A crafty mind егэ

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Задание 1

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker A

I have always dreamt of having a stunning cream-coloured two-storey house located somewhere in Miami. I imagine a spacious beach house, with the beach being its backyard and the sea being its pool. Its front yard is also large, with a little creek and a big flat green space for a game of soccer. Lots of tall trees tower over the house. One of them will have a big tree house, with a ladder which can be pulled up. Every bedroom will have a large terrace overlooking the sea. The floors will be made of marble and all the furniture will be pure shiny smooth wood.

Speaker B

I wouldn’t like a huge house because there would be too much cleaning, but I would like to have spacious closets and bathrooms. I’m not much interested in a pool, but a hot tub would be nice. I’ve always wanted a house with a simple natural look and lots of indoor plants. I would definitely want a decent size yard, with lots of flowering plants and dogs running around. My family is quite large but they all can’t be in the same place for long before all hell breaks loose, so I would only want my hubby and kids to live in my dream house.

Speaker C

My future home will probably be mostly solar powered with a lot of modern insulation throughout the house. There will be plenty of energy efficient appliances and power conserving devices already preinstalled in the house. Well, I really want a house with four bedrooms and I want everything to be made of very modern materials like stainless steel. The house will have lots of windows, wood and marble flooring, and will definitely be very modern and sleek, with lots of electronic controls. The master bedroom will certainly have a Jacuzzi bathtub and a waterfall shower.

Speaker D

I could never understand people who spend lots of time and money on decorating their homes. They become slaves of their houses and see nothing but their plasma TV. My dream house would definitely be on wheels and have a steering wheel. Ultimately, it would be like one of those buses that bands live in while on the road. That way I could have a comfortable place to sleep; and yet I could change my backyard at will. And I can drive down to the corner bakery without leaving the house. Isn’t it convenient?

Speaker E

I’d like to have a teeny house that looks like a gingerbread house. I want it on a smallish lot with flowers and butterfly bushes and a fence around the little backyard, painted bright yellow with white on the front porch. It would also have a little cement patio out back. Inside, it would be as open as such a small house would be, with a half-wall between the kitchen and the living room, and a tiny hallway to the bedroom and the bathroom. The walls inside would be bright, with fun furniture and rugs everywhere.

Speaker F

I have never wanted to live in a crowded area so my dream house is kind of weird. I would live in a cave house inside a mountain. You could walk through, and the house would open up onto a balcony hanging there on the cliff of the mountain and you could see for miles. I would also like to have plenty of fruit trees and enough land for a vegetable garden and a separate flower garden, preferably roses. What will I have inside the house? All modern conveniences, a satellite TV and the Internet connection.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the texts again. (Repeat.)

This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds.)

1. Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1) My house will be fashionable and attractive in design.
2) Being close to nature is of primary importance.
3) My dream house looks like a castle.
4) I want to have pets in my dream house.
5) My dream house will be really impressive.
6) My future house will be on the move.
7) Everything in my house will be tiny.

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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Задание 2

Now we are ready to start.

Mrs Smith: Hello, Mr Jenkins. I’m afraid I have a grumble to make. It’s about your son — well, that football of his, to be precise.
Mr Jenkins: Don’t say he’s kicking it into your garden again, Mrs Smith.
Mrs Smith: Well, yes, I’m afraid it keeps coming over.
Mr Jenkins: I’ve told him not to play in the street. Look, here he comes now. I’1] have this out with him once and for all. Bill, I want you here, this minute.
Bill: What’s wrong, Dad? Why are you looking so angry?
Mr Jenkins: Mrs Smith tells me you’re still letting that football of yours go into her garden.
Bill: Oh, yes. Well, I’m sorry. Hello, Mrs Smith.
Mr Jenkins: It’s no good standing there squirming, Bill. I thought we’d sorted all this out last year, you and your friends. Surely you’ve got the sense to know that you’re causing damage.
Bill: Well, yes, Dad. In fact this time we’ve caused more damage than usual…
Mr Jenkins: Look what happened to Mrs Smith’s daffodils when they were just coming out last spring …Ruined, absolutely knocked to pieces.
Mrs Smith: It isn’t just the damage, it’s their welfare too. It isn’t safe to play in the street so I don’t want you coming down too hard on him, Mr…
Mr Jenkins: I told you then and I’ll tell you again…
Mrs Smith: Don’t come down on him too hard, Mr Jenkins. I can’t help feeling sorry for the lad. He paid for the damage with his pocket money and then in the autumn he burst a new ball on the thorns of my roses.
Bill: Dad, this time we were kicking the ball up and down the road to avoid it going into the gardens.
After it went on the daffodils we stopped using Mrs Smith’s gate as a goal. It was just an unlucky bounce that took it over the wall and onto the roses. Anyway, it didn’t do any harm that time, not to Mrs Smith’s garden. It was Mrs Smith’s garden that damaged my ball.
Mr Jenkins: You’re being cheeky!
Bill: No, Dad, it’s true. And now, today, it did an even unluckier bounce…
Mr Jenkins: Now listen to me, Bill. Once more into Mrs Smith’s garden and I’1] stop your pocket money for … well, Idon’t know how many months.
Mrs Smith: Bill, surely it’s best if you play on the recreation ground. It’s not far to walk.
Bill: But there’s just one problem, Mrs Smith.
Mr Jenkins: There can’t be a problem. You don’t mean you youngsters haven’t the strength to walk half a mile.
Bill: Well, no, it’s not that.
Mr Jenkins: Well, go to the recreation ground.
Bill: But Dad, Mrs Smith, my ball’s in Mrs Smith’s front room.
Mrs Smith: What on earth do you mean, in my front room?
Bill: It did another funny bounce. It’s gone through your window.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)
Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds.)

2. Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A Mrs Smith wants to complain about Bill’s impolite behaviour.
B Mrs Smith has got a large garden.
C Bill has a very innocent look on his face.
D Mr Jenkins mentions Mrs Smith’s ruined roses.
E Mr Smith is concerned about Bill and his friends.
F Mr Smith says Bill will have to pay for the damage out of his pocket money.
G The recreation ground is a mile away.

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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Задание 3-9

Now we are ready to start.

Interviewer: Daniel, you’re coming to the end of the journey now and we’ve basically watched you grow up on-screen. How do you feel about it?

Daniel Radcliffe: I’m not thinking about it that much at the moment. It’s very occasionally I’m suddenly thinking, oh God, I am only here for another 3 months, you know? And so that’s very odd and it will be very upsetting when it does come to an end because I’ve spent so much time here and made some fantastic friends who I hope will stay with me for the rest of my life. And so it’ll be very sad but equally it is an exciting time. Whenever you go through periods of transition, I suppose those times are always going to be both very upsetting and also very exciting by the very nature because things are changing and you don’t know what’s going to happen.

Interviewer: Could you talk about when you got the 7th book? Your experience of reading it for the first time and just your emotions?

Radcliffe: Yeah, I obviously loved the 7th book as much as everybody else did. I was reading actually at a cricket match because it came out 2 days before my 18th birthday. And I was going to a match for my birthday. So I was going ‘round for 2 days without having read it while everybody else was reading it. And so it was a 2-day-long struggle to beg not to be told how it all ends. And I did actually manage to do that and then, yeah, I remember finishing it on the plane and just becoming very emotional. I found it’s a very moving book. The epilogue was something that I liked. It’s tying together all those loose ends. Because the thing is that if Jo Rowling hadn’t written that epilogue, can you imagine being her for the rest of her life and having to cope with questions about what did Harry go on to do? She has to give some conclusion.

Interviewer: And can we talk about the process of the film? Not only the physical action but there’re some great emotions that Harry has to go through.

Radcliffe: The whole series for me is about loss of innocence and about Harry going from this kind of a wide-eyed child and turning into this slightly grizzled young man by the end of it. Although it is essential that he does not turn into a man necessarily in the film because what makes all that fight stuff at the end so powerful and so horrible to watch is the fact that you’re seeing a kid get beaten up by a very strong, very angry man.

Interviewer: Speaking of that, can you talk about filming that sequence with you and Ralph Fiennes when you’re in the forest and you know you’re going to die?

Radcliffe: That scene was one of my favourites. And as with everything that you place great significance on, one tends to put so much pressure on yourself that you actually end up nowhere. I so much wanted it to be good. I was probably trying almost too many different things. It was really hard work but I suppose simply because of the expectations I placed on myself.

Interviewer: Can you talk about the overall pride that you have for the series and what you and everyone have been able to accomplish?

Radcliffe: Of course I’m very proud of the series. These are films that are some of the biggest grossing films ever. No, not because of that… I think that’s because of the attention to detail that we have over these films. If you walk onto one of those sets, you’ll see not only the grandeur of it but, what makes them really impressive, also the details of the sets that you probably would never see in the film. But I think the fact that we walk onto those sets every day and think, well, if these sets are here, we have to be good enough to use them. You know, because they are amazing.

Interviewer: Are you comfortable with the association with the series and the character that you’ll have for the rest of your life?

Radcliffe: Well, I think that every opportunity I’ll get for the rest of my life, I would not have got if it wasn’t for Harry Potter. And it would be height of ingratitude if I was ever anything but proud to be associated with these films.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)

This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds.)

This is the end of the Listening Test.

Вы услышите интервью с учёным. В заданиях 3-9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3. At the moment Daniel feels both upset and excited because

1. he is to stay here for only 3 months.2. he will have to part with his friends.3. he is expecting some changes in his life.

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4. When the 7th book came out, it was difficult for Daniel

1. to stay unaware of the ending.2. to find the book.3. to find an opportunity to read the book.

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5. If J.K. Rowling hadn’t written the epilogue,

1. the book would feel incomplete.2. everybody would be disappointed.3. she would have to continue writing about Harry Potter.

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6. What makes the end of the film so powerful is

1. the fight between a child and an adult villain.2. that Harry Potter finally turns into a grizzled young man.3. the death of Harry Potter.

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7. The scene in the forest was very difficult to Daniel because he

1. expected too much of himself.2. was under a lot of pressure from Ralph Fiennes.3. was going to die.

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8. Daniel thinks the sets are amazing because of their

1. details2. value3. grandeur

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9. When Daniel is associated with Harry Potter he feels

1. uncomfortable2. proud3. grateful

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10. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1) Great Beginning
2) Important Event
3) Struggle for Survival
4) Ancient Wonder

5) Agriculture Success
6) Tourist Boom
7) Living Longer
8) Practical Invention

A. Computers have already revolutionized the way we live and work. But it is early days for computers. We do not know how much they are still changing the world. Already, Internet users can buy things and study holiday offers. It’s much easier to edit and print documents using a PC. More computer wonders are yet to come.

B. Only a few years before men were walking on the moon, reputable scientists declared that it was impossible. But in 1969 Neil Armstrong stepped out of his space capsule and made his famous statement, ‘That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.’ However, progress in this area is slower now. Not as much money goes into re- search as in the 1960s.

