A knight in shining armour егэ ответы

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A knight in shining armour

Elton John is an extremely famous British pop star. People all around the world ( HEAR ) of him, but not so many know that his official title is Sir Elton John? How did he become ‘Sir Elton ?

In past centuries, only successful military commanders and politicians ( AWARD ) the title for services to their country. However, in 1917, the British government decided to extend the title to other citizens.

To become a Sir, you have to ‘receive a knighthood’, an honour only ever ( GIVE ) to men. However, many women, such as Judi Dench and Julie Andrews, have the equivalent title for females, which is ‘Dame’

When a person becomes a Sir or a Dame, they can add this title to their name. It’s one of the ( GREAT ) honours a person can receive in the UK.

A knight in shining armour

Elton John is an extremely famous British pop star. People all around the world HAVE HEARD of him, but not so many know that his official title is Sir Elton John? How did he become ‘Sir Elton ?

In past centuries, only successful military commanders and politicians WERE AWARDED the title for services to their country. However, in 1917, the British government decided to extend the title to other citizens.

To become a Sir, you have to ‘receive a knighthood’, an honour only ever GIVEN to men. However, many women, such as Judi Dench and Julie Andrews, have the equivalent title for females, which is ‘Dame’

When a person becomes a Sir or a Dame, they can add this title to their name. It’s one of the GREATEST honours a person can receive in the UK.

Задание №5284.
Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому

Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

A knight in shining armour

Elton John is an extremely famous British pop star. People all around the world ___ (HEAR) of him, but not so many know that his official title is Sir Elton John? How did he become ‘Sir Elton’?


A knight in shining armour

Elton John is an extremely famous British pop star. People all around the world HAVE HEARD of him, but not so many know that his official title is Sir Elton John? How did he become ‘Sir Elton’?

Рыцарь в сияющих доспехах

Элтон Джон — чрезвычайно известная британская поп-звезда. Люди во всем мире слышали о нем, но не многие знают, что его официальный титул — сэр Элтон Джон? Как он стал «сэром Элтоном»?

В данном предложении используется Present Perfect. Данное время употребляется:

  • Если действие началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящем.
  • Если действие неоднократно происходило в прошлом и продолжает происходить.
  • Если действие произошло в прошлом, но имеет последствия в настоящем.

Present Perfect образуется как: has/have + V3.

Слова-маркеры, которые указывают на Present Perfect: ever, never, just, already, yet, before, lately, by now, recently, since, for.

В данном предложении глагол hear неправильный. Он имеет следующие формы: hear (infinitive) — heard (Past Simple) — heard (Past Participle)

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Источник: Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку, 2019. Вербицкая М., Манн М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.

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Тест с похожими заданиями

Заполните пропуски полученными словами, так, чтобы подходило по смыслу

A knight in shining armour

1. Elton John is an extremely famous British pop star. People all around the world ___ of him, but not so many know that his official title is Sir Elton John? How did he become ‘Sir Elton’? (hear)

2. In past centuries, only successful military commanders and politicians ___ the title for services to their country. However, in 1917, the British government decided to extend the title to other citizens. (award)

3. To become a Sir, you have to ‘receive a knighthood’, an honour only ever ___ to men. However, many women, such as Judi Dench and Julie Andrews, have the equivalent title for females, which is ‘Dame’ (give)

When a person becomes a Sir or a Dame, they can add this title to their name. It’s one of the ___ honours a person can receive in the UK. (great)

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Главная » ⭐️ Английский язык » Заполните пропуски полученными словами, так, чтобы подходило по смыслу A knight in shining armour 1. Elton John is an extremely famous British pop star.

