Chinese vase егэ английский ответы

1) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Languages of the world

What do you think is the most difficult language to learn? Chinese? Japanese? No, it is Basque, the language which ___ (SPEAK) in northwestern Spain and southwestern France.

2) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

It ___ (NOT RELATE) to any other language in the world. In Basque, the name of the language is officially “Euskara”.

3) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

In French, the language is normally called “basque”, though in recent times “euskara” has become common. Spanish has a ___ (GREAT) variety of names for the language than French. Today, it is most commonly referred to as “el vasco”, ”la lengua vasca” or “el euskera”.

4) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Slavery in North America

August 13, 1619 is the date when two and a half centuries of slavery in North America began. On this day the first Africans kidnapped by the Portuguese arrived in the British colony of Virginia and ___ (BUY) by English colonists.

5) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

___ (FOUND) at Jamestown in 1607, the Virginia Colony was home to about 700 people by 1619.

6) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

The first enslaved Africans to arrive there disembarked at Point Comfort, in what ___ (KNOW) today as Hampton Roads.

7) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Most of ___ (THEY) names, as well as the exact number of those who remained at Point Comfort, have been lost to history, but much is known about their journey.

8) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Ottawa’s Parliament Hill

Have you ever been to Ottawa? It’s ___ (CERTAIN) a very beautiful city.

9) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

One of its main ___ (ATTRACT) is Parliament Hill standing high above the Ottawa River.

10) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

There you can see the Neo-Gothic-style Parliament ___ (BUILD) of the last half of the 19th century.

11) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

The most ___ (IMPRESS) construction is the Peace Tower, which divides the House of Commons and the Senate on either side.

12) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

There ___ (TOUR) can also see the Centennial Flame.

13) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

It was lit in 1966 to ___ (SYMBOL) the centenary of the Canadian Confederation. There is also a sculpture garden. Below Parliament Hill, a lovely walk runs alongside the Ottawa River.

14) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


When I was a child I loved visiting my grandmother. I thought her house was as beautiful as a palace. As I grew older the house and garden seemed smaller, but I still loved visiting the old lady. There were so many lovely things to look ___ in the house.

1) out
2) at
3) into
4) about

15) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

I loved her paintings and the old clock, but ___ all I loved a big Chinese vase which stood in the hall.

1) mostly
2) great of
3) greatly
4) most of

16) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

It was ___ than me.

1) higher
2) larger
3) taller
4) greater

17) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

And I couldn’t see ___ it.

1) about
2) around
3) inside
4) outside

18) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

I walked round and round it looking at the beautiful ladies and the birds and flowers and trees, and Grandmother often ___ me stories about these ladies.

1) said
2) spoke
3) talked
4) told

19) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

She said that her grandfather had brought the vase with him when he returned from a long ___ to China.

1) voyage
2) tour
3) hike
4) excursion

20) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

We live in a modern house, and I’m afraid my husband and I often nag at the children. “Don’t make the new carpet dirty, Paul!” “Be careful with the new table, Philip!” Before she died, Grandmother gave me the vase I loved so much. It ___ beautiful in our modern hall. One day I came home from the shop. The boys met me at the door. “I’m as strong as George Bes, Mummy,” said Paul. “I got a goal and I broke the vase.” Philip tried to be more diplomatic than Paul, “It doesn’t really matter, does it? You told us it wasn’t new. You aren’t cross, are you?”

1) looked
2) viewed
3) appeared
4) seemed

A chinese vase егэ английский язык ответы

Уско­рен­ная под­го­тов­ка к ЕГЭ с ре­пе­ти­то­ра­ми Учи. До­ма. За­пи­сы­вай­тесь на бес­плат­ное за­ня­тие!


Задание 40 № 10634

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий (40.1 или 40.2). Укажите его номер и выполните согласно данному плану. В ответе на задание 40 числительные пишите цифрами.

40.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on The most spoken languages. You have collected some data on the subject (see the table below).

Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200−250 words. Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;

— select and report 2−3 main features;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant;

— outline a problem that can arise with the knowledge of different languages and suggest the way of solving it;

— draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of languages in human life

40.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on World population by countries. You have collected some data on the subject (see the diagram below).

Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200−250 words. Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;

— select and report 2−3 main features;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant;

— outline a problem that can arise with the world population and suggest the way of solving it;

— draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of world population

40.1. Various languages have prevalence in different parts of the world, making it an interesting and diverse place. However, two people speaking different languages will have trouble communicating with each other. My project, which

I am still working on, is aimed at finding out what languages are considered the most spoken in the world. I have found some data on this issue and organised it in the table below.

