An ideal family текст егэ it had

Topic Family (Топик Семья)

Topic «Family» (Топик на английском языке «Семья»)

If you’ve ever wondered what a family is and looked the word up in a dictionary then you know that it is a close-knit union of people related by blood or marriage. Psychologists usually refer to a family consisting of a mother, a father and their children as a nuclear family. On the other hand an extended family expands beyond the immediate one and consists of a number of generations, including aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces, cousins, grandparents, in-laws and distant relatives. In addition to it there are single-parent families usually headed by a woman, which get more attention and support from the government as it’s a tough job to bring a child up on your own. Unfortunately, large unions with more than 3 kids are rarely found nowadays, especially in our country, as the hectic lifestyle led by most grown-ups is not appropriate for taking care of many children. Besides you have to be well-off to provide your minors with all they need. However, there are people who wholeheartedly devote themselves even to non-biological children. They either adopt or foster an orphan and treat him or her just like their own flesh and blood. At the same time the number of blended or stepfamilies has increased drastically over the past century along with the number of divorces. In practice a great deal of effort has to be put into relationship between members of such families to make everything work out. And finally, there are childless couples in which partners dedicate their unspent love and attention to each other.
Anyway, a family, no matter of which type, is something more than just a basic unit of society. There is no denying that it’s a fabulous phenomenon, cemented by blood which is thicker than water. As every genius creation of humanity it’s an immortal masterpiece with its roots dating back to prehistoric times. Like a real marvel it constantly changes whereas preserving its essence. Most people value their families and assess them as the most important thing in their life. Man is a social creature and he needs a company of his fellow beings. A family gives you a sense of belonging, tradition and stability, a feeling of reliability and understanding, love and comfort. Interests, acquaintances, entertainments come and go, but family always stays by you. Close friends play a big role in our life, but it takes a lifetime to find them, while family is nearby since day one. When you are disillusioned by unsympathetic society, your family is always there to fall back on. It always accepts you just the way you are with all your mistakes and weaknesses and still adores you even if the whole world turns their back on you. We always seek a helping hand from our family and they come to our rescue not asking for anything in return. Thus any achievement or failure we have in life we desire to share with our nearest and dearest. They say a trouble shared is a trouble halved, therefore the support you get from your relatives will sooth your pain. Mutual affection developed among family continues throughout life.
All the good in us is due to our family, our virtues are not innate. We learn to be patient, to tolerate each others’ faults and flaws, to consider someone’s opinion. Such values as good manners, respect for the elder, responsibility and flexible thinking are among paramount qualities and are carefully cultivated by parents. Family becomes the first learning place because it’s a small model of society and adults are role models, whose demeanor is emulated.
As a consequence grown-ups ought to be very diligent as far as parenting is concerned, still they are only humans and likely to make mistakes.
Some parents strongly believe that every possible thing has to be done for the sake of their little dears. Being excessively permissive with one’s kids certainly does more harm than good. The authors of some modern child-rearing manuals have succeeded in undermining parents’ confidence in their authority. As a result parents’ lives are regulated according to the needs of their offspring, which leaves adults bewildered and full of guilt. Adolescents in their turn get the impression that they are the hub of the universe and develop into spoilt brats and shallow show-offs. Eventually neither parents nor children benefit from such relationship.
In addition to it some parents feel the need to become friends with their teenage children and are eager to build close relationship with them. But treating their underage kids as equals and giving them too much freedom has the opposite effect. Undoubtedly, certain limits, rules and orders have to be imposed, otherwise youngsters will abuse their «pal’s» trust and might even become juvenile delinquents or drug addicts.
The other side of the coin is the autocratic model, in which parents are despotic rulers and kids are obliged to obey and are punished even for minor wrong doings. A fair amount of criticism is also present in this Victorian-like model of upbringing. In the long run critical comments encourage nothing but despair, hostility and alienation. A child starts to think of himself as of the black sheep of the family. A good tip for such parents is to remember that it’s easy to be destructive while attempting to be constructive.
It seems to. me that the most effective is the teacher-guide style of parenting. Children have to be directed in life but also given freedom to make their own decisions. They should be motivated to develop physically and intellectually, but rebuked for misbehavior as well. You see that being an ideal parent is a very delicate task demanding tact, patience.
I’m happy to declare that my parents carry out their responsibility with accuracy and fondness. I used to take this for granted but over the recent years I’ve understood that I will leave the nest soon and started to cherish my family relationship. Now I realize that my thoughts, ideas, ambitions and interests are taken from home. My family consists of my parents, my sister and me. As you see, I’m not an only child and I’m absolutely pleased about it. How dull my life would be without my little Kate. As an elder sister I’ve developed such quality as trustworthiness, while she is affectionate and lazy as most juniors. My parents tied the knot 17 years ago and I think their marriage was made in heaven. They are deep in love and treat each other with respect and tenderness. Even though they are as different as chalk and cheese, their relationship somehow worked out. I’m inclined to believe that it happened thanks to their skills of listening to each other and finding a compromise. To my mind my relationship with both parents are amazing: they are my true friends, supporters and advisers. I appreciate their warm regard for me and constant attention. I look up to my parents and can’t help admiring them as I consider them to be very special. So let me describe each member of my family in brief. My dad is a businessman and his profession speaks for itself. He’s always occupied and engaged in sophisticated ventures demanding smartness, decisiveness and diplomacy. But when my father is off work he turns into a witty, easy-going and sociable person always surrounded by mates and acquaintances. They say I’m the spitting image of my dad, so by looking at me you can get an idea of his looks. I wish I spent more time in his company. My mother is a teacher and she is a perfect type for working with children: warm, patient, kind, but strict when necessary. If only I took after her in appearance. Her bright green eyes radiate light and her beaming smile makes my day. Sometimes she tends to be too sentimental and anxious about me, but this treat of character is typical of any doting mother. I guess we are on the same wavelength with her and have the same approach to life and the same principles. My mother’s unconditional love towards my dad, my sister and me is the basis of our family. I don’t want to idealize my family relationship and depict them in bright colors, surely we have rows sometimes, but hardships only make family life more lively, challenging and fascinating.
To cut a long story short I want to say that family is the greatest blessing of God, and you have to cherish it and be thankful to your nearest and dearest for their love and tenderness.

