Экзамен по бездне айон

Проходим в Aion квест на Бездну

Как известно многим игрокам высоких (да и низких) уровней, вход в aion abyss дает даэвам воистину неограниченные возможности! Более того, многие игроки в aion считают, что с получением доступа в Бездну начинается самая интересная часть игрового процесса – и, несмотря на то, что у всех разные предпочтения в игре, нельзя сказать, что они однозначно неправы. Ведь сдача квеста на бездну открывает игрокам доступ к увлекательной прокачке: массовым пвп, захватывающим осадам, опасным сражениям с aion балаурами, атакой самого Дерадикона и многим другим вещам. Но для этого вам нужно знать, как оказаться в Бездне на руоффе aion или на любом другом сервере.

Итак, почему же стоит добиваться входа в Бездну? Как рассказывают нам легенды мира Атреи, Бездна – это пространство между двумя мирами, населенное опасными айон балаурами. Как показывает практика, Бездна – это пвп-зона, где в которой расположено множество замков и артефактов. Именно за эти замки ведутся напряженные осады, причем вашими противниками в них бывают как вражеские расы, так и в aion балауры. И зачастую именно из-за этих замков (а также из-за групповых пвп) даэвов так интересует, как именно попасть в Бездну.

Тоннель в бездне aion

Как попасть в айон abyss?

Вопрос о том, как попасть в Бездну, интересует многих даэвов на низких уровнях. Чтобы на руофф aion или на любом другом сервере вам открылся вход в бездну, нужно сделать всего-то ничего: выполнить специальный квест и пройти испытание. Испытание это, кстати, намного сложнее, чем в aion квест на бездну, который называется «Знания о Бездне».

Бездна айон

Для того чтобы приступить к сдаче в aion квеста на бездну, элийцам нужно отправиться в Библиотеку мудрецов, найти там нпц по имени Юклиас и получить у него квестовое задание. В этом вам поможет поиск npc aion. После этого вам нужно будет сдать экзамен трем другим нпц (Громосу, Нестору и Ксенофонию) – они также прекрасно находятся поиском npc aion – и завершить квест у Ватонии.

Не бойтесь отвечать неправильно: даже если собственные знания вас подведут и вы не воспользуетесь всемогущим Google, ученые дадут вам шанс ответить еще раз (до тех пор, пока вы не выберете правильный ответ).

А вот асмодианам нужно также воспользоваться поиском нпц aion и отправиться в Храм знаний к нпц по имени Бальдр, чтобы сдать в айон квест на бездну. Бальдр направит вас к Серенити, Морейнен и Кушару, а завершить квест вы сможете у Квасира. Кстати, отвечают на вопросы асмодиане по такому же принципу, как и элийцы.

После сдачи этого квеста вам понадобится выполнить последнее задание, чтобы открыть вход в аион abyss: пролететь сквозь кольца над крепостью. Сделать это может быть весьма непросто, поскольку вы будете ограничены во времени и вынуждены лететь через эти кольца в строго определенном порядке. Однако, если вы знаете определенные секреты и нюансы, то сможете пройти этот квест руоффа aion с первого раза.


High Priest Balder told you to meet the scholars in the Temple of Knowledge to take their tests. Phosphor is first on your list.

Quest Information[]


  • Talk with <Balder>.
  • Go to <Phosphor> to take the test.
  • Go to <Moreinen> to take the test.
  • Go to <Kushar> to take the test.
  • Talk with <Kvasir>.

Basic Reward[]


After getting the quest, go to the Temple of Knowledge in Pandaemonium. Talk to Phosphor, Moreinen and Kushar. The correct answers are: (1,2,& 3) (2, 3,& 1) and (3, 3, & 3). Finally talk to Kvasir in the Capitol Building to collect the reward.


Initial Dialogue[]

«We are satisfied that you are capable of fighting the Elyos and the Balaur. All that remains is to test your knowledge of the Abyss itself. Knowing the battleground is as important as knowing your enemy.
I require you to visit three Daevas, and take some simple tests. If you have carried out even cursory research on the Abyss, you will easily pass the tests.
And if you have not…well, you now have an ideal opportunity to learn.»

1.png «What must I do?»
«Go to the Temple of Knowledge to meet the scholars and take their tests.
If you decline, you forfeit your chance at the supreme glories of battle.

1.png «I will go at once!»

«Very good. All the Daevas to whom you must speak are waiting for you at the Temple of Knowledge.
As you complete the tests, each Daeva will certify your success with a diploma.
First, you should speak to Phosphor. She will ask you general questions about the Abyss.»

