Автор статьи преподаватель английского в Language Link Скрыпник Анастасия
Не “баян”, а классика
Горячо любимый одними и ненавистный для других – English File.
Конечно English File, ну кто его не знает…
EF прошел уже четвертый цикл перерождения и в 2018 (уровни от Beginner до Intermediate)/ в 2020 (остальные) свет увидело долгожданное издание.
Если говорить в целом про концепцию данного учебника, то не так уж она и плоха, с учетом того, что долгое время именно это пособие было фаворитом среди преподавателей как работающих на себя, так и в языковых школах. Учебник даже успел стать «попсовым», многие учителя почти наизусть помнят статьи и истории из предыдущих изданий.
Чем же он так хорош в принципе и чем отличается 4е издание?
Думаю, многие, особенно начинающие преподаватели, ценят EF за тичер-френдли teacher’s book – каждый раздел сопровождается довольно подробным планом на каждое занятие. В EF вы найдете элементы Guided Discovery, а также работу над произношением.
И спикинг, много спикинга – role plays, обсуждения, настольные игры, здесь есть все, чтобы разговорить студента.
Наличие у EF “половинчатых” уровней – мой очередной реверанс этой линейке, тут вы найдёте Inter Plus и Advanced Plus, которых днем с огнем не сыскать у других именитых издательств. Всего же уровней 8 – от Beginner до Advanced+.
Никуда не делись классические вставки Vocabulary и Grammar Reference в конце учебника, что довольно неудобно (этим же грешит SpeakOut и Empower) – приходится листать туда-сюда.
А уж какие дополнительные материалы на отработку Grammar, Vocab и Communication – даже те, кто не работает по EF нет-нет, да и “стянут” photocopiables. Действительно очень годный раздел, если хотите дать больше упражнений на закрепление грамматики – не проблема, не надо ничего искать, авторы все нашли и подготовили.
Минусы в дополнительных материалах
Без минусов в дополнительных материалах не обошлось, конечно же. При их более детальном рассмотрении, можно заметить не совсем уместные задания в разделе Activation который почему-то включает просто запоминание диалогов или пересказ по памяти, а не свободное использование той или иной грамматической структуры. А мы все знаем, как важны так называемые навыки мышления «высокого уровня», которые в таком типе задания не практикуются.
Вот типичный пример из Teacher’s Guide для уровня Pre-intermediate:
Да, конечно, не могу не согласиться с Вами, что есть отдельная секция photocopiables Communication, которые как раз-таки и позволяют отработать грамматику через Speaking, но в том же уровне Advanced, Activation выглядит вот так
Нововведение English File 4th edition
Нововведение 4го издания заключается в Online Practice и в отсутствии дисков (Аллилуйя!). Также есть сайт с интерактивными заданиями. Сразу оговорюсь, Online Practice – это не онлайн платформа для проведения занятий. Зарегистрировавшись на сайте у учеников будет доступ к аудио и видео, а также к упражнениям на самопроверку. Self-check разбит по юнитам и содержит в себе дополнительные упражнения на грамматику, лексику, произношение и т.д.
Изменился и дизайн, но лишь немного – появились фотографии более актуальных знаменитостей. Увидев новые фотографии, можно подумать, что учебник полностью “омолодился”, но “увы”, тех, кто знает EF почти наизусть, ждет разочарование – многие тексты остались прежними. Многие, но не все, конечно, обновились и аудио.
Изменились названия юнитов, но наполнение осталось таким же.
Сравнение English File Elementary 3rd edition и 4th edition
Не изменились и видео для Practical English – всем известные Роб и Дженни будут ждать вас и в 4м издании, что на самом деле довольно грустно – со времен выхода 3го издания прошло почти 10 лет – можно было бы отснять новый материал в более современных реалиях. Кстати, секция Practical English, что в третьем, что в четвертом изданиях, появляется лишь раз в два юнита. Для сравнения, в пособии Empower Practical English с видео практикуется каждый юнит.
В четвертом издании также избавились от песен, в третьем издании на каждый четный юнит приходилась одна песня – подходящая по тематике или вокабуляру/грамматике. Вместо них теперь Video Listening – аутентичные, достаточно интересные видео с заданиями на понимание и дальнейшее обсуждение, что несомненно является огромным плюсом.
