Eating out сочинение на английском

На данной странице представлен топик по английскому «Eating out». Текст снабжен переводом и полезными выражениями.

Nowadays, people tend to be busy and have little or even no time to eat healthily and regularly. Some people cook at home and take food to work or school in special lunch boxes. However, most people prefer eating out during their lunch breaks.

Fortunately, there is a great variety of restaurants now and we may try numerous dishes of different cuisines. There are Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Russian and many other kinds of restaurants. But the most popular ones are considered to be fast food restaurants.

Fast food restaurants and cafes offer cheap dishes, good service and save a lot of time. Moreover, people like such kind of food. They find it tasty and filling. In addition, fast food restaurants attract clients making special offers which make people buy more and spend less.

Nevertheless, people love eating out also during their leisure time. They get together with family or friends, go on dates and choose a place to their liking where they can eat their favourite food or try something exotic and spend time with their loved ones.

On the one hand eating out may be useful and pleasant. We have an opportunity to eat differently and feel closer to faraway countries and cultures trying their typical food. On the other hand, it is not always healthy to eat in restaurants, especially in those with fast food. Eating on the run can affect negatively our health and general state.


В современном мире люди часто заняты и у них либо мало времени, чтобы правильно и регулярно питаться, либо его вовсе нет. Некоторые люди готовят дома и берут еду с собой на работу или учебу в специальных ланч боксах. Однако большинство людей предпочитают питаться в каких-нибудь заведениях во время обеденного перерыва.

К счастью, сейчас есть большой выбор ресторанов, и мы можем попробовать многочисленные блюда различных кухонь. Существуют индийские,  японские, итальянские, русские и многие другие виды ресторанов. Но самыми популярными считаются рестораны быстрого питания.

Рестораны и кафе быстрого питания предлагают дешевые блюда, хороший сервис и экономят много времени.  Более того, людям нравится такая еда. Они находят ее вкусной и сытной. Кроме того, рестораны быстрого питания привлекают клиентов, делая специальные предложения, которые заставляют людей покупать больше, а тратить меньше.

Тем не менее, люди любят есть вне дома также и в свое свободное от работы время. Они собираются вместе с семьей или друзьями, ходят на свидания и выбирают места на свой вкус, где они могут поесть любимой еды или попробовать чего-нибудь экзотичного и провести время со своими близкими.

С одной стороны, есть вне дома – удобно и приятно. У нас есть возможность питаться разнообразно и чувствовать себя ближе к дальним странам и культурам, пробуя их традиционную еду. С другой стороны, не всегда полезно питаться в ресторанах, особенно в заведениях с  фастфудом. Еда на бегу негативно влияет на наше здоровье и общее состояние.

Слова и выражения:

Cuisine – кухня

Dish — блюдо

Service – обслуживание

Filling — сытный

To make an offer – сделать предложение

To go on date – пойти на свидание

To eat on the run – есть на ходу/бегу

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A lot of people like to go out, because they want to relax and get some new impressions. Many people prefer to go to cafés or restaurants. I’m no exception. I like to go to cafés and coffee shops very much. I rarely go to restaurants, because they are usually quite expensive and pretty crowded. Of course a restaurant menu is a lot more diverse. But for me personally the atmosphere is more important than the food.

I usually choose a small, but cozy café with unique atmosphere. I have a couple of my favorite cafés with very nice interior design. I usually have a big cup of cappuccino, a cake or some snack. While sipping coffee I study carefully every small detail of the café. My thoughts fly far away and I forget about my routine.

I also like to go to Italian restaurants with my friends. We have a couple of big pizzas and beer. We usually discuss some topic and exchange our ideas.


Поход в кафе или ресторан

Многие люди любят куда-то ходить, потому что они хотят расслабиться и получить новые впечатления. Много людей предпочитают ходить в кафе и рестораны. Я не исключение. Я очень люблю ходить в кафе и кофейни. Я редко хожу в рестораны, потому что обычно они довольно дорогие, и в них очень людно. Конечно, меню ресторана намного более разнообразное. Но для меня лично атмосфера важнее еды.

