Экзамен английский язык тест ответы

Тесты для студентов всех факультетов и специальностей поступающих в магистратуру.

Тесты по английскому языку составлена для студентов курсов всех факультетов и специальностей, поступающих в магистратуру.

Тесты предназначены как для вступительных экзаменов в магистратуру, так и для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов для контроля грамматических навыков и знаний студентов, и представляет собой сборник тестов, подобранных авторами из различных источников художественной и научной литературы, представляющих собой оригинальные предложения, составленные носителями языка, и организованных по степени возрастания сложности грамматического материала.

Методическая разработка имеет целью помочь студентам в освоении программных общеобразовательных тем, а также обеспечить контроль знаний студентов.

1.    What is this? … is my exercise-book.
a.    it
b.    these
c.    those
d.    they
e.    them

2.    There is … pen on the table.
a.    some
b.    such
c.    an
d.    a
e.    three

3.    … car is this?
a.    what
b.    who’s
c.    why
d.    whom
e.    whose

4.    I’m cold. …open the window.
a.    a not
b.    don’t
c.    no
d.    none
e.    –

5.    He … to the University by tram.
a.    is going
b.    can
c.    goes
d.    go
e.    are going

6.    Nick … a book now.
a.    is reading
b.    are reading
c.    read will read
d.    had read

7.    I like potatoes, but I … them everyday.
a.    haven’t eat
b.    not eat
c.    doesn’t eat
d.    don’t eat
e.    isn’t eating

8.    I … to see my friend tomorrow.
a.    are going
b.    have going
c.    is going
d.    were going
e.    am going

9.    She didn’t … breakfast yesterday.
a.    had
b.    has
c.    have
d.    having
e.    haved

10.    I can swim, but my friend …
a.    is not
b.    can’t
c.    don’t
d.    needn’t
e.    aren’t

11.    … I take your pen?
a.    may
b.    will be able
c.    does
d.    has
e.    had

12.    Must I wear these shoes? – No, you…
a.    mustn’t
b.    can’t
c.    weren’t
d.    isn’t
e.    aren’t

13.    My grandfather … to leave school when he was 15.
a.    must
b.    can
c.    is
d.    are
e.    had to

14.    I … speak French last year.
a.    can’t
b.    may not
c.    must not
d.    couldn’t
e.    hasn’t

15.    You will … speak English in 3 years.
a.    can
b.    has
c.    had
d.    be able to
e.    were able to

16.    When I called him, he … supper.
a.    has having
b.    was have
c.    was having
d.    is having
e.    were having

17.    They … up late yesterday.
a.    get
b.    got
c.    has got
d.    gets
e.    getting

18.    It is the … book I have ever read.
a.    best
b.    better
c.    well
d.    good
e.    worse

19.    Where … go? Let’s go to the cinema.
a.    won’t we
b.    is we
c.    have we
d.    shall we
e.    are we

20.    What has she … ?
a.    doing
b.    do
c.    did
d.    done
e.    does

21.    There … many students in the room now.
a.    were
b.    was
c.    is
d.    are
e.    will

22.    There … a university in the centre of the city.
a.    is
b.    are
c.    be
d.    shall
e.    were

23.    I can’t see … on  my table.
a.    nothing
b.    nobody
c.    anything
d.    anywhere
e.    somewhere

24.    What … you going to do tonight?
a.    was
b.    will
c.    were
d.    is
e.    are

25.    There … any sugar in the tea.
a.    weren’t
b.    wasn’t
c.    haven’t
d.    hadn’t
e.    won’t

26.    We … in Moscow last year.
a.    lives
b.    is living
c.    has living
d.    live
e.    lived

27.    Where … she work?
a.    do
b.    done
c.    doing
d.    does
e.    is

28.    … speaks English well?
a.    which
b.    why
c.    who
d.    when
e.    what

29.    How many theatres … there in your city now?
a.    were
b.    are
c.    have
d.    is
e.    was

30.    What … you do tomorrow?
a.    will
b.    shall
c.    will be
d.    shall be
e.    are

31.    He said that he … at the plant last year.
a.    are having
b.    living
c.    lives
d.    had lived
e.    lived

32.    Let … tell his friends about his city.
a.    his
b.    him
c.    he
d.    her
e.    she

33.    My friend … breakfast when I called him.
a.    were having
b.    will having
c.    are having
d.    was having
e.    is having

34.    What … do you want to read?
a.    another
b.    yet
c.    other
d.    still
e.    else

35.    Which is the … river in our country?
a.    long
b.    longer
c.    longest
d.    large
e.    larger

36.    There was … in the room.
a.    somebody
b.    somewhere
c.    anybody
d.    anything
e.    some

37.    Who … you this story yesterday?
a.    speak
b.    tell
c.    told
d.    spoke
e.    said

38.    When we came in, the film … already begun.

a.    are
b.    is
c.    were
d.    was
e.    had

39.    The work … done well two days ago.
a.    has done
b.    was done
c.    has been done
d.    was do
e.    did

40.    Books by Dickens … many times.
a.    is publishing
b.    have published
c.    are published
d.    were published
e.    is published

41.    What … you do every day?
a.    does
b.    do
c.    did
d.    doing
e.    done

42.    This problem … tomorrow.
a.    will be discussed
b.    have been discussed
c.    is discussing
d.    will discuss
e.    had discussed

43.    I wonder, why there are so … people.
a.    no
b.    such
c.    some
d.    much
e.    many

44.    I am sorry… I come in?
a.    could
b.    might
c.    may
d.    must
e.    need

45.     I … do this work yesterday. I was busy.
a.    mustn’t
b.    can’t
c.    couldn’t
d.    aren’t
e.    weren’t

46.    What … you doing here?
a.    are
b.    is
c.    will
d.    be
e.    can

47.    He … going to translate this article.
a.    do
b.    have
c.    may
d.    is
e.    are

48.    These pictures … by a young painter last year.
a.    are painted
b.    were painted
c.    is painted
d.    will be painted
e.    have been painted

49.    I … know him.
a.    doesn’t
b.    haven’t
c.    hasn’t
d.    isn’t
e.    don’t

50.    … go to the library.
a.    won’t
b.    doesn’t
c.    don’t
d.    haven’t
e.    isn’t

51.    Do you often … English to your teacher?
a.    spoken
b.    spoke
c.    speak
d.    speaking
e.    speaked
52.    … of you likes to speak French?
a.    which
b.    who
c.    why
d.    what
e.    whom

53.    … of you lives in the centre of Moscow?
a.    whom
b.    whose
c.    who
d.    which
e.    when

54.    How long does your working day …?
a.    has lasted
b.    is lasting
c.    lasted
d.    last
e.    lasting
55.    My sister works …
a.    many
b.    much
c.    some
d.    not many
e.    none

56.    What … they discussing now?
a.    are
b.    were
c.    will
d.    is
e.    was

57.    Will you … at home tomorrow?
a.    is
b.    were
c.    are
d.    be
e.    have

58.    They … here an hour ago.
a.    have
b.    have been
c.    was
d.    were
e.    are

59.    I wrote him a letter …
a.    since
b.    today
c.    last month
d.    this month
e.    tomorrow

60.    … children don’t like to play football.
a.    some
b.    no
c.    any
d.    anybody
e.    somebody

61.    There … many children in the park yesterday.
a.    hadn’t
b.    aren’t
c.    haven’t
d.    wasn’t
e.    weren’t

62.    Where … we get these journals?
a.    do
b.    can
c.    must
d.    were
e.    will

63.    … I ask you a question? – Certainly.
a.    am
b.    must
c.    may
d.    was
e.    will

64.    He … come yet.
a.    haven’t
b.    didn’t
c.    hasn’t
d.    doesn’t
e.    can’t

65.    I was waiting … you at 5 o’clock yesterday.
a.    with
b.    at
c.    for
d.    in
e.    –

66.    Have you … the translation yet?
a.    does
b.    doing
c.    do
d.    did
e.    done

67.    Is … a library at your office?
a.    where
b.    there
c.    anywhere
d.    somewhere
e.    nowhere

68.    These books are too difficult .. me.
a.    about
b.    at
c.    of
d.    for
e.    with

69.    …you know about it yesterday?
a.    hasn’t
b.    haven’t
c.    don’t
d.    didn’t
e.    doesn’t