Обновилась и рабочая тетрадь, но в худшую сторону – она лишилась заданий на чтение и аудирование, что немного порушило логику – проработав с учениками на уроке Reading так и хочется, чтобы дома они тоже могли почитать интересный текст со схожей тематикой. Выход есть – рабочая тетрадь предыдущего издания, если чувствуете, что хочется добавить немного чтения в жизнь ваших студентов, просто возьмите его из старого издания.
Вывод по учебнику English File
Нельзя сказать, что English File хороший или плохой учебник, но он является отличным рабочим инструментом. И хотелось бы напомнить, что идеальных пособий увы, нет. Да, что-то придется адаптировать, возможно вводить лексику по-другому, а не просто сопоставлять слова с картинками, какие-то упражнения выкидывать, а какие-то “докручивать”, одно знаю точно – спикингом ваши студенты будут обеспечены на все 100%. Ну, а на то мы и учителя, чтобы не просто взять учебник и пойти на урок, а немного проявить фантазию 🙂
This Test Booklet contains:
●Level Tests, in A and B versions, for
New English File Elementary,
New English File Pre-Intermediate, and English File Intermediate
●Answer Key
What are the New English File Level Tests?
There are three Level Tests, which correspond to
New English File Elementary, New English File
Pre-intermediate, and English File Intermediate. The tests cover a representative sample of the contents of each level.
What do the tests contain?
Each test contains 40 multiple-choice questions. Most of the questions test grammar at different levels of difficulty. However, some questions also test vocabulary and expressions which occur at that level of New English File.
What else is required?
Students will require a pen or a pencil to complete the tests. You will need to refer to the Answer Key on pages 9 and 10 to mark the tests.
How do the tests work?
There are two versions (A and B) of each test. If your students don’t copy each other then you can just use the A tests. If your students do copy each other then put them in pairs, one with an A test and one with a B test – it’s almost impossible for them to copy each other’s answers. (The A and B tests cover exactly the same material, but the questions have been changed and reorganized.)
Each student should take at least two of the New English File Level Tests. This should take approximately 30 minutes.
•To indicate whether a student should follow the
New English File Elementary or New English File
Pre-intermediate course, apply Test 1A (p.3) or Test 1B (p.4), and Test 2A (p.5) or 2B (p.6).
•To indicate whether a student should follow the
New English File Pre-intermediate or English File
Intermediate course, apply Test 2A (p.5) or Test 2B (p.6), and Test 3A (p.7) or 3B (p.8).
•If you have no previous indication of a student’s ability, start by applying Test 1A or 1B, and Test 2A or 2B.
A student scores one point for each correct answer. The total for each test can be written in the box provided.
How are the scores interpreted?
These scoring criteria should determine each student’s level:
•If a student has taken Test 1A or 1B, and Test 2A or 2B, add together the scores to give a total out of 80.
– A score of 0–40 points
indicates a student should take New English File Elementary level.
– A score of 41–80 points indicates a student should take
New English File Pre-intermediate level.
•If a student has taken Test 2A or 2B, and Test 3A or 3B, add together the scores to give a total out of 80. (Discard their score on Test 1A or 1B if the student has previously taken this test.)
– A score of 0–40 points
indicates a student should take
New English File Pre-intermediate level.
– A score of 41–80 points indicates a student should take English File Intermediate level.
Note: The tests are intended to give a clear indication of how well a student would cope with the content of New English File Elementary, New English File
Pre-intermediate, or English File Intermediate. However, it is advisable to confirm the results with oral interviews if there is time available. Borderline cases will always occur, so students scoring 30–50 should be monitored closely at the start of their course.
