A teenage magazine is offering a prize for the best short story beginning with сочинение

Обновлено: 12.03.2023

Here is a story about a terrible holiday.
The first thing that went wrong was that the country we were going to decided to have a war a few days before we were going there. So that was the end of that. But the plane we were going on was stopping off at Rome. So rather than not having a holiday at all, we thought we’d go to Italy. Very nice. See the sights. Go to the beaches and get fat with pasta. We were at the airport waiting for the plane and a friend of mine who lived near the airport had come to see us off. So we were having a few drinks in the bar and joking with this friend of mine, Peter, saying ‘Poor old you in cold rainy England. This time tomorrow we’ll be in Italy on the beach.’ And I went down to see if the flight had been called and discovered it had gone. It was a terribly stupid mistake. We hadn’t checked the time of departure. I was sure it was going 9 something but it was going at 19 something which of course is 7 o’clock. So we were actually there in the bar when it went without us.
We were determined to have our holiday. The irony was that Peter was now going back to his comfortable home and we were stuck in the cold and the rain at 10 o’clock at night. You see, it was a charter flight so we couldn’t book another one. We lost our money and all the other flights were booked up. Well, we got a train to the South Coast and caught the midnight boat across the Channel, froze to death all night, it was a terrible crossing with people being sick everywhere. And eventually we got to I think it was Dieppe and then a train to Paris. We got to Paris very early in the morning and I thought we’d be all right. You see, we now had to hitch hike because a lot of our money had gone on the boat and the train, but I thought ‘Well, it’s very early in the morning, we’ll get a good place to start hitching and we’ll soon be well on our way.’ We got to the start of the motorway and I just couldn’t believe it. I’ve never seen so many people trying to hitch a lift in all my life. Well, it was then it suddenly dawned on me. It was August the first wasn’t it? and on August the first in France the whole population goes on holiday and there were hundreds of people, stopping the traffic, banging on drivers’ windows trying to persuade them to stop and give them a lift. It was chaos, disastrous.
Well, we got moving eventually. A lorry driver gave us a lift. And then things started to get better, as we got further south and it got warmer, you know, and we thought ‘At last, the holiday’s beginning.’ Well, we camped that night and we then set off again the next day. We got some lifts, and met a great chap who owned a vineyard. He took us back to his farm and we tasted all this wine -Burgundy, my favorite — and we had a great time. Now the holiday really was starting. Well, he took us back to the motorway, and there we were by the side of the road, the sun was shining, we were a bit merry, sang a few songs — you know, life was great. And we got another lift from . well he was a maniac, complete maniac. He seemed nice enough, but within a few minutes he was driving at about a hundred miles an hour, overtaking on the inside on the motorway, with his stereo at full volume, one hand on the wheel and well the other hand on various parts of Susan’s body. So what could I do? I’ve never been so frightened in all my life. We were absolutely -helpless. Susan tried to say that she had to go to the toilet, but he wouldn’t stop then she pretended to be sick in his car, and he stopped in seconds. He had this really flash expensive car, and as soon as he stopped we just jumped out and ran. The worst thing was this tremendous drop from feeling so good to thinking that we were going to get killed. We eventually got down to the south of France and began to have a good time, and then down to Italy. We ran out of money, of course, but apart from that, it was good. I’ve never had such a tiring holiday. When we got back, I was exhausted. At the end of the holiday, I needed a holiday!

Пожалуйста, не пишите бессмысленные комментарии вида «Спасибо, всё отлично», «Очень полезная информация», «мне помогло», «не очень» и т.п. А так же комментарии только со смайликами без текста. Такие комментарии будут удаляться без предупреждения, т.к. они не несут никакого смысла и затрудняют общение. Также удаляются комментарии не по-теме, с рекламой, со ссылками на сайты, которые нарушают авторские права и т.п.
Если вам понравилась статья, то лучше будет если вы добавите ссылку на неё в твиттер или другой социальный сервис.

Внимание! Если Вы заметили в тексте какие-либо ошибки или неточности, сообщите об этом в комментариях. Будем очень признательны!

Есть задание из учебника по английскому: написать сачинение из 120-180 слов на одну из предложенных тем.

一A teenage magazine is offering a prize for the best short story beginning with the sentence: It was a perfect, sunny day at the festival and it felt like nothing could go wrong.

一Your school magazine is looking for short stories with the title A Disastrous Holiday.

一 You have decided to enter a short sto competition. Your story should end with the words: «If only we hadn’t gone to the carnival!’

