Садиться за руль в Великобритании можно с 17 лет, но сдавать экзамен здесь приходится не только выпускникам школы. Права, привезенные из другой страны, действительны в Британии только год после вашего переезда. ZIMA объясняет, как сдать на водительские права в Британии и сколько это стоит.
Автошкол, в которых учат на права в России, в Англии нет: готовиться к теоретическому и практическому экзамену придется самостоятельно.
Теоретический тест на получение водительских прав в Англии
состоит из:
- 50 вопросов с несколькими вариантами ответов, для прохождения необходимо ответить правильно минимум на 43;
- hazard perception: видео, моделирующих ситуацию на дороге.
Готовиться к сдаче можно по учебникам или по официальному приложению Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA).
Забронировать дату прохождения теста нужно на официальном сайте, стоить он будет £23.
После прохождения этого теста у вас есть два года, чтобы сдать практическую часть экзамена в Англии. Если за два года вы этого сделать не успеете, то сдавать теорию придется снова.
Практический тест на получение водительских прав в Англии
Это аналог российского водительского экзамена в городе (знакомую нам “площадку” в Британии не сдают). В течение часа предстоит ездить по городу с инструктором, выполняя различные задания:
- Проверка зрения;
- “Show me, tell me” – общие вопросы по безопасности автомобиля;
- Вождение по улицам;
- Маневры;
- Независимое вождение по маршруту, заданному экзаменатором.
Бронь теста доступна на сайте и обойдется от £62 до £75 фунтов.
Сдача экзамена на получение водительских прав в Великобритании не требует прохождения каких-либо курсов: готовиться к нему можно или с любым знакомым, который имеет более трех лет водительского опыта, или с профессиональным инструктором, которого можно найти в базе.
Перед тем, как садиться за руль, необходимо получить временные водительские права (provisional driving licence), которые обойдутся еще в £34.
Для сдачи водительского экзамена в Великобритании рекомендуется накатать не менее 30 часов практических занятий.
Все подробности о получении прав – на сайте Gov.UK.
Личный опыт
Наталья Ортынская и Андрей Горбачев сдали на права в 2017 году. Они рассказали, как это происходило.
Главная и первая проблема – разобраться, как здесь все работает. Все инструкции из интернета применимы для британских граждан, а иностранцу просто требуется больше времени, чтоб разобраться с нужными документами. Например, для получения provisional driving licence нужно заполнить анкету в интернете, а затем отправить свой паспорт к ним в офис в Суонси. Формально они обещают проверить документы за 5 рабочих дней, но по факту возвращают тебе паспорт через две недели.
Затем достаточно быстро тебе присылают provisional driving licence – зеленую корочку, которая выглядят как реальные водительские права. По ним ты можешь учиться ездить на машине хоть с папой – или с любым человеком, у которого больше трех лет водительского опыта. Кататься можно везде, кроме автомагистралей.
Уроки вождения
Самое хитрое на этом этапе – поиск инструктора в Англии. C первым мы попали не очень хорошо – и не сразу поняли, что что-то не так. Нужно время, чтобы найти себе нормального преподавателя. Час вождения стоит 20-35 фунтов, в зависимости от водителя.
Для сдачи экзамена рекомендуется накатать не менее 30 часов практических занятий.
Наш первый инструктор по вождению в Великобритании был совершенно не организованный и бесконечно ныл. Зато второй оказался просто идеальным, и удивительным образом превратил свою машину в инструмент для сдачи экзаменов. У него была машина для семьи и простенькая машина для учеников: старенькая, но которую не жалко где-то помять или поцарапать. Все окна и зеркала в ней размечены маленькими разноцветными кружочками: ты быстро приучаешься, на какой кружочек тебе обязательно надо посмотреть при том или ином маневре. А еще у него был отличный планшет, на котором он рисовал схемы и показывал все повороты по ходу занятий.
Теоретический тест для получения водительских прав в Великобритании
Пока ты ищешь инструктора и начинаешь кататься, можно сразу зарегистрироваться на сдачу теоретического теста. Готовиться к нему несложно: в официальном приложении есть база вопросов, которую можно пару раз прорешать.
Еще один тип заданий на экзамене в Великобритании: hazard perception. Тебе показывают маленькие видео от первого лица, и ты должен кликать на экран каждый раз, когда появляется какая-нибудь опасность. Например, нужно заранее увидеть, что из-за забора выезжает машина, потому что видно ее антенну.
Мы купили кучу учебников, но с этим приложением, где есть все задания, можно легко подготовиться за пару недель, просто решая задания в метро и посвятив этому пару часов в выходные.
Самая большая проблема на этом этапе – рационально использовать время. Запись на экзамен по вождению в Великобритании – это всегда долго, и хорошо, если тебе сразу попадется инструктор, который скажет: а чего вы тупите, идите сдайте скорее теорию. Иначе пока ты запишешься на один экзамен, пройдет месяц в ожидании. Затем отстоишь виртуальную очередь на сдачу практического теста – это еще месяц-другой. Параллельно могут возникать проблемы с вождением: то у тебя внезапные дела, то инструктор заболеет. Переносишь занятия, потом переносишь экзамен. В итоге мы подались на provisional driving licence в июне, теорию сдали в августе, а экзамен был в конце октября. На все ушло полгода, но реально можно было сократить в два раза.
Практический тест для получения водительских прав в Великобритании
Нет никаких планок по практическим занятиям: если ты уже умеешь водить, то можешь попробовать сдать сразу. Инструктор по вождению рекомендует наездить 30 часов, и если ты чувствуешь, что тебе нужно еще подготовиться, то можно перенести экзамен. Правда, каждый перенос может стоить еще месяц ожидания.
Сдавать можно на своей машине или машине инструктора. Все обычно сдают экзамен по вождению в Великобритании на машине инструктора: просто платишь ему за час, а он сидит и обедает.
Перед экзаменом у тебя проверяют зрение. Никаких врачей: экзаменатор просто просит прочитать номер на машине, стоящей в 15-20 метрах от тебя.
В среднем люди сдают со второго раза. Андрей сдал с первого, Наташа с третьего.
Мы сдавали в середине 2017 года, тогда нужно было готовить три маневра, один из которых попадался на экзамене: параллельная парковка, разворот в два приема и разворот в три приема. В этом году к маневрам добавили еще «заезд в гараж», как это называется в России. Это важная часть экзамена: если ты по ходу маневра не посмотрел нужное количество раз в зеркало заднего вида, значит, ты его завалил.
Еще есть такая штука, как independent driving. Экзаменатор показывает тебе чертеж с маршрутом: ты должен запомнить, как тебе проехать определенную часть дороги, в какой поворот завернуть, с какого выезда съехать с кругового движения.
По ходу экзамена бывает два типа ошибок. Major – которые создают опасность на дороге для других пользователей: если ты сбил кого-нибудь или не остановился на стоп-линии, пролетел на красный. Одна такая ошибка – сразу несданный экзамен. Minor – это мелкие недочеты, таких можно допустить до 15 за час экзамена, но не больше трех одинаковых. То есть если ты четыре раза не посмотришь в нужные моменты в боковое зеркало, то ты не сдашь.
После сдачи
Если ты все сдал, то инструктор при тебе заполняет все бумаги, и через пару недель права присылают по почте.
После этого можно пройти дополнительные уроки на повышение квалификации: курс ‘pass plus’. На них тебя учат, как ездить по автомагистралям, по которым тебе запрещено водить до получение прав. Этот pass plus, во-первых, дает тебе дополнительные навыки, а во-вторых, с таким сертификатом будет чуть дешевле страховка. Которая тут, кстати, для новичков стоит невероятных денег.
Кстати, имейте в виду: в первый год в Великобритании вы не можете брать машину в аренду. В Британии и Ирландии с этим строго, тебе просто не выдадут авто. Хотя в Испании мы арендовали все без проблем, и во многих южных странах с этим попроще.
Больше полезных статей у нас в Телеграме: https://t.me/zimamagazine
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Getting your driver’s licence can be a fun and exciting experience! Being able to drive opens a whole world of possibilities and new beginnings. To successfully earn your licence in the United Kingdom, you’ll need to apply for a provisional licence, pass a theory test, and pass your driving exam. Once you do, you can hit the road and see the world!
Meet the basic age and vision requirements. To apply for a provisional driving licence, you must be at least 15 years and 9 months old and be able to read a number plate from 20 metres (66 ft) away. Try testing your vision at home with the number plate on a friend’s or family member’s vehicle.[1]
Gather your Identity documents. Identity documents include the following: a current passport, biometric residence permit, European Union or European Economic Area identity card, a recent bank or building society statement with your National Insurance number (if you are a pensioner), a birth, adoption, or naturalization certificate, a photocopy of the front page of your benefits book or an original benefits letter, a marriage certificate or divorce papers, or a college or university union card, education certificate, or PASS proof of age card.[2]
- If your name has changed, you should also include your marriage or civil partnership certificate, a deed poll, or a statutory declaration.[3]
- If your gender has changed, you should also include a deed poll, statutory declaration, or your gender recognition certificate.[4]
- You must include an original identity document (unless you have a valid UK biometric passport) and a colour passport-style photograph with your application.
- Your identity document and photograph must be signed by a UK resident with a valid photocard driving licence.[5]
- The person signing your document and photograph should be one of the following: a businessperson, librarian, lawyer, teacher, engineer, police officer, bank or building society member, civil servant, religious minister, magistrate, local councillor, or member of Parliament.[6]
- The person signing your document and photograph should be one of the following: a businessperson, librarian, lawyer, teacher, engineer, police officer, bank or building society member, civil servant, religious minister, magistrate, local councillor, or member of Parliament.[6]
- If your name has changed, you should also include your marriage or civil partnership certificate, a deed poll, or a statutory declaration.[3]
Apply for your provisional licence online. You can apply for your provisional licence online. Once on the application website, you’ll need your Government Gateway ID, an identity document (unless you have a valid UK biometric passport), a list of the addresses where you’ve lived for the last 3 years, and your National Insurance number (if you know it). With all of this information, you’ll be able to fill out your application.[7]
- There is a £34 application fee for using the online system. The system accepts MasterCard, Visa, Electron, Maestro or Delta debit or credit card.[8]
- There is a £34 application fee for using the online system. The system accepts MasterCard, Visa, Electron, Maestro or Delta debit or credit card.[8]
Apply by post as an alternative to the online application. You can also apply by post by filling out form D1 (available at the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency or certain branches of the post office).[9]
- There is a £47 fee that must be paid with a cheque or postal order made payable to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.[10]
- Send your application to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1AD (if all your documents are from the UK) and DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1AF (if any of your documents are from outside the UK).[11]
- There is a £47 fee that must be paid with a cheque or postal order made payable to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.[10]
Wait for your provisional licence to arrive before driving. If you apply online, you should receive a confirmation email after you submit your application and your licence should arrive within 1 week. If you applied via post, your licence could take up to 3 weeks to arrive. Do not drive before you’ve received your licence.[12]
Study for the theory exams. The theory exams are based on 3 books: The Highway Code, Know Your Traffic Signs, and Driving: The Essential Skills. You can purchase these books online or at any high street bookshop. You should also purchase the official guide to hazard perception, which can be found online for PC or Mac, on the Google Play Store or App Store for tablets and phones, or at any high street bookshop.[13]
- The theory exam may ask you questions about what different traffic signals mean, where a child under 11 should sit in your car, how to pass a motorcycle, how to turn from a major onto a minor road, and many other topics.
- You can also take the online practice theory tests by visiting https://www.gov.uk/take-practice-theory-test.
Pass a 50-question multiple choice test. You will have 57 minutes to complete your test and you will need to answer 43 questions correctly to pass. The questions will deal with anything from driving regulations, to road signs, to vehicle safety. Some of the questions may relate to case studies (short stories based on real-life situations).[17]
- Your practice tests and study guides will include all of the information you may face during the test.
Pass the hazard perception test. Before you take your hazard perception test, you’ll be shown a video explaining how the test works. Then, you’ll be shown 14 video clips featuring everyday driving situations that have at least 1 hazard situation. To identify the hazard situation, you must click the mouse as soon as you see the hazard developing.[18]
- The hazard perception test may include developing hazards like pedestrians getting into a car in an unexpected place, vehicles unexpectedly reversing from a side road onto a main road, heavy goods vehicles obstructing your view, parked cars obstructing traffic, and many more.[19]
- The sooner you click the mouse after you identify the hazard, the higher the score you will receive. You can earn up to 5 points for each correctly identified hazard.[20]
- You will only get one chance to guess during each video. You won’t be penalized for getting an answer wrong, but if you click continuously or in a pattern you won’t earn any points.[21]
- The hazard perception test may include developing hazards like pedestrians getting into a car in an unexpected place, vehicles unexpectedly reversing from a side road onto a main road, heavy goods vehicles obstructing your view, parked cars obstructing traffic, and many more.[19]
Practice driving with an eligible friend, family member, or driving instructor. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency recommends that you utilize an approved driving instructor, but you can also practice driving with a friend or family member that is at least 21 years of age and has had their driver’s licence for at least 3 years. You must have an “L” on the vehicle to drive. You can practice driving at any time of the day or night.[22]
- Testing anxiety affects people in various settings. It may be in the workplace, classroom, or a driving exam.
- If you want to take a driving exam, prepare by previewing the testing area and instrument.
- Practice with someone to have a mock experience of what it will feel like when the examiner sits next to you in your car.
- You can purchase an “L” plate online or at a local store like Halford’s or Wilkinson’s.[23]
- You can find an approved driving instructor, by visiting https://www.gov.uk/find-driving-schools-and-lessons.
