Экзамен toefl пробный тест онлайн бесплатно

Перед экзаменом проверьте свои знания английского языка пройдя бесплатный онлайн-тест, созданный на основе вопросов TOEFL.

Вопросы 1-10

In the 1500’s when the Spanish moved into what later was to become the
southwestern United States, they encountered the ancestors of the modern-day Pueblo,
Hopi, and Zuni peoples. These ancestors, known variously as the Basket Makers, the
Line Anasazi, or the Ancient Ones, had lived in the area for at least 2,000 years. They were
(5) an advanced agricultural people who used irrigation to help grow their crops.
The Anasazi lived in houses constructed of adobe and wood. Anasazi houses were
originally built in pits and were entered from the roof. But around the year 700 A.D.,
the Anasazi began to build their homes above ground and join them together into
rambling multistoried complexes, which the Spanish called pueblos or villages.
(10) Separate subterranean rooms in these pueblos ¡ª known as kivas or chapels ¡ª were set
aside for religious ceremonials. Each kiva had a fire pit and a hole that was believed to
lead to the underworld. The largest pueblos had five stories and more than 800 rooms.
The Anasazi family was matrilinear, that is, descent was traced through the female.
The sacred objects of the family were under the control of the oldest female, but the
(15) actual ceremonies were conducted by her brother or son. Women owned the rooms in
the pueblo and the crops, once they were harvested. While still growing, crops
belonged to the men who, in contrast to most other Native American groups, planted
them. The women made baskets and pottery; the men wove textiles and crafted
turquoise jewelry.
(20) Each village had two chiefs. The village chief dealt with land disputes and religious
affairs. The war chief led the men in fighting during occasional conflicts that broke out
with neighboring villages and directed the men in community building projects. The
cohesive political and social organization of the Anasazi made it almost impossible for
other groups to conquer them.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

The culture of the Anasazi people

European settlement in what became the southeastern United States

The construction of Anasazi houses

Political structures of Native American peoples

Вопрос №2

The Anasazi people were considered «agriculturally advanced» because of the way they

stored their crops

fertilized their fields

watered their crops

planted their fields

Вопрос №3

The word «pits» in line 7 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №4

The word «stories» in line 12 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №5

Who would have been most likely to control the sacred objects of an Anasazi family?

A twenty-year-old man

A twenty-year-old woman

A forty-year-old man

A forty-year-old woman

Вопрос №6

The word «they» in line 16 refers to





Вопрос №7

The word «disputes» in line 20 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №8

Which of the following activities was NOT done by Anasazi men?

Making baskets

Planting crops

building homes

Crafting jewelry

Вопрос №9

According to the passage, what made it almost impossible for other groups to conquer the Anasazi?

The political and social organization of th Anasazi

The military tactics employed by the Anasazi

The Anasazi’s agricultural technology

The natural barriers surrounding Anasazi villages

Вопрос №10

The passage supports which of the following generalizations?

The presence of the Spanish threatened Anasazi society.

The Anasazi benefited from trading relations with the Spanish.

Anasazi society exhibited a well-defined division of labor.

Conflicts between neighboring Anasazi villages were easily resolved.

Вопросы 11-20

Barbed wire, first patented in the United States in 1867, played an important part in
the development of American farming, as it enabled the settlers to make effective
fencing to enclose their land and keep cattle away from their crops. This had a
Line considerable effect on cattle ranching, since the herds no longer had unrestricted use of
(5) the plains for grazing, and the fencing led to conflict between the farmers and the cattle
Before barbed wire came into general use, fencing was often made from serrated
wire, which was unsatisfactory because it broke easily when under strain, and could
snap in cold weather due to contraction. The first practical machine for producing
(10) barbed wire was invented in 1874 by an Illinois farmer, and between then and the end
of the century about 400 types of barbed wire were devised, of which only about a
dozen were ever put to practical use.
Modern barbed wire is made from mild steel, high-tensile steel, or aluminum. Mild
steel and aluminum barbed wire have two strands twisted together to form a cable
(15) which is stronger than single-strand wire and less affected by temperature changes.
Single-strand wire, round or oval, is made from high-tensile steel with the barbs
crimped or welded on. The steel wires used are galvanized ¡ª coated with zinc to make
them rustproof. The two wires that make up the line wire or cable are fed separately
into a machine at one end. They leave it at the other end twisted together and barbed.
(20) The wire to make the barbs is fed into the machine from the sides and cut to length by
knives that cut diagonally through the wire to produce a sharp point. This process
continues automatically, and the finished barbed wire is wound onto reels, usually
made of wire, in lengths of 400 meters or in weights of up to 50 kilograms.
A variation of barbed wire is also used for military purposes. It is formed into long
coils or entanglements called concertina wire.

11. What is the main topic of the passage?

Cattle ranching in the United States

A type of fencing

Industrial uses of wire

A controversy over land use

Вопрос №12

The word «unrestricted» in line 4 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №13

The word «snap» in line 9 could best be replaced by which of the following?





Вопрос №14

What is the benefit of using two-stranded barbed wire?

