Controlled by voice commands smartphones keep an eye on you егэ ответы

Задание №8836.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Controlled by voice commands
2. Smartphones keep an eye on you
3. Manufactures will make changes
4. Disadvantages of smartphones
5. Services for smartphones
6. Computers based on neurons
7. Some computers will disappear
8. Why smartphones are convenient

A. Over the last five years, smartphones have proved that they are immensely capable. They will represent more than 50 per cent of the mobile phone market in 2015. In 10 years, tablets will be archaic. Desktops and laptops, having already begun their slide into antiquity, will soon be nothing more than dusty relics and museum exhibits. The last and only bastion of consumer computing will be the smartphone.

B. Some arguments for a larger device, such as the laptop, may still remain. For example, the interface. The keyboard is still the best way of inputting data, and some activities simply can’t be performed on a 4-inch smartphone screen. Besides, there will always be people who need or want faster computers to speed up their workflow. Supercomputers which do calculations at the speed of nanoseconds are definitely not the size of smartphones.

C. The reasons for keeping a laptop, desktop, or tablet may disappear because Apple and Google have developed speech recognition programs which can replace keyboard input. Usual displays will be replaced by head-up displays or wireless contact lens displays. Brain-computer interfaces will appear in the near future. A solid, immovable screen will not be in the centre of our interaction with multimedia any longer.

D. Just think what it would be like if your smartphone was your only computer. You would always have your computer with you. All of your documents, photos, games, apps, and utilities would always be in your pocket, accessible at any time. If you want to check your messages, watch TV on the train, or edit a photo, just go to the menu. Moreover, you could use your smartphone as a passport or a credit card.

E. With the help of a smartphone and a few apps, you just slide your phone in your pocket before your workout, and let the app track your speed and activity. Smartphones track your movements, and then pass the data off to commercial apps, or helpful services like Google Now. With additional sensors, they constantly monitor your activity and overall health. The dream of wearable computing will become true.

F. There is a worldwide shift to mobile computing. Computers are becoming smaller and more efficient. If smartphones are the only consumer-oriented computers, production lines and equipment have to be updated to meet new requirements. With an atomic computing platform, smartphones would be cheaper and much more capable than they are today. Cloud computing would satisfy needs of those who want faster computers.

G. It is important to develop our brains as well. Computer can do many complex tasks at the same time (“multitasking”) that are difficult for the brain. For example, counting backwards and multiplying two numbers at the same time. However, the brain also does some multitasking using the autonomic nervous system. For example, the brain controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and at the same time it performs mental tasks.


Заголовок 7 (Some computers will disappear. — Некоторые компьютеры исчезнут) соответствует содержанию текста A: «Desktops and laptops, having already begun their slide into antiquity, will soon be…»

Заголовок 4 (Disadvantages of smartphones. — Недостатки смартфонов) соответствует содержанию текста B: «… and some activities simply can’t be performed on a 4-inch smartphone screen.»

Заголовок 1 (Controlled by voice commands. — Управляется голосовыми командами) соответствует содержанию текста C: «… because Apple and Google have developed speech recognition programs…»

Заголовок 8 (Why smartphones are convenient. — Почему смартфоны удобны) соответствует содержанию текста D: «All of your documents, photos, games, apps, and utilities would always be in your pocket…»

Заголовок 2 (Smartphones keep an eye on you. — Смартфоны следят за вами) соответствует содержанию текста E: «… and let the app track your speed and activity.»

Заголовок 3 (Manufactures will make changes. — Производители внесут изменения) соответствует содержанию текста F: «Computers are becoming smaller and more efficient.»

Заголовок 6 (Computers based on neurons. — Компьютеры на основе нейронов) соответствует содержанию текста G: «However, the brain also does some multitasking using the autonomic nervous system.»