C. Surely nothing has done more for the comfort and happiness of mankind than the advance of medical knowledge! Lots of people have benefited from aspirin and lots of lives have been saved by penicillin. Surgeons can perform the most amazing operations. Average life expectancy in Europe has risen dramatically over the last hundred years.

D. In the past, a holiday used to mean simply a day when you did not work. Now millions of holidaymakers travel to all parts of the world. Perhaps, not all people like to see lots of tourists in their countries, but we must admit that a phenomenon which sees the population of Greece treble is a wonder of the world.

E. It is true that the Olympic Games are now commercialized and there is greed and drug abuse. However, it is a competition in which every country of the world takes part. Every four years, for a brief moment, we see these countries come together in peace and friendship. We see people from warring countries shake hands. We feel hope again for the future of mankind.

F. In 1724, Jonathan Swift wrote, ‘Whoever makes two blades of grass or two ears of corn grow where only one grew before serves mankind better than the whole race of politicians’. In Europe farmers have done it and we produce enough food to feed the world.

If only politicians could find a way to share it with those parts of the world where there is still famine.

G. The greatest wonder of the modern world is simply that we are still here. We have bombs that could destroy the world but we try our best not to use them. Because of people’s effort no government dares to use such weapons. The year 2001 marked the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize, the most famous attempt to raise awareness of the issues of war and peace.

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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11. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it is claimed, presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situations and features ordinary people rather than professional actors. It could be described A_____________. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, B_____________.

Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows to surveillance-focused productions such as Big Brother. Critics say that the term ‘reality television’ is somewhat of a misnomer C_____________. The participants of these shows are often put in exotic locations or abnormal situations and are sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, whereas the events on screen are manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.

Part of reality television’s appeal is D_____________. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, mainly in talent and performance programmes such as Pop Idol, E_____________.

Some commentators have said that the name ‘reality television’ is an inaccurate description for several styles of programme included in the genre. In competition-based programmes such as Big Brother and The Real World, producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, F_____________. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts.

1) that is rather popular with teenagers
2) because such shows frequently portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality
3) the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000
4) though frequently Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity
5) creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out
6) as a form of artificial documentary
7) due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

It’s best to be here early, especially on Saturdays. The rising pitch of the kettle is whistle joined with the faint hiss from the little blue camping stove. Twenty years old, that stove, found the receipt in a drawer just the other day — a bargain at four pounds fifty — but it always pays to hang onto the receipts. It’s Saturday today. By eight-thirty the staff have all arrived, I can’t hear them directly, but the soft, distant voices of the lifts rising and falling give them away.

Of course there is routine that measures time doesn’t it? Even the period before Christmas and during the sales that follow, routine is still there, although the time stretches and contracts as the public ebb and flow through the building like an unpredictable tide — routine will still be there, disguised, beneath the surface, an undertow. As the management ritually pull out their hair, thicken their arteries, bark at their coworkers and re-prioritise their priorities — behind it all routine will be waiting. Everyone here is a slave to it … even if they move on, get married, die … there will always be others to master, to enslave. I too am a slave to routine … but I don’t mind.

I look at the long white envelope with my name printed neatly in the centre, its edges slightly curled as though to fend off the surrounding army of clutter on the desk. An intruder. A foreign object.

I go down the stairs and open the main doors. Can’t keep the public waiting. Today is much like any other day. In amongst the structure of routine women drift like ghosts amid the lingerie, touching here, feeling there while husbands linger on the periphery of their erratic orbits, faces masked with bored indifference; in the homeware section, tweed-skirted ladies lift the lids on teapots; sniff, like careful poodles at bowls of Pot Porri, turn everything upside down to check the price and replace it quickly at the approach of an eager assistant. The sun streams through the plate glass windows in great broad beams, igniting every chrome fitting, while tired and wayward children are narrowly missed by my trolley’s wheels.

At 11 o’clock I go to the meeting with Mr. Radcliffe, the manager. He is a fat man, and the smallest motion on his part induces him to break into a sweat. He sits across the desk from me with the air of a man who has never dared to look a day in the eye. He speaks quickly and a little pompously, his eyes drifting toward the clock on the wall more often than my face. He says his words carefully, as though trying to pull each one down with the gravity of his tone. He endeavours to grant some words such as ‘free time’, ‘benefit package’, ‘pension fund’, ‘hobbies’ and ‘exemplary service’ an even greater weight of importance, but succeeds only in sweating some more as he glances to the clock.

In the staff canteen at lunchtime I see Mr. Radcliffe again as he orders a main course and two sweets, but this is not an unusual occurrence as far as I am aware. I don’t often come here, preferring to eat in my room upstairs, where I can read uninterrupted. But today I choose the canteen, although even here I am isolated to an island table set for six that’s fine. Iam not so naive to be unaware that I have a certain reputation here — a kind of gruff aloofness. I don’t actually believe this is part of my nature … or at least it never used to be. I like to be my own man, that’s all. I’ve little time for idle gossip. Years ago, when the new, young starters would arrive in June or July, I was more sociable. They would plague me for tips on the horses, or pop up to my ‘office’ for a skive or a cup of tea. But it all got a little out of hand. I no longer had any peace. So I became a little testy with them, and my annoyance soon became more organised. I became unpredictable and aggressive, this became a bit of a game, then a habit, and in the end … finally … me.

It’s dusk now and the store is quiet again. The kettle rocks gently on the metal frame of the stove. I glance around my room; the rows of books and piles of magazines, the ancient portable television, the radio. I have very few real possessions. What, really, does one man need? I’ve brought the things little by little from the flat. Now I think I have all that is required. I suppose, on occasion, they have suspected I stay here through the night, but that doesn’t bother me. It was a relief to let the flat go completely, I never felt at home there.

I have taken the retirement letter from its envelope and dropped it onto the worn lino. Now it lies there like a broken kite. I will sit here; wait until the mice come out from their hidden places to nibble at its corners and eat its words.

(Adapted from ‘Harry’s World’ by Steve Atkinson)

12. The narrator’s stove

1. cost less than its usual price.2. was rather expensive.3. was bought in the second-hand shop.4. was bought twelve years ago.

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13. According to the narrator,

1. there are things that people do regularly.2. there is always a sale in the shop before Christmas.3. he hates the routine.4. the working hours of the store are always the same.

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14. While shopping

1. ladies examine carefully all the goods.2. husbands show real interest in what their wives are buying.3. shop assistants don’t want to help customers.4. children are easy to control because they are tired.

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15. Mr Radcliffe

1. speaks quietly.2. wants to show his importance.3. always wears a sweater.4. is a tall slim man.

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16. The narrator usually

1. prefers to read during his lunchtime.2. doesn’t have lunch at all.3. has lunch with the management.4. chooses the staff canteen to have lunch.

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17. The narrator has a reputation of

1. a person who tests people.2. a person who enjoys gossiping.3. a friendly and sociable person.4. an unfriendly person not wishing to talk to people.

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18. The narrator lives in his office because

1. he doesn’t like his flat.2. he has very few real possessions.3. he doesn’t bother to go home.4. it is very comfortable.

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Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст, предложения которого распределены по заданиям 19-25. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

19. The Bald Eagle

In 1782, soon after the United States won its independence, the bald eagle ______________ (CHOOSE) as the national bird of the new country. Americanleaders wanted the eagle to be a symbol of their country because it is one of the strongest birds.

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20. Today the bald eagle almost ____________(DISAPPEAR) from the country.

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Верный ответ: Hasdisappeared

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21. In 1972 there ____________(BE) only 3,000 bald eagles in the entire United States.

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22. The reason for the bird’s ____________(DECREASE) population was pollution of rivers by pesticides.

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23. Pesticides poison the fish. Eagles eat these fish and then the eggs eagles lay have very thin shells and ____________(NOT HATCH).

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24. Today, the American government an the American people ____________(TRY) to protect the bald eagle.

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25. We are sure that the American national bird ____________(REMAIN) a symbol of strength and courage for many years to come.

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Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст, распределенный по заданиям 26-31. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

26. How to Choose Your Career

Selecting a career can be one of the most difficult ____________(DECIDE) in your life.

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27. To choose the right career, you will have to find the balance between ____________(FINANCE) gain and personal fulfillment.

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28. Before you can make a career choice, you will also have to learn about yourself. Your values, interests and skills will make some careers suitable for you and some particularly ____________(APPROPRIATE).

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Верный ответ: Inappropriate

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29. You can use self-assessment tests to gather this information and to generate a list of ____________(OCCUPY) that are considered appropriate.

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Верный ответ: Occupations

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30. A test like this could help you to narrow down your choice and ____________(POSSIBLE) point you in the right direction.

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31. Even though it is important to choose a career early on, many people have switched careers late in the game and still became enormously ____________(SUCCESS). Think it over and take a chance.

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Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов вместе с предложениями из текста ниже.

How Does Wind Power Really Work?

Wind power is going to be essential to our planet in the near future. But do you really know how wind power works? It looks easy but there are several components involved 32___________ generating wind power. This type of power can not only save us a good 33___________ of money on our utility bills, but it will also play an important role in saving our planet.

For many of us, wind just looks invisible and does not actually have any properties but in 34___________, air is a fluid that contains particles constructed of gas. We can turn these gas particles into power because as the wind gusts, kinetic energy is created, which then can be harnessed and changed over into power.

Having access to wind is very essential for this operation to work but another indispensable ingredient is the blades that are used. Their design is very 35___________ to the effectiveness of the turbine. The other important component is simply the size of the blade. The bigger the blade is, the more energy is seized and more power can be created for us in the form of electricity.

Much also depends 36___________ where you live to figure out the right blade size. In regions with low wind levels, small blades work better because more wind is required to push the larger turbine blades. In an area that is very windy, it is much better to use large blades in 37___________ to use all of the wind available.

This gives you the fundamental principles of how electricity is produced from the wind. Today is a fantastic time to do as much 38___________ as you can about wind power so you will be able to make educated decisions in the future.

32. Выберите пропущенное слово

It looks easy but there are several components involved 32___________ generating wind power.

1. in2. at3. from 4. by

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33. Выберите пропущенное слово

This type of power can not only save us a good 33___________ of money on our utility bills, but it will also play an important role in saving our planet.

1. quantity2. number3. lot 4. deal

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34. Выберите пропущенное слово

For many of us, wind just looks invisible and does not actually have any properties but in 34___________, air is a fluid that contains particles constructed of gas.

1. realism 2. reality3. real terms4. real life

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35. Выберите пропущенное слово

Their design is very 35___________ to the effectiveness of the turbine. The other important component is simply the size of the blade.

1. critical 2. precious3. significant4. valuable

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36. Выберите пропущенное слово

Much also depends 36___________ where you live to figure out the right blade size. In regions with low wind levels, small blades work better because more wind is required to push the larger turbine blades.

1. about 2. from3. by4. on

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37. Выберите пропущенное слово

In an area that is very windy, it is much better to use large blades in 37___________ to use all of the wind available.

1. order 2. attempt3. favour4. effect

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38. Выберите пропущенное слово

Today is a fantastic time to do as much 38___________ as you can about wind power so you will be able to make educated decisions in the future.

