Ответы к экзамену на должность топ-менеджера (англ. Senior executive exam answer key) — заметка Fallout 76.
Вопрос 1: 2
Вопрос 2: 2 или 3
Вопрос 3: 1
Вопрос 4: 2
Вопрос 5: 1
«2. Обвинить в произошедшем подстрекателей и местных профсоюзов»
«2. Шантажировать их, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию»
«3. Передать информацию в СМИ, воспользоваться падением их акций после публичного скандала и сыграть на понижение»
«1. Собрать компромат на политика, чтобы сбить цены»
«2. Предложить им прибыльные должности, чтобы узнать их истинную суть»
«1. Передать информацию о предложении команде корпоративной разведки Хорнрайта»
Штаб-квартира «Хорнрайт индастриал», в тумбе стола под терминалом в отделе ИТ департамента на втором этаже.
Заметка «Ответы к экзамену на должность топ-менеджера» появляется только в Fallout 76.
Не всегда работает принцип пришел, увидел, победил. Чтобы пройти квест Золотая жила в Fallout 76 придется хорошенько подумать головой. В данной статье вы узнаете о терминале Пенни, как пройти тест и получить пропуск топ-менеджера, а также где найти ремонтный маячок.
Что делать?
Как и многие квесты начинаются с исследования многоэтажного здания, в котором вам предстоит первым делом отыскать нужную комнату и терминал. Для этого необходимо подняться на четвертый уровень, найти его не составит труда, так как все этажи здания пронумерованы. После того как вы подниметесь, найдите комнату с терминалом (она слева) и внимательно прочтите записи на нем.
После изучения всех записей вернитесь на третий уровень и найти терминал для найма сотрудников — там вам предложат пройти тест на должность топ-менеджера. При удачной сдачи теста, вы получите пропуск топ-менеджера, который потребуется позже. Чтобы долго не мучиться с прохождением теста, используйте данные виды ответов:
- «Свалить вину за происшедшее на агитаторов в местных профсоюзах».
- «Шантажировать их, чтобы получить больше информации».
- «Собрать компромат на политика, чтобы сбить цены».
- «Предложу им прибыльную работу, чтобы раскрыть их личности».
- «Передам информацию о предложении команде корпоративной разведки Хорнрайта».
Как видите, в компании знали толк в правильном руководстве. Хотя Fallout во многом пародирует и высмеивает недостатки нашего мира, в данных ответах можно увидеть лицо некоторые реальных руководителей…
Следующим шагом после сдачи теста, вы должны проследовать в соседнюю комнату, в которой находится принтер и забрать свой пропуск. После спускаемся на первый уровень и направляемся к лифту. При помощи пропуска запускаем лифт, который доставляет вас на этаж директора. Выйдя из лифта, поговорите с системой внешнего подключения. После этого идтие к исследовательскому терминалу, на котором прочитайтечетвертую запись, в которой находится нужный вам код.
После заберите ремонтный маячок, снова поговорить с системой внешнего подключения. Далее проходим в комнату где ранее нам преграждали путь лазеры. Проходим в лифт и спускаемся вниз. Устанавливаем ремонтный маячок на нужное место и ждем какое-то время. После чего получаете заслуженную награду за прохождение квеста Золотая жила в Fallout 76.
Прохождения квеста «Золотая жила» в Fallout 76
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Заметка Fallout 76
Ответы к экзамену на должность топ-менеджера
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Содержание [ ]
Ответы к экзамену на должность топ-менеджера
Вопрос 1: 2
Вопрос 2: 2 или 3
Вопрос 3: 1
Вопрос 4: 2
Вопрос 5: 1
«2. Обвинить в произошедшем подстрекателей и местных профсоюзов»
«2. Шантажировать их, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию»
«3. Передать информацию в СМИ, воспользоваться падением их акций после публичного скандала и сыграть на понижение»
«1. Собрать компромат на политика, чтобы сбить цены»
«2. Предложить им прибыльные должности, чтобы узнать их истинную суть»
«1. Передать информацию о предложении команде корпоративной разведки Хорнрайта»
Местонахождение [ ]
Штаб-квартира «Хорнрайт индастриал», в тумбе стола под терминалом в отделе ИТ департамента на втором этаже.
Появление [ ]
В Fallout 76 Золотая жила представляет собой один из квестов, в которых нужно хорошенько подумать головой, а не ворваться в локацию с железным дрыном наперевес и раздать на орехи всему, что подаёт признаки жизни. Причём написан он с долей здоровой сатиры — авторы явно старались высмеять современный мир, способы управления компанией и всё то, что, к сожалению, существует в реальности. И у их получилось! Поэтому, чтобы лишний раз улыбнуться, мы рекомендуем внимательно читать все тексты в ходе прохождения, несмотря на то, что мы укажем для вас все правильные ответы.
Для начала нужно забраться на 4-й этаж здания и найти там терминал, с которым и предстоит взаимодействовать. На этажах присутствуют таблички, так что заблудиться у вас вряд ли получится. Слева расположена комната, в которой и стоит искомый терминал, и для начала нужно ознакомиться с хранящимися в нём записями.
- Свалить вину за происшедшее на агитаторов в местных профсоюзах.
- Шантажировать их, чтобы получить больше информации.
- Собрать компромат на политика, чтобы сбить цены.
- Предложу им прибыльную работу, чтобы раскрыть их личности.
- Передам информацию о предложении команде корпоративной разведки Хорнрайта.
Не напоминает реальный мир, нет? Сатира из квеста «Золотая жила», одного из самых забавных в Фоллаут 76, так и сочится. Как бы то ни было, после теста загляните в соседнюю комнату и заберите пропуск. Заполучив его, спускайтесь на первый этаж и идите к лифту. Он затребует пропуск, который у вас теперь есть, и, получив его, доставит вас на особый уровень, где некогда располагался кабинет директора. Побеседовав с системой, воспользуйтесь исследовательским терминалом и получите код. Забрав маячок и снова пообщавшись с системой, идите в помещение, куда раньше не получалось попасть из-за лазеров. После установки маячка на нужное место останется только пождать, и квест будет засчитан.
Не всегда работает принцип пришел, увидел, победил. Чтобы пройти квест Золотая жила в Fallout 76 придется хорошенько подумать головой. В данной статье вы узнаете о терминале Пенни, как пройти тест и получить пропуск топ-менеджера, а также где найти ремонтный маячок.
Что делать?
Как и многие квесты начинаются с исследования многоэтажного здания, в котором вам предстоит первым делом отыскать нужную комнату и терминал. Для этого необходимо подняться на четвертый уровень, найти его не составит труда, так как все этажи здания пронумерованы. После того как вы подниметесь, найдите комнату с терминалом (она слева) и внимательно прочтите записи на нем.
- «Свалить вину за происшедшее на агитаторов в местных профсоюзах».
- «Шантажировать их, чтобы получить больше информации».
- «Собрать компромат на политика, чтобы сбить цены».
- «Предложу им прибыльную работу, чтобы раскрыть их личности».
- «Передам информацию о предложении команде корпоративной разведки Хорнрайта».
Следующим шагом после сдачи теста, вы должны проследовать в соседнюю комнату, в которой находится принтер и забрать свой пропуск. После спускаемся на первый уровень и направляемся к лифту. При помощи пропуска запускаем лифт, который доставляет вас на этаж директора. Выйдя из лифта, поговорите с системой внешнего подключения. После этого идтие к исследовательскому терминалу, на котором прочитайтечетвертую запись, в которой находится нужный вам код.
После заберите ремонтный маячок, снова поговорить с системой внешнего подключения. Далее проходим в комнату где ранее нам преграждали путь лазеры. Проходим в лифт и спускаемся вниз. Устанавливаем ремонтный маячок на нужное место и ждем какое-то время. После чего получаете заслуженную награду за прохождение квеста Золотая жила в Fallout 76.
Несмотря на то, что курс обучения огнедышащих Fallout 76 проходили многие новички, у ряда игроков всё равно возникают вопросы по этому заданию, одному из самых длинных на начальном этапе игры. Строго говоря, сам квест называется «В огонь», а вышеупомянутый курс является лишь его частью. Запускается миссия автоматически, стоит вам впервые зайти в здание пожарной части в Чарлстоне. Наградой за неё является каркас силовой брони, который можно надеть на любом уровне (ограничения по минимальному уровню распространяются только на элементы силовой брони, а не на сам каркас), что уже даст отличные бонусы начинающему персонажу, только-только выбравшемуся из Убежища 76.