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Тест с похожими заданиями

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. 1. Controlled by voice commands 2. Smartphones keep an eye on you 3. Manufactures will make changes 4. Disadvantages of smartphones 5. Services for smartphones 6. Computers based on neurons 7. Some computers will disappear 8. Why smartphones are convenient A. Over the last five years, smartphones have proved that they are immensely capable. They will represent more than 50 per cent of the mobile phone market in 2015. In 10 years, tablets will be archaic. Desktops and laptops, having already begun their slide into antiquity, will soon be nothing more than dusty relics and museum exhibits. The last and only bastion of consumer computing will be the smartphone. B. Some arguments for a larger device, such as the laptop, may still remain. For example, the interface. The keyboard is still the best way of inputting data, and some activities simply can’t be performed on a 4-inch smartphone screen. Besides, there will always be people who need or want faster computers to speed up their workflow. Supercomputers which do calculations at the speed of nanoseconds are definitely not the size of smartphones. C. The reasons for keeping a laptop, desktop, or tablet may disappear because Ap-ple and Go-ogle have developed speech recognition programs which can replace keyboard input. Usual displays will be replaced by head-up displays or wireless contact lens displays. Brain-computer interfaces will appear in the near future. A solid, immovable screen will not be in the centre of our interaction with multimedia any longer. D. Just think what it would be like if your smartphone was your only computer. You would always have your computer with you. All of your documents, photos, games, apps, and utilities would always be in your pocket, accessible at any time. If you want to check your messages, watch TV on the train, or edit a photo, just go to the menu. Moreover, you could use your smartphone as a passport or a credit card. E. With the help of a smartphone and a few apps, you just slide your phone in your pocket before your workout, and let the app track your speed and activity. Smartphones track your movements, and then pass the data off to commercial apps, or helpful services like Goo-gle No-w. With additional sensors, they constantly monitor your activity and overall health. The dream of wearable computing will become true. F. There is a worldwide shift to mobile computing. Computers are becoming smaller and more efficient. If smartphones are the only consumer-oriented computers, production lines and equipment have to be updated to meet new requirements. With an atomic computing platform, smartphones would be cheaper and much more capable than they are today. Cloud computing would satisfy needs of those who want faster computers. G. It is important to develop our brains as well. Computer can do many complex tasks at the same time (“multitasking”) that are difficult for the brain. For example, counting backwards and multiplying two numbers at the same time. However, the brain also does some multitasking using the autonomic nervous system. For example, the brain controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and at the same time it performs mental tasks.

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. Controlled by voice commands

2. Smartphones keep an eye on you

3. Manufactures will make changes

4. Disadvantages of smartphones

5. Services for smartphones

6. Computers based on neurons

7. Some computers will disappear

8. Why smartphones are convenient

A. Over the last five years, smartphones have proved that they are immensely capable. They will represent more than 50 per cent of the mobile phone market in 2015. In 10 years, tablets will be archaic. Desktops and laptops, having already begun their slide into antiquity, will soon be nothing more than dusty relics and museum exhibits. The last and only bastion of consumer computing will be the smartphone.

B. Some arguments for a larger device, such as the laptop, may still remain. For example, the interface. The keyboard is still the best way of inputting data, and some activities simply can’t be performed on a 4-inch smartphone screen. Besides, there will always be people who need or want faster computers to speed up their workflow. Supercomputers which do calculations at the speed of nanoseconds are definitely not the size of smartphones.

C. The reasons for keeping a laptop, desktop, or tablet may disappear because Ap-ple and Go-ogle have developed speech recognition programs which can replace keyboard input. Usual displays will be replaced by head-up displays or wireless contact lens displays. Brain-computer interfaces will appear in the near future. A solid, immovable screen will not be in the centre of our interaction with multimedia any longer.

D. Just think what it would be like if your smartphone was your only computer. You would always have your computer with you. All of your documents, photos, games, apps, and utilities would always be in your pocket, accessible at any time. If you want to check your messages, watch TV on the train, or edit a photo, just go to the menu. Moreover, you could use your smartphone as a passport or a credit card.

E. With the help of a smartphone and a few apps, you just slide your phone in your pocket before your workout, and let the app track your speed and activity. Smartphones track your movements, and then pass the data off to commercial apps, or helpful services like Goo-gle No-w. With additional sensors, they constantly monitor your activity and overall health. The dream of wearable computing will become true.

