Brighton егэ ответы

1) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

A difficult question

One day, the chemistry teacher asked his students, “What is the chemical formula for water?” Suzie was the ___ (ONE) to raise her hand.

2) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

“Yes, Suzie, what’s the answer?” the teacher asked. Suzie answered proudly, “The chemical formula for water is ‘HIJKLMNO’!” The class started ___ (LAUGH).

3) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

The teacher looked ___ (SHOCK). He asked, “What are you talking about?” Suzie replied, “Yesterday you said the formula for water is H to O!”

4) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

The Irish celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Last week people all over Ireland celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day in the traditional way. Dublin ___ (DECORATE) with flags and bunting.

5) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Sprigs of shamrock ___ (SELL) everywhere. In many countries of the world, the Irish held parades, pageants, sports and drama festivals.

6) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Saint Patrick, who ___ (BRING) Christianity to Ireland in the fifth century, is the country’s patron saint.

7) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

For centuries, his day ___ (BE) a day of celebration in Ireland.

8) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.


Brighton is generally known by its nickname ‘London by the sea’. It’s a seaside city less than 50 miles south of London. It is actually a ___ (COMBINE) of several other towns under one roof.

9) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Brighton is one of the most popular seaside destinations in Britain so millions of ___ (VISIT) come here every year.

10) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Brighton is also home to many ___ (FAME) people including Noel Gallaher, a singer, and Julian Clary, a comedian.

11) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Since Brighton is a seaside city, most of what is going on deals with coast ___ (ACTIVE). There’s always plenty to see and do along the beach.

12) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Brighton is also known for its variety of festivals throughout the year, the most well-known being ___ (PROBABLE) the Brighton Festival.

13) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

It is ___ (POSSIBLE) to see and do everything in just one day, so plan your stay in Brighton for at least a few days.

14) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

A trip to Cherokee

Last May I was choosing an unusual holiday tour. It was a ___ task because flights to Japan, Hong Kong and Australia were just too common.

1) large
2) hard
3) strong
4) heavy

15) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

What I wanted was somewhere exciting and exotic, a place where I could be ___ from the crowds of tourists. I was so happy when Joan called up, suggesting to take a trip to Cherokee, a county in the state of Oklahoma. I agreed immediately.

1) missed
2) avoided
3) spared
4) left

16) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

It didn’t ___ us long to prepare for this trip and soon we took a flight to Cherokee and visited a village, which presents a brief image of the Indian past to the tourists.

1) take
2) keep
3) hold
4) make

17) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

___ the language barrier, we managed to find our way to the souvenir shops with the help of the natives.

1) Though
2) Instead
3) Besides
4) Despite

18) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

The shops were filled with colorful traditional clothes, made of turkey feathers, and other bright souvenirs. “Welcome! Want to get anything?” We ___ a middle-aged man smiling at us. We were very surprised by his fluent English.

1) glanced
2) looked
3) saw
4) watched

19) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

He introduced himself as George and we ended up chatting till lunch time when he invited us for lunch at a ___ coffee shop.

1) nearby
2) near
3) next
4) close

20) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

George told us that he used to cut firewood for a living. We ___ from him that the Cherokees do not depend solely on trade for survival. This story was really interesting. Back at home, I often remember this amazing trip.

1) realized
2) found
3) discovered
4) learnt




Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В12-В18 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 16 (part 2)


A warm welcome always awaits you in …………………………… Brighton!Only forty-five minutes from London by train, Brighton is the ideal place



both for relaxation and nighttime …………………………….



If you want to stay the night, there are hundreds of …………………………… andreasonably-priced family-run hotels waiting to look after you.



There’s fun for all the family on Brighton Pier. You’ll have a …………………………… time!



And don’t forget to find time to look round the …………………………… RoyalPavilion, too.



Enjoy fish and chips on the seafront, or splash out on a delicious meal at one of the many …………………………… restaurants in town.



We guarantee your stay in Brighton will be an …………………………… experience!


esse edit

I was born in Brighton, but spent my early life in Kenya, although later I returned to England, where I was brought up in Barcombe, East Sussex. My father was a university professor, but I went to the local comprehensive. In the summer of 1991, after completing the rigours of А-levels, I dreamt about a carefree year travelling the world. If anything was furthest from my mind, it was journalism. However, the job I took instead of sightseeing, in the office of Neil Kinnock, inspired me to join the industry in which I’m now so well-known.

Working as an office skivvy for the Labour leader, I was the complete junior — doing every task from making the tea to delivering letters to Downing Street. People are surprised that I didn’t end up pursuing a political career, but witnessing the machinations of our democracy in action was not as stimulating as mixing with the press, as I assisted in the 1992 election organisation. Before then, I hadn’t even contemplated a career in journalism. But then the bug bit me. My studies had previously been all-consuming, but when I eventually started at Oxford I instigated the search for a route into broadcasting.

During the university holidays I sought as much experience as possible, but with difficulty, only finding work in the BBC secretarial pool and finding a job after graduating wasn’t any easier, so while I was firing off hundreds of letters to TV firms begging for advice, I went on the dole. I could only find myself working in a succession of mundane jobs, including one which involved daily trips to the nearest supermarket to buy ingredients for the salad lunch of the managing director of a temporary employment agency for whom I worked as a personal assistant. I remember this period of my working life as the unhappiest. I felt ‘demoralised’ and ‘a failure’, particularly as many Oxford friends had secured top jobs via the milk round. The letters I received declining my applications for work I still keep in a box underneath niv bed. But I went on writing letters of application. One respondent to my pleas was Jill Dando, who actually took the trouble to call me and invite me for coffee. She gave me the most inspirational piece of advice for an aspiring presenter: always believe in yourself and never take rejection personally.

I kept trying to break into television and found work on a cable channel, Talk TV, alongside Sacha Baron Cohen, the future Ali G. That was the vital break I had been desperately searching for and within a year, I was taken on at Meridian television in Maidstone. The people there trained me up and eventually gave me the morning news show to present. It was my first news role and led to my presenting the station’s evening bulletins with Fred Dinenage. When I was given the chance to work alongside Alastair Stewart presenting London Tonight, I had my dream job. It lasted a year. Journalism had truly gripped me. Yet at the same time, I bought my first flat in London, forcing me to make a long commute to the south coast every day, until, fortunately, London Tonight came calling.

I settled in very happily to presenting the capital’s flagship news programmes, so when my agent called me during a holiday with an approach from Sky News, I was very upset, even cross. I was convinced that I didn’t want to move. He spent hours pleading, trying to convince me that cutting my teeth on a 24-hour breaking news network was a career move that could not be spurned. My two years on Sky, dealing with limited resources and interviewing a diverse range of guests at short notice on Sunrise and Live at Five, turned out to be a tremendous learning experience. But I promised myself I would never do the early starts again — until Breakfast headhunted me to work on the BBC channel that I had always longed to work for.

I have had a strange career, moving around an awful lot. In fact, my current stint on the early morning BBC sofa is the longest I have remained in a job since I started in television. However, it is an enormous strain and it takes huge sacrifices to wake up at such a ridiculous time in the morning. Over the years, I have wished that I had banked up more sleep. I have embarked on a totally different stage in my career — entertainment presenting. I never thought I would make it as far in television so quickly, especially recalling how difficult it was to find a job at the outset. Aspiring broadcasters should remember that most people are sympathetic, that you have to start from somewhere, and it is in people’s nature to help. That said, so much is based on luck, rather than a fantastic CV, and as Jill so memorably told me in my hour of need, you have to believe in yourself.

ВОПРОС 1. The article says that the author has lived the most of her life in:
1) a small country town in East Success;
2) Oxford, famous for its ancient University;
3) Kenya, a country located in East Africa;
4) England, the southern part of the UK.

ВОПРОС 2. After the author had passed A-level exams, she:
1) immediately went travelling the world;
2) went straight to Oxford University;
3) started doing an unqualified job;
4) experienced different types of workplaces.

ВОПРОС 3. In this article the author stresses that:
1) journalism became her dream career as soon as she had completed A-level exams;
2) salaries for journalists may vary widely depending on what is the person’s area of specialization;
3) journalism as the most high-paid occupation in many countries attracted her immediately;
4) she started thinking about how to become a TV journalist when she studied at the university.

ВОПРОС 4. After she had graduated from Oxford University:
1) she wrote to everyone asking for a job as a presenter;
2) she immediately started working as a BBC journalist;
3) she quite easily found a job of a BBC newsreader;
4) she was never among unemployed media specialists.

ВОПРОС 5. She left the TV programme London Tonight because:
1) she didn’t like her job there any more;
2) she had been persuaded to change her job;
3) she lived very, very far from her work;
4) she was about to make a career move.

ВОПРОС 6. The writer feels that her years on Sky News were from professional point of view:
1) absolutely useless;
2) extremely useful;
3) quite encouraging;
4) financially stable.

