Экзамен на временную геройскую лицензию кто прошел

Экзамен на геройскую лицензию — тест, организованный Геройской комиссией общественной безопасности и проводящийся при поддержке правительства с целью отбора наиболее способных студентов различных геройских академий для получения ими временной геройской лицензии.


Экзамен на геройскую лицензию проводится дважды в год. Дата его проведения совпадает со стандартной датой начала учебного семестра в Японии.

Процент прохождения экзамена изначально составлял 50%, но в последнее время в связи с уходом Всемогущего в отставку и возрастанием социального давления он был усложнён с целью заполнения пробела, оставленного Всемогущим, только лучшими из лучших.

Экзамен принимает во внимание сразу несколько качеств студентов, считающихся важнейшими для героя: ловкость, лидерские качества, аналитическое мышление, кооперативность и, самое главное, боевые навыки.

Для того, чтобы избежать конфликтов между учениками из одной и той же школы, разные классы, как правило, проходят испытания в разных местах и разное время.

Экзамен, который сдавали ученики класса 1-А, состоял из двух этапов:

Начальный этап

Первый этап

Первый этап экзамена на геройскую лицензию заключался в быстрой отборочной игре, в которой участникам были выданы шесть мячей и три отметки, которые им нужно было прикрепить к телу. Целью этого этапа было выбить как можно больше чужих отметок своими мячами, при этом защищая собственные отметки.

Если все отметки студента были выбиты, он считался не сдавшим экзамен и удалялся с полигона. Тот, кому удалось выбить хотя бы по одной отметке у хотя бы двоих студентов, проходил в следующий этап.

Заключительный этап

Второй и заключительный этап

Второй и заключительный этап экзамена представлял собой полноценные спасательные учения, к которым были привлечены профессиональные каскадёры из американской компании, играющие роль пострадавших и вместе с тем анализирующие поведение студента и при необходимости снимающие с него очки за просчёты. Им помогали работники общественной безопасности, отслеживающие действия студента в той или иной ситуации.

На этом этапе использовалась балльная система. В начале экзамена у каждого студента было по сто очков. За неудачи или просчёты во время спасения с них снимали очки, и для того, чтобы пройти экзамен, им нужно было не менее пятидесяти очков.

Посреди экзамена на полигоне появились Босатка и его помощники, имитирующие внезапную атаку злодеев, чтобы заставить участников лавировать между спасением пострадавших и борьбой с новой угрозой.

Пересдача экзамена

Студентам, прошедшим первый этап, но завалившим второй, предоставляется возможность пересдачи экзамена через три месяца, в течении которых они должны будут посещать специальные курсы, также организованные Геройской комиссией по общественной безопасности.

Навигация по сайту

The Provisional Hero License Exam is a biannual test organized by the Hero Public Safety Commission that grants capable students who pass each of its phases a Provisional Hero License.


The Provisional Hero Licensing Exam is held twice a year during each June and September, coinciding with the start of the usual Japanese semester period. The exam is held in three different locations across the country all at the same time. Various hero academics from across the country enter their students in the exam, but they separate classes among the different locations in order to avoid their students from fighting one another.

Very few first years attempt getting their provisional licenses. However, students in hero courses like U.A. and Shiketsu accelerate the process of getting them. The contents of the exam change from year to year.[1] This is likely to avoid students who previously took the exam having an unfair advantage.


Thousands of students at orientation.

On the day of Class 1-A’s specific licensing exam, students from various schools gather at Takoba National Stadium. Participating school’s include U.A. High, Shiketsu High, Ketsubutsu Academy and several other schools. Inside the stadium, all students are placed in a crowded room where Yokumiru Mera from the Public Safety Commission explains the rules of the first test.

There are about 1,540 students in attendance for orientation. The exam used to hold a 50% passing rate for participants. Due to recent events like Stain’s arrest and All Might’s retirement, the exam was modified to be much more exclusive in its vetting processes and now less than 10% of students can pass. The exam has a new focus on speed while encouraging teamwork and communication between participants. The new version of the exam hopes to only entitle the best students available in order to fill the gap left behind by All Might.[2]

The police requested that the exam’s focus be on students ability to cooperate with each other. Both phases of the exam are meant to test the students’ ability to work together. The first phase emphasizes teamwork and combat ability. The final phase focuses more on decision making and how students adjust to their role in disaster situations.[3]


Initial Phase

The targets or «weak points».

Examinees must place three targets or «weak points» on their body in any exposed area. The targets recognize the balls and can tell who hit whom based on distance, movement and other factors. Students also receive a box with six orange balls. The targets light up if they’re hit by one of the balls. If all three targets are hit by a ball, that student is eliminated. The competitor that lights up another student’s third target is credited with their eliminations. Students must eliminate two other competitors to pass the first phase, and only the first 100 applicants to pass will advance to the final phase.

The cramped room where all the participants are opens up to reveal the massive interior of the stadium that is made up of various different terrains. The targets and balls are handed out to the students and they all spread out to their desired area. The first test begins only a minute afterward.

The «Crushing of U.A.».

There is a tradition in the provisional licensing exam called «Crushing of U.A.» where students from other schools target U.A. because their Quirks have been made public via the U.A. Sports Festival. At the start of this exam, Ketsubutsu Academy students immediately attack students from Class 1-A.[2] The U.A. students defend themselves using their new Ultimate Moves. Their defenses prove to be too strong and Yo Shindo is forced to split them up by breaking the terrain using his Tremoring Earth special move.

Inasa Yoarashi is the first to pass when he eliminates 120 students using his Whirlwind Quirk. Izuku Midoriya is separated from his classmates and is confronted by another Shiketsu student: Camie Utsushimi.[4] Izuku and Camie fight until Ketsubutsu students ambush them.[5] Ochaco Uraraka and Hanta Sero eventually regroup with Izuku and rescue him; by this point over thirty people have passed the exam.[6]

Shoto Todoroki is ambushed by several students from Seijin High School. He defeats ten of them and becomes the 56th person to pass the exam. Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Kyoka Jiro, and Mezo Shoji face students from Seiai Academy and defeat them to pass as well.[7] Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima follow Katsuki Bakugo to the city district where they are confronted by Seiji Shishikura. Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco realize that the best way to pass is to restrain their opponents rather than trying to hit moving targets with their balls. The trio fights with other students in the area in an attempt to pass.[8]

Class 1-A completes their comeback!

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki manage to defeat Seiji. They fight other students he had previously turned into meatballs and pass the exam by eliminating them. At the same time, Izuku’s group manages to restrain a few students and eliminate them to pass as well.[9] Because Yo destroyed the middle of the stage, many students fight desperately in a rush to pass the exam. The Ketsubutsu students wait and take advantage of tired students to pass the exam themselves.

Nine students from Class 1-A remain while only ten spots are available. The U.A. students are separated and in a desperate situation. They come together thanks to a beacon of light from Yuga Aoyama that helps them rally together and defeat the other students rushing to pass. All nine of them manage to make an astounding comeback and fill the last ten spots along with Camie.[10]

Final Phase

The Help Us Company.

The many sections of the stadium are detonated and transformed into disaster zones as the students watch from the anteroom. Yokumiru instructs the examinees to act as heroes and conduct rescue operations for the second and final phase of the licensing exam.[10]

Professional rescuees from the Help Us Company act as civilians who have been caught up in a villain terrorist attack. Students are tasked with rescuing them and the H.U.C. employees analyze the students rescuing methods and reduce points in the case of perceived mistakes and a lack of efficiency. They are assisted by public safety workers monitoring the exam from the stands. They also watch the students and deduct points based on their actions. A student begins the second phase with 100 points and will fail if their score drops below the 50 points benchmark.

The second-year students prove more experienced in the field of rescuing people.

