Экзамен toeic подготовка

Last updated:

March 7, 2023

Want to get a job where you’ll use your English skills?

Well, then, I’ve got another important question for you:

Are you signed up to take the TOEIC yet?

A TOEIC Listening & Reading Test certificate can be a great addition to your resume.

The exam combines both reading and listening comprehension tests, which could make you nervous, but don’t worry!

Want to know how to get a great score? Then it’s great that you’re here right now!

These tips and advice will help you reach your goal.

Even better, in this post we’ll practice together. Because, folks, the best preparation for the TOEIC is practicing, practicing and practicing some more.

Why? Uh, that’s how you get better at anything.

Oh and, by the way, practicing is key. Practicing.

That’s it, end of the post. Thanks for reading me.

Just kidding! Did you really think I was going to leave you high and dry?

Don’t know what the idiom “high and dry” means? You don’t need to look it up in a dictionary. In tip 5, we’ll try to understand the meaning together, and we’ll ask Joey and Chandler, from the ’90s TV show “Friends” to help us with that.

(Hint: It has nothing to do with the weather or heights.)

But first, let’s start by making sure everyone knows what the TOEIC is.

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can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)


What’s the TOEIC?

TOEIC stands for the Test of English for International Communication. It tests your ability to understand work-related writings, instructions and conversations, in spoken and written English.

Remember that the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test does not have a speaking part — so that’s one less thing to think about. Plus, it’s not a pass or fail test. This means that simply taking the test will make you stand out (be noticed) among candidates (applicants) who haven’t taken it.

Format: Multiple choice, pencil and paper
There are two sections: listening section (100 questions) and reading section (100 questions).

Length: 2.5 hours
The listening section is 45 minutes, the reading section is 75 minutes and then there are 30 minutes to answer non-scored questions about yourself.

Score: 10 – 990
A higher score is a better score. In the reading and listening parts you can earn 5 – 495 points each, and then the two scores are added together for your final score. A score above 785 is very good, but sometimes employers aren’t necessarily looking for a score that high, depending on the tasks of the job. Granted, you’re going to want to aim to score above 550.

Here’s a table that shows how different TOEIC scores align with the European CEFR levels (A1-C1), plus a description of each level. And here’s an even more detailed description of the score levels.

Cost: $75 – $85 USD
The cost of the exam depends on your country. Contact a local test center to find out your fee.

How to sign up: Education Testing Service (ETS)
The organization that makes the test is the ETS. Contact your local test center for sign-up details. We recommend downloading their Examinee handbook (for free) and looking at the other resources available on their website (practice tests, for example).

TOEIC Listening and Reading Format: What It Means for You

Let’s take a closer look at the format of the TOEIC Listening and Reading exam:

Part 1. Listening comprehension — 100 questions (45 minutes)
– Photographs
– Question-response
– Conversations
– Short talks

Part 2. Reading comprehension — 100 questions (75 minutes)
– Incomplete sentences
– Error recognition or text completion
– Reading comprehension

See the problem here? There’s more time for the reading part, which means that you’ll need to be very focused during the listening test, because there aren’t any replays. It’s fast, which is why test takers usually study and practice more for the listening part.

But you’ll still need to practice for the reading section, too. While there are no essays to write, some questions will test your grammar and vocabulary.

Also, some reading questions will use many different business communication methods (e-mails, newsletters, etc.) that are connected together. This will test your ability to find, gather and understand information from different sources.

So, unless you find out that you’re better at listening than reading, it would be best to focus on listening when you study.

What will help you get better at listening and the other skills needed for success on the TOEIC?

Here are 10 tips that will show you how to be best prepared for the TOEIC.

10 Tips for Successful TOEIC Listening and Reading Preparation

1. Evaluate Your Level for Free

The best way to start is to download the TOEIC Examinee Handbook and try to read it up to page 7. Then stop! (Otherwise you’ll accidentally read printed transcripts of the audio questions of the online sample test provided by ETS).

Then, take the sample test from the ETS site to evaluate both your listening and reading skills. Then, take a rest.

After 1-2 days, take a second test of 45 TOEIC training questions that’s online for free.

Compare the results between these two tests. Did you do better the second time?

Congratulations! We’ll see how that’s even possible in tip #2.

If you didn’t improve between the practices, don’t worry — we have ways (tips #3 and #4) to help everyone get better.

In any case, make sure you check all commented answers that show up once you finish the 45 TOEIC training questions test. These comments will explain why wrong answers were wrong, and why correct answers were correct. This is very useful information to have.

While the ETS sample test doesn’t come with commented answers, the ETS site links to official, ETS-approved but paid online preparations that do.

It’s your decision whether or not you want to pay for that.

One other great — and free — source of information is the TOEIC Facebook page. Every week, they publish a tip on preparing for the test, together with sample questions and comments.

2. Use “Practice Effects” to Your Advantage

“Practice Effects” are real and scientifically proven: the second time you do something, you become better at it. Take a test once, and then take a similar one sometime later. Chances are very good that you’ll improve just because you’re now familiar with the technique of test-taking, even if you don’t do anything else to prepare for the second test.

The weird thing is that this works for almost any skill. It works for throwing a ball, playing the violin, driving a car and even kissing. (My mom would add that it works for doing the dishes as well, but I say this has yet to be proven true…)

The great thing about the TOEIC is that you can take it as many times as you like. Your previous score(s) won’t affect the most recent one. However, it does cost time and money. So, the best plan is to practice taking the exam.

A good study method is to use a lot of written and audio questions that have commented answers (answers with comments explaining why other answers are right/wrong).

You need to be doing as many practice questions as you can. That extra work you’ll put in will change everything.

Now that we’ve seen how practice can work like magic, let’s see what we can do to make it more fun.

3. Put Some Fun into Your Practice

The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

The better you practice, the easier it all gets. You’ll practice better when things are more interesting for you!

It’s okay to spend time studying without the practice tests.

This is especially true if this studying time involves watching a TV show in English and trying to understand what’s happening.

It’s best to watch a show that you’ve already seen, and be sure to pick a show that has work-related scenes.

“The Office” and “House of Cards” constantly feature business conversations, and have actors who speak very clearly. Kevin Spacey’s accent in “House of Cards” is very close to the American male voices you’ll hear on the test.

You could also watch this old Tex Avery cartoon called “Symphony in Slang,” in which a cartoon character tells the story of his life — but using only idioms, which are literally put into animated images. So when the character says he put his foot in his mouth, you see him literally (actually) put his foot into his mouth. But you also understand from the animation what the expression truly means (in this case, that the character had said something wrong, silly or embarrassing).

Once you get comfortable, and can understand conversations on your favorite U.S. TV shows without subtitles, you can move on to listening to an English radio station. This will bring you closer to the real conditions of the listening exam (no images, just audio).

4. Look for the Best Possible Answer, Not the Right Answer

So what’s the difference between a “right answer” and the “best possible answer?”

A right answer usually means that there’s only one correct answer and all the other choices are wrong.

But when you need to find the best possible answer, there could be many correct answers. The best answer is supported by facts found in the exam material. Your job is to find out which answer is best, based on what you’ve heard, read or seen. We’ll call that the context.

So how does it work?

Often, the test will ask you to infer something from a conversation or chain of documents.

“To infer” means to deduce, to derive, to draw conclusions based on facts and reasoning” (not opinions). Inferring is not guessing, though, because you must have facts and reasons to support your answer.

So when the TOEIC asks you what you can infer from a conversation, it wants you to find at least two valid clues in the text or in the conversation that support your conclusion.

Let’s look at this extreme example:

You hear a conversation between two coworkers. They discuss their schedule, complain about long hours and say they want to quit their current jobs and find better ones.