70.    You can help me, … you?
a.    can’t
b.    can
c.    couldn’t
d.    won’t
e.    don’t

71.    You didn’t see him last week, … you?
a.    didn’t
b.    did
c.    does
d.    doesn’t
e.    won’t

72.    … usually takes me half an hour to get to my office.
a.    he
b.    I
c.    what
d.    it
e.    she

73.    I’m hurrying … the University.
a.    to
b.    of
c.    at
d.    in
e.    –

74.    What is he afraid … ?
a.    to
b.    in
c.    with
d.    of
e.    off

75.    There … a lot of students at the lecture tomorrow.
a.    will
b.    will be
c.    will have
d.    will can
e.    were

76.    He won’t go to the cinema tomorrow, … he?
a.    will
b.    won’t
c.    won’t be
d.    didn’t
e.    did

77.    Here is the man … wanted to speak  to you.
a.    which of
b.    which
c.    who
d.    whom
e.    whose

78.    He will come back … Simferopol in June.
a.    –
b.    of
c.    at
d.    in
e.    to

79.    I didn’t do my work …. I was busy.
a.    that’s why
b.    because
c.    in order to
d.    after
e.    before

80.    … you swim last year?
a.    could
b.    can
c.    was able
d.    will be able
e.    could able

81.    I … seen him this week.
a.    hasn’t
b.    haven’t
c.    didn’t
d.    don’t
e.    doesn’t

82.    You were waiting for me at 2 o’clock yesterday, … you?
a.    aren’t
b.    didn’t
c.    wasn’t
d.    weren’t
e.    haven’t

83.    Mr. Green won’t be able to come, .. he?
a.    shall
b.    will
c.    can
d.    has
e.    does

84.    He … a cup of coffee when the telephone rang.
a.    drink
b.    are drinking
c.    is drinking
d.    drank
e.    was drinking

85.    The company has so … money.
a.    little
b.    less
c.    more
d.    many
e.    the least

86.    I … going to invite you to my birthday party.
a.    has
b.    have
c.    are
d.    is
e.    am

87.    You … English before entering the University
a.    has study
b.    has studied
c.    had studied
d.    had study
e.    studied

88.    New York is the … city in the USA.
a.    most large
b.    larger
c.    large
d.    largest
e.    much largest

89.    Who is your … friend?
a.    goodest
b.    best
c.    better
d.    more better
e.    most

90.    He … always waited for.
a.    being
b.    been
c.    has
d.    are
e.    is

91.    Who … asked when you came in?
a.    was
b.    been
c.    was being
d.    were
e.    were being

92.    Many new houses … built in our city lately.
a.    has been
b.    had been
c.    have been
d.    have being
e.    being

93.    I … wait for him now. I am very busy.
a.    can’t
b.    couldn’t
c.    wasn’t
d.    hadn’t
e.    hasn’t

94.    He … many friends here.
a.    have
b.    haves
c.    has
d.    having
e.    had had

95.    Will you … to come tomorrow?
a.    will able
b.    had able
c.    was able
d.    able
e.    be able

96.    You must … to answer all my questions.
a.    was ready
b.    be ready
c.    is ready
d.    are ready
e.    ready
97.    … you learn English?
a.    haven’t
b.    aren’t
c.    isn’t
d.    don’t
e.    doesn’t

98.    How many lessons … you have every day?
a.    do
b.    does
c.    have
d.    has
e.    are
99.    You like to watch TV- programmes, … you?
a.    do
b.    don’t
c.    doesn’t
d.    does
e.    did

100.    What … your favourite subject at school?
a.    did
b.    has
c.    are
d.    were
e.    was

 1. a

2. d

3. e

4. b

5. c

6. a

7. d

8. e

9. c

100. e

1) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

The conference is
believed ____ in April.

Ответ:  to be held

2) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

The participants were sure
that the conference ____ a stimulating ground for the exchanges of information
and for the generation of new ideas.

Ответ: would

3) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

The whole world is used
to English _____ an international language.

Ответ: being

4) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

The organizing Committee
of the conference is busy ______ a preliminary work.

Ответ: performing

5) Заполните пропуски,
обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

Greenpeace is known
______ global climate change as one of the greatest threats to the planet.

Ответ: to have

6) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

But for the greenhouse
effect the climate ______ so dramatically now.

Ответ: would not

7) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

Greenpeace wants
Greenfreeze technology ____ throughout the world to replace NFC refrigeration.

Ответ:  to be

8) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

Greenpeace suggested
_____ for governments to face up to their responsibilities and urgently address
the problem of environmental protection.

Ответ: campaigning

9) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

Greenpeace and their
advocates succeeded _____ negotiations with industrialized countries on
reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases pumped into
the atmosphere.

Ответ: in holding

10) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

Different types of
cellular systems employ various methods of _____ ‛multiple access“.

Ответ: zero

11) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

Here each cell represents
___ allocation of channels where no adjacent cells share common frequencies.

Ответ: а

12) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

_____ technical
advantages associated with the usage of CDMA technology have led to a rapid
development of the technology.

Ответ:  the

13) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

We are looking ___
hearing from you.

Ответ: forward to

14) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

They objected ___ her
going to Paris.

Ответ: to

15) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

My car needs ___ .

Ответ: servicing

16) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

Prices ____ more than 10
percent in a very short time.

Ответ: have risen

17) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

Jane couldn`t have
attended the conference if her boss ____ her way.

Ответ: hadn`t paid

18) Заполните
пропуски, обозначив подходящее по смыслу слово соответствующей буквой.

Cambridge is ____
university city in Britain.

Ответ: the second

19) Выберите
реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения.

– Tom, you`ve been so
busy lately that we don`t see you anymore.

__________________________________________________ .

I`ve been trying to finish my research project so that I can present my
findings at the annual conference in July.

20) Выберите
реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения.

– How did your football
team do last season?

– ______________________________________________

We won three times, lost five times, and tied twice.

21) Установите
соответствие между левой и правой колонками.

5 July 2009 – heading

Dear Mr. Black – salutation

Michael Kennedy Export
Sales Manager – signature

Yours faithfully — the complimentary close

Thank you for your letter of 26 June, asking for details of our new
amplifier — body of the letter

Mr. Black, Pelican LTD, 20 College Road, London, Great Britain — inside

22) Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке,
выбрав нужный вариант ответа.

Ответ: 3; 5; 1; 2;

23) Определите, к
какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.

Ответ: Letter

24) Прочитайте
текст. Выполните следующее за ним задание.

The invention of radio
allowed people to send secret messages through the air. Even after radio became
used more than telegraph lines, Morse code was sti1l popular. But anyone with
radio could listen to the messages, so radio messages were often sent in code.
This was especially true during times of war, but also for normal business
secrets. For example, banks frequently sent secret messages to their offices
around the world.

Governments and
businesses were always trying to break each other’s secret codes. Most early
codes were not too difficult if you were clever and had some skills in
mathematics. But in 1933, the British government began noticing strange secret
Morse code messages from Germany. British scientists could not discover
way to break the cipher. Finally, they found the reason: these new messages
were made using
а new cipher machine
called Enigma, invented by the German inventor

At first, Scherbius sold
the Enigma to German companies, but the German government soon took an interest
in Enigma`s ability to offer ‘unbreakable’ codes.

The machine itself looked
а box with keys and several disks that
turned around each time
new letter was pressed. The Enigma’s disks could be changed and the machine could
mix every single letter of
message into
а new and different

When World War 2 began in
1939, Germany used the Enigma machine to communicate with its ships and
submarines as well as with its armies abroad.

Enigma operators used
secret codebooks to broadcast their Enigma messages each day. The Germans broke
other countri
еs’ codes and ciphers and
used the information to attack planes and ships in the Atlantic Ocean.
needed to break the Enigma cipher!

является ли утверждение:

Up to 1939 the Enigma
cipher was unbreakable.

Ответ: истинным


Прочитайте текст.
Выполните следующее за ним задание.

The invention of radio
allowed people to send secret messages through the air. Even after radio became
used more than telegraph lines, Morse code was sti1l popular. But anyone with а
radio could listen to the messages, so radio messages were often sent in code.
This was especially true during times of war, but also for normal business
secrets. For example, banks frequently sent secret messages to their offices
around the world.