2 |
New English File Level Tests |
photocopiable |
© Oxford University Press 2005 |
Choose the correct answer, a, b, c, or d. |
21 |
Example: |
b |
She ___ Irish. She’s Scottish. |
22 |
a aren’t |
b isn’t |
c not |
d not is |
1 |
We ___ American. |
23 |
a not b not are |
c aren’t |
d isn’t |
2 |
___ this magazine before? |
a Do you read b Are you going to read |
24 |
c Are you reading |
d Have you read |
3 |
This is our new teacher. ___ name is Mark. |
25 |
a His |
b Her |
c Its |
d He |
4 |
He ___ the newspaper every day. |
26 |
a read |
b reads |
c doesn’t reads |
d don’t reads |
5 |
Is Mont Blanc ___ mountain in Europe? |
27 |
a the higher b the most highest |
c the more high |
d the highest |
28 |
6 |
British people ___ tea with milk. |
a to drink |
b drink |
c drinks |
d are drink |
29 |
7 |
___ you like Chinese food? |
a Do |
b Does |
c Are |
d Is |
8 |
It’s my ___ computer. |
30 |
a parents |
b parents’ |
c parent |
d parent’s |
9 |
Could we ___ the bill, please? |
31 |
a take |
b want |
c have |
d ask |
10 |
The people ___ in room 12. |
a is |
b am |
c are |
d be |
32 |
11 |
It’s ten ___ seven. |
a to |
b for |
c at |
d in |
33 |
12 |
I ___ to classical music. |
a never to listen |
b listen never |
34 |
c never listen d don’t never listen |
13 |
Would you like ___ coffee? |
a other |
b another |
c some other |
d more one |
35 |
14 |
I haven’t ___ this photo before. |
a see |
b saw c to see |
d seen |
36 |
15 |
I can’t see. Where are my ___? |
a glasses |
b stamps |
c keys |
d lipsticks |
16 |
I like ___ in the morning. |
a that I work |
b working |
c work |
37 |
d to be work |
17 |
Thanks for ___. |
38 |
a all b the all |
c everything |
d all things |
18 |
‘Was Debussy from France?’ |
‘Yes, ___.’ |
a he were |
b was c there were |
d he was |
39 |
19 |
I’m Italian. ___ family are from Venice. |
a Our |
b My |
c Her |
d Me |
40 |
20 |
What ___ do tomorrow? |
a are you going |
b you going c are you going to |
d do you go to |
New English File Level Tests photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2005
Can I pay ___ credit card? |
a by |
b in |
c on d with |
This isn’t my money. It’s ___. |
a to you b the yours |
c your |
d yours |
Tonight’s dinner is ___ than last night’s. |
a more good |
b gooder |
c better |
d more better |
They didn’t ___ the tickets. |
a booking |
b booked |
c to book |
d book |
They’re ___. |
a bigs cars |
b cars bigs |
c big cars |
d bigs car |
___ the time? |
a What’s b What is it |
c What d What it is |
She ___ to the gym every day. |
a gets |
b goes |
c has |
d does |
I ___ do my homework last night. |
a not could |
b didn’t can c couldn’t d can’t |
There ___ telephone in my hotel room. |
a wasn’t a |
b weren’t a |
c weren’t any |
d wasn’t some |
He ___ playing the piano. |
a are |
b does |
c is |
d has |
He ___ jeans.
a doesn’t usually wear b isn’t usually wearing c wears usually d doesn’t wear usually
I ___ my new job last week.
a have begun b began |
c am begin d begin |
There isn’t ___ pasta in the kitchen. |
a some b many c a |
d any |
She ___ to cook for her boyfriend.
a isn’t going b isn’t go c aren’t going d doesn’t go
The elephant is ___ land animal in the world. a the bigger b the most big c biggest
d the biggest
___ yesterday?
a You studied b Did you studied c Did you study d Studied you
James would like ___ basketball.
a playing b to play c play d to playing
I always ___.
a work hard b hard work c hardly work d work hardly
We ___ to Canada.
a haven’t be b hasn’t been c hasn’t be d haven’t been
He ___ follow instructions.
a doesn’t can b not can c isn’t can d can’t
Choose the correct answer, a, b, c, or d.