The test asks what you can infer from the conversation. It tell you to pick the best summary (short description) and gives you some options. Here’s one:

1. Long hours may affect (have influence over) your overall work productivity (how well you work).”

At first this looks okay. There’s nothing wrong with that statement. It’s probably true in most cases. The verb “to affect” is even used correctly (as we’ll verify in #6). It looks like an answer that could be right.

But the conversation summary doesn’t mention the co-workers’ productivity — how much they get done at work. So the choice, while a true statement, isn’t the best possible answer based on the context of the situation.

This is why the safest method is to check the text (or for the listening part, your notes), to see if they support your answer.

A great way to practice doing this is to ask yourself why each of the other answers is not as good as the best one. We’ll do that with Joey and Chandler in the next tip.

5. When You’re Unsure, Don’t Panic, Look for Clues

So remember how I said I’d never leave you high and dry? Let’s find out what I meant by that.

In “Friends” episode 6 (season 2) “The One Where Joey Moves Out,” Joey and Chandler (who’ve been roommates for years) have a fight. Joey, who now has enough money to live alone in a bigger apartment, tells Chandler he’s going to rent another place. Chandler doesn’t seem too happy about it.

Joey notices that Chandler isn’t very happy. Joey’s worried that moving out will leave Chandler without a roommate. Here’s the dialogue (the conversation) between them:

Joey: Hey, are you cool with this? I mean, I don’t want to leave you high and dry.

Chandler: No, I’ve never been lower or wetter. I’ll be fine. I’ll just turn your bedroom into a game room.

When Chandler answers, “I’ve never been lower or wetter,” he’s making a play on words by saying the opposite of “high” (low → lower) and “dry” (wet → wetter). This is like what Tex Avery did with idioms in the cartoon we mentioned in #3. But that’s not what the expression “high and dry” truly means.

To figure out what it means, let’s look at what we can infer (conclude) from what we know. So which of the following can be safely inferred from the text and the dialogue above?

  1. Chandler is afraid he will experience high variation in temperature.
  2. Joey is concerned because he is leaving Chandler without a roommate.
  3. Joey is really slow at packing his stuff.
  4. Chandler is about to look for another roommate.
  5. Joey is going to get more dates.

So (1) isn’t a good choice because we know that we’re looking at an idiom, and not the actual meaning of the words.

(3) isn’t good either because there’s nothing in the text or dialogue that says Joey is packing.

(4) may become true in the next episodes, but if you only look at what we know, there’s nothing that says Chandler is already thinking about looking for another roommate. In fact, Chandler said he’ll turn Joey’s room into a game room.

(5) Although living alone in a bigger apartment can help improve your love life, that would just be a guess. The text never mentions Joey’s dating life. Can you see why this option is a “fake” good answer? Joey’s always going to get more dates, but this isn’t the best possible answer, using what we know from the conversation.

So our best possible answer is (2) — Joey is concerned because he is leaving Chandler without a roommate. Why?

The text says that Joey is worried, which is a synonym of “concerned.” Plus, in the dialogue, Joey asks Chandler if he’s okay (cool) with Joey moving out.

So from this example, we can infer — and not guess — three things:

  • What matters is what’s actually written or said in the exam material.
  • You don’t need to know all the words and idioms to understand a conversation if you’re given the context. Since the TOEIC will always give you context, if you come across a word or expression that you don’t understand, don’t panic! Don’t try to guess, but instead look for clues (hints). They’re there.
  • To “be left high and dry” means to be left helpless, without options or in a difficult position. Joey’s worried he’ll be doing this to Chandler when he moves out, because Chandler will be in a difficult situation. Who’ll help pay rent? Where will Chandler find a new roommate?

Remember, use only the information in the exam. That’s where you can look for helpful clues.

6. Watch Out for Words That Sound or Are Spelled Almost the Same

The TOEIC will try to trick (fool) you.

It may ask you to choose a grammatically correct sentence from a list of possible options.

Consider this potential answer: “Long hours may effect your overall work productivity.”

Don’t choose this answer. It sounds alright but it’s not grammatically correct. There’s a similar sounding verb, to affect, that should be used in that sentence instead. Take a look:

  • To Affect is a verb that means “to have influence on/over,” as in, “Long hours affect my mood.”
  • Effect is a noun that means “consequence,” or “result,” as in, “This post will have a good effect on my TOEIC score.”

There are two things you can do to make sure you don’t get tricked:

(1) Get used to similar sounding words before the test. You can start with a written list of similar sounding words, and then move on to a list of business terms that comes with a recording of the pronunciation for each word.

The TOEIC is easier to take when you’re familiar with many work-related words. If you don’t have much time, you can focus on words that appear the most times in the test. This document has a list of words that show up often on the TOEIC (page 169).

(2) Rely on words that you know for sure. Use them to figure out the overall meaning of the sentence. Then. infer from the context what the other, less familiar words could mean.

For instance, if the dialogue takes place at a restaurant, the waiter will ask if anyone wants to have apple pie for dessert — not desert (dry sand). (Remember: It’s better to have more for dessert. The dry and hot, sandy desert only has one “s” because the other died of thirst.)

7. Don’t Use Your Dictionary Too Much and Practice Listening

The TOEIC is timed. Even if you were allowed to bring a dictionary, there just wouldn’t be enough time for you to look up every word you’re not sure about.

Instead, you’ll need to be able to determine (figure out) the meaning of an unknown word or idiom using context.

Use the words and information provided, and trust your gut (instincts / initial reaction).

We think it’s best to use a dictionary as little as you can. Use a dictionary less and less as you get closer to your test date.

In the listening section, since there’s no body language or visual information to help you, you’ll need to focus on two elements: the tone and the verb tenses. The tone is not the same as the accent.

An accent is the way people talk from a certain place. Remember, the “I” in TOEIC stands for “International,” which means the listening part will have voices with mild American, Australian, British and Canadian accents. The accents vary, but ETS makes sure there are no real extremes.

Tone, on the other hand, is the change in pitch (higher or lower) when someone is speaking. It’s used to express questions, affirmations and negations. Identifying the tone requires practice, but the TOEIC audio won’t try to trick you with tone.

Another hint can be found in verb tenses or changes in tenses. These show that something has happened or is going to happen, and the testers want to make sure you notice it. So, you need to write down anything you hear about the time. For example: yesterday, last week, within a month, tomorrow, in a couple of days, soon, shortly, it won’t be long, etc.

8. Practice Listening to English Spoken at Conversational Speed

Because the test is timed, and because there are no replays of the audio parts, you’ll have to take notes while listening to the audio.

Don’t try to write down everything you hear! It can’t be done, even by native speakers. Instead, write down as many key words as you understand. Try to figure out the location, the context, the time and dates, the names and the verb tenses (or changes in tenses).

This takes time. We need to be patient and practice listening to conversations in English with different accents.

To start getting used to different accents at a normal pace, you can check out this website, Transcribeme! It provides audio samples of different English accents. The company has a number of audio transcription tests aimed at checking a person’s ability to transcribe (type what you hear). You can take these tests just for fun (and for free), if you wish.

It’s not exactly like the real exam, since you can play the conversation or speech as many times as you want. However, it’s great listening practice for your ears, and it’ll help you get used to different accents.

Another great way to practice listening is the Bloomberg live radio. There are a few good benefits to using this as a study tool:

  • The hosts usually speak very clearly.
  • The same advertisements are played over and over again, and they usually contain business-related words.
  • They often announce the time during the radio show, saying “it’s 58 past the hour, now.” Check the time on your computer as you hear this, to see if you heard correctly.

If you’re a bit lost in the beginning, start with videos that you can replay, such as interviews. Don’t be afraid to open the transcript (written text of everything spoken in the video), whose link is below the replay.

9. Know the Spoken Instructions Before the Test

On the listening test, you’ll hear instructions before a group of questions is played. Knowing these instructions before the actual test means you won’t need to focus on them so much during the test. You can then use that extra bit of time to look at the written questions for the audio part.