Improved rust-resistance

Increased strength

More rapid attachment of barbs

Easier installation

Вопрос №15

According to the author, the steel wires used to make barbed wire are specially processed to

protect them against rust

make them more flexible

prevent contraction in cold weather

strengthen them

Вопрос №16

The word «fed» in line 20 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №17

The knives referred to in line 21 are used to

separate double-stranded wire

prevent the reel from advancing too rapidly

twist the wire

cut the wire that becomes barbs

Вопрос №18

What is the author’s purpose in the third paragraph?

To explain the importance of the wire

To outline the difficulty of making the wire

To describe how the wire is made

To suggest several different uses of the wire

Вопрос №19

According to the passage, concertina wire is used for

livestock management

international communications

prison enclosures

military purposes

Вопрос №20

Which of the following most closely resembles the fencing described in the passage?

Вопросы 21-29

Under certain circumstances, the human body must cope with gases at greater-than-
normal atmospheric pressure. For example, gas pressures increase rapidly during a dive
made with scuba gear because the breathing equipment allows divers to stay
Line underwater longer and dive deeper. The pressure exerted on the human body increases
(5) by 1 atmosphere for every 10 meters of depth in seawater, so that at 30 meters in
seawater a diver is exposed to a pressure of about 4 atmospheres. The pressure of the
gases being breathed must equal the external pressure applied to the body ; otherwise
breathing is very difficult. Therefore all of the gases in the air breathed by a scuba
diver at 40 meters are present at five times their usual pressure. Nitrogen, which
(10) composes 80 percent of the air we breathe, usually causes a balmy feeling of
well-being at this pressure. At a depth of 5 atmospheres, nitrogen causes symptoms
resembling alcohol intoxication, known as nitrogen narcosis. Nitrogen narcosis
apparently results from a direct effect on the brain of the large amounts of nitrogen
dissolved in the blood. Deep dives are less dangerous if helium is substituted for
(15) nitrogen, because under these pressures helium does not exert a similar narcotic effect.
As a scuba diver descends, the pressure of nitrogen in the lungs increases. Nitrogen
then diffuses from the lungs to the blood, and from the blood to body tissues. The
reverse occurs when the diver surfaces ; the nitrogen pressure in the lungs falls and the
nitrogen diffuses from the tissues into the blood, and from the blood into the lungs. If
(20) the return to the surface is too rapid, nitrogen in the tissues and blood cannot diffuse
out rapidly enough and nitrogen bubbles are formed. They can cause severe pains,
particularly around the joints.
Another complication may result if the breath is held during ascent. During ascent
from a depth of 10 meters, the volume of air in the lungs will double because the air
(25) pressure at the surface is only half of what it was at 10 meters. This change in volume
may cause the lungs to distend and even rupture. This condition is called air embolism.
To avoid this event, a diver must ascend slowly, never at a rate exceeding the rise of
the exhaled air bubbles, and must exhale during ascent.

21. What does the passage mainly discuss?

The equipment divers use

The effects of pressure on gases in the human body

How to prepare for a deep dive

The symptoms of nitrogen bubbles in the bloodstream

Вопрос №22

The words «exposed to» in line 6 are closest in meaning to

leaving behind

prepared for

propelled by

subjected to

Вопрос №23

The word «exert» in line 15 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №24

The word «diffuses» in line 19 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №25

What happens to nitrogen in body tissues if a diver ascends too quickly?

it forms bubbles

It goes directly to the brain

It is reabsorbed by the lungs

It has a narcotic effect

Вопрос №26

The word «they» in line 21 refers to





Вопрос №27

The word «rupture» in line 26 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №28

It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following presents the greatest danger to a diver?

pressurized helium

Nitrogen diffusion

Nitrogen bubbles

An air embolism

Вопрос №29

What should a diver do when ascending?

Rise slowly

Breathe faster

Relax completely

Breathe helium

Вопросы 30-39

Each advance in microscopic technique has provided scientists with new perspectives
on the function of living organisms and the nature of matter itself. The invention of the
visible-light microscope late in the sixteenth century introduced a previously unknown
Line realm of single-celled plants and animals. In the twentieth century, electron microscopes
(5) have provided direct views of viruses and minuscule surface structures. Now another
type of microscope, one that utilizes x-rays rather than light or electrons, offers a
different way of examining tiny details; it should extend human perception still farther
into the natural world.
The dream of building an x-ray microscope dates to 1895 ; its development, however,
(10) was virtually halted in the 1940’s because the development of the electron microscope
was progressing rapidly. During the 1940’s, electron microscopes routinely achieved
resolution better than that possible with a visible-light microscope, while the
performance of x-ray microscopes resisted improvement. In recent years, however,
interest in x-ray microscopes has revived, largely because of advances such as the
(15) development of new sources of x-ray illumination. As a result, the brightness available
today is millions of times that of x-ray tubes, which, for most of the century, were the
only available sources of soft x-rays.
The new x-ray microscopes considerably improve on the resolution provided by optical
microscopes. They can also be used to map the distribution of certain chemical elements.
(20) Some can form pictures in extremely short times ; others hold the promise of special
capabilities such as three-dimensional imaging. Unlike conventional electron microscopy,
x-ray microscopy enables specimens to be kept in air and in water, which means that
biological samples can be studied under conditions similar to their natural state. The
illumination used, so-called soft x-rays in the wavelength range of twenty to forty
(25) angstroms(an angstrom is one ten-billionth of a meter), is also sufficiently penetrating
to image intact biological cells in many cases. Because of the wavelength of the x-rays
used, soft x-ray microscopes will never match the highest resolution possible with
electron microscopes. Rather, their special properties will make possible investigations
that will complement those performed with light- and electron-based instruments.

