Day schools vs boarding schools ответы егэ

В данном задании дается связный текст с семью пропусками. В данной части экзамена это самое сложное задание. Для каждого пропуска предлагаются четыре варианта ответа, из которых только один является правильным. За каждый правильно выбранный ответ дается 1 Балл. За все задание можно получить максимально 7 Баллов.

ЦЕЛЬ ЗАДАНИЯ: Проверить умение использовать лексику в коммуникативном контек­сте с учетом специфики:

Форм одного слова и слов, близких по написанию и звучанию;

Ф Значений одного слова и его синонимов, антонимов, омонимов;

Ф Норм лексической сочетаемости, принятых в английском языке, и т. д.


Заранее ознакомиться с форматом задания и с требованиями по заполнению бланков для данного задания.

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Просмотреть текст с пропусками, постараться понять его содержание.

Во время второго прочтения

1. Читать текст до пропуска. При работе с каждым фрагментом текста с пропуском ис­пользовать следующую логику:

♦ читать внимательно весь фрагмент, но особое внимание уделить предложению с про­пущенным словом;

♦ внимательно изучить все предложенные варианты ответа, выбрать наиболее подхо­дящий с учетом значения и норм лексической сочетаемости пропущенного слова. ОСОБОЕ ВНИМАНИЕ уделить Синонимам (у них могут Быть разные оттенки значе­ния, они могут иметь Различия в управлении и сочетаемости с другими словами), а также Созвучным словам или словам Со сходным написанием (у них могут быть раз­ные значения).

♦ прочитать предложение с пропуском еще раз, убедиться, что выбранное слово являет­ся наиболее корректным для заполнения пропуска. ОБОСНОВАТЬ СВОЙ ВЫБОР, оп­ределив, почему другие варианты неверны в данном случае. Если задание выполняет­ся Не на экзамене, проверить правильность сделанного выбора По словарю.

2. Обвести/ записать окончательный вариант ответа в тексте задания.


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A New Family Member

Tracey and her sister had always wanted their own horse. And although neither of them had much spare money, they were about to ∣A22Their dream. The tricky part was not getting a horse but actually finding somewhere to keep one. But eventually Mrs Richards aGreed to let the girls ∣A23A small field at the far end of the farm. This was going to ∣A24Them J500 a year but it would work out at just over J20 per month each which was OK. The horse himself was coming from the Horse Rescue Charity. They would need to make a small donation every year to cover the cost of an animal welfare inspector who would visit twice a year. The ∣A25 Expenses after this would be for food and vet bills. But the two girls were

∣A26That they could manage and were committed to going ahead. And it was a big commitment. They were getting an eighteen month old skewbald colt named Domino. Horses often live over twenty years and the sisters were taking him on A27Life. Actually they had plans to get another horse as a friend for Domino. But first of all Domino would need to settle down. He had been badly treated by his previous owners and was still a bit nervous and difficult to ∣A28∣.

A22 I

1) realise

2) consider

3) have

4) believe


1) borrow

2) pay

3) rent

4) lend

A24 I

1) charge

2) fee

3) pay

4) cost

A25 I

1) longest

2) biggest

3) hugest

4) tallest


1) assured

2) comfortable

3) thoughtful

4) confident


1) for

2) during

3) at

4) to


1) deal

2) agree

3) handle

4) cope


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соот­ветствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите Номер Выбранного Вами Варианта Ответа.

Unlucky Travellers

Susan sat down, switched on her computer and was just about to read Her overnight emails when the door flew open. “Valerie! What are you doing here? You are A22 to be on holiday in Italy!”

Susan was astonished. She and Val worked together as receptionists at the hospital. Because she had expected to be on her own and working twice as hard, she was quite pleased to see Val. On the other hand she knew that Val was really looking ∣A23To her holiday. What could possibly have gone wrong? Val walked in but she didn’t say a ∣A24 word. It was clear that she was upset and tired. “What is it? What’s happened?” Susan continued. “Is everything OK?” Valerie was silent for some moments but eventually A25__________________________ . “You clearly haven’t

подпись: . why don’t you go somewhere in england? the weather well,” replied val, “it seems that we willbe ok to go . soHeard the news. Our travel company went bankrupt on Friday. We didn’t know and so went to the airport on Saturday morning. Actually we have spent the whole weekend at the airport hoping still to get a flight. In the end we gave ∣A26 and came home”. “Oh you poor thing,” Susan gushed. “Let me make you a cup of tea but then you should go home. You still have two weeks holiday to A27[ Is certainly nice enough at the moment.

To Italy still. We had travel insurance and it seems we will get all our money ∣A28[ We’ll try again in the autumn with a different travel company.”

A22 I

1) proposed

2) suggested

3) wanted

4) supposed


1) for

2) around

3) forward

4) after



2) single

3) one

4) certain


1) asked

2) said

3) ) spoke

4) told

A26 I

1) up

2) on

3) to

4) at


1) make

2) take

3) manage

4) do


1) back

2) still

3) agreed

4) together


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соот­ветствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите Номер Выбранного Вами Варианта Ответа.

The Tower of London

‘Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress’, ‘The Tower’ and ‘The White Tower’ are all names for the building most commonly known as The Tower of London. Construction began in 1078 but work ∣A22, on and off, over a period of two hundred years or more.

The Tower was essentially a fortress whose functions eventually extended to that of royal palace, prison, armoury, zoo, Royal Mint and observatory. Since 1303 it has also been used ∣A23Storing the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. Today, however, The Tower is cared for by an independent charity and receives no funding from the governmEnt or the crown.

The Tower is probably best known for the famous prisoners who were ∣A24, and sometimes executed, there. In 1483 the 13-year-old King Edward 5ffi and his 10-year-old brother Richard were murdered there; apparently on the orders of their uncle, the Duke of Gloucester. ∣A25The most famous victim of The Tower was Anne Boleyn, the unfortunate second wife of Henry 8th. But Guy Fawkes, Thomas Moore, Sir Walter Raleigh and even the future Queen Elizabeth 1st were all imprisoned behind those fearsome walls.

Most people know the A26Legend that if the ravens ever leave The Tower — then the British Monarchy will be doomed. Possibly less people know however that the Tower was also one of the ∣A27Zoos. Lions, tigers and large ∣A28Of rare and exotic species lived

In the Tower gardens over 800 years ago.


1) lengthened

2) continued

3) prolonged

4) increased


1) as

2) with

3) for

4) to


1) captured

2) maintained

3) found

4) held

A25 I

1) Thus

2) Consequently

3) Probably

4) Although


1) ancient

2) prehistoric

3) antique

4) aged

A27 I

1) newest

2) youngest

3) earliest

4) soonest

A28 I

1) figures

2) groups

3) herds

4) numbers


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Schools for gifted and talented: view of American scholars

Gifted programs often provoke controversy because there is no standard definition of what a gifted student is. There are six ∣A22 of ability often evaluated in order to determine

∣A23A child is gifted: general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitude, creative thinking, leadership ability, visual and performing arts, and psychomotor ability. They are ∣A24 by combinations of standardized tests, plus peer and teacher evaluations.

On the one hand schools for gifted and talented may ∣A25The emotional stress of isolation and peer rejection often experienced by gifted students in a traditional school. On the other hand — social development of a child may be impeded as a result of isolation from the general population.

We can’t deny the fact that gifted programs offer personalized instruction and enriched curriculum suited to the needs of students gifted in this or that area. Such programs allow students to learn at a highly ∣A26 rate according to their ability. School administrators in such schools hire gifted teaching staff and select teachers who can be a source of instructional innovation.

подпись: |а28.подпись: of misusingSuch schools normally have smaller classes and in general these schools for the gifted are few. Access ∣A27 them may be physically difficult because of their location. Besides, they may be not available for families with limited income asthey may be expensive. If such schools are publicly funded, they may be opposed as elitist and money that might go to traditional schools.

A22 I

1) districts

2) regions

3) parts

4) areas


1) whether

2) wherever

3) whenever

4) whereas

A24 I

1) calculated

2) quantified

3) determined

4) measured


1) treat

2) relieve

3) simplify

4) improve


1) hasty

2) prompt

3) accelerated

4) hurried


1) to

2) for

3) at

4) in


1) blamed

2) charged

3) accused

4) claimed


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соот­ветствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите Номер Выбранного Вами Варианта Ответа.

From High School to University Students

Some students find transition from secondary school to tertiary education painful. Well- known life is left ∣A22 with familiar home and community environment, parents, siblings, friends. Anticipation of unpredictable academic responsibilities and fear of failure, together with fear of disappointing one’s parents and friends ∣A23To the stress. They are both ∣A24 and afraid of new social responsibilities like dealing with roommates, instructors, male and female student friends. There is fear of not being accepted; fear of loneliness; anxiety and guilt about breaking with the past. They are on the edge of redefining themselves as adults, finding a satisfactory career, abandoning old friends and finding new.

What can be done to ∣A25 this stress? Firstly, it’s important to become ∣A26 with the university’s scholastic and non-scholastic programs: check the university’s website and request informational brochures. You can also visit the campus and introduce yourself at the Departmental office; talk to students majoring in the Department. If the university can provide the names of roommates, become acquainted in person or by ∣A27Prior to classes. Most Universities have orientation programs — first year student assemble on campus for a week before the start of classes. Orientation can be led by Departmental deans, instructors, and majors, introducing new students to academic procedures and standards, enrolling students in their first term classes, assigning ∣A28∣. each new student an upperclassman as mentor to help them adjust to their first year at the university.

I A22∣

1) back

2) behind

3) apart

4) aside

I A23∣

1) multiply

2) raise

3) rise

4) add

I A24∣

1) eager

2) liking

3) wanting

4) keen

I A25 I

1) shorten

2) eliminate

3) refuse

4) release

I A26∣

1) aware

2) conscious

3) acquainted

4) sensitive

I A27 I

1) correspondence

2) communication

3) interaction

4) post

I A28∣

1) to

2) for

3) at

4) —


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Education in the UK: Pages of History

Prior to 1944 the British secondary education system was rather haphazard. Schools were created by local governments, private charities, and religious foundations. Schools varied greatly by region. ∣A2¾ Was not available to all, and secondary schools were mainly for the upper and middle classes.

подпись: a24In 1944, secondary education was A23 as a right for all children, and universal, free education was introduced. From 1944 to 1976 state-funded secondary education of three types of schools (the Tripartite System): Grammar School, Secondary

Technical School and Secondary Modern School. The basic assumption of the Tripartite System was that all should be entitled to an education appropriate to their nEeds and abilities. It also assumed that students with different abilities should have a different ∣A25. Pupils were assigned to one of the three types of school according to their performance in an examination taken at age eleven, the Eleven Plus examination.

