Beauty is only skin deep сочинение

Обновлено: 09.03.2023

It does not always work to make a direct translation from one language to the other. In this case I would say: Внутренняя красота важнее внешней.

Внешность — не самое главное, важнее внутренние качества человека. Эта пословица касается не только семейных отношений (хотя они в первую очередь) но и любых других сфер деятельности человека — работа, дружба и т.д. Есть еще пословица одна: «Не родись красивой, а родись счастливой.»

ALex, it hardly exists as a russian proverb: it is just a translation from English (and likely a recent one: 1060 results in google).

Много глянцевых журналов обращены к подросткам или молодым людям. Посредством выразительной рекламы и картинок, прекрасно выглядящих звезд, молодые люди 1) пообщаются делать все, чтобы они выглядели как голливудские звезды. Но настоящую красоту 2) не найдешь в модной одежде или модном макияже. Каждый, кто 3) чувствует себя комфортно от того, как он выглядит, любой подросток, чьи мысли 4) выражаются уверенностью, скажут вам, что они чувствуют себя красивыми. Конечно, это не значит, что то, как мы выглядим нужно 5) игнорировать. Это просто значит, что нам 6) нужно обращать достаточно внимания на нашу внешность, так, чтобы мы были уверены в нашем отражении, но не так, что мы 7) сходим с ума, когда пятно 8) появляется на лице.

Так, в следующий раз, когда у вас упадет самооценка, почему бы вам не посмотреть на фото красивой модной модели, перед тем как его 9) подретушируют? Еще лучше, взгляните на фото икону голливудской красоты и моды, которую 10) сфотографировали рано утром и без макияжа!

A lot of glossy magazines focus on teenagers or young people. Through impressive advertisements and pictures of perfect-looking stars, young people 1) are encouraged to do whatever they can to look like a Hollywood star. But real beauty 2) is not found in trendy clothes and fashionable makeup. Anyone who 3) feels comfortable with the way they look, any teenager whose thoughts 4) are expressed with confidence will tell you that they feel beautiful. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the way we look should 5) be ignored. It simply means that we 6) need to take enough.

So, the next time you are a little low on self-esteem, why don’t you take a look at the photo of a beautiful fashion model before it 9) is retouched? Better yet, take a look at the picture of a Hollywood beauty and fashion icon who 10).

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep — Infobox Single Name = Beauty Is Only Skin Deep Artist = The Temptations from Album = Greatest Hits B side = You re Not an Ordinary Girl Released = August 4, 1966 Format = 7 single Recorded = Hitsville USA (Studio A); April 14, 1964 May 11, 1966… … Wikipedia

beauty is only skin-deep — Physical beauty is no guarantee of good character, temperament, etc. Cf. a 1613 T. OVERBURY Wife (1614) B8v All the carnall beautie of my wife, Is but skinne deep. 1616 J. DAVIES Select Second Husband B3 Beauty’s but skin deepe. 1829 COBBETT… … Proverbs new dictionary

beauty is only skin deep — do not judge a person by physical features, you can t tell a book. If you want to date a beauty queen, remember that beauty is only skin deep … English idioms

Beauty is only skin deep. — something that you say which means a person s character is more important than their appearance. She may not be conventionally pretty but you know what they say, beauty s only skin deep … New idioms dictionary

beauty is only skin-deep — proverb a pleasing appearance is not a guide to character * * * beauty is only skin ˈdeep idiom (saying) how a person looks is less important than their character Main entry: ↑beautyidiom … Useful english dictionary

beauty is only skin deep — Meaning Physical beauty is superficial. Origin Proverb. First found in Overbury s poem, 1613. All the carnall beauty of my wife, Is but skin deep . What his wife thought isn t recorded … Meaning and origin of phrases

beauty is only skin deep — true beauty lies within, outer beauty is merely superficial … English contemporary dictionary

beauty is only skin deep — This idiom means that appearances can be deceptive and something that seems or looks good may turn out to be bad. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

Skin deep (House) — Skin deep Episodio de House Una bella supermodelo de 15 años sufre un ataque de cataplexia durante un desfile. Pero por debajo de las apariencias existe una realidad más compleja … Wikipedia Español

Красивая девушка. Где найти цитаты про красоту на английском.


Красота – это такое важное качество, которые многие в повседневной спешке или забывают, или вовсе игнорируют. Но ведь красота – она рядом с нами, она окружает нас со всех сторон, стоит лишь немного осмотреться. Красота – она не только снаружи, она и внутри нас самих! И очень важно суметь ее разглядеть, а не похоронить под слоем угрюмости и постоянной усталости.
А самые лучшие цитаты про красоту на английском языке вместе с переводом мы собрали для в этой статье.

