City living егэ ответы



Фоменко Е.А., Бодоньи М.А. и др_ЕГЭ-2014  

Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В11-В16 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 08 (part 2)



Humans have lived together in cities since ancient times, but even in 1800 urban areas were home to just 3 per cent of the world’s population.

The __________________ explosion of urbanization that accompanied the Industrial Revolution saw that figure rise 15 per cent in the space of 100 years.



The cause of the _______________ growth of cities from the 19th century onwards is the ascendancy of industry over agriculture.



The mechanization of agriculture and the abolition of serfdom in Europe left an excess of labour in rural areas, and that labour force flooded into the cities when the Industrial Revolution provided a new form of __________________ in the shape of factories and workshops.



By 1900, nine European cities had more than a million inhabitants: London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, St Petersburg, Manchester, Birmingham, Moscow and Glasgow. However, the __________________ of people – even in industrialized nations – still lived in the country.



For many people life in cities was often _________________.



Food supply and sanitation were often so bad that the high mortality rate kept city growth __________________ slow


Задание №8851.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

Beautiful cities of Italy

The political and cultural centre of Italy is the ‘Eternal City’, Rome. Ever since the Roman Empire, as its capital, Rome has become famous as a centre of European culture. The most striking sights of Rome are, of course, the Colosseum and the Forum. Once the Colosseum was able to receive about 50 thousand spectators, ___ (A) and concert halls. The Pantheon, the old temple of all gods, ___ (B), is also located in Rome.

The second most important town in Italy is Milan. Milan is the capital of fashion and ___ (C), exhibitions and conferences. The main attraction of Milan is its Cathedral Square, where the monument to the King Victor Emmanuel II is installed. Theatre fans will not be left disappointed by visiting the Theatre of La Scala.

The most popular city among tourists is Venice. The city is unique because it has more than 120 islands, ___ (D) and 400 bridges. Venice has been known for more than fifteen hundred years, and for ___ (E). The main area of the city is Saint Mark’s Square with the Cathedral of San Marco. One of the most beautiful buildings in Venice is the Palace of Doges. The other famous attraction is the Grand Canal ___ (F).

In addition to this, there are such beautiful cities in Italy as Naples, Turin, Florence, Genoa, Pisa and the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. All of the mare outstanding places to visit.

1. that is the largest in Venice
2. which was built in the early I century
3. that everyone is dreaming about this trip
4. which is comparable with modern stadiums
5. which are сonnected by more than 150 canals
6. the venue for major international festivals
7. that time it produced a lot of attractions


Пропуску A соответствует часть текста под номером 4.
Пропуску B соответствует часть текста под номером 2.
Пропуску C соответствует часть текста под номером 6.
Пропуску D соответствует часть текста под номером 5.
Пропуску E соответствует часть текста под номером 7.
Пропуску F соответствует часть текста под номером 1.

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Источник: ФИПИ. Открытый банк тестовых заданий

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Тест с похожими заданиями

In a certain city there lived a physician who sold yellow paint. This was of so singular a virtue that whoever was painted with it from head to heel was set free from the dangers of life, the bondage of sin, and the fear of death for ever. So the physician said in his prospectus; and so said all the citizens in the city; and there was nothing more urgent in men’s hearts than to be properly painted themselves, and nothing they took more delight in than to see others painted.

There was in the same city a young man of a very good family but of a somewhat reckless life, who had reached the age of manhood, and would have nothing to say to the paint. ‘Tomorrow was soon enough,’ said he; and when the morrow came he would still put it off. He might have continued to do until his death; only, he had a friend of about his own age and much of his own manners; and this youth, taking a walk in the public street, with not one fleck of paint upon his body, was suddenly run down by a water-cart and cut off in the heyday of his nakedness. This shook the other to the soul; so that I never beheld a man more earnest to be painted; and on the very same evening, in the presence of all his family, to appropriate music, and himself weeping aloud, he received three complete coats and a touch of varnish on the top. The physician (who was himself affected even to tears) protested he had never done a job so thorough. .

Some two months afterwards, the young man was carried on a stretcher to the physician’s house. ‘What is the meaning of this?’ he cried, as soon as the door was opened. ‘I was to be set free from all the dangers of life; and here have I been run down by that self-same water-cart, and my leg is broken.’ ‘Dear me!’ said the physician. ‘This is very sad. But I perceive I must explain to you the action of my paint. A broken bone is a mighty small affair at the worst of it; and it belongs to a class of accident to which my paint is quite inapplicable. Sin, my dear young friend, sin is the sole calamity that a wise man should apprehend; it is against sin that I have fitted you out; and when you come to be tempted, you will give me news of my paint.’