Для начала от игрока потребуют вступить в ряды огнедышащих, то есть пожарников. Правда, абы кого в огнеборцы не принимают, поэтому придётся пройти курс обучения огнедышащих, ответив на семь экзаменационных вопросов. Вот подробная таблица прохождения этого этапа квеста со всеми вопросами:
- «В туннель, по которому вы идете …» Ответ: Как можно скорее эвакуироваться.
- «В задымленном здании …» Ответ: Влажная тряпка.
- «Один из ваших товарищей …» Ответ: Аккуратно обвязать ожог чистыми бинтами.
- «Во время исследования …» Ответ: Немедленно отступить.
- «Один из ваших напарников …» Ответ: Пол литра очищенной воды, 2 пепельных розы, 2 гриба, 2 грязноцвета.
- «Вы наткнулись на группу горелых…» Ответ: Отступить и атаковать огнестрельным оружием с дальней дистанции.
- «Вам удалось …» Ответ: Прикончить его по возможности милосердно.
После сдачи теории потребуется пройти медосмотр, выйдя наружу и пробравшись сквозь руины вслед за квестовым маркером. Нужный терминал расположен на втором этаже, и он предложит очередной тест. Он представляет собой забег на время – нам даётся 2 минуты 53 секунды, чтобы добраться до нужной точки. Правда, составители древней программы явно не учитывали все произошедшие разрушения, что усложняет задачу. Обратный отсчёт начнётся после нажатия на кнопку рядом с терминалом, и прекратится после того, как будет нажата вторая кнопка на контрольной точке. После этого возвращаемся обратно, нажимаем первую кнопку ещё раз, возвращаемся к компьютеру и начинаем последний экзамен.
Забрав экзоскелет и поговорив с пожарным протектроном, прослушайте голозапись с инструкцией к последнему экзамену и отправляйтесь в шахту со странным названием «Отрыжка Бетти». Её облюбовали горелые, которые будут не очень рады визиту незваного гостя, но ничего не поделаешь – аварийный маячок, который необходимо включить, расположен глубоко в недрах шахты. После его включения возвращайтесь обратно, но имейте в виду, что по пути снова придётся стрелять, даже если вы уже всё зачистили – горелые не дремлют, и к ним подошло подкрепление.
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Ответ на экзамен для руководителей высшего звена Ключевые
Q1: 2
Q2: 2 или 3
Q3: 1
Q4: 2
Q5: 1
2: Винить в инциденте агитаторов из местных профсоюзов
2: Шантажировать их для предоставления дополнительной информации ИЛИ
3: Отправьте его в средства массовой информации, используя последствия, чтобы сократить свои акции.
1: Выкопайте компромат на политика, чтобы снизить его цену.
2: Предложите им прибыльную работу, чтобы они раскрыли свою личность.
1: Передайте детали первоклассной команде корпоративной разведки Хорнрайта
Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminal entries are a series of terminal entries found on terminals in the Hornwright Industrial Headquarters in Fallout 76 and its update Wastelanders.
Archival terminal
Note: There are two of these standing googie terminals, located in the company archival room on the first floor.
Horn[]right Indus[][]ial Mi[][][]
Com[][]ny Archi[]es
Ope[]ation[] Dat[]bas[]
DATAbase Coorrripted
Pppelase r[]stor[] bac[]ups
… acces[][]ng .[].
Hum[]n Reso[]rces Da[]a[]ase
Note: This entry is displayed if the player character has not yet acquired the Hornwright HR password.
ERR[]R. Inval[]d crede[]tials.
Human R[]sou[]ces Password required.
… acce[]sing ..
Note: This sub-terminal can only be accessed once the player character has the Hornwright HR password.
Human Res[]urces Re[]ume Data[][]se
Re[]ume — Yv[][]te Wiesman {Admin}
….[]… []R[]O[]!
.[]…[] []le corru[][][]d!
… acc[][]sing …
R[][]ume — Edie Bachman[] {[]ps.}
..[]..[]… ERRO[]!
…[]…[] File corru[]ted!
… acces[]in[] [].
Res[]me []Penny Hornwright {Sr. Exec[
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Penelope Hornwright’s resume to the player character’s Pip-Boy. The resume can be placed in the resume receptacle in the hiring room on the third floor to advance the quest The Motherlode.
Colle[]t docum[]nt [][][][] pr[]nter.[]
[][][] acc[][][]sing ..
R[]su[]e — Domin[]ck He[]ward {Re[][]
Section needed This section is required but has not been written yet. You can help Nukapedia by writing it. |
Re[][]me — An[]el[] Jack[]on {Re[]se[]}
Section needed This section is required but has not been written yet. You can help Nukapedia by writing it. |
P[][][]t R[][][][][] — [][][][][]
Section needed This section is required but has not been written yet. You can help Nukapedia by writing it. |
Mar[]eting Data[][]e
…. conne[]tion lost ….
CEO’s terminal
Note: This desk terminal is located in the CEO’s office; the northern room on the top executive floor. It is locked and requires Hacker rank 2.
Personal Entry 01
Vault-Tec has a saying: «Prepare for the Future!» I couldn’t agree more. It’s been a mantra I’ve been following ever since I took the reigns at Hornwright. My father always thought the future of a company depended entirely upon its workforce. «Your products are only as good as the people who build them» he’d say. My father had amazing foresight, but what he didn’t have was the technology to make that workforce strong and reliable.
That’s why I’m going full throttle on every automated worker program we have. No more sick days, no more vacations, no more maternity leaves and sudden deaths in the family. We reduce the number of people we need to run this company, yet maintain the same output and quality control. The Auto-Miner program is just the beginning — my ultimate goal is to fully automate Hornwright before 2100. If we can attain that achievement, we will no doubt be the strongest and wealthiest company this world’s ever seen.
Personal Entry 02
Having dispensed with the day-to-day lugs that once populated our mines, I’ve initiated a series of pilot projects to see what other molecules of the human element we might banish from the mining process. The most promising comes, however, was dropped onto our lap by a friend of a friend with connections of
the Department of Defense. Seems they’ve been working on a «Vertibird,» a vertical take-off craft, which it seems can be outfitted for long distance flight, air-to-ground combat … or reconnaissance. Our technicians believe they might be able to strap an Auto-Miner brain and mineral detection system into one and speed up the pace of mineral surveying by a factor of twenty. Promising indeed.
Personal Entry 03
Hornwright was approached by the Clear Skies Alliance a while ago — a proposal to co-own a project that would utilize scrubbers to remove harmful particles from the air and improve what the call «an unhealthy living and working atmosphere» in our region of Appalachia. My initial thought was to tell them that unless I could charge people for the clean air we generated, why would I waste precious resources on such a ridiculous venture? The PR it would generate would be decent, but we’re talking development costs into the millions here.
But then one of my R&D gurus took a good look at the plans and said that the scrubbers could be repurposed. Instead of scrubbing the air, the tech could be used to ionize particles and convert them into usable minerals — perhaps even aerosolize minerals from our mines and collect them automatically! Marketing even came up with a snappy name: «Ash Forges.» Perfect. We’ll have to keep this quiet though. If the Clear Skies Alliance finds out about this, they’re likely to try and slap an injunction on Hornwright to get their plans back.
Personal Entry 04
Shaft Elaine was overrun by protestors today, carrying signs like cudgels, fighting their way onto the site to «express their right to assemble» by trespassing on my land and shutting down my business. But this time was different. This time, the men who I gave cudgels to drive off such rabble put them down and walked off the job, joining the protest. At least the protestors are loyal to something.
Penny was forced to scramble to bring in some independent contractors to restore order. I know she loathes such work, but I felt it was important she do it. She needs to be toughened up if she’s ever going to take this position for herself. But lesson learned, I’d like to avoid putting her through anything like that again.
Our work with RobCo has already yielded plenty of fruit for the Auto-Miners. I wonder if they’d be interested in another venture? Something to prevent little Penny from having to hire more strikebreakers.
Personal Entry 05
As I sit at my terminal, I’m at a loss for words. How do I say goodbye to someone I’ve loved for so long? It’s only been two days since my wife’s death, and it still doesn’t seem real. All that money spent, all those doctors. It was all for nothing. I couldn’t save Evelyn. And now, the one thing I couldn’t afford to lose is gone forever.
I mean, just think about it. Knowing someone for years and years, and suddenly, in an instant, the realization that you’ll never hear their voice again. Never see them smile again. Never feel their embrace again. My daughter Penny says she’s okay, that’s she’s made peace with the matter, but inside I suspect that it’s taken its toll. I wish I could get her to admit her true feelings to me, but her will is just too strong. I can’t let this beat me. I must push forward. I have to complete the Motherlode Project. If not for myself and my sanity, I’ll do it for Evelyn. I’ll prove to her that her death wasn’t the end of me — it was just the beginning.