30. What does the passage mainly discuss?

The detail seen through a microscope

Sources of illumination for microscopes

A new kind of microscope

Outdated microscopic techniques

Вопрос №31

According to the passage, the invention of the visible-light microscope allowed scientists to

see viruses directly

develop the electron microscope late on

understand more about the distribution of the chemical elements

discover single-celled plants and animals they had never seen before

Вопрос №32

The word «minuscule» in line 5 s closest in meaning to





Вопрос №33

The word «it» in line 7 refers to

a type of microscope

human perception

the natural world


Вопрос №34

Why does the author mention the visible-light microscope in the first paragraph?

To begin a discussion of sixteenth-century discoveries

To put the x-ray microscope in a historical perspective

To show how limited its uses are

To explain how it functioned

Вопрос №35

Why did it take so long to develop the x-ray microscope?

Funds for research were insufficient.

The source of illumination was not bright enough until recently.

Materials used to manufacture x-ray tubes were difficult to obtain

X-ray microscopes were too complicated to operate.

Вопрос №36

The word «enables» in line 22 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №37

The word «Rather» on line 28 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №38

The word «those» in line 29 refers to





Вопрос №39

Based on the information in the passage, what can be inferred about x-ray microscopes in the future?

They will probably replace electron microscopes altogether.

They will eventually be much cheaper to produce than they are now.

They will provide information not available from other kinds of microscopes.

They will eventually change the illumination rage that they now use.

Вопросы 40-50

Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness, its originality of
perspective. Satire rarely offers original ideas. Instead, it presents the familiar in a new
form. Satirists do not offer the world new philosophies. What they do is look at
Line familiar conditions from a perspective that makes these conditions seem foolish,
(5) harmful, or affected. Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked
realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false. Don Quixote
makes chivalry seem absurd ; Brave New World ridicules the pretensions of science ; A
Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by advocating cannibalism. None of these ideas
is original. Chivalry was suspect before Cervantes, humanists objected to the claims of
(10) pure science before Aldous Huxley, and people were aware of famine before Swift. It
was not the originality of the idea that made these satires popular. It was the manner of
expression, the satiric method, that made them interesting and entertaining. Satires are
read because they are aesthetically satisfying works of art, not because they are morally
wholesome or ethically instructive. They are stimulating and refreshing because with
(15) commonsense briskness they brush away illusions and secondhand opinions. With
spontaneous irreverence, satire rearranges perspectives, scrambles familiar objects into
incongruous juxtaposition, and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude.
Satire exists because there is need for it. It has lived because readers appreciate a
refreshing stimulus, an irreverent reminder that they live in a world of platitudinous
(20) thinking, cheap moralizing, and foolish philosophy. Satire serves to prod people into an
awareness of truth, though rarely to any action on behalf of truth. Satire tends to
remind people that much of what they see, hear, and read in popular media is
sanctimonious, sentimental, and only partially true. Life resembles in only a slight
degree the popular image of it. Soldiers rarely hold the ideals that movies attribute to
(25) them, nor do ordinary citizens devote their lives to unselfish service of humanity.
Intelligent people know these things but tend to forget them when they do not hear
them expressed.

40. What does the passage mainly discuss?

Difficulties of writing satiric literature

Popular topics of satire

New philosophies emerging from satiric literature

Reasons for the popularity of satire

Вопрос №41

The word «realization» in line 6 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №42

Why does the author mention Don Quixote, Brave New World, and A Modest Proposal in lines 6-8?

They are famous examples of satiric literature.

They present commonsense solutions to problems.

They are appropriate for readers of all ages.

They are books with similar stories.

Вопрос №43

The word «aesthetically» in line 13 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №44

Which of the following can be found in satiric literature?

