the Pedagogical University. It’s interesting for me that I am engaged in pedagogical process. I couldn’t guess that the problems of pedagogics and teaching generally will be so actual nowadays.

Teaching is the bilateral pedagogical process of communication of teachers and pupils. And it is a great responsibility for teachers to grow up each child as a person. It is the main purpose of education to bring them up in the spirit of high moral ideals. So, to be a teacher isn’t so easy. Even if you want to be a teacher you can’t become a good one. You must be born one. To my mind, a teacher is like a sculptor; he molds a personality out of a child like a sculptor creates a beautiful statue out of clay.

I can say that teacher’s profession is very interesting and creative. That is why true genuine pedagogues, besides academic competence, should master broad knowledge. In my point of view a real teacher is a good actor, artist and scientist at the same time.

I guess the most important qualities in a teacher are: industry, patience and honesty.

Industrious and patient pedagogues loving their children will be successful in work.

Also it will be helpful for teachers to have such qualities as fairness, a sense of humor, and finally, objectivity. It is really important treating pupils as anyone of us would like to be treated.

1. Look through the following text in 30 seconds and try to identify

* where it might be taken from

Just about the worst day ever. I’m really beginning to hate walking in there. Can’t believe I spent so much time making that lesson for nothing. I mean, really – what the point? It took me ages to research all these websites and write up all the questions. I really thought they would like it. They always tell me how boring the book is, but try and do something different, what happens? NOTHING. Really thought they would enjoy it today. But once again, all they did was chat about other things in Spanish. How can I get them to speak in English? Don’t they realise that they have a speaking exam soon? It’s just soooooo frustrating. I’ve told them time and time and TIME again that they will fail, but they just don’t seem to care. I just don’t know what to do. Tell you one thing for sure – after this… never again. They really don’t appreciate it. Just the book from now on. They can like it or lump it.
2. Read the text again more carefully and say what examples of non-standard English can you find? How would you write these things in more standard English?

3. What do the following words refer to?

4. Try to answer:

* “They can like it or lump it” – What do you think this means?

* Why do you think the students are talking in Spanish to each other?

* Do you think it’s important that they talk in English? Why?

* Do you sympathize with the teacher? What advice would you give her?

Match the paragraphs (a-g) with the best paragraph headings (1-7). One heading is not needed.
1. A bright start

2. The first disappointment

3. Orientate yourself

4. Learning while teaching

5. The right choice

6. In one breath

7. Love at first sight

8. Having someone near
a. I was very excited about my first teaching job. I didn’t plan it but was given an opportunity to teach at an exclusive university. I was greatly challenged by my students then. They were great English speakers way ahead of me as I was not so confident, articulate, and fluent. But whew, I survived! In fact, it was a great learning experience for me. I had to do a lot of practice like talking to myself in front of the mirror or taking notes of the jokes. It was funny but it helped a lot to improve my language skills.

b. Although I could have chosen different specializations when I got my first degree in Engineering, I decided to get my Master’s in Marketing. I did not know if I was prepared for that. I was only 21 when I started it up but my teachers believed that I had some natural skills. Even though I had some doubts at the beginning. choosing to do a Master’s degree in this field was one of the most important decisions in my life. It shaped me the way I am now: a gleaming professor trying to contribute to the development of society.

c. I remember my first day at school: it was my mother who took me there. I had to wear a school uniform: a white polo shirt, black trousers, and black leather shoes. I had a small backpack with an exercise book, a pencil box, a bottle of water, and my lunch box inside. I was happy and very excited to see other students. That day I met my future friends and teachers. Throughout the years I learnt many subjects like English, Maths, Science, Religion, PE, Art and Social studies. Now my first week is over, but I still remember it.

d. 33 hours a week. A dollar an hour. My first teaching job at an upcoming college in my home province showed me the realities of work life. I was a fresh graduate from university and I wanted to get a job soon enough. I accepted the offer because I felt it was somewhat prestigious to teach at a college. But it was exhausting to teach 11 classes in one week with an average of 25 students per class. The 2-hour daily commute to work and back added to the exhaustion. It wasn’t as prestigious a job as I imagined.

e. Throughout the years I had many jobs but the first one was unforgettable. I loved what I did. I loved teaching English and Public Speaking classes. It was wonderful to meet new colleagues who soon became friends. The fellowship among teachers was genuine and warm. The best part for me was being in the classroom teaching real students. It was fulfilling to see them learn and grow. It’s been more than 20 years since I first entered the classroom, and I’m still teaching. I guess I’ll stay in the vocation for a little bit more.

f. I think it’s a good idea for parents to come and stay for a night in a hotel nearby for your first day of uni. I, unfortunately, was on my own on move-in day and it was a massive hassle! It was difficult trying to carry all the stuff on my own and I ended up having to ask a stranger outside my accommodation if they could help me carry my shopping up to my room, which was super embarrassing. It’s also nice to have someone there for you, all of my flatmates parents helped them move in so it was a bit lonely for me the first couple of days while they were with their family.

g. My first day at university was very nerve-wracking, as I completely forgot what I actually meant to do when I finally got there. It was embarrassing at first when my room roamed around the room making my bed and asking where to put my teddies. But once she left I propped the door open with a chair and made friends with each and every flatmate popping in and saying hi. I got my university ID card and went out with my friends. I tried to make the most of every second as they flew by. The next thing I knew, I was graduating!

Read the following text, translate it and explain the meanings of these expressions:

oral history formal education documented advances educational values utilitarian skills

From the Egyptians to the Greeks to the 1100s: The Roots of Formal Education

Humans are a complicated species, and exact records of many aspects of our common development are not so well known. The development of writing systems around 3500 B.C.E. aided in recording these lessons and served as a concrete record, replacing reliance on purely oral history. Some of the earliest written records show that formal education, in which basic communication skills, language, trading customs, and agricultural and religious practices were taught, began in Egypt some time between 3000 and 500 B.C.E. The earliest library known to man, in Babylonia, was built by Ashurbanipal, the king of the Neo-Assyrian Empire (685–627 B.C.E.). Texts in this library documented advances in math, reading, and writing, as well as common practices of warfare and hunting.

During the Zhou Dynasty (551–479 B.C.E.), Confucius, the famed Chinese philosopher, greatly impacted the overall curriculum focus of formal education and shaped educational values even through present-day systems. Though known better for moral and spiritual teachings, Confucius’s focus on personal values determined what was important to teach as well as how this teaching was achieved in formal education settings. For example, self-control and respect were incorporated as aspects of the development of logical thinking. Additionally, Confucius was perhaps one of the first to think of differentiated instruction: “Teach according to the student’s ability” (as cited in Chin, 2007, p. 1). This means that 2,500 years ago Confucius knew about the value of differentiated instruction and its worth not only to the individual but also to society.

The content of formal education shifted with the Greeks, who sought to balance utilitarian skills with loftier contemplations about the origins of thought. Hippocrates (c. 460 –370 B.C.E.), Socrates (c. 470–399 B.C.E.), and Aristotle (c. 384–322 B.C.E.) all speculated about what drives human will, motivation, and learning. While educators since the Greeks have contemplated how to influence human actions through formal education, it is relatively recent in human history that the focus has turned to brain functions that can be manipulated to enhance the teaching and learning process. According to modern educational theorist Howard Gardner, “Greek philosophers may have been the first to raise questions about the nature of matter, living entities, knowledge, will, truth, beauty, and goodness. In recent centuries, however, philosophy has steadily been yielding ground, enthusiastically or reluctantly, to empirical science” (Gardner, 2000, p. 1).

Read the following text in 2 minutes and try to identify the title.

According to a Japanese proverb, “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.” There’s truth in those words, as anyone who has ever had a great teacher will know!

The learned men of ancient times, by default became the teachers. Priests and prophets taught children of the wealthy and noble, the skills to take up their roles as leaders and businessmen. The priests’ position was elevated above many strata of society, and they were treated accordingly for their knowledge and wisdom. Teacher appreciation was a widespread feeling, and respect for teachers was proportional to their high value in those societies.

One of the most learned men of all time, Confucius (561B.C.), became the first private teacher in history. Born of a once noble family fallen on hard times, he found himself as an adolescent with a thirst for knowledge and nowhere to drink, since only the royal or noble were allowed an education. Because all the teachers were government officials, there was no way around the State policy. He solved it by going to work for a nobleman, whom he could accompany on his extensive travels. Such was his reputation, people sought him out to teach their sons. Confucius received more teacher appreciation than anyone before. He took any student eager to learn, and with the regular subjects, imparted his personal wisdoms for developing responsibility and moral character through discipline.

In ancient Greece, long acknowledged as the seat of philosophy and wisdom, the value of educating their children was recognized very early on, with some households engaging their own teacher. Teacher appreciation was an obligation for any self-respected Greek. Learned men, continued to impart wisdom on into the first years of Christianity, including the scribes in the Bible, who were often men that taught law as well. Through the first centuries A.D. Roman families often had educated slaves to teach their children, some of which were captives from other countries.

prophet – предсказатель Confucius [kən’fjuːʃəs]

Источники информации:

  • http://ege.spravochnick.ru/angliyskiy_yazyk/11953/
  • http://ege-today.ru/ege/anglijskij-yazyk/3996/
  • http://en-ege.sdamgia.ru/problem?id=3285
  • http://topuch.ru/uchebnoe-posobie-v5/index4.html
Text a b c d e f g

Подборка по базе: Метод пособие по ворд.docx, Учебное пособие Логистический сервис.pdf, Учебное пособие Электробезопасность.pdf, АРМ бухгалтера УЧ ПОСОБИЕ Михайлова ЖВ.doc, Учебное пособие 1558.pdf, Дидикин А.Б. Философия права Ганса Кельзена Учебное пособие 2021, Учебно-методическое пособие по освоению технологий работы в текс, Учебное пособие для вузов в А Сластенин И Ф.doc, Учебное пособие по манасоведению(ред. Галимова А.Р._19.02.20) (1, ИСПиУ_ Ч.1_Учебное пособие.pdf

1. Give the Russian equivalents to the words and word-combinations, learn the vocabulary:

1. to choose

2. to hold

3. extra-curriculum

4. to encourage

5. ability

6. need

7. relationship

8. to bring up

9. community

10. to develop

11. to form

12. responsibility

13. view

14. industrious

15. patience

16. to dedicate

17. to succeed
2. Put in the right preposition
1. When classes are over teaches stay … school.

