David hasn t been to school for some time ответы егэ

Задание №9173.
Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А—G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Прослушайте запись дважды.

A. David hasn’t been to school for some time.
B. Paula knew David felt much better.
C. Doctors think David needs a month to recover.
D. David has to read 78 pages from the history book.
E. David thinks the essay task is very hard.
F. Paula will e-mail the article for the biology task to David.
G. Paula agreed to visit David the next day.

Утверждение A B C D E F G
Соответствие диалогу              

Утверждение A (David hasn’t been to school for some time. — Дэвид не ходил в школу какое-то время) соответствует содержанию диалога — True: «I’m so lonely here at home not being able to attend school.»

Утверждение B (Paula knew David felt much better. — Паула знала, что Дэвид почувствовал себя намного лучше) не соответствует содержанию диалога — False: «I hope you are getting better.»

Утверждение C (Doctors think David needs a month to recover. — Врачи считают, что Дэвиду нужен месяц, чтобы выздороветь) не соответствует содержанию диалога — False: «Doctors say I’ll be okay in a few days.»

Утверждение D (David has to read 78 pages from the history book. — Дэвид должен прочитать 78 страниц из учебника истории) не отражено в диалоге — Not stated.

Утверждение E (David thinks the essay task is very hard. — Дэвид считает, что задание на сочинение очень сложное) соответствует содержанию диалога — True: «Take it from me, it does sound impossible.»

Утверждение F (Paula will e-mail the article for the biology task to David. — Паула отправит по электронной почте статью к заданию по биологии Дэвиду) не соответствует содержанию диалога — False: «Don’t panic please. Here you go. I took one for you.»

Утверждение G (Paula agreed to visit David the next day. — Паула согласилась навестить Дэвида на следующий день) не отражено в диалоге — Not stated.

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Тест с похожими заданиями

 Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А1–А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Выберите номера вариантов ответов и нажмите «показать результат» для проверки. Прослушайте запись дважды.


  1. David hasn’t been to school for some time.
    Not stated
  2. Paula knew David felt much better.
    Not stated
  3. Doctors think David needs a month to recover.
    Not stated
  4. David has to read 78 pages from the history book.
    Not stated
  5. David thinks the essay task is very hard.
    Not stated
  6. Paula will e-mail the article for the biology task to David.
    Not stated
  7. Paula agreed to visit David the next day .
    Not stated


Раздел 1. Аудирование

Прослушайте шесть высказываний.Установите соответствие между высказываниями

каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7.

Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой,

только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

    1) Climate can influence national character.

    2) The weather changes according to some objective phenomena.

    3) The stock market depends on weather conditions.

    4) Bad weather can be the result of human behavior.

    5) Wet weather can be good in any season.

    6) Some people have a gift for predicting things.

    7) The weather can affect people’s health and emotions.

Прослушайте интервью. В заданиях А8–А14 укажите номер выбранного

Вами варианта ответа.

A8 Greg believes that his present professional success depends on …

    1)rich experience.

    2)putting pressure on himself.

    3)his happy family life.

A9 Speaking about his past Greg says that he …

    1)was too busy achieving his goals.

    2)was a good family man.

    3)never experienced a failure.

A10 What is said about Dina’s relations with Greg’s children from his previous marriage?

    1)She is friendly with them.

    2)She tries to avoid meeting them.

    3)She doesn’t know anything about them.

A11 Describing his relations with his little daughter, Greg stresses that …

    1)he now has the opportunity to give her enough attention and care.

    2)it is quite difficult to raise a child at his age.

    3)she is brighter and more spiritual than his other children.

A12 In his youth, Greg had a dream to …

    1)act in westerns.

    2)play jazz.

    3)serve in the army.

A13 What does Greg say about his age?

    1)It has no influence on his career.

    2)It has affected his strength and energy.

    3)It makes him think about stopping work.

A14 Which of the following may refer to one of the most important lessons of Greg’s life?

    1)Plan your life and follow your ambitions.

    2)Life cannot be always perfect.

    3)Anger helps to achieve a lot in life.

Раздел 2. Чтение

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G.

Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз.

В задании один заголовок лишний.

1) It had its finest hour                       5) Ideas on sale

2) A long way to popularity                6) Brilliant ideas and brave deeds

3) A stairway to heaven                      7) Borrowed ideas

4) Extraordinary combinations           8) Revolutionary materials

A) Born in 1743, Thomas Jefferson helped shape the new American nation and

also shaped some of the country’s most famous buildings. The twentieth century

architects who designed the circular Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. drew

inspiration from Thomas Jefferson’s architectural ideas. And from where did

Jefferson get his ideas? The Pantheon in Rome! This building with its classical

portico became a model that influenced Western architecture for 2,000 years.

B) Postmodern architecture evolved from the modernist movement, yet

contradicts many of the modernist ideas. Combining new ideas with traditional

forms, postmodernist buildings may startle, surprise, and even amuse. Familiar

shapes and details are used in unexpected ways. Philip Johnson’s AT&T

Headquarters is often cited as an example ofpostmodernism. Like many buildings

in the international style, this skyscraper has a classical facade.

C) The Industrial Revolution in Europe brought about a new trend: the use of

metals instead of wood and stone in construction. Built in 1889, the Eiffel Tower

is perhaps the most famous example of this new use for metal. For 40 years, the

Eiffel Tower measured the tallest in the world. The metal lattice-work, formed

with very pure structural iron, makes the tower both extremely light and able

to withstand tremendous wind forces.

D) By the early 1800s, Belfast had become a major port at the beating heart of

the region’s industry. The launching of the Titanic from the shipways was

attendedby an estimated 100,000 people, showing how important this event

was for Belfast.Many more impressive ships would leave the yard in the coming

years before the decline of the shipbuilding industry began in the 1950s, but the

Titanic marked the zenith of the great shipbuilding era in Belfast.

E) Thomas Andrews was the chief naval architect at the Harland and Wolff

shipyard in Belfast during the early 1900s. He brought the idea of ‘Olympic

class’ ocean liners to life. The most famous of these was Titanic, which he joined

on its first voyage. His actions when the ship sank on 15 April 1912 are believed

to have saved many lives, but at the cost of his own. In his home town of

Comber, the life of Thomas Andrews is commemorated by the Memorial Hall,

opened in 1915.

F) An e-book or “electronic book” is available digitally downloaded, and accessed

through a device such as a computer, a smart phone or, popularly, a portable e-book

reader. In 1971, Michael Hart began storing vast contents of libraries in electronic formats.

Hart named his efforts Project Gutenberg, after the inventor of the printing press. Libraries

were early adopters of the technology. But it took nearly thirty years for the idea of the e-book
to take firm hold with the consumer.

G) The Frankfurt Book Fair is held in October of each year. It usually hosts more than 7,300
exhibitors from 100 countries ranging from Albania to Zimbabwe. For the American book publishing
industry, the Frankfurt Book Fair is predominantly a trade fair, that is, a professional meeting
place for publishers, editors, librarians, book subsidiary rights managers, booksellers, film
producers, authors and many others who are involved in the creation and licensing of book content.

Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания 1–7. В каждом задании

обведите букву A, B, C или D, соответствующую выбранному вами

варианту ответа.

First Train Trip

I must have been about eight when I made my first train trip. I think I was in

second grade at that time.It was midsummer, hot and wet in central Kansas,

and time for my aunt Winnie’s annual vacation from the store, where she

worked as a clerk six days a week. She invited me to join her on a trip to

Pittsburgh, fifty miles away, to see her sister, my aunt Alice.
«Sally, would you like to go there by train or by car?» aunt Winnie asked.

«Oh, please, by train, aunt Winnie, dear! We’ve been there by car three times

Alice was one of my favourite relatives and I was delighted to be invited to her

house. As I was the youngest niece in Mother’s big family, the aunties all tended

tospoil me and Alice was no exception. She kept a boarding house for college

students, a two-storey, brown brick building with comfortable, nicely decorated

rooms at the corner of 1200 Kearney Avenue. She was also a world-class cook,

which kept her boarding house full of young people. It seemed to me that their

life was so exciting and joyful.
Since I’d never ridden a train before, I became more and more excited as the

magic day drew near. I kept questioning Mother about train travel, but she just

said,»Wait. You’ll see.» For an eight-year-old, waiting was really difficult, but

finally the big day arrived. Mother had helped me pack the night before, and my

little suitcase was full with summer sundresses, shorts and blouses, underwear

and pyjamas. I was reading Billy Whiskers, a fantastic story about a goat that

once made a train trip to New York, and I had put that in as well. It was almost

midnight when I could go to bed at last.
We arrived at the station early, purchased our tickets and found our car. I was

fascinated by the face-to-face seats so some passengers could ride backwards.

Why would anyone, I thought, want to see where they’d been? I only wanted to

see what lay ahead for me.
Finally, the conductor shouted, «All aboard!» to the people on the platform. They

climbed into the cars, the engineer blew the whistle and clanged the bell, and we

pulled out of the station.
This train stopped at every town between my home in Solomon and Pittsburgh.

It was known as the «milk train» because at one time it had delivered goods as

well as passengers to these villages. I looked eagerly at the signs at each station.

I’d been through all these towns by car, but this was different. The shaky ride of

the coaches, the soft brown plush seats,the smells of the engine drifting back

down the track and in through the open windows made this trip far more exotic.
The conductor, with his black uniform and shiny hat, the twinkling signals that

told the engineer when to stop and go, thrilled me. To an adult, the trip must

haveseemed painfully slow, but I enjoyed every minute.
Aunt Winnie had packed a lunch for us to eat along the way as there was no

dining car in the train. I was dying to know just what was in that big shopping

bag she carried, but she, too, said, «Wait. You’ll see.» Midway, Aunt Winnie pulled

down her shopping bag from the luggage rack above our seats. My eyes widened

as she opened it and began to take out its contents.
I had expected lunchmeat sandwiches, but instead there was a container of fried

chicken, two hardboiled eggs, bread and butter wrapped in waxed paper, crisp

radishes and slim green onions from Winnie’s garden, as well as rosy sliced

tomatoes. She had brought paper plates, paper cups and some of the «everyday»

silverware.A large bottle of cold tea was well wrapped in a dishtowel; the ice had

melted,but it was still chilly. I cautiously balanced my plate on my knees and ate,

wiping mylips and fingers with a large paper napkin. This was living!
When we had cleaned our plates, Aunt Winnie looked into the bag one more

time. The best treat of all appeared – homemade chocolate cakes! Another cup

of cold tea washed these down and then we carefully returned the remains of

the food and silverware to the bag, which Aunt Winnie put into the corner by her

feet. «Almost there,» said my aunt, looking out of the window at the scenery

passing by. And sure enough, as we pulled into the Pittsburgh station we

immediately caught sight of aunt Alice, waiting for us, a smile like the sun

lighting up her face, arms wide open. We got off the train and she led us past the

taxi rank and the bus stop to her car that was parked near the station.
And all the way to her home she was asking about my impressions of my first

train trip and I could hardly find the words to express all the thrill and excitement

that filled me.

 A15. The first time Sally travelled by train was when she

А) had to move to her aunt Alice.

B) had a summer vacation at school.

C) went to Pittsburgh for the first time in her life.

D) visited her aunt Alice together with aunt Winnie.

A16. Aunt Alice made her living by

А) working as a cook.

B) keeping a boarding house.

C) decorating houses.

D) working as a teacher at college.

A17. Sally was waiting for her first train trip so impatiently that she

А) packed her things long before the trip.

B) lost her appetite a week before the trip.

C) asked her Mother many questions about train trips.

D) couldn’t sleep the night before the trip

A18. Sally didn’t like the idea of riding backwards because

А) it could make her sick.

B) she could miss her station.

C) she could miss the conductor.

D) she wanted to see where she was going.

A19. The trip to Pittsburgh by train seemed so exotic to Sally because

А) she had never travelled so far from her native town.

B) travelling by train was very different from a car ride.

C) she had never travelled in comfort.

D) she had never travelled without her parents.

A20. Sally thought that at lunchtime they would have

А) meat sandwiches.

B) bread and butter with coffee.

C) fried chicken, eggs and vegetables.

D) tea with chocolate cakes.

A21. Aunt Alice was waiting for Sally and aunt Winnie

А) at home.

B) in her car.

C) on the platform.

D) at the bus stop.

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  • Вариант 9





Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. When I have time I cook for my family

2. I don’t mind helping my parents doing things about the house

3. I believe that all house work should be done by parents

4. Despite being busy at school I still try to help my mom about the house

5. I have my specific seasonal duties about the house

6. My parents and I have conflicts because of housework

7. Extra housework prevents me from going out more


Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A. David hasn’t been to school for some time

B. Paula knew David felt much better

C. Doctors think David needs a month to recover

D. David has to read 78 pages from the history book

E. David thinks the essay task is very hard

F. Paula will e-mail the article for the biology task to David

G. Paula agreed to visit David the next day


Вы услышите интервью. В задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Speaking about his background, Nigel says that …

1) He decided to become a pilot at an early age.

2) His family was related to aviation.

3) It took him quite long to understand that he wanted to fly


Вы услышите интервью. В задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


At present, Nigel’s main ambition is to work on …

1) local flights.

2) trans-Atlantic flights.

3) popular international flights.


Вы услышите интервью. В задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


When Nigel decided to get a pilot’s license, he had to …

1) Leave school to work.

2) Change many jobs.

3) Combine work and studies.