Grammar Schools were intended to A26A highly academic curriculum. There was a strong focus on intellectual subjects, such as literature, classics and complex mathematics, aimed A27 developing students’ ability to deal with abstract concepts. Secondary Technical Schools were designed to train children with ability in mechanical and scientific subjects. The focus of the schools was on providing scientists, engineers and technicians. Secondary Modern Schools would train pupils in practical skills, equipping them for less skilled jobs and home management.

Due to the expense of building facilities for three types of schools, very few Technical Schools were built, and education in the UK retained its class character: the upper class children attended Grammar School which received the lion’s share of funding, lower class children attended Modern Schools which were largely neglected. Only children who |А28|_ to Grammar Schools had a real chance of getting into a university.

I A22

1) Access

2) Attendance

3) Entrance

4) Reception

I A23

1) recognized

2) recalled

3) found

4) realised

I A24

1) inserted

2) included

3) contained

4) consisted

I A25

1) agenda

2) curriculum

3) courses

4) plan

I A26

1) instruct


3) teach

4) study

I A27

1) on

2) at

3) to

4) for

I A28

1) attended

2) admitted

3) went

4) graduated


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Globalisation is good and bad and inevitable. It is good or at least useful economically because it lowers ∣A22To trade and increases the flow of goods, labour and services. It has both ∣A23In and encouraged legal migration, and tourism. It has shared the best of the world’s musical culture, sport, TV and films, fashion and dance. It has made the world both familiar and strange. In any main Street from Moscow to Los Angeles or London to Sydney — one can eat Chinese, Indian, Italian or Thai cuisine and it seems perfectly normal. Globalisation has reduced (many argue) the ∣A24Of global conflict and it has aided the development of world health policies and humanitarian aid. The charity concert “Live Aid” was watched by 400 million viewers in 60 countries.

But Globalisation is also dark. The process began through “discovery” and colonization. It demanded integration ∣A25The expense of local independence, colour and “difference”. It grew out of monstrous transnational corporations that became so powerful that neither trade unions nor governments had the power to hinder. It came with the opportunity to produce goods on an unprecedented scale at previously unimagined prices. Globalization ∣A26 to the independent manufacturers of the world — “grow with us, or die”.

And Globalization is inevitable. Elements of the late 20th century phenomenon can be seen throughout history in the rise and fall of every empire: where dress, cuisine, culture and even language were ∣A27 across continents. Many believe that it is now US culture that has displaced traditional diversity, local uniqueness and identity. Personally I am unable to argue for or against globalisation. It is truly ∣A28And utterly terrible and completely inevitable.

I A22

1) obstructions

2) blockades

3) difficulties

4) barriers

I A23

1) caused

2) affected


4) resulted


I A24 I

1) opportunity

2) occasion

3) likelihood

4) reason

I A25 I

1) at

2) for

3) on

4) by

I A26 I


2) told

3) said

4) talked

I A27

1) exposed

2) imposed

3) imported

4) obliged

I A28

1) well

2) good

3) nice

4) superior


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Quarrelling Neighbours

England and France are neighbours and have a famous 1000 year old, love-hate ∣A22. An early milestone was 1066, when William of Normandy conquered England. As any English football fan will ∣A23You “It’s their fault, they started it!” and ever since there has been conflict; both “teams” selecting their own highlights! The English generally choose the Battle of Agincourt (1415) and of course the ∣A24 of Napoleon (conveniently forgetting that several other nations were actually involved). A more recent low occurred wHen Churchill ordered the sinking of the French Fleet after France surrendered to Germany. ∣A25 many claim the UK’s role in the liberation of France rather made up for this!

English-French rivalry continues to the present time — in sport, language and culture. In any big sporting tournament (especially football or rugby) the French become “Frogs” — a nickname derived ∣A26The (inexplicable to English taste) French inclusion of frogs, snails and other unmentionables in their cuisine.

In the last decades the French have even battled against the invasion of the English language — “Le weekend”, “Le sandwich” and so forth. But it seems that the English language is a ∣A27Opponent. The rivalry recently flared up again most recently when London narrowly beat Paris in the bid to A28 the 2012 Olympics. But in fairness, since William “kicked-off” in 1066 there have been plenty of French victories as well, and in reality the nations are the best of friends as much as “best” enemies and their rivalry is often quite witty and entertaining.


1) relationship

2) rapport

3) acquaintance

4) connection

A23 I

1) talk

2) speak

3) say

4) tell

A24 I

1) loss ;

2) defeat

3) failure

4) collapse

A25 I

1) Thus

2) Although

3) Therefore

4) Nevertheless


1) of

2) for

3) from

4) off


1) tough

2) solid

3) heavy

4) hard


1) accommodate

2) host

3) settle

4) contain


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A Night at the Museum

Friday 6th March 2010, was special for Laura, and me — our sleep over at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). I am guessing you’ve seen the movie? A22 in 2006 and called “A Night at the Museum” with Ben Stiller starring. It’s a kicking comedy about a night guard who ∣A23An ancient curse that makes the animals on display come to life every night and trash the place. ___

I am not sure if the night Laura and I spent at the museum was ∣A24By the film, but it was way cool. Fact, fact, fact! AMNH is one of the largest Museums in the world. There are 25 buildings and 46 ∣A25Exhibition halls set in fab grounds near Central Park, New York. There is a famous library, research labs and a totally awesome 32 million specimens. The night costs $129 per person. Grandma paid for us as early birthday presents.

It began at 5.45pm and ∣A26All the way to 9.00am on the 7th. It was real creepy as the doors swung closed and locked and the lights dimmed away. We switched on torches — and so our first mission began: Looking for fossil facts. I can ∣A27Describe to you walking through those dark halls, our torches cutting beams through the inky black. There was a way scary moment when a huge buffalo head lit up and made me jump like a wuss.

After some bites and coolin’ we settled down to sleep — directly ‘neath a 94 foot blue whale and next to a mighty fine Brown Bear. Luckily no animals came to ∣A28And we slept like babies. Wicked!


1) Made

2) Done

3) Issued

4) Screened



2) opens

3) discovers

4) investigates


1) aroused

2) encouraged

3) pushed

4) inspired


1) constant

2) permanent

3) stable

4) steady


1) ended

2) lasted

3) went

4) carried


1) hardly

2) obviously

3) fairly

4) apparently


1) alive

2) reality

3) real

4) life


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соот­ветствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите Номер Выбранного Вами Варианта Ответа.______________________________________________________________

Blue Whale Watching

For years I have had the same dream about a blue whale. I see the sea darken as the gigantic mammal comes to the surface. Then I see the monster ∣A22At me through the clear green water.

But finally I am about to see my dream come true. Several months of planning had brought me to the warm waters off the southern tip of Sri Lanka. Less than an hour after leaving the harbour we A23At the location whales had been seen the day before.

подпись: lined up
to be the
Blue Whales are the largest creatures that have ever lived. Compared to the big“Blue” — elephants, hippos and the biggest great white sharks are tiny. My fellOw tOurists ∣A24The deck — all of us breathless with anticipation. Each of us A25 first to see the darkening of the sea.

подпись: boat was towards a cloud of wheeling seabirds a kilometre ahead. a sharp blow of wind sees the birds and suddenly the ocean becomes calm. i feel like i am close to the end of dreams. and then suddenly there she is. the most

I heard a shout behind me and suddenly the boat engines roared noisily as the my life’s ∣A28, to the realization of beautiful sight I have ever seen.

A22 I

1) watch

2) stare

3) see

4) observe


1) arrived

2) reached

3) entered

4) achieved

A24 I

1) among

2) between

3) besides

4) along

A25 I

1) persuaded

2) convinced

3) determined

4) assured


1) directed

2) set

3) pulled

4) parked

A27 I

1) after

2) to

3) forward

4) off


1) trip


3) travel

4) destination


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соот­ветствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

The Best Breakfast in the World?

The “Greasy Spoon” cafe on Arundel Road offers the best full English breakfast on the planet. Of course people ∣A22 about what “full English” should consist of but I think there is a small clue in the word “full”. This is a breakfast that knows no modesty. This is not a breakfast for those on a diet. It is the breakfast of Kings; it should be enjoyed ∣A23 leisure and last for the day.

That the “full English” (FE) contains both bacon and eggs is A24_____________ dispute. After this

There are different schools of thought. Sausage, mushrooms, beans, black pudding, fried tomatoes and toast are often ∣A25[ in different line ups and combinations competing for the best, all time classic FE. These are ∣A26 in different portions and styles and a decent breakfast is the almost guaranteed outcome. But an FE on Arundel Road beats all contenders for the best FE in the world because it includes ALL of these ingredients in ∣A27Quantities! They also serve hot toast on traditional toast racks with real butter. But best of all, each customer is served their own pot of traditional English tea (with tea cosy) which may be drunk with milk or cream. And all of this is offered for just J5 per person — and with a newspaper included! The Greasy Spoon is popular with working people and students alike. It opens early during the week for the lorry drivers and on Sunday mornings ∣A28 families come in and spend half the day there.

I A22 I

1) discuss

2) debate

3) quarrel

4) argue

I A23 I

1) for

2) at

3) on

4) in

I A24 I

1) beyond

2) behind

3) besides

4) below


I A25 I

1) contained

2) included

3) held

4) enclosed

I A26∣

1) suggested

2) advised

3) offered

4) intended


1) generous

2) rich

3) luxurious

4) multiple

I A28∣

1) full

2) complete

3) total

4) whole


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соот­ветствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

A night at the Museum

Anna and Ira are best friends. They are both Russian but ∣A22⅛ the Southbank International School as their parents both work in London. They are fifteen now and are studying hard for their International Baccalaureate.

Every Saturday they love to visit museums and galleries in London and so now they have visited A23All of them. But, above all, their absolute favourite is The Natural History Museum in South Kensington.

They filled in an online A24Form and became “members”. This means they get free magazines called “Evolve” and “Second Nature”, get fast track entry to special exhibitions and they get invited to previews, workshops, talks and special A25____________________________________________________ . They even get to use the

Special member’s room where there are free refreshments, magazines and internet access. It ∣A26Them J56 For the year but they felt it was really good value for money.

