Departure time вопрос егэ

Задание №1. прочитать текст – 1 балл
Задание №2. задать (прямые) вопросы – 5 баллов
Задание №3. описание картинки 7 баллов
Задание №4. сравнение двух картинок7 баллов

ИТОГО: 20 баллов

В этом задании вам необходимо прочитать правильно текст, не допустив ошибок. Давайте разберём это задание на демоверсии 2017 года.

Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время выполнения – 1.5 минуты
Балы за это задание – 1 балл


Task 1

Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Many lands that had once been swamps were drained or filled in. There are different reasons why people drained swamplands. Some were drained to fight diseases caused by insects that lived in them. Because swamps were considered unpleasant places in which to live and harmful to health, many people thought that unless they were drained the land was worthless.

Other swamps were drained to make new land. As the population grew and more land was needed, people drained swamps or filled them to make room for more farms and factories, more roads and airports.

Few people thought that it might be harmful to get rid of swamps. As swamps disappeared, other things happened. There were both more floods and more droughts than before. There were also more fires, for swamps had acted as firebreaks. Hunters noticed that there was less wild game. Wild life that once lived in the swamps was dying out, because it had no place to live.

Read by George William Dole

Задание № 2

В этом задании вам  необходимо задать вопросы к предложенной вам картинке. Вам даются ключевые слова и на их основе вы должны построить вопросы.

Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время выполнения2 минуты
Ваши вопросы – по 20 секунд на вопрос
Балы за это задание – 5 баллов (по баллу за вопрос)

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

Make your life easier with our new kitchen unit !

kak sdat govorenie ege ustnaya chast 02 001

You are considering buying the appliance and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 

1) departure date
2) travel time
3) return ticket price
4) discounts for students
5) buying the ticket online


1) departure date

What is the departure date?

2) travel time

How long is the travel time?

3) return ticket price

What is the return ticket price?

4) discounts for students

Are there any discounts for students?

5) buying the ticket on-line

Can I buy the ticket on-line?

Read by George William Dole

Задание № 3

В этом задании вам необходимо выбрать картинку (одну из трёх) и описать её.

Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время ответа – 2 минуты
Балы за это задание – 7 баллов

Task 3

These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.

kak sdat govorenie ege ustnaya chast 02 002    

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

● where and when the photo was taken
● what/who is in the photo
● what is happening
● why you keep the photo in your album
● why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”


“I’ve chosen photo number one”


Taking photos is my hobby. If I have an opportunity to take a good picture I never miss it. I have a picture to show you. 

● where and when the photo was taken

This photo was taken a few years ago in Egypt where I took a vacation with my family. 

● what / who is in the photo

In the photo you can see beautiful corals and a school of yellow fish.

● what is happening

I was taking a scuba diving lesson and took my camera, which allowed me to film underwater. As soon as the school of fish saw me they started swimming away. The underwater landscape view was amazing.

● why you keep the photo in your album

I keep this photo in my album because it looks really beautiful and colorful. It reminds me of that fantastic time that we spent there.

● why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You know. I’ve decided to show you this picture because you’ve never been to Egypt and you have always wanted to take a few scuba diving lessons. Don’t give up on this idea. A lot of positive emotions are waiting for you.


Now you know how the underwater realm looks like. Hope you will enjoy doing it. 

That’s all I wanted to say. ( обязательная фраза для экзаменатора, говорящая о завершении ответа)

Вот что получилось: 

I’ve chosen photo number one. Taking photos is my hobby. If I have an opportunity to take a good picture I never miss it. I have a picture to show you. 

This photo was taken a few years ago in Egypt where I took a vacation with my family. In the photo you can see beautiful corals and a school of yellow fish. I was taking a scuba diving lesson and took my camera, which allowed me to film underwater. As soon as the school of fish saw me they started swimming away. The underwater landscape view was amazing. I keep this photo in my album because it looks really beautiful and colorful. It reminds me of that fantastic time that we spent there. You know. I’ve decided to show you this picture because you’ve never been to Egypt and you have always wanted to take a few scuba diving lessons. Don’t give up on this idea. A lot of positive emotions are waiting for you. Now you know how the underwater realm looks like. Hope you will enjoy doing it. 

That’s all I wanted to say.

Read by George William Dole

Задание № 4

В этом задании вы должны сравнить две фотографии, следуя предложенному вам плану.

Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время ответа – 2 минуты
Балы за это задание – 7 баллов 

Task 4

Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

● give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

● say what the pictures have in common
● say in what way the pictures are different
● say which kind of life you’d prefer
● explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

kak sdat govorenie ege ustnaya chast 02 003          



I found two pictures in my album and I am going to compare and contrast them.

1. give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

In both pictures you can two see views. The first picture shows a big city with a bridge and skyscrapers. The second one depicts a countryside view with a hill, road, village houses and trees.

2. say what the pictures have in common

These pictures have some things in common. First of all, these are two kinds of settlements, a village and city ones. Second, in both pictures we can see houses. It looks like early morning. Perhaps summer.

3. say in what way the pictures are different

There are some differences as well. First, it’s a city and a village. One looks strict and official whereas the other soft and relaxing. In the first picture there are a bridge and a river, in the second one a hill and a road. The houses are different as well. One is big, concrete and high, compared to small, cozy and tranquil.

4. say which kind of life you’d prefer

Personally, I would prefer city life. I’ve been living in a big city for a long time and I feel quite comfortable there.

5. explain why

Big cities give a lot of opportunities and I like it. A lot of new and interesting events take place in big cities and I like taking part in it.


That’s it, thank you for listening. ( обязательная фраза для экзаменатора, говорящая о завершении ответа)

Вот что получилось:

I found two pictures in my album and I am going to compare and contrast them.

In both pictures you can two see views. The first picture shows a big city with a bridge and skyscrapers. The second one depicts a countryside view with a hill, road, village houses and trees.

These pictures have some things in common. First of all, these are two kinds of settlements, a village and city ones. Second, in both pictures we can see houses. It looks like early morning. Perhaps summer.

There are some differences as well. First, it’s a city and a village. One looks strict and official whereas the other soft and relaxing. In the first picture there are a bridge and a river, in the second one a hill and a road. The houses are different as well. One is big, concrete and high, compared to small, cozy and tranquil.

Personally, I would prefer city life. I’ve been living in a big city for a long time and I feel quite comfortable there.

Big cities give a lot of opportunities and I like it. A lot of new and interesting events take place in big cities and I like taking part in it.

That’s it, thank you for listening.

Read by George William Dole

Критерии оценки, рекомендации и полезные советы.

Задание №15460.
Прямые вопросы. ЕГЭ по английскому

Study the advertisement.

You are going to visit Japan this summer and you’d like to have more information about the flights to Japan. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out the following:

1) departure dates
2) travel time
3) return ticket price
4) discounts for students

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

What are departure dates?
How long will the flight last?
What is the price of the return ticket?
Do you have discounts for students?

Источник: ФИПИ. Открытый банк тестовых заданий

Сообщить об ошибке

Тест с похожими заданиями

Готовимся к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Говорение.

В предыдущей статье  мы познакомили вас с подготовкой к Заданию № 1 —  чтение текста вслух раздела «Говорение» ЕГЭ по английскому языку и стратегией его выполнения. В этой статье мы расскажем вам, как эффективно подготовиться к Заданиям №№ 2-4.


Задание № 2 (базовый уровень)

В задании № 2 (условный диалог) вам предлагается ознакомиться с рекламным объявлением (текст и картинка) и задать пять прямых вопросов, используя ключевые фразы, сопровождающие объявление.

Время, отведенное на подготовку, составляет – 1,5 минуты.

Время, отведенное на выполнение задания, составляет – 1 минуту (20 секунд на каждый вопрос).

Максимальный балл за данное задание – 5 баллов (за каждый правильный вопрос выставляется один балл).

Возьмите на заметку!!

Содержание вопроса должно отвечать формулировке задания. Вопрос должен иметь правильную грамматическую форму. Вопрос должен быть правильно оформлен фонетически и интонационно (общие вопросы произносятся с восходящей интонацией, специальные вопросы – с нисходящей).

Стратегия выполнения Задания №2


Внимательно прочитайте текст задания. В приведенном примере вы должны задать вопросы об авиарейсах в Японию. Определите тип задаваемых вопросов и сформулируйте сами вопросы.