I can identify two main features of the statistics presented in the table. The first one is that Chinese is the most spoken language at 918 million speakers worldwide. The second one is that Bengali falls behind other languages on the table with just 300 million speakers.

It is also worth mentioning that English only has 38 million more speakers than Hindi.

In my opinion, the statistics in the table reveal an important problem. Far too few people in the world know English, making communication between people of different cultures more difficult. To solve this problem, world governments should focus more on teaching their citizens this universal language so that more people could talk with someone on the other side of the world and reach an understanding.

In conclusion, I believe that languages are a fascinating tool that makes communication easier, as long as a common language is shared by all sides of a conversation.

40.2. The world population is the number of individuals that are currently alive on the planet. Knowing the world population by countries allows a further understanding of humanities growth as a whole. My project, which I am still working on, is aimed at finding out the world population by countries.. I have found some data on this issue and organized it in the table below

I can identify two main features of the statistics presented in the chart below. The first one is that around 20% of the world population is from China and the other 20% is from India. The second one is that 50 % of the world population comes from other countries in the world excluding the USA, Indonesia, Pakistan and Brazil.

It is also worth mentioning that these four countries mentioned previously represent 2.5% each of the world population.

In my opinion, the statistics in the table reveal an important problem. China and India are the two main countries responsible for the population growth. I think that in order to solve this problem the government should regulate the birth rates of their country and promote adoption.

In conclusion, I believe that the encouragement of adoption in countries like China and India can help prevent the overpopulation of the planet. This can lead to a better quality to those kids that are adopted by a family with better opportunities.


Задание 40 № 10634

A chinese vase егэ английский язык ответы.

En-ege. sdamgia. ru

05.10.2019 23:34:51

2019-10-05 23:34:51


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Английский камянова ответы к упражнениям » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } A chinese vase егэ английский язык ответы

Английский камянова ответы к упражнениям

Английский камянова ответы к упражнениям

Камянова Т. Г. English Grammar Rules & Exercises. Сборник упражнений к основным правилам английской грамматики для школьников с ключами


Автор Камянова Т. Г.
Год Издания 2016
Формат 432 с.
Возраст Школьники
Комплектация Пособие
Производитель Эксмо



Книга содержит краткое описание основных грамматических правил английского языка и 750 разнообразных лексико-грамматических упражнений для формирования и закрепления навыков употребления лексики и грамматики в устной и письменной речи. Упражнения организованы в разделы по частям речи: существительное, артикль, предлог, местоимение, прилагательное, глагол. Имеется также раздел с упражнениями по синтаксису. Все подстановочные упражнения снабжены ответами, позволяющими проверить правильность их выполнения при самостоятельной работе.

Сборник упражнений предназначен для учащихся старших классов и студентов, может быть использован при подготовке к экзаменам, в том числе к ЕГЭ.

Вы можете задать любой интересующий вас вопрос по товару или работе магазина.

Наши квалифицированные специалисты обязательно вам помогут.

Практический курс английского языка. Т. Камянова

Практический курс английского языка. Т. Камянова

Практический курс английского языка, созданный автором на основе 10-летнего опыта преподавания на родине и за рубежом, дает возможность всем Начинающим и Продолжающим изучение овладеть системой языка и навыками вербальной коммуникации в течение 9-12 месяцев. Учебник содержит полный Теоретический курс грамматики, 1000 лексико-грамматических упражнений, а также тексты литературного и политико-экономического характера. Курс предназначен для Изучающих английский язык в лицеях, вузах, на курсах, а также может быть использован для Самостоятельного изучения.

Год выпуска: 2005
Автор: Т. Камянова
Издательство: Дом Славянской Книги
Формат: PDF
Размер: 28,6 Mb

Практический курс английского языка. Т. Камянова

— Фонетика, грамматика, новейший лексический материал
— 1000 упражнений для практики устной и письменной речи
— Тексты английских и американских авторов
— Политика, экономика, история Великобритании и США

Unit 1

А. Согласные звуки и их сочетания. b. Правила чтения согласных и их сочетаний, с. Гласные английского языка в открытом и закрытом слоге, d. Деление гласных фонем на монофтонги и дифтонги, е. Сочетания гласных, образующие монофтонги и дифтонги, f. Сочетания гласных и согласных, g. Ударение в английских словах и предложениях, h. Интонация английского предложения. Exercises

Unit 2
А. Существительные в английском языке. b. Множественное число существительных. с. Артикли в английском языке, d. Указательные местоимения, е. Личные местоимения. f. Глагол to be и его употребление. Text «A College». Exercises

