An ideal teacher сочинение

Обновлено: 09.03.2023

нужно сочинение : мой идеальный учитель, на английском помогите! можно по этим вопросам: What is your idea of an ideal teacher? What qualities in a teacher do you dislike?
Why would (would not) you like to become a teacher?
What are in your opinion, advantages and disaddvantages of the teacheeeers work?

Напиши в любом поисковике essay my ideal teacher и кучу сайтов с сочинениями на эту тему найдешь ( вот это самые первые, что мне попались. ) по крайне мере сможешь выбрать для своего уровня знаний или из десятка разных составит одно. (я искала в гугле)

Ideal teacher
The ideal teacher is creative, insightful, informative, and encourages students to solve their problems through deductive reasoning.

In my life I have had several teachers of all different types. I’ve been lucky enough to have people to teach me about life, and general living strategy, as well as traditional academic teachers that we generally associate with the word teacher. I believe I have a good understanding of what I believe to the ideal teacher. The ideal teacher is creative, insightful, informative, and encourages students to solve their problems through deductive reasoning.

The ideal teacher can be creative in several different ways. Creativity can be expressed in thought, actions, and emotion.

Creativity in thought would be a teacher that can look at situations in several ways and plan a response in a way that would not normally be viewed. This helps students to open their minds and be creative to problem solving, and therefore inspires creative thinking. An example of this would be in a computer class that I took one time. The problem was that a computer had to dual boot with Microsoft Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000 Professional. The teacher would explain that even though

My Ideal Teacher
When I think about teachers that I have had in the past, several different ones come to my mind. Each of these educators stands out in my mind for a variety of diverse reasons. Whether it is their sense of humor, their tactfulness, their love of the subject matter, their fanatical and sporadic behavior, or their yearning to be childish themselves, I can still remember at least one quality of every teacher I have ever encountered. Every one of these teachers conveyed subject material to their students just as they were educated and employed to do. However, I trust that every professional in the world has an abundance of opportunity for improvement; teachers could discover and improve themselves merely by having an open mind and observing one another. If I could construct the “ideal” teacher for me, I would only have to focus on three main aspects of the individual. These three qualities would be conducting a fun and interesting class, having organization and genuine comprehension of subject material, and developing a need to accept and have a constructi.

In the hierarchy of relationship a ‘TEACHER’ is the one who is ranked just after our dear most parents. Without any selfish motive he gives his most precious ornament i.e. ‘knowledge’ to his disciples.

My ideal teacher would be a teacher who without any thought leaves an impact in mind through out the odyssey of my life. A teacher might be great scholar but until he is unable to create an interest, curiosity to learn, zest of liveliness in learning, bond of understanding, friendliness, trust within his pupils, I would not consider him my ideal teacher.

I visualize my ideal teacher to be an incarnation of a motivator, facilitator, to facilitate me with pearls of knowledge, philosopher, whose philosophy becomes an epic book for me to be referred forever and a friend in the time of despair to encourage me.

I would love to become an ardent student of an ideal teacher who is synonyms of honesty, truthful, straight forward, humble, knowledge bank and charismatic personality. Above all he should be a good human being to present this world his carbon copy with all imbibed knowledge.

Everybody can be a teacher but an ideal teacher is ‘one in million’. A teacher teaches only in class but an ideal teacher teaches for a lifetime. My ideal teacher will leave trails of his footsteps for me to follow and create my own niche in this world.

Teaching is not easy. It needs a lot of time, patience, knowledge and love to people. I respect teachers because they do this important and difficult job.

In my school I have many good and experienced teachers. And I can hardly say what bad qualities they have. I understand that many things depend on us. We misbehave sometimes and don’t listen to them.

But if you ask me who is a teacher of my dream, I will say it’s a person who never shouts at children. I mean his voice is loud and strong enough to calm us down without shouting. Also a perfect teacher is ready to explain a rule two-three-ten times without losing his patience. Maths is easy for a teacher of Maths and English is clear to a teacher of English. But for us it’s something new and difficult. We can make the same mistake few times. My mom always say: only a person who doesn’t work, doesn’t make mistakes.

Another important thing about perfect teacher is that he can inspire us to study. Children lose their interest very fast and we don’t like to read boring stories and to learn difficult formula. But teacher can inspire us to love the subject so we will wait for the lessons and we will listen to him with interest. There are few teachers so in my school.

