A day without laughter is a day wasted сочинение

When was the last time you laughed so hard that you peed a little in your pants? No, I really want to know. In a world where people ask, “What’s up?” more than “How are you?” and 1 out of every 7 people is depressed, do you think a “Happily Ever Laughter” is overrated?! Why do you think Charlie Chaplin, who lost his father to alcohol abuse and his mother to insanity, would endorse laughter and happiness when his own life was so unfortunate? It’s because if you really want to laugh, you have to learn to take your pain and play with it!

Does the phrase A day without laughter is a day wasted, mean that the hours that we spend in front of the TV binging on horrific news of killings and other inhumane acts is a complete waste of time? Is it having a toll on our health? If you don’t balance it now, will there be drastic health consequences?

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Read on to find out why I think that answer is yes.

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Why am I acting as this pseudo-expert on depression? Well, that’s because I have been depressed and I am in no way embarrassed to admit it. If my article helps one person understand that they are not alone and that it can be dealt with, it will have succeeded. In the beginning, I thought I should write a funny piece that would make the readers laugh, but I eventually decided otherwise. Laughter is serious business! Laughter is actually an answer to our psychological health, keeping a check on feelings of depression. Laughter aids the immune system to activate the cells that help fight viruses. It stops the discharge of stress hormones like cortisol, hence facilitating relaxation. ‘Endorphins’ or the ‘natural painkillers’ are also triggered by a hearty laugh!

Does a ‘laugh’ a day, keep the doctor away? Yes, it does. While some may argue that sadness and depression are different and that laughter cannot cure the latter, I would say that I am talking about the precaution and prevention here rather than the cure. Nipping the ailment in the bud, don’t you think that’s a better approach? ‘Laughter Yoga’ is gaining ground as a sound treatment for preventing depression. Laughter yoga groups from different parts of the world are joining hands to participate in exercises that are a combination of yoga and “forced” laughter. (Look at what your habit of not laughing has brought the world to!) They chant “Ho-Ho-Hah-Hah-Hah!” as they march around. While I do applaud these people for their efforts, I am also concerned that we don’t have a natural reason to be happy about. Why do we have to laugh and clap around without a reason? “Fake it until you can make it.” Okay, let’s make-do and mend ‘til we find our genuine reasons for happiness!

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

“The arrival of a good clown into a village does more for its health than 20 asses laden with drugs.” It is no sense of rumor that people who use laughter as a coping mechanism maintain a positive mood. When it comes to the depressed and suicidal elderly population of the world, the ones who recover are the ones who exhibit the humor quotient. When we are worried and stressed out, we encounter a feeling of “mental anarchy.” As we cultivate the habit of laughing, we develop some sense of control that prevents us from the emotion of helplessness. A day without laughter is a day wasted indeed!

Rats laugh when tickled. But we are humans, and can’t go around tickling each other, can we? For us, the decisive trigger is the company of others rather than a joke or a comedy movie: a social laughter is always louder than a solitary one. “Laugh and the whole world laughs with you!” Well, undoubtedly, laughter is infectious.

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Know your comedian. Familiarity plays a fabulous role in inducing glee. Why would we choose Charlie Chaplin quotes when there are million other comedians to look up to? Familiarity, of course. This knowledge is truer when it comes to laughter. People find the same jokes told by a popular comedian funnier than when told by someone unknown. Prejudice is way more human than laughter, it seems!

Fit vs. Wit or both. Laughing increases energy outflow and raises your heart rate up by 20 percent. In words clearly understood by us health freaks: Laughing for 10-15 minutes can burn 10-40 calories! Voilá!

Co(medy)rrelations. Couples who laugh more when debating on a touchy-feely issue feel more intimate and have a greater level of pleasure and gratification towards one another. Laughter is also a recipe for a Golden marriage anniversary, unless you hit the bucket early!

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Guffawesomesome. A ‘sense of humor’ is a pre-requisite in every ‘would-be’ list that a man or a woman conjures up about their potential partner! While men want to be the providers of a joke, women are more than happy to be at the receiving end!