Newly emerging philosophies

Odd combinations of objects and ideas

Abstract discussion of morals and ethics

Wholesome characters who are unselfish

Вопрос №45

According to the passage, there is a need for satire because people need to b

informed about new scientific developments

exposed to original philosophies when they are formulated

reminded that popular ideas are often inaccurate

told how they can be of service to their communities

Вопрос №46

The word «refreshing» in line 19 is closest in meaning to





Вопрос №47

The word «they» in line 22 refers to





Вопрос №48

The word «devote» in line 25 is closest in meaning to


feel affection



Вопрос №49

As a result of reading satiric literature, readers will be most likely to

teach themselves to write fiction

accept conventional points of view

become better informed about current affairs

reexamine their opinions and values

Вопрос №50

The various purposes of satire include all of the following EXCEPT

introducing readers to unfamiliar situations

brushing away illusions

reminding readers of the truth

exposing false values

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Для поступления на учебу или работу за рубежом часто требуется пройти экзамен, определяющий уровень вашего владения английским языком. Он организуется в авторизованных центрах единой международной сети и стоит $250. Формат экзамена — компьютеризированный тест онлайн. Последнее обстоятельство позволяет использовать для подготовки к успешной сдаче TOEFL пробный тест online различные интернет-ресурсы и тренажеры. На площадках такого рода также представлены лекции, видео-коллекции, словари и другая информация для изучения английского языка. Однако справиться с этой задачей без помощи опытного педагога крайне сложно, поэтому основная задача таких сайтов и блогов — тренировка по процессу сдачи экзамена.

Зачем нужен пробный TOEFL online

Система экзаменации иностранцев на знание английского языка поощряет подготовку с использованием TOEFL пробный тест online. Для тренировочного тестирования старайтесь использовать ресурсы, где работают преподаватели, сами успешно сдавшие этот международный экзамен. Они точно знают формат экзамена, понимают его логику и смогут дать вам рекомендации по улучшению результатов. Тестирование включает четыре раздела:

  • Reading;
  • Listening;
  • Writing;
  • Speaking.

Прохождение разделов Reading и Listening можно отработать при помощи многочисленных тренировочных тестов в автоматическом режиме. Разделы Writing и Speaking сложнее поддаются освоению без помощи профессионального педагога, который сможет поставить вам правильное произношение. Кроме этого, необходимо освоить манеру построения фраз, логику написания эссе, алгоритм доказательства вашей точки зрения.

Пробный TOEFL Online поможет вам выявить пробелы в ваших знания. С помощью тренажера вы сможете понять, готовы ли вы сдать тест на то количество баллов, которое вам необходимо или еще рано и нужна усиленная подготовка. На ресурсах подобного рода можно найти также материалы, которые помогут повысить ваш уровень знания английского.

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Чтобы правильно оценить свои силы и знания, стоит пройти тренировочное тестирование TOEFL пробный тест online бесплатно. Самый надежный путь — обратиться в центр подготовки к сдаче экзамена. Там вы пройдете необходимую подготовку, получите доступ к пробному тестированию, анализ допущенных ошибок и рекомендации для успешного прохождения основного экзамена. Однако проверить свои силы вы сможете на бесплатных площадках.

Предлагаем список из нескольких популярных ресурсов:

  • Официальный сайт www.ets.org/toefl — наполнением занимаются разработчики этой системы тестирования. Здесь выложены учебники, тестовые задания, информация по датам и адресам, где можно сдать экзамен. На этом портале происходит официальная регистрация на сдачу теста.
  • Русскоязычный сайт https://www.testverbal.ru/toefl-question-samples — выложены примеры экзаменационных заданий. Доступны все четыре секции теста, в том числе аудирование. Есть TOEFL пробный тест online бесплатно с ответами.
  • Англоязычный портал www.examenglish.com/TOEFL — хорошая практика для наработки навыков чтения плюс несколько примеров тестов по всем секциям.
  • Русский образовательный сайт http://www.english.language.ru/toefl/test_home.htm… — как объясняют авторы ресурса, у них выложена только имитация TOEFL — это пробный тест online бесплатно без регистрации.
  • Сайт для желающих учиться за рубежом www.graduateshotline.com/sampletoefl.html — предложено 8 онлайн-тестов, из них 2 — Listening, а также списки литературы и советы поступающим.
  • Сайт www.testpreppractice.net/TOEFL/Free-Online-TOEFL-P… — в основном тесты, помогающие проверить уровень Reading и подготовиться к написанию эссе. Есть тестирование Sentence Correction и Sentence Completion.
  • База вопросов и упражнений www.learn4good.com/languages/spec_english_toefl.ht… — содержит 11 блоков тестирования по 25 вопросов в каждом, есть возможность пройти раздел Vocabluary.

Читайте также: Какая цена экзамена TOEFL в России

Некоторые сайты предлагают пройти TOEFL пробный тест online бесплатно с ответами. Это самая удобная возможность сразу увидеть допущенные ошибки и сравнить свой ответ с правильным вариантом. Однако только знать ответы недостаточно. Тематика, с которой позволяет познакомиться пробный TOEFL online, также очень важна. Она поможет расширить кругозор и пополнить словарный запас по темам, которые могут встретиться на экзамене.

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Смогу ли я сдать TOEFL Online?

Бояться тестирования на сертификат не нужно — система построена таким образом, что экзамен сдают все. Главное — сколько баллов вы наберете и будет ли их достаточно для поступления в выбранный вами вуз. Сертификат вам выдадут в любом случае, даже если вы наберете 40 баллов. Максимум по каждой из 4 секций — 30 баллов, таким образом высший уровень оценки — 120.