Here are the spoken instructions for the listening part:

“You will hear ten short talks given by a single speaker. For each short talk, read the three questions and the four answer choices that follow each question. Select the most appropriate answer. Mark your answer by circling (A), (B), (C), or (D). You will hear each short talk only once.”

And then:

“Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following report/talk/conversation.”

Finally the conversation or speech begins. The speaker won’t be the same person who told the instructions. This change of speaker means that you need to start taking notes. 

There’s always going to be a general question, but the other questions are more specific. This means you need to take good notes, especially when you hear dates, numbers, places, locations, names or professions.

It’s not easy, I know, but with time and practice you’ll get there.

10. Prepare for Poor Sound and Extreme Temperatures

Be aware that the sound during the test may not be as clear as the sound from your home computer speakers, as the ETS Examinee handbook does continue to refer to audio-cassettes (page 2).

You could be unlucky and have low volume or not the best audio. So, just in case, you might want to turn down (lower) the sound of the practice questions and of your favorite radio station. That way, if the sound is low on the actual test, you can survive because you’ll be prepared.

I didn’t leave you high and dry, but the ETS center might leave you lower and wetter, depending on where and when you take the test. The room could be too hot or too cold, so wear layers of clothes that you can put on or take off.

I took the TOEFL in the heart of a cold Parisian winter. The boiler (heater) was out of service and it was snowing outside, so we all wore our coats, gloves and scarfs during the exam. Be prepared for the worst!

So, folks, we’re near the end of this post. Almost. I’ll close with five important facts to remember about the TOEIC, and then list some vocabulary from this post that you’ll see on the exam.

5 Facts to Remember About the TOEIC

  1. The exam scores are for employers. The TOEIC shows employers how well you understand work-related English — spoken and written — expressed in various accents (British, American, Australian, Canadian).
  2. Use context clues. The TOEIC will always give you context, clues and hints that support the best answer. You’ll just need to find them.
  3. Prepare for various test conditions. The TOEIC test conditions, such as timing, temperature and poor sound quality matter a lot. It’s best to be prepared for anything.
  4. Hold onto your score report. Official exam centers don’t have to keep your test results for more than two years, nor can they give you another copy of your results at the end of that time period. This is meant to encourage regular evaluation of your English level, but not all employers require such frequent testing. So, make sure you keep your score report, because it’s much better than not having one at all.
  5. You get better every time you practice. TOEIC is used by some companies as a learning tool, meaning companies know that just taking the test makes their employees improve their English. You should use that fact to your advantage and know that each practice session you take is an improvement in itself.

TOEIC Vocabulary Words for Flashcards

You’ve seen these words throughout this post, so here they are once more for your reference:

To infer: to derive by reasoning, to deduce

A desert: a dry, sandy area

A dessert: a sweet course or dish at the end of a meal

An effect (noun): consequence, outcome, result

To affect (verb): to have influence over

Concern: worry

Now get out there and practice, practice, practice! Good luck!

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can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)


Last updated:

March 7, 2023

Want to get a job where you’ll use your English skills?

Well, then, I’ve got another important question for you:

Are you signed up to take the TOEIC yet?

A TOEIC Listening & Reading Test certificate can be a great addition to your resume.

The exam combines both reading and listening comprehension tests, which could make you nervous, but don’t worry!

Want to know how to get a great score? Then it’s great that you’re here right now!

These tips and advice will help you reach your goal.

Even better, in this post we’ll practice together. Because, folks, the best preparation for the TOEIC is practicing, practicing and practicing some more.

Why? Uh, that’s how you get better at anything.

Oh and, by the way, practicing is key. Practicing.

That’s it, end of the post. Thanks for reading me.

Just kidding! Did you really think I was going to leave you high and dry?

Don’t know what the idiom “high and dry” means? You don’t need to look it up in a dictionary. In tip 5, we’ll try to understand the meaning together, and we’ll ask Joey and Chandler, from the ’90s TV show “Friends” to help us with that.

(Hint: It has nothing to do with the weather or heights.)

But first, let’s start by making sure everyone knows what the TOEIC is.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)


What’s the TOEIC?

TOEIC stands for the Test of English for International Communication. It tests your ability to understand work-related writings, instructions and conversations, in spoken and written English.

Remember that the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test does not have a speaking part — so that’s one less thing to think about. Plus, it’s not a pass or fail test. This means that simply taking the test will make you stand out (be noticed) among candidates (applicants) who haven’t taken it.

Format: Multiple choice, pencil and paper
There are two sections: listening section (100 questions) and reading section (100 questions).

Length: 2.5 hours
The listening section is 45 minutes, the reading section is 75 minutes and then there are 30 minutes to answer non-scored questions about yourself.

Score: 10 – 990
A higher score is a better score. In the reading and listening parts you can earn 5 – 495 points each, and then the two scores are added together for your final score. A score above 785 is very good, but sometimes employers aren’t necessarily looking for a score that high, depending on the tasks of the job. Granted, you’re going to want to aim to score above 550.

Here’s a table that shows how different TOEIC scores align with the European CEFR levels (A1-C1), plus a description of each level. And here’s an even more detailed description of the score levels.

Cost: $75 – $85 USD
The cost of the exam depends on your country. Contact a local test center to find out your fee.

How to sign up: Education Testing Service (ETS)
The organization that makes the test is the ETS. Contact your local test center for sign-up details. We recommend downloading their Examinee handbook (for free) and looking at the other resources available on their website (practice tests, for example).

TOEIC Listening and Reading Format: What It Means for You

Let’s take a closer look at the format of the TOEIC Listening and Reading exam:

Part 1. Listening comprehension — 100 questions (45 minutes)
– Photographs
– Question-response
– Conversations
– Short talks

Part 2. Reading comprehension — 100 questions (75 minutes)
– Incomplete sentences
– Error recognition or text completion
– Reading comprehension

See the problem here? There’s more time for the reading part, which means that you’ll need to be very focused during the listening test, because there aren’t any replays. It’s fast, which is why test takers usually study and practice more for the listening part.

But you’ll still need to practice for the reading section, too. While there are no essays to write, some questions will test your grammar and vocabulary.

Also, some reading questions will use many different business communication methods (e-mails, newsletters, etc.) that are connected together. This will test your ability to find, gather and understand information from different sources.

So, unless you find out that you’re better at listening than reading, it would be best to focus on listening when you study.

What will help you get better at listening and the other skills needed for success on the TOEIC?

Here are 10 tips that will show you how to be best prepared for the TOEIC.

10 Tips for Successful TOEIC Listening and Reading Preparation

1. Evaluate Your Level for Free

The best way to start is to download the TOEIC Examinee Handbook and try to read it up to page 7. Then stop! (Otherwise you’ll accidentally read printed transcripts of the audio questions of the online sample test provided by ETS).

Then, take the sample test from the ETS site to evaluate both your listening and reading skills. Then, take a rest.

After 1-2 days, take a second test of 45 TOEIC training questions that’s online for free.

Compare the results between these two tests. Did you do better the second time?

Congratulations! We’ll see how that’s even possible in tip #2.

If you didn’t improve between the practices, don’t worry — we have ways (tips #3 and #4) to help everyone get better.

In any case, make sure you check all commented answers that show up once you finish the 45 TOEIC training questions test. These comments will explain why wrong answers were wrong, and why correct answers were correct. This is very useful information to have.

While the ETS sample test doesn’t come with commented answers, the ETS site links to official, ETS-approved but paid online preparations that do.

It’s your decision whether or not you want to pay for that.

One other great — and free — source of information is the TOEIC Facebook page. Every week, they publish a tip on preparing for the test, together with sample questions and comments.