Example: |
b |
She ___ French. She’s German. |
a aren’t |
b isn’t |
c not |
d not is |
1 |
I can’t see. Where are my ___? |
a glasses |
b stamps |
c keys |
d lipsticks |
2 |
He ___ the newspaper every day. |
a read b doesn’t reads |
c reads d don’t reads |
3 |
‘Was Picasso from Spain?’ |
‘Yes, ___.’ |
a he were |
b was c there were |
d he was |
4 |
___ you like Italian food? |
a Do |
b Does |
c Are |
d Is |
5 |
I ___ do my homework last night. |
a not could |
b didn’t can |
c couldn’t |
d can’t |
6 |
She ___ to cook for her parents. |
a isn’t going |
b isn’t go |
c aren’t going |
d doesn’t go |
7 |
___ this book before? |
a Do you read b Are you going to read |
c Are you reading |
d Have you read |
8 |
I’m Japanese. ___ family are from Tokyo. |
a Our |
b My |
c Her |
d Me |
9 |
I ___ to pop music. |
a never to listen |
b listen never |
c never listen |
d don’t never listen |
10 |
Thanks for ___. |
a all b the all |
c everything |
d all things |
11 |
Can I pay ___ credit card? |
a by |
b in |
c on |
d with |
12 |
Simon would like ___ basketball. |
a playing |
b to play |
c play |
d to playing |
13 |
Today’s breakfast is ___ than yesterday’s. |
a more good |
b gooder |
c better d more better |
14 |
What ___ do tomorrow? |
a are you going |
b are you going to |
c you going |
d do you go to |
15 |
This isn’t my umbrella. It’s ___. |
a to you |
b the yours |
c your |
d yours |
16 |
They’re ___. |
a bigs cars |
b cars bigs |
c big cars |
d bigs car |
17 |
It’s my ___ dog. |
a parents |
b parents’ |
c parent |
d parent’s |
18 |
___ the time? |
a What’s |
b What is it |
c What d What it is |
19 |
British people ___ tea with milk. |
a to drink |
b drink |
c drinks |
d are drink |
20 |
She ___ to the market every day. |
a gets |
b has |
c goes |
d does |
21 |
There ___ telephone in my hotel room. |
a wasn’t a |
b weren’t a |
c weren’t any |
d wasn’t some |
22 |
He ___ glasses. |
a doesn’t usually wear |
b isn’t usually wearing |
c wears usually d doesn’t wear usually |
23 |
He ___ follow instructions. |
a doesn’t can |
b not can |
c isn’t can |
d can’t |
24 |
I ___ my new job last month. |
a have begun |
b began |
c am begin |
d begin |
25 |
He ___ playing the guitar. |
a are |
b does |
c is |
d has |
26 |
There isn’t ___ bread in the kitchen. |
a some |
b many |
c a |
d any |
27 |
We ___ to Mexico. |
a haven’t be |
b haven’t been |
c hasn’t be |
d hasn’t been |
28 |
The elephant is ___ land animal in the world. |
a the bigger |
b the most big |
c biggest |
d the biggest |
29 |
Could we ___ the bill, please? |
a take |
b want |
c have |
d ask |
30 |
I always ___. |
a work hard |
b hard work |
c hardly work |
d work hardly |
31 |
Is Mount Everest ___ mountain in the world? |
a the higher b the most highest |
c the more high |
d the highest |
32 |
___ yesterday? |
a You studied |
b Did you study |
c Did you studied |
d Studied you |
33 |
The people ___ in room 5. |
a is b am |
c are |
d be |
34 |
This is our new teacher. ___ name is Charles. |
a His |
b Her |
c Its |
d He |
35 |
We ___ Scottish. |
a not b not are |
c aren’t |
d isn’t |
36 |
I like ___ in the evening. |
a that I work |
b working |
c work |
d to be work |
37 |
It’s ten ___ nine. |
a to |
b for |
c at |
d in |
38 |
Would you like ___ drink? |
a other |
b another |
c some other |
d more one |
39 |
They didn’t ___ the tickets. |
a booking |
b booked |
c to book d book |
40 |
I haven’t ___ this picture before. |
a seen |
b saw |
c to see |
d see |
Total |
40 |
4 |
New English File Level Tests |
photocopiable |
© Oxford University Press 2005 |
Choose the correct answer, a, b, c, or d. |
22 |
Example: |
a |
What ___ at weekends? |
23 |
a do you do |
b are you do |
c do you |
d you do |
1 |
It ___ when they went out. |
24 |