1. investigation2. discovery3. search 4. research

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Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Запишите сначала номер задания (39, 40), а затем ответ на него.

39. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend David who writes:

…At school we are doing projects on teenagers in different countries. What is your idea of a typical Russian teenager? You will help me a lot if you tell me about Russian teenagers. What do they enjoy? What are their most popular leisure activities?

Anyway, the weather is fine today and I’m going to try my new skateboard…

Write a letter to David.
In your letter

— tell him about Russian teenagers

— ask 3 questions about his his leisure activities

Write 100 — 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

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40. Comment on the following statement.

Travel broadens the mind.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200 — 250 words.
Use the following plan:

— make an introduction (state the problem paraphrasing the given statement)

— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

— make a conclusion restating your position

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Тест ЕГЭ-2011 по английскому языку.

Демонстрационный вариант (III).

(Ответы в конце теста)

1. ЧТЕНИЕ (30 МИНУТ). Задания В2, В3, А15-А21.

В2. Прочитайте тексты.

1. It’s strange that the differences in Britain itself are greater than those between Britain and other English-speaking countries. For a Londoner, it’s easier to understand an American than a Cockney. Cockney has a pronunciation, accent and vocabulary unlike any other dialect. Cockney speech is famous for its rhyming slang. A word is replaced by a phrase or a person’s name which rhymes with it.

2. Other languages absorb English words too, often giving them new forms and meanings. So many Japanese, French, Spanish and Germans mix English words with their mother tongues that the resulting hybrids are called Japlish, Franglais, Spanglish and Denglish, In Japanese, for example, there is a verb Makudonaru, to eat at McDonald’s.

3. Have you ever wondered why the English language has different words for animals and meat? When William the Conqueror invaded England in 1066, French became the official language of the court. The English would look after the animals and cook the meat, still calling the animals pig, sheep and cow. The Normans, when they saw the cooked meat arrive at their table, would use French words – pork, mutton and beef.

4. English is mixing with other languages around the world. It’s probably the biggest borrower. Words newly coined or in vogue in one language are very often added to English as well. There are words from 120 languages in its vocabulary, including Arabic, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Turkish. 70 per cent of the English vocabulary are loan words and only 30 per cent of the words are native.

5. Have you ever wondered how many people speak English? It’s around 400 million people. Geographically, English is the most wide-spread language on earth, and it’s second only to Chinese in the number of people who speak it. It’s spoken in the British Isles, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and much of Canada and South Africa. English is also a second language of another 300 million people living in more than 60 countries.

6.  In Shakespeare’s time only a few million people spoke English. All of them lived in what is now Great Britain. Through the centuries, as a result of various historical events, English spread throughout the world. There were only 30,000 words in Old English. Modern English has the largest vocabulary in the world – more than 600,000 words.

7. In the English language blackboards can be green or white, and blackberries are green and then red before they are ripe. There is no egg in eggplant, neither mush nor room in mushroom, neither pine nor apple in pineapple, no ham in hamburger. Why is it that a king rules a kingdom but a queen doesn’t rule a queendom? If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn’t the plural of booth be beeth? And in what other language can your nose run?

Установите соответствие между заголовками A – Н и текстами 1 – 7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.









B3. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1 – 6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A – G. Одна из частей в списке А – G лишняя.


Australia was the last great landmass to be discovered by the Europeans. The continent they eventually discovered had already been inhabited for tens of thousands of years.

Australia is an island continent 1_______________________ is the result of gradual changes wrought over millions of years.

2_______________________, Australia is one of the most stable land masses, and for about 100 million years has been free of the forces that have given rise to huge mountain ranges elsewhere.

From the east coast a narrow, fertile strip merges into the greatly eroded Great Dividing Range, 3_______________________.

The mountains are merely reminders of the mighty range, 4 _______________________.  Only in the section straddling the New South Wales border with Victoria and in Tasmania, are they high enough to have winter snow.

West of the range of the country becomes increasingly flat and dry. The endless flatness is broken only by salt lakes, occasional mysterious protuberances and some mountains 5_______________________. In places the scant vegetation is sufficient to allow some grazing. However, much of the Australian outback is a barren land of harsh stone deserts and dry lakes.

The extreme north of Australia, the Top End, is a tropical area within the monsoon belt. 6_______________________, it comes in more or less one short, sharp burst. This has prevented the Top End from becoming seriously productive area.

A) that once stood here

B) that is almost continent long

C) whose property is situated to the north of Tasmania

D) whose landscape — much of bleak and inhospitable —

E) whose beauty reminds of the MacDonald Ranges

F) Although its annual rainfall looks adequate on paper

G) Although there is still seismic activity in the eastern highland area

Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания А15 – А21, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. 

The Courtship of Susan Bell

Mrs. Bell invited Aaron Houston, a famous British artist, to paint her younger daughter’s portrait. Aaron wanted to make a few drawings before he started a portrait. On the Thursday evening the drawing was finished. Not a word had been said because the girls were shy to speak in Aaron’s presence and he had gone on working in silence. “There,” said he, “I don’t think that it will be any better if I go on for another hour. I hope you will like it. There, Miss Susan”, and he sent it across the table with his fingers.

Susan’s face got red, she was embarrassed. She took the drawing and said, “Oh, it’s beautiful”. The superb originality of the drawing captivated her. A young girl was represented sitting at a table in a room filled with fresh air and the soft light of a summer day. The greenery of an old overgrown garden could be seen through the window. In front of her on the white tablecloth there was her book.  The eyes of the girl looked out at you, dark grey, mysterious, sad, languorous, yet strangely intent. What was the girl thinking about? Who was the girl thinking about? The drawing was more than a portrait. It fact, the artist tackled a far bigger job than that of reproducing a definite person in portraiture and in performing which he imparted another and bigger content.

Susan’s face revealed her feelings. She turned to her mother and said, “Isn’t it beautifully done, mother?” and then her elder sister and her mother got up to look at it, and both admitted that it was beautifully done but Susan felt there was doubt in her mother’s voice.

“We thank you very much,” said Susan after a long pause.

“Oh, it’s nothing”, said he, not quite liking the word “we”.

On the following day he returned from his work to Saratoga about noon. He had never done this before, and therefore no one expected that he would be seen in the house before the evening. On this occasion, however, he went straight there, and by chance both the widow and her elder daughter were out. Susan was there alone in charge of the house.

He walked in and opened the sitting-room door. There she sat, with her knitting and a book forgotten on the table behind her, and Aaron’s drawing, on her lap. She was looking at it closely as he entered.
“Oh, Mr. Dunn,” she said, getting up and holding the picture behind her dress.

“Miss Susan, I have come here to tell your mother that I must start for New York this afternoon and be there for six weeks, or perhaps, longer.”

“Mother is out,” she said. “I am sorry.”

“Is she?” said Aaron.

“And Hetta too. Dear me! And you will want dinner. I’ll go and see about it.”

Aaron began to swear that he could not possibly eat any dinner.

“But you must have something, Mr. Dunn“ she said.

“Miss Susan,” said he, “I’ve been here nearly two months.”

“Yes, sir,” Susan said, hardly knowing what she was saying.

“I’m going away now, and it seems to be such a long time before I’ll come back.” And then he paused, looking into her eyes, to see what he could read there. She leant against the table; but her eyes were turned to the ground, and he could hardly see them.

“Will you help me?” he said. She was keeping silent. “Miss Susan,” he continued, “I am not very good at saying things like this, but will you marry me? I love you dearly with all my heart. I never saw anyone so beautiful, so nice, so good.” And then he stopped. He didn’t ask for any love in return. He simply declared his feelings, leaning against the door. Susan remained silent. Aaron ran out of the room.

A15. The girls kept silent because they.

1) didn’t like to speak to Aaron.

2) didn’t know what to say to Aaron.

3) were afraid to speak in their mother’s presence.

4) were too modest to speak in the guest’s presence

A16. It was a remarkable drawing as it managed to reflect

1) some philosophical idea.

2) The light of a summer day.

3) The peculiarity of the environment.

4) all the nuances of the girl’s facial expression.

A17. When Susan’s mother saw the drawing, she

1) remained indifferent.

2) showed her disapproval.

3) she wasn’t sure how to react.

4) shared her daughter’s admiration.

A18. The phrase “not quite liking the word “we” means that the painter

1) wanted Susan’s sister to admire his work.

2) wanted the mother to thank him personally.

3) expected all the present ladies to say something.

4) was mainly concerned about the girl’s approval.

А19. What was unusual about Aaron’s visit on the following day? He came

1) later than usual.

2) earlier than usual.

3) straight from Saragota.

4) without prior arrangement.

А20. Susan was alone at home

1) by pure chance.

2) because Aaron had arranged it.

3) regularly at this time of the day.

4) because she expected Aaron to come.

А21. When Aaron asked Susan to marry him he

1) was sure that she loved him.

2) just wanted to open his heart to her.

3) wanted to make sure that she loved him.

4) expected her to go with him to New York.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце предложений, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4 – B10.

Balloon Fiesta


If you love stories by Jules Verne and have always dreamt of going for a ride in a hot air balloon, England is the country for you. Every August England celebrates the __________________ hot air balloon festival in Europe



The festival  __________________place in Bristol, a world centre for ballooning and is called the Bristol Balloon Fiesta. People enjoy both watching and riding balloons.



The festival__________________ 30 years ago and has an amazing history.



B7 It __________________ in 1978 when Don Cameron decided to create an event that would help balloonists from all over the world to get together. It was a great idea.



On the 7th of September a small group of balloonists got together to celebrate the __________________ Bristol Balloon Fiesta.



This year the Balloon Fiesta has celebrated its 30th anniversary. The show__________________  for 4 days, started on the 7th of August.



Alongside traditional round shape balloons there __________________ also so called “special shapes” which are balloons in the form of different objects and characters such as cartoon characters and cars.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце предложений, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11 – В16. 



The main emergency telephone number in Britain is 999. The number 999 was chosen because, on the old dial phones, it was considered to be the easiest to dial in __________________ or smoke.



The number 999 calls the fire brigade, the police, the ambulance service, a coastguard rescue service or a mountain rescue party. The first three services are the most  __________________used.



The procedure is to dial the emergency number (the call is free), to tell the  __________________which service is needed and to give the address or location where help is needed.



Where a specialized service is required, the call for help is often made to a branch of a voluntary  __________________ or charity.



Their numbers are listed separately in the local telephone directory and include such bodies as Alcoholics Anonymous, the Society for the prevention of ______________  to children, etc.



Children who feel that they are in danger from adults can now call the fund Childline, using the number 0800 1111. This fund offers advice and __________________in such cases and operates on a regional basis.


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22 – А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям A22 – A28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Укажите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. 

Kent 1926

Uncle Will arrived at Kent at 5 p.m.  ”What’s wrong with your father, Bess? Will asked after A22______ her with an affectionate embrace. Bess was his favorite niece and he came as quickly as he could after her call. She sounded desperate. Stepping back, Will peered into her face. It was pale and filled with  A23______.