A perfect teacher can forgive if I forget to do some homework. Sometimes I really don’t feel well or forget about homework. Bad mark is not a solution. It doesn’t motivate me to study. With bad marks many children want to give up and never open the book anymore.

I want to say that our teachers are very good. They are kind, smart, love children, do their best to make us to understand the rules. But sometimes they can punish us for no homework or if we are running around. I think some teachers forgot how it is to be a curios, active and funny child.

Still we love and respect them a lot. We are also not perfect students but we try our best. I would like to thank all teachers because this job is really hard.

Учитель моей мечты

Быть учителем непросто. Эта профессия требует много времени, терпения, знаний и любви к людям. Я уважаю учителей, ведь они делают важную и трудную работу.

В моей школе много хороших и опытных учителей. Едва ли я могу сказать, какими плохими качествами они обладают. Ведь я понимаю, что часто многое зависит от нас самих. Мы порой ведём себя плохо и не слушаем их.

Но если вы спросите меня, какой он, учитель моей мечты, то я скажу, что это человек, который никогда не повышает голос. Конечно, его голос должен быть достаточно громким и четким, чтобы успокоить детей без криков. А ещё идеальный учитель готов объяснять правила 2-3-10 раз и не терять терпение. Математика легко даётся учителю математики, а английский понятен учителю английского. Но нам это все ново и порой трудно. Мы можем ошибаться много раз, но мы так учимся. Моя мама говорит: только человек, который не работает, не совершает ошибок.

А ещё идеальный учитель вдохновляет нас на обучение. Дети быстро теряют интерес. Нам не нравится читать скучные истории и учить сложные формулы. Но учитель может вдохновить нас полюбить предмет. Тогда мы будем ждать урок с нетерпение и слушать его с огромным интересом.

В моей школе есть такие учителя.

Идеальный учитель простит отсутствие домашнего задания. Порой мне правда нездоровится или я могу забыть о нем. Плохая отметка- это не решение. Она совсем не мотивирует меня на учебу. С плохими отметками ученики наоборот хотят закрыть книгу и перестать учить.

Я хочу сказать, что у нас много достойных учителей. Они очень добрые, умные, любят детей и очень стараются делать свою работу. Но порой наказывают за отсутствие домашнего задания или за то, что мы бегаем много. Думаю, что они просто забыли, каково это быть любознательным, активным и веселым ребенком.

Все же мы любим и уважаем их. Мы тоже не идеальные, но очень стараемся. Я хочу поблагодарить учителей за их тяжкий труд.

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An ideal teacher

Who’s an ideal teacher? What qualities should a human have to be a good one? What are the most important things the good teacher can’t be without? All these questions are eternal and people of all times tried to answer them. Sir Donald D. Quinn, the famous scientist once said: “If a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didn’t want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teacher’s job.” I can’t but agree with him. Teaching profession is one of the most difficult ones in different aspects.

A good teacher should encourage and inspire his/her pupils to think beyond their confines and help them to realize their talents as well as the need to pursue them with diligence. An ideal teacher is a true builder of the nation, he builds an everlasting impression on the minds of his students. The hardworking and hard task masters are always remembered and loved by the students later.

The most important characteristic of a teacher is patience. Teacher should never lose his patience in class when students ask question repeatedly. He should explain each and every aspect of the topic in the easiest way. Before going into the class a good teacher will always prepare the lecture thoroughly. Then he can clear all confusion of the students and feel confidence in the class.

The other important treat is competence in this or that subject. A good teacher is a master, he is ready to answer on everything the students need. To be self competent a teacher should be up to date with all the new technologies in his or her educational sphere, use the Internet in the work, attend seminars and self educate himself. I’m a teacher already and use modern technologies in my work, search for the interesting information on the Internet every day, use a lot of demonstrative posters, newsparers, magazines,films about English speaking countries. But at the same time we can’t deny that every teacher is a unique one and has his own character ( some of them are strict and authoritarian, others are gentle and kind) and methods of teaching. It’s difficult to say who is better a strict and cruel teacher or kind and liberal one. However probably students of strict teachers have better results. But it’s just in theory. Their studying results maybe much better but what about their minds? They learn because they are frightened, not because they want to know. At the same time students of kind teachers don’t want to do anything, they “feel” that a teacher is not strict , he’s not an authority, so why study? Why should they obey? So as you can see it’s important to find “a happy medium”. But it’s easier said than done and it’s almost impossible when you have no experience ,high level of knowledge and some managing abilities.