Итак, для постановки первого вопроса у вас есть следующая фраза – departure dates. Интересуясь о датах отправления, вы будете задавать специальный вопрос. Вот несколько вариантов:

What are the departure dates? или On what dates do you have flights to Japan?

Второй вопрос предполагает получение информации о продолжительности полета —  travel time. Поэтому вы снова задаете специальный вопрос:

How long does the flight last? или Whats the flying time?

Третий вопрос направлен на получение информации о стоимости билета в оба конца – return ticket price. В этом случае вам также следует задавать специальный вопрос:

How much does the return ticket cost? или What’s the price of the return ticket?

Четвертый вопрос предполагает получение информации о наличии скидок для студентов – discounts for students. Это общий вопрос, на который вам дают утвердительный или отрицательный ответ. Например,

Do you have any discounts for students? или Have you got any discounts for students? или Are there any discounts for students? или Do students get any discounts?

Пятый вопрос также является общим, потому что вы будете интересоваться возможностью приобрести билеты через Интернет – buying the ticket online. Например,

Can I get the ticket online? или Can I buy the ticket online? или Сan the ticket be bought online?

Возьмите на заметку!!

Для успешного выполнения Задания №2 вам необходимо повторить следующие разделы грамматики английского языка: Present Simple, Modal Verbs, Passive Voice, Типы вопросов в английском языке.

Послушайте вопросы Задания №2 в аудиозаписи:

Задание №3 (базовый уровень)

Это монологическое высказывание по теме на основе зрительной опоры (картинки). В Задании №3 вам предложено выбрать одну из трех картинок. Вы должны описать выбранную картинку по плану, который включен в задание. Время, отведенное на подготовку, составляет 1,5 минуты, время на выполнение задания – 2 минуты. Монолог должен включать 12-15 предложений.

Стратегия выполнения Задания №3

Начинать ответ всегда следует с фразы «Ive chosen photo number…». Эта информация необходима для проверяющего ваше задание. Например,

Ive chosen photo number 2.

Чтобы в вашем монологе был логический переход от вводной фразы к описанию фотографии, можно сказать следующее:

You know I am keen on photography and I always take photos wherever I go. 

Далее необходимо следовать плану, предложенному в задании:

When you took the photo. В этой части монологического высказывания вы рассказываете, когда вы сделали снимок и при каких обстоятельствах. Используемые времена – Past Simple, Past Continuous. Например,

I took this picture last month when our grade was visiting a big advertising agency. It was a great experience for us.

What/Who is in the picture. В этой части вашего монолога следует обратить внимание на описание того, что вы видите на картинке. Для описания нужно использовать прилагательные и наречия. При описании изображения используется время Present Simple:

In the picture you can see Anna Grey and she is one of the youngest artists working at the agency. She is in her office, which is not big but comfortable. And the atmosphere here is businesslike.

What is happening. Комментируя этот пункт, сосредоточьтесь на действиях, состоянии людей, животных или предметов. Поскольку вам предстоит сказать, что происходит в момент, изображенный на картинке, используйте время Present Continuous. Вы также можете использовать конструкции с глаголами «seem», «appear», чтобы высказать свое предположение. Возможно употребление и других времен глагола, например, Present Perfect. Например,

In the picture Anna is probably working on one of the projects. She seems to be concentrated on her work but at the same time, she is smiling which means she is enjoying what she is doing.

Why you took the photo. Отвечая на этот вопрос, вы должны объяснить, почему вы сделали этот снимок. В этой части монолога вы снова используете время Past Simple и Passive Voice:

I was greatly impressed by Anna’s works as she showed us some of them. What’s more, she  told us a lot about advertising. So I couldn’t but take a picture of her in her office.

Why you decided to show the picture to your friend. В заключительной части монолога нужно объяснить причину выбора этой фотографии, чтобы показать ее другу. В этой части высказывания можно использовать следующие времена: Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Simple, Future Simple, модальные глаголы (could, may, might), сослагательное наклонение. Например,

As far as I know, you would like to study advertising after finishing school. So I was thinking you might like to see an artist at work and learn more about their projects. That’s why I decided to show this picture to you.

Возьмите на заметку!!

В задании вам нужно придумать ситуацию о том, что изображено на картинке, используя не только свой словарный запас по теме, но и воображение.

По каждому из пяти пунктов плана в среднем нужно сказать ТРИ предложения.

Не забывайте об элементах логической связи (союзы, вводные слова).

Следите за произносительной стороной речи, интонацией; соблюдайте паузы.

Прослушайте в аудиозаписи пример ответа Задания №3

Возьмите на заметку!!

Ваша речь на экзамене является спонтанной, поэтому не бойтесь делать паузы. Для этого используйте следующие заполнители пауз: Well…, Let me see…, I guess…, You know… .

Задание №4 (высокий уровень)

Задание № 4 предполагает составление монолога-сравнения двух картинок. Вам предложен план, которого следует придерживаться. При выполнении задания вам нужно указать на сходства между двумя картинками (2-3), а также на различия между ними (2-3).  Также, вам следует высказать свою точку зрения по вопросу, который есть в задании. Время, отведенное на подготовку, составляет – 1,5 минуты. Время на выполнение задания – 2 минуты. Монолог должен включать 12-15 предложений.

Стратегия выполнения Задания № 4


Сделайте небольшое введение. Перед этим необходимо прочитать пункт 4 данного задания: say which kind of life youd prefer. То есть, объектом вашего описания станет жизнь в городе или селе. Например,

I’d like to compare and contrast these two pictures. Nowadays people can choose a place to live according to their plans and preferences. And that’s  the issue these two pictures emphasize.

Далее нужно дать краткое описание картинок (место, действие). Например:

In picture one we can see a busy urban area whereas picture two shows a beautiful countryside.

Теперь нужно отметить, что общего вы находите на двух картинках. Например:

The main similarity between the two pictures is that they show places where people can live as we can see different kinds of buildings and houses. Another thing they have in common is green trees and vegetation, which make both places look scenic. And that’s where the similarities seem to end.

Переходим к различиям между двумя картинками. Например:

However, there are some differences between the photos. The striking difference is the types of dwellings in both pictures. In picture one we can see many-storeyed and high-rise buildings whereas picture two depicts a few countryside cottages where people can only live in warm seasons. Another difference I’d like to point out is that in the urban area we can see a lot of traffic which is a typical feature of any big city, while in picture two there are hardly any vehicles in sight.

Важно обратить внимание на два последних пункта задания. Вам нужно сказать, какой из двух типов жизни вы предпочитаете и объяснить почему — say which kind of life youd prefer и explain why. Например:

Personally, I would choose to live in a big city as its hectic pace of life makes me feel more energetic. Besides, I simply love being on the go which is next to impossible in the country. That is all I wanted to say.

Прослушайте в аудиозаписи вариант ответа Задания №4:

Возьмите на заметку!!


Для подготовки к устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку мы рекомендуем обратиться к следующим Интернет-ресурсам:

  • Сайт Федерального института педагогических измерений
  • Тренажер для выполнения заданий

Вы также можете пройти курс подготовки к ЕГЭ с репетиторами школы Lingua Airlines.  Желаем удачи! 

Другие статьи о ЕГЭ/ОГЭ:

  • ЕГЭ/ОГЭ по английскому. Говорение. Задание №1: чтение текста вслух.
  • ЕГЭ по английскому. Письмо: C1.
  • ЕГЭ по английскому. Письмо: C2.
  • ЕГЭ по английскому. Лексика и грамматика.
  • ЕГЭ по английскому. Чтение.
  • ЕГЭ по английскому. Аудирование.

Ann Gris



6 лет назад

when does the departure dates?
how long a travel time?
what is the price of return ticket?
do you have discount for students?
I can buy the ticket online?

Дополнен 6 лет назад

когда даты вылета?
сколько времени в пути?
какая цена обратного билета?
предусмотрены ли у вас скидки для студентов?
Я могу купить билет онлайн?

Дополнен 6 лет назад

задайте вопросы

Артур Геворкян

Высший разум


6 лет назад

когда даты вылета? — what is the departure date?
сколько времени в пути? — what is the travel time?
какая цена обратного билета? — what is the price of a return ticket?
предусмотрены ли у вас скидки для студентов? — are there any discounts for students?
Я могу купить билет онлайн? — can I buy a ticket online?