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Family is an essential part of the society and it plays the most important role in everybody’s life. It means that the most important people in our lives are our family members. Family is represented by a close unit of parents and children living together. I believe that everyone wants to have a happy family and good relations with all its members. In my opinion, a happy family should have mutual interests, hopes and dreams to share. Other important issues are love, trust and respect. No family can exist without love.

Happiness is also impossible without love. When people love each other, they can overcome all the obstacles. Unfortunately, modern couples often build their relations on some other values, such as money, social position, etc. They think that happiness will come itself and nobody has to make an effort. They are mistaken, as good family relations are impossible without mutual understanding and love. Children in the family also play an important role. To keep up ideal

relations with parents they should be kind to them, trusting and understanding. They should share everyday joys and sorrows with their parents.

Whenever, there is a difficult situation, parents are the first people to help them and find the way out. My family is not big. I live with my parents and my little sister. I think that we have ideal relations, as we never quarrel with each other. Instead, we always treat each other with respect and love. If there is a problem, we talk about it and try to find the best possible solution.

Перевод топика на русский язык:

Семья является неотъемлемой частью общества и играет самую важную роль в жизни каждого человека. Это означает, что самые важные люди в нашей жизни – это члены нашей семьи. Семья – это единое целое, в котором родители и дети, проживают вместе. Я считаю, что каждый человек хотел бы иметь счастливую семью и хорошие отношения со всеми ее членами.

На мой взгляд, счастливая семья

должна иметь взаимные интересы, разделять общие надежды и мечты. Другие важные составляющие – это любовь, доверие и уважение. Ни одна семья не может существовать без любви. Счастье также невозможно без любви. Когда люди любят друг друга, они могут преодолеть все препятствия. К сожалению, современные пары часто строят свои отношения на некоторых других ценностях, таких как деньги, социальное положение и т. д. Они считают, что счастье придет само по себе и не нужно прикладывать никаких усилий. Они ошибаются, так как хорошие семейные отношения невозможны без взаимопонимания и любви. Дети в семье также играют важную роль.

Чтобы поддерживать идеальные отношения с родителями, они должны проявлять доброту, доверие и понимание. Они должны делить насущные радости и горести со своими родителями. Всякий раз, когда возникает сложная ситуация, родители это первые люди, которые придут на помощь и найдут выход. У меня небольшая семья. Я живу с родителями и младшей сестрой. Думаю, что у нас идеальные отношения, поскольку мы никогда не ссоримся друг с другом. Вместо этого, мы всегда относимся друг к другу с уважением и любовью. Если появляются проблемы, мы обсуждаем их и пытаемся найти оптимальное решение.

Family Relationships – Семейные отношения

английского языка в 9 классе на тему «
My ideal family»


английского языка

«Гимназия №3 г. Бобруйска»

Тип урока: урок
совершенствования речевых умений с применением интерактивных методов обучения.

Цель: формирование
коммуникативной компетенции в рамках изучаемой темы.

Прогнозируемый результат: в конце
урока учащиеся смогут высказать свою точку зрения и ответить на вопрос «Что
такое идеальная семья?».


ü    совершенствовать
навык восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух, навык изучающего чтения;

ü    совершенствовать
речевую активность, развивать практические речевые умения;

ü    развивать
творческое мышление, воображение, умение работать в группах.

для обучающихся:

учиться рассказывать о представлении своей будущей идеальной семье
на английском языке;

учиться применять полученные знания на практике.

коммуникативный, интерактивный, проблемный, casestudy
(обучающий – эвристический кейс).

Оборудование: интерактивная
доска, раздаточный материал, презентация, видео.