2. Use “Practice Effects” to Your Advantage

“Practice Effects” are real and scientifically proven: the second time you do something, you become better at it. Take a test once, and then take a similar one sometime later. Chances are very good that you’ll improve just because you’re now familiar with the technique of test-taking, even if you don’t do anything else to prepare for the second test.

The weird thing is that this works for almost any skill. It works for throwing a ball, playing the violin, driving a car and even kissing. (My mom would add that it works for doing the dishes as well, but I say this has yet to be proven true…)

The great thing about the TOEIC is that you can take it as many times as you like. Your previous score(s) won’t affect the most recent one. However, it does cost time and money. So, the best plan is to practice taking the exam.

A good study method is to use a lot of written and audio questions that have commented answers (answers with comments explaining why other answers are right/wrong).

You need to be doing as many practice questions as you can. That extra work you’ll put in will change everything.

Now that we’ve seen how practice can work like magic, let’s see what we can do to make it more fun.

3. Put Some Fun into Your Practice

The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

The better you practice, the easier it all gets. You’ll practice better when things are more interesting for you!

It’s okay to spend time studying without the practice tests.

This is especially true if this studying time involves watching a TV show in English and trying to understand what’s happening.

It’s best to watch a show that you’ve already seen, and be sure to pick a show that has work-related scenes.

“The Office” and “House of Cards” constantly feature business conversations, and have actors who speak very clearly. Kevin Spacey’s accent in “House of Cards” is very close to the American male voices you’ll hear on the test.

You could also watch this old Tex Avery cartoon called “Symphony in Slang,” in which a cartoon character tells the story of his life — but using only idioms, which are literally put into animated images. So when the character says he put his foot in his mouth, you see him literally (actually) put his foot into his mouth. But you also understand from the animation what the expression truly means (in this case, that the character had said something wrong, silly or embarrassing).

Once you get comfortable, and can understand conversations on your favorite U.S. TV shows without subtitles, you can move on to listening to an English radio station. This will bring you closer to the real conditions of the listening exam (no images, just audio).

4. Look for the Best Possible Answer, Not the Right Answer

So what’s the difference between a “right answer” and the “best possible answer?”

A right answer usually means that there’s only one correct answer and all the other choices are wrong.

But when you need to find the best possible answer, there could be many correct answers. The best answer is supported by facts found in the exam material. Your job is to find out which answer is best, based on what you’ve heard, read or seen. We’ll call that the context.

So how does it work?

Often, the test will ask you to infer something from a conversation or chain of documents.

“To infer” means to deduce, to derive, to draw conclusions based on facts and reasoning” (not opinions). Inferring is not guessing, though, because you must have facts and reasons to support your answer.

So when the TOEIC asks you what you can infer from a conversation, it wants you to find at least two valid clues in the text or in the conversation that support your conclusion.

Let’s look at this extreme example:

You hear a conversation between two coworkers. They discuss their schedule, complain about long hours and say they want to quit their current jobs and find better ones.

The test asks what you can infer from the conversation. It tell you to pick the best summary (short description) and gives you some options. Here’s one:

1. Long hours may affect (have influence over) your overall work productivity (how well you work).”

At first this looks okay. There’s nothing wrong with that statement. It’s probably true in most cases. The verb “to affect” is even used correctly (as we’ll verify in #6). It looks like an answer that could be right.

But the conversation summary doesn’t mention the co-workers’ productivity — how much they get done at work. So the choice, while a true statement, isn’t the best possible answer based on the context of the situation.

This is why the safest method is to check the text (or for the listening part, your notes), to see if they support your answer.

A great way to practice doing this is to ask yourself why each of the other answers is not as good as the best one. We’ll do that with Joey and Chandler in the next tip.

5. When You’re Unsure, Don’t Panic, Look for Clues

So remember how I said I’d never leave you high and dry? Let’s find out what I meant by that.

In “Friends” episode 6 (season 2) “The One Where Joey Moves Out,” Joey and Chandler (who’ve been roommates for years) have a fight. Joey, who now has enough money to live alone in a bigger apartment, tells Chandler he’s going to rent another place. Chandler doesn’t seem too happy about it.

Joey notices that Chandler isn’t very happy. Joey’s worried that moving out will leave Chandler without a roommate. Here’s the dialogue (the conversation) between them:

Joey: Hey, are you cool with this? I mean, I don’t want to leave you high and dry.

Chandler: No, I’ve never been lower or wetter. I’ll be fine. I’ll just turn your bedroom into a game room.

When Chandler answers, “I’ve never been lower or wetter,” he’s making a play on words by saying the opposite of “high” (low → lower) and “dry” (wet → wetter). This is like what Tex Avery did with idioms in the cartoon we mentioned in #3. But that’s not what the expression “high and dry” truly means.

To figure out what it means, let’s look at what we can infer (conclude) from what we know. So which of the following can be safely inferred from the text and the dialogue above?

  1. Chandler is afraid he will experience high variation in temperature.
  2. Joey is concerned because he is leaving Chandler without a roommate.
  3. Joey is really slow at packing his stuff.
  4. Chandler is about to look for another roommate.
  5. Joey is going to get more dates.

So (1) isn’t a good choice because we know that we’re looking at an idiom, and not the actual meaning of the words.

(3) isn’t good either because there’s nothing in the text or dialogue that says Joey is packing.

(4) may become true in the next episodes, but if you only look at what we know, there’s nothing that says Chandler is already thinking about looking for another roommate. In fact, Chandler said he’ll turn Joey’s room into a game room.

(5) Although living alone in a bigger apartment can help improve your love life, that would just be a guess. The text never mentions Joey’s dating life. Can you see why this option is a “fake” good answer? Joey’s always going to get more dates, but this isn’t the best possible answer, using what we know from the conversation.

So our best possible answer is (2) — Joey is concerned because he is leaving Chandler without a roommate. Why?

The text says that Joey is worried, which is a synonym of “concerned.” Plus, in the dialogue, Joey asks Chandler if he’s okay (cool) with Joey moving out.

So from this example, we can infer — and not guess — three things:

  • What matters is what’s actually written or said in the exam material.
  • You don’t need to know all the words and idioms to understand a conversation if you’re given the context. Since the TOEIC will always give you context, if you come across a word or expression that you don’t understand, don’t panic! Don’t try to guess, but instead look for clues (hints). They’re there.
  • To “be left high and dry” means to be left helpless, without options or in a difficult position. Joey’s worried he’ll be doing this to Chandler when he moves out, because Chandler will be in a difficult situation. Who’ll help pay rent? Where will Chandler find a new roommate?

Remember, use only the information in the exam. That’s where you can look for helpful clues.

6. Watch Out for Words That Sound or Are Spelled Almost the Same

The TOEIC will try to trick (fool) you.

It may ask you to choose a grammatically correct sentence from a list of possible options.

Consider this potential answer: “Long hours may effect your overall work productivity.”

Don’t choose this answer. It sounds alright but it’s not grammatically correct. There’s a similar sounding verb, to affect, that should be used in that sentence instead. Take a look:

  • To Affect is a verb that means “to have influence on/over,” as in, “Long hours affect my mood.”
  • Effect is a noun that means “consequence,” or “result,” as in, “This post will have a good effect on my TOEIC score.”

There are two things you can do to make sure you don’t get tricked:

(1) Get used to similar sounding words before the test. You can start with a written list of similar sounding words, and then move on to a list of business terms that comes with a recording of the pronunciation for each word.

The TOEIC is easier to take when you’re familiar with many work-related words. If you don’t have much time, you can focus on words that appear the most times in the test. This document has a list of words that show up often on the TOEIC (page 169).

(2) Rely on words that you know for sure. Use them to figure out the overall meaning of the sentence. Then. infer from the context what the other, less familiar words could mean.

For instance, if the dialogue takes place at a restaurant, the waiter will ask if anyone wants to have apple pie for dessert — not desert (dry sand). (Remember: It’s better to have more for dessert. The dry and hot, sandy desert only has one “s” because the other died of thirst.)