At the start of the test, Class 1-A sticks together and Izuku finds a young man injured and crying. He says that his grandfather is in trouble and Izuku replies that the situation is terrible. The boy exits his character and yells at Izuku for being negative. He deducts points and explains that heroes need to comfort those in need and act accordingly to the situation. The second-year students from other schools set up first aid areas and clear the way for when emergency services need to arrive. The hypothetical situation is all students must help rescue people and secure the situation so that it can be handed over to authorities in a smooth manner when they arrive.[11]

Inasa uses his wind to clear some rubble and float victims into the air. Although one of the H.U.C employees is impressed by Inasa’s control over his Quirk, he deducts points for sloppiness. Nagamasa explains to Inasa that he needs to check on civilians conditions before moving them. Class 1-A finds more victims trapped beneath rubble and Ochaco rushes to rescue them. Momo stops her and tells her they need to secure the rubble first. The students decide they need to split up and work with other schools to rescue as many people as possible.

Gang Orca attacks!

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki find two low priority civilians in the mountains. They ask for help but Katsuki yells at them to save themselves. Eijiro and Denki take them back to safety themselves. Just as everyone begins to get into the groove of rescuing people, Gang Orca and his men arrive in the stadium. They blast through one of the walls close to the first aid area and invade. Gang Orca and his men simulate the villain terrorist attack and students must juggle between rescuing efforts and fighting this new threat.[12]

The villains enter the arena close to the first aid station and make it their target. The majority of the students work on evacuating the injured away from the dangerous area. Yo, Shoto, and Inasa rush to the front lines. Gang Orca makes short work of Yo. The proctors say it’s good Shoto and Inasa were brought to the front line because of their offensive Quirks. Gang Orca is able to defend against Shoto’s first attack, but then Shoto and Inasa proceed to get into an argument right in front of the villains.[3]

Gang Orca and the proctors are unimpressed and the duo is immobilized by the No. 10 hero’s hypersonic waves. Gang Orca’s Sidekicks try to destroy the rescue station but Izuku heads them off. Yo Shindo shakes the ground beneath the villains and breaks it apart to stop their advance. He was planning on using his natural resistance to vibrations against Gang Orca but the first years got in the way.

Shoto and Inasa’s unison blast traps Gang Orca.

Shoto and Inasa put their differences aside and trap Gang Orca inside a spiraling flame prison using a unison blast from both their Quirks while paralyzed.[13] The villains turn around to help their captain and students returning from the evacuation attack. Mashirao Ojiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Mina Ashido work with Izuku to take advantage of the situation. Tsuyu and Nagamasa Mora also arrive to take down several more villains with their special moves.

Gang Orca knows Shoto and Inasa’s teamwork won’t make up for their mistakes, but he states their unison attack was a very good one. At this point, there are only a few more citizens left to be rescued before the test concludes. The No. 10 Hero is forced to rehydrate and says a normal villain would likely give up in this situation but heroes need to be prepared for when they don’t. The head villain makes a sudden escape from the hot wind prison by blasting it apart with hypersonic waves. He tries to finish off Shoto and Inasa but Izuku stops him with a powerful kick. The other students rescue the last of the injured and the exam comes to an abrupt end.[14]


Student 1st Phase Place 2nd Phase Score
Izuku Midoriya Passed Between 77-79 Passed 71
Ochaco Uraraka Passed Between 77-79 Passed Unknown
Hanta Sero Passed Between 77-79 Passed 84
Mezo Shoji Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Tenya Ida Passed 100 Passed 80
Kyoka Jiro Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Minoru Mineta Passed 95 Passed Unknown
Mina Ashido Passed 93 Passed Unknown
Koji Koda Passed 96 Passed Unknown
Rikido Sato Passed 97 Passed Unknown
Yuga Aoyama Passed 99 Passed Unknown
Mashirao Ojiro Passed 92 Passed 61
Fumikage Tokoyami Passed 94 Passed Unknown
Momo Yaoyorozu Passed Between 57-60 Passed 94
Tsuyu Asui Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Toru Hagakure Passed 91 Passed Unknown
Denki Kaminari Passed Between 80-82 Passed Unknown
Eijiro Kirishima Passed Between 80-82 Passed Unknown
Katsuki Bakugo Passed Between 80-82 Failed Unknown
Shoto Todoroki Passed 54 Failed Unknown
Inasa Yoarashi Passed 1 Failed Unknown
Camie Utsushimi Passed 98 Failed Unknown
Seiji Shishikura Failed N/A N/A N/A
Nagamasa Mora Passed Unknown Passed Unknown
Yo Shindo Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Shikkui Makabe Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Tatami Nakagame Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Itejiro Toteki Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown


Battles & Events
  • The Crushing of U.A.
  • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie
  • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle
  • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students
  • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students
  • Izuku’s Gambit
  • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura
  • Class 1-A’s Comeback
  • Gang Orca’s Invasion


Katsuki, Shoto, and Inasa learn of the remedial course.

Yokumiru displays the results of the exam after announcing students were scored based on how few mistakes they made throughout the second phase. The names of those who passed populate a large board in front of all the students. 89 of the 100 students pass the exam, including most of Class 1-A. However, because of their noncooperation and recklessness during the villain attack, Shoto and Inasa both fail the exam. Katsuki also fails because he didn’t put any effort into rescuing people.

Inasa apologizes to Shoto for making him fail and Shoto concedes that he is to blame for the situation as well. Katsuki is irate over having failed the exam. Many students in Class 1-A are very surprised that their two strongest students failed to get their licenses. Yokumiru has the proctors hand out sheets containing each student’s individual evaluations. The sheets explain which actions of the students received demerits. Izuku wonders why the scoring system didn’t allow for students to recover points and why it didn’t eliminate students after they fell below the benchmark.

Yokumiru explains that the students who passed will receive their provisional licenses so they can act as heroes in emergency situations. He expresses his hopes that these future heroes will fill the void left behind by All Might. Then he addresses those who failed the exam and announces there will be a training course they can participate in. If they were to pass, they will receive their provisional licenses as well. The first phase was meant to thin the heard, so the commission wishes to nurture the 100 students who made it to the second phase. This was why disqualified students were not removed: to provide more information to correct for their problems in the upcoming course.

Izuku receives his Provisional Hero License.

The provisional licenses are handed out to the students and many of them go their separate ways. Ms. Joke says goodbye to Shota and asks if their classes can do some joint training in the future. Inasa tells Shoto he still doesn’t like him but looks forward to taking the Remedial Course together.

Izuku asks Nagamasa about Camie’s disappearing technique but he appears clueless. He says that Camie hasn’t been acting herself and she left early. Somewhere away from the stadium, Camie’s disguise falls away, revealing who was really taking the exam in her place: Himiko Toga, who has managed to obtain a sample of Izuku’s blood.[15]


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 and Episode 53.
  2. 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 103 and Episode 53.
  3. 3.0 3.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 111 and Episode 59.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 104 and Episode 54.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 105 and Episode 54.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 54.
  7. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 55.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 55.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 107 and Episode 56.
  10. 10.0 10.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 108 and Episode 56.
  11. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 109 and Episode 57.
  12. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 110 and Episode 57.
  13. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 112 and Episode 59.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 and Episode 59.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 114 and Episode 60.

Site Navigation

v  eProvisional Hero License Exam Arc
Chapters 98 • 99 • 100 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 • 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115 • 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120 • 121
Volumes 11 • 12 • 13 • 14
Episodes 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61 • 62
Battles and Events U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam
Ultimate Move Training • Provisional Hero License Exam (The Crushing of U.A. • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students • Izuku’s Gambit • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura • Class 1-A’s Comeback • Gang Orca’s Invasion)
Deku vs. Kacchan 2

The Provisional Hero License Exam is a biannual test organized by the Hero Public Safety Commission that grants capable students who pass each of its phases a Provisional Hero License.


The Provisional Hero Licensing Exam is held twice a year during each June and September, coinciding with the start of the usual Japanese semester period. The exam is held in three different locations across the country all at the same time. Various hero academics from across the country enter their students in the exam, but they separate classes among the different locations in order to avoid their students from fighting one another.

Very few first years attempt getting their provisional licenses. However, students in hero courses like U.A. and Shiketsu accelerate the process of getting them. The contents of the exam change from year to year.[1] This is likely to avoid students who previously took the exam having an unfair advantage.


