Английский язык для подготовки к экзаменам дроздова ответы

Т. Ю. Дроздова, А. И. Берестова, Н. А. Курочкинаf o rEnglishG r a m m a r :R e f e r e n c e&Practice&EnglishG r a m m a r :AnthologyTestFileE n g l i s hR e f e r e n c eTHEG r a m m a r :&V E R B1. T H E V E R B»TO BE’E x . 1 (p. 8) 2. t h e y ‘ r e ; 3. s h e ‘ s n o t / s h e isn’t; 4. it’s n o t / i t isn’t; 5. I’m not; 6. y o u ‘ r e n o t /y o u a r e n ‘ t ; 8.1 a m ; 9. y o u a r e ; 10. t h e y are not; 1 1 . it is not; 12. s h e is.E x . 2 ( p . 8) 2. a m ; 3. is; 4 .

a r e ; 5. is; 6. is; 7. a m ; 8. is; 9. a r e ; 10. is, a r e ; 1 1 . a m ; 12. is.E x . 3 ( p . 8-9) 2 . is; 3. a r e ; 4 . a m ; 5. is; 6. a r e ; 7. is; 8. a r e ; 9. is; 10. a r e .E x . 4 (p. 9) 3. I’m/I a m / I ‘ m n o t / I am not; 4. It’s/It is/It i s n ‘ t / I t ‘ s not; 5. isn’t/is not; 6. I’m/Ia m / I ‘ m n o t / I am not; 7. a r e / a r e n ‘ t / a r e not; 8. is; 9. i s n ‘ t / i s not; 10. a r e n ‘ t / a r e not; 1 1 . is;12. a r e n ‘ t / a r e not.E x . 5 (p. 9) 2.

W h e r e is my key? 3. W h e r e are my t r o u s e r s ? 4. H o w o l d is y o u r g r a n d m o t h e r ? 5. W h a t c o l o u r is his hair? 6. H o w m u c h a r e t h e s e s h o e s ? 7. W h o is y o u rfavourite a c t o r ? 8 . W h y a r e y o u always late?E x . 6 (p. 9) 3. Are y o u British? 4. W h e r e are y o u f r o m ? 5. H o w o l d are y o u ? 6. Are y o u astudent? 7. Is y o u r m o t h e r a t e a c h e r ? 8. W h e r e is s h e f r o m ? 9.

W h a t is her n a m e ?10. H o w o l d is s h e ?E x . 7 (p. 10) 3. Yes, it i s . / N o , it i s n ‘ t . / N o , it’s not. 4. Yes, I a m . / N o , I’m not. 5. Yes, I a m . /N o , I’m not. 6. Y e s , it i s . / N o , it i s n ‘ t . / N o , it’s not. 7. Y e s , t h e y a r e . / N o , t h e y a r e n ‘ t .

/ N o ,t h e y ‘ r e not. 8. Yes, I a m . / N o , I’m not. 9. Yes, he i s . / N o , he i s n ‘ t . / N o , h e ‘ s not. 10. Yes, iti s . / N o , it i s n ‘ t . / N o , it’s not.E x . 8 ( p . 10) 1. Is y o u r b r o t h e r at h o m e ? 2.

H o w m u c h are t h e s e p o s t c a r d s ? 3. Thishotel is very expensive. 4. I’m interested in arts. 5. All t h e s h o p s a r e o p e n t o d a y . 6. Is t h em u s e u m o p e n t o d a y ? 7. I’m hot. 8. My sister is an a r c h i t e c t . 9. I’m n o t t i r e d . 10. W h e r e isher h u s b a n d f r o m ? 1 1 . T h e y are n o t s t u d e n t s , t h e y are e n g i n e e r s .

12. A r e y o u interestedin foreign languages?E x . 9 ( p . 1 0 — 1 1 ) 2 . is, w a s ; 3 . a m / ‘ m ; 4 . w a s ; 5 . w e r e ; 6 . a r e / ‘ r e ; 7 . w e r e ; 8 . i s / ‘ s ; 9 .w a s ; 10. w e r e ; 1 1 . w a s ; 12. a r e , w e r e .E x . 1 0 ( p . 11) 2 . w a s ; 3 .

w e r e n ‘ t , w e r e ; 4 . w a s n ‘ t , w a s ; 5 . w e r e n ‘ t , w a s ; 6 . W e r e , w a s n ‘ t ,was.E x . 1 1 ( p . 11) 1. W h e r e w e r e t h e y last night? 2 . W h y w e r e y o u late y e s t e r d a y ? 3 . H ew a s n ‘ t a t t h e Institute y e s t e r d a y . 4 . 1 w a s n ‘ t t h e r e . 5 . S h e w a s n ‘ t a t h o m e a t 5 o ‘ c l o c k .2.»THERE IS (ARE)’CONSTRUCTIONE x . 1 ( p .