Unit 3
А. Повелительное наклонение (Imperativ). b. Предлоги места и направления (Prepositions of Place and Direction), с. Притяжательные местоимения (Possessive Pronouns), d. Специальные вопросы (Special Questions), е. Альтернативные вопросы (Alternative Questions). Text: «Аn Office». Exercises

Unit 4
А. Настоящее продолженное время (Present Continuous Tense), b. Образование причастия I (Participle I). с. Притяжательный падеж существительных, d. Объектный падеж личных местоимений.
Text: «Lucy Is at the Office». Exercises

Unit 5
A. Настоящее простое (неопределенное) время (Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense).
B. Количественные числительные (Cardinal Numerals). Text: «Lucy Goes Home Alone».

Книга дает возможность всем начинающим и продолжающим изучение овладеть системой языка и навыками вербальной коммуникации

Unit 6
А. Неопределенные местоимения many / (a) few / much / (a) little с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными. Ь. Порядковые числительные (Ordinal Numerals), с. Числительные в функции обстоятельства времени при указании дат и временных интервалов. Text: «A Scraper». Exercises

Unit 7
А. Прошедшее простое (неопределенное) время (Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense). Правильные глаголы (Regular Verbs) и неправильные глаголы (Irregular Verbs), b. Выражение временных интервалов с помощью предлогов past и to. Text: «A Blue Chinese Vase». Exercises

Unit 8
А. Прошедшее продолженное время (Past Continuous Tense), b. Неопределенные местоимения some и any. с. Предлог of для выражения отношения родительного падежа и в значении принадлежности. Text: «Who Breaks, Pays». Exercises

Unit 9
А. Простое будущее время (Future Simple (Indefinite) Tense), b. Выражение запланированного действия в будущем, с. Выражение будущего времени в придаточных предложениях времени и условия с союзами when, if, as soon as, after, till (until), d. Оборот there Is/ there are. Text: «Words of Wisdom». Exercises

Unit 10
А. Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs). Значение и употребление модальных глаголов must, can, may, should, ought to, shall, need и заменяющих их конструкций в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени. Text: «Afterthe Party». Exercises

Unit 11
А. Настоящее совершенное время (Present Perfect). Обстоятельства, употребляемые для
Выражения настоящего совершенного времени. Образование Present Perfect и правила
Его употребления. Ь. Образование причастия II (Participle II). с. Сложные неопределенные
И сложные отрицательные местоимения.
Text: « The Legend of the King and the Old Poet (after W. M. Thackeray).

Учебник содержит полный теоретический курс грамматики, 1000 лексико-грамматических упражнений

Unit 12
А. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий (Degrees of Comparison), b. Образование и употребление сравнительных конструкций, с. Прошедшее совершенное время (Past Perfect), d. Разделительные вопросы. Text: «The Luncheon» (after W. S. Maugham). Exercises

Unit 13
А. Согласование времен (Sequence of Tenses) и правила его употребления. Ь. Косвенная речь (Indirect Speech). Повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи. Специальные и общие вопросы в косвенной речи. Просьбы и приказания в косвенной реми. Приветствия в косвенной речи. с. Будущее простое время в прошедшем (Future In the Past), его образование и употребление. Text: «The Magic Watch» (after Raphael). Exercises

Unit 14
A. Будущее продолженное время (Future Continuous), его образование и употребление.
B. Будущее продолженное время в прошедшем (Future Continuous In the Past), с. Будущее совершенное время (Future Perfect), его образование и употребление, d. Будущее совершенное время в прошедшем (Future Perfect In the Past), е. Возвратные местоимения (Reflexive Pronouns) и случаи их употребления, f. Притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной форме.
Text: « The Yellow Face» (after A. Conan-Doyie). Exercises

Unit 15
А. Страдательный залог (Passive Voice). Употребление страдательного залога. Форма глагола в страдательном залоге. Образование отрицательной и вопросительной формы страдательного залога. Страдательный залог группы Indefinite, Continuous и Perfect. Предлоги by и with для указания кем или посредством чего производится действие. Text: «Тhе Third-Floor Flat» (after A. Christie). Exercises
Tests (Units 2-15).

English Grammar. Грамматика английского языка: теория и практика. Часть II. Упражнения с ключами. Татьяна Камянова — отзыв


English Grammar. Часть 2. Упражнения с ключами

Всем доброго времени суток!

Как и обещала пишу отзыв о второй части курса для углубленного изучения английского, состоящего из двух книг.

Отзыв на первую здесь:

А сейчас расскажу вам о второй.

В первой части нам давалась только теоретическая часть, во второй же — только практическая.