a rained b was raining |
c is raining |
d was to rain |
2 |
Did you ___ TV last night? |
25 |
a watch |
b see |
c look at |
d listen |
3 |
That’s the hotel ___ we had lunch. |
a what |
b where |
c that |
d which |
26 |
4 |
Diana ___ some wine when she went to France. |
a bought |
b buyed |
c boot |
d did buy |
27 |
5 |
I don’t get ___ very well with my brother. |
a by |
b from |
c on |
d to |
28 |
6 |
Tom always ___ golf on Sundays. |
a plays |
b play |
c to play |
d is plays |
7 |
Mary ___ a key when she was cleaning her car. |
a was finding |
b finded |
c founded |
d found |
29 |
8 |
___ I worked hard, I didn’t pass the test. |
a Although |
b So |
c Because |
d But |
30 |
9 |
My parents ___ to stay with us next week. |
a comes |
b coming c is coming |
d are coming |
31 |
10 |
Come on, it’s time ___. |
a to go |
b going |
c we go |
d go |
32 |
11 |
Can you look ___ my dog this weekend? |
a with |
b away |
c up |
d after |
12 |
Who ___ the answer to this question? |
33 |
a knows |
b know |
c does know |
d does knows |
13 |
When I got to work I remembered that ___ my |
34 |
mobile at home. |
a I’d leave b I was leaving |
c I’d left |
d I left |
14 |
My father ___ be a builder. |
35 |
a used to |
b was |
c use to d did use to |
15 |
I haven’t tidied my office ___. |
a just |
b already |
c yet |
d since |
36 |
16 |
I can sing, but not as ___ as my sister. |
a well |
b good |
c best |
d better |
37 |
17 |
That’s my money! Give ___! |
a back |
b it back |
c back it |
d it |
18 |
Richard isn’t very good ___. |
38 |
a to dance |
b at dancing |
c dancing |
d dance |
19 |
I’m sure Canada isn’t as big ___ Russia. |
39 |
a as |
b than |
c to |
d like |
20 |
It’s important ___ too much alcohol. |
a not to drinking |
b not to drink |
c not drink |
40 |
d not drinks |
21 |
We ___ take a map. |
a should |
b should to |
c might to d might |
New English File Level Tests photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2005
___ dinner in a restaurant today.
a I have b I having c I’m having d I’m to have
Cameras aren’t allowed here – you ___ take photos. a mustn’t b don’t have to c must not to
d have to
Pam ___ eat cheese, but she does now.
a didn’t used to b did use to c didn’t use to d wasn’t to
We ___ late and the game had already started. a arrived b had arrived c didn’t arrive d were arriving
Your diet is terrible. You don’t eat ___.
a many vegetables |
b enough vegetable |
c vegetables enough |
d many vegetable |
If we had the money, we ___ get a taxi. |
a will can b can |
c would can d could |
___ my best friend since 1999.
a I’ve known b I knew c I’m knowing d I know
You ___ the new café in town. The coffee’s terrible. a aren’t like b won’t like c isn’t like
d won’t liking
There’s always a lot of traffic going ___ the bridge. a over b in c at d through
This road was built ___ the Romans. a of b for c by d with
Michelangelo ___ some of his best works in Rome. a painted b was painted c is painting
d has painted
You eat ___ chocolate – you really should give up. a too much b enough c very many d much
How ___ your name?
a is it pronounced b you pronounce c do you pronounce d to pronounce
I ___ come to the party tonight.
a might not b don’t might c don’t to d not
I’m really tired – I only got ___ hours’ sleep. a not many b a few c a little d few
Your papers are on the floor. Why don’t you ___?
a pick them up |
b pick up them |
c pick up to them |
d pick them |
If you take your time, ___ the right decision. a you make b you’d make c you’ll make d you’re making
I ___ the museum because I hadn’t brought a map. a couldn’t find b couldn’t to find c can’t find d hadn’t found
She told me ___ number, but I can’t remember it. a my b his c her d hers
Choose the correct answer, a, b, c, or d.
