A good investment егэ

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1. Perfume can’t be a good present for many reasons.

2. Best presents are presents that create shared memories.

3. Practical presents are not good presents.

4. This sort of present can be good for everybody.

5. Good perfume is the best present that is always easy to get.

6. This present is a good way out, but not always perfect.

7. Think of a person’s lifestyle while choosing a present.

Speaker A

For any celebration you have so many people to give presents to: your mates,

parents, relatives. It creates a problem of choosing an original present. I think

everybody is so tired of traditional gifts! To my mind, the simplest way out is

accessories. They are always different and can suit everybody. For family members

it may seem a good investment if it’s expensive enough and it may definitely help

your friends look great at a party!

Speaker B

As for me, I dislike pragmatic, domestic gifts. They may be useful, of course, but

when you get a present, you expect a surprise, not a new kind of washing powder.

I do not understand people who are happy to get kitchen towels, cups, dishes or

anything like that. If you do not have any innovative ideas, buy some perfume or

flowers – they are not practical, they are pleasant.

Speaker C

Honestly speaking, I’d be glad to get a weekend camping tour even to a local place

of interest. It would be the best present and the worst is perfume. Perfume is the

ultimate in personal gifts, even more than accessories. What scent a person chooses

is unique and usually very subjective. It also looks like a last-minute decision

which may seem impolite, unless you are absolutely sure in your choice, which, as

I said is a rare case.

Speaker D

Giving and receiving presents can be stressful. A picky person can dislike some

gifts or even worse – give them to somebody else. Horrible! So I found a perfect

way out – a gift certificate. For anyone who likes shopping it is ideal and you don’t

waste time trying to find something special. But there are disadvantages about

a gift certificate too. A person may think that you just didn’t want to be bothered

and get offended, so it’s not a universal present after all.

Speaker E

If you can afford it, try not to give things, but experiences as a present. It is not

necessarily something very expensive. Tickets to the first night performance or to a

new exhibition in an art gallery, or anywhere else will do fine. It is even better if

you can go there together and share these experiences. Take a camera with you and

take pictures! Such a present will leave long-standing memories which are dear


Speaker F

Living in a high-tech world, it would not be unusual to buy gadgets as a present. If

your friend commutes, it can be an iPod, if your friend is very busy – an electronic

organizer will be an excellent idea. There are millions of choices and they are not

expensive either. Such a present can show the person exactly how much thought

you put into choosing the perfect gift taking into account his or her way of life and


That’s not a good investment.

Это не хорошее вложение.

Good investment.

Хорошее вложение.

You’ve made a very good investment, gentlemen.

Вы сделали очень хорошее вложение, господа.

Besides,this movie’s a good investment.

К тому же, фильм хорошее вложение.

Your dad thinks it’s a good investment.

Твой папа думает, что это хорошее вложение.

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Money. Thought it’d be a good investment for my kid.

Это будет хорошая инвестиция для моего ребёнка.

Daddy says it’s a good investment.

Он говорит, что это хорошая инвестиция.

You are a good investment!

Ты хорошая инвестиция!

You said it was a good investment.

Вы сказали, что это хорошая инвестиция.

My research is a good investment, even for him.

Мои исследования — это хорошая инвестиция, даже для него.

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I’m probably the best investment your bank ever made.

Я — это, возможно, лучшее вложение для твоего банка.

It’ll be the best investment we’ll ever make.

Это будет лучшее вложение, какое мы когда-либо делали.

Brothels make a much better investment than ships, I’ve found.

Бордели — намного лучшее вложение, чем корабли, на мой взгляд.

It’s probably a better investment than your brother’s crazy video game venture.

Возможно, это лучшее вложение, чем сумасшедшие видео-игры твоего брата.

That $100, I assure you will turn out to be the best investment you have ever made.

Я уверяю вас, что эти деньги будут самым лучшим вложением за всю вашу жизнь.

Показать ещё примеры для «лучшее вложение»…

Baby, real estate is always a good investment.

Милая, недвижимость — это всегда хорошее вложение денег.

It’s a good investment.

Это хорошее вложение денег.

He told me it was gonna be a really good investment. Russ:

Ч ќн сказал, это хорошее вложение денег.

I mean, it might be a good investment.

Еда может быть хорошим вложением денег.

I told you satellite was a good investment.

Видишь? а я говорил, что спутник — это хорошее вложение денег.

Better investment than stocks any day.

Это лучшая инвестиция, которая может быть.

It was the best investment you couls make.

Это была лучшая инвестиция.

As far as well-marketed minerals masquerading as good investments go, this is exquisite.

Хотя минералы не лучшая инвестиция, но кольцо восхитительно.

And that 10 dollars for a cab may end up being the best investment of your life.

И 10 долларов таксисту станут лучшей инвестицией в жизни

I cannot think of a better investment than you.

