Environment егэ speaking

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In this post, you will see one of the most common IELTS speaking topics for part 3 (The Environment) and sample answers.

Please remember that in the actual test you should give honest answers and talk about your own experiences, thoughts, feelings and opinions. Do not try to memorise answers, as the examiners will probably be able to guess and you will lose marks.

However, you are able to make up information to extend your answers, but be sure that you are confident when speaking about the chosen topic and that it is believable.

TIP >> Listen to the questions the examiner asks you and think about the structure of the question. Are they asking your for your opinion? or to say how something has changed from the past to the present?

TIP >> Learn about the most commonly asked question types used in the part 3 questions. This will help you to identify how you should respond and what to look out for when you are practising.

TIP >> It is common for many people to say ‘I don’t know’ or to lose focus when they get a question they know little about. Always answer the questions and if you feel as though you don’t know about the topic, then buy yourself some time by saying; ‘I haven’t really thought about that before…. but in my opinion……’ then give your opinion, etc. 

TIP >> Don’t try to answer the questions as quickly as possible, take your time and answer them to the best of your ability. Give your opinion, the reasoning behind it and support with specific examples. 

Take a look at the questions and sample answers below on the topic of ‘The Environment‘ >>

Q. What causes environmental problems?

A: I think that there are many things that are harming the environment, including greenhouse gases, fossil fuels and pollution. One of the main causes that I have an interest in is pollution caused by plastic. This is a huge issue that is making the environment suffer, on beaches, in the sea and in other places. People not choosing to use reusable shopping bags is having a huge effect on the amount of plastic that is going to waste.

Q. What should the government do to protect the environment?

A: In my opinion, they should make more incentives for people to learn about how they can help at an individual level. If they could educate people and make more rules about recycling or using plastic bags, then perhaps we would see a difference. I read in the news recently about how Kenya has passed a law, making it illegal to use plastic bags. In the UK they have a price for a plastic bag. But maybe this type of law, making them illegal should be implemented everywhere. The governments should unite and work together to combat these problems before it is too late. 

Q. What should we do to protect the environment?

A: Obviously we all have a responsibility to do something to prevent the deterioration of the environment. Ever little bit that we can do as individuals could help, for example by recycling our household waste, donating clothes to charity, going on litter clean-ups and using reusable shopping bags. I always use cotton bags for my grocery shopping instead of plastic bags and recycle as much as I can. 

Q. What other measures can you think of to protect the environment?

A: We can all do something to help, for instance, get together with groups of friends to collect litter from beaches or other public places. We can also walk or cycle more, rather than driving, use less electricity, recycle waste and limit the use of plastic bags. On a wider level, the government should impose more laws that protect the environment.

Q. How should we educate children to protect the environment?

A: Children should be taught in school about the effects of things we do that can be harmful to the environment. They can complete projects and work together to learn about how to recycle and the importance of it. They could also complete work outside, looking at how to preserve wildlife, plants and flowers. It is really important that they learn about this at an early age so that they can grow up with some awareness of the impact their actions can have. 

Q. What’s the difference between the old and the young as regards environmental protection?

A: In my view, I think that older people seem to be more aware and have a larger concern about protecting the environment, whereas younger people are very self-obsessed nowadays. They are more interested in looking at their social media apps and taking selfies, than about caring for the environment. Older people run groups that meet and pick up litter, clean beaches of plastic waste and run charity events. Some younger people may also do these things, but most are too self-involved to actually do something that can make a difference.

IELTS Speaking: Nature & Environment

Part 1

Part 1 Questions with Sample Answers

Yes, definitely. Air and water pollution are huge issues in the modern world… The air pollution problem is especially grave due to the increasing amount of exhaust fumes, which are produced by cars, and result into a poor air quality.

A lot of things… First of all, I don’t litter. Also, my family and I try to buy only environmentally friendly goods whenever we can… And finally, I try to save trees… I print on both sides of every sheet of paper I use, and use any leftover white space to scribble notes.

Yes, of course! Last year I participated in an event in my hometown, which was all about preserving nature… We were taught about the greenhouse effect and I learned about many endangered species in the world.

Absolutely yes, the most common environmental issue in my hometown is exhaust emissions produced by cars and motorbikes which have been afflicting the air and water quality. The government is struggling to deal with the problem.

Of course yes. As a city person, I barely have a opportunity to experience the natural environment. Then whenever I have a holiday, I really prefer to go to the far-off destination, so I could get closer to the nature and discover the natural world.