To sum it up I’d like to notice that teaching is certainly a noble profession but we need to be passionate about it. Love and patience should guide us whatever we do. When you have love and passion for your subject and teaching you will automatically forget the line dividing between the teacher and the taught. You try to explain anything by placing yourself into a student’s place. Your soul aim then becomes making a topic clear to the student in every and any possible way. You have to pass on interest and passion to the student.

Почему я стала учителем? Почему выбрала эту непростую профессию, этот жизненный путь? У меня нет однозначного ответа на этот вопрос. Может быть — это выбор, сделанный еще в школе, ведь именно там я встала на этот путь, путь педагога. Еще в 8 классе я сделала выбор в пользу психолого-педагогического класса, о чем сейчас совершенно не жалею. А может, это вовсе и не я выбрала эту профессию, а она. она долго и настойчиво выбирала меня! Переступив порог класса, и впервые взглянув детям в глаза, поняла, что начинается совсем другая жизнь, совершенно не похожая на ту, которая была до этого. Ощущать себя учителем я начала в профессиональном учебном заведении. И сегодня все чаще задаю себе вопрос : каким должен быть идеальный учитель?

Идеальному учителю интересен процесс развития ребенка, его результаты, он удивляется и радуется его успехам, а ребенок чувствует, что интересен учителю. Идеальному учителю интересно формирование души, образа ребенка. Учитель должен знать, что у каждого ребенка разные родители, материальная обеспеченность, интеллектуальные способности, темперамент и характер.

Идеальный учитель это тот, который может внушить своему ученику, что он личность, что он полноценный член общества, что его взгляды разделяются и воспринимаются должным образом, что он имеет право на свое мнение и к этому мнению прислушиваются…

Идеальный учитель ни в коем случае не должен позволять себе унижать ученика, оскорблять, показывать свое превосходство или свою власть над ним. Иначе он сломает личность ученика.

Все дети талантливы. И моя задача – в каждом ребенке разглядеть талант и развить его. Это цель каждого моего урока. Ребенок тянется к красивому, прекрасному. И что же другое, кроме искусства (музыки, живописи, литературы, архитектуры) может помочь этому созданию стать лучше и совершеннее!

Творческие способности ребенка можно понять и оценить, но нельзя измерить, особенно по нашей традиционной пятибалльной системе.

Люди, как и весь мир, бывают очень разными. Некоторые ходят медленно и вразвалку. Кто-то бегает вприпрыжку и ходит по бордюрам, блестя восторженными глазами. Кто-то любит петь, танцевать, а кто-то путешествовать.

Но…“Кто я?” Не раздумывая: “Я – учитель”. Наверное, правильнее было бы сказать: “Я – человек”, или “Я – девушка”. Но “Я – учитель!”

Учитель – не профессия, а образ жизни, сообразно которому он и живёт, спеша изо дня в день на уроки. Иначе это назвать нельзя, ведь мысли учителя и пусть даже будущего постоянно о школе во время учебы, на практике.

Вячеслав Белоглазов создал отделение семейного воспитания, главная цель которого — формирование культуры отношения человека к самому себе, к другим людям, к природе и обществу, это оказание помощи растущему человеку в поисках смысла жизни, обогащении себя необходимыми знаниями, умениями для создания своих будущих семей.

К этому отчасти стремлюсь и я. Я знаю, каким педагогом я хочу быть. Я считаю, что будет целесообразно в моей дальнейшей работе с детьми выстраивать именно такие отношения взаимодействия всех трех субъектов учебного процесса учитель-ученик-родитель, как это делал Вячеслав Васильевич. Нужно помочь маленькому человеку не только погрузиться в мир знаний, но и раскрыть свой творческий потенциал.

Открой глаза! Распахни Душу! Призови на помощь сердце! И оглянись вокруг. Что увидят твои глаза?

