Экзамен на права в нью йорке

Step 1:  Determine the Document Class You Need

Before you apply for a learner permit you must choose what type of document you need based on the type of vehicle you will be driving and how you will be using it. Each type of license has unique requirements.

  • Class D:  Operator — this is what most people have (or DJ — Junior Operator, if under 18) 
  • Class A, B, or, C: Commercial (CDL) — required to drive tractor-trailers, buses, etc. Learn about CDLs.
  • Class M:  Motorcycle — Learn about motorcycle licenses.
  • Class E:  Taxi or Livery — Learn about taxi and livery licenses.

Step 2: Determine the Document Type You Need

  • Standard
    • beginning May 3, 2023, not accepted to board a domestic (within the U.S.) flight or to enter some federal buildings
    • Has ‘NOT FOR FEDERAL PURPOSES’ on the front
    • can be used to board a domestic (within the U.S.) flight
    • has a white star in a black circle on the front
  • Enhanced
    • can be used to board a domestic flight (within the U.S.)
    • can be used to enter the U.S. at land crossings from Canada, Mexico, and some Caribbean countries
    • has a U.S. flag on the front
    • costs an additional $30

Step 3: Prepare to Take Your Permit Test

  • Study the New York State Driver’s Manual
  • Take the permit test practice quizzes. 

Both Class D and M permit tests are given in 16 languages: English, Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Bosnian, Chinese, French, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Polish, Russian and Spanish.

Step 4: Gather the Documents You Will Need

You will need to provide:

  • proof of age
  • proof of identification
  • proof of residence

Complete one of the guides below to determine the documents and proofs of identification you will need before you apply.

Guide for Enhanced or REAL ID Permit

Guide for Standard Permit

You can also see a complete list:  How to Apply for a New York Learner Permit/Driver License/Non-Driver ID Card (PDF) (ID-44).

Step 5: Apply and Take Your Permit Test

You can begin your application online or at a DMV office


You can submit your application and take your test online, at home, and come to the DMV to complete your application. You will need access to a web-enabled PC, smartphone, or tablet with a webcam, your proof of identity, and a parent or guardian to supervise your test-taking if you are under 18.

See how to take your permit test online.

At a DMV office

Bring your

  • application
  • proofs of identity, age, and residence
  • fee for payment – see the fee chart to estimate the cost

To pass, you must get at least 14 of the 20 multiple-choice questions correct, including the correct answers to at least two of the four questions about road signs. If you do not pass you can try again. If you pass your written test we will give you a temporary permit at the office. You will receive your permit within 2 weeks by mail.

See the location, instructions, and reservation information for your DMV

Step 6:  Practice Driving and Take a Pre-licensing Course

Once you have a learner permit, you must have supervised driving practice and take a pre-licensing course or a driver education course before taking your road test. Be sure to follow restrictions on where and when you can drive. 

Find a driving school to practice supervised driving.

Step 7: Schedule and Take a Road Test

See how to schedule and take a road test.

After your road test, the examiner will give you instructions on how to receive your test results. 

If you pass your test, an interim license that allows you to drive will be available online. Keep the interim license with your photo learner permit until your new license arrives in the mail (in about 2 weeks). 

For a Class D, Class DJ, and Class E driver license, the expiration date of your learner permit becomes the expiration date of your driver license. The learner permit and the driver license are valid for a maximum of 5 years. When you apply for a learner permit and a driver license, you pay the fee for the length of time that the documents are valid.

Рассказываю как получить водительские права в Нью-Йорке. Весь процесс в подробностях, как я пошагово делал это с октября 2021 по февраль 2022 года.

Почему-то не нашел толкового руководства, как это сделать. Везде все лили воду без примеров и подробностей. Поэтому решил сам все исправить и описать в подробностях.

Чтобы получить водительские права, мне понадобилось:

  1. Записаться на получение допуска к обучению — learning permit.
  2. Сдать онлайн-тест с теорией.
  3. Прийти в офис с документами, сделать фото и оплатить сборы.
  4. Съездить в автошколу и получить сертификат о прохождении предлицензионного курса (MV-278)
  5. Записаться и сдать практический экзамен по вождению — road test.

1. Получение learning permit

Идем на сайт NY DMV, и жмем на кнопку «Begin your online permit application». Это что-то вроде местного сайта ГАИ или ГИБДД.

