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Текст E-waste… why so much junk? с переводом.

E-waste… why so much junk?
Электронный мусор… почему так много рухляди?

There’s no doubt about it, electronic and electric goods make our lives much easier, but unfortunately there’s a(n) price to pay for this! As technology advances at a faster pace each year, appliances and gadgets quickly become outdated and people throw more of them out. Also, electronic equipment has become more available and cheaper, so people often replace their old computers and TVs instead of getting them repaired. This creates tons of electronic waste, or ‘e-waste’. In the USA alone people get rid of about 250 million computers a year and only 10% are recycled! Несомненно, электронные и электрические товары делают нашу жизнь легче, но, к сожалению, за это надо платить определенную цену! Так как каждый год технологии развиваются со все большей скоростью, приборы и гаджеты быстро устаревают, и люди все больше выкидывают их. Также электронное оборудование стало более доступным и дешевым, поэтому люди часто заменяют свои старые компьютеры и телевизоры, а не ремонтируют их. Это создает тонны электронных отходов, иначе говоря ‘e-waste’. Только в США люди избавляются от примерно 250 миллионов компьютеров в год, и только 10% из них вторично перерабатываются!
So what’s the big deal? Well, unfortunately e-waste contains over a thousand chemicals, many of which are very toxic. Most e-waste currently ends up in landfills where chemicals and heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, chromium and mercury gradually leak into the soil which can eventually cause great harm to people. Some e-waste is burnt, but this releases toxic gases into the air. When e-waste is simply dumped in landfills it can emit poisonous fumes. It can also leak dangerous chemicals into the soil which can affect the food chain. Ну так в чем же проблема? Итак, к сожалению, электронный мусор содержит свыше тысячи химических веществ, многие из которых ядовиты. В настоящее время большинство электронного мусора оказывается на свалках, где химические вещества и тяжелые металлы, такие как свинец, кадмий, хром и ртуть постепенно просачиваются в почву, что может в конце концов причинять большой вред людям. Некоторый электронный мусор сжигается, но от этого происходят ядовитые газы в воздухе. Когда электронный мусор просто сбрасывается в свалки, то от него могут исходить ядовитые испарения. От него также могут просачиваться в почву ядовитые химикаты, которые могут влиять на пищевую цепочку.
Fortunately, all is not lost! Manufacturers are starting to encourage more recycling and reduce the number of toxic chemicals they use. Also, many countries have signed treaties to stop the exporting of e-waste to other countries. But there are things you can do to help solve this problem, too. Just remember the 3Rs -REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE! К счастью, не все потеряно! Производители начинают больше стимулировать переработку и сокращать количество ядовитых веществ, которые они используют. Также многие страны подписали соглашения по прекращению экспорта в другие страны электронного мусора. Но есть вещи, которые и вы тоже можете сделать, чтобы решить эту проблему. Просто запомните три R: Reduce (уменьшать, сокращать), Reuse (повторно использовать), Recycle (перерабатывать).

Источник: Spotlight, 9 класс

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Переработка мусора/ Litter Recycling с переводом на русский язык.

