Careers in demand егэ

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss extracurricular activities. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: What extracurricular activities do most teenagers do?

: In Russia, for example, most teenagers like to play sports, make music, or do art. Participating in community volunteer work after school is also popular with Russian teenagers.

Interviewer: What benefits do extracurricular activities have?

: I think extracurricular activities offer many advantages, such as developing skills and interests, making new friends, and providing a way to explore interests and passions. They also help students to relax and have fun after a long day of school.

Interviewer: What extracurriculars are ideal for teenagers?

: I think it depends on personal interests and skills. Anyway, ideal after-school activities for teenagers are the ones that match their hobbies and interests. They can include sports, music, art, volunteering, and clubs related to their career goals.

Interviewer: What do you usually do in your extracurricular time?

: In my extracurricular time, I like to play sports and participate in music activities. I also enjoy volunteering at local organisations.

Interviewer: How much time do you think a student should spend on extracurricular activities?

: I think it’s subjective and can vary depending on a student’s schedule and priorities. It’s important for students to find a good balance between after-school activities and other things in their lives. That way, they can fully enjoy and get the most out of their activities.

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.

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Variant 1
3) Hobbies for teenagers
4) Weekends in the summertime

Variant 2
3) School education
4) Shopping alternatives

Variant 3
3) Friendship
4) Travel decisions

Variant 4
3) Environmental awareness
4) Modes of education

Variant 5
3) Extracurricular activities
4) Careers in demand

Variant 6
3) School life
4) Volunteer opportunities

Variant 7
3) Social media use
4) Fitness opportunities

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4) Eco-friendly ways to travel

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Variant 19
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Variant 20
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4) Learning environments

Variant 21
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4) Places to celebrate Christmas or New Year

Variant 22
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Variant 23
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Variant 36
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4) Technology careers

Variant 37
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4) Digitized shopping experiences

Variant 38
3) Fashion
4) Good pets for busy families

Variant 39
3) Art
4) Skills for future employability

Variant 40
3) Consumer behaviour
4) Healthy lifestyle choices

Variant 41
3) Food and eating habits
4) Teenage part-time employment

Variant 42
3) Travel experiences
4) Jobs that define the modern world

Variant 43
3) Technology and relationships
4) Family holiday ideas

Variant 44
3) Teenagers’ interests and activities
4) Recreational sports

Variant 45
3) Teenagers and technology
4) Individual sports

Variant 46
3) Computer hobbies
4) Nature-inspired summer activities for kids

Variant 47
3) Smart food choices
4) Ways to fight boredom

Variant 48
3) A circle of friends
4) Places to go shopping

Variant 49
3) Youth subcultures
4) Family outing ideas

Variant 50
3) Renewable sources of energy
4) Devices that enable web browsing

Variant 51
3) Space exploration
4) Extreme water adventures

Variant 52
3) Educational travel adventures
4) Summer holiday destinations

Variant 53
3) Films
4) Out-of-home leisure pursuits

Variant 54
3) Climate change and global warming
4) Family holiday ideas: transport mode preferences

Variant 55
3) Green movements
4) Career ideas for language learners

Variant 56
3) School subjects
4) Thrill-seeking adventures

Variant 57
3) Extreme activities
4) Eating places

Variant 58
3) Volunteer work
4) Traditional hobbies

Variant 59
3) Exam preparation
4) Games we play

Variant 60
3) Employment opportunities for teenagers
4) Water sports

The importance of choosing the right career path in your life is really huge as your future revolves around this one decision. The best-paid jobs are the ones that are adapting to ever-evolving digitalization. Those days are gone when the highest paying jobs were just doctors, charted accountants, government servants. As per the survey, 93% of students aged between 14 to 21 are aware of just seven career options when there are more than 250 job options available. Currently, there are many professions that offer insanely high salaries and immense job satisfaction.


In this blog, we have compiled the list of 7 in-demand and high-paying career options for 2022. It will provide you with an insight into career perspectives, the latest trends, skills requirements, and much more. Once you decide your career path, the next step is to gain knowledge about the skills, certification, and training to land into these most in-demand and high-paying career options.

So let’s get started.