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Well, I am not trying to turn you into a laughing Buddha, though that wouldn’t hurt! Life may seem like a drama in certain moments, but it can be a fun and exciting comedy in the long run if you let it! Nothing is undying in this terrible world, not even our fears and our worries. Thus, a day without laughter is a day wasted, because laughter is the pick-me-up, the respite that ceases the pain!

Happy laughing!

Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License


Article Name

A Day Without Laughter Is A Day Wasted


Riya Roy


Charlie Chaplin famously said, ‘A day without laughter is a day wasted.’ But have you ever thought deeply about it?

Riya Roy

Riya Roy

“If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn’t brood.
I’d type a little faster.” This Isaac Asimov line, embraces my love for writing in the finest and most desperate way that it is and should be! I was tormented by the earnestness of the written word not very early in my journey. But once smitten, it has helped me devour life twice over; savoring the moment and indulging in its memories. As a flâneuse, I wander to understand the intricacies of human relationships. Realizing that, they are just different manifestations of the same feeling of love, has been my greatest learning. I seek to share its opulence through the words I type.

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Charlie Chaplin once said ‘a day without laughter is a day wasted’ and his life and films always encouraged us to laugh. No one can stay without laughing watching his films.

Charlie Chaplin was a British comedian, producer, writer, director and composer, widely known in the world. He is considered the greatest comedian on screen and one of the most important figures in film history.

Charlie Chaplin was a British comedian who became one of the biggest silent film stars of the 20th century. Known for his character “The Tramp,” Charlie Chaplin, a lovable man in a bowler hat, mustache and cane, was a cult figure in the silent era and one of the first movie superstars to kick-start the industry in some way could ever imagine.

Charlie Chaplin, best known for his tragicomic character “The Little Tramp,” revolutionized cinema in both the age of silent sound and the age of sound.

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Famouse Quotes of Charlie Chaplin

Similar to ‘a day without laughter is a day wasted’ there are many quotes of Charlie Chaplin. Some of them are mentioned below-

When viewed in close-up, life is a tragedy, but when viewed in long-shot, it is a comedy.

I enjoy strolling in the rain because no one can see me cry.

In this wicked world, nothing is permanent, including our problems.

Men’s hatred will fade, dictators will die, and the authority that they snatched from the people will be returned to them. And liberty will never die as long as men live.

Individually, man is a genius. Men, on the other hand, form the headless monster, a huge, brutish idiot who goes wherever he is prodded.

If you’re gazing down, you’ll never see a rainbow.

Short Biography of Charlie Chaplin

Although Chaplin is from the silent era, we see his successes being embodied in cinema today. Chaplin was known for his pioneering film tricks, although he kept his mouth shut on how he achieved them. He said that revealing his methods would be like a magician destroying his own illusion. So he gave up his new Hollywood hobby and began work on a new silent film.

Chaplin later directed all of his new dialogue films, but starting with the 1942 reissue of the Gold Rush, he began adding scores and musical effects to old silent films that still belonged to him legally. As Chaplin developed his on-screen character, he was also clearly aware of his artistic vocation, increasing the sophistication and reach of his films, through bold and socially critical themes, anarchist tone, and demanding skill. I made them. Chaplin became a director, directing films such as City Lights and New Times, and co-founded United Artists Corporation. Chaplin was born in London in 1889 and first visited America with a theater company in 1907.

Acting as Billy in the comedy “Sherlock Holmes”, the young Chaplin toured the country twice. On his second tour, he met Mac Sennett and was signed to Keystone Studios to direct films. From there he toured with a vaudeville group called Caseys Court Circus, and in 1908 joined Fred Carnot’s pantomime troupe, where Chaplin co-starred as a drunk in the comic sketch Night at an English Music Hall.

It is a tribute to the versatility of Chaplins, who also received acclaim for choreography for the 1952 film Limelight and another singer for the music for the 1928 title, Circus.

His most famous song

The most famous of his many songs is “Smile”, which was written for modern movies, and the lyrics were designed to help revive the 1950s film that was famous for its cover of Nat King Cole.