Litter Recycling Переработка мусора
We all know that today our environment is endangered but not everyone knows how to deal with this situation. Because of our careless actions there are many kinds of pollution happening around. One of the most urgent problems of today’s society is littering, which causes water, soil and air pollution. Unfortunately, there are still many people who don’t know how to cope with this problem. Все мы знаем, что сегодня окружающая среда находится под угрозой, но не каждый знает, что делать в этой ситуации. Из-за неосторожных действий людей вокруг происходят разные виды загрязнений. Одна из самых острых проблем современного общества – мусор, который вызывает загрязнение воды, почвы и воздуха. К сожалению, большое количество людей не знают, как с этой проблемой бороться.
Not all the wastes are biodegradable, some of them need to be recycled. Nowadays we have plenty of factories where they recycle rubbish such as plastic, cloth, glass and so on. All we need to do is to separate glass, paper and plastic. By this we already do a great job and help our planet a lot. I know that there are some ecological organizations that arrange rubbish collection, they even make competitions in that. They are also here to teach people how to deal with wastes and make them aware how harmful it is for the environment. Не все отходы биоразлагаемы, некоторые из них нужно перерабатывать. В наше время существует большое количество заводов по переработке мусора, такого как пластик, ткань, стекло и т.д. Все, что нам нужно делать – это разделять стекло, бумагу и пластик. Этим мы уже делаем большую работу и очень помогаем нашей планете. Я знаю, что существуют экологические организации, которые организуют сбор мусора и даже устраивают соревнования. Они также учат людей, как бороться с мусором и рассказывают, как вреден мусор для окружающей среды.
Every day people around the world use millions of plastic bags and bottles and then throw them away which is very harmful for soil. Instead of that we can use the same bags when we go shopping and not buy new ones, or refill bottles with water. People buy things they don’t need instead of giving a new life to the old ones. For example instead of buying shorts you can just cut your jeans, or you can use your old T-shirt for mopping the floor. You can give your clothes to second hand shops or buy clothes there yourself. We have so many unnecessary things at home, which then go to the rubbish bin. Instead of that everything can be given for charity or to your friends who will probably need these things. Каждый день люди по всему миру используют миллионы пакетов и пластиковых бутылок, а затем выбрасывают их, что вредит почве. Вместо этого можно использовать старые пакеты, когда мы ходим в магазин, а не покупать новые, или наполнять бутылки водой. Люди покупают ненужные вещи вместо того, чтобы давать новую жизнь старым. Например, вместо того, чтобы покупать шорты, можно обрезать старые джинсы, или можно использовать старую футболку в качестве тряпки для пола. Можно отдавать свои вещи в магазины секонд-хэнд, или покупать их себе. У нас дома так много ненужных вещей, которые мы затем выбрасываем. Вместо этого, можно отдать их на благотворительность или своим друзьям, которым они, возможно, пригодятся.
“Reduce, reuse, recycle” is a good rule for every person. «Сокращай, используй вновь, перерабатывай» – хорошее правило для каждого человека.

E-Waste Essay: In modern times, every household owns a computer, i-pad, television, cell phones. In short ‘screens’ of myriad sizes, are in front of our eyes all the time. Today, three out of four Indians possess mobile phones. One out of every five people has access to computers. The unavoidable consequence is that the nation of more than a billion individuals is generating tonnes of dangerous ‘electronic waste’.

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Long and Short Essays on E-Waste for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘E-Waste’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on E-Waste of 400-500 words. This long essay about E-Waste is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on E-Waste of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on E-Waste 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on E-Waste of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

E- waste or electronic waste refers to discarded electronic products ranging from computers, equipment of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), home appliances and peripherals of these devices. The rapid boom in the IT industry has led to a surge in the usage of electronic gadgets. The latter get out-of-fashion and redundant at a fast pace, as a result of which they are discarded more frequently. This generates large amounts of toxic e-wastes.

E-wastes comprise a witch’s mix of hazardous chemicals like cadmium, lead, mercury, poly-chlorinated biphenyls, besides plastics and glass. These contents leach into the soil from landfills and contaminate water bodies. E-wastes when burnt, also release poisonous gases in air.

E-wastes if not handled properly, can cause serious health hazards. According to National Centre for Biotechnology Information, these risks include silicosis, cuts from Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) glass, inhalation of mercury, tin and lead compounds from circuit boards, acid contact with eyes and skin, and circulatory failure.

E-waste has woven a large informal sector in Indian cities that is involved in segregation and dismantling electronic items. Lamington road or Crawford market in Mumbai, SP market in Bengaluru and Nehru Place, Seelampur or Seemapuri in Delhi, all are hubs of e-waste disposal sites. Mumbai tops the list of e-waste generating cities, followed by Delhi and Bengaluru.

Ten states in India generate 70% of the total e-waste. Among developing nations, India is one of the largest producers of e-waste. Also, India is the destination for many developed nations to ship out their own e-wastes. However, it has been found that dismantling units in India are poorly equipped, as a result of which less than 5% of the e-waste gets recycled. Also, workers here work in dangerous conditions, without any protection or safety measures.

In 2012, Government passed the E-waste Management and Handling Rules Law, which states that agencies must have licenses and comply with pollution standards, and labour laws. A fine of upto ₹ 1 lakh and jail of upto 7 years would be announced on the violators.

