Education is the most important possession a person can have эссе егэ



Essay Sample 03

verbitckaya2020 20

Comment on the following statement:

Education is the most important possession a person can have.  

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
—    make an introduction (state the problem)
—    express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
—    express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
—   explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
—    make a conclusion restating your position

pir 1

linking words 1

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Some people think that education is the base of a person’s skills, whereas others do not agree. They consider health is more important. 

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In my opinion, education is the most important attribute that characterizes a successful person. First of all, education is the key to success in life. For example, if someone has a good education, he or she usually gets a well-paid job that allows them to do a lot of interesting things. Secondly, those who have a good education gain respect in society. For instance, professors or academies gain a lot of respect. People listen to their lectures and accept their opinion as the truth

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At the same time there are people who think think that health is the most important thing one can have. Without health a person cannot be happy. 

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I do not agree with opinion mentioned above. Good education broadens one’s mind and opens a lot of doors for an interesting life. People will be bored if they just have a good health. 

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In conclusionI would like to say there are opposing view points on this issue. At first sight education is not very important but in actual fact it makes a person versatile and their life worth living. Thus, I strongly believe education is the most important possession one can have. 

Read by George William Dole






esse edit

Education is the most important possession a person can have.

Nowadays the issue of importance of education is considered to be a matter of common concern. Most people think that education has become a crucial tool in modern world. But most of youth believe that they need not any knowledge.

In my opinion, education has become essential thing in today’s world for a number of reasons. Firstly, we live in epoch of post-industrial society. It means that we live in era of technologies wide-spreading. So, we need to master digital literacy. Speaking about more trivial things, I can say that educated people are more interesting to talk and discuss different issues.

However, there exists another point of view. Some people think that it is a stereotype of education necessity. For example, many businessmen has reached success without any special entrepreneur educatio

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Terms in this set (11)

to be important most of all

быть важнее всего

to be the most essential

быть самым важным

to acquire knowledge and qualifications

приобретать значения и квалификацию

to be intelligent and well-educated

быть умным и хорошо образованным

to be just one of many assets

быть одним из многих ценных качеств

to be one of the most important attributes

одно из самых важных качеств

acquiring knowledge and skills

приобретение знаний и умений

study at school

учиться в школе

have a university degree

Иметь университетский диплом или научную степень

to have a secondary education certificate

иметь аттестат о среднем образовании

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plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most
valuable possessions a man can get in his life, because human
progress mostly depended upon well-educated people. Education
develops different sides of human personality,
his abilities. It help a person to understand himself,
choose the right way in this world. Educated person always tries to
learn, find out and discover more about the world around him. But the
road to learning is not easy. To be successful in studies one most
work hard. Educations is thus to foster the individual’s, society’s
and humanity’s future development.
individual development and the capacity to fulfill one’s own
purposes can depend on an preparation in childhood. Education can
thus attempt to give a firm foundation for the achievement of
personal fulfillment. That is why it is so important to be persistent
in learning.

2. Self-education. Is it necessary? Why? What does the human progress depend on?

plays a very interesting role in our life. It is one of the most
valuable possessions a man can get in his life. Human progress mostly
depended upon well-educated people. Self-education
is very important for the development of human’s talents. Only
through self-education a person can become a harmonically developed
A person becomes
a highly qualified specialist after getting some special education.
And professionalism can be reached only through it. 
Even highly qualified specialist from time to time attend refresher
courses to refresh their knowledge. We get our knowledge of this
world and life through education. Many famous discoveries would have
been impossible if people were not interested in learning something.
Education develops different sides of human personality, reveals his
abilities. Besides, it helps a person to understand himself, to
choose the right way in this world. So
education brings people closer to each other, helps them to
understand each other better.

