Essay school uniform егэ

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий (38.1 или 38.2). Укажите его номер и выполните согласно данному плану. В ответе на задание 38 числительные пишите цифрами.

38.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on what teenagers in Zetland think about school uniform. You have found some data on the subject  — the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).

Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Opinions about school uniform Number of teenagers (%)
Enjoying to wear it 40
Having to wear it 24
Feeling no concern in wearing it 14
Feeling discomfort wearing it 13
Regarding it as outdated 9

Write 200−250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

— select and report 2−3 facts;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

— outline a problem one can face with wearing school uniform and suggest a way of solving it;

— conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the role of school uniform for students.

38.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on why online shopping is popular in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject  — the results оf the opinion polls (see the pie chart below).

Comment on the data in the diagram and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Why online shopping is popular in Zetland

Write 200−250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

— select and report 2−3 facts;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

— outline a problem that can arise with online shopping and suggest a way of solving it;

— conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the role of online shopping in our life.

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38.1 There have always been pros and cons of mandatory school uniforms, as some students like wearing it, whereas others prefer an individual look. While doing a project on what teenagers in Zetland think about school uniform, I found a diagram containing some relevant data that I am going to comment on.

According to the diagram, as much as 40% of the adolescents in Zetland enjoy wearing uniform at school. 24% of them have to wear it because it is a school rule. 9% of the respondents consider wearing school clothes old-fashioned.

The data analysis reveals that the number of teenagers (40%) who like wearing school uniform is 4,4 times as large as the number of those who find it outdated. It is not surprising, because wearing school uniform makes students feel like their school is one big team and can even reduce potential for bullying.

Although school uniform is a dress code and is still required by lots of schools, there are always students who struggle with wearing it, and this seems to be a problem. To solve this problem school authorities could organize a student design contest to create such an outfit that would satisfy all teenagers’ demands including colour, material and comfort preferences.

To conclude, I believe that wearing school uniform plays a significant role in students’ lives, as it is a badge of pride, creates an identity for a school and is an important part of being a school student. Wearing school uniform is practical, safe and helps learning concentration. (253 words)

38.2 Online shopping is becoming more and more popular as people discover its advantages. While doing a project on why online shopping is popular in Zetland, I found a diagram containing some relevant data that I am going to comment on.

The diagram shows that nearly one-third of the teenage boys and girls in Zetland, that is 32%, choose online shopping because the variety of products is enormous. Convenience of home shopping comes second in popularity with 28% of those polled. It can also be seen that only 6% of the Zetland youngsters prefer cybershopping because they don’t have to queue.

The data analysis reveals that online access to clear information about products, chosen by 12% of the respondents, is twice as popular with the young online customers as the lack of queues. At the same time lower prices are by 10% less preferable than the large assortment of the products available online. It is clear that not price but deversity is more significant.

Although online shopping tends to attract more and more customers, there is always a risk of fraud and this seems to be a great problem as one can lose the money paid without getting the desired product. The best solutions to this problem could be shopping at secure sites only and checking the reviews before buying anything even if the offer seems to be a real bargain.

In conclusion, I believe that online shopping will always play a big role in the lives of people who really value their time, because it has lots of benefits including free store-to-door delivery or discounts. (265 words)

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Критерии проверки:

Критерий Критерии оценивания ответа на задание Баллы
K1 Решение коммуникативной задачи

Задание выполнено полностью: содержание отражает полно и точно все аспекты, указанные в задании; стилевое оформление речи выбрано правильно (допускается 1 неполный/неточный аспект и 1 нарушение нейтрального стиля)


Задание выполнено в основном: 1 аспект не раскрыт остальные

раскрыты полно),

ИЛИ 1 аспект не раскрыт, и 1 раскрыт неполно/неточно,

ИЛИ 2–3 аспекта раскрыты неполно/неточно; стилевое оформление речи в основном правильно (допускаются 2–3 нарушения нейтрального стиля)


Задание выполнено не полностью: 1 аспект не раскрыт, и 2–3 раскрыты неполно/неточно,

ИЛИ 2 аспекта не раскрыты (остальные раскрыты полно),

ИЛИ 2 аспекта содержания не раскрыты и 1 раскрыт неполно/ неточно,

ИЛИ 4–5 аспектов раскрыты неполно/неточно; имеются ошибки в стилевом оформлении речи (допускаются 4 нарушения нейтрального стиля)