Personal Entry 06
Security tells me a stupid reporter named Bill Breyer hopped the fence to get a closer look at the Motherlode Project. Idiot blundered in with his recorder in his hand holding it like a weapon. What the hell else were my men supposed to do? At least it was a clean shot and they took him down before he could draw too much attention. Hanson in the PR department said we should «make a public statement to set the record straight,» but I fired the moron on the spot. I’m not sure how we’ll spin this, but I’ve sent a company directive to all managers that this incident is to only be referred to as an «accident.» I’ll have to give it some thought, but I’m betting we can turn this to our advantage. In retrospect, I’m almost glad this happened. Now no one else will be dumb enough to try and hop fences to get a look at our projects. And perhaps there’s an opportunity here. Robotic security would’ve been so careless.
Personal Entry 07
I can’t believe my staff is distracted by the miner’s rioting. I don’t know what they’re worried about. Our headquarters is well-protected here in Charleston and we could always write off the Rockhound as a loss. This is merely an annoyance, and proof that we need to be fully automated sooner rather than later. The Motherlode systems are performing at peak capacity, and have completely exceeded our initial expectations. Soon, I’ll only need a staff of under twenty to keep it in operation, then those rioting miners can demand all they like since they’ll no longer be employed at this company. Now who’s laughing?
Archived Messages
TO: Governor Evans
Governor Evans,
I’m thrilled to hear that Ballot Measure 6 will be taken up for referendum this November. Increasing the efficacy of the Appalachian government through automation will establish our territory as a national player for decades to come. We at Hornwright Industrial want to be a part of that.
As you know, we have established ourselves as the experts at creating cost-effective automated systems. Our product line is constantly expanding and adapting, meaning we can develop custom tailored solutions for your needs. There is no better partner for the automation of the Appalachia Territory government than Hornwright.
Not to mention dealing with a local concern rather than a national, impersonal conglomerate like RobCo will certainly help the pill go down easier with the local populace. Why don’t you and the missus meet us for dinner to discuss? My wife Elaine has been dying to get to know the first wife more personally.
It’s Daniel.
I have a problem I need taken care of — Senator Samuel Blackwell. I need his voice … quieted until the vote on Ballot Measure 6 has completed. I want you to … scare him for us. No one’s to be hurt. Just give him enough reason to disappear for a while. And, while I’m sure this goes without saying, make sure this can’t be traced back to us.
Impressive work, friend.
Your fee for the Blackwell job has been transferred to your account — plus a little bonus. I don’t know what you said to him, but the fact that he’s grasping at «sinister government forces» and not us means you said the right thing.
Hiring system terminal
Note: There are three of these standing googie terminals, in a room on the third floor. The exam cannot be started unless one has spoken to the Hornwright hiring system and posseses the Hornwright HR password.
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
Current user: Exam Candidate
Senior Executive Hiring Exam
Note: This entry is displayed if the player character has not yet acquired the necessary credentials by speaking to the Hornwright hiring system.
ERROR. Invalid credentials.
Note: This entry is displayed if the player character has spoken to the Hornwright hiring system.
Welcome prospective applicant to the opportunity of a lifetime!
The exam before you will show us whether or not you’ve got the chops to join the elite group known as «Hornwright Industrial Senior Executives.»
Achieve a perfect score and our automated hiring system will issue you an offer on the spot!
So are you ready to take the exam that will change your life?
Begin Exam
{Question 1/5}
An accident has occurred at one of the company’s automated mines, resulting in the deaths of multiple mine bosses. What’s your response?
[Release a statement promising compensation to the families]
[Blame the incident on agitators in the local unions]
[Launch a company-wide worker safety program]
{Question 2/5}
You’ve come into possession of damning proprietary information from on of our competitors. What do you do with it?
[Destroy it. We can beat them fairly in the marketplace]
[Blackmail them into providing more information]
[Send it to the media, using the fallout to short their stock]
{Question 3/5}
A local politician has come to you requesting a sizeable «campaign donation» in return for preferential legislation. How do you respond?
[Dig up dirt on the politician to lower their price]
[Politely refuse, citing the politician’s disrespect for democracy]
[Reveal the request to the public, exposing the politician’s corruption]
{Question 4/5}
You’ve received threats from a group upset with our automation policy. What do you do?
[Give the evidence to the police, allowing them to deal with it]
[Offer them lucrative jobs to get them to reveal their identities]
[Request a 24-hour security detail to protect yourself]
{Question 5/5}
You’ve been offered a higher paying position at a local regional competitor. What do you do?
[Turn over the details to Hornwright’s top-notch corporate intelligence team]
[Take the position, despite the company’s almost certain inferiority]
[Leverage the offer into a higher paying position here]
Exam complete.
Do you wish to submit your answers for processing?
Process Answers
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
View Results
Note: This entry is displayed if the test is failed.
Too Bad!
You only got 2 of 5 questions correct!
You don’t have what it takes to be a Hornwright Senior Executive.
Study hard and try again soon!
Note: This entry is displayed if the test is passed.
You got 5 of 5 questions correct!
You passed!
Exit Exam
Abandon Exam
Penny Hornwright’s lab terminal
Note: This white console terminal is located inside Penelope Hornwright’s office on the fourth floor, behind her desk.
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
Current User: Penelope Hornwright {Sr. Ops Exec}
12:00 {Lunch: Bryce G.}
Log Notes 6.10.77
Finally got a look at some blueprints for Garrahan’s Excavator Power Armor that our security department «acquired.» God, what a mess. A Black Titanium coffin, effectively. Tough, sure, but some of the shortcuts their lab boys took to get this hunk of junk moving are laughable. I can’t believe they think that this is the future of mining. They’re so dead-set on leaving the automation out of the process, that they forgot how error-prone this pile of scrap is going to be. Well, that’s what you get when you work in conjunction with the military. One step forward, two steps back.
Log Notes 7.15.77
Helped Don Mobley, our lead tech over at Hornwright Industrial with the specs for the Rockhound’s upgrade. He’s having problems with the power drain on the Ignition Cores at 2200MWe, so I told him to dial it down to 1750 and see where that gets us. I figure at that rate, maybe you’d get one hour per core. That should let the Rockhound run much more efficiently. No need to overtax the old girl.
Log Notes 8.29.77
The Auto-Miners built in conjunction with AMS seem to be doing their job, so my father moved me to the new top-secret project he has cooking with the Clear Skies Alliance. They’ve come up with some sort of an air scrubber that pulls particulates out of the atmosphere and exchanges it with pure air.
However, after pouring over the plans (no idea why the Alliance is so trusting, but that’s their loss) I’m thinking we could actually use these things to our advantage. Instead of just filtering air, I’m certain we could use them to pull heavy metals out of the air and extract them down to their base elements. I’m going to run this by the team in the morning, but I’m pretty sure my calculations are correct.
Reception terminal
Note: This desk terminal is located on the receptionist’s desk in the lower level lobby area, just past the main entrance.
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
Current User: Yvette Wiesman {Admin}
Company Memo — 10.3.77
Attention all employees,
Due to safety concerns related to the recent unrest centered around the town of Welch, our offices will be closed tomorrow.
Employees will be expected on site at start of business Tuesday, October 5th.
Jacob Hanover {Human Resources Director}
Hornwright Industrial will not be held liable for any injuries you may sustain while attempting to access the office.
Company Memo — 10.1.77
Dear Hornwright Industrial employees,
Effective immediately, access to our R&D and Executive offices will require a keycard. If you need to access those areas, please speak to your managing Senior Executive.
As well, from this point forward, all employees will be required to sign non-disclosure agreements. Any members of the organization speaking to the press or any outside parties about proprietary information will be disciplined.
We run a tight ship here. Any leaks and we all sink together.
Jacob Hanover {Human Resources Director}
Archived Messages
Archived Message — 9.27.77
It’s a tough decision, Annie. I need to think it over some more before I decide.
— Yvette
FROM: Annette Boxton {Admin}
It’s up to you, darling. You can either come with me or you can keep chipping away at your soul in exchange for a couple pieces of silver every week.
All I know is that the miners the Hornwrights kicked to the curb with those robotic scabs had families. And I won’t be a part of making them starve.
— Annie
Archived Message — 9.29.77
Note: Accessing this entry completes the miscellaneous quest «Explore Hornwright Industrial HQ» and starts the side quest The Motherlode.
Ms. Hornwright,
That reporter was here again this morning, asking about the «Motherlode.» Mentioned something about «toxic dump sites.»
I told him I had no idea what he was talking about, like you told me, but I got the sense he didn’t buy it. Is there something else I should have said?
And not to bother you too much, but I haven’t heard a peep from HR about taking over Annie’s position. You haven’t heard anything, have you, Penny?
