Busy day егэ ответы английский

Задание №7659.
Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому

Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Busy Day

Let me tell you what happened once when my dear Uncle Podger decided to hang a picture on the wall. He told us not to ___ and just watch him do it. He said he would do it by himself.

1) scare
2) disturb
3) worry
4) fear


Busy Day

Let me tell you what happened once when my dear Uncle Podger decided to hang a picture on the wall. He told us not to WORRY and just watch him do it. He said he would do it by himself.

Рабочий день

Позвольте мне рассказать вам, что случилось однажды, когда мой дорогой дядя Поджер решил повесить картину на стену. Он сказал нам не волноваться и просто смотреть, как он это делает. Он сказал, что сделает это сам.

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Let me tell you what happened once when my dear Uncle Podger decided t перевод - Let me tell you what happened once when my dear Uncle Podger decided t английский как сказать

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Let me tell you what happened once when my dear Uncle Podger decided to hang a picture on the wall. He told us not to worry and just watch him do it. He said he would do it by himself. Well, he came up to the picture which was waiting to be put up in the dining room and took it. But suddenly it fell down and the glass broke into pieces and he cut his finger. He started to look for his handkerchief but couldn’t find it because he had put it in his coat and none of us knew where his coat was.
“Six of you!” Uncle Podger exclaimed, “and you cannot find the coat that I put down only five minutes ago!” But then he got up from his chair and found that he had been sitting on his coat the whole time. “Oh, you can stop your search. I’ve found it myself!”
Then after an hour was spent in tying up his finger Uncle Podger wondered where the hammer had disappeared to. And while everybody was trying to get the hammer he was standing on the chair saying: “Well, I want to know if you are going to keep me here all evening!”
Finally the hammer was found, but we noticed that the nail which he had prepared was lost. And, of course, Uncle Podger didn’t keep silent while he was waiting for another nail to be brought. We heard all he had to say about our habit of losing all the things he needed.
When the picture was hanging on the wall at last, everybody looked very tired, all except Uncle Podger, who was lively as ever. Aunt Maria remarked that if Uncle Podger wanted to do a job like that again, she would spend a week with her mother until it was over.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


Let me tell you what happened once when my dear Uncle Podger decided to hang a picture on the wall. He told us not to worry and just watch him do it. He said he would do it by himself. Well, he came up to the picture which was waiting to be put up in the dining room and took it. But suddenly it fell down and the glass broke into pieces and he cut his finger. He started to look for his handkerchief but couldn’t find it because he had put it in his coat and none of us knew where his coat was. «The Six of you!» Uncle Podger exclaimed, «and you cannot find the coat that I put down only five minutes ago!» But then he got up from his chair and found that he had been sitting on his coat the whole time. «Oh, you can stop your search. I’ve found it myself! » Then after an hour was spent in tying up his finger Uncle Podger wondered where the hammer had disappeared to. And while everybody was trying to get the hammer he was standing on the chair saying: «Well, I want to know if you are going to keep me here all evening!» Finally the hammer was found, but we noticed that the nail which he had prepared was lost. And, of course, Uncle Podger didn’t keep silent while he was waiting for another nail to be brought. We heard all he had to say about our habit of losing all the things he needed. When the picture was hanging on the wall at last, everybody looked very tired, all except Uncle Podger, who was lively as ever. Aunt Maria remarked that if Uncle Podger wanted to do a job like that again, she would spend a week with her mother until it was over.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


Let me tell you what happened once when my dear Uncle Podger decided to hang a picture on the wall. He told us not to worry and just watch him do it. He said he would do it by himself . Well, he came up to the picture which was waiting to be put up in the dining room and took it. But suddenly it fell down and the glass broke into pieces and he cut his finger. The He the Started to look for a His handkerchief But Could not the find IT Because he HAD the put IT in a His coat and none of us Knew where clause a His coat WAS.
«Of Six of you!» By Uncle Podger exclaimed, «and you CAN not the find the coat That I of put down only five minutes ago! » But then he got up from his chair and found that he had been sitting on his coat the whole time. «Oh, you can stop your search . IT’ve found! I of myself! »
Then statement the after an hour WAS spent in tying up closeup a His the finger by Uncle Podger wondered where clause the hammer to HAD Disappeared. And ‘while’ everybody WAS Trying to the get the hammer he WAS standing on the chair Saying: «the Well, I of want to the know the if you are going to the keep me found here all evening dress!»
The Finally the hammer WAS found!, But we Noticed That the nail the which he had prepared was lost. And, of course, Uncle Podger did not keep silent while he was waiting for another nail to be brought. Heard all he for We HAD to say The about Our habit of a losing all the things he needed.
For When the WAS picture hanging on the wall for last AT, everybody Looked very tired, all The except by Uncle Podger, the who WAS Lively as with the ever. Aunt Maria remarked that if Uncle Podger wanted to do a job like that again, she would spend a week with her mother until it was over.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  • Грамматика и лексика 32-38

3. Лексико-грамматический блок

Формат ответа: цифра или несколько цифр, слово или несколько слов. Вопросы на соответствие «буква» — «цифра» должны записываться как несколько цифр. Между словами и цифрами не должно быть пробелов или других знаков.