Я обычно выбираю маленькое, но уютное кафе с неповторимой атмосферой. У меня есть несколько любимых кафе с очень хорошим интерьером. Я обычно беру большую чашку капучино, тортик или какую-то закуску. Медленно потягивая кофе, я внимательно изучаю каждую мельчайшую деталь кафе. Мои мысли улетают далеко, и я забываю об обыденности.

Я также люблю ходить в итальянские ресторанчики с друзьями. Мы берем пару больших пицц и пиво. Мы обычно обсуждаем какую-то тему или обмениваемся идеями.

eat out - есть вне дома
cafe - кафе
restaurant - ресторан
coffee shop - кофейня
have a drink - выпить напиток
cappuccino – капучино
a snack - закуска
menu - меню
sip – пить по глотку
pizza – пицца
beer – пиво
exchange – обменивать(ся)

Topic Eating out (Топик Едим вне дома)

Topic «Eating out» (Топик на английском языке «Едим вне дома»)

In today’s rapid society, people can afford to spend less time for eating, let alone cooking. That is why eating out has become so popular, and there is no doubt that it’s here to stay. In fact, it seems that you simply can’t get away from it. People are too busy to cook and eat proper meals. Young people pick up the idea that speed means excitement, whereas anything traditional is slow and boring. As a result, they turn down traditional food and go for eating out instead. While eating out we can choose from a wide range of eating places. The busiest tend to be fast food restaurants which are popular with young people and families. Many people eat out in Italian restaurants, takeaway from Chi¬nese and Indian restaurants are also popular. We often order in (or have a meal delivered to our home by a restaurant). Fewer people go to smarter, more expensive restaurant where the food is served on the one hand more slowly, but on the other hand deliberately for you.
In different countries people have their own traditions while eating out. Brazilians nev¬er eat lunch at the office, they always use a knife and a fork to eat, even for pizza or sand¬wiches. Many Filipinos like eating soup, meat, vegetables and a lot of different sauces. Rice is a part of their every meal — they even make desserts with rice and coconut milk. It is polite with them to leave a little food on the plate at the end of a meal. In Finland there are a lot of national dishes such as smoked fish and hot soups. In the streets there are stalls which sell sausages, Finland’s favorite food.
One of Britain’s best known meals which represents British cuisine is fish and chips. It can be served both in luxurious restaurants and pubs. The fish is covered in batter (made from eggs, milk and flour) then fried in hot oil. When cooked, the batter is crispy and the piece of fresh fish inside is soft. This is served with chips, pieces of deep-fried potato, which are then sprinkled with salt and vinegar.
Belarusian cuisine comes from the same sources as Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Polish and in later times Russian. The history of gastronomy in Belarus reveals a highly exotic rather than a poor cuisine. Geographical location and weather conditions in Belarus resulted in a wide use of such products as forest mushrooms and berries, herbs, apples, pears, river fish, dairy products. Belarusian cuisine is known for a big choice of potato dishes. Rich soups are dressed with sour cream, as well as cold soups refreshing for the hot summer periods. It is traditional for Belarusian families to make marinated mushrooms and vegetables, based on home recipes. Pork is widely used in home — made sausages. Low fat pork and beef are mostly roasted not fried. Most of Belarusian desserts are made from forest berries or garden fruits from which kisel (thick sweet drink) and puddings are made. However nowadays you can enjoy a big variety of delicious very creative cakes, pies, cookies, pastries, pud¬dings. Various kinds of cereal such as wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat, oatmeal are common for cooking desserts, porridge and breads.