‘Oh!’ said the young man, ‘I did not understand that, and it seems rather disappointing. But I have no doubt all is for the best; and in the meanwhile, I shall be obliged to you if you will set my leg.’ ‘That is none of my business,’ said the physician; ‘but if your bearers carry you round the corner to the surgeon’s, I feel sure he will afford relief.’

Some three years later, the young man came running to the physician’s house in a great perturbation. ‘What is the meaning of this?’ he cried. ‘Here was I to be set free from the bondage of sin; and I have just committed forgery, arson and murder.’ ‘Dear me,’ said the physician. ‘This is very serious. Off with your clothes at once.’ And as soon as the young man had stripped, he examined him from head to foot. ‘No,’ he cried with great relief, ‘there is not a flake broken. Cheer up, my young friend, your paint is as good as new.’

‘Good God!’ cried the young man, ‘and what then can be the use of it?’ ‘Why,’ said the physician, ‘I perceive I must explain to you the nature of the action of my paint. It does not exactly prevent sin; it extenuates instead the painful consequences. It is not so much for this world, as for the next; it is not against life; in short, it is against death that I have fitted you out. And when you come to die, you will give me news of my paint.’

‘Oh!’ cried the young man, ‘I had not understood that, and it seems a little disappointing. But there is no doubt all is for the best: and in the meanwhile, I shall be obliged if you will help me to undo the evil I have brought on innocent persons.’ ‘That is none of my business,’ said the physician; ‘but if you go round the corner to the police office, I feel sure it will afford you relief to give yourself up.’

Six weeks later, the physician was called to the town gaol. ‘What is the meaning of this?’ cried the young man. ‘Here am I literally crusted with your paint; and I have broken my leg, and committed all the crimes in the calendar, and must be hanged tomorrow; and I am in the meanwhile in a fear so extreme that I lack words to picture it.’ ‘Dear me,’ said the physician. ‘This is really amazing. Well, well; perhaps, if you had not been painted, you would have been more frightened still.’

ВОПРОС 1. The person who sold yellow paint was
1) a priest.
2) a painter.
3) a scientist.
4) a doctor.

ВОПРОС 2. In paragraph 2 the word ‘reckless’ means
1) unhappy.
2) meaningless.
3) careless.
4) dangerous.

ВОПРОС 3. The young man agreed to be painted because
1) his family had convinced him to do it.
2) he had been run down by a water-cart.
3) his friend was injured by a water-cart.
4) his friend had died in an accident.

ВОПРОС 4. The paint didn’t protect the young man from an injury because
1) it could only be applied to sins.
2) a broken leg was a serious accident.
3) his legs were not painted.
4) he had committed a terrible sin.

ВОПРОС 5. The paint didn’t prevent the young man from committing crimes because
1) some of its flakes were broken.
2) its aim was to smooth over the effect of the sin.
3) it could be applied only to dead people.
4) the consequences could be painful.

ВОПРОС 6. Six weeks later, the physician was called
1) to the town hall.
2) to the town prison.
3) to the town hospital.
4) to the town court.

ВОПРОС 7. The story teaches the readers that
1) they can be set free from the dangers of life.
2) they should only use top quality paint.
3) they should not believe everything they read in the prospectus.
4) nothing can prevent them from committing crimes.

ВОПРОС 1: – 4
ВОПРОС 2: – 3
ВОПРОС 3: – 4
ВОПРОС 4: – 1
ВОПРОС 5: – 2
ВОПРОС 6: – 2
ВОПРОС 7: – 3

I am doing a project on advantages of living in a city in Zetland. I have found some data on the subject. The result of the opinion polls are seen in the table below. I am to comment on the data in the table and give my opinion on the subject of the project.

The table demonstrates a few advantages of a city life and the percentages of the respondents having participated in the questionnaire.

The table indicates a notable difference between work and study opportunities (36%) and sport and art education facilities (7%) offered by city life. 22% of the people have named various entertainment and events as the advantages of life in the city.

Roads and infrastructure and facilities for sports and art education are almost equal (9% and 7% respectively). The first two rows of the table show us that work and study opportunities are of higher importance for the respondents than having modern conveniences (36% and 26%).

In my opinion the problem is rather obvious the cities of Zetland have a lack of sports and art recreation centres to satisfy the demands of the problem in the creation of new sports and art facilities which will help people keep fit and reveal and apply their aesthetic talents.

To conclude, I am sure living in a big city is definitely convenient because it offers good conditions for work, study and entertainment. These opportunities contribute to a comprehensive self-development of any individual.

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Cегодня мы подготовили для вас новую статью «Mexico City ЕГЭ: детальный разбор и ответы». В ней мы уже по традиции рассказываем об особенностях выполнения каждого задания и делимся лайфхаками. 

Скорее читайте, берите на заметку и делитесь со своими друзьями!