30 сентября 2017

В закладки




Key word Translation Win-win question (Present Simple) Example
Availability Наличие Do you have …? Do you have an audio version of the book?
Accommodation Вид жилья What types of the accommodation do you have?
Date Дата When is the …? When is the first session?
Dates Даты What are the dates of …? What are the dates of the exhibition?
Destination  Направление What is the destination of …? What is the destination of the tour?
Discount(s) Скидка(и) Do you have any discount(s) for…? Do you have any discounts for students?
Distance Расстояние How far is/are the …? How far is the theatre?
Duration/time Продолжительность, время How long is the …? How long is the guarantee period?
If… Если Is/Are …(меняем порядок слов в предложении)? Is it a paperback edition?
Facilities Удобства What facilities do you have? What sport facilities do you have?
Insurance coverage Покрытие страховки Do you have an insurance coverage?  
Location/place Месторасположение Where is / are the …? Where is the starting point of our trip?
Need/ necessity Необходимость Do I need to …? Do I need to bring my slippers?
Number Количество How many … do you have? How many bridges do you have?
Price, cost, fare, fee Цена, плата What is the price of …? What is the price of the tuition?
Possibility Возможность Can I … / Is it possible to …? Can I buy the tickets online?
Разнообразие, виды What … (courses, jobs, kinds of, etc.) do you have? What kinds of flowers do you have?
Transportation Транспортировка  How can I get there?
Working/opening hours Рабочие часы What are the working/opening hours?

Автор: Галялетдинов Ильмир Фаритович.

Этапы закрепощения крестьян в России

Крепостное право на Руси появилось позже, чем во многих средневековых европейских королевствах. Это было связано с объективными причинами – низкая плотность населения, зависимость от ордынского ига.

Задания 12-18 досрочного ЕГЭ по математике

3 примера по каждому заданию. Досрочный ЕГЭ по математике прошёл 28 марта.

ОГЭ по математике. Тренировочный вариант СтатГрад

Видеоуроки ОГЭ | Вчера, 21:46

Решение тестовой части (№1-19) тренировочной работы по математике от 18 апреля 2022 года.

Говорение. Самая сложная часть ЕГЭ по английскому языку. На что обратить внимание при подготовке?

1. С3 — Чтение.

Самые распространенные ошибки — это неправильное чтение слов с непроизносимыми согласными. Еще раз повтори чтение таких сочетаний букв (дайте примеры!) 

Читай не очень быстро, соблюдая правильную интонацию, произношение и смысловые паузы.
2. С4 — Вопросы.

Повтори, как образуются прямые вопросы. Помни, что перед подлежащим должен всегда стоять вспомогательный глагол. А в вопросе к подлежащему нельзя ставить do, does и did. Dопрос должен звучать не только грамматически правильно, но и разумно.

Самые легкие для составления вопросы те, что начинаются с if. Это значит, что надо задать общий вопрос. Не забывай про интонацию в вопросах.

Сначала внимательно изучи рекламный проспект, а потом переходи к заданию. Никакого вступления или заключения в этом задании делать не нужно. Сразу начинай с составления первого вопроса и следуй указаниям.

3. С5 и С6.  Описание и сравнение картинок.

— в заданиях С5 и С6 свое высказывание начинай с темы (вступления), указанного в задании.
— высказывание должно строиться в соответствии с предложенным планом.
— высказывание должно содержать не менее 12-15 фраз. Можно больше!
— продемонстрируй разнообразие лексики. Побольше прилагательных! Не используй сложные грамматические конструкции.
— в задании С6 постарайся увидеть не менее двух сходств и не менее двух отличий.
А теперь посмотри, как выполнять задания ЕГЭ по английскому: 

Тест 1

Здесь будет значок для аудиофайла

Задание С3 — чтение

Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
Many lands that had once been swamps were drained or filled in. There are different reasons why people drained swamplands. Some were drained to fight diseases caused by insects that lived in them. Because swamps were considered unpleasant places in which to live and harmful to health, many people thought that unless they were drained the land was worthless.
Other swamps were drained to make new land. As the population grew and more land was needed, people drained swamps or filled them to make room for more farms and factories, more roads and airports.
Few people thought that it might be harmful to get rid of swamps. As swamps disappeared, other things happened. There were both more floods and more droughts than before. There were also more fires, for swamps had acted as firebreaks. Hunters noticed that there was less wild game. Wild life that once lived in the swamps was dying out, because it had no place to live.
Задание С4 – составить вопросы
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are going to visit Japan this summer and you’d like to have more information about the flights to Japan. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five questions to find out the following:

картинка с кораблем

1) departure dates
2) travel time
3) return ticket price
4) discounts for students
5) buying the ticket online
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Пример выполнения задания:
1. What are the days of departures? ( What are departure dates?)
2. How long will it take to travel?
3. How much does the return ticket cost? ( What is the price of the return ticket?,
How much is the return ticket?)
4. Do you offer any discounts for students? ( Are there any discounts for students available?)
5. Is it possible to book the ticket online?
Задание С5 – описание одной картинки
Task 3. Imagine that you are showing pictures of your pets to your friend. Choose one photo to present to your friend. You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously. In your talk remember to speak about:
•when you took the photo
•what/who is in the photo
•what is happening
•why you took the photo
•why you decided to show the picture to your friend
Don’t forget to start with “I have chosen photo number ….”

3 картинки с детьми и их питомцами

Пример выполненного задания С5 аудиофайл

I have chosen photo number 1.
To begin with, people keep pets for different reasons. They make our lives more exciting and become the members of our family. They can also be our closest friends forever.

I took this photo last summer in our country house. We have got several pets and this dog is among them. All our pets are friendly and cute creatures.
Let me tell you a few words about this photo. In the background you can see a wonderful Russian landscape. In the foreground there is a wonderful lawn framed with lovely birches and bushes. In the centre you can see my elder sister Sveta and our dog Snowflake. We called him so because he is as white and fluffy as snow.
The weather is fine, sunny and warm. Snowflake likes to go for a walk very much. In the photo Sveta is telling him something to keep him calm. You can’t see me as I am taking the photo.
Taking this photo I wanted to start a collection of our pets’ pictures and to display it on the wall in our living room. Besides, the photos will always remind us of our pets.
I decided to show this picture to you because you told me a lot about your dog. Now it’s my turn to give you the first impression of my pet. Isn’t he friendly and cute?
I believe when you come to our place , Snowflake will accept you as his best friend.

That is all I wanted to tell you about this photo.
Задание С6 – сравнение и сопоставление двух фотографий
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
•give a brief description (action, location)
•say what the pictures have in common
•say in what way the pictures are different
•say which kind of life you’d prefer
•explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.

2 картинки с рабочим и полицейским

Пример выполненного задания.
In our modern world some jobs are very important for our society.
Here are two pictures to compare and contrast on the topic. This is a photo of a man doing his job outside and that is a photo of a policeman standing on the side of the road.
These two pictures show jobs and this is the first similarity. The people in both pictures are wearing uniforms , and that is also what these pictures have in common. The weather is rather warm.
However, pictures are somehow different. The main difference is that in picture one we can see a worker , while in picture two there is a traffic policeman. Also, their actions are different: the worker is paving a sidewalk and the policeman is on duty watching the traffic on the road.

As far as I am concerned, the job of a traffic policeman (cop) is more important for the society because people of this profession are responsible for our safety and order on the roads. Besides, they control all drivers to keep and obey traffic rules. It is very important for all drivers and passengers’ lives.
I’ve come to the end of my speaking. Thank you for listening.
Тест 2 Задание С3 — чтение

Imagine that you’re preparing a project on a film with your friend. You’ve found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You’ve 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
The Hunger Games is a book by the American author Suzanne Collins. It was published in 2008 and has sold millions of copies. It is the first book for young readers to sell a million electronic books and you can buy it in 26 different languages. The Hunger Games is now a very successful film. It made 152.5 million dollars in its first weekend in North America!
One night in 2003, Suzanne Collins was watching TV. It was at the time of the US invasion of Iraq. The only programmes she could find on TV were ‘reality’ programmes of young people competing to win a million dollars and news programmes about the war. Suzanne says that the two things started to mix together in her head and she had the idea for The Hunger Games.
Задание С4 – составить вопросы

Study the advertisement.