7. Don’t Use Your Dictionary Too Much and Practice Listening

The TOEIC is timed. Even if you were allowed to bring a dictionary, there just wouldn’t be enough time for you to look up every word you’re not sure about.

Instead, you’ll need to be able to determine (figure out) the meaning of an unknown word or idiom using context.

Use the words and information provided, and trust your gut (instincts / initial reaction).

We think it’s best to use a dictionary as little as you can. Use a dictionary less and less as you get closer to your test date.

In the listening section, since there’s no body language or visual information to help you, you’ll need to focus on two elements: the tone and the verb tenses. The tone is not the same as the accent.

An accent is the way people talk from a certain place. Remember, the “I” in TOEIC stands for “International,” which means the listening part will have voices with mild American, Australian, British and Canadian accents. The accents vary, but ETS makes sure there are no real extremes.

Tone, on the other hand, is the change in pitch (higher or lower) when someone is speaking. It’s used to express questions, affirmations and negations. Identifying the tone requires practice, but the TOEIC audio won’t try to trick you with tone.

Another hint can be found in verb tenses or changes in tenses. These show that something has happened or is going to happen, and the testers want to make sure you notice it. So, you need to write down anything you hear about the time. For example: yesterday, last week, within a month, tomorrow, in a couple of days, soon, shortly, it won’t be long, etc.

8. Practice Listening to English Spoken at Conversational Speed

Because the test is timed, and because there are no replays of the audio parts, you’ll have to take notes while listening to the audio.

Don’t try to write down everything you hear! It can’t be done, even by native speakers. Instead, write down as many key words as you understand. Try to figure out the location, the context, the time and dates, the names and the verb tenses (or changes in tenses).

This takes time. We need to be patient and practice listening to conversations in English with different accents.

To start getting used to different accents at a normal pace, you can check out this website, Transcribeme! It provides audio samples of different English accents. The company has a number of audio transcription tests aimed at checking a person’s ability to transcribe (type what you hear). You can take these tests just for fun (and for free), if you wish.

It’s not exactly like the real exam, since you can play the conversation or speech as many times as you want. However, it’s great listening practice for your ears, and it’ll help you get used to different accents.

Another great way to practice listening is the Bloomberg live radio. There are a few good benefits to using this as a study tool:

  • The hosts usually speak very clearly.
  • The same advertisements are played over and over again, and they usually contain business-related words.
  • They often announce the time during the radio show, saying “it’s 58 past the hour, now.” Check the time on your computer as you hear this, to see if you heard correctly.

If you’re a bit lost in the beginning, start with videos that you can replay, such as interviews. Don’t be afraid to open the transcript (written text of everything spoken in the video), whose link is below the replay.

9. Know the Spoken Instructions Before the Test

On the listening test, you’ll hear instructions before a group of questions is played. Knowing these instructions before the actual test means you won’t need to focus on them so much during the test. You can then use that extra bit of time to look at the written questions for the audio part.

Here are the spoken instructions for the listening part:

“You will hear ten short talks given by a single speaker. For each short talk, read the three questions and the four answer choices that follow each question. Select the most appropriate answer. Mark your answer by circling (A), (B), (C), or (D). You will hear each short talk only once.”

And then:

“Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following report/talk/conversation.”

Finally the conversation or speech begins. The speaker won’t be the same person who told the instructions. This change of speaker means that you need to start taking notes. 

There’s always going to be a general question, but the other questions are more specific. This means you need to take good notes, especially when you hear dates, numbers, places, locations, names or professions.

It’s not easy, I know, but with time and practice you’ll get there.

10. Prepare for Poor Sound and Extreme Temperatures

Be aware that the sound during the test may not be as clear as the sound from your home computer speakers, as the ETS Examinee handbook does continue to refer to audio-cassettes (page 2).

You could be unlucky and have low volume or not the best audio. So, just in case, you might want to turn down (lower) the sound of the practice questions and of your favorite radio station. That way, if the sound is low on the actual test, you can survive because you’ll be prepared.

I didn’t leave you high and dry, but the ETS center might leave you lower and wetter, depending on where and when you take the test. The room could be too hot or too cold, so wear layers of clothes that you can put on or take off.

I took the TOEFL in the heart of a cold Parisian winter. The boiler (heater) was out of service and it was snowing outside, so we all wore our coats, gloves and scarfs during the exam. Be prepared for the worst!

So, folks, we’re near the end of this post. Almost. I’ll close with five important facts to remember about the TOEIC, and then list some vocabulary from this post that you’ll see on the exam.

5 Facts to Remember About the TOEIC

  1. The exam scores are for employers. The TOEIC shows employers how well you understand work-related English — spoken and written — expressed in various accents (British, American, Australian, Canadian).
  2. Use context clues. The TOEIC will always give you context, clues and hints that support the best answer. You’ll just need to find them.
  3. Prepare for various test conditions. The TOEIC test conditions, such as timing, temperature and poor sound quality matter a lot. It’s best to be prepared for anything.
  4. Hold onto your score report. Official exam centers don’t have to keep your test results for more than two years, nor can they give you another copy of your results at the end of that time period. This is meant to encourage regular evaluation of your English level, but not all employers require such frequent testing. So, make sure you keep your score report, because it’s much better than not having one at all.
  5. You get better every time you practice. TOEIC is used by some companies as a learning tool, meaning companies know that just taking the test makes their employees improve their English. You should use that fact to your advantage and know that each practice session you take is an improvement in itself.

TOEIC Vocabulary Words for Flashcards

You’ve seen these words throughout this post, so here they are once more for your reference:

To infer: to derive by reasoning, to deduce

A desert: a dry, sandy area

A dessert: a sweet course or dish at the end of a meal

An effect (noun): consequence, outcome, result

To affect (verb): to have influence over

Concern: worry

Now get out there and practice, practice, practice! Good luck!

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Examinee Handbook and Sample Tests

TOEIC® Official Learning and Preparation Course Online

Using real-life workplace scenarios and real TOEIC test questions, this course helps you prepare for the TOEIC Listening and Reading test. It includes:

  • three learning modules, from beginner to advanced
  • interactive exercises that reflect workplace situations and tasks
  • voice narration in the same voices you’ll hear on the actual TOEIC test
  • automated score report
  • an assessment of their strengths and areas where they can improve

To order the course, contact your local EPN office.

To get a high score in the TOEIC exam, there is no way more effective than practicing the test everyday. By practicing the test, you will be well-aware of the test format and informed of your current level. You then will build an appropriate studying roadmap and strategies for yourself. 

1. Who should practice the TOEIC test?

Obviously, those who are about to take the TOEIC should practice the TOEIC test. As I mentioned above, practicing the test will help you get acquainted with the test format and boost your mark. 

Besides, anyone just wanting to improve their English skills, especially Reading and Listening skills, TOEIC practice test is also recommended. 

2. When should you start practicing the TOEIC test? 

Right after beginning to study for TOEIC, you should practice the test in each skill and each part. This step gives you a closer insight into the specific requirements as well as tips to augment scores in each part. More importantly, it will bolster your confidence before taking the mock full test and real test under the time pressure in the test room. 

3. Why you should choose Practice TOEIC Test of TOEIC TEST PRO?

In the era of technology, practice online TOEIC test on websites and applications has become popular. If you are seeking a good and reliable place to practice the TOEIC test, TOEIC TEST PRO is an ideal choice for the following reasons. 

Firstly, TOEIC TEST PRO provides practice tests that follow exactly the same format as the real TOEIC test. Practice tests feature more than 4000 practice questions compiled by expert tutors and covering all sections of an TOEIC exam namely Listening and Reading. Besides, a variety of grammar and vocabulary tests will also help you build a solid foundation on grammatical and lexical resources before taking the real exam. 