2. He plans his work … what he learns about his children.

3. The relationships … him and his pupils should be based … cooperation and respect … a person.

4. The function … education is to prepare children … real life situations, to help them live … the community, to bring them … … the spirit … high moral ideals.

5. To be a teacher is not so easy as it may seem … first but love … children and great … patience combined … deep knowledge would be quite enough to succeed … work.

6. Thousands … young people choose this profession and dedicate their lives … the education … younger generation.

3. Match the words with their definitions. Give the Russian equivalents.

1. dedicate a. в духе
2. choice b. терпение
3. a model of competence c. развивать
4. in the spirit d. сочетание
5. develop e. выдающийся
6. patience f. нужды
7. industrious g. поколение
8. combine h. посвящать
9. needs i. выбор
10. generation j. образец для подражания
11. outstanding k. трудолюбивый

4. Match words 1-8 with words a-h to form collocations, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

1. native a. situation
2. outstanding b. hours
3. great c. land
4. life d. pedagogues
5.younger e. work
6. extra-curriculum f. job
7. office g. generation
8. interesting h. responsibility

5. Correct the sentences:
1. The function of education is to prepare children for tests.

2. They teach children to be outstanding pedagogues.

3. Teacher’s profession is very easy job.

4. They teach children to be a younger generation.

5. The teacher studies his children closely to be proud of them.
6. Find close synonyms to the words.
1. work -_______________

2. extra-curriculum — ___________

3. community — _____________

4. pupil — ____________

5. learn — ____________
7. Find close antonyms to the words.
1. easy — ______________

2. learn — ________________
8. Answer the questions.

1. Why have chosen the profession of a teacher?

2. What qualities are the most important in a teacher?

3. What do teachers stay at school for when classes are over?

4. What is the main function of education?

5. What is necessary to succeed in teacher’s work?

6. What are the tasks and role of school in present-day life?


Read the following essay. Find the provements to the statements and comment them:

* Every teacher continues to be a student.

*Teaching is a two – way traffic.

*Teaching is an art and a science at the same time.

My ideal of a good teacher.

I’ve never supposed that I’ll study at the Pedagogical University. It’s interesting for me that I am engaged in pedagogical process. I couldn’t guess that the problems of pedagogics and teaching generally will be so actual nowadays.

Teaching is the bilateral pedagogical process of communication of teachers and pupils. And it is a great responsibility for teachers to grow up each child as a person. It is the main purpose of education to bring them up in the spirit of high moral ideals. So, to be a teacher isn’t so easy. Even if you want to be a teacher you can’t become a good one. You must be born one. To my mind, a teacher is like a sculptor; he molds a personality out of a child like a sculptor creates a beautiful statue out of clay.

I can say that teacher’s profession is very interesting and creative. That is why true genuine pedagogues, besides academic competence, should master broad knowledge. In my point of view a real teacher is a good actor, artist and scientist at the same time.

I guess the most important qualities in a teacher are: industry, patience and honesty.

Industrious and patient pedagogues loving their children will be successful in work.

Also it will be helpful for teachers to have such qualities as fairness, a sense of humor, and finally, objectivity. It is really important treating pupils as anyone of us would like to be treated.



* the author

* where it might be taken from

Just about the worst day ever. I’m really beginning to hate walking in there. Can’t believe I spent so much time making that lesson for nothing. I mean, really – what the point? It took me ages to research all these websites and write up all the questions. I really thought they would like it. They always tell me how boring the book is, but try and do something different, what happens? NOTHING. Really thought they would enjoy it today. But once again, all they did was chat about other things in Spanish. How can I get them to speak in English? Don’t they realise that they have a speaking exam soon? It’s just soooooo frustrating!!!! I’ve told them time and time and TIME again that they will fail, but they just don’t seem to care. I just don’t know what to do. Tell you one thing for sure – after this… never again. They really don’t appreciate it. Just the book from now on. They can like it or lump it.
2. Read the text again more carefully and say what examples of non-standard English can you find? How would you write these things in more standard English?

3. What do the following words refer to?

* there

* they

* it

* this

4. Try to answer:

* “They can like it or lump it” – What do you think this means?

* Why do you think the students are talking in Spanish to each other?

* Do you think it’s important that they talk in English? Why?

* Do you sympathize with the teacher? What advice would you give her?


Match the paragraphs (a-g) with the best paragraph headings (1-7). One heading is not needed.
1. A bright start

2. The first disappointment

3. Orientate yourself

4. Learning while teaching

5. The right choice

6. In one breath

7. Love at first sight

8. Having someone near
a. I was very excited about my first teaching job. I didn’t plan it but was given an opportunity to teach at an exclusive university. I was greatly challenged by my students then. They were great English speakers way ahead of me as I was not so confident, articulate, and fluent. But whew, I survived! In fact, it was a great learning experience for me. I had to do a lot of practice like talking to myself in front of the mirror or taking notes of the jokes. It was funny but it helped a lot to improve my language skills.

b. Although I could have chosen different specializations when I got my first degree in Engineering, I decided to get my Master’s in Marketing. I did not know if I was prepared for that. I was only 21 when I started it up but my teachers believed that I had some natural skills. Even though I had some doubts at the beginning. choosing to do a Master’s degree in this field was one of the most important decisions in my life. It shaped me the way I am now: a gleaming professor trying to contribute to the development of society.

c. I remember my first day at school: it was my mother who took me there. I had to wear a school uniform: a white polo shirt, black trousers, and black leather shoes. I had a small backpack with an exercise book, a pencil box, a bottle of water, and my lunch box inside. I was happy and very excited to see other students. That day I met my future friends and teachers. Throughout the years I learnt many subjects like English, Maths, Science, Religion, PE, Art and Social studies. Now my first week is over, but I still remember it.

d. 33 hours a week. A dollar an hour. My first teaching job at an upcoming college in my home province showed me the realities of work life. I was a fresh graduate from university and I wanted to get a job soon enough. I accepted the offer because I felt it was somewhat prestigious to teach at a college. But it was exhausting to teach 11 classes in one week with an average of 25 students per class. The 2-hour daily commute to work and back added to the exhaustion. It wasn’t as prestigious a job as I imagined.

e. Throughout the years I had many jobs but the first one was unforgettable. I loved what I did. I loved teaching English and Public Speaking classes. It was wonderful to meet new colleagues who soon became friends. The fellowship among teachers was genuine and warm. The best part for me was being in the classroom teaching real students. It was fulfilling to see them learn and grow. It’s been more than 20 years since I first entered the classroom, and I’m still teaching. I guess I’ll stay in the vocation for a little bit more.

f. I think it’s a good idea for parents to come and stay for a night in a hotel nearby for your first day of uni. I, unfortunately, was on my own on move-in day and it was a massive hassle! It was difficult trying to carry all the stuff on my own and I ended up having to ask a stranger outside my accommodation if they could help me carry my shopping up to my room, which was super embarrassing. It’s also nice to have someone there for you, all of my flatmates parents helped them move in so it was a bit lonely for me the first couple of days while they were with their family.

g. My first day at university was very nerve-wracking, as I completely forgot what I actually meant to do when I finally got there. It was embarrassing at first when my room roamed around the room making my bed and asking where to put my teddies. But once she left I propped the door open with a chair and made friends with each and every flatmate popping in and saying hi. I got my university ID card and went out with my friends. I tried to make the most of every second as they flew by. The next thing I knew, I was graduating!

Text a b c d e f g


Read the following text, translate it and explain the meanings of these expressions:

oral history formal education documented advances educational values utilitarian skills

From the Egyptians to the Greeks to the 1100s: The Roots of Formal Education

Humans are a complicated species, and exact records of many aspects of our common development are not so well known. The development of writing systems around 3500 B.C.E. aided in recording these lessons and served as a concrete record, replacing reliance on purely oral history. Some of the earliest written records show that formal education, in which basic communication skills, language, trading customs, and agricultural and religious practices were taught, began in Egypt some time between 3000 and 500 B.C.E. The earliest library known to man, in Babylonia, was built by Ashurbanipal, the king of the Neo-Assyrian Empire (685–627 B.C.E.). Texts in this library documented advances in math, reading, and writing, as well as common practices of warfare and hunting.

During the Zhou Dynasty (551–479 B.C.E.), Confucius, the famed Chinese philosopher, greatly impacted the overall curriculum focus of formal education and shaped educational values even through present-day systems. Though known better for moral and spiritual teachings, Confucius’s focus on personal values determined what was important to teach as well as how this teaching was achieved in formal education settings. For example, self-control and respect were incorporated as aspects of the development of logical thinking. Additionally, Confucius was perhaps one of the first to think of differentiated instruction: “Teach according to the student’s ability” (as cited in Chin, 2007, p. 1). This means that 2,500 years ago Confucius knew about the value of differentiated instruction and its worth not only to the individual but also to society.

The content of formal education shifted with the Greeks, who sought to balance utilitarian skills with loftier contemplations about the origins of thought. Hippocrates (c. 460 –370 B.C.E.), Socrates (c. 470–399 B.C.E.), and Aristotle (c. 384–322 B.C.E.) all speculated about what drives human will, motivation, and learning. While educators since the Greeks have contemplated how to influence human actions through formal education, it is relatively recent in human history that the focus has turned to brain functions that can be manipulated to enhance the teaching and learning process. According to modern educational theorist Howard Gardner, “Greek philosophers may have been the first to raise questions about the nature of matter, living entities, knowledge, will, truth, beauty, and goodness. In recent centuries, however, philosophy has steadily been yielding ground, enthusiastically or reluctantly, to empirical science” (Gardner, 2000, p. 1).


Read the following text in 2 minutes and try to identify the title.

According to a Japanese proverb, “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.” There’s truth in those words, as anyone who has ever had a great teacher will know!