Example: |
a |
What ___ at weekends? |
a do you do |
b are you do |
c do you |
d you do |
1 |
Sally ___ some money when she was cleaning her |
car. |
a was finding |
b finded |
c founded d found |
2 |
I can sing, but not as ___ as my brother. |
a well b good |
c best |
d better |
3 |
If we had the money, we ___ get a taxi to the theatre. |
a will can b can |
c would can |
d could |
4 |
You ___ the new restaurant. The food’s terrible. |
a aren’t like |
b won’t like |
c isn’t like |
d won’t liking |
5 Susan ___ drive, but she does now.
a didn’t used to b did use to c didn’t use to d wasn’t to
6 When I got home I remembered that ___ my
mobile at work. |
a I’d leave b I was leaving |
c I left d I’d left |
7 |
I haven’t tidied my flat ___. |
a just |
b already |
c yet |
d since |
8 |
Michelangelo ___ some of his best works in Rome. |
a painted b was painted |
c is painting |
d has painted |
9 |
How ___ your name? |
a is it pronounced |
b you pronounce |
c do you pronounce |
d to pronounce |
10 |
___ I worked hard, I didn’t pass the test. |
a Although |
b So |
c Because |
d But |
11 |
I’m really tired – I only got ___ hours’ sleep. |
a not many |
b a few |
c a little |
d few |
12 |
We ___ late and the film had already started. |
a arrived b had arrived |
c didn’t arrive |
d were arriving |
13 |
She told me ___ number, but I can’t remember it. |
a my |
b his |
c her |
d hers |
14 |
Peter always ___ golf on Wednesdays. |
a plays |
b play |
c to play |
d is plays |
15 |
Did you ___ TV last night? |
a watch |
b see |
c look at |
d listen |
16 |
This building was built ___ the Romans. |
a of b for |
c by |
d with |
17 |
Your clothes are on the floor. Why don’t you ___? |
a pick them up |
b pick up them |
c pick up to them |
d pick them |
18 |
That’s the café ___ we had breakfast. |
a what |
b where |
c that |
d which |
19 |
I ___ the house because I hadn’t brought a map. |
a couldn’t find |
b couldn’t to find |
c can’t find |
d hadn’t found |
6 |
20 |
Julie ___ some wine when she went to Spain. |
a did buy |
b buyed |
c boot |
d bought |
21 |
There’s always a lot of traffic going ___ the bridge. |
a over |
b in |
c at |
d through |
22 |
I don’t get ___ very well with my cousin. |
a by |
b from |
c on |
d to |
23 |
Your diet is terrible. You don’t eat ___. |
a many vegetables |
b enough vegetable |
c vegetables enough |
d many vegetable |
24 |
Jeremy isn’t very good ___. |
a to dance |
b at dancing |
c dancing |
d dance |
25 |
You eat ___ chocolate – you really should give up. |
a too much |
b enough |
c very many |
d much |
26 |
We ___ take a map. |
a might to |
b should to |
c should d might |
27 |
Who ___ the answer to this question? |
a knows |
b know |
c does know |
d does knows |
28 |
My grandparents ___ to stay with us next week. |
a comes |
b coming |
c is coming |
d are coming |
29 |
It ___ when they went out. |
a rained b was raining |
c is raining |
d was to rain |
30 |
I ___ come to the party tonight. |
a might not |
b don’t might |
c don’t to |
d not |
31 |
Can you look ___ my cat this weekend? |
a with |
b away |
c up |
d after |
32 |
I’m sure Australia isn’t as big ___ America. |
a as |
b than |
c to |
d like |
33 |
That’s my money! Give ___! |
a back |
b it back |
c back it |
d it |
34 |
It’s important ___ too much alcohol. |
a not to drinking |
b not to drink |
c not drink |
d not drinks |
35 |
___ my best friend since 1985. |
a I’ve known |
b I knew |
c I’m knowing |
d I know |
36 |
Come on, it’s time ___. |
a go |
b going |
c we go |
d to go |
37 |
___ lunch in a restaurant today. |
38 |
a I have |
b I having |
c I’m having |
d I’m to have |
Cameras aren’t allowed here – you ___ take photos. |
a mustn’t b don’t have to |
c must not to |
d have to |
39 |
My uncle ___ be a doctor. |
a used to |
b was |
c use to d did use to |
40 |
If you take your time, ___ the right decision. |
a you make |
b you’d make |
c you’ll make |
d you’re making |
Total 40
New English File Level Tests photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2005