Last weekend they took part in “Dino snores” — an event A27By the film “A Night at the Museum”. They were given a talk about bugs by TV nature presenter Nick Baker, explored the Dinosaur gallery in the dark on a torch-lit tour, watched films and played games, and then slept in sleeping bags under the shadow of the huge Diplodocus in the Museum’s iconic Central Hall. It was a night they’ll never forget. Although Ira and Anna are both interested in Dinosaurs — they are more interested in present day wildlife and most interested of all in ≡— Russian wildlife. When they go back to Moscow both want to study and eventually

Become wildlife research scientists.


1) attend

2) visit

3) go

4) enroll


1) about

2) almost

3) already

4) approximately


1) application

2) admission

3) entrance

4) request


1) dealings

2) actions

3) procedures

4) events


1) cost

2) charged

3) priced

4) spent


1) inspired

2) motivated

3) stimulated

4) encouraged


1) struggling

2) preserving

3) securing

4) supporting


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Day schools VS Boarding schools

The majority of modern public schools in the UK and state schools in the USA — schools that offer free education— are со-educational day schools. Children that attend these schools remain in family settings with family support and nurture that helps to reduce the stress of ∣A22Any school for a child. They are able to retain contacts with friends and neighbours.

Being less expensive, these schools offer a wider ∣A23Of courses and activities. On the other hand, these schools have larger classes and lower academic standards as compared to more selective schools.

Pupils there have a greater ∣A24 of encountering bad social trends: drug culture, gangs, anti-intellectualism. Of course, much depends on the regional location and the administrative policy of each school.

Boarding or recreational schools have smaller classes with more individualized iNstruCtion; can often (though not always) boast higher academic standards that are focused ∣A25 making students more independent thinkers; encourage them to make many decisions on their own. Graduates of such schools may have an advantage when applying at more popular universities.

Students of such schools ∣A26Lifetime friendships and the so-called ‘old school tie’ — the system of after school, lifelong support and lobbying former schoolmates — can be truly applied in this case.

But there is the ∣A27[ Side of the medal: missed opportunities for parents to educate their children on values; disruption of family: homesick kids, parents missing their children; narrower and less-diverse ∣A28Contacts; expensive tuition.


1) entering

2) starting

3) going

4) getting


1) group

2) collection

3) mixture

4) selection


1) ability

2) opportunity

3) chance

4) prospect


1) on

2) at

3) for

4) to


1) assemble

2) build

3) construct

4) design


1) another

2) other

3) different

4) optional


1) social

2) sociable

3) society

4) civil


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Times are Changing

I grew up in tiny village in East Anglia — population 210 people. Everybody knew each other and seemed to know everyone else’s business. What strikes me now — looking back ∣A22 40 years ago — is that the village contained several social groups and there were clear distinctions and unspoken (and certainly unwritten) rules of engagement.

We had two ∣A23Class families living in the village: The Brandings, who lived in the manor house, and the very honourable Archer family. The Brandings were well ∣A24But certainly not rich. They were extremely posh and so were the Archers who — on the contrary — were fabulously wealthy. But socially — the Brandings and Archers were ∣A25. They could socialise with the vicar and my family (because my Dad was an RAF Officer) but their contact with the other villagers was ∣A26To friendly but polite greetings. Then we had 8 or 10 middle class families; teachers, a scientist, a factory director and so on. In so small a village we knew each other well and socialised a lot.

The ∣A27 comprised of the true working class. They worked in shops, or on the farms. We had also had quite a few elderly couples who in their young days had been “in service”. We didn’t socialise but relations were friendly and we greeted on first name terms.

It’s all changed now of course. Our village is a small town — far too large to be anything like the community of my youth. I may be wrong, but it seems like society has contracted into featureless ∣A28And that nowadays people often don’t even know their neighbours’ names.

A22 I

1) above

2) over

3) beyond

4) behind


1) upper

2) aristocratic

3) high

4) noble


1) allied

2) associated

3) linked

4) connected

A25 I

1) commoners

2) equivalents

3) equals

4) parallels


1) restricted

2) framed

3) enclosed

4) narrowed


1) remnants

2) reminders

3) remain

4) remainder


1) likelihood

2) sameness

3) neutrality

4) equality


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Education in the UK: Modern schools

The 1976 Education Act abolished the Tripartite System in favour of a system of free Comprehensive Schools that were ∣A22 to provide Grammar School education for all. In the UK today, schools reflect elements of both the Tripartite and the Comprehensive models.

The UK system of state schools is complex and ∣A23 the following types: Primary Schools (ages 4-11), Secondary Schools (ages 11-16), Sixth Form Colleges (non-compulsory, ages 16-18), Special Schools for children with physical, emotional and behavioral learning needs, City Technology Colleges (CTCs) and City Colleges for the Technology of the Arts (CCTAs) (ages 11-18). These schools provide a broad secondary education with special emphasis on science and technology and offer a ≡— _ range of vocational qualifications.

Grammar Schools remain and continue to select almost all of their pupils ∣A25 reference to high academic ability. Independent Schools are private schools that obtain most of their finances from ∣A26 paid by parents and income from investments. Some of them are

Selective but many are not. Some of the larger independent schools are ∣A27 as Public Schools. Most Independent Schools are Church Schools.

Most state schools (primary and secondary) are со-educational day schools, but some secondary schools accept boarders. Independent Schools include day and boarding schools and are mostly single-sex, although an increasing number of junior and some senior schools are co­educational. There has been a sharp increase in the number of children ∣A28Independent Schools, owing to the increasing dissatisfaction with academic standards at State Comprehensive Schools.

I A22 I

1) intended

2) aimed

3) offered

4) proposed

I A23 I

1) fits

2) includes

3) engages

4) composes

I A24 I

1) high

2) intensive

3) extensive

4) wide

I A25 I

1) by

2) at

3) for

4) about

I A26 I

1) costs

2) bills

3) fees

4) taxes

I A27

1) famous

2) known

3) notorious

4) familiar

I A28

1) accepting

2) entering

3) going

4) attending


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Mining in Australia

Australia is the “mainland” of the world’s smallest continent. It is mostly very flat and much of it is inhospitable desert. ∣A22Of the population lives in the South East and South West where there is a ∣A23Climate. But the weather played only a relatively minor part in establishing population centres. Many argue that the real story was about mining.

The early colonies in South Australia had a terrible struggle economically. But after significant silver, lead and copper ∣A24j were discovered in Southern Australia, the local

Populations began to grow. In 1841 silver and lead were discovered at Glen Osmond — now a suburb of Adelaide: Then came the discovery of copper at Kapunda in 1845.

But the big story was gold! The first “strike” was at Ophir, New South Wales in 1851. ∣A25Weeks more gold was found in the colony of Victoria. The Australian gold rushes had a major impact ∣A26, Victoria and Australia as a whole. They coloured every aspect of Australian society and elements of it are still clearly visible today. Victoria became the richest colony and Melbourne Australia’s largest city.

The population of Australia changed dramatically ∣A27Of the discovery of gold. In 1851 the population was just 437,655. 10 years later it was 1,151,947. The rapid growth came from “new chums” — recent immigrants from the UK and British Commonwealth. As a lot of Australians will be quick to tell you, much of the new wealth was “stolen” back to England. But enough wealth remained to fund substantial development in industry and infrastructure and to ∣A28The foundations for building modern Australia.

A22 I

1) Most

2) Many

3) Mainly

4) Main

I A23 I

1) temperature

2) temperate

3) tempered

4) temporal


1) riches

2) stores

3) deposits

4) treasures

A25 I

1) Throughout

2) During

3) While

4) Within


1) at

2) on

3) for

4) in

I A27

1) because

2) due

3) as



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The storybook wolf

подпись: year а22Josii Luis Rodriguez of Spain is the overall winner of The Wildlife Photographer of the — a wolf jumping over a gate! He visualized his photo many years ago, when Iberian wolves first returned to Bvila in the Castilla у Leyn region of northern Spain, and cattle

Ranchers ∣A23 war on them. His idea was a picture that would symbolize the ancient conflict ∣A24 humans and wolves, while showing the beauty and strength of this fabled

Animal. But it took a long time to find the ideal ∣A25, let alone a wolf that would jump a gate. His chance came when he found a landowner who was happy to have both the wolves and Josfi Luis on his property, and also had the ideal setting: a copse and an ancient, disused cattle corral.

подпись: а26Josfi Luis started by placing meat in the corral. Once he knew a male wolf was visiting regularly, jumping the gate, he began to introduce the bits of equipment needed to up a camera trap. At first, the wolf didn’t like the flash triggered by the trip beam, but after a few weeks he ∣A27 no notice of the light or the clicks of the hidden digital camera. Now that the wolf was happy and the camera ∣A28 was right, it was time to take the final picture with a medium-format camera. When the first transparencies arrived back from the lab, Josfi Luis was overjoyed to find he finally had the picture he had dreamt of.


1) tournament

2) competition

3) test

4) race


1) pronounced

2) revealed

3) broadcasted

4) declared


1) between

2) among

3) within

4) amongst


1) situation

2) sight

3) location

4) destination


1) put

2) place

3) set

4) build



2) received

3) gave

4) paid


1) posture

2) positioning

3) posing

4) pose


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As a small child I loved almost everything about Christmas. The excitement of Christmas Eve was almost unbearable. We’d go from house to house singing Christmas carols and be given hot mince pies and other ∣A22.

Before bed our parents would read us stories and eventualLy puT us to bed with warnings that Santa Claus would not come if we stayed awake. Before ∣A23Into bed we would leave out a mince pie for Santa and something for his reindeers as a “thank you”: For me Santa was the great hero and I never ∣A24That he would come down our chimney to deliver my presents.

I loved, as I mentioned before, “almost everything”. Immediately after ChristMas I was told by my parents that I had to write “thank you letters”. As a six your old, writing ∣A25One letter was a task, but several made a mountain — pressing down on my small world. “Why” I argued to my Mum “should I write to grandparents, aunts and uncles? Santa brought me all my presents”. ___

And my mother would lie to her son. ∣A26Lies of how Santa helped Granddad choose my toy car and with the help of elves and reindeer delivered it for Granddad — but that still I should thank Granddad for the small part he played in it. The following year her lies were even more devious as she tried to ∣A27Me convinced. As I eventually solved this annual mystery, I of course lost all A28For not writing the “Thank you letters” as the realisation dawned that Granddad had managed everything by himself.