Получить красный диплом учителя может каждый, но нет никакой гарантии, что это действительно тот человек, который сможет научить детей. Каждый учитель должен понять, что во все времена учитель всегда был просветителем. Самое главное достижение учителя – это ученик, ставший успешным в современном мире! Идеальный учитель приложит к этому максимум усилий, максимум душевных затрат.

Проблема личности учителя сложна и неоднозначна. Но сколько бы ни было мнений на этот счет, наверное, главными критериями в этом вопросе должны являться не цвет диплома, не стаж работы в школе, а искренняя любовь к детям. Очень важно, чтобы в жизни ребенка обязательно были люди, которые могли бы его понять и принять таким, как он есть.

Пока живут на свете учителя и ученики, мир находится в постоянном развитии, которое ведет к обновлению, духовному обогащению, моральному совершенству.







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Сочинение «Идеальный Учитель» на английском

My Ideal Teacher

When I think about teachers that I have had in the past, several different ones come to my mind. Each of these educators stands out in my mind for a variety of diverse reasons. Whether it is their sense of humor, their tactfulness, their love of the subject matter, their fanatical and sporadic behavior, or their yearning to be childish themselves, I can still remember at least one quality of every teacher I have ever encountered. Every one of these teachers conveyed subject material to their students just as they were educated and employed to do. However, I trust that every professional in the world has an abundance of opportunity for improvement; teachers could discover and improve themselves merely by having an open mind and observing one another. If I could construct the “ideal” teacher for me, I would only have to focus on three main aspects of the individual. These three qualities would be conducting a fun and interesting class, having organization and genuine comprehension of subject material, and developing a need to accept and have a constructi.

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Sometimes in our life, we meet a special person who leaves everlasting impressions on our minds. He may have said or done something that really touches our souls. We will probably never forget that person because we owe the most part of our identity to him. Without him we might never have become the persons we are today. He may have been there for us when we were immature. He may have helped us to understand and learn better. He has motivated us to greater achievements.

Teacher is the one who plays an important role in our lives. He imparts us good knowledge so that we could become successful in our respective lives. He not only informs us about subject related knowledge but also shows the right path which leads us to success.

Donnelly's Long Story Short…. - The Ideal Teacher By: Ellie M

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A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of interest, knowledge, and wisdom in the pupils.

A true teacher is a reward of God. He is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others. Teachers are theoretically the designer of nation. They are spiritual parents of the students. The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior. That is why they are attributed with the six qualities.

  1. Best teachers hold high expectations.

  2. They think creatively.

  3. Best teachers are versatile and sensitive.

  4. They are interested, confident, and evolving.

  5. They are imperfectly human beings.

  6. Best teachers emphasize the fun in learning and in life.

There are the people who come into our lives and leave a burning sensation that lights up inside each of us, those are teachers.

“A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for other.”

An ideal teacher is a true builder of the nation. He is fearless, sincere and earnest in the discharge of his duties towards the students and the nation as a whole. An ideal teacher is considered as an object of admiration and devotion for the students. These days, students do not like to study from harsh and unsympathetic teachers. An ideal teacher creates such a confidence in his students that they are always ready to sacrifice for the cause of their teacher.

It is found that these days many teachers always try to find fault with work or deeds of their students instead of looking and changing their own attitudes. There comes utter ruin of the society when teachers grow weak or corrupt. As such, teachers must play the role of lamps that shatter darkness, become the lighthouses that guide the wandering ships to their right destinations and prevent any accidents. An ideal teacher builds an everlasting impression on the minds of his students. Such students then always remember ideal teachers and get them enshrined in their hearts. The hardworking and hard task masters are always remembered and loved by the students later. The students think that whatever position they have been able to attain is all due to the able guidance or hard work of their teacher.

An ideal teacher tries to spend most of his time in the pursuit of studies. He always tries to be regular and punctual to set an example before his students. Time is money for an ideal teacher who thinks that loss of a second means loss of hundreds of minutes to the nation.

An ideal teacher displays extreme simplicity in spite of his extra ordinary academic attainments. He dedicates his whole life to the cause of education. He never allows his students to be idle or undisciplined. The vastness of his knowledge deeply impresses every student but an ideal teacher is never proud of it. An ideal teacher is busy with his books and quest for some knowledge even after he gets retired. In fact, ideal teachers never get retired since, with age, their depth of information and knowledge goes on increasing. They always remain a source of knowledge and guidance.

“Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own.” — Nikos Kazantzakis

For an ideal teacher, all students are alike. He is never partial to any student and is always fair. An ideal teacher does not favour any student on grounds of his social status. He treats each student equally. He always remains simple in his habits. Ideal teachers are honoured not only at the state level but at the national level. Every year, teachers are selected for due recognition for their contribution to the cause of society by providing best education and guiding the students to build a better nation.

A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though, awakens your own expectations.


Muhammad Bilal Sajid


Ideal Teacher Essay in English for Students and Children’s The ideal teacher will always look for his students, no matter what the situation is. They should treat their students like they have their own children. Teachers need to understand their students well, and they should have a strong relationship with each other. So that positive things can work better and fall into place. Every student is different, and each student has its own problems in every class. It is very important for teachers to be for their students, and some students need a lot of help in different areas. The ideal teacher knows what each student needs in the classrooms. Some students need personal help after school. An ideal teacher will provide additional support. It is very important for students to take part in classroom activities enjoy reading aloud; It creates academic skills for the future.


A person who tells us how to think and not think. A person who shows us the path to success. An ideal teacher should be tough when it is needed and when it is important, then it should be a friend because that friendship will make the proportion between students and teachers. To explain to a teacher, the student should come down to the level and he can not expect that it is not possible for all students to be bright in studies and they should encourage additional activities so that the children will learn without problems.

I should not pressure the student on the burden of studying because it is very important that it allows them to play and grow. A person who shows you the way is a teacher. The person carrying the truth is a teacher. A person is a teacher with you in your hard times. A person who knows how to teach is a teacher and a teacher who has a piece of very good knowledge but that person should not promote his knowledge something call which a teacher.


“Teaching I not everybody’s cup of tea. To become a teacher book learning, passing the examination and ability to instruct is not enough. He should possess a sterling character and certain physical, intellectual, social, and emotional qualities which are pre-requisites for success in teaching.”

In the pages of history, we find the names of great teachers like Plato and Aristotle of Greece, Vasishta, and Viswamitra of India. I honored such teachers as the builders of the nation. They enjoyed a status nest to the king in the olden days. But time has changed such a conception. Our school has got 25 teachers. Sri Bhaskar Nanda is the most ideal teacher whom I like best.

His personality and Dress

He is a gem among teachers. He is the most competent teacher I have ever come across. His appearance is pleasing. He is always neat and clean and puts on a simple dress. our teacher comes to school well-shaved and appears before all the students of the school in the prayer class is a B.A., B.Ed., but he has a store of knowledge. As an ideal teacher, he keeps all the students and teachers well-informed about the duties and responsibilities of every human being.

Mastery Over The Subjects He Teaches

He teaches us English and Geography Dharmendra gouda remarked “A teacher can never purely teach unless he is still learning himself. Light can never offer light to one another except if someone conceives it in its fire. As an ideal teacher, he studies To broaden his own horizon of knowledge. As far as English teaching is concerned he has been trained in the district center for English Teaching, Berhampur, and has completed a certificate of English teaching course (C.C.Course) conducted by a central institute of English and foreign languages, Hyderabad, successfully under the able guidance of Sri. R.N.Mohanty, the Chief Tutor of the center.

His method of teaching is very interesting. He encourages the boys to talk in English in the school or at least in his own English period and tries to develop the four skills in English such as listening skills, reading skills, speaking skills, and writing skills with not satisfied unless every student understands the lesson he teaches. He prepares his lessons well in advance, takes down lesson notes, and delivers his good to create interest among the students. Besides English he teaches us Geography he comes to the class with maps and charts and keeps us well informed about the geographical facts-point wise.

I like his method of teaching. He also likes me in the classroom although I am an average student. He gives ample opportunity to our students in the classroom to take an active part in the discussion while teaching. His personality counts much. He never spends his time in gossiping or chit-chatting. But he reads different instructional materials in leisure time and spends most of his time in the library room. So saying books are his friends.

His Duties

He is very dutiful and sincere in school. Apart from classroom teaching he has been entrusted with some kind of official work. As an ideal teacher, he makes it a point to be punctual in every work starting from prayer class to conduct the examination. To him, time is money, and duty is worship. He is in charge of the school library. He sees how his students use library books with interest.