Вы услышите интервью. В задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Nigel explains that “to get instrument rating” means to demonstrate the ability to …

1) Operate any type of aircraft.

2) Fly in any weather conditions.

3) Use different equipment on the ground.


Вы услышите интервью. В задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


In order to achieve his aim, Nigel still needs to …

1) Pass a medical test.

2) Gain more flying skills.

3) Choose a suitable airline.


Вы услышите интервью. В задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Nigel can’t get a job with a major airline because …

1) He doesn’t have enough experience.

2) These airlines have stopped hiring new pilots.

3) His pilot’s license is not valid.


Вы услышите интервью. В задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Before he gets enough experience, Nigel is ready to work …

1) For a low salary.

2) With many different people.

3) In faraway places.


p>Установите соответствие заголовков 1–8 абзацам текста А–G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

1. The Number of Followers  5. An Incredible Loss
2. When it Began  6. Not Only a Film Belief
3. Diversity Inside  7. Not a Common Interest
4. A Princess but not an Icon 8. How to Become a Jedi

A. The makers of the “Star Wars” franchise on Monday announced the name of the films’ next installment — “The Last Jedi” — just as “Rogue One” hit $1 billion in global box office. Onscreen, it’s a great time to be a Jedi. But Jedi is also a real-life religion that drew headlines last month when the Charity Commission for England and Wales ruled that it would not grant religious status to the Temple of the Jedi Order, a Jedi church.

B. Interest in the religious potential in “Star Wars” first bubbled up online in the early 1990s, Michael Kitchen, one of several directors of the Temple of the Jedi Order, said in a recent interview. The religion exploded into the mainstream in 2001, when fans in several countries listed Jediism as a religion on their local census. Hundreds of thousands did so. For many, it was a joke. But the phenomenon led others who were serious about Jediism to start considering the possibility of full religious status.

C. The Temple of the Jedi Order isn’t the only Jedi religion. Others exist, and relations among them aren’t always warm. Daniel M. Jones, of Wales, founded the Church of Jediism in 2008 and plans to publish a book of Jedi scripture soon. Mr. Jones stressed that his church had entirely different practices than those developed by the temple, which he described as a fundamentally Christian organization.

D. The number of worldwide practitioners is unclear. In a 2014 interview with the BBC, Beth Singler, a Cambridge University researcher, estimated the number of serious adherents to Jediism in England at roughly 2,000.By more recent research, this number has doubled.

E. Anyone can make an account online and then begin the initiate program to join the religion. The eight-step program includes lessons on the value of myth, world religions and tips on interacting in a forum-based community. After completing the program, initiates begin to work one-on-one with a mentor.

F. Many Jedi are “Star Wars” aficionados and come to the religion through a love for the film franchise. But some have never seen the films, said Brenna West, a temple spokeswoman. Ms. West herself is a big “Star Wars” fan.

G. Ms. West said that members of the temple did not view Ms. Fisher (the late actress who was starring in the films) as a religious icon but that many did admire her. “She did undertake a journey, both as Princess Leia and in real life,” Ms. West said. “But anyway we separate the profession and what we believe in, so it would be not right to say that Ms Fisher was an object of worship.”


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу

A 16-page note about a fairytale told to Mark Twain’s daughters is to be published this year, A ________________.

The Purloining of Prince Oleomargarine is based on handwritten notes by Twain of a story B _______________. In the story, a young boy C ____________recruits some creatures to help him save a kidnapped prince.

The long-lost tale has been completed and illustrated by author and illustrator team Philip and Erin Stead. Publisher Doubleday said D __________________ in the face of tyranny, with sharply drawn satire and touching pathos.

A scholar spotted the story in 2011 among archive materials E _____________at the University of California at Berkeley.

Although Twain told his young daughters countless bedtime stories, made up on the spot as they requested them, it is believed that F_____________.

1. who can talk to animals

2. told to his young daughters one night in Paris in 1879

3. this was the only time he recorded one

4. the tale explores themes of charity, kindness, and bravery

5. on the 150th anniversary of the Huckleberry Finn author’s first book

6. when he visited the Mark Twain Papers and Project

7. and is as good as his famous novels


Прочитайте текст и выполните заданиt. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Every January, Angela Ceberano sets goals for the 12 months ahead. And on Sunday nights, she plans and organises the coming week.But instead of spreadsheets and fancy smartphone apps, the Melbourne, Australia-based founder of public relations firm Flourish PR, uses notepads, an old-fashioned diary, coloured pens and a stack of magazines. With these, she brainstorms, makes lists and creates a vision board.

Ceberano is anything but a technophobe. A digital native with a strong social-media presence, she splits her time between traditional and new media, and between Australia and San Francisco, where some of her start-up clients are based.

“Sometimes, I just want to get rid of all the technology and sit down in a quiet space with a pen and paper,” she says. “There are so many apps out there and I feel like no app gives me everything that I need. I’ve tried and really given them a go, doing those to-do lists of having your priorities or brain storming using lots of different apps … [but] when I get a pen and paper, or when I’m using my old-fashioned diary and pen, it just feels more flexible to me. I can always pull it out. I can focus.”

She’s not alone. A quick scan of social media illustrates a quiet return to the humble charms of stationery and lettering. Many people are using cursive writing and colouring in to help organise their lives or work on certain goals — whether it’s fitness, finances, or fast-tracking their careers. And, despite the proliferation of apps, other back-to-basics ideas have gained popularity online.

Science suggests these traditional types might be on to something. While technology can certainly provide an edge for certain tasks, digital overload is a real and growing concern. A 2010 study by the University of California at San Diego suggests we consume nearly three times as much information as we did the 1960s. And a report by Ofcom in the UK says that 60% of us consider ourselves addicted to our devices, with a third of us spending longer online each day than we intend. So are we doing too much, and are our screens too distracting? Possibly.

Other findings show that pen and paper have an edge over the keyboard. Research by Princeton University and the University of California at Los Angeles, published in 2014, showed that the pen is indeed mightier than the keyboard. In three studies, researchers found that students who took notes on laptops performed worse on conceptual questions than students who took notes longhand. Those who took written notes had a better understanding of the material and remembered more of it because they had to mentally process information rather than type it verbatim. And, another study, published in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, showed that people who doodle can better recall dull information.

The difference now is that there’s a return to traditional techniques by the digitally savvy. Many are successful vloggers, work in tech, or are experts in new media. And this latest trend has helped boost sales of stationery like Moleskine and Leuchtturm1917 notepads, the companies say. For its part, Moleskine has seen double-digit growth annually over the past four years, according to Mark Cieslinski, president of Moleskine America. Leuchtturm1917 marketing manager Richard Bernier says it was about June 2016 when sales went viral, due in no small part to the popularity of bullet journaling, a popular form of list-keeping, among the online community.

For Ceberano, being able to switch off her phone, step away from the computer, sit down and focus is key, along with the flexibility to create her own systems.“You can get caught up in this stream of technology and actually it’s always on someone else’s terms,” she says. “With those apps, the reason I don’t use them is because they are someone else’s format. It’s not the way my mind thinks,” Ceberano says. “So when I’m there with a pen and paper, I’m putting it down in a way that is very organised in my head, but probably wouldn’t work for somebody else. … I think people are just trying to take back ownership over the time that they’ve got and also the way that we’re controlling the information that we’re taking in.”


Which of the following does NOT Angela Ceberano do?

1) Works in PR

2) Uses an old-fashioned thing

3) Sells diaries

4) Sometimes lives in San Francisco


Прочитайте текст и выполните заданиt. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Every January, Angela Ceberano sets goals for the 12 months ahead. And on Sunday nights, she plans and organises the coming week.But instead of spreadsheets and fancy smartphone apps, the Melbourne, Australia-based founder of public relations firm Flourish PR, uses notepads, an old-fashioned diary, coloured pens and a stack of magazines. With these, she brainstorms, makes lists and creates a vision board.

Ceberano is anything but a technophobe. A digital native with a strong social-media presence, she splits her time between traditional and new media, and between Australia and San Francisco, where some of her start-up clients are based.

“Sometimes, I just want to get rid of all the technology and sit down in a quiet space with a pen and paper,” she says. “There are so many apps out there and I feel like no app gives me everything that I need. I’ve tried and really given them a go, doing those to-do lists of having your priorities or brain storming using lots of different apps … [but] when I get a pen and paper, or when I’m using my old-fashioned diary and pen, it just feels more flexible to me. I can always pull it out. I can focus.”

She’s not alone. A quick scan of social media illustrates a quiet return to the humble charms of stationery and lettering. Many people are using cursive writing and colouring in to help organise their lives or work on certain goals — whether it’s fitness, finances, or fast-tracking their careers. And, despite the proliferation of apps, other back-to-basics ideas have gained popularity online.

Science suggests these traditional types might be on to something. While technology can certainly provide an edge for certain tasks, digital overload is a real and growing concern. A 2010 study by the University of California at San Diego suggests we consume nearly three times as much information as we did the 1960s. And a report by Ofcom in the UK says that 60% of us consider ourselves addicted to our devices, with a third of us spending longer online each day than we intend. So are we doing too much, and are our screens too distracting? Possibly.

Other findings show that pen and paper have an edge over the keyboard. Research by Princeton University and the University of California at Los Angeles, published in 2014, showed that the pen is indeed mightier than the keyboard. In three studies, researchers found that students who took notes on laptops performed worse on conceptual questions than students who took notes longhand. Those who took written notes had a better understanding of the material and remembered more of it because they had to mentally process information rather than type it verbatim. And, another study, published in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, showed that people who doodle can better recall dull information.

The difference now is that there’s a return to traditional techniques by the digitally savvy. Many are successful vloggers, work in tech, or are experts in new media. And this latest trend has helped boost sales of stationery like Moleskine and Leuchtturm1917 notepads, the companies say. For its part, Moleskine has seen double-digit growth annually over the past four years, according to Mark Cieslinski, president of Moleskine America. Leuchtturm1917 marketing manager Richard Bernier says it was about June 2016 when sales went viral, due in no small part to the popularity of bullet journaling, a popular form of list-keeping, among the online community.

For Ceberano, being able to switch off her phone, step away from the computer, sit down and focus is key, along with the flexibility to create her own systems.“You can get caught up in this stream of technology and actually it’s always on someone else’s terms,” she says. “With those apps, the reason I don’t use them is because they are someone else’s format. It’s not the way my mind thinks,” Ceberano says. “So when I’m there with a pen and paper, I’m putting it down in a way that is very organised in my head, but probably wouldn’t work for somebody else. … I think people are just trying to take back ownership over the time that they’ve got and also the way that we’re controlling the information that we’re taking in.”


Why does Angela use paper but not apps?

1) It helps her to concentrate.

2) She’s a technophobe.

3) There are no good apps she could use.

4) She likes how the paper feels.


Прочитайте текст и выполните заданиt. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Every January, Angela Ceberano sets goals for the 12 months ahead. And on Sunday nights, she plans and organises the coming week.But instead of spreadsheets and fancy smartphone apps, the Melbourne, Australia-based founder of public relations firm Flourish PR, uses notepads, an old-fashioned diary, coloured pens and a stack of magazines. With these, she brainstorms, makes lists and creates a vision board.

Ceberano is anything but a technophobe. A digital native with a strong social-media presence, she splits her time between traditional and new media, and between Australia and San Francisco, where some of her start-up clients are based.

“Sometimes, I just want to get rid of all the technology and sit down in a quiet space with a pen and paper,” she says. “There are so many apps out there and I feel like no app gives me everything that I need. I’ve tried and really given them a go, doing those to-do lists of having your priorities or brain storming using lots of different apps … [but] when I get a pen and paper, or when I’m using my old-fashioned diary and pen, it just feels more flexible to me. I can always pull it out. I can focus.”

She’s not alone. A quick scan of social media illustrates a quiet return to the humble charms of stationery and lettering. Many people are using cursive writing and colouring in to help organise their lives or work on certain goals — whether it’s fitness, finances, or fast-tracking their careers. And, despite the proliferation of apps, other back-to-basics ideas have gained popularity online.

Science suggests these traditional types might be on to something. While technology can certainly provide an edge for certain tasks, digital overload is a real and growing concern. A 2010 study by the University of California at San Diego suggests we consume nearly three times as much information as we did the 1960s. And a report by Ofcom in the UK says that 60% of us consider ourselves addicted to our devices, with a third of us spending longer online each day than we intend. So are we doing too much, and are our screens too distracting? Possibly.

Other findings show that pen and paper have an edge over the keyboard. Research by Princeton University and the University of California at Los Angeles, published in 2014, showed that the pen is indeed mightier than the keyboard. In three studies, researchers found that students who took notes on laptops performed worse on conceptual questions than students who took notes longhand. Those who took written notes had a better understanding of the material and remembered more of it because they had to mentally process information rather than type it verbatim. And, another study, published in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, showed that people who doodle can better recall dull information.

The difference now is that there’s a return to traditional techniques by the digitally savvy. Many are successful vloggers, work in tech, or are experts in new media. And this latest trend has helped boost sales of stationery like Moleskine and Leuchtturm1917 notepads, the companies say. For its part, Moleskine has seen double-digit growth annually over the past four years, according to Mark Cieslinski, president of Moleskine America. Leuchtturm1917 marketing manager Richard Bernier says it was about June 2016 when sales went viral, due in no small part to the popularity of bullet journaling, a popular form of list-keeping, among the online community.