Nothing is beautiful from every point of view.Ничто не может быть красиво со всех точек зрения.


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Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.Красота – это сила, и улыбка – ее меч.

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Delicacy is to affectation what grace is to beauty.Утонченность для манерности – то же самое, что и грация для красоты.

Франсуаза д’Обинье Ментенон

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Beauty is the promise of happiness.Красота – это обещание счастья.


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Beauty is a short-lived tyranny.Красота — это скоротечная тирания.


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The beauty of a lovely woman is like music.George Eliot. Красота любимой женщины подобна музыке.

Джордж Элиот

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Secrecy is the element of all goodness; even virtue, even beauty is mysterious. Thomas Carlyle — Тайна есть в любой добродетели; и мужество, и красота — непостижимы.

Томас Карлейль

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Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Confucius — Ничто не лишено красоты, но не все могут увидеть это.


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Beauty is a sort of bloom on a woman. If you have it you don’t need to have anything else; and if you don’t have it, it doesn’t much matter what else you have. Красота — это своего рода цветенье женщины. Если она есть, Вам больше ничего не надо, а если ее нет, не имеет значения, что еще у Вас есть.


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Beauty is an outward gift which is seldom despised, except by those to whom it has been refused. Красота — это дар, к которому мало кто испытывает презрение, за исключением тех, кому в этом даре отказано.


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Beauty is but skin deep. Красота обманчива.

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Beauty is only skin deep, but it’s a valuable asset if you are poor or haven’t any sense. Красота обманчива, но она ценное качество, если Вы бедны или не очень умны.

Хаббард, Кин

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Beauty is a huge, undeserved gift that is given by chance, silly.Красота – это огромный, незаслуженный дар, который дается случайно, глупо.

Халед Хоссейни

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Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.Мода существует не только в платьях. Она существует в небе, на улице. Мода связана с идеями, образом жизни, происходящими событиями.

Коко Шанель

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Beauty will never understand its essence.Красота никогда не уяснит себе своей сути.


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You see beauty, I see pain. You see sky and I see acid rain.Ты видишь красоту, я вижу боль. Ты видишь небо, а я кислотный дождь.

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Life is beautiful. Жизнь прекрасна.

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I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.Я не думаю о всех страданиях, но о красоте, которая все еще остается.

Анна Франк

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The definition of beauty is easy; it`s what leads you to desperation.Определение красоты несложно — это то, что ведет тебя к безрассудству.

Поль Валери

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Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.Тот, кто сохранит способность видеть прекрасное, никогда не постареет.

Франц Кафка

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Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. — Кто не может изменить свои воззрения, не может изменить ничего.

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Everyone underwent something that changed him. — Каждый прошел через что-то, что изменило его.

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Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest. Красота везде желанный гость.

Йоганн Гете

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True beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are.Настоящая красота не связана с тем, какого цвета ваши волосы или каковы ваши глаза.

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True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your moral compass.Истинная красота – это то, кем вы являетесь как человеком, вашими принципами, вашим моральным компасом.

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I know who I am. I am not perfect. I’m not the most beautiful woman in the world. But I’m one of them.Я знаю, кто я такая. Я не идеальна. Я не самая красивая женщина в мире. Но я одина из них.

Мэри Дж. Блайдж

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In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.Чтобы быть незаменимой, надо всегда быть разной.

Коко Шанель

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Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you.Будь верен тому, кто верен тебе.

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Beauty is the promise of happiness. Красота — залог счастья.


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Everything you can imagine is real.– Все, что вы може­те пред­ста­вить – реаль­но.

Паб­ло Пикассо

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Do not squander time – this is stuff life is made of.Не тратьте время зря – из него состоит жизнь.

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Beauty is an outward gift which is seldom despised, except by those to whom it has been refused.Красота — это дар, к которому мало кто испытывает презрение, за исключением тех, кому в этом даре отказано.

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Calamities are of two kinds. Misfortunes to ourselves, and good fortune toothers.Бедствия бывают двух сортов: неудачи, которые терпим мы и удачи, которые сопутствуют другим.

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People should fall in love with their eyes closed. — Люди долж­ны влюб­лять­ся с закры­ты­ми гла­за­ми.

Энди Уор­холл

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Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. – Любовь – это непре­одо­ли­мое жела­ние быть непре­одо­ли­мо жела­е­мым.

Роберт Фрост

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Where there’s a will, there’s a way.Было бы желание, а возможность найдется.