As a rule Belarusian people have breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. The most sub¬stantial is dinner which consists of a starter, the main course and dessert. For certain reasons most Belarusians prefer to have a meal at home. For those who are not afraid to experience eating out I will recommend the restaurant «Korchma». There is a varied menu at the restau¬rant, which includes a fantastic salad bar, a wide choice of vegetarian dishes and superb Belarusian cuisine. The staff are very friendly, helpful and polite. They look smart in their uniform. The service is fast and efficient. Splendid decor, good music, an exclusive wine list add to healthy appetite and good emotions.
Unfortunately many people today have unhealthy eating habits. Teenagers eat more processed food than ever before. When eating out, they choose fast food restaurants for the obvious reasons. They are cheap, and filled with people their own age. However, fast food restaurants are not the only source of unhealthy food. The modern day families have both parents working outside the home and this means parents don’t often have the time to pre¬pare healthy nutritious meals for their family. Supermarkets are filled with prepackaged, instant foods, tinned soups, frozen ready-made dishes, fizzy drinks, crunchy crisps. All of them can affect our health in a different way — get calcium out of bones and teeth, cause behavior problems, clog up arteries, because they are full of fat, sugar, chemical additives, colorings, phosphates.
The most obvious health problem of eating fast and junk food is putting on weight. Teenagers are at risk of developing diabetes which is connected with obesity. Fast and junk food can influence a person’s body in many ways. The food we eat affects our brain work, emotions we have, our energy, strength and weight. One more important thing to watch out is a serving size. The portion sizes have increased a lot. The average size of a hamburger in the 1950s was 42g, compared to our supersize version weighing in at 230g today.
Another contributing factor to unhealthy eating habits is irregular meal times. Most people skip breakfast because they don’t have time. Lunch is also a problem. A lot of people use lunch time to socialize or run errands and they don’t want to spend a lot of time eating. As a result the most popular foods at lunch time are snacks. These come in the form of burgers, fries, hot dogs or sandwiches which are on white bread with plenty of mayonnaise. After school most young people fill up on biscuits, crisps. Combined with sugary soft drinks the average young person’s diet is unhealthier now than it has ever been.
Our bodies need variety. To stay healthy, we should follow simple rules such as to go for meals that have a balance of low-fat meat, fruit, vegetables and breads. It’s important to watch our serving sizes. When in a restaurant ask for half servings, share a meal with a friend, or take half of your dish home. You can ask for a doggy bag in some places. Order baked or grilled (not fried) meat, including turkey, chicken or seafood. Salads and vegeta-bles make healthier side dishes than French fries. Choose fresh fruit instead of sugary, high-fat desserts. If you start making healthy choices now, your body will thank you later. It’s OK to go on junkies every once in a while as long as your diet is generally good.


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Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

English Writing Practice: Topic 13 – Sample 1

Some people like to eat out at food stands and restaurants, while others like to prepare food at home. Often it depends on the kind of lifestyle people have. Those with very busy jobs outside the house don’t always have time to cook. They like the convenience of eating out. Overall, though, it is cheaper and healthier to eat at home.

While eating in restaurants is fast, the money you spend can add up. When I have dinner at a restaurant with a friend, the bill is usually over twenty dollars. I can buy a lot of groceries with that much money. Even lunch at a fast-food stand usually costs five or six dollars for one person. That’s enough to feed the whole family at home.

Eating at home is better for you, too. Meals at restaurants are often high in fat and calories, and they serve big plates of food-much more food than you need to eat at one meal. If you cook food at home, you have more control over the ingredients. You can use margarine instead of butter on your potatoes, or not put so much cheese on top of your pizza. At home, you can control your portion size. You can serve yourself as little as you want. In a restaurant, you may eat a full plate of food “because you paid for it.”

It’s true that eating out is convenient. You don’t have to shop, cook, or clean up. But real home cooking doesn’t have to take up a lot of time. There are lots of simple meals that don’t take long to make. In fact, they’re faster than eating out, especially if you think of the time you spend driving to a restaurant, parking, waiting for a table,, waiting for service, and driving home.

Both eating at restaurants and cooking at home can be satisfying. Both can taste good and be enjoyed with family and friends. I prefer cooking at home because of the money and health issues, but people will make the choice that fits their lifestyle best.

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English Writing Practice: Topic 13 – Sample 2

In modern life now, more and more people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. They think that will save time so that they can have enough time to do their jobs. But I still prefer to prepare and eat food at home.

There are several reasons. First of all, you can save money if you eat at home. In general, to get profit, the restaurants ask for more money for the same food you cook at home. That is a waste of money. To save money, you may prefer to prepare your food at home with less money.

Second, usually, the food in restaurants is not what you are expecting. you may dislike the way the restaurant cooks the same dishes as you do at home. For example, the other day, I asked for potatoes in a restaurant. After the first bite, I thought it was so awful. My mom never cooked such potato for me! The bad lunch even destroyed my mood that day.