F. There is a worldwide shift to mobile computing. Computers are becoming smaller and more efficient. If smartphones are the only consumer-oriented computers, production lines and equipment have to be updated to meet new requirements. With an atomic computing platform, smartphones would be cheaper and much more capable than they are today. Cloud computing would satisfy needs of those who want faster computers.

G. It is important to develop our brains as well. Computer can do many complex tasks at the same time (“multitasking”) that are difficult for the brain. For example, counting backwards and multiplying two numbers at the same time. However, the brain also does some multitasking using the autonomic nervous system. For example, the brain controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and at the same time it performs mental tasks.

Опубликовано в категории Английский язык, 13.06.2019

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. 1. Controlled by voice commands 2. Smartphones keep an eye on you 3. Manufactures will make changes 4. Disadvantages of smartphones 5. Services for smartphones 6. Computers based on neurons 7. Some computers will disappear 8. Why smartphones are convenient A. Over the last five years, smartphones have proved that they are immensely capable. They will represent more than 50 per cent of the mobile phone market in 2015. In 10 years, tablets will be archaic. Desktops and laptops, having already begun their slide into antiquity, will soon be nothing more than dusty relics and museum exhibits. The last and only bastion of consumer computing will be the smartphone. B. Some arguments for a larger device, such as the laptop, may still remain. For example, the interface. The keyboard is still the best way of inputting data, and some activities simply can’t be performed on a 4-inch smartphone screen. Besides, there will always be people who need or want faster computers to speed up their workflow. Supercomputers which do calculations at the speed of nanoseconds are definitely not the size of smartphones. C. The reasons for keeping a laptop, desktop, or tablet may disappear because Ap-ple and Go-ogle have developed speech recognition programs which can replace keyboard input. Usual displays will be replaced by head-up displays or wireless contact lens displays. Brain-computer interfaces will appear in the near future. A solid, immovable screen will not be in the centre of our interaction with multimedia any longer. D. Just think what it would be like if your smartphone was your only computer. You would always have your computer with you. All of your documents, photos, games, apps, and utilities would always be in your pocket, accessible at any time. If you want to check your messages, watch TV on the train, or edit a photo, just go to the menu. Moreover, you could use your smartphone as a passport or a credit card. E. With the help of a smartphone and a few apps, you just slide your phone in your pocket before your workout, and let the app track your speed and activity. Smartphones track your movements, and then pass the data off to commercial apps, or helpful services like Goo-gle No-w. With additional sensors, they constantly monitor your activity and overall health. The dream of wearable computing will become true. F. There is a worldwide shift to mobile computing. Computers are becoming smaller and more efficient. If smartphones are the only consumer-oriented computers, production lines and equipment have to be updated to meet new requirements. With an atomic computing platform, smartphones would be cheaper and much more capable than they are today. Cloud computing would satisfy needs of those who want faster computers. G. It is important to develop our brains as well. Computer can do many complex tasks at the same time (“multitasking”) that are difficult for the brain. For example, counting backwards and multiplying two numbers at the same time. However, the brain also does some multitasking using the autonomic nervous system. For example, the brain controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and at the same time it performs mental tasks.

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A) 7B) 4C) 1D) 5E) 2F) 3G) 6