Есть подробный список документов, которые подойдут для получения водительских прав.

Чтобы допуститься к прохождению теста, нужно собрать документы. Я предоставил фото: Соушл Секьюрити Намбер — SSN (если его нет, то нужен документ, который будет это подтверждать), иностранные водительские права и Нью-Йорк Aйди — NYC ID.

Документы для получения learning permit в DMV.

Если у вас нет нужных документов, то подойдет иностранный паспорт с американской визой, а для подтверждения проживания в Нью-Йорке сойдет и распечатанная выписка из банка.

После этого необходимо заполнить форму:
Форма для получения допуска до обучения для Learning permit.

Прикрепляем все документы и отправляем. После этого, нам становится доступно прохождение онлайн-теста с теорией. Ссылка на прохождение отправляется на почту.

2. Сдача теоретического экзамена

DMV 2021 appПриложение DMV-2021 в Appstore.

Для подготовки к тесту я использовал мобильной приложение DMV-2021. Тест мне показался очень простым, я без подготовки правильно ответил на 80% вопросов. Повторил это трижды и пошел сдавать тест на официальном сайте DMV. Из 50 вопросов допустил только одну ошибку.

3. Офис DMV в Нью-Йорке

После сдачи теста я записался с визитом в офис DMV. Хорошо, что ближайшая доступная дата была через несколько дней.

На почту приходит уведомление с QR-кодом, который нужно будет показать на входе.

Подтверждение визита в офис DMV NY.

Приехал в офис в назначенное время.
Офис DMV на 31-й улице, Манхэттен, Нью-Йорк.

Там еще раз заполнил анкету, т.к у меня нет дома принтера, чтобы распечатать электронную версию. И с помощью QR-кода получил номер своей очереди.

Жду своей очереди. Сперва по этому номеру вызывают фотографироваться. А потом ждешь еще полчаса и вызывает второй раз, чтобы оформить документы.

Ожидание в очереди DMV.

Подошла моя очередь. У меня попросили оригиналы документов, которые я загружал при заполнении формы. Проверил зрение и оплатил 77,50$.
Каждый номер объявляют на экране и в микрофон. Но очень легко прослушать и пропустить свою очередь. Поэтому нужно слушать и внимательно смотреть на синий экран.

Все заняло ровно 72 минуты и временное разрешение на обучение у меня на руках. Оригинал приходит на почту в течение 10 дней.
Временное разрешение на обучение, оно же learning permit.

Теперь можно записаться в автошколу, чтобы прослушать лекцию и получить сертификат для прохождения экзамена по вождению. Кто не умеет водить — может дополнительно взять уроки вождения с инструктором.

4. Получение сертификата MV-278

Сперва я зашел на Фейсбук и спросил, где можно получить этот сертификат. Мне порекомендовали одну автошколу на Брайтон-Бич, куда я в итоге и поехал. В автошколе мне сказали, что для получения сертификата MV-278 необходимо прослушать 5-часовой курс, в онлайне. Я оплатил 60$ и поехал домой. Курс проводится в Зуме, и как я потом понял, никто не проверяет как внимательно ты его слушаешь.

По почте через в течении 12 дней приходит пластиковый learning permit. Он нужен, чтобы получить сертификат в автошколе.

Сертификат об окончании 5-часового курса в автошколе. Стоил 60$, трансляция проводилась в Зуме.

5. Записаться и сдать практический экзамен по вождению

Когда я получил сертификат, я сразу же пошел на сайт DMV, чтобы записаться на road test для сдачи практического экзамена по вождению. Ближайшая дата была буквально через два месяца. Спрос сумасшедший.

Выбор ближайшей даты для экзамена по вождению.

Договорился автошколе, чтобы сдавать тест на их машине за 200$. Да-да, стоимость просто дичь. Но у меня не было других вариантов, потому что все мои друзья с машинами уехали из города на новогодние праздники.
Лучше всего попросить знакомых, чтобы сдать тест на их машине.
Приехали на локацию в назначенное время. Озон парк, Квинс, Нью-Йорк.

Первый практический экзамен я не сдал. Сейчас допускается получить 30 штрафных баллов, а мне начислили целых 40. Как потом анализировал, нужно было взять хотя бы 1 урок с инструктором, чтобы узнать особенности сдачи экзамена. Это важно независимо от того, как давно у меня права и насколько хорошо я умею водить.