The learned men of ancient times, by default became the teachers. Priests and prophets taught children of the wealthy and noble, the skills to take up their roles as leaders and businessmen. The priests’ position was elevated above many strata of society, and they were treated accordingly for their knowledge and wisdom. Teacher appreciation was a widespread feeling, and respect for teachers was proportional to their high value in those societies.

One of the most learned men of all time, Confucius (561B.C.), became the first private teacher in history. Born of a once noble family fallen on hard times, he found himself as an adolescent with a thirst for knowledge and nowhere to drink, since only the royal or noble were allowed an education. Because all the teachers were government officials, there was no way around the State policy. He solved it by going to work for a nobleman, whom he could accompany on his extensive travels. Such was his reputation, people sought him out to teach their sons. Confucius received more teacher appreciation than anyone before. He took any student eager to learn, and with the regular subjects, imparted his personal wisdoms for developing responsibility and moral character through discipline.

In ancient Greece, long acknowledged as the seat of philosophy and wisdom, the value of educating their children was recognized very early on, with some households engaging their own teacher. Teacher appreciation was an obligation for any self-respected Greek. Learned men, continued to impart wisdom on into the first years of Christianity, including the scribes in the Bible, who were often men that taught law as well. Through the first centuries A.D. Roman families often had educated slaves to teach their children, some of which were captives from other countries.

diligent — прилежный extensive — всесторонний

prophet – предсказатель Confucius [kən’fjuːʃəs]

priest — служитель культа adolescent [ˌæd(ə)’les(ə)nt] = young man

strata — слой, пласт sought (past participle of seek) out — разыскивать appreciation — признание impart — давать, придавать




Установите соответствие тем AG текстам 1-6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя. TEST 07 (part 1)








1. When Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon in July 1969, many people around the world thought that it was the beginning of mankind’s journey to the stars. They expected to see people living on the Moon in special bases. However, it wasn’t to be. Getting to the Moon was expensive and of limited scientific value. Those who were expecting a golden age of space exploration were disappointed.
Ожидание новой эры в исследовании космоса. FAILED HOPES

2. Astronauts face many dangers in space. The take-off and landing are dangerous, and there’s always a chance that a meteor is going to hit your spacecraft. Other threats come from something you can’t see: radiation. X-rays and other forms of radiation can cause health problems for astronauts above the protection of Earth’s atmosphere.
Опасности. с которыми сталкиваются астронавты. SERIOUS RISKS

3. For the first time, it’s possible to buy yourself a ticket to space — that’s if you’ve got $20 million to spend. Dennis Tito, an American businessman, and Mark Shuttleworth, a businessman from South Africa, have both visited the International Space Station. They were taken up on Russian Soyuz rockets and enjoyed a week of weightlessness before returning to Earth.
Сейчас можно полететь в космос за деньги. SPACE TOURISTS

4. Look up into the sky at the right time and the right direction and you’ll see Saturn. It will look like a bright star, but a pair of binoculars or a small telescope will give you an amazing view. Saturn has rings around it, giving it a beautiful appearance unlike anything else in the night sky. No wonder Saturn has been called the ‘Jewel of the Solar System’.
Прекрасный вид Сатурна. SPECTACULAR SIGHT

5. Discovered in 1930, the planet Pluto circles the Sun at a distance of approximately six billion kilometres. That’s about forty times further away from the Sun than the Earth is! At that distance, the Sun looks just like a bright star and provides very little heat. A spacecraft launched from the Earth would take twelve or thirteen years to get to Pluto, so don’t expect to see close-up photographs any time soon !
Плутон находится далеко от Солнца. DISTANT WORLD

6. We’re used to the idea of modern telescopes giving us views of the universe and astronauts flying to the space station and back again. But did you know that the roots of astronomy go back thousands of years? The Egyptians studied the night sky, as did the original people of North America. The famous circle of stones at Stonehenge in Britain shows that people there knew about the movements of the Sun and the Moon at least 2,500 years before Christ was born.
Люди очень давно начали изучать космос. ANCIENT SCIENCE

№ текста 1 2 3 4 5 6
тема E  G  B  F  C  D


Различные пути в подготовке учащихся к написанию писем

(в формате ЕГЭ)

Часть 1 –написание личного письма

В последнее время многие учителя , используя  различную методическую литературу, ищут пути повышения эффективности  обучения учащихся письму.

Если обратиться к формату ЕГЭ, то он включает два задания:

  1. Написание письма личного характера (100-140 слов)
  2. Написание эссе с элементами рассуждения (200-250 слов)

Сначала рассмотрим стратегии выполнения этой части экзамена.

Стратегии выполнения этой части экзамена

  1. Внимательно прочитайте задание и выделите главные вопросы, о которых нужно написать, определите формат письменного задания ( вид письма  и тип сочинения)
  2. Определите, кому адресовано письмо и выберите соответствующий стиль письма .
  3. Составьте план письма / сочинения  и подберите необходимые слова и выражения.
  4. Пишите в соответствии с планом и помните о делении текста на абзацы.
  5. Старайтесь использовать не только простые предложения, но и сложноподчинённые, используя средства логической связи.
  6. Старайтесь правильно употреблять временные формы глагола, используйте разнообразные грамматические структуры.
  7. Внимательно проверьте  работу, обращая внимание на следующие моменты:
  1. Соблюдается ли формат  и стиль высказывания;
  2. Логично ли текст делится на абзацы;
  3. Правильно ли использованы средства связи внутри предложений, между

   предложениями, между абзацами;

  1. Проверьте правильность написания каждого слова

Для успешного выполнения этого задания, можно наметить различные пути:

1й путь- опора на  модель. Модели хорошо представлены в современных УМК (как отечественных, так и зарубежных авторов) в разделах Writing Help.

В качестве примера можно посмотреть  Opportunities (Michael Harris and others), State Exam , Maximiser ( Е.Н.Соловова, И.Е.Солокова), Practice Tests for the Russian State Exam

( Elena Klekovkina and others) и другие. Последние два источника, на мой взгляд, самые удачные для подготовки к ЕГЭ.

2й путь— опора на клише. Клише разрабатываются самим учителем , опираясь на собственный опыт или на опыт коллег.

3й путь— опора на предварительные упражнения, которые можно взять готовые из  УМК или составить самостоятельно. Какой путь лучше ?  Моё мнение- использование всех путей.

Что касается 1го пути,- использование модели, то я не буду  останавливаться, так как наши и зарубежные УМК изобилуют такими моделями. Я хочу начать с клише.

Клише для написания личного письма ( в формате ЕГЭ)

Для начала познакомимся со структурой и образцом написания письма. 

                                                          Структура письма

Что требуется в письме






Адрес пишущего указывается в правом верхнем углу

  1. В принятом в Великобритании порядке: номер квартиры, корпуса, дома, улица, почтовый индекс, страна
  2. Слова Flat, Block, Street, Avenue,  Prospect пишут  с заглавной буквы

Можно пользоваться общепринятыми сокращениями, которые тоже пишут с заглавной буквы ( Fl,  Apt, St, Ave, Pr)


Flat 5 Block 1

12 Grazhdansky Pr

StPetersburg 195299








Под адресом дата (пропустив строку)

  1. Можно писать цифрами или буквами
  2. Названия месяцев пишут с заглавной буквы

В зависимости от задания (адресата) можно писать британский вариант: дата/ месяц/ год     или     американский   вариант :   месяц  / дата / год

Saturday,  March 1st, 1999

9 September 1999




Письмо начинается с обращения, после которого ставят запятую. (с новой строки, пропустив строку)

Dear Sally,

Dear Mr Brown,

My darling,


Начало письма


В начале письма автор  обычно

  1. Благодарит адресата за ранее полученную корреспонденцию
  1. Извиняется, что не писал раньше

Thanks for…, Many thanks for…, How nice of you …, I was awfully glad to get your letter…

I must apologise for not writing…,

I really should have written sooner….


Основная часть письма

Main Body

В ней должны быть раскрыты все аспекты, указанные в задании. Каждый  параграф пишут с новой строки, пропустив строчку.


Конец письма


В конце письма автор упоминает о дальнейших контактах. (с новой строки, пропустив строку)

I’ll write again soon.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Завершающая фраза письма


Эта фраза зависит от степени близости автора и адресата, после неё всегда ставится запятая.

(с новой строки, пропустив строку)

I love you so much,

Lots of love,      Much love,

Best wishes,      All the best,



Подпись автора

Личные письма подписывают без указания фамилии (с новой строки, пропустив строку)

Sally   ,    David

Образец написания письма

  1. Greeting

  — never begin Dear friend / Pen friend; write  the name   Dear Jane,

  1.     Introduction 

  — reasons  for writing;  / — an apology   for a delay in writing / — a thank you to the person for his last letter

  1. Main Body

    divide your letter into paragraphs and  include 2-3 points in each paragraph

  1. Conclusion

  -an excuse to stop writing/  —  greetings to  the person’s family ( friends) /   — an invitation/  — a promise to write again soon,   /    —  a request to the person to reply soon                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

  1. Ending

 — Lots of love/ Best wishes + your first name

                                                       Useful Vocabulary      

Useful Vocabulary

                   Вводные фразы

                Заключительные фразы

  1. It was great to get your letter….      
  2. Thanks for your letter.  It was great / lovely  to hear from you.
  3. Thanks for your long letter. It was really  great to hear all your news, after not hearing from you for ages…..
  4. Sorry I haven’t written for so long but…..
  5. I’m very sorry about not replying to your letter sooner but I’ve been extremely busy.
  6. Sorry for not writing earlier but I’ve………
  7. How are things with you? I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but ……
  8. I was really pleased to hear that….
  9. I thought I’d better write and tell you about….
  1. I would really like you to visit me this summer. Write to me and tell me your plans.
  2. Thanks for sending me… Please write to me again soon, and tell me all your news.
  3. Please give/send my regards (love) to your…. And write and tell me your plans for….
  4. I would really love to see you. Why don’t you come and visit me this….. Write back soon! 
  5. If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.
  6. Well, that’s all for now. Do write back soon.
  7. That’s all my news for now…

                Письма с просьбой дать совет.           Asking for   advice

                          Вводные фразы

               Заключительные фразы


  1. I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice about…
  2. I am writing to ask  if  you could help me with…
  3. I am writing to ask for your advice.
  4. Could you possibly offer your advice?
  5. Could you please give me your advice?
  6. I am writing to request some advice concerning…
  7. I would be grateful if you could offer your advice.
  8. I wonder if you could help me with a problem…


  1. I am writing  to ask for your advice.
  1. Can  you give me your advice?
  2. Give me your advice about….
  3. Can you think of anything that…?
  4. I’ve got a problem and I need your advice
  5. I’ve got a problem, and I think you can help.