Примеры ответов: 7 или здесьисейчас или 3514



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The Goulburn Valley

The Goulburn Valley is situated in the south-east corner of the Australian continent, in the state of Victoria. Because of the introduction of irrigation over a century ago,32 __________industry flourished, resulting in the multitude of orchards and market gardens. After World War II, migrants flocked to the area in 33 __________- of work on the farms, and in many cases, establishing a property of their own.

Unfortunately, the region has taken a 34 ____________ for the worse over the past decade. The irrigation water that was once plentiful has now been rationed, and many farmers have been forced 35 _____________ the land. The main source of water is from the Goulburn River, with several reservoirs located along its stretch to the mighty Murray River. Dam capacities have fallen to dangerous levels, resulting in some farmers having an inadequate 36 ____________________ of irrigation water.

37_________ the recent hardships, some farmers have continued to eke an existence out of the land. Many have become more ingenious, devising new ways to utilize water plus finding special niches to service the ever-changing urban needs. Perhaps the Goulburn Valley can return to its 38 __________ times soon.


1) primary

2) first

3) superior

4) firstly


1) finding

2) seek

3) search

4) look


1) get


3) play

4) work


1) off

2) of

3) for

4) in


1) supply

2) store

3) reserve

4) budget


1) Inspite

2) Despite

3) However

4) Although


1) blooming

2) succeed

3) prosperous

4) thriving


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1-8. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1-8, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа.

Light from the Past

When you stand and look at the stars, you are really looking at past history. The light from Alkaid, the end star in the handle of the Big Dipper, has taken about 210 years to 1 _____ your eyes. If Alkaid stopped 2 _____ today, people on earth would still see it 3 ______ about 210 years. Some of the stars you see here tonight may have stopped existing several thousand years ago. The light from some 4 _____ stars right now will not be seen on earth until thousands, or even millions, of years from now!

It’s 5 _____ breathtaking, and it 6 _____ to the great mystery about the nature of light. Think about water waves. They get smaller and smaller in amplitude as they travel. Their energy is lost in friction among the water molecules. Think of sound waves in the air. They too get weaker and weaker because of friction among the air molecules.

But light waves stop only if they strike something, and their energy is transferred 7 _____ another form. 8 _____, they can go on and on, at the same terrific speed, with no loss of energy, forever!










































































Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32–38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


Soon everything was back to normal. Annie and her father David were both ashamed of themselves, they went out of their 32 ______ to be kind to one another. David even told himself that he would try to like Sean O’Connell, if that could make his daughter happy. Since Sean’s visit Annie had bloomed, but it was three days now since she had 33 ______ the Irishman and David hoped he had not forgotten her.

As the days passed, Annie ceased looking out of the window every ten seconds in the hope of seeing Sean come to her door. Now Annie and David decided to reopen the club for their regular customers. She felt this would be the best thing for her dad, and he thought it would be the best thing for her. Both of them needed to be busy for their own 34 ______.

Annie was hurt, she had found Sean again only for him to leave her again. She went 35 ______ their evening together and tried to see what she could have done to make him ignore her like this. They had laughed, 36 ______ of their childhood, and their lives since. She thought that he was the only man she could ever love. He liked to 37 ______ his remarks as outrageous as possible. He liked to shock people, and 38 ______ he knew that Annie was one of the few people who saw through him. She knew that he was lonely, unhappy and unable to change his way of life.


 1) road

 2) path

 3) way

 4) pattern


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32–38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


Soon everything was back to normal. Annie and her father David were both ashamed of themselves, they went out of their 32 ______ to be kind to one another. David even told himself that he would try to like Sean O’Connell, if that could make his daughter happy. Since Sean’s visit Annie had bloomed, but it was three days now since she had 33 ______ the Irishman and David hoped he had not forgotten her.

As the days passed, Annie ceased looking out of the window every ten seconds in the hope of seeing Sean come to her door. Now Annie and David decided to reopen the club for their regular customers. She felt this would be the best thing for her dad, and he thought it would be the best thing for her. Both of them needed to be busy for their own 34 ______.

Annie was hurt, she had found Sean again only for him to leave her again. She went 35 ______ their evening together and tried to see what she could have done to make him ignore her like this. They had laughed, 36 ______ of their childhood, and their lives since. She thought that he was the only man she could ever love. He liked to 37 ______ his remarks as outrageous as possible. He liked to shock people, and 38 ______ he knew that Annie was one of the few people who saw through him. She knew that he was lonely, unhappy and unable to change his way of life.





4) glanced


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32–38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


Soon everything was back to normal. Annie and her father David were both ashamed of themselves, they went out of their 32 ______ to be kind to one another. David even told himself that he would try to like Sean O’Connell, if that could make his daughter happy. Since Sean’s visit Annie had bloomed, but it was three days now since she had 33 ______ the Irishman and David hoped he had not forgotten her.