1. Data Scientist

Data Scientists are primarily concerned with analyzing, processing, and modeling data that help companies to make better business decisions for the future. It is among the top 20 rapidly growing occupations with a projected growth rate of 31% by the next ten years. It is a lucrative career option that offers an insanely high salary, amazing growth opportunities, and global recognition. The average salary of a data scientist is INR 7-10 LPA.

To become a data scientist you need to enhance the following skills:

  • Programming Languages
  • Mathematical Skills
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Visualization Techniques

and several other skills.

Visit this link to know more about the skills required to become a data science professional.

2. Full Stack Developer

A Full Stack Developer is someone who works on both the front-end or client-side and backend or server-side of the application. As per the latest research, there is a 20% of growth in the demand for Full Stack developers. It is considered as one of the highest paying professions in India with an average salary of around INR 8 LPA.  

To become a full stack developer you need to inherit skills like :

  • HTML and CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Git and GitHub
  • Backend Programming Languages
  • Frameworks
  • Web Architecture
  • Database Management Systems, etc.

To get more information about the roadmap of becoming a Full Stack Developer, visit How to Become a Full Stack Web Developer?

3. Blockchain Engineer

Blockchain Engineers work in creating, implementing, and analyzing digital blockchain for an enterprise solution. This profession is currently in the highest demand role with a significant growth rate and salaries 50-100% higher than the conventional developers. To become a Blockchain Developer / Blockchain Engineer, you need to have a strong command of skills like cryptography, data structures, algorithms, computer networking, decentralized applications, etc.

Blockchain technology is here is for the long run so getting a job in this domain is the best thing for your career. It is the fuel of the future with a median salary of around INR 8 LPA in India.

4. DevOps Engineer

A DevOps Engineer possesses knowledge of both – development & operations and is concerned with collaborating with the team of developers and other IT professionals to develop digital pipelines for managing the coding, deployment, and other processes. Businesses across the globe are switching to DevOps-related technologies. Popular job portals have witnessed an extremely high hike of nearly 75% in DevOps-related jobs. To become a DevOps Engineer you need to embody these skills:

  • Programming Knowledge
  • Software Configuration & Deployment
  • Understanding of CI/CD Pipelines
  • Automation Tools
  • Networking & Security
  • Project management skills, etc.

As per various latest surveys, DevOps Engineer ranks in the top five of tech careers with a median salary of around INR 7 LPA in India.  

5. Digital Marketing Specialist

Digital marketing offers a plethora of career opportunities. As per the latest reports, the digital marketing domain is expected to unlock 60-65 million new jobs by 2025. It is rapidly evolving and becoming a promising industry with a lot of new opportunities. Digital marketing experts strategize and monitor digital marketing campaigns to ensure the highest revenue.

The field is constantly evolving and growing. According to LinkedIn, the Digital Marketing Specialist role is ranked among the top ten most in-demand professions with 860,000 job openings and a shortage of about 230,000 digital marketing professionals. To know more about the digital marketing domain, click here.

6. Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Artificial Intelligence Engineer is an IT expert whose main aim is to develop AI models using machine learning and deep learning concepts to draw business insights. To become an AI engineer you need to have in-depth knowledge of programming skills, mathematics, ML algorithms, Natural Language Processing, etc. 

As per the latest prediction, Artificial Intelligence is expected to create 2.4 million jobs. This simply means that a job in this domain offers immense job satisfaction and an insanely high salary. This profession promises a median salary of around INR 857,000 per annum. So you can surely consider this as one of the top career options for 2022.

7. Technical Writer

A Technical Writer is someone who transforms technically difficult or complex content into clear and concise content which can be easily read by everyone. Job opportunities for a technical writer are expected to grow by 12% by the next decade. It is a lucrative career option in terms of career growth, job satisfaction, and monetary gains.

To become a technical writer you need to have excellent writing, language, and communication skills. Further, you need to possess amazing research and exploration skills to perform extensive research to create clear and concise documentation.  





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

At the moment it appears that the main impediments in increasing female participation and representation in the political arena are women’s family responsibilities, career demands and social inhibitions.

На данный момент представляется, что главными препятствиями на пути расширения участия и представленности женщин в политической жизни являются семейные обязанности женщин, предъявляемые к ним требования для продвижения по службе и сдерживающие факторы общественного характера.