Картинка с ASAP

You are considering applying for the job and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:
1. Part-time or full-time
2. Required languages
3. If reference from previous employer is required
4. Everyday working Hours
5. Payment per hour

Пример выполненного задания:
1. Is it a part-time or a full-time job?
2. What foreign languages are required to have this job?
3. Is a reference from the previous employee necessary?
4. How long is the working day?
5. How much is this job paid for per hour?

Задание С5 – описание одной из фотографий
Task 3. Imagine that you have taken these photos for the project about jobs. Choose one photo to present to your friend. You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously. In your talk remember to speak about:
•when you took the photo
•what/who is in the photo
•what is happening
•why you took the photo
•why you decided to show the picture to your friend
Don’t forget to start with “I have chosen photo number ….”

3 картинки: рабочий у станка, охранник, водитель

Пример выполненного задания:

I’ve chosen photo number 2.
You know, we often make projects at school. I like this type of work because we have to find out and study different interesting topics. The last one was connected with jobs.
I took this photo last year when my family and I were travelling to our country house by the electric train. I was very excited when an old man, a ticket collector, entered the wagon. It was just the proper episode for my project.
The photo shows a ticket collector. In the background you can see the wagon of the electric train and a lot of passengers. The man is rather old, maybe he is a pensioner. He is wearing a uniform: a dark grey jacket t with a yellow emblem of the Russian Railway on his chest. On his head he has a uniform cap. The man looks very serious and generous. He is checking the passengers travel tickets. It seems to me, he loves his job and the passengers respect him very much.
I took this photo for several reasons. Firstly, it was really perfect to use in my project. Besides, I was struck to see such an elderly man doing his job. Also, I wanted to show the photo to my grandfather who thinks he can’t find a job because of his age.
I decided to show this photo to you because I wanted to get your advice and opinion if this photo matches the topic of my project or not. I am waiting for your answer.
That’s all I wanted to tell you about this photo.

Задание С6 – сравнение и сопоставление двух фотографий
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
•give a brief description (action, location)
•say what the pictures have in common
•say in what way the pictures are different
•say which kind of life you’d prefer
•explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.

2 картинки: тетка на вещевом рынке и мужик с пакетами

Пример выполненного задания: аудиофайл
Our lifestyle has changed greatly in the recent years. People now have a chance to buy different clothes in small and big shops. These two photos are the evidence of what I have said.
Both pictures show people walking in the shopping areas. The first photo depicts a woman standing between shopping rows of counters , whereas in the second one you can see a man walking with his purchases to his car . The pictures are quite similar. In both of them we can see the places to shop. Besides, the pictures were taken during the daytime. Similarly, the weather in both pictures is welcoming.
However, while the first picture shows the market in the open air , the second one presents a big area of the shopping centre . Comparing these two pictures, I would like to stress out that in picture one there are many people choosing and buying goods. In picture two there is only one man, from my perspective , he has already bought things he needs and is going home with big bags.
As far as I am concerned, I would prefer to shop for clothes in big shopping malls where I can find clothes of designer labels and different brands. For me, quality and design are more important. As for the goods from China, which are sold at the markets, I just don’t trust them.
I’ve come to the end of my speaking. Thank you for listening.

Задание №1. прочитать текст – 1 балл
Задание №2. задать (прямые) вопросы – 5 баллов
Задание №3. описание картинки 7 баллов
Задание №4. сравнение двух картинок7 баллов

ИТОГО: 20 баллов

В этом задании вам необходимо прочитать правильно текст, не допустив ошибок. Давайте разберём это задание на демоверсии 2017 года.

Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время выполнения – 1.5 минуты
Балы за это задание – 1 балл

Task 1

Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Many lands that had once been swamps were drained or filled in. There are different reasons why people drained swamplands. Some were drained to fight diseases caused by insects that lived in them. Because swamps were considered unpleasant places in which to live and harmful to health, many people thought that unless they were drained the land was worthless.

Other swamps were drained to make new land. As the population grew and more land was needed, people drained swamps or filled them to make room for more farms and factories, more roads and airports.

Few people thought that it might be harmful to get rid of swamps. As swamps disappeared, other things happened. There were both more floods and more droughts than before. There were also more fires, for swamps had acted as firebreaks. Hunters noticed that there was less wild game. Wild life that once lived in the swamps was dying out, because it had no place to live.

Read by George William Dole

Задание № 2

В этом задании вам  необходимо задать вопросы к предложенной вам картинке. Вам даются ключевые слова и на их основе вы должны построить вопросы.

Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время выполнения2 минуты
Ваши вопросы – по 20 секунд на вопрос
Балы за это задание – 5 баллов (по баллу за вопрос)

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

Make your life easier with our new kitchen unit !

kak sdat govorenie ege ustnaya chast 02 001

You are considering buying the appliance and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 

1) departure date
2) travel time
3) return ticket price
4) discounts for students
5) buying the ticket online


1) departure date

What is the departure date?

2) travel time

How long is the travel time?

3) return ticket price

What is the return ticket price?

4) discounts for students

Are there any discounts for students?

5) buying the ticket on-line

Can I buy the ticket on-line?

Read by George William Dole

Задание № 3

В этом задании вам необходимо выбрать картинку (одну из трёх) и описать её.

Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время ответа – 2 минуты
Балы за это задание – 7 баллов

Task 3

These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.

kak sdat govorenie ege ustnaya chast 02 002    

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

● where and when the photo was taken
● what/who is in the photo
● what is happening
● why you keep the photo in your album
● why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”


“I’ve chosen photo number one”


Taking photos is my hobby. If I have an opportunity to take a good picture I never miss it. I have a picture to show you. 

● where and when the photo was taken

This photo was taken a few years ago in Egypt where I took a vacation with my family. 

● what / who is in the photo

In the photo you can see beautiful corals and a school of yellow fish.

● what is happening

I was taking a scuba diving lesson and took my camera, which allowed me to film underwater. As soon as the school of fish saw me they started swimming away. The underwater landscape view was amazing.

● why you keep the photo in your album

I keep this photo in my album because it looks really beautiful and colorful. It reminds me of that fantastic time that we spent there.

● why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You know. I’ve decided to show you this picture because you’ve never been to Egypt and you have always wanted to take a few scuba diving lessons. Don’t give up on this idea. A lot of positive emotions are waiting for you.


Now you know how the underwater realm looks like. Hope you will enjoy doing it. 

That’s all I wanted to say. ( обязательная фраза для экзаменатора, говорящая о завершении ответа)

Вот что получилось: 

I’ve chosen photo number one. Taking photos is my hobby. If I have an opportunity to take a good picture I never miss it. I have a picture to show you. 

This photo was taken a few years ago in Egypt where I took a vacation with my family. In the photo you can see beautiful corals and a school of yellow fish. I was taking a scuba diving lesson and took my camera, which allowed me to film underwater. As soon as the school of fish saw me they started swimming away. The underwater landscape view was amazing. I keep this photo in my album because it looks really beautiful and colorful. It reminds me of that fantastic time that we spent there. You know. I’ve decided to show you this picture because you’ve never been to Egypt and you have always wanted to take a few scuba diving lessons. Don’t give up on this idea. A lot of positive emotions are waiting for you. Now you know how the underwater realm looks like. Hope you will enjoy doing it. 

That’s all I wanted to say.

Read by George William Dole

Задание № 4

В этом задании вы должны сравнить две фотографии, следуя предложенному вам плану.

Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время ответа – 2 минуты
Балы за это задание – 7 баллов 

Task 4

Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

● give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

● say what the pictures have in common
● say in what way the pictures are different
● say which kind of life you’d prefer
● explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

kak sdat govorenie ege ustnaya chast 02 003          



I found two pictures in my album and I am going to compare and contrast them.

1. give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

In both pictures you can two see views. The first picture shows a big city with a bridge and skyscrapers. The second one depicts a countryside view with a hill, road, village houses and trees.

2. say what the pictures have in common

These pictures have some things in common. First of all, these are two kinds of settlements, a village and city ones. Second, in both pictures we can see houses. It looks like early morning. Perhaps summer.