As the days passed, Annie ceased looking out of the window every ten seconds in the hope of seeing Sean come to her door. Now Annie and David decided to reopen the club for their regular customers. She felt this would be the best thing for her dad, and he thought it would be the best thing for her. Both of them needed to be busy for their own 34 ______.

Annie was hurt, she had found Sean again only for him to leave her again. She went 35 ______ their evening together and tried to see what she could have done to make him ignore her like this. They had laughed, 36 ______ of their childhood, and their lives since. She thought that he was the only man she could ever love. He liked to 37 ______ his remarks as outrageous as possible. He liked to shock people, and 38 ______ he knew that Annie was one of the few people who saw through him. She knew that he was lonely, unhappy and unable to change his way of life.







Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32–38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


Soon everything was back to normal. Annie and her father David were both ashamed of themselves, they went out of their 32 ______ to be kind to one another. David even told himself that he would try to like Sean O’Connell, if that could make his daughter happy. Since Sean’s visit Annie had bloomed, but it was three days now since she had 33 ______ the Irishman and David hoped he had not forgotten her.

As the days passed, Annie ceased looking out of the window every ten seconds in the hope of seeing Sean come to her door. Now Annie and David decided to reopen the club for their regular customers. She felt this would be the best thing for her dad, and he thought it would be the best thing for her. Both of them needed to be busy for their own 34 ______.

Annie was hurt, she had found Sean again only for him to leave her again. She went 35 ______ their evening together and tried to see what she could have done to make him ignore her like this. They had laughed, 36 ______ of their childhood, and their lives since. She thought that he was the only man she could ever love. He liked to 37 ______ his remarks as outrageous as possible. He liked to shock people, and 38 ______ he knew that Annie was one of the few people who saw through him. She knew that he was lonely, unhappy and unable to change his way of life.


1)in and on

2)round and round

3)on and on

4)over and over


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32–38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


Soon everything was back to normal. Annie and her father David were both ashamed of themselves, they went out of their 32 ______ to be kind to one another. David even told himself that he would try to like Sean O’Connell, if that could make his daughter happy. Since Sean’s visit Annie had bloomed, but it was three days now since she had 33 ______ the Irishman and David hoped he had not forgotten her.

As the days passed, Annie ceased looking out of the window every ten seconds in the hope of seeing Sean come to her door. Now Annie and David decided to reopen the club for their regular customers. She felt this would be the best thing for her dad, and he thought it would be the best thing for her. Both of them needed to be busy for their own 34 ______.

Annie was hurt, she had found Sean again only for him to leave her again. She went 35 ______ their evening together and tried to see what she could have done to make him ignore her like this. They had laughed, 36 ______ of their childhood, and their lives since. She thought that he was the only man she could ever love. He liked to 37 ______ his remarks as outrageous as possible. He liked to shock people, and 38 ______ he knew that Annie was one of the few people who saw through him. She knew that he was lonely, unhappy and unable to change his way of life.







Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32–38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


Soon everything was back to normal. Annie and her father David were both ashamed of themselves, they went out of their 32 ______ to be kind to one another. David even told himself that he would try to like Sean O’Connell, if that could make his daughter happy. Since Sean’s visit Annie had bloomed, but it was three days now since she had 33 ______ the Irishman and David hoped he had not forgotten her.

As the days passed, Annie ceased looking out of the window every ten seconds in the hope of seeing Sean come to her door. Now Annie and David decided to reopen the club for their regular customers. She felt this would be the best thing for her dad, and he thought it would be the best thing for her. Both of them needed to be busy for their own 34 ______.

Annie was hurt, she had found Sean again only for him to leave her again. She went 35 ______ their evening together and tried to see what she could have done to make him ignore her like this. They had laughed, 36 ______ of their childhood, and their lives since. She thought that he was the only man she could ever love. He liked to 37 ______ his remarks as outrageous as possible. He liked to shock people, and 38 ______ he knew that Annie was one of the few people who saw through him. She knew that he was lonely, unhappy and unable to change his way of life.


1) make

2) do

3) keep

4) hold


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32–38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


Soon everything was back to normal. Annie and her father David were both ashamed of themselves, they went out of their 32 ______ to be kind to one another. David even told himself that he would try to like Sean O’Connell, if that could make his daughter happy. Since Sean’s visit Annie had bloomed, but it was three days now since she had 33 ______ the Irishman and David hoped he had not forgotten her.

As the days passed, Annie ceased looking out of the window every ten seconds in the hope of seeing Sean come to her door. Now Annie and David decided to reopen the club for their regular customers. She felt this would be the best thing for her dad, and he thought it would be the best thing for her. Both of them needed to be busy for their own 34 ______.