Thousands of students at orientation.

On the day of Class 1-A’s specific licensing exam, students from various schools gather at Takoba National Stadium. Participating school’s include U.A. High, Shiketsu High, Ketsubutsu Academy and several other schools. Inside the stadium, all students are placed in a crowded room where Yokumiru Mera from the Public Safety Commission explains the rules of the first test.

There are about 1,540 students in attendance for orientation. The exam used to hold a 50% passing rate for participants. Due to recent events like Stain’s arrest and All Might’s retirement, the exam was modified to be much more exclusive in its vetting processes and now less than 10% of students can pass. The exam has a new focus on speed while encouraging teamwork and communication between participants. The new version of the exam hopes to only entitle the best students available in order to fill the gap left behind by All Might.[2]

The police requested that the exam’s focus be on students ability to cooperate with each other. Both phases of the exam are meant to test the students’ ability to work together. The first phase emphasizes teamwork and combat ability. The final phase focuses more on decision making and how students adjust to their role in disaster situations.[3]


Initial Phase

The targets or «weak points».

Examinees must place three targets or «weak points» on their body in any exposed area. The targets recognize the balls and can tell who hit whom based on distance, movement and other factors. Students also receive a box with six orange balls. The targets light up if they’re hit by one of the balls. If all three targets are hit by a ball, that student is eliminated. The competitor that lights up another student’s third target is credited with their eliminations. Students must eliminate two other competitors to pass the first phase, and only the first 100 applicants to pass will advance to the final phase.

The cramped room where all the participants are opens up to reveal the massive interior of the stadium that is made up of various different terrains. The targets and balls are handed out to the students and they all spread out to their desired area. The first test begins only a minute afterward.

The «Crushing of U.A.».

There is a tradition in the provisional licensing exam called «Crushing of U.A.» where students from other schools target U.A. because their Quirks have been made public via the U.A. Sports Festival. At the start of this exam, Ketsubutsu Academy students immediately attack students from Class 1-A.[2] The U.A. students defend themselves using their new Ultimate Moves. Their defenses prove to be too strong and Yo Shindo is forced to split them up by breaking the terrain using his Tremoring Earth special move.

Inasa Yoarashi is the first to pass when he eliminates 120 students using his Whirlwind Quirk. Izuku Midoriya is separated from his classmates and is confronted by another Shiketsu student: Camie Utsushimi.[4] Izuku and Camie fight until Ketsubutsu students ambush them.[5] Ochaco Uraraka and Hanta Sero eventually regroup with Izuku and rescue him; by this point over thirty people have passed the exam.[6]

Shoto Todoroki is ambushed by several students from Seijin High School. He defeats ten of them and becomes the 56th person to pass the exam. Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Kyoka Jiro, and Mezo Shoji face students from Seiai Academy and defeat them to pass as well.[7] Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima follow Katsuki Bakugo to the city district where they are confronted by Seiji Shishikura. Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco realize that the best way to pass is to restrain their opponents rather than trying to hit moving targets with their balls. The trio fights with other students in the area in an attempt to pass.[8]

Class 1-A completes their comeback!

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki manage to defeat Seiji. They fight other students he had previously turned into meatballs and pass the exam by eliminating them. At the same time, Izuku’s group manages to restrain a few students and eliminate them to pass as well.[9] Because Yo destroyed the middle of the stage, many students fight desperately in a rush to pass the exam. The Ketsubutsu students wait and take advantage of tired students to pass the exam themselves.

Nine students from Class 1-A remain while only ten spots are available. The U.A. students are separated and in a desperate situation. They come together thanks to a beacon of light from Yuga Aoyama that helps them rally together and defeat the other students rushing to pass. All nine of them manage to make an astounding comeback and fill the last ten spots along with Camie.[10]

Final Phase

The Help Us Company.

The many sections of the stadium are detonated and transformed into disaster zones as the students watch from the anteroom. Yokumiru instructs the examinees to act as heroes and conduct rescue operations for the second and final phase of the licensing exam.[10]

Professional rescuees from the Help Us Company act as civilians who have been caught up in a villain terrorist attack. Students are tasked with rescuing them and the H.U.C. employees analyze the students rescuing methods and reduce points in the case of perceived mistakes and a lack of efficiency. They are assisted by public safety workers monitoring the exam from the stands. They also watch the students and deduct points based on their actions. A student begins the second phase with 100 points and will fail if their score drops below the 50 points benchmark.

The second-year students prove more experienced in the field of rescuing people.

At the start of the test, Class 1-A sticks together and Izuku finds a young man injured and crying. He says that his grandfather is in trouble and Izuku replies that the situation is terrible. The boy exits his character and yells at Izuku for being negative. He deducts points and explains that heroes need to comfort those in need and act accordingly to the situation. The second-year students from other schools set up first aid areas and clear the way for when emergency services need to arrive. The hypothetical situation is all students must help rescue people and secure the situation so that it can be handed over to authorities in a smooth manner when they arrive.[11]

Inasa uses his wind to clear some rubble and float victims into the air. Although one of the H.U.C employees is impressed by Inasa’s control over his Quirk, he deducts points for sloppiness. Nagamasa explains to Inasa that he needs to check on civilians conditions before moving them. Class 1-A finds more victims trapped beneath rubble and Ochaco rushes to rescue them. Momo stops her and tells her they need to secure the rubble first. The students decide they need to split up and work with other schools to rescue as many people as possible.

Gang Orca attacks!

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki find two low priority civilians in the mountains. They ask for help but Katsuki yells at them to save themselves. Eijiro and Denki take them back to safety themselves. Just as everyone begins to get into the groove of rescuing people, Gang Orca and his men arrive in the stadium. They blast through one of the walls close to the first aid area and invade. Gang Orca and his men simulate the villain terrorist attack and students must juggle between rescuing efforts and fighting this new threat.[12]

The villains enter the arena close to the first aid station and make it their target. The majority of the students work on evacuating the injured away from the dangerous area. Yo, Shoto, and Inasa rush to the front lines. Gang Orca makes short work of Yo. The proctors say it’s good Shoto and Inasa were brought to the front line because of their offensive Quirks. Gang Orca is able to defend against Shoto’s first attack, but then Shoto and Inasa proceed to get into an argument right in front of the villains.[3]

Gang Orca and the proctors are unimpressed and the duo is immobilized by the No. 10 hero’s hypersonic waves. Gang Orca’s Sidekicks try to destroy the rescue station but Izuku heads them off. Yo Shindo shakes the ground beneath the villains and breaks it apart to stop their advance. He was planning on using his natural resistance to vibrations against Gang Orca but the first years got in the way.

Shoto and Inasa’s unison blast traps Gang Orca.

Shoto and Inasa put their differences aside and trap Gang Orca inside a spiraling flame prison using a unison blast from both their Quirks while paralyzed.[13] The villains turn around to help their captain and students returning from the evacuation attack. Mashirao Ojiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Mina Ashido work with Izuku to take advantage of the situation. Tsuyu and Nagamasa Mora also arrive to take down several more villains with their special moves.