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This quiz tests you on clothing idioms.

a knight in shining armour | armor — My car broke down and I was stuck on the side of the road until a knight in shining armour came and:
a) took me away on the back of his horse
b) told me all about dungeons and dragons
c) fixed my car for me

a wolf in sheep’s clothing — We realised the teacher was a wolf in sheep’s clothing when he:
a) was seen smoking a cigarette in a bar
b) was given the «Teacher of the Year» award
c) was arrested for abusing one of his students

at the drop of a hat — Jenny changes jobs at the drop of a hat:
a) after months of careful planning
b) and takes ages to make up her mind
c) whenever she gets a good offer

deep pockets — Harold has very deep pockets, and:
a) he doesn’t have much money
b) he keeps losing his keys
c) he spends a lot of money

dressed (up) to the nines — We were all dressed to the nines because we were:
a) going to a wedding
b) going to play golf
c) going to the beach

earn your stripes — If someone has earned their stripes, they can expect:
a) to get a higher position
b) to lose their job
c) to retire from work

fill somebody’s shoes — Ben’s been a very good accountant for the firm, but now we need someone who can fill his shoes because:
a) his shoes are empty
b) the company is closing down
c) Ben’s starting his own business

hot under the collar — Henry always gets hot under the collar when he thinks people are:
a) trying to cheat him
b) doing a good job
c) treating him well

keep it under your hat — I agreed to keep it under my hat and:
a) never forget it
b) never lose it
c) never tell anyone

knock your socks off — If you want to knock the socks off your audience, you need to:
a) do something amazing
b) do something boring
c) do something normal

Contributor: Matt Errey

If someone is a knight in shining armour, they help you when you are in a difficult situation.

Рыцарь в сияющих доспехах; принц на белом коне

Jason was my knight in shining armour. He brought food and newspapers every day until I got better. – Джейсон был моим рыцарем в сияющих доспехах. Он приносит еду и газеты каждый день, пока мне не станет еще лучше.
People thought the new president was a knight in shining armour, but they soon found out he was just another politician. – Люди думали, что новый президент был рыцарем в сияющих доспехах, но вскоре они узнали, что он был просто еще одним политиком.

Использование сегодня этой фразы, конечно, отсылает нас к галантным рыцарям, которые спасали девушек, находящихся в бедственном положении. Этот образ красочно создавали викторианские романисты и художники, очарованые рыцарским идеалом Камелота.

A knight in shining armour. Рыцарь в сияющих доспехах. Beethoven makes everyone feel like a knight in shining armour Это им важно. С Бетховеном все становятся рыцарями на лошадях, скачущими на врага. I know about Ernie Phillips, the knight in shining armour. Я знаю про Эрни Филлипса, рыцаря в сияющих доспехах. Good old Matthew, the knight in shining armour Наш славный Мэттью, рыцарь в сияющих доспехах. There goes her knight in shining armour. А вот и рыцарь в сверкающих доспехах. You are not some knight in shining armour. Ты не какой-то там рыцарь в сияющих доспехах. A regular knight in shining armour. Обычный рыцарь в блестящих доспехах. How do you fancy being this lady’s knight in shining armour? Нет желания побыть рыцарем в сияющих доспехах для прекрасной дамы? More than ever, I wanted to be her knight in shining armour. Больше чем когда-либо я хотел быть её рыцарем в сияющих доспехах. Our knight in shining armour. Люди наблюдали за мной всю жизнь. Теперь у меня новая жизнь. My knight in shining armour. Вы мой рыцарь в сияющих доспехах. You were my knight in shining armour. Ты был моим рыцарем в сверкающих доспехах. Well, we’ve had a dragon, a knight in shining armour… У нас есть дракон, рыцарь в блестящих доспехах… Knight in shining armour. Рыцарь в сияющих доспехах. And Varg Veum was no knight in shining armour. А Варг Веум не был рыцарем в сияющих доспехах. Knight in shining armour, eh? Рыцарь в сияющих доспехах, да? Are you my knight in shining armour? — Вы мой рыцарь в сияющих доспехах! My… big, strong knight… ..in shining armour. Мой… могучий сильный рыцарь… в сияющих доспехах. Your knight in shining armour awaits. Твой рыцарь в сверкающих доспехах ждет. 55 You’re her knight in shining armour 55 by all accounts. Вы ее рыцарь в сияющих доспехах, судя по отзывам. Daniel Parish, imagining himself to be the knight in shining armour. Дэниелу Паришу, который воображает себя рыцарем в сияющих доспехах… My knight in shining armour. Мой рыцарь в сияющих доспехах. Your knight in shining armour has come all this way to get you. Твой рыцарь в сияющих доспехах проделал весь этот путь,чтобы получить тебя. ‘Meanwhile, after a two-and-a-half-hour wait, ‘my knight in shining armour finally arrived.’ «Тем временем, спустя два с половиной часа ожидания, мой рыцарь в сияющих доспехах наконец-то прибыл.» A well-adjusted knight in shining armour? На благопристойного рыцаря в сверкающих доспехах? So maybe you’re her knight in shining armour? Так может быть, вы её рыцарь в сияющих доспехах? My knight in shining armour, he was. Он был моим рыцарем в сияющих доспехах. I don’t need a knight in shining armour, Ram. Мне не нужен рыцарь, Рам. И никогда не нужен был. It’s my knight in shining armour. Oh. — Она мой рыцарь в сияющих доспехах.