Third, if you prepare food by yourself, you will have a happy mood when you eat it, regardless of the real savor of the food. It goes a saying well “labor brings happiness”.In addition, you can change your method of cooking considering your taste on that day.

The reasons above may answer why I prefer to eat food at home. Cooking even has become my hobby now. Come back and have your delicious food, I’m sure you will like it!:)

English Writing Practice: Topic 13 – Sample 3

Nowadays, some people like to eat at home and prepare food for themselves, but others have a negative attitude that they prefer to eat outside in restaurants or at food stands. As far as I am concerned, it is better to eat at home. There are numerous reasons why I hold on, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.

It cannot be denied that there is some advantage to the first points. Firstly, the condition of the restaurant is more comfortable and the food there is more delicious usually. Then eating in a restaurant becomes a good choice for getting together with friends. In addition, eating outside take people’s convenience and shortcut. For the people who are busy working, preparing food for themselves will make trouble and waste time. For a young person who is not able to cook for themselves, eating at food stands resolve the problem.

The main reason for my propensity for eating at home is that eating at home and preparing food for myself can enhance the emotion among the member of the family and bring pleasure to everyone.

In modern society, every day, parents are busy working and sociality, and children are busy on the study and playing. For convenience and saving time, they often choose to eat outside. Then there left so little time for them to share. Sharing dinner at home is not only eating but also provides a chance to talk, make a joke, and exchange feeling with each other. Maybe someone thinks that making dinner is a heavy burden. But I believe preparing food with family is also a happy, likely have dinner with family is a pleasure. With your sisters and brothers help your mother do a meal on the weekend and enjoy the food, and you will feel everything is so nice.

Another reason is that I think that eating at home is more economical than going to a restaurant and saving money. Using the same number of money you can buy more and better food from shops than from restaurants. You can do nourishing meals for your children rather than junk food from food stands. And you can spend the saved money on many other ways, such as buying new clothes and seeing a movie.

Generally speaking, eating outside is comfortable and convenient for our life, while eating at home can share happiness with family. Taking into account all these, I prefer to prepare food for ourselves and eat at home.

Eating out can be entertaining and pleasurable. Weather it is a family dinner, a romantic evening, lunch with friends or a special occasion, everyone likes the hassle-free option of not having to prepare their own meal. However, while eating is often both convenient and enjoyable, preparing and eating at home also has many advantages. Ultimately, dining out or eating at home are both good options, but they also differ in terms of cost, quality and atmosphere.

Perhaps the most striking difference between eating out or at home goes to expense, as dining out usually costs more. This is an important difference in an economy limiting choices on how to spend, and keeping an eye on unnecessary expenses is usually a household priority at any time. This factor then promotes eating at home; there are no overhead charges to add to the bill, there is no service charge, there is no waiter to tip 15 percent or more, and there are no extra costs added to the food in order to pay labor costs for employees. Then, smart shopping works to add even more incentive to eating at home. By clipping coupons and making a list before going to the grocery store, as well as keeping an eye out for sales and specials, the cost of eating at home may go significantly down. Restaurants do offer deals and many have low prices, but the reality is that eating at home is almost always less expensive than dining out.

Another important distinction between eating at home and eating out is the quality of the food. When you cook at home, it allows for the precise selection of ingredients and there are no surprises. At a restaurant, and no matter how the dishes are described, there is no such control. For example, a chef may use vegetables that are too ripe or not ripe enough, thus giving the dish a distinctive flavor not expected from the menu or server description. Another significant aspect of food quality is the cleanliness of the equipment used. When preparing a home cooked meal, there is no guessing about how clean the refrigerator, cupboards, stove, pots and pans, and utensils are. Those things are within the preparer’s control. When eating out, however, there is no control over what happens behind closed doors. Health codes and regulations notwithstanding, the chef, server or other employees can use unsanitary utensils, drop food on the ground and still serve it, or – in extreme cases – spit in the customer’s food. It is likely that most restaurants may be trusted as to cleanliness, but the home allows for certainty.