E-Waste Essay

Short Essay on E-Waste 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on E-Waste is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

The consumers must also take responsibility for their own old electronic goods. They must ensure that their e-waste is deposited at authorised collection centres, or recyclers certified by Central Pollution Control Board and Union Ministry of Environment and Forests.

Education, awareness and safety gears must be provided to the poor workers, who earn their livelihood in this sector. E-wastes is one of the most harmful of all wastes that we generate. It is the inevitable and unwelcome gift of modern technology. Let us pledge to dispose them in the most environment friendly way, so as to cause least damage to Mother Earth.

E-Waste Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Myriad – of an indefinitely great number, innumerable
  • Dismantle – to disassemble or pull down, take apart
  • Consequence – the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier
  • Hub – a centre around which other things revolve or from which they radiate, a focus of activity, authority, commerce, transportation, etc
  • Peripheral – near the surface or outside of, external
  • Surge – rise
  • Pledge – a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something
  • Redundant – being in excess

Table of Contents

What is e-waste? And how do we dispose of it?

E-waste is electronic products that are unwanted, not working, and nearing or at the end of their “useful life.” Computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines are everyday electronic products.

The ongoing challenge of how best to dispose of used and unwanted electronics isn’t a new one and dates back at least to the 1970s. But a lot has changed since then, particularly the number of electronics being discarded today.

We also have something else today: a term for this issue. After several terms got suggested, including “Digital rubbish,” a consensus formed around the simple word “e-waste.”

E-waste Defined

E-waste is any electrical or electronic equipment that’s been discarded. This includes working and broken items that are thrown in the garbage or donated to a charity reseller like Goodwill. Often, if the item goes unsold in the store, it will be thrown away. E-waste is particularly dangerous due to toxic chemicals that naturally leach from the metals inside when buried.

what is e waste collection GLEC

List of Common E-waste Items:

Home Appliances

  • Microwaves
  • Home Entertainment Devices
  • Electric cookers
  • Heaters
  • Fans

Communications and Information Technology Devices

  • Cell phones
  • Smartphones
  • Desktop Computers
  • Computer Monitors
  • Laptops
  • Circuit boards
  • Hard Drives

Home Entertainment Devices

  • DVDs
  • Blu Ray Players
  • Stereos
  • Televisions
  • Video Game Systems
  • Fax machines
  • Copiers
  • Printers

Electronic Utilities

  • Massage Chairs
  • Heating Pads
  • Remote Controls
  • Television Remotes
  • Electrical Cords
  • Lamps
  • Smart Lights
  • Night Lights
  • Treadmills
  • FitBits
  • Smart Watches
  • Heart Monitors
  • Diabetic Testing Equipment

Office and Medical Equipment

  • Copiers/Printers
  • IT Server Racks
  • IT Servers
  • Cords and Cables
  • WiFi Dongles
  • Dialysis Machines
  • Imaging Equipment
  • Phone & PBX systems
  • Audio & Video Equipment
  • Network Hardware (i.e. servers, switches, hubs, etc.)
  • Power Strips & Power Supplies
    Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS Systems)
  • Power Distribution Systems (PDU’s)
  • Autoclave
  • Defibrillator

Leftover ‘New’ Technology

Today, though, a growing amount of e-waste is not considered to be products that have stopped working or become obsolete.

Technological advances are coming at us at such a dizzying speed that a lot of electronic devices that still work fine are the ones considered obsolete.

Think of the many VCR players that got replaced when the DVD player hit the market, and now the DVD players getting replaced by Blu-ray players. If a product is powered electronically and someone thinks they can create a better version, that contributes to e-waste.

And we care about this because, for years now, unwanted electronic devices have been filling landfills across the globe. In the U.S. alone, the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that up to 60 million metric tons of e-waste end up in landfills every year.

E-waste Hides Toxic Materials

While above ground, modern electronics are safe to use and be around. However, most electronics contain some form of toxic materials, including beryllium, cadmium, mercury, and lead, which pose serious environmental risks to our soil, water, air, and wildlife.