Gang Orca knows Shoto and Inasa’s teamwork won’t make up for their mistakes, but he states their unison attack was a very good one. At this point, there are only a few more citizens left to be rescued before the test concludes. The No. 10 Hero is forced to rehydrate and says a normal villain would likely give up in this situation but heroes need to be prepared for when they don’t. The head villain makes a sudden escape from the hot wind prison by blasting it apart with hypersonic waves. He tries to finish off Shoto and Inasa but Izuku stops him with a powerful kick. The other students rescue the last of the injured and the exam comes to an abrupt end.[14]


Student 1st Phase Place 2nd Phase Score
Izuku Midoriya Passed Between 77-79 Passed 71
Ochaco Uraraka Passed Between 77-79 Passed Unknown
Hanta Sero Passed Between 77-79 Passed 84
Mezo Shoji Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Tenya Ida Passed 100 Passed 80
Kyoka Jiro Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Minoru Mineta Passed 95 Passed Unknown
Mina Ashido Passed 93 Passed Unknown
Koji Koda Passed 96 Passed Unknown
Rikido Sato Passed 97 Passed Unknown
Yuga Aoyama Passed 99 Passed Unknown
Mashirao Ojiro Passed 92 Passed 61
Fumikage Tokoyami Passed 94 Passed Unknown
Momo Yaoyorozu Passed Between 57-60 Passed 94
Tsuyu Asui Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Toru Hagakure Passed 91 Passed Unknown
Denki Kaminari Passed Between 80-82 Passed Unknown
Eijiro Kirishima Passed Between 80-82 Passed Unknown
Katsuki Bakugo Passed Between 80-82 Failed Unknown
Shoto Todoroki Passed 54 Failed Unknown
Inasa Yoarashi Passed 1 Failed Unknown
Camie Utsushimi Passed 98 Failed Unknown
Seiji Shishikura Failed N/A N/A N/A
Nagamasa Mora Passed Unknown Passed Unknown
Yo Shindo Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Shikkui Makabe Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Tatami Nakagame Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Itejiro Toteki Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown


Battles & Events
  • The Crushing of U.A.
  • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie
  • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle
  • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students
  • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students
  • Izuku’s Gambit
  • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura
  • Class 1-A’s Comeback
  • Gang Orca’s Invasion


Katsuki, Shoto, and Inasa learn of the remedial course.

Yokumiru displays the results of the exam after announcing students were scored based on how few mistakes they made throughout the second phase. The names of those who passed populate a large board in front of all the students. 89 of the 100 students pass the exam, including most of Class 1-A. However, because of their noncooperation and recklessness during the villain attack, Shoto and Inasa both fail the exam. Katsuki also fails because he didn’t put any effort into rescuing people.

Inasa apologizes to Shoto for making him fail and Shoto concedes that he is to blame for the situation as well. Katsuki is irate over having failed the exam. Many students in Class 1-A are very surprised that their two strongest students failed to get their licenses. Yokumiru has the proctors hand out sheets containing each student’s individual evaluations. The sheets explain which actions of the students received demerits. Izuku wonders why the scoring system didn’t allow for students to recover points and why it didn’t eliminate students after they fell below the benchmark.

Yokumiru explains that the students who passed will receive their provisional licenses so they can act as heroes in emergency situations. He expresses his hopes that these future heroes will fill the void left behind by All Might. Then he addresses those who failed the exam and announces there will be a training course they can participate in. If they were to pass, they will receive their provisional licenses as well. The first phase was meant to thin the heard, so the commission wishes to nurture the 100 students who made it to the second phase. This was why disqualified students were not removed: to provide more information to correct for their problems in the upcoming course.

Izuku receives his Provisional Hero License.

The provisional licenses are handed out to the students and many of them go their separate ways. Ms. Joke says goodbye to Shota and asks if their classes can do some joint training in the future. Inasa tells Shoto he still doesn’t like him but looks forward to taking the Remedial Course together.

Izuku asks Nagamasa about Camie’s disappearing technique but he appears clueless. He says that Camie hasn’t been acting herself and she left early. Somewhere away from the stadium, Camie’s disguise falls away, revealing who was really taking the exam in her place: Himiko Toga, who has managed to obtain a sample of Izuku’s blood.[15]


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 and Episode 53.
  2. 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 103 and Episode 53.
  3. 3.0 3.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 111 and Episode 59.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 104 and Episode 54.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 105 and Episode 54.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 54.
  7. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 55.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 55.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 107 and Episode 56.
  10. 10.0 10.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 108 and Episode 56.
  11. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 109 and Episode 57.
  12. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 110 and Episode 57.
  13. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 112 and Episode 59.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 and Episode 59.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 114 and Episode 60.

Site Navigation

v  eProvisional Hero License Exam Arc
Chapters 98 • 99 • 100 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 • 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115 • 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120 • 121
Volumes 11 • 12 • 13 • 14
Episodes 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61 • 62
Battles and Events U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam
Ultimate Move Training • Provisional Hero License Exam (The Crushing of U.A. • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students • Izuku’s Gambit • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura • Class 1-A’s Comeback • Gang Orca’s Invasion)
Deku vs. Kacchan 2

The Entrance Exam Arc is the first story arc in My Hero Academia and the U.A. Beginnings Saga.

A formerly Quirkless Izuku Midoriya is chosen by No. 1 Hero All Might to inherit his Quirk, but first must train his body to properly handle the power, so that he can use it in order to pass the Entrance Exam for U.A. High School.


  • 1 Summary
    • 1.1 Prologue
    • 1.2 The Origin of Izuku Midoriya
    • 1.3 The Acknowledged Dream
    • 1.4 Becoming the Successor
    • 1.5 U.A.’s Entrance Exam: Izuku’s Starting Line
  • 2 Story Impact
  • 3 Characters Introduced
  • 4 Quirks Introduced
  • 5 Battles & Events
  • 6 References
  • 7 Site Navigation



The story begins with a prologue: one day in Qing Qing, China, a «Luminescent Baby» was born with a unique power called a «Quirk». Then, around the world, as time passed, humanity started to obtain Quirks and people realized that their dreams of being Heroes could become a reality with these powers. Now, 80% of the world is comprised of superhumans and people’s dream of being heroes became a profession that is under the spotlight.

The Origin of Izuku Midoriya

Izuku being bullied by his childhood friend.

The story shifts to the present. Izuku is a 14-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a Hero, but unlike other people, Izuku was not born with a Quirk and is constantly bullied by his childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugo, a 14-year-old boy with an impressive Quirk.

One day when walking home from school, Izuku is attacked by a villain but is saved by the timely arrival of the hero All Might, a famous hero known as the Symbol of Peace. Before All Might leaves, Izuku asks him whether he can become a Hero without a Quirk.[1] All Might tells him that it is fine to dream but he should not confuse his dream with his reality and leaves.

Continuing walking home, Izuku then spots a crowd watching a villain wreaking havoc using Katsuki’s body as a medium. Not wanting to stand by and do nothing, Izuku jumps in to try and save Katsuki, shocking the crowd and All Might who decides to step in and defeats the villain with Detroit Smash, saving Izuku and Katsuki’s lives.

The Acknowledged Dream

«Young man, you too can become a hero.»

Nearly home, Katsuki approaches Izuku and threatens him, telling the boy to never try to help him again. Katsuki leaves, seething in rage. Suddenly, All Might appears and thanks Izuku for inspiring him with his bravery despite not having a Quirk. All Might then tells Izuku that he has a proposal for him and that he too can become a hero, which makes Izuku cry in joy for having his dream finally acknowledged not by anyone, but by the Hero he admires the most: All Might.[2]

All Might tells Izuku that he is worthy to inherit his strength, confusing the boy. All Might explains that his Quirk, called One For All, can be passed down and he has selected Izuku as his successor. Izuku asks why All Might would give his Quirk to him, to which All Might replies that he doesn’t mind giving it to him and because he shined more than any of the other so-called «heroes». All Might says that the decision is his to make and Izuku decides to accept All Might’s proposal.

Becoming the Successor

Izuku’s Takoba Municipal Beach Park training.

All Might begins to train Izuku for his body to inherit One For All, explaining that if he gave it to him now, his body would be blown to bits. All Might has Izuku clean the Seaside Bay of its trash as a great way to strengthen Izuku’s body into a proper vessel by the end of ten months, after which U.A.’s Entrance Exam will happen. After ten months of intense training, it is now the day of U.A.’s Entrance Exam. Izuku’s body is now more refined and muscular, which causes All Might to say that he has become a genuine vessel. All Might decides to give Izuku his reward for having worked so hard for the last ten months, saying he has earned it fair and square: the One For All Quirk. All Might gives Izuku a piece of his hair to eat, much to Izuku’s confusion. All Might says that it doesn’t matter how he takes his DNA, but due to the Entrance Exam beginning in a few hours, he needs to inherit it immediately.[3]

U.A.’s Entrance Exam: Izuku’s Starting Line

Izuku is seen running to U.A., having arrived in time for the Entrance Exam. As he is about to enter U.A., Izuku begins to fall but is saved by a girl’s Quirk. The girl wishes him good luck, which leaves him speechless, as he finally managed to talk to a girl (although he didn’t say anything).