12) 1. T h e r e i s / T h e r e ‘ s ; 2. T h e r e a r e ; 3. is t h e r e ; 4. a r e t h e r e ; 5. t h e r e w a snot/there wasn’t; 6. There was; 7. Were there; 8. There has b e e n ; 9. There are;10. T h e r e is; 1 1 . T h e r e will b e ; 12. t h e r e w a s .E x . 2 (p. 12-13) 1. Is t h e r e a c a t in t h e w i n d o w ? — Yes, t h e r e is. 2. A r e t h e r e any c h a n g e sin t h e text? — Yes, t h e r e a r e . 3. A r e t h e r e plenty of g l a s s e s in t h e c u p b o a r d ? — Yes, t h e r eare. 4. W e r e t h e r e a lot of p e o p l e at t h e s t a d i u m ? — Y e s , t h e r e w e r e .

5. Is t h e r e anythingon t h e plate? — N o , t h e r e isn’t. 6. W a s t h e r e a n y b o d y in t h e r o o m ? — N o , t h e r e w a s n ‘ t .7. Are t h e r e a n y difficult e x e r c i s e s in this b o o k ? — Y e s , t h e r e a r e . 8. Is t h e r e anything ont h e shelf? — Yes, t h e r e is. 9. Will t h e r e be any interesting p r o g r a m m e s on TV t o m o r r o w ?- Yes, t h e r e will. 10.

A r e t h e r e several e m p t y s e a t s in t h e r o o m ? — Yes, t h e r e are.1 1 . W e r e t h e r e a n y p e a r s o n t h e plate? — N o , t h e r e w e r e n o t / w e r e n ‘ t .E x . 3 ( p . 13)A. 1. There are m a n y interesting articles in this m a g a z i n e . 2. T h e r e are m a n y m u s e u m s a n d t h e a t r e s i n o u r c i t y . 3 . Is t h e r e a t e l e p h o n e i n t h i s r o o m ? 4 . T h e r e a r e t w owindows in this r o o m .

5. There was no tea in the c u p . / T h e r e wasn’t any tea… 6. Howmany articles w e r e there in this magazine? — There w e r e several articles there.7 . H o w m a n y s t u d e n t s a r e t h e r e i n t h e c l a s s r o o m ? — T w e n t y . 8 . T h e r e will b e a p a r knear our house. 9. W a s t h e r e a s c h o o l in this street? 10.

T h e r e are several books onthe table.B. 1 . T h e r e is a s c h o o l n e a r o u r h o u s e . T h e s c h o o l is n e a r o u r h o u s e . 2. T h e r e areseveral t h e a t r e s in t h e city. T h e t h e a t r e s are in t h e c e n t e r of t h e city. 3. T h e r e w e r ef l o w e r s in t h e v a s e . T h e f l o w e r s w e r e in a beautiful v a s e . 4. T h e r e a r e m a n y children int h e t h e a t r e . T h e c h i l d r e n are n o w i n t h e t h e a t r e .

5 . T h e r e a r e / e x i s t several solutions o fthis task. T h e s o l u t i o n s o f t h i s t a s k a r e given o n p a g e 5 .3.THEVERB»TO HAVE1Ex. 1 (p. 14) 2. he’s got; 3. they’ve got; 4. she hasn’t got; 5. it’s got; 6.1 haven’t got.Ex. 2 (p. 14) 2. Have you got a VCR? (Do you have…?) 3. Has your father got a car?(Does your father have…?) 4. Has Carol got many friends? 5. Have Mr. and Mrs. Lewisgot any children? 6.

How much money have you got? 7. What kind of car has John got?Ex. 3 (p.15) 3. Alice,hasn’t got a camera. (Alice doesn’t have…) 4. I’ve got/I haven’t gota camera. (I don’t have…) 5. I’ve got/I haven’t got a car. 6. Keith hasn’t got a car. 7. Alicehasn’t got black hair. 8. Alice has got two brothers. 9. Keith hasn’t got black hair.10. Alice has got a car. 1 1 . Keith has got a sister. 12.1 have got/haven’t got brothers andsisters.Ex. 4 (p.

15) 3. has g o t / ‘ s got; 4. have got; 5. has got; 6. haven’t got; 7. haven’t got;8. have got/’ve got; 9. hasn’t got; 10. has got/’s got; 1 1 . has g o t / ‘ s got; 12. haven’t got;13. hasn’t got; 14. have got/’ve got.Ex. 5 (p. 15) 1. They haven’t got any seminars this month. 2. They haven’t got anyflowers in their garden this summer. 3. We haven’t got any letters from home this week.4. He hasn’t got a sore throat today. 5.1 haven’t got any w a r m shoes this winter. 6. Shehasn’t got a new dress this summer. 7.

They haven’t got any supper tonight. 8.1 haven’tgot any/a headache tonight. 9.1 haven’t got fish for dinner today.Ex. 6 (p. 16) 1. They have got three dogs and three cats. 2. S h e ‘ s got big green eyes.3. My brother has got a blue car. 4. How much land have you got? 5.