I A22 I

1) surprises

2) treats

3) presents

4) souvenirs

I A23 I

1) getting

2) going

3) putting

4) lying

I A24 I

1) hesitated

2) suspected

3) mistrusted

4) doubted

I A25

1) only

2) yet

3) even

4) still

I A26 I

1) Vague

2) Elaborate

3) Complete

4) Formless

A27 I

1) hold

2) stay

3) keep

4) remain


1) reasons

2) defenses

3) motives

4) excuses


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The Magnificent Six

This is a real life story. When I was about eight, I [A22An organization called the “Cub Scouts”. We met once a week and learned basic first aid and were trained ∣A23 various techniques related to camping and the outdoor life. For each skill learned, there would be a test — which if passed would result in earning a badge. These badges were cArefulLy sewn on our uniforms; green caps with yellow piping, green shirts with a type of scarf ∣A24j a

Neckerchief and short trousers. Our leader was called Akela — after the wolf pack____________ leader in

Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book” and we were formed in units of six boys — called a “Six” and led by a “Sixer”.

I can ∣A25 remember our Six. We were nicknamed “the dwarves” after the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves”. This was nothing to do with our height (and we were of course six rather than seven) but rather it was to do with our ∣A26. We were “Sneezy” (real name Richard), “Bashful” (OLiver), “Grumpy” (Jim), “Doc” (Henry), “Sleepy” (Rupert) and I was “Happy”. Only “Dopey” was ∣A27From the original seven! And really that was what we were like. Richard always seemed to have a cold, Oliver was shy, Jim always in a bad mood and so forth. But we all, without fail, had enormous fun — especially on our annual camping ∣A28 to the Lake District. Every day was filled with adventure and discovery and the reality was — we werd all truly happy.

I A22∣

1) entered

2) enrolled


4) registered

I A23∣

1) in

2) on

3) at

4) for

I A24 I

1) pronounced

2) named

3) entitled

4) called

I A25 I

1) always

2) forever

3) ever

4) still

I A26∣

1) characters

2) features

3) dispositions

4) persons

I A27 I

1) away

2) missing

3) gone

4) absent

I A28∣

1) excursion

2) trip

3) travel



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David Bowie

British Singer David Bowie was always famous for changing his appearance and his musical styles throughout his career. At the beginning, in the late 1960’s — he was compared ∣A22 fifties singers like Tommy Steele and Anthony Newley. Then he grew his hair and became “Major Tom” — a weird, futuristic space traveller — for his number one album called “Space Oddity”: His appearance made more remarkable for having one eye blue and one brown (the result of a childhood A23).

As the years passed he continued to change his appearance — often with fabulous and dramatic costumes that A24Each new stage character. After the “space phase” he created the character “Ziggy Stardust”. At this stage Bowie was the most important artist in the early 70’s glam rock era: His costumes sparkling in silvers, reds and golds and his bright orange hair feathered out like a flaming ∣A25. Then he became “Aladdin Sane” with a bizarre lightening flash motif painted on his face. Soon after this his hair was again short but wavy, he wore ∣A26Size suits and became an “American” soul singer before transforming again into

Yet another character — a central European “Thin White Duke”.

Probably of all British pop stars — he has become the one most A27[ with change and transformation. Even now after 40 years in the business, he continues to ∣A28Strange and original music for his countless fans worldwide. Some believe his 1972 hit song “Changes” predicted all this. It is a song about change and time and the inevitable conflict between one generation and the next.


1) to

2) for

3) on

4) at


1) incident

2) event

3) thing

4) accident


1) described

2) named

3) defined

4) recognized


1) lamp

2) torch


4) light


1) above

2) over

3) extreme

4) upper


1) related

2) fixed

3) combined

4) associated


1) shape

2) form

3) make

4) do


Первое задание (В4-В10).

Образование грамматических форм

Тренировочное задание № 1

Тренировочное задание № 2

Тренировочное задание № 3








Eldest / oldest






Was swimming

Doesn’t/does not need














Тренировочное задание № 4

Тренировочное задание № 5

Тренировочное задание № 6





























Тренировочное задание № 7

Тренировочное задание № 8

Тренировочное задание № 9











Ar elocated









Won, tget/Willnotget

Тренировочное задание № 7

Тренировочное задание № 8

Тренировочное задание № 9






Arenot/aren’ Hncluded


Has joined

Тренировочное задание № 10

Тренировочное задание № 11

Тренировочное задание № 12



























Didn’t Zdidnotrealized


Тренировочное задание № 13

Тренировочное задание № 14

Тренировочное задание № 15






Was covered























Тренировочное задание № 16

Тренировочное задание № 17

Тренировочное задание № 18






















Doesn’t / doesnotdeserve







Тренировочное задание № 19

Тренировочное задание № 20






















Второе задание (В11-В16).

Тренировочное задание № 1

Тренировочное задание № 2

Тренировочное задание № 3

























Тренировочное задание № 4

Тренировочное задание № 5

Тренировочное задание № 6

























Тренировочное задание № 7

Тренировочное задание № 8

Тренировочное задание № 9

























Тренировочное задание № 10

Тренировочное задание № 11

Тренировочное задание № 12

























Тренировочное задание № 13

Тренировочное задание № 14

Тренировочное задание № 15
























Subscriptions / subscription

Тренировочное задание № 16

Тренировочное задание № 17

Тренировочное задание № 18

























Тренировочное задание № 19

Тренировочное задание № 20

















Relaxation / relaxing


Третье (A22-A28).
Лексическое задание на множественный выбор








Тренировочное задание № 1








Тренировочное задание № 2








Тренировочное задание № 3








Тренировочное задание № 4








Тренировочное задание № 5








Тренировочное задание № 6








Тренировочное задание № 7








Тренировочное задание № 8








Тренировочное задание № 9








Тренировочное задание № 10















Тренировочное задание № 11








Тренировочное задание № 12








Тренировочное задание № 13








Тренировочное задание № 14

K 2







Тренировочное задание № 15








Тренировочное задание № 16








Тренировочное задание № 17








Тренировочное задание № 18








Тренировочное задание № 19








Тренировочное задание № 20








Справочное издание

Соловова Елена Николаевна
John Parsons


[1] Общеевропейские компетенции владения языком: Изучение, преподавание, оценка. МГЛУ, 2003.

[2] Поскольку весь возможный спектр уровней владения иностранным языком представлен в доку­менте Совета Европы лишь шестью уровнями, очевидно, что внутри каждого из них можно выделять определенные подуровни. Обозначение базового уровня ЕГЭ как А2+ означает, что из описания уров­ня А2 для подготовки заданий базового уровня разработчики ориентируются на дескрипторы, лежа­щие ближе к уровню Bl, а не к Al.



Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В11-В16 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 02 (part 2)

Boarding schools


A boarding school is when the pupils sleep, eat and work in or near the school grounds. I typical modern fee-charging boarding school has several separate residential houses.



They are either within the school grounds or in the neighborhood of the school.



Pupils generally need permission to go outside defined school boundaries, they may be allowed to venture further at certain times.



A number of senior teaching staff are appointed as housemasters and housemistresses. They take quasi-parental responsibility for perhaps 50 pupils resident in their house, at all times but particularly outside of school hours.



In some schools each house has pupils of all ages, it which case there is usually a prefect system, which gives older pupils limited authority and some privileges together with accountability for the welfare of the younger ones.

In others, separate houses accommodate needs of different years or classes. Houses readily develop distinctive characters and a healthy rivalry between houses is often encouraged in sport.



Houses usually include study-bedrooms or dormitories, a dining room or refectory where pupils take meals at fixed times, and a library, hall or cubicles where pupils can do their homework. Houses may also have common rooms for television and relaxation / relaxing kitchens for snacks, and perhaps computer, ping-pong or billiards rooms. Some facilities may be shared between several houses.


esse edit

ГДЗ Английский язык 10 класс Юхнель, Наумова, Демченко

Английский язык 10 класс

Рабочая тетрадь (Workbook)

Юхнель, Наумова, Демченко


Не все старшеклассники сразу же окунаются в учебный процесс и не сбавляя темпов начинают постигать новые премудрости. Чаще всего ребята расслабляются после пройденных экзаменов. Они считают, что раз справились с одним испытанием, то все остальное им тоже по плечу. Подобная тактика обычно оказывается ошибочной и это становится очевидным по итогам первой четверти. Чтобы избежать больших неприятностей, школьникам следует использовать решебник к учебнику «Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь 10 класс» Юхнель, Наумова, Демченко.

Построение сборника.

На ста сорока трех страницах представлено девять тематических разделов, каждый из которых делиться на определенное количество уроков. Все темы имеют четкое разъяснение и доскональные решения, что поможет школьникам легко ориентироваться в программе этого года.
ГДЗ по английскому языку 10 класс
Юхнель будет весьма полезен, если требуется быстро и качественно выполнить д/з.

Кому стоит им пользоваться.

В течении текущего учебного года подросткам предстоит столкнуться с серьезными проблемами, ведь количество изучаемого материала значительно возрастает. Так же старшеклассникам предстоит выполнять множество дополнительных проектов, что тоже не способствует спокойному и неспешному процессу обучения. С иностранным языком затруднения, как правило, случаются чаще всего, ведь его изучение требует предельной сосредоточенности. А так как внимание учащихся довольно легко переключается на посторонние вещи, то нет ничего удивительного в том, что некоторые моменты остаются вне их внимания. Из-за пробелов в знаниях могут возникать недоразумения при

Решебник workbook 10 класс юхнель

Гдз workbook 10 класс юхнель

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1 — Раздел 1. Чтение

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

  1. Задания на множественные соответствия (Multiple Matching)

1. Improper upbringing

2. People have much in common

3. There is a time for everything

4. The best way to congratulate anyone

5. Advertisement

6. The game to improve your health

7. Noble people

8. Health problems

A. Are you stuck for ideas on how to entertain your kids? Outdoor games could be perfect, enabling your kids to have fun and exercise at the same time. As you might expect, the games vary considerably in terms of size and price. Don’t worry though — the biggest, the most expensive toys and games don’t have to be purchased. Many children are easily satisfied with smaller games. Starting at the smaller end of the spectrum, a kite can represent a great gift. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of watching a kite soar up into the sky and they are also relatively cheap to purchase.

B. We all do it at least once, we say we’re going to stay on budget this Christmas and then we blow the budget and put everything on our credit cards. This isn’t unusual, people all over the country have done it and it’s not only our faults. Retailers make it much easier to get approved for credit cards. In fact, how many of us have gone into a store and been offered a discount on a purchase if we apply for a credit card.