“What happened?” Uncle Will placed his hand on Bessy’s.

“Pa took my brothers fishing at Ravenscar last weekend and A24______ a cold then. It was chilly out on the North Sea, and very windy, and it poured with rain, they got drenched. His cold A25______  into bronchitis, as it often does with him. I think it’s a family weakness, a weak chest, I mean.  His face is white and he is feverish. I have never seen Pa look as ill as this. That’s why I telephoned you.”
“I am glad you did, and I’m certainly glad I decided to come down to Kent last night”.

As they walked across the entrance foyer of Waverley Court, heading toward the staircase, Bess went A26______, “I think you know that my mother went to Rome for Easter. Her former college mate invited her. She took Cecily and the two boys with her. The boys were so happy. I didn’t want to go with them, and now I’m relieved I stayed here, so that I can look A27______ my father”.

”I’m assuming you’ve telephoned the doctor?”

“Yes, he will be here very soon. It’s Dr. Earnest Lessing. He is the local doctor we use when we are residing in Kent. Meanwhile Faxton and I have been A28______ Father the best we can. He’s been inhaling Frier’s Balsam and taking his cough mixture. I do think that’s helped.” At this moment the door opened and Dr. Lessing came in.


1) meeting

2) greeting

3) keeping

4) holding


1) depression

2) stress

3) trouble

4) worry


1) caught

2) had

3) received

4) appeared


1) turned

2) seemed

3) appeared

4) was


1) out

2) up

3) on

4) off


1) up

2) for

3) after

4) at


1) curing

2) treating

3) inhaling

4) prescribing


Раздел 1

Раздел 2


1H, 2E, 3F, 4C, 5A, 6B, 7G




1D, 2G, 3B, 4A, 5E, 6F






was founded
















































Раздел 1. Аудирование 

Слушать аудио


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1—6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A—G. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу
  • I prefer watching films at the cinema.
  • I’m not keen on films with special effects.
  • I have seen several very good films recently.
  • I usually trust my friends’ opinions of films.
  • Watching films at home seems more fun to me.
  • I am not influenced by film reviews in newspapers.
  • Cinemas are too expensive for me these days.
Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6
Вы услышите беседу журналиста с представителем общественности. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1-А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Обведите 1 номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды


The Friends of Fisher Park is a group of 25 children.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


The local council is planning to build some flats where the park is now.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


The man thinks local children need a place to play.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


The group has just sent a letter to every councillor.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


There are council elections every two years.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


The man has decided that he wants to be on the local council.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


The council will make its decision about the park next month.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Вы услышите высказывания людей в семи различных ситуациях. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию высказываний, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа. В заданиях А8-А14 обведите цифру 1,2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды


You will hear a news report about a fire. What was its probable cause?

  1. a person
  2. lightning
  3. faulty electrical wiring


You will hear a politician talking about her career. When did she become interested in politics?

  1. at school
  2. at university
  3. at work


You will hear a man talking about his house. What is he going to build next?

  1. an extension to the living room
  2. a swimming pool
  3. a garage


You will hear a nurse talking to a patient. What does he want the patient to do?

  1. get out of bed
  2. eat her lunch
  3. take her tablets


You will hear a woman talking about a lot of money. How did she get it?

  1. She won the national lottery.
  2. She entered a competition in a magazine.
  3. She inherited it from a relative.


You will hear a singer talking about his next album. What inspired him to write the songs on the album?

  1. his success
  2. a relationship
  3. his recent tour


You will hear a woman talking about moving to another country. What did she find difficult?

  1. getting a job
  2. learning the language
  3. meeting new people
A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14

По окончании выполнения заданий В1 и А1-А14 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1

ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания Bl, A1-A14 располагаются в разных частях бланка. В1 расположено в нижней части бланка. При переносе ответов I в задании В1 буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Раздел 2. Чтение 


Установите соответствие между заголовками А-Н и текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний

1. In Britain, most families are ‘nuclear families’. This means that the family consists of the parents and children. Of course, there are uncles and aunts and grandparents too, but they do not have much to do with raising the children and often live a long way away. In many other countries, the extended family’ is more common. With the extended family, uncles, aunts and grandparents live much closer to the parents and children — sometimes even in the same building — and everyone in the family has a much closer relationship.

2. Most teenagers say at some point: ‘When I’m a parent, I’m going to give my children much more freedom than I have now.’ When they do actually become parents however, they soon realise that giving a child or teenager lots of freedom is not always the best thing to do. Many parents end up hearing their children saying to them exactly the same things they said to their parents when they were young.

3. What does bringing up a child involve? Giving a child love and making a child feel safe in their environment are extremely important. So is providing food and warmth. Parents also have a duty to teach their children the difference between right and wrong, and to make sure their children get a good education. Some parents believe that their role is also to teach children about the importance of things such as family, religion and society.

4. The English phrases ‘a chip off the old block’ and like father, like son’ (or ‘like mother, like daughter’) are used to show the similarities between a parent and their child. These might be similarities in terms of appearance, behaviour or interests. For example, if a dad loves watching cricket and his son Eric becomes interested in cricket too, you might say, ‘Eric’s a chip off the old block, isn’t he?’

5. ‘Latchkey kids’ are a major problem in many countries, including Britain and the USA. These are children whose parents are still at work when they come home from school, so there is no one at home to look after them. Their parents aren’t there to help them with their homework, and some of them spend hours on their own before their parents return.

6. The idea of’quality time’ is based on an understanding that the amount of time a parent spends with their child is not the only important thing. What is also important is what they do together during that time. Ten minutes of discussing problems that a teenager is facing may be much more valuable than two hours of watching a movie together in silence.

7. Families work well when things are going well, but the real test of a family comes at times of stress. Perhaps Mum has been working too hard, or perhaps young Amy is taking exams at school. These are times when all families can find themselves fighting instead of helping each other. When a family is going through a crisis like this, it can often help to talk to someone outside the family. It could either be an expert, such as a family counsellor, or a trusted family friend.


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1—6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A-G. Одна из частей в списке A-G — лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу

The Eden Project, near St Austell in Cornwall, is not just one of the area’s major tourist attractions. Over a million people visit the Eden Project each year. It is now one of the most popular attractions in the whole of the UK, 1 ___.

Tim Smit was the person responsible for turning the Eden Project from a dream into a reality. Built on the site of an old china clay quarry, the Eden Project currently consists of two ‘biomes’ and a Visitor Centre, 2 ___.

Each biome is an enormous greenhouse. And they are enormous! The Humid Tropics biome, which contains plants and trees from tropical countries, is 100 metres wide, 200 metres long and 55 metres high. The second biome, which is called the Warm Temperate biome, is slightly smaller. Visitors walk through the biomes 3 ___.

The biomes also contain sculptures, waterfalls and birds and insects from the same environments that the plants come from. Information is given about each plant 4 ___.

The latest addition to the Eden Project is the Core. This building contains classrooms and exhibition spaces where visitors learn more about the environment. The design of the building matches the philosophy of the Eden Project, 5 ___.

The Eden Project has appeared in films and is used as a venue for other forms of entertainment, 6 ___

  • despite being fairly new
  • using shapes from nature
  • including concerts and plays
  • whereas there are no plans for other biomes
  • so visitors understand the display
  • which includes a cafe and gift shops
  • looking at the thousands of plants and trees
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15-А21, обводя цифру 1,2, 3 или 4, 1 соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа

Damian would never have called himself a bully. A victim of bullying himself on occasion, if he’d thought for one second that he was bullying his classmates, he would have been devastated. The idea that he bullied his friends had never even entered his head. But now he was having to face up to the fact that perhaps in certain ways he was a bully.

It had all started in the mid-morning break, when Damian and a couple of his friends were discussing what to do about Frank Rice. Frank Rice was a bully and the whole school knew it. The question was, should they tell a member of staff the next time Frank picked on one of them? Damian thought they should. Chris and Will thought that they shouldn’t. As they were arguing, Damian said: ‘We’ve got to do something. He’s making people’s lives a misery. It can’t go on like this.’ There was silence when Chris replied: ‘Well, he’s not the only one, you know. You should take a look in the mirror, Damian, before accusing other people. You’re not perfect, you know.’

Damian was so shocked, he didn’t know how to reply. He didn’t know where to begin. Finally, he managed to ask: ‘What on earth do you mean? You’re not suggesting I’m a bully, are you? How am I like Frank Rice?’

Will explained. ‘No, you’re not like Frank Rice at all. Chris didn’t mean that. You don’t hit people, you don’t want to be horrible and nasty. You’re usually just trying to be funny, but sometimes the things you say do hurt people. Quite often, in fact.»Give me an example,’ said Damian.

‘Well, take yesterday, for example,’ said Will, ‘when we were in the changing room after football. You kept saying how Chris was such a terrible goalie, you seriously wondered if he’d been bribed by the other team.’

T was only joking!’ protested Damian. ‘You know that, Chris, don’t you? I was only teasing.’

«That’s exactly the point,’ said Will. ‘You were teasing Chris. And you do that a lot. It’s not very nice, you know. I could see that Chris was upset, even if you didn’t notice.’

‘Were you, Chris?’

‘Well, I can’t say I enjoyed it, to be honest. And Will’s right. You do seem to do it a lot.’

The bell rang, and they went off to class. Damian found it hard to concentrate for the rest of the morning. The conversation he’d had with Will and Chris kept coming back to haunt him. Was he a bully? If he was, he certainly didn’t mean to be. But there was no escaping the fact that two very good friends of his thought that his comments often hurt them.

At lunch, Damian, as usual, sat next to Chris and Will. ‘Guys, I’ve been thinking about what we were talking about earlier and I think you’re right. I just want to say that I’m really, really sorry. You’re my best friends, and I’d never do anything to hurt you on purpose. I can see that I do sometimes say things that would upset you, and I’m going to make a real effort not to do that from now on. Still friends?’

‘Of course we are, Damian,’ said Chris.’But thanks’ ‘No problem,’ said Will.

In the changing room that afternoon after football practice, Damian, Chris and Will were discussing the game. Will had fallen over the ball at one point, and Damian was just about to make a joke about it when he stopped himself. Am I allowed to say something like that?’ he thought to himself. ‘We are friends. We’ve got to be able to joke with each other. Or is it too nasty?’ Damian decided not to say anything on this occasion, but he began to realise that keeping his promise to Chris and Will would not be as easy as he’d thought.


From the first paragraph we learn that Damian has

  1. sometimes been bullied by other people.
  2. never thought about bullying before.
  3. briefly considered bullying his classmates.
  4. only been bullied once in his life.


The boys disagree about whether

  1. Frank will bully them again in the future.
  2. they should have told a teacher about Frank.
  3. Frank is making people feel very miserable.
  4. to tell a teacher if Frank bullies them again.


When Chris tells Damian to ‘take a look in the mirror’, he means Damian should

  1. look at what Frank has done to him.
  2. take more care with his appearance.
  3. think about his own behaviour.
  4. remember that no one is perfect.