Другие результаты

The study also found that over 75 per cent of those surveyed encountered barriers to success along the way relating to gender, age, pay inequity and balancing the demands of career and family.

Исследование также показало, что более 75 процентов опрошенных лиц сталкивались с трудностями на пути продвижения по службе, обусловленными признаками пола, возраста, неравенством оплаты и факторами, касающимися необходимости увязки производственной и семейной жизни.

Approximately five years they were separated because the demands of their respective careers differently.

Примерно пять лет они были разлучены, так как требует их соответствующих карьеру по-разному.

Fearing the ruin of both career and marriage, Sir Robert submits to her demands.

Опасаясь разрушения карьеры и брака, сэр Роберт подчиняется её требованиям.

Throughout much of her later career, Hopper was much in demand as a speaker at various computer-related events.

В течение большей части своей поздней карьеры Хоппер была исключительно востребована в качестве докладчика на различных мероприятиях, связанных с компьютерными технологиями.

He attempts to build a career as an entertainer but his professional ambitions ultimately come into conflict with the demands of his home and heritage.

Он пытается построить карьеру эстрадного артиста, но его профессиональные стремления противоречат требованиям его дома и наследия.

Through these career models, staff will be empowered to identify career possibilities, not only by looking for openings, but also by recognizing what skills are in demand and where new opportunities are being created in order to meet organizational goals.

Благодаря этим моделям сотрудник будет иметь возможность выявлять пути развития карьеры, не только следя за объявляемыми вакансиями, но и узнавая, какие специальности пользуются спросом и какие открываются новые возможности с учетом стоящих перед Организацией целей.

Does he understand the demands of your career?

These programs aim to channel the country’s manpower to high demand occupations, promote career awareness and planning, and develop work attitudes and habits.

Они призваны обеспечивать подготовку по наиболее востребованным профессиям, поощрять стремление к продвижению по службе и планированию карьерного роста, а также вырабатывать отношение к труду и стиль работы.

The act is intended to make it easier for parents working outside the home to strike a balance between the demands of their careers and those of their families.

Этот закон призван облегчить для родителей, работающих вне дома, задачу совмещения их профессиональной деятельности с выполнением семейных обязанностей.

Appropriate training, career guidance and counselling must be provided to assist women to develop professional skills required to respond to the demands of current employment markets.

Необходимо обеспечить надлежащую подготовку, профессиональную ориентацию и консультирование для оказания женщинам содействия в развитии профессиональных навыков, требуемых для реагирования на потребности существующих рынков труда.

women will not be able to withstand the pressures of combined family responsibilities with the demands of a political career.

женщины не смогут выдержать нагрузки, связанные с необходимостью сочетания семейных обязанностей с требованиями политической карьеры.

Samoa supports the Secretary-General’s vision of creating a professional career service that is flexible and mobile enough to allow for quick and positive responses to the diverse demands of Member States.

Самоа поддерживает концепцию Генерального секретаря по созданию достаточно гибкой и мобильной профессиональной службы, позволяющей быстро и решительно реагировать на различные просьбы государств-членов.

Career development courses were conducted for staff members and were well received with the result that there has been continuous demand for the courses.

Для сотрудников были проведены курсы по развитию карьеры, которые получили высокую оценку и пользуются постоянным спросом.

It provides for career development streams and enables organizations to use jobs and deploy staff in a manner that is more aligned with programme demands.

Система предусматривает пути развития карьеры и позволяет организациям использовать должности и персонал так, чтобы это в большей степени соответствовало потребностям программ.

Despite a budget increase, the demand for training and career development support continues to exceed Office of Human Resources Management resources.

Несмотря на увеличение бюджета, спрос на профессиональную подготовку и поддержку развития карьеры по-прежнему превышал имеющиеся в распоряжении Управления людских ресурсов возможности.

Despite such greater demands for humanitarian expertise, good personnel policy should not relegate staff members with crisis-handling competencies to a career of non-family hardship postings.

