Экзамен safe ответы

SAFe for Teams 5.1 Certification is given by S A F e and with SAFe for Teams Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of Agile Methodology. The SAFe For Teams Certified users will have professionally capable of working in Agile environment.  You have to complete all course videos, modules, and assessments and receive a minimum score of 75% on each assessment to receive credit. SAFe for Teams 5.1 Certification will make you expert in SAFe For Teams, through which you can converts into leads and new customers and gain benefit in your business or career .

safe for teams 5.1 questions and answers

Other Important SAFe Exam Links – Must visit

You should visit our few findings below for success in exam
1. SAFe for Teams Certification Official Link
2. Completed SAFe for Teams Certification Exam Answers
3. Completed SAFe For Teams Certification Exam Details
3. Other Best Free Certification Exam Details

ServiceCentreList.com is providing the answer of questions asked in SAFe for Teams 5.1 Certification exam. With these answers you will be able to score 100%+ exam and can get SAFe for Teams Certification. For that you need to just attempt all the questions mentioned for SAFe for Teams Certification.

Safe for Teams 5.1 Certification Questions and Answers

If you have questions and answers then please comment below or email us.

We will update this space with Safe for Teams 5.1 Certification Questions and Answers soon. Meanwhile visit Safe for teams questions here. 

1. The Inspect and Adapt event always starts with which activity?

Retrospective and Problem Solving Workshop
The PI System Demo
Quantitative measurement
Agreement on the problems to solve

To obtain high reuse and technical specialization with a focus on Non-functional Requirements
To create each replaceable component with minimized dependencies
To gain the fastest velocity with well-defined interfaces
To develop T-shaped skills together with continuous integration

It increases productivity and employee engagement
It allows businesses to deliver value to the market more quickly
It allows management to track project progress based on steering committees and metrics
It requires phase-gate approvals to ensure that everyone is moving together
It relies on external provider dependencies

Team performance incentives
Parallel development

Iteration Review
Daily Stand-up
Scrum of Scrums
Innovation and Planning

Team, Program, Large Solution, Portfolio
Exploration, Integration, Deployment, Release
Epic, Capability, Feature, Story
Portfolio, Value Stream, Program, Team

Use the Innovation and Planning iteration instead of the PI Planning process
Replace the PI Planning process with the Inspect and Adapt workshop when possible
Remove blocks such as Portfolio estimation
Use a cadence-based PI Planning process

The Product Owner
The Business Owners
The Agile Team
The Scrum Masters

Kanban teams find high value in trying to plan the Iteration in detail
Kanban teams do not commit to Service Level Agreements
Kanban teams publish Iteration Goals
Kanban teams estimate their velocity

How the team is doing on the Program Increment
How the team is increasing empowerment
How the team is demonstrating transparency of decision-making
How the team is responding to the stakeholders
How the team did on the Iteration

Arrival curve (“to do”) and Evolution curve (“change”)
Arrival curve (-o-do- and Departure curve (-one-
Implementation curve (“movement”) and Departure curve (“done”)
Backlog curve (“work”) and Departure curve (“done”)

To own and manage the team Backlog
To protect the team from external forces
To coach the team
To be a single voice for the customer and stakeholders
To ensure the team follows Agile principles and practices

To facilitate team meetings and drive Agile behavior
To sequence backlog items to program priorities, events, and dependencies
To foster adoption of Agile technical practices
To foster normalized estimating within the team

…1, 1, 3, 5, 5…
…5, 8, 13, 20, 40…
…5, 8, 13, 21, 34…
… 2, 4, 5, 9, 11…

Develop incrementally, build quality-in, maintain Iterations
Establish flow, preserve options, improve relentlessly
Build iteratively, demo frequently, maintain Iterations
Visualize work flow, limit WIP, improve flow

To optimize vertical communication
To enforce organizational boundaries between functions
To align around value
To reduce friction between the teams

Test-Driven Development
Iteration planning
Backlog refinement
Iteration goals publishing

Preserving options
Empowered solution authority
Deployment on demand
Culture of shared responsibility

To facilitate Agile Release Train processes and Solution Train execution
To be a stakeholder who has the primary business and technical responsibility for fitness for use
To coordinate Portfolio Epics through the Portfolio Kanban system
To act as a servant leader who helps teams self-organize, self-manage, and deliver using effective Agile practices

