An early choice of a career path is the key to success эссе егэ

Эссе (сочинение) по английскому языку на тему: An early choice of a career path is the key to success


All people want to be successful in life and they expect their career to give them all the good things of life. The question is when it is better to make a career choice. Some people believe that career decisions should be made at an early age, while others are sure that one should take some time and think it out.

In my opinion, you get more chances to succeed if you choose your professional path as early as possible. First of all, an early career decisions mean saved time, which can be spent on better education and practice. The more theoretical knowledge and practical skills you acquire the better you are at a chosen professional activity. Good professionals are always in great demand in every sphere and they are highly rated and well-paid. These people are successful because high professional rating and substantial earnings are an important part of success. Moreover, the younger you are the more energy and health you have. As a matter of fact, trying to be successful requires a lot of psychophysical efforts, so young people are more advantaged than older ones.

But there are people who consider that there is no interdependence of an early choice of a career path and success. They say that success is achievable at any age, and it is strong will that is the key to it.

Nevertheless I do not agree with the above mentioned position. Nowadays many older people, no matter how strong-willed they are, cannot even get a chance for a job because of their age. Almost every company expects their employees to be not older than a certain age. If you are over, you are not invited to the job interview, which means you fail even on the first step to success. Your strong will is of no help.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that there are no shortcuts to success in life. It usually takes much time to make money, to achieve a high social status, etc. So, the earlier you take the first step on your career path, the more prospects of success you have.


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Essay Sample 09

verbitckaya2020 20

Comment on the following statement:

An early choice of a career path is the key to success. 

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
—    make an introduction (state the problem)
—    express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
—    express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
—   explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
—    make a conclusion restating your position

pir 1

linking words 1

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Some people think that to choose one’s career early will bring success, whereas others do not agree. They consider a late choice of career more beneficial.

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In my opinionthe earlier one choses his or her career the better chances of success they have. First of all, an early chosen career gives one an opportunity to get more experienceFor example, a lot of computer program writers started programming when they were about 7 years old. By the age of twenty-two they have much experience behind them. Secondly, choosing a career path early allows one to focus their education directly on their career specialtyFor example, those aspiring to go into the field of biotech can begin their career training by earning a bachelor’s degree in biological science or a related field, including chemistry, molecular biology, or biochemistry. Moreover, it also helps one utilize their school time more efficiently.

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At the same time, there are people who say that the later one chooses their career the more opportunities to be successful they have. The idea is that the more occupations they try out the better they know what they really want.

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I cannot agree with the statement mentioned above. Modern social surveys can easily detect a person’s strongest inclinations without actually trying his hand in different occupations. 

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In conclusionI would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight the later one choses their career the more chances for success they have, but in actual fact modern technologies allow children to do this process faster. Thus, I still support the early career choice. 

Read by George William Dole






esse edit

An early choice of a career path is the key to success.

Nowadays some people believe that if you want to be successful in the future you need to choose your career when you are young. However, others say that you will be able tо make a good choice of a career only when you are older.

In my opinion, an early choice of a career is a good way to be successful in your life. Firstly, you will have a lot of time to prepare for exams which you need for your future career. You will get high points and then you can enter the university and get a good education. Secondly, if you make an early choice, you will learn more and more about your profession. That will be helpful for you and you will find work without any problems.

However, others are sure that you are able to decide what kind of profession you should choose only when you get older. They think when you are young you cannot know where you want to work and what you would like to have in the future.

I do not agree with this point of view because we can see a lot of successful people who achieved many goals thanks to early choice.

All in all, I would like to say that when you are young you should think about your future career because it will help you to find the right job and to be happy in your life.

An early choice of a
career path is the key to success.

It is always difficult to choose an occupation. Some people beleive that if a person chooses their career path as early as possible, it will lead to success, while others claim the time when one chooses a profession is not the crusial aspect of success.

As for me, to be successful it is worthwhile to choose a career path in young years. First of all, before starting to work a person has a lot of time to get prepared for it. Besides, it is perfect when the skills needed for the future work are gained in childhood, because at this time they are trained faster and more effectively. So, the combination of these factore proves the neccessity of choosing not only an occupation, but the way it will go, in young years.

However, there are people who are sure that it is not important to choose a career path early. They say that such a ch

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СПб ГБПОУ «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции»

Преподаватель: Ирина Владимировна Криницкая, преподаватель дисциплин ОДБ.03 Иностранный язык, ОНСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности, ОП.08 Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.


Пояснительная записка.

Учебное задание: написать эссе с аргументами ЗА и ПРОТИВ.

Тема: Ранний выбор профессионального направления – ключ к успеху

Количество слов: 200 – 250

План: — вступление (обозначение проблемы);

— выражение личного мнения с 2-3 доводами собственной позиции;

— выражение противоположного мнения с 1-2 доводами противоположной позиции;

— объяснение, почему не согласны с противоположным мнением;

— заключение с повторным выражением собственного мнения.


Task: to write For-and-Against Essay

Theme: An Early Choice of a Career Path is the Key to Success

Words: 200 – 250


— make an introduction (state the problem);

— express your personal opinion and gave 2-3 reasons of your opinion;

— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion;

— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion;

— make a conclusion restating your position.

Выполнила студентка: ЛЯШЕНКО ЭЛЬВИРА

Курс: 2

Группа: 9КМ-21

Специальность: 38.02.04 Коммерция

Полностью сохранена орфография автора.

Количество слов: 249

Many people say that an early decision of an occupation can lead a person to success, while others believe that children should not make such a crucial choice.

I am convinced that youngsters ought to think about their future job in the high school at least. Firstly, it is common to change your mind about career throughout school life, because you are fond of many subjects and cannot choose one. Secondly, our world changes quickly. As a result, a job will might not exist, when a person graduated from the university.

There is another side to this issue. My opponents claim that a child would become a great specialist, if a kid devoted entire time for preparing for it. Moreover, when a human concentrates on one field, only useful skills are improved. For instance, a future doctor would learn symptoms of diseases than how to grow plants.

In spite of this convincing argument, I believe that making an early choice of a career path is not as positive as it seems. Parents often decide it instead of their children; therefore kids have no options apart from gaining these goals. Furthermore, when you spend all free time doing one thing, you are not able to reveal other talents.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of age of choosing a job is still to be discussed. I think that adolescents need to opt their occupations in last grades, as they would have enough life experience for it.

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Автор материала: Э. Ляшенко (2 курс)

The problem of choosing career has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that an early choice of a career path is the key to success. However, the others believe that you shouldn’t be in a hurry with this question.
I suppose that it is better to choose your profession earlier. Firstly, you could have more time to develop your professional skills. Secondly, if you start early, you will gain more professional experience, because young people have ability to receive knowledge faster than adults. Thirdly you won’t waste time on unnecessary subjects, you can concentrate on your speciality.
Some opponents might stick to the point that you may change your mind about your future profession anytime. They suggest that it is pointless to develop one’s skills in only one sphere. Moreover they say that young people might change their mind and be unhappy with their choice.
Nevertheless I do not support the above mentioned ideas. One should take into account the fact that a determined person would not regret his choice . Besides, youngsters who develop skills in only one field have more opportunities to become more advanced and successful professionals than others
All in all I think an early choice of a career is very beneficial and leads to success. Despite the arguments of various skeptics I will be happy to find my professional way as soon as possible.

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