Всем кто поможет ОГРОМНОЕ спасибо, вы не пожалели 10 минут, и очень сильно помогли мне))

One day my family went to Brazil on a submarine. We left for the airport. Our journey had to lie across Africa to the Atlantic Ocean. Our flight to Africa was detained because of a tornado in the Moscow airport. After 10 hours, the plane still went. We were tired and sleepy, so we slept on the plane. Suddenly I was awakened by loud noises. On our plane was attacked by terrorists. Our plane began to fall, my family and I began to jump with a parachute. My sister said that the worst had to be the same can not. Unfortunately we landed in the Sahara Desert. We are terribly thirsty and there. We are very fortunate that we have met the ancient magicians giant scorpions. They drove us to the Atlantic Ocean. On the quay had to stand our submarine. And guess what happened to her? Our submarine stolen! We saw that on the dock is a huge ship, we were told that he had just sent to Brazil. We bought tickets and set sail. But this is not our luck did not end there, at night our ship crashed into a block of ice and began to sink. The crew began to lower the boats on the water. In the bay, where getting out of the boat, we saw our nuclear submarine so unexpected. We lowered it into the water and swam. On the way we had up on the surface. Then we were attacked by pirates, we captured Captain Jack Sparrow. But later found out that we live in a submarine Bear, Jack let us in return for the bear and even drove us to Brazil. It was disastrous weekend.
Получилось чуть больше 180 слов, но не суть. Писал быстро, возможны ошибки в прошедшем времени, а вообще такую штуку тебе скажу, сочиняй на русском любой бред и вбивай в гугл переводчик, только он в грамматике не шарит, за ранее ставь все глаголы в прошедшем времени для историй и все, плов готов

Here is a story about a terrible holiday.
The first thing that went wrong was that the country we were going to decided to have a war a few days before we were going there. So that was the end of that. But the plane we were going on was stopping off at Rome. So rather than not having a holiday at all, we thought we’d go to Italy. Very nice. See the sights. Go to the beaches and get fat with pasta. We were at the airport waiting for the plane and a friend of mine who lived near the airport had come to see us off. So we were having a few drinks in the bar and joking with this friend of mine, Peter, saying ‘Poor old you in cold rainy England. This time tomorrow we’ll be in Italy on the beach.’ And I went down to see if the flight had been called and discovered it had gone. It was a terribly stupid mistake. We hadn’t checked the time of departure. I was sure it was going 9 something but it was going at 19 something which of course is 7 o’clock. So we were actually there in the bar when it went without us.
We were determined to have our holiday. The irony was that Peter was now going back to his comfortable home and we were stuck in the cold and the rain at 10 o’clock at night. You see, it was a charter flight so we couldn’t book another one. We lost our money and all the other flights were booked up. Well, we got a train to the South Coast and caught the midnight boat across the Channel, froze to death all night, it was a terrible crossing with people being sick everywhere. And eventually we got to I think it was Dieppe and then a train to Paris. We got to Paris very early in the morning and I thought we’d be all right. You see, we now had to hitch hike because a lot of our money had gone on the boat and the train, but I thought ‘Well, it’s very early in the morning, we’ll get a good place to start hitching and we’ll soon be well on our way.’ We got to the start of the motorway and I just couldn’t believe it. I’ve never seen so many people trying to hitch a lift in all my life. Well, it was then it suddenly dawned on me. It was August the first wasn’t it? and on August the first in France the whole population goes on holiday and there were hundreds of people, stopping the traffic, banging on drivers’ windows trying to persuade them to stop and give them a lift. It was chaos, disastrous.
Well, we got moving eventually. A lorry driver gave us a lift. And then things started to get better, as we got further south and it got warmer, you know, and we thought ‘At last, the holiday’s beginning.’ Well, we camped that night and we then set off again the next day. We got some lifts, and met a great chap who owned a vineyard. He took us back to his farm and we tasted all this wine -Burgundy, my favorite — and we had a great time. Now the holiday really was starting. Well, he took us back to the motorway, and there we were by the side of the road, the sun was shining, we were a bit merry, sang a few songs — you know, life was great. And we got another lift from . well he was a maniac, complete maniac. He seemed nice enough, but within a few minutes he was driving at about a hundred miles an hour, overtaking on the inside on the motorway, with his stereo at full volume, one hand on the wheel and well the other hand on various parts of Susan’s body. So what could I do? I’ve never been so frightened in all my life. We were absolutely -helpless. Susan tried to say that she had to go to the toilet, but he wouldn’t stop then she pretended to be sick in his car, and he stopped in seconds. He had this really flash expensive car, and as soon as he stopped we just jumped out and ran. The worst thing was this tremendous drop from feeling so good to thinking that we were going to get killed. We eventually got down to the south of France and began to have a good time, and then down to Italy. We ran out of money, of course, but apart from that, it was good. I’ve never had such a tiring holiday. When we got back, I was exhausted. At the end of the holiday, I needed a holiday!