When E-waste gets buried at a landfill, it can dissolve in microscopic traces into the gross sludge that permeates at the landfill. Eventually, these traces of toxic materials pool into the ground below the landfill. This is known as leaching.

The more E-waste and metals at the landfill, the more of these trace toxic materials show up in the groundwater.

Leeching Poisons Nearby Water

The problem is that there is so, so much E-waste that the trace amounts have ballooned over the years. That toxic water under the landfill doesn’t stop below the landfill. It continues to the groundwater and the sources to all the freshwater in the surrounding area.

Not only is this bad for anyone using a natural well, but it hurts the nearby wildlife. That, in turn, causes the wildlife to get sick from lead, arsenic, cadmium, and other metal poisonings due to the high concentration of these minerals.

Mining For New Metals Causes This Too

Not only is this a problem for E-waste in landfills, but this is a side effect of mining for new sources of metal too.

Having an environmentally-friendly source of recycled metal is better for the environment than a company digging up new sources of ore. Every time you recycle your electronics, you are preventing your E-waste from leaching toxic metals into your groundwater. But you’re also preventing it from happing at a mine somewhere else.

How You Can Help

Fortunately, there’s a proven solution. The recycling of e-waste serves a lot of useful purposes. For instance, include protecting human and environmental health by keeping those devices out of landfills. Or recovering the parts within the devices that still have value, and providing manufacturers with recycled metals that can be used to make new products.

Virtually all electronic waste contains some form of recyclable material. That includes materials like plastic, glass, and metals, which is why they may be considered “junk” or “obsolete” to consumers but still serve an essential purpose. It’s ironic, in some ways, that these devices are called “e-waste,” since they’re not waste at all. But in far too many instances, they are thrown away.

With electronic recyclers like GLEC, we have a solution. The challenge is getting recycling rates, still stubbornly low, to increase.

E-waste Problems

The definition of e-waste is likely to keep expanding. In an era of rapid technological advancement, more and more highly sophisticated electronic goods are being invented and manufactured. Just think of the concept of the “smart home.” It’s easy to recognize how many electronic devices can now do everything from offer security to turning lights on and off, to having fresh coffee ready before we wake up.

Unfortunately, a skyrocketing amount of e-waste is being written off by owners as junk. There’s no more significant example of that than computers, laptops, and smartphones.

New models arrive even as the current one appears to be working just fine. Despite that, the latest version always provides additional features that make it seem too enticing to resist.

So in answer to the question, “What is e-waste?” a good response today might be, “It depends.”

The technology innovators continue to create electric devices designed to make our lives easier and more convenient in every conceivable way. Still, we seem all too susceptible to quickly pitching the machines we already have. It doesn’t matter how satisfied we’ve been with them up until now.

How Did We Get to This Point?

Great Lakes Electronics what is e waste collection

In 1976, Congress first addressed the issue of hazardous waste disposal with the passage of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. This act sets standards for protecting human health and the natural environment from the potential hazards of waste disposal.

One of the goals of the law was to ensure the management of waste in an environmentally sound manner.

The next major step was the Basel Convention in March 1989, an international treaty designed to reduce the movements of hazardous waste between nations and prevent the transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less-developed countries.

One thing that’s grown significantly since then has been the e-waste recycling industry. This industry has the most proven way of keeping e-waste out of landfills or from being burned in incinerators.

The recycling industry has been devoted to taking reusable parts from discarded electronic devices and recycling them for the benefit of local businesses and manufacturers.

As the amount of e-waste keeps rising, so has this industry, which today creates hundreds of thousands of jobs across the world by recycling the electronics we no longer want.

So much of what’s in e-waste still has value. Circuit boards contain valuable metals like silver, tin, gold, palladium, and copper.

Hard drives can be shredded and processed into aluminum ingots for use in the automotive industry.

In 1991, the first electronic waste recycling system was implemented in Switzerland with the introduction of a system to collect refrigerators. Other electric and electronic devices got added to the system in later years.

A decade later, the European Union implemented a similar system called the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive to establish e-waste recycling requirements for member nations.

In the U.S., there are no federal laws governing e-waste, although 25 states have their own e-waste rules.