В ней содержаться упражнения ко всем темам, разбираемым в первой.

По сравнению с первой она потоньше — 368 страниц, и подешевле — цена 146грн.




В книге содержаться 700 упражнений, чтобы практиковаться в грамматике и оттачивать использование приобретенных в первой книге знаний, превращая их в навыки.

Эффективнее всего параллельно проходить обе книги — изучил соответствующий раздел в первой — закрепляешь его на практике во второй.

К каждой главе есть свое «подсодержание»:














Распределение количества упражнений по разделам выглядит так:

Числительные — 45 ,
Глаголы — 220 ,

Как видим, глаголу, как самой важной части в английском языке, отводится самое большое количество упражнений.

Так же есть список не правильных глаголов, но к сожалению они даны без транскрипции. Хотя глагол во второй и третьей форме может иметь одинаковое написание, но разное произношение.

В конце книги приведены ключи к упражнениям. Но не ко всем, только к тем, на которых нарисован ключик.

Обе эти книги составляют единый и действенный курс по изучению английского. Конечно вместе они обойдутся вам не дешево, но действительно хороший учебник, который ответит на ваши вопросы и поможет закрепить их на практике — того однозначно стоит.

Так что, советую не пожалеть денег на самообразование и приобрести этих помощников.

А чтобы добиться более объемного эффекта можно дополнительно подключить книгу по произношению например вот эту.

Английский камянова ответы к упражнениям


Автор Камянова Т. Г.
Год Издания 2016
Формат 432 с.
Возраст Школьники
Комплектация Пособие
Производитель Эксмо



Книга содержит краткое описание основных грамматических правил английского языка и 750 разнообразных лексико-грамматических упражнений для формирования и закрепления навыков употребления лексики и грамматики в устной и письменной речи. Упражнения организованы в разделы по частям речи: существительное, артикль, предлог, местоимение, прилагательное, глагол. Имеется также раздел с упражнениями по синтаксису. Все подстановочные упражнения снабжены ответами, позволяющими проверить правильность их выполнения при самостоятельной работе.

Сборник упражнений предназначен для учащихся старших классов и студентов, может быть использован при подготовке к экзаменам, в том числе к ЕГЭ.

Вы можете задать любой интересующий вас вопрос по товару или работе магазина.

Наши квалифицированные специалисты обязательно вам помогут.

Фонетика, грамматика, новейший лексический материал 1000 упражнений для практики устной и письменной речи Тексты английских и американских авторов Политика, экономика, история Великобритании и США.

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Английский язык. День 99 📎 Hey. | Фабрика ЕГЭ 2020 | ВКонтакте » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } A chinese vase егэ английский язык ответы

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фабрика егэ 2020

фабрика егэ 2020

Фабрика ЕГЭ 2020 запись закреплена


Английский язык. День 99


Hey! Today’s task is from the 3rd part of ЕГЭ — 7 предложений, где вам нужно выбрать 1 подходящее слово. Good luck!



When I was a child I loved visiting my grandmother. I thought her house was as beautiful as a palace. As I grew older the house and garden seemed smaller, but I still loved visiting the old lady.
(1) There were so many lovely things to look out / at / into / about in the house.
(2) I loved her paintings and the old clock, but mostly / great of / greatly / most of all I loved a big Chinese vase which stood in the hall.
(3, 4) It was higher / larger / taller / greater than me, and I couldn’t see about / around / inside / outside it.
(5) I walked round and round it looking at the beautiful ladies and the birds and flowers and trees, and Grandmother often said / spoke / talked / told me stories about these ladies.
(6) She said that her grandfather had brought the vase with him when he returned from a long voyage / tour / hike / excursion to China.

We live in a modern house, and I’m afraid my husband and I often nag at the children. “Don’t make the new carpet dirty, Paul!” “Be careful with the new table, Philip!”
(7) Before she died, Grandmother gave me the vase I loved so much. It looked / viewed / appeared / seemed beautiful in our modern hall.
One day I came home from the shop. The boys met me at the door. “I’m as strong as George Bes, Mummy,” said Paul. “I got a goal and I broke the vase.” Philip tried to be more diplomatic than Paul, “It doesn’t really matter, does it? You told us it wasn’t new. You aren’t cross, are you?”


Теория с разбором и правильными ответами — сегодня в 23:00.

Английский язык. День 99


5 I walked round and round it looking at the beautiful ladies and the birds and flowers and trees, and Grandmother often said spoke talked told me stories about these ladies.

