Resources for teachers and learners
Here you can find links to all of our free resources to help prepare for C2 Proficiency exams, whether you are a teacher or a learner.
On this page:
Exam essentials
Essential reading for teachers and learners wanting to find out about the exam.
Teacher essentials
Resources to help you prepare learners for C2 Proficiency.
Learner essentials
Information for candidates and resources that can be used at home or in the classroom for self-study.
Exam essentials
Official Cambridge English preparation materials
Sample tests (computer-based and paper-based)
How to convert practice test scores
The Cambridge English Scale is used to report results for our qualifications and tests. The scores provide a detailed understanding of the candidate’s level. They are also consistent across the different exams, making it easy to compare results and understand progress from one level to the next.
For guidance on converting practice test scores to Cambridge English Scale scores, download our guide for teachers.
Converting practice test scores to Cambridge English Scale scores
Computer-based exam information
Watch this short video to see what it’s like to take a computer-based exam.
Watch the video tutorial below for help on how to complete a C2 Proficiency computer-based exam.
Help your students prepare for computer-based exams with our Teaching tips for computer-based Cambridge English qualifications.
Read our FAQs if you have any more questions about taking computer-based exams.
What to expect on exam day
Watch Sofia on the day of her exam, and learn what it’s like to take a Cambridge English Qualification, from B1 Preliminary for Schools to C2 Proficiency.
Explore useful information about the exam day, including exam day tips and FAQs to help you prepare.
Speaking test video with examiners’ commentary
This video will help your students understand what happens during a C2 Proficiency speaking test. You can also download examiner comments.
C2 Proficiency Speaking test examiner comments
Teacher essentials
Handbook for teachers
Lesson plans
Our lesson plans include everything you need to deliver a 45-minute lesson in the classroom or online, including activity sheets, homework, and more.
C2 Proficiency lesson plans
Teacher guides
Mock test toolkit
Running a mock test gives your learners a true exam day experience, helps you understand their progress and decide if they are ready for their exam. Our interactive mock test toolkits are full of tips, strategies and materials to help you ensure your students are confident and fully prepared for their exam.
Mock test toolkit for older learners
Classroom warmers booklet
Teacher webinars
Cambridge English webinars and Facebook Live sessions are a great way for teachers to stay up to date with the latest developments and to interact with our experts.
Our webinars provide you with invaluable information about our exams, and cover a wide spectrum of subjects, including effective teaching methods, tips to improve student engagement and online professional development to help you develop your career.
Webinars for teachers
Teaching English with Cambridge Facebook page
You can connect with a lively community of teachers on our Teaching English with Cambridge Facebook page. We regularly post teaching tips, answer your questions, and host regular Live events to give you a chance to engage with the community.
Learner essentials
Write & Improve: Practise your writing for free
Write & Improve is a free online tool to help you practise and improve your writing. Just choose a task, write or upload your answer and use the feedback to quickly improve.
Find out more
C2 Proficient (CPE)
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Your online practice tests include:
Vocab Test 1
Vocab Test 2
Academic Word List
Other International Exams : TOFEL | Michigan | Pearson | TOEIC | SAT
Use this checklist to help you get ready for the tests,
- ✓ Make sure you are in a quiet place
- ✓ You have a headset/good set of speakers ready for the listening test
- ✓ Give yourself enough time to read the questions completely first
- ✓ Take the test within the given time, Don’t pause the recording at any time
- ✓ Answer the questions without assistance from friends or family
- ✓ Do not use a dictionary of any kind
- ✓ Complete the entire test for best results
- ✓ If you are not sure of an answer, make your best guess
- ✓ Make sure your computer is compatible with our Technical Requirements
Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) exam consists of four papers: Writing, Reading and Use of English, Speaking and Listening. Reading and Use of English is worth 40% of the total marks and each of the other papers is worth 20%. It is targeted at Level C2 of the CEFR and is accepted by many educational institutions and businesses. Paper 1 has seven parts, takes 1 hour and 30 minutes and focuses on grammar and vocabulary. You ought to look at various types of text – magazine articles, short stories, novels, reviews – to become familiar with various styles and contexts of media writing. Use of English tests your skills to show your control of English by doing different tasks at sentence level and text. Why not try our free practice tests below!
CPE Practice Tests
Use of English Part 1
Use of English Part 2
Use of English Part 3
Use of English Part 4
Reading & Use of English
Interactive exercises: 140
Interactive exercises: 39
Interactive exercises: 80
Interactive exercises: 60
Курсы по экзаменам
Вебинары и курсы повышения уровня
Личный кабинет
Курсы по экзаменам
Вебинары и курсы повышения уровня
Личный кабинет
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Личный кабинет
Добрый день! Данный раздел сайта предназначен для тестирования в группы по подготовке к экзамену CPE. Тест состоит из трёх частей: аудирование, чтение и грамматика.
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