3. say in what way the pictures are different

There are some differences as well. First, it’s a city and a village. One looks strict and official whereas the other soft and relaxing. In the first picture there are a bridge and a river, in the second one a hill and a road. The houses are different as well. One is big, concrete and high, compared to small, cozy and tranquil.

4. say which kind of life you’d prefer

Personally, I would prefer city life. I’ve been living in a big city for a long time and I feel quite comfortable there.

5. explain why

Big cities give a lot of opportunities and I like it. A lot of new and interesting events take place in big cities and I like taking part in it.


That’s it, thank you for listening. ( обязательная фраза для экзаменатора, говорящая о завершении ответа)

Вот что получилось:

I found two pictures in my album and I am going to compare and contrast them.

In both pictures you can two see views. The first picture shows a big city with a bridge and skyscrapers. The second one depicts a countryside view with a hill, road, village houses and trees.

These pictures have some things in common. First of all, these are two kinds of settlements, a village and city ones. Second, in both pictures we can see houses. It looks like early morning. Perhaps summer.

There are some differences as well. First, it’s a city and a village. One looks strict and official whereas the other soft and relaxing. In the first picture there are a bridge and a river, in the second one a hill and a road. The houses are different as well. One is big, concrete and high, compared to small, cozy and tranquil.

Personally, I would prefer city life. I’ve been living in a big city for a long time and I feel quite comfortable there.

Big cities give a lot of opportunities and I like it. A lot of new and interesting events take place in big cities and I like taking part in it.

That’s it, thank you for listening.

Read by George William Dole

Критерии оценки, рекомендации и полезные советы.

Одно из заданий ЕГЭ по английскому предполагает умение задавать прямые вопросы, опираясь на ключевые слова и фразы. Здесь приводим готовые образцы вопросов на основе открытой базы заданий Федерального института педагогических измерений (Фипи).

Кратко о задании на прямые вопросы.

В этом типе заданий вам предлагается какая-либо ситуация (вы собираетесь записаться в танцевальную школу или на языковые курсы; вам предстоит путешествие за границу; вы намереваетесь приобрести какой-либо товар и т.п.). В данной ситуации вам хотелось бы прояснить для себя несколько вопросов и получить дополнительную информацию. И вот вы, якобы, звоните в интересующую вас компанию и задаете им вопросы.

В задании вам предложены пять ключевых слов или фраз (с 2022 г. – 4 ключевых слова или фразы), на основе которых вы и должны задать вопросы. Если, к примеру, вы видите слово price, то вопрос должен быть о цене товара или услуги. Если же вам встретилось слово location, то вы должны задать вопрос о местонахождении компании.

Запомните: вопросы должны быть адекватны ситуации. Так, если вы, якобы, звоните в цветочный магазин и узнаете его местонахождение, то не надо выпаливать Where are you located? Вы интересуетесь местонахождением конкретного сотрудника магазина, который вам ответил, или самого магазина? Вопрос должен быть однозначен и понятен: Where is your flower shop located?

Задание 1 на прямые вопросы


You are going to study abroad for three months and want to find a swimming pool you could attend. You’d like to get more information about this swimming pool. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five questions to find out the following:

1) location of the swimming pool
2) opening hours
3) sauna availability
4) price for 3 months
5) discounts for students

1. Where is the swimming pool located?
2. When is the swimming pool open?
3. Is a sauna available?
4. How much do 3 months cost?
5. Are there any discounts for students?

Задание 2 на прямые вопросы


You are going to visit Japan this summer and you’d like to have more information about the flights to Japan. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five questions to find out the following:

1) departure dates
2) travel time
3) return ticket price
4) discounts for students
5) buying the ticket online

1. When do the planes leave for Japan?
2. How long is the flight?
3. How much does a return ticket cost?
4. Are there any discounts for students?
5. Can I buy the ticket online?


You are considering starting breakdance lessons and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) tuition fee
2) course location
3) duration of the course
4) special clothes
5) evening classes

1. How much does the tuition cost?
2. Where is the course located?
3. How long is the course?
4. Are special clothes necessary?
5. Are there classes in the evening?

Задание 4 на прямые вопросы


You are considering buying the book and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) if it’s a paperback edition
2) number of illustrations
3) vegetarian dishes
4) the price
5) audio version of the book

1. Is it a paperback edition?
2. How many illustrations are there in the book?
3. Does the book contain any vegetarian dishes?
4. How much does the book cost?
5. Is an audio version of the book available?

Задание 5 на прямые вопросы


You are considering going on this sightseeing tour and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) duration of the tour
2) the starting point
3) number of bridges you’ll visit
4) the price for a group of 10
5) discounts for students

1. How long is the tour?
2. Where does the tour start from?
3. How many bridges will we visit?
4. How much is the price for a group of 10?
5. Are there any discounts for students?

Задание 6 на прямые вопросы


You are considering buying the appliance and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) price
2) if one can buy it online
3) number of functions
4) guarantee period
5) recipe book to go with the unit

1. How much does the appliance cost?
2. Can I buy it online?
3. How many functions does the appliance have?
4. How long is the guarantee period?
5. Is there a recipe book to go with the unit?

Задание 7 на прямые вопросы


You are considering visiting the fitness club and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) location
2) opening hours
3) price of the season ticket
4) if individual sessions are possible
5) swimming pool

1. Where is the fitness club located?
2. When is the fitness club open?
3. How much does the season ticket cost?
4. Are individual sessions possible?
5. Is a swimming pool available?

Задание 8 на прямые вопросы


You are considering buying some flowers and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) location
2) opening hours
3) kinds of flowers in stock
4) if they sell pot plants
5) discounts for big orders

1. Where is your flower shop located?
2. When is the flower shop open?
3. What kinds of flowers are there in stock?
4. Do you sell pot plants?
5. Are there any discounts for big orders?

Задание 9 на прямые вопросы


You are considering going on a Hot Air Balloon Ride in Russia, in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) age restriction
2) range of destinations
3) working hours
4) duration of the ride
5) cost of an individual ride

1) Is there an age restriction for a hot air balloon ride?
2) Where can I go? / What destinations are available?
3) What are the working hours?
4) How long is the ride/flight? / How long does the ride/flight last? / What is the
minimum/maximum duration of the ride/flight?
5) How much does the individual tour/ride cost? / How much should I pay for the individual tour/ride?

Задание 10 на прямые вопросы


You are considering having a holiday in Dover and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) transference
2) accommodation
3) price for a week for one
4) group discounts
5) excursions

1) Do you provide transference to the hotel in Dover?
2) What accommodation opportunities do you provide?
3) How much is a week for one?
4) Are there any group discounts?
5) What excursions do you offer in Dover?

Задание 11 на прямые вопросы


You have to buy online a book by Mark Twain and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) availability of books
2) price of a book
3) delivery time
4) cost of delivery
5) payment options

1) What books by Mark Twain are available?
2) What is the price of one book? How much is one book?
3) What is the delivery time?
4) How much does the delivery cost?
5) What payment options do you provide?

Задание 12 на прямые вопросы


You are considering taking up an English course in order to improve your language skills and you found an advertisement on the internet and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) location
2) duration of an intermediate course
3) number of students in a group
4) tuition fee
5) discounts

1) Where is your English course located?
2) How long does an intermediate course run/last?
3) How many students are usually there in a group?
4) How much does the course cost? What is the tuition fee?
5) Do you have any discounts for students?

Задание 13 на прямые вопросы


In the shop window of a clothes shop you saw an advertisement for a vacancy and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) vacancies for teens
2) experience
3) probation period
4) working hours
5) salary

1) Are there vacancies for teens in your clothes shop?
2) Do you require any previous experience in the jobs available?
3) Is there any probation period for new employees?
4) What are the working hours in the shop?
5) What’s a salary? How much do you pay for the job?

Задание 14 на прямые вопросы


You have are considering to visit a new shopping centre and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) opening hours
2) location
3) loyalty cards
4) parking options
5) toy shops

1) What are the opening hours of your new shopping centre?
2) Where is the shopping centre located?
3) Do you provide loyalty cards?
4) What parking options are available?
5) Are there any toy shops in your centre? Is there a choice of toy shops in the shopping centre?

