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Анатомия. Сердечно-сосудистая система | Биология ЦТ, ЕГЭ

1 7%

Лимфатическая система. Лимфатические узлы. Лимфатический

1 24%

Мышцы верхней конечности / Upper limb muscles

1 78%

Анатомия ротовой полости / CAVUM ORIS

6 71%

Мышцы спины / Back muscles

1 67%

Цирроз печени. Клиническая анатомия

1 79%

Мышцы живота. Влагалище прямой мышцы живота. Паховый канал / Abdominal muscles. Inguinal canal

1 15%

Дыхательная система часть 2 / Respiratory system part 2

1 93%

Дыхательная система часть 1 / Respiratory system part 1

1 47%

Анатомия для ЕГЭ по биологии. Опорно-двигательный аппарат. Кости и мышцы. Жесткие вопросы ЕГЭ

1 35%

Подключичная и подмышечная артерии / ARTERIA SUBCLAVIA

3 43%

Аорта. Верхняя и нижняя полые вены. Воротная вена / VENA PORTAE

1 58%

Задание 26 | Анатомия | Зоология | Ботаника | ЕГЭ-2023 по биологии

41.9K 93%

Артерии верхней конечности. Плечевая артерия / arteria brachialis

1 82%

Анекдот про экзамен по анатомии!

44 68%

Анатомия. Пищеварительная система | Биология ЕГЭ, ЦТ

1 73%

Мышцы груди / Chest muscles

1 95%

Мочевыделительная система. Почки. Нефрон. Часть 1 / Urinary system part 1

1 64%

Анатомия шеи / Anatomy of the neck. Мышцы, треугольники и фасции шеи

3 20%

Мышцы спины — действие поверхностного и глубокого слоя

1 43%

Курс по анатомии человека. Эдгар Кафаров, лектор №1

1 35%

Анатомия: круги кровообращения l PARTA ОГЭ 2023

1 82%

Мышцы нижней конечности / Muscles of the lower extremity

1 27%

Строение мышечной клетки

12 40%

0 Комментариев


1.Проксимальный эпифиз лучевой кости

caput radii

2) collum radii

3) fossa articularis

4) circumferentia articularis

черепная ямка и ее отверстия 6

  1. Внутреннее

  2. Верхняя
    глазничная щель

  3. Круглое

  4. Овальное

  5. Остистое

  6. Рваное

3.Дельтовидная мышца и ее иннервация

Иннервируется подмышечным
нервом (n.axillaris),
сгибание, разгибание, отведение плеча

пучок — начинается
от латеральной трети ключицы.

пучок —
от акромиальной части лопатки.

пучок — от
ости лопатки

все три пучка соединяются и переходят
в общее сухожилие,
прикрепляющееся к дельтовидной
бугристости (tuberositas deltoidea)

в разрезе 5


medulla renis (pyramides renalis)

3) columnae


– большая
– почечнаялоханка

5.Поверхности лёгкого 3

Реберная поверхность, facies costalis

Диафрагмальная поверхность, facies

Медиастинальная поверхность, facies

Междолевые поверхности, facies
артерия на поверхности мозга


1) Передняя
мозговая арт

к продольной борозде мозга, огибает
колено мозолистого тела

2) Ср.
мозговая арт

— в лат борозде

Задняя соединительная

7.Возвратные гортанные нервы 2

гортанный нерв отходит от блуждающего
нерва на уровне его пересечения с дугой

2. Правый
гортанный нерв отходит от блуждающего
нерва на уровне его пересечения
с подключичной

ветви: нижние шейные сердечные нервы;
трахеальные ветви (иннервируют слизистую
оболочку, железы и гладкие мышцы трахеи);
пищеводные ветви (иннервируют слизистую
оболочку, железы и поперечнополосатую
мускулатуру верхнего отдела
ветви брюшной аорты 3

  1. Нижняя
    диафрагмальная арт

  2. Поясничная

  3. Срединная


медиальное коленчатое тело (подкорковый
центр слуха)