For Ceberano, being able to switch off her phone, step away from the computer, sit down and focus is key, along with the flexibility to create her own systems.“You can get caught up in this stream of technology and actually it’s always on someone else’s terms,” she says. “With those apps, the reason I don’t use them is because they are someone else’s format. It’s not the way my mind thinks,” Ceberano says. “So when I’m there with a pen and paper, I’m putting it down in a way that is very organised in my head, but probably wouldn’t work for somebody else. … I think people are just trying to take back ownership over the time that they’ve got and also the way that we’re controlling the information that we’re taking in.”


What did the 2010 study suggest?

1) We are able to consume less information than before

2) There are big information overloads

3) People are addicted to the Internet

4) Technologies are becoming more powerful


Прочитайте текст и выполните заданиt. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Every January, Angela Ceberano sets goals for the 12 months ahead. And on Sunday nights, she plans and organises the coming week.But instead of spreadsheets and fancy smartphone apps, the Melbourne, Australia-based founder of public relations firm Flourish PR, uses notepads, an old-fashioned diary, coloured pens and a stack of magazines. With these, she brainstorms, makes lists and creates a vision board.

Ceberano is anything but a technophobe. A digital native with a strong social-media presence, she splits her time between traditional and new media, and between Australia and San Francisco, where some of her start-up clients are based.

“Sometimes, I just want to get rid of all the technology and sit down in a quiet space with a pen and paper,” she says. “There are so many apps out there and I feel like no app gives me everything that I need. I’ve tried and really given them a go, doing those to-do lists of having your priorities or brain storming using lots of different apps … [but] when I get a pen and paper, or when I’m using my old-fashioned diary and pen, it just feels more flexible to me. I can always pull it out. I can focus.”

She’s not alone. A quick scan of social media illustrates a quiet return to the humble charms of stationery and lettering. Many people are using cursive writing and colouring in to help organise their lives or work on certain goals — whether it’s fitness, finances, or fast-tracking their careers. And, despite the proliferation of apps, other back-to-basics ideas have gained popularity online.

Science suggests these traditional types might be on to something. While technology can certainly provide an edge for certain tasks, digital overload is a real and growing concern. A 2010 study by the University of California at San Diego suggests we consume nearly three times as much information as we did the 1960s. And a report by Ofcom in the UK says that 60% of us consider ourselves addicted to our devices, with a third of us spending longer online each day than we intend. So are we doing too much, and are our screens too distracting? Possibly.

Other findings show that pen and paper have an edge over the keyboard. Research by Princeton University and the University of California at Los Angeles, published in 2014, showed that the pen is indeed mightier than the keyboard. In three studies, researchers found that students who took notes on laptops performed worse on conceptual questions than students who took notes longhand. Those who took written notes had a better understanding of the material and remembered more of it because they had to mentally process information rather than type it verbatim. And, another study, published in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, showed that people who doodle can better recall dull information.

The difference now is that there’s a return to traditional techniques by the digitally savvy. Many are successful vloggers, work in tech, or are experts in new media. And this latest trend has helped boost sales of stationery like Moleskine and Leuchtturm1917 notepads, the companies say. For its part, Moleskine has seen double-digit growth annually over the past four years, according to Mark Cieslinski, president of Moleskine America. Leuchtturm1917 marketing manager Richard Bernier says it was about June 2016 when sales went viral, due in no small part to the popularity of bullet journaling, a popular form of list-keeping, among the online community.

For Ceberano, being able to switch off her phone, step away from the computer, sit down and focus is key, along with the flexibility to create her own systems.“You can get caught up in this stream of technology and actually it’s always on someone else’s terms,” she says. “With those apps, the reason I don’t use them is because they are someone else’s format. It’s not the way my mind thinks,” Ceberano says. “So when I’m there with a pen and paper, I’m putting it down in a way that is very organised in my head, but probably wouldn’t work for somebody else. … I think people are just trying to take back ownership over the time that they’ve got and also the way that we’re controlling the information that we’re taking in.”


Why “the pen is indeed mightier than the keyboard”?

1) Because the study showed that it’s easier to affect people with written notes

2) Because the study showed that those who write in hand performed better

3) Because the study showed that people with computers are addicted to them

4) Because the study showed that people with computers are more impatient


Прочитайте текст и выполните заданиt. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Every January, Angela Ceberano sets goals for the 12 months ahead. And on Sunday nights, she plans and organises the coming week.But instead of spreadsheets and fancy smartphone apps, the Melbourne, Australia-based founder of public relations firm Flourish PR, uses notepads, an old-fashioned diary, coloured pens and a stack of magazines. With these, she brainstorms, makes lists and creates a vision board.

Ceberano is anything but a technophobe. A digital native with a strong social-media presence, she splits her time between traditional and new media, and between Australia and San Francisco, where some of her start-up clients are based.

“Sometimes, I just want to get rid of all the technology and sit down in a quiet space with a pen and paper,” she says. “There are so many apps out there and I feel like no app gives me everything that I need. I’ve tried and really given them a go, doing those to-do lists of having your priorities or brain storming using lots of different apps … [but] when I get a pen and paper, or when I’m using my old-fashioned diary and pen, it just feels more flexible to me. I can always pull it out. I can focus.”

She’s not alone. A quick scan of social media illustrates a quiet return to the humble charms of stationery and lettering. Many people are using cursive writing and colouring in to help organise their lives or work on certain goals — whether it’s fitness, finances, or fast-tracking their careers. And, despite the proliferation of apps, other back-to-basics ideas have gained popularity online.

Science suggests these traditional types might be on to something. While technology can certainly provide an edge for certain tasks, digital overload is a real and growing concern. A 2010 study by the University of California at San Diego suggests we consume nearly three times as much information as we did the 1960s. And a report by Ofcom in the UK says that 60% of us consider ourselves addicted to our devices, with a third of us spending longer online each day than we intend. So are we doing too much, and are our screens too distracting? Possibly.

Other findings show that pen and paper have an edge over the keyboard. Research by Princeton University and the University of California at Los Angeles, published in 2014, showed that the pen is indeed mightier than the keyboard. In three studies, researchers found that students who took notes on laptops performed worse on conceptual questions than students who took notes longhand. Those who took written notes had a better understanding of the material and remembered more of it because they had to mentally process information rather than type it verbatim. And, another study, published in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, showed that people who doodle can better recall dull information.

The difference now is that there’s a return to traditional techniques by the digitally savvy. Many are successful vloggers, work in tech, or are experts in new media. And this latest trend has helped boost sales of stationery like Moleskine and Leuchtturm1917 notepads, the companies say. For its part, Moleskine has seen double-digit growth annually over the past four years, according to Mark Cieslinski, president of Moleskine America. Leuchtturm1917 marketing manager Richard Bernier says it was about June 2016 when sales went viral, due in no small part to the popularity of bullet journaling, a popular form of list-keeping, among the online community.

For Ceberano, being able to switch off her phone, step away from the computer, sit down and focus is key, along with the flexibility to create her own systems.“You can get caught up in this stream of technology and actually it’s always on someone else’s terms,” she says. “With those apps, the reason I don’t use them is because they are someone else’s format. It’s not the way my mind thinks,” Ceberano says. “So when I’m there with a pen and paper, I’m putting it down in a way that is very organised in my head, but probably wouldn’t work for somebody else. … I think people are just trying to take back ownership over the time that they’ve got and also the way that we’re controlling the information that we’re taking in.”


What does “doodle” mean?

1) To draw meaningless things

2) To write information down

3) To chat with pictures

4) To use smileys


Прочитайте текст и выполните заданиt. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Every January, Angela Ceberano sets goals for the 12 months ahead. And on Sunday nights, she plans and organises the coming week.But instead of spreadsheets and fancy smartphone apps, the Melbourne, Australia-based founder of public relations firm Flourish PR, uses notepads, an old-fashioned diary, coloured pens and a stack of magazines. With these, she brainstorms, makes lists and creates a vision board.

Ceberano is anything but a technophobe. A digital native with a strong social-media presence, she splits her time between traditional and new media, and between Australia and San Francisco, where some of her start-up clients are based.

“Sometimes, I just want to get rid of all the technology and sit down in a quiet space with a pen and paper,” she says. “There are so many apps out there and I feel like no app gives me everything that I need. I’ve tried and really given them a go, doing those to-do lists of having your priorities or brain storming using lots of different apps … [but] when I get a pen and paper, or when I’m using my old-fashioned diary and pen, it just feels more flexible to me. I can always pull it out. I can focus.”

She’s not alone. A quick scan of social media illustrates a quiet return to the humble charms of stationery and lettering. Many people are using cursive writing and colouring in to help organise their lives or work on certain goals — whether it’s fitness, finances, or fast-tracking their careers. And, despite the proliferation of apps, other back-to-basics ideas have gained popularity online.

Science suggests these traditional types might be on to something. While technology can certainly provide an edge for certain tasks, digital overload is a real and growing concern. A 2010 study by the University of California at San Diego suggests we consume nearly three times as much information as we did the 1960s. And a report by Ofcom in the UK says that 60% of us consider ourselves addicted to our devices, with a third of us spending longer online each day than we intend. So are we doing too much, and are our screens too distracting? Possibly.

Other findings show that pen and paper have an edge over the keyboard. Research by Princeton University and the University of California at Los Angeles, published in 2014, showed that the pen is indeed mightier than the keyboard. In three studies, researchers found that students who took notes on laptops performed worse on conceptual questions than students who took notes longhand. Those who took written notes had a better understanding of the material and remembered more of it because they had to mentally process information rather than type it verbatim. And, another study, published in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, showed that people who doodle can better recall dull information.

The difference now is that there’s a return to traditional techniques by the digitally savvy. Many are successful vloggers, work in tech, or are experts in new media. And this latest trend has helped boost sales of stationery like Moleskine and Leuchtturm1917 notepads, the companies say. For its part, Moleskine has seen double-digit growth annually over the past four years, according to Mark Cieslinski, president of Moleskine America. Leuchtturm1917 marketing manager Richard Bernier says it was about June 2016 when sales went viral, due in no small part to the popularity of bullet journaling, a popular form of list-keeping, among the online community.

For Ceberano, being able to switch off her phone, step away from the computer, sit down and focus is key, along with the flexibility to create her own systems.“You can get caught up in this stream of technology and actually it’s always on someone else’s terms,” she says. “With those apps, the reason I don’t use them is because they are someone else’s format. It’s not the way my mind thinks,” Ceberano says. “So when I’m there with a pen and paper, I’m putting it down in a way that is very organised in my head, but probably wouldn’t work for somebody else. … I think people are just trying to take back ownership over the time that they’ve got and also the way that we’re controlling the information that we’re taking in.”


What is TRUE about stationary sales rates?

1) Moleskine showed a growth but Leuchtturm1917 didn’t

2) Leuchtturm1917 showed a growth but Moleskine didn’t

3) Moleskine sales went viral

4) Moleskine sales has grown twice


Прочитайте текст и выполните заданиt. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Every January, Angela Ceberano sets goals for the 12 months ahead. And on Sunday nights, she plans and organises the coming week.But instead of spreadsheets and fancy smartphone apps, the Melbourne, Australia-based founder of public relations firm Flourish PR, uses notepads, an old-fashioned diary, coloured pens and a stack of magazines. With these, she brainstorms, makes lists and creates a vision board.

Ceberano is anything but a technophobe. A digital native with a strong social-media presence, she splits her time between traditional and new media, and between Australia and San Francisco, where some of her start-up clients are based.

“Sometimes, I just want to get rid of all the technology and sit down in a quiet space with a pen and paper,” she says. “There are so many apps out there and I feel like no app gives me everything that I need. I’ve tried and really given them a go, doing those to-do lists of having your priorities or brain storming using lots of different apps … [but] when I get a pen and paper, or when I’m using my old-fashioned diary and pen, it just feels more flexible to me. I can always pull it out. I can focus.”

She’s not alone. A quick scan of social media illustrates a quiet return to the humble charms of stationery and lettering. Many people are using cursive writing and colouring in to help organise their lives or work on certain goals — whether it’s fitness, finances, or fast-tracking their careers. And, despite the proliferation of apps, other back-to-basics ideas have gained popularity online.

Science suggests these traditional types might be on to something. While technology can certainly provide an edge for certain tasks, digital overload is a real and growing concern. A 2010 study by the University of California at San Diego suggests we consume nearly three times as much information as we did the 1960s. And a report by Ofcom in the UK says that 60% of us consider ourselves addicted to our devices, with a third of us spending longer online each day than we intend. So are we doing too much, and are our screens too distracting? Possibly.

Other findings show that pen and paper have an edge over the keyboard. Research by Princeton University and the University of California at Los Angeles, published in 2014, showed that the pen is indeed mightier than the keyboard. In three studies, researchers found that students who took notes on laptops performed worse on conceptual questions than students who took notes longhand. Those who took written notes had a better understanding of the material and remembered more of it because they had to mentally process information rather than type it verbatim. And, another study, published in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, showed that people who doodle can better recall dull information.

The difference now is that there’s a return to traditional techniques by the digitally savvy. Many are successful vloggers, work in tech, or are experts in new media. And this latest trend has helped boost sales of stationery like Moleskine and Leuchtturm1917 notepads, the companies say. For its part, Moleskine has seen double-digit growth annually over the past four years, according to Mark Cieslinski, president of Moleskine America. Leuchtturm1917 marketing manager Richard Bernier says it was about June 2016 when sales went viral, due in no small part to the popularity of bullet journaling, a popular form of list-keeping, among the online community.