Задание не выполнено: все случаи, не указанные в оценивании на 1, 2 и 3 балла, ИЛИ ответ не соответствует требуемому объёму,

ИЛИ более 30% ответа имеет непродуктивный характер (т. е. текстуально совпадает с опубликованным источником)

K2 Организация текста

Высказывание логично, структура текста соответствует предложенному плану, текст правильно разделён на абзацы средства логической связи использованы правильно


Высказывание логично, структура текста соответствует предложенному плану, текст правильно разделён на абзацы, средства логической связи использованы правильно (допускается 1–3 ошибки)

В высказывании имеются 4–5 ошибок в организации текста

И/ИЛИ отсутствует вступление или заключение

В высказывании имеются 6 и более ошибок в организации текста,

И/ИЛИ отсутствует вступление и заключение,

И/ИЛИ предложенный план ответа полностью не соблюдается,

И/ИЛИ отсутствует деление на абзацы

K3 Лексика

Используемый словарный запас соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, практически нет нарушений использовании лексики (допускается 1 лексическая ошибка)


Используемый словарный запас соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, однако имеются 2–3 лексические ошибки,

ИЛИ словарный запас ограничен, но лексика использована правильно


Используемый словарный запас не вполне соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 4 лексические ошибки


Используемый словарный запас не соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 5 и более лексических ошибок

K4 Грамматика

Используемые грамматические средства соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, нарушений практически нет (допускаются 1–2 неповторяющиеся грамматические ошибки)


Используемые грамматические средства соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, однако в тексте имеются 3–4 грамматические ошибки


Используемые грамматические средства не вполне соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 5–7 грамматических ошибок


Используемые грамматические средства не соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, имеются 8 и более грамматических ошибок

K5 Орфография и пунктуация

Орфографические ошибки практически отсутствуют. Текст разделён на предложения с правильным пунктуационным оформлением (допускается 1 орфографическая ##И/ИЛИ 1 пунктуационная ошибка)


В тексте имеются 2–4 орфографические

И/ИЛИ пунктуационные ошибки


В тексте имеются 5 и более орфографических

И/ИЛИ пунктуационных ошибок

Максимальный балл 14

School Uniform Essay: People have long debated over the fact if school uniform is necessary. Many educational institutions impose the necessity of wearing school uniforms which has its benefits and disadvantages. Since both the advantages and disadvantages are based on solid ground, the debate on the necessity of school uniform is ongoing. We will discuss both the points, and you can assess if there is a solution to it.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on School Uniform for Students and Kids in English

We are providing children and students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short piece of 150 words on the topic “School Uniform” for reference.

Long Essay on School Uniform 500 Words in English

Long Essay on School Uniform is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

School uniforms are a tradition which has been going on for decades. There are continuous debates about the positive and the negative effects of schools imposing uniformity of clothes.

Schools are educational institutions where children go not only to learn textbooks but to grow as an overall human being. Schools also have the task of teaching children about the taste in clothes and tell them what is appropriate for what occasion.

School uniforms are a simple form of clothes for students during their stay at school during the school hours, and outside during official school activities. A school uniform is common in most of the schools. They have direct orders to wear the school uniform without fail.

School uniforms bring a certain beauty to the school students. Uniforms are practical since students do not need to fret about what to wear each new day. Besides, school uniform makes each student a part of the school. They are unified under their school name.

Other practicalities of school uniforms are things like it is easy to spot a child in their uniform. Hence, it is difficult for students to bunk school without being spotted by others in the street. Many students do not realize the practicality of school uniforms, and there are many.

Scientists believe that with school uniforms, children learn to appreciate and respect it as a part of the tradition and strive to uphold its sanctity. It helps students to be more organized and not get distracted from their lessons. Hence, it helps to increase their overall academic achievement.

School uniforms also instil a sense of belonging to their school and unite students. It helps to discipline students and maintain order. It is because they are not distracted by their unique clothing. It helps students to behave seriously within the walls of the institution as well as outside since they are aware that people will recognize their school uniform.

However, some people believe that there is no link between school uniform and academic achievement. Again, they argue that school uniforms impose uniformity and hence make students a mass of faceless children and without any individuality. Some also say that uniforms make children unimaginative since they cannot express themselves through their clothes.

You can now access Essay Writing on the topic School Uniform and many more topics.