латеральное коленчатое тело (подкорковый
центр зрения)
артерии сердца

(огибают сердце по венечной борозде)

a. coronaria dextra

a. coronaria sinistra


Соседние файлы в папке Анатомия

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На чтение 1 мин Опубликовано 10.03.2023

60 минуţ последний выпуск от 10.03.2023

Сегодня в 60 минут: За последние несколько лет кризиса между Востоком и Западом американские военные значительно расширили свое присутствие в Норвегии, западная граница которой проходит на 1400 миль вдоль Северной части Атлантического океана и сливается за Полярным кругом с Россией. Пентагон создал высокооплачиваемые рабочие места и контракты на фоне некоторых местных противоречий, инвестируя сотни миллионов долларов в модернизацию и расширение объектов американского флота и военно-воздушных сил в Норвегии. Новые работы включали, что наиболее важно, усовершенствованный радар с синтезированной апертурой далеко на севере, который был способен проникать глубоко в Россию и вышел в Интернет как раз в тот момент, когда американское разведывательное сообщество потеряло доступ к ряду сайтов дальнего прослушивания в Китае.

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There are over 600 muscles in the human body, and memorizing them all can be really tough.[1]
However, it will be a lot more manageable if you break the task into chunks. In addition, learning the root words that make up the muscle names can give you valuable clues to remembering where each muscle is located. Finally, you can use studying devices like flashcards, quizzes, games, and even songs to help you recall the muscles for an exam!

  1. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 1


    Break the body into different sections. Learning all of the muscles in the body at once can be really overwhelming. Instead, focus on learning the muscles in one area of the body at a time. For instance, you might break the body into sections like:[2]

    • Neck
    • Back
    • Shoulders, arms, wrists, and hands
    • Abdomen
    • Hips, legs, knees, and feet
  2. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 2


    Look at the name of the muscle for clues. At first glance, the Greek- and Latin-derived names of muscles can seem incomprehensible. However, if you take a little time to learn a few root words, those Latin names can give you valuable insights into things like the muscle’s size and shape, its location, and even its function.[3]

    • For example, the name of the quadratus lumborum muscle tells you that the muscle is square-shaped («quad») and located in the lumbar region «lumborum,» so you know that this is a square muscle in the lower back.[4]
    • Try printing out a list of anatomical root words to use as a reference, like the one found here: http://manoa.hawaii.edu/undergrad/learning/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Word-Roots.pdf.


  3. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 3


    Study the insertion and origin points of each muscle. A muscle is attached to your skeletal system at either end. The end that moves less when the muscle is contracted is typically called the origin, and the end that moves more is called the insertion. Studying where each muscle attaches can help you understand more about its function, and it may be easier to remember its location later on.[5]

    • Some muscles have more than one origin, like the biceps muscle, which has 2, and the triceps, which has 3. However, both of these still have a single insertion point.
  4. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 4


    Give yourself plenty of time to learn the muscles. Learning the muscular system is difficult because there’s so much information to cover. Don’t procrastinate and try to cram at the last minute. Not only will you have a hard time memorizing a huge list of muscle names and locations, but you’re not likely to retain much of the information. Instead, spend a little time each day studying the muscle groups, the names of the muscles, their functions, and the insertion and origin points.[6]

    • Remember, it’s more important to understand the ways the muscles work than to just memorize their names. This is especially true if you’ll need to know this information as part of your career, like if you plan to become a doctor, physical trainer, massage therapist, or athlete.
  5. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 5


    Find study aids that make learning fun. Everyone learns a little differently, so try to find ways to study that helps you feel engaged in what you’re learning. That may help you retain the information more effectively, and you won’t dread study time as much.

    • For instance, if you learn best by hearing information, you might record yourself reading the names of the muscles, then listen to that as you look at a diagram.
    • If you’re more of a hands-on learner, studying anatomical models or even your own muscles might be more helpful.
    • It can help to think about and study muscles from a visual standpoint.
    • Try a quiz like this if you’re not sure what your learning style is: http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles.shtml.