His Love For The Students And Teacher’s

He is the most popular teacher in the school. All the teachers respect him. The headmaster has much confidence in him. He loves all his students and maintains strict discipline in the prayer class, other classes, meetings during school hours with possesses good habits. He has a kind heart that treats his students well. All the students respect him for his fine behavior. I like such type of teacher.

His interest In Extra-Curricular Activities

He takes an active part in all the extra-curricular activities. He acts as the right hand of the headmaster in every respect. His handwriting is fine. So he writes all the certificates for competitions and important sayings of great persons on the walls of the school. As an ideal teacher, he keeps a good relationship with other teachers of the school. As a man of strict discipline, he is particular about school uniform and school badge, and for that, he checks every student.


I am one of his pet students. I think he is an ideal teacher of our school and only I like him the most he wins every heart and finds a place unhesitatingly.

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My perception of an ideal teacher is of a good human being, | kind, compassionate, understanding and forgiving-some f one, who is interesting and fun loving, someone, who loves m us and can make teaching interesting.

Teaching is considered to be a noble profession but today people opt for this profession without giving a thought to the sacrifice, commitment and dedication it needs.

There are many teachers but it would not be wrong say that very few have the aptitude and attitude to become teachers, any are in this profession more for the sake of earning money.

They are least concerned about the students and are more interested in performing their routine work without putting themselves to much inconvenience. They go to the class vomit what they know and come back without even trying to find out how much the students have understood.

They have no timed solve the problems of students and understand them. I think such individuals! Should never become teacher

An ideal teacher is the one who loves students and can inspire them.


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He knows his subject well and can make it so interesting that children do not get bored. When he teaches, the students are spell bound. An ideal teacher is a good actor who can put life into any dull topic.

Students want to be in the class by choice and not by force.

He has a good sense of humour, can laugh at him and can also laugh with the students. He does not get angry easily and can enjoy each moment of being with students. He is like a friend in whom the students can confide easily without the fear of being ridiculed or criticized.

An ideal teacher is kind and forgiving. He always has time to solve problems of the students. He never loses his temper with them. He is honest, disciplined, simple and humble. He never brags about what he knows and” does not try to prove that he is God and knows everything.

He is ready to accept his mistakes and does not hesitate to apologize, also. He is fun loving! And is good company to be with. He goes with us for picnics and outings and enjoys with us. He is always well dressed and looks smart. He enjoys playing with us and can easily discuss any topic.

Thus, a teacher with the above qualities is my ideal teacher. He is Mr. Murli and I love him because he has taught me to be a good human being, and has inspired me to accept all challenges of life with courage. He has taught me the value of hard work, honesty and I can do just anything for him.

Essay on Ideal Teacher: Teachers play the most crucial role in building a country’s foundation by enriching the country’s future generation with their knowledge. They are essential to success & progress. An ideal teacher is always passionate & updated about his allotted subject, which helps in motivating children. They are pillars of the future of any country.

Below we have provided my ideal teacher essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

Teachers play perhaps the most crucial role in the process of one’s education. They are humans who actively dedicate their lives to passing on knowledge to younger generations. They are the key to progress in society and secure the future of upcoming generations. However, just like us, teachers are human – they are imperfect, which means we can never expect them to conform to everything we want. Students must also cooperate with teachers to ensure that both sides continue to grow and learn.

Because of these imperfections, we can never really ask for the most amazing teacher in the world. However, every teacher has their own skills and abilities that they can continue to work on. They also have some areas in which they may be lacking, so students can provide their input and help the teacher improve their technique or their attitude towards students. Becoming an ideal teacher isn’t limited to just improving technique or teaching style. It also has to do with improving relations with students.

This can sometimes mean changing some aspects of one’s personality to suit the students and encourage them to learn. It also has to do with changing the teacher’s perspective towards their own job. While it is a known fact that most teachers are heavily underpaid, those teachers who focus more on passing on knowledge and helping students grow become more successful than teachers who are more concerned about their next paycheck.

Qualities of an Ideal Teacher

A primary characteristic of an ideal teacher would be their own expertise. They would usually be very knowledgeable about their subject and would be able to answer any doubts. They would constantly be keeping themselves updated with that specific field and reading more scholarly works about that subject. They would be passionate about this subject, and that passion would encourage students to work hard in that ideal teacher’s class. If they are well-aware of their subject, it makes them self-confident.