Annie was hurt, she had found Sean again only for him to leave her again. She went 35 ______ their evening together and tried to see what she could have done to make him ignore her like this. They had laughed, 36 ______ of their childhood, and their lives since. She thought that he was the only man she could ever love. He liked to 37 ______ his remarks as outrageous as possible. He liked to shock people, and 38 ______ he knew that Annie was one of the few people who saw through him. She knew that he was lonely, unhappy and unable to change his way of life.


1) even

2) yet

3) just

4) once


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 3238. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 3238, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Busy Day

Let me tell you what happened once when my dear Uncle Podger decided to hang a picture on the wall. He told us not to 32 and just watch him do it. He said he would do it by himself. Well, he came up to the picture which was waiting to be put up in the dining room and took it. But suddenly it fell down and the glass 33 into pieces and he cut his finger. He started to 34 his handkerchief but couldn’t find it because he had put it in his coat and none of us knew where his coat was.

“Six of you!” Uncle Podger exclaimed, “and you cannot find the coat that I put down only five minutes ago!” But then he got up from his chair and found that he had been sitting on his coat the whole time. “Oh, you can stop your 35. I’ve found it myself!”

Then after an hour was spent in tying up his finger Uncle Podger wondered where the hammer had disappeared to. And while everybody was trying to get the hammer he was standing on the chair saying: “Well, I want to know if you are going to 36 me here all evening!”

Finally the hammer was found, but we noticed that the nail which he had prepared was lost. And, of course, Uncle Podger didn’t keep 37 while he was waiting for another nail to be brought. We heard all he had to say about our habit of losing all the things he needed.

When the picture was hanging on the wall at last, everybody looked very 38, all except Uncle Podger, who was lively as ever. Aunt Maria remarked that if Uncle Podger wanted to do a job like that again, she would spend a week with her mother until it was over.


1) scare

2) disturb

3) worry

4) fear


1) failed

2) broke

3) ruined

4) fell


1) look at

2) look to

3) look after

4) look for


1) search

2) investigatiozzn

3) exploration

4) study


1) stay

2) keep

3) put

4) take


1) dumb

2) cool

3) still

4) silent


1) dull

2) tired

3) fresh

4) boring


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 3238. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 3238, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Your Future World

What will you be doing in 2025? Will you be living in an undersea research station? Will you be the chief engineer 32 ______ a bridge across the Atlantic Ocean? Will you be leading an 33 ______ to the planet Mars? Will you be …?

You can daydream, of course, but nobody knows exactly what the world will be 34 ______. But scientists have made some guesses.

Based on the advances made, they believe people will be healthier. Diphtheria, malaria, tuberculosis, polio and many other killers are under control now. These diseases are on the way out, 35 ______ to germ-killing chemicals, new ways of finding out about our bodies, and new ways of providing clean, safe 36 ______ and water.

Healthier people live longer, so we can expect the world’s population to 37 ______ sharply. It may double in the next forty years! This brings up a serious problem: how will we find food, water, and minerals for such a huge population?

Scientists are at work on some 38 ______. From the ocean they hope to get new fertilizers to increase the yield of the soil; new chemicals to kill crop-destroying insects without hurting other animals, new sources of water or supplies of food.

32. 1) inventing; 2) designing; 3) scheming; 4) doing

33. 1) exploration; 2) expenditure; 3) expedition; 4) exhibit

34. 1) like; 2) alike; 3) likely; 4) likable

35. 1) as a result; 2) because; 3) on account; 4) thanks

36. 1) eat; 2) feed; 3) food; 4) cooking

37. 1) decrease; 2) distract; 3) dissolve; 4) increase

38. 1) solutions; 2) alternatives; 3) preferences; 4) questions


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32–38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

My company

In 1978 I was chairman of Cooper’s, a company which ran 127 vehicles of various weights and sizes. We 32 _________ in transporting goods by road.

My father had founded the firm in 1931, starting out with three vehicles ⎯ two of them driven by horses. By the time we became Cooper & Son in 1967, the company had 33 ______________ in obtaining seventeen big trucks and delivered goods all over the north of England.

My father insisted that I leave school the moment I passed my O levels. “I’ll teach you more about the real world in a month than you’d learn from any of those university types in a lifetime,” he 34 _________________ to say. I followed his advice and never 35 ________________ it. I left school a few weeks after my sixteenth birthday. The next morning I joined Cooper’s as an apprentice, and spent my first three years at the depot under the watchful eye of Buster Jackson, the works manager. He taught me how to take the company’s trucks 36______________ and, more important, how to put them back together again.

After graduating from the workshop, I spent five years in different departments. When my father retired in 1977 ⎯ at the age of seventy ⎯ I took over as chairman. Then I began to set in motion some ideas I’d been working on for the past decade, 37 ______________ I knew my father didn’t approve of them. I never 38 ______________ him, but Europe was only the beginning of my plans for the company’s expansion.


1) concentrated

2) focused

3) specialized

4) devoted


1) achieved

2) succeeded

3) managed

4) fulfilled


1) kept

2) held

3) used

4) took


1) dissatisfied

2) disappointed

3) displeased

4) regretted


1) away

2) apart

3) along

4) among


1) although

2) moreover

3) however

4) therefore


1) spoke

2) said

3) told

4) talked


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа.