Last year we didn’thave a car. 6.1 had a headache yesterday. 7. When do you have tea? 8. We had a goodtime yesterday. 9. She had a good holiday in the South. 10. Have you got any books onthe history of England?5.THEINDEFINITE(SIMPLE)FORMSEx. 1 (p. 18) 1. He sings. 2. He runs. 3. They study. 4. He dances. 5. They cook. 6. Theydance.

7. He paints. 8. They teach. 9. He types. 10. They paint. 1 1 . They write.Ex. 2 (p. 18) 1. He thinks he is ill. 2. He often visits his granny. 3. She lives in Leeds.4. She usually speaks too quickly. 5. Does he like boiled potatoes? 6. A good animalalways obeys his master. 7. The boy boxes in the gymnasium on Fridays.

8. His dogalways attacks the neighbours. 9. A heavy truck makes a lot of noise.Ex. 3 (p. 18-19) 1. She does not/doesn’t understand the rule. — Does she understand therule? 2. He does not usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock. — Does he usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock? 3.

The lecture does not start at 1 0 . 1 5 . — Does the lecture start at10.15? 4. The flowers do not/don’t look fresh. — Do the flowers look fresh? 5. She doesnot usually walk in the morning. — Does she usually walk in the morning? 6. He does nothave coffee in the evening. — Does he have coffee in the evening? 7. S h e does notremember t h e m well.

— Does she remember them well? 8. He does not play chess verywell. — Does he play chess very well? 9. She does not leave home at 10 o’clock every day.- Does she leave home at 10 o’clock every day? 10. Ann doesn’t miss you badly. — DoesAnn miss you badly? 1 1 . They do not feel very cold. — Do they feel very cold? 12. Tomdoes not look sick. — Does T o m look sick? 13.

They do not harvest grapes in March. — Dothey harvest grapes in March? 14. The last boat does not sail at 10 p.m. — Does the lastboat sail at 10 p.m.? 15. That train does not go very fast. — Does that train go very fast?E x . 4 (p. 19) 1. are; 2. tell; 3. go; 4. collects; 5. likes; 6. says, is; 7. spend; 8. live,stands, overlooks, is; 9. W h a t d o e s this sentence mean? 10. live, is; 1 1 . sings; 12. has,eats; 13. is; 14. W h a t do you see over there? 15.

keeps, keeps; 16. is, have/’ve g o t ;17. come; 18. is.Ex. 6 (p. 19) 1. do the museums open; 2. don’t use; 3. do you drink; 4. do you do;5. does your father come; comes; 6. don’t you ask; 7. play, don’t play; 8. does «maintain» mean.Ex. 7 (p. 2 0 ) 1. The Sun doesn’t set ir> the East. It sets in the West.

Английский язык для подготовки к экзаменам, Дроздова Т.Ю., 2016.

   Комплексное пособие для подготовки к единому государственному экзамену по английскому языку. Может также применяться для подготовки к традиционному школьному или вступительному экзамену в вуз.
Издание предназначено для учащихся старших классов и предлагает разнообразный материал по всем разговорным темам и языковым аспектам, указанным в федеральной программе по изучению английского языка.

Английский язык для подготовки к экзаменам, Дроздова Т.Ю., 2016

When Matt Kelley was growing up in the United States, he often thought to himself, «Who am I?”
Matt thought that his problem was special. When he saw his schoolmates, he didn’t see anyone who looked like him. There were white kids and black kids, Asian kids and Hispanic kids, but none like him.

Matt Kelley was a multiracial teen: his dad was white and his mum was a Korean. He felt that he didn’t quite fit in with white kids because of his Asian side, and that he didn’t quite fit in with Asians because he was half white. This made him feel confused (находящийся в замешательстве) and frustrated (расстроенный), and he often wondered if he was the only teenager in the world with this problem.

In Matt’s first year at university, he met other multiracial young people, and he began to talk with them about their problems. He soon realized that there were lots of multiracial people in the U.S. and that they didn’t really have a place to discuss their experiences (случай). So in 1998, when Matt was only 19. he founded MAVIN. MAVIN, which means «one who understands» in Hebrew, is a magazine for young multiracial people who want to read about other people of mixed race and their experiences. It publishes articles about the problems that affect multiracial teens. The readers also write their own stories for publication in the magazine.

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учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Дроздова

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Т. Ю. Дроздова,
А. И. Берестова, Н. А. Курочкина

o r

h Grammar : Referenc e & Practic e


h Grammar : Tes t Fil e

h Grammar :

e &



1 (p. 8) 2. they’re; 3. she’s not/she isn’t; 4. it’s not/it isn’t; 5.
I’m not; 6. you’re not/

aren’t; 8.1 am ; 9. you are; 10. they are not; 11. it is not; 12. she

2 (p. 8) 2. am ; 3. is; 4. are; 5. is; 6. is; 7. am ; 8. is; 9. are;
10. is, are; 11. am; 12. is.

3 (p. 8-9) 2. is; 3. are; 4. am ; 5. is; 6. are; 7. is; 8. are; 9.
is; 10. are.