  1. I would be grateful  if you could give me your advice as soon as possible
  2. I look forward to receiving your advice.
  3. It would be of great help if you could advise me.
  4. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter.
  5. I would appreciate it if you could give me your advice as soon as possible.


  1. What do you think I should do?
  2. Give me  /  Send me  your advice soon.
  3. Do you think I should…?
  4. Do you have any idea about…?
  5. Please let me know what to do
  6. Please let me know what you think I should do
  7. I’d like to know what you think about…
  8. Write back soon and tell me what you think.
  9. Your advice would help me a lot.

Письма-советы.                        Giving  advice

    Вводные фразы

 Фразы  основной части

Заключительные фразы


  1. Thank you for your letter requesting….
  2. I am writing in reply to your letter asking for advice about……..
  3. I am writing with regard to your letter requesting advice concerning….


  1. I ‘m sorry to hear ..…and I think I can help.
  2. Cheer up / Don’t worry too much.
  3. Don’t let it get you down
  4. I’m only too glad to help.
  5. I just got your letter and I think……
  6. Here’s what I think you should do.


  1. I strongly recommend that…….
  2. I would suggest that………
  3. I believe the best course of action is….
  4. I would advise you to………
  5. You should / ought to……..
  6. If I were you I would………


  1. Why don’t you……….?
  2. If I were you / in your position, I’d…../ I wouldn’t…..
  3. Have you thought of / about ……+ Ving?
  4. Don’t forget to….
  5. It would be a good idea to………
  6. What you should do is…
  7. How about + Ving………?  What about + Ving…..?
  8. I think you should……
  9. The best advice I can give you is………
  10. Another good idea is to……


  1. I trust you will accept  this advice
  2. I hope this advice will be of help
  3. I hope to have been of assistance to you/
  4. I would  very much like to know if this advice was helpful  /  has been of some use.


  1. I hope that this / my advice helps.
  2. Let me know what happens.
  3. Let me know how it went.
  4. Let’s hope that things get better
  5. Let’s hope that everything turns out all right.
  6. Hope this helped.
  7. If you do this, you would…….

Примеры подготовительных упражнений для учащихся ( перед написанием личного письма)

Exercise 1.   пример взят из Practice Tests for the Russian State Exam (E.Klekovkina…) Macmillan

Put the parts of this letter in the correct order (Part1- Part9)-Key:HDFBGAEC

A.. Anyway, I’ve got to go now. Loads of homework (unfortunately!)

B. I’m sorry to hear you’ve had an argument with your best friend and that you’re not speaking at the moment. Yes, it has happened to me too, and it’s awful, isn’t it?

C. Carol

D. Dear Sally,

E. Write back soon!

F. Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you! Well done on passing your exams!

G. I think you need to ask yourself one question: what’s more important- that argument or your friendship? I remember when I asked myself that it all became clear. I realized my friendship with Chris was far more important. I called him immediately and told him. We became friends again immediately. Maybe you should do the same thing. Let me know what happens! Good luck!

H. 23 Portland Street



24th September

Exercise  2.  пример взят из Reading/ Writing (Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley) Express Publishing

 You recently started a new job, and you have decided to write and tell a friend  about it. Write your letter, describing the job and the people you work with. (100-150 words)

KEY: 1-A, 2-B, 3-A, 4- X description of yourself, .where you went last night, .news about your holiday, 5-A,B,C

  1. Who is going to read your letter?    A  someone you know well   В  someone you have never met
  2. Why are you writing the letter?      A  to apply for a new job       В  to tell someone your news

3.    What will your letter be about?       A  your new job                     В  your friend’s new job

  1. Which three points below would you not include in the letter? Put a cross (х).

…..reason for writing

…..description of yourself

…..brief description of the work you do

…..where you went last night

…..the people you work with

…..news about your holiday

…..asking the other person to reply

5.   Which of the following could you use in the letter?  A. short forms B. idioms  C. informal vocabulary D. formal, polite expressions

Exercise 3.   пример взят из Reading/ Writing (Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley) Express Publishing

You have decided to hold a party at your house on New Year’s Eve. Write a letter to a   friend who lives in another town, inviting him/her to your party and telling him/her what you have planned for the occasion. (120-180 words)

Key: 1-informal, 2-someone you know well, 3-to invite someone to a party, 4-the reason you are writing,plans and preparations for the party

1    What style would you use for this letter?

2    Who is going to read it?

3    Why are you writing the letter?

4    Which two points below are main topics that you might include in your letter?

…. the reason you are writing

…. why you haven’t held a party before

…. a description of your house

…. plans and preparations for the party

…. how much money you will spend on  food and drink ….

….recent changes in your town

5.  If you were holding a party, what plans/preparations would you make? Use these headings to help you.

• food & drink

• guests

• decorations

6.     Read the letter and label the paragraphs with the headings.

• closing remarks    • reason for writing    • details about the event

What is the main topic of each paragraph?

Paragraph 2

A plans and preparations for the party В the other guests who will be there С Mexican food and decorations

Paragraph 3

A the easiest way to get to Mark’s house В specific arrangements for Vic and Monica С how long the party will last

Exercise  4. пример взят из Reading/ Writing (Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley) Express Publishing

Read the sentences and decide which are from introductions and which are from conclusions.

(Key: 1-C, 2-I, 3-C, 4-C, 5-I, 6-I)

  1. Please let me know as soon as possible.
  2. I’m writing to invite you to our wedding on 6th May.
  3. I’m  sure it will be fun, and I hope you’ll be able to come.
  4. Looking forward to seeing you then.
  5. Were organising a fancy-dress party and it would be great if you could come.
  6. We’d love it if you could come to our house-warming party on 27th January.

Task 5.     пример взят из Reading/ Writing (Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley) Express Publishing

Read the short letter of invitation and correct the mistakes in bold.

Dear Sally,

I’m writting to invite you to our cottage near Wynton for the first weekend on June, when Wynton has its annual fair. Its always great fun, and I’m sure you are enjoy it.    The fair takes place in the Saturday, with    a flower show, a funfair and lots of others     things, and there is usualy a big dance at    the evening.                                                         ………………

The next day Barry and I am going to  have a barbecue if the weather will be fine.  Most of our freinds have been invited, so  

you’ll meet some interesting people.

Please let us know if you can make it. Looking forward to seeing you.

Lots of love,


Различные пути в подготовке учащихся к написанию сочинения

(в формате ЕГЭ)

Часть 2 –написание сочинения

Дискуссионные сочинения.       Discursive essays.

   Тип сочинения и примерный план


          Main Body


1 ‘For’ and ‘Against’  essays

(formal style)

§ 1

-present the topic and state the problem

-make a general remark about it without giving your opinion

§ 2,3

-Arguments “for”( 3 points)

-Arguments “against”(3 points)

(support your arguments with examples)

§ 4

your opinion based on the given arguments

2. Opinion essays

(formal style)

§ 1

— introduce the subject and state your opinion

§ 2-4 –  or more paragraphs

— first viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples

-second viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples

— the opposing viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples

§ 5

— summarise what you’ve said

-restate your opinion using  different words

Useful Language   (FOR  and AGAINST essay)

  1. Introduction ( state the topic /problem ,  you talk generally about the topic, you may ask a question or start with a quotation)
  1. As a general rule…….   It is popularly believed that……..       It is often suggested…….People often claim that…….A lot of people think that…….. Many people are in favour of…… /    are convinced that…..
  2. We all know that…
  3. Can you imagine …….?   Isn’t it amazing……..?     Have you ever thought of….?        Isn’t it strange…?
  4. There are both advantages and disadvantages ……….. Let’s begin with………

     II.    Main Body (points FOR and AGAINST , along with your justification, appear in two separate


  1. To introduce points
  1. The main / most important / greatest advantage of……is that……  
  2. Another advantage/ disadvantage of……               A further advantage/ disadvantage of……
  3. One point of view in favour of / against…           The best/ worst thing about……is………
  1. To list points
  1. In the first place…        First of all………          To start with…      To begin with…
  2. Secondly…       Thirdly……           Finally………                Last but not least………
  1. To add more points to the same topic
  1. What is more…               Furthermore …….                     Moreover………        
  2. In addition to this….                 Besides………                      Apart from this……….
  1. To make contrasting points
  1. on the other  hand …… however…… in spite of the fact that ……… despite the fact that………
  2.  while……nevertheless… even though…… although…. it can be argued that………
  1. To introduce examples

—  for example……… for instance… such as…….. in particular…………

    III.  Conclusion ( you give either your opinion or a balanced consideration of the topic, or give the  

reader something to consider, or to end with a quotation)

  1. To conclude
  1. to sum up…….. all in all ……….. on the whole………. in conclusion ………
  2. taking everything into account………/ as was previously stated
  3. All things considered , although there are some disadvantages…….., I believe it is…….
  4. All in all, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages…..

Useful Language   (OPINION  essay)

  1. Introduction ( state the topic/ problem  ; you may ask a question or start with a quotation; state your opinion)
  1. state the topic /problem

Is too much emphasis placed on……?

— Nowadays, we are often told …… Every day…                           There is no doubt that……..

— Over the past few years,…….   Are you among those who……..?  Why has……become…?

-The British poet…once said that “….”

— There are various facts that support this opinion.

  1. To express opinion

In my opinion………           I believe………. It seems to me……   The way I see it……..