Yes we do. We always turn off the lights or electronic appliances when they are unnecessary. Although this is minor action, but I believe that it could make significantly contribution to the environment.

  • Do you recycle? What kinds of things do you recycle?

  • Apart from recycling, what can each of us do to help protect the environment?

  • Do you ever litter?

  • Is there a big litter problem in your area?

  • Is pollution a big problem where you live?

  • Are you concerned about protecting the environment?

  • Is it really possible for one person to make a difference in terms of helping protect the environment?

  • Why should we try to protect the environment – why is it important?

  • Is pollution a problem in your area?

  • What do you do to help protect your local environment?
  • What kinds of things do you recycle?
  • How often do you recycle?
  • Do you ever throw rubbish on the ground?
IELTS Speaking: Nature & Environment

Part 2

Describe an environmental problem which is present in the city where you live.

You should say:

  • what has caused this problem
  • what effect it has on the city
  • what solutions have been provided to it

and suggest some more measures to solve it.

Describe something you do regularly that helps protect the environment

You should say:

  • what it is
  • how often you do it
  • what it involves

and explain how it helps protect the environment.

  • Are you happy with the amount you recycle?
  • In what other ways do you think you could help protect the environment?
  • Do you really care about protecting the environment? Why / why not?
  • What kinds of human activities have damaged the environment?
  • What consequences does the damage we have done to the environment have for wild animals?
  • Are we more aware of environmental issues than we used to be?
  • What is the biggest environmental problem we are faced with today?
  • Is there a way to encourage companies to become more environmentally friendly?

Describe a time you saw a rare or endangered animal.

You should say:

  • what type of animal you saw
  • where you saw the animal
  • what the animal looked like and how it behaved

and explain how seeing this animal made you feel.

  • Have you ever volunteered to help protect wild animals or do something for the environment? (Would you like to?)
  • What very endangered species of animals can you think of? (Do you know why they are endangered?)
  • Would you like to work with wild animals?
  • Would you like to be a conservationist (someone whose job involves trying to protect the environment)?

Part 3

Well … the climate change is a real issue … in my country we have flash floods and heatwaves on a yearly basis … so yes … I think global warming is the biggest issue.

There are so many examples … there are factories that empty toxic waste into rivers and oceans … oil spills that damage the coastline …  the way we destroy vast areas of land and rain forests in search of fossil fuels or to increase agricultural production …

Well … on the one hand there are various worldwide agencies that are always the first on the scene with humanitarian aid  after  natural  and man-made disasters … and on the other hand we have environmental pressure groups that are constantly raising awareness of issues and trying to stop disasters happening …

I don’t know if it’s due to global warming or not but the weather in my country is certainly changing … we’ve been getting quite mild winters lately … the temperatures are sometimes below freezing but only occasionally … and then during the summer it can get boiling hot with a lot of older people even suffering from heatstroke.

  • Tell me about some environmental problems that are affecting countries these days?
  • What do you consider to be the world’s worst environmental disaster caused by humans?
  • Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or the government? Explain.
  • Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems?
  • What measures does your government take to protect natural scenery? Do you think it is effective? 
  • Do you think that banning plastic bags is a good idea?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid cars?
  • If you could choose one alternative energy source to develop which one would you choose? Why?
  • In what ways do alternative fuels benefit society?
  • Do older people in your country have the same attitudes towards the environment as young people?
  • Why do some people not consider environmental problems to be serious?
  • Do you think there will be more environmental disasters caused by humans in the future?
  • What do you think your country’s environment will be like in the future (e.g., 20 or 50 years in the future)


Sample answers

Sample questions and answers  from speaking part 1, 2 and  3

Key vocabulary

Words and terms frequently used  when talking about environment

Word formation

Learn how to use  wide variety of parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives


Find out groups of words that usually used together by native speakers

Useful resources

References to teaching and authentic materials related to this topic: IELTS blogs, podcasts, videos and articles


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Environment: Sample questions and answers for IELTS speaking exam

Part 1

  1. Which country are you from?

– I am from the Philippines, an archipelagic country that is comprised by many islands. The country has 7,107 islands and that is why people who live there have a diverse set of culture and languages.

  1. Where is this country located?

– The Philippines is located in Southeast Asia situated in the Western Pacific Ocean.

  1. Which part of the country do most people live in?

-I The bulk of the country’s population is in Metro Manila, a region which houses the primary business centers and the seat of government.

  1. What are the main industries in your country?

-The Philippines is traditionally an agricultural country, but the economy has been transitioning into industries that emphasizes on services and manufacturing.

