Алтайский заповедник сочинение на английском

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Altai Nature Reserve
Russian: Алтайский заповедник
Altayskiy Zapovednik

IUCN category Ia (strict nature reserve)

Chulyshman reka 01.jpg

Katu-Yaryk pass, Altai Zapovednik

Map showing the location of Altai Nature Reserve

Map showing the location of Altai Nature Reserve

Location of Reserve

Location Altai Republic
Nearest city Gorno-Altaysk
Coordinates 51°34′0″N 87°45′0″E / 51.56667°N 87.75000°ECoordinates: 51°34′0″N 87°45′0″E / 51.56667°N 87.75000°E
Area 8,712 square kilometres (3,364 sq mi)
Established 1932
Governing body Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Russia)
Website http://www.altzapovednik.ru/

Altai Nature Reserve (Russian: Алтайский заповедник, also called Altayskiy Zapovednik) is a Russian zapovednik (‘sanctuary, strict nature reserve’) in the Altai Mountains of south Siberia, Russia. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site «Golden Mountains of Altai», recognized as an area of high biodiversity and isolation from human intrusion. It is also included in the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves. The Altai Reserve includes the 30 km (19-mile) east bank of Lake Teletskoye and stretches 230 km (140 miles) into the high mountains to the southeast of the lake. It is situated in Ulagansky District and Turochaksky District in the north and east of the Altai Republic.[1][2]


The reserve has an elongated shape running from the northeast to southwest along the Teletskoye basin and into the high interior. Elevations rise to 3,500 metres (11,500 ft). This territory averages 35 km (22 miles) wide through its 230 km (140-mile) length. Lake Teletskoye is in the upper northwest end. The Chulyshman River runs into the lake, with the Chulyshman valley forming part of the western border of the Altia Reserve. Most of the reserve is the plains and alpine ridges of the Chulyshman Highlands. Over 20% of the territory is rock, scree and gravel. On the high plateaus there are over 1,000 alpine lakes greater than 1 hectare (2.5 acres) in size.[1][2]

Location of Altai Zapovednik (in green) in the northeast of the Altai Republic

Great Falls of the Chuchinsky River, one of the six areas of the Altai Reserve open to tourists

Climate and ecoregion[edit]

Altai is located in the Sayan montane conifer forests ecoregion. This ecoregion is characterized by mountains dissected by river valleys, high levels of precipitation, and high biodiversity. Flora is generally dependent on the elevation and terrain, with forest having three main subzones based on altitude: light needle-leaf sparse taiga, dark needle-leaf taiga, and dark taiga. The Altai reserve has been for the most part undisturbed by human activity, and is one of the few remaining pristine areas of this ecoregion. It covers 9.4% of the entire Republic of Altai, and there are no roads in the reserve.[3][4]

The climate of Altai is a Humid continental climate, with a cool summer (Köppen climate classification Subarctic climate, Dfc). This climate is characterized by mild summers (only 1–3 months above 10 °C, 50 °F) and cold, snowy winters (coldest month below −3 °C, 26.6 °F).[5][6] Over the past 50 years in the Altai reserve, the warmest month has been July (16.8 °C, 62.2 °F), the coldest month January (−8.3 °C, 17.1 °F), and the average rainfall has been 865 millimetres (34.1 in).

Flora and fauna[edit]

The most common trees in the Altai Reserve coniferous species: Siberian larch, Siberian cedar and Siberian fir. On the slopes near Lake Teletskoye there are some secondary forests of birch and alder, but most of the reserve to the south is untouched — cedars on the site have been measured up to 1.8 metres (5 ft 11 in) in diameter and 400–450 years in age. Scientists at the reserves have recorded over 1,500 species of vascular plants, including 22 species listed as ‘vulnerable’ in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.[1] There are over 70 species of mammals in the reserve, including two endangered species, the Snow Leopard and the Altai argali. There are 19 species of fish, mostly in Lake Teletskoye, including pike, perch, and whitefish. In the streams the most common fish is the grayling. Of the 331 species of birds found in the reserve, most (48%) are passerine (159 species), waders (48 species), Falconiformes (30 species), and geese (29 species). The remaining 66 species account for only 20%.[1]


As a strict nature reserve, the Altai Reserve is mostly closed to the general public, although scientists and those with «environmental education» purposes can make arrangements with park management for visits. There are six «ecotourist» routes in the reserve, however, that are open to the public, but require permits to be obtained in advance. Park management recommends allowing 2–3 months in advance for obtaining permits. The main office is in the city of Gorno-Altaysk.[1]

The six ecotourist routes open to the public (permits required) are:

  1. Chichelgansky Zigzag. Overlook of Lake Teletskoye, ethno-cultural visitor center, Yaylyu waterway hike. (website (in Russian)
  2. Belinskaya Terrace. Ancient monuments of the Turkic period — «Kaeser-Tash» (stone warrior), «IT-Bash» (stone-dog). (website (in Russian))
  3. Corbou Waterfall . 25 km boat ride and hike. 13 meter waterfall. (website (in Russian))
  4. Cordon Chelyush — Waterfall. Softwood forest, overviews of Altai. (website (in Russian))
  5. Kokshe Waterfall. Orientation by reserve ranger, hike to Kokshe Waterfall on the Koskhe River (largest right bank tributary of Lake Teletskoye. (website (in Russian))
  6. Great Falls of the Chulchinsky. Hike for experienced mountain hikers only. (website (in Russian))

See also[edit]

  • List of Russian Nature Reserves (class 1a «zapovedniks»)
  • Wikicommons Gallery: Lake Teletskoye


  1. ^ a b c d e «Altai Zapovednik (Official Site)» (in Russian). Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Russia). Retrieved January 21, 2016.
  2. ^ a b «Altai Zapovednik» (in Russian). Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Russia). Retrieved January 21, 2016.
  3. ^ «Map of Ecoregions 2017». Resolve, using WWF data. Retrieved September 14, 2019.
  4. ^ «Sayan montane conifer forests». Encyclopedia of Earth. Retrieved January 23, 2016.
  5. ^ Kottek, M.; J. Grieser; C. Beck; B. Rudolf & F. Rubel (2006). «World Map of Koppen-Geiger Climate Classification Updated» (PDF). Gebrüder Borntraeger. Retrieved September 14, 2019.
  6. ^ «Dataset — Koppen climate classifications». World Bank. Retrieved September 14, 2019.

External links[edit]

  • Official Website, Altai Nature Reserve (In English)
  • Maps of the Reserve and Surrounding Protected Areas
  • Video Gallery, Altai Biosphere
  • Map of Altai Nature Reserve at OpenStreetMap
  • Map of Altai Nature Reserve at ProtectedPlanet.org Archived 2020-11-16 at the Wayback Machine

Snow-capped mountains, roaring rivers, azure blue lakes laced with magnificent lush forests and tundra – this image of the Altai Republic is very dear to our hearts and makes them beat faster for it is a true image of our motherland. 

The Altaiskiy State Nature Reserve was established in 1932 on the right shores of the Teletskoye Lake and in the upper reaches of the Chulyshman River to keep the pristine nature of Gorny (Mountain) Altai safely intact.  

Much water has flown into the Ob River originating in the territory of the Reserve. The Altaiskiy Reserve was closed and reestablished twice, and each time its territory diminished.  Nonetheless, covering a total area of 881,238 ha, it still remains one of Russia’s largest reserves. Even from the top of its highest mountain Tashkaly-Kai (3,504 meters above sea level) the eye can’t embrace the whole territory of the Reserve – it stretches from north to south for over 200 km.  A flight above the Reserve gives a wonderful view of this true realm of lakes – the Reserve is home to 1,275 lakes, not counting the small ones covering a territory of less than a hectare!  The largest of them and one of the largest reservoirs in Southern Siberia — Lake Teletskoye — is 77.8 km long, 5.2 km wide and 325 m deep.  The border of the Reserve splits the lake in half which makes the stunningly beautiful Altyn-Köl (the other name of the Lake, the Altaic for “the Golden Lake”), poetized in Altai legends, open to tourists. The Reserve’s second largest Dzhulukul Lake is 10 km long. Located in the upper reaches of the Chulyshman River, it overlooks the territory from the height of 2,200 km above sea level. Dominating alpine landscapes is one more characteristic feature of the Reserve perfectly seen from the air.  Alpine tundras, alpine and sub-alpine meadows cover two thirds of the territory. The rest of the territory is taken by forests predominantly made up of conifers – larch, cedar and silver fir.   Located at the junction of mountain systems of Altai, Kuznetsk Alatau, Western Sayan and Tyva, the Reserve’s territory boasts exceptionally unique biocenosis diversity. 

It is almost next to impossible to name all species making up this diversity. The key endangered flora and fauna species protected by the Reserve are: Allium altaicum, Siberian adder’s-tongue, Rheum altaicum, Galium paradoxum, Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides virgo), Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug), Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus), Osprey  (Pandion haliaetus), Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia), Altai Argali, just to name a few.  Altai Argali deserves special attention. The largest of all wild sheep subspecies, Altai Argali is also the rarest of them all. Altai Argali is found in the southern part of the Reserve and without proper protection on adjoining territories, conservation of this unique animal can’t be guaranteed.