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Every solution breeds new problems – Каж­дое реше­ние порож­да­ет новые про­бле­мы.

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A day without laughter is a day wasted – День без сме­ха – это напрас­но про­жи­тый день.

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I can resist anything except temptation – Я могу усто­ять перед чем угод­но, кро­ме соблаз­на.

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While I’m breathing, I love and believe. — Пока дышу — люблю и верю.

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True love stories never have endings. Richard Bach — У настоящих историй любви нет финалов.

Ричард Бах

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The best way of removing negativity is to laugh and be joyous. Лучший способ снять негатив — это смеяться и быть радостным.

Дэвид Айк

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I recommend you to take care of the minutes: for hours will take care of themselves. Я рекомендую Вам заботиться о минутах: часы сами позаботятся о себе.

Филип Дормер

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Your life is not a problem to be solved but a gift to be opened. — Твоя жизнь – это не проблема, которую нужно решить, а подарок, который нужно раскрыть.

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Nobody’s perfect, but me.Никто не совершенен кроме меня.

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It’s beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.Это красота, которая привлекает ваше внимание; личность, которая захватывает ваше сердце.

Иван Панин

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The world’s biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman.Самая большая сила в мире – это молодость и красота женщины.


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Beauty is only skin deep Beauty is in the eye of the beholder “Beauty is only skin deep” and “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” can be very controversial quotes to some people. Those quotes are all based on how they are viewed by other people. You may not believe in them but other might believe strongly in them. First, “Beauty is only skin deep” all depends on what type of person you are. Both quotes rate directly to each other but let’s pull them apart separately. I think that ‘Beauty is only skin deep’ is expressed in many ways by people.

If you are not one of those beautiful people in this world then to some people you mean nothing. When you look around a normal school you see clicks right? Well that’s what I am talking about. You see the people who express them selves by wearing darker clothes, and the people who always wear the trendy and in style clothes. Sometimes you get jealous and say mean things because either you wished you looked like them or you want the things they have.

But we were all created differently. You have to like yourself first for anyone else to like you. Relating to ‘Beauty is only skin deep’ means that people only look at what’s inside that counts. Some people believe at love at first sight, what is all that about? That means they like the person just from seeing them. So many people in this world can relate. People judge people.

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«Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate» William Shakespeare. Or, shall I compare thee to an airbrushed Vogue supermodel, and completely lose interest? It’s not surprising that in our modern day society we are constantly assaulted by beauty. We see it everyday in magazines, on television, on billboards, everywhere we turn we see beautiful people-almost to …

You look around and think by the clothes or hairstyle this girl wears that she can either not afford them or chooses to be that way. So you think she is poor. Doesn’t she deserve your attention too? I think that beauty is over rated. People need to look at your mind, your intelligence. Coming from a world where I get compliments a lot, saying that I am pretty I know what its like. I am not trying to be conceited but it’s just the truth.

Being pretty is not all it’s cracked up to be. Since being pretty has got me a lot of compliments it also brings in the bad sides of things. Ultimately girls think that I am stuck up and a rich snob, If they knew me or got to know me they would hopefully think differently of me. They also think that since I am pretty that their boyfriends will like me and leave them or something, cause they get really jealous. I do not know why this is but they think I am a boyfriend stealer. When I am only interested in those limited few who can impress me with there charm, whit, intelligence.

When they have guys that are the popular once that everyone wants. Well to tell you the truth some people do not want them. I certainly do not. There is no one in this world that I know of that would go for a guy because she sees his name of the high honor list, or she finds out his GPA and wants to date him.

Same goes for guys too. Guys are the most stereotypical, they are conceived as only thinking girls are hot or they could get with them, to be literal. Since guys are so much into things like saying a girl is hot, the compliments have come to that you are hot and I like you, without even knowing the person. What ever happened to you look nice today or your very pretty? Those good old fashioned compliments that some girls and guys still like. I know this has mostly been towards girls but this is how I view the society we live in. Guys and girls always shoot for the popular ones.

Some are smart, some are average, and some are dumb. That’s’ how the world turns. They also say love is blind that is true, who knows what love is these days. They say its like when you were a little girl and you hold your hands out straight and spin. Remember that feeling? I can in a way. That’s what love is too hard to explain.

