Экзамен по теоретической грамматике английского языка

Билеты для сдачи экзамена по теоретической
и практической грамматике английского языка

№ 1

1.      Give
the definition of “synthetic language”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
morphological and syntactical characteristics of a noun. Give examples.

3.      Put
the following nouns in plural: boy, man, sheep, baby, agenda, duck, child,
star, box, photo.

№ 2

1.      Give
the definition of “analytical language”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
morphological composition of nouns. Give examples.

3.      Name
the following cardinal numerals: 25; 124; 1 528; 178.3; 12; 5 845;
1 256 0005; 14.2; 67; 786.

№ 3

1.      Give
the definition of “notional parts of speech”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
the classification of nouns (two main classes). Give examples.

3.      Define
the groups of the following pronouns: myself, his, we, that, who, our, each, I,
none, any.


№ 4

1.      Give
the definition of “structural parts of speech”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
an indefinite article. Give examples.

3.      Put
the following nouns in plural: wife, fox, ice-cream, fish, dress, ball, cap,
lady, woman, teacher.

№ 5

1.      Give
the definition of “noun”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
the definite article. Give examples.

3.      Name
the following cardinal numerals: 78; 12; 456; 1 234; 47.3; 1 458;
123 524; 231.5; 8; 111.

№ 6

1.      Give
the definition of “article”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
morphological characteristics of adjective. Give examples.

3.      Define
the groups of the following pronouns: I, my, myself, each, this, who, some,
none, another, both.

№ 7

1.      Give
the definition of “adjective”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
classification of pronoun. Give examples.

3.      Define
the groups of the following pronouns: mine, she, that, all, such, our, theirs,
anything, anyone, what.


№ 8

1.      Give
the definition of “pronoun”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
Cardinal numerals. Give examples.

3.      Put
the following nouns in plural: mouse, spoon, goose, foot, ox, bear, fish,
table, picture, businessman.

№ 9

1.      Give
the definition of “numeral”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
Personal, Reciprocal and Relative pronouns. Give examples.

3.      Name
the following numerals: 45%; 54.3%; 4/5; 125; 2 581; 1/4; 1/2; 777;
3 216; 1.

№ 10

1.      Give
the definition of “adverb”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
Ordinal numerals. Give examples.

3.      Define
the groups of the following pronouns: its, we, these, your, ourselves, both,
some, none, everybody, neither.


№ 11

1.      Give
the definition of”modal verbs”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
Possessive, Interrogative and Conjunctive pronouns. Give examples.

3.      Form
degrees of comparison of the following adjectives: red, simple, bad, comfortable,
blue, dark, easy, comfortable, far, deep.

№ 12

1.      Give
the definition of “interjection”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
Reflexive and Negative pronouns. Give examples.

3.      Form
degrees of comparison of the following adjectives: hot, small, big, interesting,
good, fat, silly, light, green, comfortable.

№ 13

1.      Give
the definition of “preposition”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
morphological characteristics of verb. Give examples.

3.      Form
degrees of comparison of the following adjectives: short, old, poor, beautiful,
simple, dark, clean, interesting, far, red.

№ 14

1.      Give
the definition of “conjunction”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
the Regular verbs. Give examples.

3.      Name
the following ordinal numerals: 78; 12; 456; 1 234; 473; 1 458;
123 524; 2315; 8; 111.

№ 15

1.      Give
the definition of “particle”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
Irregular verbs. Give examples.

3.      Name
the following ordinal numerals: 1, 17, 25, 32, 93, 100, 1252, 4, 96, 63.

№ 16

1.      Give
the definition of “synthetic and analytical language”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
Mixed verbs. Give examples.

3.      Name
the following ordinal numerals: 2, 5, 12, 21, 89, 75, 123, 321, 1545, 18.


№ 17

1.      Give
the definition of “notional and structural parts of speech”. Give examples.

2.      Verb.
Categories of Number, Person and Tense. Give examples.

3.      Fill
in the sentences with the necessary article:  Nick is…………….. doctor
in …………….. small hospital in London. His wife works as……………..
nurse in …………….. same hospital.

№ 18

1.      Give
the definition of “noun”. Give examples.

2.      Verb.
Categories of Aspect, Voice and Mood. Give examples.

3.      Fill
in the sentences with the necessary article: 

I would like to go to China. I want
to try…………….. Chinese food and to learn…………….. Chinese
language. I’ve heard that…………….. Chinese are very hospitable.

№ 19

1.      Give
the definition of “article”. Give examples.

2.      Modal
verbs: Can and May. Give examples.

3.      Fill
in the sentences with the necessary article:

It was a tough voyage. We were at ……………..
sea for six weeks and had …………….. nice time.

— I’d like to have …………….. piano at home. —
Can you play …………….. piano?

№ 20

Для сдачи  экзамена по дисциплине

английского языка»

1.       Give
the definition of “adjective”. Give examples.

2.      Modal
verbs: Must and Should. Give examples.

3.      Form
10 nouns with the following suffixes: -er; -ist; -ess; -ness; -ism.

№ 21

1.      Give
the definition of “pronoun”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
the structure of adverb. Give examples.

3.      Form
10 nouns with the following suffixes: -hood; -dom; -ship; ment; -ance; -ence.

№ 22

1.      Give
the definition of “numeral”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
Mixed verbs. Give examples.

3.      Form
10 nouns with the following prefixes: re-; co-; mis-; dis-; in-.


№ 23

1.      Give
the definition of “adverb”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
adverb according to its meaning. Give examples.