Is “e-waste” clearly defined?

The term “e-waste” usually applies to consumer and business electronic equipment that’s no longer wanted, but that contains material that renders them hazardous when placed in landfills.

But we know that every year, the list of e-waste items gets longer – and longer. In January, when the Consumer Electronics Show opened in Las Vegas, there was a steady stream of new product announcements, like the one by Audio Technica. A Japanese company that unveiled two new wood-based, belt-drive turntables, the AT-LPW40TN, and AT-LPW30TK, created to deliver high-fidelity audio performances.

At the same show, TCL Communication debuted a brand new Alcatel smartphone with a Full View Display.

Other new devices on the market today include FXD, which can instantly diagnose car problems when your “Check Engine Light” comes on. Or, the KeySmart Pro, which is an organizer providing a better way to organize and carry your keys. And HeatBuddy, an energy-efficient plug-in heater for any room in the house, that’s small and compact.

And new ideas keep coming. And each one likely means something else that we’ve relied on in the past will become “obsolete.”

The Dangers of E-waste

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health risks may result from direct contact with toxic materials that leach from e-waste. These include minerals such as lead, cadmium, chromium, brominated flame retardants, or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Danger can come from inhalation of the toxic fumes, as well as from the accumulation of chemicals in soil, water, and food.

This puts not just people in danger but land and sea animals as well. In developing countries, the risks are exceptionally high because some developed countries send their e-waste there. Studies have shown this global e-waste has detrimental effects on the people that work with the e-waste but also the people that live around it.

Because of this, a proper recycling process needs to be put in place to protect us and future generations.

E-waste Disposal

e waste collection with Great Lakes Electronics

Since we know consumers will keep buying new devices, it’s important to keep reinforcing that message that we need to recycle the older models, not throw them out.

There are serious environmental risks if we send our electronics to a landfill. In contrast, recycling provides considerable benefits to our environment.

The solution is to turn those devices over to an experienced firm like Great Lakes Electronics Corporation, which has years of experience performing environmentally friendly recycling of electronic products.

The process is simple: gather your old and unused electronics like you would your garbage. A trash can or bin is perfect for this. For larger appliances, you usually want to gather them along with your smaller electronics in a garage. Then, bring them into Great Lakes Electronics. For consumers, the scheduled drop off day is Friday between the hours of 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. For businesses, give us a call at (586) 759-5000 to arrange pick-up service or to schedule a delivery.

Beyond The Environment – Data Security

Other than helping the environment, businesses are starting to wake up to the dangers of throwing away electronics. In an era where phishing scams are the biggest security threat for your business, most overlook their trash, putting them at risk.

How E-waste Results in Data Theft

You may have heard before that critical documents, and serial numbers need to be shredded before you throw them out. You probably know this is to stop someone from stealing your identity or signing up for a credit card with your information. Throwing out, or donating, a smartphone or laptop isn’t much different.

For both businesses and consumers, the hard drive inside your computer, or the memory stick inside your smartphone is a significant liability. All someone has to do is plug it into a new computer. There are dozens of methods of disposal, but most of them aren’t perfect. Physical destruction or dismantling of your electronics is the only sure-fire way to get it done. However, it should be done by a professional–modern laptop and smartphone batteries can explode if heavily damaged or dismantled incorrectly.

So why is this important for a business?

Businesses can be held liable for the security of their clients and employee’s data being misused or stolen. Throwing out or donating your old business electronics can be a legal liability because of it.

We created a guide that you can follow on how to prepare your business electronics the next time you’re planning to upgrade the office computers.

Great Lakes Electronics Corporation – E-waste Recyclers

The team at Great Lakes Electronics Corporation will disassemble these items into parts, and the ones that still have value can be sold for reuse. Other parts are used for metals recovery. Everything within your devices gets recycled. To learn more, contact Great Lakes Electronics Corporation at 888-392-7831 today.

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  • So, not to lose my time, I started surfing the Net looking for companies resp...

    15 слайд

    So, not to lose my time, I started surfing the Net looking for companies responsible for e-waste recycling.

  • I downloaded search for « Office equipment  recycling companies in Engels». S...

