На дворе сентябрь, а значит пора потихоньку приступать к подготовке к ЕГЭ по английскому. Сегодня мы подготовили для вас новую статью «A new coat ЕГЭ: детальный разбор и ответы». В ней найдется полезный материал как для новичков, так и для тех, кто уже хорошо справляется с заданиями 32-38.
Читайте, берите на заметку и делитесь со своими друзьями! Если же вам необходим преподаватель, который поможет структурировать ваши знания, расскажет о всех особенностях выполнения заданий, о которых не говорят в школе, и подготовит к прохождению непростого испытания ЕГЭ по английскому, то мы будем рады вам помочь. Ведь теперь у нас доступна подготовка к ЕГЭ онлайн. Кликайте по ссылке, заполняйте форму и ожидайте нашего звонка!
A new coat ЕГЭ: детальный разбор и ответы
Сначала посмотрим на сам текст «A new coat ЕГЭ», который представлен на сайте ФИПИ.
A32. Начнем с перевода всех предложенных глаголов и разбора их особенностей.
Anna had 32______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe.
- proceeded
- accompanied
- followed
- addressed
proceed — продолжить что-то делать, двигаться дальше (proceed to – переходить к чему-либо)
accompany smb to — сопровождать кого-либо куда-либо
follow smb — следовать за кем-либо
address smth — адресовать, отреагировать на что-то
Исходя из имеющегося контекста, делаем вывод, что подходит accompanied.
Anna had accompanied Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. — Анна сопроводила Дотти в парикмахерскую, и теперь у нее была очень красивая прическа с челкой.
Ответ: accompanied
А33. В этот раз проверяется знание слов-связок. О них более подробно мы рассказывали в серии наших статей (linking words: 1 тип, 2 тип (1 часть, 2 часть, 3 часть), 3 тип). Вы также можете проверить свои знания по этой теме, выполнив тест.
Начинаем с того, что смотрим, где пропуск и какая пунктуция после пропуска.
Anna had accompanied Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
- Therefore
- Otherwise
- Moreover
- Although
Пропуск в самом начале предложения, а после пропуска стоит запятая — это говорит о том, что нам нужно вводное слово. Среди предложенных есть три вводных слова: therefore — следовательно, otherwise — иначе, moreover — кроме того.
Между ними мы выбираем уже по смыслу. Для этого обязательно переводим предыдущее предложение.
Anna had accompanied Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. Therefore/Otherwise/Moreover, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty. Анна сопроводила Дотти в парикмахерскую, и теперь у нее была очень красивая прическа с челкой. Следовательно/ Иначе/Кроме того, Миранда знала, что девочки купили новый кстюм для Дотти.
По смыслу подходит moreover.
Ответ: moreover.
A34. Запомните данную конструкцию: be allowed to + инфинитив — получить разрешение на, разрешено. Она не только встречается в заданиях по лексике 32-38, но и еще и среди грамматических заданий 19-25.
She says I’m not 34______ to wear this one now.
- agreed
- accepted
- afforded
- allowed
Ответ: allowed
A35. В этом задании проверяется знание предлога instead of – вместо.
Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woollen coat 35______ of Anna’s.
- instead
- besides
- against
- outside
Давайте разберем оставшиеся слова:
besides – кроме того
against — против
outside — снаружи, за пределами чего-либо
Ответ: instead
A36. Запомните выражение cost a fortune – стоить состояние.
It must have cost a 36______ and I really can’t take it.”
- price
- thing
- fortune
- wealth
Ответ: fortune
A37. Еще одно устойчивое выражение: see the light of the day – увидеть свет, выйти в свет.
What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37______ the light of day?
- looking
- seeing
- watching
- glancing
Ответ: seeing
A38. В последнем задании проверяется знание устойчивого выражения do smb a favour – сделать кому-либо одолжение.
You’ll be 38______ me a favour taking it out of the way.”
- making
- getting
- doing
- giving
Ответ: doing
Хотите знать все о выполнении заданий 32-38? Мы собрали для вас все детальные разборы на одной странице. Здорово, не так ли? Они непременно пригодятся в ходе подготовки к ЕГЭ!
А если вы еще не знакомы с алгоритмом выполнения этих заданий, то скорее читайте нашу статью на данную тему.