Regression testing is done
Stories are accepted by Product Management
Stories are accepted by the Product Owner
Customer documentation is ready

During the qualitative part of the team retrospective
During the features agreement retrospective
During the quantitative part of the team retrospective
During the time and materials retrospective

To implement continuous improvement methods
To manage dependencies
To guide the teams and support the Architectural Runway
To define the design for the system

It is not a required event but tasks move forward at higher velocity when the meeting occurs
It is very important and should be postponed until all participants can attend
It is an all-hands, two day event with the goal to identify impediments that could happen
As many team members as possible should attend remotely to reduce travel costs

10 -15 people
5-11 people
3-5 people
8-12 people

Commitment, Competency, Collocation, Culture
Built-in Quality, Program Execution, Alignment, Transparency
People and Culture, Transparency, Collaboration, Respond to Change
Quality, Feedback, Alignment, Trust

Continuous Improvement

Lower WIP limits improve flow
Higher WIP limits result in lower utilization
Higher WIP limits provide richer feedback
Lower WIP limits result in fewer Stories being completed

To serve as the Scrum Master for the Agile Release Train
To coach teams to improve their results
To serve as the content authority at the Program level
To ensure the technical integrity of all development in the Agile Release Train

Maintenance tasks are not required to list for velocity; maintenance tasks fall outside this scope
Determining velocity is a new function in each Iteration; previous Iterations should not be transferred to a new Iteration
The team members assess their availability, acknowledging time off and other potential duties
Identify work on technical infrastructure, tooling, and other systemic impediments

Sync event
PI event
Program event
Team event

Exploration enablers do not need to be demonstrated
Show the acceptance tests written for the exploration
Show the knowledge gained by the exploration
Demonstrate working systems in the production environment


Pair work
Task boards
Unit tests

Release on demand
Weighted Shortest Job First
Program backlog
Team backlogs

Changing financial planners, a new Scrum Master, or new testers
Productivity changes, team location, and innovation measures
Changing team size, team makeup, and technical context
Product Owner changes, changing estimations, and new features

It allows teams to pivot
It uses informed decision-making through fast feedback
It builds long-term partnerships based on trust
It optimizes the whole

It serves as a way to estimate large ranges
It can be used to predict unit test coverage
It results in greater precision
It reflects the uncertainty in estimating larger items

It allows the release of different Solution elements at different times
It allows the Agile Release Train to demo value every two weeks
It allows Agile Teams to launch untested Features
It allows the Systems Team to integrate with ease

Decentralize decision making
Establish a work environment of shared responsibility
Build cross-functional Agile Release Trains around the flow of value to the customer
Keep everything under version control

Forward focus, develop, cross-domain plan, and expedite execution
Move forward, analyze future Stories, integrate, and iterate
New start, job sequence, funnel, and enable
Reflect, problem solve, and identify improvement actions

Agree to add a person from the System Team to complete the work
Support splitting a Story into a coding story and a testing story, and then moving the testing story into the next Iteration
Support pulling a Story that has not been started
Support adding an Innovation and Planning Iteration directly after the current Iteration

It involves only the team members who are most qualified to estimate the work
It involves Program Portfolio Management to prioritize the Stories presented by teams during the final plan review
It involves Product Management and Product Owners on the first day and the rest of the teams on the second day
It involves everyone in the Program over a two-day period

How am I splitting the Solutions into Capabilities and Enablers?
What did I do yesterday to advance the Iteration goals?
What will I do today to advance the Iteration goals?
How am I optimizing the full Solution?
Are there any impediments that will prevent the team from meeting the Iteration goals?

Visibility into progress and impediments
Visibility into System Solution Intent
Visibility into collaboration deployment
Visibility into single source design decisions

To measure the team progress by showing working Stories to the stakeholders and getting feedback from them
To show the backlog items and work on possible solutions for the backlog items
To identify where there is too much work in the system and where the teams are being overloaded
To serve as a forecasting meeting where the work is estimated for the Program Increments

Separation of Dev and Ops
A phased-gate rollout
Component teams
Making quality everyone responsibility

Framework, Delivery, Iteration
Value Stream, Program, Team
Essential, Large Solution, Portfolio
Epic, Capability, Feature

To provide deep specialty skills and expertise around a specific subsystem
To assist other teams to become more proficient in new technologies
To deliver value directly to the customer or end user
To develop and support platforms that provide services to other teams


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Лучший способ заставить себя прочесть книжку на 500 страниц —это решить подготовиться к экзамену (есть и ещё один способ, я расскажу о нём в самом конце заметки). Так я попал на базовый экзамен по SAFe.