Пожалуйста, не пишите бессмысленные комментарии вида «Спасибо, всё отлично», «Очень полезная информация», «мне помогло», «не очень» и т.п. А так же комментарии только со смайликами без текста. Такие комментарии будут удаляться без предупреждения, т.к. они не несут никакого смысла и затрудняют общение. Также удаляются комментарии не по-теме, с рекламой, со ссылками на сайты, которые нарушают авторские права и т.п.
Если вам понравилась статья, то лучше будет если вы добавите ссылку на неё в твиттер или другой социальный сервис.

Внимание! Если Вы заметили в тексте какие-либо ошибки или неточности, сообщите об этом в комментариях. Будем очень признательны!

Читайте также:


  • Сочинение по фильму человек дождя

  • Сочинение послание потомкам великой победы

  • Сочинение что изучает обществознание

  • Сочинение на тему гиацинт

  • Если бы у меня была скатерть самобранка сочинение

Создан заказ №1801468

6 марта 2017

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:

A teenage magazine is offering a prize for the best short story beginning with the sentence: it was a perfect sunny day at the festival and it felt like nothing could go wrong/ Write your story (120-180 words)

Заказчик не использовал рассрочку

Гарантия сервиса

20 дней

Заказчик воспользовался гарантией для внесения правок на основе комментариев преподавателя

7 марта 2017

Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


It was a perfect, sunny day at the festival and it felt like nothing could go wrong .docx

2017-03-10 23:35

Последний отзыв студента о бирже Автор24


Автор превосходный. Не устану ее хвалить.
3. За разумную цену
4.Идет на уступки
5.Ну и,конечно же,всё вовремя
Спасибо Вам огромное за Вашу помощь!))
Обращусь еще не раз))

Хочешь такую же работу?


Светило науки — 68 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

n recent years there appear more and more magazines published specifically for young people. The magazines are on different subjects and supposed to be read mainly by one ore both sexes. Some magazines are more serious, others — light-hearted. For example, sport magazines contain information about sport news. They are mainly read by boys. Girls are more interested in fashion and there are also fashion magazines for them. Magazines about pop stars and particulars of their lives are read by both sexes. Successful magazines and newspapers have a clear idea as to who their readers are and the articles are designed to suit their readers. 
To begin with I don’t think there exist many good teenage magazines. To tell the truth I don’t read regularly any of them. Perhaps they are too childish in my opinion. Many of them have a great amount of silly articles and unimportant information. Reading such magazines it’s very difficult to remember even the idea of what you have read. 
I don’t like magazines about pop stars. Some very common and usual events are described there only because it’s the life of a very popular person. There are usually many pictures in such magazines with very few commentaries which I dislike either. 
I also don’t really enjoy reading or looking through fashion magazines. However I can’t really tell the reason. The obvious explanation is that I am a boy and don’t care much about fashion. 
Most of all I enjoy sport magazines. I think it’s because I can find information about my favourite sports and sportsmen there. I mean a car rally in particular. 
My idea is some important changes should be made in teenage magazines creation to make their readership larger. I’m no expert in teenage magazines but I wish the magazines I’d read regularly were not very thick and published on good paper. I suggest that it should contain information about my favourite sports and sportsmen. I want current news and some funny stories, maybe a crossword too. The articles should be written by talented journalists who know the things they are writing about and can give full information about things worth attention. I appreciate that my demands are beyond any reason but I still wish the price of the magazine were not too high. Providing everything is done in a proper way, I hope both publishers and teenagers will gain. The former, getting more money for their product, the latter, having a chance to make their everyday life more exciting.

Напишите небольшой рассказ в журнал, котрый должен начинаться со слов: «это было рискованно, но я хотел попробовать»

You have decided to enter a short story competition on a website.The story must I begin with the following sentence: It was risky, but I knew wanted to try it.Write your story (120-180 words)

Светило науки — 629 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

It was risky, but I knew I wanted to try it. No matter what I really wanted to and I actually did. But let me first tell you how I finally came to this idea. One day I was just sitting in my room and reading some interesting book as always. This book contained different stories about trips. I liked traveling a lot, but I haven’t ever been such a person who could just leave everything and just decide to travel around the world. But those stories I have read they gave me so many inspiring thoughts and the characters there were so energetic and risky that I decided to try myself. All my life I was passionate about the idea to do bungee-jumping but I was always afraid of it as well. And these two deferent feelings had a fight inside of me. And my father if I had situation like this always told me the next words: ‘Do something that in your opinion you’ll never be able to do. Don’t give up. If it needs to then try again. And in the second time you’ll do it much better. That’s how life works’. So I had just decided that I want to travel to another continent of the Earth hitchckining and do some bungee-jumping there. I was never so risky but it was worth it. So what I want to say in conclusion? Choose right words as a motivation in your life, do risky things and never look back if you have any doubt.

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