On the other hand, school uniforms help to reduce conflicts between students which result from differences in their social status and class. It is difficult for students to gauge their peer’s financial condition if they are wearing school uniforms. But the other group maintains that students belonging to wealthy families try to show their status by wearing expensive accessories like watches, pens, etc. or perfumes, and such other things. In this case, the school uniform has no purpose.

It is difficult for low-income families to buy school uniforms every passing year, and it may create a strain in their budget. Hence, school uniforms are not cheap and can feel unnecessarily expensive for low-income families.

Hence, it isn’t easy to choose a side when it comes to the practicality of school uniforms. But, in my opinion, I cannot imagine my school without any uniform. Even though we may not have liked it when we were in school, looking back, it brings back nostalgic memories.

Essay about School Uniform

Short Essay on School Uniform 150 Words in English

Short Essay on School Uniform is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

School uniform is a part of our school culture. School uniform aims to unify all students regardless of their cultural, religious, and financial background. Most of the schools in our country have school uniforms.

The tradition of school uniform can be dated back to a few centuries and hence holds traditional values. The uniform brings a sense of belonging in the students and unites them as fellow alumni.

People debate about the fact that school uniforms create a financial strain for families coming from poor backgrounds. Since children grow physically year after year, they have to buy new uniforms. It creates unnecessary hardships for them.

People write thousands and thousands of articles about the necessity of school uniform without any solution. Both sides have strong arguments, and it might be unnecessary to select one. If people don’t believe in school uniforms, they can put their children in schools which do not implement it and vice verse. It is a question of faith, and there is no right or wrong in it.

10 Lines on School Uniform Essay in English

1. School uniforms are a necessity in most schools to bring about uniformity in students.
2. School uniform unifies all students, regardless of their cultural, religious, and financial background.
3. It instils a sense of belonging in the students.
4. It helps to discipline students and maintain order since they are not distracted by their unique clothes.
5. Students do not need to fuss about what to wear every morning if they have school uniforms.
6. It is difficult for low-income families to buy school uniforms every passing year, and it may create a strain in their budget.
7. School uniforms impose uniformity and hence make students a mass of faceless children and without any individuality.
8. It is difficult for students to gauge their peer’s financial condition if they are wearing school uniforms.
9. Students can be serious about their studies and learn to strive to be worthy of the tradition.
10. School uniforms can make students unimaginative.

Essay on School Uniform

FAQ’s on School Uniform Essay

Question 1.
What is the utility of school uniforms?

School uniforms help to unify students regardless of their religion, class or caste. It makes students serious about their academic achievements.

Question 2.
What are the negative effects of school uniforms?

Poor families may find it difficult to buy school uniforms, and it also restricts their creativity.

Question 3.
What tradition does school uniform uphold?

The tradition of school uniform has been going on for decades and hence, students learn to respect their uniform and their school.

Question 4.
Which is better, having a school uniform or not having one?

It is a highly debatable topic, and there is no clear conclusion to it. It all comes down to personal preference.


Schools uniforms are becoming a common trend in the current school system. Students, teachers, and parents have varied feelings about the need for students to wear uniforms. While some point to the need for all learners to look alike and for discipline purposes, others contend that the requirement for all learners to wear uniforms takes away students’ freedom of self-expression. This paper argues that despite the reasons identified by opponents, school uniforms are necessary for schools and all stakeholders need to embrace it.

A common argument raised against the use of school uniforms is that it denies students a chance to fully express themselves. While this is some extent true, self-expression does not only involve clothes. The student can express him or herself through, for instance, doing hair in their style of choice, wearing bracelets, and putting on shoes of their choice and complementing this with the school uniform. Just because the learner is not allowed to dress in the latest, trendy jeans does not imply that they have been denied their rights. Furthermore, students can wear the clothes of their choice outside the school. From this perspective, uniforms give all students a homogenous look, putting them on a level playing ground, thus eliminating the likelihood of discrimination.

Schools which require that students use uniforms look more formal. The campus generally tends to have a professional look. In addition, school uniforms dissolve the concept of social classes. Allowing students to wear clothes of their choice provides a leeway for students to categorize and possibly label each other based on whether they come from wealthy or poor families. Such discrimination at school could lead to a rise in indiscipline cases, reduction in some students’ self-esteem, and poor performance in school.