ВОПРОС 7. In this article the writer tries to prove that in the world of TV journalism:
a) only self-confident professionals usually make a successful career;
b) good written CVs always help professionals to find a dream TV job;
c) successful journalists shouldn’t often change their places of work;
d) good communication and writing skills are not enough to be a journalist.

ВОПРОС 1: – 4
ВОПРОС 2: – 3
ВОПРОС 3: – 4
ВОПРОС 4: – 1
ВОПРОС 5: – 2
ВОПРОС 6: – 2
ВОПРОС 7: – 1

Английский язык.класс112

. Вариант

Английский языккласс. 112

. Вариант

Прочитайте текст и выполните

заданияАА15–. 21 В

каждом задании



текст и

заполните пропуски




обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту


обозначенными цифрами 1 – 7. Одна из частей в

списке. 1–7 – лишняя

Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в

Marc Anthony


It was my

first year at the University of Washington, where I came to play

British Government

football along with my roommate Marc Anthony. He was a normal guy, but

football was always his top priority.

After each election the monarch invites the leader of the majority party in the

By the end of Monday practice the coaches were upset, and you could see it

House of Commons to become Prime Minister and form the Government. The

on their faces. “Marc Anthony, come here for a minute,” Coach said pulling him

Prime Minister selects the other Ministers A


into his office.

“Look, I like you, you have a lot of potential. And only being a freshman

Most of the ministers are chosen from the House of Commons, but a few must

here you already have a big lead on the other boys,” Coach began to say. And

be in the House of Lords, so B _______________________ there.

Marc nodded frequently as if he was focusing, “but I’ve made a decision, and

hopefully you’ll come to see that football at this level isn’t just jokes and laughs.

Most ministers are in charge of the departments

from starting .receiver, Doobie will take

The game this Saturday, I’m pulling you

The Prime Minister himself takes charge of one of the departments.

your spot. You have the rest of this week to prove to me you can focus on football

and this team. Then maybe, maybe you’ll earn the chance to get it back.” That very


is usually First







momendt Marc’snowhe’dhearthavestoppedmake.He never expected this, a


by the government. The Prime Minister has an

up for it. He came back into the locker room and we all knew what happened. No

official London House while he/she is in office. It is at No 10, Downing Street.

one spoke a word, except me.

Now Doobie, he’s hard to explain. Doobie was a junior, he was good. The

The Prime


has weekly





thing about him he was just mean, he thought he was better than us all because he

E _______________________ “to advise, to be consulted, and to warn”.

was older. He didn’t even play that much to tell you the truth. He was snobby and

thought he was part of the group, but he wasn’t.

The main feature of the British political system is “Cabinet Government” that is,

The next few practices felt as if a month went by. Well, at least for Marc.

ad of state, or the leading role is played not by the m

The days were longer, the sun seemed hotter. But if in fact a month had gone by, it

the Parliament

F_______________________, but the Cabinet.

would have been the best month in his life. He came to practice everyday ready.

Not necessarily first in line, but he was ahead of the rest of the team. The workouts

were harder, but he kept up and stayed with it. “Keep working like this and


that has real power

something good

can happen,” Coach said, “like you’re

working to prove


that government plans can be explained

“You just don’t know what I’m about yet something here, Anthony.” Marc replied,


who are supposed to take charge of the chief government departments

Coach, that’s all.”


whose functions are constitutionally limited

It was offensive practice. Run routes. The hardest play and not many people


which keep them busy

could do this. The post route was hard, Doobie and Marc had to do it, and this was


which is supreme legislative body

like war. Doobie was first and missed the ball all but once, but the time he caught

it he was tackled and fumbled it. Now Marc on the other hand, missed only once

7. which deals with the money collected and spent

and the way he caught the ball and ran the route was good. None of us ever had

seen the play done so perfectly. Doobie saw it, he didn’t know what to say, all he

could think about was Saturday.

“Can I talk to you, Coach?” Marc asked after practice on Thursday. “Yeah,








you’ve been


come on in. Close the door,” Coach commanded, “I s

hard.” Marc responded, “I noticed you’ve been watching. I’ve gotten better a lot.

You told me to prove it to you, and at first I didn’t know what you meant. I didn’t

understand the seriousness of it. I came to play football and no matter what


, 2011 г.



, 2011 г.


Английский язык.класс112 . Вариант

happens, that’s what I’m going to do. But whether I play on Saturday or not, this is

me proving to you I’m focused. That I’m ready and I can handle it.”

Coach said with a laugh, “Every year there’s one kid who has so much

potential, but I’m not sure if they’re ready. They mess around one time and I kick

them in the face. Snap them into reality so that I can know for sure that they’re

ready. You were one of them. I see you’re ready now.”

And then there was Saturday. Marc played well. We won. We jumped and

screamed afterwards. That game made a difference. Every second he remembered

that focusing was the key to getting whatever he wanted. It was one thing none of

us ever forgot. We still haven’t.

According to the narrator, Marc Anthony



came to Washington alone.


had a passion for sport.


was his friend for many years.


studied at the same Department.

Doobie was going to play in Saturday game because Marc Anthony had to



receive more training.


get to a better level.


demonstrate his intentions.


improve his skills.

Which of the following was NOT the reason why time seemed to last longer



jealousy of Doobie.


hard exercising.


everyday training.


expectation of results.

Английский языккласс. 112

. Вариант

Doobie didn’t know what to say because of



the surrounding hostile atmosphere.


his limited capabilities.


the excellence of Marc’s play.


plans for Saturday.

Marc Anthony learnt the lesson to


be polite to Coach.



practice every day.


play more often.


take the game seriously.

Coach checks if players are ready by



causing conflicts among them.


making them work harder than they really can.


testing their intentions.


physically punishing them.

A21 The game became so important for the narrator and Marc Anthony because


it had life lasting results.


their team won.


the coach was satisfied.


the game was challenging.


, 2011 г.


Английский язык. 112класс . Вариант


nt out for a






По окончании выполнения заданий В2, В3 Аи А15– 21 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в бланк ответов № 1! Обратите внимание, что ответы на задания В2, В3,АА15– 21 располагаются в разных частях бланка.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо,

слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных



так, чтобы они грамматически


содержанию текс. тов Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый

пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из.группы B4–B10


In summer I went to

Brighton on a business trip. When I

__________________ there, it was late afternoon. After dinner


I put on my raincoat, took my


It was a nasty rainy day, the grey sky __________________

with clouds, and the streets were empty Suddenly I saw my


old friend George who looked tired and nervous.

“What__________________ here?” I asked smiling. “I came

to visit my aunt Margaret”, he answered.



The USA is a very large country, so it has several different climate zones. The__________________ regions are in the north and north-east, where much snow falls in winter.

The south has a subtropical climate. Hot winds__________________ from the Gulf of Mexico often bring tycoons.

The climate along the Pacific coast__________________

greatly from the climate of the Atlantic coast.

Английский языккласс. 112

. Вариант

Not long ago Alaska __________________ temperatures as



low as -80 F.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами, В11–B16 однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы

ВВ11–. 16


York is a walled city situated at the confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Foss in North Yorkshire, England. In old times York was the capital of a Viking ___________________.

In Medieval times, York was the second city of England, then, the social centre of the north, and in

__________________times an important railway centre.

Today York is, among other things, the home of world-famous chocolate and one of the most wonderful

__________________ cities in the world.

There are a lot of interesting sights in York: battlements,

__________________ built churches, ancient narrow streets, old houses and cosy pubs where stories of ghosts are told around the fire.

Among its museums there is the National Railway Museum with a unique _________________ of steam trains and Royal Carriages. In the Castle Museum one can imagine oneself in the 19th century world of old streets, shops, farmhouses and homes.

In the newest museum, York Story,

travel in a special electric car through an original Viking street with its sights, sounds and smells.







Английский язык.класс112

. Вариант

Английский языккласс. 112

. Вариант

Прочитайте текст и выполните

заданияАА22–. 28

В каждом задании

Раздел 4. Письмо

обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту


Для записи ответов на задания С1 и С2 используйте бланк ответов № 2.

Запишите сначала номер


(С1, С2), а затем развёрнутый ответ на

My Family

него. Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма

текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а




I never knew my

mother because she died on the day I was born. Father

превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

saint if everO’Malleyhe had seennever


______ telling me that she was a

one. My father


on the docks by day, lived in the pub at night and came

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

home in the early morning because it was the only place he could




asleep without being disturbed.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Wendy who

The rest of my family was made up of three sisters – Sal, the eldest who was


five, Grace who was three and red-headed Kitty who was eighteen months. The

head of the family was Grandpa Charlie, whom I was named after. My grandpa

Do you have

such an event at your

… Yesterday we had School Science Week.

was a costermonger by trade. I quickly


______ that he was reckoned by the

school? What kind of events do you have and what are they about? How do you

locals to be the finest trader in the East End.

prepare for them?