This confidence shows on the teacher’s face and in their behaviour towards students, which would also help in creating an excellent first impression. Being an ideal teacher would not be limited merely to teaching – it would also extend to being a mentor and guardian to students, helping them with whatever problems they have. The teacher would be able to build a strong, trustworthy relationship with the students.

This is so that the students would never feel as though the teacher is unapproachable, and they can’t reveal if they are having difficulties with the subject. In terms of personality, it helps if the teacher is humorous. Students typically look forward to attending the classes of any teacher with a positive attitude and plenty of good jokes and stories. If the teacher can make an entire room of students laugh, it brightens the mood and keeps students energetic and motivated to learn. This creates an environment that is optimistic, engaging, and open to discussions.

Techniques of an Ideal Teacher

An ideal teacher would always challenge their students to go beyond what they believe their limits are. They would be able to recognize the potential in students and be able to figure out different techniques to encourage them to try new skills or explore fields that they may have never even heard of before. By fostering curiosity in their minds, the students would be able to expand their own horizons and develop the skill set necessary in higher levels of education.

A teaching technique that ought to be adopted by any teacher who wishes to grow would be flexibility in the syllabus. If the students aren’t showing interest in the way a certain topic is being taught, an ideal teacher would take that criticism into account instead of brushing it aside. They would talk to the students and crowd-source suggestions about the different ways the topic can be studied and would create changes in the session plan according to those suggestions if they are necessary to facilitate a good learning environment.

However, the techniques that make a teacher ideal have to do with more than just teaching. Giving time to the students to be themselves and letting them enjoy with their friends is also important because it makes the students focus better when the teacher is actually teaching. An ideal teacher would be able to tell when the class is restless, and the students need a small break to freshen up, chat with their friends, make some phone calls and possibly grab a bite.


Teachers have a very important place in all of our lives. We must see more teachers in educational institutions who are truly passionate about their work. These teachers should also be individuals willing to accept their faults and learn more about their own fields as well as from students. By continually working to better themselves, any teacher can become an ideal teacher who can make a major difference in many people’s lives across the world.

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Teaching is a noble profession. The teacher is a respected person. In ancient India the teacher had a place of respect next to one’s mother and father. In those days, men of wisdom with unlimited knowledge were teachers. Students used to go in search of such teachers to get educated. ‘Guru’ as the teachers were then called was very much respected by society. ‘Guru’ enjoyed a lot of respect even with the king of the land. Education was then limited to a few.

In courser of time, education was democratized. Education was open for all irrespective of caste, class, creed or place of birth. There arose a need for many schools and also for many teachers. We have now all kinds of teachers teaching from pre-primary level to the university level. Among all teachers, who is an ideal teacher? All teachers may not be ideal teachers. However, there are many ideal teachers even today. They are a class of their own.

An ideal teacher to be so called should possess a few special abilities. The students love their teacher as their hero. They would like to follow every word that the teacher says and every action that he does. The influence of such a teacher on the students is so much that whatever he says is considered as truth, and whatever he does is considered to be perfect.

An ideal teacher should, therefore, have a good personality and abundant knowledge. He should know the psychology of students and also their individual problems. Knowledge is ever growing and so an ideal teacher should always prepare his lesions before he enters the class.

An ideal teacher is confident in his class. His voice is clear. What he says should have clarity. If he has knowledge of allied subjects, it would also help him to teach better. He is punctual, neatly dressed and disciplined. His character is perfect and spotless.

An ideal teacher should consider himself as a parent to his students. Every student is to be looked after with affection. He should pay attention to a backward student as he does to a bright one. An ideal teacher joins his students in co-curricular and extra curricular activities too. He plays with them, sings with them and is always friendly. The students consider an ideal teacher a friend, philosopher and guide.

An ideal teacher is also sociable. His dealings with other teachers and parents are always cordial. He is happy and also makes others happy.

Teaching is a professional job. It requires technical knowledge of teaching. An ideal teacher is well trained for his job and is scientific in teaching and evaluation.