There are a lot of historic sites in the Reserve: standing stones and stone warriors (Obos), burial mounds (kurgans), irrigation systems, etc. Traces of culture left by people that inhabited the territory of the Reserve at different times are an integral part of the Reserve’s complex.  The unrivalled beauty of the Altai Mountains makes them unique and we are proud to have this pristine nature sanctuary – a true pearl of the Altai Republic and Russia – protected by the Altaiskiy Reserve. 

 Алтайский заповедник находится в горах Южной Сибири. Он почти со все перевод -  Алтайский заповедник находится в горах Южной Сибири. Он почти со все английский как сказать

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 Алтайский заповедник находится в

 Алтайский заповедник находится в горах Южной Сибири. Он почти со всех сторон окружён высокими горами, а с юга к нему примыкает огромное Телецкое озеро. На его территории расположены 1190 озер. Заповедный край был внесен организацией ЮНЕСКО в список Всемирного природного наследия как объект «Алтай – Золотые горы». Здесь можно встретить медведя, соболя, грациозного юркого горностая, белку, бурундука.
Лучшие месяцы для поездки: июнь, июль, август и сентябрь.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


 altaisky zapovednik is situated in the mountains of southern Siberia. He almost from all sides surrounded by high mountains, and on the South it adjoins the great Lake teletskoye. On its territory there are 1190 Lakes. Forbidden territory was introduced by UNESCO in the World Heritage list as an object of «Golden mountains of Altai». Here you can find the bear, Sable, graceful ûrkogo ermine, squirrel, Chipmunk. The best months to visit: June, July, August and September.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


 Altai Reserve located in the mountains of Southern Siberia. He almost all sides surrounded by high mountains, and to the south it is adjacent to the huge Lake Teletskoe. On its territory there are 1190 lakes. Timeless region was introduced by UNESCO in the World Heritage list as an object of «Altai — Golden Mountains». Here you can meet a bear, sable, ermine graceful brisk, squirrel, chipmunk.
The best months to travel: June, July, August and September.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


 nature reserve is located in the altai mountains of southern siberia. he almost on all sides surrounded by high mountains, and to the south it borders great lake teletskoye lake. in its territory are located 3 lakes. open edge was introduced by the unesco list of world natural heritage as the altai is gold mountain «. here you can see the bear, sable, грациозного юркого ermine, squirrel, chipmunk.the best months to visit: june, july, august and september.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Give a 2−minute talk on the wildlife in Russia. Remember to say:

• what is understood by the term wildlife;

• if you enjoy watching wildlife;

• where people can find wildlife in Russia;

• why national parks are important.


ГДЗ Английский язык 10 класс Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 4. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Подготовьте 2−минутную речь о дикой природе России. Не забудьте сказать:
• что понимается под термином дикая природа;
• нравится ли вам наблюдать за дикой природой;
• где люди могут найти дикую природу в России;
• почему заповедники важны.


Wildlife traditionally refers to undomesticated animal species and includes all organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans.

An example of wildlife is a deer and a bird that are seen along a hike. I enjoy watching wildlife while walking in the park or forest.

Russia is home to a large variety of wildlife. It is a biodiversity hotspot with its various ecosystems ranging from the tundra region in the far north to the Caucasus Mountains and prairies in the south, including forests which cover
70% of the country’s territory.

Here are the top places to enjoy wildlife in Russia.

• Baikal Nature Reserve.

• Kuznetsk Alatau Reserve.

• Altai Reserve.

• Kronotsky Nature Reserve.

• Caucasian Biosphere Reserve.

The world’s nature reserves not only defend nature for nature’s needs, but also curb erosion, prevent sandstorms, retain water and prevent flooding, and sequester carbon. In addition they provide protection and suitable living conditions to wild animals.

Перевод ответа
Дикая природа традиционно относится к неодомашненным видам животных и включает в себя все организмы, которые растут или живут в дикой природе на определенной территории и не были завезены человеком.
Примером дикой природы являются олень и птица, которых можно увидеть во время похода. Мне нравится наблюдать за дикой природой во время прогулки в парке или лесу.
Россия является домом для большого разнообразия дикой природы. Это горячая точка биоразнообразия с ее разнообразными экосистемами, от тундры на крайнем севере до Кавказских гор и прерий на юге, включая леса, которые покрывают 70% территории страны.
Вот лучшие места для наслаждения дикой природой в России.
• Байкальский заповедник.
• Кузнецкий Алатауский заповедник.
• Алтайский заповедник.
• Кроноцкий заповедник.
• Кавказский биосферный заповедник.
Природные заповедники мира не только защищают природу ради нужд природы, но и сдерживают эрозию, предотвращают песчаные бури, удерживают воду и предотвращают наводнения, а также улавливают углерод. Кроме того, они обеспечивают защиту и подходящие условия для жизни диких животных.

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