Make an appointment for your practical driving exams. You must be at least 17 years of age to drive in the United Kingdom, so you’ll need to wait until then to make your appointment for your practical driving exams. To make your appointment, visit https://driverpracticaltest.direct.gov.uk/application?execution=e1s1.[24]
- You will need to know your UK driving licence number and have a debit or credit card ready (the fee is between £65 and £72 depending on the type of vehicle).[25]
- If you had a driving instructor and would like them to administer your exam, you’ll need to know their personal reference number.[26]
- You need to bring your driver’s licence and theory test pass certificate with you to the exam.[27]
- If you had a driving instructor and they are administering your exam, you can use their car for the test. If you don’t have a driving instructor, you’ll need to bring your own car.[28]
- You will need to know your UK driving licence number and have a debit or credit card ready (the fee is between £65 and £72 depending on the type of vehicle).[25]
Answer the examiner’s vehicle safety questions correctly. There are 2 types of vehicle safety questions: “show me” questions and “tell me” questions. The “tell me” questions occur prior to the driving exam and involve you answering questions about vehicle safety. The “show me” questions will occur during the driving exam and will require you to demonstrate safe vehicle practices.[29]
- Examples of “tell me” questions would be “Tell me how you would check that the brakes are working before starting a journey,” “Tell me how you would make sure your head restraint is correctly adjusted so it provides the best protection in the event of a crash,” and “Tell me how you would check that the headlights and tail lights are working. You don’t need to exit the vehicle.”[30]
- Examples of “show me” questions would be “When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you would wash and clean the rear windscreen?”, “When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you would operate the horn?”, and “When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you would open and close the side window?”[31]
- Examples of “tell me” questions would be “Tell me how you would check that the brakes are working before starting a journey,” “Tell me how you would make sure your head restraint is correctly adjusted so it provides the best protection in the event of a crash,” and “Tell me how you would check that the headlights and tail lights are working. You don’t need to exit the vehicle.”[30]
Pass the general driving ability exam. Your general driving ability exam will last around 40 minutes. First, you will be asked to drive in various road and traffic conditions (but not on motorways). Then, you’ll be required to pull over to the side of the road, pull away from the side of the road, and make a hill start. You’ll also be asked to do one of the following: parallel park, park in a parking bay, or reverse for 2 car lengths before rejoining traffic.[32]
- Your examiner will be grading you based on your committal of minor and major driving faults. You are allowed up to 15 minor faults, but cannot commit any major faults.[33]
- Examples of minor faults would be failing to observe a yield sign, hesitating at a traffic light, not being aware of another car’s turn signal, or driving too close to the car in front of you.[34]
- Examples of major faults would be crossing a junction, leaving your turn signal on after completing a turn, being in the wrong lane when approaching a roundabout, or driving through a stop light.[35]
- Your examiner will be grading you based on your committal of minor and major driving faults. You are allowed up to 15 minor faults, but cannot commit any major faults.[33]
Pass the independent driving portion of the exam. After the general driving ability exam, you’ll be tasked with completing 20 minutes of independent driving. During this portion, the examiner will either enter a destination into a satellite navigation system or ask you to follow road and traffic signs under their direction.[36]
- Out of every 5 independent driving tests, 4 will rely on satellite navigation.[37]
- If you’re unsure of where the next step of your route is, ask your examiner for help.[38]
- Independent driving routes are designed by the examiners at each testing location. You can download these routes online and practice them beforehand.[39]
- If you can’t see traffic signs, the examiner will direct you until you can.[40]
- If you take a wrong turn, don’t panic. You won’t be penalized. The examiner will help you get back on track.[41]
- Out of every 5 independent driving tests, 4 will rely on satellite navigation.[37]
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Getting your driver’s licence can be a fun and exciting experience! Being able to drive opens a whole world of possibilities and new beginnings. To successfully earn your licence in the United Kingdom, you’ll need to apply for a provisional licence, pass a theory test, and pass your driving exam. Once you do, you can hit the road and see the world!
Meet the basic age and vision requirements. To apply for a provisional driving licence, you must be at least 15 years and 9 months old and be able to read a number plate from 20 metres (66 ft) away. Try testing your vision at home with the number plate on a friend’s or family member’s vehicle.[1]
Gather your Identity documents. Identity documents include the following: a current passport, biometric residence permit, European Union or European Economic Area identity card, a recent bank or building society statement with your National Insurance number (if you are a pensioner), a birth, adoption, or naturalization certificate, a photocopy of the front page of your benefits book or an original benefits letter, a marriage certificate or divorce papers, or a college or university union card, education certificate, or PASS proof of age card.[2]
- If your name has changed, you should also include your marriage or civil partnership certificate, a deed poll, or a statutory declaration.[3]
- If your gender has changed, you should also include a deed poll, statutory declaration, or your gender recognition certificate.[4]
- You must include an original identity document (unless you have a valid UK biometric passport) and a colour passport-style photograph with your application.
- Your identity document and photograph must be signed by a UK resident with a valid photocard driving licence.[5]
- The person signing your document and photograph should be one of the following: a businessperson, librarian, lawyer, teacher, engineer, police officer, bank or building society member, civil servant, religious minister, magistrate, local councillor, or member of Parliament.[6]
- The person signing your document and photograph should be one of the following: a businessperson, librarian, lawyer, teacher, engineer, police officer, bank or building society member, civil servant, religious minister, magistrate, local councillor, or member of Parliament.[6]
- If your name has changed, you should also include your marriage or civil partnership certificate, a deed poll, or a statutory declaration.[3]
Apply for your provisional licence online. You can apply for your provisional licence online. Once on the application website, you’ll need your Government Gateway ID, an identity document (unless you have a valid UK biometric passport), a list of the addresses where you’ve lived for the last 3 years, and your National Insurance number (if you know it). With all of this information, you’ll be able to fill out your application.[7]
- There is a £34 application fee for using the online system. The system accepts MasterCard, Visa, Electron, Maestro or Delta debit or credit card.[8]
- There is a £34 application fee for using the online system. The system accepts MasterCard, Visa, Electron, Maestro or Delta debit or credit card.[8]
Apply by post as an alternative to the online application. You can also apply by post by filling out form D1 (available at the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency or certain branches of the post office).[9]
- There is a £47 fee that must be paid with a cheque or postal order made payable to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.[10]
- Send your application to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1AD (if all your documents are from the UK) and DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1AF (if any of your documents are from outside the UK).[11]
- There is a £47 fee that must be paid with a cheque or postal order made payable to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.[10]
Wait for your provisional licence to arrive before driving. If you apply online, you should receive a confirmation email after you submit your application and your licence should arrive within 1 week. If you applied via post, your licence could take up to 3 weeks to arrive. Do not drive before you’ve received your licence.[12]
Study for the theory exams. The theory exams are based on 3 books: The Highway Code, Know Your Traffic Signs, and Driving: The Essential Skills. You can purchase these books online or at any high street bookshop. You should also purchase the official guide to hazard perception, which can be found online for PC or Mac, on the Google Play Store or App Store for tablets and phones, or at any high street bookshop.[13]
- The theory exam may ask you questions about what different traffic signals mean, where a child under 11 should sit in your car, how to pass a motorcycle, how to turn from a major onto a minor road, and many other topics.
- You can also take the online practice theory tests by visiting https://www.gov.uk/take-practice-theory-test.
Pass a 50-question multiple choice test. You will have 57 minutes to complete your test and you will need to answer 43 questions correctly to pass. The questions will deal with anything from driving regulations, to road signs, to vehicle safety. Some of the questions may relate to case studies (short stories based on real-life situations).[17]
- Your practice tests and study guides will include all of the information you may face during the test.
Pass the hazard perception test. Before you take your hazard perception test, you’ll be shown a video explaining how the test works. Then, you’ll be shown 14 video clips featuring everyday driving situations that have at least 1 hazard situation. To identify the hazard situation, you must click the mouse as soon as you see the hazard developing.[18]
- The hazard perception test may include developing hazards like pedestrians getting into a car in an unexpected place, vehicles unexpectedly reversing from a side road onto a main road, heavy goods vehicles obstructing your view, parked cars obstructing traffic, and many more.[19]
- The sooner you click the mouse after you identify the hazard, the higher the score you will receive. You can earn up to 5 points for each correctly identified hazard.[20]
- You will only get one chance to guess during each video. You won’t be penalized for getting an answer wrong, but if you click continuously or in a pattern you won’t earn any points.[21]
- The hazard perception test may include developing hazards like pedestrians getting into a car in an unexpected place, vehicles unexpectedly reversing from a side road onto a main road, heavy goods vehicles obstructing your view, parked cars obstructing traffic, and many more.[19]
Practice driving with an eligible friend, family member, or driving instructor. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency recommends that you utilize an approved driving instructor, but you can also practice driving with a friend or family member that is at least 21 years of age and has had their driver’s licence for at least 3 years. You must have an “L” on the vehicle to drive. You can practice driving at any time of the day or night.[22]
- Testing anxiety affects people in various settings. It may be in the workplace, classroom, or a driving exam.
- If you want to take a driving exam, prepare by previewing the testing area and instrument.
- Practice with someone to have a mock experience of what it will feel like when the examiner sits next to you in your car.
- You can purchase an “L” plate online or at a local store like Halford’s or Wilkinson’s.[23]
- You can find an approved driving instructor, by visiting https://www.gov.uk/find-driving-schools-and-lessons.
Make an appointment for your practical driving exams. You must be at least 17 years of age to drive in the United Kingdom, so you’ll need to wait until then to make your appointment for your practical driving exams. To make your appointment, visit https://driverpracticaltest.direct.gov.uk/application?execution=e1s1.[24]
- You will need to know your UK driving licence number and have a debit or credit card ready (the fee is between £65 and £72 depending on the type of vehicle).[25]
- If you had a driving instructor and would like them to administer your exam, you’ll need to know their personal reference number.[26]
- You need to bring your driver’s licence and theory test pass certificate with you to the exam.[27]
- If you had a driving instructor and they are administering your exam, you can use their car for the test. If you don’t have a driving instructor, you’ll need to bring your own car.[28]
- You will need to know your UK driving licence number and have a debit or credit card ready (the fee is between £65 and £72 depending on the type of vehicle).[25]
Answer the examiner’s vehicle safety questions correctly. There are 2 types of vehicle safety questions: “show me” questions and “tell me” questions. The “tell me” questions occur prior to the driving exam and involve you answering questions about vehicle safety. The “show me” questions will occur during the driving exam and will require you to demonstrate safe vehicle practices.[29]
- Examples of “tell me” questions would be “Tell me how you would check that the brakes are working before starting a journey,” “Tell me how you would make sure your head restraint is correctly adjusted so it provides the best protection in the event of a crash,” and “Tell me how you would check that the headlights and tail lights are working. You don’t need to exit the vehicle.”[30]
- Examples of “show me” questions would be “When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you would wash and clean the rear windscreen?”, “When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you would operate the horn?”, and “When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you would open and close the side window?”[31]
- Examples of “tell me” questions would be “Tell me how you would check that the brakes are working before starting a journey,” “Tell me how you would make sure your head restraint is correctly adjusted so it provides the best protection in the event of a crash,” and “Tell me how you would check that the headlights and tail lights are working. You don’t need to exit the vehicle.”[30]
Pass the general driving ability exam. Your general driving ability exam will last around 40 minutes. First, you will be asked to drive in various road and traffic conditions (but not on motorways). Then, you’ll be required to pull over to the side of the road, pull away from the side of the road, and make a hill start. You’ll also be asked to do one of the following: parallel park, park in a parking bay, or reverse for 2 car lengths before rejoining traffic.[32]
- Your examiner will be grading you based on your committal of minor and major driving faults. You are allowed up to 15 minor faults, but cannot commit any major faults.[33]
- Examples of minor faults would be failing to observe a yield sign, hesitating at a traffic light, not being aware of another car’s turn signal, or driving too close to the car in front of you.[34]
- Examples of major faults would be crossing a junction, leaving your turn signal on after completing a turn, being in the wrong lane when approaching a roundabout, or driving through a stop light.[35]
- Your examiner will be grading you based on your committal of minor and major driving faults. You are allowed up to 15 minor faults, but cannot commit any major faults.[33]
Pass the independent driving portion of the exam. After the general driving ability exam, you’ll be tasked with completing 20 minutes of independent driving. During this portion, the examiner will either enter a destination into a satellite navigation system or ask you to follow road and traffic signs under their direction.[36]
- Out of every 5 independent driving tests, 4 will rely on satellite navigation.[37]
- If you’re unsure of where the next step of your route is, ask your examiner for help.[38]
- Independent driving routes are designed by the examiners at each testing location. You can download these routes online and practice them beforehand.[39]
- If you can’t see traffic signs, the examiner will direct you until you can.[40]
- If you take a wrong turn, don’t panic. You won’t be penalized. The examiner will help you get back on track.[41]
- Out of every 5 independent driving tests, 4 will rely on satellite navigation.[37]
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Учащимся водителям становится все труднее найти
экзамены по вождению и воплотить в жизнь свою мечту о
самостоятельном вождении. Наше исследование показало, что
более 50% испытательных центров все еще ждут экзаменов по вождению
более пяти месяцев. В Шотландии есть определенные задержки с
экзаменами по вождению, поскольку испытательные центры были закрыты
дольше, и поэтому отставание было больше по сравнению с другими
странами Великобритании.
Более 450 000 тестов были отменены из-за
Covid-19, что привело к большому разочарованию учащихся
водителей. Стремясь сократить отставание, DVLA попыталось
увеличить количество тестов с семи до восьми в день. Это был
шаг, призванный увеличить возможности тестирования более чем на
5000 тестов в месяц. Однако 92% инструкторов по вождению,
проголосованных профсоюзом государственных и коммерческих служб
(PCS), отклонили предложения и проголосовали за двухдневную
Этот шаг разозлил учащихся-водителей, которые уже были
недовольны отставанием, созданным пандемией, и разочарованы
негибкостью инструкторов, которые помогли смягчить последствия
этого отставания. DVLA вводит новые
меры для решения проблемы отставания, пытаясь поощрить вышедших на
пенсию инструкторов по вождению
обратно. Они также стремятся
сократить продолжительность экзамена, чтобы успокоить инструкторов
по вождению, которых проголосовали за
забастовку. Это вызвало некоторые
опасения по поводу безопасности со стороны организаций, которые
заявляют, что строгие стандарты экзамена по вождению никогда не
должны нарушаться.