The other concerns about school uniform touch on the teachers’ inability to identify students with violent tendencies and deal with them. Contrary to this allegation, uniforms help to suppress and eliminate violence and gang behavior. If students are allowed to dress in home wear, some will come to school wearing clothes with special identification gang-related colors leading to the formation of cliques. This is a factor that makes it harder for teachers to enforce discipline within the school. In fact, the essence of schooling is to acquire, among other things, education. Fashion should not be emphasized at school.

Uniforms also inculcate pride in a student, as each student identifies with the others and the school hence each of them feels proud to be associated with their institution. That way, student feel more closely connected to their classmates. A sense of community emerges, and this leads to a reduction in crime and gang affiliated behaviors. In fact, the sense of belonging that emerges from wearing of school uniforms helps to boost the students’ self-confidence. Also, bullying is a major issue in schools. Some students face physical, verbal, and social harassment from their schoolmates. Without school uniforms, it becomes easy for “bullies” to target the students who look different and who are not wearing the “right” clothes.

In conclusion, school uniforms ensure that all students have a level playing field in terms of social classes and education. Bullying and gang activity would be more prevalent if students were allowed to dress as they wish. Students, parents and teachers have an easy time undertaking their responsibilities in cases where the students have a standard uniform.

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Разберем по шагам, как писать IELTS essay sample на тему School Uniform.

Many people believe that school uniforms stop children from expressing their personality and individuality. Therefore, uniforms should be banned and children be allowed to wear what they want. Do you agree or disagree? 

Шаг 1: Introduction

после перефразированная задания отвечаем прямо на вопрос эссе и презентуем 2 аргумента в поддержку вашей позиции:

It is thought that school uniforms should become a relic of the past as they infringe upon students’ right to express themselves through their clothes. I strongly agree with this because being free to choose what to wear to school can promote not only students’ well-being but also their sense of independent thought

Шаг 2: Body Paragraph 1

презентуем первый аргумент “mental health” в первом предложении параграфа + развиваем аргумент вглубь в 2-3 supporting sentences:

 School uniforms should be banned as inability to show one’s individuality can negatively affect students’ mental health. Clothes are a part of students’ identity as what they wear transmits who they are. However, school uniforms are designed following a set of requirements, where any deviations demonstrating students’ uniqueness are prohibited. Hence, having to wear a uniform, students do not have an opportunity to set themselves apart from their peers, which can make students lose connection with their identity. 

Шаг 3: Body Paragraph 2

презентуем второй аргумент “sense of independent thought” в первом предложении параграфа + развиваем аргумент вглубь в 2-3 supporting sentences:

Requirement to wear a uniform may discourage students from independent thinking, which is part and parcel of self-expression. Uniforms, by their nature, limit freedom of thought, promoting sameness and conformity rather than out-of-the box thinking. As such, uniforms make students feel pressure to accept the norms imposed instead of developing their own way of thinking.

Шаг 4: Conclusion

дублируем мнение в заключении + суммируем оба аргумента:

 In conclusion, I think that uniforms should have no place at school. It is students who should decide what to wear to school because freedom of self-expression is fundamental not only for students’ mental health but also for their independent thinking.


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Children of most schools worldwide are required to wear uniform. A school uniform is a dress code to help discipline the students and help them focus on their studies. School uniform has many advantages and disadvantages.

Some people believe school uniform is not a really good idea because it prevents students from expressing themselves and being unique and special. Sometimes school clothing can be quite uncomfortable and old-fashioned. Besides, it can be expensive and not all parents can afford it.

But on the other hand, school uniform saves time getting ready in the mornings because kids don`t have to choose what clothes to wear. Moreover, the uniform makes students feel equal and prevents them from being bullied. Schoolchildren can concentrate on lessons rather than on what others are wearing.

In my opinion, school uniforms have a positive effect as they can help distinguish students from other people. Besides, a uniform can make them feel proud of their school. When children wear the same uniforms, they feel more connected with each other and behave friendly.


В большинстве школ по всему миру детям необходимо носить школьную форму.  Школьная форма – это дресс-код для поддержания дисциплины среди учеников и для того, чтобы способствовать их концентрации на учебе. У школьной формы есть много достоинств и недостатков.

Некоторые люди считают школьную форму не очень хорошей идеей, поскольку она мешает студентам самовыразиться и быть уникальным и особенным. Иногда школьная одежда может быть неудобной и старомодной. Кроме того, она может быть дорогой, и не все родители могут себе ее позволить.