Governments and
businesses were always trying to break each other’s secret codes. Most early
codes were not too difficult if you were clever and had some skills in
mathematics. But in 1933, the British government began noticing strange secret
Morse code messages from Germany. British scientists could not discover а way
to break the cipher. Finally, they found the reason: these new messages were
made using а new cipher machine called Enigma, invented by the German inventor
Агthur Scherbius.

At first, Scherbius sold
the Enigma to German companies, but the German government soon took an interest
in Enigma`s ability to offer ‘unbreakable’ codes.

The machine itself looked
like а box with keys and several disks that turned around each time а new
letter was pressed. The Enigma’s disks could be changed and the machine could
mix every single letter of а message into а new and different cipher.

When World War 2 began in
1939, Germany used the Enigma machine to communicate with its ships and
submarines as well as with its armies abroad.

Enigma operators used
secret codebooks to broadcast their Enigma messages each day. The Germans broke
other countriеs’ codes and ciphers and used the information to attack planes
and ships in the Atlantic Ocean. Someone needed to break the Enigma cipher!

Определите, является ли

Even in 1930 firms sent
coded messages around the world.

Ответ: в тексте
нет информации

Прочитайте текст. Выполните следующее за ним задание.

The invention of radio
allowed people to send secret messages through the air. Even after radio became
used more than telegraph lines, Morse code was sti1l popular. But anyone with
radio could listen to the messages, so radio messages were often sent in code.
This was especially true during times of war, but also for normal business
secrets. For example, banks frequently sent secret messages to their offices
around the world.

Governments and
businesses were always trying to break each other’s secret codes. Most early
codes were not too difficult if you were clever and had some skills in
mathematics. But in 1933, the British government began noticing strange secret
Morse code messages from Germany. British scientists could not discover
way to break the cipher. Finally, they found the reason: these new messages
were made using
а new cipher machine
called Enigma, invented by the German inventor

At first, Scherbius sold
the Enigma to German companies, but the German government soon took an interest
in Enigma`s ability to offer ‘unbreakable’ codes.

The machine itself looked
а box with keys and several disks that
turned around each time
new letter was pressed. The Enigma’s disks could be changed and the machine could
mix every single letter of
message into
а new and different

When World War 2 began in
1939, Germany used the Enigma machine to communicate with its ships and
submarines as well as with its armies abroad.

Enigma operators used
secret codebooks to broadcast their Enigma messages each day. The Germans broke
other countri
еs’ codes and ciphers and
used the information to attack planes and ships in the Atlantic Ocean.
needed to break the Enigma cipher!

Определите, какой
из предложенных ниже заголовков в наибольшей степени соответствует его

Ответ: Secrets by


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Выполните следующее за ним задание.

Before World War 2, Polish mathematicians were able to steal a German Enigma
machine and began to understand how it worked. But the Germans then added more
disks and made the code more difficult.
Suddenly, Enigma
could send a code message in 159,000,000, 000,000, 000,000 ways!

The British government hired many of England’s top scientists and mathematicians
— and many people who were simply good at word games and finding solutions to
puzzles. They were sent to break the Enigma cipher at Bletchley Park,
private home with large grounds outside London. Bletchley Park soon became the
centre of British code-breaking activities. Every day, thousands of enemy
messages were collected and sent there for people to work on. Among these
code-breakers was the young mathematician Alan Turing.

Turing had two important ideas that helped break Enigma. He learned that no
letter could ever be
а code for itself; а
А could not be an А.
He also learned that at 6:05 each morning, when German ships and submarines
sent their weather reports using Enigma, they often used similar words, like
times, dates and the German word for ‘weather’.

To save time, Turing invented an early computer which matched coded messages to
real words. Turing’s computer and codebooks from
sinking German submarine helped the British solve the Enigma ciphers and read
all secret German messages.

Of course, the British government did not tell the German government this!

Instead, they used the
information to stop German attacks on their ships and to attack German ships,
planes and submarines. The British sent messages about each success in
radio cipher that they knew the Germans could understand, pretending that their
successes were the results of luck. The Germans believed in Enigma and did not
guess the true situation. Many people think that Britain’s use of Enigma
ciphers helped with the war.

Sadly, after the war,
British government still thought that Enigma should be a secret. They could not
afford to share their knowledge because Germany or another country might try to
а machine like Enigma again. The
decipherers of the Enigma code were not allowed to talk about the work. Most of
them died before their families and friends learnt that they were heroes.

является ли утверждение:

No figure can be a code
for itself.

Ответ: в тексте
нет информации


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Выполните следующее за ним задание.

Before World War 2, Polish mathematicians were able to steal a German Enigma
machine and began to understand how it worked. But the Germans then added more
disks and made the code more difficult.
Suddenly, Enigma could
send a code message in 159,000,000, 000,000, 000,000 ways!

The British government hired many of England’s top scientists and
mathematicians — and many people who were simply good at word games and finding
solutions to puzzles. They were sent to break the Enigma cipher at Bletchley
а private home with large grounds
outside London. Bletchley Park soon became the centre of British code-breaking
activities. Every day, thousands of enemy messages were collected and sent
there for people to work on. Among these code-breakers was the young
mathematician Alan Turing.

Turing had two important ideas that helped break Enigma. He learned that no
letter could ever be
а code for itself; а
А could not be an А.
He also learned that at 6:05 each morning, when German ships and submarines
sent their weather reports using Enigma, they often used similar words, like
times, dates and the German word for ‘weather’.

To save time, Turing invented an early computer which matched coded messages to
real words. Turing’s computer and codebooks from
sinking German submarine helped the British solve the Enigma ciphers and read
all secret German messages.

Of course, the British government did not tell the German government this!

Instead, they used the information
to stop German attacks on their ships and to attack German ships, planes and
submarines. The British sent messages about each success in
radio cipher that they knew the Germans could understand, pretending that their
successes were the results of luck. The Germans believed in Enigma and did not
guess the true situation. Many people think that Britain’s use of Enigma
ciphers helped with the war.

Sadly, after the war,
British government still thought that Enigma should be a secret. They could not
afford to share their knowledge because Germany or another country might try to
а machine like Enigma again. The
decipherers of the Enigma code were not allowed to talk about the work. Most of
them died before their families and friends learnt that they were heroes.

Определите, какому
из его абзацев (а; б; в; г; д) соответствует следующее утверждение:

computer helped transform secret German messages to real words.

Ответ: г

29) Прочитайте
текст. Выполните следующее за ним задание.

Before World War 2, Polish mathematicians were able to steal a German Enigma
machine and began to understand how it worked. But the Germans then added more
disks and made the code more difficult.
Suddenly, Enigma
could send a code message in 159,000,000, 000,000, 000,000 ways!

The British government hired many of England’s top scientists and
mathematicians — and many people who were simply good at word games and finding
solutions to puzzles. They were sent to break the Enigma cipher at Bletchley
а private home with large grounds
outside London. Bletchley Park soon became the centre of British code-breaking
activities. Every day, thousands of enemy messages were collected and sent
there for people to work on. Among these code-breakers was the young mathematician
Alan Turing.

Turing had two important ideas that helped break Enigma. He learned that no
letter could ever be
а code for itself; а
А could not be an А.
He also learned that at 6:05 each morning, when German ships and submarines
sent their weather reports using Enigma, they often used similar words, like
times, dates and the German word for ‘weather’.

To save time, Turing invented an early computer which matched coded messages to
real words. Turing’s computer and codebooks from
German submarine helped the British solve the Enigma ciphers and read all
secret German messages.

Of course, the British government did not tell the German government this!

Instead, they used the
information to stop German attacks on their ships and to attack German ships,
planes and submarines. The British sent messages about each success in
radio cipher that they knew the Germans could understand, pretending that their
successes were the results of luck. The Germans believed in Enigma and did not
guess the true situation. Many people think that Britain’s use of Enigma
ciphers helped with the war.

Sadly, after the war,
British government still thought that Enigma should be a secret. They could not
afford to share their knowledge because Germany or another country might try to
а machine like Enigma again. The
decipherers of the Enigma code were not allowed to talk about the work. Most of
them died before their families and friends learnt that they were heroes.