Почему SAFe? Потому что с обычным Agile всё более-менее понятно. Манифест, команда, спринт и всё такое. А вот с применением Agile в компаниях среднего и крупного размеров вопросов гораздо больше. Scaled Agile Framework заявляет целью своего существования именно ответ на вызовы масштаба, так что пройти мимо ни в коем случае нельзя. Масштабы мы любим.

Не знаю, насколько популярна эта штука в России и ближайших странах. Возможно, что не очень — мне это было не так важно. Интереснее разобраться как работают гибкие подходы в командах из сотни-полутора разработчиков. Разобрался, сдал, готов поделиться опытом с теми, кто, возможно, пойдёт в ту же сторону.

Первое, важное. Для допуска к экзамену необходимо посетить соответствующий учебный курс в аккредитованной организации. Я привык, что наши курсы дают намного больше, чем требуется для экзамена. Я ожидал, что курс как минимум будет небесполезен. К большому сожалению, два дня потрачены без особой отдачи. Так что не ожидайте многого.

Второе, любопытное. Формат экзамена традиционный, выбор одного варианта ответа из нескольких предложенных. Но дальше следует непривычное: экзамен не ограничен по времени, его можно сдавать за несколько подходов, а при ответе не воспрещается пользоваться литературой. Насколько я понял затею, главным авторы-владельцы считают не проверку, а приобретение знаний. В том числе в процессе тестирования. То есть не сдать экзамен нельзя, вопрос только сколько баллов вы наберёте. У меня вышло 96% верных ответов, что означает, что в одном из вопросов я ошибся. Вот бы знать в каком! Эта история напомнила мне одно очень давнее наблюдение. Лет двадцать назад я увидел в Норвегии фотокамеру фиксации нарушения скоростного режима на дороге. А непосредственно перед ней стоял яркий, заметный знак: вас сейчас будут снимать (я понимаю, что теперь такое на каждом перекрёстке, но тогда у нас было не так). Я спросил у местных: в чём смысл? Водитель увидит знак, сбросит скорость и штрафа избежит. На что мне местные ответили — это именно то, что требуется. Не наказать, а чтобы скорость сбросил.

Третье, неудобное. Книжек по SAFe очень мало. Как теперь принято говорить, от слова «совсем». Интересующимся, которым недостаточно учебного курса (см.выше), предлагается читать web-сайт, нажимая в разные места общей схемы. Это удобно, если нужен справочник или глоссарий, и совершенно негодится, если требуется шаг за шагом разобраться в теме. Так что лучше поискать ту самую единственную книгу, которая недавно вышла.

И последнее, предметное. Сам SAFe мне понравился. По ходу изучения узнал много интересного. Большой пласт вопросов хорошо проработан, рецептов не навязывают, но предлагают дельные советы и варианты. Самое большое разочарование — всё та же проблема отделения разработки от остального мира ИТ. Ну то есть вы свою разработку выстраивайте гибко, чтоб работало быстро, и перекидывайте готовый код через стенку. Там, авось, кто-нибудь поймает и понесёт. Но мы-то знаем, что этого просто так не случится.

Удачи тем, кто соберётся сдавать этот экзамен!


Второй способ заставить себя прочесть толстую книжку — это обязаться подробно рассказать её содержание неподготовленной аудитории. Например, сотрудникам собственной компании на очередном обмене опытом. Я использую оба этих способа, работают они отлично. Рекомендую.

What are two reasons Agile development is more beneficial than waterfall development? (Choose two.)
1. It allows businesses to deliver value to the market more quickly
2. It relies on external provider dependencies
3. It requires phase-gate approvals to ensure that everyone is moving together
4. It allows management to track project progress based on steering committees and metrics
5. It increases productivity and employee engagement

What are the SAFe Core Values?
1. Code Quality, Fast Feedback, Alignment, Trust
2. Commitment, Competency, Collocation, Culture
3. People and Culture, Transparency, Collaboration, Responding to Change
4. Built-in Quality, Program Execution, Alignment, Transparency

What is the purpose of the Iteration review?
To identify where there is too much work in the system and where the teams are being overloaded
To measure the team’s progress by showing working Stories to the stakeholders and getting feedback from them
To show the backlog items and work on possible Solutions for the backlog items
To serve as a forecasting meeting where the work is estimated for the Program Increments

What is the role of the Scrum Master?