For Ceberano, being able to switch off her phone, step away from the computer, sit down and focus is key, along with the flexibility to create her own systems.“You can get caught up in this stream of technology and actually it’s always on someone else’s terms,” she says. “With those apps, the reason I don’t use them is because they are someone else’s format. It’s not the way my mind thinks,” Ceberano says. “So when I’m there with a pen and paper, I’m putting it down in a way that is very organised in my head, but probably wouldn’t work for somebody else. … I think people are just trying to take back ownership over the time that they’ve got and also the way that we’re controlling the information that we’re taking in.”


What is the key idea in the last paragraph?

1) Using notepads is a new trend

2) Using apps is overrated

3) Notepads could be used by anybody

4) Everyone should choose for themselves


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The lost art of losing


In the early 1990s Mark Channon ____________at a London bar, when a friend taught him a technique to remember names.



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The lost art of losing


At the time, Channon, who was an aspiring actor, could remember lines for a performance, but __________ a terrible memory for names.



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The lost art of losing


With the name-memorisation technique, however, he was soon remembering customers’ names and drink orders even during the _________ nights. Within a few years he designed a game show for the BBC called Monkhouse Memory Masters where he would teach contestants memory strategies and they would then compete in memory games.



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The lost art of losing


By 1995 he had come _________ in the World Memory Championships, becoming one of the first International Grand Masters of Memory.



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The lost art of losing


Today Channon teaches workers _________ memory strategies to give them  an edge in their careers.



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The lost art of losing


Business coaches like Channon say that __________names is an effective tool that can help CEOs build trust with employees and executives create rapport with potential clients.



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The lost art of losing


Being able to recall someone’s name shows that you _________attention to what they’re talking about and that you care about what they have to say, he explains.



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“I think we have an __________ with diets. With fad diets.”



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This was Ella Mills, the food writer behind Deliciously Ella and bestselling author of arguablythe most _____________ fad diet cookbook series in recent years trend



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Her eponymous first book was the UK’s fastest-selling debut cookbook ever, and she has since gone on to launch two central-London delis, create her own range of “energy balls” and even release a skincare range in __________ with Neal’s Yard.



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Speaking on last Friday’s Today programme, the blogger was keen to distance herself from so-called “clean eating” and, ____________, from the crescendo of criticism surrounding the trend.



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It wasn’t long ago that clean eating seemed ______________



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This new philosophy, popularised by bloggers such as Mills, the Hemsley sisters and Amelia Freer, was roughly the idea that we should eat less processed food and more fruit and veg. It was about doing away with junk food, and staging a return to a more thoughtful way of eating. So far, so ___________, you might think



Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Many people worry that running ruins knees. But a new study finds that the activity may in fact benefit the joint, changing the biochemical environment inside the knee in ways that could help 32 ___________ it working smoothly.

In my many decades as a runner, fellow runners and nonrunners 33 _____________have frequently told me that I am putting my knees at risk. The widespread argument generally follows the lines that running will slowly wear away the cartilage that cushions the bones in the joint and 34 _____________arthritis.

But there is little evidence to support the idea, and a growing body of research that suggests the reverse. Epidemiological studies of long-term runners show that they generally are less likely to develop osteoarthritis in the knees than people of the same age who do not run.

Some scientists have speculated that running may protect knees because it also often is associated 35 ___________relatively low body mass. Carrying less weight is known to 36 __________the risk for knee arthritis.

But other researchers have wondered whether running might have a more direct impact on knee joints, perhaps by altering the working of various cells inside the knee. To find 37 ___________, researchers at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, recruited 15 male and female runners under the age of 30 with no history of knee injury or arthritis. The scientists wished to study people with healthy knees in order to better isolate running’s effects on otherwise normal joints.

The findings suggest that moderate amounts of running are “not likely to do any 38 ______to healthy knees and probably offer protection” against joint damage.


1) keep 2) make 3) feel 4) have


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Many people worry that running ruins knees. But a new study finds that the activity may in fact benefit the joint, changing the biochemical environment inside the knee in ways that could help 32 ___________ it working smoothly.

In my many decades as a runner, fellow runners and nonrunners 33 _____________have frequently told me that I am putting my knees at risk. The widespread argument generally follows the lines that running will slowly wear away the cartilage that cushions the bones in the joint and 34 _____________arthritis.

But there is little evidence to support the idea, and a growing body of research that suggests the reverse. Epidemiological studies of long-term runners show that they generally are less likely to develop osteoarthritis in the knees than people of the same age who do not run.

Some scientists have speculated that running may protect knees because it also often is associated 35 ___________relatively low body mass. Carrying less weight is known to 36 __________the risk for knee arthritis.

But other researchers have wondered whether running might have a more direct impact on knee joints, perhaps by altering the working of various cells inside the knee. To find 37 ___________, researchers at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, recruited 15 male and female runners under the age of 30 with no history of knee injury or arthritis. The scientists wished to study people with healthy knees in order to better isolate running’s effects on otherwise normal joints.

The findings suggest that moderate amounts of running are “not likely to do any 38 ______to healthy knees and probably offer protection” against joint damage.


1) same 2) similarly 3) like 4) alike


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Many people worry that running ruins knees. But a new study finds that the activity may in fact benefit the joint, changing the biochemical environment inside the knee in ways that could help 32 ___________ it working smoothly.

In my many decades as a runner, fellow runners and nonrunners 33 _____________have frequently told me that I am putting my knees at risk. The widespread argument generally follows the lines that running will slowly wear away the cartilage that cushions the bones in the joint and 34 _____________arthritis.

But there is little evidence to support the idea, and a growing body of research that suggests the reverse. Epidemiological studies of long-term runners show that they generally are less likely to develop osteoarthritis in the knees than people of the same age who do not run.

Some scientists have speculated that running may protect knees because it also often is associated 35 ___________relatively low body mass. Carrying less weight is known to 36 __________the risk for knee arthritis.

But other researchers have wondered whether running might have a more direct impact on knee joints, perhaps by altering the working of various cells inside the knee. To find 37 ___________, researchers at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, recruited 15 male and female runners under the age of 30 with no history of knee injury or arthritis. The scientists wished to study people with healthy knees in order to better isolate running’s effects on otherwise normal joints.

The findings suggest that moderate amounts of running are “not likely to do any 38 ______to healthy knees and probably offer protection” against joint damage.


1) result 2) cause 3) lead 4) reason


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Many people worry that running ruins knees. But a new study finds that the activity may in fact benefit the joint, changing the biochemical environment inside the knee in ways that could help 32 ___________ it working smoothly.

In my many decades as a runner, fellow runners and nonrunners 33 _____________have frequently told me that I am putting my knees at risk. The widespread argument generally follows the lines that running will slowly wear away the cartilage that cushions the bones in the joint and 34 _____________arthritis.

But there is little evidence to support the idea, and a growing body of research that suggests the reverse. Epidemiological studies of long-term runners show that they generally are less likely to develop osteoarthritis in the knees than people of the same age who do not run.

Some scientists have speculated that running may protect knees because it also often is associated 35 ___________relatively low body mass. Carrying less weight is known to 36 __________the risk for knee arthritis.

But other researchers have wondered whether running might have a more direct impact on knee joints, perhaps by altering the working of various cells inside the knee. To find 37 ___________, researchers at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, recruited 15 male and female runners under the age of 30 with no history of knee injury or arthritis. The scientists wished to study people with healthy knees in order to better isolate running’s effects on otherwise normal joints.

The findings suggest that moderate amounts of running are “not likely to do any 38 ______to healthy knees and probably offer protection” against joint damage.


1) to 2) about 3) with 4) from


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Many people worry that running ruins knees. But a new study finds that the activity may in fact benefit the joint, changing the biochemical environment inside the knee in ways that could help 32 ___________ it working smoothly.

In my many decades as a runner, fellow runners and nonrunners 33 _____________have frequently told me that I am putting my knees at risk. The widespread argument generally follows the lines that running will slowly wear away the cartilage that cushions the bones in the joint and 34 _____________arthritis.

But there is little evidence to support the idea, and a growing body of research that suggests the reverse. Epidemiological studies of long-term runners show that they generally are less likely to develop osteoarthritis in the knees than people of the same age who do not run.

Some scientists have speculated that running may protect knees because it also often is associated 35 ___________relatively low body mass. Carrying less weight is known to 36 __________the risk for knee arthritis.

But other researchers have wondered whether running might have a more direct impact on knee joints, perhaps by altering the working of various cells inside the knee. To find 37 ___________, researchers at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, recruited 15 male and female runners under the age of 30 with no history of knee injury or arthritis. The scientists wished to study people with healthy knees in order to better isolate running’s effects on otherwise normal joints.

The findings suggest that moderate amounts of running are “not likely to do any 38 ______to healthy knees and probably offer protection” against joint damage.


1) every 2) any 3) of 4) with


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Many people worry that running ruins knees. But a new study finds that the activity may in fact benefit the joint, changing the biochemical environment inside the knee in ways that could help 32 ___________ it working smoothly.

In my many decades as a runner, fellow runners and nonrunners 33 _____________have frequently told me that I am putting my knees at risk. The widespread argument generally follows the lines that running will slowly wear away the cartilage that cushions the bones in the joint and 34 _____________arthritis.

But there is little evidence to support the idea, and a growing body of research that suggests the reverse. Epidemiological studies of long-term runners show that they generally are less likely to develop osteoarthritis in the knees than people of the same age who do not run.

Some scientists have speculated that running may protect knees because it also often is associated 35 ___________relatively low body mass. Carrying less weight is known to 36 __________the risk for knee arthritis.

But other researchers have wondered whether running might have a more direct impact on knee joints, perhaps by altering the working of various cells inside the knee. To find 37 ___________, researchers at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, recruited 15 male and female runners under the age of 30 with no history of knee injury or arthritis. The scientists wished to study people with healthy knees in order to better isolate running’s effects on otherwise normal joints.

The findings suggest that moderate amounts of running are “not likely to do any 38 ______to healthy knees and probably offer protection” against joint damage.


1) out 2) in 3) for 4) with


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Many people worry that running ruins knees. But a new study finds that the activity may in fact benefit the joint, changing the biochemical environment inside the knee in ways that could help 32 ___________ it working smoothly.

In my many decades as a runner, fellow runners and nonrunners 33 _____________have frequently told me that I am putting my knees at risk. The widespread argument generally follows the lines that running will slowly wear away the cartilage that cushions the bones in the joint and 34 _____________arthritis.

But there is little evidence to support the idea, and a growing body of research that suggests the reverse. Epidemiological studies of long-term runners show that they generally are less likely to develop osteoarthritis in the knees than people of the same age who do not run.

Some scientists have speculated that running may protect knees because it also often is associated 35 ___________relatively low body mass. Carrying less weight is known to 36 __________the risk for knee arthritis.

But other researchers have wondered whether running might have a more direct impact on knee joints, perhaps by altering the working of various cells inside the knee. To find 37 ___________, researchers at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, recruited 15 male and female runners under the age of 30 with no history of knee injury or arthritis. The scientists wished to study people with healthy knees in order to better isolate running’s effects on otherwise normal joints.

The findings suggest that moderate amounts of running are “not likely to do any 38 ______to healthy knees and probably offer protection” against joint damage.


1) wound 2) harm 3) injury 4) trauma


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Nicole who writes:

Hello! I have great news! Next month my parents and I are moving to the Alaska. I’m not kidding you! Really! One problem is that I’m not at all familiar with such kind of climate. You told me that your father visits quite often Alaska. So, maybe you could help me. Is it really that cold in Alaska? Will I always wear only coats? Are you planning to come once with your father to Alaska?

Love, Nicole

Write a letter to Nicole.

In your letter

  • answer his questions,
  • ask 3 questions about her school plans/

Write 100—140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

Comment on the following statement:


1. Fast food outlets should be closed.

2. It’s not right to be strict with little children.

What is your opinion?

Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

− make a conclusion restating your position

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ты сможешь посмотреть решение

3 / 6


Сбоку ты можешь посмотреть статистику и прогресс по предмету

4 / 6


Нажми, чтобы начать решать вариант. Как только ты перейдешь
на страницу, запустится счетчик времени, поэтому подготовь заранее все, что может тебе понадобиться

5 / 6


Отмечай те статьи, что прочитал, чтобы было удобнее ориентироваться в оглавлении

6 / 6


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и можешь переходить к решению заданий

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

  1. When leaving school Emily already knew that she would study medicine.
  2. Emily left Melbourne to get new experiences.
  3. Еmily moved to Finland because she found her lab work in London boring.
  4. In Finland people at university preferred to speak Finnish with Emily.
  5. David is not happy about his experience of learning French in France.
  6. David would like to go by the trans-Siberian train one day.
  7. Emily is going to London again to continue her studies of immune system.

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

  1. David hasn’t been to school for some time.
  2. Paula knew David felt much better.
  3. Doctors think David needs a month to recover.
  4. David has to read 78 pages from the history book.
  5. David thinks the essay task is very hard.
  6. Paula will e-mail the article for the biology task to David.
  7. Paula agreed to visit David the next day.

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

  1. Mike’s administrative work was very well paid.
  2. Mary did not do well at University because she had to earn her living. 
  3. Mary was younger than the other students at her university.
  4. Mary thinks that regular classes are rather time-consuming.
  5. Mary thinks that she can’t study better than when she was younger.
  6. Distance learning seems to be very convenient for Mary.
  7. Mike does not feel disappointed about going to University.