Гарантированно TOEFL пробный тест online бесплатно с ответами вы получите в компании, которая занимается помощью для поступления в вузы США. Вам подскажут, какой университет предлагает интересные для вас программы, помогут в сборе документов и подготовке к экзаменам. Для учебы в высших учебных заведениях необходимо набрать от 90 и выше. Чтобы получить сертификат уровня Advanced или Proficiency надо набрать минимум 100 баллов. 75-95 баллов позволяют претендовать на уровень Upper-Intermediate, 60-70 — Intermediate, меньше 60 — Pre-Intermediate.

Читайте также: Как поступить в университет США с полным финансированием

Преимущество прохождения TOEFL пробный тест online бесплатно заключается в том, что вы можете точно оценить, каков уровень вашей подготовки и не платить за сертификат с низкими баллами. Если оценка не достигла того уровня, который установил университет, вы продолжите готовиться к экзамену. Срок годности сертификата — 2 года, поэтому сдавать тест надо тогда, когда перед вами стоит конкретная цель. Если для поступления в выбранный университет в США или другой стране нужен этот сертификат, то пробный TOEFL online поможет провести подготовку с максимальной эффективностью.

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TOEFL — аббревиатура расшифровывающаяся как Test of English as Foreign Language. Стандартизированый тест для определения уровня владения английским языком у людей для который английский язык не является родным. Признается многими станами у учебными заведениями. Результаты теста TOEFL могут послужить пропуском в западный университет или колледж, либо шансом получить работу за рубежом.
Как и большинство тестов данного типа TOEFL состоит из четырех частей — аудиование, чтение, устная речь и письмо. Мы даем вам возможность попробовать выполнить пробные варианты теста TOEFL и определить свой уровень готовности к его сдаче в официальных учреждениях. Будет так же не вредно выполнить тест TOEFL как элемент процесса обученияю. На каких бы курсах вы не обучались требования выпускных экзаменов приктически везде схожи. Поэтому выполнение тестов TOEFL это прекрасный способ улучшить и развить какой-либо навык.

  • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку №1 4
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Аудирование) № 1
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Чтение) № 1
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Говорение) № 1
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Письмо) № 1
  • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку №2 4
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Аудирование) № 2
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Чтение) № 2
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Говорение) № 2
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Письмо) № 2
  • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку №3 4
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Аудирование) № 3
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Чтение) № 3
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Говорение) № 3
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Письмо) № 3
  • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку №4 4
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Аудирование) № 4
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Чтение) № 4
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Говорение) № 4
    • Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Письмо) № 4

Taking TOEFL practice tests are a great way to prepare for the TOEFL exam. Our TOEFL sample exams are based on the actual questions and answers that you will see on the official exam.

Taking practice exams will help you identify what you already know, and what you need to work on. We’ve also included a directory of other free TOEFL study resources to help you prepare.

Summary: Try a free TOEFL practice test to see what you need to work on. 

TOEFL Reading

TOEFL Reading Practice Test 1
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 2
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 3
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 4
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 5
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 6

See the Top TOEFL Prep Courses

  1. BestMyTest — Test-Guide Recommended
  2. Magoosh — Test-Guide Recommended

See Our Reviews & Rankings of Top TOEFL Prep Courses.

TOEFL Structure

TOEFL Structure Practice Test 1
TOEFL Structure Practice Test 2
TOEFL Structure Practice Test 3
TOEFL Structure Practice Test 4 

TOEFL Speaking

Coming Soon!

Other Practice Tests

English Grammar Practice Tests

TOEFL Overview

While it may not be relevant for native English speakers, the TOEFL, or Test of English as a Foreign Language, is an extremely important exam for non-native speakers. In order to gain entrance to many universities in an English-speaking country, students must take and pass the TOEFL. This standardized test is not mandatory for every school in English-speaking countries, but it is accepted and even required by most major universities.

Since 1964, the Educational Testing Service (ETS) has designed and administered the TOEFL. ETS is a private non-profit organization that sends official scores and reports directly to universities on behalf of each student. The TOEFL is one of two major English proficiency tests (along with the IELTS) that are widely accepted around the world.

How to Study for the TOEFL

When it comes to studying, everyone has different needs, timelines, and study habits. That said, there are plenty of great TOEFL resources to get you started out on the right foot. If you’re searching for ways to prepare for the TOEFL, check out some of the following resources:

Official TOEFL Resources

One of the best ways to prepare for an exam is to get information directly from the test administrators. For the TOEFL, this means consulting the Educational Testing Service (ETS), which has been testing and scoring students for nearly a decade. Here are a few helpful links provided by the ETS:

  • TOEFL Test Prep Planner
  • TOEFL Official App
  • TOEFL Bulletin

Free TOEFL Practice Tests — Questions and Answers

Use TOEFL practice tests to help you prepare for the exam. TOEFL practice tests will help you become more familiar with the exam before you take it. You will also find out which subjects you know and which subjects you don’t know. 

TOEFL Prep Courses

TOEFL prep courses are another great way to prepare for the TOEFL exam. These prep courses will help you stay on track and study efficiently. You can review some of the best TOEFL prep courses to see which one is the best fit for you. 