Задание 15 на прямые вопросы


You are considering planting a tree in order to help to save environment and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) location
2) things to bring
3) timing
4) price for participating
5) discounts

1) What is the location to plant trees?
2) What should I bring with me?
3) How long does this activity usually last?
4) How much do I have to pay to participate?
5) Are there any discounts for students?

Задание 16 на прямые вопросы


You are considering taking part in a volunteer programme abroad and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) age restriction
2) types of programmes available
3) range of destinations
4) duration of placements
5) cost of a two-week course

1) Is there an age restriction for this (volunteer) programme?
2) What types of programmes are available?
3) Where can I go? / What destinations are available?
4) How long is the programme? / How long do placements last? / How long does the programme last?
5) How much does a two-week course cost? / How much should I pay for a two-week course? / What are the costs involved?

Задание 17 на прямые вопросы


You are considering joining a chorus-studio and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) range of the repertoire
2) acceptance
3) admission fee
4) location
5) dates of the rehearsals

1) What is the range of the repertoire of your chorus? What kinds of songs do you sing in your chorus?
2) What are the rules of acceptance for your chorus? What people do you accept for your chorus?
3) Do the chorus members have to pay an admission fee?
4) Where is your studio located?
5) What are the dates of the rehearsals? When are the rehearsals held?

Задание 18 на прямые вопросы


You are considering attending a computer-generated product exhibition and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) location
2) underground stations nearby
3) opening hours
4) discounts for students
5) taking photos

1) Where is the exhibition located/situated?
2) Are there any underground stations nearby?
3) What are the opening hours of the exhibition? When is the exhibition open?
4) Is it possible to have discounts for students? Are discounts for students available?
5) Is taking photos permitted/allowed at the exhibition?

Устная часть ЕГЭ по английскому языку состоит из 4 заданий. В Задании 2 вам нужно составить 4 вопроса по заданной теме.

Мы приготовили для вас списки вопросов, которые вы можете использовать на экзамене 👇

Accomodation — Место проживания

What type of accommodation do you offer? Какой тип размещения вы предлагаете?
Will I share the flat with another person, or will I live alone? Буду ли я делить квартиру с другим человеком или буду жить один?
How many bedrooms are there in that flat? Сколько спален в квартире?
When’s the earliest I could move in? Когда я смогу въехать самое раннее?

При необходимости повторите типы вопросов в английском языке — на ЕГЭ эти знания вам пригодятся 😎

5 типов вопросов в английском языке

В английском 5 типов вопросов: General – общий, Special – специальный, Tag – разделительный, Alternative – альтернативный и Subject – вопрос к подлежащему

Education — Образование

How many students are there in the group? Сколько учеников в группе?
What are the subjects taught? Какие предметы преподаются?
Are individual classes/sessions possible? Возможны ли индивидуальные уроки/занятия?
How many classes a day will I have? Сколько занятий у меня будет в день?
Will students have a final test? Будут ли студенты сдавать итоговый тест?
Are there both afternoon and evening courses to choose from? Есть ли на выбор между дневными и вечерними курсами?

В Задании 2 на ЕГЭ вам чаще всего потребуется задавать вопросы в Present Simple — повторите это время 🤓

Purchase — Покупка

Will I get a guarantee for …? Получу ли я гарантию на …?
Will you be able to deliver it? Сможете ли вы доставить это?
Do you provide a delivery service? Предоставляете ли вы услугу доставки?
Does the price include delivery? Цена включает доставку?
Can I pay by credit card? Могу я заплатить кредитной картой?
Can I pay in cash? Могу ли я заплатить наличными?
How much is it? / How much does it cost? Сколько это стоит?

Иногда вам потребуется задавать вопросы с will — повторите образование вопросов в Future Simple 🤓

Job — Профессия

Do you have a vacancy of …? У вас есть вакансия …?
What salary do you offer? Какую зарплату вы предлагаете?
What are the working conditions? Каковы условия работы?
What perks are available? Какие льготы доступны?

Для пополнения словарного запаса изучите слова по теме «Профессии» 👇

Слова по теме «Профессии» по уровням — английский язык

Список английских слов по теме «Профессии» с переводом и произношением, разбитые по уровням от BEGINNER до ADVANCED. Слушайте, учите по карточкам, добавляйте в личный словарь.

Activities — Виды деятельности

What events /activities do you offer? Какие мероприятия/занятия вы предлагаете?
Do you give a certificate at the end of the course/webinar? Выдаете ли вы сертификат по окончанию курса/вебинара?
Are there any city activities that you organise for students? Организуете ли вы городские мероприятия для студентов?

Не забудьте повторить вопросительные слова в английском языке 😉

WH-words — вопросительные слова в английском языке

WH-words — вопросительные слова в английском языке. Большинство из них содержит буквы w и h: Who? What? Where? When? Why? Which? Whose? Whom? How?

Facilities — Объекты и сооружения

What facilities do you offer? Какие удобства вы предлагаете?
What facilities are available? Какие удобства доступны?
What sport facilities and equipment do you have? Какие спортивные сооружения и оборудование у вас есть?
Is there a sauna/swimming pool/gym…? Есть ли сауна/бассейн/тренажерный зал…?

Заметили вопросы с Are there и Is there? Советуем повторить эту конструкцию 😎

There IS и There ARE: правила, употребление, упражнения

Конструкция there IS используется с подлежащим в единственном числе, there ARE — во множественном. Варианты в других временах: there was/were, there will be.

Money — Деньги

How much does it cost? Сколько это стоит?
How much is it? Сколько это стоит?
Can I pay in cash/by credit card? Могу ли я оплатить наличными/кредитной картой?
Do you have/offer discounts for students? Есть ли у вас скидки для студентов?
Is there an admission fee? Есть ли вступительный взнос?
What is the entrance fee? Какова плата за вход?
Are there any special offers available? Есть ли специальные предложения?

Time — Время

What are the opening hours? Какие часы работы?
What is the time of arrival/departure? Какое время прибытия/отправления?
What are departure/arrival dates? Какие даты отъезда/прибытия?
How long does it take to get there? Сколько времени займет туда добраться?
How long is the course/class? Сколько длится курс/класс?

Для разговора о времени вам пригодятся предлоги ⤵️

Предлоги времени AT, IN, ON, FOR + TIME

IN обозначает неопределенное время: месяцы, годы, века. ON относится к более точному времени: датам, дням недели. AT указывает на конкретное время на часах.

Location — Месторасположение

Where is your agency/gym/hotel/school/shop/bank situated? Где находится ваше агентство/спортзал/гостиница/школа/магазин/банк?
Where is the hotel/gym/club located? Где находится отель/тренажерный зал/клуб?
What’s the address of the place? Какой адрес места?

Повторите основные английские предлоги места 👇

Предлоги места в английском языке: AT, IN, ON

Предлог AT указывает на конкретное место или ориентир. IN обозначает положение объекта внутри другого пространства. ON означает, что предмет находится на какой-то поверхности.

Meals — Питание

What sort of meals do you offer? Какие блюда вы предлагаете?
Do you have vegetarian menu? У вас есть вегетарианское меню?
Do you have Wi-Fi in your cafe/restaurant/hotel? У вас есть Wi-Fi в вашем кафе/ресторане/гостинице?
Is breakfast included? Завтрак включен?

Полезные слова по теме «Еда» ⬇️

Слова по теме ЕДА по уровням — английский язык

Список английских слов по теме ЕДА с переводом и произношением, разбитые по уровням от BEGINNER до ADVANCED. Слушайте, учите по карточкам, добавляйте в личный словарь.

Travelling — Путешествие

How can I get there? Как я могу попасть туда?
How long will it take to get there? Сколько времени потребуется, чтобы добраться туда?
What transport can I use to get there? Какой транспорт я могу использовать, чтобы добраться туда?
When does the bus/train arrive/depart? Когда прибывает/отправляется автобус/поезд?
What excursions can I visit there? Какие экскурсии можно там посетить?
Can I take photos there? Можно ли там фотографировать?
Can I hire an audio guide? Можно ли взять в прокат аудиогид?

Изучите слова по теме «Путешествия» ⤵️

Слова по теме «Путешествия» по уровням — английский язык

Список английских слов по теме «Путешествия» с переводом и произношением, разбитые по уровням от BEGINNER до ADVANCED. Слушайте, учите по карточкам, добавляйте в личный словарь.