Vk. com

08.06.2017 20:26:45

2017-06-08 20:26:45


Https://vk. com/wall-112581425_3128

ЕГЭ–2022, английский язык: задания, ответы, решения. Обучающая система Дмитрия Гущина. » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } A chinese vase егэ английский язык ответы

A chinese vase егэ английский язык ответы

A chinese vase егэ английский язык ответы

Уско­рен­ная под­го­тов­ка к ЕГЭ с ре­пе­ти­то­ра­ми Учи. До­ма. За­пи­сы­вай­тесь на бес­плат­ное за­ня­тие!


Задание 26 № 1198

Образуйте от слова DEFENSE однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Castle Clinton

Castle Clinton was built in the times of Napoleonic wars and great tension between Britain and the US. New York was almost ______ and in a short time five new forts, Castle Clinton among them, were built.

Задание 19 № 1191

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово NAME так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Who really discovered America?

Everybody knows that Christopher Columbus discovered America. However, America ______ after Amerigo Vespucci who explored the eastern coast of South America.

Америка была названа/называют по имени. Past Simple Passive or Present Simple Passive: was/were+V3/Ved or is/are+V3/Ved.

Задание 20 № 1192

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово BE так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Was he really the first to reach the continent? The great Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdal believed that ancient people ______ able to build boats that could cross oceans.

Предложение в прошедшем времени, поэтому глагол тоже в прошедшем времени. Past Simple: was/were, people were.

Задание 21 № 1193

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово LEAVE так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

To test his ideas, Heyerdal decided to build a copy of an ancient Egyptian boat. On May 25, 1969 the boat called Ra ______ a port in Morocco.

В мае 1969 года — простое прошедшее время (Past Simple: V2/Ved).

Задание 22 № 1194

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово SEAMAN так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

On May 17, 1970 Ra with two ______ on board successfully crossed the Atlantic, proving that ancient civilizations had enough skill to reach America long before Columbus.

. с двумя моряками — множественное число seaman-seamen.

Задание 23 № 1195

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово ONE так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Â8. Labor Day is a holiday in honor of workers. On September 5, 188 8 the______ Labor Day parade was held in New York.

Порядковое числительное «первый».

Задание 24 № 1196

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово CARRY так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

20,000 workers marched up Broadway, ______ banners “Labor creates all wealth”. After the parade, there were picnics all around the city.

. маршировали по Бродвею, неся знамена. — Ving.

Задание 25 № 1197

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово MANY так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

The next year even ______ people took part in the celebration. In 1894, Congress made it a national holiday. Today most Americans consider Labor Day the end of the summer. They enjoy the last three-day weekend on the beaches and in the parks.

На следующий год даже больше людей. (many-more).

Задание 27 № 1199

Образуйте от слова ENTERTAIN однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

However, it was never used as a fortress. In 1824, it became a place of public ______ .

Задание 19 № 1191

Задание 26 № 1198

Америка была названа называют по имени.

En-ege. sdamgia. ru

17.12.2017 20:06:31

2017-12-17 20:06:31


Http://en-ege. sdamgia. ru/problem? id=1198

ЕГЭ 2020 английский язык — 3312 — Ответы » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } A chinese vase егэ английский язык ответы

ЕГЭ-3312 — Ответы

ЕГЭ-3312 — Ответы

When I was a child I loved visiting my grandmother. I thought her house was as beautiful as a palace. As I grew older the house and garden seemed smaller, but I still loved visiting the old lady. There were so many lovely things to look __At__ in the house.

I loved her paintings and the old clock, but __Most_of__ all I loved a big Chinese vase which stood in the hall. It was __Taller__ than me, and I couldn’t see __Inside__ it. I walked round and round it looking at the beautiful ladies and the birds and flowers and trees, and Grandmother often __Told__ me stories about these ladies. She said that her grandfather had brought the vase with him when he returned from a long __Voyage__ to China.

We live in a modern house, and I’m afraid my husband and I often nag at the children. “Don’t make the new carpet dirty, Paul!” “Be careful with the new table, Philip!”

Before she died, Grandmother gave me the vase I loved so much. It __Looked__ beautiful in our modern hall.

One day I came home from the shop. The boys met me at the door. “I’m as strong as George Bes, Mummy,” said Paul. “I got a goal and I broke the vase.” Philip tried to be more diplomatic than Paul, “It doesn’t really matter, does it? You told us it wasn’t new. You aren’t cross, are you?”

You told us it wasn t new.