Следите за обновлениями и совершенствуйте свой английский вместе с ABC.
Задание №8647.
Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому
Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna for tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw Dotty. She had changed a lot. Anna had ___ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe.
1) proceeded
2) accompanied
3) followed
4) addressed
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna for tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw Dotty. She had changed a lot. Anna had ACCOMPANIED Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe.
Новое пальто
В выходные Дотти пошла к Анне на чай, и мать Анны Миранда ахнула, увидев Дотти. Она сильно изменилась. Анна сопровождала Дотти в парикмахерскую, и теперь у нее была очень красивая прическа с челкой.
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At the weekend Dotty went to Anna for tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw Dotty. She had changed a lot. Anna had 1)______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 2)______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I’m not 3)______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woollen coat 4)______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 5)______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 6)______ the light of day? You’ll be 7)______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32 – 38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32 – 38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna for tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw Dotty. She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I’m not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woollen coat 35 ______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.
Слайд 1Интерактивный тест
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 11
Тема: подготовка к 3-му
заданию раздела Лексика и грамматика ЕГЭ по английскому языку
Слайд 2Инструкция
Тест представляет собой 3-е задание раздела Лексика и грамматика
ЕГЭ по английскому языку и состоит из 7 заданий на
множественный выбор. Нумерация заданий соответствует КИМ ЕГЭ (задания 32-38).
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. На каждом слайде красным цветом выделен номер задания, к которому под текстом представлены возможные варианты ответов. Нажмите левой кнопкой мыши на выбранный Вами вариант ответа. Если выбран правильный ответ, он окрасится в зеленый цвет, красный цвет — индикатор неправильного варианта.
В правом нижнем углу расположена кнопка для перехода к следующему заданию.
Слайд 3addressed
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna
for tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw
Dotty. She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I’m not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.
Слайд 4Moreover
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna
for tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw
Dotty. She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I’m not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.
Слайд 5allowed
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna
for tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw
Dotty. She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I’m not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.
Слайд 6instead
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna
for tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw
Dotty. She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I’m not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.
Слайд 7fortune
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna
for tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw
Dotty. She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I’m not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.
Слайд 8seeing
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna
for tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw
Dotty. She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I’m not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.
Слайд 9doing
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna
for tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw
Dotty. She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I’m not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.
Слайд 10Тест окончен
Текст задания взят из Открытого банка заданий ЕГЭ
на сайте ФИПИ www.fipi.ru
16 They are considering _another shop next year. C to open
17 This time next month I _ in a new house. C will be
18 The match _ at two o’clock tomorrow afternoon C starts
19 She claims _ Brad Pitt last year. B to have met
20 Samantha is starting a new job tomorrow. She _ forward to it. A is
looking 21 He _ to work when the accident happened. B was driving
22 They were happy to hear they _ a prize B had won
23 They _ together for five years
C have worked
24 I think James _us tomorrow. C will visit
25 _ is my favourite form of execise. A Jogging
26 The boys avoided _ through the dark forest. A walking
27 Many seems _ a fight with Jack again. C to have had
28 They don’t allow _ in the examination room. C to talk
29 Peter _ forty years old in January B will be
30 I _ you a new coat next winter. B will buy
31 The whole class studied hard, so they _ all their exams. C passed
32 I _James tonight. We have arranged it. A B am seeing
33 The boss has decided _ a bigger office. A to rent
34 You had better _ your umbrella with you today. C take
35 They _ for half an hour when the doctor came. B had been waiting
36 I think my sister _ a dancer one day. C will become
37 Look at the sunshine! It _ a beautiful day. A is going to be
15 минут до сдачи осталось…
заполните пробелы артиклем при необходимости в каждом предложении пары должен быть другой артикль
1A. they gave the house_____new coat
B. they gave the house ______final coat of paint
2. A. It all happened in___autumn of 1990
B. it all happened in ____autumn
3. A. _____article in the sentence is wrong .
B. There should be ____article in the sentence .
4 A. Look!____dinner has burnt
B. Let s talk about it after____dinner
5 A. When we were in France we were staying at_____nice small hotel by the sea.
B. I have never stayed at___Royal Hotel
6 A. There are a lot of fisn in ____lake
B. Near out cottage there is _____lake
7A. _____novel is a book that has become a Bestseller
B. I am reading ____ novel by J.London