Will’s explanation to Damian suggests that Frank Rice

  1. never tries to make people laugh.
  2. sometimes uses physical violence.
  3. doesn’t want to be nasty either.
  4. only uses language to hurt people.


The example from the previous day that Will gives shows that

  1. Will thinks it is extremely funny when Damian teases Chris.
  2. Damian only teases Chris and never makes jokes about Will.
  3. Damian’s jokes about Chris and Will can sometimes be cruel.
  4. Chris gets more upset by Damian’s comments than Will does.


Damian finds it difficult to concentrate in class because he

  1. is angry his friends have accused him of being a bully.
  2. believes he will never be friends with Chris and Will again.
  3. is continually looked at by Will and Chris during the lessons.
  4. can’t stop thinking about what he’s been accused of.


In the changing room, Damian understands that

  1. it is difficult to balance making jokes with being nice.
  2. he has already broken his promise to Chris and Will.
  3. keeping his promise is the most important thing to him.
  4. stopping himself from saying nasty things will be impossible.
A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21

По окончании выполнения заданий В2, ВЗ и А15-А21 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1

ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания В2, ВЗ и А15-А21 располагаются в разных частях бланка.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика 

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В4-В10, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В4-В10

Alexander Fleming

Have you heard of penicillin? It’s a type of medicine that

В4 ___KILL___

bacteria. Bacteria can cause infections.

Many people

В5 ___DIE___

in the past because of them.

A doctor from Scotland called Alexander Fleming discovered antibiotics. Fleming

В6 ___STUDY___

medicine at St Mary’s Hospital in London.

During the First World War, he worked in a hospital in France,

В7 ___HELP___

the soldiers who had been hurt.

After the war, he

В8 ___MAKE___

an important discovery. He discovered a way to kill bacteria.

At the time, however, other doctors


how important Fleming’s discovery was. Because of this, he stopped doing his experiments.


В10 ___TAKE___

several years for scientists to realise that Fleming had found a way to save millions of lives.

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11-В16, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11-В16

Harry Houdini is said to be the greatest magician of all time.

He started doing his magic show professionally in the USA in 1891. In 1893, he met a fellow

B11 ___PERFORM___

called Bess Rahner. They married three weeks later and, for the rest of Houdini’s career, Bess worked as his

B12 ___ASSIST ___

on stage.

Houdini mainly concentrated on card tricks at the

В13 ___BEGIN___

of his career. It was his incredible escape acts, though, that brought him fame and great wealth.

In 1904, after a four-year

B14 ___EUROPE___

tour, Houdini returned to the States with cause for


. He had become a major star in the entertainment world and audiences couldn’t get enough of his

B16 ___DRAMA___

and exciting act. Houdini carried on thrilling audiences until his death in 1926, at the age of 52.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа

‘Jane, will you marry me?’

It was not the most romantic of settings. Graham and Jane were in the supermarket, and Jane was in the middle of pointing out to Graham that the supermarket’s own

A22 ___

of soup was exactly the same as the more famous, but more expensive, soup next to it.

‘don’t be silly, Graham,’ was Jane’s reply.

I’m not being silly. I’m deadly serious.’ To

A23 ___

it, Graham got down on one knee.

‘Graham, people are looking. Get up!’

‘Not until you give me an answer,’ said Graham, beginning to get annoyed.

‘All right. The answer’s no.’

Graham paused. ‘No?’ he finally said. ‘No? Why not? Give me one good

A24 ___

.’ He began to feel slightly uncomfortable — physically and emotionally.

‘I can’t believe we’re having this conversation here,’ said Jane. ‘Let’s just finish the shopping and go home.’ ‘I’m not going anywhere until you’ve explained to me why we shouldn’t get married. We love each other!’

‘Of course we do,’ said Jane,

A25 ___

if she was talking to a young child, ‘but that doesn’t mean we should get married, does it? You get married when you want to settle

A26 ___

and make a life together. I only met you three months ago. Ask me again in a year or two, if we’re still going

A27 ___


‘If… if,’ stammered Graham. ‘You think we might not be?’

‘Graham!’ said Jane. ‘You’re being ridiculous! Now, let’s not talk about it again.

A28 ___

me a packet of spaghetti, would you?’

Graham handed Jane the spaghetti. ‘So, you’ll think about it, then?’ he asked eventually. Jane rolled her eyes, let out a deep sigh, and pushed the trolley over to the breakfast cereals.


  1. product
  2. mark
  3. brand
  4. style


  1. present
  2. exhibit
  3. reveal
  4. prove


  1. thought
  2. sense
  3. reason
  4. cause


  1. as
  2. even
  3. what
  4. only


  1. down
  2. in
  3. up
  4. on


  1. by
  2. off
  3. out
  4. with


  1. Deliver
  2. Pass
  3. Donate
  4. Forward
A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28

По окончании выполнения заданий В4-В16, А22-А28 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1

ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания В4-В16, А22-А28 располагаются в разных частях бланка. При переносе ответов в задании В4-В16 буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Раздел 4. Письмо 

Для ответов на задания Cl, С2 используйте БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 2. При выполнении заданий С1 и С2 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема текста. Тексты недостаточного объема, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объем — не оцениваются. При заполнении БЛАНКА ОТВЕТОВ № 2 вы указываете сначала номер задания Cl, C2, а потом пишите свой ответ. Если одной стороны бланка недостаточно, вы можете использовать другую сторону бланка


You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Rebecca, who writes:

My parents often get annoyed with me because I spend a lot of time on the phone talking to my friends. How can I explain to my parents that my friends are very important to me? How can I stay in touch with my friends if I don’t use the phone? What can I do about the situation? By the way, a new shopping centre has opened in our town!

Write a letter to Rebecca. In your letter:

  • answer her questions
  • ask 3 questions about the new shopping centre

Write 100—140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


You have 40 minutes to do this task. Comment on the following statement.

Technology is an important part of our lives. We use computers and other electronic equipment at work and in the home. However, some people believe we rely too much on machines, and that the more technology improves, the lazier and weaker humans will become.

What can you say for and against future technological developments?

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

  1. Make an introduction (state the problem).
  2. Express your personal opinion and give reasons for it.
  3. Give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it.
  4. Draw a conclusion.

Раздел 5. Говорение 

Вы получите карточку, на которой представлены два задания для устного ответа: СЗ — тематическое монологическое высказывание, С4 — диалог с целью обмена оценочной информацией. Окончание выполнения каждого задания определяет экзаменатор. Во время проведения этой части экзамена идет постоянная аудиозапись вашего ответа

Задания для экзаменуемого


Task 1 (3—3.5 minutes)

Give a 2-minute talk on your best friend.

Remember to say:
  • what your best friend looks like
  • why you like him/her
  • when and how you met
  • what you have in common with him/her

You have to talk for 1.5—2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he / she will ask you some questions.


Task 2 (3—4 minutes)

You are on holiday with a friend and it is your final day. You have time to see one more tourist attraction before leaving. You and your friend are discussing what to go and see. You can go:

  • to an art gallery
  • to a funfair
  • to a castle
  • to a beach

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your friend.

Remember to:
  • discuss all the options
  • be polite
  • take an active part in the conversation
  • come up with ideas
  • give good reasons
  • find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account
  • invite your friend to come up with suggestions
  • come to an agreement

Тексты к аудированию 


Speaker 1: I suppose I watch several films a week, whether that’s at the cinema, on TV or getting a DVD from the local video store. What have I seen in the past few days? The latest Star Wars movie. That was fantastic! The effects were brilliant! A comedy with Hugh Grant. He’s so funny. I just laughed and laughed. Oh, and a movie I’ve wanted to see for a long time, Cinema Paradiso. It was incredible. Really moving. I cried for the last hour!

Speaker 2: I’d much rather watch a romantic comedy, say, something with Hugh Grant in it, or a movie like Cinema Paradiso than a big-budget blockbuster like Star Wars or War of the Worlds. I mean, they just use computers to create the effects, don’t they? I’d much rather see a film with good acting and a good script than loads of explosions or computer-generated aliens.

Speaker 3: I love films. I can watch anything, really. doesn’t matter if it’s just full of special effects or it’s a really simple drama. I go to the cinema quite often, but I’d never decide to see a film on the basis of what it said in the paper. That’s just one person’s opinion, isn’t it? And reviewers look at films differently to the rest of us, anyway. No, if I like the sound of the title, or if I know any of the actors in it, I’ll probably risk it.

Speaker 4: Well, I do like going to the cinema, but it’s not as cheap as it used to be. If we take the kids, by the time we’ve bought some popcorn and had a drink, it’s about £50. That’s a lot of money for a couple of hours of some special effects. It’s a shame, though, because the kids really do enjoy seeing a film in the cinema. Makes it more of an event. It’s just not worth it financially, though.

Speaker 5: Well, we do watch quite a lot of movies at home. We watched the latest Star Wars film only the other night on DVD. Great effects, by the way. But the problem with watching films at home is that there’s too many distractions. People talk and the phone rings. That kind of thing. When you actually see a film on the big screen, you get so much more involved with what’s happening. It’s strange — there’s more people around you, but you can actually concentrate more.

Speaker 6: There are just so many films on these days that it’s not always easy to decide what you want to see. Reviews in magazines or online can be useful, but I usually want to ask people I know what they think of the films. They know what I like, and they usually have a good idea of whether I’d like a film or not. Sometimes they get it wrong, but not often.


Journalist: Hello, I’m looking for John Stapleton.

Man: That’s me.

Journalist: Oh, hi. My name’s Janice Short. I’m a reporter with the Pennington Evening News. I wonder if I could ask you a few questions.

Man: About the council’s plan to close the park?

Journalist: That’s right, yes.

Man: Fantastic. We need all the publicity we can get.

Journalist: So, who exactly is ‘we’?

Man: Well, we’re just a group of people who live round here, really. Most of us have kids. There’s about twenty-five of us, I’d say, who are actively involved. We’re calling ourselves the Friends of Fisher Park.

Journalist: And what exactly do you hope to achieve, Mr Stapleton?

Man: It’s very simple. We want to stop the council from destroying the park to build a block of flats.

Journalist: You do accept, though, that we really do need some new, cheap accommodation in the town centre?

Man: Oh yes. We do recognise there’s a problem, and that land is in short supply. But to destroy the only green area for miles around. Well, it’s a disgrace. Kids can’t play in the streets anymore, obviously. We’ve got to give them somewhere to be able to run around. The park’s been that place for over fifty years, and we won’t give it up without afight.

Journalist: Do you think you’ve got a chance of winning?

Man: I do, yes. The people are all on our side, you know.

We’ve got a letter which we’re going to send to every councillor next week. It’s got over two thousand signatures on it.

Journalist: But will the council listen to you?

Man: Well, it’s council elections in about six months. If they don’t, I think they’ll find that a lot of people don’t vote for them. They’re supposed to represent us, aren’t they? If they don’t, why should we vote for them?

Journalist: Are you considering standing for a council position in the next election, then?

Man: I haven’t made my mind up yet, to be honest. It’s a possibility, though.

Journalist: So, you’ve got the letter. What happens next?