В подготовке к пересдаче мне помог ролик на Ютубе.

Я повторно записался на тест и через два месяца успешно его сдал на машине своей подруги. Права должны прислать по почте через 2 недели.

Результаты можно узнать только вечером на сайте. Ссылка указана на карточке, которую тебе вручают обратно с документами.

Итого: 337,50$

77,50$ — оформление документов в DMV.
60$ — пятичасовой курс теории в автошколе.
200$ — сдача экзамена на машине автошколы.

Поделитесь этой заметкой с друзьями, которые также собираются получить водительские права в Нью-Йорке.

P.S. Всем удачи. Готовьтесь, и самое главное — не волнуйтесь!

3 273

Тесты штата Нью-Йорк

Тест №1

На знание правил дорожного движения в штате Нью-Йорк.

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Тест №2

На знание правил дорожного движения в штате Нью-Йорк.

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Тест №3

На знание правил дорожного движения в штате Нью-Йорк.

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Тест №4

На знание правил дорожного движения в штате Нью-Йорк.

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Тест №5

На знание правил дорожного движения в штате Нью-Йорк.

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Тест №6

На знание правил дорожного движения в штате Нью-Йорк.

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After you get your driving permit in New York, you can schedule a road test for your driver’s license. While the road test can be intimidating, it’s only about 15 minutes long and it will be easier if you take time to practice. Once you arrive at the DMV on the day of your test, stay confident and attentive while you’re driving so you can do your best. As long as you follow the rules of the road and drive safely, you’ll be sure to pass the test!

  1. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 1


    Get your learner’s permit. Before taking a road test in New York, you need to obtain a learner’s permit by providing proof of identity at the DMV and passing a written test. The written test consists of 20 questions, and you need to answer at least 14 correctly to pass. Once you pass the test, your permit will arrive in the mail within 2 weeks.[1]

    • You must be at least 16 years old to get your learner’s permit. If you are under 18, you will need to bring a parent or guardian to the DMV with you to sign some forms.
    • You do not need to show proof of immigration status for non-commercial driver’s licenses, but you still must pass the same tests as everyone else.
    • Study the New York Learner’s Permit Manual and take practice tests through the New York DMV website to get a better score on your written test.
    • Schedule your appointment online so you don’t have to wait at the DMV.
  2. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 2


    Get in at least 50 hours of supervised driving to practice. After you get your permit, you can drive a vehicle as long as you have a licensed driver with you that’s over 21. Try driving during different times of the day or weather conditions so you can get hands-on practice in multiple elements. Look for less busy suburban roads for when you first start driving so there isn’t as much traffic, but move to busier areas once you start feeling comfortable.[2]

    • If you’re under 18, then you’re required to log 50 hours of driving time and have a form signed by a parent or guardian.
    • You don’t have to drive exactly 50 hours if you’re over 18, but it will give you more practice so you feel more confident behind the wheel.
    • Make sure to drive at least 15 hours at night and 10 hours in heavier traffic so you know what to expect when you’re driving later on.


  3. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 3


    Work on gently accelerating and braking to prevent abrupt starts and stops. Don’t push hard on the accelerator or else you could jump forward and cause an accident. Instead, slowly press the pedal with your toe so you ease up to speed. When you need to slow down or stop, use the same foot to lightly press the brake pedal so you gradually slow down rather than abruptly stop.[3]

    • Make sure you’re in the correct gear if you’re driving a manual vehicle.
    • Check that you stop before the front of your car passes the end of an intersection or a crosswalk since you could lose points on your road test if you go too far.

    Tip: Every vehicle brakes differently, so be sure to practice driving in the one you plan on using for your test so you’re familiar with how the brakes feel.

