Бедственный выходной сочинение на английском языке

We all love weekends, but not all of them are good. Recently I’ve had the worst weekend in my life. As usually I was hoping to spend great time with my family, my friends and my dog, but everything went wrong at that terrible weekend. The morning of Saturday started from an alarming incident. My beloved pet got sick. We had to take Gina to the vet instantly as she was having some breathing problems. As we later found out it was connected with her poor heart. The vet gave her special injection and she got a bit better. When we returned we were quite shocked to see that a part of our flat was flooded. Our neighbors from upstairs forgot to turn off the tap water and the result was terrible. Not only their bathroom but ours too was full of water. So, we spent half of the day cleaning the mess. Apart from water on the floor, there were some problems with the ceiling and walls which quickly became damp. It goes without saying that I had to cancel my meeting with friends. That weekend we were going to visit the cinema and spend some time ice-skating. Alas, these opportunities were lost. Now I had to wait for the next weekend to see them. My school days are usually rather busy and full of other activities. I thought things couldn’t get worse, but in the evening we got an urgent call from my grandma saying that she wasn’t feeling well. So, we didn’t have any supper and drove to her place as quickly as we could. My mum called the doctor and we stayed with her almost till midnight. I’m glad she finally felt better, but I missed my favourite sitcom. Sunday wasn’t fun either, as I spent the whole day cleaning up my room and doing my homework.

Обновлено: 09.03.2023

Once we went on vacation with my family. The parents were given a vacation at work. We went to rest on the sea. And one day we swam, sunbathed and had fun. We left everything on the beach, there was a bag with things: phones, money, keys. Everywhere was a lot of people. But suddenly, when we got out of the water and went back to the beach, we found out that our things had failed. They were stolen and no one took action. The sea was far away from the place where we lived. there was no money, we went on foot, it’s good that we knew the way to the house. That’s how our vacation ended unsuccessfully.

Однажды мы с семьёй поехали на отдых.Родителям дали отпуск на работе.Мы поехали отдыхать на море.И вот в один прекрасный день мы купались, загарали и веселились.Оставили всё на пляже, там была сумка с вещами: телефоны, деньги, ключи.Повсюду было много народу.Но вдруг, когда мы вышли из воды и пошли обратно на пляж, то мы обнаружили, что наши вещи провали.Их украли и никто не предпринял меры.Море было далеко от места, где мы жили.Так как у нас не было денег, мы пошли пешком, хорошо, что знали дорогу до дома.Вот так неудачно закончился наш отпуск.

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Уровень: Intermediate., Будет полезна ученикам 9-11 классов.

Unfortunately being a student means that I don’t have much free time apart from holidays. Sunday is the only real day off that I have from studying. Every evening I have a lot of homework to do and even on Sundays I spend most of the afternoon and evening preparing for my classes in the following week. And this year is a separate talk. I have no free time even on Sundays. I have really realized that the last year at school is not an easy thing. The teachers give much homework in every subject and I have additional practice in English and Chemistry. Besides, I spend much time preparing for my final examinations. There is practically no time for television or friends. But I’d like to tell you how I spend my free time when I have it.

For most of my friends, their first priority is to sleep longer than they normally do. But it’s not about me. I don’t like to sleep more than 9 hours, because then I feel even more tired. If it is summer or spring I prefer to go in for sports in the morning in the fresh air, for example, to go for jogging (running) or to play tennis. In winter I like to go skating and skiing. In deep autumn I prefer to stay at home.

I have four wonderful friends and there is a some kind of tradition among us: once a month we all meet together and talk about everything that crosses our minds. It is an excellent opportunity to have a really good chat and a relaxing time.

I don’t have a concrete hobby, which I would devote all my free time. I like to do everything a little. My mother is a perfect dressmaker and she taught me to sew. So from time to time I enrich my wardrobe with modern dresses, skirts and trousers, that I make myself, of course. I also enjoy cooking, especially desserts, ice-cream, cakes, pies, but in fact, I can cook almost every kind of food.

I’m also very fond of reading. I cannot imagine my life without a good book. There are various genres of literature (detectives, thrillers, comics, science fiction, memoirs), and I prefer to read classical novels by Russian and foreign writers. I like to read novels by F. Dostoevsky, S. Turgenev, A. Chekhov. Among the foreign writers, I prefer Jack London, George Sand, Charlotte Bronte. I also like to read detectives but only by Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle. In my opinion, modern detectives are full of platitude and there is a complete absence of fascinating plot.

Как я обычно провожу время; How I usually spend my free time .

. spend their free time wisely. Otherwise, they won’t get relaxed and will have to go back to everyday life being very tense. Перевод Как обычно я провожу свободное время . с моим преподавателем по английскому языку. Мой досуг Говоря о времени, которое можно назвать моим свободным временем, я предпочитаю делать что-то разное каждый раз. Это означает, что я бы не хотел проводить . see my friends, or they .