Man: Well, the council meets on the 24th of this month to make a final decision. We’ll all be at the meeting, of course. And I hope lots of other people will be too. The more people we can get there, the more pressure there’ll be on the council to change its mind.

Journalist: Well, good luck. Thanks for your time.

Man: My pleasure!


Situation 1

Man: And in local news, police have announced today that initial reports that the fire at Johnson’s Hardware Store, on the Dagenham Road, was caused by a lightning strike were unfounded. Investigators have also ruled out faulty electrical wiring and police are now searching for a woman who was seen at the building just minutes before the fire started.

Situation 2

Woman: Well, I did an A level at school in politics and economics, and I actually did very well in the exam, but my heart really wasn’t in the subject at that point. It was when I was working as a reporter for a local newspaper that I finally decided to go into politics as a career, but I suppose my love for politics really began when I got involved with the Student Union while I was doing my law degree.

Situation 3

Man: You can just see the new extension to the living room over there through the trees. We’re going to decorate it next week, so hopefully it’ll be ready for Christmas, as will the garage, of course, which we’re starting work on next Monday. Where we’re standing right now will hopefully be an outdoor swimming pool before too long, but we’ll have to save up a bit first!

Situation 4

Man: Come on, Mrs Jacobs. You know what the doctor said. You have to take these pills as soon as you’ve had lunch. As you’re not going to finish your dessert, that means it’s time. Yes, you can get out of bed in a short while, but just pop these into your mouth first. With some juice, that’s right.

Situation 5

Woman: You hear about people winning millions in the lottery, don’t you? But you always think something like that will never happen to you. Well, it has to me! When my great aunt died a few years ago, she did leave me some money in her will, but it wasn’t much and it certainly wasn’t life-changing. With this, though, I can quit my job and live in luxury for the rest of my life. I’d like to thank all of you at People magazine. I’m just so glad I sent off the answers to those three questions you printed!

Situation 6

Man: Yeah, the new album comes out next week. It’s called Variations, and I think it’s quite different to my last album. A lot of the songs on that were to do with dealing with being successful, as lots of second albums are, I suppose. But while I was on tour recently I, er,fell in love, actually, and I think that’s what’s motivated me to write these twelve tracks.

Situation 7

Woman: Oh yes, I’ve been here a long time. Over ten years. When I first arrived, I couldn’t speak the language at all. Not a word! I picked it up relatively quickly, though. Well, I made a real effort to meet people, you see, and really tried not to speak to them in English. And as it took months and months for me to find work, I had a lot of time on my hands to get to grips with the language.

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника 


  1. How much free time do you have each week?
  2. What do you like doing in your free time?
  3. Do you spend more time with your family or friends?

Interlocutor card C3

Task 1 (3—3.5 minutes)

Let the student talk for 1.5—2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. What does your best friend look like?
  2. Why do you like him/her?
  3. When and how did you meet?
  4. What do you have in common with him/her?

All of these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following questions:

  1. Is it important to have a best friend? Why?
  2. Why do people sometimes argue with their friends?

Interlocutor card C4

Task 2 (3—4 minutes)

You and the student are discussing which tourist attraction to visit on the final day of your holiday together.

These are your ideas about each option:

art gallery
  • I’ve never been very interested in art, so I might get bored.
  • It wouldn’t really tell us anything about the local area.
  • It’s the final day of our holiday, so maybe we should do something outdoors.
  • It’s a great chance to see works that we might never see again.
  • We might be able to buy copies of some of the pictures to take home as souvenirs.
  • I’m rather tired.
  • It will probably be very crowded and noisy.
  • I find the rides at funfairs very frightening.
  • It would be an exciting way to spend the day.
  • It would be nice to be out in the open air.
  • We could take some great photos to show people when we get back home.
  • Castles are usually on top of hills and I don’t feel like doing so much walking.
  • We’ve already seen some castles on this holiday and I don’t really want to see another one.
  • We would probably learn a lot about the history of the local area.
  • There might be lots of places to explore.
  • We don’t have buildings like that at home, so we shouldn’t miss the chance.
  • The weather isn’t so good, and it might get worse.
  • We can lie on a beach any time.
  • We don’t want to get our things wet or full of sand if we’re travelling tomorrow.
  • It would be nice to go for a swim.
  • We haven’t been to the beach much on this holiday, and it might be fun.
  • We could go fishing.

Note: Make sure all the options have been discussed.

When discussing each option, first use the information that is contrary to what the student says. You may choose to make use of some ideas only.

Do not speak first all the time, but ask the student what he / she thinks about the options.

Invite the student to come up with his/her suggestions, especially if he / she readily agrees with the things you say.

If the student says all the time,’What do you think about it?’ without expressing his/her own opinion, say: ‘Sorry, I don’t know.’ or ‘I’m not sure. How do you feel about it?’

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her / his ability to:

  • initiate and maintain conversation:
    — explain the situation
    — come up with suggestions
    — give good reasons
    — find out the partner’s attitudes
    — invite the partner to come up with suggestions
    — agree or disagree with her / his partner’s opinion
  • reach an agreement by taking into account the partner’s attitudes.


Задание Ответы
B1 1C 2B 3F 4G 5A 6D
A1-7 A1:2 A2:1 A3:1 A4:2 A5:3 A6:2 A7:2
A8-14 A8:1 A9:2 A10:3 A11:3 A12:2 A13:2 A14:1
B2 1D 2F 3G 4B 5H 6E 7C
B3 1:A 2:F 3:G 4:E 5:B 6:C
A15-21 A15:1 A16:4 A17:3 A18:2 A19:3 A20:4 A21:1
B4-10 B4:kills B5:died / had died B6:studied B7:helping B8:made B9:did not / didn’t understand B10:took
B11-16 B11:performer B12:assistant B13:beginning B14:European B15:celebration B16:dramatic
A22-28 A22:3 A23:4 A24:3 A25:1 A26:1 A27:3 A28:2

(Copyright © 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd)


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Подождите немного. Документ загружается.


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A—F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1—7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А—G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A The Armoury is situated near the Kremlin.

B Originally the Kremlin was wooden.

C New walls and towers of red brick were built in the 15th century.

D The Trinity Gate leads to Red Square.

E The monument to Minin and Pozharsky is the oldest in Moscow.

F The monument to Alexander Pushkin is not far from the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky.

G You can watch ballets in the Maly Theatre.


Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите интервью с автором детективных романов. В заданиях 3—9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Which benefit of trees has not been mentioned by the speaker?
1) Protection from flooding.
2) Protection from the sun’s rays.
3) Protection from precipitation.
Ответ: .


The smell of pines in the forest is the result of trees releasing

1) oxygen.

2) carbon dioxide.

3) other gasses.

Ответ: .


Scientists want to study how
1) gasses are released by trees into the atmosphere.
2) organic compounds form tiny particles.
3) these particles influence the climate.
Ответ: .


Cloud droplets are unable to

1) absorb solar radiation.

2) reflect solar radiation.

3) scatter solar radiation.

Ответ: .


According to scientists, cloud droplets influence

1) the size of the cloud.

2) the colour of the cloud.

3) the movement of the cloud.

Ответ: .


The actual formation of the clouds is governed
1) only by the formation of cloud droplets.
2) primarily by the formation of cloud droplets.
3) by several different processes.
Ответ: .


A new way of addressing the problem of global warming is by reducing the amount of
1) greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.
2) the sun’s radiation getting through the atmosphere.
3) the sun’s radiation reflected by the clouds.
Ответ: .

Раздел 2. ЧТЕНИЕ


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Exotic Pets
2. Going Back in Time
3. Small Screen Addiction
4. Body Language

5. Massive Destruction
6. Buried Treasure
7. Reason for Extinction
8. Intelligent Enemies

A. The VLT (Very Large Telescope) is the world’s largest telescope and it is taking scientists further back to the Big Bang than they ever thought possible. In other words, the VLT is a kind of a time machine, giving astronomers detailed views of events that took place in the earliest days of the cosmos. One day, we will have a much clearer picture of how our planet was born.

B. The latest development in the debate amongst scientists about what killed the prehistoric dinosaurs is the suggestion that acid rain was the cause. Some geologists suggest that a large meteor hitting the earth at 65 kilometres per second would have led to strongly acidic rain falling all over the world. This idea is fascinating but it would mean the dinosaurs would all have died within a very short time.

C. In 1948, a British farmer discovered an interesting lump of metal while ploughing his field. At first he thought the metal bits were parts of an old bed. Then more ‘parts of old beds’ turned up and the farmer took them to the local museum. ‘But these bits are priceless!’ exclaimed the keeper of the museum. ‘They are Iron Age jewellery and coins!’ Over the next 40 years, more and more items were found in the same field.

D. Rats may have had a bit of a hard time over the years but these days lots of people are forgetting about guinea-pigs and hamsters and are buying rats instead. Domestic rats aren’t the same as the ones that run around rubbish bins — they’re actually quite cute. They are very intelligent and can be trained like dogs. They come in different colours and — a big bonus — they will eat anything!

E. In Western cultures, people look each other in the eye during a conversation to show interest and trust, but in many Asian countries, it’s rude to look people in the eye, especially a superior such as a teacher. One of the most basic and powerful signals is when a person crosses his or her arms across the chest. This can indicate that a person is putting up an unconscious barrier between themselves and others.

F. Earthquakes happen all the time in all parts of the world but we don’t notice most of them because they are small. However, big earthquakes are really dangerous. They can make buildings fall down, set off landslides and do other deadly things. The highest death toll caused by an earthquake was in China in 1556, when at least 830,000 people died.

G. According to scientists, Americans watch more TV on average than any other nationality. In fact, many people, particularly children, sit for 35 hours or more per week glued to the box. What’s wrong with watching all that TV? Studies have linked it to everything from obesity to aggression in children not to mention that it puts your mind into a sort of sedated state. Habitual television watching, over long periods of time, has been known to cause depression, and anger.


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1—7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

The Man Booker Prize for Fiction is awarded every year for the best original full-length novel written by a writer from the Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland. It aims to represent the greatest in contemporary literature and promotes the finest in fiction by rewarding the best book of the year. The prize was originally called the Booker-McConnell Prize, A ____________. However, it was better-known as simply the ‘Booker Prize’. In 2002, the Man Group became the sponsor and they chose the new name, keeping ‘Booker’.

Publishers can submit books for consideration for the prize, but the judges can also ask for books to be submitted B ____________. Firstly, the Advisory Committee gives advice if there have been any changes to the rules for the prize. Then it selects the people C ____________. The judging panel changes every year and usually a person is only a judge once.

Great efforts are made to ensure that the judging panel is balanced in terms of gender and professions within the industry. A writer, a critic, an editor and an academic are chosen along with a well-known person from wider society. However, when the panel of judges has been finalized, they are left to make their own decisions D ____________. The Man Booker judges include critics, writers and academics E ____________. The influence of the prize is so great that the winner will almost certainly see the considerable sales increase, in addition to the £50,000 F ____________. In 1992, a Booker Russian Novel Prize was introduced.