Этап урока

Задачи этапа

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся






Речевая зарядка

Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения.

Постановка задач урока

morning, dear pupils! Look out of the window and smile to each other like the
sun smiles to us.

Masha, are you a happy person? Why are you happy? (Pupil’s answer) So you
said family… What is family? What does this word mean? (Pupil’s answer)

let’s watch a video. After watching it your task is to think what family is. Finish
the mind-map, please and work in groups of two. Each pupil is responsible for
his part of the mind-map.

you ready? What is family? (Pupil’s answer)

pupils, look at the mind-map and try to guess the theme of our lesson. You
are right, we are going to speak about an ideal family, how we can
characterize an ideal family, how to build ideal family relations and how to
be an ideal spouse.

your desks you have cards where you should put marks to yourselves at the end
of each step of the lesson.

отвечают на вопросы, смотрят видео, выводят задачи урока

внимательно изучают оценочные карты, настраиваются на урок



2 мин

Слайд 1

is family.avi

Приложение 1







Предтекстовый этап

Снятие языковых трудностей

my dear pupils, what adjectives can you use to characterize your family members?
(Pupil’s answer) Great! Let’s add more words to your vocabulary. Look at
the screen. Your task is to match the words with their definitions
(pictures). Good job!


соотносят слова с их определениями





Текстовый этап

Работа с текстом

we will listen to Rebecca. She describes her family members. After listening
you should finish the chart and answer the questions. Work in pairs.
Questions 1-3 are for group 1, questions 4-6 are for group 2.

слушают текст





Послетекстовый этап

Контроль понимания прослушанного текста

Let’s check
exercises after the text:

the chat

the questions

Add some
information to our mind-map. Evaluate yourself.

Обучающиеся выполняют задание


Слайд 6

Приложение 8



pupils, are you tired? Let’s have a rest. Do you like hip-hop? I think some
of you can perform even better than celebrities. Let’s try to sing a song but
instead of words we will use adjectives which describe our traits of

выполняют упражнение


Слайд 7



Работа с кейсом. Содержание кейса

Уровень 1. Обсуждение
проблемы, ответы на поставленные вопросы

a lot, boys and girls. Let’s continue. At home you read the text “
Longest married couple celebrate 77 years of marriage” and answered
the questions. We have two groups. The first group analyzed the beginning of
the ideal family relationship and the second group discussed what makes relations
ideal. Let
s answer the questions. Evaluate yourself.

отвечают на вопросы, обмениваются информацией





Уровень 2.

Определение основных характеристик идеальной семьи

boys and girls, now use the information that you got and complete the
mind-map of an ideal family. What things made this family ideal? Work in

дополняют интеллект-карту полученной информацией

4 мин

Слайд 9

Уровень 3.

Представление проекта «Моя идеальная семья»

pupils, use the cards with the expression of your opinion and evaluation
cards. Present your projects “My ideal family”. Let’s watch videos that
pupils prepared for us. Evaluate yourself.

представляют проекты, оценивают себя


Слайд 10

Приложение 6



Рефлексия, подведение итогов урока

Повторение и обобщение пройденного на уроке,
объяснение домашнего задания

pupils, I hope that you liked today’s lesson and got a lot of positive
emotions. What marks did you put to yourselves?

I agree, your marks for today are …

work was great today! Write down your homework. Leave the comment in my blog on the topic “Ideal family”. Thank you for
the lesson, good bye!

итоги урока, выставляют отметки и записывают домашнее задание

5 мин


Приложение 1


Me, my mum and my

My brother, 2
other brothers, four other sisters and one brother moved out

My little brother
and my guinea pig

Awesome but a
little bit loopy


encouraging, helpful

It’s cool having a

They don’t yell at
me much

No arguing

Someone who I see
a lot

To care for each

You live with them

You support them

They are related
to you

People that would
help you

They get married
and stuff

They are a bit
Scottish and a bit Italian

Dad’s side are
living in Vietnam

Grandparents live
in Turkey some live in Greece, some live in Italy and some live here

Some of my family
is annoying like my sister

He is smelling

I like going on
holidays with my family

We have lots of
fun together

We all love each other

Приложение 2

Single-parent family                                                                                                                              Awesome

family                                                                                                                                        Fun

family                                                                                                                                     Love


FAMILY MEMBERS                                                                                                                              FAMILY

                         FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS

on holidays                                                                        Helpful,
encouraging, sporty

lots of fun together                                                          Fun

yell, no arguing

for each other, support


Generous – a person who gives more than expected or

Moody – given to sudden or frequent changes of mind

Bossy – tending to give orders to others

Argumentative – a person who likes to argue or dispute

Sympathetic – showing or characterized by sympathy

Even-tempered – remaining calm even in situations that
would cause others to become angry

Sociable – tending to socialize

Annoying – troublesome, irritated

Stubborn – refusing to move or to change one’s opinion

Mad – insane, crazy


Magical, selfish, optimistic

Useful and helpless and furious

Reliable, active

Sensible, bored

Sometimes boring

Now repeat once more



beginning of the ideal family relationship

problems and difficulties make people closer?

teenagers responsible and hard-working people during the war time?

did Fred and Olive get acquainted?

the war separate loving people?


makes relations ideal

loving people patient in their feelings during the war?

more children you have, the happier the family, don’t you?