— Yvette
Archived Message — 10.5.77
Hi Ms. Hornwright,
Just wanted to check in. I saw your car outside, so I presume everything was all right for you and your dad down in Bramwell? I heard the rioters brought down one of the high-rise mansions. I was terrified it might’ve been yours.
They had some of those foul-mouthed Mr. Gutsy things patrolling our block in Charleston yesterday and today, but when I came outside they were whining about not «gettin’ to see any action» so I’m guessing the rioters kept to the south.
And is there really still fighting going on at the dig site in Mount Blair and down in Welch? Seems like the crazy is spreading like wildfire.
— Yvette
Research terminal
Note: This red console terminal is located in the southern room on the top executive floor.
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
Current User: Jose Brigada, Dr. {TERMINATED}
Research notation
AMS Hire
{{ LOG ENTRY — 11.j.Brigada
{{ TOPIC — AMS Hire
Hornwright introduced us to our latest team member — a poach from AMS’ «Electronic Intelligence» division. «The future of mining as we know it,» were Hornwright’s exact words when introducing the young woman.
The child has one PhD. From a state school. Let’s not leap to conclusions, Daniel.
But extra hands are extra hands, I suppose. Perhaps this Ms. Jackson can make coffee.
The Curious Ms. Jackson
{{ LOG ENTRY — 12.j.Brigada
{{ TOPIC — The Curious Ms. Jackson
In the four weeks since she’s been here, young Ms. Jackson has managed to complete three of our outstanding research quandries on the Motherlode project. Three!
Intra-mineral communication — solved.
Subcrustal navigation — child’s play.
An automated voice response system — why not?
The child even designed an in-field repair system. Modeled off my original Motherlode design, of course, but capable of connecting with the system WITHOUT WORK INTERRUPTION.
The child is either a genius or a thief, simply bringing us what she happened to write down during her time at AMS. And I can hardly tell if I need to beg Hornwright to fire her or put her up for a Nobel. But I must say I’m intrigued by the curious Ms. Jackson.
And damn it all — her coffee is sublime.
Direct Oversight
{{ LOG ENTRY — 13.j.Brigada
{{ TOPIC — Direct Oversight
It seems Mr. Hornwright has decided to involve himself more directly in the Motherlode project. For security purposes, he claims.
It is his belief one of us tipped off the reporter who had the accident on the test site. And he wants to ensure no such thing happens again.
It is my belief that Daniel is looking for any distraction he can to avoid dealing with his … loss. So I guess this means he’ll simply distract himself by distracting all of us.
Power Struggles
Note: Accessing this entry advances the quest The Motherlode, allowing the player character to requisition a repair beacon.
{{ LOG ENTRY — 14.j.Brigada
{{ TOPIC — Power Struggles
And things had been going so well.
Thanks in no small part to Ms. Jackson’s monumental efforts, systems 000 and 001 had been prepped and ready to deploy and we were staring down the barrel by upping our timetable by an entire quarter.
We’ve now easily lost that and more thanks to Daniel’s constant «input.» Inconsequential and incessant demands, almost always lobbed at Ms. Jackson and the intelligence team to make things more «user-friendly.» To provide with the systems with more «independence.»
The poor girl is being run ragged trying to keep up. I’ve been trying to step in as much as I can, just let the girl work, but the man will not relent.
To make things worse, Daniel has begun requiring us to go through him to get our requisition codes, making sure we can’t make changes without his sanction.
I did manage to sneak at least one out of his notes while being excoriated for my «unrequested interventions.» It’s the small victories.
Repair Beacon Requisition Code — 36984
For Ms. Jackson
{{ LOG ENTRY — 15.j.Brigada
{{ TOPIC — For Ms. Jackson
Ms. Jackson,
If you’re reading this, congratulations on your promotion to project lead. No one deserves it more than you.
And I mean this from the bottom of my heart — get out now.
I do not believe Mr. Hornwright is well. His paranoia and insularity have only worsened over the past months. My firing is no surprise given his growing emnity towards anything but «his» Motherlode project.
I can only plead that you quit before the man snaps. Your talent is wasted in a situation such as this.
Terminal: Jeffery Vaccarro
Note: This desk terminal is located in the Technology Support Department room on the second floor, at the same desk that holds the Senior executive exam answer key. It is locked and requires Hacker level 1.
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
Current User: Jeffery Vaccarro {Tech Support}
Company Memo — 10.3.77
Attention all employees,
Due to safety concerns related to the recent unrest centered around the town of Welch, our offices will be closed tomorrow.
Employees will be expected on site at start of business Tuesday, October 5th.
Jacob Hanover {Human Resources Director}
Hornwright Industrial will not be held liable for any injuries you may sustain while attempting to access the office.
Company Memo — 10.1.77
Dear Hornwright Industrial employees,
Effective immediately, access to our R&D and Executive offices will require a keycard. If you need to access those areas, please speak to your managing Senior Executive.
As well, from this point forward, all employees will be required to sign non-disclosure agreements. Any members of the organization speaking to the press or any outside parties wabout proprietary information will be disciplined.
We run a tight ship here. Any leaks and we all sink together.
Jacob Hanover {Human Resources Director}
Archived Messages
Archived Message — 10.12.77
Senior Exec Exam has been updated. Sorry for the delay.
Jeffery Vaccarro {Technology Support Group}
MESSAGE SENT: 10.11.77, 4:53 PM
Our opinions don’t really matter here. This is what Mr. Hornwright says he wants, so this is what we implement. You don’t like the content of the exam, you’re welcome to take it up with Hornwright.
[:: Attached: Senior Executive Exam Answer Key ::]
Archived Message — 10.6.77
Note: This entry is part of the unused quest Where There’s Smoke. It cannot be accessed in normal gameplay.
Listen Edie,
I’ve done everything I can to get Dominick’s terminal unlocked. It won’t budge. I’ll give that treehugger this much — he can write an encryption algorithm.
That decryption box I set up in your office is very likely the only shot we’ve got at gaining access to his data — so long as you can get me enough juice to get it up and running.
Unless, you know, you wanted to try something crazy… like talking to him.
— Jeff
Terminal: Penelope Hornwright
Note: This desk terminal is located inside Penelope Hornwright’s office on the fourth floor.
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
Current User: Penelope Hornwright {Sr. Ops Exec}
12:00 {Lunch: Bryce G.}
Archived Messages
Archived Message — 9.30.77
Note: Accessing this entry advances the quest The Motherlode and adds the Hornwright HR password to the player character’s inventory.
You did exactly right with the reporter. Until my father says otherwise, company line is none of us know anything about the «Motherlode» project. Which is closer to the truth than I like.
But do me a favor. Pop into R&D and tell him what the reporter told you. He should know what people are saying out there about his project. You’re going to need my ID, though, as Dad’s gone and restricted the top floor to Senior Executives only. Keeping all the juicy stuff just for us. You’re up there enough, you should probably pop into HR once you’re done, get your ID updated.
For your application, I’m sure it just got lost in the move to the automated hiring system. The current HR password is: BBbDefenistrateV7.
Go resubmit your resume and I’ll make sure it gets moved to the top of the pile for Annie’s job.
— Penny
Archived Message — 10.2.77
Come by my office as soon as you get in. It sounds like the shaking last night, it revealed some kind of vein down in Welch. We need to see if we can’t get our hands on the mineral rights before anyone else does.
— Penny
Archived Message — 10.2.77
I’m sorry Dad.
Gregory and I tried to get down to Welch as fast as we could, but AMS was already on site by the time we got there. Sounds like it’s residuals from their old blast tests in the area, peeking up under peoples’ homes. Knowing how AMS works, I’m sure they’ll make a mess of recovery.
So… if you manage to pull yourself away from your project long enough to read this, at least know we tried.
— Penny
Archived Message — 10.3.77
Dad, if you’re reading these at all any more, I really need your help right now.
I don’t know what the hell AMS did in Welch over this new claim, but they fucked up bad. The town is in open revolt and from what I’m hearing, it’s turning into a full on riot. They’re trashing anything with a mining company name on it.
The governor’s already started mobilizing the national guard, and I’ve put out to get some «independent contractors» over to Mount Blair and a couple of your experimentation sites.
I know you’re still hurting over Mom but I think everyone would really appreciate hearing from you. So… please. Help me out here?
Archived Message — 10.4.77
I spoke to the various site managers last night. We haven’t been able to regain access to the Rockhound yet, but they’ve left all the others.
Initial estimates for the damage are in the tens of millions. And there’s still some rioters preventing us from being able to get back onto the digger.
I need all the execs in a conference room TODAY. If we get stuck with this bill, that’s it. Show’s over. These riots are on AMS. We just need to make sure a judge agrees.