  4. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 4


    Practice making smooth turns so you don’t jerk around during the test. Avoid pulling out too far and turning the wheel quickly since it could cause your vehicle to jerk and will cause you to lose points on the test. Slow down as you enter the turn and ease the wheel in the direction you want to go so your turn goes smoothly. As you come out of the turn, slowly start to accelerate again back up to the speed limit.[4]

    • Be sure to always check to your left, right, and left again before making a turn. That way, you’ll be able to see if any traffic is coming your way.
  5. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 5


    Use your turn signals so other traffic knows where you’re going. Your turn signals are the lights on either side of your vehicle that blink when you’re turning. Locate the handle on or behind the steering wheel and push it up or down to turn on the signal. Look at your dashboard to see which arrow lights up so you know what side of your vehicle has a blinking light.[5]

    • If your turn signal is rapidly flashing or clicking when you turn it on, then one of the lights is burnt out and you need to replace it before your test.
  6. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 6


    Work on making a 3-point turn safely. Use your turn signals to pull next to the curb on the right side. Turn on your left signal and look over your shoulder to see if there’s any traffic coming. If there isn’t any traffic from either direction, turn your wheel as far to the left as you can to loop around toward the curb on the opposite side. Shift into reverse and watch behind you as you back up to straighten yourself out again. Change back into drive and then continue practicing.[6]

    • You will be asked to make a 3-point turn at some point during your road test.
    • Be careful not to hit the curb while you’re making your turn since you could lose points otherwise.
  7. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 7


    Refine your parallel parking abilities. Pull up next to the car you want to park behind so you can see their bumper in the rear passenger window when you look over your shoulder. Shift your vehicle into reverse and turn the steering wheel to the right to pull into the space. When the bumper on the other vehicle lines up with the front of your dash, turn your steering wheel to the left to straighten out in the space. Get within 6–9 inches (15–23 cm) of the curb and make sure your vehicle is straight.[7]

    • The evaluator will ask you to parallel park during your road test.
    • Practice using safety cones at first so you don’t damage any vehicles while you’re driving.
    • Be careful not to hit the curb or any other vehicles while you’re parallel parking.
    • Remember that the space where you want to parallel park needs to be 1½ times longer than your vehicle for you to easily fit.
  8. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 8


    Familiarize yourself with road signs so you know what they mean. Look at pictures of road signs and check what they mean online or in a DMV driver’s manual. If you still have trouble remembering signs, try making flashcards with pictures of the signs on one side and what they mean on the other. Keep memorizing the road signs and following them closely while you’re practicing on the road.[8]

    • Some of the major road signs you need to know are: Stop, Yield, Speed Limit, and Do Not Enter.
    • Make sure you also know how to read a traffic light since you’ll usually need to drive through an intersection with lights.
  9. 9

    Complete a five-hour pre-licensing course. Anyone who did not complete a driver’s education course, regardless of age, must complete a five-hour pre-licensing course before being allowed to take the road test. This course is offered by most driving schools, as well as some high schools and community colleges. During the course, you will have the opportunity to ask the instructor questions about safe driving, and you will learn about the dangers of drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs, as well as what you can do to prevent collisions. Until you obtain your certificate of completion, the DMV will not allow you to take the road test.

  10. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 9


    Schedule your road test online. Go to the New York DMV website and find the option where you can schedule your road test. Pick the DMV office that’s closest to you and look at the available times for the test. Make an appointment for a time that works best for you to take the test and write it down so you don’t forget about it.[9]

    • If you’re under 18, you must wait until 6 months after you get your permit to schedule your test.
    • You can always cancel your test as long as it’s 1 full day before the scheduled time.
    • Make sure to get a good night’s sleep before your road test. Eat a good breakfast the morning of and bring all of the necessary documentation, like your permit and driver’s certificate, to your appointment.
  2. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 10


    Make sure the vehicle you’re using is in working order before your test. Turn the vehicle on and check if there are any emergency or check engine lights on in the dashboard. If there is, take the vehicle to a repair shop before your test to get it fixed. Make sure the vehicle is completely registered and insured so it’s safe and legal to drive.[10]

    • Evaluators won’t allow you to complete your road test if there is anything wrong with the vehicle.
    • If you don’t have your own vehicle, ask a friend or family member to see if you can borrow theirs. Otherwise, you may be able to rent a car from a driver training school.[11]
    • Familiarize yourself with the vehicle before the test. Learn how to adjust the seat and operate the lights, windshield wipers, and so on.
  3. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 11


    Arrive 15 minutes earlier than your scheduled test time. Schedule your road test whenever you feel comfortable taking it. Bring another person with you in your vehicle when you go to the DMV where you scheduled your road test. Be sure to get there at least 15 minutes early so you can check in and let the evaluators know that you’re there. Wait patiently for your them to call your name so your test can begin.[12]