Oliver’s love real?

children always grateful to their parents?

Приложение 6

believe/think/guess an ideal family is …

In my opinion …

My own view of the problem is that…

I am sure that…

Finally …

Приложение 7

Evaluation card


Active vocabulary







Perfect (9-10)

Good (7-8)

Not bad (5-6)

Worse than ever (1-4)

Your mark is

Сергей Баскаков


на голосовании

10 лет назад

Мне нужно сочинение на английском языке на эту тему… помогите пожалуйста =)

Дополнен 10 лет назад

хоть что-то. ибо я не умею писать сочинения =(

Голосование за лучший ответ

An ideal family текст егэ

Помощь Абитуриенту » In groups of four, write a text message to each person

In groups of four, write a text message to each person in your group. Reply to the messages you are given. Use the abbreviations above to help you. — В группах по четыре человека, напишите текстовое сообщение для каждого человека в вашей группе. Ответьте на сообщения, которые вы получили. Используйте сокращения выше, чтобы помочь вам.

Ответов: 1 | Категория вопроса: Подготовка к ЕГЭ



Project idea — идея проекта
What do you think an ideal family is like? Do you think your family is ideal? Write about your family, add some photos and make a leaflet ‘We are an ideal family’ or ‘We are not ideal, but we are SO NICE!’. You may think of your own title. — Как вы думаете, что такое идеальная семья? Как вы думаете, ваша семья идеальна? Напишите о своей семье, добавьте несколько фотографий и сделайте листовку «Мы идеальная семья» или «Мы не идеальны, но мы такие милые!». Вы можете придумать своем собственное название.

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That evening for the first time in his life, as he pressed through the swing door and descended the three broad steps to the pavement, old Mr. Neave felt he was too old for the spring. Spring—warm, eager, restless— was there, waiting for him in the golden light, ready in front of everybody to run up, to blow in his white beard, to drag sweetly on his arm. And he couldn’t meet her, no; he couldn’t square up once more and stride off, jaunty as a young man. He was tired and, although the late sun was still shining, curiously cold, with a numbed feeling all over. Quite suddenly he hadn’t the energy, he hadn’t the heart to stand this gaiety and bright movement any longer; it confused him. He wanted to stand still, to wave it away with his stick, to say, «Be off with you!» Suddenly it was a terrible effort to greet as usual—tipping his wide-awake with his stick—all the people whom he knew, the friends, acquaintances, shopkeepers, postmen, drivers. But the gay glance that went with the gesture, the kindly twinkle that seemed to say, «I’m a match and more for any of you»—that old Mr. Neave could not manage at all. He stumped along, lifting his knees high as if he were walking through air that had somehow grown heavy and solid like water. And the homeward-looking crowd hurried by, the trams clanked, the light carts clattered, the big swinging cabs bowled along with that reckless, defiant indifference that one knows only in dreams…

It had been a day like other days at the office. Nothing special had happened. Harold hadn’t come back from lunch until close on four. Where had he been? What had he been up to? He wasn’t going to let his father know. Old Mr. Neave had happened to be in the vestibule, saying good-bye to a caller, when Harold sauntered in, perfectly turned out as usual, cool, suave, smiling that peculiar little half-smile that women found so fascinating.

Ah, Harold was too handsome, too handsome by far; that had been the trouble all along. No man had a right to such eyes, such lashes, and such lips; it was uncanny. As for his mother, his sisters, and the servants, it was not too much to say they made a young god of him; they worshipped Harold, they forgave him everything; and he had needed some forgiving ever since the time when he was thirteen and he had stolen his mother’s purse, taken the money, and hidden the purse in the cook’s bedroom. Old Mr. Neave struck sharply with his stick upon the pavement edge. But it wasn’t only his family who spoiled Harold, he reflected, it was everybody; he had only to look and to smile, and down they went before him. So perhaps it wasn’t to be wondered at that he expected the office to carry on the tradition. H’m, h’m! But it couldn’t be done. No business—not even a successful, established, big paying concern—could be played with. A man had either to put his whole heart and soul into it, or it went all to pieces before his eyes…

And then Charlotte and the girls were always at him to make the whole thing over to Harold, to retire, and to spend his time enjoying himself.

Enjoying himself! Old Mr. Neave stopped dead under a group of ancient cabbage palms outside the Government buildings! Enjoying himself! The wind of evening shook the dark leaves to a thin airy cackle. Sitting at home, twiddling his thumbs, conscious all the while that his life’s work was slipping away, dissolving, disappearing through Harold’s fine fingers, while Harold smiled…

«Why will you be so unreasonable, father? There’s absolutely no need for you to go to the office. It only makes it very awkward for us when people persist in saying how tired you’re looking. Here’s this huge house and garden. Surely you could be happy in—in—appreciating it for a change.