— Penny
Archived Message — 10.12.77
National Guard finally cleared out the last of the «rebels» off the Rockhound. The damage was so much less bad than we expected, in no small part because it seems those idiots couldn’t sort out how the Ignition Reactors worked. The little blessings of proprietary technology.
I want crews working in 24-hour shifts until that site’s fully operational again. Every day it’s down, we’re hemorrhaging money.
— Penny
Control terminal
Note: This red console terminal is located in an office area in the sub-level of the headquarters, where the Motherlode is initially found. The terminal was added in the Wastelanders update.
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Current User: Daniel Hornwright {CEO}
Begin Debug Sequence
Note: This entry is displayed if the quest The Motherlode has not yet been completed.
Establishing Connection…
!!! FAILURE_6894FTML !!!
Remote Connection Procedure failed due to REPAIR REQUIRED. Check Debug Trace File for more information.
(Deploy a repair beacon — Mike)
Debug trace was not initiated to an UNKNOWN ERROR.
Note: This entry is displayed if the debug sequence has already been completed.
Establishing Connection…
Remote Connection Procedure failed due to 6894 FAILURE. Check Debug Trace File for more information.
( Motherlode already connected? Come see me — Mike)
Debug trace was not initiated to an UNKNOWN ERROR.
Note: This entry is displayed if the debug sequence can successfully be initiated. Accessing it advances the quest Trade Secrets and plays an audio file from the Motherlode.
Establishing Connection…
SUCCESS — Connection established!
Establishing Audio Link…
SUCCESS — Default Audio Device is ready to begin!
MOTHERLODE01 is connected. Please Standby for Audio Transmission…
Set Default Audio Device
Set Default Audio Device
Active Device: LABSPEAKR01
(No other devices are detected! Is your audio device receiving power? Is hardline connection active? Check first thank you! — Chris)
Debug trace was not initiated to an UNKNOWN ERROR.
Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminal entries are a series of terminal entries found on terminals in the Hornwright Industrial Headquarters in Fallout 76 and its update Wastelanders.
Archival terminal
Note: There are two of these standing googie terminals, located in the company archival room on the first floor.
Horn[]right Indus[][]ial Mi[][][]
Com[][]ny Archi[]es
Ope[]ation[] Dat[]bas[]
DATAbase Coorrripted
Pppelase r[]stor[] bac[]ups
… acces[][]ng .[].
Hum[]n Reso[]rces Da[]a[]ase
Note: This entry is displayed if the player character has not yet acquired the Hornwright HR password.
ERR[]R. Inval[]d crede[]tials.
Human R[]sou[]ces Password required.
… acce[]sing ..
Note: This sub-terminal can only be accessed once the player character has the Hornwright HR password.
Human Res[]urces Re[]ume Data[][]se
Re[]ume — Yv[][]te Wiesman {Admin}
….[]… []R[]O[]!
.[]…[] []le corru[][][]d!
… acc[][]sing …
R[][]ume — Edie Bachman[] {[]ps.}
..[]..[]… ERRO[]!
…[]…[] File corru[]ted!
… acces[]in[] [].
Res[]me []Penny Hornwright {Sr. Exec[
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Penelope Hornwright’s resume to the player character’s Pip-Boy. The resume can be placed in the resume receptacle in the hiring room on the third floor to advance the quest The Motherlode.
Colle[]t docum[]nt [][][][] pr[]nter.[]
[][][] acc[][][]sing ..
R[]su[]e — Domin[]ck He[]ward {Re[][]
Section needed This section is required but has not been written yet. You can help Nukapedia by writing it. |
Re[][]me — An[]el[] Jack[]on {Re[]se[]}
Section needed This section is required but has not been written yet. You can help Nukapedia by writing it. |
P[][][]t R[][][][][] — [][][][][]
Section needed This section is required but has not been written yet. You can help Nukapedia by writing it. |
Mar[]eting Data[][]e
…. conne[]tion lost ….
CEO’s terminal
Note: This desk terminal is located in the CEO’s office; the northern room on the top executive floor. It is locked and requires Hacker rank 2.
Personal Entry 01
Vault-Tec has a saying: «Prepare for the Future!» I couldn’t agree more. It’s been a mantra I’ve been following ever since I took the reigns at Hornwright. My father always thought the future of a company depended entirely upon its workforce. «Your products are only as good as the people who build them» he’d say. My father had amazing foresight, but what he didn’t have was the technology to make that workforce strong and reliable.
That’s why I’m going full throttle on every automated worker program we have. No more sick days, no more vacations, no more maternity leaves and sudden deaths in the family. We reduce the number of people we need to run this company, yet maintain the same output and quality control. The Auto-Miner program is just the beginning — my ultimate goal is to fully automate Hornwright before 2100. If we can attain that achievement, we will no doubt be the strongest and wealthiest company this world’s ever seen.
Personal Entry 02
Having dispensed with the day-to-day lugs that once populated our mines, I’ve initiated a series of pilot projects to see what other molecules of the human element we might banish from the mining process. The most promising comes, however, was dropped onto our lap by a friend of a friend with connections of
the Department of Defense. Seems they’ve been working on a «Vertibird,» a vertical take-off craft, which it seems can be outfitted for long distance flight, air-to-ground combat … or reconnaissance. Our technicians believe they might be able to strap an Auto-Miner brain and mineral detection system into one and speed up the pace of mineral surveying by a factor of twenty. Promising indeed.
Personal Entry 03
Hornwright was approached by the Clear Skies Alliance a while ago — a proposal to co-own a project that would utilize scrubbers to remove harmful particles from the air and improve what the call «an unhealthy living and working atmosphere» in our region of Appalachia. My initial thought was to tell them that unless I could charge people for the clean air we generated, why would I waste precious resources on such a ridiculous venture? The PR it would generate would be decent, but we’re talking development costs into the millions here.
But then one of my R&D gurus took a good look at the plans and said that the scrubbers could be repurposed. Instead of scrubbing the air, the tech could be used to ionize particles and convert them into usable minerals — perhaps even aerosolize minerals from our mines and collect them automatically! Marketing even came up with a snappy name: «Ash Forges.» Perfect. We’ll have to keep this quiet though. If the Clear Skies Alliance finds out about this, they’re likely to try and slap an injunction on Hornwright to get their plans back.
Personal Entry 04
Shaft Elaine was overrun by protestors today, carrying signs like cudgels, fighting their way onto the site to «express their right to assemble» by trespassing on my land and shutting down my business. But this time was different. This time, the men who I gave cudgels to drive off such rabble put them down and walked off the job, joining the protest. At least the protestors are loyal to something.
Penny was forced to scramble to bring in some independent contractors to restore order. I know she loathes such work, but I felt it was important she do it. She needs to be toughened up if she’s ever going to take this position for herself. But lesson learned, I’d like to avoid putting her through anything like that again.
Our work with RobCo has already yielded plenty of fruit for the Auto-Miners. I wonder if they’d be interested in another venture? Something to prevent little Penny from having to hire more strikebreakers.
Personal Entry 05
As I sit at my terminal, I’m at a loss for words. How do I say goodbye to someone I’ve loved for so long? It’s only been two days since my wife’s death, and it still doesn’t seem real. All that money spent, all those doctors. It was all for nothing. I couldn’t save Evelyn. And now, the one thing I couldn’t afford to lose is gone forever.
I mean, just think about it. Knowing someone for years and years, and suddenly, in an instant, the realization that you’ll never hear their voice again. Never see them smile again. Never feel their embrace again. My daughter Penny says she’s okay, that’s she’s made peace with the matter, but inside I suspect that it’s taken its toll. I wish I could get her to admit her true feelings to me, but her will is just too strong. I can’t let this beat me. I must push forward. I have to complete the Motherlode Project. If not for myself and my sanity, I’ll do it for Evelyn. I’ll prove to her that her death wasn’t the end of me — it was just the beginning.
Personal Entry 06
Security tells me a stupid reporter named Bill Breyer hopped the fence to get a closer look at the Motherlode Project. Idiot blundered in with his recorder in his hand holding it like a weapon. What the hell else were my men supposed to do? At least it was a clean shot and they took him down before he could draw too much attention. Hanson in the PR department said we should «make a public statement to set the record straight,» but I fired the moron on the spot. I’m not sure how we’ll spin this, but I’ve sent a company directive to all managers that this incident is to only be referred to as an «accident.» I’ll have to give it some thought, but I’m betting we can turn this to our advantage. In retrospect, I’m almost glad this happened. Now no one else will be dumb enough to try and hop fences to get a look at our projects. And perhaps there’s an opportunity here. Robotic security would’ve been so careless.