Exam Outline — What’s On the TOEFL iBT?

Needless to say, there are plenty of ways to prepare for the TOEFL, but it is extremely important that you know what to expect on the day of the test. In addition to knowing the types of questions on the test, you will also want to know how the TOEFL is administered, your allotted time, and all of the DO’s and DON’Ts for the test day.

There are technically two different forms of the TOEFL: the TOEFL iBT and TOEFL PBT. The latter is a paper-based exam that has mostly been phased out, though it is still offered at many ETS testing centers. However, the vast majority of students end up taking the TOEFL iBT, which is administered online via testing centers.

Though each version of the TOEFL is administered in a different format, both tests are largely the same. The TOEFL is comprised of 4 distinct sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Let’s take a closer look at each section to better understand the structure of the exam.

TOEFL Exam Breakdown


Like any exam that tests your linguistic abilities, the TOEFL includes a reading section to analyze your reading comprehension abilities. This section includes passages of reading material from a wide variety of sources and topics, ranging from literature to science. Following each passage, you will need to answer questions to ensure that you understood the reading material.

Allotted Time: 60-80 minutes

Number of Questions: 36-56 

Type of Questions: Multiple-choice


The listening section is often considered one of the most challenging parts of the TOEFL. Listening comprehension is particularly difficult in a second language, and this section consists of 4-6 lectures and 2-3 conversations, each followed by comprehension questions. The material generally covers academic topics, ranging from the arts to life sciences.

Allotted Time: 60-90 minutes

Number of Questions: 34-51

Type of Questions: Multiple-choice


In the speaking section, students must respond to questions, speak on a predetermined topic, and read passages aloud. This section tests your ability to communicate effectively on a variety of academic topics. Though it is certainly a challenging section, it is also the shortest in terms of time allotment. 

Allotted Time: 20 minutes

Number of Tasks: 6

Type of Questions: Spoken


The writing section tests your ability to use correct grammar, vocabulary, and writing structure. Additionally, you must construct a coherent argument in two distinct essays. One essay is based on a reading passage, while the other is based on a writing prompt. The speaking and writing sections are the only ones that do not include multiple-choice questions.

Allotted Time: 50 minutes

Number of Tasks: 2

Type of Questions: Essay

TOEFL Administration — What You Need to Know to Register

The TOEFL is administered on specific dates throughout the year. Most years, there are more than 50 dates on which you can take the exam, so it is pretty easy to find a test day that works for your schedule. Additionally, the ETS gives you three ways to register: online, by phone, or by mail. You can learn more about the registration process and fees on the ETS website.

What Happens During the TOEFL?

TOEFL tests must be taken at an authorized ETS testing center. Generally, you should expect to spend between 4-5 hours at the testing center on the day of the test. You should try to show up at least 30 minutes prior to your test time, as you will need to sign in and show your I.D. to the test administrator. 

You will spend between 120-170 minutes on the first two sections (Reading and Listening) before taking a 10 minute break. The allotted time and number of questions varies for the first two sections, as some of the questions are experimental and do not count toward your final score. The number of experimental questions varies for each test.

After the 10 minute break, you will move on to the final two sections (Speaking and Writing). You are allowed to take notes during the test, however you cannot speak to anyone else. Like most standardized tests, you will need to notify a test administrator if you have any questions or problems.

Who is Eligible to Take the TOEFL?

The ETS requires all students to show a valid form of ID in order to register and take the TOEFL. You can learn about the exact requirements for identification right here. Generally, you are eligible for the TOEFL as long as you can present an unexpired, government-issued ID with a recent picture. For students who are under 18, it is recommended that you bring your parent or guardian with you on the day of the test. If you are 15 or under, both you and your parent/guardian must present valid ID at the test center.

TOEFL Scores — How Are They Calculated?

Each section is scored individually out of 30. Then, the scores are combined for a final score out of 120. For the speaking and writing sections, each task is scored on a scale from 0-4 (speaking) or 0-5 (writing). 

Internationally, the average TOEFL score is 82. Most universities set a minimum acceptable score, which varies for each school. The minimum acceptable scores are significantly higher for graduate level applicants. Though your target score will largely depend on the type of university you want to attend, a score of 94 or higher will put you in the top 25% of all test takers.


What is a good TOEFL score?

TOEFL scores range from 0 to 120. The four sections are each given scores on a scale from 0 to 30. The four sections include reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

What are the best TOEFL prep courses?

Are TOEFL prep courses worth the money?

TOEFL prep courses are great for students who want to freshen up on material and learn test taking strategies for the TOEFL. A prep course is a great investment and will help you get into your dream school.

How much does it cost to take the TOEFL?

The fees will depend on a variety of factors, including the location of your testing center. That said, you can generally expect to pay around $200 USD every time you take the test. Make sure you are ready for the TOEFL by taking our free practice tests!

How long does it take to receive my TOEFL score?

You can see your TOEFL score online approximately 10 days after taking the test. Your score will also be sent to the universities of your choice around the same time that they are posted online, though the delivery time will vary based on your desired school’s location. For more information, see our guide to TOEFL scores.