Secondly, after finishing each practice test, you can see your score, review your questions and take the test again until you identify your mistakes. Each question has a clear explanation so that you can not only know the answer but also learn something from that. 

Best of all, you can practice the test anytime and anywhere. All you need is just a smartphone connected with the Internet. 

So, don’t hesitate to download the app and Toeic practice test right now!

Сложность TOEIC, как и многих других стандартизированных экзаменов, заключается не только в развитии хороших знаний английского языка, но и в специальной подготовке к формату экзамена. Фактически, одна из самых больших проблем, с которыми сталкиваются студенты — это необходимость пройти тест за отведенное время.Те, кто еще не знает, как работает экзамен TOEIC, рискуют потратить время на чтение инструкций.

Наш курс подготовки к TOEIC разработан, чтобы дать вам все инструменты для углубленного понимания теста и улучшения вашей грамматики и словарного запаса, используемого в письменной форме, а также в разговоре, чтобы получить высокий балл и доступ к новым возможностям трудоустройства.

Выбрав курс подготовки к TOEIC, вы не только улучшите свой уровень английского, но и сможете ознакомиться с различными разделами, составляющими экзамен TOEIC, включая восприятие, разговор, чтение и письмо. 


3 ноября 2022 г.

IELTS и TOEFL по-прежнему можно сдать студентам из России, но для этого придется устроить целое путешествие в Казахстан, Азербайджан и другие страны, в которых можно пройти тестирование. Однако есть альтернативный способ подтвердить свои знания языка — экзамен Duolingo. Из чего он состоит, как его сдать и какие вузы принимают результаты — в нашей статье.

TOEIC — Test of English for International Communication — экзамен на знание английского языка, ориентированный на кандидатов, которые желают получить должность в англоязычной международной фирме. Структура теста TOEIC во многом перекликается со структурой экзамена TOEFL, но основное отличие между ними состоит в их предназначении.

Тест TOEFL предназначен для академических целей — поступления в зарубежные учебные заведения, участия в научных симпозиумах и конференциях, TOEIC же предназначен для оценки знаний английского языка людей, которым предстоит работать в интернациональном окружении. Экзамен позволяет определить способность человека грамотно вести презентации, деловые встречи и переговоры на английском языке. Сертификат TOEIC необходим тем, кто желает построить успешную карьеру в сфере международного бизнеса.

Подготовка к экзаменам с UniPage

Мы поможем вам подготовиться к экзамену. Команда UniPage оценит вашу ситуацию, выслушает все пожелания и подберет лучшего преподавателя.

Факты о TOEIC

Язык Английский
Популярность 2%
Стоимость 130 USD
Уровень A1–C1
Продолжительность 230
Количество частей 4
Частота проведения ~ 1 в мес.
Время проверки 3–4 нед.
Срок действия 2 года
Место проведения 150 стран
Поступление в вуз MBAНекоторые бизнес-школы
Иммиграция Нет
Трудоустройство Да
Min.–Max. баллы 10–990
0–400Отдельные баллы за два раздела экзамена не суммируются
Формат Paper-based
Альтернативные экзамены IELTS
PTE Academic
Организатор ETSСША
Официальный сайт The TOEIC® Tests
Год основания 1979

  • При трудоустройстве в международную компанию (использование английского языка для повседневного общения на работе, при проведении деловых встреч, презентаций и переговоров).
  • Для участия (организации) в профессиональных семинарах и тренингах на английском языке.
  • Для поступления на бизнес-программы зарубежных бизнес-школ (далеко не все учебные заведения принимают сертификат TOEIC, этот момент следует уточнить на официальном сайте выбранного вуза).

Структура теста TOEIC

Экзамен TOEIC состоит из двух независимых частей — Speaking & Writing и Listening & Reading, первая длится 80 минут, вторая — 120 минут. Каждую из этих частей можно сдавать по отдельности или же вместе, в зависимости от пожеланий тестируемого. Как правило, многие сдают лишь часть Listening & Reading, которой вполне достаточно для работы в международных фирмах. Примечательно, что тематика предлагаемых в тестах заданий взята из реальных рабочих ситуаций.

Часть Listening & Reading

Секция Время Задания
Listening 45 мин. 100
Reading 75 мин. 100

Listening (Аудирование)

Экзаменуемому придется справиться со следующими подразделами теста:

  • Часть 1: Photo section. В этом задании предлагается 10 картинок, к каждой из них даются по 4 коротких описания. Задача состоит в выборе наиболее подходящих описаний ко всем 10 фото. На них могут изображаться звери, люди, природа и т. д.
  • Часть 2: Question&Response. Тестируемому предлагается прослушать вопрос, а также три варианта ответов на него. Задача состоит в выборе наиболее подходящего ответа. Таких вопросов в секции будет 30. Данный раздел предполагает только аудирование, т. е. умение воспринимать информацию на слух.
  • Часть 3: Short Conversation. Кандидату предлагают прослушать 10 коротких диалогов, к ним он получает 30 вопросов, на каждый вопрос нужно ответить в течение 25 секунд.
  • Часть 4: Short talk. Тестируемому предлагается прослушать 10 монологов, которые касаются деловой тематики, возможно, объявлений, сообщений, служебных записок и т. д. К каждому монологу предлагается по 3 вопроса с тремя вариантами ответов. Чтобы успешно справиться с заданием, на каждый вопрос нужно потратить не более 8 секунд.

Reading (Чтение)

Тестируемому необходимо справиться со следующими задачами:

  • Часть 1: Incomplete Sentence. В данной части представлено 40 вопросов, на каждый из которых предлагается по 4 варианта ответов. Тестируемому необходимо выбрать правильный ответ. На это задание отводится не более 15-20 минут.
  • Часть 2: Passage Completion. В данной секции представлены предложения с пропущенными словами. Выражения могут касаться различных тем — подачи объявлений, составления анонсов, написания деловых писем и т. д. Помимо предложений в тесте представлены варианты ответов. Кандидату необходимо выбрать верные ответы и заполнить пустоты.
  • Часть 3: Short Reading. Данный блок считается наиболее трудным, поскольку к этому времени тестируемые попросту устают и теряют концентрацию. В секции представлены несколько мини-текстов (общая длина 300 слов), продолжительность каждого составляет 3-4 предложения. К каждому мини-тексту предлагается по 2-5 вопросов, на которые дается 4 варианта ответов. Тематика текстов разная — от технологических новинок до отношений в коллективе. Всего в блоке представлено 48 вопросов.

Часть Speaking & Writing

Секция Время Задания
Speaking ~ 20 мин. 11
Writing ~ 60 мин. 8


Секция состоит из 6 частей, которые включают в себя 11 заданий. Примечательно, что речь кандидата будет записываться на аудионоситель для оценки произношения, связности речи, интонации, вокабуляра и грамматики несколькими экзаменаторами. За прохождение блока Speaking тестируемый может максимально получить 200 баллов.

  • Часть 1: Чтение текста. Кандидату нужно прочитать вслух небольшой текст, который будет транслироваться на экране. На подготовку этого задания и его выполнение дается 90 секунд. Данная секция оценивает умение тестируемого с помощью интонации передавать смысл текста.
  • Часть 2: Описание фото или картинки. Задача состоит в точном описании картинки своими словами. На подготовку презентации дается 30 секунд и еще 45 секунд дается для словесного описания картинки. Желательно сначала описать изображение в целом, а затем переходить к деталям.
  • Часть 3: Ответы на вопросы. Кандидату нужно ответить на 4 и 5 вопрос теста (на это дается 15-20 секунд), для ответа на 6-й вопрос дается 30 секунд. Вопросы могут касаться личных предпочтений, к примеру, любимой музыкальной группы или недавно просмотренного фильма.
  • Часть 4: Блок вопросов с предоставляемой информацией (7-9). Задания могут состоять в следующем: кандидату показывают расписание конференций, дают 30 секунд на прочтение информации, и еще 15 секунд для ответа на каждый из трех вопросов.
  • Часть 5: Решение проблемы. Кандидату предлагают прослушать записанное на автоответчик сообщение от клиента, который недоволен какой-то услугой. Тестируемому дается 30 секунд на подготовку и 1 минута для ответа. Кандидат должен показать, что проблема клиента ему ясна, и компания готова предложить выгодное решение.
  • Часть 6: Выражение своего мнения. Кандидат в течение минуты должен поделиться своими мыслями по поводу предложенной темы, еще 15 секунд дается на подготовку речи.