В Великобритании один из самых сложных экзаменов по
вождению в мире. И хотя это не так
сложно, как в таких странах, как Япония (где требуется проверка
слуха, зрения, физического состояния и проверка способностей), он
известен как строгий опыт. Мексика
технически является самым легким местом для обучения вождению,
поскольку там вообще нет никаких экзаменов по
вождению. В Индии, пожалуй, самый
простой в мире экзамен по вождению, вам нужно только доказать, что
вы можете делать три вещи:
- Останавливаться
- Поверните налево
- Двигайтесь прямо
Великобритании действительно более 600 центров тестирования, и
показатели сдачи могут сильно
различаться. У Inveraray самый
высокий процент успешных экзаменов — более
83%. Как показывает практика, чем
более сельским является испытательный центр, тем легче его пройти
из-за отсутствия круговых перекрестков, перекрестков и других
препятствий. В некоторых тестовых
центрах в Ливерпуле и Бирмингеме процент сдачи составляет менее
30%, что говорит о том, где вы живете и где проходите тест, и это
может иметь большое значение.
Четыре совета о том, как справиться с отставанием от
экзамена по вождению У нас много читателей, которые спрашивают нас,
как найти экзамен по вождению, и мы составили список лучших
1. Найдите другие центры
Единственное, что лучше всего сделать, это попытаться
проявить гибкость и поискать другие центры тестирования, чем
обычно. Мы только что подробно
рассказали выше, как одни центры тестирования проходят лучше, чем
другие. Стоит взглянуть на этот
список и попытаться найти центры тестирования с более высокими
показателями сдачи. В качестве
альтернативы, если вы можете быть действительно гибкими, попробуйте
поискать в других центрах тестирования в стране, чтобы узнать,
доступны ли даты где-либо еще. По
нашему опыту, мы видели, что лист ожидания в некоторых
испытательных центрах составляет всего шесть недель (несмотря на
отставание), в то время как в других — шесть
2. Заблаговременно записывайтесь на экзамен по
Если вы только начинаете учиться водить машину,
постарайтесь записаться на тест по теории как можно
скорее. Даже при бронировании
теоретических экзаменов время ожидания в настоящее время довольно
велико. У нас были сообщения от
людей, что даже на теоретические тесты требуется минимум 2-3
месяца. Убедитесь, что вы изучаете и
сдали экзамен по теории в первый раз, так как вы не можете
записаться на экзамен по вождению, пока не пройдете тест по
теории. Как только ваш теоретический
тест будет завершен, сразу же запишитесь на практический экзамен по
вождению DVLA! Даже если вы не
готовы к тесту, вы можете записать в дневник дату, над которой
нужно работать. Если вы оставите это
слишком поздно, вы рискуете подождать несколько месяцев, пока
будете готовы. Более того, вы можете
бесплатно перенести свой практический экзамен по вождению за пять
рабочих дней до экзамена! Так что,
даже если к моменту проведения теста вы не будете готовы, вы можете
перенести его бесплатно! Если вы
запишетесь на экзамен как можно скорее, это также поможет вам не
тратить 100 фунтов стерлингов на дополнительные уроки
вождения. Мы обнаружили, что даже
когда учащиеся водители готовы сдать экзамен, люди по-прежнему
берут уроки вождения еженедельно по средней цене 28 фунтов
стерлингов в час. Это более 115
фунтов стерлингов за каждый месяц дополнительного ожидания перед
экзаменом по вождению!
3. Отмена экзамена по
Еще одна важная вещь, которую вы можете сделать, — это
попытаться отменить экзамен по
вождению. Вы можете сделать это,
постоянно просматривая веб-сайт практических экзаменов по вождению
и ища даты каждые несколько
минут. Обратной стороной этого
является то, что все также придерживаются одной и той же идеи, и
большой спрос привел к тому, что DVLA добавило систему «очередей» в
раздел «Изменить тест по вождению» на
странице. Это означает, что
пользователи помещаются в очередь, на прохождение которой может
уйти до часа. Впервые они
представили это после перезапуска тестов после первой блокировки в
2020 году, но похоже, что он здесь
надолго. Единственный лучший способ
найти отмену экзамена по вождению — это использовать такой
веб-сайт, как наш, чтобы вас забронировали на более ранний
слот. Мы автоматически найдем тест и
проведем его для вас, чтобы вы не потеряли
его! Мы не любим трубить в свою
4. Будьте гибкими:
До Covid-19 было относительно легко найти отмены
экзаменов по вождению, и обычно вы могли найти точный слот, который
вам нужен, в течение 4-7 недель с текущей
даты. Теперь отставание составляет
до трех месяцев, и это только для первого доступного
слота. Самое главное — быть
гибким. Первая доступная дата может
быть не в то время и не в тот день, который вы хотите, но это
лучше, чем недели ожидания. Более
того, если у вас есть текущая дата, забронированная в системе, вы
можете изменить ее бесплатно за пять рабочих дней до
этого. Было много споров о том, в
какое время и в какой день лучше всего делать
тест. Некоторые предпочитают тесты,
проводимые в час пик. Аргумент в
том, что трафик часто регистрируется, и поэтому вы можете физически
меньше ездить за 40 минут теста. При
этом следует избегать большего количества перекрестков с круговым
движением, перекрестков, и
светофоры, чтобы у вас было больше шансов
обойти. Аргументом против этого,
конечно же, является то, что на дороге гораздо больше трафика и,
следовательно, вы должны быть более внимательными, чем если бы она
была менее загружена. Хотя, конечно,
вы всегда должны быть начеку, когда едете за
рулем! Некоторые люди предпочитают
вести машину между 2–3 и 10–12
часами. Это когда дороги, вероятно,
самые тихие, и поэтому не нужно беспокоиться о других водителях
так, как обычно. Это дает вам
наилучшие шансы на успех экзамена по вождению в ваших
руках. Некоторые люди предпочитают
вести машину между 2–3 и 10–12
часами. Это когда дороги, вероятно,
самые тихие, и поэтому не нужно беспокоиться о других водителях
так, как обычно. Это дает вам
наилучшие шансы на успех экзамена по вождению в ваших
руках. Некоторые люди предпочитают
вести машину между 2–3 и 10–12
часами. Это когда дороги, вероятно,
самые тихие, и поэтому не нужно беспокоиться о других водителях
так, как обычно. Это дает вам
наилучшие шансы на успех экзамена по вождению в ваших
Воздействие на водителей-юных
Мы слышали сообщения о молодых водителях, которые
пытались найти работу из-за нехватки экзаменов по
вождению. Хотя изначально DVLA
отдавал приоритет «ключевым работникам», они больше не получают
такой роскоши. В некоторых частях
страны может быть чрезвычайно сложно устроиться на работу без
умения водить машину. Это может быть
из-за плохой сети общественного транспорта или из-за необходимости
в машине для работы. Другой
серьезной проблемой, с которой сталкиваются молодые водители с
невыполненными экзаменами по вождению, является усиление стресса
при обучении вождению и прохождении самого
теста. Большинство людей, которые
сдают экзамен по вождению, терпят поражение, а это означает, что
поиски экзамена по вождению продолжаются и
продолжаются. Учащийся водитель мог
ждать теста 3 месяца, а затем ему придется ждать еще три месяца,
чтобы повторить его. Когда вы
добавляете отставание в закажите теоретический
тест , на то,
чтобы научиться водить машину и пройти тест, может уйти до года
из-за невыполненных
заданий. Обучение вождению — это
привилегия, а не право, и необходимо проявлять максимальную
осторожность, чтобы гарантировать, что экзамен по вождению будет
тщательно проработан. Но нет никаких
сомнений в том, что отставание в сдаче экзаменов по вождению
сегодня сильно повлияло на молодых
ВОПРОСЫ-ОТВЕТЫ Как сдать экзамены по вождению в
Великобритании в 2022 году
На этой странице должны быть даны ответы на любые ваши
вопросы о тесте по вождению Find Me A Driving
Test. Однако, если у вас возникнут дополнительные
вопросы, нажмите кнопку ниже, и мы ответим вам.
ли список отмены экзамена по вождению?
К сожалению нет. В настоящее время нет
списка отмены экзаменов по вождению, доступного для широкой
публики, и DVA ясно дало понять, что они не намерены публиковать
список отмены экзаменов по вождению. Поэтому
лучшим решением будет поискать себя или воспользоваться нашим
сервисом, чтобы постоянно проверять вас.
- Ценообразование
я могу получить уведомление о прохождении экзамена по вождению
«Найди меня»?
Мы предлагаем два типа уведомлений: электронная почта и
SMS-сообщения. В нашей полной версии вы можете
ответить на SMS-сообщение «книга», и мы автоматически изменим его
для вас. Что может быть проще !?
- Ценообразование
Какая информация необходима, чтобы найти отмену?
Все, что нам нужно, чтобы найти вас для скорейшей отмены,
— это номер ваших водительских прав и ссылочный номер бронирования
или номер сертификата теоретического экзамена. У
вас должен быть записан текущий тест.
- Зарегистрироваться
будет, если я не перейду на премиум?
После того, как вы зарегистрируетесь, у вас не будет
никаких обязательств по переходу на премиум; мы
предлагаем бесплатную пробную версию, так что вы можете бесплатно
протестировать ее! Тем не менее, возможно, стоит
взглянуть на интересные функции, которые мы предлагаем в полной
версии, чтобы вы как можно скорее приступили к работе!
- Ценообразование
19,99 фунтов стерлингов? Это
Это точно! Более того, если вам не
повезло, и вы потерпите неудачу в следующий раз или в следующий раз
после этого, вы можете продолжать пользоваться услугой, чтобы
знать, что мы всегда будем рядом!
- Зарегистрироваться
Какую платежную систему вы используете?
Мы используем Paypal для наших
транзакций. Это обеспечивает большую гибкость,
поскольку это быстро, легко и безопасно, поэтому вы всегда будете
знать, что ваши деньги в безопасности!
- Бесплатная
пробная версия
произойдет, если я захочу отменить тест по вождению «Найди
Хотя мы стараемся сделать каждого клиента счастливым, если
вы недовольны услугами и хотите отменить, вы можете сделать это по
электронной почте [email protected] или
запросить обратный звонок.
- Запросить
дополнительную информацию
выбрать центр тестирования для поиска?
Вам не нужно, мы ищем автошколу, в которой вы записались
на экзамен. Вы можете добавить до двух
дополнительных центров, если хотите увеличить скорость, с которой
мы находим вам новое свидание.
- Запросить
дополнительную информацию
такое функция автоматического бронирования?
Наша функция автоматического бронирования позволяет
клиентам никогда не пропустить отмену. Если
выбран этот параметр, он будет бронировать первое обнаруженное
аннулирование. Не нужно отвечать
«Книга». Эта функция — отличный способ получить
гораздо более ранний тест, если вы гибко выбираете даты
- Бесплатная
пробная версия
нужно записаться на текущий практический тест?
Да, вам необходимо записаться на текущий практический тест
в Великобритании. Затем мы постараемся
переместить это текущее бронирование. Это сделано
для того, чтобы мы не тратили время на процесс бронирования и не
пропустили отмену.
- Запросить
дополнительную информацию
И снова привет, добро пожаловать на мой канал. Меня зовут Аня, я снимаю видео о жизни в Англии.
Сегодня я хочу снять ролик о том, как я сдавала тест по теории вождения. Я уже упоминала в одном из своих предыдущих видео, что хочу получить водительское удостоверение в Великобритании. Почему мне нужно его получать, в смысле, почему я не могу водить автомобиль по водительскому удостоверению из Украины, в том же самом видео я объясняла. А сегодня я хочу сосредоточиться именно на теоретическом экзамене.
Итак, экзамен состоит из двух частей.
Первая часть – это ответы на вопросы тестового характера, то есть дается вопрос, и на него есть несколько вариантов ответов, иногда один правильный, иногда – два. Всего вопросов 50, и, для того чтобы сдать эту часть, необходимо ответить на 43 из них, то есть максимум вы можете сделать 7 ошибок.
В моем тесте в каждом вопросе был только один правильный вариант ответа. И как я готовилась к тесту: скачала специальное приложение на свой телефон, также у меня была книга дома, я занималась по ней (там буквально в общих чертах кратко описаны все правила – все, что необходимо знать для подготовки к этим тестам). Скажу, что особых сложностей не возникло.
Также есть очень много пробных экзаменов, тестов онлайн. И мне иногда даже не приходилось много читать, сильно углубляясь в правила, я просто практиковалась, практиковалась. Удобно, что, когда ты выбираешь неправильный вариант ответа, тебе объясняется, почему другой вариант правильный.
Вторая часть экзамена – это восприятие опасности. Здесь вам покажут 15 видеороликов, каждый из которых продолжительностью около минуты. И в каждом из роликов будет одна опасность, вернее, в каждом из них будет различное количество таких моментов, на которые вы должны будете обратить внимание, но именно один эпизод будет развиваться таким образом, когда вам придется остановиться или же изменить направление движения. Все эти ролики сняты с позиции водителя, то есть вы как будто ведете автомобиль.
Когда вы замечаете какой-то момент, который вызывает беспокойство, да, на который вы как водитель обязаны обратить внимание, вы делаете клик левой кнопкой мышки. На экране появляется флажок, который сообщает вам о том, что система зарегистрировала ваш ответ. И как я уже сказала, в каждом ролике присутствует минимум одна опасность, а в одном – две.