    16 слайд

    I downloaded search for « Office equipment recycling companies in Engels». Some sites dealing with the issue appeared on the screen. I called then one after another. In some offices nobody answered me. Some companies explained they were already out of this business.

  • When I was about to lose my hope to get the answer to my question and give up...

    17 слайд

    When I was about to lose my hope to get the answer to my question and give up, I called «The leading Recycling Company», it was one of the last on the list.

  • Here is our conversation.

The script of the phone call:
- Hello!

    18 слайд

    Here is our conversation.

    The script of the phone call:
    — Hello!
    -Can you help me?
    -How is e-waste recycled in our town?
    -Who are you? Would you introduce yourself, please? Are you the head of the company, or are you the person in charge?
    -I`m Julia Safonova, a student of gymnasia № 8. I`m working at the project on environmental problems.

  • -What do you want to learn from us, Julia? 
-I`d like to know, how exactly e-...

    19 слайд

    -What do you want to learn from us, Julia?
    -I`d like to know, how exactly e-waste is recycled.
    -Why do you want to know that?
    -I need it for my project.
    -What for?
    -For the conference.
    -For the conference? You know, go to the site of «The leading Recycling Company». All the procedure is represented there.
    -Is it the official site?
    -Yes, it is.
    -Thank you very much
    -You`re welcome.
    -Good bye!
    -Good bye!

  • This is the video I found on the site ( http://www.utilizaciya.com)...

    20 слайд

    This is the video I found on the site ( http://www.utilizaciya.com)

    Of course, the company is commercial. But looking through the price-list I discovered that the cost isn`t high. It is acceptable. And besides some free of charge certain actions take place.

  • To sum it up, I`d like to emphasise that all the goals of the project have be...

    21 слайд

    To sum it up, I`d like to emphasise that all the goals of the project have been fullfilled.Now we know that we can`t just throw away our old TV sets, phones, computers ( they are dangerous for our environment). We should call the companies in charge.
    This is their site-http://www.utilizaciya.com and these are their telephone numbers: 8(343)237-2-732; 8 ( 800) 333-03-96.

  • It was very educational and exciting work. I`ve never thought that the projec...

    22 слайд

    It was very educational and exciting work. I`ve never thought that the project on ecology can be so challenging.

  • References1.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_waste 

    23 слайд

    3. http://www.eforgood.org/
    4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/panorama/hi/front_page/newsid_9483000/9483148.stm
    5. http://www.dosomething.org/actnow/tipsandtools/11-facts-about-e-waste

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Отходы электроники. Почему так много хлама?
А. Нет сомнений, что электронные и электрические товары делают нашу жизнь намного легче, но, к сожалению, за это приходится платить! По мере развития технологий всё более быстрыми темпами, каждый год, приборы и устройства быстро устаревают и люди выбрасывают их. Кроме того, электронное оборудование стало более доступным и дешевым, поэтому люди часто заменяют свои старые компьютеры и телевизоры вместо того, чтобы их отремонтировать. Это создает тонн отходов электроники, или «электронных отходов». Только в США люди избавляются от около 250 миллионов компьютеров в год и только 10% из них перерабатываются!

B. Так в чем же проблема? К сожалению, электронные отходы содержат более тысячи химических веществ, многие из которых являются очень токсичными. Большинство электронных отходов в настоящее время выбрасываются на свалки, где химические вещества и тяжелые металлы, такие как свинец, кадмий, хром и ртуть постепенно просачиваются в почву, которая в конечном итоге может причинить большой вред людям. Некоторые электронные отходы сжигают, из-за чего выбрасывается много токсичных газов в воздух. Когда электронные отходы просто сбрасываются на свалки, они могут выделять ядовитые газы. Также могут протекать опасные химические вещества в почву, что может повлиять на пищевую цепь.

C. К счастью, не все потеряно! Производители начинают поощрять утилизацию и уменьшают количество токсичных химических веществ при производстве. Кроме того, многие страны подписали договоры, чтобы остановить экспорт электронных отходов в другие страны. Но есть вещи, которые вы можете сделать, чтобы помочь решить эту проблему тоже. Только запомните 3 слова — сокращение, повторное использование, переработка!

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