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

  1. Mark advises Diana to stay in Cork for two nights.
  2. If you kiss the Blarney Stone, you’ll be able to express your thoughts clearly and fluently.
  3. Diana can spend two or three nights at a comfortable hotel in Killarney.
  4. The Ring of Kerry is the most spectacular mountain road in Ireland.
  5. The Ring of Kerry is about two hundred miles altogether.
  6. Westport is famous for some of the best crystal in the world.
  7. The Crystal Factory is open to the public.

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

  1. James is complaining about the lack of customers in his agency.
  2. The Lotus Garden is the best restaurant in Durham at the moment.
  3. Sarah is getting to Durham by rail.
  4. Sarah can get to the Kwai Lam by bus.
  5. It will take James about half an hour to get to Durham.
  6. The three friends are going to meet in The County.
  7. Sarah will phone Alan to tell him about the change in their plans.

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

  1. Alex has been in England for a fairly long time.
  2. Alex has got a large family.
  3. Alex’s nephew has got a large collection of kites.
  4. Alex’s parents enjoy traditional souvenirs.
  5. Alex thinks that it will be difficult to choose a present for his sister.
  6. Alex will bring traditional English tea for his sister.
  7. Alex will buy the latest ‘Harry Potter’ film for his brother.

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

  1. Ella thinks travelling is an unpleasant part of her job.
  2. Ella’s problems are often caused by insensitive editors.
  3. In Mauritius, Ella had no time to take all the planned photos.
  4. A problem at the airport prevented the plane from landing at Nairobi.
  5. After the landing in Uganda some of the luggage was lost.
  6. The experience at Nairobi made Ella change some of her opinions.
  7. At present, Ella is thinking about whether to change jobs.

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

  1. Katie’s initial view about Paul’s summer plans is entirely positive.
  2. Katie enjoys department store work.
  3. They finally agree that there is no excuse for not being computer literate.
  4. In the summer Paul will work individually with every trainee.
  5. Paul has been a volunteer before.
  6. Katie never volunteered for anything.
  7. Paul believes they share the same motives for their summer holidays.

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

  1. Tom and Brenda have not met for a long time.
  2. Tom used to dream of becoming a doctor.
  3. Brenda is an expert in scientific things.
  4. For Tom medical equipment is the same thing as surgical equipment.
  5. Tom’s company produces instruments which affect harmful cells with very low temperatures.
  6. Tom has many friends among surgeons.
  7. Tom oversees the processes of designing and creating new instruments.

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

  1. Mark saw the advertisement about the job in a newspaper.
  2. The manager fired one of the journalists last week.
  3. Mark wrote a lot of articles for the college newspaper.
  4. The woman has never been to Thailand.
  5. Uluru leaves the most remarkable impression in the evening.
  6. Mark has got the first university degree.
  7. The manager is having lunch at the moment

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

  1. Sean has been studying Greek since he was 4.
  2. Sean keeps his favourite book near his bed.
  3. Jinny has chosen a story for the competition.
  4. Jinny is skeptical about the idea of the competition.
  5. Jinny is good at drawing posters.
  6. The competition involves staging a play at the theatre.
  7. Jinny thinks they have enough time to prepare

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

А. Sandra has been friends with Anna for a long time.
B. Jim and Anna have good relations at the moment.
C. Jim feels guilty about his behavior towards Anna.
D. Jim has a full-time job.
E. Jim thinks gift certificates don’t make a good present.
F. Sandra has already bought a present for Anna.
G. Jim and Sandra are going shopping tonight.

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу.

  1. Tim went to Italy on holiday with his parents.
  2. It’s rather dangerous to drive in Italy.
  3. The Leaning Tower looked less impressive than Tim had expected.
  4. Tim was afraid of climbing the Tower.
  5. The Old Bridge in Florence looks like The Tower Bridge in London.
  6. Tim was unable to communicate with Italians because his Italian wasn’t very good.
  7. Tim tried different kinds of pizza in Italy

Задание 2. Аудирование. Задание №2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. 

  1. Tom generally prefers not to travel abroad on holiday.
  2. Tom’s recent holiday came at an inconvenient moment.
  3. Sally once went on a free holiday as a result of her job.
  4. Sally enjoyed her trip to a salt works.
  5. On holiday, Sally prefers to choose the activities she takes part in.
  6. If Tom has a good book to read, he doesn’t mind where he sits.
  7. Sally begins to feel bored if she sits alone in the sun for too long

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Задание №9173.
Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А—G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Прослушайте запись дважды.

A. David hasn’t been to school for some time.
B. Paula knew David felt much better.
C. Doctors think David needs a month to recover.
D. David has to read 78 pages from the history book.
E. David thinks the essay task is very hard.
F. Paula will e-mail the article for the biology task to David.
G. Paula agreed to visit David the next day.

Утверждение A B C D E F G
Соответствие диалогу              

Утверждение A (David hasn’t been to school for some time. — Дэвид не ходил в школу какое-то время) соответствует содержанию диалога — True.

Утверждение B (Paula knew David felt much better. — Паула знала, что Дэвид почувствовал себя намного лучше) не соответствует содержанию диалога — False.

Утверждение C (Doctors think David needs a month to recover. — Врачи считают, что Дэвиду нужен месяц, чтобы выздороветь) не соответствует содержанию диалога — False.

Утверждение D (David has to read 78 pages from the history book. — Дэвид должен прочитать 78 страниц из учебника истории) не отражено в диалоге — Not stated.

Утверждение E (David thinks the essay task is very hard. — Дэвид считает, что задание на сочинение очень сложное) соответствует содержанию диалога — True.

Утверждение F (Paula will e-mail the article for the biology task to David. — Паула отправит по электронной почте статью к заданию по биологии Дэвиду) не соответствует содержанию диалога — False.

Утверждение G (Paula agreed to visit David the next day. — Паула согласилась навестить Дэвида на следующий день) не отражено в диалоге — Not stated.

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Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А — G. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

A. The speaker has some time to herself/himself at work.
B. The speaker hasn’t given up the job because she/he likes dealing with customers.
C. There is a growing need for the speaker’s services.
D. Although the job is boring the speaker does it because it is well-paid.
E. The speaker enjoys her/his job although she/he doesn’t make good money.
F. establish contacts with people in the news-reporting business.
G.The speaker likes the environment and the fact that she/he doesn’t have to work too quickly.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6

Задания A1-A7

Вы услышите разговор между подругами. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1 — А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A1 Every year Betsy spends the New Year abroad.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

A2 Betsy thinks that the trip was not worth the money.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

A3 There is an active volcano on the island.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

A4 Betsy led an active life on the island.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

A5 The zoo had more than a hundred species of wild birds.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

A6 There are no snow-capped mountains on the island.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

A7 Foreigners are not allowed to own property on the island.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

Задания А8-А14

Вы услышите интервью с актерами. Выполните задания A8 — А14, обводя цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А8 Robert and Amy fell in love with each other
1) after eating out together.
2) after a few months of working together.
3) when they first met on the film set.

A9 When Robert decided to propose to Amy, he
1) was sure that Amy would accept his proposal.
2) wanted to do it in a proper way.
3) knew the exact place in Madrid to do it.

A10 The wedding ceremony in the film reminded Robert and Amy of their own wedding because
1) both weddings took place in the same settings.
2) there was an explosion during both weddings.
3) there were some of the same people at both weddings.

A11 According to Amy, she is different from Robert because she
1) is less open to new ideas than her husband.
2) comes from a smaller family than Robert.
3) has different views on family life.

A12 Amy felt uncomfortable at school because
1) she missed her mother very much.
2) her mother taught at the same school.
3) the teachers and the headmistress disliked her.

A13 If Amy hadn’t become an actress, her parents would have
1) understood and supported her.
2) been displeased with her.
3) insisted she join the family business.

A14 Amy is sure that if you have a child, you
1) can do without having a friend.
2) should think more about the future.
3) can cope with any problem.

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Задание 1

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker A

My idea of a perfect friend is that it’s a person who stays with you in ups and downs. A true friend is someone who’s always with you whether you need money or a shoulder to cry on. He or she is always there to support and help you without being asked. You’d really know your true friends when you are having a bad time in life. I think a perfect friend is also patient and doesn’t get angry too quickly… in short an ideal friend should be perfect with his or her friend. I have only two friends that I can really call ‘close friends’. Others are just acquaintances.

Speaker B

I would like to have a friend of the same height as myself because usually all my friends are shorter than me. Of course my best friend has to be fun to talk to and she must be a good listener as well. But most importantly, a perfect friend is someone who tells me I have something on my face if I do and doesn’t just let me walk around with it there. A perfect friend is someone that I can trust, someone who is always with me. Unfortunately, I’ve never had a perfect friend. All my previous ‘friends’ used to lie to me. But I think my family are my best friends.

Speaker C

An ideal friend is a person who knows everything about you and shares all the happy and depressing moments of your life. When I cry, they simply cry with me. They are the ones who are totally caring and really understanding and they could help us in solving our problems. They cheer us up when we feel sad. They joke when we need to laugh. That’s what I call ‘perfect friends’. Nowadays, I don’t know whether I have a perfect friend or not because people are changing. But that’s OK as long as I am the one who is a perfect friend for my friends.

Speaker D

A true friend is someone who is loyal, and brings out the best in you. They never hesitate and tell the truth no matter whether you’ve done a good or a bad thing and try to improve you because they love you and care for you and would never ever let you down as they are your true friends. A true friend would never go behind your back and do something shady. In short, a perfect friend is someone who never talks behind your back no matter what … that hurts me most!!

Speaker E

Well, my best friend doesn’t really comfort me when I’m upset over bad grades at school … she takes an easier way out and tickles me instead. She’s rather short-tempered and often fights over little things, storms away … but returns an hour later with a chocolate cake and an apology. She appears visibly bored with my constant chatter but surprisingly, recalls even the most insignificant detail of what I’ve said. She has a weird way of showing that she cares for me, but the bottom line is, she does care a lot! I think that my best friend is my perfect friend for that simple reason that she’s ‘not-so-perfect’!!

Speaker F

It’s great to have true friends! They love and care for you, they will always listen to you and stand by you. True friends are honest and loyal; they will never betray you or hurt you. What really matters is that a close friend is there for you no matter what. Friends come and go, but a true one will never leave you in any situation. A perfect friend is someone who is always there to catch you when you fall, someone who you can have fun with. Well, as for my experience, all my friends leave me because they migrate to different places where it is hard to stay in touch.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the texts again. (Repeat.)

This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds.)

1. Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1) A perfect friend is not always ideal.
2) True friends always share everything with us.
3) A perfect friend never gossips.
4) A friend in need is a friend indeed.
5) A perfect friend is always honest.
6) A true friend will never abandon you.
7) A true friend is the greatest of all blessings.

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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Задание 2

Now we are ready to start.

Fred: Well, James, I’ve got to admit you have a beautiful backyard. How do you do it?
James: Oh, it does take time and patience. But I’ve also got a few secrets…
Fred: OK, OK, what do I have to do to make you reveal your secrets? You know if I had the money, I’d just hire a gardener.
James: No, Fred, you needn’t do that. I’d never hire a gardener. Working in the yard is the greatest form of relaxation that I know of. It’s so relaxing to hear birds singing!
Fred: You’re kidding, right?! I don’t have any birds in my backyard.
James: That’s not a problem. If you want the birds to stay in your backyard, then you must provide shelter for them. A birdhouse can be a cheap and easy way to do this.
Fred: I don’t think I’ll be able to make a birdhouse myself and there are no shops selling them either.
James: Then you can try limiting the amount of grass you have in your backyard. Most song birds don’t like grass, but prefer shrubs and trees. It’s good that you’ve got so many trees!
Fred: I would have never planted so many trees if I had known how much work they’d require.
James: You see, that’s your problem. Your attitude is all wrong.
Fred: Excuse me. My attitude is wrong? What does attitude have to do with gardening?
James: You’ve got to love working in the backyard — that’s my secret!
Fred: Love working in the backyard? What! What kind of secret is that? I expected some special lawn mower, or a special type of gardening tools.
James: No, any lawn mower or tool will do the job. It’s all in the mind.
Fred: So you think that if I had a better feeling about my work in the garden, everything would be wonderful and I’d have a beautiful lawn and healthy plants like yours, right?
James: … yes, yes that’s it. You’ve got it!
Fred: To tell you the truth, I think you’re crazy!! On second thoughts, I think I’ll just pay a gardener.
James: Ha-ha, that won’t work.
Fred: Why not?
James: Because he has to enjoy his gardening…
Fred: Please, James, thank you very much for your advice. But, don’t start it again!

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)
Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds.)

2. Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A James has got a big backyard.
B Fred has got enough money to hire a gardener.
C It doesn’t take much effort and money to make a birdhouse.
D Fred regrets having planted so many trees.
E Fred will need a special lawn mower to limit the amount of grass in his backyard.
F James has got lots of gardening tools.
G Fred didn’t take James’s advice seriously.

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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Задание 3-9

Now we are ready to start.

When I’m stopped on the street, people often want to tell me that they’ve never forgotten my match against Bobby Riggs in 1973. Every single day of my life, people come up to me and say, ‘I remember watching you play that match, and win.’ Men, especially, tell me this. It’s amazing. They say, ‘I have a daughter now, and she’s ten years old. I’m raising my daughter differently because of seeing you play that match.’ They really insist that their daughters and sons have equal opportunities. It’s been a huge shift in attitude. These men are so different from their fathers and grandfathers.