    • Don’t drive to your road test by yourself since it is illegal to drive unsupervised with only a permit.
    • DMV offices may handle road tests and checking in differently, so follow whatever instructions they give you when you arrive.
    • It’s very important that you are not late for your appointment.
  4. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 12


    Adjust your mirrors before you start your vehicle. When your test is starting, check your side-view mirrors and adjust them by hand or with the arrows on your door or dashboard. Make sure you can see the back of your vehicle and in the next lane over in each mirror. Then position your rearview mirror so you can clearly see out the back window.[13]

    • Even if you drove the vehicle last and the mirrors are in place, readjust them so the evaluator knows that you’ve done it. That way, you won’t lose any points for them.
  5. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 13


    Follow the evaluator’s instructions carefully so you know what to do next. The evaluator for your test will tell what to do throughout the test, so the order that you do things may vary. Usually, the road test involves driving down roads with light or medium traffic, making a 3-point turn, and parallel parking your vehicle. Follow their directions closely so you don’t miss any information, and ask them to clarify if you’re confused.

    • The road test will only last about 15 minutes.
    • The evaluator won’t try to trick you during your road test.
    • Be courteous to the evaluator. Also, ask them what typically causes other drivers to fail the test and see if they have any tips for you.
  6. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 14


    Be attentive of your surroundings by checking your mirrors and other drivers. Keep your eyes on the road and watch for traffic or other hazards around you. Every few seconds, check your side-view and rearview mirrors so to see if there are vehicles around you. Keep both hands on the wheel so you have the most control. Stay 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you so you’re a safe following distance away and less likely to get into an accident.[14]

    • Turn your head to look at your mirrors even if you can see them with a quick glance. That way, the evaluator can see that you’re paying attention to your surroundings.
  7. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 15


    Maintain the speed limit throughout your road test. Check for a speed limit sign as soon as you get on the road so you know how fast you’re allowed to go. Keep your speed limit at or slightly below the limit while you’re driving so you don’t speed, which will automatically lose you points. Keep your foot steady on the accelerator and press the brakes if you need to slow down.[15]

    Warning: Don’t go too slow while you’re taking your road test since you could lose points for being too cautious and holding up traffic.[16]

  8. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 16


    Don’t lose more than 30 points during your test. The evaluator will remove points whenever they notice a mistake, such as speeding, forgetting to use a turn signal, or hitting the curb. Each evaluator may remove points differently, so just drive as safe as you possibly can to get a good score. If you lose less than 30 points, then you can get your license, but if you lost more, then you need to retake your test.

    • You may automatically fail if you break any traffic laws or get in an accident during the test.
    • You can set up 2 different times when you first schedule a road test, but each time afterward will have an additional charge.
  9. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 17


    Wait for your license to come in the mail 2 weeks after your test. If you pass your test, the evaluator will give you an interim license you can use with your permit to continue driving. Wait about 2 weeks for your official license to come in the mail before disposing of your learner’s permit. Once you have your license, you’re free to drive on your own.[17]

    • If you fail your road test, then you won’t get your license but you can schedule additional test dates.
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  • If you’re under 18, you can’t schedule your road test until 6 months after you receive your driving permits.[18]

  • You can schedule 2 tests when you first take your road test, but additional tests afterward will cost more money.


  • Always be attentive of other drivers while you’re on the road so you don’t get into any accidents.



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After you get your driving permit in New York, you can schedule a road test for your driver’s license. While the road test can be intimidating, it’s only about 15 minutes long and it will be easier if you take time to practice. Once you arrive at the DMV on the day of your test, stay confident and attentive while you’re driving so you can do your best. As long as you follow the rules of the road and drive safely, you’ll be sure to pass the test!

  1. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 1


    Get your learner’s permit. Before taking a road test in New York, you need to obtain a learner’s permit by providing proof of identity at the DMV and passing a written test. The written test consists of 20 questions, and you need to answer at least 14 correctly to pass. Once you pass the test, your permit will arrive in the mail within 2 weeks.[1]

    • You must be at least 16 years old to get your learner’s permit. If you are under 18, you will need to bring a parent or guardian to the DMV with you to sign some forms.
    • You do not need to show proof of immigration status for non-commercial driver’s licenses, but you still must pass the same tests as everyone else.
    • Study the New York Learner’s Permit Manual and take practice tests through the New York DMV website to get a better score on your written test.
    • Schedule your appointment online so you don’t have to wait at the DMV.
  2. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 2