Inside U.A., Present Mic explains how the Entrance Exam works, which begins with a practical test and afterwards a written test. Mic explains that their goal in the practical test is to dispatch as many villains (which are actually robots) as they can to earn a high score.[4]

The practical test of the Entrance Exam begins but as it nears the end, Izuku has been unable to dispatch any of the robots. Suddenly, a huge robot appears and Izuku sees the same girl who helped him earlier trapped under rubble. Izuku, mustering courage, decides to save the girl. Izuku jumps up to the robot and, for the first time, uses One For All and delivers a destructive punch to the huge robot, smashing it into pieces and shocking everyone. All Might in his true form, who is in the crowd watching, smiles.[5]

Izuku uses One For All to destroy a 0-point robot.

Izuku, having used One For All for the first time, begins feeling the aftershock of the Quirk; his legs are broken as well as his right arm. Izuku considers using One For All to make a safe landing but is unable to do so, due to his battered limbs. The girl whom Izuku saved from the huge robot, uses her Quirk to make him float, saving him as he lands on the ground thinking of the exam. However, the practical test is declared over, much to Izuku’s devastation before he falls unconscious. The other participants’ comment on Izuku’s Quirk, calling him incredible as Tenya Ida notes on Izuku’s heroic act of saving the girl instead of running. Recovery Girl, U.A.’s nurse, heals Izuku’s injuries.

Izuku is accepted into U.A..

One week later, Izuku receives a letter that will reveal whether he made it into U.A. or not. He opens the letter, which displays a screen with All Might on it. All Might apologizes to Izuku for not contacting him sooner. He then says that from now on he is going to work at U.A.. All Might tells Izuku that he did fine on the written test, but scored zero points on the practical test which meant he failed, much to Izuku’s sadness. However, All Might then shows a video of the girl who saved Izuku, Ochaco, asking Present Mic if she could share her points with him because he saved her, much to his shock. All Might says that the judges were looking for more than just smashing robots; they were also looking for rescue points, of which Izuku scored 60 for saving Ochaco. All Might says that Izuku has passed, meaning he has been accepted, and U.A. will now be his Hero Academia, much to Izuku’s joy.[6]

Story Impact

  • Quirks are introduced as well as the profession of both Heroes and Villains.
  • 80% of the world’s population have Quirks while the remaining 20% do not.
    • If an individual is born with an extra bone joint in the pinky toe, that person does not have a Quirk, as noted by doctors.
  • Main characters such as Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Katsuki Bakugo, and Tenya Ida are introduced.
  • All Might, the greatest hero ever born, is introduced. He is labeled as the «Symbol of Peace» in society. He is revealed to have gained a serious wound five years prior from a powerful villain which has severely drained his powers, resulting in him only being able to use his hero form for a short time per day.
  • All Might’s transferable Quirk, One For All, is introduced. He gives his power to Izuku and takes him on as his disciple.
  • Izuku Midoriya receives his Quirk from All Might and is accepted into U.A. High School, allowing him to train to become a hero.

Characters Introduced

  • Izuku Midoriya
  • Katsuki Bakugo
  • Tsubasa
  • Slugger
  • Airjet
  • Death Arms
  • Kamui Woods
  • Giant Villain
  • Backdraft
  • Mt. Lady
  • Sludge Villain
  • All Might
  • Inko Midoriya
  • Ochaco Uraraka
  • Present Mic
  • Tenya Ida
  • Mezo Shoji
  • Yuga Aoyama
  • Fumikage Tokoyami
  • Eijiro Kirishima
  • Thirteen
  • Midnight
  • Nezu
  • Recovery Girl

Quirks Introduced

  • One For All: All Might’s Quirk that he transfers to Izuku Midoriya. It grants it’s current user the ability to utilize stockpiled Physical Energy, Quirks and other abilities that have been accumulated from and cultivated by the Previous Holders of the One For All.
  • Explosion: Katsuki’s Quirk allows him to create explosions.
  • Arbor: Kamui Woods’ Quirk allows him to enlarge and control his wooden body parts into strong tree branches.
  • Gigantification: Mt.Lady’s Quirk allows her to grow to a gigantic size.
  • Zero Gravity: Ochaco’s Quirk allows her to cancel the gravity of whatever she touches.
  • Engine: Tenya’s Quirk allows him to move at high speeds.
  • Navel Laser: Yuga’s Quirk allows him to shoot laser beams from his belly.
  • Attraction of Small Objects: Inko’s Quirk gives her the ability to pull small objects toward her body from afar.
  • Heal: Recovery Girl’s Quirk allows her to amplify and speed up the human body’s natural healing process by planting a kiss on the injured person.
  • Fire Breath: Hisashi’s Quirk allows him to breathe fire. (Mentioned)

Battles & Events

Battles & Events
  • Kamui Woods & Mt. Lady vs Giant Villain
  • Sludge Villain Incident
    • All Might vs. Sludge Villain
    • All Might vs. Sludge Villain: Rematch
  • U.A. Entrance Exam


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 1 and Episode 1.
  2. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 1 and Episode 2.
  3. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 2 and Episode 3.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 3 and Episode 3.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 3 and Episode 4.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 4 and Episode 4.

Site Navigation

v  eStory Arcs
Sagas U.A. Beginnings Saga • Rise of Villains Saga • Final Act Saga
Story Arcs Entrance Exam Arc • Quirk Apprehension Test Arc • Battle Trial Arc • U.S.J. Arc • U.A. Sports Festival Arc • Vs. Hero Killer Arc • Final Exams Arc • Forest Training Camp Arc • Hideout Raid Arc • Provisional Hero License Exam Arc • Shie Hassaikai Arc • Remedial Course Arc • U.A. School Festival Arc • Pro Hero Arc • Joint Training Arc • Meta Liberation Army Arc • Endeavor Agency Arc • Paranormal Liberation War Arc • Dark Hero Arc • Star and Stripe Arc • U.A. Traitor Arc • Final War Arc
Vigilantes Story Arcs Vigilantes Beginnings Arc • Stendhal Arc • Vs. Queen Bee Arc • Osaka Incident Arc •
Sky Egg Arc • School Days Arc • Final Performance Arc • Underground Masquerade Arc • Naruhata Lockdown Arc
v  eEntrance Exam Arc
Chapters 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 10.5
Volumes 1
Episodes 1 • 2 • 3 • 4
Battles and Events Kamui Woods & Mt. Lady vs. Giant Villain • Sludge Villain Incident (All Might vs. Sludge Villain • All Might vs. Sludge Villain: Rematch) • U.A. Entrance Exam

The Entrance Exam Arc is the first story arc in My Hero Academia and the U.A. Beginnings Saga.

A formerly Quirkless Izuku Midoriya is chosen by No. 1 Hero All Might to inherit his Quirk, but first must train his body to properly handle the power, so that he can use it in order to pass the Entrance Exam for U.A. High School.


  • 1 Summary
    • 1.1 Prologue
    • 1.2 The Origin of Izuku Midoriya
    • 1.3 The Acknowledged Dream
    • 1.4 Becoming the Successor
    • 1.5 U.A.’s Entrance Exam: Izuku’s Starting Line
  • 2 Story Impact
  • 3 Characters Introduced
  • 4 Quirks Introduced
  • 5 Battles & Events
  • 6 References
  • 7 Site Navigation



The story begins with a prologue: one day in Qing Qing, China, a «Luminescent Baby» was born with a unique power called a «Quirk». Then, around the world, as time passed, humanity started to obtain Quirks and people realized that their dreams of being Heroes could become a reality with these powers. Now, 80% of the world is comprised of superhumans and people’s dream of being heroes became a profession that is under the spotlight.