     II.    Main Body (each paragraph should present a separate viewpoint supported by your reason, another  paragraph should present the opposing viewpoint)

  1. To list points
  1. In the first place…        First of all………          To start with…      To begin with…
  2. Secondly…       Thirdly……           Finally………                Last but not least………
  1. To add more points to the same topic
  1. What is more…               Furthermore …….                     Moreover………        
  2. In addition to this….                 Besides………                      Apart from this……….
  1. To introduce  contrasting viewpoints
  1. It is argued that……. People argue that……. Opponents of this view say ………
  2. There are people who oppose………          Contrary to what most believe……….
  1. To introduce examples

—  for example……… for instance… such as…….. in particular…………

    III.  Conclusion ( you restate your opinion using different words)

  1. To conclude
  1. to sum up…….. all in all ……….. all things considered……. on the whole……….
  2.  in conclusion ……… taking everything into account………/ as was previously stated
  3. All in all, I still feel that the benefits of ……..outweigh the disadvantages.

Примеры упражнений для подготовки учащихся к  написанию эссе.

Exercise 1.  from Successful Writing –Upper Intermediate, Virginia Evans, Express Publishing

 Read the closing paragraphs below and say whether they express a balanced consideration or the writer’s opinion.

Key: 1,2,5-writers opinion       3,4,6-balanced consideration

  1. In conclusion, getting married has, to my mind, more advantages than disadvantages. After all, what can be more fulfilling than a steady relationship with the person you love that lasts for the rest of your life?
  2. To sum up, camping holidays do have advantages, the main one being that they are far cheaper than other holidays. In my opinion, however, there is too much hard work involved for them to ever feel like a real holiday.
  3. To conclude, by looking after animals and helping them to breed, zoos play an important part in protecting many species from becoming extinct. Therefore, the negative aspects of keeping animals in captivity are balanced out by the positive ones.
  4.  All in all, computers have both advantages   and   disadvantages. They may have replaced humans in many jobs, but they have also made our lives considerably easier, and it is now difficult to imagine life without them.
  5.  On the whole, while most people go on holiday to rest, this is one thing you are unlikely to do on an adventure holiday. In my opinion, this disadvantage outweighs all the advantages associated with this kind of holiday.
  6. Taking everything into account, there are both advantages and disadvantages in keeping pets. In the end it is up to the individual to decide whether the pleasure associated with owning a pet is worth the work that goes with it.

Exercise 2. from Successful Writing –Upper Intermediate, Virginia Evans, Express Publishing

 Put these jumbled sentences in the correct order. Then write them out in two separate paragraphs, one including all the advantages, the other all the disadvantages. Finally, write a suitable beginning and ending for this topic.                          

Key: 1E,2B,3D,4G,5A,6F,7H,8C

                                                               Package holidays: Good or Bad?

A  However, there are disadvantages to going on a package holiday.

В  То start with, package holidays are cheaper than travelling on your own, as the price includes the air fare and hotel accommodation.

С Another negative aspect is that as you have paid for your accommodation in advance, you often feel obliged to stay in that  place rather than move around and explore.

D Furthermore, the brochures from which most people select a package holiday usually give you a good idea of what the resort  offers, therefore reducing the chances of disappointment.

E  Package holidays have several advantages.

F  In the first place, as package holidays are less expensive, the hotel is unlikely to be top-class.

G Last but not least, when visiting a new place it is often much easier to have all the details arranged in advance as it can be rather confusing to plan everything by yourself.

H Also package holiday destinations are usually popular tourist resorts, thus there is little opportunity to experience the true culture of the country   you are visiting

Exercise 3. from Successful Writing –Intermediate, Virginia Evans, Express Publishing

      Underline the correct linking word/phrase. Key: 1-besides 2-argue that 3-in favour of 4-even though 5-for instance

  1. Besides/Despite, television affects the way we think.
  2. Many people are against/argue that we need advertisements in order to keep up to date with the latest products on the market.
  3. One point of view against/in favour of travelling is that it allows you to meet people from different cultures.
  4. Even though/Nevertheless most people nowadays use a computer at work, it will be a while before we stop putting our ideas down on paper.
  5.  For instance/Still, people who know how to play a musical instrument are usually popular and make friends more easily than others.

Exercise 4.  from Reading & Writing Targets 3, Virginia Evans- Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing

 Read the opinions about motorcycles and match them to their justification. Which are points for motorcycles and which are against? Key: 1b 2f 3e 4a 5c 6d            for:1,4,6     against:2,3,5


1   They are very  convenient.            

2  You can’t travel with your friends.        

3  They aren’t as safe as cars.            

4  They are cheaper   to run than cars.  

5  They can be quite uncomfortable.    

6  You can get to your destination quickly and easily.          


a .They use less fuel and need fewer expensive repairs.

b. You don’t need to rely on public transport, and you can park them easily.

с . You can’t sit back and relax on them and you’re exposed in bad weather.

d They travel as fast as cars and you never get stuck in traffic jams.

e You aren’t well protected and you can get badly hurt if you fall off.

f There’s only room for one passenger.

Exercise 5.  from  Reading & Writing Targets 3, Virginia Evans- Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing

Which of these sentences express the opinion given in the heading, and which express the opposing point of view?

Key: 1,2,4,6-opinion given in the heading           3,5-opposing point of view

«Having a pet is good for you.»

1    In my opinion, owning a pet teaches children to become responsible adults.

2    In addition, a pet can be amusing.

3    However, pets need a lot of care and attention.

4    What is more, certain pets can be useful if you train them properly.    .

5    On the other hand, pets can be a nuisance.

6    Firstly, a pet can |e good company.

Exercise 6  from Reading & Writing Targets 3, Virginia Evans- Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing

  Match  the   viewpoints  to   the   reasons.   Is each point for watching TV, or against?

Key: 1B (for), 2C (for), 3A (against)


1 TV can be educational.

2 TV provides cheap entertainment.

3 TV can have a negative influence on children.


A   — encourages crime, makes violence look exciting

В   — shows fascinating documentaries (nature/wildlife),  keeps us informed

     about world events,  covers international sports events

С   — can watch variety of films and programmes at home,  cheaper than going to the cinema

Example:   You have 40 minutes to do this task.

Comment on the following statement.

Fast food is very popular and saves time for busy working people. However, many experts say that it is not completely healthy.

What can you say for and against fast food?   Write 200-250 words.   

   HELP!         Fast Food     Restaurants


  1. They are quick and you don’t have to wait
  2. The food is fairly cheap, especially for young people
  3. They are the same everywhere, so you know what to expect
  4. The restaurants are usually very clean and the waiters wear special uniforms (it’s pleasant to look at them)
  5. They do their best to attract children, some of them organize parties for children ( for busy parents it saves a lot of trouble and time)


  1. The restaurants create litter
  2. Rain forests are cut down to provide land for cattle for the fast food industry
  3. The food contains  a lot of  fat and all is placed in a bun — that  is unhealthy
  4. You don’t really sit down to eat
  5. The food is the same everywhere and you can’t order the dishes which you enjoy most of all or get used to
  6. You can’t visit the restaurant before opening hours ( early in the morning)

                                                                                                                   Your address

                                                                                                                           The date



Introduction (§ 1opening remarks)  

Main Body (§§ 2-3 — development of the subject )

Conclusion (§ 4   closing remarks)

Ending (say goodbye and sign your name)



                                                                                                                     } пропустить строчку                                                                                                                                                             

                                                                                                                       January 1st 

      Dear Mary,

                              } пропустить строчку

     Thank you for your lovely birthday card, I have not written sooner as I wanted to invite you

      round and    would never find a suitable time.

                            } пропустить строчку (каждый параграф начинать пропуская строчку)

   We are having a small party next Friday night to celebrate Tony’s return from Canada , and we

     would be very happy if you and Simon could join us, around 8 p.m. Do come if you can.

                          } пропустить строчку

    Looking forward to seeing you.

                          } пропустить строчку


                         } пропустить строчку


Dear Paul,

I’m sorry I haven’t written for such a long time,  but I’ve been really busy with my new job as a hotel receptionist. Actually, that’s what I’m writing to tell you about.

I’m working at a lovely hotel in the city centre. I started there two weeks ago. The job involves answering the phone, making bookings and answering guests’ questions — you know the sort of thing, I’m sure. I’m really enjoying it, actually.

All the people I work with are very nice and have been very helpful to me. The hotel manager has been especially kind. There’s also one woman who’s become quite a good friend already. She’s a waitress called Sandra, and we get on like a house on fire!

Anyway, that’s all my news for the moment, but I promise I’ll write again soon. I hope you and your family are well. Keep in touch!

Best wishes,


                                                                                                                                                      10th December

Dear Vic,

Hi — how are you? What are you doing this  New Year’s Eve? Jean and I have decided to hold a party at home this year, and we’d love it if you  and Monica could come.

We’re planning quite a small party with our old  schoolfriends, so you’ll know all of the guests. There’ll be lots to eat and drink, of course. We’ve decided to give the party a Mexican theme, and we thought that a variety of Mexican dishes would be perfect, since all of our friends love spicy food. Jean’s already started planning the menu, making decorations and so on.

You’ll probably be coming by train, won’t you? Just give us a ring from the station when you arrive, and I’ll come and pick you up. I expect the party will go on quite late, so of course you will need to stay the night. Don’t worry, though —

there’s plenty of room for both of you.

 Well, I really hope you can make it, Vic. Do try  and come — it seems ages since we last saw you  both! Please let me know as soon as possible if  you’ll be able to join us.

Lots of love,


Словообразование в английском — упражнения с ответами

Добрый день, читатели блога grammar-tei.com. Сегодня мы займемся словообразованием и выполним несколько упражнений на словообразование в английском языке. Все упражнения даются с ответами, поэтому Вы сможете проверить себя.

Тема словообразование в английском – очень сложная, поэтому практиковаться нужно много. Всем известно, что задания на словообразования есть в ЕГЭ. Не будем откладывать и выполним упражнения на словообразование в английском.

Задания на словообразование. Word building exercises.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте существительные.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте прилагательные.

Упражнение 3. Используйте отрицательные приставки. Образуйте подходящие по смыслу слова.

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, образуйте глаголы.

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте подходящие по смыслу слова.

Упражнение 6. Образуйте слова от данных. Вставьте слова в текст.