1.png «I’m ready.»
2.png «I need to reconsider»

«Are you worried because I referred to a «test?»
Daeva, you have nothing to fear.
Cowardice is ignoble, but to make proper preparations in anticipation of a challenge is not. When you are ready to proceed, then consult me again.»

X.png «I will.»

Intermediate Dialogue[]

«I understand you are here to test your knowledge of the Abyss.
Very well. Let’s start with a simple question.
Do you know which event created the Abyss?»

1.png «The Tower of Eternity shattered.»

«It is true! During the Cataclysm the Tower of Eternity shattered into fragments, leaving only two broken stumps behind. A great disharmonious resonance began to flow between the stumps, and that is where the Abyss was created.
The flow of energy is so unstable that the Abyss itself is not a stable space.
Shall we proceed to the next question?»

1.png «I’m ready.»
2.png «The Aetheric Field lifted.»

«Not quite correct. The Cataclysm occurred only after the Aetheric Field was lifted by the Seraphim Lords to allow the Balaur access to the Tower in a foolish bid for peace. It is true that the Aetheric Field has weakened since then, but the Aetheric Field and the Abyss are not related.
Try again. Which incident created the Abyss?»

1.png «The Tower of Eternity shattered.»
3.png «The Balaur opened a rift in space.»
3.png «The Balaur opened a rift in space.»

«Oh, I’m sorry Daeva, but the Balaur have nothing to do with the formation of the Abyss.
Well…that’s not entirely true. Still, the Balaur did not directly cause the creation of the Abyss.
Please try to answer again. Tell me what incident created the Abyss.»

1.png «The Tower of Eternity shattered.»
2.png «The Aetheric Field was lifted.»
«Good. We’ll move on.
Why does the Abyss pose a threat to Atreia?
This is important, because this is why we’re fighting so hard. It’s not just for the joy of slaughtering the Elyos—though Azphel knows that is a joy indeed.»
1.png «The Tower is deteriorating.»

«No. It is true that the Abyss was created as the Tower of Eternity shattered, but the fragments of the Tower have not diminished in size since the Cataclysm.
Think back to why the Abyss was created, and I will pose the question again.
Why does the Abyss pose a threat to Atreia?»

2.png «The Aetheric energy is draining.»
3.png «It admits monsters to Atreia.»
2.png «The Aetheric energy is draining.»

«That’s right! The Abyss is very unstable, and Aether is rapidly running out like water pouring through a crack in a dam.
Now the Abyss is drawing Aether away from Atreia itself. If the Aether was exhausted, it could destroy all life. To stop it, we must defeat the Elyos and destroy their half of the tower.
Are you ready for the final question?»

1.png «I am.»
3.png «It admits monsters to Atreia.»

«I’m afraid there’s no prize for «most creative answer,» [Player Name].
Access to and from the Abyss is limited. The monsters there are not about to leave any time soon.
Try again. Why does the Abyss pose a threat to Atreia?»

1.png «The Tower is deteriorating.»
2.png «The Aetheric energy is draining.»
«You face many dangers in the Abyss. I will list several of them, and I want you to pick the one that is not true.
One, when you are fatally wounded out of range of an Obelisk, you are in danger of being vanished permanently. Two, Elysea can be accessed through the Abyss. Three, your innate Daeva resistances are reduced while in the Abyss.»
1.png «The first statement is false.»

«You clearly know nothing about the Abyss! Vanishment is the greatest of all the dangers that a Daeva faces out there! Do you want to spend eternity as nothing but the glimmer in a Stigma Stone?
Of course, that’s happened less and less since we’ve been able to establish our Obelisks in the Abyss, but don’t take that as reason to go trapsing off on some fool’s errand.
Please…try again. Which statement is false?
One, when you are fatally wounded out of range of an Obelisk, you are in danger of being vanished permanently. Two, Elysea can be accessed through the Abyss. Three, your innate Daeva resistances are reduced while in the Abyss.»

2.png «The second statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»
2.png «The second statement is false.»

«What? Young Daeva, think about it. If Elysea cannot be accessed through the Abyss, then how are all the Elyos getting in? Hmm? Answer me that! I will repeat the examples. Please pay attention this time.
Which statement is false?
One, when you are fatally wounded out of range of an Obelisk, you are in danger of being vanished permanently. Two, Elysea can be accessed through the Abyss. Three, your innate Daeva resistances are reduced while in the Abyss.»

1.png «The first statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»

«That’s correct! The flow of Aether is unstable in the Abyss, but neither your resistances nor your combat abilities should be adversely affected.
I think you’ve attained at least a basic knowledge of the Abyss. Enough to get by on for now. Well done.
Now you need to meet Moreinen. She’s a historian, and has more questions for you.»