Определите, какое
из следующих высказываний отражает его основную мысль:

Breaking Enigma was the priority for the British government and it spared no
effort to solve the task.


пронумерованные абзацы текста. Выполните следующее за ним задание.

1. As the boss of
Microsoft, the world`s most successful software company, I played a large part
in the birth of the Information Age. In my book I explain the idea of a digital
nervous system — the use of information technology to satisfy people`s needs at
work and at home, just as the human nervous system supports the human mind.

2. Information work is
thinking work. When thinking and working together are significantly assisted by
computer technology, you have a digital nervous system. It consists of the
advanced digital processes that knowledge workers use to make better decisions
– to think, act, react, and adapt. Michael Dertouzos of MIT writes that the
future ‛Information Marketplace“ will require a large amount of special
software and complex combinations of human and machine process — an excellent
description of a digital nervous system at work.

3. Do you view
information technology as
way to solve specific problems? Then you`re probably only getting
fraction of the benefits that modern computers and software can provide.
Instead, you should be creating systems that will deliver information
immediately to anyone who can use it — «digital nervous systems.»

Разместите их в
логической последовательности.

Ответ: 2; 3; 1


получившийся текст из задания 30 еще раз. Выполните следующее за ним задание.

1. As the boss of
Microsoft, the world`s most successful software company, I played a large part
in the birth of the Information Age. In my book I explain the idea of a digital
nervous system — the use of information technology to satisfy people`s needs at
work and at home, just as the human nervous system supports the human mind.

2. Information work is
thinking work. When thinking and working together are significantly assisted by
computer technology, you have a digital nervous system. It consists of the
advanced digital processes that knowledge workers use to make better decisions
– to think, act, react, and adapt. Michael Dertouzos of MIT writes that the
future ‛Information Marketplace‛ will require a large amount of special
software and complex combinations of human and machine process — an excellent
description of a digital nervous system at work.

3. Do you view
information technology as
way to solve specific problems? Then you`re probably only getting
fraction of the benefits that modern computers and software can provide.
Instead, you should be creating systems that will deliver information
immediately to anyone who can use it — «digital nervous systems.»

Определите, о чьих
взглядах на информацию в нем идет речь:

Ответ: Bill Gates


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Выполните следующее за ним задание.

For years and years
enthusiasts have been saying that the Internet will happen
«tomorrow.» You’re going to keep reading predictions that the big
change will happen in the next twelve months. This is just garbage. The social
changes that have to occur take years, and the infrastructure has to be
extended. But when the social and technical changes reach
certain point, the change will be quick and permanent. The point will come
where the Web lifestyle really will take off, and I believe that’s some time in
the next five years. As I said in The Road Ahead, we always overestimate the
change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that
will occur in the next ten. Don’t let yourself be fooled into doing nothing.

It’s hard to think of а
business category in which the Internet won`t have an effect or in which there
aren’t already new Internet companies. Lots of firms now wish they were the first
Internet book store or travel agency, winning the first customers, the public
enthusiasm, the famous name.

Internet companies are
not just learning new ways to do business. They are also rushing to break down
the barriers between different areas of business. Amazon.com, which began as an
Internet bookseller, has begun to sell CDs. There’s no reason for Amazon not to
sell other products as well. The initial reason for your company to go onto the
Web might be to obtain cost savings and attract new customers. When you have
customers interacting with you, you have an amazing ability to build on that
relationship to offer
а broader set of products.

An Internet business is
not like
а bank branch where you
can train employees on only
small number of products. The virtual nature of the Internet enables whatever
shopping your customers want to do. You’ll see more companies like Amazon, that
are strong in one online area and then expand their product offerings. The
warning to every business is that even if no one in your industry jumps in
early, big online companies, trying to cover every commercial area, will move
into yours.

правильный ответ на следующий вопрос:

When will the Web
lifestyle take place?

In the next five years.


Прочитайте текст.
Выполните следующее за ним задание.

For years and years
enthusiasts have been saying that the Internet will happen
«tomorrow.» You’re going to keep reading predictions that the big
change will happen in the next twelve months. This is just garbage. The social
changes that have to occur take years, and the infrastructure has to be
extended. But when the social and technical changes reach
certain point, the change will be quick and permanent. The point will come
where the Web lifestyle really will take off, and I believe that’s some time in
the next five years. As I said in The Road Ahead, we always overestimate the
change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that
will occur in the next ten. Don’t let yourself be fooled into doing nothing.

It’s hard to think of а
business category in which the Internet won`t have an effect or in which there
aren’t already new Internet companies. Lots of firms now wish they were the
first Internet book store or travel agency, winning the first customers, the
public enthusiasm, the famous name.

Internet companies are
not just learning new ways to do business. They are also rushing to break down
the barriers between different areas of business. Amazon.com, which began as an
Internet bookseller, has begun to sell CDs. There’s no reason for Amazon not to
sell other products as well. The initial reason for your company to go onto the
Web might be to obtain cost savings and attract new customers. When you have
customers interacting with you, you have an amazing ability to build on that
relationship to offer
а broader set of products.

An Internet business is
not like
а bank branch where you
can train employees on only
small number of products. The virtual nature of the Internet enables whatever
shopping your customers want to do. You’ll see more companies like Amazon, that
are strong in one online area and then expand their product offerings. The
warning to every business is that even if no one in your industry jumps in
early, big online companies, trying to cover every commercial area, will move
into yours.

правильный ответ на следующий вопрос:

What does the virtual
nature of the Internet enable?

It enables all kinds of shopping.


Прочитайте текст.
Выполните следующее за ним задание.

For years and years
enthusiasts have been saying that the Internet will happen
«tomorrow.» You’re going to keep reading predictions that the big
change will happen in the next twelve months. This is just garbage. The social
changes that have to occur take years, and the infrastructure has to be
extended. But when the social and technical changes reach
certain point, the change will be quick and permanent. The point will come
where the Web lifestyle really will take off, and I believe that’s some time in
the next five years. As I said in The Road Ahead, we always overestimate the
change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that
will occur in the next ten.
Don’t let yourself be
fooled into doing nothing.

It’s hard to think of а
business category in which the Internet won`t have an effect or in which there
aren’t already new Internet companies. Lots of firms now wish they were the
first Internet book store or travel agency, winning the first customers, the
public enthusiasm, the famous name.

Internet companies are
not just learning new ways to do business. They are also rushing to break down
the barriers between different areas of business. Amazon.com, which began as an
Internet bookseller, has begun to sell CDs. There’s no reason for Amazon not to
sell other products as well. The initial reason for your company to go onto the
Web might be to obtain cost savings and attract new customers. When you have
customers interacting with you, you have an amazing ability to build on that
relationship to offer
а broader set of products.

An Internet business is
not like
а bank branch where you
can train employees on only
small number of products. The virtual nature of the Internet enables whatever
shopping your customers want to do. You’ll see more companies like Amazon, that
are strong in one online area and then expand their product offerings. The
warning to every business is that even if no one in your industry jumps in
early, big online companies, trying to cover every commercial area, will move
into yours.

правильный ответ на следующий вопрос:

What are Internet
companies doing?

Breaking down the barriers between different areas of business and learning new
ways to do business.

Тест по предмету «Английский язык» с ответами

Нет времени или сил пройти тест онлайн? Поможем сдать тест дистанционно для любого учебного заведения: подробности.

Тест по английскому языку онлайн

Вопрос 1. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : My mother (to have) a bad headache.

  • am
  • has
  • has got
  • have got

Вопрос 2. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : my friend (to study) two foreign languages?

  • Do study…
  • Does my friend studies ..
  • Do my friend studys …
  • Does my friend study..

Вопрос 3. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : The teacher (to point) at the blackboard when he (to want) to explain something

  • The teacher points at the blackboard when he wants to explain something
  • The teacher point at the blackboard when he want to explain something
  • The teacher pointed at the blackboard when he wanted to explain something

Вопрос 4. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : The teacher (to give out) us English magazines at every lesson.

  • gives out
  • give out
  • will give out
  • gave out

Вопрос 5. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : Every morning, she (to hurry) to the University.