Всего роликов 15, и, для того чтобы сдать экзамен, вам нужно набрать из 75 возможных баллов минимум 44. За каждую вовремя замеченную опасность вы можете получить максимум 5 баллов, то есть чем раньше вы ее замечаете, тем больше баллов получаете. Там есть, как вам объясняют, «окно», то бишь когда опасность появляется на экране и вы в этот момент реагируете, кликнув мышкой, то получаете 5 баллов, а если вы нажимаете кнопку позже, то, соответственно, меньше баллов потом получаете. Если вы нажали кнопку в тот момент, когда уже остановились перед опасностью, то не зарабатываете ни одного балла. Также если вы кликаете слишком много раз или же система определяет, что вы нажимаете кнопку в каком-то определенном порядке, то есть как бы наугад, думая, что можете как-то перехитрить компьютер, то в этом случае вы тоже зарабатываете ноль баллов.
Example of a driving licence issued in Great Britain after December 2021 |
Example of a driving licence issued in Northern Ireland after December 2021 |
Type | Driving licence |
Issued by | United Kingdom |
Purpose | Authorisation |
Expiration | Both provisional and full licences are valid for 10 years |
Cost | Provisional:
£34/£43 (online/postal) (GB), £62.50 (Northern Ireland) Renewal: £14/£17 (online/postal) (GB), |
In the United Kingdom, a driving licence is the official document which authorises its holder to operate motor vehicles on highways and other public roads. It is administered in England, Scotland and Wales by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and in Northern Ireland by the Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA). A driving licence is required in England, Scotland, and Wales for any person (except the sovereign) driving a vehicle on any highway or other «road», as defined in s.192 Road Traffic Act 1988,[1] irrespective of the ownership of the land over which the road passes. Similar requirements apply in Northern Ireland under the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1981.
Prior to the UK leaving the European Union on 31 January 2020 and during the transition period which ended on 31 December 2020, a UK driving licence was a European driving licence,[2] adhering to Directive 2006/126/EC and valid throughout the European Economic Area. A new updated design has been issued from January 2021, now simply reading “UK” in larger blue letters, where the EU flag with the circle of stars surrounding the «UK» code used to be.[3][4]
Since July 2015, all UK driving licence photocards issued by the DVLA have displayed the Union Jack flag, and since December 2021[5] also the Royal Coat of Arms on the front of the driving licence. This does not apply to driving licences issued by the DVA in Northern Ireland.[6]
As UK nationals do not normally have identity cards, a photographic driving licence can serve many of the purposes of an identity card in non-driving contexts, such as proof of identity (e.g. when opening a bank account) or of age (e.g. when buying age-restricted goods such as alcohol or tobacco).
Provisional Licences and Learner Drivers[edit]
Example of a provisional driving licence issued in Great Britain after December 2021
Example of a provisional driving licence issued in Northern Ireland after December 2021
Applications for a provisional driving licence can be made in Great Britain from the age of 15 years and 9 months and in Northern Ireland from 16 years and 10 months. Once a United Kingdom driving test has been passed, the driving licence is valid for driving a moped or light quad bike from age 16, and a car from age 17, or 16 for those who receive, or have applied for, the higher or enhanced rate of the mobility component of PIP or DLA.[7][8] A driving test consists of three sections: theory, hazard perception and a driving examination. Until this test has been passed, a driver may hold only a provisional licence[9] and is subject to certain conditions.
The conditions attached to provisional licences for a particular category of vehicle are:[10]
L plate
D plate (Wales)
Learner driver plates in the UK
- L-plates or (in Wales only) D-plates (Welsh: Dysgwr, «learner») must be conspicuously displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle.
- Learner drivers of a particular category and transmission type of vehicle must be accompanied by somebody aged 21 or above who has held a full driving licence for that category and transmission type for at least three years, except in the case of solo motorcycles and vehicles of certain categories designed solely for one person.
- No trailer may be towed, except when driving a tractor or where a full licence gives provisional entitlement to drive a car with trailer, large goods vehicle with trailer or passenger carrying vehicle with trailer.
- Motorcycle riders must not carry any pillion passengers.
- Coach or bus drivers must not carry any passenger except a person giving or receiving instruction.
- Motorways must not be used by holders of car and motorcycle provisional licences,[11] excluding category B (car) licence holders who are learner drivers for the purposes of the trailer category BE, or unless supervised by an Approved Driving Instructor in a car fitted with dual controls.[12]
In Northern Ireland, learner drivers are limited to a speed of 45 mph (72 km/h) and are not permitted on motorways regardless of whether or not they are under instruction by an ADI (Approved Driving Instructor), and drivers who have passed their test within the previous year must display R plates (restricted) and are also limited to a maximum speed of 45 mph (72 km/h) until the expiry of the restricted period. R plates are similar in style to L plates, with a thick-set dark orange R displayed on a white background and most L plates have the orange R on the reverse side.[13]
After passing a driving test, the provisional licence may be surrendered within two years in exchange for a full UK licence[9] for the relevant kind of vehicle. Full car licences allow use of mopeds and motorcycles provided a CBT (Compulsory Basic Training) course is completed (the requirement to have a CBT in Northern Ireland was introduced on 21 February 2011).[14]
Newly qualified drivers[edit]
R plate that must be displayed by restricted drivers in Northern Ireland
P plates that some new drivers choose to display in Great Britain
There are currently no restrictions on newly qualified drivers in England, Wales or Scotland; however if a newly qualified driver receives six penalty points within two years of passing, the licence is automatically revoked and the driver must pass the full test again; this also applies in Northern Ireland.[15] These six points remain on the new licence until their designated expiry time.[16]
In Great Britain, some new drivers may display green «P» plates («probationary») on their vehicle to alert other drivers that they have recently passed their driving test. This is optional and not a legal requirement and may be displayed for as long as desired. P plates are not commonly used in Northern Ireland.
In Northern Ireland, new drivers must display orange «R» plates for 1 year after passing the test, and are limited to a maximum speed of 45 mph (72 km/h). This is a legal requirement and failure to display R plates is 2 penalty points and a fine.[17] These drivers are known as restricted drivers.
In the Isle of Man (a UK Crown dependency), new drivers must display «R» plates similar to those in Northern Ireland, but red, for 1 year after passing the test, and are limited to a maximum speed of 50 mph (80 km/h).
Towing restrictions[edit]
The rules on what a driver can tow are different depending on when they passed their driving test. If they passed their car driving test on or after 1 January 1997, they may drive a car or van up to 3,500 kg (7,700 lb) maximum authorised mass (MAM) towing a trailer of up to 750 kg (1,650 lb) MAM, and they may tow a trailer over 750 kg (1,650 lb) MAM as long as the combined MAM of the trailer and towing vehicle is no more than 3,500 kg (7,700 lb) MAM when loaded. They must pass the car and trailer driving test to tow anything heavier. If a driver passed their car test before 1 January 1997, they are usually allowed to drive a vehicle and trailer combination up to 8,250 kg (18,190 lb) MAM. They are also allowed to drive a minibus with a trailer over 750 kg (1,650 lb) MAM.[18]
On 16 September 2021, the Secretary of State for Transport laid a statutory instrument [19] to retrospectively grant the B+E (car and trailer) entitlement to all category B licence holders. From 15 November 2021, all standard car licence holders will be able to tow a trailer with a MAM of up to 3,500 kg (7,700 lb).
An additional legislative
change from the 16th
December 2021 also means
that drivers with B (Car)
entitlement will
automatically have B+E
(Car & Trailer) entitlement
without the need to take a
B+E test. This will allow you
to tow a vehicle up to
3,500kg Maximum
Authorised Mass (MAM).
Other regulations[edit]
Motor car licences issued in the United Kingdom distinguish between automatic and manual transmission vehicles, depending on whether or not a driving test was passed in a vehicle with manual transmission (unless a vehicle test was taken in the UK before such distinction was made). While a manual transmission vehicle licence permits the holder to drive a vehicle of either kind, an automatic transmission vehicle licence is solely for vehicles with automatic transmission. The licence also shows whether a driver requires glasses or contact lenses to meet the legal driving requirements, if known.
Drivers who obtained rights to drive category D1 minibuses before 1997 (by passing a test for the obsolete class A) must not drive such vehicles for hire or reward, nor accept any form of payment in money, goods or kind from any passengers carried.
Category B licences automatically cover both groups C1 (lorries not exceeding 7.5 tomnnes MAM) and D1 but as the holder approaches 45, they must renew their licence. They must provide a doctor’s medical report plus an optometrist’s report (if the doctor cannot certify the eyesight requirement).[20] Anyone who has C1 and D1 rights on an older paper licence (before the photocard licence) retains the right to drive C1 and D1 without medical evidence until age 70 (so called:grandfather rights).[21] Though like any responsible driver, should have regular eye checks.
There is no maximum age for driving or holding a driving licence, but holders must renew their licences at age 70 and every three years thereafter, at which times they must provide evidence of a medical exam and separate eyesight test if the right to drive C1 and D1 vehicles is to be retained.[22]
Driver registration was introduced in 1903 with the Motor Car Act. Holders of the sulphur-yellow coloured document were entitled to «drive a motor car or motor cycle».[23] The wording was changed in 1930 after which holders were allowed to «drive or steer a motor car or to drive a motor cycle». Shortly afterwards, the document cover was changed to a dark red colour. Holders were for a period entitled to drive a vehicle of «any class or description».[23] Subsequent changes saw the document list precisely those vehicle types for which holders were licensed.
Competency tests were introduced by the Motor Vehicles Regulations 1935 applicable to all drivers who started driving after 1 April 1934. Competency tests were suspended in 1939 for seven years due to the Second World War and in 1956 for one year due to the Suez Crisis. The only person in the United Kingdom who is not required to have a driving licence in order to drive is the King.[24][25]
Until 1973, driving licences (and tax discs) were issued by local authorities and had to be renewed every three years. In 1971, the decision was taken to computerise the licensing system to enable it to be linked to the Police National Computer and to extend the life of the licence up to the driver’s 70th birthday, extendable at intervals thereafter provided the driver can prove fitness.
Except for Northern Ireland, driving licences issued before July 1998 did not have photographs on them.[26] Anyone who holds a licence issued before this date may retain their photo-less licence until expiry (normally one’s seventieth birthday) or until they change address, whichever comes sooner. The new plastic photocard driving licences have to be renewed every ten years, for a fee. Until 2015, the licence consisted of both the photocard and a paper counterpart which detailed the individual’s driving entitlements and convictions («endorsements»). The counterpart was abolished on 8 June 2015[27] and the information formerly recorded on it is now available online via the View Driving Licence service, except in Northern Ireland where the counterpart must be kept with the photocard.[28]
Licences issued to residents of England, Northern Ireland and Scotland appear only in English, while those issued to residents of Wales appear in both English and Welsh. The Union Jack Flag has been included on GB licences since July 2015, but not on Northern Ireland licences.[29] Since December 2021 the Royal Coat of Arms is included on GB licences.[5]
British driving licences followed the same format as this German licence until the transition period ended.
Up until 28 September 2021, the distinguishing sign of the United Kingdom was «GB».[30] The allocation of codes is maintained by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, authorised by the UN’s Geneva Convention on Road Traffic[31] and the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.[32] The UK is party to both conventions, and shall hence issue licences in conformity with the conventions. Annex 9 of the Geneva convention states that the distinguishing sign (UK) shall be inscribed in an oval. According to the Vienna convention Article 43 domestic licences have to comply with Annex 6, which says that driving licences shall include the name and/or the distinguishing sign of the country which issued the permit. UK licences did include the «GB» distinguishing code until 1990.[33]
Example of a driving licence issued in Great Britain between January 2021 and December 2021
In Directive 91/439/EEC which EU Member States had to implement before 1 July 1994, the UK had to include the emblem of the EU with the code «UK»,[34] instead of «GB» encircled by an ellipse on the front page. As the UK has subsequently withdrawn from the EU, the EU flag is no longer featured on UK driving licences issued after the transition period ended on 31 December 2020.[35] The «GB» code or the ellipse from the aforementioned conventions have not been reintroduced, since January 2021, the licences simply reads “UK» in larger blue letters where the EU flag with the circle of stars surrounding the «UK» code used to be.[3][4]
On 30 June 2021 the United Nations published a notification stating that the United Kingdom had given three months notification that it intended to change its distinguishing sign from «GB» to «UK». This came into effect on 28 September 2021.[36]
Since December 2021, new driving licence styles were introduced. Changes were made to all versions of the GB driving licence cards and includes:[5]
- The Union Jack flag has been moved to the top right corner
- The Royal Coat of Arms is included on the front
- The driver number is left justified and in line with the other text
- A secondary image of the licence holder is located on the front
- Colour shifting ink (OVI design) has been reinstated and updated to the back of the licence
- New hologram has been added
The same changes apply to all versions of the Northern Ireland driving licence, excluding the Union Jack flag and Royal Coat of Arms.
Driver numbers[edit]
Great Britain[edit]
Each licence holder in England, Scotland and Wales has a unique driver number, which is 16 characters long. The characters are constructed in the following way:[37]
- 1–5: The first five characters of the surname (padded with 9s if fewer than 5 characters). For surnames beginning with «MAC», they are treated as «MC» for all.[38]
- 6: The decade digit from the year of birth (e.g. for 1987 it would be
- 7–8: The month of birth in two digit format (7th character is incremented by 5 if the driver is female i.e. 51–62 instead of 01–12)
- 9–10: The date within the day of birth in two digit format (i.e. 01–31)
- 11: The year digit from the year of birth (e.g. for 1987 it would be 7)
- 12–13: The first initial of the first and middle name, padded with a 9 if no middle name (e.g. for John Doe Smith JD, for Jane Smith J9)
- 14: Arbitrary digit – usually 9, but decremented to differentiate drivers with the first 13 characters in common
- 15–16: Two computer check digits which may be letters.
- 17–18: Two digits representing the licence issue, which increases by 1 for each licence issued.[dubious – discuss]Not used on previous paper licences.
This section is missing information about licences which have an issue number larger than the number of previous issues. Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page. (January 2022) |
Northern Ireland[edit]
Driver numbers in Northern Ireland differ from those issued to drivers in GB.