C. It is a well-known fact that we tend to spoil our pets. We want them to have the best of everything but recent studies have shown that pampering our pets might actually do as much harm as good. One recent study from an undisclosed source claims that we are actually making our beloved pets stupid by spoiling them. We are in such a hurry to make their lives easier that we take away their need to solve problems on their own. The less they have to loose their brains the less they can do on their own.

D. A concern veterinarians have regarding spoiled pets is weight. The more we spoil the pet, the more obese it seems to become. The obesity can affect the skeletal system until hip problems start to develop, it can cause respiratory and cardiac problems. The problem with older overweight pets is that every time they are brought to the vet clinic they are exposed to more bacteria and viruses that can lead to still more endless trips to the vet.

E. Have you ever heard of exercises that can help to improve your eyesight? This question seems like a little bit absurd, but the answer is quite definite. Scientific research has been carried out to prove that badminton is beneficial in improving eyesight. You may like badminton in your leisure hours and play joyfully with your friends. But before you know the extra function of badminton, surely you are just treating it as a way of pastime. Of course, it would be even greater if only you have learned that effect earlier.

F. As it is known to all, fruits are rich in nutrients and bioactive substances which are beneficial to our health. However, not all people know how we can entirely absorb fruits’ nutrients to the body without adverse effects when eating fruits. So you should learn to grasp the different time. In the morning, the best fruits are apples, pears and grapes. Eating fruits in the morning can help digestion, absorption and enabling constipation. Some fruits such as cherry, tomatoes, orange, banana are not allowed to eat before meals. After meals pineapple, papaya, kiwi, orange and hawthorn are the best fruits you should choose to eat.

G. Nine out of ten of us will need blood some time in our lives. In the United States, more than 40,000 units of blood are used daily. A unit is a pint, about 500 milliliters. The average adult has between eight and twelve pints of blood. Most adults can easily spare one. People can donate blood every 56 days. The blood count returns to normal in three or four weeks. Only 5 percent of people eligible to give blood do so. They fulfill a great need.

1.2. Задания на восстановление в тесте пропущенных частей предложений (Gapped text)

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предло­жений, обозначенными цифрами 17. Одна из частей в списке 17лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие ча­сти предложения, в таблицу.

Barbie, the glamorous blonde doll beloved by little girls around the world, is A________. She is also the most long-lived toy on the market, a fact that was celebrated throughout the world when she recently had her 40 birthday.

But in a tiny village in Bavaria there was no celebration, only bitterness and regret. In the Hausser home Rolf and Lily ignored the global celebrations В_______, as they have done so many times over the past four decades, about how badly they have been treated by history, or, to be more accurate, by Barbie’s secret history. Like many stars, Barbie is not what she seems. Not only is she older than her official age but Barbie is not her real name, what’s more, she isn’t even American, she’s German.

Barbie’s real name is in fact Lili. She is 45, not 40, and was bom in a small town near Nuremberg. The secret story of the Barbie doll is about small-town naivety against big business determination. Above all, it is С______ , a man who has been erased from Barbie’s history so completely that only a few people in the world know that he was the true creator of the Barbie doll. But instead of making a fortune when she became a worldwide success, Rolf Hausser lost everything.

It was in 1952 that Lili was born, D________ , as a cartoon character for the daily German newspaper Bild Zeitung. Their cartoonist Beuthin had the idea of a girl who was sexy, E_____with a snub nose and a face like an angel.

She was named Lili, and by 1955 she was so popular that Beuthin suggested that a doll should be made as a present for visitors to the newspaper. After many attempts to find the right toymaker, he finally found Rolf Hausser, the son of a famous toy manufacturer, who together with his brother Kurt had set up a very successful toy company called O&M Hausser. Rolf was fascinated by the idea of making a doll F_________, and he agreed to try. Lili the doll went on the market on August 12, 1955, and became an overnight success.

  1. in her first incarnation

  2. pointed out the Lili doll

  3. an icon of American femininity

  4. but essentially innocent

  5. and instead complained bitterly

  6. with the shape and curves of a mature woman

  7. a story of the tragedy of bitter old man

  1. Задания на множественный выбор (Multiple Choice)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. В каждом задании об­ведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

  1. G. Wells was born in 1866 in Bromley. He claimed to have a very ordinary brain, but in fact he predicted air attacks and atomic bombs long before they existed. He took no pleasure in being right though. Instead it just added to his growing feeling of pessimism. His last book was Mind at the End of its Tether, a work full of despair. In his final year he spent his time painting a mural in his home which showed the process of evolution, ending with the figure of Man. Beneath this figure he wrote Time to Go’.

Wells’ parents were, at various times, shopkeepers and servants. Wells was destined to become a shop assistant, but after suffering an accident as a child he was forced to spend a long time in bed. This period of inactivity gave him a love of reading which developed his imagination. After leaving school he first worked in a curtain shop, then trained as a teacher and biologist, but after this decided to write books for a living. At the age of 27, working by candlelight in a room in Kent (his landlady complained he used too many candles), he wrote the book that made his name, The Time Machine. It is the story of an unnamed time traveller who meets strange people in the future and witnesses the end of the world. It was a great success with Victorian readers.

Wells went on to produce ‘scientific romances’ and short stories which were serialised in publications like the Strand Magazine. Many science fiction themes — aliens coming to earth, planetary disasters and so on — were dealt with in these early stories. Wells’ ability to create such original work was amazing. He turned everyday events into incredible fantasies: a conversation about colonialism became The War of the Worlds and a walk round London was turned into The Invisible Man. Some of the predictions made in his books included the use of aeroplanes and tanks in war, the rise of the middle class, the liberation of women and the need for a world state.

His own background gave him the basic materials for his best novels, which were realistic comedies of lower-middle-class life. In these he was at his peak as an artist. Though he continued to write novels, his talent as a fiction writer was gradually over-whelmed by his enthusiasm for scientific knowledge and social change. His idea was that civilisation was ‘a race between education and catastrophe’, and though the catastrophe of the First World War damaged his optimism, he continued to fight for social change.

Wells’ most important act is probably his least known. At the start of World War II, Wells produced a statement of human rights and formed a committee to work on this. The Declaration of the Rights of Man was published in many different languages and stimulated discussion worldwide. After the War, this document greatly influenced the wording of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

11 What made Wells become displeased in later life?

  1. having an ordinary brain

  2. making wrong predictions

  3. being right about the future

  4. being a pessimist

12 What type of work was Wells originally destined to do?

  1. administration

  2. writing

  3. cleaning

  4. sales

13 What helped his imagination to grow?

  1. reading

  2. listening to his parents

  3. making predictions

  4. writing books

14 Wells’ first book .

  1. was based on his own experience

  2. was written in London

  3. was not interesting for readers

  4. gained him popularity

15 What sort of stories did Wells write at first?

1) romantic

2) futuristic

  1. war

  2. mystery

16 Wells’ ‘incredible fantasies’ were developed from _____.

  1. alien invasions of earth

  2. exploring planets

  3. ordinary incidents

  4. scientific predictions

17 How did the First World War affect Wells?

  1. It changed his writing style.

  2. He became more hopeful.

  3. He stopped writing novels.

  4. He became less positive.

2 — Раздел 1. Чтение

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

  1. Задания на множественные соответствия (Multiple Matching)

1. Pay compliments

2. Start with the obvious things

3. Ask about their personal problems

4. Turn the attention to others

5. Avoid difficult themes

6. It’s not so difficult

7. Pay attention

8. Use friendly body language

A. You’re at a cocktail party. There are lots of people there but there’s nobody that you know. What do you do? The good conversationalist would choose to walk up to someone and introduce yourself. We all know people like that — people who can talk to anyone about anything. How do they do it? Well, the good news is that there is no great secret to small talk. There are just some simple techniques that anyone can use to start a conversation and keep it going.

B. In the film Annie Hall Diane Keaton and Woody Allen have just met and they want to impress each other. While they are talking their inner thought appear in sub-title on the screen. ’Listen to me-what a jerk. He probably thinks I’m stupid.’ Thoughts like these kill a conversation. So don’t try to impress other people. Just relax and be yourself. When you talk to someone you show that you are interested in them. So you don’t have to talk about deeply important things. Just talk about simple things like the weather or a television programme that you saw.

C. TV journalist Barbara Walters recalls that when she was younger she met the author, Truman Capote. She wanted to tell him that she liked his book. However, she thought that he must be tired of hearing that, so she just mumbled ’How do you do?’ and turned away. She forgot that everybody likes to receive a compliment and it’s an easy way into a conversation, especially if you follow it up with a question: ’I really liked your book. How long did it take you to write it?’ or ’That’s a nice jacket. Where did you buy it?’

D. Your face and your body can communicate much more than your words. If you stand with your arms folded or if you keep looking around the room, the conversation will quickly end because you will look uninterested. Instead, you should make eye contact; keep an open posture and smile. If you send out friendly messages, you will get friendly messages back.

E. A Victorian lady once compared the two British prime ministers, Gladstone and Disraeli. ’When you speak to Mr Gladstone’, she said, ’you think he is the most interesting man in the world. But when you speak to Mr Disraeli, you feel that you are the most interesting woman in the world.’ People like to talk about themselves and they will think you are fascinating if you ask questions that allow them to do so.

F. But people often don’t listen properly. They are too busy thinking about the next thing that they themselves want to say. Good conversationalists listen carefully and they show that they are listening, too. They ask questions, nod their head in agreement or say things like ’Oh, that sounds exciting’.

G. There are some topics that you should avoid. Don’t ask people about personal problems, money or religion. It’s also a good idea to avoid the kind of statements that say T’m right. You’re wrong’. It’s all right to express your opinions but soften your comments with expressions such as ’I’m afraid I have to disagree with you there’. So, there is no secret to successful small talk. Just follow these simple rules and you’ll soon find that you can hold a pleasant conversation with anybody about anything.

1.2. Задания на восстановление в тесте пропущенных частей предложений (Gapped text)

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предло­жений, обозначенными цифрами 17. Одна из частей в списке 17лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие ча­сти предложения, в таблицу.

In fighting organized crime, the police often make use of undercover police officers who A_____. The life of these undercover police officers is a lonely and dangerous one. Sometimes, things can go badly wrong. In one case, the police attempted to trap a gang of drug dealers working in Spain. For five years, undercover police officers helped the drug dealers launder about $15 million through a false company. In this way, the police were able to В______ . However, when the police arrested the gang members and the case came to court, the British judge said that the police had acted illegally and С______ . The cost of this failed police operation was $25 million. Undercover police officers face terrible danger. One former undercover policeman, Liam Thomas, told the Guardian newspaper that after 12 years in the job he was «like a broken biscuit». The pressure of hiding his real identity and working with violent criminals D_______ . Undercover police officers are supposed E_______ to see that they are not suffering. But Mark Kennedy, an agent who worked under cover in environmental activist groups, says that these psychological checks aren’t as frequent as they should be. Sometimes agents work undercover in the same group for too long. Then there is a serious risk that F__________ , as happened in Kennedy’s case.