Well, sometimes I spend my free time with my classmates and our attached teacher. That is usually an unforgettable time! Two times we went camping and spent some wonderful days in the fresh air, near a lake, in the forest full of mosquitoes. We didn’t mind spending some days without parents and did everything we wanted. We lived in comfortable houses. We prepared all the food ourselves and didn’t allow our teacher to interfere with that process.

In the evenings, after supper, we gathered in the billiards room and played there. Then, very late, we made a fire and sat there until the morning light. We talked about various things, remembered interesting events in our lives, told funny and horror stories, sang songs and played different games around the fire. But everything good and pleasant always finishes sometime and soon we had to go home.

Well, it is true, that your free time depends on your interests and hobbies. People who want to achieve something in life, to get a perfect education will spend their free days reading or visiting some exhibitions, concerts to enrich their inner world and broaden horizons. Others, less caring about their future life will spend their free time with friends and going to dance every night. But I think, that here should be the golden mean and I belong to it.


К сожалению, быть учеником означает не иметь много свободного времени, кроме как по праздникам. Воскресенье — единственный свободный от учебы день. Каждый вечер мне нужно делать домашнюю работу, и даже по воскресеньям я провожу большую часть дня и вечера, готовясь к урокам на следующей неделе. А этот год — отдельный разговор. У меня нет свободного времени даже по воскресеньям. Я действительно понял, что выпускной год в школе не прост. Учителя задают много домашней работы по каждому предмету, и у меня дополнительные занятия по английскому и химии. Кроме того, я провожу много времени, готовясь к моим выпускным экзаменам. У меня практически нет для просмотра телевизора или встречи с друзьями. Но я хотел бы рассказать Вам, как я провожу свободное время, когда таковое имеется.

Для большинства моих друзей первоочередная задача на выходные — поспать дольше, чем обычно. Но это не про меня. Мне не нравится спать более 9 часов, потому что тогда я чувствую себя еще более усталым. Летом или весной я предпочитаю заниматься спортом утром в свежем воздухе, например, бегать трусцой или играть в теннис. Зимой мне нравится ходить на каток или кататься на лыжах. Поздней осенью я предпочитаю оставаться дома.

У меня есть четыре замечательные подруги, и у нас есть особая традиция: раз в месяц мы встречаемся и разговариваем обо всем, что придет в голову. Это прекрасная возможность приятно побеседовать и расслабиться.

У меня нет конкретного хобби, которому я посвятила бы все свое свободное время. Мне нравится делать все понемногу. Моя мать — прекрасная портниха, и она научила меня шить. Так, время от времени, я обогащаю свой платяной шкаф современными платьями, юбками и брюками, которые, конечно, шью сама. Я также люблю готовить, особенно десерты, мороженое, торты, пироги, но, фактически, я умею готовить почти все.

Чем я занимаюсь в свободное время 5, 7 класс

Я также очень люблю чтение. Я не могу вообразить свою жизнь без хорошей книги. Есть различные жанры литературы (детективы, триллеры, комиксы, научная фантастика, мемуары), а я предпочитаю читать классические романы российских и иностранных писателей. Мне нравится читать романы Ф. Достоевского, С. Тургенева, А. Чехова. Среди иностранных писателей я предпочитаю Джека Лондона, Жорж Санд, Шарлотту Бронте. Мне также нравится читать детективы, но только Агаты Кристи и Артура Конан-Дойля. По моему мнению, современные детективы полны банальности и в них полностью отсутствует острота сюжетной линии.

Ну, иногда я провожу свое свободное время с моими одноклассниками и классным руководителем. Это всегда незабываемое время! Два раза мы ходили в поход и провели несколько прекрасных дней на свежем воздухе около озера в лесу, полном комаров. Мы не возражали провести несколько дней без родителей и делать все, что мы хотим. Мы жили в удобных домиках. Всю еду мы готовили сами и не позволяли нашему учителю вмешиваться в этот процесс.

По вечерам после ужина мы собирались в бильярдной комнате и играли там. Затем, очень поздно, мы разводили костер и сидели вокруг него до зори. Мы разговаривали на разные темы, вспоминали интересные события из наших жизней, рассказывали забавные или страшные истории, пели песни и играли в различные игры вокруг огня. Но все хорошее и приятное всегда заканчивается, и вскоре мы должны были возвращаться домой.

Ну, это верно, что Ваше свободное время зависит от Ваших интересов и хобби. Люди, которые хотят достигнуть чего-то в жизни, получить прекрасное образование, проведут свои свободные дни, читая или посещая выставки, концерты, чтобы обогатить свой внутренний мир и расширить горизонты. Другие, менее заботящиеся о своем будущем, проведут свободное время с друзьями, танцуя ночи напролет. Но я думаю, это здесь должна быть золотая середина, и я принадлежу к ней.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Примеры похожих учебных работ

Как я обычно провожу время; How I usually spend my free time – Топик по английскому языку

. с моим преподавателем по английскому языку. Мой досуг Говоря о времени, которое можно назвать моим свободным временем, я предпочитаю делать что-то разное каждый раз. Это означает, что я бы не хотел проводить .