In fact, if it hadn’t been for Grandpa I wouldn’t even have been made to

…Yesterday I took my younger sister to the Zoo …

attend the local school in Jubilee Street, and “attend” was the right word because I

didn’t do a lot once I’d got there, other than occasionally

______ the pigtails


Write a letter to Wendy.

of the girl who sat in front of me. Her name was Rebecca


I couldn’t wait for the bell to ring at four in the afternoon when class would

In your letter

end and I could run all the way


______ the Whitechapel Road to help

answer her questions

Grandpa sell vegetables.

ask 3 questions her visit to the Zoo.

On Saturdays as a special treat Grandpa would allow me to go along with


Write 100–140 words

him to the early morning market in Covent Garden, where he would



the fruit and vegetables that we would later sell from his pitch. My

father never

Remember the rules of letter writing.

visited my school once in all years I was there, but Grandpa used to pop along and

have a word with my teacher. He


______ Grandpa that with my head for

figures I could end up an accountant

or a



You have 60 minutes to do this task.

Comment on the following statement.










Some people think that we do not need poetry.










What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?










Write 200–250.











Use the following plan:











an introduction (state the problem)


your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion










express an opposing opinion

and give



for this













why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion


a conclusion re

stating your position


, 2011 г.



, 2011 г.


Английский язык. 11 класс

Критерии оценивания. Ответы

Критерии и схемы оценивания выполнения заданий

раздела «Письмо» (2012 г.)

(максимум 20 баллов за весь раздел)

Критерии оценивания выполнения задания С1

(максимум 6 баллов)





Языковое оформление
















гично; средства ло

ный запас и граммати




гической связи ис

ческие структуры соот


указанные в





задании (даны пол

вильно; текст вер

ной задаче; орфогра

ные ответы






фические и пунктуаци


заданы три



онные ошибки практи

вопроса по указанной



чески отсутствуют (до





пускается не более 2-х

оформление речи вы

вует нормам, при

негрубых лексикограм












изучаемого языка

или/и не более 2-х не






соблюдены принятые

ских и пунктуационных

в языке нормы веж








Имеются лексические и

не полностью: со












не все аспекты, ука

ки/ошибки в ис

понимания текста; име







(более одного аспек





та раскрыто не пол

кой связи, их вы

ошибки, не затруд

ностью или один ас

бор ограничен; де

няющие коммуникации

пект полностью


ление текста на аб


не более





4-х негрубых лексико










бок или/и не более 4-х






негрубых орфографиче






ских и пунктуационных

норм вежливости




ного письма

Английский язык. 11 класс

Критерии оценивания. Ответы


Задание не выпол



Понимание текста за

нено: содержание не

гика в построении

труднено изза мно

отражает тех аспек


жества лексикограм

тов, которые указаны

принятые нормы

матических ошибок

в задании, или/и не



соответствует требу

ного письма


емому объёму


Примечание. При получении экзаменуемым 0 баллов по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи» всё задание оценивается в 0 баллов.


(Максимальный балл – 6)

ФИО ЭКСПЕРТА________________________________________

КОД ЭКСПЕРТА_________________


Объем высказывания соответствует поставленной задаче: 90-154 слова


Аспект 1. Ответ на вопрос о чем говорит автор и его друзья и

Аспект 2. Ответ на вопрос, обсуждает ли автор те же вопросы с

где они предпочитают разговаривать,


коммуникативнойРешение )(Содержание

родителями, дан

Аспект 3. Ответ на вопрос почему, почему нет, дан

Аспект 4. Три вопроса по предложенной теме заданы

Аспект 5. Нормы вежливости соблюдены: ссылка на

предыдущие контакты; благодарность за полученное письмо;

надежда на последующие контакты.

Аспект 6.

Стилевое оформление



обращение, завершающая фраза,




соответствии с неофициальным стилем


ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 2)


Деление на абзацы


Средства логической связи

Адрес автора в правом верхнем углу (можно краткий)


на отдельной строке

Завершающая фраза на отдельной строке

Подпись на отдельной строке

Дата под адресом

ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 2)

3. Языковое оформление текста. ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 2)

© МИОО, 2011 г.


© МИОО, 2011 г.


Английский язык. 11 класс

Критерии оценивания. Ответы


(Максимальный балл – 6)

ФИО ЭКСПЕРТА_______________________________________

КОД ЭКСПЕРТА_________________


Объем высказывания соответствует поставленной задаче:

90-154 слова


Аспект 1. Ответ на вопрос, есть ли подобные мероприятия в

Аспект 2. Ответ на вопрос, какие мероприятия есть и о чем они,

школе автора, дан

коммуникативнойРешение )(Содержание


Аспект 3. Ответ на вопрос, как автор готовится к ним, дан

Аспект 4. Три вопроса по предложенной теме заданы

Аспект 5. Нормы вежливости соблюдены: ссылка на

предыдущие контакты; благодарность за полученное письмо;

надежда на последующие контакты.

Аспект 6. Стилевое оформление выбрано


обращение, завершающая фраза, подпись



соответствии с неофициальным стилем


ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 2)


Деление на абзацы


Средства логической связи

Адрес автора в правом верхнем углу (можно краткий)

Обращение на отдельной строке

Завершающая фраза на отдельной строке

Подпись на отдельной строке

Дата под адресом

ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 2)

3. Языковое оформление текста. ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 2)

Английский язык. 11 класс

Критерии оценивания. Ответы

Критерии оценивания выполнения задания С2

(максимум 14 баллов)


Решение коммуникативной

Организация текста








Высказывание логично, структура






все аспекты, указанные в

предложенному плану;






связи использованы




правильно; текст разделен на









Высказывание в основном логич

рые аспекты, указанные в




задании, раскрыты не пол

отклонения от плана в структуре












ления речи.






отдельные недостатки при деле

нии текста на абзацы.





Высказывание не всегда логично,

полностью: содержание отра

есть значительные отклонения от

жает не все аспекты, указанные




в задании; нарушения стилевого










достаточно часто.

ческой связи, их выбор ограничен;








не выполнено: со

Отсутствует логика в построении

держание не отражает те аспек



ты, которые указаны в задании,

план ответа не соблюдается.

или (и) не соответствует

требуемому объёму, или (и)


30% ответа


непродуктивный характер (т.е.






или с другими экзаменацион

ными работами).

© МИОО, 2011 г.


© МИОО, 2011 г.


Английский язык. 11 класс

Критерии оценивания. Ответы




Орфография и






Используемый словар



ный запас











с поставленной

даче; практически нет


нарушений в




зовании лексики.



ошибки (допускается





Используемый словар

Имеется ряд грамма


ный запас


тических ошибок, не

















даче, однако встре

более 4-х).

предложения с пра

чаются отдельные не








лении слов (2-3), либо





но лексика








ряд орфо





графических или (и)

словарный запас; час




то встречаются нару

либо ошибки немно

ошибок, в том числе




гочисленны, но за

те, которые не

вании лексики, неко

трудняют понимание





них могут





затруднять понимание

6-7 ошибок в 3-4

ние текста (не более

текста (не более 4-х).





Крайне ограниченный

Грамматические пра









фии и






не соблюдаются.

поставленную задачу.


понимание текста.

Примечание. Критерий «Орфография и пунктуация» в разделе «Письмо» оценивается в 2 балла. При получении экзаменуемым 0 баллов по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи» всё задание оценивается в 0 баллов.

Английский язык. 11 класс

Критерии оценивания. Ответы


(Максимальный балл – 14)

ФИО эксперта _____________________________________

Код эксперта ______________


Объем высказывания соответствует поставленной задаче: 180–275 слов. Высказывание носит продуктивный характер

коммуникативнойРешение )(Содержаниезадачи

соблюдается нейтральный стиль

Аспект 1. Вступление – постановка проблемы

Аспект 2. Мнение автора с 2–3 аргументами

Аспект 3. Противоположная точка зрения с 1–2 аргументами

Аспект 4. Объяснения, почему автор не согласен с

противоположной точкой зрения (контраргументы)

Аспект 5. Заключение с подтверждением позиции автора

Аспект 6. Стилевое оформление выбрано правильно:


ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 3)



ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 3)

Деление на абзацы

Использование средств логической связи

3.ЛЕКСИКА (максимальный балл – 3)

4.ГРАММАТИКА (максимальный балл – 3)

5.ОРФОГРАФИЯ И ПУНКТУАЦИЯ (максимальный балл – 2)

© МИОО, 2011 г.


© МИОО, 2011 г.