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In an endeavor to define an ideal woman, we compare two Literature works which are the Kincaid’s short story “Girl” and Jane Martin’s play, “Rodeo”. Comparing these two works, we see two contrasting definitions of an ideal woman as they are brought out in different settings. In the Kincaid’s short story, “Girl”, we notice for instance that a girl should live a humble life that is respectful to all …

Beauty is too hard to explain. Everyone wants to be beautiful but nothing comes out of it. If you want to be pretty, then you will always complain and never like yourself for whom you are. You will always want to be beautiful. So when you think of being beautiful what’s your choice going to be? ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ means that if you like someone you like them for your own reasons not anyone else’s.

For instance if you are dating someone that no one really thinks is cute. Something in the beginning, when you met him had to have attracted you to him / her that others could not see. If someone is quiet around some people him / her might not be quiet around you, so your really attracted to him / her . That makes the beauty in your own hands, you being the beholder control what you think of the opposite sex. People do not go around meeting people for their personality. The first thing they notice is if you look nice.

If the world were different we would all be better off. The quotes ‘Beauty is only skin deep’ and ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ relate to “Mid Summer Night’s Dream” in many of ways. First, Lysander and Demetruis are both attracted to Hermia. Hermia wants Lysander, and Helena wants Demetruis. Helena says that Hermia is a very fair lady, meaning she is really pretty woman. Helena is jealous that Demetruis likes Hermia, so she tells Demetruis of Hermia’s plan to run away with Lysander into the forest.

Demetruis obviously thinks that Hermia if prettier then Helena because he could have Helena but he chooses Hermia. To me it sounds like Demetrius does not even know Hermia due to the fact that she wants nothing to so with him. So he is attracted to her for other reasons. Then Shakespeare also expresses in Act 3, Scene 1, when Titania wakes up and she falls in love in love with Nick Bottom the weaver.

This shows that belief of ‘Beauty is only skin deep’ is irrelevant to that particular scene. Titania immediately falls head over heels for the boy and she chases him with every word. She sends her fairies to wait on him hand and foot to show her affection. Without even knowing him Titania wants him because of the evil spell the King of the fairies puts her under.

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He wants to embarrass her with something he knows will work, this shows that they know of the fact of love at first sight. Love at first sight is a saying people use on first opinions. Why must people be so harsh and mute to the fact that the world is judge mental? I think that everyone knows that everyone else judges’ people they just do not want to admit anything or be wrong. Everyone one is so self involved at one time in another they do not stop and think what other people are feeling. These quotes do not just affect people but the feelings inside people. Next time you say that he / she is hot, think how immoral you are being to yourself and others..

All Papers Are For Research And Reference Purposes Only. You must cite our web site as your source.

It’s everywhere. You can’t escape it. It’s sprawled across flashy billboards with alluring models. It’s plastered throughout all kinds of magazines and books. Celebrities ooze with it. And’s it’s all too friendly with teens; it overpowers their very being like too much axe in the gym change room. It’s the pressure of beauty. Good morning/afternoon students, teachers, judges and fellow competitors. Today I’m going to talk to you about true beauty, and how it is much more than skin deep.

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“ Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep ”

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How many of us care about how we look to others? I know I do, but why? What is the true point in altering the way we look, is it just to impress everyone else? So now my fellow friends, I am here to emphasize that that looks aren’t just everything that should matter. No matter what the media portrays, what history has known to define beauty as and what society has taught us to believe since childhood, beauty is more than skin deep, true beauty shines from within.

There is no universal definition of beauty because it’s different for everyone; it all depends on your perception. Beauty has become Greek to me because what you may find beautiful may not be for others. No universal definition applies to all races, cultures, ethnicities or time periods. For instance, some people find piercings and tattoos to be attractive, to others, it’s repulsive and gross – it all depends on your personality and taste.

The specifics on what makes a person beautiful vary dramatically and are affected by multiple factors. A sixteenth century English courtesan would take one look at Halle Berry’s tanned, toned abs or Kim Kardashian’s voluptuous figure and cringe.

During the fifteenth century, a flat stomach expressed of the lower class, but on the contrary, what used to be distasted by the fifteenth-sixteenth century is now in demand. Before World War I, women were supposed to be soft and feminine but now, our culture worships jutting hipbones, protruding clavicles, and visible ribcages. There is no end to what humankind will do to beauty’s name. We cannot define beauty because in every time period or culture, it is different. So why don’t we just put looks aside and focus on a person’s personality instead?