1.png «Thank you.»
«High Priest Balder sent you, I suppose? Did you know the same family has supplied all of Pandaemonium’s High Priests for generations?
Compared to the questions you’ve already answered, mine are very simple. The purpose of these questions is to recognize the efforts that your Daeva forebears made to explore the Abyss, establish gates, and create bind points. Thus we honor those who have gone before.
To my first question. When was the Abyss created?»

1.png «During the Millennium War.»

«I’m at a loss for words, Daeva.
During the Millennium Wars, the Tower of Eternity still existed. How could the Abyss be formed while the Tower still stood intact?
Think this through, and try again.
When was the Abyss created?»

2.png «After the Cataclysm.»
3.png «In the first Elyos-Asmodian War.»
2.png «After the Cataclysm.»

«Yes, that’s correct.
During the Cataclysm, the Tower of Eternity was shattered and the Abyss was created. Of course, we didn’t actually discover the Abyss until some time later.
Let’s move on to the next question.»

1.png «I’m ready.»
3.png «In the first Elyos-Asmodian War.»

«I’m trying to figure out how you achieved the title of [Player Class]. Think! Where did the Elyos-Asmodian War break out? It was the ABYSS! Ergo, the Abyss already existed!
Think the question through, and try again.
When was the Abyss created?»

1.png «During the Millennium War.»
2.png «After the Cataclysm.»
«There are many fortresses in the Abyss. We expand our influence in the Abyss by conquering and holding these important positions.
Which was the first fortress that we Asmodians built in Reshanta?»

1.png «The Teminon Fortress.»

«Wh-what?! No! The Teminon Fortress is the first fortress the Elyos built!
They still use it as a Landing in Reshanta! How could you be so completely wrong?!
Wrack your brain and try again. Which fortress was the first one we Asmodians built in Reshanta?»

2.png «The Sulfur Fortress.»
3.png «The Primum Fortress.»
2.png «The Sulfur Fortress.»

«Close, [Player Name], but not quite. The Sulfur Fortress was one of the very earliest fortresses to be built by Asmodian forces, but it was not the first one.
Please try again. Which fortress was the first one we Asmodians built in Reshanta?»

1.png «The Teminon Fortress.»
2.png «The Primum Fortress.»
3.png «The Primum Fortress.»

«Exactly right! The Primum Fortress was the first fortress we built in Reshanta. The name rather gives it away, don’t you think?
The Primum Fortress is also the first place a Daeva can bind themselves in Reshanta. It serves as a Landing for all Daevas who work in Reshanta.
Are you ready for the last question?»

1.png «As ready as I’ll ever be.»
«Very well, then. We first discovered that the Abyss was connected to Elysea when a legion from Elysea secretly arrived in Asmodae by traveling through the Abyss.
What was the name of the Elyos legion which trespassed on Asmodian soil, and who led them here?

1.png «Storm Legion, led by Deltras.»

«Correct in all respects.
Deltras and the Storm Legion invaded Morheim, and they were soundly defeated by Lord Zikel. Such is the fate of those who oppose us.
You must now visit Kushar to take the last test. His field of research is primarily the Lepharist Revolutionaries, but he is an expert in most military matters.»

1.png «Thank you, Moreinen.»
2.png «Black Flame Legion, led by Traufnir.»

«Did you just name the first Legion that you could think of? The Black Flame Legion is Asmodian!
The Black Flame Legion were sent to the Abyss to conduct reconnaissance and collect vital information many years ago.
Please try again. What was the name of the Elyos legion which trespassed on Asmodian soil, and who led them here?»

1.png «Storm Legion, led by Deltras.»
3.png «Temple Legion, led by Lord Nezekan.»
3.png «Temple Legion, led by Lord Nezekan.»

«No. The Elyos Temple Legion is indeed led by Lord Nezekan, but they were dispatched on a mission of vengeance following the utter defeat of the Legion that first trespassed here in Asmodae.
Try again. What was the name of the Elyos Legion which trespassed on Asmodian soil, and who led them here?»

1.png «The Storm Legion, led by Deltras.»
2.png «The Temple Legion, led by Lord Nezekan.»
«High Priest Balder told me to expect you, [Player Name]. My questions concern the optimal strategies for fighting in the Abyss.
Let us begin. We secure control over the Abyss by capturing the Fortresses in Reshanta.
Tell me how you capture a fortress.»
1.png «Destroy the castle gate.»

«Destroying the castle gate is important, true. You cannot enter a fortress until the gate is broken down.
But that is the first step, not the last. A fortress whose gate is destroyed is not captured, only breached.
Think again. How do you capture a fortress?»