Слайд 1

Check-list before the exam

Слайд 2

Task 1 Чтение Read correctly these words Flood Chores chance demand possess events civilization

Слайд 3

classical island choir Mediterranean Women Use /useful Tragedy Chorus

Слайд 4

Museum/stadium Christian Mechanic Honour /honest/honorable Wrestling Wrist Knight

Слайд 5

Oxygen Nitrogen Species Dinosaur Answer Australia Wild Breathe/breath

Слайд 6

Issue Rescue Manufacture Supply Carnival Class/mass/grass Drought

Слайд 7

Bury/buried/tomb Contributed to… Dominate Increase/increase Suspect/suspect Diverse Ireland Measure

Слайд 8

Task 2 Задай вопросы Ask Questions : location of the swimming pool Where is it located? Where does it located? 2) opening hours 3) sauna availability 4) price for 3 months 5) discounts for students

Слайд 9

1) departure dates 2) travel time When is the travel time? 3) return ticket price How much does it cost to return the ticket? 4) discounts for students 5) buying the ticket online

Слайд 10

tuition fee How much does the tuition fee cost? 2) course location Where is the course located? 3) duration of the course 4) special clothes Do I need special clothes? 5) evening classes

Слайд 11

1) duration of the tour 2) the starting point Where is the starting point located? 3) number of bridges you’ll visit How many bridges do you offer? 4) the price for a group of 10 5) discounts for students

Слайд 12

1) price 2) if one can buy it online 3) number of functions How many functions do you have? 4) guarantee period 5) recipe book to go with the unit Is recipe book to go with the unit?

Слайд 13

You are considering buying some flowers and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1 ) location 2) opening hours 3) kinds of flowers in stock 4) if they sell pot plants 5) discounts for big orders

Слайд 14

You are considering having a holiday at this resort and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) location 2) departure dates 3) single rooms What single rooms do you have? 4) sports facilities Do you have any sport facilities? 5) price for two weeks for one

Слайд 15

You are considering having a holiday and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) location 2) Accommodation Do you have any accommodation? 3) fishing 4) price for a week for one 5) group discounts

Слайд 16

You are considering using the clinic and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) location 2) opening hours 3) Transportation How can I get there ? ( to the clinic) 4) kinds of animals treated 5) if home visits are possible

Слайд 18

Task 3 Описание картинки I’ve chosen photo number 1

Слайд 19

When and where the photo was taken I took this photo last winter when I was on holiday in Spain

Слайд 20

Who is in the photo What is happening Why you keep this photo in your album I keep this photo in my album because it reminds me of my holiday

Слайд 21

I keep this picture in my album because it reminds me of the wonderful holiday in ….. I think it was really amazing (terrible, awesome ). I keep the photo in my album because it illustrates the beauty of nature in …. And, moreover, I consider it as one of my best shots. I keep this photo in my album because it lifts my mood(cheers me up, makes me feel good), besides it brings me to the time when I was carefree and did not think of exam…

Слайд 22

Task 4 Сравнение картинок Первое, на что мы обращаем внимание , то на тему (цель коммуникативного высказывания): Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs: • give a brief description of the photos ( action, location ) • say what the pictures have in common — 2 схожести • say in what way the pictures are different – 1- 2 различия • say which kind of the activities presented in the pictures you’d prefer • explain why и приведи ДВА аргумента

Слайд 23

Сравнение картинок Проблема: иногда очень трудно найти контекст, связанный с темой, в таком случае, не боимся об этом сказать: Obviously, these photos don’t have too much in common, but both photos are related to interesting places and lifestyle. There are much more differences in these photos. Firstly, …

Слайд 24

say which of the ways of spending free time presented in the pictures you’d prefer

Слайд 25

say which of the ways of spending free time presented in the pictures you’d prefer

Слайд 26

say which of the ways of taking care of your health presented in the pictures you’d prefer If you ask me, I prefer running in the forest…

Слайд 27

say which of the ways of spending your free time presented in the pictures you’d prefer

Слайд 28

say which of the celebrations in the pictures you like more In both pictures we can see hats ( people wearing hats)

Слайд 29

say which of the leisure activities presented in the pictures you’d prefer

Слайд 30

say which of the ways of reading a book presented in the pictures you’d prefer In the first photo the woman has got brown hair while the woman in the second one is blond-haired

Слайд 31

Letter 1. Дать понять, что письмо НЕ ПЕРВОЕ ( It was great to hear from you again! Thank you for your recent letter) 2. Необходимо ответить на все вопросы, ответы должны быть пояснены (это называется раскрыть аргумент) 3. Задать три вопроса необходимо по теме

Слайд 32

Ask three questions about the car What make is the car? How long have you been driving? When did you get a driving license?

Слайд 33

Next week I am going to have a birthday party. Ask three questions about the party. Is it going to be a family party or a party for friends? What will you wear for the party? Where is the party going to take place?

Слайд 34

Не забываем, что абзац не может состоять из одного простого предложения. Не забываем попрощаться, дать ссылку на последующий контакт, написать прощальную фразу и подписать письмо без точек!

Слайд 35

Essay Самое важное – понять, что требуется в коммуникативной задаче!!! Проговорите вслух две точки зрения! Точка зрения не может быть абстрактной, необходимо все увидеть в «белом» и «черном цвете»

Слайд 36

INTRODUCTION “Правильное” вступление состоит из 2-3 предложений и перефразирует заявленную тему, а также показывает на существование двух противоположных точек зрения по проблеме.

Слайд 37

When a person has to choose he or she can…

Слайд 38


Слайд 39

Вывод ДОЛЖЕН ОТРАЖАТЬ ТОЧКУ ЗРЕНИЯ АВТОРА ( то есть перифраз всего того, что вы написали во втором параграфе)

Слайд 40

Правила пунктуации Запятыми выделяются вводные фразы Запятая нужна в сложноподчиненном предложении, если оно начинается с ПРИДАТОЧНОГО ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ Запятыми выделяются non-definite clause: Picasso, whose famous painting is Guernica , was born in Malaga.

Слайд 41

Не забудьте, что эссе состоит минимум из 5 абзацев 1) вступление 2) ваше мнение 3) противоположная точка зрения 4) контраргумент 5) вывод

Слайд 42

Не забудьте пересчитать количество слов в эссе и письме, эссе меньше 180 слов не проверяется вообще, эссе объемом более 279 слов проверяется до 250 слова. НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕЧИТАТЬ И ПИСЬМО, И ЭССЕ

Слайд 43









the city


1) dates for departures  отбытие, отправление

2) hotel facilities комплекс услуг

3) if breakfast is included

4) number of city tours

5) discounts

1) When
does the trip start?


2) What facilities
does the 
hotel have?

3) Is
breakfast included?

4) How
many tours are available?

5) Can you
suggest any discounts?


a museum

1) location of the museum

2) special offers

3) number of exhibitions

4) working hours

5) tickets for kids


1) Where is the museum situated?

2) What special offers can you suggest?

3) How many exhibitions do you have?

4) Could you tell working hours of the museum?

5) Do you have tickets for kids?



the coffee room

1) price list

2) discounts

3) online booking

4) diversity of desserts

5) entertainment programs


1) How can I get a price list?

2) Do you have any discounts?

3) Can I book a table online?

4) What desserts do you have?

5) Are there entertainment programs in your shop?



the fitness club

1) membership card

2) personal trainings

3) working hours

4) if they have muscle gain programs

5) guest passes


1) Could I get a membership card?

2) Are there personal trainings in your fitness club?

3) When does the club work?

4) Do you have muscle gain programs?

5) Can I get guest passes for my friends?



at the hotel

local museums
and theatres


2) special offers

3) number of available rooms

4) quality of the staff

5) if they have TV in hotel rooms


1) Are there museums and theatres nearby the HOTEL

2) What special offers do you have?

3) How many rooms are available?

4) Would you tell about quality of the working staff?

5) Is there TV in hotel rooms?



car washing services

1) working hours

2) if they have a discount card

3) recommendations

4) number of clients per day

5) time they need to wash the car


1) What are the working hours?

2) Could I get a discount card?