My parents have always been the biggest inspiration in my life. They worked three jobs so that my brother, Randy, and I could pursue our athletic dreams as kids. They taught us great lessons, which are particularly relevant today, with the economy the way it is. My parents always said, ‘If you don’t have it, don’t spend it.” When I was eleven and wanted to buy my first tennis racket, they didn’t buy it for me. I had to work odd jobs to earn it. Their attitude was, ‘Let’s see if you’re really interested.

Let’s see if you have the focus.’ I guess I solved that one!

Actually, I don’t have much free time but when I do have a spare minute, I enjoy reading. My favourite book is Banker to the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty by Muhammad Yunus, the economist who won the Nobel Prize in 2006. It’s great. He explains how he developed the Grameen Bank and how, through the concept of micro-financing, he was able to change a lot of people’s lives. As soon as he gave out a small loan to different people, he began to visualize what that could lead to. He saw the potential. He is one of my heroes. That’s what I try to do for tennis and other things.

The person I admire most of all is Julie Foudy, former Olympic soccer star. She walks into a room and just lights it up. We see each other every October at the Women’s Sports Foundation dinner in New York, which brings together athletes from over 130 sports. She’s energetic, bright, and possesses all of the qualities that go into leadership, which sports is a great venue for. Sometimes she’ll just call me and say, ‘Help!’ We should all ask for help when we need it, particularly when we’re young-and, you know, when you need help. It takes courage to ask for it. With her energy and her leadership qualities, Julie can do just about anything. That’s great!

People always think that being a great sportsman doesn’t require any effort. They believe that success is easy. Absolutely wrong! Athletes must have a daily discipline of mind, body, and soul. They have to do it all as physical exertion teaches tenacity and will power. But you cannot just be ‘dead from the neck up.’ It is also a way of thinking, the mental side that often spells the difference between an average hitter and a good hitter and between a good hitter and a great hitter. Life is difficult sometimes. But every time I see a ball bounce, I think about bouncing back myself. It’s a philosophy.

I don’t only think about winning tennis matches. I also think about what I’ve done off the court. Everything I’ve done is trying to push the envelope, whether it’s on or off the court, to create a more level playing field for others and to help people have a better quality of life. That’s what I care about.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)

This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds.)

This is the end of the Listening Test.

Вы услышите интервью с учёным. В заданиях 3-9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3. The narrator says she is amazed because

1. people recognize her on the street.2. people haven’t forgotten her.3. people’s attitudes changed after watching her play the match.

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4. The narrator’s parents taught her

1. great lessons in economy.2. how to earn money for her first tennis racket.3. to achieve her goals.

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5. The economist Muhammad Yunus is the narrator’s hero because

1. he explained how he developed the Grameen Bank2. he was able to change people’s lives3. he won the Nobel Prize

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6. The narrator particularly admires Julie Foudy because

1. she lights everything up around her.2. she has the courage to ask for help.3. she is energetic and has leadership qualities.

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7. According to the narrator,

1. athletes must have daily training programmes.2. success in sport is thought to be easy.3. sport doesn’t require any effort.

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8. The narrator believes that a great tennis player

1. has great will power.2. is clever.
3. trains a lot.

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9. The narrator concentrates on

1. what she does off the court.2. winning tennis matches.3. trying her best both on and off the court.

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10. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1) Special Attitude is Required
2) Lack of Challenge May Cause Problems
3) Gifted Children Always Become Famous
4) Awareness of Giftedness

5) Gifted Children Have no Support
6) Contrary to Popular Belief
7) Being Gifted Is not Always Easy
8) Identifying the Gifted Child

A. Gifted children’s behaviour differs from that of their age-mates. Many gifted children learn to read early, with better comprehension of the nuances of language. As much as half of the gifted and talented population has learned to read before entering school. They can work independently at an earlier age and can concentrate for longer periods. They like to learn new things, are willing to examine the unusual, and are highly inquisitive.

B. Being academically gifted is a topic laced with myths and fears, many of which are unfounded. Moreover, academically gifted children often face special problems. So do their parents. Schools treat those children differently from those whose talents lie in other areas, like music, art, and sports. Gifted children may also be learning disabled, or have another disability while being highly intelligent.

C. Social and emotional difficulties are not directly linked to giftedness. Rather, they result from a lack of understanding by the child of the nature of their intellectual differ- ence. Parents and teachers don’t usually discuss this difference with them because of the concern that they may get a ‘swelled head’. The risk is that gifted children may view their differences as ‘weird’ or ‘bad’ or try to ignore or deny them.

D. Most of the athletes are allowed to develop their special skills at whatever rate best suits them. No one tries to stop them from becoming much better baseball players or swimmers than their classmates. Yet if an academically gifted child tries to do two years of work in one, that’s viewed as potentially harmful. Much of the concern focuses on the non-academic areas of these gifted children’s development.

E. Researchers emphasize that for the vast majority of academically gifted children those concerns are groundless. In fact, these children are more likely to develop social and even academic problems if they don’t feel intellectually challenged. If gifted children don’t go to challenging programs, they may not learn how to learn. Eventually, in college or graduate school, they feel emotionally overwhelmed when they can’t just coast through their courses anymore.

F. Gifted children represent both a challenge and a resource for schools. Educators have a responsibility to provide programs to meet the educational needs of gifted students who are capable of learning at advanced levels. Ideally, schools should have specifically trained teachers for gifted students to create a challenging and supportive learning environment for these children.

G. Gifted children are often viewed as ‘the smart ones’ who should know everything. Yet, being gifted does not mean they possess great abilities in every area. Albert Einstein was 4 years old before he spoke a word. Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade, and Leo Tolstoy flunked out of college. What do these three famous people have in common? In fact, they are all considered gifted, and in some cases, geniuses.

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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11. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Solar panels on the roof aren’t just providing clean power; they are cooling the house. Using thermal imaging, researchers determined that during the day, a building’s ceiling was 5 degrees Fahrenheit cooler under solar panels than under an exposed roof. At night, the panels help hold heat in, A___________.

As solar panels sprout on an increasing number of residential and commercial roofs, it becomes more important to consider their impact on buildings’ total energy costs. Data for the study was gathered over three days on the roof of the San Diego School of Engineering with a thermal infrared camera. The building is equipped with tilted solar panels and solar panels B___________. Some portions of the roof are not covered by panels.

The panels essentially act as roof shades. Rather than the sun beating down onto the roof, C___________, photovoltaic panels take the solar beating. Then much of the heat is removed by wind blowing between the panels and the roof. The benefits are greater if there is an open gap D___________, so tilted panels provide more cooling. Also, the more efficient the solar panels, the bigger the cooling effect. For the building researchers analyzed, the panels reduced the amount of heat reaching the roof by about 38 percent.

Although the measurements took place over a limited period of time, the team developed a model that allows them to extrapolate their findings to predict cooling effects throughout the year.

For example, in winter, the panels would keep the sun from heating up the building. But at night, they would also keep in E___________.

There are more efficient ways to passively cool buildings F___________. But, if you are considering installing solar photovoltaic, depending on your roof thermal properties, you can expect a large reduction in the amount of energy you use to cool your residence or business.

1) that are flush with the roof
2) such as reflective roof membranes
3) which causes heat to be pushed through the roof
4) where air can circulate between the building and the solar panel
5) that was not covered with panels
6) reducing heating costs in the winter
7) whatever heat accumulated inside

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Arriving home after her part-time job at Burger King, Lykesia Lilly planned to shoot some hoops. It was late afternoon on a Sunday. Maybe she’d even play some one-on-one with her little nephew Adrian before supper. But when Lilly asked her sister where the boy was, her casual question was met with concern. ‘I was outside looking for him because his dad and I realized we hadn’t seen him in a while, ’ recalls Adrian’s mother, Stephanie Crump. ‘He was supposed to be playing at a house down the street, but when we called, he wasn’t there.’

In their tiny, rural community of Burnsville, North Carolina, kids still run freely from yard to yard, popping in and out of single-story brick houses with tree-lined lawns. Even traffic poses little threat. The hamlet’s centre consists of a single blinking caution light and two stores. But on that sunny May afternoon, six-year-old Adrian Clark seemed to have simply vanished. Much of his close and extended family joined in a frantic search, combing the neighbourhood and the energetic first grader’s usual play spots.

Finally, they heard faint cries coming from below a mound of rocks piled on his grandmother’s lawn. ‘We could hear him, but we couldn’t see him, ’ recalls Lilly. ‘It was like he was invisible.’ Following his voice, they stumbled on an abandoned well covered with landscaping shale that had been forgotten for years. Somehow Adrian had pushed the slabs aside and slipped into the ragged hole in the ground. There, down the dark, narrow shaft, they saw him — a small figure 15 feet below, suspended over water. Exhausted and shivering, he’d been clinging to pieces of craggy rock and concrete for nearly an hour.

From the lip of the well, the family tried to reassure the child. But they had no idea how to get him out. The well was only 14 inches wide at the top, ‘the size of a five-gallon bucket, ’ says Crump. ‘We realized none of the adults could fit through it.’ They lowered a long orange extension cord, but Adrian — who’d slipped into the murky, freezing water three times by now — was too afraid to let go of the wall to wrap the lifeline around himself.

Fighting hysteria, Crump made two calls to 911. One reached the local volunteer fire department, and the other, the Anson County EMS dispatcher, 13 miles away. But Crump still worried that Adrian would lose his grip before they got there. That’s when Lilly decided she had to go down — despite her inability to swim. ‘Everyone was panicking and crying, and I knew I couldn’t wait any longer, ’ she recalls. ‘I just had to get my nephew.’

Crump and Adrian’s father, Dale Clark, lowered Lilly down the shaft as far as they could, then let go. The well got wider part of the way down, and she slid past her nephew and into the water below. Fortunately, Lilly instinctively pushed off the bottom, 12 feet underwater, and surfaced just under Adrian. ‘I got focused, ’ she says. With the water level just under her nose, Lilly then bolstered her 100-pound nephew, who was shaking in his soaking clothes. With one arm, she grabbed the cord that Adrian’s father was dangling from above and tied it around Adrian’s waist. ‘I was pushing him and holding on with my legs while they were pulling, ’ Lilly says. ‘Somehow they got him out.’

Lilly herself was pulled out just as the rescue squad arrived. Both Adrian and Lilly were taken to the hospital, where he was blanketed with heat packs to ward off hypothermia and she was treated for bruises and lacerations. County workers sealed the well for good a few days later.

The next week, Crump threw a surprise party to honour the gentle-natured teen, who in the past had expressed fear of even the tamer rides at a nearby amusement park. ‘I think if my baby had drowned, if he hadn’t been able to hold on …’ Crump says. ‘I can’t thank Lykesia enough.’ Now working in a day-care centre, Lilly is hoping for a scholarship to attend the University of North Carolina, where she wants to study forensics. ‘She’s more serious and responsible now, ’ observes Crump. ‘I don’t think she knew she had it in her.’

Lilly and Adrian have been uniquely close since the rescue. ‘He reminds me all the time, ’ she says fondly. ‘He’ll say, ‘Thank you, Auntie, for saving me.’ And he’ll hug me. Just out of the blue.

(Adapted from ‘Leaps of Faith’ by Joanna Powell)

12. Arriving home, Lykesia Lilly intended

1. to shoot a gun with her nephew.2. to play basketball.
3. to take some photographs.4. to play with a hula hoop.

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13. Burnsville is

1. a tiny village with no shops.2. a hamlet with almost no traffic.3. a city with dangerous traffic.4. a small town in North Carolina.

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14. Finally the family found Adrian

1. in the river deep below the ground.2. behind a mound of rocks.3. in a pile on his grandmother’s lawn.4. in a deep hole under the stones.

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15. Lilly decided she had to go down to Adrian because

1. the rescuers could arrive too late.2. she could swim very well.3. there were no other volunteers.
4. everyone was crying for help.

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16. A few days later county workers

1. closed the entrance of the well for ever.2. fenced the well for good.3. found a lot of goods in the well.4. searched the well for goods.

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17. After the accident Lilly

1. sees less of her nephew.2. has changed for the better.
3. got a scholarship to attend the University of North Carolina.4. is as serious and responsible as she was before.

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18. In the last paragraph ‘Just out of the blue’ means

1. tightly.2. heartily.3. energetically.
4. unexpectedly.

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Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст, предложения которого распределены по заданиям 19-25. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

19. Traffic Problems

In January 2003, the Congestion Charge ____________(INTRODUCE) in London to help solve the city’s traffic problems.

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Верный ответ: Wasintroduced

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20. However, London’s motorists still have traffic problems, ____________(CRAWL)through the city’s streets. London is just as congested with cars as it was before the introduction of the traffic charging scheme.

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21. ‘Without the Congestion Charge the traffic problems in London would be much ____________(BAD) now, ’ said the TfL’s Managing Director.

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22. ‘It already ____________(PROVE) successful in cutting traffic coming into London.’

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Верный ответ: Hasproved;Hasalreadyproved

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23. However, on its own, the traffic charging scheme ____________(NOT RESOLVE) the problem of congestion in the city. London streets remain clogged by RESOLVE road works and other measures designed to help pedestrians, buses and cyclists.

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Верный ответ: Doesnotresolve

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24. Mayor of London Boris Johnson says he now ____________(WORK) with TfL on a ‘comprehensive approach’ to ease the congestion problem.