American-center-krasnodar. ru

17.10.2020 15:09:26

2020-10-17 15:09:26


Http://american-center-krasnodar. ru/ege_3312a/

Chinese Vase | Сочинения на английском языке » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } A chinese vase егэ английский язык ответы

Chinese Vase

Chinese Vase

When I was a child I often went to see my grandmother. I thought her house was as beautiful as a palace and the garden seemed bigger than a park. As I grew older the house and garden seemed smaller but I still loved visiting the old lady. There were so many beautiful things in the house. Sometimes I played with the doll’s house, which was older than Grandmother, herself; at other times I looked at books which were more interesting than my children’s books at home. I loved her pictures and the old clock, but most of all I loved a big Chinese vase which stood in the hall. It was taller than I was, and I could not see inside it. I walked round and round it looking at the beautiful ladies and the birds and flowers and trees, and grandmother often told me stories about these ladies.

When I married I took my two sons to visit their great-grandmother. They didn’t like the beautiful books and the vase as I did. They preferred playing football in the garden. Before she

One day I came home from the shops. Two small boys met me at the door. They looked guilty. Paul had a ball in his hands. “I’m as strong as George Best, Mummy”, he said. “I got a goal and I broke the vase”. Philip tried to be more diplomatic than Paul is. “It doesn’t really matter, does it? You told us it wasn’t new”.

Mark each true statement “T” and each false statement “F”.

When I was a small boy I often went to see my grandmother. The grandmother s house looked like a. palace. The doll’s house was very old. I hadn ‘t got anything to play with. The most interesting thing for me was the old clock. A big Chinese vase was very tall and covered with different pictures. The Chinese vase left in the grandmother s house. The boys preferred not to play football but read books. I was met at the door by my sons. The boys looked guilty because they had broken the vase.

I got a goal and I broke the vase.

Ukrtvir. com. ua

24.02.2020 16:35:11

2020-02-24 16:35:11


Http://ukrtvir. com. ua/chinese-vase/

When I was a child, I loved visiting my grandmother. I thought her house was as beautiful as a palace and the garden seemed bigger than a park.

As I grew older the house and garden seemed smaller, but I still loved visiting the old lady. There were so many lovely things to look at in the house.

Sometimes I played with the doll’s house which was older than grandmother herself; at other times I looked at books which were lovelier and more interesting than my children’s books at home.

I loved her paintings and the old clock, but most of all I loved a big Chinese vase which stood in the hall. It was taller than me, and I couldn’t see inside it. I walked round and round it looking at the beautiful ladies and the birds and flowers and trees, and Grandmother often told me stories about these ladies. She said that her grandfather had brought the vase with him when he returned from a long voyage to China.

When I married, I took my two sons to visit their great-grandmother. They were not as interested as I was in the beautiful books and the vase. They find comics as attractive as old paintings, and pop music more exciting than the old clock. They preferred playing football in the garden.

We live in a modern house, and I’m afraid my husband and I often nag at the children. “Don’t make the new carpet dirty, Paul!” “Be careful with the new table, Philip!”

Before she died, Grandmother gave me the vase I loved so much. It looked beautiful in our modern hall.

One day I came home from the shops. The boys met me at the door. “I’m as strong as George Bes, Mummy,” said Paul. “I got a goal and I broke the vase”.

Philip tried to be more diplomatic than Paul. “It doesn’t really matter, does it? You told us it wasn’t new. You aren’t cross, are you?”


after O. Henry

Miss Martha Meacham kept the little bakery on the corner. Miss Martha was forty, she possessed two false teeth and a sympathetic heart.

Two or three times a week a customer came in whom she began to take an interest. He was a middle-aged man, wearing spectacles and a brown beard. He spoke English with a strong German accent His clothes were worn and darned in places. But he looked neat, and had very good manners. He always bought two loaves of stale bread. Fresh bread was five cents a loaf. Stale ones were two for five. Never did he call for anything but stale bread.

Once Miss Martha saw a red and brown stain on his fingers. She was sure then that he was an artist and very poor. No doubt he lived in a garret where he painted pictures and ate stale bread and thought of the good things to eat in Miss Martha’s bakery.

Often when Miss Martha sat down to her chops and light rolls and jam and tea, she would sigh and wish that gentle-mannered artist might share her tasty meat instead of eating the dry crusts’ in his garret. Miss Martha’s heart was a sympathetic one.

In order to test her theory as to his occupation, she brought from her room one day a painting that she had bought at a sale.It was a Venetian scene. A marble palace stood in the foreground. For the rest there were gondolas, clouds and sky.

Two days later the customer came in.

“Two loaves of stale bread, if you please,” he said. “You have here a fine picture, madam,” he continued. “Yes?” said Miss Martha. “You think it is a good picture?”