4 (p. 9) 3. I’m/I am/I’ m not/I am not; 4. It’s/It is/It isn’t/It’s
not; 5. isn’t/is not; 6. I’m/I

not/I am not; 7. are/aren’t/are not; 8. is; 9. isn’t/is not; 10.
aren’t/are not; 11. is;

aren’t/are not.

5 (p. 9) 2. Where is my key? 3. Where are my trousers? 4. How old is
your grandmother?

What colour is his hair? 6. How much are these shoes? 7. Who is your

actor? 8. Why are you always late?

6 (p. 9) 3. Are you British? 4. Where are you from? 5. How old are
you? 6. Are you a

7. Is your mother a teacher? 8. Where is she from? 9. What is her

How old is she?

7 (p. 10) 3. Yes, it is./No, it isn’t./No, it’s not. 4. Yes, I
am./No, I’m not. 5. Yes, I am./

I’m not. 6. Yes, it is./No, it isn’t./No, it’s not. 7. Yes, they
are./No, they aren’t./No,

not. 8. Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 9. Yes, he is./No, he isn’t./No, he’s
not. 10. Yes, it

it isn’t./No, it’s not.Ex. 8 (p. 10) 1. Is your brother at home? 2.
How muc h are these postcards? 3. This

is very expensive. 4. I’m interested in arts. 5. All the shops are
open today. 6. Is the

open today? 7. I’m hot. 8. My sister is an architect. 9. I’m not
tired. 10. Where is

husband from?11. They are not students, they are engineers. 12. Are
you interested

foreign languages?

9 (p. 10-11) 2. is, was; 3. am/’m ; 4. was; 5. were; 6. are/’re; 7.
were; 8. is/’s; 9.

10. were; 11. was; 12. are, were.

10 (p. 11) 2. was; 3. weren’t, were; 4. wasn’t, was; 5. weren’t, was;
6. Were, wasn’t,


11 (p. 11) 1. Where were they last night? 2. Why were you late
yesterday? 3. He

at the Institute yesterday. 4.1 wasn’t there. 5. She wasn’t at home
at 5 o’clock.


1 (p. 12) 1. There is/There’s; 2. There are; 3. is there; 4. are
there; 5. there was

wasn’t; 6. There was ; 7. Were there; 8. There has been; 9. There

There is; 11. There will be; 12. there was.

2 (p. 12-13) 1. Is there a cat in the window? — Yes, there is. 2. Are
there any changes

the text? — Yes, there are. 3. Are there plenty of glasses in the
cupboard? — Yes, there

4. Were there a lot of people at the stadium? — Yes, there were. 5.
Is there anything

the plate? — No, there isn’t. 6. Was there anybody in the room? — No,
there wasn’t.

Are there any difficult exercises in this book? — Yes, there are. 8.
Is there anything on

shelf? — Yes, there is. 9. Will there be any interesting programmes
on TV tomorrow?

Yes, there will. 10. Are there several empt y seats in the room? —
Yes, there are.

1. Were there any pears on the plate? — No, there were not/weren’t.

3 (p. 13)

1. There are many interesting articles in this magazine. 2. There are
many museums

theatres in our city. 3. Is there a telephone in this room ? 4. There
are two

in this room . 5. There was no tea in the cup./Ther e wasn’ t any
tea… 6. How

articles wer e there in this magazine? — There wer e several articles

How many student s are there in the classroom? — Twenty . 8. There
will be a park

our house. 9. Was there a school in this street? 10. There are
several book s on


1. There is a school near our house. The school is near our house. 2.
There are

theatres in the city. The theatres are in the center of the city. 3.
There were

in the vase. The flowers were in a beautiful vase. 4. There are many
children in

theatre. The children are now in the theatre. 5. There are/exist
several solutions of

task. The solutions of this task are given on page 5.3. TH E VER B

1 (p. 14) 2. he’s got; 3. they’ve got; 4. she hasn’t got; 5. it’s
got; 6.1 haven’t got.

2 (p. 14) 2. Have you got a VCR? (Do you have…?) 3. Has your father
got a car?

your father have…?) 4. Has Carol got many friends? 5. Have Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis

any children? 6. How much money have you got? 7. What kind of car has
John got?

3 (p.15) 3. Alice,hasn’t got a camera. (Alice doesn’t have…) 4.
I’ve got/I haven’t got

camera. (I don’t have…) 5. I’ve got/I haven’t got a car. 6. Keith
hasn’t got a car. 7. Alice

got black hair. 8. Alice has got two brothers. 9. Keith hasn’t got
black hair.

Alice has got a car. 11. Keith has got a sister. 12.1 have
got/haven’t got brothers and


4 (p. 15) 3. has got/’s got; 4. have got; 5. has got; 6. haven’t got;
7. haven’t got;

have got/’ve got; 9. hasn’t got; 10. has got/’s got; 11. has got/’s
got; 12. haven’t got;

hasn’t got; 14. have got/’ve got.

5 (p. 15) 1. They haven’t got any seminars this month. 2. They
haven’t got any

in their garden this summer. 3. We haven’t got any letters from home
this week.