To Hear a Child

I believe in patience. I live as a volunteer residential counselor in a small group home. These boys have brought joy and happiness into my life; they have made me laugh and made me proud. However, they have also challenged me, made me angry and tested my patience.

Each day we start anew, going about a 32______ routine. I drive them to school, pick them up, cook for them and help with homework. We spend the evenings 33______ about what happened during the day. I meet their teachers and study for tests with them. They are the last people I see each night and the first ones I hear in the morning. They have become a 34______ of my life. I am twenty-two and am beginning to understand the love of a parent.

I could not have come this far without patience. They do not think like miniature adults and it is not fair to expect them to. 35______ my expectations of them are high, I must remember that so much of what they see and understand is for the first time. First love, first failed test, first time feeling the need to break away from the nest. I must have patience with them, because there is still a child within that comes out when I least expect it.

This world is a fast-paced, fast-food, fast-internet place. 36______, no matter how fast things move, children will be children. I believe they will mature quicker and with more tools if I am patient. I see it in their eyes. Over time, sad eyes can glisten again, but only if I am 37______ of the fact that it takes them longer to get somewhere.

I see around them a world that expects too much of them. They come 38______ too many things that give them too much sadness. They listen to me, respect me and understand reason but not always when I want them to. This opportunity has given me wisdom but only when I was patient enough to hear a child.

































































Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.


It wasn’t unusual for Amos to go to Deravenels on Saturday, even though the offices were closed over the weekend. He 32 ______ to go to tidy up his paperwork and do other small jobs he couldn’t attend to during the week.

But on this Saturday morning he had a specific purpose when he arrived at the grand old building on the Strand. The uniformed doorman 33 ______ Amos close his umbrella and take off his raincoat. Then he touched his cap and said, “Good morning, Mr. Finnister”.

Amos had come to the office to 34 ______ a few telephone calls. His first call was to the RoyalLondonHospital, Whitechapel, where he quickly discovered the records office was not open on weekends. He then dialed Ravenscar and was put through to Edward Deravenel.

“Good morning, Amos,” Edward said. “I’m assuming you have some news for me.” Amos then relayed all the information he had gathered the night before.

“Well done, Amos!” Edward exclaimed. “Thank you for going into all this 35 ______ . I knew I could depend 36 ______ you. My wife will be happy as I am to know everything; it’s been such a mystery all these years. To 37 ______ the truth, I think that Grace Rose should also know what happened to her mother. It will finally put her mind at rest.”

“I agree, sir. I will telephone you on Monday”. Amos walked home, 38 ______ no attention to the heavy rain. He felt happy.


1) held

2) took

3) used

4) kept


1) looked

2) gazed

3) stared

4) watched


1) take

2) do

3) make

4) give


1) worry

2) trouble

3) bother

4) mess


1) at

2) on

3) in

4) of


1) tell

2) speak

3) say

4) talk


1) turning

2) paying

3) drawing

4) bringing

Пора зарегистрироваться!

Так твой прогресс будет сохраняться.


Начало работы

Привет сейчас ты за 5 шагов узнаешь, как пользоваться платформой


Выбери тест

«Выбери тест, предмет и нажми кнопку «Начать решать»

1 / 6


После выбора предмета необходимо выбрать на вкладке задания, варианты ЕГЭ, ОГЭ или другого теста, или теорию

2 / 6


Решай задания и записывай ответы. После 1-ой попытки
ты сможешь посмотреть решение

3 / 6


Сбоку ты можешь посмотреть статистику и прогресс по предмету

4 / 6


Нажми, чтобы начать решать вариант. Как только ты перейдешь
на страницу, запустится счетчик времени, поэтому подготовь заранее все, что может тебе понадобиться

5 / 6


Отмечай те статьи, что прочитал, чтобы было удобнее ориентироваться в оглавлении

6 / 6


Ты прошел обучение! Теперь ты знаешь как пользоваться сайтом
и можешь переходить к решению заданий

На чтение 14 мин Просмотров 5.4к. Опубликовано 29.11.2022
Обновлено 29.11.2022

Все чаще выпускники 11 классов для сдачи ЕГЭ выбирают английский язык и при этом показывают достойные результаты. В 2022 году более 87 тысяч ребят сдавали английский, и средний тестовый балл на ЕГЭ по английскому языку составил 73,27 — это самый лучший показатель среди всех экзаменов по выбору. Однако не стоит думать, что все дело в легких экзаменационных заданиях. Это далеко не так. Ребята выбирают английский осознанно и очень серьезно готовятся к экзамену.

Если кто-то думает, что сдать ЕГЭ по английскому можно, полагаясь на русский «авось», то он очень глубоко заблуждается. Просто так справиться со всеми заданиями единого госэкзамена по английскому без хорошей подготовки невозможно в принципе. Особенно это касается вопросов, требующих развернутого письменного ответа. В частности, много вопросов у ребят вызывает задание №38 — развернутое письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения. О порядке выполнения этого задания мы подробно расскажем в этой статье, а также дадим несколько советов по подготовке.