Несмотря на такое увеличение спроса на специалистов в гуманитарной области, при правильной кадровой политике сотрудники, обладающие опытом работы в кризисных ситуациях, не должны быть обречены на работу в местах службы с тяжелыми условиями, не допускающими проживания с членами семей.

the pressures experienced by women who combine family responsibilities with the demands of a political career;

трудности, с которыми сталкиваются женщины, совмещающие выполнение семейных обязанностей с требованиями, предъявляемых к лицам, занимающимся политической деятельностью;

Goethals’ coaching career ended at Anderlecht in season 1995-96, but he remained in demand as a television analyst for his insights into football.

Гуталс закончил тренерскую карьеру с «Андерлехтом» в сезоне 1995/96, но он оставался востребованным как телевизионный аналитик за своё понимание футбола.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 54. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 140 мс


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Wondering what courses to do that will always be relevant and lead you to great Jobs and careers after the study? Check out these Top 10 In-demand Courses leading To Great Jobs/Careers After University.

They range from but not limited to top 10 courses in demand in abroad, science careers in demand, bachelor degree jobs in demand, best courses in the world, best college degrees for employment, high demand courses, In-demand courses abroad, In-demand courses 2021, In-demand courses leading to great jobs and many more.

The world has evolved so much in a very short time. Technological innovation has out wiped many of the traditional jobs people took for granted. Goods and services are now easier to produce and deliver because of technology.

The internet too is wiping out many traditional jobs and careers for the simple reason it is easier and more economical to do some of these jobs online by outsourcing them to ‘experts’ in remote places.

With this in mind, it is imperative that the choice students make should lead to good jobs and great careers. But with thousands of courses available, it can be confusing to finally settle on one course. Many students the world over face the same dilemma: how to make sure the course of study in the university would lead to a great job.

However, no matter how much technology is changing in today’s workplace, there are some jobs that would always be in demand. At the same time, there are courses that aim to fit into the new jobs created by technological change.

What are the Best Courses to take in College to Get a Job?

When looking through all of College’s entry-level job advertisements, there are a few majors where demand continues to outweigh supply.

It’s worth noting that entry-level jobs may not represent overall industry growth. Where there is a greater supply of employment than available graduates, the best majors for entry-level are those where there is a bigger supply of jobs than available graduates.

This is why many grads with these majors receive many employment offers. If you are one of the few people who major in these fields, you will have an easier time obtaining work as an intern and after graduation.

Here are the top 10 courses to take in College for landing a job after graduation:

1. Computer Science

Computer science degrees, particularly those from prestigious universities, continue to be the most in-demand of all majors. Many grads have a number of jobs offers to select from.

2. Marketing

Sales are one of the most in-demand jobs for recent college graduates. So, if you’re a Marketing major who wants to work in Sales (not theoretical marketing, but actually selling things that people desire and need), there are plenty of options. Sales are also usually one of the highest-paying professions.

3. Nursing

The need for qualified nurses and other medical staff in related professions is growing as our population ages. The field’s drawback is that advancement is still challenging. Nursing, on the other hand, is a terrific career to pursue if you want to make a difference in the lives of others.

4. Electrical Engineering

You’ll get to create, test, and design electrical equipment. And you’ll get compensated for it. It was really nicely compensated. As a college graduate, this is one of the most employable majors, with the majority of grads receiving numerous job offers.

5. Accounting

Accounting companies make up four of the top ten businesses in USA. Newly minted accountants in audit, tax, and corporate accounting are sought by both public and private accounting firms. Furthermore, the position is frequently used as a stepping stone to management and top management positions.

6. Chemical Engineering

There are numerous opportunities to engage with emerging technologies, such as sustainable energy, medical devices, plastic resins (think carbon fiber), and biotechnology. There are many options, but unless you are from a major city or manufacturing center, you will most likely need to relocate to find a job in ChemEng.

7. Finance

There is a lot of demand, but the highest demand is at the top of the field. To compete for the finest jobs, you’ll need great grades or a degree from a reputable university. Or you could do both.

8. Biomedical Engineering

The biomedical area is expanding not only because of the biomedical business but also because of the healthcare and medical device industries. Smartphone usage, as well as advances in technology such as 3D printing, are driving up demand. As a result, new biomedical engineers are in high demand.