3. Education. The Importance of Foreign Language Education. The role of foreign language in the life of modern person.

plays a very interesting role in our life. Education develops
different sides of human personality, reveals his abilities. An
educated person is one who knows a lot about many things. She always
tries to learn, find out, and discover more about the world around
him. She gets knowledge at school from books, magazines, from TV
educational programs. But the road to learning is not easy. To be
successful in studies one must work hard. It`s for you to decide to
learn and make progress or not to learn lose your time. The role
of foreign language

is also increasing today. Thanks to the knowledge of foreign
languages one car read books, magazines in the original, talk to
foreigners, translate various technical articles. Moreover, joint
ventures which have recently appeared in our country need specialist
with profound knowledge of foreign languages like English, German, or
French. To know foreign languages is absolute necessary for every
educated person, for good specialist. Our country is transferring to
a market economy. Research and innovations should improve living,
working conditions of our people. Education is thus a means to foster
the individual`s, society’s, and even humanity`s future development
and prosperity. One individual development and the capacity to
fulfill one`s own purposes can depend on an adequate preparation in
childhood. Education can thus attempt to give a firm foundation for
the achievement of personal fulfillment. That is why it is so
important to be persistent in learning.

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    1 абзац
    Во введении должны присутствовать:
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    «while others disagree with this opinion».
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    Можно, наоборот, подобрать антоним к нашему «package tour» = plan holiday yourself и написать вступление вот так:
    People say it is better to travel if you have a ready-made holiday. However, others state that it is better to plan your holiday yourself.

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    They say it is better to go travelling if you have a ready-made holiday. However, others state that it is better to plan your holiday yourself. Здесь написаны и синонимы к теме (a ready-made holiday), и антонимы (plan your holiday yourself), и изменена часть речи (travel-travelling).
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    3. Native speakers make the best language teachers.
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    3. Native speakers make the best language teachers. Some people believe that the people for whom the language is their mother tongue make the best language teachers, while others consider that not only they can teach best. (определение + часть речи)
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    Например для темы «It is better to travel if you have a package tour», можно написать так:
    Over the last few decades there has been a significant increase in the number of people who believe that it is better to go travelling if you have a ready-made holiday. However, others prefer to plan their holidays themselves.
    А для темы “Native speakers make the best language teachers”вот так: Nowadays many people are learning foreign languages. Some people believe that the people for whom the language is their mother tongue make the best language teachers, while others consider that not only they can be the top teachers.

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    3. Friends play an important role in our life. Some people believe that friendships are easier made than kept. However, others consider the other way round.

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    Упражнение 3
    Найдите ошибки в этих введениях и объясните, что в них не так:
    1. «Education is the most important possession a person can have» Nowadays the topic of education is very popular. Some people believe that education is the most important possession a person can have. While others disagree with that. In this essay I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

  • 1. "Education is the most important possession a person can have."1. Nowadays...

    17 слайд

    1. «Education is the most important possession a person can have.»
    1. Nowadays the topic of education is very popular. Some people believe that education is the most important possession a person can have, while others disagree with that. In this essay I would like to express my point of view on this issue. Странно звучит первое предложение, лучше его перефразировать «In this day and age it is hard to overestimate the importance of education». Совсем нет перифраза темы, она просто переписана, как есть. Вторая точка зрения присутствует. Последнее предложение – лишнее во вступлении, его лучше вообще убрать отсюда. Вот так будет лучше: In this day and age it is hard to overestimate the importance of education. While it is often claimed that education is the most valued thing one can have, others consider that there are other valuable assets in our lives

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    “A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it”
    2.Our modern world is unthinkable without the knowledge of foreign languages. Some people consider that one should be taught foreign languages only by professional teachers, while others suppose that any person with good language skills can help in learning other languages. In this essay I would like to consider different opinions on this issue.

  • “A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it”Our modern...