  1. have infiltrated the gang

  2. get more information about the gang

  3. stay a long time in a group

  4. caused him to suffer a mental breakdown

  5. to have frequent psychological checks

  6. their true identity will be discovered

  7. the criminals went free

  1. Задания на множественный выбор (Multiple Choice)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. В каждом задании об­ведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Out I went into the night. The wind was still moaning in the distance, though never a breath of it came near the house of Shaws. It had fallen blacker than ever; and I was glad to feel along the wall, till I came the length of the stair-tower door at the far end of the unfinished wing. I had put the key into the keyhole and had just turned it, when all upon a sudden, without sound of wind or thunder, the whole sky lighted up with wild fire and went black again.

  1. had to put my hand over my eyes to get back to the colour of the darkness; and indeed I was already half blinded when I stepped into the tower.

It was so dark inside but I pushed out with foot and hand, and presently struck the wall with the one, and the lowest step with the other. The wall, by the touch, was of fine hewn stone; the steps were steep and narrow. Minding my uncle’s word about the handrails, I kept close to the tower side and felt my way in the darkness with a beating heart.

The house of Shaws stood some five full storeys high, not counting lofts. Well, as I advanced, it seemed to me the air was getting fresher and the darkness began dispersing. I was wondering what might be the cause of this change, when a second blink of the summer lightning came and went. If I did not cry out, it was because fear had me by the throat; and if I did not fall, it was more by Heaven’s mercy than my own strength. A rapid flash was enough to notice that there were deep gaps between the tower wall and the stairs from both sides at that, and that one of my feet rested that moment within two inches of the gap.

This was the grand stair! A gust of a kind of angry courage came into my heart. My uncle had sent me here, certainly to run great risks, perhaps to die. I swore to find out if he had done that intentionally. The oath got me down upon my hands and knees; and as slowly as a snail, feeling before me every inch, and testing the solidity of every stone, I continued to ascend the stair.

The darkness, by contrast with the flash, appeared to have redoubled. A great stir of bats in the top part of the tower flying downwards sometimes beat about my face and body.

The tower, I should have said, was square; and in every comer the step was made of a great stone of a different shape to join the flights. Well, I had come close to one of these turns, when, feeling forward as usual, my hand slipped upon an edge and found nothing but emptiness beyond it. The stair had been carried no higher; to make a stranger climb it in the darkness was to send him straight to his death; and (although, thanks to the lightning and my own precautions, I was safe enough) the mere thought of the dreadful height I might have fallen from, brought out the sweat upon my body and relaxed my joints.

But I knew what I wanted now, and turned and groped my way down again, with a wonderful anger in my heart. About half-way down, the wind sprang up in a clap and shook the tower, the rain followed; and before I had reached the ground level it fell in buckets. I put out my head into the storm, and looked along towards the house. A blinding flash showed me my uncle plainly. He couldn’t see me but was seized on by a kind of panic fear. He ran into the house and left the door open behind him. I followed as softly as I could, and, coming unheard into the kitchen, stood and watched him.

11 The author was able to move along the wall in the darkness ————.

  1. with the help of the wind

  2. touching the wall with his hands

  3. using a lantern

  4. with the help of the handrails

12The author put his hands over his eyes because———- .

  1. the lightning was too bright and hurt his eyes

  2. the lightning frightened him

  3. something got into his eye

  4. the wind was too strong

13 The author didn’t fall down in the dark tower

1) due to his strength

2) due to the handrails

3) due to the lantern

4) just by a lucky chance

14 The author was going to find out———— .

  1. if his uncle wanted him to die

  2. if his uncle wanted to help him

  3. if his uncle was somewhere near him

  4. if his uncle was crazy

15 I The author had to turn back and descent the stair because——- .

  1. bats frightened him

  2. the darkness seemed to have redoubled

  3. the steps were of different shape

  4. the steps ended

16 Descending the stairs the author was full of———— .

  1. curiosity

  2. joy

  1. rage

  2. courage

17 The author went to the house———— .

  1. hoping to hide there

  2. wishing to get warm there

  3. trying not to be noticed

  4. trying to avoid a chase

3- Раздел 1. Чтение

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

  1. Задания на множественные соответствия (Multiple Matching)

1. Unlucky marriage

2. Mainly care

3. Closer to the heart

4. Severe to everyone

5. Broken hopes

6. Disappointed appearance

7. Bloody end

8. Brilliant beginning

A. Henry VIII was born in 1491 and became king of England and Wales in 1509. When he came to the throne he seemed to have everything — he was tall, handsome, good at hunting, and also religious and musical — he composed several songs including the famous Greensleeves. He was also happily married to his new wife Catherine of Aragon. But Henry wanted a son to be his heir, and was prepared to do anything to get what he wanted . He broke with the Catholic Church in order to divorce Catherine, and he married five more times, although his marriages were mostly unsuccessful.

B. Henry’s first wife was Catherine of Aragon. She was the daughter of the king and queen of Spain, so it was really a political marriage. They got married in 1509 when she was 24 and he was only 18.King Henry desperately needed a son, a son who would keep his family in power for another generation. But although Catherine got pregnant many times, the babies never survived. Years passed and finally she had a baby daughter called Mary. But Henry wanted a son, and by this time, Catherine was too old to have more children. Henry now fell madly in love with Anne Boleyn, one of the Catherine’s ladies-in-waiting, and he wanted a divorce from Catherine, but the Pope wouldn’t give him one. Henry broke off relations with the Catholic Church and declared his marriage to Catherine illegal.

C. Henry’s second wife was Anny Boleyn. She was a woman who men found very attractive, and Henry was no exception. Ann was a very clever woman, and an ambitious too. She made it clear to Henry that she wanted to be his queen, not just his lover. In the end she got what she wanted in 1533.But their marriage only lasted three years. A few months after the wedding Ann gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth, who would later become the queen of England. Soon the relations between her and Henry began to deteriorate. She was arrested, accused of adultery. On May 19th 1536 she was beheaded outside the Tower of London.

D. Jane Seymour was Henry’s third wife. They were married just two weeks after Anne’s execution. She was the woman that Henry loved most, and during their short marriage he was a devoted husband. In 1537 she gave birth to a son, Prince Edward. But Jane got ill after the birth, and just two weeks later she died. Although they had only been married for two years, Henry left instructions that when he died he was to be buried next to her.

E. Henry’s fourth wife was Anne of Cleves, she was a German princess. He needed to remarry mostly for political reasons. Henry had seen only Anne’s portrait and he liked her. But unfortunately the painter had exaggerated Anne’s beauty, and when Henry met her in person, just before their wedding, he didn’t find her attractive at all, in fact he thought she looked like a horse. The King was furious, but it was too late to cancel the wedding. But Henry and Anne never slept together, and Henry used this as a reason for their divorce after less than six months of marriage.

F. Henry’s last wife was Katherine Parr. Henry was now 52, a lonely old man, but still with a terrifying personality. When Henry met her, she was in love with another man. But of course she could not say no to the king. Katherine was a mature intelligent woman of 31, she must have been more of a nurse than a wife as Henry was now in very bad health. The marriage lasted four years.

G. Henry VIII had a very bad temper and he could be extremely cruel to people who opposed him or disagreed with him, as all of his wives discovered. As he grew older he became even more terrifying. He had a painful ulcer on his leg and was so overweight that a machine had to drag him upstairs. He died in 1547, aged 55.

1.2. Задания на восстановление в тесте пропущенных частей предложений (Gapped text)

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предло­жений, обозначенными цифрами 17. Одна из частей в списке 17лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие ча­сти предложения, в таблицу.


The theory of evolution says that all living things on Earth, A_________ , come from a common ancestor by slowly changing down the generations. Darwin suggested that the way living things changed over time is through natural selection. This is the better survival and reproduction of those В ______.Fitting into the place where you live is called adapting. Those who fit best into the place where they live, the best adapted, have the best chance to survive and breed. Those who are less well-adapted С_______. If they do not survive well enough to raise young, that means they do not pass on their genes. In this way, the species gradually changes.The first chapter of the Origin deals with domesticated animals, D________. Darwin reminded readers of the huge changes mankind had made in its domestic animals, which were once wild species. The changes were brought about by selective breeding — choosing animals with desirable characters to breed from. This had been done generation after generation, E ______. Perhaps what man had done deliberately, might happen in nature, where some would leave more offspring than others. Darwin noticed that although young plants or animals are very similar to their .parents, F_______ and there is always a range of shape, size, colour and so on. Some of these differences the plant or animal may have got from their own ancestors, but some are new and caused by mutations.

  1. including plants, animals and microbes

  2. tend not to survive

  3. such as cattle and dogs

  4. it would have a better chance to survive

  5. that best fit their environment

  6. no two are exactly the same

  7. until our modern breeds were produced

  1. Задания на множественный выбор (Multiple Choice)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. В каждом задании об­ведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

I was born on Clinton Street in the Lower East Side. I was the next to youngest of six children, two boys, four girls. The two boys, Harry and Willy, were the oldest. My father was a musician, a violinist. He always made a good living. He and my mother had met in Russia and they married there, and then emigrated. My mother came from a family of musicians as well; that is how, in the course of things, she and my father had met. Some of her cousins were very well known in Russia; one, a cellist, had even played for the Tsar. My mother was a very beautiful woman, petite, with long golden hair and the palest, blue eyes. My father used to say to us, ‘You think, you girls, you’re beautiful? You should have seen your mother when she and her sisters walked down the street in our village. Every head turned, they were so slim, their bearing so elegant.’ I suppose he did not want us to get conceited.

I was four when we moved up to the Bronx, a big apartment near Claremont Park. I was a good student, I went to primary school on Washington Avenue; when I was graduated from there I went to Morris High School. I completed all my courses and graduated, and reenrolled to take the program of commercial courses there and got enough credits to graduate all over again if I chose. I knew now how to type, how to keep books, I knew shorthand. I was very ambitious. I had paid for my own piano lessons by playing for silent movies. I watched the screen and improvised. My brother Harry or my father used to sit right behind me to see that nobody bothered me; movie houses were still primitive and they attracted a bad element. After

my courses, I found a job as private secretary to a well-known businessman and philanthropist named Sigmund Unterberg. He had made his money in the shirt business and now spent a good deal of his time doing work for Jewish organizations, social welfare, that kind of thing.