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) Exam is intended to measure a student’s ability to understand and use English at a college level. Over 6,000 colleges, government organizations, and businesses accept TOEFL test scores worldwide. The TOEFL Test serves a similar function to other standardized tests (such as SAT and ACT Tests) in that they used by colleges and universities as a factor in admissions. 

Different institutions place varying degrees of importance on TOEFL Scores, and use them along with other factors such as GPA, class rank, community service, recommendations and extracurricular activities. The TOEFL Test is only one factor that colleges use in their admissions processes, but it can be an important factor – so you should prepare and strive to do well on the test.

TOEFL preparation requires TOEFL online tests a lot of time and effort which are aimed at improvement of your knowledge and skills. Thus the main feature of your preparation strategy should be its vastness. In addition to expanding your vocabulary and understanding of the English rules of grammar, the applicant must have some specific skills that help to perform the task of TOEFL successfully.

Today the students have the opportunity to use a lot of training materials and resources. However, during TOEFL preparation the main factor is the ability to assess your strength and knowledge, and to make the effective preparation plan. It’s no secret that for successful taking TOEFL you need to know English at least at Upper-Intermediate level. Also you have to be familiar with the test itself.

TOEFL exam has four main sections, each of them assess a specific skill. The tasks of each section are written so that it was possible to objectively assess a student’s ability to write, speak, read and understand the English speech. You should base your preparation program on the requirements and characteristics of the tasks. The next step includes the selection of the appropriate books and TOEFL online tests for practice.

Watching English movies and TV shows, listening to the audio books and radio in English provides better listening comprehension skills, understanding of the accents, intonations, individual words, expression, and other important details. Good listening skills are essential for doing the tasks of the Listening section. To prepare for the Speaking section it is important to have live communication, with which you can learn how to express your thoughts correctly.

Writing section require a good skill in creating your own texts, whereas Reading covers a wider range of knowledge and skills of the candidate. To perform the tasks of this section you need not only a good vocabulary and skill of reading the printed texts, but also the ability to understand the main essence of the passage, draw your own conclusions, identify key the issues and to understand the basic rules of the English language.

TOEFL iBT Speaking tips:

Using TOEFL online tests during the preparation will help not only to understand the requirements and characteristics of the tasks, but also to receive a good practice. In addition, these resources will assess the real level of your knowledge and make your preparation more effective and efficient.

TOEFL or Test of English as Foreign Language is administered by ETS. It is widely accepted worldwide by around 10,000 colleges. Students from non-native English countries may have to take this test (for admissions to colleges) to show proficiency in English.

Cost of TOEFL Exam
TOEFL Fees ranges from $180-$300 depending on test center.

Best Books for TOEFL practice
1) ETS — official guide, 2)Princeton Review — Cracking the TOEFL iBT… Continue reading

Which exam to take TOEFL or IELTS
Depending on your target Colleges and programs you might have to choose between the two, both tests are quite different, but now most colleges accept both scores.. a full comparison (TOEFL or IELTS) can be read here.

Please answer the questions below based on the following passage. There are 10 multiple-choice questions. Click on «score» to get a rough estimate for your iBT score.

«After Review, Giant Sequoia Beats Neighbor»

The ranks of the world’s biggest trees have changed, with The President now edging out its neighbor for the No. 2 spot.
By Tracie Cone

Deep in the Sierra Nevada, the famous General Grant giant sequoia tree is suffering its loss of stature in silence. What once was the world’s No. 2 biggest tree has been supplanted thanks to the most comprehensive measurements taken of the largest living things on Earth.

The new No. 2 is The President, a 54,000-cubic-foot gargantuan not far from the Grant in Sequoia National Park. After 3,240 years, the giant sequoia still is growing wider at a consistent rate, which may be what most surprised the scientists examining how the sequoias and coastal redwoods will be affected by climate change and whether these trees have a role to play in combating it.

«I consider it to be the greatest tree in all of the mountains of the world,» said Stephen Sillett, a redwood researcher whose team from Humboldt State University is seeking to mathematically assess the potential of California’s iconic trees to absorb planet-warming carbon dioxide.

The researchers are a part of the 10-year Redwoods and Climate Change Initiative funded by the Save the Redwoods League in San Francisco. The measurements of The President, reported in the current National Geographic, dispelled the previous notion that the big trees grow more slowly in old age.

It means, the experts say, the amount of carbon dioxide they absorb during photosynthesis continues to increase over their lifetimes.

In addition to painstaking measurements of every branch and twig, the team took 15 half-centimeter-wide core samples of The President to determine its growth rate, which they learned was stunted in the abnormally cold year of 1580 when temperatures in the Sierra hovered near freezing even in the summer and the trees remained dormant.

But that was an anomaly, Sillett said. The President adds about one cubic meter of wood a year during its short six-month growing season, making it one of the fastest-growing trees in the world. Its 2 billion leaves are thought to be the most of any tree on the planet, which would also make it one of the most efficient at transforming carbon dioxide into nourishing sugars during photosynthesis.