3.      Form
10 nouns with the following prefixes: in-; um-; il-; co-; re-.

№ 24

1.      Give
the definition of “modal words”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
morphological structure of preposition. Give examples.

3.      Form
10 adjectives with the following suffixes: -ful, -ant; -ous; -ed; -ing; -al.

№ 25

1.      Give
the definition of “interjection”. Give examples.

2.      Describe
Ordinal numerals. Give examples.

3.      Form
10 nouns with the following prefixes: un-; in-; im-; dis-; non-; inter-; ir-.


Дисциплина: Теоретическая грамматика английского языка

Количество часов: 28

Из них лекций –14 часа

Семинарских занятий –14часов

План лекций

  1. Language Levels and Their Basic Units. (Part 1). The Basic Units of
    Morphology. The Theory of Oppositions. (Part 2).

  2. Lexico-Grammatical Classes of Words.

  3. The Noun and its Morphological Categories.

  4. The Article as a Noun Determiner.

  5. Some Theoretical Problems of English Adjectives and Adverbs.

  6. The English Verb and Its Morphological Categories. The Category of
    Tense, Aspect, Perfect. The Problem of the Category of Mood and
    Voice with English Verb.

  7. The Phrase Theory. The Sentence as the Basic
    Unit of Syntax. The Composite Sentence.

План семинарских занятий

Seminar 1. Sentence analysis. The basic assumptions

Sentence Analysis. The Simple Sentence.

I) Parts of Speech.

Nouns: can be
common or proper, in the singular (plural), may be modified by the

Adjective: can be in the comparative (superlative) degree.

Adverb: can be in the comparative (superlative) degree.

Numeral: cardinal or ordinal

Verbs: tense, aspect, voice, mood, perfect, modality.

Verbals: forms.

Pronoun: — personal (in the nominative or objective case);

— indefinite personal pronouns (somebody, anybody)
(may be modified by

the possessive)

  • reciprocal pronouns (each other, one another)

  • negative pronouns

  • reflexive pronouns (myself)

  • possessive pronouns (in the conjoint or absolute form)

  • demonstrative pronoun ((the) same, this, that,

  • interrogative

  • relative (I don’t know who
    is absent today)

  • defining (all, each, every, everybody, everyone, everything, either,
    both, other, another)



Interjections (ah,
oh, eh, bravo, alas, well, now, come)

Particles (just,
else, solely, merely, barely, still, yet, only, quite, even, too,


Modal words (certainly,
surely, of course, no doubt, apparently, undoubtedly, perhaps, maybe,
possibly, probably, (un)happily, (un)luckily, (un)fortunately.

II) Members of the Sentence.

  1. Subject (notional,
    it: notional, formal, anticipatory, emphatic)

  2. Predicate (simple,
    compound nominal, objective, compound verbal modal, compound verbal
    aspect, mixed: compound modal nominal, compound aspect nominal,
    compound modal aspect)

  3. Object (may be
    direct or indirect)

  4. Attribute (prepositional
    or postpositional)

  5. Adverbial Modifier (of time, frequency, cause, manner,
    attending circumstances, purpose, result, degree, comparison,
    exclusion, substitution, condition, concession, place, direction)

  6. Parenthesis

  7. Quantifier (two
    boys, all the people)

  8. Intensifier (so
    much, too much).

III) General Characteristics of the Sentence.

  1. Simple or composite

  2. Definite personal/ indefinite personal (sb, sth, they say, people
    say)/ impersonal (It’s cold today)

  3. One-member or two-member (two principal members of the sentence)

  4. Extended or unextended. (Unextended sentences are those, which
    include the predicate and only obligatory members which express a
    complete thought. The sentence is extended if it includes one or
    more optional members).

  5. Declarative, interrogative, imperative. All of them may be used in
    the negative and affirmative form.

  6. The sentence can be modified by a secondary predicative construction
    of CO, CS, “for”- phrase, gerundial complexes, NA.

My uncle’s new house in the suburbs is known to have been
built on the top of a sandy hill only 5 years ago.

It is a simple, two-member, definite personal, extended,
declarative in the affirmative form sentence which is modified by a
secondary predicative construction of CS.

The subject of the sentence is “my uncle-s house to have been
built”. It is expressed by the CS in which the subject is “the
house”. It is expressed by a common noun in the singular. It is
modified by an attribute, expressed by the common noun “uncle” in
the singular, modified by the possessive. “My” is an attribute to
the noun “uncle”, expressed by a possessive pronoun in the
conjoint form. “New” is an attribute to the Subject, expressed by
an adjective. “To have been built” is a secondary predicate which
corresponds to a SVP, expressed by a perfect, non-continuous active

The predicate of the sentence is “is known”. It’s a SVP,
expressed by the verb “know” in the present tense, passive voice,
indicative mood.

In the suburbs” is an attribute to the Subject expressed by a
common noun in the plural with a preposition.

on the top of a beach” is an AM of place expressed by a
noun-phrase in which “top” is a common noun in the singular with
a preposition. “of a hill” is an attribute to the noun “top”
expressed by a noun in the singular with a preposition.

Sandy” is an attribute to the noun “hill” expressed by an

5 years ago” is an AM of time, expressed by the adverb “ago”.
“5 years” is a quantifier expressed by a common noun in the
plural and a cardinal numeral.

Only” is an intensifier expressed by a particle.

The situation being tense, Dougal’s eyes were calculating his
chance of coming to adequate terms with Trevor.

Seminar 2. Language Levels and Their Basic Units. The Basic Units of
Morphology. The Theory of Oppositions. Lexico-Grammatical Classes of

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