2.png «Destroy the Aetheric Field generator.»
3.png «Defeat the guardian entity.»
2.png «Destroy the Aetheric Field generator.»

«It is certainly easier to infiltrate a fortress if the Aetheric Field generator is destroyed.
However, infiltration and capture are very different. If you’re called on to lead an attack against a Fortress, ignorance could cost lives.
Think it over. How do you capture a fortress?»

1.png «Destroy the castle gate.»
3.png «Defeat the guardian entity.»
3.png «Defeat the guardian entity.»

«Correct! You have to defeat the guardian entity in order to capture a fortress.
It’s a lot easier said than done. Guardian entities typically lurk deep underground, far beneath the fortress. Once you overcome the guardian, the fortress is yours to control.
Let’s move on to the next question.»

1.png «Fine with me.»
«The second question is about Artifacts. They can turn the tide of battle one way or the other. I will make three statements about Artifacts. You must tell me which one is incorrect.
One, Artifacts were once inside the Tower of Eternity. Two, you can control an Artifact only by defeating its Protector. Three, if you control a fortress, you automatically control all nearby Artifacts.»

1.png «The first statement is false.»

«Incorrect, [Player Name]. Artifacts used to be devices inside the Tower of Eternity, but they were scattered across our lands in the Cataclysm.
Think it over once again. Which of these statements concerning Artifacts is false?
One, Artifacts were once inside the Tower of Eternity. Two, you can control an Artifact only by defeating its Protector. Three, if you control a fortress, you automatically control all nearby Artifacts.»

2.png «The second statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»
2.png «The second statement is false.»

«That statement is true. Every Artifact has a protector. Overcoming the protector is the only known method for capturing an Artifact.
Think it over. Which of these statements concerning the Artifacts is false?
One, Artifacts were once inside the Tower of Eternity. Two, you can control an Artifact only by defeating its Protector. Three, if you control a fortress, you automatically control all nearby Artifacts.»

1.png «The first statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»

«Indeed, that statement is false. An Artifact may only be captured by defeating its protector.
Artifacts are often found near the fortresses, and controlling the fortress may give you a tactical advantage, but controlling the fortress guarantees nothing.
Shall we proceed?»

1.png «Yes.»
«The last question concerns flight while in the Abyss. Once again, I will make three statements. I want you to identify the false statement.
One, you can fly anywhere in the Abyss. Two, if you are dashed against a Fortress’s Aetheric Field, you will be badly hurt. Three, while in the Abyss, you acquire the power to fly for unlimited periods of time.»

1.png «The first statement is false.»

«That statement is thankfully true. You can fly anywhere in the Abyss.
Think again. Which of the following statements about flight in the Abyss is false?
One, you can fly anywhere in the Abyss. Two, if you are dashed against a Fortress’s Aetheric Field, you will be badly hurt. Three, while in the Abyss, you acquire the power to fly for unlimited periods of time.»

2.png «The second statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»
2.png «The second statement is false.»

«Were you to test the accuracy of your guess, you would be a sadder and a wiser Daeva, presuming you survived. The Aetheric Field of a Fortress will hurt you badly if you are hurled into it.
Once more. Which of the following statements about flight in the Abyss is false?
One, you can fly anywhere in the Abyss. Two, if you are dashed against a Fortress’s Aetheric Field, you will be badly hurt. Three, while in the Abyss, you acquire the power to fly for unlimited periods of time.»

1.png «The first statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»

«Very good. Flying is taxing no matter where you are. Just as in Atreia, you must stop to rest. You cannot remain on the wing forever.
You have passed my test. Now you must return to Kvasir.
He will explain what to do next. It’s not over yet, Daeva….»

1.png «I’ve come this far.»

Reward Dialogue[]

«Greetings, Daeva. Have you come to me with intelligence concerning the Lepharists? I’m interested in anything you can bring me. Nothing is too trivial.»

1.png «I passed the Abyss test.»
«Excellent news! I knew you could do it, [Player Name]!
You have completed the second stage of the Abyss Entry Permission test. There’s just one more stage to pass before you can get out there and spill some Elyos blood!»


High Priest Balder told you to meet the scholars in the Temple of Knowledge so they could test your knowledge. Phosphor tested your general Abyss knowledge. Moreinen tested you on the history of the Abyss. Kushar questioned you on strategy in the Abyss.

You passed all the tests and then went to Kvasir. He congratulated you and informed you that you had passed the second stage of the Abyss Entry Permission process.