The Origin of Izuku Midoriya

Izuku being bullied by his childhood friend.

The story shifts to the present. Izuku is a 14-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a Hero, but unlike other people, Izuku was not born with a Quirk and is constantly bullied by his childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugo, a 14-year-old boy with an impressive Quirk.

One day when walking home from school, Izuku is attacked by a villain but is saved by the timely arrival of the hero All Might, a famous hero known as the Symbol of Peace. Before All Might leaves, Izuku asks him whether he can become a Hero without a Quirk.[1] All Might tells him that it is fine to dream but he should not confuse his dream with his reality and leaves.

Continuing walking home, Izuku then spots a crowd watching a villain wreaking havoc using Katsuki’s body as a medium. Not wanting to stand by and do nothing, Izuku jumps in to try and save Katsuki, shocking the crowd and All Might who decides to step in and defeats the villain with Detroit Smash, saving Izuku and Katsuki’s lives.

The Acknowledged Dream

«Young man, you too can become a hero.»

Nearly home, Katsuki approaches Izuku and threatens him, telling the boy to never try to help him again. Katsuki leaves, seething in rage. Suddenly, All Might appears and thanks Izuku for inspiring him with his bravery despite not having a Quirk. All Might then tells Izuku that he has a proposal for him and that he too can become a hero, which makes Izuku cry in joy for having his dream finally acknowledged not by anyone, but by the Hero he admires the most: All Might.[2]

All Might tells Izuku that he is worthy to inherit his strength, confusing the boy. All Might explains that his Quirk, called One For All, can be passed down and he has selected Izuku as his successor. Izuku asks why All Might would give his Quirk to him, to which All Might replies that he doesn’t mind giving it to him and because he shined more than any of the other so-called «heroes». All Might says that the decision is his to make and Izuku decides to accept All Might’s proposal.

Becoming the Successor

Izuku’s Takoba Municipal Beach Park training.

All Might begins to train Izuku for his body to inherit One For All, explaining that if he gave it to him now, his body would be blown to bits. All Might has Izuku clean the Seaside Bay of its trash as a great way to strengthen Izuku’s body into a proper vessel by the end of ten months, after which U.A.’s Entrance Exam will happen. After ten months of intense training, it is now the day of U.A.’s Entrance Exam. Izuku’s body is now more refined and muscular, which causes All Might to say that he has become a genuine vessel. All Might decides to give Izuku his reward for having worked so hard for the last ten months, saying he has earned it fair and square: the One For All Quirk. All Might gives Izuku a piece of his hair to eat, much to Izuku’s confusion. All Might says that it doesn’t matter how he takes his DNA, but due to the Entrance Exam beginning in a few hours, he needs to inherit it immediately.[3]

U.A.’s Entrance Exam: Izuku’s Starting Line

Izuku is seen running to U.A., having arrived in time for the Entrance Exam. As he is about to enter U.A., Izuku begins to fall but is saved by a girl’s Quirk. The girl wishes him good luck, which leaves him speechless, as he finally managed to talk to a girl (although he didn’t say anything).

Inside U.A., Present Mic explains how the Entrance Exam works, which begins with a practical test and afterwards a written test. Mic explains that their goal in the practical test is to dispatch as many villains (which are actually robots) as they can to earn a high score.[4]

The practical test of the Entrance Exam begins but as it nears the end, Izuku has been unable to dispatch any of the robots. Suddenly, a huge robot appears and Izuku sees the same girl who helped him earlier trapped under rubble. Izuku, mustering courage, decides to save the girl. Izuku jumps up to the robot and, for the first time, uses One For All and delivers a destructive punch to the huge robot, smashing it into pieces and shocking everyone. All Might in his true form, who is in the crowd watching, smiles.[5]

Izuku uses One For All to destroy a 0-point robot.

Izuku, having used One For All for the first time, begins feeling the aftershock of the Quirk; his legs are broken as well as his right arm. Izuku considers using One For All to make a safe landing but is unable to do so, due to his battered limbs. The girl whom Izuku saved from the huge robot, uses her Quirk to make him float, saving him as he lands on the ground thinking of the exam. However, the practical test is declared over, much to Izuku’s devastation before he falls unconscious. The other participants’ comment on Izuku’s Quirk, calling him incredible as Tenya Ida notes on Izuku’s heroic act of saving the girl instead of running. Recovery Girl, U.A.’s nurse, heals Izuku’s injuries.

Izuku is accepted into U.A..

One week later, Izuku receives a letter that will reveal whether he made it into U.A. or not. He opens the letter, which displays a screen with All Might on it. All Might apologizes to Izuku for not contacting him sooner. He then says that from now on he is going to work at U.A.. All Might tells Izuku that he did fine on the written test, but scored zero points on the practical test which meant he failed, much to Izuku’s sadness. However, All Might then shows a video of the girl who saved Izuku, Ochaco, asking Present Mic if she could share her points with him because he saved her, much to his shock. All Might says that the judges were looking for more than just smashing robots; they were also looking for rescue points, of which Izuku scored 60 for saving Ochaco. All Might says that Izuku has passed, meaning he has been accepted, and U.A. will now be his Hero Academia, much to Izuku’s joy.[6]

Story Impact

  • Quirks are introduced as well as the profession of both Heroes and Villains.
  • 80% of the world’s population have Quirks while the remaining 20% do not.
    • If an individual is born with an extra bone joint in the pinky toe, that person does not have a Quirk, as noted by doctors.
  • Main characters such as Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Katsuki Bakugo, and Tenya Ida are introduced.
  • All Might, the greatest hero ever born, is introduced. He is labeled as the «Symbol of Peace» in society. He is revealed to have gained a serious wound five years prior from a powerful villain which has severely drained his powers, resulting in him only being able to use his hero form for a short time per day.
  • All Might’s transferable Quirk, One For All, is introduced. He gives his power to Izuku and takes him on as his disciple.
  • Izuku Midoriya receives his Quirk from All Might and is accepted into U.A. High School, allowing him to train to become a hero.

Characters Introduced

  • Izuku Midoriya
  • Katsuki Bakugo
  • Tsubasa
  • Slugger
  • Airjet
  • Death Arms
  • Kamui Woods
  • Giant Villain
  • Backdraft
  • Mt. Lady
  • Sludge Villain
  • All Might
  • Inko Midoriya
  • Ochaco Uraraka
  • Present Mic
  • Tenya Ida
  • Mezo Shoji
  • Yuga Aoyama
  • Fumikage Tokoyami
  • Eijiro Kirishima
  • Thirteen
  • Midnight
  • Nezu
  • Recovery Girl

Quirks Introduced

  • One For All: All Might’s Quirk that he transfers to Izuku Midoriya. It grants it’s current user the ability to utilize stockpiled Physical Energy, Quirks and other abilities that have been accumulated from and cultivated by the Previous Holders of the One For All.
  • Explosion: Katsuki’s Quirk allows him to create explosions.
  • Arbor: Kamui Woods’ Quirk allows him to enlarge and control his wooden body parts into strong tree branches.
  • Gigantification: Mt.Lady’s Quirk allows her to grow to a gigantic size.
  • Zero Gravity: Ochaco’s Quirk allows her to cancel the gravity of whatever she touches.
  • Engine: Tenya’s Quirk allows him to move at high speeds.
  • Navel Laser: Yuga’s Quirk allows him to shoot laser beams from his belly.
  • Attraction of Small Objects: Inko’s Quirk gives her the ability to pull small objects toward her body from afar.
  • Heal: Recovery Girl’s Quirk allows her to amplify and speed up the human body’s natural healing process by planting a kiss on the injured person.
  • Fire Breath: Hisashi’s Quirk allows him to breathe fire. (Mentioned)

Battles & Events

Battles & Events
  • Kamui Woods & Mt. Lady vs Giant Villain
  • Sludge Villain Incident
    • All Might vs. Sludge Villain
    • All Might vs. Sludge Villain: Rematch
  • U.A. Entrance Exam


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 1 and Episode 1.
  2. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 1 and Episode 2.
  3. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 2 and Episode 3.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 3 and Episode 3.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 3 and Episode 4.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 4 and Episode 4.