Choose the correct answer, a, b, c, or d. |
20 |
Example: |
a |
What ___ last weekend? |
21 |
a did you do |
b are you do |
c have you done |
d you did |
22 |
1 |
___ Kate nor I want to go to London. |
a Neither |
b Both |
c Either |
d Not |
2 |
We ___ together since last year. |
23 |
a live b are living |
c lived d ’ve been living |
3 |
What’s the matter? You ___ sad. |
a see b look like |
c look |
d ’re look |
24 |
4 |
This food isn’t ___. |
a enough hot |
b hot enough |
c much hot |
25 |
d very much hot |
5 |
What ___ tomorrow night? |
26 |
a are you doing b do you do |
c you do |
d are you do |
6 |
There were ___ people at the match. |
27 |
a very little b very small |
c very few |
d not much |
28 |
7 |
They won’t ___ use their mobiles. |
a can b be able |
c be able to |
d can to |
29 |
8 |
When is it going to stop ___? |
a to rain |
b rain |
c to raining |
d raining |
9 |
We enjoyed ___ at the party. |
30 |
a each b each other |
c ourselves |
d us |
10 |
His parents didn’t ___ him go out. |
31 |
a allow |
b let |
c permit |
d leave |
11 |
We were really ___ with the weather. |
32 |
a disappointed |
b disappoint |
c disappointing |
d disappointment |
12 |
She doesn’t go to the gym ___. |
33 |
a no more |
b no longer |
c more |
d any more |
13 |
I studied chemistry at ___ university. |
34 |
a the |
b – |
c a |
d an |
14 |
That’s the house ___ we live. |
35 |
a – |
b which |
c that |
d where |
15 |
I have a bath ___ I get home. |
36 |
a as soon as |
b as soon |
c so soon that |
d when that |
37 |
16 |
Would you marry him if he ___ you? |
a would ask |
b asks |
c did ask |
d asked |
38 |
17 |
I can’t ___ to buy a new car. |
a afford |
b spend |
c pay |
d think |
18 |
They’ll move to France when their baby ___. |
39 |
a will be born |
b is being born |
c is born |
d would be born |
40 |
19 She speaks English ___ than me.
a more better b better c more well d so better
New English File Level Tests photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2005
Can I ___ cheque? |
a pay by |
b pay with c pay in d pay on |
I don’t like ___ coffee or tea. |
a neither |
b or |
c both |
d either |
I ___ get in through the window. |
a managed to |
b could to |
c was able |
d managed |
I’m tired. I ___ all day. |
a study b ’ve been studying |
c ’m studying |
d was studying |
I ___ go to the dentist yesterday. |
a must |
b musted |
c had to |
d have to |
That’s the boy ___ parents I met. |
a which |
b whom |
c who |
d whose |
When is that letter ___? |
a going to be sent |
b going to send |
c will be sent |
d to send |
Is there a tennis ___ near here? |
a pitch |
b place |
c stadium |
d court |
I refused ___ to them. |
a to talk |
b talk |
c to talking |
d talking |
Can you tell me where ___? |
a the post office is |
b is the post office |
c the post office |
d post office |
He needs to ___ a diet. |
a do |
b get |
c go on |
d be |
He said he ___ school in 1998. |
a left |
b leaves |
c has left |
d leave |
He works too hard so it’s not ___ he’s ill. |
a surprise |
b to surprise |
c surprising |
d surprised |
I think the battery’s ___ in this camera.
a out |
b missing |
c losing |
d missed |
He didn’t buy that computer, ___? |
a is it b didn’t he |
c did he |
d isn’t it |
Can you ___ a favour? |
a make b make me |
c do |
d do me |
They don’t get ___ very well. |
a together |
b on |
c in d by |
Do you ___ if I open the window? |
a matter |
b mind |
c think |
d wish |
Tell him ___. |
a not to come b not come |
c not coming |
d don’t come |
I’ll take some water ___ I get thirsty. |
a so |
b although |
c in case |
d unless |
I never ___ eat so much.
a used to b didn’t used to c use to d didn’t use to
Total 40
Choose the correct answer, a, b, c, or d.