Each Northern Ireland licence holder is assigned a unique, 8 digit driving licence number, e.g. 12345678. This number is assigned randomly and in no specific order.
The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020, starting an 11-month transition period which terminated on 31 December 2020 in accordance with the Brexit withdrawal agreement.[2] EU law continued to apply to the UK during the transition period, and hence UK driving licences were valid in the EEA and vice versa until 31 December 2020. UK licence holders living in the EU were advised to exchange their UK driving licence for a local one before the transition period ended.[39][40][41] The EU flag was removed from UK driving licences when the transition period ended.[3][35]
From 1 January 2021, with some exceptions, UK licence holders can use their driving licence when visiting EEA countries.[42][43] International Driving Permits might be needed in some cases, and depending on which convention the country in question has ratified, a 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic IDP might be required in some countries, and a 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic IDP in others. However, none of the EEA countries currently require IDPs for visitors staying shorter than 12 months.[41] EEA countries are no longer obligated to recognise or exchange UK licences if the holder moves to an EEA country, except if the UK has agreed a bilateral agreement with the country.[44]
European driving licences are recognised by the UK if the driving test was passed in an EU/EEA country, and can be used both if the holder is visiting or residing in the country. They can also be exchanged for a UK (both GB and NI) licence.[45][46]
Driving licence categories[edit]
Current categories[edit]
This is a list of the categories that might be found on a driving licence in the United Kingdom.[47]
Category | Vehicle type | Minimum age | Notes[Notes 1] |
AM | Mopeds | 16 | 2-wheeled or 3-wheeled vehicles with a maximum design speed of over 15.5 mph (25 km/h) but not more than 28 mph (45 km/h).
This category also includes light quadricycles with an unladen mass of not more than 350 kg (not including batteries if it is an electric vehicle) and a maximum design speed of over 15.5 mph (25 km/h) but not more than 28 mph (45 km/h). Electrically propelled pedal cycles (with 2 or 3 wheels) are exempt from the requirement for a licence provided they conform to the EPAC rules, although there is a minimum age of 14. Such vehicles must be equipped with pedals by means of which the vehicle is capable of being propelled. If there are no pedals, then a moped licence is required.[Notes 2] Electrically assisted scooters are considered to be electrically assisted only if they conform to certain additional EPAC rules, otherwise a licence is required.[48] |
P | Mopeds | 16 | Motor vehicles with fewer than 4 wheels with a maximum design speed of over 28 mph (45 km/h) but not more than 31 mph (50 km/h). The vehicle’s engine size must not be more than 50cc if powered by an internal combustion engine. |
Q | Mopeds | 16 | Motor vehicles with fewer than 4 wheels which, if propelled by an internal combustion engine, have a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc and, if not equipped with pedals by means of which the vehicle is capable of being propelled, have a maximum design speed not exceeding 15.5 mph (25 km/h). |
A1 | Motorcycles | 17 | Light motorbicycles with an engine size up to 125 cc, a power output of up to 11 kW (14.75 hp), and a power to weight ratio not more than 0.1 kW/kg (136.2 hp/ton). This category also includes motor tricycles with power output up to 15 kW (20.1 hp).
A practical training without exam is needed for B licence holders (Compulsory Basic Training). |
A2 | Motorcycles | 19 | Motorbicycles in category A1, as well as motorbicycles with a power output up to 35 kW (46.9 hp) and power to weight ratio not more than 0.2 kW/kg (272.5 hp/ton). The motorcycle must also not be derived from a vehicle of more than double its power.[49] |
A | Motorcycles | 24[Notes 3] | Motorcycles in categories A1 and A2, as well as motorcycles with a power output more than 35 kW (46.9 hp) or a power to weight ratio more than 0.2 kW/kg (272.5 hp/ton) and motor tricycles with a power output more than 15 kW (20.1 hp).
B licence holders who are at least 21 years of age are allowed to drive motor tricycles, including three-wheeled motorcycles with a power exceeding 15 kilowatts (20 hp). |
B1 | Light vehicles and quadricycles | 17[Notes 4] | Motor vehicles with 4 wheels up to 400 kg unladen, or 550 kg if they are designed for carrying goods. |
B | Cars | 17[Notes 5] | Full licence obtained before 1 January 1997:
Full licence obtained after 31 December 1996:
B auto | Cars | 17[Notes 4] | Same as Category B, but only automatic transmission. |
BE | Cars | 17[Notes 6] | A vehicle with a MAM of 3,500 kg with a trailer. The size of the trailer depends on the BE ‘valid from’ date shown on the licence. If the date is before 19 January 2013, the vehicle can tow any size trailer. If the date is on or after 19 January 2013, the vehicle can tow a trailer with a MAM of up to 3,500 kg.
From 15 November 2021, BE will be granted to all category B licence holders. No category BE tests will take place after 20 September 2021.[50] |
C1 | Medium-sized vehicles | 18[Notes 7] | Vehicles between 3,500 and 7,500 kg MAM (with a trailer up to 750 kg). |
C1E | Medium-sized vehicles | 21[Notes 8] | C1 category vehicles with a trailer over 750 kg. The combined MAM of both cannot exceed 12,000 kg. |
C | Large vehicles | 18[Notes 9] | Vehicles over 7,500 kg (with a trailer up to 750 kg MAM). |
CE | Large vehicles | 18[Notes 9] | Category C vehicles with a trailer over 750 kg. |
D1 | Minibuses | 21[Notes 10] | Vehicles with no more than 16 passenger seats, a maximum length of 8 metres, and a trailer up to 750 kg. See also Category B. |
D1E | Minibuses | 18[Notes 10] | D1 category vehicles with a trailer over 750 kg MAM. The combined MAM of both cannot exceed 12,000 kg. |
D | Buses | 18[Notes 10] | Any bus with more than 8 passenger seats (with a trailer up to 750 kg MAM). |
DE | Buses | 18[Notes 10] | D category vehicles with a trailer over 750 kg. |
F | Agricultural tractor | 16 | Maximum weight with trailer = 24 390 kg. Age 16 for tractors less than 2.45m wide. It must only pull trailers less than 2.45 m (96 in) wide with two wheels, or four close-coupled. |
G | Road roller | 18[Notes 11] | |
H | Tracked vehicles | 18[Notes 12] | |
K | Mowing machine or pedestrian-controlled vehicle | 16 | |
L | Electrically-propelled vehicle | 17 | Category now deprecated – tests no longer available (since 2001) for this category. Vehicles now classified by the appropriate group above.[Notes 13] |
M | Trolley vehicles | ||
N | Exempt from duty | Normally as per group if not exempt | Category now deprecated (since 2001). This category was reserved for vehicles driven for a government department. Neither the issue of the licence nor the testing were carried out by the normal licensing authorities. Each department issued the licence to drive (which was similar in appearance to the pre-1973 dark red licence except that it was light blue in colour). This separate licence was proof that the driver had the proper permission to drive an official vehicle (which was neither insured nor taxed and had no MOT). A prerequisite to passing a driving test (and being granted the licence) for this category was that the driver held a normal full licence appropriate for the type of vehicle being driven (military use excepted). The minimum ages for driving were the same as for the normal licence, except that two types of vehicle (motor-cycles and cars displaying military number plates) could be driven at 16 years of age by a serving member (not a civilian employee) on behalf of one of the armed services.
The category was abandoned because all government departments now hire or lease their vehicles from regular suppliers. The armed services also lease standard civilian-supplied vehicles, with only specialist military vehicles being ‘owned’ by the Crown. |
- Notes
- ^ MAM = Maximum authorised mass
- ^ Many users of electrically propelled vehicles believe that they are exempt from licensing if they are solely used on the pavement. As they do not feature pedals for propulsion, they require a licence to drive, though nearly all are illegal on the public highway as they are incapable of passing a vehicle test (no braking system among other reasons).
- ^ Age 24 or 2 years from date of A2 test pass.
- ^ a b At age 16, a licence may be issued if the licensee is in receipt of the higher rate of disability living allowance. However, if the rate is withdrawn, the normal minimum age for driving a car (17 years) applies.
- ^ At age 16, a licence may be issued if the licensee is in receipt of the higher rate of disability living allowance. However if the rate is withdrawn, the normal minimum age for driving a car (17 years) applies.
- ^ If the driver has passed their category B or B automatic test before 1 January 1997, their licence will already show C1, C1E (8.25 tonnes), D1, D1E (not for hire or reward) as entitlement flowing from the category B.
- ^ Age 17 if the driver is a member of the armed services
- ^ Age 17 if the driver is a member of the armed services; Age 18 if they got their driving licence before 10 September 2009 and the weight of the vehicle and trailer together is under 7,500 kg; Age 18 under certain other circumstances
- ^ a b Age 17 if the driver is a member of the armed services; Age 18 under certain other circumstances
- ^ a b c d Age 17 if the driver is a member of the armed services; Age 18 having passed a passenger carrying vehicle (PCV) test before 10 September 2008 and driving under a authorised operator’s licence (O-licence), or minibus permit, or community bus permit and under certain conditions; Age 18 under certain other circumstances; Age 20 after passing a PCV driving test and Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (DCPC) initial qualification
- ^ Age 17 for small road-rollers with metal or hard rollers. They must not be steam powered, weigh more than 11.69 tonnes or be made for carrying loads
- ^ Age 17 if the Maximum Authorised Mass of the tracked vehicle doesn’t exceed 3,500 kg
- ^ Though curiously: the category still appears on new licences
Obsolete goods classes[edit]
Although the category system was changed over 25 years ago (1 January 1997), the freight industry and driver recruitment agencies still predominantly use the obsolete class numbers for the entitlement of HGV drivers.
The two systems are not exactly compatible, so the descriptions given are only a guideline.
- Class 1: any goods vehicle over 7½ long tons (7,620 kg or 16,800 lb) with any trailer.
- Class 2: any rigid goods vehicle over 7½ long tons.
- Class 3: any rigid goods vehicle over 7½ long tons with no more than two axles.
Points and endorsements[edit]
The UK uses a cumulative points system for driving offences. Points are added for driving offences by law courts or where the driver accepts a fixed penalty in lieu of prosecution, and the licence is endorsed accordingly. A UK driving licence may be endorsed for various offences, not only for those committed while driving or in charge of a vehicle.[51] If the individual committing the offence does not hold a valid driver’s licence the endorsements may be put by until a licence is held.
Most endorsements remain valid for four years; some (such as driving under the influence) are recorded on the licence for 11 years because more severe penalties apply to those convicted twice within 10 years of drink or drug driving offences.
Twelve points on the licence within three years makes the driver liable to disqualification under the «totting-up» procedure; however this is not automatic and must be decided on by a court of law.[52][53] Endorsements remain on the licence for one year longer than their validity (three or ten years) because a court can consider points awarded even though they are not valid for ‘totting up’.
Driving licence codes[edit]
Certain codes are included on driving licences to indicate restrictions on use. These codes are listed on the back of the card under the column headed «12. Codes» and are listed for each category that is licensed.
As long as the UK remained within the EU, the codes 1–99 were the same as in the rest of the EU, harmonized by Directive 2006/126/EC.
The codes and their meanings are as follows:[54]
- 01 – eyesight correction
- 02 – hearing/communication aid
- 10 – modified transmission
- 15 – modified clutch
- 20 – modified braking systems
- 25 – modified accelerator systems
- 30 – combined braking and accelerator systems ( licences issued before 28 November 2016)
- 31 – pedal adaptations and pedal safeguards
- 32 – combined service brake and accelerator systems
- 33 – combined service brake, accelerator and steering systems
- 35 – modified control layouts
- 40 – modified steering
- 42 – modified rear-view mirror(s)
- 43 – modified driving seats
- 44 – modifications to motorcycles
- 44 (1) – single operated brake
- 44 (2) – (adjusted) hand-operated brake (front wheel)
- 44 (3) – (adjusted) foot-operated brake (back wheel)
- 44 (4) – (adjusted) accelerator handle
- 44 (5) – (adjusted) manual transmission and manual clutch
- 44 (6) – (adjusted) rear-view mirror(s)
- 44 (7) – (adjusted) commands (direction indicators, braking light, etc.)
- 44 (8) – seat height allowing the driver, in sitting position, to have 2 feet on the road at the same time
- 45 – motorcycles only with sidecar
- 46 – tricycles only (for licences issued before 29 June 2014)
- 70 – exchange of licence
- 71 – duplicate of licence
- 78 – restricted to vehicles with automatic transmission
- 79 – restricted to vehicles in conformity with the specifications stated in brackets on the licence
- 79.02 – restricted to category AM vehicles of the 3-wheel or light quadricycle type
- 79.03 – restricted to tricycles
- 96 – allowed to drive a vehicle and trailer where the trailer weighs at least 750 kg, and the combined weight of the vehicle and trailer is between 3,500 kg and 4,250 kg
- 97 – not allowed to drive category C1 vehicles which are required to have a tachograph fitted
- 101 – not for hire or reward (that is, not to make a profit)
- 102 – drawbar trailers only
- 103 – subject to certificate of competence
- 105 – vehicle not more than 5.5 metres long
- 106 – restricted to vehicles with automatic transmissions
- 107 – not more than 8,250 kilogrammes
- 108 – subject to minimum age requirements
- 110 – limited to transporting persons with restricted mobility
- 111 – limited to 16 passenger seats
- 113 – limited to 16 passenger seats except for automatics
- 114 – with any special controls required for safe driving
- 115 – organ donor
- 118 – start date is for earliest entitlement
- 119 – weight limit(s) for vehicle do(es) not apply
- 121 – restricted to conditions specified in the Secretary of State’s notice
- 122 – valid on successful completion: Basic Moped Training Course
- 125 – tricycles only (for licences issued before 29 June 2014)
Use as proof of identity[edit]
Identity cards for UK nationals were introduced in 2009 on a voluntary basis, and the attempt to introduce a nationwide identity-card scheme in 2010 was reversed mid-course. Its in-progress database was halted and then destroyed.[55] Only workers in certain high-security professions, such as airport workers, were required to have an identity card in 2009, and this remains the case today. Therefore, driving licences, particularly the photocard driving licence introduced in 1998, along with passports, are the most widely used ID documents in the United Kingdom. Most people do not carry their passports with them; this leaves driving licences as the only valid form of ID to be presented. In day-to-day life there is no legal requirement to carry identification whilst driving or otherwise, and most authorities do not arbitrarily ask for identification from individuals.