Beauty isn’t the media’s representation of a size 0 waist and double D breasts. It’s not Botox injected faces and liposuction stomachs. It’s not having the fat out of your butt injected into your lips, or silicone bags inserted into your chest. Society’s view on beauty these days is corrupting our young men and women, leading them to believe that the only way to be beautiful is if they look like all the Playboy models and the girls we see on T.V. This is causing an increasing downfall in the self-esteem of women in North America and also the world at large. Studies show that 59% of 5-12 grade girls in one survey are dissatisfied with their looks. Among those 5-12 grade girls, 47% say they want to lose weight because of magazine pictures. Little do these girls know that the women they see through media sit in a make-up chair for 2-3 hours, have professional stylists pick out their wardrobe, and are photographed on a set where the lighting is exactly right. I mean, honestly? How many average girls have that kind of morning routine? Answer: not many, which is why our perspective of beauty has become completely distorted.

Real beauty is what you are from the inside, how good of a person you are. You will see, in any culture around the world, a loving and caring person will always be favoured over a sour, vain person, despite their looks. Have you ever been around a person who is drop dead gorgeous, but their personality is so horrible you can’t even stand being around them? This would be a great example of where physical beauty really is only skin deep. This is why outer beauty is shallow, fleeting and changing. Your looks aren’t going to stay with you forever, sooner or later, you will have to age, and the wrinkles will start coming in and the weight will be gained or lost and the only thing that will actually stay with you will be your inner self. Personality and the expression of personality is what matters.

Perhaps the Beatles song says it the best, “… something in the way she moves attracts me like no other lover…” How many times have you been walking through the mall and seen a so called “ugly” man with a beautiful women? Ever wonder how he pulled that off? Well, he may be rich and powerful, but she seemed pretty happy to be with him, then it’s probably because he’s a wonderful soul. Just think of the qualities that makes you want to be around someone. Are they caring, compassionate, helpful, generous? Do they give their 100% in everything they do? There a lot of qualities that can make someone beautiful on the inside, we just need to put our shallowness aside and take time to look.

One could argue that we have been taught to judge and care about appearance from childhood. Good and virtuous Disney princess, and of course Barbie, amplify the “beauty is good” stereotype. Children are led to believe that these women hold goodness and innocence. One study demonstrated that children as young as three prefer attractive playmates and show anti-social behaviour towards unattractive children. This early exposure to beauty bias is demonstrated all too clearly in the workplace. Studies have shown that attractive people earn an average of three to four percent more than the “average or below” looking person.

Over a lifespan, this can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in wages. Employees alone can’t be blamed for the beauty bias, though. Customers honestly do prefer attractive employees. For example, we are more likely buy products from attractive salespeople, and are more likely to tip pretty waitresses and barmaids.Looks are now so important that they affect your wages and everyone seems to follow this tradition. The point that is often over-looked though, is that just because others think looks matter doesn’t mean you have to too. It takes one person to make a difference. And that one person can be you.

Beauty is within everyone, but few people know it. Those who know they are beautiful show it. They’re confident, vibrant and they know how to identify themselves. Look at a person’s heart and you will know if they are truly beautiful. People can put on mask and pretend to be pretty, but after a certain amount of time, their true colors will shine through and that’s when you’ll know about their real beauty, because the truth is, real beauty is much more than skin deep. Beauty is not about your appearance and it cannot be defined, especially by the media.

What comes to mind when you hear beautiful? Is it a prosperous man who came from humble roots but hasn’t developed an ego, or is it women with make-up caked on their faces, latest purse in hand, wearing skirts that grandma may confuse for underwear? I would be liar if I said looks don’t matter. They do matter, and should, but to an extent. “Looks don’t matter; true beauty is more than skin deep.” We hear these sayings every day, and yet we live in a society that seems to contradict this very idea. It’s time to prove that these sayings aren’t just sayings: Looks really don’t matter and true beauty really is much more than skin deep. Thank you.

«Beauty is only skin deep» and «Beauty is in the eye of the beholder» can be very controversial quotes to some people. Those quotes are all based on how they are viewed by other people. You may not believe in them but other might believe strongly in them.

First, «Beauty is only skin deep» all depends on what type of person you are. Both quotes rate directly to each other but let’s pull them apart separately. I think that ‘Beauty is only skin deep’ is expressed in many ways by people. If you are not one of those beautiful people in this world then to some people you mean nothing. When you look around a normal school you see clicks right? Well that’s what I am talking about. You see the people who express them selves by wearing darker clothes, and the people who always wear the trendy and in style clothes. Sometimes you get jealous and say mean things because either you wished you looked like them or you want the things they have. But we were all created differently.