Example: |
a |
What ___ last weekend? |
a did you do |
b are you do |
c have you done |
d you did |
1 |
That’s the girl ___ parents I met. |
a which |
b whom |
c who |
d whose |
2 |
I ___ get in through the window. |
a managed to |
b could to |
c was able |
d managed |
3 |
They won’t ___ use their mobiles. |
a can |
b be able to |
c be able |
d can to |
4 |
I ___ go to the doctors yesterday. |
a must |
b musted |
c had to |
d have to |
5 |
He said he ___ school in 2001. |
a left |
b eaves |
c has left |
d leave |
6 |
Is there a tennis ___ near here? |
a pitch |
b place |
c stadium |
d court |
7 |
This food isn’t ___. |
a enough hot |
b hot enough |
c much hot |
d very much hot |
8 |
I refused ___ to them. |
a to talk |
b talk c to talking |
d talking |
9 |
He didn’t buy that jacket, ___? |
a is it |
b didn’t he |
c did he |
d isn’t it |
10 |
Can you tell me where ___? |
a the post office is |
b is the post office |
c the post office |
d post office |
11 |
She works too hard so it’s not ___ she’s ill. |
a surprise |
b to surprise |
c surprised |
d surprising |
12 |
Can you ___ a favour? |
a make |
b make me |
c do d do me |
13 |
I have a shower ___ I get home. |
a as soon as |
b as soon |
c o soon that |
d when that |
14 |
I studied geography at ___ university. |
a the |
b – |
c a |
d an |
15 |
Would you marry him if he ___ you? |
a would ask |
b asks |
c did ask |
d asked |
16 |
They’ll move to Ireland when their baby ___. |
a will be born |
b is being born |
c is born |
d would be born |
17 |
She speaks Russian ___ than me. |
a more better |
b better |
c more well |
d so better |
18 |
That’s the flat ___ we live. |
a – |
b which |
c that |
d where |
19 |
Can I ___ cheque? |
a pay by |
b pay with |
c pay in |
d pay on |
20 |
I think the battery’s ___ in this camera. |
a out |
b missing |
c losing |
d missed |
21 |
I’m tired. I ___ all day. |
a study b ’ve been studying |
c ’m studying |
d was studying |
22 |
I never ___ eat so much. |
a used to b didn’t used to |
c use to |
d didn’t use to |
23 |
I’ll take some water ___ I get thirsty. |
a so |
b although |
c in case |
d unless |
24 |
I can’t ___ to buy a new bike. |
a afford |
b spend |
c pay |
d think |
25 |
They don’t get ___ very well. |
a together |
b on |
c in |
d by |
26 |
I was really ___ with the weather. |
a disappointed |
b disappoint |
c disappointing |
d disappointment |
27 |
Do you ___ if I open the window? |
a matter |
b mind |
c think |
d wish |
28 |
We ___ together since last January. |
a live b are living |
c lived |
d ’ve been living |
29 |
Paul needs to ___ a diet. |
a do |
b get |
c go on |
d be |
30 |
I don’t like ___ coffee or tea. |
a neither |
b or |
c both |
d either |
31 |
Tell her ___. |
a not to come |
b not come |
c not coming |
d don’t come |
32 |
We enjoyed ___ at the party. |
a each |
b each other c ourselves |
d us |
33 |
What ___ tomorrow evening? |
a are you doing |
b do you do |
c you do |
d are you do |
34 |
___ Jim nor I want to go to Bristol. |
a Neither |
b Both |
c Either |
d Not |
35 |
There were ___ people at the cinema. |
a very little |
b very small |
c very few |
d not much |
36 |
When is that letter ___? |
a going to be sent |
b going to send |
c will be sent |
d to send |
37 |
When is it going to stop ___? |
a to rain |
b rain |
c to raining |
d raining |
38 |
Her mother didn’t ___ her go out. |
a leave |
b let |
c permit |
d allow |
39 |
What’s the matter? You ___ sad. |
a see b look like |
c look |
d ’re look |
40 |
He doesn’t go to the gym ___. |
a no more |
b no longer |
c more |
d any more |
Total |
40 |
New English File Level Tests photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2005
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New English File Level Tests |
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© Oxford University Press 2005 |
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English File, Elementary, Tests for Students with Dyslexia.
Фрагмент из книги.
An Italian teacher talks about his life and his job. Hi, I’m Giorgio Salvatore. I’m 26 years old and I’m from Calabria in the south of Italy. My father is Italian and my mother is from Argentina. She’s a Spanish teacher in a school in Calabria. My best friend is Marco. He’s from Calabria too, and he’s a student at the University of Rome.
Glastonbury is a pretty town in the south-west of England. You can see tourists in the town centre at any time of the year, because it has some famous monuments, such as Glastonbury Abbey and St John’s Church. It is a small, quiet town and it doesn’t have a cinema, a theatre, or a nightclub. However, every year, in June, around 150,000 music fans arrive for ‘Glasto’, the world famous Glastonbury Festival. The festival started in 1970, and it takes place at Worthy Farm, around 10 km from the town of Glastonbury. It’s four days of music from some of the world’s top performers: singers like Beyoncé, and bands like U2 and Coldplay.
Glastonbury Festival is very big and you can walk around and hear different music in different places. Over 300 singers and bands come to play their music there, so it has nearly everything. Rock, reggae, and rap are some of the things you can hear, but there isn’t any classical music. The Glastonbury Arts Festival is for people who like classical music, but that’s in August.
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учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык
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