  1. Что представляет собой эссе на ЕГЭ по английскому языку
  2. Что нужно уметь для успешного выполнения задания
  3. Пример задания №38 из демоверсии ЕГЭ 2023 года
  4. Как писать эссе — общие рекомендации
  5. Структура эссе в соответствии с требованиями ФИПИ
  6. Шаблоны, клише, полезные фразы для эссе
  7. Пример ответа на задание 38.1 из демоверсии ФИПИ

Что представляет собой эссе на ЕГЭ по английскому языку

По принципу построения ЕГЭ по английскому языку очень сильно напоминает международные экзамены (TOEFL, IELTS, Кембриджские экзамены). По уровню сложности единый госэкзамен по английскому соответствует уровню B1 (Intermediate — средний) общеевропейской шкалы языковой компетенции CEFR. Чтобы успешно справиться со всеми заданиями теста, выпускник должен владеть английским языком на уровне Intermediate (Средний) или Upper-Intermediate (выше среднего).

Задание №38 (38.1 или 38.2) предполагает создание развернутого письменного высказывания с элементами рассуждения на основе предложенной таблицы или диаграммы. Задача экзаменуемого — описать события (факты или явления) и выразить собственное мнение на этот счет.

Задание 38 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку многие сравнивают с task 1 из academic IELTS, но такое сравнение не совсем корректно. Если в IELTS эссе должно быть построено только на основе имеющихся данных, то в ЕГЭ экзаменуемые могут также использовать собственные знания, приводить аргументы и выражать свое мнение.

Развернутое письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения относится к заданиям высокого уровня сложности. Это испытание предназначено для выпускников средней школы, прошедших обучение по программе углубленного уровня. В отличие от старшеклассников, которые обучались по базовой программе, они владеют начальными навыками делового общения на английском языке, что невозможно без умения понимать таблицы, графики и диаграммы. Это не просто описание картинки на английском языке, поэтому требуется дополнительная подготовка.

Работа оценивается по 5 критериям: решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание), организация текста, лексика, грамматика, орфография и пунктуация. 

Что нужно уметь для успешного выполнения задания

Для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку нужно иметь прочные умения в разных видах речевой деятельности. При этом важно иметь полное и точное представление о формате экзамена, типах заданий и времени на их выполнение.

Согласно «Навигатору самостоятельной подготовки к ЕГЭ» от ФИПИ, чтобы справиться с заданием №38 письменной части, выпускник должен уметь:

  • создавать письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения на основе таблицы или диаграммы в предложенной ситуации работы над проектом;
  • понимать представленную в виде таблицы или диаграммы информацию и уметь описывать ее;
  • сравнивать представленные факты;
  • выделять проблемы и предлагать пути их решения;
  • в письменной форме выражать свое мнение/суждение по предложенному аспекту темы проектной работы;
  • использовать нейтральный стиль для письменного развернутого высказывания с элементами рассуждения на основе таблицы/диаграммы;
  • применять в тексте средства логической связи;
  • логично разбивать текст на смысловые блоки — абзацы;
  • активно использовать имеющийся словарный запас и знакомые грамматические конструкции при создании письменных текстов;
  • уметь перефразировать тему и показать ее дискуссионный характер;
  • соблюдать правила орфографии и пунктуации.

Обратите внимание, что при оценивании письменной работы задания 38 особое внимание уделяется способности экзаменуемого высказывать свое мнение в письменной форме. Если более 30% ответа имеет непродуктивный характер, то вся работа оценивается в 0 баллов по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи».

Пример задания №38 из демоверсии ЕГЭ 2023 года

В письменном задании с развернутым высказыванием и элементами рассуждения экзаменуемому предлагается выбрать один из двух предложенных вариантов — 38.1 или 38.2.

Пример задания 38.1 (Пример ответа приведен в конце статьи):

Imagine that you are doing a project on how teenagers relax after a busy day in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below). Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Представьте, что вы делаете проект о том, как подростки расслабляются после напряженного дня в Зетланде. Вы нашли некоторые данные по этому вопросу – результаты опросов общественного мнения. Прокомментируйте данные в таблице и выскажите свое мнение по теме проекта.

Having a hobby (посвящают время хобби) — 38%

Spending time with friends (проводят время с друзьями) — 31%

Sleeping (спят) — 15%

Walking in the open air (гуляют на свежем воздухе) — 10%

Eating tasty food (кушают вкусняшки) — 6%

Задача — написать развернутый текст объемом 200-250 слов, придерживаясь предложенного плана:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project (сделайте вступительное заявление по теме проект);

– select and report 2-3 facts (выберите и сообщите 2-3 факта);

– make 1-2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments (сделайте 1-2 сравнения, где это уместно, и дайте свои комментарии);

– outline a problem that can arise with having a rest and suggest a way of solving it (обрисуйте проблему, которая может возникнуть при отдыхе, и предложите способ ее решения);

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of relaxing well in our lives (в заключение изложите и объясните свое мнение о важности хорошего отдыха в нашей жизни).