    19 слайд

    “A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it”
    Our modern world is unthinkable without the knowledge of foreign languages. Some people consider that one should be taught foreign languages only by professional teachers, while others suppose that any person with good language skills can help in learning other languages. In this essay I would like to consider different opinions on this issue. Подводка к теме хорошая, присутствует перифраз с актива на пассив (teach – should be taught), выражена противоположная точка зрения. Но! В теме есть слово easily, которое не написано во введении, а это будет «-» при оценке эссе. Нельзя забывать такие мелочи. Последнее предложение из введения следует убрать, оно здесь лишнее. Our modern world is unthinkable without the knowledge of foreign languages. Some people consider that one can be easily taught foreign languages by professional teachers, while others suppose that any person with good language skills can effortlessly help in learning other languages.

  • 3. "Everyone would like to be rich". Nowadays the majority of people believe...

    20 слайд

    3. «Everyone would like to be rich».

    Nowadays the majority of people believe that everyone wants to have enough money. They think that many of us would like to earn as much as he can waste. However, some people have an opposing opinion. They claim that rich people are usually unhappy and unfair. Перепишите введения.

  • 3. "Everyone would like to be rich". Nowadays the majority of people believe...

    21 слайд

    3. «Everyone would like to be rich».

    Nowadays the majority of people believe that everyone wants to have enough money. They think that many of us would like to earn as much as he can waste. However, some people have an opposing opinion. They claim that rich people are usually unhappy and unfair. В подводке написано про “have enough money”, что не равно «rich», также «earn as much as he can waste» не отражает эту идею. Противоположная точка зрения не раскрыта, должно быть – «не все хотят быть богатыми». Переписываем: Nowadays the majority of people believe that everyone dreams about being wealthy. However, others claim that not everyone would like to have lots of money.

  • Задание на дом Перепишите введение

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    Задание на дом
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Nowadays education plays a vital tole in everyone’s life. So, some people rend to think that studying is the most important thing for teens, while others do not think so.

I strongly believe that education is essential for teenagers. Firstly, studying helps teens to develop thier brain. For example, learning maths helps to develop concentration and planning skills which are extremely useful in the modern life. The humanities make students more creative. So, education broaden teens’ mind. Secondly, a good education is a key to success. All well-paid jobs require high education. Professionals can employ easier tnan people who do not study at the university.

Nevertheless, other people say that education is not the most valuable thing for teens because there are more important things in their lives. Teenagers should have their favourite hobbies, spend leisure time with friends and do sports. The do not have to study all their free time. They should have fun because it is the most wonderful period of their lives.

As for me, I cannot agree with the opponents’ point of view as it is really important to prioritize what you need and want to do. Teenagers should combine their hobbies with education but they must understand that they need to do their best in studying to become educated people, to have a happy life.

All in all, I want to say again that education is the most significant thing for teens because studying makes them smarter. Also, education allows to get a well-paid job.

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Эссе (сочинение) по английскому языку на тему: Education is the most valuable thing for a teenager


Some people believe that teenagers should study all the time because it is one of the most important things for them at their age. Others tend to think that education is not such a valuable aspect of teenagers’ life as it may seem. In this essay I am going to detail my own view on this issue.

In my opinion, young people have to pay as much attention to their study as possible. First of all, good education is the basis of success on a future career path. The better your education is the more demanded you are on the labour market. In addition, schools are a great place where you can not only learn subjects, but also be involved in extracurricular activities, which is a part of general education. For example, you can be a volunteer and help other people in need. As a rule volunteering is a team work, so it helps you to develop your communicative skills, which are very valuable for any person.

On the contrary, many people argue that teenagers should not sacrifice their young age for education. The younger you are the more time you should spend hanging out with your friends. Time flies, so you have to capture every minute and use it to your pleasure.

However, I cannot agree with my opponents, because hanging out with friends is a waste of time and leads to nothing. Moreover, friends can teach you bad habits like smoking or drinking alcohol.

To sum up, I would like to emphasize the fact that all teenagers should prefer education to any other activity. They must not waste their time for dull things like games, social nets, clubs and cafés.

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