Английский язык. 11 класс

Критерии оценивания. Ответы

Тексты для аудирования. Вариант 1

Сейчас Вы будете выполнять задания по аудированию. Каждый текст прозвучит 2 раза. После двух прослушиваний у Вас будет время для выполнения и проверки заданий Все паузы включены в аудиозапись Остановка и повторное воспроизведение аудиозаписи не предусмотрены. По окончании выполнения всего раздела «Аудирование» перенесите свои ответы в бланк ответов № 1

Задание В1

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между


каждого говорящего A–F

и утверждениями, данными

в списке 1–7 .

Используйте каждое

утверждение, обозначенное

соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. У Вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.

Speaker A

I go to the local hospital at least three times a week There are so many people in there that just need a friendly smile and a little chat to cheer them up. Of course, I don’t get paid for it, I do it as a volunteer, but somehow that makes it all the nicer. The patients love having young people come round and sit for a bit – makes them feel spec ial.

Speaker B

I’ve been doing this for about ten years now. My father was a farmer so I learned a lot about cows and horses when I was just a lad. Now, I mostly work with much smaller animals. I make a very good living and the hours are good. And I’m not outside most of the time like my poor old dad used to be! But that’s not what it’s really all about I just really enjoy helping a dog, a cat, a hamster, a ….whatever it might be, feel better when it’s sick or in pain.

Speaker C

My work isn’t for everyone, especially for those who like lots of fresh air! And did you know…not so many years ago women weren’t allowed to go down in the mines? It’s true, but times have changed. I don’t think there’s anythingfrightening about it really. No, I’m quite happy putting on my boots and my safety helmet every morning and going to work As far as I’m concerned, it’s a great way to earn a living

Speaker D

Sure there are times when I miss my family. I’ve got a young son and daughter at home so sometimes it’s difficult not having a lot of free time to spend with them. But they know I’ll be back. They also know that every time I do come back from one of my trips, I’ll have something special in my luggage for them!

Английский язык. 11 класс

Критерии оценивания. Ответы

Speaker E

Every year, I travel to the Lake District to work at a summer camp for three weeks. It’s fantastic, and the kids, well, what can I say? Whoever said that teenagers these days have no respect for grown-ups, has obviously not been around them enough. The way I see it, you treat them with respect and they’ll respond in kind. The money? Oh, it isn’t that great, but that doesn’t bother me at all.

Speaker F

I wouldn’t ever change my job. I love it. When I was young, I wanted to work with animals, but seeing them ill made me too sad. This is much better. Every morning and evening, when I’m out checking the park to make sure there aren’t any visitors breaking the park rules, I see deer and ducks, and sometimes even a bear or two. I can’t understand who wouldn’t love the opportunity to work close to nature like I do.

Вы услышите телефонный разговор. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1– А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True) , какие не соответствуют(2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not Stated) . Обведите номер выбранного вами ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Receptionist: Good afternoon. Glendale Arms, how may I help you?

Caller: Oh, hello. My name is Beth Ferguson and I’m interested in booking a room at your


Receptionist: I see. Could you tell me the dates when you would like to come, Mrs Ferguson?

Caller: Yes, of course. Let me just check…right, yes, we’d like to come from the first to the fourteenth of August if that would be possible.

Receptionist: Right. So, the first two weeks of August. May I ask how many people would be coming, please?

Caller: Certainly. It would be me, my husband and our two children.

Receptionist: Alright, so four people in all. And may I ask whether your children are under ten? If they are, they can stay at the hotel for free.

Caller: Oh, I see. Well, unfortunately, they are thirteen and fifteen so I assume they don’t


Английский язык. 11 класс

Критерии оценивания. Ответы

Receptionist: No, I’m afraid not. But the good news is that we do have a vacancy. And the room is one of our nicest. It has a lovely view of the sea and …

Caller: So, the room has a balcony?

Receptionist: Yes, indeed, and a very large one at that. It will be the perfect place for relaxing in the evenings after a long day at the beach or by the pool.

Caller: Oh, you have a pool? That sounds amazing! Our youngest loves pools; she’s a great swimmer too. Brilliant. Oh, before I forget. What eating facilities does the hotel offer?

Receptionist: Well, there is a large restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner and then there is a smaller cafe where you can get a bite to eat if you get hungry between meals. I should mention that there is a meal plan available. At a cost of 20 pounds per person per day, all meals in the restaurant are included in the cost of your room.

Caller: Really? Well, that is a bargain, isn’t it? And how much is the room per night?

Receptionist: For a family of four, and with the meal plan, the room would be 150 pounds per


Caller: I see. Well, that sounds quite reasonable. Hmm, I wonder if I should go ahead and book it now or talk to my husband first. Oh, my, I’m not sure if…

Receptionist: Don’t worry, Mrs Ferguson. I’ll hold the room for you until six this evening and that will give you time to speak with your husband and get back to us.

Caller: Oh, that would work out very well as he’s always home by half five, so…wonderful! I’m sure you’ll be hearing from me. Thanks very much for your help.

Receptionist: My pleasure, Mrs Ferguson.

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях А8– А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Interviewer: Good morning, listening audience! Thanks for tuning into our daily broadcast of

Our Amazing World. I’m pleased to have in the studio with me today, Ivan Ferguson, Professor of Zoology at Leeds University and leading animal rights campaigner. Ivan, thanks so much for taking the time to come and talk to us today.

Ivan: My pleasure, Margaret.

Interviewer: Now, as I understand it you’ve been working on a project in South America, is that right?

Ivan: Yes, that’s right. My team and I have just returned from a three-month trip to

Английский язык. 11 класс

Критерии оценивания. Ответы

Columbia. We went there in March and began conducting research into what I believe is one of the world’s most interesting animals—the capybara!

Interviewer: The capy what? Oh, my goodness, Ivan. I really think I should have paid more attention in my biology classes when I was at school!

Ivan: No, no, don’t worry, Margaret. You aren’t the only one who’s never heard of these delightful creatures. And that’s why I was so pleased to come on your programme today—it gives me the chance to introduce you, and probably the majority of the listening audience, to the planet’s largest rodent…the capybara!

Interviewer: Oh, a capybara is a rodent! So, you’re talking about something like a mouse or a rabbit, aren’t you?

Ivan: Like a mouse, yes, but like a rabbit, no. Rabbits are mammals actually. Don’t look upset, Margaret! Lots of people think rabbits are rodents. Anyway, capybaras are definitely rodents and I think for most people, if they saw one, they would think it looked most like a guinea pig. And there is good reason for the similarity in appearance because capybaras and guinea pigs are cousins!

Interviewer: How interesting. I had guinea pigs as pets when I was young. We kept them in a pen in our back garden. They’re lovely little animals!

Ivan: They are lovely, aren’t they? As are capybaras, but capybaras are much, much bigger. In fact, an adult capybara can grow to 130 centimetres in length and weigh up to 65 kg. There is even one on record that weighed in at 105 kg!

Interviewer: What? They are big! The largest guinea pig I ever had weighed about 2 kg. He was a male named …

Ivan: Strangely enough, Margaret, female capybaras are heavier than the males. Not by much, but they do, as a rule, outweigh them.

Interviewer: What do they eat, Ivan? Carrots, lettuce…?

Ivan: Well, they are vegetarians and they might eat things like that if they had the opportunity, but capybaras in the wild eat mostly grass and aquatic plants. They also like different kinds of fruit and they often strip bark off trees and eat that.

Interviewer: You mentioned ‘aquatic plants’, Ivan. Can capybarasswim?

Ivan: Oh, yes! They love the water—they’re great swimmers . Did you know that capybaras can hold their breath for up to five minutes? Amazing, isn’t it. That little skill is a very good way for capybaras to hide from their enemies. They can even sleep underwater! Well, practically underwater—they have to keep their noses just above the waterline, but…

Interviewer: And the water would keep them nice and cool, wouldn’t it?

© МИОО, 2011 г.


© МИОО, 2011 г.


Тест по теме «Вашингтон»

1.The capital of the USA is … .

a.London      b. New York       c. Washington        

2.George Washington was the … president of the USA.

a.first     b. second       c. third      

3.Washington is situated in the … .

a.Great Britain      b. state Washington       c. district of Columbia

4.In Washington  there are not higher than the … . ( It is law)

a.White House      b. Capitol        c. Washington monument          

5. White House is …. .

a.the place of  Congress     b. the residence of president        c. a museum    

6. … is 160 meters high and empty inside.    

a. the Washington monument              b. the Jefferson memorial      c .the Lincoln memorial    .