    Tip: For the best results, use a variety of study materials. That way, you’ll be less likely to get thrown off if the format of your exam is different than you’re used to!

  6. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 6


    Quiz yourself to test your knowledge. After you’ve been studying for a while, search online for practice quizzes so you can find out how well you remember what you’ve learned. Do your best to answer the questions without checking the answers. Then, review your score to see what areas you need to improve in.[7]

    • This can help you narrow down what you need to be studying in order to be successful on your exam. That way, you won’t waste time studying something you already have a good understanding of.
  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 7


    Label a diagram if you’re a visual learner. If you learn best by reading and re-reading, or by looking at diagrams, use print-outs of the muscular system to help you study. Read over the labeled diagram carefully, then switch to a blank copy of the same diagram and try to fill in the names of as many muscles as you can remember. Keep doing this until you learn the muscles in each part of the body.[8]

    • If you’re artistic, drawing the muscles may help you learn the information even more quickly.
  2. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 8


    Make flashcards to memorize the location and function of each muscle. One one side of an index card, write the full name of the muscle. On the opposite side, write what the muscle does and where it’s located, including its insertion and origin points. If there’s any other helpful information, like a nickname, write it on this side as well.[9]

    • Be sure to study both sides of the flashcards! That way, you’ll be able to recall the information about the muscle from just the name, but you’ll also be able to name the muscle based on its location and function.
    • Divide your flashcards into muscle groups so you don’t have as many to deal with at once.
  3. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 9


    Use mnemonic devices to remember muscle groups. A mnemonic device is a way to remember the first letter of each item in a group. When you’re studying muscle groups, this can be a helpful way to remember how many muscles are in each group, as well as the name of each.[10]

    • For example, if you’re studying the muscles that make up the erector spinae muscle group, you might use the mnemonic «I Love Soup,» which would stand for illiocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis.

    Tip: Using mnemonic devices can be very helpful for short-term memorization, but it may not be as useful for long-term learning.

  4. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 10


    Download an app or game to study digitally. Instead of flipping through endless sheets of diagrams featuring each individual muscle group, try using an app or a game, instead. There are a variety of apps out there that will allow you to learn the muscles in an interactive and fun way. Some popular free apps include:

    • Essential Anatomy
    • Anatomy Learning — 3D Atlas
    • Learn Muscles: Anatomy
    • Visual Anatomy Lite
  5. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 11


    Learn songs for a fun way to study. Search online for songs or videos about the muscles in individual areas of the body. This can be a catchy way to help you remember the names of muscles, especially if there’s an area that you’re struggling with.

    • For example, although it doesn’t name every single muscle, this song covers most of the major muscles in your body: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY2fa6Q98-k.
  6. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 12


    Study a model or your body for hands-on learning. If you have a model skeleton with the muscles included, or with the insertion and origin points labeled, studying that may be a helpful way to remember the muscles. However, even if you don’t have one, you can locate each muscle on your body (or someone else’s) to help you visualize exactly where it is.[11]

    • If you’re studying on a real person, try drawing the outline of each muscle with a washable marker!
  7. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How do you understand muscles how muscles work?

    Chris Hasegawa, PhD

    Dr. Chris Hasegawa was a Science Professor and the Dean at California State University Monterey Bay. Dr. Hasegawa specializes in teaching complex scientific concepts to students. He holds a BS in Biochemistry, a Master’s in Education, and his teaching credential from The University of California, Davis. He earned his PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from The University of Oregon. Before becoming a professor, Dr. Hasegawa conducted biochemical research in Neuropharmacology at the National Institute of Health. He also taught physical and life sciences and served as a teacher and administrator at public schools in California, Oregon, and Arizona.