  • hurry
  • hurries
  • will hurry
  • hurried
  • hurrys

Вопрос 6. you any time to help me? — Sony, I

  • Have you got, am not;
  • Do you have, have got;
  • Do you have, don’t;

Вопрос 7.Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : On Mondays, I always (to do) physical exercise.

  • do does
  • has do
  • do
  • does

Вопрос 8. I (not/understand) that man because I (not/know) English.

  • don’t understand, don’t know;
  • not understand, don’t know;
  • don’t understand, not know;

Вопрос 9. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : The sun (to rise) every day

  • The sun rise every day
  • The sun rised every day
  • The sun rises every day

Сдаем тесты по английскому языку: цены, результаты, отзывы

Вопрос 10. Every day I help my Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy with my exam. So I (not help) her much.

  • not helped;
  • didn’t helped;
  • didn’t help;

Вопрос 11. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets: You can’t have the book now because my brother (to read) it.

  • You can’t have the book now because my brother reading it
  • You can’t have the book now because my brother read it
  • You can’t have the book now because my brother is reading it

Вопрос 12. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : He (to plant) new trees in the orchard now.

  • are planting
  • is planting
  • am planting
  • are plant

Вопрос 13. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets: Do not go out; it (to rain) heavily.

  • Do not go out; it raining heavily
  • Do not go out; it is raining heavily
  • Do not go out; it is rain heavily

Вопрос 14. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets: They still (to discuss) where to go now.

  • They still discussing where to go now
  • They are still discuss where to go now
  • They are still discussing where to go now

Вопрос 15. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : Go and see what the children (to do)

  • Go and see what the children are doing
  • Go and see what the children doing
  • Go and see what the children to do

Вопрос 16. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : Look! He (to ride) a new bicycle.

  • are riding
  • am riding
  • is ride
  • is riding

Вопрос 17. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets : Very often I (to go) to the University by Metro, but today I (to go) by bus.

  • go; am going
  • is going; go
  • go; is going
  • am going; go
  • goes; go
  • are going; go

Вопрос 18. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of die infinitive in brackets : I (not to think) he (to take) his Physics exam now.

  • are not thinking; takes
  • does not think; is taking
  • do not think; is taking
  • do not think; are taking
  • am not thinking; take
  • is not thinking; take
  • do not think; am taking

Вопрос 19. Why you (put on) the coat? It’s sunny today.

  • are you putting on;
  • do you put on;
  • are you puting on;
  • will you put on;

Вопрос 20. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets : Mother (to cook) breakfast in the kitchen; she always (to cook) in the morning.

  • Mother is cook breakfast in the kitchen; she always cooks in the morning
  • Mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen; she always cooks in the morning
  • Mother cook breakfast in the kitchen; she always cooks in the morning

Вопрос 21. Write questions in present perfect simple. I have been in my room.

  • Have I ever been in my room?;
  • Where have you be?;
  • Where have you been?;

Вопрос 22. She put on the red dress, which she _______for ages.

  • had not worn;
  • has not worn;
  • not had worn;

Вопрос 23. We the camp by 10 o’clock, I believe.

  • reached;
  • were reaching;
  • will have reached;

Вопрос 24. By the end of August we’ll

  • have moved;
  • move;
  • will move;

Вопрос 25. Put the adverbs of Indefinite tune in their proper place: Have you made the beds, Ann (already)?

  • Have you made aheadv the beds, Ann?
  • Have already you made the beds, Ann?
  • Have you already made the beds, Ann?

Вопрос 26. We’ll decorating the room before you get back.

  • finish;
  • have finished;
  • finished;

Вопрос 27. By that time I’ll from the University and will a well-paid job, I hope.

  • graduate, have got;
  • graduate, get;
  • have graduated, get;
  • have graduated, have got;

Вопрос 28. Put the adverbs of Indefinite time in their proper place: We have been there before (never)

  • We never have been there before
  • We have never been there before
  • We never had been there before

Вопрос 29. Put the adverbs of Indefinite time in their proper place: She hasn’t finished doing the room (yet)

  • She hasn’t finished doing the room yet
  • She yet hasn’t finished doing the room
  • She hasn’t finished yet doing the room

Вопрос 30. I the key that he had given to me.

  • had lost;
  • losted;
  • lost;

Вопрос 31. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect instead of the infinitive in brackets : Then I (to search) for a piece of paper and I (to write) a message for a maid

  • Then I searched for a piece of paper and I wrote a message for a maid
  • Then I searched for a piece of paper and I write a message for a maid
  • Then I search for a piece of paper and I write a message for a maid

Вопрос 32. The policeman told me my car near the office of the company.

  • not parking ;
  • did not park;
  • do not park ;
  • not to park ;

Вопрос 33. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect instead of the infinitive in brackets: Ansell (to give) an angry sigh and at that moment there (to be) a tap on the door

  • Ansell give an angry sigh and at that moment there be a tap on the door
  • Ansell gave an angry sigh and at that moment there was a tap on the door
  • Ansell gave an angry sigh and at that moment there be a tap on the door

Вопрос 34. Mary said that Paris beautiful in spring.

  • is;
  • was;
  • were;
  • has been;

Вопрос 35. Vie said that they knew only what was in the papers, that they for a call or
a telegram since they heard of the accident.

  • had been waiting;
  • waited;
  • had waited;
  • were waiting;

Вопрос 36. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect instead of the infinitive in brackets. He (to make) tea and (to eat) biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen (to bring) him.

  • He make tea and eat biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen have brought him
  • He made tea and ate biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen had brought him
  • He made tea and eat biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen had brought him

Вопрос 37. Change sentence into indirect speech: Helen said: «Don’t even ring me up. I’ll be working at my translation.»

  • Helen say not to ring her up. She would be work at her translation.
  • Helen say not to ring her up. She have been working at her translation.
  • Helen said not to ring her up. She would be working at her translation.

Вопрос 38. Nobody knows exactly old she is.

  • how much;
  • when;
  • what;
  • how;

Вопрос 39. Change sentence into indirect speech: Robert asked his friend: «Where are you going for the weekend? «

  • Robert ask his friend where he were going for die weekend
  • Robert ask his friend where he has going for the weekend
  • Robert asked his friend where he was going for the weekend

Вопрос 40. They said that we when Mary .

  • would leave, had come;
  • will leave, came;
  • would leave, came;
  • would leave, comes;

Вопрос 41. Much by the end of the term.

  • had been learnt;
  • have been learnt;
  • has learnt;
  • was learning;

Вопрос 42. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: They punished the boy for that

  • The boy was punishes for that
  • The boy were punish for that
  • The boy was punished for that

Вопрос 43. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: They have just shown me a new magazine

  • I have just been shown a new magazine
  • I was just been shown a new magazine
  • I had just been shown a new magazine

Вопрос 44. The famous actress now for the «HELLO» magazine.

  • is interview;
  • interview;
  • was interviewed;
  • is being interviewed;

Вопрос 45. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: Somebody locked the front door

  • The front door was lock
  • The front door were locked
  • The front door was locked

Вопрос 46. On festive occasions sweets at the end of a meal.

  • served ;
  • were served ;
  • is served ;
  • are served ;
  • is being served ;

Вопрос 47. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: They built this house in 1950

  • This house was built in 1950
  • This house was builted in 1950
  • This house were built in 1950

Вопрос 48. The book to me before it appeared on sale.

  • was given;
  • had been given;
  • is given;
  • has been given;

Вопрос 49. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: When I switched on the radio they were broadcasting a very interesting programme

  • When I switched on the radio a very interesting programme was being broadcast
  • When I switched on the radio a very interesting programme has being broadcast
  • When I switch on the radio a very interesting programme was being broadcast

Вопрос 50. English is the main foreign language which within most school systems.

  • teach;
  • is taught;
  • teaches;
  • is teaching;

Вопрос 51. Укажите множественное число имени существительного: wolf

  • wolfes
  • wolves
  • wolfs

Вопрос 52. Укажите множественное число имени существительного: dress

  • dreses
  • dresses
  • drasse

Вопрос 53. Укажите множественное число имени существительного: company

  • companise
  • companys
  • companies

Вопрос 54. Укажите превосходную степень имени прилагательного: flat

  • flatter
  • the flattest
  • flatest

Вопрос 55. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного: Today it is … day of my life!