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Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. 1. Controlled by voice commands 2. Smartphones keep an eye on you 3. Manufactures will make changes 4. Disadvantages of smartphones 5. Services for smartphones 6. Computers based on neurons 7. Some computers will disappear 8. Why smartphones are convenient A. Over the last five years, smartphones have proved that they are immensely capable. They will represent more than 50 per cent of the mobile phone market in 2015. In 10 years, tablets will be archaic. Desktops and laptops, having already begun their slide into antiquity, will soon be nothing more than dusty relics and museum exhibits. The last and only bastion of consumer computing will be the smartphone. B. Some arguments for a larger device, such as the laptop, may still remain. For example, the interface. The keyboard is still the best way of inputting data, and some activities simply can’t be performed on a 4-inch smartphone screen. Besides, there will always be people who need or want faster computers to speed up their workflow. Supercomputers which do calculations at the speed of nanoseconds are definitely not the size of smartphones. C. The reasons for keeping a laptop, desktop, or tablet may disappear because Ap-ple and Go-ogle have developed speech recognition programs which can replace keyboard input. Usual displays will be replaced by head-up displays or wireless contact lens displays. Brain-computer interfaces will appear in the near future. A solid, immovable screen will not be in the centre of our interaction with multimedia any longer. D. Just think what it would be like if your smartphone was your only computer. You would always have your computer with you. All of your documents, photos, games, apps, and utilities would always be in your pocket, accessible at any time. If you want to check your messages, watch TV on the train, or edit a photo, just go to the menu. Moreover, you could use your smartphone as a passport or a credit card. E. With the help of a smartphone and a few apps, you just slide your phone in your pocket before your workout, and let the app track your speed and activity. Smartphones track your movements, and then pass the data off to commercial apps, or helpful services like Goo-gle No-w. With additional sensors, they constantly monitor your activity and overall health. The dream of wearable computing will become true. F. There is a worldwide shift to mobile computing. Computers are becoming smaller and more efficient. If smartphones are the only consumer-oriented computers, production lines and equipment have to be updated to meet new requirements. With an atomic computing platform, smartphones would be cheaper and much more capable than they are today. Cloud computing would satisfy needs of those who want faster computers. G. It is important to develop our brains as well. Computer can do many complex tasks at the same time (“multitasking”) that are difficult for the brain. For example, counting backwards and multiplying two numbers at the same time. However, the brain also does some multitasking using the autonomic nervous system. For example, the brain controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and at the same time it performs mental tasks.

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. 1. Controlled by voice commands 2. Smartphones keep an eye on you 3. Manufactures will make changes 4. Disadvantages of smartphones 5. Services for smartphones 6. Computers based on neurons 7. Some computers will disappear 8. Why smartphones are convenient A. Over the last five years, smartphones have proved that they are immensely capable. They will represent more than 50 per cent of the mobile phone market in 2015. In 10 years, tablets will be archaic. Desktops and laptops, having already begun their slide into antiquity, will soon be nothing more than dusty relics and museum exhibits. The last and only bastion of consumer computing will be the smartphone. B. Some arguments for a larger device, such as the laptop, may still remain. For example, the interface. The keyboard is still the best way of inputting data, and some activities simply can’t be performed on a 4-inch smartphone screen. Besides, there will always be people who need or want faster computers to speed up their workflow. Supercomputers which do calculations at the speed of nanoseconds are definitely not the size of smartphones. C. The reasons for keeping a laptop, desktop, or tablet may disappear because Ap-ple and Go-ogle have developed speech recognition programs which can replace keyboard input. Usual displays will be replaced by head-up displays or wireless contact lens displays. Brain-computer interfaces will appear in the near future. A solid, immovable screen will not be in the centre of our interaction with multimedia any longer. D. Just think what it would be like if your smartphone was your only computer. You would always have your computer with you. All of your documents, photos, games, apps, and utilities would always be in your pocket, accessible at any time. If you want to check your messages, watch TV on the train, or edit a photo, just go to the menu. Moreover, you could use your smartphone as a passport or a credit card. E. With the help of a smartphone and a few apps, you just slide your phone in your pocket before your workout, and let the app track your speed and activity. Smartphones track your movements, and then pass the data off to commercial apps, or helpful services like Goo-gle No-w. With additional sensors, they constantly monitor your activity and overall health. The dream of wearable computing will become true. F. There is a worldwide shift to mobile computing. Computers are becoming smaller and more efficient. If smartphones are the only consumer-oriented computers, production lines and equipment have to be updated to meet new requirements. With an atomic computing platform, smartphones would be cheaper and much more capable than they are today. Cloud computing would satisfy needs of those who want faster computers. G. It is important to develop our brains as well. Computer can do many complex tasks at the same time (“multitasking”) that are difficult for the brain. For example, counting backwards and multiplying two numbers at the same time. However, the brain also does some multitasking using the autonomic nervous system. For example, the brain controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and at the same time it performs mental tasks.

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