External Links[]

High Priest Balder told you to meet the scholars in the Temple of Knowledge to take their tests. Phosphor is first on your list.

Quest Information[]


  • Talk with <Balder>.
  • Go to <Phosphor> to take the test.
  • Go to <Moreinen> to take the test.
  • Go to <Kushar> to take the test.
  • Talk with <Kvasir>.

Basic Reward[]


After getting the quest, go to the Temple of Knowledge in Pandaemonium. Talk to Phosphor, Moreinen and Kushar. The correct answers are: (1,2,& 3) (2, 3,& 1) and (3, 3, & 3). Finally talk to Kvasir in the Capitol Building to collect the reward.


Initial Dialogue[]

«We are satisfied that you are capable of fighting the Elyos and the Balaur. All that remains is to test your knowledge of the Abyss itself. Knowing the battleground is as important as knowing your enemy.
I require you to visit three Daevas, and take some simple tests. If you have carried out even cursory research on the Abyss, you will easily pass the tests.
And if you have not…well, you now have an ideal opportunity to learn.»

1.png «What must I do?»
«Go to the Temple of Knowledge to meet the scholars and take their tests.
If you decline, you forfeit your chance at the supreme glories of battle.

1.png «I will go at once!»

«Very good. All the Daevas to whom you must speak are waiting for you at the Temple of Knowledge.
As you complete the tests, each Daeva will certify your success with a diploma.
First, you should speak to Phosphor. She will ask you general questions about the Abyss.»

1.png «I’m ready.»
2.png «I need to reconsider»

«Are you worried because I referred to a «test?»
Daeva, you have nothing to fear.
Cowardice is ignoble, but to make proper preparations in anticipation of a challenge is not. When you are ready to proceed, then consult me again.»

X.png «I will.»

Intermediate Dialogue[]

«I understand you are here to test your knowledge of the Abyss.
Very well. Let’s start with a simple question.
Do you know which event created the Abyss?»

1.png «The Tower of Eternity shattered.»

«It is true! During the Cataclysm the Tower of Eternity shattered into fragments, leaving only two broken stumps behind. A great disharmonious resonance began to flow between the stumps, and that is where the Abyss was created.
The flow of energy is so unstable that the Abyss itself is not a stable space.
Shall we proceed to the next question?»

1.png «I’m ready.»
2.png «The Aetheric Field lifted.»

«Not quite correct. The Cataclysm occurred only after the Aetheric Field was lifted by the Seraphim Lords to allow the Balaur access to the Tower in a foolish bid for peace. It is true that the Aetheric Field has weakened since then, but the Aetheric Field and the Abyss are not related.
Try again. Which incident created the Abyss?»

1.png «The Tower of Eternity shattered.»
3.png «The Balaur opened a rift in space.»
3.png «The Balaur opened a rift in space.»

«Oh, I’m sorry Daeva, but the Balaur have nothing to do with the formation of the Abyss.
Well…that’s not entirely true. Still, the Balaur did not directly cause the creation of the Abyss.
Please try to answer again. Tell me what incident created the Abyss.»

1.png «The Tower of Eternity shattered.»
2.png «The Aetheric Field was lifted.»
«Good. We’ll move on.
Why does the Abyss pose a threat to Atreia?
This is important, because this is why we’re fighting so hard. It’s not just for the joy of slaughtering the Elyos—though Azphel knows that is a joy indeed.»
1.png «The Tower is deteriorating.»

«No. It is true that the Abyss was created as the Tower of Eternity shattered, but the fragments of the Tower have not diminished in size since the Cataclysm.
Think back to why the Abyss was created, and I will pose the question again.
Why does the Abyss pose a threat to Atreia?»

2.png «The Aetheric energy is draining.»
3.png «It admits monsters to Atreia.»
2.png «The Aetheric energy is draining.»

«That’s right! The Abyss is very unstable, and Aether is rapidly running out like water pouring through a crack in a dam.
Now the Abyss is drawing Aether away from Atreia itself. If the Aether was exhausted, it could destroy all life. To stop it, we must defeat the Elyos and destroy their half of the tower.
Are you ready for the final question?»

1.png «I am.»
3.png «It admits monsters to Atreia.»

«I’m afraid there’s no prize for «most creative answer,» [Player Name].
Access to and from the Abyss is limited. The monsters there are not about to leave any time soon.
Try again. Why does the Abyss pose a threat to Atreia?»

1.png «The Tower is deteriorating.»
2.png «The Aetheric energy is draining.»
«You face many dangers in the Abyss. I will list several of them, and I want you to pick the one that is not true.
One, when you are fatally wounded out of range of an Obelisk, you are in danger of being vanished permanently. Two, Elysea can be accessed through the Abyss. Three, your innate Daeva resistances are reduced while in the Abyss.»
1.png «The first statement is false.»