«We’re not going to save the world with any one strategy, but part of the value of these great trees is this contribution and we’re trying to get a handle on the math behind that,» Sillett said.

After the equivalent of 32 working days dangling from ropes in The President, Sillett’s team is closer to having a mathematical equation to determine its carbon conversion potential, as it has done with some less famous coastal redwoods. The team has analyzed a representative sample that can be used to model the capacity of the state’s signature trees.

More immediately, however, the new measurements could lead to a changing of the guard in the land of giant sequoias. The park would have to update signs and brochures — and someone is going to have to correct the Wikipedia entry for «List of largest giant sequoias,» which still has The President at No. 3.

Now at 93 feet in circumference and with 45,000 cubic feet of trunk volume and another 9,000 cubic feet in its branches, the tree named for President Warren G. Harding is about 15 percent larger than Grant, also known as America’s Christmas Tree. Sliced into one-foot by one-foot cubes, The President would cover a football field.

Giant sequoias grow so big and for so long because their wood is resistant to the pests and disease that dwarf the lifespan of other trees, and their thick bark makes them impervious to fast-moving fire.

It’s that resiliency that makes sequoias and their taller coastal redwood cousin worthy of intensive protections and even candidates for cultivation to pull carbon from an increasingly warming atmosphere, Sillett said. Unlike white firs, which easily die and decay to send decomposing carbon back into the air, rot-resistant redwoods stay solid for hundreds of years after they fall.

Though sequoias are native to California, early settlers traveled with seedlings back to the British Isles and New Zealand, where a 15-foot diameter sequoia that is the world’s biggest planted tree took root in 1850. Part of Sillett’s studies involves modeling the potential growth rate of cultivated sequoia forests to determine over time how much carbon sequestering might increase.

All of that led him to a spot 7,000 feet high in the Sierra and to The President, which he calls «the ultimate example of a giant sequoia.» Compared to the other giants whose silhouettes are bedraggled by lightning strikes, The President’s crown is large with burly branches that are themselves as large as tree trunks.

The world’s biggest tree is still the nearby General Sherman with about 2,000 cubic feet more volume than the President, but to Sillett it’s not a contest.

«They’re all superlative in their own way,» Sillett said.


1. The word «supplanted» in paragraph 1
A) inquisitive

B) Has a double-meaning both as a pun on the topic of plants and a literal meaning of «to replace»

C) Is a synonym for «to plant again»

D) Has the same meaning as «to plant,» with extra emphasis

2. One common myth about trees that The President helps disprove is
A) That giant sequoias are more resilient than other tree species

B) That old trees are as productive at photosynthesis as younger ones

C) That only giant sequoias may be named after historical figures

D) That large trees grow more slowly as they age

3. What is the primary benefit that Sillett and other researchers suggest that giant sequoias may have?
A) Their natural beauty can have health benefits for those who travel to wildlife preserves to see them

B) They represent centuries of natural history that no other living things do

C) Because of their size, they can process more carbon dioxide than other trees, which can have significant benefits for the atmosphere

D) Their resilient bark may have eventual uses in human medicine.

4. The giant sequoias are compared to white firs to demonstrate that?
A) Even when the sequoias fall, they do not decay and so send less carbon into the air

B) White firs are more plentiful because they grow and decay more quickly than sequoias

C) The giant sequoias are completely resistant to death

D) White firs are essential because when they decompose they emit necessary nutrients

5. The President has grown every year EXCEPT
A) 1850

B) 2012

C) 1580

D) The President has grown every year of its life

6. All of the following contribute to the lifespan of the giant sequoia EXCEPT
A) They are resistant to diseases that can affect other tree species

B) Their size makes them less vulnerable to animal attacks

C) They are resistant to pests that commonly inhabit trees

D) Their thick bark protects them from wildfires.

7. The term «changing of the guard» in Paragraph 10 means
A) The size rankings of various large sequoias is being reevaluated

B) Human security will be employed to protect these valuable trees

C) Wildlife parks will bring in new equipment to ensure the safety of the trees

D) A new schedule of shifts will be made for studying the trees

8. What does the term «cultivated sequoia forests» in Paragraph 14 imply?
A) Current sequoia reserves will be altered to grow in particular patterns

B) That sequoias may be specially grown in the future for the sole purpose of filtering carbon from the air

C) New forests may be grown globally to promote the beauty of the species

D) Wildlife parks will make more of an effort in the future to direct visitors to the sequoia forests

9. Giant sequoias are native to California, but can also be found in
A) New Zealand

B) France

C) South America

D) Australia

10. In the final sentence, the word «superlative» is closest in meaning to
A) Best of a species

B) Most beautiful

C) The winner of a contest

D) Having individual, unique merit

Note: TOEFL score is accepted by almost all Universities in the USA (TOEFL exam is required admission test in most US Colleges for students coming from non-English speaking countries (Where native language is not English)). More sample TOEFL tests are included(links are on the top right section of this page). No registration or login is required, all tests are online and free! These tests might help you to test your preparation for TOEFL. Good luck!

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