Or you could take up some hobby.»

And Lola the baby had chimed in loftily, «All men ought to have hobbies.

It makes life impossible if they haven’t.»

Well, well! He couldn’t help a grim smile as painfully he began to climb the hill that led into Harcourt Avenue. Where would Lola and her sisters and Charlotte be if he’d gone in for hobbies, he’d like to know? Hobbies couldn’t pay for the town house and the seaside bungalow, and their horses, and their golf, and the sixty-guinea gramophone in the music-room for them to dance to. Not that he grudged them these things. No, they were smart, good-looking girls, and Charlotte was a remarkable woman; it was natural for them to be in the swim. As a matter of fact, no other house in the town was as popular as theirs; no other family entertained so much. And how many times old Mr. Neave, pushing the cigar box across the smoking-room table, had listened to praises of his wife, his girls, of himself even.

«You’re an ideal family, sir, an ideal family. It’s like something one reads about or sees on the stage.»

«That’s all right, my boy,» old Mr. Neave would reply. «Try one of those; I think you’ll like them. And if you care to smoke in the garden, you’ll find the girls on the lawn, I dare say.»

That was why the girls had never married, so people said. They could have married anybody. But they had too good a time at home. They were too happy together, the girls and Charlotte. H’m, h’m! Well, well. Perhaps so…

By this time he had walked the length of fashionable Harcourt Avenue; he had reached the corner house, their house. The carriage gates were pushed back; there were fresh marks of wheels on the drive. And then he faced the big white-painted house, with its wide-open windows, its tulle curtains floating outwards, its blue jars of hyacinths on the broad sills. On either side of the carriage porch their hydrangeas—famous in the town— were coming into flower; the pinkish, bluish masses of flower lay like light among the spreading leaves. And somehow, it seemed to old Mr. Neave that the house and the flowers, and even the fresh marks on the drive, were saying, «There is young life here. There are girls—«

The hall, as always, was dusky with wraps, parasols, gloves, piled on the oak chests. From the music-room sounded the piano, quick, loud and impatient. Through the drawing-room door that was ajar voices floated.

«And were there ices?» came from Charlotte. Then the creak, creak of her rocker.

«Ices!» cried Ethel. «My dear mother, you never saw such ices. Only two kinds. And one a common little strawberry shop ice, in a sopping wet frill.»

«The food altogether was too appalling,» came from Marion.

«Still, it’s rather early for ices,» said Charlotte easily.

«But why, if one has them at all …» began Ethel.

«Oh, quite so, darling,» crooned Charlotte.

Suddenly the music-room door opened and Lola dashed out. She started, she nearly screamed, at the sight of old Mr. Neave.

«Gracious, father! What a fright you gave me! Have you just come home?

Why isn’t Charles here to help you off with your coat?»

Her cheeks were crimson from playing, her eyes glittered, the hair fell over her forehead. And she breathed as though she had come running through the dark and was frightened. Old Mr. Neave stared at his youngest daughter; he felt he had never seen her before. So that was Lola, was it?

But she seemed to have forgotten her father; it was not for him that she was waiting there. Now she put the tip of her crumpled handkerchief between her teeth and tugged at it angrily. The telephone rang. A-ah!

Lola gave a cry like a sob and dashed past him. The door of the telephone- room slammed, and at the same moment Charlotte called, «Is that you, father?»

«You’re tired again,» said Charlotte reproachfully, and she stopped the rocker and offered her warm plum-like cheek. Bright-haired Ethel pecked his beard, Marion’s lips brushed his ear.

«Did you walk back, father?» asked Charlotte.

«Yes, I walked home,» said old Mr. Neave, and he sank into one of the immense drawing-room chairs.

«But why didn’t you take a cab?» said Ethel. «There are hundred of cabs about at that time.»

«My dear Ethel,» cried Marion, «if father prefers to tire himself out, I really don’t see what business of ours it is to interfere.»

«Children, children?» coaxed Charlotte.

But Marion wouldn’t be stopped. «No, mother, you spoil father, and it’s not right. You ought to be stricter with him. He’s very naughty.» She laughed her hard, bright laugh and patted her hair in a mirror. Strange!

When she was a little girl she had such a soft, hesitating voice; she had even stuttered, and now, whatever she said—even if it was only «Jam, please, father»—it rang out as though she were on the stage.

«Did Harold leave the office before you, dear?» asked Charlotte, beginning to rock again.

«I’m not sure,» said Old Mr. Neave. «I’m not sure. I didn’t see him after four o’clock.»

«He said—» began Charlotte.

But at that moment Ethel, who was twitching over the leaves of some paper or other, ran to her mother and sank down beside her chair.

«There, you see,» she cried. «That’s what I mean, mummy. Yellow, with touches of silver. Don’t you agree?»