. home while doing a specific leisure time activities as knitting, doing handicrafts or . life. Топик «Свободное время» Существует английская пословица: «Только работа и никаких . путешествовать и все время посвящают на открытие новых стран и культур. .

Английский топик Студенческая жизнь – Student Life (с переводом)

. university. I spend there almost the whole day and in the evening I have to cook dinner. After dinner I do my . заниженной самооценкой. Подобрать для сочинения правильные слова поможет приведенная . Английское выражение Русский перевод First of all let me .

Как я провожу свободное время на английском

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. моего дома. В парке, я проходил мимо и смотрел, как люди кормят птиц крошками хлеба. Дальше по парку, я увидел, как ребята – подростки катались на скейтбордах, на . статья раздела Сочинение 2 У . с друзьями и родственниками. Мой каждый день . тем, как уйти, .

We all love weekends, but not all of them are good. recently i’ve had the worst weekend in my life. as usual i was hoping to spend great time with my family and my friends, but everything went wrong that terrible weekend. the morning of saturday started from an incident when we got up we saw that part of our flat was flooded. our neighbors from upstairs forgot to turn off the tap water and the result was terrible. not only their bathroom but ours too was full of water. so, we spent half of the day cleaning the mess. it goes without saying that i had to cancel my meeting with friends. that weekend we were going to visit the cinema and spend some time ice-skating. alas, these opportunities were lost. now i had to wait for the next weekend to see them. i thought things couldn’t get worse, but in the evening we got an urgent call from my grandma saying that she wasn’t feeling well. so, we didn’t have any supper and drove to her place as quickly as we could. my mum called the doctor and we stayed with her almost till midnight. i’m glad she finally felt better, but i missed my favourite sitcom. sunday wasn’t fun either, as i spent the whole day cleaning up my room and doing my homework.

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1. people expect the 21st century to bring peace on the earth.

2. i know my friend to be a just man.

3. we expected them to intensify the whole process

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я люблю свою школу потому что в ней не грязные туалеты, хорошо обслуживают, нам недавно заменили обычную доску на сенсорную, у нас в школе большие залы, мы еще в школе ходим на macbook. вот поэтому я люблю свою школу!

We all love weekends, but not all of them are good. recently i’ve had the worst weekend in my life. as usually i was hoping to spend great time with my family, my friends and my dog, but everything went wrong at that terrible weekend. the morning of saturday started from an alarming incident. my beloved pet got sick. we had to take gina to the vet instantly as she was having some breathing problems. as we later found out it was connected with her poor heart. the vet gave her special injection and she got a bit better. when we returned we were quite shocked to see that a part of our flat was flooded. our neighbors from upstairs forgot to turn off the tap water and the result was terrible. not only their bathroom but ours too was full of water. so, we spent half of the day cleaning the mess. apart from water on the floor, there were some problems with the ceiling and walls which quickly became damp. it goes without saying that i had to cancel my meeting with friends. that weekend we were going to visit the cinema and spend some time ice-skating. alas, these opportunities were lost. now i had to wait for the next weekend to see them. my school days are usually rather busy and full of other activities. i thought things couldn’t get worse, but in the evening we got an urgent call from my grandma saying that she wasn’t feeling well. so, we didn’t have any supper and drove to her place as quickly as we could. my mum called the doctor and we stayed with her almost till midnight. i’m glad she finally felt better, but i missed my favourite sitcom. sunday wasn’t fun either, as i spent the whole day cleaning up my room and doing my homework.

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We all love weekends, but not all of them are good. Recently I’ve had the worst weekend in my life. As usually I was hoping to spend great time with my family, my friends and my dog, but everything went wrong at that terrible weekend. The morning of Saturday started from an alarming incident. My beloved pet got sick. We had to take Gina to the vet instantly as she was having some breathing problems. As we later found out it was connected with her poor heart. The vet gave her special injection and she got a bit better. When we returned we were quite shocked to see that a part of our flat was flooded. Our neighbors from upstairs forgot to turn off the tap water and the result was terrible. Not only their bathroom but ours too was full of water. So, we spent half of the day cleaning the mess. Apart from water on the floor, there were some problems with the ceiling and walls which quickly became damp. It goes without saying that I had to cancel my meeting with friends. That weekend we were going to visit the cinema and spend some time ice-skating. Alas, these opportunities were lost. Now I had to wait for the next weekend to see them. My school days are usually rather busy and full of other activities. I thought things couldn’t get worse, but in the evening we got an urgent call from my grandma saying that she wasn’t feeling well. So, we didn’t have any supper and drove to her place as quickly as we could. My mum called the doctor and we stayed with her almost till midnight. I’m glad she finally felt better, but I missed my favourite sitcom. Sunday wasn’t fun either, as I spent the whole day cleaning up my room and doing my homework.


Отв. дан
2018-11-13 06:23:17

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