knight in shining armor

A selfless, chivalrous person who helps someone in distress. Typically used in reference to a man who comes to the aid of a woman. When the police officer pulled over to help the old woman change her flat tire, she hugged him and said he was her knight in shining armor. No man can be your knight in shining armor. You need to be the one who takes care of yourself first and foremost.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

knight in shining armor

A rescuer or defender, as in What this political party needs is a knight in shining armor to change its tarnished image . This metaphoric expression alludes to a medieval knight. [Mid-1900s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

a knight in shining armour

If you describe a man as a knight in shining armour, you mean that he has rescued you from a difficult situation, often in a kind and brave way. Note: `Armour’ is spelled `armor’ in American English. I just felt dizzy and then I collapsed. The next thing I woke up in hospital. I am very, very grateful to Tom and I always will be — he really was my knight in shining armour. She found a surprising knight in shining armor in her company’s attorney, who rode in to save her job, rescue her love life and give her a place to live. Note: In stories written or set in the Middle Ages, a knight in shining armour traditionally came to the rescue of a `damsel (= young woman) in distress’.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

a knight in shining armour

an idealized or heroic person, especially a man who comes to the rescue of a woman in distress or in a difficult situation.

This expression, a variant of which is a knight on a white charger , is often used ironically of someone who presents himself in this guise but is in fact inadequate to the role. Compare with a white knight (at white).

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

a knight in shining ˈarmour

(British English) (American English a knight in shining ˈarmor) (usually humorous) a man who arrives to help you when you are in trouble or danger: My car broke down at the roundabout. Luckily, a knight in shining armour stopped to help me.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

knight in shining armor, a

A rescuer or deliverer. This term, which recalls the age of chivalry through the image of a dashing knight on horseback clad in polished armor, dates from the sixteenth century but has been in figurative use only since the mid-twentieth century. John Ciardi pointed out that the phrase has been used with two meanings: the “Mr. Right” of a young girl’s dreams, rescuing her from the humdrum with the promise of romance, and in politics, the idealistic reformer. One might add a third, the white knight of the modern-day corporation, who rescues the company from a hostile raider and averts an unwanted takeover. Quite figuratively, the poet William Rose Benét wrote, “Like a knight in glittering armor, Laughter stood up at his side” (“The Last Ally”).

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

knight in shining armor

A wonderful guy. Fairy tales chronicled fair maidens in distress who were rescued at the last minute from dragons and ogres by a gallant knight in gleaming armor, where-upon they all lived happily ever after. Even if a young woman didn’t view herself as a princess or consider herself in desperate straits, she still imagined herself being carried off by the man of her dreams, Prince Charming, a knight in shining armor.

Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price Copyright © 2011 by Steven D. Price

See also:

  • a knight in shining armour
  • knight in shining armor, a
  • armor
  • armour
  • be a/the/(one’s) knight in shining armor
  • Florence Nightingale
  • nightingale
  • Samaritan
  • a good Samaritan
  • good Samaritan

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