“The palace,” said the customer, “is not well drawn; its perspective is not true.” He took his bread and went out. Yes, he must be an artist. Miss Martha took the picture back to her room.

The customer kept on buying stale bread. Never a cake, never a pie, never any fresh bread. She thought he began looking thinner and discouraged. She wanted to add something good to eat to his purchase. But she dared not. She knew the pride of artists.

Miss Martha began to dress better and look after her complexion.

One day the customer came in for his stale loaves. While Miss Martha was reaching for them, a fire-engine came past. He ran to the door to look.

Suddenly inspired, Miss Martha seized the opportunity. On the bottom shelf behind the counter was a pound of fresh butter she had bought ten minutes before. With a bread-knife Miss Martha made a deep cut in each of the stale loaves, put a great quantity of butter inside and pressed them together. When the customer turned once more, she was tying the paper around them.

For a long time that day she thought about him and imagined his surprise and pleasure at discovering the butter in the loaves.

Suddenly the front doorbell tinkled furiously. Somebody was coming in, making a great deal of noise. Miss Martha hurried to the door. Two men were there. One was a young man she had never seen before. The other was her artist. His face was very red, his hat was on the back of his head, his hair in disorder. He clenched his two fists and shook them at Miss Martha shouting: “Blockhead, old cat, you have ruined me!” His young companion took him by the collar.

“Come on,” he said, “you have said enough,” and pulled the angry one out of the bakery.

“I think you must be told, ma’am,” he said, “what it is all about. This gentleman’s name is Blumberger. He’s an architectural draughtsman. I work in the same office with him. He has been working hard for three months drawing a plan for a new city-hall. It was a prize competition. He finished inking the lines yesterday. You know, a draughtsman always makes his drawing in pencil first. When it’s done, he rubs out the pencil lines with handfuls of stale breadcrumbs. That’s better than India rubber. Blumberger has been buying the bread here. Well, today … you know, ma’am, that butter isn’t … well, Blumberger’s plan isn’t good for anything now, except to cut up into railroad sandwiches.”

Miss Martha went to the back room. She took off her blue silk blouse and put on the old brown blouse she used to wear.

Важнейшие способы обработки и анализа рядов динамики Не во всех случаях эмпирические данные рядов динамики позволяют определить тенденцию изменения явления во времени…

ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ МЕХАНИКА Статика является частью теоретической механики, изучающей условия, при ко­торых тело находится под действием заданной системы сил…

Теория усилителей. Схема Основная масса современных аналоговых и аналого-цифровых электронных устройств выполняется на специализированных микросхемах…

Логические цифровые микросхемы Более сложные элементы цифровой схемотехники (триггеры, мультиплексоры, декодеры и т.д.) не имеют…

I was a child I often went to see my grandmother. I thought her house
was as beautiful as a palace and the garden seemed bigger than a
park. As I grew older the house and the garden seemed smaller but I
still loved visiting the old lady. There were so many beautiful
things in the house.

I played with the doll’s house which was older than grandmother
herself; at other times I looked at books which were more interesting
than my children’s books at home. I loved her pictures and the old
clock, but most of all I loved a big Chinese vase which stood in the
hall. It was taller than I, and I couldn’t see inside it. I walked
round and round it looking at the beautiful ladies, and the birds and
flowers and trees, and grandmother often told me stories about these
ladies. After I was married I took my two sons to visit their great
grandmother. They didn’t like the beautiful books and the vase as I
did. They preferred playing football in the garden.

she died, grandmother gave me the vase I loved so much. It looked
beautiful in our modern hall. One day I came home from the shops. My
sons met me at the door. They looked guilty. Paul had a ball in his
hands. “I am as good as George Best, Mummy”, he said. “I got a
goal and I broke the vase.”

tried to be more diplomatic than Paul. “It doesn’t really matter,
does it? You told us it wasn’t new.”

statements are true
or false.

1. When
I was a child I often went to see my aunt.

2. As
I grew older the house and the garden seemed smaller.

3. Sometimes
I played chess with grandmother.

4. At
other times I looked at books which I liked.

5. I
loved the jewelry and old marble.

6. Most
of all I loved a big Chinese vase.

the correct answer.

1. What
pictures were on the vase?

stones b)
dragons c)
ladies, birds and

2. What
stories did grandmother tell?

about trees b)
about ladies c)
about dragons

3. How
many sons did the author have?

two sons b)
the only son c)
two daughters

4. What
was the boys’
attitude to the house?

they liked it b)
they disliked it c)
they were indifferent

5. What
did the boys prefer?

to play football
to play chess c)
to read books

6. What
did grandmother give the granddaughter before her death?

the ring b)
the books c)
the vase

the sentences.