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Верный ответ: Isnowworking;Isworking

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25. He believes that the government soon ____________(IMPOSE) new measures to eliminate traffic congestion.

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Верный ответ: Willsoonimpose;Willimpose

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Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст, распределенный по заданиям 26-31. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

26. Television Viewing

Television viewing has always been the main leisure activity for American teenagers. According to the ____________(FIND) of a Nielsen study, US teens spend more time watching television than on the computer.

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27. The study found that teenagers were more engaged than ____________(POPULAR) believed with traditional media such as live television, radio and newspapers.

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28. The amount of television watched by the ____________(TYPE) American teenager has increased by six percent over the past five years, which is rather alarming.

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29. Television is a passive ‘non-activity’, which often detracts from ____________(PERSONAL) and community-oriented activities.

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Верный ответ: Interpersonal

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30. Time in front of the television cuts into family time and is a leading cause of ____________(OBESE) in both adults and children.

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31. Excessive TV use leads to a more sedentary lifestyle which is ____________(HEALTH) for all of us, both mentally and physically.

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Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов вместе с предложениями из текста ниже.

Dolphin Cove

The day is hot and humid; uncomfortable, so we move to sit in a shaded area. Waiting for the coach to pick us 32___________, I read my book but unfortunately I feel unwell. Hoping that it will pass before we arrive 33___________ dolphin cove I read to take my mind elsewhere.

Rebecca sits next to her Dad on the journey. A young couple sit close by and chat to us along the way. I notice how much the boy reminds me of my nephew, just an older version of him. Having got off the coach, we 34___________ off towards the beach and Rebecca enjoys a paddle in the sea.

A while later it is time for me to join my group at the edge of the cove. Rebecca is reluctant to let me go, becoming miserable and wanting to go home. She is upset at the 35___________ of having to wait.

As for me, I can’t wait to get into the water. Swimming over to the far side, refreshing cool water washes over me. Two dolphins appear in the cove weaving through the water. We form a line and they come up in front of us balancing on their tails, fins flapping. It’s amazing being so close. I am overwhelmed, smiling and laughing at the performance they are displaying for us. Now it’s my 36___________ to swim. I latch my hands on to their fins feeling their strength as they pull me with force through the water, 37___________ on a great ride with intensity.

To experience this was something I only dreamt of and never in my wildest dreams did I think it would become a fantastic opportunity. I feel so honoured to be with these magnificent creatures in the sea. We are all asked if we would like to participate in the next encounter of being lifted by our feet out of the water. Definitely, I’ll give that a 38___________! (A phenomenal privilege: an hour of my life which I will never forget.)

32. Выберите пропущенное слово

The day is hot and humid; uncomfortable, so we move to sit in a shaded area. Waiting for the coach to pick us 32___________, I read my book but unfortunately I feel unwell.

1. over2. on3. up4. out

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33. Выберите пропущенное слово

Hoping that it will pass before we arrive 33___________ dolphin cove I read to take my mind elsewhere.

1. on2. at3. to4. in

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34. Выберите пропущенное слово

Having got off the coach, we 34___________ off towards the beach and Rebecca enjoys a paddle in the sea.

1. turn2. head3. carry4. take

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35. Выберите пропущенное слово

She is upset at the 35___________ of having to wait.

1. perspective2. prospect3. prospectus4. prospective

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36. Выберите пропущенное слово

Now it’s my 36___________ to swim.

1. turn2. try3. trial4. queue

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37. Выберите пропущенное слово

I latch my hands on to their fins feeling their strength as they pull me with force through the water, 37___________ on a great ride with intensity.

1. embarking2. embracing3. entertaining4. encountering

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38. Выберите пропущенное слово

Definitely, I’ll give that a 38___________! (A phenomenal privilege: an hour of my life which I will never forget.)

1. make2. turn3. go4. do

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Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Запишите сначала номер задания (39, 40), а затем ответ на него.

39. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend George who writes:

…At school we are doing projects on famous singers from different countries. Could you tell me about any famous Russian singer? What is he or she famous for? How long has he/she been singing? Do you enjoy his/her songs? Have you ever been to his/her concerts?

As for my school trip to Edinburgh last week, it was really wonderful…

Write a letter to George.
In your letter

— tell him about the singer you admire most of all

— ask 3 questions about his trip to Edinburgh

Write 100 — 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

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Подсказка к этому вопросу еще не внесена, но скоро появится =)

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40. Comment on the following statement.

Fast food is not harmful to our health.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200 — 250 words.
Use the following plan:

— make an introduction (state the problem paraphrasing the given statement)

— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

— make a conclusion restating your position

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Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A—F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1—7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А—G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A Mary’s new job takes up a lot of time and energy.

B Mary has no time to go to parties.

C Peter felt his salary in the company was too low.

D Peter left his job because he had no promotion prospects.

E Peter sent out his resume to nearly twenty companies.

F Peter wouldn’t mind working in another city.

G Mary advises Peter to speak to people with the same problems.


Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите рассказ писателя о своём увлечении музыкой. В заданиях 3—9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


The narrator says that his musical career
1) changed its direction at the age of 11.
2) started roughly 30 years ago.
3) began after he had sung a song with his father.
Ответ: .


When the narrator was almost 40,
1) he was already performing in public.
2) he had learned to sing the parts of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’.
3) he felt a desire to start playing music.
Ответ: .


When the narrator got a mandolin, he

1) didn’t feel surprised.

2) felt a bit nervous.

3) felt relieved.

Ответ: .


The narrator enjoyed playing the mandolin because
1) he was able to master difficult chords.
2) he was composing music.
3) he was able to relax after his everyday work.
Ответ: .


The narrator went to the jam camp because
1) he wanted to perform in public.
2) he would like to speak to Dr. Banjo.
3) he was offered the easiest way to improve his skills.
Ответ: .


In the camp the narrator learned that
1) to play songs he should know forty basic chords.
2) to grow as a musician he should possess certain qualities and abilities.
3) he could become a perfect mandolin player if he practises a lot.
Ответ: .


When the narrator came back home last week, he was pleased because
1) Ruth had started taking music lessons.
2) his friends and relatives showed their interest in music.
3) Los Angeles was a different place.
Ответ: .

Раздел 2. ЧТЕНИЕ


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Use Silence
2. Gestures and Posture
3. Audience Awareness
4. Sensible Dress

5. Distinct and Audible Speech
6. Consider Context
7. Speaking Through Eyes
8. Strategic Listening

A. The first thing that a good speaker does is looks at the audience and takes a pause before beginning his speech. This helps to create a good impression on the audience. Throughout the speech, the speaker should maintain eye contact with the listeners, otherwise they will feel that they are being ignored and it is quite likely that they also ignore whatever he is trying to convey.

B. Proper variation in emotion and tempo of the voice improves the quality of performance. Accurate pronunciation of words with due stresses wherever required must be done. One more important thing while communicating is that your voice must be clear and loud enough for the audience to hear it. A loud voice can be a strong point for being an effective speaker.

C. Concentrate on your ideas and do not get distracted by the activities performed by the audience, for example, smiling or whispering. To make your communication successful get the clue about the listeners and their interests. Think over the age, sex and background of the people. See whether the audience is patient enough to handle you for hours. Check out if they are friendly or hostile.

D. Facial expressions reveal what thoughts are running through a person’s mind. So while communicating, make sure that your facial expressions reveal your interest for the subject on which you are communicating. The body movements while speaking must coordinate with your convincing power. They must add to the things which are more effectively caught visually than verbally.

E. If you are trying to improve your own communication, concentrate on ways to make your nonverbal signals match the level of formality necessitated by the situation. Some situations require more formal behaviour that might be interpreted very differently in any other setting. So when you are communicating with others, always take into account the situation in which the communication occurs.

F. Don’t be afraid to pause and breathe. Listeners need time to reflect on what you are saying. Just like we need ‘white space’ and punctuation on the written page, we need pauses when we speak. Talking non-stop is a huge drawback. Having the confidence to pause for a few seconds in between sentences commands attention rather than diverts it.

G. The appearance plays an important role in presenting ourselves to society. The people who wear clothes suitable to their body structure look attractive. A person’s physical appearance creates a definite impact on the communication process. Our clothes should not be too modern for the people whom we are interacting with. However, they should be able to create a positive impression on them.


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1—7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Ever wonder A ____________? There’s actually quite a bit of science going on behind the scenes, with several components working together to bring you that digital-quality signal.

Your channel selection begins with the programming sources themselves. Companies like Showtime, HBO or Cinemax create their programming. Channel providers then purchase rights to this programming B ____________. Once a provider has their programming in place, they turn their attention to the broadcast centre to compress and convert the programming for satellite broadcast.

Your Dish Network Programming originally arrives as a digital stream of video, which is then compressed and converted through an encoder, typically using the MPEG2 format. This format reduces the overall size of the video, C ____________.

Once encoded, the video is then encrypted D ____________. After the video has been encrypted, it is sent to the provider’s satellite, strategically positioned in the sky.

The satellite itself uses a dish similar to your own satellite dish, to receive the video and send it back down to Earth. When the satellite sends the signal back down to Earth, it is picked up by your satellite dish, a small round antenna that receives the satellite’s broadcast and sends the video on to your satellite TV receiver.

The satellite TV receiver is that little black box that sits inside your home and allows you to choose E ____________. The receiver actually performs several important functions in the satellite viewing process, including the decryption of the signal itself. If you remember, the satellite signal was scrambled by the provider to protect it from un-paying consumers. Your receiver ‘de-scrambles’ that signal and converts the signal into a format F ____________. Together these amazing components create a vividly clear digital picture for over 200 satellite channels.

  1. which channel you want to watch
  2. including a power source and a computer system
  3. so that the broadcast can only be viewed by paying subscribers
  4. so that they can broadcast the shows via satellite
  5. how your satellite TV system works
  6. making it possible for a satellite to broadcast hundreds of channels at the same time
  7. that your television can handle

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12—18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Jonte faced playtime with mixed feelings. When the bell rang, the others would rush into the open air, laughing and chattering. He felt left out. Yet these were also times he enjoyed. He could daydream about how things might have been.

Sometimes, though, he would watch the play not directly, that would have been impossible but on the big screen in one of the classrooms. Cheering on his friends made him feel part of the action. Even through the screens, however, watching for long often made his eyes hurt. Sunlight reflected strongly off the silvery turf, and even more from the trees around the ground. Players in motion trailed flashes of light which left black spots in his vision.

It was during a tense game that the summons came through. The shelter Principal, no less, wanted him at once in his office. Jonte uttered a mild swearword, though realising that he had already been watching too long — his head was aching. He made his way to the admin sector, signalled his arrival and went in. The Principal was behind his desk directly opposite the door. He was a small man, with metallic black hair cut short, silver-grey hands in constant fidgety motion and an expression of perpetual irritation. He waved in the direction of a chair placed in front of the desk.

But to Jonte’s surprise, there were several other people in the office. It was difficult at first to see them all clearly: not only had the effects of watching the match still to wear off, but the lighting was poor. Perhaps the Principal had only remembered at the last minute to close the heavy shutters and switch on a lamp.

As his vision returned, Jonte’s surprise grew. The six men and two women, who sat in a half circle to one side, judging by their job tags, were senior… very senior. Four were from the administration. The two women and the other two men seemed to be scientists from different research bodies.

Jonte was used to the fact that other people were inscrutable. He would have been able to tell from gazing in a mirror into his own eyes, with their blue irises surrounding dark pupils, how he was feeling, even if he hadn’t known yet. But other people’s eyes were silver discs, giving away nothing. He could sometimes see from the rest of their faces whether they were happy or sad, smiling or frowning; but their skin reflected the light, so that he could never be quite sure. From the way they were sitting, he thought, the visitors seemed anxious.

‘Jonte’, the Principal said, ‘these people have a favour to ask, and I hope you can help them. Please sit down.’ Jonte’s surprise grew. What possible favour could these people want from someone like him? ‘I’ll help if I can’, he said.

‘You know,’ the Principal went on, ‘that you have had to grow up here because going outside would be dangerous. Your body wouldn’t be able to withstand the radiation, even at night-time. Ordinary people are born with protection; but in your case…’

‘So you see’, one of the women interjected quickly, ‘you are really a very interesting young man. We want you to let us get to know you better.’

‘The people here,’ the Principal resumed, ‘are from the government’s science and research council. They would like to take you to one of their centres in the south, where the facilities are supposed to be better than we can provide. ’

‘But I’m quite happy here,’ Jonte felt he should say. ‘My friends…’

‘… and in any case,’ the Principal insisted a trifle sourly, ‘you wouldn’t be able to stay much longer. The shelter is being closed down.’

Jonte took this in. ‘So when do I have to go?’ he asked.

‘If you can pack your things together quickly,’ one of the men replied, ‘we should like to move you this evening … say in an hour. Is that all right?’

An hour! The suddenness of it all puzzled Jonte. His condition had been known from the moment he had been born when his parents so he had been told had handed him over for special care. But it also excited him. Apart from a short journey when he had been much younger to a medical centre, he could not remember ever having left the shelter. He didn’t really have much to pack anyway.

(Adapted from ‘Fear No More’ by George Anthony)


When his friends rushed into the open air during playtime, Jonte felt

1) embarrased.

2) annoyed.

3) lonely.

4) bored.

Ответ: .


When the summons came through, Jonte was
1) glad that he was able to have a rest.
2) annoyed that he had to stop watching the game.
3) eager to know what had happened.
4) in a hurry.
Ответ: .


The people in the Principal’s office were all

1) of high rank.