Site Navigation

v  eStory Arcs
Sagas U.A. Beginnings Saga • Rise of Villains Saga • Final Act Saga
Story Arcs Entrance Exam Arc • Quirk Apprehension Test Arc • Battle Trial Arc • U.S.J. Arc • U.A. Sports Festival Arc • Vs. Hero Killer Arc • Final Exams Arc • Forest Training Camp Arc • Hideout Raid Arc • Provisional Hero License Exam Arc • Shie Hassaikai Arc • Remedial Course Arc • U.A. School Festival Arc • Pro Hero Arc • Joint Training Arc • Meta Liberation Army Arc • Endeavor Agency Arc • Paranormal Liberation War Arc • Dark Hero Arc • Star and Stripe Arc • U.A. Traitor Arc • Final War Arc
Vigilantes Story Arcs Vigilantes Beginnings Arc • Stendhal Arc • Vs. Queen Bee Arc • Osaka Incident Arc •
Sky Egg Arc • School Days Arc • Final Performance Arc • Underground Masquerade Arc • Naruhata Lockdown Arc
v  eEntrance Exam Arc
Chapters 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 10.5
Volumes 1
Episodes 1 • 2 • 3 • 4
Battles and Events Kamui Woods & Mt. Lady vs. Giant Villain • Sludge Villain Incident (All Might vs. Sludge Villain • All Might vs. Sludge Villain: Rematch) • U.A. Entrance Exam

UA High School, без сомнения, является лучшей школой-героем Японии в My Hero Academia. Поскольку наш главный герой Мидория боготворил Всемогущего; естественно, он хотел пойти по стопам Всемогущего, перейдя в UA.

Хотя мы провели всю серию с UA, это не единственная школа в стране, в которой учатся молодые и талантливые честолюбивые герои. И предварительный экзамен на получение лицензии героя стал прекрасной возможностью познакомить нас с ними!

Новые персонажи с новыми уникальными причудами — эта арка была глотком свежего воздуха и возможностью сравнить учеников из других конкурирующих школ с UA!

Вся дуга помогла увидеть настоящую силу студентов UA. Он выявил слабости таких лучших учеников, как Тодороки и Бакуго, а также познакомил нас с другими учениками, такими же талантливыми, как Йоараши.

Учитывая все обстоятельства, вот 20 самых сильных учеников в рейтинге:

Яойорозу — один из учеников класса А, поступивших по рекомендациям. Используя свою причуду «Сотворение», она может создать практически любой объект, если она знает его атомарную структуру.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Момо Яойорозу | Источник: Фэндом

Создания Яойорозу зависят от запасов липидов в ее теле, и для их материализации требуется время, что часто проверяет ее способность принимать решения. Тем не менее, она часто оказывалась на высоте, особенно против Айзавы во время выпускного экзамена и в битве против Сайко Интелли из Сейя во время предварительного экзамена на получение лицензии героя.

19. Тенья Иида

Иида — одна из лучших учениц класса А. Им постоянно движет сильное чувство праведности и желание жить согласно наследию своего брата.

Тодороки против Лиды

Причудливая «Двигатель» Ииды проявляется на его икрах. Это дает ему повышенную скорость, ловкость и силу в ногах. Помимо своей причуды, Иида также уравновешен и может думать не покладая рук в решающие моменты.

Быстрое мышление Ииды во время эвакуации в главе 13 позволило ему занять должность представителя класса. Он также был причиной того, что его команде удалось сыграть вничью с классом B во время совместной тренировки в битве, которая в остальном была проиграна.

18. Тогару Камакири

Камакири — один из недооцененных учеников класса B. Несмотря на то, что у него не было возможности продемонстрировать весь свой потенциал даже во время совместной тренировки, несколько проблесков его причуды были впечатляющими.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Тогару Камакири | Источник: Фэндом

Причуда Камакири «Острая бритва» позволяет ему изготавливать лезвия разных форм и размеров из любой части своего тела. Во время совместной тренировки Камакири смог разрезать огромную металлическую трубу. Его причуда абсолютно смертельна в ближнем бою, и любого, кто подойдет слишком близко, обязательно порежут.

17. Манга Фукидаши

Во время арки Joint Training Arc выступление Манги было настолько захватывающим, что остается загадкой, как он не выделялся ранее в серии.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Манга Фукидаши | Источник: Фэндом

Причудливая манга Фукидаши «Комикс» позволяет ему материализовать звукоподражания или слова, описывающие звуки. Манга может создавать эти слова, просто произнося их, и они практически неразрушимы. Даже Лазер пупка Аоямы не смог пробить их во время совместной тренировки.

Помимо нападения, Манга может даже использовать свою причуду для усиления способностей своих союзников.

16. Тэцутецу Тэцутецу

Тэцутецу буквально «человек из стали» класса B. Причудливая «Сталь» Тэцутецу превращает его кожу в непробиваемую сталь. Сила его причуды и как долго он может ее использовать, зависит от потребления железа.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu | Источник: Фэндом

Тэцутецу совершил подвиг, например, встретился лицом к лицу с Киришимой и Тодороки. Используя свою причуду, он выдержал самое горячее пламя Тодороки во время совместной тренировки. Он также нокаутировал злодея одним ударом во время Лесной тренировочной арки, хотя был близок к тому, чтобы потерять сознание из-за отравления газом.

15. Ниренгеки Шода

Шода — еще одна недооцененная жемчужина класса B. Как следует из названия, причуда Шода «Двойной удар» удваивает воздействие его атак — только вторая атака в несколько раз сильнее первой.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Ниренгеки Шода | Источник: Фэндом

Причуда Шода также может усилить атаки его товарищей по команде. Его комбинированная атака с Янаги и Кодаи во время совместной тренировки была зрелищем.

14. Юрота Шишида

В пятом сезоне меня действительно удивила физическая сила Шишиды. Причуда Шишиды «Зверь» позволяет ему превратиться в гибрид человека-зверя. Это также дает ему физическую силу, тонкую настройку чувств и выносливость.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Юрота Шишида | Источник: Фэндом

Шишида смог сокрушить команду Цую во время их совместного тренировочного матча. Он также сыграл важную роль в битве против Гигантомахии.

13. Фумикаге Токоями

Таинственная причуда Токоями позволяет ему управлять темной фигурой по имени Темная Тень. Dark Shadow невероятно мощен и проворен. Кроме того, он настолько силен, что Токоями часто теряет над ним контроль.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Фумикаге Токоями | Источник: Фэндом

С тех пор, как он прошел стажировку у Ястребов, Токоями значительно улучшился и научился летать с помощью Темной Тени. Он также спас Ястребов во время рейда на виллу в главе 271.

12. Эйдзиро Киришима

Причуда Киришимы укрепляет его кожу до такой степени, что даже пули не могут пробить ее. Эффект медленно спадает по мере того, как Киришима получает урон, но в долгосрочной перспективе делает его сильнее.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Эйджиро Киришима | Источник: Фэндом

Киришима больше всего вырос во время Арки Ши Хассайкай — не только благодаря своей причуде, но и психологически. Во время борьбы с Раппой он поддерживал свою закалку одной лишь силой воли и даже улучшил свою закалку.

Он сделал шаг к тому, чтобы преодолеть свои колебания при столкновении со злодеями, что дало FatGum шанс победить злодея.

11. Сэйдзи Шишикура

Средняя школа Сикецу так же престижна на Западе, как UA на Востоке. Шишикура — студентка второго курса Сикецу. Каминари, Киришима и Бакуго встретились во время экзамена на временную геройскую лицензию.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Сейджи Шишикура | Источник: Фэндом

Причуда Шишикуры «Фрикаделька» позволяет ему манипулировать собственной плотью и даже плотью своих противников.

Во время предварительного экзамена он вывел из строя нескольких студентов, включая Киришиму и Бакуго, ударив их снарядами своей плоти.