Пример задания 38.2:

Imagine that you are doing a project on why people in Zetland should study literature. You have found some data on the subject – the results оf the opinion polls (see the pie chart below). Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Представьте, что вы делаете проект о том, почему люди в Зетланде должны изучать литературу. Вы нашли некоторые данные по этому вопросу – результаты опросов общественного мнения. Прокомментируйте данные на круговой диаграмме и выскажите свое мнение по теме проекта.

to widen horizons (расширить кругозор) — 38%

to escape from daily routine (отвлечься от скучной рутины) — 22%

to discuss books with friends (обсудить книги с друзьями) — 10%

to learn about the past (узнать о прошлом) — 18%

to understand human nature (понять человеческую природу) — 12%

Задача — написать развернутый текст объемом 200-250 слов, придерживаясь предложенного плана:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project (сделайте вступительное заявление по теме проекта);

– select and report 2–3 facts (выберите и сообщите 2-3 факта);

– make 1-2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments (сделайте 1-2 сравнения, где это уместно, и дайте свои комментарии);

– outline a problem that one can face studying literature and suggest a way of solving it (обрисуйте проблему, с которой можно столкнуться при изучении литературы, и предложите способ ее решения); 

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of studying literature (в заключение изложите и объясните свое мнение о важности изучения литературы).

Экзаменуемый может выбрать любую из двух предложенных тем. Одна из них строится на таблице, другая — на круговой диаграмме. Предложенные в заданиях планы ответов имеют общую структуру и различаются только в 4 и 5 пунктах.

Как писать эссе — общие рекомендации

Ознакомьтесь с заданием, обратите внимание на временные рамки. Постарайтесь максимально рационально распределить отведенные на задание 60 минут.

Изучая предложенные темы, постарайтесь мысленно подобрать возможное содержание. Важно остановиться на той теме, которая будет наиболее выигрышной с точки зрения аргументации. Если вы напишете хороший текст без ошибок, но по содержанию он не будет соответствовать поставленной

коммуникативной задаче, работа автоматически оценивается в ноль баллов.

Обратите внимание на ограничения по объему текста. Задача — написать текст из 200-250 слов, и это не формальность. Допустимое отклонение — плюс-минус 10%. Если объем текста будет менее 180 слов, то работа автоматически оценивается в ноль баллов без проверки. Если в задании более 275 слов, оценивать будут только первые 250. За отдельное слово засчитывается любая часть речи, включая вспомогательные глаголы, предлоги, артикли, частицы.

Соблюдайте нейтральный стиль. Избегайте риторических вопросов, разговорных выражений и кратких формы (I’m, he’s, don’t, aren’t, can’t, didn’t и т.п.).

Важно писать аккуратно и разборчиво. Если вы заметили в работе ошибку, нужно аккуратно зачеркнуть неправильное и сверху написать правильный вариант.

Важно грамотно распорядиться отведенным временем и успеть перенести текст эссе с черновика в бланк ответов. Черновые пометки (черновик) не проверяются

и не оцениваются.

Структура эссе в соответствии с требованиями ФИПИ

Чтобы избежать ошибок по такому аспекту, как организация текста, следует каждый пункт плана раскрывать в отдельном абзаце. Текст должен быть разбит на 5 абзацев:

1. Вступление. В первой части нужно перефразировать тему и показать ее дискуссионный характер; написать, что вы выполняете проектную работу, что нашли статистические данные по данной теме и собираетесь их представить. Не нужно писать, что вы самостоятельно собрали сведения/провели исследование и т.п. По условиям задания данные предоставляются в готовом виде;

2. Выбор и описание 2-3 фактов. Во втором абзаце нужно описать 2-3 показателя из приведенных в задании данных (обязательно с указанием цифр). При этом важно ссылаться на источник (таблицу/диаграмму). Числительные нужно писать цифрами. Будет вполне логично начать абзац с конструкции типа:

«According to the table/diagram/results of the opinion poll» — «Согласно таблице/диаграмме/результатам опроса общественного мнения»

или «To begin with, I would like to say/mention that…» — «Для начала я хотел бы сказать/упомянуть, что…»

3. Сделайте 1-2 сравнения, где это уместно. В третьем абзаце проведите сравнение данных из таблицы/диаграммы и дайте небольшой комментарий к проводимому сравнению. Абзац можно начать с фраз:

Clearly… — Понятно…

The data analysis reveals the fact that… — Анализ данных показывает тот факт, что…

The results of the opinion poll invite comparison / allow me to make some comparisons. — Результаты опроса общественного мнения приглашают к сравнению / позволяют мне провести некоторые сравнения.