1. To act as a servant leader who helps teams self-organize, self-manage, and deliver using effective Agile practices
2. To coordinate Portfolio Epics through the Portfolio Kanban system
3. To be a stakeholder who has the primary business and technical responsibility for fitness for use
4. To facilitate Agile Release Train processes and Solution Train execution

Buy Now

1dollarcart provides safe agilist 5.1 certification exam dumps. Collection of question answers. Excel file with Q&A for clearing exam easily 90% question will come from this dumps only. This dump is for Leading SAFe 5.1 Agilist. Practice from this dump of Leading SAFe questions can make your exam preparation complete. We guarantee the clearance of certification exams Leading SAFe – Certified SAFe® Agilist (SA) in your first attempt. A SAFe Agilist is a Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) enterprise leadership professional who is part of a Lean-Agile transformation. The best solution to prepare for Agile certifications clear your exam in first attempt with the most reliable exam dumps material from 1dollarcart.

How many questions are in the safe Agilist exam?

In SAFe agilist exam there are 45 multiple choice question to be solved in 90 minutes to pass the exam from 45 questions 35 answers should be correct. This is online proctor based exam first you have to schedule the exam and on exam day you have to login half and hour before on SAFe Community official website and after connecting to the support team you have to upload one official government id proof approved for your country after successfully upload further you have to upload 3 images of your exam location room from your phone. After verification they will connect you with online proctor then you can start your exam.

Example Question Set :-

QN. Questions Answers
1 What must management do for a successful Agile transformation? Commit to quality and be the change agent in the system
2 How does SAFe provide a second operating system that enables Business Agility? By focusing on customers, products, innovation, and growth
3 What is Business Agility? The ability to compete and thrive in the digital age by quickly responding to market changes and emerging opportunities with innovative business Solutions
4 What are the last three steps of the SAFe Implementation Roadmap? Launch more Agile Release Trains and Value Streams, extend to the portfolio, accelerate

Calculate your section score chapter wise after giving mock test:-

section 1. Thriving in the Digital Age with Business Agility
section 2. Becoming a Lean-Agile Leader
section 3. Establishing Team and Technical Agility
section 4. Building Solutions with Agile Product Delivery
section 5. Exploring Lean Portfolio Management
section 6. Leading the Change

SAFe agilist exam questions and answers topics & study guide :

a) The general topics which you need to be aware of for clearing safe exam

  • Empowerment of Agile Portfolio
  • Core SAFe Principles
  • Large Solution creations
  • Lean-Agile Enterprise growth
  • How to develop high-performing teams and programs
  • Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework
  • Lean and Agile Values
  • PI Planning experiences

b) SAFe 5.1 examination topics

  • Agile Product Delivery
  • Customer Centricity and Design Thinking
  • Innovation Culture
  • Relentless Improvement
  • Enterprise Solution Delivery
  • Lean Systems and Solution Engineering
  • Coordinating Trains and Suppliers
  • Continually Evolve Live Systems
  • Lean-Agile Leadership
  • Leading by Example — Setting an example is difficult but that is the key to successful leadership.
  • Develop on Cadence; Release on Demand
  • DevOps and the Continuous Delivery Pipeline
  • Continuous Learning Culture
  • Learning Organization
  • Mindset and Principles
  • Leading Change
  • Lean Portfolio Management
  • Strategy and Investment Funding
  • Lean Governance
  • Agile Portfolio Operations
  • Organizational Agilist
  • Lean-Thinking People and Agile Teams
  • Lean Business Operations
  • Strategy Agility
  • Team and Technical Agilist
  • Agile Teams
  • Built-in Quality

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SAFe Agile Certification Exam Requirements: Everything You Need to Know

Last updated on Jan 29,2021 4.5K Views

SAFe Agile Certification Exam Requirements: Everything You Need to Know

Scaled Agile Framework, also known as SAFe, uses a combination of existing lean and agile principles and combines them into a templated framework for large-scale projects. Given the growth in the fame of the Scaled Agile Framework, it should come as no surprise that this growth is also fueling an unprecedented demand for SAFe Certifications. In this article, let’s explore SAFe Agile Certification exam requirements.