«You clearly know nothing about the Abyss! Vanishment is the greatest of all the dangers that a Daeva faces out there! Do you want to spend eternity as nothing but the glimmer in a Stigma Stone?
Of course, that’s happened less and less since we’ve been able to establish our Obelisks in the Abyss, but don’t take that as reason to go trapsing off on some fool’s errand.
Please…try again. Which statement is false?
One, when you are fatally wounded out of range of an Obelisk, you are in danger of being vanished permanently. Two, Elysea can be accessed through the Abyss. Three, your innate Daeva resistances are reduced while in the Abyss.»

2.png «The second statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»
2.png «The second statement is false.»

«What? Young Daeva, think about it. If Elysea cannot be accessed through the Abyss, then how are all the Elyos getting in? Hmm? Answer me that! I will repeat the examples. Please pay attention this time.
Which statement is false?
One, when you are fatally wounded out of range of an Obelisk, you are in danger of being vanished permanently. Two, Elysea can be accessed through the Abyss. Three, your innate Daeva resistances are reduced while in the Abyss.»

1.png «The first statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»

«That’s correct! The flow of Aether is unstable in the Abyss, but neither your resistances nor your combat abilities should be adversely affected.
I think you’ve attained at least a basic knowledge of the Abyss. Enough to get by on for now. Well done.
Now you need to meet Moreinen. She’s a historian, and has more questions for you.»

1.png «Thank you.»
«High Priest Balder sent you, I suppose? Did you know the same family has supplied all of Pandaemonium’s High Priests for generations?
Compared to the questions you’ve already answered, mine are very simple. The purpose of these questions is to recognize the efforts that your Daeva forebears made to explore the Abyss, establish gates, and create bind points. Thus we honor those who have gone before.
To my first question. When was the Abyss created?»

1.png «During the Millennium War.»

«I’m at a loss for words, Daeva.
During the Millennium Wars, the Tower of Eternity still existed. How could the Abyss be formed while the Tower still stood intact?
Think this through, and try again.
When was the Abyss created?»

2.png «After the Cataclysm.»
3.png «In the first Elyos-Asmodian War.»
2.png «After the Cataclysm.»

«Yes, that’s correct.
During the Cataclysm, the Tower of Eternity was shattered and the Abyss was created. Of course, we didn’t actually discover the Abyss until some time later.
Let’s move on to the next question.»

1.png «I’m ready.»
3.png «In the first Elyos-Asmodian War.»

«I’m trying to figure out how you achieved the title of [Player Class]. Think! Where did the Elyos-Asmodian War break out? It was the ABYSS! Ergo, the Abyss already existed!
Think the question through, and try again.
When was the Abyss created?»

1.png «During the Millennium War.»
2.png «After the Cataclysm.»
«There are many fortresses in the Abyss. We expand our influence in the Abyss by conquering and holding these important positions.
Which was the first fortress that we Asmodians built in Reshanta?»

1.png «The Teminon Fortress.»

«Wh-what?! No! The Teminon Fortress is the first fortress the Elyos built!
They still use it as a Landing in Reshanta! How could you be so completely wrong?!
Wrack your brain and try again. Which fortress was the first one we Asmodians built in Reshanta?»

2.png «The Sulfur Fortress.»
3.png «The Primum Fortress.»
2.png «The Sulfur Fortress.»

«Close, [Player Name], but not quite. The Sulfur Fortress was one of the very earliest fortresses to be built by Asmodian forces, but it was not the first one.
Please try again. Which fortress was the first one we Asmodians built in Reshanta?»

1.png «The Teminon Fortress.»
2.png «The Primum Fortress.»
3.png «The Primum Fortress.»

«Exactly right! The Primum Fortress was the first fortress we built in Reshanta. The name rather gives it away, don’t you think?
The Primum Fortress is also the first place a Daeva can bind themselves in Reshanta. It serves as a Landing for all Daevas who work in Reshanta.
Are you ready for the last question?»

1.png «As ready as I’ll ever be.»
«Very well, then. We first discovered that the Abyss was connected to Elysea when a legion from Elysea secretly arrived in Asmodae by traveling through the Abyss.
What was the name of the Elyos legion which trespassed on Asmodian soil, and who led them here?

1.png «Storm Legion, led by Deltras.»

«Correct in all respects.
Deltras and the Storm Legion invaded Morheim, and they were soundly defeated by Lord Zikel. Such is the fate of those who oppose us.
You must now visit Kushar to take the last test. His field of research is primarily the Lepharist Revolutionaries, but he is an expert in most military matters.»