7.  ….   is the author of the Declaration of Independence.

 a.Jefferson             b. Lincoln              c. Washington

 8. Emancipation Proclamation gave   … .

  a.freedom Negro in America     b. freedom from England      nothing

 9. The nickname of Capitol is … .                    b.  pencil                       c. Washington Capitol

10. The day of Independence is  … .

 a.March, 4       b. New York       c. Washington        

Тест по теме «Вашингтон»

1.The capital of the USA is … .

a.London      b. New York       c. Washington        

2.George Washington was the … president of the USA.

a.first     b. second       c. third      

3.Washington is situated in the … .

a.Great Britain      b. state Washington       c. district of Columbia

4.In Washington  there are not higher than the … . ( It is law)

a.White House      b. Capitol        c. Washington monument          

5. White House is …. .

a.the place of  Congress     b. the residence of president        c. a museum    

6. … is 160 meters high and empty inside.    

a. the Washington monument              b. the Jefferson memorial      c .the Lincoln memorial    .

7.  ….   is the author of the Declaration of Independence.

 a.Jefferson             b. Lincoln              c. Washington

 8. Emancipation Proclamation gave   … .

  a.freedom Negro in America     b. freedom from England      nothing

 9. The nickname of Capitol is … .                    b.  pencil                       c. Washington Capitol

10. The day of Independence is  … .

 a.March, 4       b. New York       c. Washington        


  1. С
  2. А
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. c

Âûáåðèòå ïðàâèëüíîå ñëîâî.

1 How did you (B) get Stephen to help you with the housework? (Êàê òû óãîâîðèëà Ñòèâåíà ïîìî÷ü òåáå ïî äîìó?)

2 This time next week we (C) will be surfing at Sydney’s Bondi Beach. (Íà ñëåäóþùåé íåäåëå â ýòî âðåìÿ ìû áóäåì çàíèìàòüñÿ ñåðôèíãîì íà ïëÿæå Áîíäè â Ñèäíåå)

3 The local council has decided to go (B) ahead with the construction of a new library. (Ìåñòíûé ñîâåò ðåøèë ïðèñòóïèòü ê ñòðîèòåëüñòâó íîâîé áèáëèîòåêè)

4 Can you please stop complaining? It’s really (A) getting on my nerves! (Ïîæàëóéñòà, íå ìîã áû òû ïðåêðàòèòü æàëîâàòüñÿ? Ýòî äåéñòâóåò ìíå íà íåðâû!)

5 The painter’s amazing biography made quite an impression (A) on the art students. (Óäèâèòåëüíàÿ áèîãðàôèÿ õóäîæíèêà ïðîèçâåëà âïå÷àòëåíèå íà ñòóäåíòîâ, èçó÷àþùèõ èñêóññòâî)

6 Becky’s teeth always start to (B) chatter when she stays out in the cold for too long. (Çóáû Áåêêè âñåãäà íà÷èíàþò ñòó÷àòü, êîãäà îíà íàõîäèòñÿ íà õîëîäå ñëèøêîì äîëãî)

7 The school (A) whose team reaches the finals will enter the state championship. (Òà øêîëà, ÷üÿ êîìàíäà âûéäåò â ôèíàë, áóäåò ó÷àñòâîâàòü â ÷åìïèîíàòå øòàòà)

8 This house is said (C) to have been built in the 1930s. (Ýòîò äîì, êàê ãîâîðÿò, áûë ïîñòðîåí â 1930 ãîäó)

9 Paul (B) hadn’t taught young children before, so he found it quite demanding. (Ïàóëü ðàíüøå íèêîãäà íå ó÷èë ìàëåíüêèõ äåòåé, ïîýòîìó åìó êàæåòñÿ, ÷òî ýòî î÷åíü îòâåòñòâåííî)

10 He recommended (B) installing a burglar alarm to protect the house against thieves. (Îí ðåêîìåíäîâàë óñòàíîâèòü îõðàííóþ ñèãíàëèçàöèþ, ÷òîáû çàùèòèòü äîì îò âîðîâ)

11 My mother came (B) across a beautiful antique vase at the bazaar. (Ìîÿ ìàìà íàòêíóëàñü íà áàçàðå íà êðàñèâóþ ñòàðèííóþ âàçó)

12 Joey always (A) clenches his fists when he’s angry. (Äæîè âñåãäà ñæèìàåò êóëàêè, êîãäà çëèòñÿ)

13 Frank should see a doctor; that (C) hacking cough of his sounds bad. (Ôðýíêó ñëåäóåò îáðàòèòüñÿ ê âðà÷ó; åãî êàøåëü î÷åíü ïëîõî çâó÷èò)

14 Lisa was ashamed (A) of her rude behaviour and apologised to Ben. (Ëèçå áûëî ñòûäíî çà ñâîå ãðóáîå ïîâåäåíèå è îíà èçâèíèëàñü ïåðåä Áåíîì)

15 The conman spent five years in prison after he was (C) convicted of fraud. (Àôåðèñò ïðîâåë â òþðüìå ïÿòü ëåò ïîñëå òîãî, êàê îí áûë îñóæäåí çà ìîøåííè÷åñòâî)

16 Henry never borrows money from anyone because he can’t stand (A) having debts. (Ãåíðè íèêîãäà íè ó êîãî íå çàíèìàåò äåíüãè, ïîòîìó ÷òî îí òåðïåòü íå ìîæåò èìåòü äîëãè)

17 Take your umbrella with you because it (B) looks like it’s going to rain. (Âîçüìèòå ñ ñîáîé çîíòèê, ïîòîìó ÷òî íà óëèöå ñîáèðàåòñÿ äîæäü)

18 Since no one could attend the staff meeting, it was put (C) off until the following week. (Òàê êàê íèêòî íå ìîã ïðèñóòñòâîâàòü íà ñîâåùàíèè øòàáà, îíî áûëî îòëîæåíî äî ñëåäóþùåé íåäåëè)

19 Liam is suffering from a back (B) injury and won’t be able to compete in today’s match. (Ëèàì ñòðàäàåò îò òðàâìû ñïèíû è íå ñìîæåò ó÷àñòâîâàòü â ñåãîäíÿøíåì ìàò÷å)

20 Since there’s nothing you can do about the situation, you’ll just have to (C) grin and bear it. (Òàê êàê âû íå ìîæåòå íè÷åãî ñäåëàòü â ýòîé ñèòóàöèè, âû äîëæíû ïðîñòî ñìèðèòüñÿ ñ ýòèì)

21 Ron felt a sharp pain in his knee, so he decided to (C) have it checked by a doctor. (Ðîí ïî÷óâñòâîâàë ðåçêóþ áîëü â êîëåíå, ïîýòîìó ðåøèë îáðàòèòüñÿ ê âðà÷ó)

22 Maria won’t forget (B) winning first place in the dance competition; it was the best moment in her life! (Ìàðèÿ íå çàáóäåò òî, êàê îíà çàíÿëà ïåðâîå ìåñòî â êîíêóðñå òàíöåâ; ýòî áûë ëó÷øèé ìîìåíò â åå æèçíè!)

23 Nick (A) has been working on the project for hours; I’m sure he’s exhausted. (Íèê ðàáîòàë íàä ïðîåêòîì â òå÷åíèå íåñêîëüêèõ ÷àñîâ, ÿ óâåðåí, ÷òî îí óñòàë)

24 The teacher asked to see Brad (A) with a view to talking about his poor exam results. (Ó÷èòåëü ïîïðîñèë Áðåäà óâèäåòüñÿ ñ íèì, ÷òîáû ïîãîâîðèòü î åãî ïëîõèõ ðåçóëüòàòîâ ýêçàìåíîâ)

25 Tommy has no respect (A) for elderly people; he talks to them as if they were his peers. (Òîììè íå èìååò íèêàêîãî óâàæåíèÿ ê ïîæèëûì ëþäÿì; îí ðàçãîâàðèâàåò ñ íèìè, êàê áóäòî îíè åãî ñâåðñòíèêè)

26 The police wanted to question James again because they suspected he had kept (C) back important information. (Ïîëèöèÿ õîòåëà ñíîâà äîïðîñèòü Äæåéìñà, ïîòîìó ÷òî îíè ïîäîçðåâàëè, ÷òî îí óòàèë âàæíóþ èíôîðìàöèþ)

27 Put these batteries in the recycling bin; they’re not (B) rechargeable so we can’t use them again. (Âûêèíüòå ýòè áàòàðåéêè â ìóñîðíûé ÿùèê; îíè íå ïåðåçàðÿæàåìûå, ïîýòîìó ìû íå ñìîæåì èñïîëüçîâàòü èõ ñíîâà)

28 She spent hours looking for her purse, but it (C) had disappeared. (Îíà äîëãî èñêàë ñâîé êîøåëåê, íî îí ñëîâíî èñ÷åç)

29 Ian usually has tough deadlines to meet at work, so he (B) is used to working under pressure. (Ó ßíà îáû÷íî æåñòêèå ñðîêè âñòðå÷ íà ðàáîòå, ïîýòîìó îí ïðèâûê ðàáîòàòü ïîä äàâëåíèåì)