The topics discussed in this article are:

  • SAFe Certifications
  • Leading SAFe® – SAFe® 4 Agilist Certification
  • SAFe ® Agilist Certification Exam Details
  • How to Prepare for the SAFe Certification Exams?

SAFe Certifications

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is the widely used agile framework across the globe. Scaled Agile, Inc. the certifying body of the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) provides a myriad of certification programs. These professional certification programs provide a valid, reliable, and consistent method of assessing SAFe skills, knowledge, and mindset. Check out the SAFe certifications below:

SAFe Certifications

Certified SAFe professionals are globally recognized for their ability to successfully execute large-scale projects based on Lean-Agile principles. Earning Leading SAFe® 4.6 certifications will give you a major lead over your peers and places you at the helm of Agile transformation in enterprises. Next part of this SAFe Agile Certification exam requirements article discusses one of the most popular certifications, SAFe® 4 Agilist Certification.

SAFe® 4 Agilist Certification is for the candidate who wants to gain the knowledge necessary to lead a Lean-Agile enterprise by leveraging the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®). Also from utilizing SAFe underlying principles derived from Lean, systems thinking, Agile development, product development flow, and DevOps.

A candidate has to attend a 2-day SAFe training course that will prepare him/her for the SAFe® 4 Agilist Certification Exam based on SAFe version 4.6, which is the latest version of SAFe. The roadmap to becoming a certified SAFe® 4 Agilist (SA) is:

RoadMap - SAFe Agile Certification exam requirements - Edureka

This certification can be taken by anyone who aspires to work in an organization based on Lean-Agile principles at large scale. From team leads, product managers, project managers, development managers, architects, analysts, and testers. Now let’s discuss the certification exam details.

SAFe ® Agilist Certification Exam Details


All are welcome to attend the 2-day SAFe training course, regardless of experience. However, the following prerequisites are highly recommended for those who intend to take the SAFe® 4 Agilist (SA) certification examination.

  • 5+ years of experience in software development, testing, business analysis, product, or project management
  • Experience in a Scrum

Exam Specific Details

The details of SAFe® 4 Agilist Certification Exam are as follows.

Exam Features Features Details
Name SAFe® 4 Agilist Exam
Access Candidates can access the exam within the SAFe Community Platform
Delivery Online (single-browser), closed book, no outside assistance, timed
Format Multiple Choice Questions
Duration 90 minutes (1.5 hours)
Number of Questions 45 questions
Passing Score 34 out of 45 (75%)
Cost Cost for 1st attempt is part of the registration fee
Retake Cost $50 per attempt

Let’s discuss more of exam retake policy.

Exam Retake Policy

The following applies to only SAFe® 4 Agilist Certification Exam:

  • The first time an exam is taken is considered a “first attempt” and not a retake
  • Second attempt on exam (first retake) can be done immediately after the first attempt 
  • A third attempt requires a 10-day wait
  • A fourth attempt requires a 30-day wait

Note: Exam retakes are not allowed after successfull completion. The candidate may not take the same exam again unless there has been an announced update to the exam.

What is your take away from these certifications?

SAFe Certification Kit

Attendees who pass the certification exam shall receive the following;

  • Certified SAFe® 4 Agilist certificate
  • SAFe® 4 Agilist digital badge to promote your accomplishment online
  • A one-year certified membership as a SAFe-Agilist, which includes access to the SAFe-Agile Community of Practice
  • Access to Meetup groups and events that connect you with other SAFe certified professionals
  • A certification usage guide with SA certification marks
  • A variety of learning resources to support you during your SAFe journey

Now that you have a clear picture of exam details, you must be wondering how do you prepare yourself for SAFe® Certification Exams, aren’t you? Well, if yes, check out these simple steps that will help to pass the exam.

How to Prepare for the SAFe Certification Exams?

  • The first step towards becoming a SAFe certified professional is to attend the Leading SAFe® course.
  • Go through study guides as they provide relevant and content-specific exam information
  • Take plenty of practice tests and sample tests. They simulate the actual certification exam in duration, difficulty, and topic area.
  • Leverage experience. Combining a person’s studying and learning with their real-world experiences is key to becoming SAFe® Certified.

Do keep in mind that becoming SAFe certified is one step towards the beginning of an ongoing pursuit of learning and knowledge. That’s it, folks! With this, we have reached the end of the article. You could also take a look at Scaled Agile Interview Questions while you’re at it.