3) Are there any recommendations of services provided by you?

4) How many clients per day do have?

5) How much time do you need to wash the car?



the real estate agency

1) location of the agency

2) services they provide

3) if they work at weekends

4) competitive advantages

5) if they provide any guarantees


1) Where is the agency located?

2) What services do you provide?

3) Do you work at weekends?

4) What competitive advantages do you possess?

5) Are you providing any guarantees?



the coffee shop

1) special offers

2) discounts for regular customers

3) most popular coffee

4) if they have a parking lot

5) free Wi-Fi

1) What special offers would you suggest?

2) Are there any discounts for regular customers?

3) What is the most popular coffee?

4) Do you have a parking lot?

5) Is there access to free Wi-Fi?


the gift shop

1) if they have gifts for anniversary

2) availability of discount cards

3) size of the shop

4) if they have lunch hours

5) website

1) Are there any gifts for anniversary?

2) Could I get a discount card?

3) What is the size of the shop?

4) Do you have lunch hours?

5) Is there a website of your shop?


to buy ipad

1) the amount of internal memory

2) if they provide a free delivery service

3) if they have special offers

4) advantages of the device

5) if the have a black color

1) What is the amount of internal memory?

2) Do you provide a free delivery service?

3) Are there special offers that you would like to suggest?

4) What advantages does that device have?

5) Do you have a black color?


the Cesky Krumlov city

1) the most popular sights of the city

2) price for family of three

3) recommendations

4) services that they provide during the trip

5) number of people in the trip

1) What are the most popular sights of the city?

2) How much would it cost for three persons?

3) Do you have any recommendations?

4) Would you list services that you provide during the trip?

5) How many people in the trip?



London transport museum

1) location of the museum

2) discounts for children

3) working hours

4) the most popular exhibit in the museum

5) tours that they have

1) Where is the museum situated?

2) Are there any discounts for children?

3) What are the working hours?

4) Would you tell me about the most popular exhibit in the museum?

5) What tours do you have?



buying the tablet

1) functions of the device

2) battery life

3) discount

4) things you get in the kit

5) online booking service


1) What functions does that device have?

2) Could you tell me about the battery life?

3) Do you have a discount on the tablet?

4) What else do I get in the kit?

5) Do you provide the online booking service?



Natural history museum

1) working hours

2) number of available exhibitions

3) services they provide

4) if they have a free internet

5) if you can buy tickets online

1) What are the working hours?

2) How many exhibitions are available?

3) Can you list me services that you provide?

4) Do you have free internet?

5) Is it possible to buy tickets online?


buying a laptop

1) if you can get a discount card

2) full characteristics of the device

3) warranty period

4) advantages of the device

5) if they take credit cards

1) Can I get a discount card?

2) What are the full characteristics of the device?

3) Is there a warranty period?

4) Could you list advantages of the device?

5) Do you take credit cards?


the sushi bar

1) working hours

2) special dishes

3) if they have free Wi-Fi

4) location of the restaurant

5) discounts

1) What are the working hours?

2) Do you have special dishes?

3) Is there free Wi-Fi?

4) Where is the restaurant located?

5) Would you tell me about current discounts?


Louvre museum

1) available exhibitions

2) duration of the tour

3) if they are open at weekendsХочу такой сайт

4) if they provide the multilingual guide service

5) contact information

1) What exhibitions are available right now?

2) How long does the tour last?

3) Are you open at weekends?

4) Do you provide the multilingual guide service?

5) Could you leave me your contacts?



the real estate agent

1) if there special offers

2) all services that he provides

3) online consulting service

4) duration of the meeting

5) number of clients per day

1) Are there any special offers?

2) Could you list me all services that you provide?

3) Do you have an online consulting service?

4) How long does the meeting last?

5) How many clients per day do you have?


an engineering service

1) full list of services

2) if you can get a discount card

3) if they work at weekends

4) number of clients per day

5) guarantees they provide

1) Would you list the full list of services that you provide?

2) Can I get a discount card?

3) Do you work at weekends?

4) How many clients per day do you have?

5) Are you providing any guarantees?


buying the printer

1) warranty period

2) if you can buy the printer online

3) discount for regular customers

4) full characteristics of the device

5) advantages of the printer

1) How long does the warranty period last?

2) Can I buy the printer online?

3) Is there a discount for regular customers?

4) What are the full characteristics of the device?

5) Would you list advantages of the printer?


the tattoo shop

1) working hours

2) if they have a website

3) if it hurts during the process

4) number of temporary tattoos

5) average price

1) What are the working hours?

2) Do you have a website?

3) Is it hurts during the process?

4) How many temporary tattoos do you have?

5) What is the average price?


buying a skateboard

1) if there are extra wheels in the kit

2) if they provide a free delivery service

3) country producer

4) availability of other colors of the skateboard

5) warranty period

1) Are there extra wheels in the kit?

2) Do you provide a free delivery service?

3) Who is the country producer?

4) Can you have the same skateboard in other colors?

5) How long does the warranty period last?



the tattoo shop

1) location of the shop

2) if they have discount cards

3) working hours

4) house call service

5) most popular tattoos among clients

1) Where is the shop located?

2) Do you have discount cards?

3) What are the working hours?

4) Is there a house call service?

5) What are the most popular tattoos among clients?


buying a TV

1) if they take credit cards

2) screen size

3) if the TV has Wi-Fi access

4) advantages of the device over the others

5) delivery time

1) Do you take credit cards?

2) What is the screen size?

3) Does the TV have Wi-Fi access?

4) Could you list me advantages of the device over the others?

5) How long does the delivery take?



the in home tutoring

1) age of children available for tutoring

2) price list

3) if they can leave their contacts

4) special offers

5) discount for regular customers

1) What is the age of children available for tutoring?

2) Can I get a price list?

3) Would you leave me your contacts?

4) Do you have any special offers?

5) Is there a discount for regular customers?



at the hotel

1) if they have available rooms

2) services they provide

3) sights nearby the hotel

4) special offers

5) discount for regular customer

1) Do you have available rooms?

2) What services do you provide?

3) Are there any sights nearby the hotel?

4) Would you tell me about your special offers?

5) Do you provide discount for regular customers?


staying three nights at
the hotel

1) free internet

2) entertainments that hotel provides

3) if they take credit cards

4) location of the hotel

5) discount for inviting a friend

1) Is there free internet?

2) What entertainments does the hotel provide?

3) Do you take credit cards?

4) Where is the hotel situated?

5) Can I get a discount for inviting a friend?



staying a night at the

1) number of available rooms

2) Russian speaking staff

3) entertainment programs

4) museums and theatres nearby the hotel

5) if they take credit cards

1) How many rooms are available?

2) Do you have Russian speaking staff?

3) Are there any entertainment programs?

4) What museums and theatres can I visit nearby the HOTEL

5) Do you take credit cards?



the barber shop

1) working hours

2) location

3) number of clients per day

4) discount for regular customers

5) contact information

1) What are the working hours?

2) Where is the shop located?

3) How many clients per day do you serve?

4) Is there a discount for regular customers?

5) Can I get contact information?


the restaurant

1) location of the restaurant

2) free Wi-Fi access

3) special dishes

4) if you can reserve a table

5) if the have Russian speaking staff

1) Where is the restaurant located?

2) Do you have a free Wi-Fi access?

3) What special dishes do you have?

4) Can I reserve a table?

5) Is there Russian speaking staff?


staying a night at the

1) special offers

2) local sights

3) number of available rooms

4) list of services they provide

5) if they have a website

1) Do you have special offers?

2) Are there any local sights?

3) How many rooms are available?

4) Would you tell me about services that you provide?

5) Do you have a website?


staying one week at the

1) discounts for regular customers

2) special offers

3) entertainment program

4) multilingual staff

5) if you can pay with a credit card


1) Do you provide discounts for regular customers?

2) Are there any special offers?

3) What entertainment program are available right now?

4) Do you have multilingual staff?

5) Can I pay with a credit card?



Alla Scala theater

1) current performances

2) tickets price

3) location of the theater

4) if you can go backstage

5) if they have an online booking service


1) What performances do you have right now?

2) How much does the ticket cost?

3) Where is the theater located?

4) Can I go backstage?

5) Do you have an online booking service?

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