Located in Wiltshire, an outstanding and beautifully __________ (1), late ________ (2) style manor house was built of limestone. Originally it was a much larger property that was mostly ___________ (3). Solid in appearance and structure, it offers _________ (4) and well presented ___________ (5). As one would ___________ (6) there is a grand drawing room with oak _________ (7) walls and a large open fireplace. The large windows __________ (8) a parkland setting.


Home education is when a child is __________ (1) at home rather than at school. It’s perfectly __________ (2) in the UK and one doesn’t need to be a __________ (3) teacher to do so. Children who are home educated receive all their education from their parents, sometimes with the help of outside __________ (4). If you decide to home educate your child you don’t have to follow __________ (5) rules about how you teach or when you teach.


English philosopher, statesman, and jurist who rose to become Lei Chancellor (1618—1621) to James I but is __________ (1) remembered for the status he gave to __________ (2) research in England. Although his name is associated with the method of __________ (3) and the rejection of a priori reasoning in science, the painstaking __________ (4) of miscellaneous facts without any use of error theory which he supported in the Novum Organum has never been __________ (5) as a practical method of __________ (6). The __________ (7) of the Baconian method was, however, an important object in the __________ (8) of the Royal Society some years later.


We’ve all heard of emotional eating. There’s also such a thing as emotional shopping. In __________ (1), neither of these activities is __________ (2), but in excess both can have serious consequences. The __________ (3) and the affordability of goods make shopping all the more appealing. For many compulsive buyers, a big part of the appeal of shopping is the process of searching out and obtaining that new, better, __________ (4) item. This process is so mesmerising that it often ruins long-term financial plans, leaving shoppers __________ (5) in debt.

Ответы к упражнениям на словообразование. Word building exercises – answers.

1 consumption, 2 icing, 3 nutrients, 4 motherhood/maternity, 5 arguments, generations, 6 hatred, 7 maintenance, 8 co-workers, 9 pollution, expectancy

1 cookery, 2 thirsty, 3 academic, 4 explosive, 5 endangered, 6 disastrous, 7 thoughtless, 8 mountainous, 9 tiresome

1 unacceptable, 2 misbehave, 3 disappointment, 4 indecisive, 5 disapproval, 6 disobedient, unwilling, 7 unattended, 8 unfaithful, 9 incompetent, unqualified, 10 insecure

1 thicken, 2 blackened, 3 brighten, 4 breathe, 5 exchange, 6 withdrew

1 parents, confide, 2 believe, misery, proves, 3 extensive, settlement, 4 furnished, luxuriously 5 envious, study, 6 prospective, enthusiasm, 7 heat, humidity, 8 tropic (al), warmth, humidity, 9 playwright, 10 expanded, oversea (s), circumnavigate

1 restored, 2 gothic, 3 demolished, 4 extensive 5 accommodation, 6 expect, 7 panel (l) ed, 8 overlook

1 educated, 2 legal, 3 qualified, 4 tutors, 5 formal

1 chiefly, 2 scientific, 3 induction, 4 collection, 5 adopted, 6 research, 7 application, 8 foundation

1 moderation, 2 harmful, 3 accessibility, 4 desirable, 5 deeply

Надеюсь, эти упражнения на словообразование помогут Вам в изучении этого непростого раздела английского языка. Word building exercises are very useful!

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!


Словообразование существительных в английском языке. Cуффиксы (полный список)

Словообразование существительных в английском языке

Теперь рассмотрим все суффиксы существительных, чтобы получилась полная картина, как образуются существительные в английском языке (список суффиксов). Если вы готовитесь к экзамену по английскому языку в формате ЕГЭ, то знать их просто необходимо.


Итак, начнем с того, что всего у английского существительного 16 суффиксов:

Далее будем запоминать и тренироваться.

Суффиксы существительных в английском языке

4. Cуффиксы профессий: -er/or, — ist и суффикс -ee.

1. In my childhood I made a friendship with a king of a kingdom. He had good strength and great height. — В детстве я завел дружбу с королем одного королевства. Он обладал большой силой и огромным ростом.

2. Electricity resulted from the development of science. — Электричество явилось результатом развития науки.

3. The breakage was because of high pressure. — Поломка была из-за высокого давления.

Суффиксы существительных в английском языке. Упражнения

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте существительное и укажите суффикс при помощи которого оно образовано.

ПРИМЕР. performance — The noun performance is formed with the help of the suffix -ance.

silence, biologist, employment, humanity, modesty, settlement, feeling

Упражнение 2. Найдите в каждой строчке существительное и переведите его.

Упражнение 3. Образуйте от основ выделенных слов существительные с указанными суффиксами и напишите их.

— ment:
1.The child was greatly excited when he received a big bear as a birthday present.
The child’s … was very great.

2. My English has improved very little for the last two months.
There is very little … in my English, I am afraid.

3. The children enjoyed entertaining the guests.
They enjoyed giving an … for their guests.

— tion
4. He collected a good library of books.
He had a good … of books.

5. The machines exhibited in the hall were very interesting to us.
The machines at the … are very interesting.

6. He said he wanted to continue studying after he graduated from the institute.
He said he wanted to continue studying after….

7. The scientists had difficulty explaining how the star had disappeared.
They had difficulty in explaining the …. of the star.

— ence
8. We were surprised to find out how different her speech had become.
We were surprised at the …. in her speech.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте в пробелы глаголы, образованные от данных в скобках существительных.
1. He said good bye and … (departure)
2. Your pronunciation has … wonderfully. (improvement)
3. The doctor … the boy’s arm carefully. (examination)

Упражнение 5. Вставьте в пробелы существительные, образованные от данных в скобках глаголов.
1. This rare book is the first … of Pushkin’s poems. (to edit)
2. The sixth-form pupils’ English … was much better this year. (to perform)
3. The dancer’s … became slower and slower (to move).

Упражнение 6. Образуйте существительные от прилагательных.

Например, 1. thirsty (жаждущий) — ? ваш вариант (жажда).

Вводим слово жажда и проверяем совпал ли ваш вариант с тем, который предлагает словарь.

Упражнение 7. Сделай правильный выбор. Переведи предложение.
1. What is the (long, length) of the corridor?
2. How (long, length) is the street?
3. He is not (strong, strength) enough to fight with John?
4. My brother can lift the box because of his (strong, strength).
5. Nelly’s skirt is too (wide, width).
6. We can’t get the piano through the door because of its (wide, width).
7. Is spring a (warmth, warm) season?
8. We felt the (warm, warmth) of the sun on out faces and hands.
9. We were surprised at your formal (polite, politeness).
10. We were not struck by the (white, whiteness) of the snow.

Упражнение 8. Перепишите словосочетания, указав в скобках слово, от которого образовано существительное. Переведите их.

ПРИМЕР. whole-hearted devotion (devote) — преданность всем сердцем

whole-hearted devotion, gloomy silence, an outstanding novelist, gathering darkness, limitless possibilities, an important addition, a noticeable improvement, complete understanding, widespread popularity, a gymnastic competition, a new acquaintance, a small settlement, an important announcement.

Упражнение 12. Укажите, что обозначают данные слова: предмет, человека или и то и другое.

act, employ, football, dance, direct, operate, journal, piano, sing, murder, psychology, art, govern, sail, economy, translate, manage, drive, bank, garden, strange, conduct(22)

Итак, я надеюсь, что выполнив цикл упражнений на тему «Словообразование существительных в английском языке» вы запомнили 16 основных суффиксов существительных. Но если все-таки остались вопросы, пишите в комментариях. Автор, Татьяна Набеева

Словообразование. Суффиксы существительных. Повторение

Упражнение 14. Образуйте существительные от данных прилагательных, используя суффиксы из таблицы.

able, near, distant, long, wide, strong, wise, kind, electric, short, white, probable, persistent (упорный), dependent, insistent (настойчивый), indifferent (безразличный), unstable (нестабильный), patient, responsible, important, stupid, curious


Для получения доступа, пожалуйста, оформите подписку «ОТВЕТЫ»


Тренировочные упражнения по словообразованию английского языка

В ходе обучения иностранному языку, в частности, английскому, у студентов возникает масса вопросов при переводе слов той или иной части речи. В связи с этим необходимо остановиться на основных способах словообразования в английском языке.

В современном английском языке имеется несколько способов словообразо вания:

1) конверсия ( образование новых слов без измене ния их написания и произношения )

2) словосложение ( образова ние нового слова путем сложения двух слов в одно )

3) изменение ударения в слове (и получение нового слова другой части речи ).

4) аффиксация ( прибавление к корню суффикса или префикса )

Конверсия как способ словообразования. Словосложение. Изменение ударения.

Словообразование с помощью аффиксации.

Самым продуктивным является этот вид словообразования. В ходе обучения английскому языку уделяется большое внимание этому способу словосложения.

Наиболее употребительные приставки (префиксы) и их значения:

1. Префикс со значением “снова”, “заново”, “вновь”, “пере”:

2. Префиксы, которые придают слову противоположное значе ние или обозначают противоположное действие :

un- dis- de- anti- counter-

to contradict (противоречить, возражать)

3. Префиксы, имеющие отрицательное значение :

amoral (аморальный, безнравственный)

absent (отсутствующий), abnormal (ненормальный)

Приставка, которая начинается на “ i ” изменяется в зависимости от того, какая за ней стоит буква : il + l , ir + r , im + b , m , p .