«Give it to me, love,» said Charlotte. She fumbled for her tortoise-shell spectacles and put them on, gave the page a little dab with her plump small fingers, and pursed up her lips. «Very sweet!» she crooned vaguely; she looked at Ethel over her spectacles. «But I shouldn’t have the train.»

«Not the train!» wailed Ethel tragically. «But the train’s the whole point.»

«Here, mother, let me decide.» Marion snatched the paper playfully from Charlotte. «I agree with mother,» she cried triumphantly. «The train overweights it.»

Old Mr. Neave, forgotten, sank into the broad lap of his chair, and, dozing, heard them as though he dreamed. There was no doubt about it, he was tired out; he had lost his hold. Even Charlotte and the girls were too much for him to-night. They were too…too…But all his drowsing brain could think of was—too rich for him. And somewhere at the back of everything he was watching a little withered ancient man climbing up endless flights of stairs. Who was he?

«I shan’t dress to-night,» he muttered.

«What do you say, father?»

«Eh, what, what?» Old Mr. Neave woke with a start and stared across at them. «I shan’t dress to-night,» he repeated.

«But, father, we’ve got Lucile coming, and Henry Davenport, and Mrs. Teddie Walker.»

«It will look so very out of the picture.»

«Don’t you feel well, dear?»

«You needn’t make any effort. What is Charles for?»

«But if you’re really not up to it,» Charlotte wavered.

«Very well! Very well!» Old Mr. Neave got up and went to join that little old climbing fellow just as far as his dressing-room…

There young Charles was waiting for him. Carefully, as though everything depended on it, he was tucking a towel round the hot-water can. Young Charles had been a favourite of his ever since as a little red-faced boy he had come into the house to look after the fires. Old Mr. Neave lowered himself into the cane lounge by the window, stretched out his legs, and made his little evening joke, «Dress him up, Charles!» And Charles, breathing intensely and frowning, bent forward to take the pin out of his tie.

H’m, h’m! Well, well! It was pleasant by the open window, very pleasant— a fine mild evening. They were cutting the grass on the tennis court below; he heard the soft churr of the mower. Soon the girls would begin their tennis parties again. And at the thought he seemed to hear Marion’s voice ring out, «Good for you, partner…Oh, played, partner…Oh, very nice indeed.» Then Charlotte calling from the veranda, «Where is Harold?»

And Ethel, «He’s certainly not here, mother.» And Charlotte’s vague, «He said—«

Old Mr. Neave sighed, got up, and putting one hand under his beard, he took the comb from young Charles, and carefully combed the white beard over.

Charles gave him a folded handkerchief, his watch and seals, and spectacle case.

«That will do, my lad.» The door shut, he sank back, he was alone…

And now that little ancient fellow was climbing down endless flights that led to a glittering, gay dining-room. What legs he had! They were like a spider’s—thin, withered.

«You’re an ideal family, sir, an ideal family.»

But if that were true, why didn’t Charlotte or the girls stop him? Why was he all alone, climbing up and down? Where was Harold? Ah, it was no good expecting anything from Harold. Down, down went the little old spider, and then, to his horror, old Mr. Neave saw him slip past the dining-room and make for the porch, the dark drive, the carriage gates, the office. Stop him, stop him, somebody!

Old Mr. Neave started up. It was dark in his dressing-room; the window shone pale. How long had he been asleep? He listened, and through the big, airy, darkened house there floated far-away voices, far-away sounds.

Perhaps, he thought vaguely, he had been asleep for a long time. He’d been forgotten. What had all this to do with him—this house and Charlotte, the girls and Harold—what did he know about them? They were strangers to him.

Life had passed him by. Charlotte was not his wife. His wife!

…A dark porch, half hidden by a passion-vine, that drooped sorrowful, mournful, as though it understood. Small, warm arms were round his neck.

A face, little and pale, lifted to his, and a voice breathed, «Good-bye, my treasure.»

My treasure! «Good-bye, my treasure!» Which of them had spoken? Why had they said good-bye? There had been some terrible mistake. She was his wife, that little pale girl, and all the rest of his life had been a dream.

Then the door opened, and young Charles, standing in the light, put his hands by his side and shouted like a young soldier, «Dinner is on the table, sir!»

«I’m coming, I’m coming,» said old Mr. Neave.

Помогите, пожалуйста, с английским языком(у меня мало времени осталось). Буду очень признателен. В скобках нужно выбрать подходящее слово.

It had been a claylike other days at the office. On the way back, Mr Reave thought about his wife and the girls who were always. at him to make the whole thing over to his son Harold, to (dismiss/fire/retire/retreat) , and to spend his time enjoying himself. Enjoying himself! Sitting at home, conscious all the while that his life’s work was slipping away…

«Why will you be so unreasonable, father? There’s absolutely no need for you to go to the office. (Although/besides/whether/nevertheless) , it only makes it very awkward for us when people persist in (talking/speaking/telling/saying) how tired you’re looking. Here’s this huge house and garden. Surely, you could be happy in — in — appreciating it for a change. Or you could (take/give/get/bring) up some hobby.»