  • the busyest
  • the busiest
  • more busy
  • busy
  • busier
  • the most busiest

Вопрос 56. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного: Honey is … than sugar.

  • sweeter
  • the sweetest
  • the sweeter

Вопрос 57. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : Mother always (to cook) in the morning

  • Mother always cooked in the morning
  • Mother always cook in the morning
  • Mother always cooks in the morning

Вопрос 58. The Frasers live in a four-room apartment, but last year they (live) in a small house in the country.

  • lived;
  • were living;
  • did live;

Вопрос 59. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : After classes. I usually (not to go) home.

  • does not go
  • do not go
  • do have gone

Вопрос 60. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets The clock (to strike) two o’clock.

  • am striking
  • are striking
  • do strikes
  • is striking

Вопрос 61. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : You (to go) anywhere tonight?

  • Is you go anywhere tonight?
  • You go anywhere tonight?
  • Are you going anywhere tonight?

Вопрос 62. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : What… you (to laugh) at?

  • am you laughing
  • is you laughing
  • are you laugh
  • are you laughing

Вопрос 63. We the camp by 10 o’clock. I believe.

  • will have reached;
  • were reaching;
  • reached;

Вопрос 64. Put the adverbs of Indefinite tune in their proper place They haven’t finished breakfast (yet)

  • They yet haven’t finished breakfast
  • They haven’t finished breakfast yet
  • They haven’t yet finished breakfast

Вопрос 65. She put on the red dress, which she for ages.

  • had not worn;
  • not had worn;
  • has not worn;

Вопрос 66. The policeman told me my car near the office of the company.

  • not to park;
  • did not park;
  • not parking;
  • do not park;

Вопрос 67. Nobody knows exactly old she is.

  • when;
  • what;
  • how;
  • how much;

Вопрос 68. Mary said that Paris beautiful in spring.

  • has been;
  • was;
  • were;
  • is;

Вопрос 69. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: The branches of the tree hid her face

  • Her face has hidden by the branches of the tree
  • Her face had hidden by the branches of the tree
  • Her face was hidden by the branches of the tree

Вопрос 70. The famous actress now for the «HELLO» magazine.

  • is being interviewed;
  • was interviewed;
  • interview;
  • is interview;

Вопрос 71. The wonderful film on a videotape, and it by the whole family.

  • was recorded, was watched;
  • was recorded, is watched;
  • is recorded, was watched;
  • recorded, is watched;

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Онлайн-тестыТестыИностранные языки

«Английский язык»

Последнее обновление 24 октября 2022 года
Для тестирования доступно 195 вопросов
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Тест по предмету «Английский язык».

Дополнительные настройки:

Уровень сложности:

  Очень лёгкий

Количество вопросов:  (максимум 150 из 195)

Количество вариантов: 

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    Ещё несколько интересных тестов:

  • Английский язык. Язык СМИ
  • Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции
  • Английский язык. Практический курс перевода
  • Английский язык (школьное обучение)
  • Английский язык. Чтение прессы

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тесты по английскому языку

На этой странице вы найдете тесты по английскому языку — как серьезные, так и не очень. Тесты распределены по двум разделам. Все тесты приведены с ответами и переводом.

  • Серьезные тесты — это обычные тесты по английскому языку (как в школе) на проверку знаний разных тем.
  • Несерьезные тесты — это тесты с разными каверзными вопросами, такие вы не увидите в школьном учебнике. Они не только на знание слов и грамматики, но и на другие темы, связанные с английским.

Тесты по английскому языку (серьезные)

В этот раздел вошли тесты по английскому языку вроде тех, что встречаются в учебниках. Все тесты в выполнены в формате «выберите правильный вариант ответа», то есть в них не нужно ничего самому писать, только читать задания и нажимать на кнопки с правильным ответом. Если вам нужны более серьезные задания, посмотрите раздел «Упражнения».

Я только начал этот раздел, поэтому тестов еще мало. Но будут еще!

  • Тесты на глагол to be.
  • Тесты на глагол to have.
  • Тесты на глаголы do и make.
  • Тесты на Present Simple.
  • Тесты на Past Simple.
  • Тесты на времена Simple
  • Тесты на времена Continuous.
  • Тесты на времена Perfect и Perfect Continuous.
  • Тесты на настоящее время (времена Present).
  • Тесты на прошедшее время (времена Past).
  • Тест на все времена в английском языке

Тесты по английскому языку (несерьезные)

тесты по английскому языку

В этом тесте русские стихи приведены в английском переводе, сможете ли вы угадать автора?

В этом разделе собраны тесты по английскому языку, которые я сочинил сам и публиковал в блоге в разное время. Если вы уже не в первый раз на этом сайте, вы наверняка знаете, что я иногда придумываю и публикую тесты. Я стараюсь делать так, чтобы тест был не только познавательным, но и интересным.

Эти тесты не совсем то, что можно увидеть в учебниках, я бы даже сказал, что не все их можно назвать именно тестами по английскому языку, иногда это викторины на околоязыковые темы.

Темы я подбираю разные: здесь есть как привычные тесты на знание слов и грамматики, так и более оригинальные, например тест, где нужно угадать из какого фильма приведена цитата.

  • Как зовут сказочных персонажей на английском языке?

Угадайте, как по-английски зовут Дюймовочку или Щелкунчика. Вовсе не Dyuimovochka and Schelkoonchik.

  • Эти английские слова произносятся одинаково или по-разному?

Тест на омофоны — слова, которые пишутся по-разному, а звучат одинаково.

  • Угадайте книгу по цитате на английском языке

Некоторые книги вы угадаете, даже если их не читали (если смотрели экранизацию).

  • Как называются книги русских писателей на английском?

«Евгений Онегин», например, на английском «Eugene Onegin» (Эжен или Юджин).

  • Непростой тест на знание простых английских слов

Непростой, только если вы невнимательно читаете задания.

  • 6 коварных вопросов по английской грамматике

Опять же, читайте задания внимательно and choose wisely!

  • Знаете ли вы английские фразовые глаголы?

Если не знаете, то вам сюда: «140 фразовых глаголов»

  • Угадайте автора! Русские стихи на английском языке, часть 1

Пожалуй, мой любимый тест из всех, что я составлял. «Night, street, the lantern, the drugstore…» Узнаёте мастера?

  • Угадайте автора! Русские стихи на английском языке, часть 2

Поскольку тема поэзии мне близка, я сочинил целых два теста с английским переводом русских стихотворений.

  • Цитаты из фильмов на английском языке

Мне говорили, что этот тест трудный и нечестный, потому что фразу понять легко, а вспомнить из какого она фильма — нет.

  • Животные на английском языке: тест из 7 вопросов

Здесь нет экзотических слов, вроде вапити или чепрачного тапира, но тест все же не очень простой.

  • Штаты США: тест из 6 вопросов

У какого штата прозвище «штат Ковбоев»? Многие ответят «Техас», а вот правы они или нет, вы узнаете из этого теста.

  • Тест: 7 фактов о городах США

Город Big Apple (Нью-Йорк) все знают, а знаете ли вы, что такое Big Easy?


Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.

Подпишитесь на мой Телеграм-канал, чтобы узнавать о новых видео, материалах по английскому языку.

У меня также есть канал на YouTube, где я регулярно публикую свои видео.

Beginner or Elementary?

  1. Tennis ___ very interesting.

    • am

    • is

    • are

  2. Hi, Carla. ___ are you?

    • Hello

    • What

    • How

  3. ___ a cup of white coffee, please.

    • Do I

    • I‘d like

    • Would I

  4. How ___ are you?

    • do

    • old

    • fine

  5. I ___ in a small flat in the centre of London.

    • live

    • love

    • like

  6. Can you ___ Italian?

    • do speak

    • speaks

    • speak

  7. ___ time is it?

    • How

    • What

    • When

  8. Sometimes they ______ TV in the afternoon.

    • listen

    • look

    • watch

  9. Molly gets ___ at 7 in the morning.

    • up

    • on

    • off

  10. Kevin sometimes writes ___ an email.

    • your

    • my

    • us

  11. ___ a lot of pictures in the book.

    • They are

    • It are

    • There are

  12. When ___ your father born?

    • did

    • was

    • were

  13. Му house is ___ the centre ___ the city.