He hasn’t got a sore throat today. 5.1 haven’t got any warm shoes
this winter. 6. She

got a new dress this summer. 7. They haven’t got any supper tonight.
8.1 haven’t

any/a headache tonight. 9.1 haven’t got fish for dinner today.

6 (p. 16) 1. They have got three dogs and three cats. 2. She’s got
big green eyes.

My brother has got a blue car. 4. How much land have you got? 5. Last
year we didn’t

a car. 6.1 had a headache yesterday. 7. When do you have tea? 8. We
had a good

yesterday. 9. She had a good holiday in the South. 10. Have you got
any books on

history of England?


1 (p. 18) 1. He sings. 2. He runs. 3. They study. 4. He dances. 5.
They cook. 6. They

7. He paints. 8. They teach. 9. He types. 10. They paint. 11. They

2 (p. 18) 1. He thinks he is ill. 2. He often visits his granny. 3.
She lives in Leeds.

She usually speaks too quickly. 5. Does he like boiled potatoes? 6. A
good animal

obeys his master. 7. The boy boxes in the gymnasium on Fridays. 8.
His dog

attacks the neighbours. 9. A heavy truck makes a lot of noise.

3 (p. 18-19) 1. She does not/doesn’t understand the rule. — Does she
understand the

2. He does not usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock. — Does he usually
have breakfast

8 o’clock? 3. The lecture does not start at 10.15. — Does the lecture
start at

4. The flowers do not/don’t look fresh. — Do the flowers look fresh?
5. She doesnot usually walk in the morning. — Does she usually walk
in the morning? 6. He does not

coffee in the evening. — Does he have coffee in the evening? 7. She
does not

them well. — Does she remember them well? 8. He does not play chess

— Does he play chess very well? 9. She does not leave home at 10
o’clock every day.

Does she leave home at 10 o’clock every day? 10. Ann doesn’t miss you
badly. — Does

miss you badly? 11. They do not feel very cold. — Do they feel very
cold? 12. Tom

not look sick. — Does Tom look sick? 13. They do not harvest grapes
in March. — Do

harvest grapes in March? 14. The last boat does not sail at 10 p.m. —
Does the last

sail at 10 p.m.? 15. That train does not go very fast. — Does that
train go very fast?

4 (p. 19) 1. are; 2. tell; 3. go; 4. collects; 5. likes; 6. says, is;
7. spend; 8. live,

overlooks, is; 9. What does this sentence mean? 10. live, is; 11.
sings; 12. has,

13. is; 14. What do you see over there? 15. keeps, keeps; 16. is,
have/’ve got;

come; 18. is.

6 (p. 19) 1. do the museums open; 2. don’t use; 3. do you drink; 4.
do you do;

does your father come; comes; 6. don’t you ask; 7. play, don’t play;
8. does «maintain» mean.

7 (p. 20) 1. The Sun doesn’t set ir> the East. It sets in the
West. 2. Hens don’t eat

Foxes eat hens. 3. Blacksmiths don’t make things from wood. They make

metal. 4. The river Dvina doesn’t flow into the Black Sea. It flows
into the White Sea.

8 (p. 20) 1. How often does Felix watch birds? 2. How often do you
write to your

3. What time do you usually have dinner? 4. Where does she work? 5.

do you go to the Zoo? 6. Why do people do stupid things? 7. How often
does the

break down?

9 (p. 20) 1.1 usually do my homework in the evening. 2. My friend
lives in the North.

My sister studies at the Medical college. 4. They have foreign
language classes twice

week. 5. He always comes to see us when he is in Moscow. 6. How much
time does it

you to get back home? — it usually takes me about thirty minutes. 7.
He seldom

now. 8. Do you often go to the cinema? 9. She is never late. She is
always on

10. Do you feel anything? — No, I don’t feel anything. 11. His father
is an engineer.

builds bridges. 12.1 don’t study French, I study German. 13. Now we
rarely see them.

Does her husband often travel/go on business?

10 (p. 22) 1. she woke up early; 2. she walked in the garden; 3. she
had a sandwich

lunch; 4. she went out; 5. she slept very well.

11 (p. 22) 1. taught; 2. fell, hurt; 3. sold; 4. spent, bought, cost;
5. threw, caught.

12 (p. 22) 1. How long did you stay there? 2. Did you stay at a
hotel? 3. Did you go

4. How did you travel? 5. Was the food good? 6. What did you do in
the evenings?

Did you make any friends there?Ex. 1 3 (p. 22) 1. didn’t have
breakfast, didn’t have; 2. didn’t buy, didn’t have; 3. didn’t

didn’t feel; 4. wasn’t, didn’t understand.

14 (p. 22-23) 1. used to eat; 2. used to be; 3. used to live; 4. used
to be; 5. used to

6. used to ride.

1 6 (p. 23) 1. We started this experiment last week. 2. They came
back home at 7

in the evening. 3. We decided to send this letter yesterday. 4.
Who(m) did you

these magazines to? 5. Yesterday I met Steve in the library. 6. When
did you see him

— Last Tuesday. 7. We didn’t study French last year. We studied
English. 8. When

you begin to work yesterday? — After dinner. We had little work. 9.
The weather was

and we and our friends went to the park. 10. Where were you an hour
ago? 11.1

her the day before yesterday, and she told me about this.