I was a good secretary, Mr Unterberg would dictate a letter to me and I could take it right on the typewriter, without an error, and so when he was finished I was finished and the letter was ready for him to sign. He thought I was wonderful. His wife was a lovely woman and used to invite me to tea with them, to socialize with them. I suppose I was by now nineteen or twenty. They introduced me to one or two young men, but I never liked them.

I by now was interested in my future husband. We had known each other since high school. He was extremely handsome, dashing, he was a good athlete; in fact, that’s how I met him, on the tennis courts, there were clay courts on Morris Avenue and 170t/l Street and we were each playing there. You played tennis in long skirts in those days. I was a good tennis player, I loved sports, and that’s how we met. He walked me home.

My mother did not like Dave. She thought he was too wild. If I went out with another boy he would ruin the date. He would hang around outside our house even if we hadn’t arranged to do anything together and when he saw another boy coming to pick me up he’d do terrible things, he’d pick a fight, or stop us and talk when I was with this other boy. He would warn the other boys to treat me with respect or he would come after them.

11The author had——— in her family.

  1. four brothers and two sisters

  2. four brothers and a sister

  3. two brothers and three sisters

  4. one brother and four sisters

12 Her father was a musician and the children—— .

  1. lived in poverty

  2. had all that was necessary for living

  3. seldom saw their father at home

  4. dreamt of musical career

13When the authors father told the daughters about the beauty of their mother, he wanted them .

  1. not to be very boastful of their prettiness

  2. to be proud of their mother

  3. to pay more attention to their appearance

  4. to be confused

  1. I After school the author earned money—- .

  1. typing

  2. 2) keeping books

  1. doing shorthand

  2. 4) playing for silent movies

  1. Her brother and father used to be near her in the movie house in order———-.

  1. to protect her from bad guys

  2. to assist her

  3. to watch a new film

  4. to make sure she wouldn’t be cheated

16 Mr Unterberg’s wife was——with the author.

  1. hostile

  2. rude

  1. friendly

  2. 4) arrogant

17 The author’s mother did not like Dave because————- .

  1. he was silly

  2. he was hot-tempered

  3. he came from a poor family

  4. he was rude

4- Раздел 1. Чтение

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

  1. Задания на множественные соответствия (Multiple Matching)

1. Why men can’t find things

2. The parts of female brain can work simultaneously

3. Our brains work differently

4. Women are better at running the house

5. Some professions suit only for men or women

6. The man’s brains work quickly

7. The developing of our abilities

8. You should trust driving to the men

A. During the last fifty years psychologists have made us believe that differences between men and women are mainly the result of traditional social ’conditioning’, i.e. the way we are brought up. According to this theory women can be trained to do jobs that men traditionally do, and men can and should become more domesticated. But as the recent scientific research says, gender differences exist because men’s and women’s brains work completely differently and their biological differences mean that they can never think or believe in the same way.

B. In prehistoric times men hunted for food, often alone, and women looked after the children, usually with other women. Men needed to be able to find and kill animals. Women needed the ability to protect the home, to do several things simultaneously and have good communication skills on with the other women. As a result, men’s brains developed better spatial ability and programmed to focus on one specific task. Women developed more connections between the two sides of the brain, which led to be better at doing several things at once.

C. Because the two sides of woman’s brain are better connected, women are generally more talkative and more fluent that men. On average women speak 6800 words a day, and men only 2 400! Women solve problems by talking about them, and in a crisis will usually want to discuss the situation and their feelings, while men tend to interrupt and offer solutions, which isn’t what women want at all. This fundamental difference is one of the main causes of the conflicts in male and female relationships.

D. A man sees driving as a test of his spatial abilities — he enjoys driving fast and showing off and consequently has more accidents than women. On the other hand, generally speaking, men are much less likely to get lost when driving because of their well-developed sense of direction. For women driving is mainly about getting safely from A to B, and they have more difficulties in reading maps. They also find parking a car in a small space more difficult and have more trouble distinguishing left from right.

E. Organizing a house involves doing several things at the same time, and women’s brains make them generally better at it than men. In an experiment for British TV six men and six women had to make coffee, wash up, make toast, take a phone message and pack a briefcase in ten minutes. With one exception the men were all worse than the women. They are worse at seeing details which means they usually don’t even notice that the house is dirty or in mess.

F. Men have inherited their ancestor’s long distance ’tunnel’ vision which was vital for hunting. They can see well and far in one direction but they don’t see things on either side, and they don’t see as well as women close up. This explains why men can never find things in fridges, cupboards and drawers. Women have much wider peripheral vision than men which explains why a woman always seems to find what a man just cannot see.

G. Although some jobs today are still dominated by one or other sex, it is not because of sexual discrimination but basically because men and women are attracted to different jobs. It is logical that men are attracted to careers where spatial skills are vital, such as engineering, architecture, construction and flying. On the other hand, women has superior verbal skills, and they also excel in jobs that require good organizational skills.

1.2. Задания на восстановление в тесте пропущенных частей предложений (Gapped text)

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предло­жений, обозначенными цифрами 17. Одна из частей в списке 17лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие ча­сти предложения, в таблицу.

Being celebrity-thin can ruin your health

Celebrities may feel they need to be slimmer than ever, but staying super- thin can seriously damage your health. Nutritionist Juliette Kellow warns that maintaining a reed-thin physique can pave the way for future illnesses. People

who take slimming-down too far A __. If food intake is low, it’s more likely you will be lacking in vitamins and minerals. ‘The body will try to protect itself and direct any nutrients available to vital areas rather than hair and nails,’ explains Juliette. ‘So looks start to suffer and you could lose that healthy glow, so highly prized in Hollywood.’ Stars who cut out dairy products are laying themselves open to future bone problems. Calcium and nutrient deficiencies can encourage the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis. Also, the lighter a person is, В———. ‘That’s why it’good to do weight-bearing and aerobic exercises in the gym,’ says Juliette. The body’s immune system can suffer the effects of nutrient deficiencies.

You have less ability to fight off colds, flu and bugs, and so С ———. ‘Underweight people would need to eat immunity-boosting foods such as red peppers, berries and citrus fruits. They would also need to increase their zinc intake to help fight infection,’ says Juliette. Lack of calories can mean lack of energy. The body converts calories into energy and without them it simply does not have enough fuel to run on. Just getting through the day can be an ordeal. D————If there’s not enough food moving round the body, it could lead to a sluggish digestive system, discomfort and bloating. Low levels of iron mean you’re not making enough hemoglobin — responsible for red blood cells and transporting oxygen round the body. ‘People on a diet are probably E————, such as fortified breakfast cereals, red meat, oily fish, leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds,’ says Juliette.

Forty per cent of women under 34 in the UK were shown to be at risk of anaemia due to iron deficiency. Symptoms include tiredness, weakness, dizziness, paleness of skin, brittle nails and headaches. But the deficiency can play a part F———such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and other infections.

  1. become more susceptible to infection

  2. you could feel tired all the time

  3. more likely to skip foods rich in iron

  4. could develop some serious deseases

  5. in leading to chronic illnesses

  6. in helping to lead a healthy way of life

  7. the less weight stress there is on the bones

  1. Задания на множественный выбор (Multiple Choice)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. В каждом задании об­ведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

A full thirty years ago, I myself was fifteen. That is not really important, though it was important to me at the time, on the threshold of superb adult world. More important to this story, my uncle Octavian was then a rich man.

He was a charming host whose villa on the Riviera was an accepted meeting of the great. And he was a hospitable, contented, and most amiable man — until January 3rc*, 1925.

There was nothing special about that day in the life of my uncle Octavian, except that it was his fifty-fifth birthday. As usual on such day, he was giving a dinner party, a party for twenty people. All of them were old friends. I, myself, aged fifteen, was deeply privileged, I was staying with my uncle at his exquisite villa, and as a special concession on this happy day, I was allowed to come down to dinner. It was exciting to me to be admitted to such company, which included a newspaper proprietor and his fabulous American wife; a recent prime minister of France and a Habsburg prince and princess of exceptional eloquence.

At that age, on holiday from school, you will guess that I was staggered. Even today, thirty years later, one may fairly admit that the company was distinguished. But I should also stress that they were all old and intimate friends of my uncle Octavian.Towards the end of a wonderful dinner when dessert had been brought in and the servants had left, my uncle learnt forward to admire a magnificent diamond ring on the princess’ hand. Across the table the newspaper proprietor leant across and said: ‘May I also have a look, Therese?’ She smiled and nodded. Then she took off the ring and held it out to him. There exclamations of delight and admiration. The ring was passed from hand to hand.

It was some twenty minutes later when the princess stood up, giving the signal to the ladies to withdraw. She looked round us with a pleasant smile. Then she said: ‘Before we leave you, may I have my ring back?’

I remember my uncle Octavian murmuring: ‘Ah, yes — that wonderful ring!’ Then there was a pause while each of us looked expectantly at his neighbor. Then there was an aggravating silence. The princess was still smiling, though less easily. She was unused to asking for things twice.

When no one responded and the silence continued I still thought that it could only be a practical joke and that one of us — probably the prince himself — would produce the ring with a laugh, perhaps chiding her for her nonchalance. But when nothing happened at all, I knew that the rest of the night would be wretched. I am sure that you can guess the sort of scene that followed. There was the dismay, immediate and shattering, of the guests — all of them old and intimate friends. There was the freezing politeness of the prince, the near-tears of the princess. There were the demands to be searched, the overturning of chairs, the minute scrutiny of the carpet, and then the whole room.

All these things happened, but they didn’t bring the princess’ ring back again. It had vanished. Uncle Octavian’s face was pale and tremendously tense, as if he had been dealt a mortal blow. No servants had entered the room. No one had left it for a moment. The thief was one of us; one of my uncle Octavian’s cherished friends.

11 The author tells us a story which happened—— .

  1. at his dinner party

  2. at his fifteenth birthday party

  1. at his uncle’s birthday party

  2. 4) at his uncle’s friends’ villa

12 This event absolutely changed——.

1) the princess’s life

2) the uncle’s life

3) the author’s life

4) the friends’ lives

13 That dav the author felt——.

1) a bit nervous

2) very unconfident

3) a little worried

4) enough mature

14 The uncle’s villa was————.

1) in modem style

2) tastefully made

3) in the suburb

4) of huge size

15 One of the guests wanted————.

1) to thank the uncle for dinner

2) to talk to the princess

3) to joke with princess

4) to examine the princess’ ring

16 The princess went on smiling because———- .

  1. it was funny joke

  2. she tried to show good manners

  3. she was afraid

  4. she gave the signal that way

17 The ring vanished because———— .

  1. one of the uncle’s friend stole it.