    Chris Hasegawa, PhD

    Retired Science Professor & Dean

    Expert Answer

    One of the most interesting parts of muscles is how the muscle fibers stretch, extend, and lengthen while being able to come back together. It can help to picture muscles as a bunch of boards connected by strings that can stretch out and come back together. When you view muscles from this standpoint, you can start to picture how the scraping of the boards and stretching of the springs can put some debris into the system that causes more and more problems.

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  • Take your time as you study each muscle group so you don’t get overwhelmed.


About This Article

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 26,572 times.

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There are over 600 muscles in the human body, and memorizing them all can be really tough.[1]
However, it will be a lot more manageable if you break the task into chunks. In addition, learning the root words that make up the muscle names can give you valuable clues to remembering where each muscle is located. Finally, you can use studying devices like flashcards, quizzes, games, and even songs to help you recall the muscles for an exam!

  1. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 1


    Break the body into different sections. Learning all of the muscles in the body at once can be really overwhelming. Instead, focus on learning the muscles in one area of the body at a time. For instance, you might break the body into sections like:[2]

    • Neck
    • Back
    • Shoulders, arms, wrists, and hands
    • Abdomen
    • Hips, legs, knees, and feet
  2. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 2


    Look at the name of the muscle for clues. At first glance, the Greek- and Latin-derived names of muscles can seem incomprehensible. However, if you take a little time to learn a few root words, those Latin names can give you valuable insights into things like the muscle’s size and shape, its location, and even its function.[3]

    • For example, the name of the quadratus lumborum muscle tells you that the muscle is square-shaped («quad») and located in the lumbar region «lumborum,» so you know that this is a square muscle in the lower back.[4]
    • Try printing out a list of anatomical root words to use as a reference, like the one found here: http://manoa.hawaii.edu/undergrad/learning/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Word-Roots.pdf.


  3. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 3


    Study the insertion and origin points of each muscle. A muscle is attached to your skeletal system at either end. The end that moves less when the muscle is contracted is typically called the origin, and the end that moves more is called the insertion. Studying where each muscle attaches can help you understand more about its function, and it may be easier to remember its location later on.[5]

    • Some muscles have more than one origin, like the biceps muscle, which has 2, and the triceps, which has 3. However, both of these still have a single insertion point.
  4. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 4


    Give yourself plenty of time to learn the muscles. Learning the muscular system is difficult because there’s so much information to cover. Don’t procrastinate and try to cram at the last minute. Not only will you have a hard time memorizing a huge list of muscle names and locations, but you’re not likely to retain much of the information. Instead, spend a little time each day studying the muscle groups, the names of the muscles, their functions, and the insertion and origin points.[6]

    • Remember, it’s more important to understand the ways the muscles work than to just memorize their names. This is especially true if you’ll need to know this information as part of your career, like if you plan to become a doctor, physical trainer, massage therapist, or athlete.
  5. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 5


    Find study aids that make learning fun. Everyone learns a little differently, so try to find ways to study that helps you feel engaged in what you’re learning. That may help you retain the information more effectively, and you won’t dread study time as much.

    • For instance, if you learn best by hearing information, you might record yourself reading the names of the muscles, then listen to that as you look at a diagram.
    • If you’re more of a hands-on learner, studying anatomical models or even your own muscles might be more helpful.
    • It can help to think about and study muscles from a visual standpoint.
    • Try a quiz like this if you’re not sure what your learning style is: http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles.shtml.

    Tip: For the best results, use a variety of study materials. That way, you’ll be less likely to get thrown off if the format of your exam is different than you’re used to!