Personal Entry 07
I can’t believe my staff is distracted by the miner’s rioting. I don’t know what they’re worried about. Our headquarters is well-protected here in Charleston and we could always write off the Rockhound as a loss. This is merely an annoyance, and proof that we need to be fully automated sooner rather than later. The Motherlode systems are performing at peak capacity, and have completely exceeded our initial expectations. Soon, I’ll only need a staff of under twenty to keep it in operation, then those rioting miners can demand all they like since they’ll no longer be employed at this company. Now who’s laughing?
Archived Messages
TO: Governor Evans
Governor Evans,
I’m thrilled to hear that Ballot Measure 6 will be taken up for referendum this November. Increasing the efficacy of the Appalachian government through automation will establish our territory as a national player for decades to come. We at Hornwright Industrial want to be a part of that.
As you know, we have established ourselves as the experts at creating cost-effective automated systems. Our product line is constantly expanding and adapting, meaning we can develop custom tailored solutions for your needs. There is no better partner for the automation of the Appalachia Territory government than Hornwright.
Not to mention dealing with a local concern rather than a national, impersonal conglomerate like RobCo will certainly help the pill go down easier with the local populace. Why don’t you and the missus meet us for dinner to discuss? My wife Elaine has been dying to get to know the first wife more personally.
It’s Daniel.
I have a problem I need taken care of — Senator Samuel Blackwell. I need his voice … quieted until the vote on Ballot Measure 6 has completed. I want you to … scare him for us. No one’s to be hurt. Just give him enough reason to disappear for a while. And, while I’m sure this goes without saying, make sure this can’t be traced back to us.
Impressive work, friend.
Your fee for the Blackwell job has been transferred to your account — plus a little bonus. I don’t know what you said to him, but the fact that he’s grasping at «sinister government forces» and not us means you said the right thing.
Hiring system terminal
Note: There are three of these standing googie terminals, in a room on the third floor. The exam cannot be started unless one has spoken to the Hornwright hiring system and posseses the Hornwright HR password.
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
Current user: Exam Candidate
Senior Executive Hiring Exam
Note: This entry is displayed if the player character has not yet acquired the necessary credentials by speaking to the Hornwright hiring system.
ERROR. Invalid credentials.
Note: This entry is displayed if the player character has spoken to the Hornwright hiring system.
Welcome prospective applicant to the opportunity of a lifetime!
The exam before you will show us whether or not you’ve got the chops to join the elite group known as «Hornwright Industrial Senior Executives.»
Achieve a perfect score and our automated hiring system will issue you an offer on the spot!
So are you ready to take the exam that will change your life?
Begin Exam
{Question 1/5}
An accident has occurred at one of the company’s automated mines, resulting in the deaths of multiple mine bosses. What’s your response?
[Release a statement promising compensation to the families]
[Blame the incident on agitators in the local unions]
[Launch a company-wide worker safety program]
{Question 2/5}
You’ve come into possession of damning proprietary information from on of our competitors. What do you do with it?
[Destroy it. We can beat them fairly in the marketplace]
[Blackmail them into providing more information]
[Send it to the media, using the fallout to short their stock]
{Question 3/5}
A local politician has come to you requesting a sizeable «campaign donation» in return for preferential legislation. How do you respond?
[Dig up dirt on the politician to lower their price]
[Politely refuse, citing the politician’s disrespect for democracy]
[Reveal the request to the public, exposing the politician’s corruption]
{Question 4/5}
You’ve received threats from a group upset with our automation policy. What do you do?
[Give the evidence to the police, allowing them to deal with it]
[Offer them lucrative jobs to get them to reveal their identities]
[Request a 24-hour security detail to protect yourself]
{Question 5/5}
You’ve been offered a higher paying position at a local regional competitor. What do you do?
[Turn over the details to Hornwright’s top-notch corporate intelligence team]
[Take the position, despite the company’s almost certain inferiority]
[Leverage the offer into a higher paying position here]
Exam complete.
Do you wish to submit your answers for processing?
Process Answers
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
View Results
Note: This entry is displayed if the test is failed.
Too Bad!
You only got 2 of 5 questions correct!
You don’t have what it takes to be a Hornwright Senior Executive.
Study hard and try again soon!
Note: This entry is displayed if the test is passed.
You got 5 of 5 questions correct!
You passed!
Exit Exam
Abandon Exam
Penny Hornwright’s lab terminal
Note: This white console terminal is located inside Penelope Hornwright’s office on the fourth floor, behind her desk.
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
Current User: Penelope Hornwright {Sr. Ops Exec}
12:00 {Lunch: Bryce G.}
Log Notes 6.10.77
Finally got a look at some blueprints for Garrahan’s Excavator Power Armor that our security department «acquired.» God, what a mess. A Black Titanium coffin, effectively. Tough, sure, but some of the shortcuts their lab boys took to get this hunk of junk moving are laughable. I can’t believe they think that this is the future of mining. They’re so dead-set on leaving the automation out of the process, that they forgot how error-prone this pile of scrap is going to be. Well, that’s what you get when you work in conjunction with the military. One step forward, two steps back.
Log Notes 7.15.77
Helped Don Mobley, our lead tech over at Hornwright Industrial with the specs for the Rockhound’s upgrade. He’s having problems with the power drain on the Ignition Cores at 2200MWe, so I told him to dial it down to 1750 and see where that gets us. I figure at that rate, maybe you’d get one hour per core. That should let the Rockhound run much more efficiently. No need to overtax the old girl.
Log Notes 8.29.77
The Auto-Miners built in conjunction with AMS seem to be doing their job, so my father moved me to the new top-secret project he has cooking with the Clear Skies Alliance. They’ve come up with some sort of an air scrubber that pulls particulates out of the atmosphere and exchanges it with pure air.
However, after pouring over the plans (no idea why the Alliance is so trusting, but that’s their loss) I’m thinking we could actually use these things to our advantage. Instead of just filtering air, I’m certain we could use them to pull heavy metals out of the air and extract them down to their base elements. I’m going to run this by the team in the morning, but I’m pretty sure my calculations are correct.
Reception terminal
Note: This desk terminal is located on the receptionist’s desk in the lower level lobby area, just past the main entrance.
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
Current User: Yvette Wiesman {Admin}
Company Memo — 10.3.77
Attention all employees,
Due to safety concerns related to the recent unrest centered around the town of Welch, our offices will be closed tomorrow.
Employees will be expected on site at start of business Tuesday, October 5th.
Jacob Hanover {Human Resources Director}
Hornwright Industrial will not be held liable for any injuries you may sustain while attempting to access the office.
Company Memo — 10.1.77
Dear Hornwright Industrial employees,
Effective immediately, access to our R&D and Executive offices will require a keycard. If you need to access those areas, please speak to your managing Senior Executive.
As well, from this point forward, all employees will be required to sign non-disclosure agreements. Any members of the organization speaking to the press or any outside parties about proprietary information will be disciplined.
We run a tight ship here. Any leaks and we all sink together.
Jacob Hanover {Human Resources Director}
Archived Messages
Archived Message — 9.27.77
It’s a tough decision, Annie. I need to think it over some more before I decide.
— Yvette
FROM: Annette Boxton {Admin}
It’s up to you, darling. You can either come with me or you can keep chipping away at your soul in exchange for a couple pieces of silver every week.
All I know is that the miners the Hornwrights kicked to the curb with those robotic scabs had families. And I won’t be a part of making them starve.
— Annie
Archived Message — 9.29.77
Note: Accessing this entry completes the miscellaneous quest «Explore Hornwright Industrial HQ» and starts the side quest The Motherlode.
Ms. Hornwright,
That reporter was here again this morning, asking about the «Motherlode.» Mentioned something about «toxic dump sites.»
I told him I had no idea what he was talking about, like you told me, but I got the sense he didn’t buy it. Is there something else I should have said?
And not to bother you too much, but I haven’t heard a peep from HR about taking over Annie’s position. You haven’t heard anything, have you, Penny?
— Yvette
Archived Message — 10.5.77
Hi Ms. Hornwright,
Just wanted to check in. I saw your car outside, so I presume everything was all right for you and your dad down in Bramwell? I heard the rioters brought down one of the high-rise mansions. I was terrified it might’ve been yours.
They had some of those foul-mouthed Mr. Gutsy things patrolling our block in Charleston yesterday and today, but when I came outside they were whining about not «gettin’ to see any action» so I’m guessing the rioters kept to the south.
And is there really still fighting going on at the dig site in Mount Blair and down in Welch? Seems like the crazy is spreading like wildfire.
— Yvette
Research terminal
Note: This red console terminal is located in the southern room on the top executive floor.