  2. the servant stole it

  3. it was lost in the room

  4. the princess lost it in the room

5- Раздел 1. Чтение

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

  1. Задания на множественные соответствия (Multiple Matching)

The History of Sudoku

1. The modern game version

2. The way to develop your ability

3. The origin inventors

4. Conquering the British minds

5. Surprising appearance

6. The multinational invention

7. The author of game’s name

8. The captured world

A. Sudoku has a fascinating history. ’Su’ means number in Japanese, and ’Doku’ refers to the single place on the puzzle board that each number can fit into. Although its name is Japanese, the puzzle’s origins are actually European and American, and the game represents the best in cross-cultural fertilization. Unlike many games which spring from one culture and are then absorbed by others, Sudoku’s development reveals it to be a true hybrid creation.

B. The 18th century Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler apparently developed the concept of ’Latin Squares’ where numbers in a grid appear only once, across and up and down. In the late 1970s, Dell Magazines in the United States began publishing what we now call Sudoku puzzles using Euler’s concept with a 9 by 9 square grid. They called it Number Place, and it was developed by an independent puzzle maker, Howard Gardens.

C. In the mid-1980s, the president of Japanese puzzle giant Nikoli Inc., Mr.Maki Kaji, urged the company to publish a version of the puzzle that became a huge hit in that country. Nikoli gave the game its current name and helped refine it by restricting the number of revealed or given numbers to 30 and having them appear symmetrically. Afterwards the game became increasingly popular in Japan and started becoming a fixture in daily newspapers and magazines.

D. Almost two decades passed before the game was taken up by The Times newspaper in London as a daily puzzle. This development was due to the efforts of Wayne Gould. Knowing that British newspapers have a long history of publishing crosswords and other puzzles, he promoted Sudoku to The Times in Britain. In autumn of 2004, he was able to convince The Times to start publishing daily Sudoku puzzles developed using his software. Within a few months, other British newspapers began publishing their own Sudoku puzzles.

E. Once again, Sudoku’s popularity crossed the ocean. By the summer of 2005, major newspapers in the United States were also offering Sudoku puzzles like they would daily crossword puzzles. It is interesting to note that while software is critical to being able to supply the growing demands for Sudoku puzzles, as it can take hours of processingtime to generate one unique puzzle, it was old media in the form of newspapers that have done so much to encourage the spread of Sudoku around the world.

F. Sudoku software is very popular on PCs, websites and mobile phones. Software has also been released on video game consoles, such as the Game Boy Advance, Xbox Live Arcade, the Nooke-book reader, several iPod models and the iPhone. Critically and commercially well received, it generated particular praise for its Sudoku implementation and sold more than 8 million copies worldwide.

G. Where this rapidly developing fad leads to, no one can tell. What is clear though is that Sudoku is a fun and challenging way for people of any age and culture to hone their logical and deductive abilities. Who knows, played often enough, Sudoku may help make the human race a tiny bit smarter.

1.2. Задания на восстановление в тесте пропущенных частей предложений (Gapped text)

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предло­жений, обозначенными цифрами 17. Одна из частей в списке 17лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие ча­сти предложения, в таблицу.

Why they came.

Major changes in the pattern of immigration have been caused by wars, revolutions, periods of starvation, persecutions, religious intoleration, and in short, by any number of disasters A——— America was a better place to be. More than a million Irish, for instance, immigrated to America between 1846 and 1851 in order to escape starvation and disease in Ireland. В———, large number of other Europeans fled political persecution. In the 1870-s another wave of refugees left the political turmoil of eastern and southern Europe to seek freedom and a future in America. The largest streams of European immigrants came between 1900 and 1920, that is before, after and during World War I. At other times, for example, С —— , smaller numbers of immigrants came to the US. Since the 1960-s more and more people have fled the poverty and wars in Asia and Latin America in the hope of finding a better life in the United States. There is, of course, D——- and racial variety, one that Americans, more than other people, are aware of. The first slaves brought to what is today the United States arrived in Virginia on a board of a Dutch ship in 1619. On the eve of the American Revolution E———- what was shortly to be the United States of America. In 1776 probably about a fifth of all inhabitants in the British colonies in America were Negro slaves. Between 1777 and 1804 all states in the new republic north of Maryland abolished slavery. However, neither the North nor the South would escape the grave social, economic, political and moral problems F———- . Although the Civil War (1861—1865) brought the end to slavery in all of the states, discrimination against Blacks would continue.

  1. during the Depression and during World War II

  2. that are the heritage of slavery

  3. which led to believe that

  4. are not welcomed by all Americans

  5. another side to American’s ethnic pluralism

  6. during the same period of time

  7. slavery was already firmly established in

  1. Задания на множественный выбор (Multiple Choice)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. В каждом задании об­ведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Dream job turns into nightmare

It was advertised as the best job in the world. And it certainly looked good. You would be paid ($189,000 for six months) to surf, sail and swim. The job came with a beachside mansion, with its own swimming pool, and fantastic view of the ocean. All you had to do was look after tiny Hamilton Island, A———-

Duties included feeding the fish, and writing a blog of your experiences to help encourage tourism in the area. There were more than 34,000 applicants for the job from all over the world, so Ben Southall was delighted В———.But as it turned out, it wasn’t quite the dream job that some people might have expected. Firstly, it was incredibly busy. Ben found himself working seven days a week and up to nineteen hours a day. С, with promotional events, press conferences, training courses and administrative duties. ‘It has been very busy, busier than most people would have imagined, and certainly busier than I had imagined.’ Mr Southall told reporters when he finished his contract.In fact, during his six months, D , made forty seven video diaries,and gave more than 250 media interviews — including a chat with popular US TV host Oprah Winfrey. He also posted more than 75,000 words in sixty separate blogs, uploaded more than 2,000 photos, and ’tweeted’ more than 730 times.

That didn’t leave much time for surfing, sailing or simply relaxing and enjoying the sea views. And when he did get the chance to try out his water sport, things didn’t always go well. On one trip, Ben was stung by a deadly jellyfish. The Irukandji jellyfish are transparent and very small, E .It was enjoying a post Christmas session with some friends at a quiet beach on Hamilton Island and as I climbed off the back of the ski and onto the beach, felt a small bee like sting on my forearm.’ Mr Southall wrote on his blog. Within thirty minutes, Ben was feeling the venom. He was hot and sweaty, with headaches and pains in the chest, and high blood pressure. Ben had to be rushed to a doctor who diagnosed the symptoms and gave him some medication. Luckily, Ben was fine, F——— . On the blog he wrote, ’This was not what I’d wanted at all — I’m supposed to be relaxing in my last few days on Hamilton Island’. Ben was lucky to survive.

It seemed impossible that anyone should be unhappy on such a beautiful morning. Nobody was, decided Edna, except herself. The windows were flung wide in the houses. From within there came the sound of pianos, little hands chased after each other and ran away from each other, practicing scales. The trees fluttered in the sunny gardens, all bright with spring flowers. Street boys whistled, a little dog barked; people passed by, walking so lightly, so swiftly, they looked as though they wanted to break into a run. Now she actually saw in the distance a parasol (an umbrella which protects from the sun), peach- coloured, the first parasol of the year. Perhaps even Edna did not look quite as unhappy as she felt. It is not easy to look tragic at eighteen, when you are extremely pretty, with the cheeks and lips and shining eyes of perfect health. Above all, when you are wearing a French blue frock and your new spring hat trimmed with cornflowers. True, she carried under her arm a book bound in horrid black leather. Perhaps the book provided a gloomy note, but only by accident; it was the ordinary Library binding. For Edna had made going to the Library an excuse for getting out of the house to think, to realize what had happened, to decide somehow what was to be done. An awful thing had happened. Quite suddenly, at the theatre last night, when she and Jimmy were seating side by side in the dress-circle, without a moment’s warning — in fact, she had just finished a chocolate almond and passed the box to him again — she had fallen in love with an actor. But — fallen in — love…

The feeling was unlike anything she had ever imagined before. It wasn’t in the least pleasant. It was hardly thrilling. It was — really, it was absolutely— oh, the most — it was simply — in fact, from that moment Edna knew that life could never be the same. She drew her hand away from Jimmy’s leaned back, and shut the chocolate box forever. This at last was love.

Edna and Jimmy were engaged. She had had her hair up for a year and a half; they had been publicly engaged for a year. But, they had known they were going to marry each other ever since they walked in the Botanical Gardens with their nurses, and sat on the grass with a wine biscuit and a piece of barley — sugar each for their tea. It was so much an accepted thing that Edna had worn a wonderfully good imitation of an engagement-ring out of a cracker all the time she was at school. And up till now they had been devoted to each other.

But now it was over. It was so completely over that Edna found it difficult to believe that Jimmy did not realize it too. How much better to know it now than to wait until after they were married! Now it was possible that Jimmy would get over it. No, it was no use deceiving herself; he would never get over it! His life was wrecked, was ruined; that was inevitable. But he was young…

11 It was wonderful spring day———— .

1) Edna felt very exciting.

2) Edna thought everyone was sad.

3) everyone was happy besides Edna.

4) everybody was happy.

12 She was very nice girl—————.

1) In spite of her sadness

2) Because of her up-to-date clothes

3) Thank for good weather

4) Because of her age

13 Edna went out because she—————- .

  1. wanted to understand herself.

  2. was going to the library.

  3. borrowed a book from the library.

  4. had decided to do it before.

14 The feeling of love was———— for Edna.

  1. familiar

  2. absolutely new

  1. unpleasant

  2. enjoyable

15 What was the relationship between Edna and Jimmy?

  1. Edna had known Jimmy since childhood

  2. Edna and Jimmy had been married for a year

  3. Edna and Jimmy had loved each other for year and a half

  4. Edna had broken up with Jimmy

  1. I Edna thought———.

  1. Jimmy understood everything

  2. 2) Jimmy suspected her

  1. Jimmy couldn’t believe her

  2. 4) Jimmy noticed nothing

  1. I Edna worried that her behavior ———.

  1. would break the engagement

  2. would ruin him

  3. could finish their relationship

  4. could be taken by him easily

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