The actor also wrote music for several of his films, the most famous being his song “Smile” for “Modern Times”, which was later played by Nat King Cole and ranked second on the UK charts. When sound films appeared, the natural environment of Chaplin’s silent films obscured the novelty and reality of this new technology. Chaplin first appeared in the comedy “Make a Living” released on February 2, 1914.

Career of Charlie Chaplin

His career spanned over 75 years, from childhood in the Victorian era to a year before his death in 1977, and included both flattery and controversy.

Chaplin’s extreme poverty in his early years had a great influence on the characters and themes of his films, and in his later years, he will return to the scene of Lambeth’s childhood poverty.

Charlie Chaplin’s father was an artist in the British Concert Hall, and his mother was the singer Hannah Hall. Chaplin spent her childhood with her mother. When Hall, who was mentally unstable, was later placed in an orphanage, Chaplin and his half-brother Sydney were sent to several nursing homes and boarding schools. The first silent song “Kid” allowed Chaplin to project his injured inner child onto the street boy and provided him with the nursing home that young Chaplin dreamed of.

How Chaplin Became a world icon

His role “The Tramp” has become a cult figure in the silent film era by virtue of pantomime and bizarre actions. Chaplin began performing at an early age, touring concert halls, and later worked in the theater as a comedian. Charles Spencer Chaplin (Charles Spencer Chaplin) was born into a poor concert hall artist family in London, named Hannah Chaplin (Hannah Chaplin) and Charles Chaplin (Charles Chaplin SR). From Light Street (1917) to Modernity (1936), he directed many of the most interesting and popular movies of his time.

Because of his role in the movie “The Tramp,” he became a world icon and is considered one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry. His screenplay, production, director, performance and soundtrack have received as much attention as his controversial personal life.

His sometimes shameful personal life and marriages with many young women herald the trend of Hollywood stars to simplify marriage and family in his personal life and in more and more movies. In the 1960s, Chaplin and his family liked to spend summers in the village of Waterville in the Ring of Kerry, Ireland. This article is tribute to the greatest actor and comic artist of the world and please remember the quote “a day without laughter is a day wasted” for forever and stay happy.

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Обновлено: 09.03.2023

It does not always work to make a direct translation from one language to the other. In this case I would say: Внутренняя красота важнее внешней.

Внешность — не самое главное, важнее внутренние качества человека. Эта пословица касается не только семейных отношений (хотя они в первую очередь) но и любых других сфер деятельности человека — работа, дружба и т.д. Есть еще пословица одна: «Не родись красивой, а родись счастливой.»

ALex, it hardly exists as a russian proverb: it is just a translation from English (and likely a recent one: 1060 results in google).

Много глянцевых журналов обращены к подросткам или молодым людям. Посредством выразительной рекламы и картинок, прекрасно выглядящих звезд, молодые люди 1) пообщаются делать все, чтобы они выглядели как голливудские звезды. Но настоящую красоту 2) не найдешь в модной одежде или модном макияже. Каждый, кто 3) чувствует себя комфортно от того, как он выглядит, любой подросток, чьи мысли 4) выражаются уверенностью, скажут вам, что они чувствуют себя красивыми. Конечно, это не значит, что то, как мы выглядим нужно 5) игнорировать. Это просто значит, что нам 6) нужно обращать достаточно внимания на нашу внешность, так, чтобы мы были уверены в нашем отражении, но не так, что мы 7) сходим с ума, когда пятно 8) появляется на лице.

Так, в следующий раз, когда у вас упадет самооценка, почему бы вам не посмотреть на фото красивой модной модели, перед тем как его 9) подретушируют? Еще лучше, взгляните на фото икону голливудской красоты и моды, которую 10) сфотографировали рано утром и без макияжа!

A lot of glossy magazines focus on teenagers or young people. Through impressive advertisements and pictures of perfect-looking stars, young people 1) are encouraged to do whatever they can to look like a Hollywood star. But real beauty 2) is not found in trendy clothes and fashionable makeup. Anyone who 3) feels comfortable with the way they look, any teenager whose thoughts 4) are expressed with confidence will tell you that they feel beautiful. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the way we look should 5) be ignored. It simply means that we 6) need to take enough.