Non-professional drivers are not legally obliged to carry a driving licence while driving, but section 164 of the Road Traffic Act 1998[56] allows a police officer to require a driver to produce a driving licence within seven days at a police station chosen by the driver. The form which was once issued in such circumstances, the HO/RT 1, was known colloquially as «a producer», as exemplified in Smiley Culture’s hit single «Police Officer».[57]
Exchange agreements[edit]
The UK has an exchange agreement with 22 ‘designated’ countries/regions[58] which allows the holder of a foreign driving licence who is deemed to be resident in the UK to exchange it for a British licence. Initially, there were 18 such countries/regions, but an additional four, namely Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine and the Republic of North Macedonia, were added from 20 May 2021.[59]
To do such licence exchange, the holder must send the licence, a translation thereof if required, an application form and a fee to the DVLA or DVA (for Northern Ireland).
- The countries/regions are: Andorra, Australia, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Republic of North Macedonia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and Zimbabwe
Post-Brexit arrangements[edit]
The UK and Ireland have signed a bilateral agreement, allowing those holding a UK driving licence and living in Ireland to continue to be able to swap it for an Irish licence after the Brexit transition period ended on 31 December 2020.[60][61]
The UK and Norway have agreed to continue existing arrangements on mutual recognition of driving licences after Brexit.[62][63][64]
See also[edit]
- European driving licence
- British passport
- Vehicle registration plates of the United Kingdom
- ^ «s.192 Road Traffic Act 1988 – General Interpretation of Act». Legislation.gov.uk. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ a b Asa Bennett (27 January 2020). «How will the Brexit transition period work?». Telegraph.
- ^ a b c «New-style driving licences and number plates mark one-year anniversary of Brexit as EU flag is removed». GOV.UK. Retrieved 9 March 2021.
- ^ a b «INS57P — Information on driving licences» (PDF). Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency.
- ^ a b c «New Driving License styles go live this week». NFDA. Retrieved 23 January 2022.
- ^ «The photocard driving licence explained | nidirect». www.nidirect.gov.uk. 24 November 2015. Retrieved 20 July 2022.
- ^ «Provisional Driving Licence». Young Car Driver. Retrieved 6 October 2014.
- ^ «Direct.gov Motoring». Direct.gov.uk. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ a b «Road Traffic Act 1988 s.89». Statutelaw.gov.uk. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ «Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations 1999 reg. 16» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 31 October 2008. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ Motorways Traffic (England and Wales) Regulations 1982 reg. 11 ISBN 0-11-027163-7
- ^ «Learner drivers on motorways from 4 June 2018». GOV.UK. Retrieved 8 October 2018.
- ^ «Motor vehicle documentation learner and restricted driver requirements». Nidirect.gov.uk. 4 October 2009. Archived from the original on 29 October 2013. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ «Statutory Rules of Northern Ireland DVA website» (PDF). doeni.gov.uk. Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 August 2012.
- ^ «Road Traffic (New Drivers) Act 1995, ss.1 to 4». Statutelaw.gov.uk. Archived from the original on 5 August 2012. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ «Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988, s.45(5)». Statutelaw.gov.uk. 7 January 1992. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ «PSNI Newry, Mourne and Down on Facebook». Facebook.
- ^ «Towing with a car». Government of the United Kingdom. Retrieved 6 February 2017.
This content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0. © Crown copyright.
- ^ «The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021». Government of the United Kingdom. Retrieved 16 September 2021.
- ^ «Renew or change a lorry or bus licence [if over 45]». Retrieved 27 January 2023.
- ^ «Grandfather rights». Retrieved 27 January 2023.
- ^ «Renew your driving licence if you’re 70 or over». Retrieved 27 January 2023.
- ^ a b «Licensed to drive». Motor. 23 May 1970. p. 32.
- ^ Mostrous, Alexi (20 December 2007). «81 facts about the Queen». The Times. Retrieved 10 May 2011.
- ^ Goodfellow, Mollie (3 September 2015). «Queen Elizabeth II to become Britain’s longest reigning monarch: The many things the Queen can do that the rest of us can’t». The Independent. Retrieved 31 December 2019.
- ^ «UK | Drivers face new photocard licence». BBC News. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ «Driving licence changes». Gov.uk. Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. 22 December 2014. Retrieved 7 January 2015.
- ^ «The photocard driving licence explained». nidirect.gov.uk. 17 May 2016. Retrieved 14 September 2016.
- ^ «Union Flags now feature on British driving licences». gov.uk. Retrieved 12 March 2016.
- ^ United Nations, Distinguishing Signs Used on Vehicles in International Traffic, 15 February 2007
- ^ «Chapter XI.B. TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS» (PDF). treaties.un.org.
- ^ «PART I CONVENTION ON ROAD TRAFFIC DONE AT VIENNA ON 8 NOVEMBER 1968 (Consolidated version)» (PDF). unece.org.
- ^ «Document: GBR-FO-02001». www.consilium.europa.eu. Retrieved 6 January 2021.
- ^ «EUR-Lex – 31991L0439 – EN – EUR-Lex». eur-lex.europa.eu. Article 2 and Annex 1. Retrieved 6 January 2021.
- ^ a b «Design of UK Driving Licences after 31 January 2020 – a Freedom of Information request to Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency» (PDF). 28 December 2019.
- ^ «DVLA INF45/1 «Your new Driving Licence» June 2008″ (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 October 2013. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ «ID checking guidelines for DBS check applications». 23 October 2015. Retrieved 15 February 2017.
- ^ Ó Scannáil, Mícheál (23 December 2019). «Explainer: Why Irish citizens are advised to ditch their British driving licence ahead of Brexit». Independent. Ireland. Retrieved 1 December 2019.
- ^ «Driving in the EU from 1 January 2021: UK licence holders living in the EU». GOV.UK. Retrieved 30 January 2020.
- ^ a b «Brexit: What are the rules on driving in the EU?». BBC News. 8 July 2021.
- ^ «Brexit: What are the rules on driving in the EU after transition?». BBC News. 27 December 2020. Retrieved 29 December 2020.
- ^ «Visit Europe from 1 January 2021». GOV.UK. Retrieved 29 December 2020.
- ^ «Driving licence exchange and recognition in the EU». Your Europe. Retrieved 13 March 2021.
- ^ «You can drive any type of vehicle listed on your full and valid licence – Driving in Great Britain on a non-GB licence – GOV.UK». www.gov.uk. Retrieved 13 March 2021.
- ^ «Exchanging your foreign driving licence». nidirect. 25 November 2015. Retrieved 29 March 2021.
- ^ «Driving licence categories – GOV.UK». www.gov.uk. Retrieved 15 July 2017.
- ^ «EAPC Rules» (PDF).
- ^ «Bike Categories ages and license requirements – GOV.UK». www.gov.uk. Retrieved 12 October 2021.
- ^ «New rules for towing a trailer or caravan with a car from autumn 2021».
- ^ «Penalty points (Endorsements)».
- ^ ««Endorsements, penalty points and disqualification», Direct.gov.uk». Gov.uk. 19 July 2013. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ «New Driving Laws and What They Mean For Drivers». absolutereg.co.uk. 6 August 2015.
- ^ «Driving licence codes». GOV.UK.
- ^ «Applying for Your Provisional Driving Licence – Learner Driver Guide • GoRoadie».
- ^ «Road Traffic Act 1988». Legislation.gov.uk. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ «Smiley Culture».
- ^ «Gov.uk». Exchange a foreign driving licence. Retrieved 29 October 2020
- ^ «Exchange of driving licences issued in Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine and the Republic of North Macedonia». GOV.UK.
- ^ «Bilateral Agreement on Exchange of Driving Licences with UK». www.gov.ie. Retrieved 31 December 2020.
- ^ «How to Exchange a UK or NI Driving Licence – National Driver Licence Service». www.ndls.ie. Retrieved 13 March 2021.
- ^ «Driving Licence recognition» (PDF). Royal Norwegian Ministry of Transport.
- ^ Samferdselsdepartementet (11 December 2020). «Brexit: Norske og britiske førerkort vil fortsatt være gyldige i begge land». Regjeringen.no (in Norwegian). Retrieved 31 December 2020.
- ^ Communications, Ministry of Transport and (5 April 2019). «Brexit: Norwegian driving licences will continue to be valid in the UK. Norwegian authorities are seeking to ensure full driver’s rights for holders of UK driving licences in Norway». Government.no. Retrieved 31 December 2020.
External links[edit]
- DVLA England, Scotland and Wales driver information website
- DVA Northern Ireland driver licensing website
- Driving licence codes
Example of a driving licence issued in Great Britain after December 2021 |
Example of a driving licence issued in Northern Ireland after December 2021 |
Type | Driving licence |
Issued by | United Kingdom |
Purpose | Authorisation |
Expiration | Both provisional and full licences are valid for 10 years |
Cost | Provisional:
£34/£43 (online/postal) (GB), £62.50 (Northern Ireland) Renewal: £14/£17 (online/postal) (GB), |
In the United Kingdom, a driving licence is the official document which authorises its holder to operate motor vehicles on highways and other public roads. It is administered in England, Scotland and Wales by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and in Northern Ireland by the Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA). A driving licence is required in England, Scotland, and Wales for any person (except the sovereign) driving a vehicle on any highway or other «road», as defined in s.192 Road Traffic Act 1988,[1] irrespective of the ownership of the land over which the road passes. Similar requirements apply in Northern Ireland under the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1981.
Prior to the UK leaving the European Union on 31 January 2020 and during the transition period which ended on 31 December 2020, a UK driving licence was a European driving licence,[2] adhering to Directive 2006/126/EC and valid throughout the European Economic Area. A new updated design has been issued from January 2021, now simply reading “UK” in larger blue letters, where the EU flag with the circle of stars surrounding the «UK» code used to be.[3][4]
Since July 2015, all UK driving licence photocards issued by the DVLA have displayed the Union Jack flag, and since December 2021[5] also the Royal Coat of Arms on the front of the driving licence. This does not apply to driving licences issued by the DVA in Northern Ireland.[6]
As UK nationals do not normally have identity cards, a photographic driving licence can serve many of the purposes of an identity card in non-driving contexts, such as proof of identity (e.g. when opening a bank account) or of age (e.g. when buying age-restricted goods such as alcohol or tobacco).
Provisional Licences and Learner Drivers[edit]
Example of a provisional driving licence issued in Great Britain after December 2021
Example of a provisional driving licence issued in Northern Ireland after December 2021
Applications for a provisional driving licence can be made in Great Britain from the age of 15 years and 9 months and in Northern Ireland from 16 years and 10 months. Once a United Kingdom driving test has been passed, the driving licence is valid for driving a moped or light quad bike from age 16, and a car from age 17, or 16 for those who receive, or have applied for, the higher or enhanced rate of the mobility component of PIP or DLA.[7][8] A driving test consists of three sections: theory, hazard perception and a driving examination. Until this test has been passed, a driver may hold only a provisional licence[9] and is subject to certain conditions.
The conditions attached to provisional licences for a particular category of vehicle are:[10]
L plate
D plate (Wales)
Learner driver plates in the UK
- L-plates or (in Wales only) D-plates (Welsh: Dysgwr, «learner») must be conspicuously displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle.
- Learner drivers of a particular category and transmission type of vehicle must be accompanied by somebody aged 21 or above who has held a full driving licence for that category and transmission type for at least three years, except in the case of solo motorcycles and vehicles of certain categories designed solely for one person.
- No trailer may be towed, except when driving a tractor or where a full licence gives provisional entitlement to drive a car with trailer, large goods vehicle with trailer or passenger carrying vehicle with trailer.
- Motorcycle riders must not carry any pillion passengers.
- Coach or bus drivers must not carry any passenger except a person giving or receiving instruction.
- Motorways must not be used by holders of car and motorcycle provisional licences,[11] excluding category B (car) licence holders who are learner drivers for the purposes of the trailer category BE, or unless supervised by an Approved Driving Instructor in a car fitted with dual controls.[12]
In Northern Ireland, learner drivers are limited to a speed of 45 mph (72 km/h) and are not permitted on motorways regardless of whether or not they are under instruction by an ADI (Approved Driving Instructor), and drivers who have passed their test within the previous year must display R plates (restricted) and are also limited to a maximum speed of 45 mph (72 km/h) until the expiry of the restricted period. R plates are similar in style to L plates, with a thick-set dark orange R displayed on a white background and most L plates have the orange R on the reverse side.[13]
After passing a driving test, the provisional licence may be surrendered within two years in exchange for a full UK licence[9] for the relevant kind of vehicle. Full car licences allow use of mopeds and motorcycles provided a CBT (Compulsory Basic Training) course is completed (the requirement to have a CBT in Northern Ireland was introduced on 21 February 2011).[14]
Newly qualified drivers[edit]
R plate that must be displayed by restricted drivers in Northern Ireland
P plates that some new drivers choose to display in Great Britain
There are currently no restrictions on newly qualified drivers in England, Wales or Scotland; however if a newly qualified driver receives six penalty points within two years of passing, the licence is automatically revoked and the driver must pass the full test again; this also applies in Northern Ireland.[15] These six points remain on the new licence until their designated expiry time.[16]
In Great Britain, some new drivers may display green «P» plates («probationary») on their vehicle to alert other drivers that they have recently passed their driving test. This is optional and not a legal requirement and may be displayed for as long as desired. P plates are not commonly used in Northern Ireland.