    Get in at least 50 hours of supervised driving to practice. After you get your permit, you can drive a vehicle as long as you have a licensed driver with you that’s over 21. Try driving during different times of the day or weather conditions so you can get hands-on practice in multiple elements. Look for less busy suburban roads for when you first start driving so there isn’t as much traffic, but move to busier areas once you start feeling comfortable.[2]

    • If you’re under 18, then you’re required to log 50 hours of driving time and have a form signed by a parent or guardian.
    • You don’t have to drive exactly 50 hours if you’re over 18, but it will give you more practice so you feel more confident behind the wheel.
    • Make sure to drive at least 15 hours at night and 10 hours in heavier traffic so you know what to expect when you’re driving later on.


  3. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 3


    Work on gently accelerating and braking to prevent abrupt starts and stops. Don’t push hard on the accelerator or else you could jump forward and cause an accident. Instead, slowly press the pedal with your toe so you ease up to speed. When you need to slow down or stop, use the same foot to lightly press the brake pedal so you gradually slow down rather than abruptly stop.[3]

    • Make sure you’re in the correct gear if you’re driving a manual vehicle.
    • Check that you stop before the front of your car passes the end of an intersection or a crosswalk since you could lose points on your road test if you go too far.

    Tip: Every vehicle brakes differently, so be sure to practice driving in the one you plan on using for your test so you’re familiar with how the brakes feel.

  4. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 4


    Practice making smooth turns so you don’t jerk around during the test. Avoid pulling out too far and turning the wheel quickly since it could cause your vehicle to jerk and will cause you to lose points on the test. Slow down as you enter the turn and ease the wheel in the direction you want to go so your turn goes smoothly. As you come out of the turn, slowly start to accelerate again back up to the speed limit.[4]

    • Be sure to always check to your left, right, and left again before making a turn. That way, you’ll be able to see if any traffic is coming your way.
  5. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 5


    Use your turn signals so other traffic knows where you’re going. Your turn signals are the lights on either side of your vehicle that blink when you’re turning. Locate the handle on or behind the steering wheel and push it up or down to turn on the signal. Look at your dashboard to see which arrow lights up so you know what side of your vehicle has a blinking light.[5]

    • If your turn signal is rapidly flashing or clicking when you turn it on, then one of the lights is burnt out and you need to replace it before your test.
  6. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 6


    Work on making a 3-point turn safely. Use your turn signals to pull next to the curb on the right side. Turn on your left signal and look over your shoulder to see if there’s any traffic coming. If there isn’t any traffic from either direction, turn your wheel as far to the left as you can to loop around toward the curb on the opposite side. Shift into reverse and watch behind you as you back up to straighten yourself out again. Change back into drive and then continue practicing.[6]

    • You will be asked to make a 3-point turn at some point during your road test.
    • Be careful not to hit the curb while you’re making your turn since you could lose points otherwise.
  7. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 7


    Refine your parallel parking abilities. Pull up next to the car you want to park behind so you can see their bumper in the rear passenger window when you look over your shoulder. Shift your vehicle into reverse and turn the steering wheel to the right to pull into the space. When the bumper on the other vehicle lines up with the front of your dash, turn your steering wheel to the left to straighten out in the space. Get within 6–9 inches (15–23 cm) of the curb and make sure your vehicle is straight.[7]

    • The evaluator will ask you to parallel park during your road test.
    • Practice using safety cones at first so you don’t damage any vehicles while you’re driving.
    • Be careful not to hit the curb or any other vehicles while you’re parallel parking.
    • Remember that the space where you want to parallel park needs to be 1½ times longer than your vehicle for you to easily fit.
  8. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 8


    Familiarize yourself with road signs so you know what they mean. Look at pictures of road signs and check what they mean online or in a DMV driver’s manual. If you still have trouble remembering signs, try making flashcards with pictures of the signs on one side and what they mean on the other. Keep memorizing the road signs and following them closely while you’re practicing on the road.[8]

    • Some of the major road signs you need to know are: Stop, Yield, Speed Limit, and Do Not Enter.
    • Make sure you also know how to read a traffic light since you’ll usually need to drive through an intersection with lights.
  9. 9

    Complete a five-hour pre-licensing course. Anyone who did not complete a driver’s education course, regardless of age, must complete a five-hour pre-licensing course before being allowed to take the road test. This course is offered by most driving schools, as well as some high schools and community colleges. During the course, you will have the opportunity to ask the instructor questions about safe driving, and you will learn about the dangers of drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs, as well as what you can do to prevent collisions. Until you obtain your certificate of completion, the DMV will not allow you to take the road test.