9. Human Resources

HR Representative (also known as HR Generalist) and Recruiter are the two access points for HR. The former is a standard corporate overhead position, whereas the latter is a hybrid of sales and human resources. If you’re introverted, the former will suit you best, whereas the latter will suit you better if you’re extroverted.

10. Actuarial Science

There are a limited number of actuaries, but even fewer graduates with actuarial science degrees, resulting in a positive supply/demand imbalance. The majority of actuaries work in the insurance industry, however, there are other opportunities in healthcare and government.

Which Courses have more Job Opportunities?

When you start college, you’ll have to select what major you want to pursue and what degree is best for you.

While it is all too typical for students to change majors during their undergraduate careers, the job prospects and possibility for professional progression in the global economy determine which majors are the best to pursue.

Meanwhile, it is critical that you choose a degree in which you are genuinely interested and can envision yourself working in a related field, it is also beneficial to know what are the most in-demand courses so that after you graduate, your chances of obtaining a job improve organically.

Here are courses to take to have more job opportunities:

  1. Pharmacology
  2. Computer Science
  3. Health Science
  4. Information Technology
  5. Engineering
  6. Business Administration
  7. Finance
  8. Human Resources
  9. Education
  10. Psychology

List of Top 10 In-demand Courses leading To Great Jobs/Careers After University

The following courses, therefore, are a guide to some of these In-demand Courses 2021 leading to careers that would always be in demand.

  • Management/ Business Administration/Sales
  • Courses in Healthcare Administration
  • Engineering Courses
  • Clinical Psychology 
  • Statistics and Maths
  • Entrepreneurship and Startups
  • Medical and Biological Sciences
  • Information Technology

Management/ Business Administration/Sales

This is one of the top 10 courses in demand abroad and the best college degrees for employment. Companies and firms would always need people with good sales skills and pitches to help promote their brands. Combining your sales skills with a good degree in Business Administration/management would put you in a strong position career-wise.

The modern business manager combines savvy sales skills with a good knowledge of new technology which makes managing a business or a corporation more efficient.

Courses in Healthcare Administration

One thing technology cannot replace is people. The population of the world keeps growing. Hospitals and health care facilities would have to be built to cater for an expanding population.

These facilities would need professionals to run them smoothly. This is something that robots and technology cannot do. Qualified humans would desperately be needed in the coming years to run these increasingly complex facilities.

Finance courses

Money or the management of money would never go out of fashion. It is the way people calculate their worth in terms of what they can do to make their lives better.

As the population expands, the pool of money also expands to accommodate the needs of more individuals. So there would always be money. Therefore, a financial expert would always be in demand to manage or advise people and businesses on how to organize their finances in an increasingly complex world.

Engineering Courses

The field of engineering covers many aspects of life. For instance, the modern world needs software engineers to build sophisticated gadgets and machines used today.

So courses in computer engineering, Civil Engineering, electrical engineering, Mechanical Engineering, building engineering and so on would always be in demand.

Clinical Psychology  

A few decades ago, careers in psychology were restricted to just a few people. Psychologists were considered people who provided services that are not considered very important.

Those were simple times. The field of psychology has expanded so much to even include treating animals with mental problems. For humans though, there would be an increasing demand for psychology because mental issues are on the increase.

As science and technology evolve, new diagnoses are made which are related to psychological problems. Hence the need for more psychologists.

Statistics and Maths

Complex technology is all about the manipulation of huge data using computers. The world would continue to need people who are able to understand and make use of the large streams of data moving around in the digital age

People with a strong background in statistics and mathematics would be needed to convert those numbers and figures into something that is useful to people.

Entrepreneurship and Startups

Entrepreneurship is one of the top 10 courses in demand abroad and the best college degrees for employment. For the world to become a better place, people who have the acumen to create businesses and jobs would need to step up their game. Entrepreneurs who know how to start businesses would be in high demand.

Money in itself does not mean much unless it can be put to good use. Investors know that giving money to charlatans to manage would be disastrous. While giving it to experienced entrepreneurs with knowledge of where and how to start a business is one of the best uses of money.

People with lots of money understand this. That is why Entrepreneurs would always be in demand.

Medical and Biological Sciences

The need for doctors, nurses and healthcare providers would always be with us. So also is the need for experts in the field of biological research.