Got a question for us? Please mention it in the comments section of this article and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

SAFe Agile Certification Exam Requirements: Everything You Need to Know

Last updated on Jan 29,2021 4.5K Views

SAFe Agile Certification Exam Requirements: Everything You Need to Know

Scaled Agile Framework, also known as SAFe, uses a combination of existing lean and agile principles and combines them into a templated framework for large-scale projects. Given the growth in the fame of the Scaled Agile Framework, it should come as no surprise that this growth is also fueling an unprecedented demand for SAFe Certifications. In this article, let’s explore SAFe Agile Certification exam requirements.

The topics discussed in this article are:

  • SAFe Certifications
  • Leading SAFe® – SAFe® 4 Agilist Certification
  • SAFe ® Agilist Certification Exam Details
  • How to Prepare for the SAFe Certification Exams?

SAFe Certifications

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is the widely used agile framework across the globe. Scaled Agile, Inc. the certifying body of the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) provides a myriad of certification programs. These professional certification programs provide a valid, reliable, and consistent method of assessing SAFe skills, knowledge, and mindset. Check out the SAFe certifications below:

SAFe Certifications

Certified SAFe professionals are globally recognized for their ability to successfully execute large-scale projects based on Lean-Agile principles. Earning Leading SAFe® 4.6 certifications will give you a major lead over your peers and places you at the helm of Agile transformation in enterprises. Next part of this SAFe Agile Certification exam requirements article discusses one of the most popular certifications, SAFe® 4 Agilist Certification.

SAFe® 4 Agilist Certification is for the candidate who wants to gain the knowledge necessary to lead a Lean-Agile enterprise by leveraging the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®). Also from utilizing SAFe underlying principles derived from Lean, systems thinking, Agile development, product development flow, and DevOps.

A candidate has to attend a 2-day SAFe training course that will prepare him/her for the SAFe® 4 Agilist Certification Exam based on SAFe version 4.6, which is the latest version of SAFe. The roadmap to becoming a certified SAFe® 4 Agilist (SA) is:

RoadMap - SAFe Agile Certification exam requirements - Edureka

This certification can be taken by anyone who aspires to work in an organization based on Lean-Agile principles at large scale. From team leads, product managers, project managers, development managers, architects, analysts, and testers. Now let’s discuss the certification exam details.

SAFe ® Agilist Certification Exam Details


All are welcome to attend the 2-day SAFe training course, regardless of experience. However, the following prerequisites are highly recommended for those who intend to take the SAFe® 4 Agilist (SA) certification examination.

  • 5+ years of experience in software development, testing, business analysis, product, or project management
  • Experience in a Scrum

Exam Specific Details

The details of SAFe® 4 Agilist Certification Exam are as follows.

Exam Features Features Details
Name SAFe® 4 Agilist Exam
Access Candidates can access the exam within the SAFe Community Platform
Delivery Online (single-browser), closed book, no outside assistance, timed
Format Multiple Choice Questions
Duration 90 minutes (1.5 hours)
Number of Questions 45 questions
Passing Score 34 out of 45 (75%)
Cost Cost for 1st attempt is part of the registration fee
Retake Cost $50 per attempt

Let’s discuss more of exam retake policy.

Exam Retake Policy

The following applies to only SAFe® 4 Agilist Certification Exam:

  • The first time an exam is taken is considered a “first attempt” and not a retake
  • Second attempt on exam (first retake) can be done immediately after the first attempt 
  • A third attempt requires a 10-day wait
  • A fourth attempt requires a 30-day wait

Note: Exam retakes are not allowed after successfull completion. The candidate may not take the same exam again unless there has been an announced update to the exam.

What is your take away from these certifications?

SAFe Certification Kit

Attendees who pass the certification exam shall receive the following;

  • Certified SAFe® 4 Agilist certificate
  • SAFe® 4 Agilist digital badge to promote your accomplishment online
  • A one-year certified membership as a SAFe-Agilist, which includes access to the SAFe-Agile Community of Practice
  • Access to Meetup groups and events that connect you with other SAFe certified professionals
  • A certification usage guide with SA certification marks
  • A variety of learning resources to support you during your SAFe journey

Now that you have a clear picture of exam details, you must be wondering how do you prepare yourself for SAFe® Certification Exams, aren’t you? Well, if yes, check out these simple steps that will help to pass the exam.

How to Prepare for the SAFe Certification Exams?