Для начала посмотрим на сам текст «Mexico City ЕГЭ», который представлен на сайте ФИПИ.

mexico city егэ

A32. В данном задании правильным будет make headquarters – сделать штаб-квартирой, превратить в штаб-квартиру, только в форме Past Simple made headquarters.

The hotels were full but, fortunately, Kevin owned a country house just outside the city which we 32 ______ our headquarters.

  • did
  • made
  • kept
  • used

Ответ: made

А33. Подобные задания мы уже разбирали, поэтому совсем кратко обоснуем выбор глагола say в качестве правильного ответа.

I must 33 ______ that when Kevin decided to move he moved fast.

  • speak
  • talk
  • say
  • tell

Здесь нет прямого дополнения, свойственного для tell: tell smb. Нет и предложного дополнения to, которое характерно для speak и talk. А вот say не требует всего этого.

Более подробно о разнице между say, tell, speak, talk мы писали здесь. Также мы подготовили тест на эту тему. Обязательно потренируйтесь!

Ответ: say

А34. Чтобы правильно выполнить это задание, необходимо посмотреть на слово после пропуска, где мы видим предлог in, который всегда сопровождает глагол succeed.

Like a good general, he marshalled his army close to the point of impact; he spent a small fortune on telephone calls and 34 ______ in getting all we needed for the expedition in the shortest time possible.

  • managed
  • achieved
  • fulfilled
  • succeeded

Об особенностях синонимичных глаголов manage, achieve, fulfill, succeed вы можете прочесть здесь. И, как обычно, мы подготовили для вас тест, чтобы вы могли потренироваться.

Ответ: succeeded

А35. Давайте разбираться во фразовых глаголах.

My job was a good one and I hated to give it 35 ______ unceremoniously, but Kevin was pushing hard.

  • to
  • on
  • in
  • up

give to – разрешить кому-то сделать что-то
give in – сдавать (например, письменную работу), уступать, сдаваться
give up – отказываться, бросать (о занятии, привычке)

My job was a good one and I hated to give it up unceremoniously, but Kevin was pushing hard. — Мне нравилась моя работа, и я не хотел просто так от нее отказываться, но Кевин упорно настаивал на этом.

Ответ: up

А36. Еще одно задание на популярный синонимичный ряд: see, look, watch, glance. Более подробно о них вы найдете здесь. Также вы можете потренироваться в их использовании и выполнить тест.

I 36 ______ my boss and he was good enough to give me six months’ leave of absence.

  • looked
  • glanced
  • saw
  • watched

Прежде всего посмотрим на слова после пропуска. Там мы видим беспредложное дополнение my boss. Следовательно, глаголы look и glance отпадают, так как после них должен стоять предлог at. Остаются watch и see. Первый глагол обычно используется применительно к TV, a film, a match, поэтому тоже исключаем его. Остается see.

Ответ: see

A37. Снова задание на фразовые глаголы с первым компонентом look. Давайте посмотрим, что они означают.

Yet I think that going to Yucatan could be understood as looking 37 ______ my father’s estate.

  • down
  • after
  • into
  • back

look down — опустить взгляд (look down on smb – смотреть свысока на кого-либо)
look after — присматривать, ухаживать, следить за
look into — заглянуть в , разобраться с чем-то
look back — оглядываться, вспоминать прошлое

Yet I think that going to Yucatan could be understood as looking after my father’s estate. — Тем не менее, я думаю, что поездка на Юкатан может рассматриваться как присмотр за отцовским поместьем.

Ответ: after

A38. Переведем все четыре глагола и подставим в предложение с пропуском.

Will I 38 ______ it in the future?

  • appologize
  • regret
  • disappoint
  • dissatisfy

apologize for smth — просить прощения за что-то
regret — сожалеть
disappoint — разочаровать
dissatisfy — не устраивать

Сразу убираем apologize, так как он требует предлога for, которого в имеющемся предложении нет. Disappoint и dissatisfy не подходят по смыслу. Остается только regret.

Will I regret it in the future? — Буду ли я сожалеть об этом в будущем?

Ответ: regret

Множество тематических тестовых заданий из раздела 32-38 вы можете найти в нашей рубрике «Задания 32-38». А еще больше подобных разборов ищите в нашей новой рубрике «ФИПИ ответы». Кроме того, проверить знание лексики ЕГЭ вам поможет наш тест.

А за разговорной практикой, подготовкой к ЕГЭ и изучением других непонятных и интересных тем, приглашаем на наши онлайн-занятия. Отправьте заявку и занимайтесь английским в любое удобное вам время.

Разбор следующего текста «Annie» уже совсем скоро. Следите за обновлениями и совершенствуйте свой английский вместе с ABC.

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