So, the next time you are a little low on self-esteem, why don’t you take a look at the photo of a beautiful fashion model before it 9) is retouched? Better yet, take a look at the picture of a Hollywood beauty and fashion icon who 10).

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep — Infobox Single Name = Beauty Is Only Skin Deep Artist = The Temptations from Album = Greatest Hits B side = You re Not an Ordinary Girl Released = August 4, 1966 Format = 7 single Recorded = Hitsville USA (Studio A); April 14, 1964 May 11, 1966… … Wikipedia

beauty is only skin-deep — Physical beauty is no guarantee of good character, temperament, etc. Cf. a 1613 T. OVERBURY Wife (1614) B8v All the carnall beautie of my wife, Is but skinne deep. 1616 J. DAVIES Select Second Husband B3 Beauty’s but skin deepe. 1829 COBBETT… … Proverbs new dictionary

beauty is only skin deep — do not judge a person by physical features, you can t tell a book. If you want to date a beauty queen, remember that beauty is only skin deep … English idioms

Beauty is only skin deep. — something that you say which means a person s character is more important than their appearance. She may not be conventionally pretty but you know what they say, beauty s only skin deep … New idioms dictionary

beauty is only skin-deep — proverb a pleasing appearance is not a guide to character * * * beauty is only skin ˈdeep idiom (saying) how a person looks is less important than their character Main entry: ↑beautyidiom … Useful english dictionary

beauty is only skin deep — Meaning Physical beauty is superficial. Origin Proverb. First found in Overbury s poem, 1613. All the carnall beauty of my wife, Is but skin deep . What his wife thought isn t recorded … Meaning and origin of phrases

beauty is only skin deep — true beauty lies within, outer beauty is merely superficial … English contemporary dictionary

beauty is only skin deep — This idiom means that appearances can be deceptive and something that seems or looks good may turn out to be bad. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

Skin deep (House) — Skin deep Episodio de House Una bella supermodelo de 15 años sufre un ataque de cataplexia durante un desfile. Pero por debajo de las apariencias existe una realidad más compleja … Wikipedia Español

Красивая девушка. Где найти цитаты про красоту на английском.


Красота – это такое важное качество, которые многие в повседневной спешке или забывают, или вовсе игнорируют. Но ведь красота – она рядом с нами, она окружает нас со всех сторон, стоит лишь немного осмотреться. Красота – она не только снаружи, она и внутри нас самих! И очень важно суметь ее разглядеть, а не похоронить под слоем угрюмости и постоянной усталости.
А самые лучшие цитаты про красоту на английском языке вместе с переводом мы собрали для в этой статье.

Nothing is beautiful from every point of view.Ничто не может быть красиво со всех точек зрения.


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Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.Красота – это сила, и улыбка – ее меч.

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Delicacy is to affectation what grace is to beauty.Утонченность для манерности – то же самое, что и грация для красоты.

Франсуаза д’Обинье Ментенон

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Beauty is the promise of happiness.Красота – это обещание счастья.


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Beauty is a short-lived tyranny.Красота — это скоротечная тирания.


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The beauty of a lovely woman is like music.George Eliot. Красота любимой женщины подобна музыке.

Джордж Элиот

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Secrecy is the element of all goodness; even virtue, even beauty is mysterious. Thomas Carlyle — Тайна есть в любой добродетели; и мужество, и красота — непостижимы.

Томас Карлейль

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Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Confucius — Ничто не лишено красоты, но не все могут увидеть это.


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Beauty is a sort of bloom on a woman. If you have it you don’t need to have anything else; and if you don’t have it, it doesn’t much matter what else you have. Красота — это своего рода цветенье женщины. Если она есть, Вам больше ничего не надо, а если ее нет, не имеет значения, что еще у Вас есть.


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Beauty is an outward gift which is seldom despised, except by those to whom it has been refused. Красота — это дар, к которому мало кто испытывает презрение, за исключением тех, кому в этом даре отказано.


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Beauty is but skin deep. Красота обманчива.

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Beauty is only skin deep, but it’s a valuable asset if you are poor or haven’t any sense. Красота обманчива, но она ценное качество, если Вы бедны или не очень умны.