In Northern Ireland, new drivers must display orange «R» plates for 1 year after passing the test, and are limited to a maximum speed of 45 mph (72 km/h). This is a legal requirement and failure to display R plates is 2 penalty points and a fine.[17] These drivers are known as restricted drivers.
In the Isle of Man (a UK Crown dependency), new drivers must display «R» plates similar to those in Northern Ireland, but red, for 1 year after passing the test, and are limited to a maximum speed of 50 mph (80 km/h).
Towing restrictions[edit]
The rules on what a driver can tow are different depending on when they passed their driving test. If they passed their car driving test on or after 1 January 1997, they may drive a car or van up to 3,500 kg (7,700 lb) maximum authorised mass (MAM) towing a trailer of up to 750 kg (1,650 lb) MAM, and they may tow a trailer over 750 kg (1,650 lb) MAM as long as the combined MAM of the trailer and towing vehicle is no more than 3,500 kg (7,700 lb) MAM when loaded. They must pass the car and trailer driving test to tow anything heavier. If a driver passed their car test before 1 January 1997, they are usually allowed to drive a vehicle and trailer combination up to 8,250 kg (18,190 lb) MAM. They are also allowed to drive a minibus with a trailer over 750 kg (1,650 lb) MAM.[18]
On 16 September 2021, the Secretary of State for Transport laid a statutory instrument [19] to retrospectively grant the B+E (car and trailer) entitlement to all category B licence holders. From 15 November 2021, all standard car licence holders will be able to tow a trailer with a MAM of up to 3,500 kg (7,700 lb).
An additional legislative
change from the 16th
December 2021 also means
that drivers with B (Car)
entitlement will
automatically have B+E
(Car & Trailer) entitlement
without the need to take a
B+E test. This will allow you
to tow a vehicle up to
3,500kg Maximum
Authorised Mass (MAM).
Other regulations[edit]
Motor car licences issued in the United Kingdom distinguish between automatic and manual transmission vehicles, depending on whether or not a driving test was passed in a vehicle with manual transmission (unless a vehicle test was taken in the UK before such distinction was made). While a manual transmission vehicle licence permits the holder to drive a vehicle of either kind, an automatic transmission vehicle licence is solely for vehicles with automatic transmission. The licence also shows whether a driver requires glasses or contact lenses to meet the legal driving requirements, if known.
Drivers who obtained rights to drive category D1 minibuses before 1997 (by passing a test for the obsolete class A) must not drive such vehicles for hire or reward, nor accept any form of payment in money, goods or kind from any passengers carried.
Category B licences automatically cover both groups C1 (lorries not exceeding 7.5 tomnnes MAM) and D1 but as the holder approaches 45, they must renew their licence. They must provide a doctor’s medical report plus an optometrist’s report (if the doctor cannot certify the eyesight requirement).[20] Anyone who has C1 and D1 rights on an older paper licence (before the photocard licence) retains the right to drive C1 and D1 without medical evidence until age 70 (so called:grandfather rights).[21] Though like any responsible driver, should have regular eye checks.
There is no maximum age for driving or holding a driving licence, but holders must renew their licences at age 70 and every three years thereafter, at which times they must provide evidence of a medical exam and separate eyesight test if the right to drive C1 and D1 vehicles is to be retained.[22]
Driver registration was introduced in 1903 with the Motor Car Act. Holders of the sulphur-yellow coloured document were entitled to «drive a motor car or motor cycle».[23] The wording was changed in 1930 after which holders were allowed to «drive or steer a motor car or to drive a motor cycle». Shortly afterwards, the document cover was changed to a dark red colour. Holders were for a period entitled to drive a vehicle of «any class or description».[23] Subsequent changes saw the document list precisely those vehicle types for which holders were licensed.
Competency tests were introduced by the Motor Vehicles Regulations 1935 applicable to all drivers who started driving after 1 April 1934. Competency tests were suspended in 1939 for seven years due to the Second World War and in 1956 for one year due to the Suez Crisis. The only person in the United Kingdom who is not required to have a driving licence in order to drive is the King.[24][25]
Until 1973, driving licences (and tax discs) were issued by local authorities and had to be renewed every three years. In 1971, the decision was taken to computerise the licensing system to enable it to be linked to the Police National Computer and to extend the life of the licence up to the driver’s 70th birthday, extendable at intervals thereafter provided the driver can prove fitness.
Except for Northern Ireland, driving licences issued before July 1998 did not have photographs on them.[26] Anyone who holds a licence issued before this date may retain their photo-less licence until expiry (normally one’s seventieth birthday) or until they change address, whichever comes sooner. The new plastic photocard driving licences have to be renewed every ten years, for a fee. Until 2015, the licence consisted of both the photocard and a paper counterpart which detailed the individual’s driving entitlements and convictions («endorsements»). The counterpart was abolished on 8 June 2015[27] and the information formerly recorded on it is now available online via the View Driving Licence service, except in Northern Ireland where the counterpart must be kept with the photocard.[28]
Licences issued to residents of England, Northern Ireland and Scotland appear only in English, while those issued to residents of Wales appear in both English and Welsh. The Union Jack Flag has been included on GB licences since July 2015, but not on Northern Ireland licences.[29] Since December 2021 the Royal Coat of Arms is included on GB licences.[5]
British driving licences followed the same format as this German licence until the transition period ended.
Up until 28 September 2021, the distinguishing sign of the United Kingdom was «GB».[30] The allocation of codes is maintained by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, authorised by the UN’s Geneva Convention on Road Traffic[31] and the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.[32] The UK is party to both conventions, and shall hence issue licences in conformity with the conventions. Annex 9 of the Geneva convention states that the distinguishing sign (UK) shall be inscribed in an oval. According to the Vienna convention Article 43 domestic licences have to comply with Annex 6, which says that driving licences shall include the name and/or the distinguishing sign of the country which issued the permit. UK licences did include the «GB» distinguishing code until 1990.[33]
Example of a driving licence issued in Great Britain between January 2021 and December 2021
In Directive 91/439/EEC which EU Member States had to implement before 1 July 1994, the UK had to include the emblem of the EU with the code «UK»,[34] instead of «GB» encircled by an ellipse on the front page. As the UK has subsequently withdrawn from the EU, the EU flag is no longer featured on UK driving licences issued after the transition period ended on 31 December 2020.[35] The «GB» code or the ellipse from the aforementioned conventions have not been reintroduced, since January 2021, the licences simply reads “UK» in larger blue letters where the EU flag with the circle of stars surrounding the «UK» code used to be.[3][4]
On 30 June 2021 the United Nations published a notification stating that the United Kingdom had given three months notification that it intended to change its distinguishing sign from «GB» to «UK». This came into effect on 28 September 2021.[36]
Since December 2021, new driving licence styles were introduced. Changes were made to all versions of the GB driving licence cards and includes:[5]
- The Union Jack flag has been moved to the top right corner
- The Royal Coat of Arms is included on the front
- The driver number is left justified and in line with the other text
- A secondary image of the licence holder is located on the front
- Colour shifting ink (OVI design) has been reinstated and updated to the back of the licence
- New hologram has been added
The same changes apply to all versions of the Northern Ireland driving licence, excluding the Union Jack flag and Royal Coat of Arms.
Driver numbers[edit]
Great Britain[edit]
Each licence holder in England, Scotland and Wales has a unique driver number, which is 16 characters long. The characters are constructed in the following way:[37]
- 1–5: The first five characters of the surname (padded with 9s if fewer than 5 characters). For surnames beginning with «MAC», they are treated as «MC» for all.[38]
- 6: The decade digit from the year of birth (e.g. for 1987 it would be
- 7–8: The month of birth in two digit format (7th character is incremented by 5 if the driver is female i.e. 51–62 instead of 01–12)
- 9–10: The date within the day of birth in two digit format (i.e. 01–31)
- 11: The year digit from the year of birth (e.g. for 1987 it would be 7)
- 12–13: The first initial of the first and middle name, padded with a 9 if no middle name (e.g. for John Doe Smith JD, for Jane Smith J9)
- 14: Arbitrary digit – usually 9, but decremented to differentiate drivers with the first 13 characters in common
- 15–16: Two computer check digits which may be letters.
- 17–18: Two digits representing the licence issue, which increases by 1 for each licence issued.[dubious – discuss]Not used on previous paper licences.
This section is missing information about licences which have an issue number larger than the number of previous issues. Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page. (January 2022) |
Northern Ireland[edit]
Driver numbers in Northern Ireland differ from those issued to drivers in GB.
Each Northern Ireland licence holder is assigned a unique, 8 digit driving licence number, e.g. 12345678. This number is assigned randomly and in no specific order.
The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020, starting an 11-month transition period which terminated on 31 December 2020 in accordance with the Brexit withdrawal agreement.[2] EU law continued to apply to the UK during the transition period, and hence UK driving licences were valid in the EEA and vice versa until 31 December 2020. UK licence holders living in the EU were advised to exchange their UK driving licence for a local one before the transition period ended.[39][40][41] The EU flag was removed from UK driving licences when the transition period ended.[3][35]
From 1 January 2021, with some exceptions, UK licence holders can use their driving licence when visiting EEA countries.[42][43] International Driving Permits might be needed in some cases, and depending on which convention the country in question has ratified, a 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic IDP might be required in some countries, and a 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic IDP in others. However, none of the EEA countries currently require IDPs for visitors staying shorter than 12 months.[41] EEA countries are no longer obligated to recognise or exchange UK licences if the holder moves to an EEA country, except if the UK has agreed a bilateral agreement with the country.[44]
European driving licences are recognised by the UK if the driving test was passed in an EU/EEA country, and can be used both if the holder is visiting or residing in the country. They can also be exchanged for a UK (both GB and NI) licence.[45][46]
Driving licence categories[edit]
Current categories[edit]
This is a list of the categories that might be found on a driving licence in the United Kingdom.[47]
Category | Vehicle type | Minimum age | Notes[Notes 1] |
AM | Mopeds | 16 | 2-wheeled or 3-wheeled vehicles with a maximum design speed of over 15.5 mph (25 km/h) but not more than 28 mph (45 km/h).
This category also includes light quadricycles with an unladen mass of not more than 350 kg (not including batteries if it is an electric vehicle) and a maximum design speed of over 15.5 mph (25 km/h) but not more than 28 mph (45 km/h). Electrically propelled pedal cycles (with 2 or 3 wheels) are exempt from the requirement for a licence provided they conform to the EPAC rules, although there is a minimum age of 14. Such vehicles must be equipped with pedals by means of which the vehicle is capable of being propelled. If there are no pedals, then a moped licence is required.[Notes 2] Electrically assisted scooters are considered to be electrically assisted only if they conform to certain additional EPAC rules, otherwise a licence is required.[48] |
P | Mopeds | 16 | Motor vehicles with fewer than 4 wheels with a maximum design speed of over 28 mph (45 km/h) but not more than 31 mph (50 km/h). The vehicle’s engine size must not be more than 50cc if powered by an internal combustion engine. |
Q | Mopeds | 16 | Motor vehicles with fewer than 4 wheels which, if propelled by an internal combustion engine, have a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc and, if not equipped with pedals by means of which the vehicle is capable of being propelled, have a maximum design speed not exceeding 15.5 mph (25 km/h). |
A1 | Motorcycles | 17 | Light motorbicycles with an engine size up to 125 cc, a power output of up to 11 kW (14.75 hp), and a power to weight ratio not more than 0.1 kW/kg (136.2 hp/ton). This category also includes motor tricycles with power output up to 15 kW (20.1 hp).
A practical training without exam is needed for B licence holders (Compulsory Basic Training). |
A2 | Motorcycles | 19 | Motorbicycles in category A1, as well as motorbicycles with a power output up to 35 kW (46.9 hp) and power to weight ratio not more than 0.2 kW/kg (272.5 hp/ton). The motorcycle must also not be derived from a vehicle of more than double its power.[49] |
A | Motorcycles | 24[Notes 3] | Motorcycles in categories A1 and A2, as well as motorcycles with a power output more than 35 kW (46.9 hp) or a power to weight ratio more than 0.2 kW/kg (272.5 hp/ton) and motor tricycles with a power output more than 15 kW (20.1 hp).
B licence holders who are at least 21 years of age are allowed to drive motor tricycles, including three-wheeled motorcycles with a power exceeding 15 kilowatts (20 hp). |
B1 | Light vehicles and quadricycles | 17[Notes 4] | Motor vehicles with 4 wheels up to 400 kg unladen, or 550 kg if they are designed for carrying goods. |
B | Cars | 17[Notes 5] | Full licence obtained before 1 January 1997:
Full licence obtained after 31 December 1996:
B auto | Cars | 17[Notes 4] | Same as Category B, but only automatic transmission. |
BE | Cars | 17[Notes 6] | A vehicle with a MAM of 3,500 kg with a trailer. The size of the trailer depends on the BE ‘valid from’ date shown on the licence. If the date is before 19 January 2013, the vehicle can tow any size trailer. If the date is on or after 19 January 2013, the vehicle can tow a trailer with a MAM of up to 3,500 kg.