17 (p. 23) 1. Now she avoids to go there as often as she used to. 2.
He would

appear at his mother’s and as suddenly disappear. 3. She would spend
hours at

open window, looking at the forest the hill. 4. She would complain of
her bad life and

better/relieved. 5. Personally, I think you speak English better than
you used to.

Now he doesn’t smoke at all, because his health is bad, but he used
to be a chainsmoker.

He began to study French, and in his childhood he would/used to study

with a tutor. 8. He used to be quite a well-off man.

1 8 (p. 24-25) 1. will/’ll be; 2. wiil/’ll be; 3. will/il be; 4.
shall/will/’ll know; 5. shall/will/

be; 6. will/’ll remember; 7. Wherwill he come back? 8.
shall/will/’ll apologize; 9. shan’t/

see; 10. shall/will/’ll recognize.

1 9 (p. 25)

a. 1. calls, shall/will/’ll give; 2. shall/will/’ll be, need; 3.
will/’ll be, decide; 4. want, will/

get; 5. have.

1. shall/will/’ll write, have; 2. will/’ll wait, send; 3. will/’ll
be, is; 4. go.

1. don’t know, will come; 2. will stay; 3. wonder, shall/will/’ll
ever see; 4. am not

will be; 5. will start.

1. gets, ‘II start; 2. ‘II see, is; 3. come, ‘II talk; 4. come; 5.
wants, will be; 6. wonder, ‘II

7. ‘II be; 8. get, ‘II come; 9. will be; 10. come, will find; 11.
come, cross; 12. will

13. go down, is; 14. ‘II be, get; 15. will come; 16. come, am sure,
will be, gets;

continues, ‘II transfer; 18. ‘II buy; will you buy; will bring; will
bring; 19. look; 20. talk.

20 (p. 25) 1. If I have time next week, I’ll fix the car. 2. If all
goes well, I’ll graduate in

3. When he finishes this job, we’ll give him another. 4. If the
traffic conditions get

worse, the city will have to build elevated roads. 5. When the light
turns red, all the

will stop. 6. When/if the weather clears, we’ll finish our games. 7.
If I am paid

I’ll buy this dress. 8. If we get there before you, we’ll wait for
you. 9. When he

home, his father will give him a good talking to. 10. When/if he
takes this medicine,

will be all right.Ex. 21 (p. 26) 1. get; 2. gets; 3. leave, II give;
4. feel, will drive; 5. see; 6. come, will find;

22 (p. 26) 1. I’ll go to the cinema when I finish my work. 2. He’ll
spend a week in

before he goes to England. 3. He can stay with us when he comes to
London in

4. Let’s leave before it’s dark.

23 (p. 26) 1. When; 2. if; 3. if; 4. if; 5. If; 6. when; 7. when; 8.

24 (p. 26) 1. Next year I’ll be twenty. 2. Perhaps, he will come
today. 3. When will

begin to study a foreign language? 4. He thinks you won’t like the
new ballet. 5. Will

be at home at 6? — No, she won’t. 6.1 hope you will cope with the
test. 7. Will you

a lot of work tomorrow? — Yes, I will. 8. The examinations will begin
on June, 1.

9. The film will be very interesting. 10. We’ll see him next week.

25 (p. 26-27) 1. They won’t start the meeting until the chief
engineer comes. 2. If

meet them, ask them to phone us. 3. You’ll recognize Gemma as soon as
you see

4. I wonder, when they will come Dack. 5. Don’t cross the street
until the light is

6. As soon as he comes, he will call you. 7. He will be very happy
when you come

New York. 8. If you drink this water you’ll get sick. 9. I can’t tell
you when they will

10. If you don’t take a taxi now, you will miss your plane. 11. When
you want to see

give me a ring/ring me up. 12. You won’t know English until you start
working hard.

I’ll drop in on you before I leave. 14. When winter comes, I’ll go to
India. 15.1 don’t

when I’ll see him again.


1 (p. 28-29) 1. He isn’t lying down; 2. He isn’t washing; 3. They
aren’t fighting; 4. We

jumping; 5. They aren’t shouting; 6. She isn’t walking; 7. I’m not
drinking; 8. She


2 (p. 29) 1. No, he isn’t. He’s watching TV. 2. No, I’m not. I’m
learning them by heart.

No, he isn’t. He’s reading a newspaper. 4. No, they aren’t. They’re
talking with a friend.

No, I’m not. I’m going home. 6. No, she isn’t. She’s listening to a
concert. 7. No, I’m

I’m writing a film script. 8. No, she isn’t. She’s cooking.

3 (p. 29) 1. Yes, he is. He is studying. 2. Yes, they are. They are
reading. 3. Yes, she

She is having breakfast. 4. Yes, they are. They are shopping. 5. Yes,
she is. She is

6. Yes, she is. She is washing up. 7. Yes, he is. He is skating. 8.
Yes, they are.

are rehearsing.