Важно знать, что на экзамене тестируемые не говорят с живыми экзаменаторами. Кандидат получает микрофон и наушники, его ответы записываются на аудионоситель, после чего отправляются на проверку. Желательно практиковаться в использовании микрофона, поскольку на экзамене не будет времени, чтобы приноровиться к нему. Лучше отвечать на вопросы не в тишине, а находясь в людном месте, к примеру, в библиотеке или кафе. Рядом в микрофон будут говорить и другие испытуемые, поэтому нужно научиться не воспринимать фоновый шум.


Секция состоит из трех частей, ее длительность составляет 20 минут. Экзаменуемому нужно справиться со следующими заданиями:

  • Часть 1: Описание картинок. К первым пяти заданиям даются картинки и слова к ним. Нужно правильно использовать эти слова для описания изображений. На выполнение заданий дается 8 минут.
  • Часть 2: Ответ на письмо. Кандидат должен за 10 минут прочитать письмо и написать небольшой ответ на него. Задание проверяет словарный запаса и знание грамматики.
  • Часть 3: Написание эссе. Необходимо написать эссе на заданную тему (300 слов). На выполнение задания дается всего 30 минут. Оценивается словарный запас, связность и логичность текста, грамматика.

Какие темы могут рассматриваться в заданиях TOEIC?

  • Финансы и бюджет: инвестиции, страхование, банковское дело, налогообложение.
  • Неформальное общение: корпоративы, неформальные ужины, обеды, приемы, банкеты, резервирование мест в кафе и ресторанах.
  • Посещение развлекательных мероприятий: выставки, кинотеатры, музеи, театры.
  • Здоровье: больничный лист, посещение поликлиники, медицинская страховка.
  • Производство: управление производством, контроль качества, стандарты качества.
  • Совершение покупок: оформление заказов, счета-фактуры, отправка товаров.
  • Общение: удовлетворение клиентских жалоб, ответы на вопросы клиентов, презентация новых товаров и услуг.
  • Бизнес: подписание контрактов, штрафные санкции.
  • Жилье: аренда площадок, офисов, оплата счетов, строительство.
  • Персонал: заработная плата, наем на работу, объявления о свободных вакансиях, пенсии, поиск работы, награды.
  • Рабочие командировки: визы, расписания, оформление документов, покупка билетов, отмена рейсов.
  • Офис: служебные записки, заседания совета директоров, переписка с сотрудниками, общение по телефону и электронной почте, обслуживание офисной мебели и техники.
  • Путешествия: бронирование отелей, такси, поезда, паромы, ожидание в аэропорту.
  • Техника: обращение с компьютером, телефоном, факсом, оборудование в офисе или лаборатории.

Как оценивается тест TOEIC?

Каждая из двух частей экзамена оценивается независимо и для каждой предусмотрен свой сертификат. Наибольшей популярностью сегодня пользуется сертификат TOEIC Listening & Reading.

Часть Секция A1 A2 B1 B2 C1
1 TOEIC Writing 30 70 120 150 180
1 TOEIC Speaking 50 90 120 160 180
2 TOEIC Listening 60 110 275 400 490
2 TOEIC Reading 60 115 275 385 455

Суммарно за экзамен Listening & Reading можно получить от 10 до 990 баллов. Градационная шкала следующая:

TOEIC Listening & Reading Уровень
120–224 A1
225–549 A2
550–784 B1
785–944 B2
945–974 C1
975–990 C1+

Также работодателю будет важен цвет сертификата TOEIC, поскольку он напрямую связан с количеством баллов, которые заработал на экзамене кандидат.

Цвета сертификата TOEIC Listening & Reading

  • 860 – 990 баллов — Золотистый сертификат
  • 730 – 855 баллов — Синий сертификат
  • 470 – 725 баллов — Зеленый сертификат
  • 220 – 465 — Коричневый сертификат
  • 10 – 215 — Оранжевый сертификат

Материалы для подготовки к TOEIC

Пример сертификата TOEIC

Сколько стоит сдать экзамен TOEIC?

Блок Listening & Reading

  • Стоимость прохождения экзамена TOEIC составляет 134 USD (при оформлении результата на бланке Score report), стоимость теста с оформлением официального сертификата составляет 166 USD.
  • Для получения дубликата Score Report придется доплатить еще 9 USD.
  • Отправка результатов тестирования курьерской почтой обойдется в 21 USD-45.

Блок Speaking & Writing

  • Стоимость прохождения теста составляет 160 USD.
  • Получить дубликат сертификата можно за 32 USD.

Каковы правила регистрации?

  • При отмене регистрации на тест кандидат имеет право на возврат денежных средств, но лишь в том случае, если об отмене или переносе даты экзамена Центр тестирования был уведомлен не менее, чем за 3 недели до планируемой даты сдачи экзамена. В противном случае деньги не возвращаются.
  • Если кандидат не явился на экзамен, в этом случае оплаченная им сумма не возвращается.

Советы по сдаче TOEIC

Разбор структуры теста

Перед началом подготовки к экзамену следует ознакомиться с его структурой. Если кандидат ставит перед собой цель сдать тест по чтению и аудированию, значит следует больше практиковаться в выполнении заданий на отработку навыков чтения англоязычных текстов и их понимания. Чтобы справиться с заданиями экзамена, необходимо найти примеры тестов прошлых лет. Они помогут понять, как нужно подходить к решению типовых задач.

Постановка цели

В любом деле важно ставить перед собой цель, и прохождение теста TOEIC не является исключением. Следует изначально определиться, какой результат станет достаточным для того, чтобы получить желаемую должность или поступить в бизнес-школу. К примеру, для трудоустройства в международную компанию нужно набрать не менее 800 баллов, а для поступления в вуз — от 600 баллов. Главное — ставить перед собой реальные задачи.

Подготовка учебного плана

Частенько студенты откладывают подготовку к тесту на последние дни или недели, что и является основной причиной неудачи при прохождении экзамена. Неважно, когда именно была пройдена регистрация на экзамен TOEIC, главное, что подготовка к тесту должна начаться как можно раньше. Следует сразу определиться с методом подготовки. Кто-то предпочитает заниматься самостоятельно, другим же нравится работать в команде под присмотром преподавателя. Желательно заниматься и тем, и другим. Если же возможности ходить на подготовительные курсы нет, нужно убедиться в том, что в выбранных учебных материалах имеются доступные пояснения к ответам. В пятерку лучших учебных пособий входят: 600 Essential Words for the TOEIC от Barrons, Kaplan TOEIC, Barron’s TOEIC Test with Audio CDs, Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC и Cracking the TOEIC with Audio CD.

Разумное распределение времени

Изначально стоит определить свои слабые стороны, сделать это можно с помощью пробного теста. Тест состоит из нескольких частей, каждой из которых нужно уделить время на подготовку. Но не стоит слишком усердствовать над одним блоком заданий, нужно равномерно распределять нагрузку и больше внимания уделять своим слабым местам. Желательно разделить учебную неделю на несколько секций, к примеру, в один день заняться проработкой заданий на проверку вокабуляра, а в другой — на оттачивание навыков письма и т. д.