30 Alan wanted to (A) dissuade quit his studies, but his parents managed to him. (Àëàí õîòåë áðîñèòü ó÷åáó, íî åãî ðîäèòåëè ðàçóáåäèëè åãî)

31 I’d better see a dentist; I have this toothache that just won’t go (A) away. (Ìíå áûëî áû ëó÷øå îáðàòèòüñÿ ê ñòîìàòîëîãó; ìîÿ çóáíàÿ áîëü íå ïðîõîäèò)

32 Emma isn’t a very sociable person, she usually (C) keeps to herself. (Ýììà íå î÷åíü îáùèòåëüíûé ÷åëîâåê, îáû÷íî îíà âñå äåðæèò â ñåáå)

33 Jane wasn’t really hurt in the accident; she just (B) bruised her arm and her leg. (Äæåéí íå ïîñòðàäàëà â àâàðèè, îíà ïðîñòî óøèáëà ðóêó è íîãó)

34 Clever salesmen often trick people (C) into buying things they don’t really need. (Ëîâêèå ïðîäàâöû ÷àñòî ïûòàþòñÿ îáìàíûâàòü ëþäåé, ÷òîáû îíè ïîêóïàëè âåùè, êîòîðûå èì íå î÷åíü íóæíû)

35 If a bully tries to (B) pick a fight with you, the best thing to do is to walk away. (Åñëè õóëèãàí ïûòàåòñÿ ïîäðàòüñÿ ñ âàìè, ëó÷øåå, ÷òî ìîæíî ñäåëàòü, — ýòî óéòè)

36 The parcel (A) will be delivered to you as soon as possible. (Ïîñûëêà áóäåò äîñòàâëåíà âàì êàê ìîæíî ñêîðåå)

37 You shouldn’t use Eric’s computer without (C) asking him first. (Òåáå íåëüçÿ èñïîëüçîâàòü êîìïüþòåð Ýðèêà, ñïåðâà íå ñïðîñèâ åãî)

38 The ferry boat (C) leaves for the island an hour later at weekends. ( âûõîäíûå äíè ïàðîì îòïðàâëÿåòñÿ íà îñòðîâ íà ÷àñ ïîçæå)

39 I haven’t seen Nathan since he (C) left the company. (ß íå âèäåë Íàòàíà ñ òåõ ïîð, êàê îí ïîêèíóë êîìïàíèþ)

40 It didn’t take Malcolm long to recover from the accident; he was back on his (B) feet in a few days. (Âîññòàíîâëåíèå Ìàëüêîëüìà ïîñëå íåñ÷àñòíîãî ñëó÷àÿ íå çàéìåò ìíîãî âðåìåíè; îí âñòàíåò íà íîãè â òå÷åíèå íåñêîëüêèõ äíåé)

41 Albert’s classmates often pick (B) on him because he has bright red hair. (Îäíîêëàññíèêè Àëüáåðòà ÷àñòî äðàçíÿò åãî, ïîòîìó ÷òî ó íåãî ÿðêèå êðàñíûå âîëîñû)

42 The increase in greenhouse gases (C) sàós bad news for the future of our planet. (Óâåëè÷åíèå ïàðíèêîâûõ ãàçîâ îêàçûâàåò îòðèöàòåëüíîå âîçäåéñòâèå äëÿ áóäóùåãî íàøåé ïëàíåòû)

43 Take your keys with you (A) in case I’m not home when you return this evening. (Âîçüìèòå êëþ÷è ñ ñîáîé íà ñëó÷àé, åñëè ìåíÿ íå áóäåò äîìà, êîãäà âû âåðíåòåñü ñåãîäíÿ âå÷åðîì)

44 It was (B) such terrible weather that there were hardly any people out in the streets. (Áûëà òàêàÿ óæàñíàÿ ïîãîäà, ÷òî íà óëèöàõ ïî÷òè íå áûëî ëþäåé)

45 It (C) is said by people in the office that Jacob was caught red-handed stealing the money. ( îôèñå ïîãîâàðèâàþò, ÷òî ßêîâ áûë ïîéìàí íà êðàæå äåíåã ñ ïîëè÷íûì)

46 I can’t wait (C) to tell Matthew the good news! (Íå òåðïèòñÿ ðàññêàçàòü Ìàòôåþ õîðîøèå íîâîñòè!)

47 Be careful with that sharp knife! You (B) are going to cut yourself. (Áóäü îñòîðîæåí ñ îñòðûì íîæîì! Òû ñåé÷àñ ïîðåæåøüñÿ)

48 Bill won’t be attending the conference (A) because he’s out of town. (Áèëë íå áóäåò ïðèñóòñòâîâàòü íà êîíôåðåíöèè, ïîòîìó ÷òî îí óåõàë èç ãîðîäà)

49 A hidden camera inside the bank enabled the police to (C) identify the criminals. (Ñêðûòàÿ êàìåðà âíóòðè áàíêà ïîçâîëèëà ïîëèöèè èäåíòèôèöèðîâàòü ïðåñòóïíèêîâ)

50 The students are looking forward (C) to taking part in tree-planting day. (Ñòóäåíòû ñ íåòåðïåíèåì îæèäàþò ó÷àñòèÿ íà äíå ïîñàäêè äåðåâüåâ)

51 As a child, Debbie (A) stammered a lot, but now she speaks quite clearly.  äåòñòâå Äåááè ìíîãî çàïèíàëàñü, íî ñåé÷àñ îíà ãîâîðèò äîñòàòî÷íî ÷åòêî)

52 The fire fighters spent six hours trying to (B) extinguish the fire in the factory. (Ïîæàðíûå ïîòðàòèëè øåñòü ÷àñîâ, ïûòàÿñü ïîòóøèòü ïîæàð íà çàâîäå)

53 William thinks he is the black (A) sheep of his family because he’s the only one without a university degree. (Óèëüÿì ñ÷èòàåò ñåáÿ áåëîé âîðîíîé â ñâîåé ñåìüå, ïîòîìó ÷òî îí åäèíñòâåííûé áåç âûñøåãî îáðàçîâàíèÿ)

54 David never stops boasting (C) about his high marks; it’s so annoying! (Äýâèä íèêîãäà íå ïåðåñòàåò õâàñòàòüñÿ ñâîèìè âûñîêèìè îöåíêàìè; ýòî òàê ðàçäðàæàåò!)

55 The mountaineers (C) will have reached the summit by late afternoon. (Àëüïèíèñòû äîñòèãëè âåðøèíû ê êîíöó äíÿ)

56 When my brother and I argue, our parents (B) refuse to take sides. (Êîãäà ìû ñ áðàòîì ñïîðèì, ðîäèòåëè îòêàçûâàþòñÿ ïðèíèìàòü ÷üþ-ëèáî ñòîðîíó)

57 There is a great need to (C) set up a recycling centre in our area. (Â íàøåì ðàéîíå åñòü áîëüøàÿ ïîòðåáíîñòü â ñîçäàíèè öåíòðà óòèëèçàöèè)

58 We’d better get on the bus now; it’s (B) about to leave. (Íàì ëó÷øå ñåñòü â àâòîáóñ, îí ñåé÷àñ óåäåò)

59 Their wedding invitation came as a surprise; we didn’t even know they were (A) engaged! (Èõ ñâàäåáíîå ïðèãëàøåíèå ñòàëî íåîæèäàííîñòüþ, ìû äàæå íå çíàëè, ÷òî îíè áûëè ïîìîëâëåíû!)

60 We never expected that Celia would move to the country. Her decision was out of the (A) blue. (Ìû íå îæèäàëè, ÷òî Ñèëèÿ çàõî÷åò ïóòåøåñòâîâàòü ïî ñòðàíå. Åå ðåøåíèå áûëî íåîæèäàííîñòüþ)

61 Do you know the names of the people who were involved (C) in this project? (Âû çíàåòå èìåíà ëþäåé, êîòîðûå áûëè âîâëå÷åíû â ýòîò ïðîåêò?)