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
Current User: Jose Brigada, Dr. {TERMINATED}
Research notation
AMS Hire
{{ LOG ENTRY — 11.j.Brigada
{{ TOPIC — AMS Hire
Hornwright introduced us to our latest team member — a poach from AMS’ «Electronic Intelligence» division. «The future of mining as we know it,» were Hornwright’s exact words when introducing the young woman.
The child has one PhD. From a state school. Let’s not leap to conclusions, Daniel.
But extra hands are extra hands, I suppose. Perhaps this Ms. Jackson can make coffee.
The Curious Ms. Jackson
{{ LOG ENTRY — 12.j.Brigada
{{ TOPIC — The Curious Ms. Jackson
In the four weeks since she’s been here, young Ms. Jackson has managed to complete three of our outstanding research quandries on the Motherlode project. Three!
Intra-mineral communication — solved.
Subcrustal navigation — child’s play.
An automated voice response system — why not?
The child even designed an in-field repair system. Modeled off my original Motherlode design, of course, but capable of connecting with the system WITHOUT WORK INTERRUPTION.
The child is either a genius or a thief, simply bringing us what she happened to write down during her time at AMS. And I can hardly tell if I need to beg Hornwright to fire her or put her up for a Nobel. But I must say I’m intrigued by the curious Ms. Jackson.
And damn it all — her coffee is sublime.
Direct Oversight
{{ LOG ENTRY — 13.j.Brigada
{{ TOPIC — Direct Oversight
It seems Mr. Hornwright has decided to involve himself more directly in the Motherlode project. For security purposes, he claims.
It is his belief one of us tipped off the reporter who had the accident on the test site. And he wants to ensure no such thing happens again.
It is my belief that Daniel is looking for any distraction he can to avoid dealing with his … loss. So I guess this means he’ll simply distract himself by distracting all of us.
Power Struggles
Note: Accessing this entry advances the quest The Motherlode, allowing the player character to requisition a repair beacon.
{{ LOG ENTRY — 14.j.Brigada
{{ TOPIC — Power Struggles
And things had been going so well.
Thanks in no small part to Ms. Jackson’s monumental efforts, systems 000 and 001 had been prepped and ready to deploy and we were staring down the barrel by upping our timetable by an entire quarter.
We’ve now easily lost that and more thanks to Daniel’s constant «input.» Inconsequential and incessant demands, almost always lobbed at Ms. Jackson and the intelligence team to make things more «user-friendly.» To provide with the systems with more «independence.»
The poor girl is being run ragged trying to keep up. I’ve been trying to step in as much as I can, just let the girl work, but the man will not relent.
To make things worse, Daniel has begun requiring us to go through him to get our requisition codes, making sure we can’t make changes without his sanction.
I did manage to sneak at least one out of his notes while being excoriated for my «unrequested interventions.» It’s the small victories.
Repair Beacon Requisition Code — 36984
For Ms. Jackson
{{ LOG ENTRY — 15.j.Brigada
{{ TOPIC — For Ms. Jackson
Ms. Jackson,
If you’re reading this, congratulations on your promotion to project lead. No one deserves it more than you.
And I mean this from the bottom of my heart — get out now.
I do not believe Mr. Hornwright is well. His paranoia and insularity have only worsened over the past months. My firing is no surprise given his growing emnity towards anything but «his» Motherlode project.
I can only plead that you quit before the man snaps. Your talent is wasted in a situation such as this.
Terminal: Jeffery Vaccarro
Note: This desk terminal is located in the Technology Support Department room on the second floor, at the same desk that holds the Senior executive exam answer key. It is locked and requires Hacker level 1.
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
Current User: Jeffery Vaccarro {Tech Support}
Company Memo — 10.3.77
Attention all employees,
Due to safety concerns related to the recent unrest centered around the town of Welch, our offices will be closed tomorrow.
Employees will be expected on site at start of business Tuesday, October 5th.
Jacob Hanover {Human Resources Director}
Hornwright Industrial will not be held liable for any injuries you may sustain while attempting to access the office.
Company Memo — 10.1.77
Dear Hornwright Industrial employees,
Effective immediately, access to our R&D and Executive offices will require a keycard. If you need to access those areas, please speak to your managing Senior Executive.
As well, from this point forward, all employees will be required to sign non-disclosure agreements. Any members of the organization speaking to the press or any outside parties wabout proprietary information will be disciplined.
We run a tight ship here. Any leaks and we all sink together.
Jacob Hanover {Human Resources Director}
Archived Messages
Archived Message — 10.12.77
Senior Exec Exam has been updated. Sorry for the delay.
Jeffery Vaccarro {Technology Support Group}
MESSAGE SENT: 10.11.77, 4:53 PM
Our opinions don’t really matter here. This is what Mr. Hornwright says he wants, so this is what we implement. You don’t like the content of the exam, you’re welcome to take it up with Hornwright.
[:: Attached: Senior Executive Exam Answer Key ::]
Archived Message — 10.6.77
Note: This entry is part of the unused quest Where There’s Smoke. It cannot be accessed in normal gameplay.
Listen Edie,
I’ve done everything I can to get Dominick’s terminal unlocked. It won’t budge. I’ll give that treehugger this much — he can write an encryption algorithm.
That decryption box I set up in your office is very likely the only shot we’ve got at gaining access to his data — so long as you can get me enough juice to get it up and running.
Unless, you know, you wanted to try something crazy… like talking to him.
— Jeff
Terminal: Penelope Hornwright
Note: This desk terminal is located inside Penelope Hornwright’s office on the fourth floor.
Hornwright Industrial Mining Company
Current User: Penelope Hornwright {Sr. Ops Exec}
12:00 {Lunch: Bryce G.}
Archived Messages
Archived Message — 9.30.77
Note: Accessing this entry advances the quest The Motherlode and adds the Hornwright HR password to the player character’s inventory.
You did exactly right with the reporter. Until my father says otherwise, company line is none of us know anything about the «Motherlode» project. Which is closer to the truth than I like.
But do me a favor. Pop into R&D and tell him what the reporter told you. He should know what people are saying out there about his project. You’re going to need my ID, though, as Dad’s gone and restricted the top floor to Senior Executives only. Keeping all the juicy stuff just for us. You’re up there enough, you should probably pop into HR once you’re done, get your ID updated.
For your application, I’m sure it just got lost in the move to the automated hiring system. The current HR password is: BBbDefenistrateV7.
Go resubmit your resume and I’ll make sure it gets moved to the top of the pile for Annie’s job.
— Penny
Archived Message — 10.2.77
Come by my office as soon as you get in. It sounds like the shaking last night, it revealed some kind of vein down in Welch. We need to see if we can’t get our hands on the mineral rights before anyone else does.
— Penny
Archived Message — 10.2.77
I’m sorry Dad.
Gregory and I tried to get down to Welch as fast as we could, but AMS was already on site by the time we got there. Sounds like it’s residuals from their old blast tests in the area, peeking up under peoples’ homes. Knowing how AMS works, I’m sure they’ll make a mess of recovery.
So… if you manage to pull yourself away from your project long enough to read this, at least know we tried.
— Penny
Archived Message — 10.3.77
Dad, if you’re reading these at all any more, I really need your help right now.
I don’t know what the hell AMS did in Welch over this new claim, but they fucked up bad. The town is in open revolt and from what I’m hearing, it’s turning into a full on riot. They’re trashing anything with a mining company name on it.
The governor’s already started mobilizing the national guard, and I’ve put out to get some «independent contractors» over to Mount Blair and a couple of your experimentation sites.
I know you’re still hurting over Mom but I think everyone would really appreciate hearing from you. So… please. Help me out here?
Archived Message — 10.4.77
I spoke to the various site managers last night. We haven’t been able to regain access to the Rockhound yet, but they’ve left all the others.
Initial estimates for the damage are in the tens of millions. And there’s still some rioters preventing us from being able to get back onto the digger.
I need all the execs in a conference room TODAY. If we get stuck with this bill, that’s it. Show’s over. These riots are on AMS. We just need to make sure a judge agrees.
— Penny
Archived Message — 10.12.77
National Guard finally cleared out the last of the «rebels» off the Rockhound. The damage was so much less bad than we expected, in no small part because it seems those idiots couldn’t sort out how the Ignition Reactors worked. The little blessings of proprietary technology.
I want crews working in 24-hour shifts until that site’s fully operational again. Every day it’s down, we’re hemorrhaging money.
— Penny
Control terminal
Note: This red console terminal is located in an office area in the sub-level of the headquarters, where the Motherlode is initially found. The terminal was added in the Wastelanders update.
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Current User: Daniel Hornwright {CEO}
Begin Debug Sequence
Note: This entry is displayed if the quest The Motherlode has not yet been completed.
Establishing Connection…
!!! FAILURE_6894FTML !!!