  6. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 6


    Quiz yourself to test your knowledge. After you’ve been studying for a while, search online for practice quizzes so you can find out how well you remember what you’ve learned. Do your best to answer the questions without checking the answers. Then, review your score to see what areas you need to improve in.[7]

    • This can help you narrow down what you need to be studying in order to be successful on your exam. That way, you won’t waste time studying something you already have a good understanding of.
  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 7


    Label a diagram if you’re a visual learner. If you learn best by reading and re-reading, or by looking at diagrams, use print-outs of the muscular system to help you study. Read over the labeled diagram carefully, then switch to a blank copy of the same diagram and try to fill in the names of as many muscles as you can remember. Keep doing this until you learn the muscles in each part of the body.[8]

    • If you’re artistic, drawing the muscles may help you learn the information even more quickly.
  2. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 8


    Make flashcards to memorize the location and function of each muscle. One one side of an index card, write the full name of the muscle. On the opposite side, write what the muscle does and where it’s located, including its insertion and origin points. If there’s any other helpful information, like a nickname, write it on this side as well.[9]

    • Be sure to study both sides of the flashcards! That way, you’ll be able to recall the information about the muscle from just the name, but you’ll also be able to name the muscle based on its location and function.
    • Divide your flashcards into muscle groups so you don’t have as many to deal with at once.
  3. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 9


    Use mnemonic devices to remember muscle groups. A mnemonic device is a way to remember the first letter of each item in a group. When you’re studying muscle groups, this can be a helpful way to remember how many muscles are in each group, as well as the name of each.[10]

    • For example, if you’re studying the muscles that make up the erector spinae muscle group, you might use the mnemonic «I Love Soup,» which would stand for illiocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis.

    Tip: Using mnemonic devices can be very helpful for short-term memorization, but it may not be as useful for long-term learning.

  4. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 10


    Download an app or game to study digitally. Instead of flipping through endless sheets of diagrams featuring each individual muscle group, try using an app or a game, instead. There are a variety of apps out there that will allow you to learn the muscles in an interactive and fun way. Some popular free apps include:

    • Essential Anatomy
    • Anatomy Learning — 3D Atlas
    • Learn Muscles: Anatomy
    • Visual Anatomy Lite
  5. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 11


    Learn songs for a fun way to study. Search online for songs or videos about the muscles in individual areas of the body. This can be a catchy way to help you remember the names of muscles, especially if there’s an area that you’re struggling with.

    • For example, although it doesn’t name every single muscle, this song covers most of the major muscles in your body: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY2fa6Q98-k.
  6. Image titled Study Muscle Anatomy Step 12


    Study a model or your body for hands-on learning. If you have a model skeleton with the muscles included, or with the insertion and origin points labeled, studying that may be a helpful way to remember the muscles. However, even if you don’t have one, you can locate each muscle on your body (or someone else’s) to help you visualize exactly where it is.[11]

    • If you’re studying on a real person, try drawing the outline of each muscle with a washable marker!
  7. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How do you understand muscles how muscles work?

    Chris Hasegawa, PhD

    Dr. Chris Hasegawa was a Science Professor and the Dean at California State University Monterey Bay. Dr. Hasegawa specializes in teaching complex scientific concepts to students. He holds a BS in Biochemistry, a Master’s in Education, and his teaching credential from The University of California, Davis. He earned his PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from The University of Oregon. Before becoming a professor, Dr. Hasegawa conducted biochemical research in Neuropharmacology at the National Institute of Health. He also taught physical and life sciences and served as a teacher and administrator at public schools in California, Oregon, and Arizona.

    Chris Hasegawa, PhD

    Retired Science Professor & Dean

    Expert Answer

    One of the most interesting parts of muscles is how the muscle fibers stretch, extend, and lengthen while being able to come back together. It can help to picture muscles as a bunch of boards connected by strings that can stretch out and come back together. When you view muscles from this standpoint, you can start to picture how the scraping of the boards and stretching of the springs can put some debris into the system that causes more and more problems.

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  • Take your time as you study each muscle group so you don’t get overwhelmed.


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Студенты мединститутов с трудом сдают подобные экзамены по анатомии — если справитесь, вы вполне могли бы стать врачом.

Чтобы стать настоящим врачом, нужно долго и упорно трудиться, а еще чтобы душа к этому лежала — в этой профессии очень редко можно встретить “случайных” людей. Но для начала все-таки попробуйте сдать экзамен по анатомии: если получится хотя бы на “четверку”, у вас есть все шансы стать доктором.

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