1.png «Thank you, Moreinen.»
2.png «Black Flame Legion, led by Traufnir.»

«Did you just name the first Legion that you could think of? The Black Flame Legion is Asmodian!
The Black Flame Legion were sent to the Abyss to conduct reconnaissance and collect vital information many years ago.
Please try again. What was the name of the Elyos legion which trespassed on Asmodian soil, and who led them here?»

1.png «Storm Legion, led by Deltras.»
3.png «Temple Legion, led by Lord Nezekan.»
3.png «Temple Legion, led by Lord Nezekan.»

«No. The Elyos Temple Legion is indeed led by Lord Nezekan, but they were dispatched on a mission of vengeance following the utter defeat of the Legion that first trespassed here in Asmodae.
Try again. What was the name of the Elyos Legion which trespassed on Asmodian soil, and who led them here?»

1.png «The Storm Legion, led by Deltras.»
2.png «The Temple Legion, led by Lord Nezekan.»
«High Priest Balder told me to expect you, [Player Name]. My questions concern the optimal strategies for fighting in the Abyss.
Let us begin. We secure control over the Abyss by capturing the Fortresses in Reshanta.
Tell me how you capture a fortress.»
1.png «Destroy the castle gate.»

«Destroying the castle gate is important, true. You cannot enter a fortress until the gate is broken down.
But that is the first step, not the last. A fortress whose gate is destroyed is not captured, only breached.
Think again. How do you capture a fortress?»

2.png «Destroy the Aetheric Field generator.»
3.png «Defeat the guardian entity.»
2.png «Destroy the Aetheric Field generator.»

«It is certainly easier to infiltrate a fortress if the Aetheric Field generator is destroyed.
However, infiltration and capture are very different. If you’re called on to lead an attack against a Fortress, ignorance could cost lives.
Think it over. How do you capture a fortress?»

1.png «Destroy the castle gate.»
3.png «Defeat the guardian entity.»
3.png «Defeat the guardian entity.»

«Correct! You have to defeat the guardian entity in order to capture a fortress.
It’s a lot easier said than done. Guardian entities typically lurk deep underground, far beneath the fortress. Once you overcome the guardian, the fortress is yours to control.
Let’s move on to the next question.»

1.png «Fine with me.»
«The second question is about Artifacts. They can turn the tide of battle one way or the other. I will make three statements about Artifacts. You must tell me which one is incorrect.
One, Artifacts were once inside the Tower of Eternity. Two, you can control an Artifact only by defeating its Protector. Three, if you control a fortress, you automatically control all nearby Artifacts.»

1.png «The first statement is false.»

«Incorrect, [Player Name]. Artifacts used to be devices inside the Tower of Eternity, but they were scattered across our lands in the Cataclysm.
Think it over once again. Which of these statements concerning Artifacts is false?
One, Artifacts were once inside the Tower of Eternity. Two, you can control an Artifact only by defeating its Protector. Three, if you control a fortress, you automatically control all nearby Artifacts.»

2.png «The second statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»
2.png «The second statement is false.»

«That statement is true. Every Artifact has a protector. Overcoming the protector is the only known method for capturing an Artifact.
Think it over. Which of these statements concerning the Artifacts is false?
One, Artifacts were once inside the Tower of Eternity. Two, you can control an Artifact only by defeating its Protector. Three, if you control a fortress, you automatically control all nearby Artifacts.»

1.png «The first statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»

«Indeed, that statement is false. An Artifact may only be captured by defeating its protector.
Artifacts are often found near the fortresses, and controlling the fortress may give you a tactical advantage, but controlling the fortress guarantees nothing.
Shall we proceed?»

1.png «Yes.»
«The last question concerns flight while in the Abyss. Once again, I will make three statements. I want you to identify the false statement.
One, you can fly anywhere in the Abyss. Two, if you are dashed against a Fortress’s Aetheric Field, you will be badly hurt. Three, while in the Abyss, you acquire the power to fly for unlimited periods of time.»

1.png «The first statement is false.»

«That statement is thankfully true. You can fly anywhere in the Abyss.
Think again. Which of the following statements about flight in the Abyss is false?
One, you can fly anywhere in the Abyss. Two, if you are dashed against a Fortress’s Aetheric Field, you will be badly hurt. Three, while in the Abyss, you acquire the power to fly for unlimited periods of time.»

2.png «The second statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»
2.png «The second statement is false.»