4. Обрисуйте проблему и предложите способ ее решения. В четвертом абзаце нужно обозначить связанную с темой проектной работы проблему и предложить пути ее решения. Начать можно со слов:

Undoubtedly… — Несомненно…

It is important to note that… — Важно отметить, что…

5. В заключение выскажите свое мнение по поводу затронутой темы. Удачным началом пятого абзаца станут фразы типа:

In my opinion / I believe / I think — По моему мнению / я верю / я думаю

In conclusion… — В заключение…

I would like to express my opinion on — Я хотел бы высказать свое мнение по …

Шаблоны, клише, полезные фразы для эссе

Важно иметь в своем арсенале и уметь использовать самые разные типы клише и слов-связок (linking words): дополняющие, перечисляющие, сравнивающие, противопоставляющие и др. Такие конструкции делают текст органичным, создавая логичные переходы от одной мысли к другой. Вот несколько полезных слов-связок, которые пригодятся при выполнении письменного задания с развернутым ответом на ЕГЭ по английскому языку:

  • In my opinion — На мой взгляд;
  • To begin with, I would like to say/mention that… — Для начала я хотел бы сказать/упомянуть, что…;
  • Furthermore — кроме того;
  • Consequently — следовательно;
  • Moreover — более того;
  • It is important to note that… — Важно отметить, что… ;
  • Eventually — в итоге;
  • According to some experts… — По мнению ряда экспертов…;
  • The data analysis reveals the fact that… — Анализ данных показывает тот факт, что… ;
  • Strangely enough — как ни странно;
  • Although — хотя;
  • In addition to this — в дополнение к этому;
  • Nonetheless — тем не менее;
  • For the most part — по большей части;
  • To sum everything up I came to conclusion that… — Подводя итог всему, я пришел к выводу, что…;
  • In conclusion, I would like to express my opinion on… — В заключение я хотел бы высказать свое мнение по поводу…

Работая над заданием №38 (развернутое письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения), следует помнить, что вы имеете дело с заданием высокого уровня сложности, поэтому следует использовать лексику, по уровню соответствующую уровню Intermediate и выше. Обратите внимание, что требования к ответу на задание 38 значительно выше, чем требования к ответу на задание 37 (электронное личное письмо) в плане языкового оформления текста.

Пример ответа на задание 38.1 из демоверсии ФИПИ


Spending free time has always been fun for teenagers. While doing a project on how teenagers relax after a busy day in Zetland, I have found a table containing some relevant data that I am going to comment on.

Проводить свободное время подросткам всегда было весело. Выполняя проект о том, как подростки расслабляются после напряженного дня в Зетланде, я нашел таблицу, содержащую некоторые соответствующие данные, которые я собираюсь прокомментировать.

Абзац 2:

According to the table, approximately third of all the teenagers in Zetland choose having a hobby or spending time with friends as their favorite pastime (38% and 31% respectively). Sleeping comes third in popularity with 15% of the surveyed. Surprisingly, only 6% of the respondents like eating tasty food in order to relax after a busy day, and it is the least preferred free time activity.

Согласно таблице, примерно треть всех подростков в Зетланде выбирают хобби или времяпрепровождение с друзьями в качестве своего любимого занятия (38% и 31% соответственно). Сон занимает третье место по популярности у 15% опрошенных. Удивительно, но только 6% респондентов любят вкусно поесть, чтобы расслабиться после напряженного дня, и это наименее предпочтительное занятие в свободное время.

Абзац 3:

The data analysis reveals that walking in the open air, chosen by 10% of the adolescents, is almost three times less popular than hanging out with friends. It is quite understandable why walking in parks and gardens is less preferable: modern teenagers like meeting in the shopping centers, cafes and cinemas.

Анализ данных показывает, что прогулки на свежем воздухе, которые выбирают 10% подростков, почти в три раза менее популярны, чем общение с друзьями. Вполне понятно, почему прогулки по паркам и скверам менее предпочтительны: современные подростки любят встречаться в торговых центрах, кафе и кинотеатрах.

Абзац 4:

Although modern teenagers are quite active in spending their free time, they seem to neglect reading and other ways of broadening their horizons, so it seems to be a problem. To solve this problem local authorities could promote reading in public places like parks or youth centers by involving celebrities into this activity. Thus, reading and discussing could regain their popularity as a way of relaxing after a busy day.

Хотя современные подростки довольно активно проводят свое свободное время, они, похоже, пренебрегают чтением и другими способами расширения своего кругозора, так что, похоже, это проблема. Чтобы решить эту проблему, местные власти могли бы поощрять чтение в общественных местах, таких как парки или молодежные центры, привлекая к этому занятию знаменитостей. Таким образом, чтение и обсуждение могли бы вновь обрести свою популярность как способ расслабиться после напряженного дня.


In conclusion, I believe relaxing well is very important in our lives. Working hard is good but having a rest is essential. 

В заключение, я считаю, что хороший отдых очень важен в нашей жизни. Усердно работать — это хорошо, но отдыхать очень важно.

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