The health of the world would always rest in the hands of experts in the medical and biological sciences fields. And as the population grows, the world would need more and more people with those qualifications.

Information Technology

This is one of the top 10 courses in demand abroad and the best college degrees for employment. The field of information technology is huge. And it is growing bigger every day at a dizzying speed. In this information age, experts in this field are seriously in high demand. As a matter of fact, there is a shortage of skilled people in many areas of information technology.

To address that shortage, big tech firms and other establishments are investing money in training IT experts. This is because universities are not training enough experts fast enough.

So this is one career that would always be in great demand today and in the foreseeable future.

With these courses, graduates of universities can be sure of getting great jobs to start a great career. However, there are other great courses out there; if you are not passionate about any of these careers, why not get in touch with a professional counselor near you. They would help guide you in a particular direction you need to go taking into consideration your passion and current circumstances.

You can also Find The Best Popular Courses in 2021 HERE.


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Imagine that you are doing a project on what pets people prefer to keep. You have collected some data on the subject (see the diagram below). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

what factors influence the choice of a future career

Essay 2022 Sample 15

ege 2

Comment on the following statement:

A project on what factors influence the choice of a future career in Zetland.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:

  • make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
  • select and report 2-3 facts;
  • make 1-2 comparisons where relevant;
  • outline a problem that can arise with choosing a future career and suggest a way of solving it; 
  • conclude by giving your opinion on how to make a decision about your career. 

pir 1

linking words 1

soch 001 001

Undoubtly, choosing a future career can be stressful and overwhelming for many young people.I am currently working on the project which focuseson studying factors teenagers in Zetland take into consideration when choosing their profession. I have found some relevant data on the subject and I am going to use them in my project.

soch 001 002

According to information provided in the table the majorityof respondents, accounting for more than one third, follow their parents’ advice. The next popular factors are the influence of friends and teachers on teenagers’ choice. The figures are 23%. Surprisingly, very few adolescents focus on other role models.The figure stands at 4%.

soch 001 003

Comparing the data given in the table, it becomes obvious that almost four times more teenagers in Zetland care about parent’s opinion than those who listen to other role models. Other role models seem less popular than media when it comes to choosing a future career. 

soch 001 004

The bar chart clearly illustrates that parents’ suggestionis the main factor for young people to choose their profession. However, some problems can arise with choosing of a future career. One of them is a lack of information about the job market. The possible solution is to provide school leavers with relevant information about job market. другие проблемы >>>>

soch 001 005

Having analyzed the data given in the bar chart, it can be concludedthat different factors affect the choice of choosing a career. In my opinion, young people should follow their peers’ advice when choosing a career because their advice is always useful. All in all, school leavers should research the job market more carefully before choosing their career.

Read by George William Dole


– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;


(вводное предложение)

Undoubtly, choosing a future career can be stressful and overwhelming for many young people.



I am currently working on the project which focuseson studying factors teenagers in Zetland take into consideration when choosing their profession. 



I have found some relevant data on the subject and I am going to use them in my project.

– select and report 2–3 main facts;


(1-е предложение — инфо. из таблицы)

According to information provided in the table the majorityof respondents, accounting for more than one third, follow their parents’ advice.


(2-е предложение — инфо. из таблицы)

The next popular factors are the influence of friends and teachers on teenagers’ choice.


(подтверждение — инфо. из таблицы)

The figures are 23%.


(удивление — самое маленькое значение)

Surprisingly, very few adolescents focus on other role models.The figure stands at 4%.

– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;


(вводное предложение + сравнительная конструкция)

Comparing the data given in the table, it becomes obvious that almost four times more teenagers in Zetland care about parent’s opinion than those who listen to other role models.


(второе предложение + сравнительная конструкция)

Other role models seem less popular than media when it comes to choosing a future career. 




– outline a problem that can arise due to the leisure activities preferred by senior citizens and suggest a way of solving it;


(вводное предложение + обобщение)

The bar chart clearly illustrates that parents’ suggestionis the main factor for young people to choose their profession.


(вводное предложение)

However, some problems can arise with choosing of a future career.


(сама проблема)

One of them is a lack of information about the job market. 


(решение проблемы)

The possible solution is to provide school leavers with relevant information about job market.

