Alberto santos dumont brazil s favourite aviator егэ ответы

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1)  rounded

2)  turned

3)  struck

4)  changed

Alberto Santos Dumont: Brazil’s Favourite Aviator

Most people have heard of the Wright Brothers, the two Americans generally considered the inventors of the first practical airplane. Few people 30 ______ than Brazilians have heard of Alberto Santos Dumont, another visionary in early aviation.

Santos Dumont was born in 1873 in Minas Gerais, Brazil. When he 31 ______ 18, he was sent to Paris to study astronomy, physics, and mechanics. He became interested in dirigibles, or airships held up by a “lighter-than-air” gas often 32 ______ in a balloon.

Santos Dumont’s balloons won many races and prizes, including one in 1901 for circling the Eiffel Tower in less than 30 minutes. Reportedly, Santos Dumont took the 100,000 franc prize and split it 33 ______ his workers and Paris’s beggars.

After conquering the skies in lighter-than-air vehicles, Santos Dumont became interested in heavier-than-air vehicles. His 14-BIS plane left the ground on November 12, 1906, to fly 34 ______ a speed of approximately 37 km/h and a height of 6 metres to reach a total distance of 220 metres. This flight demonstrated that a heavier-than-air vehicle could take 35 ______ by its own means.

The Wright Brothers had flown their Flyer I in 1903 with the help of a catapult’s launch. The Wright Flyer flew for longer distances at a higher altitude than the 14-BIS. 36 ______, most people consider the Wright Flyer the first practical airplane. Undaunted by this classification, Brazilians still celebrate Santos Dumont as a national hero.


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  besides

2)  apart

3)  other

4)  except


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  consisted

2)  comprised

3)  composed

4)  contained


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  among

2)  amid

3)  along

4)  around


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  at

2)  on

3)  by

4)  for


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  up

2)  out

3)  on

4)  off


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  Otherwise

2)  Therefore

3)  However

4)  Moreover

Спрятать пояснение


Turned  — единственный подходящий по смыслу вариант.Когда ему исполнилось 18  — when he turned 18.

Ответ: 2.

Задание 61 на подготовку к ЕГЭ по английскому. В тексте имеются пропуски слов. Для каждого пропуска даны несколько вариантов. Определите, какой вариант верный.


Alberto Santos Dumont: Brazil’s Favourite Aviator

Most people have heard of the Wright Brothers, the two Americans generally considered the inventors of the first practical airplane. Few people BESIDES / APART / OTHER / EXCEPT than Brazilians have heard of Alberto Santos Dumont, another visionary in early aviation.

Santos Dumont was bom in 1873 in Minas Gerais, Brazil. When he ROUNDED / TURNED / STRUCK / CHANGED 18, he was sent to Paris to study astronomy, physics, and mechanics.

He became interested in dirigibles, or airships held up by a “lighter-than-air” gas often CONSISTED / COMPRISED / COMPOSED / CONTAINED in a balloon.

Santos Dumont’s balloons won many races and prizes, including one in 1901 for circling the Eiffel Tower in less than 30 minutes. Reportedly, Santos Dumont took the 100,000 franc prize and split it AMONG / AMID / ALONG / AROUND his workers and Paris’s beggars.

After conquering the skies in lighter-than-air vehicles, Santos Dumont became interested in heavier-than-air vehicles. His J4-BIS plane left the ground on November 12, 1906, to fly AT / ON / BY / FOR a speed of approximately 37 km/h and a height of 6 metres to reach a total distance of 220 metres. This flight demonstrated that a heavier-than-air vehicle could take UP / OUT / ON / OFF by its own means.

The Wright Brothers had flown their Flyer I in 1903 with the help of a catapult’s launch. The Wright Flyer flew for longer distances at a higher altitude than the 14-BIS. OTHERWISE / THEREFORE / HOWEVER / MOREOVER, most people consider the Wright Flyer the first practical airplane. Undaunted by this classification, Brazilians still celebrate Santos Dumont as a national hero.

Alberto Santos Dumont: Brazil’s Favourite Aviator

Most people have heard of the Wright Brothers, the two Americans generally considered the inventors of the first practical airplane. Few people OTHER than Brazilians have heard of Alberto Santos Dumont, another visionary in early aviation.

Santos Dumont was bom in 1873 in Minas Gerais, Brazil. When he TURNED 18, he was sent to Paris to study astronomy, physics, and mechanics.

He became interested in dirigibles, or airships held up by a “lighter-than-air” gas often CONTAINED in a balloon.

Santos Dumont’s balloons won many races and prizes, including one in 1901 for circling the Eiffel Tower in less than 30 minutes. Reportedly, Santos Dumont took the 100,000 franc prize and split it AMONG his workers and Paris’s beggars.

After conquering the skies in lighter-than-air vehicles, Santos Dumont became interested in heavier-than-air vehicles. His J4-BIS plane left the ground on November 12, 1906, to fly AT a speed of approximately 37 km/h and a height of 6 metres to reach a total distance of 220 metres. This flight demonstrated that a heavier-than-air vehicle could take OFF by its own means.

The Wright Brothers had flown their Flyer I in 1903 with the help of a catapult’s launch. The Wright Flyer flew for longer distances at a higher altitude than the 14-BIS. THEREFORE, most people consider the Wright Flyer the first practical airplane. Undaunted by this classification, Brazilians still celebrate Santos Dumont as a national hero.

Добрый вечер! Здравствуйте, уважаемые дамы и господа! Пятница! В эфире капитал-шоу «Поле
чудес»! И как обычно, под аплодисменты зрительного зала я приглашаю в студию тройку
А вот и задание на этот тур:

Вопрос: 19 октября 1901 года 28-летний бразилец Альберто-Сантос Дюмон за полчаса пролетел на этом от парка Сен-Клод до Эйфелевой башни и обратно. Прославился на весь мир и выиграл приз в 100 тысяч франков.
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  • Первый тур из разряда воздушных судов

19 октября 1901 года 28-летний бразилец Альберто-Сантос Дюмон за полчаса пролетел на этом от парка Сен-Клод до Эйфелевой башни и обратно. Прославился на весь мир и выиграл приз в 100 тысяч франков.



50 месяцев назад

башни и обратно. прославился на весь мир и выиграл приз в 100 тысяч франков


Первый полет на дирижабле принес Альберто Сантосу — Дюмону не только деньги, но и всемирную славу.

Альберто появился на свет в бразильском штате Минас — Жерайс в 1873 году. Отец был обеспеченным владельцем кофейных плантаций, как инженер увлекался конструированием разных механизмом. Свои изобретения он применял на своих полях. Это позволило во много раз повысить производительность и облегчить тяжелую труд рабочих. Огромное богатство отца позволило Альберто переехать во Францию и изучать точные науки. Альберто в 1898 году впервые поднялся в воздух на воздушном шаре который сконструировал сам. Впоследствии Альберто усовершенствовал свое изобретение управляемым механизмом.

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