2) very old.

3) researchers.

4) from the administration.

Ответ: .


In paragraph 6 the word ‘inscrutable’ means

1) not wishing to talk.
2) unhappy.

3) pretending to be kind.
4) showing no emotion or reaction.

Ответ: .


Jonte had to grow up in the shelter because
1) he was an orphan.
2) the world outside the shelter was dangerous.
3) his body was unable to withstand high temperature.
4) he would not manage to survive in the open air.
Ответ: .


The people offered to take Jonte to one of their centres because
1) Jonte was not quite happy here.
2) it was well equipped.
3) the Principal didn’t want Jonte to stay in the shelter.
4) the shelter could not provide good education for Jonte.
Ответ: .


Jonte was surprised because

1) he had not known about his condition.
2) he had never left the shelter before.

3) he had to leave the shelter urgently.
4) he didn’t have much to pack.

Ответ: .


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19—25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19—25.

Обратите внимание, что по правилам ЕГЭ ответы нужно писать без пробелов и других знаков, например, правильный ответ ‘have done’ нужно будет записать как ‘havedone’, иначе ваш ответ не засчитается.

Choosing a Career


Jane had always wanted to be a nurse and help in need. Her father, however, thought that nursing was not a suitable profession for her.



When she left school, she a job as a doctor’s receptionist.



Jane to take the job, so she decided to talk to her friend Ann about what she should do.



When Jane came to Ann’s house, Ann met her in the garden. ‘Hello, Jane! You look so unhappy! What (you) about?’



While Jane’s her problem, Ann’s mother shouted to the girls to come over.



She said that Jane’s father an accident and he was in hospital.



When they arrived at the hospital, Jane was amazed to see her father on the bed in a very good mood. ‘Oh, Jane, the nurses here are really wonderful. And I think …’ Jane smiled. She knew what her father was going to tell her.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 26—31, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 26—31.


Edinburgh is one of the most written-about cities on earth. Built on ancient volcanoes and first established because of its secure and


position, the capital of Scotland has become a crossroads.



everyone who comes to Scotland today spends some time in this city.



Edinburgh is the second most popular tourist destination in Great Britain and it’s not hard to see why. Its midsummer festival is one of the biggest in the world.



Edinburgh is a delight to explore on foot: most of its are contained within a compact central area.



With streets steeped in history and a thriving scene, Edinburgh offers the perfect balance between traditional and contemporary things.



The area around the city has many towns and scenic villages, which are also great for exploring.


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32—38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32—38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

The Archipelago

In the remote southern seas there is a cluster of islands. Each island is inhabited by a different race of people. Although physically they look alike, you can tell them 32____ by their styles of dress and their distinctive dialects. Each island has its own unique form of architecture. The only similarity between them is that each race builds in a manner that is 33____ odds with the environment. On rocky hillsides there are wooden huts and in wooded valleys you can see towns of brick. Arid uplands are irrigated and planted with leafy gardens, whereas, on fertile plains, the parks are paved with stone. 34____ their differences, the islanders coexist peacefully. There is rivalry over certain fishing waters but it rarely 35____ to more than a few heated exchanges.

At the centre of the archipelago, perhaps in the most favoured spot of all, lies an island that has been deserted for many generations. It looks very different from the rest: darker, taller, silent. There is no obvious reason 36____ its abandonment as it has good soil and plenty of freshwater.

Long ago, it was inhabited by farmers and fishermen much like everywhere else in the archipelago, but everything changed when they started building the first wall. As soon as it was finished a second circle of battlements began to rise from the centre, slightly narrower than the one before, so that from faraway the island 37____ an enormous wedding cake.

Nobody can explain why the wall was started but there are many theories as to why it was never finished. Some say that so many had perished during its construction, that no one dared halt the work and thereby admit that it had all been in vain. Others claim that the builders simply 38____ out of materials. But one thing is certain, the predicted threat never arrived and the people at the centre of the archipelago had, quite simply, bricked themselves in.


1) out

2) off

3) apart

4) aside

Ответ: .


1) over

2) at

3) against

4) on

Ответ: .


1) Despite

2) In spite

3) Besides

4) Although

Ответ: .


1) raises

2) attains

3) amounts

4) achieves

Ответ: .


1) with

2) to

3) of

4) for

Ответ: .


1) recollected

2) reminded

3) resembled

4) remembered

Ответ: .


1) went

2) ran

3) grew

4) came

Ответ: .

Ваш результат: пока 0.

Далее вы можете набрать еще 40 баллов. Автоматически это проверить нельзя, поэтому сделайте реалистичный прогноз о том, сколько бы вы смогли набрать баллов, и получите ваш итоговый результат ЕГЭ.

Если возник вопрос по ответу, в котором вы ошиблись, можете задать его в комментариях.

Раздел 4. ПИСЬМО

Для ответов на задания 39 и 40 используйте бланк ответов № 2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями, или можно использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 39 и 40 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Запишите сначала номер задания (39, 40), а затем ответ на него. Если одной стороны бланка недостаточно, Вы можете использовать другую его сторону.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mark who writes:

…Guess what! All my friends are going to ‘Waterland’ next week and I can’t swim! What shall I do? If I go with my friends, they will be teasing me all the time. I have wanted to learn to swim for a long time but I feel embarrassed to start learning at my age. What would you advise me to do? Is it difficult to learn how to swim? How many lessons will I need?

Well, I’d better go now as my mum’s calling me for dinner.

Write back to Mark.
In your letter
— answer his questions
— ask 3 questions about his favourite sports
Write 100 — 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

За это задание вы можете получить 6 баллов максимум.

Comment on the following statement.

Lots of teens believe that it’s important to look nice. However, adults often think that young people pay too much attention to their appearance and fashion.

Write 200 — 250 words.

— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2—3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1—2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position

За это задание вы можете получить 14 баллов максимум.


— За 1,5 минуты нужно подготовиться и в следующие 1,5 минуты выразительно прочитать текст вслух — 1 балл.
— Составление 5 вопросов на основе ключевых слов. На подготовку отводится 1,5 минуты, затем каждый вопрос надо сформулировать в течение 20 секунд — 5 баллов.
— 3 фотографии. Нужно выбрать 1 и описать ее по предложенному тут же в задании плану за 3,5 минуты — 7 баллов.
— 2 картинки. Нужно сравнить их, описать сходства и различия, объяснить, почему выбранная тематика близка выпускнику, за 3,5 минуты — 7 баллов.


Learning English (BrE) 1  2  3
The best English (AmE)
Grammar 1  2   3
English speaking world



Готовимся к экзаменам

David hasn t been to school for some time ответы егэ—————————————

David hasn t been to school for some time ответы егэ
     Проверь свой английский
                   в игре




    1     2     3     4     5     6     7  


Список заданий:

  1. Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильные глаголы в Present perfect
  2. Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя неправильные глаголы в Present perfect
  3. Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в настоящем завершенном времени
  4. Упражнение 4. Составьте предложения из предложенных слов, используя время Present perfect
  5. Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения, используя Present perfect tense
  6. Упражнение 6. Образуйте вопрос и отрицание к предложению
  7. Упражнение 7. Вставьте глаголы из списка в предложения в нужной форме
  8. Упражнение 8. Дайте краткий положительный и отрицательный ответы на заданный вопрос
  9. Упражнение 9. Вставьте have, has, haven’t или hasn’t
  10. Упражнение 10. Напишите правильный глагол в настоящем завершенном времени
  11. Упражнение 11. Напишите неправильный глагол в третьей форме
  12. Упражнение 12. Определите в каких из предложений используется время Present perfect

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильные глаголы в Present perfect

  1. I (to live) in Russia for many years
  2. Mike (to visit) Paris several times
  3. She (to start) a new job
  4. We (to receive) a lot of presents lately
  5. My mother (to work) in the library all her life
  6. My sister recently (to enter) this university

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя неправильные глаголы в Present perfect

  1. He (to lose) his passport
  2. I (to know) Kate since we were at school together
  3. They (to buy) a new car
  4. I already (to meet) this person
  5. Anna (to eat) five apples today
  6. My friends already (to see) this film

Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в настоящем завершенном времени

  1. My parents (to know) each other for many years
  2. I (to drive) this car since 2015
  3. We already ( to do) all the housework
  4. She (to close) the door
  5. I (to read) a lot of magazines in the last few days
  6. Mike never (to be) to England before

Упражнение 4. Составьте предложения из предложенных слов, используя время Present perfect

  1. Buy/ we/ a new house
  2. She/ their/ feed/ already/ dog
  3. Never/ fly / I/ a plane
  4. This/ read/ Anna/ already/ book
  5. since 2010/ I/ in school / work
  6. they/ all homework/ not do/ yet

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения, используя Present perfect tense

  1. У нас никогда не было собаки
  2. Это лучшая книга из тех, что я когда-либо читал
  3. Кейт была в Англии несколько раз
  4. Они уже смотрели этот фильм
  5. Дождь еще не закончился
  6. Я живу здесь с 2010 года

Упражнение 6. Образуйте вопрос и отрицание к предложению

  1. He has already read this book
  2. They have bought a new car
  3. You have drunk three cups of tea today
  4. Jane has gone to England
  5. Mike has lost his wallet
  6. Anna has visited Paris several times

Упражнение 7. Вставьте глаголы из списка в предложения в нужной форме

publish, read, solve, not to be, see, play

  1. Mike never _ this book
  2. I _ abroad since 2015
  3. She _ the piano before
  4. They already _ my new article
  5. David _ his brother since he moved to Moscow
  6. He _ this problem yet

Упражнение 8. Дайте краткий положительный и отрицательный ответы на заданный вопрос

  1. Have you ever lived abroad?
  2. Has Anna ever driven a car?
  3. Has your father bought a new house?
  4. Has Mike already read this book?
  5. Have you ever eaten avocado?
  6. Has your brother just arrived?

Упражнение 9. Вставьте have, has, haven’t или hasn’t

  1. I _ read this magazine yet
  2. He _ never been to Spain before
  3. I _ never lied to my mother
  4. Anna _ visited Italy several times
  5. Ben _ spoken to me yet
  6. I _ seen Mark since Monday

Упражнение 10. Напишите правильный глагол в настоящем завершенном времени

  1. Want
  2. Stop
  3. Live
  4. Arrive
  5. Move
  6. Cry

Вспомните правила написания окончаний -ed, -ied, -d.

Упражнение 11. Напишите неправильный глагол в третьей форме времени

  1. Know
  2. Find
  3. Give
  4. Pay
  5. See
  6. Write

Упражнение 12. Определите в каких из предложений используется время Present perfect

  1. Mike has already done his homework
  2. I will go to the zoo tomorrow
  3. We played football two hours ago
  4. My father has never been to England
  5. Have you ever read this novel?
  6. My name is Tom

Вам могут помочь маркеры времени.


Упражнение 1

  1. Have lived
  2. Has visited
  3. Has started
  4. Have received
  5. Has worked
  6. Has recently entered

Если допустили ошибки, то прочтите сначала грамматику.

Упражнение 2

  1. Has lost
  2. Have known
  3. Have bought
  4. Have already met
  5. Has eaten
  6. Have already seen

Забыли неправильные глаголы? Повторите их.

Упражнение 3

  1. Have known
  2. Have driven
  3. Have already done
  4. Has closed
  5. Have read
  6. Has never been

Если все еще возникают сложности, то попробуйте посмотреть примеры предложений.

Упражнение 4

  1. We have bought a new house
  2. She has already fed their dog
  3. I have never flown a plane
  4. Anna has already read this book
  5. I have worked in school since 2010
  6. They have not done all homework yet

Упражнение 5

  1. We have never had a dog
  2. It is the best book I have ever read
  3. Kate has been to England several times
  4. They have already seen this film
  5. It has not stopped raining yet
  6. I have lived here since 2010

Упражнение 6

  1. Has he already read this book? He hasn’t already read this book
  2. Have they bought a new car? They haven’t bought a new car
  3. Have you drunk three cups of tea today? You haven’t drunk three cups of tea today
  4. Has Jane gone to England? Jane hasn’t gone to England
  5. Has Mike lost his wallet? Mike hasn’t lost his wallet
  6. Has Anna visited Paris several time? Anna hasn’t visited Paris several times

Упражнение 7

  1. has never read
  2. haven’t been
  3. has played
  4. have already published
  5. hasn’t seen
  6. hasn’t solved

Упражнение 8

  1. Yes, I have. No, I haven’t
  2. Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t
  3. Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t
  4. Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t
  5. Yes, I have. No, I haven’t
  6. Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t

Упражнение 9

  1. haven’t
  2. has
  3. have
  4. has
  5. hasn’t
  6. haven’t

Упражнение 10

  1. Wanted
  2. Stopped
  3. Lived
  4. Arrived
  5. Moved
  6. Cried

Упражнение 11

  1. Known
  2. Found
  3. Given
  4. Paid
  5. Seen
  6. Written

Упражнение 12

  1. Да
  2. Нет
  3. Нет
  4. Да
  5. Да
  6. Нет

Если Вы допустили ошибки, то попробуйте прочитать статьи на настоящее завершенное время:

  • Грамматика
  • Примеры
  • Маркеры времени
  • Неправильные глаголы
  • Окончания -ed, -ied, -d

а затем повторно выполнить задания, в которых возникли затруднения на отработку настоящего простого времени в английском языке.

Упражнения на другие времена:

  • Past simple
  • Present continuous
  • Present simple
  • Future simple

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