Well, well! He couldn’t help a grim smile. Where would Lily and her sisters and Charlotte be if he’d gone in for hobbies, he’d like to know? Hobbies couldn’t (account/acquire/pay/purchase) for the town house and the seaside bungalow, and their horses, and their golf. Not that he grudged them these things. No, they were smart, good-looking girls, and Charlotte was a remarkable woman; it was natural for them to be in the swim. As a matter of fact, no other house in the town was as (still/even/just/so) with elite guests as theirs; no other family entertained so much. And how many times old Mr Reave had listened to praises of his wife, his girls, of himself even.

«You’re an ideal family, sir. It’s like something one reads about or sees (held/used/kept/made) the stage.»


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        Можно ли научиться выполнять задания 32-38? Конечно да. Особенно, если следовать алгоритму, о котором мы рассказывали ранее, и учитывать типы заданий в этом разделе. Ведь порой, чтобы выбрать правильный ответ, достаточно посмотреть на пунктуацию в предложении, и ответ уже напрашивается сам собой. Сегодня мы предлагаем продолжить знакомство с разнообразием заданий в разделе «Лексика: 32-38» в рамках нашей новой статьи «My family ЕГЭ: детальный разбор и ответы».

        Читайте, берите на заметку и делитесь со своими друзьями. Приступим! 

        My family ЕГЭ: детальный разбор и ответы

        В тексте «My family», который представлен на сайте ФИПИ, используется старая нумерация A22-A28, как вы можете видеть на изображении. При разборе мы заменили ее на новую A32-A38.

        my family егэ

        А32. Как обычно смотрим на слова после пропуска.

        However, I do believe that the saying “There’s a place for everything, and everything has its place” A32 _______ equally well to human beings.


        • concerns
        • applies
        • affects
        • influences

        Там стоят equally well to human beings. Следовательно нам нужен такой глагол, который бы требовал дополнения с to. Давайте посмотрим, какой из предложенных вариантов подойдет. Для этого переведем каждый глагол и разберемся в его особенностях.

        influence smb – влиять на кого-либо

        Не путайте с выражением have a great influence on smb – иметь огромное влияние на кого-либо.

        Видим, что у глагола беспредложное дополнение, а у выражения с have – предложное.

        affect smth – влиять на что-то, затрагивать что-то
        concern smb – иметь отношение к кому-либо, касаться кого-либо, волновать кого-либо

        apply smth to smb – применять что-то к кому-то
        Глагол apply нам как раз подходит, так как у него есть нужное нам предложное управление.

        Ответ: apply

        А33. Снова задание на один из самых популярных синонимичных рядов: say, tell, speak, talk.

        I was born in Yorkshire in Victorian times and I can safely A33 _______ that during this period my family played a considerable role.


        • say
        • speak
        • tell
        • talk

        В данном случае проверяется знание выражения say smth safely – с уверенностью сказать.

        Более подробно о say, tell, speak, talk и устойчивых выражениях с этими глаголами вы можете узнать здесь. А вот знаете ли вы между ними разницу, поможет выяснить наш тест.

        Ответ: say

        A34. Для начала посмотрим на предложение с пропуском, чтобы понять, глагол с каким значением нужен.

        At the same time he always A34 _______ his workers as if they were all part of the family.


        • counted
        • dealt
        • judged
        • treated

        Сюда подойдет глагол со значением «обращаться с кем-либо» — это treated.

        Обратите внимание на то, что в русском языке у глагола есть предложное дополнение, а в английском его нет: treat smb – обращаться с кем-либо.

        Переведем целиком предложение, чтобы убедиться, что этот вариант действительно подходит.

        At the same time he always A34 _______ his workers as if they were all part of the family. — В то же время он всегда обращался со своими работниками так, как-будто бы они все были частью его семьи.

        Ответ: treated

        A35. Перейдем к следующему заданию. Оно проверяет знание выражения set an example – показывать пример, подавать пример.

        Indeed it was this example that he A35 _______, whenever he dealt with those less fortunate than himself.


        • did
        • made
        • set
        • put

        Ответ: set

        A36. Подобное задание мы уже не раз разбирали. Напомним, что при работе со словами-связками надо в первую очередь обращать внимание на пунктуацию.

        Давайте посмотрим на предложение.

        A36 _______ there were only a couple of years between us, I cannot pretend that we were even particularly close.


        • however
        • although
        • therefore
        • nevertheless

        В качестве вариантов ответа нам предложили три вводных слова: however, therefore, nevertheless и один союз although.

        По правилам после вводных слов ставится запятая. Проверим, есть ли запятая после пропуска. Ее нет, значит все три слова не подходят. Остается методом исключения союз although.

        Более подробно об особенностях слов-связок мы рассказываем в серии наших статей (linking words: 1 тип, 2 тип (1 часть, 2 часть, 3 часть), 3 тип) . Если вы уже их читали, то рекомендуем пройти тест.