You have to like yourself first for anyone else to like you. Relating to ‘Beauty is only skin deep’ means that people only look at what’s inside that counts. Some people believe at love at first sight, what is all that about? That means they like the person just from seeing them. So many people in this world can relate. People judge people. You look around and think by the clothes or hairstyle this girl wears that she can either not afford them or chooses to be that way. So you think she is poor. Doesn’t she deserve your attention too? I think that beauty is over rated. People need to look at your mind, your intelligence. Being pretty is not all it’s cracked up to be. Since being pretty has got me a lot of compliments it also brings in the bad sides of beauty.

Therefore most people think that beauty is only skin deep which means that a person is only beautiful by their outside appearance such as weight, height, hair length, or face complexion. Most people do not think pay attention to the important characteristics that make and mode a person. They feel that beauty is based on appearance alone. I on the other hand think differently. Beauty is all about what is on a person’s insides. Inside beauty consists of the person’s love for themselves, their love for others, and finally their personality. These characteristics help shape a beautiful person. Being beautiful means knowing that you are beautiful. Not allowing others to put you down by making you think or feel that you are not beautiful. A beautiful person, in my eyes, loves the person that they are and will be. They accept who they are no matter what others say or do. They value their life and cherish each breath taken. A beautiful person does not try to change him or herself because of what others think or say. Beauty requires having self-respect. Displaying self-respect shows that you love your body, your mind, your spirit, and your soul.hey carry themselves in a respectable manner. Beautiful people think, say, and do positive things and try to stay away from negativity. Being able to love others as well as your self is also another way of displaying beauty. A beautiful person notices the beauty in someone else as well as himself or herself. Showing generosity to others, even to those that mistreat you is a beautiful thing. Showing love to others takes courage and sometimes strength when the person is not treating you how you should be treated. Being kind hearted and helping others who are less fortunate than you shows your beauty as well. Your will to help whether it’s saying something nice or doing something nice also displays your beauty. It means beauty is beyond skin, it’s in the soul. Social psychology tells us that beauty in fact is not only skin deep. That is that beautiful people actually are nicer and friendlier.

The argument goes as follows. Hopefully, we can all agree that we subconsciously assign positive characteristics such as intelligence and friendliness to beautiful people. Studies confirm this assumption. We then treat these people nicer than we treat others. Studies confirm this as well. The improvable hypothesis is that beautiful people are beautiful on the inside as well. As a result of having been beautiful and therefore kindly treated children they develop a positive self-image and treat others as they have learned others treat them. This continues into adulthood creating beautiful people that are friendlier and nicer than less beautiful people. Thus beautiful looking people become truly beautiful people by way of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Our experience with beautiful people being nice fuels are expectation by way of a psychological phenomenon known as association that similar looking (and therefore also beautiful) people will also be nice. We in turn treat them nicer and they treat us nicely in return further developing their own good character.

We find evidence of this belief in popular songs «you must have been a beautiful baby; you must have been a wonderful child. You must have been a beautiful baby cause baby look at you now». On contrary, there is flaw in this line of thinking is the assumption that if beautiful people are treated well, they will become mature, thoughtful, compassionate individuals who treat others well. No doubt that is sometimes the case, but people who experience little adversity often develop into amazingly uncharitable, self-centered individuals.

We all know one or more beautiful people with an inflated sense of entitlement and self-worth. They believe they are a prince or princess and deserve to be universally treated better than anyone else. Often they also believe they have the right to treat others like dirt. Since we have better memory for negative events than positive ones, this is often the lasting impression we have of beautiful people and it (perhaps unfairly) spawns the saying «beauty is only skin deep.»

Well on the other side: -The phrase «beauty is only skin deep» is presumptive, misleading and a patently false statement. It presumes, first of all, that everyone accepts the standard definition of beauty, i.e., a person whose physical appearance would be appealing to a majority of people. That majority would first have to agree on a definition of beauty. It also negates the concept that beauty comes from within! True beauty goes much deeper than skin. It’s difficult to interpret because I don’t know that either gender would view them in the same light as someone of the opposite sex would. But, the essence is that, if you perceive that a person’s features are arranged in a way that is pleasing to you, take it for what it is — a pleasant looking face! Nothing more, nothing less.

At last finally in nutshell I want to say that it means beauty is beyond skin, it’s in the soul.

It means very simply that if you took a ‘beautiful’ and a ‘not beautiful’ person and removed the skin, are they not equal in their looks? There is nothing about the beauty statement. It is only skin deep. don’t believe it? remove the skin layer of a ‘beautiful’ person, and I am sure you will see that the beauty too is removed. You will not have to go deeper. Beauty is superficial, and so is the one whom measures a person’s worth by it.