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  1. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 9


    Schedule your road test online. Go to the New York DMV website and find the option where you can schedule your road test. Pick the DMV office that’s closest to you and look at the available times for the test. Make an appointment for a time that works best for you to take the test and write it down so you don’t forget about it.[9]

    • If you’re under 18, you must wait until 6 months after you get your permit to schedule your test.
    • You can always cancel your test as long as it’s 1 full day before the scheduled time.
    • Make sure to get a good night’s sleep before your road test. Eat a good breakfast the morning of and bring all of the necessary documentation, like your permit and driver’s certificate, to your appointment.
  2. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 10


    Make sure the vehicle you’re using is in working order before your test. Turn the vehicle on and check if there are any emergency or check engine lights on in the dashboard. If there is, take the vehicle to a repair shop before your test to get it fixed. Make sure the vehicle is completely registered and insured so it’s safe and legal to drive.[10]

    • Evaluators won’t allow you to complete your road test if there is anything wrong with the vehicle.
    • If you don’t have your own vehicle, ask a friend or family member to see if you can borrow theirs. Otherwise, you may be able to rent a car from a driver training school.[11]
    • Familiarize yourself with the vehicle before the test. Learn how to adjust the seat and operate the lights, windshield wipers, and so on.
  3. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 11


    Arrive 15 minutes earlier than your scheduled test time. Schedule your road test whenever you feel comfortable taking it. Bring another person with you in your vehicle when you go to the DMV where you scheduled your road test. Be sure to get there at least 15 minutes early so you can check in and let the evaluators know that you’re there. Wait patiently for your them to call your name so your test can begin.[12]

    • Don’t drive to your road test by yourself since it is illegal to drive unsupervised with only a permit.
    • DMV offices may handle road tests and checking in differently, so follow whatever instructions they give you when you arrive.
    • It’s very important that you are not late for your appointment.
  4. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 12


    Adjust your mirrors before you start your vehicle. When your test is starting, check your side-view mirrors and adjust them by hand or with the arrows on your door or dashboard. Make sure you can see the back of your vehicle and in the next lane over in each mirror. Then position your rearview mirror so you can clearly see out the back window.[13]

    • Even if you drove the vehicle last and the mirrors are in place, readjust them so the evaluator knows that you’ve done it. That way, you won’t lose any points for them.
  5. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 13


    Follow the evaluator’s instructions carefully so you know what to do next. The evaluator for your test will tell what to do throughout the test, so the order that you do things may vary. Usually, the road test involves driving down roads with light or medium traffic, making a 3-point turn, and parallel parking your vehicle. Follow their directions closely so you don’t miss any information, and ask them to clarify if you’re confused.

    • The road test will only last about 15 minutes.
    • The evaluator won’t try to trick you during your road test.
    • Be courteous to the evaluator. Also, ask them what typically causes other drivers to fail the test and see if they have any tips for you.
  6. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 14


    Be attentive of your surroundings by checking your mirrors and other drivers. Keep your eyes on the road and watch for traffic or other hazards around you. Every few seconds, check your side-view and rearview mirrors so to see if there are vehicles around you. Keep both hands on the wheel so you have the most control. Stay 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you so you’re a safe following distance away and less likely to get into an accident.[14]

    • Turn your head to look at your mirrors even if you can see them with a quick glance. That way, the evaluator can see that you’re paying attention to your surroundings.
  7. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 15


    Maintain the speed limit throughout your road test. Check for a speed limit sign as soon as you get on the road so you know how fast you’re allowed to go. Keep your speed limit at or slightly below the limit while you’re driving so you don’t speed, which will automatically lose you points. Keep your foot steady on the accelerator and press the brakes if you need to slow down.[15]

    Warning: Don’t go too slow while you’re taking your road test since you could lose points for being too cautious and holding up traffic.[16]

  8. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 16


    Don’t lose more than 30 points during your test. The evaluator will remove points whenever they notice a mistake, such as speeding, forgetting to use a turn signal, or hitting the curb. Each evaluator may remove points differently, so just drive as safe as you possibly can to get a good score. If you lose less than 30 points, then you can get your license, but if you lost more, then you need to retake your test.