– conclude by giving your opinion on the role of leisure activities in life of senior citizens.


(общая фраза)

Having analyzed the data given in the bar chart, it can be concludedthat different factors affect the choice of choosing a career.


(дать пояснение почему я так думаю)

In my opinion, young people should follow their peers’ advice when choosing a career because their advice is always useful. 



All in all, school leavers should research the job market more carefully before choosing their career.





Типичные ошибки встречающиеся при написании сочинения с элементами рассуждения

The world of work is changing quickly. As technology evolves, so do the needs of the job market — and the types of careers in demand for the future. Being prepared for that future starts with understanding the industries with the most potential for tomorrow’s job seekers, the careers within those industries that are in high demand, and the skills you’ll need to thrive on the job.

Information technology professionals at work in a room filled with monitors.

Overall, the U.S. job market is promising; the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a 4% increase in employment between 2019 and 2029. Leading the pack of the best careers for tomorrow’s job seekers are professional roles in healthcare and technology. According to the BLS, jobs in healthcare are growing much faster than average (about 15% across a 10-year period), with similar numbers reported in computer science (15%) and information technology (11%).

Industries Driving the Future Jobs Market

As you look to the future job market, it’s worth paying attention to the technological and social factors driving change and innovation in the economy. For example, the advancement of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) across all industries has eliminated some jobs while making way for others. The expansion of such technologies into businesses not traditionally associated with information technology (IT) is creating new jobs for tech-savvy professionals. Additionally, our country’s aging population has led to increased demand for healthcare services.

If you’re looking to break into a promising industry with good compensation and excellent career growth potential, consider healthcare, data science, and information technology. You’ll find many of the careers in demand for the future within these industries.

Future Careers in Healthcare

As America’s largest employer, the healthcare sector offers exciting — and abundant — career options. Enormous growth in medical spending has accompanied the aging of the U.S. population. Individuals over 55 will make up one-quarter of the workforce by 2025, a significantly higher number than previous years. As that population retires, they will need skilled, compassionate professionals to attend to their care and medical needs. The work of healthcare professionals serving this population will have a central impact on communities throughout the country, now and into the future.

The BLS projects that the healthcare industry will create 2.4 million new jobs between 2019 and 2029, more than any other occupational field. Due to this massive growth, healthcare offers many exciting future careers for those with skill and passion, in addition to attractive wages for aspiring healthcare practitioners. In 2019, healthcare practitioners (such as registered nurses, physicians, surgeons, and dental hygienists) had a median annual salary of $68,190.

Future Careers in Data Science

Forbes predicts that among the many positive changes within the field of data science is an increase in defined career paths. As businesses incorporate data science into their general operations and future planning, new job titles and professional roles will evolve. If you’re an up-and-coming data scientist, this translates to more opportunities across a wider variety of fields.

In the past, data scientists were often limited to specific fields such as finance and technology, but in today’s data-driven world, that’s changing. The current job demand has outpaced the number of new data scientists entering the market. LinkedIn’s 2020 Emerging Jobs Report states that demand for data science roles continues to increase in virtually every industry as businesses look to leverage technology that relies on the actionable insights provided by data science.

Future Careers in Information Technology

If you’re interested in computer hardware and software and in learning how to safely collect, store, and protect data, you may be drawn to a career in information technology. The BLS projects that 531,200 new jobs will be created in this field between 2019 and 2029. Those working in computer and technology occupations had a median annual wage of $88,240 in 2019.

Today’s IT jobs are about much more than helping customers figure out why their computer won’t turn on. If you’re interested in inventing and designing, you may choose to pursue work as a computer and information research scientist. If protecting systems and data is more your style, you might consider work as an information security analyst. Regardless of the particular career path you choose, countless careers in demand for the future exist within the world of IT.

Future High-Demand Jobs

The U.S. economy is growing. In fact, the BLS projects that between 2019 and 2029, employment will grow by 6 million jobs. While many industries are expanding, some sectors stand out, showing a big uptick in job opportunities in recent years.

Industries are preparing for a variety of future high-demand jobs in fields like healthcare, cybersecurity, and data science. If you are interested in a career path in one of these fields, you have a chance to establish yourself in a tech-driven, global marketplace.