Шишикура перехитрил даже Бакуго, прокатившись за спиной. Он сильно движим своими ценностями и не проиграл бы трио, если бы не Каминари.

10. Нагамаса Мора

Причуда — Расширить волосы

Мора — одна из самых сдержанных и вежливых учениц второго курса Сикецу.

В соответствии со своим названием, причуда Моры «Extend-o-Hair» позволяет ему контролировать густые волосы, покрывающие все его тело. Его волосы очень упругие, и он может использовать их, чтобы поймать сразу нескольких врагов.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Нагамаса Мора | Источник: Фэндом

Как и Сиодзаки из класса B, причуда Моры универсальна. Во время второй фазы Мора также использовал свою причуду, чтобы расчистить завалы в рамках спасательного испытания.

9. Йо Шиндо

Шиндо был одним из скромных учеников Кецубутсу, которых Класс А встретил перед экзаменом на временную геройскую лицензию. Студентка третьего курса позже оказалась двуличной и невероятно сильной.

Причуда Шиндо «Вибрация» позволяет ему создавать сильные толчки и землетрясения. Он может вибрировать всем, к чему прикасается, но в качестве побочного эффекта ощущает толчки в своем теле.

Во время «разгрома UA» во время первой фазы экзамена Шиндо вызвал сильное землетрясение, которое потрясло все поле битвы и разделило всех учеников класса А.

Он также был первым, кто отреагировал на появление Банды Орка во время второй фазы теста.

8. Джузо Хоненуки

Хоненуки также является одним из студентов, попавших в UA по рекомендациям, и является сильнейшим в классе B.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Джузо Хоненуки | Источник: Фэндом

Его причуда «Смягчение» проста, но универсальна — она ​​позволяет ему смягчать все, к чему он прикасается, и использовать это, чтобы заманить в ловушку противников или повысить свою подвижность.

Хоненуки обладает отличными стратегическими и тактическими навыками, которые проявились во время совместной тренировки. Его причуда также сыграла важную роль в сдерживании Гигантомахии — злодея, которого не могли остановить даже такие герои, как Миднайт и Гора Леди.

7. Неджире Хадо

Причуда — Волновое движение

Хадо, вместе с Мирио и Амаджики, входит в «большую тройку» UA — сильнейших учеников школы. Причуда Хадо «Волновое движение» превращает ее жизненную энергию в взрывные волны, которые принимают форму спиралей.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Неджире Хадо | Источник: Фэндом

Хотя это снижает скорость и силу атаки, взрывные волны Хадо, тем не менее, сильны.

Во время стажировки у Рюкю атаки Хадо были достаточно сильными, чтобы сразить двух гигантских злодеев, даже несмотря на то, что они взяли усилители, усиливающие причуду.

6. Инаса Йоараши

Йоараси — еще один ученик Сикецу — студент первого курса, который, как ни удивительно, однажды был одним из рекомендованных студентов, поступающих в UA. Йоараси даже имел наивысший балл на вступительном экзамене.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Инаса Йоараши | Источник: Фэндом

Причуда Йоараши «Вихрь» позволяет ему очень точно управлять воздухом и ветром. Он может создавать мощные порывы и вихри и прекрасно контролирует свою причуду.

Йоараши взял почти 120 студентов за раз во время первого этапа экзамена на временную геройскую лицензию. Во время второй фазы он продемонстрировал тщательный контроль над своей причудой, используя одновременно разные типы ветра, чтобы перемещать завалы и выполнять спасательные операции. Позже он также встретился лицом к лицу с Gang Orca и Todoroki.

5. Шото Тодороки

Причуда — Полугорячий Полугорячий

Несмотря на то, что Тодороки только недавно начал тренироваться использовать свое пламя, он по-прежнему остается одним из силовых центров класса А.

Как следует из названия, «Half-Cold Half-Hot» позволяет Тодороки излучать пламя с левой стороны, а лед и холод — с правой стороны своего тела.

Мидория VS Тодороки — ПОЛНЫЙ БОРЬБА 1080p [ENG SUB]

Мидория VS Тодороки

В отличие от своего отца, Тодороки также может избежать любых телесных повреждений от использования своей причуды, чередуя два элемента или используя их вместе.

Тодороки смог уничтожить целую группу учеников из средней школы Сейджин самостоятельно во время экзамена на временную геройскую лицензию. У него определенно есть потенциал стать одним из следующих «Большой тройки».

4. Тамаки Амадзики

Хотя Амаджики может показаться немотивированным и незаинтересованным, он по-прежнему является одним из нынешней Большой тройки и невероятно силен. Причуда Амаджики позволяет ему проявлять физические черты еды, которую он ест. Он также может приобретать несколько черт из нескольких продуктов одновременно.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Тамаки Амадзики | Источник: Фэндом

Способности Амадзики привлекли внимание во время рейда Ши Хассайкай. Он не только взял на себя инициативу сразиться с тремя приспешниками Чисаки, но и в одиночку победил их. Он был очень изобретателен со своей причудой и хорошо использовал динамику и слабости своих оппонентов.

3. Кацуки Бакуго

Хотя агрессивность Бакуго может не подходить герою, его способности нельзя недооценивать. Бакуго — один из сильнейших учеников класса А. Его причуда «Взрыв» воспламеняет выделяемый им нитроглицериновый пот, создавая большие взрывы на его ладонях.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Кацуки Бакуго | Источник: Фэндом

Бакуго продолжал не отставать от Мидории на протяжении всей серии и оттачивал свою причуду для более точных смертоносных атак. Его неутолимая жажда победы, вероятно, его самая большая сила.

2. Тогата Мирио

Мирио входит в тройку студентов UA. Причуда Мирио «Проникновение» позволяет ему пройти сквозь любую материю, сделав себя нематериальным.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Мирио Тогата | Источник: Фэндом

Хотя его причуда сама по себе была не очень сильной, имела много технических трудностей и была невероятно опасной, Мирио преодолел все эти препятствия упорным трудом и овладел своей причудой.

Он даже произвел впечатление на Ночного Глаза, который считал его лучшей заменой Всемогущего как Героя номер один. Мирио также победил бы Чисаки во время рейда Ши Хассайкай, если бы не потерял свою причуду.

1. Изуку Мидория

Изуку Мидория — сильнейший ученик и один из сильнейших героев в My Hero Academia. Он нынешний обладатель причуды накопления энергии — Один за всех, а также обладает шестью другими причудами. Помимо своей подавляющей силы, Изуку быстрее, чем сам Гран Торино, благодаря своему стилю Full Cowl: Shoot.

Моя геройская академия: Рейтинг 20 сильнейших студентов! Кто самый сильный?
Изуку Мидория | Источник: Фэндом

Он единственный, кто способен победить «Все за одного», что делает его самым сильным учеником в серии.

Мидория — также единственный человек, кроме All For One, способный использовать несколько причуд одновременно без ограничений.

Смотрите My Hero Academia на:

О моей геройской академии

My Hero Academia — японская манга о супергероях, написанная и проиллюстрированная Кохеем Хорикоси. Он публикуется в Weekly Shōnen Jump с июля 2014 года, а его главы дополнительно собраны в 37 томах танкобон по состоянию на февраль 2023 года.

Это следует за беспричудным мальчиком Изуку Мидорией и тем, как он поддерживал величайшего Героя живым. Мидория, мальчик, который с самого рождения восхищался героями и их приключениями, пришел в этот мир без причуды, где почти каждый рождается с ней.

В один роковой день он встречает Всемогущего, величайшего героя всех времен, и обнаруживает, что у него тоже не было причуд. Своим прилежным отношением и непоколебимым духом героя Мидория умудряется произвести впечатление на Всемогущего. Он избран наследником силы «Один за всех».

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Делайте маленькие дела с большой любовью — Happy Sharing :)

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    Изуку Мидория, Кацуки Бакуго, Мирио Тогата, Моя Академия Героев, Шото Тодороки, Тамаки Амадзики

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