An ideal teacher is devoted to his work. Only those with an aptitude for teaching would prove to be ideal teacher. It is said that a nation’s future is shaped in its classrooms, and the man who shapes it is the teacher. A school teacher is said to be worth a thousand preachers.

An ideal teacher gets credit and respect for himself, for his school and for his country. Ideal teachers are honored in our country with national awards and State awards on the Teachers’ Day’.


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An ideal teacher is the one we respect from our heart. He/she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. Such a perfect motivates them and boosts their morale. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them. The perfect teacher prefers to give positive motivation to his/her students. His/her comments are always constructive in nature. He/she serves as our friend, guide, educator, confidante, and a blend of all the good qualities one can posses.

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Such a teacher shapes the entire life of the students.

If everyone in this world gets an ideal teacher, he/she won’t have to look back in his/her life ever. The ideal teacher is a problem solver, he/she understands the students psychology, is an idol for his/her students, a good guide, and a motivator. Students have a tendency to assume that their teacher will come up with a solution for all their problems.

This is the toughest test of a teacher-student relationship. Teachers are largely responsible to solve the problems of their pupils, without expecting anything in return.

The students will then learn to look up to the teacher, because he/she has the answer for everything. The teacher should always maintain civilization in the classroom and make sure ever one gets along. It is the main yardstick of being an ideal teacher. It is very important for a teacher to understand the psychology of his/her pupils. Every student is different from the other and will react differently to situations.

All students cannot be equated and therefore, need individual attention.

An ideal teacher knows where the students lack and what their requirements are. He/she never fails to comprehend the needs of students and tries his/her level best to fulfill them. He/she will treat all students equally but at the same time teach them in a way which is easier for the students to learn. An ideal teacher leaves a life-long impression on his/her students and impacts their mind in a positive way. The teacher is a much valued asset, without whom one can’t imagine a life. In fact, perfect teachers are as important as our parents.

Not even a single day of our life will seem to be complete without them. They keep their door open to who ever need them, and never denied to help any of us. They love us as if we are their own child, and never expect to see us fail. The work hard to keep us educated and make sure we stay in school. They are the ones, whom we can idolize and look up to. Children of a certain age trust their teachers, even more than their parents. Therefore, it is the responsibility of an ideal teacher to guide the pupil like his/her own child.

Such a teacher shows students the right path under all circumstances and never shies away from his/her duties. In fact, he/she is always there by the student’s side, at the time of need. Most students cant always in most situation go to their parents for advise, but yet they still need an adults opinion on things, and the teacher will always be there to voice his/her opinion to the students. And if he/she feel that the situation is more serious and a parent need to know, he/she will go with the student to talk to the child parents.

An ideal teacher never lets the limitations of his/her students restrict their vision. He/she constantly motivates them to reach ahead and broaden their horizon. A teacher should encourage and inspire his/her pupils to think beyond their confines and help them realize their talents as well as the need to pursue them with diligence. He/she stay and work long hours with the child so that the child won’t give up. His/her motivation keeps the child motivated to learn.

In conclusion, all teachers should take time and get to know who their students really are. They might even be surprise at the outcome. By getting to know the students helps them become more close to each other; that way it’ll be easier for the teacher to solve any problems that occur in the classroom, it’ll be easier for him/her to understand the students psychology, he/she might even become an idol to the students, the teacher will become a good guidance, and also become a motivator to the students.

Perfect Teacher

In nowadays when its getting harder and harder to attract children’s and students to learn something, when they are often sitting next to their computers and doing nothing, it’s very important to be a good teacher, to know how to make children’s and students be more interested in studying and to make them spend more and more time on their homework.

I’m a student too and from my point of view teachers must have a good character, good attitudes, good teaching skills, and have a good relation with the students. They must be creative in order to make the students can easily understand or to make the study hours more enjoyable, so that the students would not be bored. Rather than just speaking and explaining in front of the class, the teacher can also have some experiment or other fun activity like researching about weather to increase the student’s knowledge by doing something, not only by listening.

But I think the most important thing is the desire to be a good teacher. This means the one who succeeds in every aspect of teaching, just like the teachers recognize students who really try to be good students, Students also recognize teachers who really want to be good teachers. That’s just my opinion about being a good teacher, or what should you do to be one, but I think that all students would agree with me that if all teacher would be like I said, there would be more students spending their time studying.

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