I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin deep. That’s deep enough. What do you want — an adorable pancreas? — Jean Kerr


Daizy Jassal

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No one should have to change who they are or what they look like just so other people can enjoy it. My goal for this essay was to tell people that they should always love who they are and what they look like no matter what anyone says. I feel like I did really well with sharing out my thoughts throughout this essay. I fell like I could have done a better job on elaborating more on my bigger idea.

Tick tock, tick tock the clock keeps singing. My heart is pounding through my chest as I am anxiously waiting for my best friend to come over.

I never really understood the reason why girls always try to impress boys by putting on makeup and getting all dressed up for just one night.  I get that it is fun but girls should go to these dances dressed how they want and how they feel comfortable. Ding dong. I threw my iPad on my bed and ran downstairs as fast as I could. Julia comes in and we both run up to my room.. We only had two hours  to get started. I set the straightener and the curling wand by my window sill, then ran downstairs out of breathe to get my older sister, Antonia .  She followed me upstairs. Bang! The hot steamy blue straightener fell on the floor as my sister and I entered the room. Julia had tripped over the wire. Luckily, the straightener did not fall on her foot. Antonia told julia to sit on the bar stool  in front of our window so the sun’s rays fall on her face. She has a natural glow. I tell her all the time she doesn’t need makeup; she’s naturally beautiful. However, she never listens to me, so I try to keep my mouth shut most of the time.

I don’t understand why girls and guys try to change themselves into something they are not and try to create this whole different person to just try and fit into today’s society. No one should have to change who they are or what they look like just so other people can enjoy it. Why does any of this matter in society? We should accept people as they are. Why do people have to be pretty or handsome to fit in with the popular kids. People say “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” but then they go and judge it anyway.

As Antonia started Julia’s makeup I set a alarm on my phone so it would let us  know when a half hour went by, since we only had two hours to get Julia ready. I got Julia’s black short sparkly dress out and hung it on the white ladder to my bunk bed. As my sister kept doing her makeup, I split her hair into sections and started to straighten her long, beautiful blonde hair. As I continued straightening her hair I noticed she started shaking. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I am scared, what if he don’t like how I look?” Julia asked nervously. I stopped doing her hair and put the straightener down on the window sill. Antonia finished her makeup and I told her to look in the mirror.

“Do you like how you look?” I asked. She looked in the mirror and a smirk appeared on her face.

“Yeah.” she said.

“That’s all that matters.” I said.

This is what gets me mad. People should never doubt themselves on what they look like; even if they say they don’t like the way they look. Everyone should love themselves no matter what and who ever told them they aren’t worth living.. Julia is very insecure about the way she looks, which is why I try and get her not to think that because no one should  think like that.  

As time went by, my sister curled Julia’s hair. I got Julia’s heels from downstairs. When I walked back upstairs, Antonia was done her hair and it was time for her to get dressed. Julia pulled her dress over her head and asked me to zip it. I gave Julia her heels.  After she put them on I told her to look in the mirror. She was so excited with the way she looked that she started dancing around my room. I told her to stop because I knew how clumsy she was and I didn’t want her getting hurt before her dance. However, she didn’t listen to me and fell  down and twisted her left foot. Antonia and I ran over to her and lifted her up on the bed. She kept saying her ankle was hurting her. She tried to stand on it but it hurt to much for her to weight on it. I called my dad up to my room to see what was wrong with her. He walked in the door and said “What happened, what was that big bang?” I told him what happened and he looked at her ankle. He told Julia it was sprained so my dad carried her out of my room to take her to the hospital and Julia never got to go to her dance.

I took a glimpse of my painting before leaving my room to follow my dad which it reminded me the reason why I painted it in the first place, people are beautiful in many different ways on the inside and out. Accept who you are first so everyone else can. You have to accept their interest no matter how weird or dumb they may seem. Accepting someone for who they truly are takes some time because they may seem so different to you or you may have nothing in common with them but you learn to accept them anyway.

Essay by   •  September 25, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  2,501 Words (11 Pages)  •  1,991 Views

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Beauty is Only Skin Deep

In the United States today, some people believe that the beauty industry is fueling the economy and that the images the media portrays to the population do not affect the way in which women and girls view their own bodies. I believe that beauty companies are causing females to feel inadequate about themselves due to unattainable beauty standards created by the media. The cosmetic industry has the right idea. Women will always want and feel they need make-up. A Mary Kay beauty consultant once told me «two things made it through the Depression, alcohol and make-up». Not all women are super models; even Cindy Crawford does not look like Cindy Crawford without the technical application of state-of-the-art make-up. Every year the cosmetic industry grosses over $160 billion worldwide. Americans alone are spending less on their education and more on beauty products such as make up, skin and hair products, and cosmetic surgery («pots»). If the preceding is true, it sees that anyone working within the cosmetic industry should have no reason to worry about the security of their job. Beauty products are sold just about everywhere and therefore it supplies jobs for many people. A skin gel that is marketed from Japan, is said to «melt» fat without having to diet or exercise. After the release of the product, a bottle was being sold every 3.75 seconds. (Pots 1) Cosmetic surgery is also a booming industry making over $20 billion total, a year, and still growing. Women are definitely fueling the economy and will continue to do so for many years.