From 15 November 2021, BE will be granted to all category B licence holders. No category BE tests will take place after 20 September 2021.[50] |
C1 | Medium-sized vehicles | 18[Notes 7] | Vehicles between 3,500 and 7,500 kg MAM (with a trailer up to 750 kg). |
C1E | Medium-sized vehicles | 21[Notes 8] | C1 category vehicles with a trailer over 750 kg. The combined MAM of both cannot exceed 12,000 kg. |
C | Large vehicles | 18[Notes 9] | Vehicles over 7,500 kg (with a trailer up to 750 kg MAM). |
CE | Large vehicles | 18[Notes 9] | Category C vehicles with a trailer over 750 kg. |
D1 | Minibuses | 21[Notes 10] | Vehicles with no more than 16 passenger seats, a maximum length of 8 metres, and a trailer up to 750 kg. See also Category B. |
D1E | Minibuses | 18[Notes 10] | D1 category vehicles with a trailer over 750 kg MAM. The combined MAM of both cannot exceed 12,000 kg. |
D | Buses | 18[Notes 10] | Any bus with more than 8 passenger seats (with a trailer up to 750 kg MAM). |
DE | Buses | 18[Notes 10] | D category vehicles with a trailer over 750 kg. |
F | Agricultural tractor | 16 | Maximum weight with trailer = 24 390 kg. Age 16 for tractors less than 2.45m wide. It must only pull trailers less than 2.45 m (96 in) wide with two wheels, or four close-coupled. |
G | Road roller | 18[Notes 11] | |
H | Tracked vehicles | 18[Notes 12] | |
K | Mowing machine or pedestrian-controlled vehicle | 16 | |
L | Electrically-propelled vehicle | 17 | Category now deprecated – tests no longer available (since 2001) for this category. Vehicles now classified by the appropriate group above.[Notes 13] |
M | Trolley vehicles | ||
N | Exempt from duty | Normally as per group if not exempt | Category now deprecated (since 2001). This category was reserved for vehicles driven for a government department. Neither the issue of the licence nor the testing were carried out by the normal licensing authorities. Each department issued the licence to drive (which was similar in appearance to the pre-1973 dark red licence except that it was light blue in colour). This separate licence was proof that the driver had the proper permission to drive an official vehicle (which was neither insured nor taxed and had no MOT). A prerequisite to passing a driving test (and being granted the licence) for this category was that the driver held a normal full licence appropriate for the type of vehicle being driven (military use excepted). The minimum ages for driving were the same as for the normal licence, except that two types of vehicle (motor-cycles and cars displaying military number plates) could be driven at 16 years of age by a serving member (not a civilian employee) on behalf of one of the armed services.
The category was abandoned because all government departments now hire or lease their vehicles from regular suppliers. The armed services also lease standard civilian-supplied vehicles, with only specialist military vehicles being ‘owned’ by the Crown. |
- Notes
- ^ MAM = Maximum authorised mass
- ^ Many users of electrically propelled vehicles believe that they are exempt from licensing if they are solely used on the pavement. As they do not feature pedals for propulsion, they require a licence to drive, though nearly all are illegal on the public highway as they are incapable of passing a vehicle test (no braking system among other reasons).
- ^ Age 24 or 2 years from date of A2 test pass.
- ^ a b At age 16, a licence may be issued if the licensee is in receipt of the higher rate of disability living allowance. However, if the rate is withdrawn, the normal minimum age for driving a car (17 years) applies.
- ^ At age 16, a licence may be issued if the licensee is in receipt of the higher rate of disability living allowance. However if the rate is withdrawn, the normal minimum age for driving a car (17 years) applies.
- ^ If the driver has passed their category B or B automatic test before 1 January 1997, their licence will already show C1, C1E (8.25 tonnes), D1, D1E (not for hire or reward) as entitlement flowing from the category B.
- ^ Age 17 if the driver is a member of the armed services
- ^ Age 17 if the driver is a member of the armed services; Age 18 if they got their driving licence before 10 September 2009 and the weight of the vehicle and trailer together is under 7,500 kg; Age 18 under certain other circumstances
- ^ a b Age 17 if the driver is a member of the armed services; Age 18 under certain other circumstances
- ^ a b c d Age 17 if the driver is a member of the armed services; Age 18 having passed a passenger carrying vehicle (PCV) test before 10 September 2008 and driving under a authorised operator’s licence (O-licence), or minibus permit, or community bus permit and under certain conditions; Age 18 under certain other circumstances; Age 20 after passing a PCV driving test and Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (DCPC) initial qualification
- ^ Age 17 for small road-rollers with metal or hard rollers. They must not be steam powered, weigh more than 11.69 tonnes or be made for carrying loads
- ^ Age 17 if the Maximum Authorised Mass of the tracked vehicle doesn’t exceed 3,500 kg
- ^ Though curiously: the category still appears on new licences
Obsolete goods classes[edit]
Although the category system was changed over 25 years ago (1 January 1997), the freight industry and driver recruitment agencies still predominantly use the obsolete class numbers for the entitlement of HGV drivers.
The two systems are not exactly compatible, so the descriptions given are only a guideline.
- Class 1: any goods vehicle over 7½ long tons (7,620 kg or 16,800 lb) with any trailer.
- Class 2: any rigid goods vehicle over 7½ long tons.
- Class 3: any rigid goods vehicle over 7½ long tons with no more than two axles.
Points and endorsements[edit]
The UK uses a cumulative points system for driving offences. Points are added for driving offences by law courts or where the driver accepts a fixed penalty in lieu of prosecution, and the licence is endorsed accordingly. A UK driving licence may be endorsed for various offences, not only for those committed while driving or in charge of a vehicle.[51] If the individual committing the offence does not hold a valid driver’s licence the endorsements may be put by until a licence is held.
Most endorsements remain valid for four years; some (such as driving under the influence) are recorded on the licence for 11 years because more severe penalties apply to those convicted twice within 10 years of drink or drug driving offences.
Twelve points on the licence within three years makes the driver liable to disqualification under the «totting-up» procedure; however this is not automatic and must be decided on by a court of law.[52][53] Endorsements remain on the licence for one year longer than their validity (three or ten years) because a court can consider points awarded even though they are not valid for ‘totting up’.
Driving licence codes[edit]
Certain codes are included on driving licences to indicate restrictions on use. These codes are listed on the back of the card under the column headed «12. Codes» and are listed for each category that is licensed.
As long as the UK remained within the EU, the codes 1–99 were the same as in the rest of the EU, harmonized by Directive 2006/126/EC.
The codes and their meanings are as follows:[54]
- 01 – eyesight correction
- 02 – hearing/communication aid
- 10 – modified transmission
- 15 – modified clutch
- 20 – modified braking systems
- 25 – modified accelerator systems
- 30 – combined braking and accelerator systems ( licences issued before 28 November 2016)
- 31 – pedal adaptations and pedal safeguards
- 32 – combined service brake and accelerator systems
- 33 – combined service brake, accelerator and steering systems
- 35 – modified control layouts
- 40 – modified steering
- 42 – modified rear-view mirror(s)
- 43 – modified driving seats
- 44 – modifications to motorcycles
- 44 (1) – single operated brake
- 44 (2) – (adjusted) hand-operated brake (front wheel)
- 44 (3) – (adjusted) foot-operated brake (back wheel)
- 44 (4) – (adjusted) accelerator handle
- 44 (5) – (adjusted) manual transmission and manual clutch
- 44 (6) – (adjusted) rear-view mirror(s)
- 44 (7) – (adjusted) commands (direction indicators, braking light, etc.)
- 44 (8) – seat height allowing the driver, in sitting position, to have 2 feet on the road at the same time
- 45 – motorcycles only with sidecar
- 46 – tricycles only (for licences issued before 29 June 2014)
- 70 – exchange of licence
- 71 – duplicate of licence
- 78 – restricted to vehicles with automatic transmission
- 79 – restricted to vehicles in conformity with the specifications stated in brackets on the licence
- 79.02 – restricted to category AM vehicles of the 3-wheel or light quadricycle type
- 79.03 – restricted to tricycles
- 96 – allowed to drive a vehicle and trailer where the trailer weighs at least 750 kg, and the combined weight of the vehicle and trailer is between 3,500 kg and 4,250 kg
- 97 – not allowed to drive category C1 vehicles which are required to have a tachograph fitted
- 101 – not for hire or reward (that is, not to make a profit)
- 102 – drawbar trailers only
- 103 – subject to certificate of competence
- 105 – vehicle not more than 5.5 metres long
- 106 – restricted to vehicles with automatic transmissions
- 107 – not more than 8,250 kilogrammes
- 108 – subject to minimum age requirements
- 110 – limited to transporting persons with restricted mobility
- 111 – limited to 16 passenger seats
- 113 – limited to 16 passenger seats except for automatics
- 114 – with any special controls required for safe driving
- 115 – organ donor
- 118 – start date is for earliest entitlement
- 119 – weight limit(s) for vehicle do(es) not apply
- 121 – restricted to conditions specified in the Secretary of State’s notice
- 122 – valid on successful completion: Basic Moped Training Course
- 125 – tricycles only (for licences issued before 29 June 2014)
Use as proof of identity[edit]
Identity cards for UK nationals were introduced in 2009 on a voluntary basis, and the attempt to introduce a nationwide identity-card scheme in 2010 was reversed mid-course. Its in-progress database was halted and then destroyed.[55] Only workers in certain high-security professions, such as airport workers, were required to have an identity card in 2009, and this remains the case today. Therefore, driving licences, particularly the photocard driving licence introduced in 1998, along with passports, are the most widely used ID documents in the United Kingdom. Most people do not carry their passports with them; this leaves driving licences as the only valid form of ID to be presented. In day-to-day life there is no legal requirement to carry identification whilst driving or otherwise, and most authorities do not arbitrarily ask for identification from individuals.
Non-professional drivers are not legally obliged to carry a driving licence while driving, but section 164 of the Road Traffic Act 1998[56] allows a police officer to require a driver to produce a driving licence within seven days at a police station chosen by the driver. The form which was once issued in such circumstances, the HO/RT 1, was known colloquially as «a producer», as exemplified in Smiley Culture’s hit single «Police Officer».[57]
Exchange agreements[edit]
The UK has an exchange agreement with 22 ‘designated’ countries/regions[58] which allows the holder of a foreign driving licence who is deemed to be resident in the UK to exchange it for a British licence. Initially, there were 18 such countries/regions, but an additional four, namely Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine and the Republic of North Macedonia, were added from 20 May 2021.[59]
To do such licence exchange, the holder must send the licence, a translation thereof if required, an application form and a fee to the DVLA or DVA (for Northern Ireland).
- The countries/regions are: Andorra, Australia, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Republic of North Macedonia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and Zimbabwe
Post-Brexit arrangements[edit]
The UK and Ireland have signed a bilateral agreement, allowing those holding a UK driving licence and living in Ireland to continue to be able to swap it for an Irish licence after the Brexit transition period ended on 31 December 2020.[60][61]
The UK and Norway have agreed to continue existing arrangements on mutual recognition of driving licences after Brexit.[62][63][64]
See also[edit]
- European driving licence
- British passport
- Vehicle registration plates of the United Kingdom
- ^ «s.192 Road Traffic Act 1988 – General Interpretation of Act». Legislation.gov.uk. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ a b Asa Bennett (27 January 2020). «How will the Brexit transition period work?». Telegraph.
- ^ a b c «New-style driving licences and number plates mark one-year anniversary of Brexit as EU flag is removed». GOV.UK. Retrieved 9 March 2021.
- ^ a b «INS57P — Information on driving licences» (PDF). Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency.
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- ^ «Provisional Driving Licence». Young Car Driver. Retrieved 6 October 2014.
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- ^ «Towing with a car». Government of the United Kingdom. Retrieved 6 February 2017.
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- ^ «The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021». Government of the United Kingdom. Retrieved 16 September 2021.
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- ^ «Driving in the EU from 1 January 2021: UK licence holders living in the EU». GOV.UK. Retrieved 30 January 2020.
- ^ a b «Brexit: What are the rules on driving in the EU?». BBC News. 8 July 2021.
- ^ «Brexit: What are the rules on driving in the EU after transition?». BBC News. 27 December 2020. Retrieved 29 December 2020.
- ^ «Visit Europe from 1 January 2021». GOV.UK. Retrieved 29 December 2020.
- ^ «Driving licence exchange and recognition in the EU». Your Europe. Retrieved 13 March 2021.
- ^ «You can drive any type of vehicle listed on your full and valid licence – Driving in Great Britain on a non-GB licence – GOV.UK». www.gov.uk. Retrieved 13 March 2021.
- ^ «Exchanging your foreign driving licence». nidirect. 25 November 2015. Retrieved 29 March 2021.
- ^ «Driving licence categories – GOV.UK». www.gov.uk. Retrieved 15 July 2017.
- ^ «EAPC Rules» (PDF).
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- ^ «New rules for towing a trailer or caravan with a car from autumn 2021».
- ^ «Penalty points (Endorsements)».
- ^ ««Endorsements, penalty points and disqualification», Direct.gov.uk». Gov.uk. 19 July 2013. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ «New Driving Laws and What They Mean For Drivers». absolutereg.co.uk. 6 August 2015.
- ^ «Driving licence codes». GOV.UK.
- ^ «Applying for Your Provisional Driving Licence – Learner Driver Guide • GoRoadie».
- ^ «Road Traffic Act 1988». Legislation.gov.uk. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
- ^ «Smiley Culture».
- ^ «Gov.uk». Exchange a foreign driving licence. Retrieved 29 October 2020
- ^ «Exchange of driving licences issued in Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine and the Republic of North Macedonia». GOV.UK.
- ^ «Bilateral Agreement on Exchange of Driving Licences with UK». www.gov.ie. Retrieved 31 December 2020.
- ^ «How to Exchange a UK or NI Driving Licence – National Driver Licence Service». www.ndls.ie. Retrieved 13 March 2021.
- ^ «Driving Licence recognition» (PDF). Royal Norwegian Ministry of Transport.
- ^ Samferdselsdepartementet (11 December 2020). «Brexit: Norske og britiske førerkort vil fortsatt være gyldige i begge land». Regjeringen.no (in Norwegian). Retrieved 31 December 2020.
- ^ Communications, Ministry of Transport and (5 April 2019). «Brexit: Norwegian driving licences will continue to be valid in the UK. Norwegian authorities are seeking to ensure full driver’s rights for holders of UK driving licences in Norway». Government.no. Retrieved 31 December 2020.
External links[edit]
- DVLA England, Scotland and Wales driver information website
- DVA Northern Ireland driver licensing website
- Driving licence codes