Another distinction between eating out and eating at home is atmosphere. Eating at home can be more relaxing and comfortable than eating at a local establishment. There is no dress code and no need to worry about being too loud, or the children behaving badly in public. Eating at home also allows people to unwind, and maybe watch television during dinner. At the same time, dining out is often exciting, and people enjoy both dressing up and being a part of the social experience of the restaurant. The options then reflect two very different atmospheres, and each with its own appeal.

In conclusion, there is no right or wrong choice; there are simply differences in cost, quality and atmosphere. While cost and quality more support eating at home, the attraction of dining out as an event is also strong. When all the elements are considered, then, it seems that the right choice in eating out or at home depends very much on how the people concerned feel about it at the time.


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Nowadays, some people like to eat at home and prepare food by themselves, but others prefer to eat out side in restaurants or at food stands. As far as I am concerned, I prefer to eat at home.

Of course there are some advantages to eat out. Firstly, restaurants offer a more comfortable environment to eat and the food there tastes more delicious than home-cooked meals. In addition, eating at restaurants is a good way of getting together with friends. People also do not need to worry about washing dishes and cleaning. For people who are too busy to cook, eating out is certainly an ideal choice. Furthermore, for people do not know how to cook and do not have some one to cook for them, eat out seems to be the only choice.

However, I prefer to cook and eat and home. The main reason is that at home, family members can prepare their meals and enjoying their food together, which can enhance their relationships. Family members can talk, make jokes and exchange feelings on current affairs with each other while preparing a meal. Parents have a chance to communicate with their kids and keep track of what they are thinking and doing; while children can learn to help with some household tasks and develop intimacy with their parents. Image that you and your brothers and sisters help your mother to cook on a weekend, and enjoy the food later on, and you feel everything is so nice.

Another reason is that eating at home can save money. The same amount of money that you spend on a meal in a restaurant can buy a lot more foods from a supermarket. You can use the money saved to buy a new cloth, or attend a concert.

General speaking, eating out side is comfortable and convenient, but eating at home has more benefits. I prefer to eat at home.

The pros and cons of eating in restaurants

Nowadays, many people enjoy going out to eat. It is said that this way of eating has both pros and contrast. The pros is its convenience and new atmosphere, the contrast is unhealthiness and high price.

If you are not good at cooking or do not have time, eating out will be an easier choice to get a meal. Cooking includes many steps, which takes much time. When you eat outside, the restaurant would serve you within some minutes. Moreover, eating out is a good occasion to change your view. Eating places often offer great view, so you could try new sight rather than your old kitchen.

Oppositely, eating out could be risky and expensive. First, you do not know where the food comes from. It may be withered vegetables, spoiled meat tasting good thanks to the chemical seasoning. These dishes are harmful for your health and eventually cause death . Second, eating out is pricey. Since there are many people working at restaurants who need to be paid, it costs much more than buying the ingredients and making meals at home.

In short, eating out save your time and offer beautiful view, but it could be unsafe and costly. I suggest learning to cook to enjoy your meal in the best way.

You should always ensure that you are using words in the correct manner, especially when you are using them as pairs. A good example of this would be the usage of pros and cons; both of these words are almost always seen together, especially when you are talking about comparative essays.

While your essay does have a general structure, it still does not follow through with general conventions. What I mean by this is that you had grammatical slip-ups that had a negative impact in the overall appeal of the writing.

Let’s take a look at your first paragraph and deconstruct it.

I would revise this as:
There is a growing amount of people who prefer dining out. While this trend is generally accepted, it has its pros and cons. Briefly, its pros could include the fact that it provides convenience and a new atmosphere. Conversely, it does have risks including potential unhealthiness and high prices.

Notice how I had structured it as:
[general overview of the situation] -> [what is to be discussed in the essay] -> [a balanced, brief overview of what will be tackled in the next paragraphs]

Doing this formatting for your essay can enhance the introduction because it provides a structured alternative rather than juggling with thoughts and needing to be repetitive with your language.

I do appreciate what you currently have in your essay. I like how you substantiated you arguments in the succeeding paragraphs. The only thing left is to ensure that you use more formal language (ie. in your third paragraph, it should start out with conversely instead of oppositely for formality purposes) and make sure that you follow a particular flow.

Best of luck.

Hi Margaret,
I found that you missed some article, including «a», «an» and «the».

offer a great view, … try a new sight …

harmful to your health …

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