Women in today’s society seem willing to spend money for beauty products that they «think» they need even though a large quantity of the products being bought are relatively expensive. Pantene is a large company that produces hair care products. They promote an ingredient of vitamin B in the product that is supposed to help with hair health. The only way vitamin B can be beneficial is if it is taken by mouth and digested (Pots). From my own experience (what I spend) women and girls spend about $100 a month on products and services to obtain or try to obtain a high beauty standard set by society. Beauty companies promote certain looks «new trends,» the must have «smokey eye» for an incredible evening look, or a beautiful natural look with warm soft colors. I own two sets of make-up kits for both these «looks.» My motivation for owning the make-up is that one set is for my job which is in the entertainment field and a more dramatic stage appearance is needed. The other is softer colors because my boyfriend likes a natural look on me. I choose to wear make-up because after having my children my skin tones changed. Once I started wearing make-up, advertisements caught my attention and influenced what I bought. Neutrogena and Sonia Kashuk are the main products that I use. Neutrogena promotes a «healthy» better- for- your- skin make-up product. My foundation has salicylic acid in it which helps to prevent and treat acne. For that reason alone I choose to buy this product, and it seems to work. There are many other factors as to why women choose certain products. Beauty companies will use famous people to promote their products to gain popularity and increase their profits. Beyonce Knolls promotes for cover girl cosmetics. Many young girls see Beyonce as an idol and will buy the products she promotes to «be like» her. Along with celebrities being used to promote cosmetics, the images are airbrushed and portray


an unattainable standard that women and girls try to achieve. In the process of trying to obtain such high beauty standards women and girls become sensitive to media images and no longer are comfortable with their bodies. Some feel that media images do not affect how girls view themselves. Amanda Fortini, an author who writes for «New York Fashion» magazine, denies that airbrushed media images affect the self- image of women and girls. Even with everything that goes into a photo shoot such as lighting and makeup, Fortini wonders if women really do take airbrushed images to heart. She quotes the editor of a French magazine Christine Leiritz «Our readers are not idiots.» «especially when they see those celebrities who are 50 and look 23″(2) Fortini emphasizes that fashion magazine readers do not expect to see real un- altered photos and that those pictures do not harm the self-image of girls. Fortini also argues that «we know perfectly well what women look like.» She thinks that basically people should suck it up and realize that images will always be changed and we need to «alter our expectations of them» (3). People should perceive images the same way they are expected to analyze words when reading (3). Pictures are just pictures, they are not reality.

Pictures may not be reality, but for many young girls those pictures could be paving the way for a lifelong body image battle. It is true that fashion magazine readers are not stupid (Fortini 2). But who really discusses the images they see, especially with their kids. I cannot remember a time when my mom ever mentioned that images in magazines are airbrushed. People learn from an early age what is beautiful. Images of women with perfect bodies, hair, and makeup are plastered all over magazines, TV and billboards. The women in those images have raised the bar for what society considers beautiful. The images are extremely misleading and a


small number of young girls, especially teenage girls, will realize that the images they are seeing have been changed. The media also relays beauty images through celebrities, Paris Hilton is one example. When teens hear constantly that Paris is beautiful with her long, thin legs, her thin frame and gorgeous hair, teens will model her behavior, clothing, and will do anything to get the body Paris has. Teens want to fit in and modeling their behaviors after a popular celebrity can raise their position in the fight for popularity. This fight for popularity can lead to an obsessive personality for the need to stand on top. Soon the perfect clothes and hair won’t be enough and body weight concerns can start to take effect. The scary thing is that images from the media it starts as such a young age by the time they reach about the age of twelve to thirteen, about one third of those girls are already trying to lose weight. Nada Stotland, a professor of psych. at the Rush medical college admits to the fact that

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(2012, 09). Beauty Is only Skin Deep. Retrieved 09, 2012, from

«Beauty Is only Skin Deep» 09 2012. 2012. 09 2012 <>.

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«Beauty Is only Skin Deep.» 09, 2012. Accessed 09, 2012.

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