    • in, of

    • at, of

    • at, in

  14. A ______ looks after people in hospital.

    • interpreter

    • receptionist

    • nurse

  15. My wife likes going ___ walks.

    • to

    • for

    • with

  16. Fred likes ___ photos.

    • took

    • take

    • taking

  17. Are there ___ good cafes in your city?

    • some

    • any

    • no

  18. When and where ______?

    • was you born

    • you was born

    • were you born

  19. Unfortunately, my granny ____ in 1996.

    • die

    • dies

    • died

  20. _____ meat do you eat a day?

    • How many

    • How much

    • How a lot

Если в результате прохождения теста вы набрали менее 15 правильных ответов – ваш уровень владения английским языком – Beginner.

15-18 верных ответов – ваш уровень, определенно, Elementary.

Если же вы ответили правильно на 19-20 вопросов, пройдите следующий тест Elementary or Pre-Intermediate?  Возможно, ваш уровень выше.

Elementary or


  1. ______ people live in this city?

    • How many

    • How much

    • How a lot

  2. Can I have ____ Coke, please?

    • some

    • any

    • no

  3. I think skiing is ____ than ice-skating.

    • dangerous

    • dangerouser

    • more dangerous

  4. I think American music is _____ than British music.

    • good

    • better

    •  the best

  5. Viena is ______ very rich city.

    • a

    • the

  6. London has a ____ of about 7.000.000.

    • people

    • persons

    • population

  7. My parents aren’t here at the moment. They ______ golf.

    • play

    • are playing

    • played

  8. ___ house is bigger than _____ .

    • You, me

    • Your, mine

    • Yours, my

  9. Fred is going to France ____ a year’s time.

    • in

    • at

    • to

  10. Greg isn’t a very _________ driver.

    • careful

    • carefully

    • carelessly

  11. Tom _____ her next autumn.

    • married

    • marry

    • is going to marry

  12. He is a runner and he wants to ______ for the Olympics.

    • take part

    • train

    • win

  13. Does he smoke?

    • No, he does.

    • Yes, do.

    • Yes, he does.

  14. When the Bells ____ away for the weekend, they ____ their sons at home.

    • goed, stayed

    • went, left

    • went, stayed

  15. It’s ____ to put your nose in your ear.

    • possible

    • unpossible

    • impossible

  16. My birthday is ____ 20th November.

    • on

    • at

    • in

  17. Have you got _____time?

    • a few

    • a little

    • little

  18. _____ to live in France when I retire.

    • I would like

    • I like

    • I would rather like

  19. _____ to Peru?

    • Have you go

    • Have you been

    • Were you

  20. You ______forget to take your pills.

    • needn’t

    • mustn’t

    • don’t have to

5-14 верных ответов – ваш уровень Elementary.

15-18 верных ответов – ваш уровень 


Получили более 18 баллов – рекомендую вам пройти следующий тест Pre- Intermediate or Intermediate, быть может ваш уровень выше

Менее 5 верных ответов – попробуйте выполнить тест Beginner or Elementary.

Pre-Intermediate or Intermediate?

  1. As soon as I _____, I’ll ring you.

    • will arrive

    • shall arrive

    • arrive

  2. We drove along the ________.

    • highway

    • movement

    • basement

  3. Please, let me _________ you.

    • help

    • to help

    • helping

  4. He ___ single, but now he is married.

    • used to being

    • would have been

    • used to be

  5. There was ____ food at the party.

    • many

    • much

    • a lot

  6. Cotton _____ by slaves.

    • was picked

    • did pick

    • didn’t picked

  7. We are looking _____ a qualified hairdresser.

    • of

    • through

    • for

  8. We ____ to the party. We’re not sure.

    • might come

    • are coming

    • must come

  9. My daughter never ____ warm clothes.

    • gives up

    • puts on

    • gets on with

  10. Greg _____ in a bank since November.

    • was working

    • worked

    • has been working

  11. He _____ that school is boring.

    • thinks

    • is thinking

    • thought

  12. I haven’t finished my lunch______.

    • just

    • already

    • yet

  13. Local police ____ the bank robber.

    • has arrested

    • have arrested

    • have been arrested

  14. I am going to sit down for a while. I feel _____ tired.

    • many

    • such

    • very

  15. Everyone is looking forward _____ work for the summer.

    • at finishing

    • to finish

    • to finishing

  16. If people can depend on you, you are __

    • talkative

    • reliable

    • optimistic

  17. Please, don’t talk _____ the film.

    • at

    • on

    • during

  18. I spent my holidays in ______ UK.

    • a

    • the

  19. You shouldn’t drink ____ that.

    • as many as

    • as much as

    • as a few as

  20. Dad _______ us a story last night.

    • told

    • spoke

    • asked

5-14 верных ответов на вопросы теста — ваш уровень Pre-Intermediate.

15-18 верных ответов – ваш уровень Intermediate.

Получили более 18 баллов – рекомендуем вам пройти следующий тест Intermediate or Upper -Intermediate, быть может ваш уровень даже выше, чем вы предполагали.

Менее 5 верных ответов – попробуйте выполнить тест Elementary or Pre-Intermediate.

Intermediate or


  1. I ______ half the work up to now.

    • completed

    • have completed

    • have been completing

  2. Those clothes _____ great on you!

    • looks

    • look

    • are looking

  3. A person who treats their guests well is ____.

    • reserved

    • tolerant

    • hospitable

  4. Му car ______ when I was on holiday.

    • damaged

    • was damaged

    • had damaged

  5. If you had much money, what _____?

    • will you do

    • do you do

    • would you do

  6. The restaurant serves ___ food in town.

    • the best

    • good

    • better than all

  7. You _______smoke here.

    • needn’t

    • oughtn’t

    • are not allowed to

  8. Molly wants ______ to your sister.

    • to speak

    • speaking

    • talking

  9. The plane arrives ____ the airport at 6.

    • to

    • at

    • in

  10. We ___________ not eat this meal.

    • would rather

    • would better

    • had better

  11. I won’t _____ any rudeness from the children.

    • take off

    • put up with

    • take over

  12. _____ silly thing to say!

    • What a

    • So a

    • Such

  13. I took back the broken TV and asked the shop _____ my money.

    • to insult

    • to transport

    • to refund

  14. Can I borrow a tie?__color will be OK.

    • Some

    • Any

    • No

  15. The children can speak two languages. They are ____.

    • bilingual

    • two langular

    • twice speakable

  16. I’m driving. So I’ll just have ___ .

    • half glass of wine

    • half a glass of wine

    • a half of wine-glass

  17. None of my children look like me. They all _____ the father.

    • put after

    • lookеd after

    • took after

  18. We ____ of buying a new house, but we haven’t decided where. 

    • have thought

    • have been thinking

    • thought

  19. I was so hurt when he said I was ___.

    • bored

    • boredom

    • boring

  20. They always forget ___ the flowers.

    • watering

    • to water

    • to have watered

5-14 правильных ответов — ваш уровень Intermediate.

15- 18 баллов — ваш уровень Upper-Intermediate.

Если вы набрали более 18 баллов — возможно, ваш уровень выше. Рекомендуем вам пройти следующий тест Upper-Intermediate or Advanced?

Результат менее 5 баллов — пройдите тест PreIntermediate or Intermediate?

Upper-Intermediate or Advanced?