Я и представить не могу лучшей инвестиции, чем ты.

good investment

Общая лексика: перспективные капиталовложения, хорошее помещение капитала

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «good investment» в других словарях:

  • good investment — investment which will bring future payback or rewards …   English contemporary dictionary

  • be a good investment — index pay Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • good — [good] adj. better, best [ME gode < OE gōd, akin to Ger gut < IE base * ghedh , to unite, be associated, suitable > GATHER] I a general term of approval or commendation 1. a) suitable to a purpose; effective; efficient [a lamp good to… …   English World dictionary

  • investment — in|vest|ment W1 [ınˈvestmənt] n 1.) [U and C] the use of money to get a profit or to make a business activity successful, or the money that is used ▪ Foreign investment in Taiwan rose by 79% last year. ▪ A Certificate of Deposit remains one of… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • investment — [[t]ɪnve̱smənt[/t]] ♦♦ investments 1) N UNCOUNT: usu with supp, oft N in n Investment is the activity of investing money. He said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourage investment… One of the most important changes concerns… …   English dictionary

  • investment */*/*/ — UK [ɪnˈves(t)mənt] / US [ɪnˈvestmənt] noun Word forms investment : singular investment plural investments 1) a) [countable/uncountable] business money used in a way that may earn you more money, for example money used for buying property or… …   English dictionary

  • investment — in|vest|ment [ ın vestmənt ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount money used in a way that may earn you more money, for example money used for buying property or STOCK in a company: Her investments were mainly in technology stocks. an investment banker …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • investment — noun 1) some tips for responsible investment Syn: investing, speculation; funding, backing, financing, underwriting; buying shares 2) it s a good investment Syn: venture, speculation, risk, gamble; …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • investment*/*/*/ — [ɪnˈves(t)mənt] noun 1) [C/U] money that is used in a way that may earn you more money, for example money used for buying SHARES in a company Her investments were mainly in technology stocks.[/ex] The new laws will attract foreign… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Investment — or investing [British and American English, respectively.] is a term with several closely related meanings in business management, finance and economics, related to saving or deferring consumption.Investment is the choice by the individual to… …   Wikipedia

  • Investment specific technological progress — refers to progress that requires investment in new equipment and structures embodying the latest technology in order to realize its benefits.IntroductionTo model how something is produced, think of a box that in one end takes in inputs such as… …   Wikipedia

There are more and more investment opportunities opening themselves up to potential investors, but not all of them are good investment opportunities; in fact, with the more opportunities that open up, the more likely you are to find an investment opportunity that will bleed you dry before you find one that will line your purse. The following are five things to look for when finding an investment opportunity; if the opportunity has most of these things or all of them, you are looking at one that is likely to add to your wealth instead of taking it from you.

Long-term Viability

If you look at a company and do not see yourself owning stock in it for the next ten years, then you should stay away from investing in the company. Most of the money made in business investments comes from owning stock in the company for quite a while and leaving it alone until the dollar value rises and reinvesting your dividends versus rapidly buying and selling your stock in a business.

Market Cap For The Business

Comparing the market cap of the business that you are looking to invest in to similarly priced businesses will help you determine whether or not the stocks are going to be worth what you are paying for them. For example, if a business has a lower profit than another in its class regarding size and product but is charging more for its stock, then the stock is not worth it to buy.

Good Business Stats

You can want to invest in a company for its vision or branding as much as you would like, but if there aren’t good profits, price, or management, you are likely throwing your money down a sinkhole. That being said, if your investment opportunity has good profits, price, and management, but you cannot get behind the business as a whole, you should limit your investment until it has had some time to bring you returns; if you do not feel 100% about your investment, there is probably a reason why, and you need to work that out before you throw all of your investment money into it.

Company Is Buying Back Shares

While you may think that this is a sign of a business that is not doing well at first glance, businesses that buy back their shares are doing so in an effort to increase the wealth of their current and longstanding shareholders, which is a more lucrative investment opportunity; a larger share of the pie means a larger share in the profits, without you having to invest more upfront.

Easy To Understand Business Model

When a business is run simply, there is not much to draw the eye, however, it also means that the business is more likely to be stable and have a good growth curve behind it. This is because a simple business model does not require a lot of learning in order to implement, and new stores can be opened easier as a result of it. More stores means more customers and coverage, which means more profits… you get the idea.

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A very good investment

‘Now, James,’ said a businessman to his ten-year-old boy, ‘you are going to be a businessman, and it is time that we should begin to give you some practical lessons in the art and science of investing money. Here’s a half dollar. You take it and go downtown and invest it on your own hook (на свой страх и риск) and to the best advantage. I don’t care where you put it in, only so you put it where it will be safe and where you will get a good interest for your money.’

The boy took the silver (серебряную монету) and started off. In an hour he returned, reporting that he had made a good investment, and was going to get a hundred per cent (100%) interest.

‘Splendid!’ said the admiring father. ‘Where did you put it in?’

‘Well,’ said the boy, ‘I went downtown and walked around a while, wondering where I should find a good place, and by and by I came by a church, and there was a meeting, and they were singing, and I went in. It was a missionary (миссионерский) meeting, and the man was begging money for Missions, and he said if you gave him your money why the Lord (Бог) would send it back to you doubled — He would pay you a hundred per cent.’