5. What kind of weather do you dislike?

-I do not like the extreme heat of summer, but do you know what I disliked more? A humid weather; at least in the summer you could sweat off the heat, but in a humid environment, the effectiveness of sweating in cooling the body is reduced by reducing the rate of evaporation of moisture from the skin.

6. Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold country?

-I was born in a tropical country, my body had adapted to it. Well, at least in a hot country, I could enjoy eating ice cream.

7. What is the best/worst weather for traveling in?

-In my opinion, the best weather to travel is in a slight rainy season. Why? Because it is the off season, less traffic jam, lower prices for tickets and food and you don’t have to compete with other tourists in terms of time by falling in line on order to enjoy a tourist site.

The worst weather to travel in is of course the typhoon season. Because it is safe to stay indoors and to avoid flooded areas, establishments are closed and flights get cancelled.

Part 2

Describe an environmental problem that has occurred in your country. You should say:

  • The cause of the problem
  • What effect it has had on your country
  • The steps, if any, that have been taken to solve this
  • Explain why you think this problem is so important to solve.

If there is an environmental problem that I would like to talk about, it would be the excessive pollution of waterways, rivers and canals. It was caused by the irresponsible disposal of wastes by the factories, industries and the people who live near the bodies of water.

The pollution of the rivers was the effect of prolonged abuse and neglect. The rivers were considered biologically dead, which means no fish left to catch and less food to eat. Boats could not travel because of the density of the debris of floating plastic wastes; the rivers emit a foul stench and the waters are toxic which house a number of bacteria that could cause different diseases.

In the 90’s, the government started to create a rehabilitation program for the rivers and waterways, unfortunately they failed to displace the main polluters-the illegal settlers near the river, simply because they have their “human rights”.

The problem is important to solve simply because water is life. It is the circulatory system of the world, water enabled life forms to survive and we need other life forms in order to survive.

Part 3

  1. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?

Of course not! I think it is everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment. Sure, the government has the power to enact laws and craft policies but how good is the law if nobody respects it.

We simply could not go on with our lives throwing our wastes irresponsibly and expect the government to just clean it up. There is nothing left to clean up in the first place if only we dispose things properly, it wastes both time and resources.

  1. What measures can individuals take to protect the environment?

There are a lot of ways on how individuals can do to protect the environment some of them are:

  • Turn off appliances when you are not using them.
  • Recycle and segregate your biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste or better yet avoid creating trash by avoiding disposable products.
  • Minimize your water and electricity consumption.
  • Use a fuel-efficient car or if you are traveling in short distances, take a walk or ride a bicycle.

These are just small things we can do to change our lifestyles, imagine millions of other people doing the same thing. It can gradually make a difference.

  1. Do you think large companies and business organizations should be more environmentally friendly? Why? How?

Development is good; sometimes it is a necessity to survive in today’s world. Businesses need profit, but they should not do so at the expense of the environment. Sustainable development is the key, the needs of the present has to be met without compromising the ability of future generations to sustain life in this planet.

Key vocabulary: Definitions and examples

to recycle

to use objects or matrerials again after processing by converting waste into reusable material

It is possible to recycle cardboard into lower grade materials, such as paper

to  contaminate

to make something poisonous as a result of adding waste or chemical

The incentives strongly encourage oil companies to not contaminate the water supply

to endanger

put (someone or something) at risk or in danger

It is a criminal offence to  endanger the lives of the public by allowing the introduction of a contaminate into the mains supply.

air pollution

bad air quality that usually caused be harmful gases

According to a recent study, air pollution in Russia causes the death of approximately 4000 citizens per day or 1.6 million people per year.

soil pollution

the presence of toxic chemicals or man made waste in soil

Plastics do contribute to soil pollution.

water pollution

the presence of harmful materials in water, such as dissolved metals, waste from farms

Water pollution causes marine life to die.

to protect

keep safe from harm or injury

For more than 15 years, the nonprofit volunteer-run center has worked to educate the community to protect wildlife and their habitats.


The protection of a natural resource, usually by planned management, to prevent its depletion or destruction

I’ve decided to dedicate the rest of my life to environmental conservation.

toxic waste

waste products that are hazardous to the environment, people, animals

All of the military activity has left it a toxic waste hazard

greenhouse gas

a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by  trapping heat above the Earth

Here is a list of habits each one of us can form to help reduce greenhouse gas missions.


a person whose lifestyle, political etc choices are designed to minimise human impact on the natural environment

Environmentalists often encourage us to buy our foods from local sources. They say it is good for the environment

Word Formation






The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

to deplete


The clearance of trees and vegetation depletes the soil , resulting in decreasing agricultural yields .