62 Cynthia (B) used to like living in the city centre, but now she’s grown tired of it. (Ñèíòèè íðàâèëîñü æèòü â öåíòðå, íî ñåé÷àñ îíà óñòàëà îò ýòîãî)

63 Teens often find it difficult to (B) resist peer pressure, as they want to fit in with their friends. (Ïîäðîñòêàì ÷àñòî òðóäíî ïðîòèâîñòîÿòü äàâëåíèþ ñâåðñòíèêîâ, ïîòîìó ÷òî îíè õîòÿò áûòü òàêèìè æå, êàê èõ äðóçüÿ)

64 Why (C) are you smelling the cheese? Has it gone off? (Ïî÷åìó âû íþõàåòå ñûð? Îí èñïîðòèëñÿ?)

65 I saw Oliver yesterday, but he (A) was running to catch the bus, so I didn’t have a chance to talk to him. (ß â÷åðà âèäåëà Îëèâåðà, íî îí áåæàë, ÷òîáû óñïåòü íà àâòîáóñ, ïîýòîìó ó ìåíÿ íå áûëî âîçìîæíîñòè ïîãîâîðèòü ñ íèì)

66 Charlotte had to (A) face many difficulties in her new job, but she managed to handle them successfully. (Øàðëîòòå ïðèøëîñü ñòîëêíóòüñÿ ñî ìíîãèìè òðóäíîñòÿìè â ñâîåé íîâîé ðàáîòå, íî åé óäàëîñü óñïåøíî ñïðàâèòüñÿ ñ íèìè)

67 It was (B) such bad book that I never finished reading it. (Ýòî áûë òàêàÿ ïëîõàÿ êíèãà, ÷òî ÿ íèêîãäà íå äî÷èòàþ åå)

68 The men who (C) robbed the jewellery shop got away with ?100,000 worth of jewellery. (Ìóæ÷èí, êîòîðûå îãðàáèëè þâåëèðíûé ìàãàçèí óêðàëè þâåëèðíûå èçäåëèÿ íà ñóììó ?100 000)

69 Charles tried to move his broken leg, but felt a(n) (B) excruciating pain as soon as he did so. (×àðëüç ïûòàëñÿ ïîøåâåëèòü ñëîìàííîé íîãîé, íî ïî÷óâñòâîâàë íåâûíîñèìóþ áîëü, êàê òîëüêî îí ñäåëàë ýòî)

70 The museum doesn’t let visitors (A) photograph the exhibits. (Ìóçåé íå ïîçâîëÿåò ïîñåòèòåëÿì ôîòîãðàôèðîâàòü ýêñïîíàòû)

71 Have you decided whether to buy this car, or are you still in two (C) minds about it? (Âû óæå ðåøèëè, ñòîèò ëè ïîêóïàòü ýòîò àâòîìîáèëü, èëè âû âñå åùå ñîìíåâàåòåñü?)

72 Who is responsible (A) for organising the school’s music festival? (Êòî íåñåò îòâåòñòâåííîñòü çà îðãàíèçàöèþ øêîëüíîãî ôåñòèâàëÿ?)

73 I feel a bit (C) dizzy; do you mind if I sit down for a while? (Ó ìåíÿ çàêðóæèëàñü ãîëîâà; Âû íå âîçðàæàåòå, åñëè ÿ ïðèñÿäó íåíàäîëãî?)

74 You won’t find Adam in his office this week. He (B) is working from home, so you can call him there. (Âû íå íàéäåòå Àäàìà â îôèñå íà ýòîé íåäåëå. Îí ðàáîòàåò äîìà, ïîýòîìó âû ìîæåòå ïîçâîíèòü åìó òóäà)

75 I know you haven’t received the email yet, but don’t worry, it (C) will be sent tonight. (ß çíàþ, ÷òî òû íå ïîëó÷èë ýëåêòðîííîå ïèñüìî, íî íå âîëíóéñÿ, îíî áóäåò îòïðàâëåíî ñåãîäíÿ)

76 (B) Since I hadn’t kept the receipt, I couldn’t return the broken MP3 player. (Òàê êàê ÿ íå ñîõðàíèë ÷åê, ÿ íå ñìîã âåðíóòü ñëîìàííûé MP3-ïëååð)

77 Chloe was jogging in the park, but she stopped (B) to take some rest for a few minutes. (Õëîÿ áåãàëà â ïàðêå, íî îíà îñòàíîâèëàñü, ÷òîáû ïåðåäîõíóòü íåñêîëüêî ìèíóò)

78 Whenever Laura doesn’t know the answer to a question, she just (A) shrugs her shoulders and says nothing. (Êîãäà Ëàóðà íå çíàåò îòâåòà íà âîïðîñ, îíà òîëüêî ïîæèìàåò ïëå÷àìè è ìîë÷èò)

79 When Sarah’s sister is born, Sarah won’t be a(n) (C) only child any more! (Êîãäà ðîäèòñÿ ñåñòðà Ñàðû, îíà áîëüøå íå áóäåò åäèíñòâåííûì ðåáåíêîì!)

80 You can tell by his surname that Mr Hoffmann is of German (A) origin. (Ïî åãî ôàìèëèè âû ìîæåòå ñêàçàòü, ÷òî ãîñïîäèí Ãîôìàí íåìåöêîãî ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ)


Ïðîêîììåíòèðóéòå ñëåäóþùåå çàÿâëåíèå.

«Ñòóäåíòû äîëæíû ó÷èòüñÿ ðÿäîì ñ äîìîì è æèòü ñî ñâîåé ñåìüåé â öåëÿõ ýêîíîìèè ñðåäñòâ».

Êàêîâî Âàøå ìíåíèå? Âû áû âûáðàëè æèòü äîìà âî âðåìÿ ó÷åáû? Íàïèøèòå 200-250 ñëîâ.

Ðåøåíèå #

Today, with rising living expenses and the high cost of education, more and more students are choosing to study close to home and live with their families in order to save money. This is a practical choice, but are these students missing out on valuable life lessons by not leaving the safety of home?

In my view, living away from home is an important part of the university experience, perhaps just as important as actual studies. For instance, students who must adapt to an unfamiliar environment acquire useful social and domestic skills. In addition, the challenge of living alone can help young people to develop a more independent and responsible character by teaching them to rely on themselves.

On the other hand, it could be argued that students can gain these skills and qualities without leaving home. Furthermore, many families simply cannot afford the costs involved in supporting a child who studies away from home, and many students are unable to take on these expenses themselves.

All things considered, students who have the option of studying in another city or country, but who choose to remain with their families during their student years, are probably missing out on valuable character-forming experiences. Of course, not everyone has the resources to leave home at an early age. But if the opportunity presents itself, why pass up the chance to learn lessons from real life?

Ïðèâåäåì âûäåðæêó èç çàäàíèÿ èç ó÷åáíèêà Þëèÿ Âàóëèíà, Äæóííè Äóëè 11 êëàññ, Ïðîñâåùåíèå:

Choose the correct item.