Расширение словарного запаса

Ограниченный вокабуляр является одной из основных причин провала на экзамене. Чтобы не потерпеть фиаско, следует завести словарь, чтобы записывать в него незнакомые слова, которые попадаются в процессе подготовки. Почему не стоит учить слова целенаправленно? Потому что это малоэффективно. Человек лучше запоминает новое слово в каком-либо контексте. Желательно вместе со словом записывать в словарь и предложение, к которому оно относится. В конце каждой недели можно подводить итог — повторять все новые слова и писать с ними небольшие сочинения. TOEIC имеет деловую направленность, потому важно изучать деловую лексику, которая связана с работой, путешествиями, проведением мероприятий и т. д.

Довериться интуиции

В тесте могут встречаться вопросы, ответы на которые одновременно кажутся верными и неверными. В этом случае стоит довериться интуиции. Не лучшая идея — несколько раз менять свой ответ, поскольку на это уходит дополнительное время, а это непозволительная роскошь на экзамене. Лучше сосредоточиться на новых заданиях. К сложным вопросам теста можно вернуться позже (речь идет о бумажной версии теста).

Дословный перевод

Безусловно, в тесте не раз будут встречаться незнакомые слова, поэтому не нужно переводить абсолютно все, на это нет времени, нужно уметь угадывать смысл слова исходя из контекста. Пользоваться словарем при прохождении экзамена не разрешается.

Угадывание ответа

Не стоит оставлять вопрос без ответа, лучше просто угадать его. Это не запрещается правилами экзамена, за угадывание ответа не снимаются баллы, как в тесте SAT.

Экономия времени

Не стоит слишком долго засиживаться над одним разделом, нужно научиться правильно распределять время на экзамене. Цель каждого кандидата — выполнить все задания теста любой ценой. Возможно в конце экзамена останется время, чтобы вернуться к сложным вопросам.

Слушать быстро

В процессе подготовки к тестированию следует отточить навык восприятия информации на слух. На экзамене не будет возможности прослушать вопрос еще раз или отмотать запись назад. Нужно научиться улавливать смысл сказанного с первого раза. На ответ также отводится совсем мало времени, поэтому не стоит думать о предыдущем вопросе, когда диктор начинает объявлять следующий.

Чтение вслух

Понимание беглой английской речи — необходимый навык, который нужно ежедневно тренировать. Чтение вслух англоязычной литературы поможет улучшить восприятие речи, почувствовать ритм языка. Желательно читать современные газеты, журналы, брошюры, издания, связанные с бизнес-тематикой. Не менее важно оттачивать свои разговорные навыки, для этого можно слушать телепередачи и даже лекции лучших университетов мира, которые находятся в свободном доступе в интернете. Важно учить именно реальный английский, который используется современными людьми в ежедневном деловом общении.

Пробные тесты

В сети существует масса пробных тестов, которые можно пройти абсолютно бесплатно. Это шанс узнать свой текущий уровень знаний и определить свои слабые и сильные стороны. Желательно пройти пробный тест перед началом подготовки и после ее окончания, чтобы сравнить результаты. На официальном сайте экзамена TOEIC имеются пробные тесты, которые составлены создателями экзамена. Это еще одна возможность разобраться в структуре TOEIC и научиться решать типовые задачи.

Обучение с носителем языка

Даже если кандидат не имеет финансовой возможности оплачивать занятия с индивидуальным репетитором, можно воспользоваться услугами международных сервисов изучения иностранных языков, на которых люди из разных уголков планеты готовы бесплатно учить своему родному языку других посетителей ресурса. На одном из таких сайтов можно познакомиться с носителем английского языка, который желает изучать русский. Это прекрасная возможность завести новых друзей и подтянуть свой английский.

Изучение нового материала без зубрежки

Разбирать новый материал в ночь перед экзаменом — огромная ошибка. За это время нужно хорошенько отдохнуть, выспаться перед тестом и дать мозгу расслабиться. Утром необходимо сытно поесть, чтобы во время экзамена не думать о вкусной еде. Неделю до экзамена следует посвятить повторению изученного материала.

Победа над волнением

Частенько экзаменуемых одолевают сомнения в своих знаниях и силах перед сдачей теста. Волнение и откровенная паника могут настигнуть в любой момент, что обязательно скажется на результатах экзамена. Важно мысленно настроить себя на позитивную волну, все-таки это не последний шанс в жизни, и пересдать тест можно в любой момент. Желательно регистрироваться на экзамен за несколько месяцев до желаемого устройства на работу или поступления в бизнес-школу, чтобы в случае провала была возможность пересдать тест.

Тест TOEIC не требует от кандидата знания специфической лексики в какой-либо определенной сфере, к примеру, в финансах или экономике. Экзамен оценивает общую готовность кандидата общаться в деловой среде. В этом и заключается его сложность. Задания экзамена охватывают максимально широкий спектр тем: от общения в коллективе и оформления служебных записок до планирования бюджета компании, покупок и путешествий.

На экзамене могут попасться вопросы, связанные с заказом столика в ресторане, проведением корпоративного мероприятия или арендой помещения. Поэтому курсы подготовки к TOEIC могут прийтись впору даже человеку, который владеет английским языком на продвинутом уровне.

Тысячи организаций по всему миру доверяют результатам экзамена TOEIC. Не важно, какие цели преследует кандидат — трудоустройство в международную компанию, продолжение обучения за границей, посещение международного тренинга, сертификат TOEIC открывает любую дверь. Более того, успешное прохождение экзамена станет отличным дополнением к резюме на английском языке.


10 июля 2021 г.

Ваша оценка сохранена.
Расскажите нам, что мы можем улучшить.

Ваша оценка сохранена.
Расскажите нам, что мы можем улучшить.

Подготовка к экзаменам с UniPage

Специалисты UniPage помогут найти опытного репетитора, который подготовит вас к важному экзамену. Занимайтесь:

  • с носителем языка или преподавателем из России;
  • очно в Москве или онлайн из любой точки мира;
  • в группах или один на один.

Мы оценим вашу ситуацию, выслушаем все пожелания и подберем лучшего преподавателя.

В чем преимущества курса

Индивидуально построенный курс

Этот курс преподаватель разработает индивидуально для вас с учетом конкретных целей.
Наставник проверит ваши знания и навыки в английском, выявит слабые стороны, на проработку которых сделает акцент. Вы испытываете сложности с произношением слов на английском? Не всегда знаете, в каком стиле писать деловое письмо? Наш преподаватель расскажет вам о всех типичных заданиях экзамена, покажет правильную структуру ответов и познакомит с примерами удачных ответов на задания.

Разнообразие полезных материалов

Вы получите только актуальные задания из современных британских пособий для подготовки к экзамену. Мы также добавили в курс много полезных ресурсов с советами, тестами и дополнительными упражнениями.

Практическая ориентация

Хотите хорошо сдать экзамен? Тренируйтесь! Вы получите сертификат TOEIC с нужным баллом, если выполните множество заданий по формату экзамена. Так вы набьете руку и встретите экзамен во всеоружии.

Обратная связь

Многие наши учителя сами сдавали международные экзамены, и у них есть опыт работы в международных компаниях. Они знают как критерии оценивания чтения, аудирования, письма и говорения на экзамене, так и особенности использования английского в реальных рабочих ситуациях. По мере выполнения заданий учителя рассказывают, как можно улучшить, дополнить или изменить свой ответ, чтобы получить максимальное количество баллов на экзамене.

Входящее тестирование

На вводном уроке преподаватель оценит ваш уровень знания английского, а также даст задания по формату экзамена, чтобы понять, сколько потребуется времени для подготовки к экзамену.

Финальное тестирование

По окончании курса преподаватель предложит вам выполнить задания из всех частей экзамена, чтобы вы могли полностью почувствовать, что вас будет ждать на реальном экзамене.

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  • Экзамен toefl слова
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