  1. You can’t stop people ___ what they want.

    • do

    • to do

    • doing

  2. They lied so ____ that many people were taken in.

    • distinctly

    • convincingly

    • sincerely

  3. I can’t come to the party because I ____ work on Friday nights.

    • have to

    • have got to

    • manage to

  4. I was embarrassed when I ___ forgot her name.

    • absolutely

    • fully

    • completely

  5. Greg must be out of the office. I’ve phoned four times, but I can’t ______.

    • get through

    • get over

    • get to

  6. I find reading very _______.

    • relaxed

    • relaxive

    • relaxing

  7. This is Greg, the boy___ I was telling you about.

    • who

    • whom

  8. I wonder where _______.

    • is the manager’s office

    • the manager’s office is

    • is the manager of the office

  9. I earn a good salary. My income is higher than my _____.

    • outcome

    • profit

    • expenditure

  10. The teenager next door will tease my dog. I wish he _____.

    • won’t

    • didn’t

    • wouldn’t

  11. I love to _____ with my friend. It’s sometimes fun to talk about other people.

    • gossip

    • chat

    • have a talkwith

  12. The director hints _____ a big pay rise.

    • at

    • on

    • into

  13. She is difficult to work for — ____ and unpredictable.

    • courteous

    • earnest

    • overbearing

  14. Takeit ______, Fred!

    • easy

    • easily

    • atease

  15. Mike took advantage ______ the parents.

    • in

    • of

    • at

  16. Come on! It’s time_____!

    • us go

    • wewent

    • thatwemustgo

  17. If I ____ better at school, I ____  a chance to enter this University now.

    • studied, wouldhave

    • had studied, would have had

    • had studied, would have

  18. Little ___ that he would leave her one day.

    • did Molly realize

    • she realized

    • Molly was realizing

  19.  I ______ to wearing contact lenses.

    • used

    • am getting used

    • would get used

  20. This college is ______ recomended.

    • high

    • highly

    • such a

Если по результатам теста вы набрали 5-15 баллов — ваш уровень Upper-Intermediate.

Более 15 баллов – Аdvanced.

При наборе менее 5 баллов советую пройти тест Intermediate or Upper- Intermediate, возможно, вы немного переоценили свой уровень. 

Уровни владения английским языком

 На сегодняшний день существует два варианта определения уровня владения английским языком.

  • Первый был разработан лингвистами British Council и касается только английского.

  • Второй был выработан в рамках проекта «Изучение языков для европейского гражданства», инициированного Советом Европы, и одинаков для определения уровня владения любым из европейских языков.

 Согласно рекомендациям British Council, принято выделять следующие уровни владения английским языком:

Beginner/ starter level.

Начальный уровень.

Владение данным уровнем означает, что человек либо ранее не изучал язык и знаком только с небольшим количеством слов и базовых фраз, либо изучал язык на очень невысоком уровне.

Говорение: очень маленький словарный запас, возможность отвечать только на самые простые вопросы касательно личности (имя, возраст). Сложности в построении полных предложений, возможность отвечать только односложно.

Понимание речи: понимание самых простых вопросов и предложений.

Навыки чтения: весьма слабые или отсутствуют.

Навыки письма: отсутствуют


Элементарный уровень.

Владение данным уровнем означает, что вы можете эффективно использовать простую лексику, поддержать беседу на обыденные повседневные темы.

Говорение: возможность задавать простые вопросы и отвечать на них, возможность поддержания беседы по знакомой теме.

Понимание речи: возможность уловить основной смысл несложного высказывания.

Навыки чтения: возможность читать и понимать несложные тексты по общей тематике.

Навыки письма: умение корректно составлять небольшие предложения по знакомой теме.


Уровень чуть ниже среднего.

Владение данным уровнем означает, что вы можете вполне комфортно чувствовать себя, используя язык в ситуации повседневного общения.

Говорение: возможность четко оперировать лексикой в основных языковых ситуациях, выразить свои чувства и отношение к происходящему.

Понимание речи: умение понимать значение повседневных высказываний.

Навыки чтения: умение читать и переводить несложные тексты общей тематики.

Навыки письма: возможность правильно описать человека, место или случившееся событие, а также свое отношение к ним.


Средний уровень.

Владение данным уровнем означает, что вы можете полностью понять информацию по знакомой теме, поддержать несложную беседу, описать свои эмоции и ощущения.

Говорение: умение корректно высказывать свою точку зрения и узнавать мнение собеседника, произношение слов понятно носителям языка.

Понимание речи: полное понимание содержания несложных высказываний, возможность уловить основной смысл сложных высказываний по незнакомой теме.

Навыки чтения: хорошее понимание текстов любой тематики.

Навыки письма: умение заполнять анкеты, резюме, возможность писать письма, рассказывать на письме о произошедших событиях. Грамотное владение несложными грамматическими феноменами.


Уровень выше среднего.

Владение данным уровнем означает, что вы можете уловить основную мысль устного высказывания на отвлеченные темы, свободно общаться на темы повседневные, аргументировать свою позицию.

Говорение: умение правильно выражаться в официальной обстановке, возможность поддержать беседу на любую тему, появляется осознание собственных речевых ошибок, исправление их по ходу речи.

Понимание речи: полное понимание звучащей речи, а также отношения говорящего, возможность уловить тонкую иронию, юмор и т.д. Уверенная беседа по телефону.

Навыки чтения: неплохое понимание газетных статей даже по специфической тематике.

Навыки письма: умение писать письма, отзывы, отчеты, инструкции. Уверенное владение грамматическими и синтаксическими конструкциями.


Продвинутый уровень.

Владение данным уровнем означает, что вы можете без труда составить спонтанное высказывание, говорить бегло, все понимать и не испытывать никаких трудностей в общении с носителями языка даже если речь идет об узких профессиональных темах.

Говорение: умение бегло выражать свои мысли по любой теме и в любой обстановке – в том числе и официальной. Оперирование фразовыми глаголами и идиоматическими выражениями. Умение воспользоваться инверсией для логического выделения информации в предложении.

Понимание речи: абсолютное понимание звучащей речи.

Навыки чтения: в текстах любой сложности есть малый процент незнакомых слов, ясен смысл любого прочитанного текста

Навыки письма: возможность писать тексты специфической тематики, дискурсивные эссе, обзоры.

Уровень владения английским

по шкале Совета Европы.

Уровень А. Элементарное владение.

A1 Уровень выживания

Понимание знакомых слов, возможность задавать простые вопросы, умение рассказать о себе               

A2 Предсредний уровень

Умение разговаривать на базовые темы, поддерживать повседневную беседу

Уровень B. Достаточное владение.

B1 Средний уровень.

Умение выражать мысли в большинстве бытовых ситуаций, описывать свои интересы и случившиеся события

B2 Средний продвинутый уровень.

Понимание сложных текстов, способность общаться на отвлеченные темы, умение аргументировано отстаивать свою позицию в речи.

Уровень С. Свободное владение.

C1 Профессиональное владение

Уверенное владение языком во всех сферах общения, в том числе и профессиональных.

C2 Совершенное владение

Полное понимание информации на иностранном языке, умение бегло говорить на любые темы, составлять сложные письменные высказывания.

Две системы определения уровней соотносятся

следующим образом:

Система, разработанная British Council


Совета Европы














Beginner or Elementary?

  1. is

  2. How

  3. I‘d like

  4. old

  5. live

  6. speak

  7. What

  8. watch

  9. up

  10. us

  11. There are

  12. was

  13. in, of

  14. nurse

  15. for

  16. taking

  17. any

  18. were you born

  19. died

  20. How much

Elementary or Pre-Intermediate?

  1. How many

  2. some

  3. more dangerous

  4. better

  5. a

  6. population

  7. are playing

  8. Your, mine

  9. in

  10. careful

  11. is going to marry

  12. train

  13. Yes, he does.

  14. went, left

  15. impossible

  16. on

  17. a little

  18. I would like

  19. Have you been

  20. mustn’t

Pre-Intermediate or Intermediate?

  1. arrive

  2. highway

  3. help

  4. used to be

  5. much

  6. was picked

  7. for

  8. might come

  9. puts on

  10. has been working

  11. thinks

  12. yet

  13. have arrested

  14. very

  15. to finishing

  16. reliable

  17. during

  18. the

  19. as much as

  20. told

Intermediate or Upper-Intermediate.

  1. have completed

  2. look

  3. hospitable

  4. was damaged

  5. would you do

  6. the best

  7. are not allowed to

  8. to speak

  9. at

  10. had better

  11. put up with

  12. What a

  13. to refund

  14. Any

  15. bilingual

  16. half a glass of wine

  17. took after

  18. have been thinking

  19. boring

  20. to water

Upper-Intermediate or Advanced?

  1. doing

  2. convincingly

  3. have to

  4. completely

  5. get through

  6. relaxing

  7. the manager’s office is

  8. expenditure

  9. wouldn’t

  10. gossip

  11. at

  12. overbearing

  13. easy

  14. of

  15. we went

  16. had studied, would have

  17. did Molly realize

  18. am getting used

  19. highly

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