    • You may automatically fail if you break any traffic laws or get in an accident during the test.
    • You can set up 2 different times when you first schedule a road test, but each time afterward will have an additional charge.
  9. Image titled Pass a New York State Road Test Step 17


    Wait for your license to come in the mail 2 weeks after your test. If you pass your test, the evaluator will give you an interim license you can use with your permit to continue driving. Wait about 2 weeks for your official license to come in the mail before disposing of your learner’s permit. Once you have your license, you’re free to drive on your own.[17]

    • If you fail your road test, then you won’t get your license but you can schedule additional test dates.
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  • If you’re under 18, you can’t schedule your road test until 6 months after you receive your driving permits.[18]

  • You can schedule 2 tests when you first take your road test, but additional tests afterward will cost more money.


  • Always be attentive of other drivers while you’re on the road so you don’t get into any accidents.



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Как получить водительское удостоверение в Нью-Йорке 2022

Рассказываю как получить водительское удостоврение в Нью-Йорке в 2022 году. Я их получил я всего за 2 месяца на русском языке.

Чтобы получить водительское удостоверение, мне понадобилось:

  1. Прочитать правила дорожного движения на русском языке.
  2. Сдать онлайн тест теорию на русском языке.
  3. Записаться в офис DMV на получение документа дающего право начать практиковаться на дороге (learning permit).
  4. Прослушать 5 часовой онлайн курс.
  5. Записаться на практический экзамен по вождению (Road test).

Правила дорожного движения
Сдавать теорию можно на русском языке, поэтому достаточно прочитать русскоязычное руководство ПДД. Его можно приобрести на данном сайте, также здесь можно подготовиться к теоретическому тесту, проходя онлайн тест.

Сдача теоретического теста на сайте DMV.
В данном тесте будет 50 вопросов, его можно проходить хоть сколько угодно раз без дополнительной оплаты. Для сдачи онлайн теста вам потребуется веб камера, на вас никто смотреть не будет, но иногда вас будут автоматически фотографировать — важно чтобы в кадре кроме вас никого не было. В случае возникновения подозрения что вы проходите экзамен не честно, вам попросят перездать экзамен в офисе. Я допустил всего 2 ошибки, тест очень легкий если у вас есть любые права другой страны.
Также вы можете сдать тест и в офисе DMV.

Офис DMV в Нью-Йорке.
После сдачи теста онлайн я записался в офис DMV. Это нужно чтобы принести необходимые документы и сделать фотографию на Learning Permit. Весь процесс занял около 1-2 часов. При записи на визит в офис вам на почту придет уведомление с QR кодом, который нужно будет показать на входе в офис.
В офис нужно будет принести оригиналы тех документов которые вы выбрали на сайте DMV (вам нужно будет выбрать документы, у каждого документа определенные баллы и вам нужно набрать определенное колличество баллов).
Я принес следующие документы: permanent resident card, social security, выписка из банка (statement), билл на интернет и анкета которую тебя попросят заполнить при регистрации на визит в офис DMV. Её нужно будет распечатать. Либо её можно будет взять в офисе и там заполнить.
В офисе у вас также проверят зрение и нужно будет заплатить пошлину около 80$. После вам выдадут Learning permit, с ним вы можете начать тренироваться водить на машине.

Получение сертификата MV-278
Нужно прослушать 5 часовую лекцию в любой автошколе или на сайте DMV, стоит около 50-60$. После прохождения лекции вам выдадут сертификат MV-278 с ним вы можете записываться на экзамен по вождению.

Запись на сдачу практического экзамена по вождению.
После получения сертификата вы можете сразу же записаться на сдачу экзамена, так как даты заняты на месяц вперед. Машину вам на экзамене никто не предоставит, нужно приезжать с машиной друга или платить любой автошколе за предоставление инструктора с машиной. Стоит данная услуга около 200$.

Советы от меня:

  1. Обязательно прочитайте правила дорожного движения.
  2. Найдите инструктора чтобы поездить с ним по городу, даже если вы умеете ездить. Он объяснит что и как нужно делать на экзамене.


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