Remote Connection Procedure failed due to REPAIR REQUIRED. Check Debug Trace File for more information.
(Deploy a repair beacon — Mike)
Debug trace was not initiated to an UNKNOWN ERROR.
Note: This entry is displayed if the debug sequence has already been completed.
Establishing Connection…
Remote Connection Procedure failed due to 6894 FAILURE. Check Debug Trace File for more information.
( Motherlode already connected? Come see me — Mike)
Debug trace was not initiated to an UNKNOWN ERROR.
Note: This entry is displayed if the debug sequence can successfully be initiated. Accessing it advances the quest Trade Secrets and plays an audio file from the Motherlode.
Establishing Connection…
SUCCESS — Connection established!
Establishing Audio Link…
SUCCESS — Default Audio Device is ready to begin!
MOTHERLODE01 is connected. Please Standby for Audio Transmission…
Set Default Audio Device
Set Default Audio Device
Active Device: LABSPEAKR01
(No other devices are detected! Is your audio device receiving power? Is hardline connection active? Check first thank you! — Chris)
Debug trace was not initiated to an UNKNOWN ERROR.
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Заметка Fallout 76
Ответы к экзамену на должность топ-менеджера
Техническая информация
base id
editor id
Содержание [ ]
Ответы к экзамену на должность топ-менеджера
Вопрос 1: 2
Вопрос 2: 2 или 3
Вопрос 3: 1
Вопрос 4: 2
Вопрос 5: 1
«2. Обвинить в произошедшем подстрекателей и местных профсоюзов»
«2. Шантажировать их, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию»
«3. Передать информацию в СМИ, воспользоваться падением их акций после публичного скандала и сыграть на понижение»
«1. Собрать компромат на политика, чтобы сбить цены»
«2. Предложить им прибыльные должности, чтобы узнать их истинную суть»
«1. Передать информацию о предложении команде корпоративной разведки Хорнрайта»
Местонахождение [ ]
Штаб-квартира «Хорнрайт индастриал», в тумбе стола под терминалом в отделе ИТ департамента на втором этаже.
Появление [ ]
В Fallout 76 Золотая жила представляет собой один из квестов, в которых нужно хорошенько подумать головой, а не ворваться в локацию с железным дрыном наперевес и раздать на орехи всему, что подаёт признаки жизни. Причём написан он с долей здоровой сатиры — авторы явно старались высмеять современный мир, способы управления компанией и всё то, что, к сожалению, существует в реальности. И у их получилось! Поэтому, чтобы лишний раз улыбнуться, мы рекомендуем внимательно читать все тексты в ходе прохождения, несмотря на то, что мы укажем для вас все правильные ответы.
Для начала нужно забраться на 4-й этаж здания и найти там терминал, с которым и предстоит взаимодействовать. На этажах присутствуют таблички, так что заблудиться у вас вряд ли получится. Слева расположена комната, в которой и стоит искомый терминал, и для начала нужно ознакомиться с хранящимися в нём записями.
- Свалить вину за происшедшее на агитаторов в местных профсоюзах.
- Шантажировать их, чтобы получить больше информации.
- Собрать компромат на политика, чтобы сбить цены.
- Предложу им прибыльную работу, чтобы раскрыть их личности.
- Передам информацию о предложении команде корпоративной разведки Хорнрайта.
Не напоминает реальный мир, нет? Сатира из квеста «Золотая жила», одного из самых забавных в Фоллаут 76, так и сочится. Как бы то ни было, после теста загляните в соседнюю комнату и заберите пропуск. Заполучив его, спускайтесь на первый этаж и идите к лифту. Он затребует пропуск, который у вас теперь есть, и, получив его, доставит вас на особый уровень, где некогда располагался кабинет директора. Побеседовав с системой, воспользуйтесь исследовательским терминалом и получите код. Забрав маячок и снова пообщавшись с системой, идите в помещение, куда раньше не получалось попасть из-за лазеров. После установки маячка на нужное место останется только пождать, и квест будет засчитан.
Не всегда работает принцип пришел, увидел, победил. Чтобы пройти квест Золотая жила в Fallout 76 придется хорошенько подумать головой. В данной статье вы узнаете о терминале Пенни, как пройти тест и получить пропуск топ-менеджера, а также где найти ремонтный маячок.
Что делать?
Как и многие квесты начинаются с исследования многоэтажного здания, в котором вам предстоит первым делом отыскать нужную комнату и терминал. Для этого необходимо подняться на четвертый уровень, найти его не составит труда, так как все этажи здания пронумерованы. После того как вы подниметесь, найдите комнату с терминалом (она слева) и внимательно прочтите записи на нем.
- «Свалить вину за происшедшее на агитаторов в местных профсоюзах».
- «Шантажировать их, чтобы получить больше информации».
- «Собрать компромат на политика, чтобы сбить цены».
- «Предложу им прибыльную работу, чтобы раскрыть их личности».
- «Передам информацию о предложении команде корпоративной разведки Хорнрайта».
Следующим шагом после сдачи теста, вы должны проследовать в соседнюю комнату, в которой находится принтер и забрать свой пропуск. После спускаемся на первый уровень и направляемся к лифту. При помощи пропуска запускаем лифт, который доставляет вас на этаж директора. Выйдя из лифта, поговорите с системой внешнего подключения. После этого идтие к исследовательскому терминалу, на котором прочитайтечетвертую запись, в которой находится нужный вам код.
После заберите ремонтный маячок, снова поговорить с системой внешнего подключения. Далее проходим в комнату где ранее нам преграждали путь лазеры. Проходим в лифт и спускаемся вниз. Устанавливаем ремонтный маячок на нужное место и ждем какое-то время. После чего получаете заслуженную награду за прохождение квеста Золотая жила в Fallout 76.
Несмотря на то, что курс обучения огнедышащих Fallout 76 проходили многие новички, у ряда игроков всё равно возникают вопросы по этому заданию, одному из самых длинных на начальном этапе игры. Строго говоря, сам квест называется «В огонь», а вышеупомянутый курс является лишь его частью. Запускается миссия автоматически, стоит вам впервые зайти в здание пожарной части в Чарлстоне. Наградой за неё является каркас силовой брони, который можно надеть на любом уровне (ограничения по минимальному уровню распространяются только на элементы силовой брони, а не на сам каркас), что уже даст отличные бонусы начинающему персонажу, только-только выбравшемуся из Убежища 76.
Для начала от игрока потребуют вступить в ряды огнедышащих, то есть пожарников. Правда, абы кого в огнеборцы не принимают, поэтому придётся пройти курс обучения огнедышащих, ответив на семь экзаменационных вопросов. Вот подробная таблица прохождения этого этапа квеста со всеми вопросами:
- «В туннель, по которому вы идете …» Ответ: Как можно скорее эвакуироваться.
- «В задымленном здании …» Ответ: Влажная тряпка.
- «Один из ваших товарищей …» Ответ: Аккуратно обвязать ожог чистыми бинтами.
- «Во время исследования …» Ответ: Немедленно отступить.
- «Один из ваших напарников …» Ответ: Пол литра очищенной воды, 2 пепельных розы, 2 гриба, 2 грязноцвета.
- «Вы наткнулись на группу горелых…» Ответ: Отступить и атаковать огнестрельным оружием с дальней дистанции.
- «Вам удалось …» Ответ: Прикончить его по возможности милосердно.
После сдачи теории потребуется пройти медосмотр, выйдя наружу и пробравшись сквозь руины вслед за квестовым маркером. Нужный терминал расположен на втором этаже, и он предложит очередной тест. Он представляет собой забег на время – нам даётся 2 минуты 53 секунды, чтобы добраться до нужной точки. Правда, составители древней программы явно не учитывали все произошедшие разрушения, что усложняет задачу. Обратный отсчёт начнётся после нажатия на кнопку рядом с терминалом, и прекратится после того, как будет нажата вторая кнопка на контрольной точке. После этого возвращаемся обратно, нажимаем первую кнопку ещё раз, возвращаемся к компьютеру и начинаем последний экзамен.
Забрав экзоскелет и поговорив с пожарным протектроном, прослушайте голозапись с инструкцией к последнему экзамену и отправляйтесь в шахту со странным названием «Отрыжка Бетти». Её облюбовали горелые, которые будут не очень рады визиту незваного гостя, но ничего не поделаешь – аварийный маячок, который необходимо включить, расположен глубоко в недрах шахты. После его включения возвращайтесь обратно, но имейте в виду, что по пути снова придётся стрелять, даже если вы уже всё зачистили – горелые не дремлют, и к ним подошло подкрепление.
Читайте также:
- Eye of the beholder обзор
- The escapists 2 обзор
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