Хаббард, Кин

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Beauty is a huge, undeserved gift that is given by chance, silly.Красота – это огромный, незаслуженный дар, который дается случайно, глупо.

Халед Хоссейни

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Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.Мода существует не только в платьях. Она существует в небе, на улице. Мода связана с идеями, образом жизни, происходящими событиями.

Коко Шанель

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Beauty will never understand its essence.Красота никогда не уяснит себе своей сути.


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You see beauty, I see pain. You see sky and I see acid rain.Ты видишь красоту, я вижу боль. Ты видишь небо, а я кислотный дождь.

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Life is beautiful. Жизнь прекрасна.

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I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.Я не думаю о всех страданиях, но о красоте, которая все еще остается.

Анна Франк

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The definition of beauty is easy; it`s what leads you to desperation.Определение красоты несложно — это то, что ведет тебя к безрассудству.

Поль Валери

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Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.Тот, кто сохранит способность видеть прекрасное, никогда не постареет.

Франц Кафка

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Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. — Кто не может изменить свои воззрения, не может изменить ничего.

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Everyone underwent something that changed him. — Каждый прошел через что-то, что изменило его.

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Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest. Красота везде желанный гость.

Йоганн Гете

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True beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are.Настоящая красота не связана с тем, какого цвета ваши волосы или каковы ваши глаза.

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True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your moral compass.Истинная красота – это то, кем вы являетесь как человеком, вашими принципами, вашим моральным компасом.

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I know who I am. I am not perfect. I’m not the most beautiful woman in the world. But I’m one of them.Я знаю, кто я такая. Я не идеальна. Я не самая красивая женщина в мире. Но я одина из них.

Мэри Дж. Блайдж

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In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.Чтобы быть незаменимой, надо всегда быть разной.

Коко Шанель

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Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you.Будь верен тому, кто верен тебе.

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Beauty is the promise of happiness. Красота — залог счастья.


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Everything you can imagine is real.– Все, что вы може­те пред­ста­вить – реаль­но.

Паб­ло Пикассо

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Do not squander time – this is stuff life is made of.Не тратьте время зря – из него состоит жизнь.

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Beauty is an outward gift which is seldom despised, except by those to whom it has been refused.Красота — это дар, к которому мало кто испытывает презрение, за исключением тех, кому в этом даре отказано.

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Calamities are of two kinds. Misfortunes to ourselves, and good fortune toothers.Бедствия бывают двух сортов: неудачи, которые терпим мы и удачи, которые сопутствуют другим.

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People should fall in love with their eyes closed. — Люди долж­ны влюб­лять­ся с закры­ты­ми гла­за­ми.

Энди Уор­холл

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Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. – Любовь – это непре­одо­ли­мое жела­ние быть непре­одо­ли­мо жела­е­мым.

Роберт Фрост

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Where there’s a will, there’s a way.Было бы желание, а возможность найдется.

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Every solution breeds new problems – Каж­дое реше­ние порож­да­ет новые про­бле­мы.

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A day without laughter is a day wasted – День без сме­ха – это напрас­но про­жи­тый день.

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I can resist anything except temptation – Я могу усто­ять перед чем угод­но, кро­ме соблаз­на.

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While I’m breathing, I love and believe. — Пока дышу — люблю и верю.

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True love stories never have endings. Richard Bach — У настоящих историй любви нет финалов.

Ричард Бах

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The best way of removing negativity is to laugh and be joyous. Лучший способ снять негатив — это смеяться и быть радостным.

Дэвид Айк

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I recommend you to take care of the minutes: for hours will take care of themselves. Я рекомендую Вам заботиться о минутах: часы сами позаботятся о себе.

Филип Дормер

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Your life is not a problem to be solved but a gift to be opened. — Твоя жизнь – это не проблема, которую нужно решить, а подарок, который нужно раскрыть.

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Nobody’s perfect, but me.Никто не совершенен кроме меня.

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It’s beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.Это красота, которая привлекает ваше внимание; личность, которая захватывает ваше сердце.

Иван Панин

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The world’s biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman.Самая большая сила в мире – это молодость и красота женщины.


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