Nurse Practitioner

There’s an increasing shortage of skilled doctors in the U.S. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, the U.S. may face a shortage of as many as 139,000 physicians by 2033. As skilled healthcare providers who can support patients’ needs, nurse practitioners help fill that gap.

Nurse practitioners can provide primary, acute, and specialty care. They work in private practices, outpatient clinics, hospital units, urgent care clinics, and community health centers. Opportunities for this position are set for massive growth. Specialists include family nurse practitioners, pediatric nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, and other nursing leadership roles.

According to the BLS, nurse practitioner jobs are projected to grow by about 52% between 2019 and 2029. With a median salary of $109,820, dependent on experience and geographic location, now is a great time for you to begin or advance on the path toward a career as a nurse practitioner. If you are interested, you need education and training. In addition to skills developed in the classroom and during clinical training, a nurse practitioner needs strong active listening skills, sound judgment, clear communication, and deep compassion.

Data Scientist

If you like diving deep into large amounts of data and using that information to develop questions that can help solve business problems, consider pursuing a job in data science. As more and more organizations rely on data to inform their business decisions, demand will continue to grow for people who can collect, clean, and decipher large amounts of data. As a data scientist, you may have the job title of actuary, computer systems analyst, pricing analyst, or business analyst. These roles require knowledge of computer science, statistics, and data modeling, in addition to critical thinking and analytical skills.

According to LinkedIn, demand for data scientists has grown by 37% year over year. And with a median annual salary of $94,280, a data science role is an attractive prospect for anyone seeking a potentially lucrative career in a rapidly growing field.

Information Security Analyst

The global digital infrastructure has expanded to accommodate the flood of internet users and businesses. From cloud services allowing users to host data entirely online to a plethora of apps, databases, and websites, the digital world surrounds us. We are always inventing new ways to connect to services and friends and to do business online. But as our experiences, communications, and transactions become digital, so too has crime. All data stored online is prone to digital attack, which can result in identity theft, destroyed programs, and lost data. That’s why today’s tech-savvy companies rely on the expertise of cybersecurity specialists.

If you’re drawn to the challenge of outsmarting digital threats, many potential job roles fall into the category of cybersecurity. Job titles include information security analyst, chief information security officer, security architect, and information technology security consultant. Another key role is cybersecurity expert; these professionals often specialize in preventing specific types of cyber attacks. And the need for high-level professionals like these spans most industries.

This increasing demand means employers are hunting for qualified candidates. According to the BLS, demand for information security analysts is projected to grow 31% between 2019 and 2029. Now is a strategic time for you to prepare for these future high-demand jobs through the study of IT, programming, systems architecture, and security design.

Preparing for Careers in Demand for the Future

How do you prepare for the many opportunities offered by the careers in demand for the future? It all comes down to gaining the right skills, education, and training to thrive. Research organizations like the McKinsey Global Institute report that “upskilling,” or pursuing ongoing training, will be essential as technology continues to progress. Creating a foundation for lifelong learning is key, whether you are just beginning to consider higher education or returning to school to expand, adapt, and improve your skills.

Maryville University’s online programs are specifically designed to prepare students for the dynamic, in-demand jobs of the future. Find out more about Maryville’s online degrees and where they can take you in healthcare, information technology, data science, and beyond.

Recommended Reading

How to Make a Career Comeback

Machine Learning Engineer vs. Data Scientist: Which Option Is for You?

Nurse Practitioner vs. LPN: Comparing Two Nursing Careers


AAMC, “U.S. Physician Shortage Growing”

Forbes, “How Will Data Science Evolve Over the Next Decade?”

Health Affairs, “Health Care Jobs Projected to Continue to Grow Far Faster Than Jobs in the General Economy”

Kiplinger, “30 of the Best Jobs for the Future”

LinkedIn, “2020 Emerging Jobs Report”

LinkedIn, “Why It’s Really Good to be a Data Scientist Right Now”

National Conference of State Legislatures, National Employment Monthly Update

Phoenix Business Journal, “Skills Employees Will Need in the Future”

PolicyAdvice, “The State of Healthcare Industry — Statistics for 2021”

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Computer and Information Research Scientists

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Computer and Information Technology Occupations

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Healthcare Occupations

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