‘I hope,’ expostulated his father, ‘you didn’t put that half dollar on the collection plate (блюдо для пожертвований)?’ ‘Yes, I did, father,’ said the boy, ‘and the man he said that the Lord is a good paymaster and that He’d send it back doubled.’

‘And you believed him! O pshaw ([pʃɔː] тьфу!), I’m utterly disappointed in you, James. You’ll never make a businessman. The idea of your believing such stuff like that. Why, that half dollar — you’ll never see it again, and that man — why, he’s nothing but a fakir (факир). O well — pshaw! I’ll give you another chance, and see that you do better this time. Here’s a dollar. Now you steer clear of all churches and missionary meetings this time’

‘Why, father!’ exclaimed the boy as he took the dollar, ‘why, that man was right after all. The Lord did send my half dollar back, and sooner than I looked for it — and doubled, too!’

Real estate is generally a great investment option. It can generate ongoing passive income and can be a good long-term investment if the value increases over time. You may even use it as a part of your overall strategy to begin building wealth.

However, you need to make sure you are ready to start investing in real estate. For one, you will need to put down a significant amount of money up front to begin real estate investing. Buying a home, apartment complex, or piece of land can be expensive. That’s not to mention the ongoing maintenance costs you’ll be responsible for, as well as the potential for income gaps if you are between tenants for a time.

Here’s what you need to know about investing in real estate and if it’s the right choice for you. 

Key Takeaways

  • When purchasing real estate as an investment, you should either be able to pay in cash or afford the mortgage payments without collecting rent.
  • Plan your purchase carefully, and be sure to account for taxes, repairs, utilities, and other mandatory expenses.
  • Always research your purchase thoroughly, especially if you are buying land to develop, and start small before investing in large properties.

Pay With Cash

Many financial experts warn against borrowing money to purchase investments. You should consider this before you purchase a piece of investment real estate. If you can’t afford to pay cash for the home, at the very least, you should be able to afford the mortgage payments, even without rental income. (Use our calculator below to help you decide.)

Think about it: With renters, there can be high turnover. You may also experience a time where you have no renters at all for the property. If you can’t afford the mortgage payment without the rental income, it may end up being more of a financial burden, rather than a means of building wealth. Plus, if you can’t pay the mortgage, it could end up damaging your credit, which will cost you money in the long run.

Plan Out All of Your Expenses 

When purchasing real estate for investment purposes, you need to consider the cost of taxes, utilities, upkeep, and repairs. Often, it is easier to go through a rental company and have them handle things like repairs and rent collection. While this will cost money, it will help ease the burden of owning a rental property. Especially if you don’t have time to do everything that needs to be done at your property, using an agency is a good option.

You need to price your rental property so that all of these fees and other expenses are fully covered. Additionally, you should take the first few months of surplus money and set it aside to cover the cost of repairs on the property. It’s also important to have insurance on the property (and plan for the cost). You should also be prepared to deal with additional costs and other situations as they arise, perhaps with a sinking fund for the property.

Research the Property Carefully

If you are purchasing land that you plan to sell at a later date, you need to research the land deed thoroughly. Find out whether any new roads are planned close to the land you purchase and consider how that will affect the property value. Also be sure there isn’t a lien on the property. You may also want to consider things like the comparables in the neighborhood, including whether the area is up-and-coming, and other external factors that could affect the property value.

Once you have done your research, you should be able to make the correct decision about purchasing it as an investment. Investing is always a risk, so keep that in mind. You may make money on your investment, but you could lose money as well. Things may change, and an area that you thought might increase in value might not actually go up, and vice versa.

Start Small

Some real estate investors begin by purchasing a duplex or a house with a basement apartment, then living in one unit and renting out the other. This is a good way to get your feet wet, but keep in mind that you will be living in the same building as your tenant.

Real estate wholesaling may also be one way to start investing in real estate without a lot of up-front capital.

Additionally, when you set up your budget, you will want to make sure you can cover the entire monthly mortgage payment and still live comfortably without the additional rent payments coming in.

As you become more comfortable with being a landlord and managing an investment property, you may consider buying a larger property with more income potential. Once you own several properties, it becomes easier to purchase and manage more properties—and earn a greater return on your investments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an REIT?

A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a company that owns, operates, or finances income-generating real estate. Individuals can invest in an REIT and potentially receive dividends from their investment. Equity REITs own the underlying real estate, while mortgage REITs don’t own the underlying real estate. Instead, they own debt securities, which are riskier. Hybrid REITs combine equity and mortgage REITs.

How do you invest in real estate?

You can take several routes to get started in real estate. One would be to purchase a multi-unit property and rent out the other units. You could also buy a single-family home to rent out. Some investors buy and flip properties. You could also rent out rooms in your own home to build up the funds to invest in more real estate. REITs also allow you to invest in real estate, but without having to save up the cash to buy a property or maintain one.

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