4 (p. 29) 1. He’s teaching the dog to bark. 2. I’m cutting out a
dress. 3. I’m running to

my bus. 4. I’m buying a mink coat. 5. I’m going to the University. 6.
She’s rehearsing

a concert. 7. They’re listening to a favourite fairy tale. 8. He’s
baking an apple pie.

5 (p. 30) 1. Yes, she is. She’s going to the library. 2. No, they
aren’t. They’re having

rest. 3. No, she isn’t. She’s having a nap. 4. Yes, we are. We’re
having visitors. 5. No,

isn’t. She’s staying at home. 6. No, they aren’t. They’re having a
holiday. 7. Yes, he

He’s going to the concert. 8. Yes, we are. We’re doing up the flat.

6 (p. 30) 1. am trying; 2. is raining; 3. are you looking; 4. are
making; 5. am looking; 6.

you enjoying; 7. are crying; 8. are you wearing; 9. am not going; 10.
am not eating.

7 (p. 30) 1. are rising/are increasing/are falling; 2. is getting; 3.
is getting/is becoming;

is changing; 5. is rising/is increasing; 6. is improving; 7. is
getting/is becoming.

8 (p. 30-31) 1. am training; 2. Are you enjoying; 3. am getting
married; 4. am looking

5. Are you doing; 6. is helping.

9 (p. 31) 1. Who are you looking at now? — I’m looking at that old
lady. 2. Who is your

speaking with? — He’s speaking with our teacher. 3. What are you
telling your

about? — I’m telling them abouL my holidays. 4. Are you writing a
dictation now? —

we’re doing an exercise 9. 5. Where are you going tonight? — We’re
going to the

6. When are they arriving in Moscow? — They’re arriving in the
morning. 7. We’re

to Minsk. 8. Are these students doing an exercise or copying a text?
9. Who(m) are

students meeting? — They’re meeting foreign students. 10. Where are
you going?

I’m going to a photo exhibition.

11 (p. 32) 1. right; 2. wrong — are you talking; 3. wrong — Do you
believe; 4. wrong —

trying; 5. right; 6. wrong — I think; 7. right; 8. wrong — we usually

12 (p. 32) 1. don’t belong; 2. is coming; want; 3. flows; 4. is
flowing; 5. Does it ever

6. grow, aren’t growing; 7. am learning; is teaching; 8. don’t need;
9. enjoy, am not

10. don’t believe; 11. lives, does your sister live; 12. is staying;
13. is looking

14. does your husband do; isn’t working.

13 (p. 33)

1. is teaching, is substituting, is; 2. am going, is leaving, Is he
coming back, don’t know;

stays, comes, is staying; 4. meets, meets, are painting, are going;
5. is leaving; is he

is catching; 6. is repairing; 7. Are you writing; write; Do you want;
8. says, is

9. am going; 10. is coming; 11. call, are playing, think, play; 12.

1. is, is smoking, think, smokes, is; 2. is, is, is playing; 3. Are
you coming, are you

are driving, Are you taking, are leaving, Do you mind, bring; 4. Is
Mike coming, is

is he doing, is reading up, isr-am, isn’t going, says, is meeting,
is, has.

14 (p. 33-34) 1. is reading; 2. go; 3. are you going, am going; 4.
is, catches; 5. has;

are you laughing, are talking; 7. laughs, laughs; 8. speak; 9. is
speaking, are smiling;

is splitting; 11. is always reacting; 12.1 am always forgetting; 13.
are, are having.Ex. 15 (p. 34) 1. The Sun sets early in this part of
the world. 2. Joyce is going to Londofo

because her uncle wants to see her.3. Some people like summer best of

like spring and autumn, but others prefer winter. 4. Where is Lizzy?
— She is riding.

What are the children doing? — They are listening to a fairy tale and
drawing. 6. Jane

perfectly well. 7. Father usually goes to work by train, but today he
is driving.

Every year he spends his holidays in the mountains. 9. I am writing
to invite you to

and stay with us in summer. 10. I’m sitting by the window and looking
at the sea. A

is sailing away into the evening gold of the horizon.

16 (p. 34) 1. When does he usually come home? — He usually comes home
at 7

m. 2. What train are you taking to St.-Petersburg next week? 3. My
friends from

are cpming to see me next Sunday. 4. Alex is making a new bookshelf.

makes all the furniture for his room himself. 5. She is wearing a hat
and a blue

today. 6.1 can’t give you the book now because I am reading it. 7. Do
you read

lot? — Yes, I read a lot. — Do you buy books or borrow them from the
library? — I

borrow 5 books from the Central Library and change them every other

What are you doing under the table? — I’m looking for the needle. 9.
What do you

have for breakfast? — I usually have a sandwich and drink a cup of

Where are you running so fast? — I am running to catch the 10 o’clock
train. I’m

Nick today, and he doesn’t like it when I am late. 11.1 am leaving
for Denmark


17 (p. 35) 2. he was meeting the manager; 3. he was having lunch; 4.
he was visiting

dentist; 5. he was listening to an organ concert…; 6. he was
walking the dog; 7. he

driving his mother home.