4. Префиксы, имеющие значение сверх”, “пере”, “чрезмерно”:

5. Префиксы со значением “между”, “взаимно ”:

6. Префиксы, которые переводятся как

autobiography (автобиография), automatic (автоматический)

semifinal (полуфинал), semicircle (полукруг)

и) вверх, кверху, наверху

upstairs (вверх по лестнице), upside (верхняя часть), to uproot (вырывать с корнем)

к) двойной, два, дважды

л) имеющий дело с книгами

м) относящийся к жизни

н) второстепенное значение

о) много-, мульти-, поли-

multicolored ( многоцветный ), multimillionaire ( мультимиллионер )

polyglot ( полиглот ), polytechnic ( политехнический )

п ) второстепенное значение

Основные суффиксы существительных:

1. Суффиксы, обозначающие принадлежность к

а) политическому направлению профессии или нации :

Communist ( коммунист ), Marxist ( марксист >, materialist ( мате ­ риалист );

artist ( художник ), typist ( машинистка ), pianist ( пианист ), historian ( историк ), librarian ( библиотекарь ), musician ( музы ­ кант ); Russian ( русский ), Bulgarian ( болгарин )

2. Суффикс, обозначающий учение, теорию, качество :

3. Суффиксы, обозначающие действующее лицо, его занятие или должность :

4. Суффикс, обозначающий результат действия :

achievement ( достижение ), agreement ( согласие ), government ( правительство )

5. Суффиксы, обозначающие

dictatorship ( диктатура ), friendship ( дружба ), leadership ( руководство )

accuracy ( точность ), infancy ( младенчество ), supremacy ( превосходство )

б) действие, состояние :

shortage (нехватка), marriage (брак, супружество), voyage (путешествие)

hunting (охота), crossing (пересечение, перекресток), living (житье)

importance (важность), resistance (сопротивление)

collection (собрание, коллекция), dictation (диктант, диктовка)

competition (соревнование), hesitation (сомнение, колебание)

removal ( удаление), arrival (прибытие), refusal (отказ), approval (одобрение)

в) качество или состояние :

freedom (свобода), kingdom (королевство), wisdom (мудрость)

coldness (холод), darkness (темнота), kindness (доброта), weakness (слабость)

activity (активность), safety (безопасность)

г) место действия, занятие или состояние

bakery (булочная), surgery (кабинет хирурга), cookery (кулинария), slavery (рабство)

д) род занятий, отрасль науки

Основные суффиксы прилагательных:

1. Суффикс, образующий прилагательные от существительных и обозначающий национальную принадлежность или слабую степень качества :

2. Суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от глаголов и обозна­ чающие наличие качества :

3. Суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от существительных
и обозначающие наличие качества, свойства :

4. Суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от различных частей
речи и обозначающие

а) качество, свойство :

б) способность что-либо сделать, состояние, качество :

в) отсутствие качества :

useless (бесполезный), windless (безветренный)

Основные суффиксы наречий

Суффиксы, образующие наречия от

б) существительных и наречий и обозначающие направление (или направленность):

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выде лите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, de­ compose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, re­ construct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.

Ex . 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их :

Ex . З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с по­мощью суффикса -ег или or . Переведите на русский язык:

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, ma­thematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, In­ dia.

Ex. 5. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса ment . Переведите на русский язык:

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave.

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect.

Ex . 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к ка­ кой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experi­ ment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, funda­ mental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attrac­ tive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp, strength.

Ex . 10. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -1у и переведи­те их:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.

Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, re­ ply, report, return, sail, show.

Ex . 12. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразу­ ющие элементы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; indust­ ry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; fame, famous.

Ex . 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Airport, armchair, bathroom, bedroom, bookcase, bookshelf, class­ room, custom-house, dining-room, drawing-room, fireplace, folksong, gentleman, hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook, postcard, post-office, raincoat, sportsman, sunshine, writing-table.

Ex . 15. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделен­ ные слова:

Ex . 16. Проанализируйте состав следующих слов. Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. Переведите слова :

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dis­ like, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teach­ing, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, coopera­tion, schoolboy, icebreaker.

Ex . 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.

Например : A machine for drying hair – hair drier.

Ex . 18. Напишите словосочетания по модели число+ существительное+существительное (! не забывайте что число и первое существительное соединяется дефисом и что это существительное обычно стоит в единственном числе)

Например : a walk lasting for three miles – a three-mile walk.

Ex . 19. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.

Ex . 20. Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом.

Например : camp. building. bomb. – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

Ex . 22. Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

Ex. 22. Заполните пропуски глаголом или существительным : advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe .

Ex . 22. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.


Словообразование. Суффиксы прилагательных в английском языке

Суффиксы прилагательных в английском языке

1. Суффиксы прилагательных, образованных от существительных

2. Суффиксы прилагательных, образованных от глаголов

different — difference
important — importance

Суффиксы прилагательных в английском языке. Упражнения

Упражнение 1. Translate into Russian.

Упражнение 2.1. Translate into Russian.

a moonless night, a cloudless sky, a noiseless machine, numberless heroes, a motherless girl, a heartless woman, a homeless cat, a leafless tree, a nameless author, a sunless room, a endless war, a lifeless body, a colorless liquid, a friendless child, a sleepless night, careless people, a doubtless victory

Упражнение 2.2. Translate into English.

Безоблачное небо, беспомощный ребенок, бесшумная машина, бесчисленные герои, безжизненное тело, беззаботный ребенок, бессердечная женщина, бездомный кот, дерево без листьев, безымянный автор, комната без солнца, бесконечная война, бесцветная жидкость. Была безлунная ночь. Он выглядел усталым после бессонной ночи.

А. Form adjectives from nouns and translate them.

ОБРАЗЕЦ nerve + ous = nervous (нерв – нервный)

fame — …, humour — …, courage — …, glory (y->i) — …, poison — …, space (i) — …

В. Use the words in the sentences.

Упражнение 4. The suffix -y.

A. Translate into Russian.

windy day, sunny weather, cloudy sky, sleepy child, dreamy girl, icy wind, healthy food

B. Form adjectives from the nouns and translate them.

ОБРАЗЕЦ swamp — swampy (болото — болотистый)

C. Put the adjectives from B into this sentences to make them complete.

Упражнение 5. Translate into Russian the adjectives, ending with the suffix —ic.

gigantic hound, scientific expedition, domestic animal, academic year, Olympic games, thematic collection, basic knowledge

Упражнение 6. Make up adjectives with the help of suffix -al and translate them.

ОБРАЗЕЦ music – musical (музыка — музыкальный)

industry – …, culture – …, region – …, tradition – …, nature – …, nation – …, agriculture – …, comic – …

Упражнение 7. Суффиксы национальностей

ОБРАЗЕЦ Britain – British

Scotland — …, Spain — …, Sweden — …, Finland — …, Denmark — …, Poland — …, Turkey — …

ОБРАЗЕЦ Russia – Russian

ОБРАЗЕЦ Japan – Japanese

Упражнение 8. The suffix – able.

A. Form the words with the suffix – able.

B. Use the words in the sentences:

Упражнение 9. Form the words with the suffix –ive.

Упражнение 10. Read the adjectives and spell the suffixes used in forming them.

ОБРАЗЕЦ changeable — The adjective changeable is formed with the help of the suffix -able.

successful, cloudless, collective, central, comic, satirical, dangerous, faultless, misty, courageous, aggressive, national, breakable

Упражнение 11. Translate these combinations; say what words the adjectives are formed from.

a washable shirt, a skilful worker, democratic forces, the postal service, groundless suspicions, a humorous story, a gloomy scene, salty ham, professional interest, peaceful labour, a noiseless machine, a courageous soldier, a lucky ticket, a continental climate, a dusty road.

Упражнение 12. Copy and translate all these adjectives. Learn them by heart

B. Listen to the adjectives and translate them by ear.

На этом пока все! Буду рада, если моя статья окажется вам полезной и вы поделитесь ссылкой в соцсетях!

С уважением, автор Татьяна Н.

Источники: упражнения взяты из разных пособий, частично переделаны и и изменены. В частности использованы учебники «Английский язык 5-11 класс» авторы Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.



A. Self-education requires a willingness to learn, the self-discipline to stay focused and a level of interest that exceeds the standard job mill education. A curious mind seeks to be educated. By asking questions, you can find out a lot of things that many people don’t know and won’t ever know. In fact, questioning is key to active and meaningful learning. The formulation of a good question is also a creative act. Questions help us to make sense of the world.

B. Try to expand your mind by learning beyond your comfort zone and seeing how other people think, perceive and understand things. If you only ever see romantic comedies, watch a documentary or an action film instead. If you only ever read comics, try a novel instead. If you only ever see car rallies, go and see a museum exhibition instead. Read world history and learn about different cultures. It is one of the finest ways of self-educating. Read about others who self-educate.

C. Curiosity is about pushing yourself beyond what you’re used to. There will be times when you feel really uncomfortable, out of your depth and perhaps even upset when trying to learn new things. This can happen especially where you feel dumb, unlearned or when your beliefs and values are challenged. These are the very times when you should keep pushing yourself to learn and to become wiser about whatever it is you’ve been avoiding. Read a lot. Without fail, always read something, and make it substantial.

D. Read English from different parts of the world, don’t assume that authors from your own country are the only ones worth reading. By extending your reading to elsewhere in the world, you’ll discover that even with one language, the thinking is diverse and the ways of seeing the world are wonderfully varied. When you feel more competent in this area, push into other languages. Realize that learning a language is about immersing yourself in another culture too.

E. If you’re learning or have learned the basics in math, science and other subjects, find out what you’ve yet to learn and set about teaching yourself. There is much more beyond the basics and most of it will challenge you in much more interesting ways than your initial learning did. If you did badly at a subject, do not let this hold you back. Every brain is plastic and capable of being rewired to relearn things and to learn new things.

F. Self-education requires very good self-discipline. Besides, borrow from intelligent people what you consider works well to improve the mind and understanding. Observe, learn and apply what you see good from them. You can learn a lot from them if you just take the time to sit with and listen to them. Should you feel that what they tell you is old hat and odd, put aside your biases and really listen. There are authentic human things to learn from older people.

G. By the time finals roll around and your time is precious — every minute counts. That is why scheduling is essential during the preparation for the exams. So as not to become totally confused during this stressful time, make a realistic study schedule for yourself, too. Leave yourself time for breaks — you’ll be taking them anyway — and be sure to prioritize according to which class you’ll need to study for the most.

Задания Д40 C2 № 3980

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных высказываний и выразите своё мнение по предложенной проблеме согласно данному плану.

Comment on one of the following statements.

1.  Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world.

2.  An early choice of a career path is the key to success.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

− make a conclusion restating your position

Спрятать пояснение


Science has always been a sensitive issue. Nowadays some people say it iis the first thing that should be financed, others consider it less important.