1 How did you (B) get Stephen to help you with the housework?

2 This time next week we (C) will be surfing at Sydney’s Bondi Beach.

3 The local council has decided to go (B) ahead with the construction of a new library.

4 Can you please stop complaining? It’s really (A) getting on my nerves!

5 The painter’s amazing biography made quite an impression (A) on the art students.

6 Becky’s teeth always start to (B) chatter when she stays out in the cold for too long.

A shiver B chatter C mutter

7 The school (A) whose team reaches the finals will enter the state championship.

8 This house is said (C) to have been built in the 1930s.

9 Paul (B) hadn’t taught young children before, so he found it quite demanding.

10 He recommended (B) installing a burglar alarm to protect the house against thieves.

11 My mother came (B) across a beautiful antique vase at the bazaar.

12 Joey always (A) clenches his fists when he’s angry.

13 Frank should see a doctor; that (C) hacking cough of his sounds bad.

14 Lisa was ashamed (A) of her rude behaviour and apologised to Ben.

15 The conman spent five years in prison after he was (C) convicted of fraud.

16 Henry never borrows money from anyone because he can’t stand (A) having debts.

17 Take your umbrella with you because it (B) looks like it’s going to rain.

18 Since no one could attend the staff meeting, it was put (C) off until the following week.

19 Liam is suffering from a back (B) injury and won’t be able to compete in today’s match.

20 Since there’s nothing you can do about the situation, you’ll just have to (C) grin and bear it.

21 Ron felt a sharp pain in his knee, so he decided to (C) have it checked by a doctor.

22 Maria won’t forget (B) winning first place in the dance competition; it was the best moment in her life!

23 Nick (A) has been working on the project for hours; I’m sure he’s exhausted.

24 The teacher asked to see Brad (A) with a view to talking about his poor exam results.

25 Tommy has no respect (A) for elderly people; he talks to them as if they were his peers.

26 The police wanted to question James again because they suspected he had kept (C) back important information.

27 Put these batteries in the recycling bin; they’re not (B) rechargeable so we can’t use them again.

28 She spent hours looking for her purse, but it (C) had disappeared

29 Ian usually has tough deadlines to meet at work, so he (B) is used to working under pressure.

30 Alan wanted to (A) dissuade quit his studies, but his parents managed to him.

31 I’d better see a dentist; I have this toothache that just won’t go (A) away

32 Emma isn’t a very sociable person, she usually (C) keeps to herself.

33 Jane wasn’t really hurt in the accident; she just (B) bruised her arm and her leg.

34 Clever salesmen often trick people (C) into buying things they don’t really need.

A with B against C into

35 If a bully tries to (B) pick a fight with you, the best thing to do is to walk away.

36 The parcel (A) will be delivered to you as soon as possible.

37 You shouldn’t use Eric’s computer without (C) asking him first.

38 The ferry boat (C) leaves for the island an hour later at weekends.

39 I haven’t seen Nathan since he (C) left the company.

40 It didn’t take Malcolm long to recover from the accident; he was back on his (B) feet in a few days.

41 Albert’s classmates often pick (B) on him because he has bright red hair.

42 The increase in greenhouse gases (C) spells bad news for the future of our planet.

43 Take your keys with you (A) in case I’m not home when you return this evening.

44 It was (B) such terrible weather that there were hardly any people out in the streets.

45 It (C) is said by people in the office that Jacob was caught red-handed stealing the money.

46 I can’t wait (C) to tell Matthew the good news!

47 Be careful with that sharp knife! You (B) are going to cut yourself.

48 Bill won’t be attending the conference (A) because he’s out of town.

49 A hidden camera inside the bank enabled the police to (C) identify the criminals.

50 The students are looking forward (C) to taking part in tree-planting day.

51 As a child, Debbie (A) stammered a lot, but now she speaks quite clearly.

52 The fire fighters spent six hours trying to (B) extinguish the fire in the factory.

53 William thinks he is the black (A) sheep of his family because he’s the only one without a university degree.

54 David never stops boasting (C) about his high marks; it’s so annoying!

A for B with C about

55 The mountaineers (C) will have reached the summit by late afternoon.

56 When my brother and I argue, our parents (B) refuse to take sides.

57 There is a great need to (C) set up a recycling centre in our area.

58 We’d better get on the bus now; it’s (B) about to leave

59 Their wedding invitation came as a surprise; we didn’t even know they were (A) engaged !

60 We never expected that Celia would move to the country. Her decision was out of the (A) blue

61 Do you know the names of the people who were involved (C) in this project?

62 Cynthia (B) used to like living in the city centre, but now she’s grown tired of it.

63 Teens often find it difficult to (B) resist peer pressure, as they want to fit in with their friends.

64 Why (C) are you smelling the cheese? Has it gone off?

65 I saw Oliver yesterday, but he (A) was running to catch the bus, so I didn’t have a chance to talk to him.

66 Charlotte had to (A) face many difficulties in her new job, but she managed to handle them successfully.

67 It was (B) such bad book that I never finished reading it.

68 The men who (C) robbed the jewellery shop got away with ?100,000 worth of jewellery.

A stole B broke C robbed

69 Charles tried to move his broken leg, but felt a(n) (B) excruciating pain as soon as he did so.

70 The museum doesn’t let visitors (A) photograph the exhibits.

71 Have you decided whether to buy this car, or are you still in two (C) minds about it?

72 Who is responsible (A) for organising the school’s music festival?

73 I feel a bit (C) dizzy; do you mind if I sit down for a while?

74 You won’t find Adam in his office this week. He (B) is working from home, so you can call him there.

75 I know you haven’t received the email yet, but don’t worry, it (C) will be sent


76 (B) Since I hadn’t kept the receipt, I couldn’t return the broken MP3 player.

77 Chloe was jogging in the park, but she stopped (B) to take some rest for a few minutes.

78 Whenever Laura doesn’t know the answer to a question, she just (A) shrugs her shoulders and says nothing.

79 When Sarah’s sister is born, Sarah won’t be a(n) (C) only child any more!

80 You can tell by his surname that Mr Hoffmann is of German (A) origin


Comment on the following statement.

«University students should study close to home and live with their family in order to save money.»

What is your opinion? Would you choose to live at home while you study? Write 200-250 words.

*Öèòèðèðîâàíèå ÷àñòè çàäàíèÿ ñî ññûëêîé íà ó÷åáíèê ïðîèçâîäèòñÿ èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî â ó÷åáíûõ öåëÿõ äëÿ ëó÷øåãî ïîíèìàíèÿ ðàçáîðà ðåøåíèÿ çàäàíèÿ.

Лексико-грамматические навыки
  • Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32–38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

    Two years in a hut

    Henry Thompson, a writer, built a hut on the shore of the pond and lived there all alone for two years. He did this for two reasons: because he wanted to 32 ______ that people spend too much time and money on food and clothes and because he wanted a perfectly quiet chance to write more books. 33 ______ to the writer, he spent only one hundred dollars a year while he lived in this hut. He raised beans on his land, ate wild berries, caught fish and “went visiting” his friends and neighbours now and then. To buy his woodsman’s clothes and a few necessities, he planted gardens, painted houses, and cut wood for his friends.
    This period influenced Henry’s creative work a lot. He wrote a book called “The Wood” which 34 ______ us all about these seven or eight hundred days he lived in his hut. Several other books also describe the time when he 35 ______ to live all by himself. These sold very well. In all of them Henry was boasting that he had found the only sensible way to live. “I am for simple living, and I 36 ______ being alone!” he would declare in his books. He 37 ______ you feel, when you read his books, that it is fine to walk around the fields, sniffing the wild grape and the green grass, and that no one can find pleasure like the man who rows, and skates, and swims. 38 ______, people passing by the pond used to hear him whistling old ballads, or playing very softly and beautifully on a flute, and they thought he sounded lonely and sad.

    32. 1) prove 2) ensure 3) agree 4) secure

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    Ответ правильный.

  • Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32–38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


    Lincoln stood in the library of William’s house in Russell Square, staring at the Renoir painting of the two red-headed young women. It hung above the fireplace, and Lincoln understood why it took pride of place in this room. It was a masterpiece, and he could see that it 32 ______ William of Lily and Emily.

    Lincoln had told William he needed to speak to him privately, and they had 33 ______ to meet here. Lily was still in Brighton with the children. The house was empty and very quiet this afternoon. John came in and, clearing his throat, asked, “Would you like something, sir? Perhaps, a cup of tea?” “No, thank you, John,” Lincoln answered. Lincoln continued to study the marvelous Renoir. Suddenly William entered the room and apologized for 34 ______ him waiting.

    “What’s this all about, Lincoln? You 35 ______ rather serious, even sad,” William said. Lincoln was silent. He went and sat on a chair near the fireplace. William took the other chair, staring at him attentively.

    “Brad Winston telephoned me just as I was leaving for lunch. He had apparently attempted to get hold of you here, but the line was busy. In 36 ______, he tried several times with no success. That’s why he finally got 37 ______ touch with me. He said that there was a terrible car 38 ______ sometime last night. Your brother George is in hospital now,” Lincoln said.

    32. 1) reviewed   2) reminded   3) recorded   4) remembered

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    Ответ правильный.

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Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

1. Strange colours in the sky

2. Changes of the seasons

3. Expanding the influence

4. The last role

5. The last night

6. Waves in the air

7. Influence of magic forces

8. For war and peace

A. In rural Irish communities of the early 1800s, weather forecasting was anything but a precise science. There were people who predicted and explained turns in the weather through the prism of superstition. One particular storm in 1839 was so peculiar that rural folk in the west of Ireland, stunned by its ferocity, feared it could be the end of the world. Some blamed it on the “fairies” from local tales.

B. The eruption of the volcano at Krakatoa in the Pacific Ocean was a major disaster by any measure. In 1883, the entire island of Krakatoa was simply blown apart, and the resulting tsunami killed tens of thousands of people on other islands. The volcanic dust thrown into the atmosphere affected the weather around the world, and people as far away as Britain and the United States saw red sunsets caused by particles in the atmosphere.

C. The dust from Mount Tambora, which had erupted in early April 1815 in the Indian Ocean, shrouded the globe. And with sunlight blocked, 1816 did not have a normal summer. The weather in Europe and North America took a bizarre turn that resulted in crop failures and even famine. Spring came but then everything seemed to turn backward, as cold temperatures returned.

D. Wireless telegraphy originated as a term to describe electrical signaling without the electric wires to connect the end points. It was different from the conventional electric telegraph signaling. The term was initially applied to a variety of competing technologies to communicate messages encoded as symbols, without wires, around the turn of the 20th century, but radio emerged as the most significant.

E. By the time Abraham Lincoln became president, the telegraph had become an accepted part of American life. Lincoln’s first State of the Union message was transmitted over the telegraph wires in 1861. During the Civil War, Lincoln spent many hours in the telegraph room of the War Department building near the White House. The president would generally write his messages in longhand, and telegraph operators would relay them, in military cipher, to the front.

F. One of the truly tragic events in American history is the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Just as the Civil War was coming to an end, on April 14, 1865, the president had sought a night of relaxation at Ford’s Theatre, a short carriage drive from the White House. As Lincoln watched the play, John Wilkes Booth, an actor, shot the president and fled.

G. It is probably impossible to overestimate Queen Victoria’s importance to the British history of the 1800s. She took an active involvement in the affairs of state and strongly believed that Britain should rule much of the world as an empire. Indicating her role as an imperial leader, her official title as Queen of Great Britain and Ireland was changed in the late 1870s to also include the title Empress of India.

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