«Were you to test the accuracy of your guess, you would be a sadder and a wiser Daeva, presuming you survived. The Aetheric Field of a Fortress will hurt you badly if you are hurled into it.
Once more. Which of the following statements about flight in the Abyss is false?
One, you can fly anywhere in the Abyss. Two, if you are dashed against a Fortress’s Aetheric Field, you will be badly hurt. Three, while in the Abyss, you acquire the power to fly for unlimited periods of time.»

1.png «The first statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»
3.png «The third statement is false.»

«Very good. Flying is taxing no matter where you are. Just as in Atreia, you must stop to rest. You cannot remain on the wing forever.
You have passed my test. Now you must return to Kvasir.
He will explain what to do next. It’s not over yet, Daeva….»

1.png «I’ve come this far.»

Reward Dialogue[]

«Greetings, Daeva. Have you come to me with intelligence concerning the Lepharists? I’m interested in anything you can bring me. Nothing is too trivial.»

1.png «I passed the Abyss test.»
«Excellent news! I knew you could do it, [Player Name]!
You have completed the second stage of the Abyss Entry Permission test. There’s just one more stage to pass before you can get out there and spill some Elyos blood!»


High Priest Balder told you to meet the scholars in the Temple of Knowledge so they could test your knowledge. Phosphor tested your general Abyss knowledge. Moreinen tested you on the history of the Abyss. Kushar questioned you on strategy in the Abyss.

You passed all the tests and then went to Kvasir. He congratulated you and informed you that you had passed the second stage of the Abyss Entry Permission process.

External Links[]

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Abyss Entry Quest[]

Asmodian Abyss Quests[]

There will be 4 quests that characters will need to complete in order to gain access to the Abyss. Upon reaching level 25 every Aion character will receive a new quest. For the Asmodian faction these quests are called:

  • Honing Your Skills
  • Abyss General Knowledge
  • Following Through
  • The Last Checkpoint

Honing Your Skills

In the quest Honing Your Skills characters must first talk to Balder in Pandemonium, then travel and talk to Therf, and finally go back to Balder for the reward of 10,000 experience and 250 Abyss Points.

Abyss General Knowledge

To take the Abyss General Knowledge quest players will first need to speak with Balder. Then talk to Phosphor for the first quiz. Travel and find Moreinen for the second quiz. Finally talk to Kushar for the final quiz and then find Kvasir to get the reward of 15,000 experience and 250 Abyss Points.

Following Through

Talk to Kvasir to choose the mission you will be completing, then speak with Aegir and Garm. Retrieve the Golden Helmet of Urgasch and bring the item to Aegir. Defeat the creatures in Morheim; Guzzling Kurin, Dark Lake Spirit, and Klaw Looker. Talk once again to Aegir and head back out to defeat the Spirit of Underground Arena and finally talk to Garm for the reward. After completing your mission you will get a reward of experience, 10,000 kinah, Manastone: Maximum Flight Time +4, and 250 Abyss Points.

The Last Checkpoint

The Last Checkpoint quest will allow player’s access to the Abyss. Simply fly through the rings and return back to the base.

Abyss Entry Quest[]

Asmodian Abyss Quests[]

There will be 4 quests that characters will need to complete in order to gain access to the Abyss. Upon reaching level 25 every Aion character will receive a new quest. For the Asmodian faction these quests are called:

  • Honing Your Skills
  • Abyss General Knowledge
  • Following Through
  • The Last Checkpoint

Honing Your Skills

In the quest Honing Your Skills characters must first talk to Balder in Pandemonium, then travel and talk to Therf, and finally go back to Balder for the reward of 10,000 experience and 250 Abyss Points.

Abyss General Knowledge

To take the Abyss General Knowledge quest players will first need to speak with Balder. Then talk to Phosphor for the first quiz. Travel and find Moreinen for the second quiz. Finally talk to Kushar for the final quiz and then find Kvasir to get the reward of 15,000 experience and 250 Abyss Points.

Following Through

Talk to Kvasir to choose the mission you will be completing, then speak with Aegir and Garm. Retrieve the Golden Helmet of Urgasch and bring the item to Aegir. Defeat the creatures in Morheim; Guzzling Kurin, Dark Lake Spirit, and Klaw Looker. Talk once again to Aegir and head back out to defeat the Spirit of Underground Arena and finally talk to Garm for the reward. After completing your mission you will get a reward of experience, 10,000 kinah, Manastone: Maximum Flight Time +4, and 250 Abyss Points.

The Last Checkpoint

The Last Checkpoint quest will allow player’s access to the Abyss. Simply fly through the rings and return back to the base.

Дополнительные сведения
Ур. 999+
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Количество повторов 1
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