1. The
vase looked beautiful

in our modern hall. b)
in our bedroom. c)
in our livingroom.

2. One
day the lady came home

from the circus. b)
from the shops. c)
from the theatre.

3. Her
sons met her …

at the door. b)
near the gate. c)
in the garden.

4. The
boys looked …

glad. b)
guilty. c)

5. In
his hands Paul had

a pen. b)a
cat. c)
a ball.

6. He
said that he …

lost money. b)
broke the window. c)
broke the vase.

The king who wanted to be an artist

was a king who thought that he could paint very well. His pictures
were bad, but the people to whom he showed them were afraid of the
king. They all said that they liked his pictures very much.

day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his
country and asked: “I want to know what you think of my pictures.
Do you like them? Am I a good painter or not?”

painter looked at the king’s pictures and said: “My king. I think
that your pictures are bad, and that you will never be a good

king got very angry and sent the painter to prison.

two years the king wanted to see the painter again. “I was angry
with you,” he said, “because you did not like my pictures. Now
forget all about it. You are a free man again and I am your friend.”

many hours the king talked with the painter, and even asked him to
dine. After dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter and
asked: “Well, how do you like them now?”

painter did not
anything. He turned to the solider standing near him and said: “Take
me back to prison.”

are true
or false.

1. There
was a king who thought he couldn’t
paint at all.

2. His
pictures were very bad.

3. People
loved the king and were not afraid of him.

4. They
said they liked his pictures.

5. One
day the king showed his pictures to the magician.

6. The
great painter said that his pictures were bad.

the correct answer.

1. What
was the king’s
reaction on his word?

he got angry b)
he got happy c)
he got surprised

2. Where
did he send
the painter?

to the mountains b)
to prison c)
to the resort

3. How
much time passed?

two month b)
five years c)
two years

4. What
did the king want after two years?

to see the
painter b)
to kill the
painter c)
to exile the painter

5. What
did he ask the painter?

to be glad b)
to forget all c)
to forgive

6. What
did he say to the painter?

he was his
friend b)
he was his enemy c)
he was his adviser

the sentences.

1. The
king talked with the painter

for two days. b)
for hours. c)
for the whole night.

2. He
invited the painter

to dine with him. b)
to run with him. c)
to dance.

3. After
dinner the king

showed his jewels. b)
showed his clothes. c)
showed his pictures.

4. He
asked the painter again if

he liked his pictures. b)
he liked his pets . c)
he liked his palace.

5. The
painter looked at the king and

went away.
didn’t say anything. c)
said what
he thought.

6. He
asked the soldier
to take him …

home. b)
to the park. c)
back to prison.

When I was a child I often went to see my grandmother. I thought her house was as beautiful as a palace and the garden seemed bigger than a park. As I grew older the house and garden seemed smaller but I still loved visiting the old lady. There were so many beautiful things in the house. Sometimes I played with the doll’s house, which was older than Grandmother, herself; at other times I looked at books which were more interesting than my children’s books at home. I loved her pictures and the old clock, but most of all I loved a big Chinese vase which stood in the hall. It was taller than I was, and I could not see inside it. I walked round and round it looking at the beautiful ladies and the birds and flowers and trees, and grandmother often told me stories about these ladies.

When I married I took my two sons to visit their great-grandmother. They didn’t like the beautiful books and the vase as I did. They preferred playing football in the garden. Before she

died, grandmother gave me the vase I loved so much. It was beautiful in our modern hall.

One day I came home from the shops. Two small boys met me at the door. They looked guilty. Paul had a ball in his hands. “I’m as strong as George Best, Mummy”, he said. “I got a goal and I broke the vase”. Philip tried to be more diplomatic than Paul is. “It doesn’t really matter, does it? You told us it wasn’t new”.

Mark each true statement “T” and each false statement “F”.

When I was a small boy I often went to see my grandmother. The grandmother s house looked like a. palace. The doll’s house was very old. I hadn ‘t got anything to play with. The most interesting thing for me was the old clock. A big Chinese vase was very tall and covered with different pictures. The Chinese vase left in the grandmother s house. The boys preferred not to play football but read books. I was met at the door by my sons. The boys looked guilty because they had broken the vase.

Chinese Vase


This is a chinese vase, be careful


Дружище огромное тебе спасибо.


Тут ещё 3 осталось

It is so
(fog) we cannot see anything.

What do we have for breakfast? I’m very

foggy туманно

hungry голоден

It’s very cold today and everything is (ice)

icely типа заледенело

Ещё раз огромное спасибо. Я бы промучился с этими словами до ночи

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