  1. without any further interference from the prize sponsor
  2. so as to maintain the consistent quality of the prize
  3. who will judge the books
  4. so as to sell them
  5. which was the name of the company that sponsored it
  6. that comes with the prize
  7. they think should be included

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12—18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

‘Have you written a letter to the Froplinsons?’ asked Egbert.

‘No,’ said Janetta, with a note of tired defiance in her voice; ‘I’ve written eleven letters today expressing surprise and gratitude for sundry unmerited gifts, but I haven’t written to the Froplinsons yet.’

‘Someone will have to do it,’ said Egbert.

‘I don’t dispute the necessity, but I don’t think that someone should be me,’ said Janetta. ‘I wouldn’t mind writing a letter of angry recrimination or heartless satire to some suitable recipient. In fact, I should rather enjoy it, but I’ve come to the end of my capacity for expressing servile amiability. Eleven letters today and nine yesterday, all couched in the same strain of ecstatic thankfulness: really, you can’t expect me to sit down to another. There is such a thing as writing oneself out.’

‘I’ve written nearly as many,’ said Egbert, ‘and I’ve had my usual business correspondence to get through, too. Besides, I don’t know what it was that the Froplinsons sent us.’ ‘A William the Conqueror calendar,’ said Janetta, ‘with a quotation of one of his great thoughts for every day in the year.’

‘Impossible,’ said Egbert; ‘he didn’t have three hundred and sixty-five thoughts in the whole of his life, or, if he did, he kept them to himself.’

‘Well, it was William Wordsworth, then,’ said Janetta; ‘I know William came into it somewhere.’

‘That sounds more probable,’ said Egbert; ‘well, let’s collaborate on this letter and get it done. I’ll dictate, and you can scribble it down. ‘Dear Mrs. Froplinson, thank you and your husband so much for the very pretty calendar you sent us. It was very good of you to think of us.’ ’

‘You can’t possibly say that,’ said Janetta, laying down her pen. ‘We sent them something on the twenty-second,’ said Janetta, ‘so they simply had to think of us. There was no getting away from it.’

‘What did we send them?’ asked Egbert gloomily.

‘Bridge-markers,’ said Janetta, ‘in a cardboard case, with some inanity about ‘digging for fortune with a royal spade’ emblazoned on the cover. The moment I saw it in the shop I said to myself ‘Froplinsons’ and to the attendant ‘How much?’ When he said ‘Ninepence,’ I gave him their address, jabbed our card in, paid tenpence or elevenpence to cover the postage, and thanked heaven. With less sincerity and infinitely more trouble they eventually thanked me.’

‘The Froplinsons don’t play bridge,’ said Egbert.

‘One is not supposed to notice social deformities of that sort,’ said Janetta; ‘it wouldn’t be polite. Besides, what trouble did they take to find out whether we read Wordsworth with gladness? For all they knew or cared we might be frantically embedded in the belief that all poetry begins and ends with John Masefield, and it might infuriate or depress us to have a daily sample of Wordsworthian products flung at us.’

‘Well, let’s get on with the letter,’ said Egbert. ‘How clever of you to guess that Wordsworth is our favourite poet.’

Again Janetta laid down her pen.

‘Do you realise what that means?’ she asked; ‘a Wordsworth booklet next Christmas, and another calendar the Christmas after, with the same problem of having to write suitable letters of thankfulness. No, the best thing to do is to drop all further allusion to the calendar and switch off on to some other topic.’

‘But what other topic?’

‘Oh, something like this: ‘What do you think of the New Year Honours List? A friend of ours made such a clever remark when he read it.’ Then you can stick in any remark that comes into your head; it needn’t be clever. The Froplinsons won’t know whether it is or isn’t.’

‘We don’t even know on which side they are in politics,’ objected Egbert; ‘and anyhow you can’t suddenly dismiss the subject of the calendar. Surely there must be some intelligent remark that can be made about it.’

‘Well, we can’t think of one,’ said Janetta wearily; ‘the fact is, we’ve both written ourselves out.’

There was a long silence, the forlorn silence of those who are bereft of hope and have almost ceased to care. Then Egbert started from his seat with an air of resolution. The light of battle was in his eyes.

‘Let me come to the writing-table,’ he exclaimed; ‘I’m going to write to the editor of every enlightened and influential newspaper in the Kingdom, I’m going to suggest that there should be a sort of epistolary Truce of God during the festivities of Christmas and New Year. From the twenty-fourth of December to the third or fourth of January it shall be considered an offence against good sense and good feeling to write or expect any letter or communication that does not deal with the necessary events of the moment. Answers to invitations, arrangements about trains, renewal of club subscriptions, and, of course, all the ordinary everyday affairs of business, sickness, engaging new cooks, and so forth, these will be dealt with in the usual manner as something inevitable. But all the devastating accretions of correspondence, incident to the festive season, these should be swept away to give the season a chance of being really festive.’

‘But you would have to make some acknowledgment of presents received,’ objected Janetta; ‘otherwise people would never know whether they had arrived safely.’

‘Of course, I have thought of that,’ said Egbert; ‘every present that was sent off would be accompanied by a ticket bearing the date of dispatch and the signature of the sender, and some conventional hieroglyphic to show that it was intended to be a Christmas or New Year gift; there would be a counterfoil with space for the recipient’s name and the date of arrival, and all you would have to do would be to sign and date the counterfoil, add a conventional hieroglyphic indicating heartfelt thanks and gratified surprise, put the thing into an envelope and post it.’

‘It sounds delightfully simple,’ said Janetta wistfully, ‘but people would consider it too perfunctory.’

‘It is not a bit more perfunctory than the present system,’ said Egbert; ‘I have only the same conventional language of gratitude at my disposal with which to thank dear old Colonel Chuttle for his perfectly delicious Stilton, which we shall devour to the last morsel, and the Froplinsons for their calendar, which we shall never look at. So you see the present system of acknowledgment is just as perfunctory and conventional as the counterfoil business would be, only ten times more tiresome and brain-racking.’

‘Your plan would certainly bring the idea of a Happy Christmas a step nearer realisation,’ said Janetta. ‘Meanwhile, what am I to say to the Froplinsons?’

(Adapted from ‘Down Pens’ by H. H. Munro)


Egbert and Janetta were writing

1) application letters.
2) thank-you letters.

3) letters of recrimination.
4) letters of complaint.

Ответ: .


Egbert and Janetta didn’t want to write a letter to the Froplinsons because they
1) had both written themselves out.
2) didn’t like this couple.
3) didn’t know what the Froplinsons had sent them.
4) had a lot of work to do.
Ответ: .


Janetta liked her present to the Froplinsons because it was

1) expensive and useless.
2) cheap and useless.

3) expensive and useful.
4) cheap and useful.

Ответ: .


Janetta didn’t want to mention that Wordsworth was their favourite poet because
1) she actually didn’t like his poems.
2) her favourite poet was John Masefield.
3) the Froplinsons would send them new Wordsworth-related presents.
4) she didn’t want the Froplinsons to know the truth.
Ответ: .


Janetta considered the Froplisons to be

1) stupid.

2) clever.

3) kind.

4) mean.

Ответ: .


Egbert suggested that at Christmas people should
1) stop writing letters at all.
2) put off all the everyday affairs of business.
3) not make any acknowledgment of received presents.
4) send counterfoils instead of thank-you letters.
Ответ: .


Janetta considered a new system

1) absolutely impossible.
2) too perfunctory.

3) easy to implement.
4) totally unacceptable.

Ответ: .


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19—25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19—25.

Обратите внимание, что по правилам ЕГЭ ответы нужно писать без пробелов и других знаков, например, правильный ответ ‘have done’ нужно будет записать как ‘havedone’, иначе ваш ответ не засчитается.

Swimming Pools


The first heated swimming pool by Gaius Maecenas of Rome in the first century BC.



Swimming pools became popular in Britain in the beginning of the 19th century. By 1837, London authorities six indoor pools with diving boards.



The surviving swimming club in the world is the Arlington Baths Club in Glasgow. It is still an active club and continues to own its original Victorian building with a large pool.



After the start of modern Olympic Games in 1896, the popularity of swimming pools off. Nowadays there are lots of different swimming pools, both public and private.



Most enjoy swimming and swimming pools with their wave-making machines, water slides and tropical vegetation are something unique for them.



If they could, kids to spend their entire summer in the swimming pool.



However, not everyone their own backyard pool.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 26—31, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 26—31.

Waste Management


Waste affects our environment — everything that surrounds us including the air, water, land, plants, and man-made things. We need a healthy environment for our own health and .



The waste we create has to be controlled to be sure that it does not harm our environment and our health.



So waste management is very important.



Waste reduction and recycling have a wide range of environmental benefits and promote public awareness and personal for the waste we create.



The best place to start making a is our home. Learn how you can reduce, reuse, and recycle materials to decrease household waste.



If we recycle what we can’t use any more, we save resources because the materials replace some of the natural resources including water and energy, which we use to make new products.


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32—38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32—38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Globalization and Communication Growth

The 21st century has 32____ in a new era in man’s ongoing quest for a better life and a better world. For the first time in history, we can now claim to live in ‘One World.’ Globalization has removed many of the gaps that have existed between and among nations. While the physical divide is still present, the 33____ of the Information Highway on how we communicate and live in the present day is simply staggering. Rapid improvements in information technology have allowed us to exchange information and communicate almost everywhere, anywhere, and anytime.

Globalization, as a general term, is best understood as the spread of ideas about the environment, democracy, human rights, and less complicated issues like fashion and fads. Global exchange is now taking place as the market of ideas, culture, and beliefs expand through the use of technology. The nature of business and how it is done has also improved by 34____ and bounds because of globalization.

An example of the remarkable effects of globalization is the invention of the telephone and the television. Television has enabled young people and adults to have the ability to share cultural and ethnic experiences with others. Telephones have also greatly improved communication. Gone are the weeks and even months of waiting for a letter. Anybody can talk to anyone who has another phone 35____ of distance or location on the planet. With the aid of satellites, 3rd generation phones allow us to make a phone call, send a video, or even receive an e-mail. These 36____ in communication have revolutionized business, commerce, and even the personal lives and relationships of millions of people.

Because of the electronic media, vast amounts of important information can reach any parts of the globe in 37____ time. Business establishments, whether big or small, are using the Internet in many ways to build or expand their company’s growth. With the ever improving technology come new markets, high 38____ for products, and also greater competition. Making investments in information and communication technology is now a must for any business enterprise.


1) started

2) began

3) ushered

4) launched

Ответ: .


1) cause

2) impact

3) consequences

4) result

Ответ: .


1) bonds

2) gaps

3) jumps

4) leaps

Ответ: .


1) regardless

2) despite

3) notwithstanding

4) because

Ответ: .


1) breakbeats

2) breakdowns

3) breakouts

4) breakthroughs

Ответ: .


1) any

2) no

3) none of

4) some

Ответ: .


1) access

2) claim

3) demand

4) rise

Ответ: .

Ваш результат: пока 0.