18 (p. 35) 1. Mother was cooking in the kitchen. 2. Father was making
a phone call.

was getting ready to go out. 4. My sister was washing some clothes.

19 (p. 36) 1.1 caught that cold when I was skating on a frosty day.
2. He wrote those

poems when he was having a holiday. 3. She learnt the language when
she was living

England. 4. She heard that song when she was listening to a concert
on the radio. 5.1

that book when I was reading up for my exams. 6. The boy hurt himself
when he

riding the bicycle. 7. Philip lost his camera when he was walking
about the city. 8. He

me up when I was having supper.

20 (p. 36) 1. The postman brought the letter when I was having
breakfast. 2. It

to snow when I was going downstairs. 3. The door bell rang when they

the dining-room.

21 (p. 36) 1. fell, was rescuing; 2. was reading, heard; 3. Were you
having; 4. were

arrived; 5. wasn’t driving, saw; 6. broke; was doing, slipped; 7.
took, was painting;

didn’t go, was getting; 9. were you doing; 10. saw; was wearing.

22 (p. 36-37) 1. was playing, was reading, was sewing, heard; 2. was
leaving, caught;

in, was sitting; 4. was shaving, cut; 5. was; was standing; 6. began;

walking; 7. was sleeping, rang; 8. were sitting/drove up; 9. was
crossing, struck;

was drizzling, came; 11. broke, wa£ living; 12. was getting,
suggested; 13. came in,

stood, turned, went; 14. was walking, met, asked; 15. came, were

ran, went, was standing; 17. raised, looked; was still snowing; 18.
were driving,

19. Did you have; 20. fell, hurt, was riding; 21. went, got; 22.
went, sat, was

was howling; 23. took, put, leaned; 24. put on; 25. was, wanted; 26.

coughed/was coughing; 27. drew, looked; were standing; 28. heard,
went, opened,

not recognize, was not wearing; 29. were walking, began; 30. came,
was leaving;

1. was talking, saw; 32. arrived, went, took off.

23 (p. 37-38) 1. opened, looked, stood; 2. realized, were not paying
attention, were

(were) looking, turned, looked, were looking, was coming, led; 3.
saw, was

made; 4. was looking; 5. did not see, was making; 6. occurred, was

dropped, was fishing; 8. heard, were packing.

24 (p. 38)

1.1 sat on the bench for half an hour and then began reading a book.
2.1 graduated

the University when I was twenty three. 3. When were you here last? —
About a year

a half ago. 4. Gray nodded and went upstairs. 5. I met Helen through
my parents

three years ago. 6. He stopped and picked up a rose. 7.1 visited them
a year ago.

saw him in London a week ago. 9. I did not see him when I was in

What happened to you that evening? 11. They returned into the house
when it started


Did you see him this morning? — Yes, he was standing by the car. 2.
He came in and

Nelly, who was painting a strange picture. 3. He ran to the gate
where Ann was

4.1 glanced at Jennie who was still shivering from cold. 5. We were
just talking

him when he suddenly came in. 6. They came while I was working in the

She was laying the table at six o’clock yesterday. 8. What were you
playing when I

in? 9. The water in the kettle was boiling when my friends came back
to the camp.

Unfortunately, when I arrived Helen was just leaving. 11. He suddenly
realized that he

travelling in the wrong direction. 12.1 was sitting in the garden
yesterday when my

came and brought a puppy. 13. When I came in, they were sitting in
the sittingroom.

elder brother was doing a crossword, my mother was knitting, the
others were

My mother smiled at me and said, «Come in and sit down, please.»
14. When she

up, the birds were singing merrily in the garden. 15. Who were you
talking to on the

when I came in? — I was talking to my sister. 16. When they were
crossing the

a man came towards them and asked the way to the Palace Square. 17. I

my homework when he came.

25 (p. 38) 1. Yesterday, when I was walking down Nevsky Prospect, I
met Victor, an

friend of mine. He recognized me at once though I was wearing big
dark glasses

my eyes were aching. 2. He said, «I was going to see you a
fortnight ago, but I

Варианты ЕГЭ Татьяна Дроздова: Английский язык для подготовки к экзаменам. Учебное пособие

Материал для ЕГЭ по английскому языку 10-11 классов

Авторы: Дроздова Татьяна Юрьевна

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English Grammar. The Keys

В книге представлены ключи-ответы к большинству упражнений English Grammar (исключением являются задания, требующие устного объяснения, упражнения трансформа- ционного типа и тесты, предназначенные для проверки усвоения тем) и ко всем упражнениям English Grammar. Test File.
Поскольку учебник построен на ситуативном подходе к пониманию грамматики, приводимые здесь ответы не являются догмой и могут изменяться в соответствии с пониманием ситуации. Таким образом в ряде случаев предлагаются различные варианты ответов.

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