  • The first step towards becoming a SAFe certified professional is to attend the Leading SAFe® course.
  • Go through study guides as they provide relevant and content-specific exam information
  • Take plenty of practice tests and sample tests. They simulate the actual certification exam in duration, difficulty, and topic area.
  • Leverage experience. Combining a person’s studying and learning with their real-world experiences is key to becoming SAFe® Certified.

Do keep in mind that becoming SAFe certified is one step towards the beginning of an ongoing pursuit of learning and knowledge. That’s it, folks! With this, we have reached the end of the article. You could also take a look at Scaled Agile Interview Questions while you’re at it.

Got a question for us? Please mention it in the comments section of this article and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Лучший способ заставить себя прочесть книжку на 500 страниц —это решить подготовиться к экзамену (есть и ещё один способ, я расскажу о нём в самом конце заметки). Так я попал на базовый экзамен по SAFe.

Почему SAFe? Потому что с обычным Agile всё более-менее понятно. Манифест, команда, спринт и всё такое. А вот с применением Agile в компаниях среднего и крупного размеров вопросов гораздо больше. Scaled Agile Framework заявляет целью своего существования именно ответ на вызовы масштаба, так что пройти мимо ни в коем случае нельзя. Масштабы мы любим.

Не знаю, насколько популярна эта штука в России и ближайших странах. Возможно, что не очень — мне это было не так важно. Интереснее разобраться как работают гибкие подходы в командах из сотни-полутора разработчиков. Разобрался, сдал, готов поделиться опытом с теми, кто, возможно, пойдёт в ту же сторону.

Первое, важное. Для допуска к экзамену необходимо посетить соответствующий учебный курс в аккредитованной организации. Я привык, что наши курсы дают намного больше, чем требуется для экзамена. Я ожидал, что курс как минимум будет небесполезен. К большому сожалению, два дня потрачены без особой отдачи. Так что не ожидайте многого.

Второе, любопытное. Формат экзамена традиционный, выбор одного варианта ответа из нескольких предложенных. Но дальше следует непривычное: экзамен не ограничен по времени, его можно сдавать за несколько подходов, а при ответе не воспрещается пользоваться литературой. Насколько я понял затею, главным авторы-владельцы считают не проверку, а приобретение знаний. В том числе в процессе тестирования. То есть не сдать экзамен нельзя, вопрос только сколько баллов вы наберёте. У меня вышло 96% верных ответов, что означает, что в одном из вопросов я ошибся. Вот бы знать в каком! Эта история напомнила мне одно очень давнее наблюдение. Лет двадцать назад я увидел в Норвегии фотокамеру фиксации нарушения скоростного режима на дороге. А непосредственно перед ней стоял яркий, заметный знак: вас сейчас будут снимать (я понимаю, что теперь такое на каждом перекрёстке, но тогда у нас было не так). Я спросил у местных: в чём смысл? Водитель увидит знак, сбросит скорость и штрафа избежит. На что мне местные ответили — это именно то, что требуется. Не наказать, а чтобы скорость сбросил.

Третье, неудобное. Книжек по SAFe очень мало. Как теперь принято говорить, от слова «совсем». Интересующимся, которым недостаточно учебного курса (см.выше), предлагается читать web-сайт, нажимая в разные места общей схемы. Это удобно, если нужен справочник или глоссарий, и совершенно негодится, если требуется шаг за шагом разобраться в теме. Так что лучше поискать ту самую единственную книгу, которая недавно вышла.

И последнее, предметное. Сам SAFe мне понравился. По ходу изучения узнал много интересного. Большой пласт вопросов хорошо проработан, рецептов не навязывают, но предлагают дельные советы и варианты. Самое большое разочарование — всё та же проблема отделения разработки от остального мира ИТ. Ну то есть вы свою разработку выстраивайте гибко, чтоб работало быстро, и перекидывайте готовый код через стенку. Там, авось, кто-нибудь поймает и понесёт. Но мы-то знаем, что этого просто так не случится.

Удачи тем, кто соберётся сдавать этот экзамен!


Второй способ заставить себя прочесть толстую книжку — это обязаться подробно рассказать её содержание неподготовленной аудитории. Например, сотрудникам собственной компании на очередном обмене опытом. Я использую оба этих способа, работают они отлично. Рекомендую.

Источник: https://realitsm.ru/2017/05/safe-agilist-exam/

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