I tend to agree with the latter. Firstly, there is no doubt science is important and must be financed, but there are more urgent problems that we already have means to solve, like poverty or ecology, for instance. Scientific research is not needed to create another thousand of jobs, which is essentially a way to control poverty. Secondly, science is risky in economical terms, since the percentage of successful projects is far from one hundred. Very far, in fact.

However, there are people that think science must be the world’s top priority. They say that science has made our lives as easy as they are now compared to the lives of our ancestors several hundred years ago, so we should keep pushing the progress to make life even easier and more pleasant.

Still, I cannot agree with those people. They are right about scientific discoveries making life easier, but it took decades to make use of those discoveries and thus improve people’s lives, meanwhile mot of the world’s population still lived by the old ways. If most of the financial resources go into scientific research instead of more urgent needs, soon most of the world will lie in ruins while a small group of the reachest people enjoy the results of the scientific progress, which is not the outcome everyone except for that group wants.

To wrap it up, I think it is safe to say that science is definitely not the top priority when it comes to distribution of the world’s financial resources.

Спрятать критерии

Критерии проверки:

Критерий Критерии оценивания ответа на задание С2 Баллы
K1 Решение коммуникативной задачи
Задание выполнено полностью:
содержание отражает полно и точно все аспекты, указанные в задании; стилевое оформление речи выбрано правильно (допускается 1 нарушение нейтрального стиля)
Задание выполнено в основном:
но 1—2 аспекта содержания, указанные в задании, раскрыты не полностью или неточно; стилевое оформление речи в основном правильно (допускается 2—3 нарушения нейтрального стиля)
Задание выполнено не полностью:
в содержании не

раскрыты 1–2 аспекта, ИЛИ 3–4 аспекта содержания раскрыты неполно или неточно, ИЛИ 1 аспект не раскрыт, и 1–2 аспекта содержания раскрыты неполно или неточно; имеются ошибки в стилевом оформлении речи (допускается 4 нарушения нейтрального стиля)

Задание не выполнено:
все случаи, не указанные в оценивании на 1, 2 и 3 балла, ИЛИ ответ не соответствует требуемому объёму, ИЛИ более 30% ответа имеет непродуктивный характер (т.е. текстуально совпадает с опубликованным источником)
K2 Организация текста
Высказывание логично; средства логической связи использованы правильно; структура текста соответствует предложенному плану; текст правильно разделён на абзацы 3
Высказывание в основном логично (имеются 1—2 логические ошибки), И/ИЛИ имеются 1—2 недостатка при использовании средств логической связи, И/ИЛИ имеются
1—2 отклонения от плана в структуре высказывания, И/ИЛИ имеются 1—2 недостатка при делении текста на абзацы
В высказывании имеются 3—4 логические ошибки, И/ИЛИ имеются 3—4 ошибки в использовании средств логической связи, И/ИЛИ имеются 3—4 отклонения от предложенного плана; имеются 3—4 недостатка в делении текста на абзацы 1
В высказывании имеются 5 и более логических ошибок, И/ИЛИ имеются 5 и более ошибок в использовании средств логической связи, И/ИЛИ предложенный план ответа полностью не соблюдается, И/ИЛИ деление текста на абзацы отсутствует 0
K3 Лексика
Используемый словарный запас соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания; практически нет нарушений в использовании лексики (допускается 1 лексическая ошибка) 3
Используемый словарный запас соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, однако встречаются 2—3 лексические ошибки, ИЛИ словарный запас ограничен, но лексика использована правильно 2
Используемый словарный запас не вполне соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 4 лексические ошибки 1
Используемый словарный запас не соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 5 и более лексических ошибок 0
K4 Грамматика
Используемые грамматические средства соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, нарушений практически нет (допускаются 1—2 не повторяющиеся грамматические ошибки) 3
Используемые грамматические средства соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, однако в тексте имеются 3—4 грамматические ошибки 2
Используемые грамматические средства не вполне соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 5—7 грамматических ошибок 1
Используемые грамматические средства не соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, имеются 8 и более грамматических ошибок 0
K5 Орфография и пунктуация
Орфографические ошибки практически отсутствуют. Текст разделён на предложения с правильным пунктуационным оформлением (допускаются 1 орфографическая И/ИЛИ 1 пунктуационная ошибка) 2
В тексте имеются 2—4 орфографические И/ИЛИ пунктуационные ошибки 1
В тексте имеются 5 и более орфографических И/ИЛИ пунктуационных ошибок 0
Максимальное количество баллов 14

Источник: Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2019 по английскому языку

Increasingly, I see that home educating is so much more than ‘equipping children for life’. We all begin somewhere, and this is a good starting point, but if that is all that happens, then we only scratch the surface of something so important.

We began educating our children at home in January 1993, and it was supposed to be a short term solution to an immediate problem, namely the fact that I did not have transport to get my three-year-old daughter to nursery school. That was almost 17 years ago, and I am so glad we made that choice and for the direction in which that choice led us. Home education has turned out to be much more than a way of schooling; it is a way of life, a family building and enhancing opportunity, and a key to self-knowledge and growth.

We started with a programme called Babies Bible Class and a second-hand Letterland teacher’s guide. Using these two, I developed a series of unit studies which we pursued with interest and enthusiasm. This alone was considered very radical. In the far off days when home education was still illegal for over 7’s, no-one dared deviate from the National Curriculum. In fact, no-one even thought it was possible to do so. How could you teach without a prescribed scheme of work? But I felt, right from the beginning, that the curriculum should fit the child, not the other way around.

As the years went by, and more children were added into our family, we continued our eclectic mix of unit studies. I developed the units around specific interests of the children at any given time, and where possible, followed these up with outings, movies or books about the subject. The children were bright, eager, and willing. I have many special memories of these years.

Initially we had a lot of fun, but as time went on, schoolwork gradually became a battle, especially with my second daughter. She was one of those self-directed thinkers, a child who wanted to know what the point was of any given activity, and who was not interested in doing tasks just for the sake of doing them. Increasingly, our schoolwork took up long and unpleasant hours, filled with strife and disappointment. We lost the joy in the learning, and I felt like the fire breathing dragon.

I’m a researcher and a problem-solver by nature, so I began to ask questions about our educational approach and methodology. At this time I came into contact with Martie Du Plessis, an educational consultant who was particularly interested in helping the people in home educating families to identify and understand their particular learning styles, and to consider the ways in which they interacted with one another. A session spent with Martie was very enlightening, as we began to realise the obvious — that people, in their uniqueness, both gather and organise information in different ways. Thus a child who seemed oppositional and difficult and downright disobedient quite possibly just had a different learning style to the parent.

In 2000, I read all six of Charlotte Mason’s insightful books. Her last book ‘Towards a Philosophy of Education’ gave me a lot to think about. It was directly because of her influence that we introduced a strong literature focus as the foundation for our learning. We had always enjoyed reading to the children. Craig and I both love books, but now we recognised that reading books was more than the activity. It was how one obtained food for the mind.

In 2001, we bought our first pre-packaged curriculum ‘Year 1’ of Sonlight’s excellent literature based programme. We loved the books. However, we quickly dispensed with the curriculum guide, preferring to read the books at our own pace. There was only one problem — we finished reading the whole year’s books within a few months! I found myself motivating why we needed a larger educational budget. Step by step our own individualised educational approach was developing.

All of the discoveries I was making about education now crystallised into one key word — respect. I recognised that many educational approaches were inherently disrespectful to learners. They presumed too much, elevated teachers to a status that was not real, discounted previous knowledge and wisdom on the part of the learner. Many methodologies erupted from an erroneous notion that the learner was an empty vessel waiting to be filled up by the all wise educator. But Charlotte Mason believed that the learner was not ‘less’ than the teacher.

Increasingly I became uneasy with a prescriptive, teacher directed approach to my children’s education. Although I had designed a curriculum that was sensitive to my children’s interests, it was still a curriculum chosen by me. Like the adults around me, I had been led to believe that the children would not learn unless I made them learn. But Charlotte Mason said that learning was to humans what swimming was to fish — something they did naturally, unconsciously, and all the time.

Looking back, our home education has been a wonderful journey. Two of my children are now beyond compulsory education. I found that our educational philosophy evolved, and our methodology changed accordingly from year to year, and as the children developed. I tried out things that didn’t work, and found things that did. This process, of course, continues.

ВОПРОС 1 The narrator began educating her children at home because she
1) felt home education was a key to self-knowledge and growth.
2) didn’t want her daughter to be educated with other children.
3) had a short-term problem at work.
4) could not get her daughter to nursery school.

ВОПРОС 2 The narrator was sure that
1) it is impossible deviate from the National Curriculum.
2) the National Curriculum should meet the child’s needs.
3) she should develop a series of unit studies according to the National Curriculum.
4) she could not teach without a prescribed scheme of work.

ВОПРОС 3 The narrator had problems educating her second daughter because
1) she didn’t want to study.
2) she didn’t like doing tasks.
3) of her independent way of thinking.
4) their schoolwork took up long hours.

ВОПРОС 4 After a session spent with Martie Du Plessis the narrator understood
1) that people can have different learning styles.
2) that her second daughter was disobedient.
3) her own learning style.
4) the way she interacted with her children.

ВОПРОС 5 Literature became the foundation for the children’s education
1) because they had always enjoyed reading.
2) due to the influence of Charlotte Mason’s books.
3) because the narrator and her husband both loved books.
4) as books contained food for thought.

ВОПРОС 6 The narrator dispensed with the curriculum guide because
1) the children read books faster than they were supposed to.
2) the children read books more slowly than they were supposed to.
3) they had a small educational budget.
4) the curriculum guide was boring.

ВОПРОС 7 The narrator initially believed that
1) the learner was an empty vessel waiting to be filled up.
2) children learn unconsciously all the time.
3) the children would not learn without her motivating them.
4) the learner was not ‘less’ than the teacher.

ВОПРОС 1: – 4
ВОПРОС 2: – 2
ВОПРОС 3: – 3
ВОПРОС 4: – 1
ВОПРОС 5: – 2
ВОПРОС 6: – 1
ВОПРОС 7: – 3

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