        Ответ: although

        A37. Снова задание, посвященное устойчивым выражениям. И на этот раз это make an attempt – делать попытку.

        She never A37 _______ an attempt to get out of the family circle.


        • made
        • did
        • took
        • held

        Ответ: made

        А38. Последнее задание также проверяет знание устойчивых выражений.

        As it turned A38 _______, we had much in common.


        • off
        • out
        • in
        • over

        И это as it turned out – как оказалось. Тоже самое выражение может быть и в Present Simple: as it turns out – как оказывается.

        Ответ: out

        Множество тематических тестовых заданий из раздела 32-38 вы можете найти в нашей рубрике «Задания 32-38». А еще больше подобных разборов ищите в нашей новой рубрике «ФИПИ ответы».

        Разбор следующего текста «Merrywood Elementary» уже совсем скоро. Следите за обновлениями и совершенствуйте свой английский вместе с ABC.

        Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.









        A. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas but perhaps the most important one is the giving of presents. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. Children leave a long sock or stocking at the end of their beds on Christmas Eve, 24th December, hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney during the night and bring them small presents, fruit and nuts.

        B. At some time on Christmas day the family will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding or Christmas cake. As for Christmas cake, heavy and overfilling it is not to everybody’s taste. To make things worse, it takes weeks to make and when it is ready it can last until Easter, so if you don’t like it, you have to try and eat some at Christmas to avoid being haunted by it months after.

        C. Officially Christmas and New Year celebrations run from the 24th of December to the 2nd of January. However, for many Brits the Christmas marathon starts as early as the beginning of October with the first festive adverts on TV. The idea of Christmas shopping is that you spend as much money as you can on anything you cast your eyes on, preferably something neither you nor your family or friends will ever use. An average British family spends 670 pounds or more around the Christmas period.

        D. Long live Christmas! -say pickpockets, car thieves and burglars getting their share of Christmas shopping. Every year thousands of people get their wallets stolen in overcrowded shops and streets. Lots of lovely presents, which somebody spent so much time and money on, disappear without a trace when cars and homes are broken into. As much as 9% of people experience a burglary in December.

        E. Who doesn’t want to have a white Christmas? Playing snowballs and making a snowman with the whole family on Christmas Day is most people’s dream (apart from the countries like Australia that celebrate Christmas in summer, on the beach). This dream is more likely to come true in northern countries like Russia, but for the British people it’s different. Although it’s not uncommon to get some snow in Scotland and northern England, the rest of Britain is normally only lucky enough to get some frost. In most cases the weather is wet and gloomy.

        F. New year is a time for celebrating and making a new start in life. In Britain many people make New Year’s resolutions. This involves people promising themselves that they will improve their behaviour in some way, by giving up bad habits. People might decide to give up smoking, for example, or to go on a diet. These promises are often broken in the first few days of the New Year, however!

        G. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. For most families, this is the most important festival of the year. On this day many people are travelling home to be with their families. Most houses are decorated with brightly-coloured paper or holly, and there is usually a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room. Unfortunately, not all families get on well together. As it is a well-known fact, some magazines publish tips on how to cope with Christmas, such as yoga, meditation or holidays abroad.

        Текст A B C D E F G

        Билет №1 FAMILY (a draft)


        joys – радости
        sorrows – горести
        to share – делить(ся)
        support – поддержка
        respect – уважение
        attention – внимание
        to treat smb – относиться к кому-то
        to obey – подчиняться, слушаться
        to trust – доверять
        loving care – любовь и забота
        domestic chores – домашние обязанности
        events – события

        What role does family play in each person’s life?
        Every person needs a place where he can feel happy and quiet. One needs people with whom he could speak freely about his problems, share his joys and his sorrows. Such place and such people are his family. We may say that a family is an emotional centre of a person’s life. Your family will never ignore you; you will always get support and understanding from your family, no matter whether you are good or bad. You can’t live without your family’s help and respect, but you should remember that your family members also need your attention and support.

        What is family for you?
        My home is the best place in the world for me and my family are the dearest people for me. We trust each other. My parents treat me with loving care and I, in my turn, love, respect and obey my parents.

        What is an ideal family for you?
        An ideal family for me is loving parents and happy children.
        An ideal family is a family in which people have much in common, love each over, spend a lot of time together, support and help each other and share their domestic chores. Everyone in such family is friendly.

        Do you have your own family traditions?
        Yes, we do. We have our own family traditions, but not many. We usually celebrate family holidays together and it’s a tradition to have dinner together and chat about the events of the day.

        What will you ask your British friend about his/her family?
        Is your family big or small?
        Have you got a sister or a brother?
        Do you get on well with your sister/brother?
        What traditions have you got in your family?
        Do you spend much time together?

        What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family?
        If you want to have a happy family, try to be patient and understanding. Respect and support your family members. Talk over your problems together. Share your domestic chores. Keep your family traditions.

        About Author


        It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

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