There is no danger of long-term contamination.

to contaminate


The incentives strongly encourage oil companies to not contaminate the water supply



He is ill as a result of eating contaminated food



There are a few different ways that helping endangered species can be profitable

to endanger


There are a few different ways that helping endangered species can be profitable

to recycle


It is possible to recycle cardboard into lower grade materials, such as paper



Recycling is not only good for environment but it also creates so many jobs across many levels



Most businesses generate more  recyclable waste then residual waste.



Drastic carbon emission reductions would undoubtedly be better for the atmosphere and climate

to emit


The new car emits less than 160g/km CO2



More and more farmers move to the city as deforestation and agricultural  degradation become ever more widespread .

to degrade


Freshwater ecosystems have already been severely  degraded.



Most plastic is not biodegradable.



Even the  degradable plastics may break into fragments that litter the soil.



Water pollution causes marine life to die.



Intensive use of pesticides and fertilisers seriously  pollutes water, soil and air0



People are becoming more and more aware of the detrimental effects of living in heavily polluted areas



Energy conservation is important for many reasons



Our aim is  to minimise energy consumption and  conserve natural resources.



The creditors declined the  offer, preferring to realize the estate themselves. 

to dispose


The best way to dispose of the cell phone battery is to recycle it



Disposable razor blades get dull from water corrosion.



One of the most widespread natural  hazards is flooding.



Hazardous waste disposal can be a complicated process.



This could save the world from one of its biggest environmental threats.

to threaten


Always look for hazards that threaten the environment.



Energy conservation is important for many reasons.



Cities offer a far more sustainable lifestyle than suburban or rural areas.


ozone layer

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

toxic waste

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

endangered species

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

genetically modified

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

breeding in captivity

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

organic farming

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

fossil fuels

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

solar power

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

natural resources

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

wildlife conservation

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

global warming

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

conservation program

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

to get serious about climate change

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

genetic engineering

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

to get serious about climate change

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

to observe natural behaviour

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

animal rights activists

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

environmentally friendly

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

sustainable energy sources

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

fossil fuels

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

carbon emissions

The combined effects of overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will cause great economic losses.

























bring (in)
























a risk of pollution

a source of pollution














conservation of the environment

protection of the environment

damage to the environment

harmful to the environment



pollution of the environment

have an impact on environment



















dispose of


get rid of






reprocess deal with



cut down on














Useful resources


This topic on  IELTS blogs

  • IELTS Speaking Part 2: environment problem [ielts-simon.com]
  • IELTS SPEAKING part 1, 2 and 3 sample questions [ipassielts.com.com]
  • IELTS Environment vocabulary [ieltsspeaking.co.uk]


  • Star Talk Radio – Protecting Our Environment, with Gina McCarthy [Soundcloud]
  • Yale University – On The Environment [Soundcloud]
  • BBS Radio UK – Britain’s Environment: The Debate[BBC Website]


  • Is it too late for us to do anything about global climate change? [quora.com]
  • Everyday Things You Aren’t Recycling, But Should Be [HuffingtonPost.com]


  • Johan Rockstrom: Let the environment guide our development [TED TALKS]
  • James Hansen: Why I must speak out about climate change [TED TALKS]


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IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic Environment [Q&A, Band 9 Vocabulary]

Last updated on December 15th, 2022 at 01:06 am

In the IELTS Speaking Part-1 Environment topic, there will be a Question & Answer session between the candidate and the examiner with 5-6 questions at most.

The examiner will also ask some general questions at the beginning about the candidate, for instance, about where you live, where you work, study etc.

The questions that you need to answer are:

  1. Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?
  2. How can we protect the environment?
  3. Do you think you have done enough to protect the environment?
  4. Is there education about how to protect the environment at schools?
IELTS Speaking Part 1 - Environment questions and answers
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Environment questions and answers

I’ll definitely work for a company or organisation associated with environmental protection. As a matter of fact, from 2018-2020, I volunteered for Greenpeace in campaigning on worldwide issues such as climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and anti-nuclear issues.

I would love to work for an environmentally conscious organisation that uses sustainable practices to protect the environment. Climate change, global warming, air pollution, water pollution, waste management, and other environmental issues face our world. Natural calamities, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and cyclones, have become all too common in recent decades. Everyone, in my opinion, should actively participate in environmental protection.