Далее вы можете набрать еще 40 баллов. Автоматически это проверить нельзя, поэтому сделайте реалистичный прогноз о том, сколько бы вы смогли набрать баллов, и получите ваш итоговый результат ЕГЭ.

Если возник вопрос по ответу, в котором вы ошиблись, можете задать его в комментариях.

Раздел 4. ПИСЬМО

Для ответов на задания 39 и 40 используйте бланк ответов № 2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями, или можно использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 39 и 40 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Запишите сначала номер задания (39, 40), а затем ответ на него. Если одной стороны бланка недостаточно, Вы можете использовать другую его сторону.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Jessica who writes:

… By the way, we are doing a project at college on the fashion industry in different countries. It would be nice if you could tell me what clothes are popular with teenagers in Russia. Do you have any special fashion for teens? What kind of clothes do you prefer? Why?

As for me, I bought a new dress yesterday …

Write a letter to Jessica.
In your letter
— answer her questions
— ask 3 questions about her tastes in clothes
Write 100 — 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

За это задание вы можете получить 6 баллов максимум.

Comment on the following statement.

Lots of people enjoy celebrating holidays. However, for some people a holiday is just a day off.

What is your attitude to celebrations? Which way of celebrating holidays do you find more enjoyable?

Write 200 — 250 words.

— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2—3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1—2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position

За это задание вы можете получить 14 баллов максимум.


— За 1,5 минуты нужно подготовиться и в следующие 1,5 минуты выразительно прочитать текст вслух — 1 балл.
— Составление 5 вопросов на основе ключевых слов. На подготовку отводится 1,5 минуты, затем каждый вопрос надо сформулировать в течение 20 секунд — 5 баллов.
— 3 фотографии. Нужно выбрать 1 и описать ее по предложенному тут же в задании плану за 3,5 минуты — 7 баллов.
— 2 картинки. Нужно сравнить их, описать сходства и различия, объяснить, почему выбранная тематика близка выпускнику, за 3,5 минуты — 7 баллов.



Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 04 (part 1)

A Practical Joke


Mr. and Mrs. Parker were having a quite day at home. Their 18-year-old daughter was away in Wales staying with a friend



Suddenly the phone rang.
(past simple, т.к. телефон зазвонил в определённый момент в прошлом.)



A hoarse voice told Mr. Parker that his daughter had been kidnaped and that he had to pay a ransom of $2,000.
(past perfect passive, т.к. одно событие завершилось до НАЧАЛА другого события.)



He was also warned that if he didn’t pay , he would never see his daughter again. The voice then gave him instructions about where and when to hand over the money.
(2й conditional)



Mr. Parker took the first train to Wales. He went to the hotel and gave the briefcase with the money to a woman in a scarf and a raincoat.
(one – один, the first — первый)



At 11 p.m. the same evening, to his great relief, his daughter came back home. She looked happier than ever and could hardly stop herself from laughing when she handed him his briefcase with $2,000.
(степень сравнения)



It turned out that she and her friend had decided to play a practical joke.
(past perfect, т.к. одно событие завершилось до другого.)


esse edit

1) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This story happened to ___ (THEY) when they had to leave their home city, London, during the war.

2) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

They ___ (SEND) to the house of an old Professor who lived in the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station.

3) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

He ___ (NOT/HAVE) a wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper.

4) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

He himself was a very old man with white hair which grew over most of his face as well as on his head. The children liked him almost at once. Only Lucy, who was the ___ (YOUNG) of them, felt a little afraid of him.

5) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

On their ___ (ONE) evening, after dinner, they said good night to the Professor and went upstairs. It was the largest house they had ever seen, so Peter suggested exploring it in the morning.

6) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

When the next morning came, there was a steady rain falling. «I wish the weather ___ (BE) more cheerful!» said Edmund.

7) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

«Stop complaining, Ed,» said Susan. «I think the weather ___ (IMPROVE) soon.»

8) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

«We were going to explore the house,» Peter reminded them. He ___ (EAT) a sandwich at the moment and was absolutely happy with the whole situation.

9) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Everyone nodded and at that point their amazing adventures ___ (BEGIN).

10) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Last year my friend Mia and I went on holiday to Thailand. We stayed in a ___ (FAME) resort which is popular with tourists.

11) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

We were very ___ (LUCK) with the weather and we spent most of our days on the beach.

12) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

The ocean was ___ (FANTASY) – the water was clear and warm.

13) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Thailand is a former French colony and that’s why French is very popular there. Mia was delighted with this fact because she learns French, she wants to be a ___ (TEACH) of French, and she was able to practise the language there. She is also interested in architecture and she found some fine examples of the French colonial style in Thailand.

14) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

It was an ___ (FORGETTABLE) trip for me too. I am a photographer and I took lots of pictures of people and nature.

15) Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Several magazines found my photos ___ (INTEREST) enough to publish. I feel very proud of that.

Before my many years’ service in a restaurant, I attended a top science university. The year was 2023 and I was finishing the project that would win me my professorship. In the end, it resulted in my becoming a kitchen employee.

My forty-second birthday had made a lonely visit the week before, and I was once again by myself in the flat. Like countless other mornings, I ordered a bagel from the toaster. ‘Yes, sir!’ it replied with robotic relish, and I began the day’s work on the project. It was a magnificent machine capable of transferring the minds of any two beings into each other’s bodies.

As the toaster began serving my bagel on to a plate, I realised the project was in fact ready for testing. I retrieved the duck and the cat — which I had bought for this purpose — from their containers, and set about calibrating the machine in their direction. Once ready, I leant against the table, holding the bagel I was too excited to eat, and initiated the transfer sequence. As expected, the machine whirred and hummed into action, my nerves tingling at its synthetic sounds.

The machine hushed, extraction and injection nozzles poised, scrutinizing its targets. The cat, though, was suddenly gripped by terrible alarm. The brute leapt into the air, flinging itself onto the machine. I watched in horror as the nozzles swung towards me; and, with a terrible, psychedelic whirl of colours, felt my mind wrenched from its sockets.

When I awoke, moments later, I noticed first that I was two feet shorter. Then, I realised the lack of my limbs, and finally it occurred to me that I was a toaster. I saw immediately the solution to the situation — the machine could easily reverse the transfer — but was then struck by my utter inability to carry this out.

After some consideration, using what I supposed must be the toaster’s onboard computer, I devised a strategy for rescue. Through the device’s rudimentary eye — with which it served its creations — I could see the internal telephone on the wall. Aiming carefully, I began propelling slices of bread at it. ‘Certainly, sir. There’s a burst water pipe on the floor above, I suppose I’ll kill two birds with one stone and sort you out on the way.’ The clerk arrived promptly, leaving his ‘caution, wet floor’ sign in the corridor. I spoke immediately, saying I was on the intercom, and requested that he simply press the large button on the machine before him. ‘This one, sir?’ he asked, and before I could correct him, the room was filled with a terrible, whirling light, and he fell to the ground.

A minute later he stood up again, uncertainly, and began moving in a manner that can only be described as a waddle. The duck, meanwhile, was scrutinising the flat with an air of wearied distaste. I gazed at the scene with dismay. Suddenly an idea struck the clerk, and with avian glee he tottered towards the window. I spluttered a horrified warning to no avail. He leapt triumphantly from the balcony, spread his ‘wings’ and disappeared. I would have wept, but managed only to eject a few crumbs.

Determined not to give up hope, I began to burn clumsy messages into slices of bread, and slung these desperate distress calls through the window. I sought not only my own salvation, but also to account for the bizarre demise of the clerk, who must no doubt have been discovered on the street below. I soon found my bread bin to be empty, and sank again into a morose meditation.

A large movement shocked me from my morbid contemplation. Before me, having clambered up from the floor, stood my own body. It regarded me with dim cheer. ‘I have been upgraded,’ it announced in monotone. The room was silent as I struggled to cope with this information. Then: ‘Would you like some toast?’

The truth dawned on me, and I wasted no time in seeing the utility of this revelation. I informed the toaster, which was now in control of my body, that I wished it to fetch help. It regarded me warily, then asked if I would like that buttered. Maintaining patience, I explained the instruction more thoroughly. I watched with surreal anticipation as my body of forty-two years jerked its way out of the flat. It rounded the corner, and there was a hope-dashing crash. It had tripped up on the ‘caution: wet floor’ sign. To my joyous relief, however, I heard the thing continue on its way down the corridor.

Minutes passed, then hours. On the dawn of the third day, I concluded that the toaster had failed in its piloting of my body, and that help was not on its way. Pushed on by a grim fervour, I began igniting the entire stock of bread. As the —– poured from my casing, and the first hints of deadly flame flickered in my mechanisms, I began the solemn disclosure of my own eulogy. Suddenly the fire alarm leapt into action, hurling thick jets of water across the flat, desperate to save its occupants. A piercing wail erupted from all sides, and a squabbling mixture of annoyance, relief and curiosity filtered into my mind.

Once the firemen had visited and deactivated the alarm, I was identified as the fault, unplugged and hauled away to a repair shop. The staff there, finding nothing to remove but a faulty speech chip, apparently put me up for sale. I only know this because, on being reconnected to the mains, I found myself in a shiny, spacious kitchen. Missing my electronic voice, I could only listen to the conversation of the staff, discussing the odd conduct of their new cook. The end of their hurried discussion heralded his arrival. I gazed at the door in silent surrender, as my body stepped proudly on to the premises, displaying its newly designed menu. At the top of the list I could discern ‘Buttered bagel’.

ВОПРОС 1 The narrator was working on the project because
1) he wanted to become a kitchen employee.
2) he wanted to get a higher position at the university.
3) he wanted to win an award.
4) he wanted to start working in a restaurant.

ВОПРОС 2 The course of experiment changed suddenly because
1) the machine hushed and crashed.
2) the narrator was horrified by the machine.
3) the transfer sequence was wrong.
4) the cat was frightened and jumped onto the machine.

ВОПРОС 3 In order to reverse the transfer the narrator
1) pressed the large button on the machine.
2) began propelling slices of bread at the machine.
3) wanted to call for help.
4) burst a water pipe.

ВОПРОС 4 The narrator felt sorry for the clerk because
1) he died.
2) he tripped up on the ‘caution: wet floor’ sign.
3) he behaved as a duck.
4) he managed only to eject a few crumbs.

ВОПРОС 5 The narrator’s body
1) fetched help.
2) crashed into the ‘caution: wet floor’ sign and died.
3) never returned.
4) was gripped by despair.

ВОПРОС 6 The narrator began igniting the stock of bread because
1) he wanted to —–.
2) he intended to activate the fire alarm.
3) he wished to die.
4) he planned to empty his bread bin.

ВОПРОС 7 The staff of the kitchen was discussing
1) a new toaster.
2) a newly designed menu.
3) the odd appearance of their new cook.
4) the strange behaviour of their new cook.

ВОПРОС 1: – 2
ВОПРОС 2: – 4
ВОПРОС 3: – 3
ВОПРОС 4: – 1
ВОПРОС 5: – 3
ВОПРОС 6: – 3
ВОПРОС 7: – 4

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