2. How can we protect the environment?

We only have one planet on which we live. So its our moral obligation to adopt following practices and safeguard our mother earth:
☑️ Stop using bottled water
☑️ Conserving electricity or finding alternative energy sources
☑️ Using less petroleum products
☑️ Buying fresh organic produce such as vegetables etc.
☑️ Replacing plastic bags with reusable bags
☑️ Saving every drop of water
We should remember that a baby step from all of us can make a sea change in the environment.


There are many ways we can help the help environment and reduce our carbon footprint, such as:
✅ Use reusable cloth bags instead of single-use plastics.
✅ Recycle and compost.
✅ Unplug household appliances when you are not using them.
✅ Plant trees.
✅ Take local transportation instead of driving cars.
✅ Bike to work/college if possible.
✅ Use eco-friendly products.

3. Do you think you have done enough to protect the environment?

Honestly speaking, I don’t think I have done enough to preserve the environment. Although I’ve worked with Environmental NGO’s and played my part but I am still a laggard in my efforts. In the near future, I am going to ditch my car and start cycling to my office in order to reduce the carbon footprint.


I’ve recently begun tiny improvements at home, such as recycling, decreasing food waste, composting, and avoiding the use of plastics, but these are insufficient. One thing I need to do is begin carpooling with coworkers rather than driving my own car to work. I’d also like to invest in solar panels and energy-saving gadgets for my home.

4. Is there education about how to protect environment at schools?

Schools do have Environment as part of their study curriculum which is largely based on a theoretical framework. They should rather go for practical things like setting up a recycling system in the school cafeteria, planting a small organic garden that will provide fresh vegetables for the cafeteria. Allow the children to support local wildlife and reduce CO2 in the atmosphere by planting trees, shrubs and flowers in the school playground.


In Indian schools, environmental education is included in the curriculum. Children are the future, and they must be taught about environmental issues at a young age in order to grow up to be change agents in an environmentally conscious world.



IELTS Speaking Part-1 Questions & Answers

This IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic – ‘Environment’ with Band 9 sample answers will help you to improve your language skills instantly.

I hope you’ve now learnt how to answer these topics. However, it is strongly advised not to reproduce the same answer during a speaking examination, as it may be used by many of our readers on the site. You should rather reformulate and personalise your answer.

If you still have any doubts, post them in the comments.



  1. Why do people throw waste material on roads?

Simply because they don’t care. Those people have no idea about keeping streets clean or protecting the environment. They may think that it is a waste of time to find a trash bin while they can just throw the garbage on roads and someone such as a street cleaner will collect the waste later on. Besides, people might think that roads are not their personal properties so it’s not their responsibility to keep it clean.

  1. How can the government encourage people to keep their city clean?

Personally, I believe that the most important thing is to keep trash bins at all public places and at a proper distance on roads. The government should make sure that it would not take people too much time to find a trash bin so that it can be convenient for them to throw trash in the right place. Besides, the government should spend more money on raising public awareness of the importance of having a clean environment. They should give some examples of illnesses that people may suffer from if their surroundings are dirty.

  1. Do you think it is a good idea or bad idea to relocate factories far from cities?

Well, I think it would be amazing. You know, cities are so crowded already so if many factories are established here, the problem of pollution and overpopulation will become worse. Instead, if more factories are moved to rural areas, these problems will be more or less solved. Besides, living costs in small towns are much lower than in big cities so the life standard of factory workers will be improved. They can even save more money. So it is undoubtedly a great idea.

  1. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?

Of course not! I think it is everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment. Sure, the government has the power to enact laws and craft policies but how good is the law if nobody respects it.

We simply could not go on with our lives throwing our wastes irresponsibly and expect the government to just clean it up. There is nothing left to clean up in the first place if only we dispose things properly, it wastes both time and resources.

  1. What measures can individuals take to protect the environment?

There are a lot of ways on how individuals can do to protect the environment some of them are:

  • Turn off appliances when you are not using them.
  • Recycle and segregate your biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste or better yet avoid creating trash by avoiding disposable products.
  • Minimize your water and electricity consumption.
  • Use a fuel-efficient car or if you are traveling in short distances, take a walk or ride a bicycle.

These are just small things we can do to change our lifestyles, imagine millions of other people doing the same thing. It can gradually make a difference.

  1. Do you think large companies and business organizations should be more environmentally friendly? Why? How?

Development is good; sometimes it is a necessity to survive in today’s world. Businesses need profit, but they should not do so at the expense of the environment. Sustainable development is the key, the needs of the present has to be met without compromising the ability of future generations to sustain life in this planet.

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