Но с другой стороны, школьная форма помогает сэкономить время на подготовку по утрам, потому что детям не нужно выбирать, какую одежду надеть. Более того, форма позволяет студентам чувствовать себя наравне с другими и предотвращает обзывательства. Школьники могут сконцентрировать свое внимание на уроках, а не на том, во что одеты другие.

На мой взгляд, школьная форма оказывает положительное влияние, потому что она помогает отличить учеников от других людей. Кроме того, форма прививает им чувство гордости за свою школу. Когда дети носят одинаковую форму, они чувствуют более крепкую связь друг с другом и ведут себя дружелюбнее.

Школьная форма : за и против (School uniform: pros and cons)4.7 out of
based on
18 votes

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Школьная форма/ School Uniform с переводом на русский язык.

School Uniform Школьная форма
School uniform is an integral part of school life in many countries. Most schools in Russia also require school uniforms. However, some school accept freestyle outfit. Школьная форма является неотъемлемой частью школьной жизни во многих странах. Большинство школ в России также требуют школьную форму. Тем не менее, некоторые школы принимают свободную форму.
There are different opinions on how the standard school forms should look like. Some schools have dark blue uniforms, while others use dark red or dark green colours. Some schools in Russia accept white shirts and black skirts for girls and black trousers for boys. Nevertheless, all these school uniforms have something in common. They all look rather smart and strict. Существуют различные мнения о том, как стандартные школьные формы школе должны выглядеть. Некоторые школы имеют темно синюю форму, в то время как другие используют темно-красный или темно-зеленый цвета. Некоторые школы в России принимают белые рубашки и черные юбки для девочек, черные брюки для мальчиков. Тем не менее, у всех этих школьных форм есть нечто общее. Все они выглядят довольно изящно и строго.
Children’s opinions on school uniform differ. Some say they like wearing it, while others prefer to wear a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. In my opinion, the school uniform has both advantages and disadvantages. Мнения детей о школьной форме расходятся. Некоторые говорят, что им нравится носить её, а другие предпочитают носить джинсы и футболку. На мой взгляд, школьная форма имеет свои преимущества и недостатки.
First of all when children wear a school uniform, they realize that they are at school not at a swimming-pool or stadium. It adjusts them to school atmosphere and helps to study harder. Secondly, school uniforms prevent social inequality. It means that both rich and poor children wear the same clothes. Furthermore, children don’t have such problem as what to wear in the morning. Прежде всего, когда дети носят школьную форму, они понимают, что они находятся в школе, а не на бассейне или на стадионе. Это настраивает на школьный лад и помогает учиться лучше. Во-вторых, школьные формы предотвращают социальное неравенство. Это означает, что и богатые, и бедные дети носят одинаковую одежду. Помимо этого, у детей не возникает такой проблемы, как, что же надеть утром.
The disadvantages of school uniform include the loss of individuality. Everyone becomes alike and children look similar. The second problem may be untidiness. As children wear the same clothes every day their uniform starts to look a bit untidy and faded. Last but not the least school uniforms have become rather expensive lately. So, not every parent wants to buy it. К недостаткам школьной формы относится потеря индивидуальности. Все становятся похожи, и дети выглядят одинаково. Второй проблемой может быть неряшливости. Так как дети носят одну и ту же одежду каждый день, их форма начинает выглядеть немного неопрятно и тускло. Последнее, но немаловажное, школьные формы стали довольно дорогими в последнее время. Поэтому, не каждый родитель хочет покупать её.
As for me, I support the idea of wearing a school uniform. I think that at home we can put on what we want, but at school we need to follow the rules. Что касается меня, я поддерживаю идею ношения школьной формы. Я думаю, что у себя дома мы можем надевать все, что захотим, но в школе мы должны следовать правилам.

Сочинение на тему “Школьная форма” на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

School Uniform

Школьная форма

A school uniform is compulsory at many schools all over the world. It may vary from school to school, from country to country.

Школьная форма является обязательной во многих школах по всему миру. Она может отличаться в зависимости от школы или страны.
Most pupils hate a school uniform. I can understand them. They want to express themselves or to be different. When you wear a school uniform, you look like other pupils. You do not have an opportunity to wear what you like to wear. Sometimes pupils hate to wear a school uniform because it is not favourable or even hardwearing. For example, winters are very cold in Russia so pupils may be cold if they wear a school uniform. Большинство учеников ненавидят школьную форму. Я могу их понять. Они хотят выразить себя или отличаться от других. Когда ученик носит школьную форму, он выглядит так же, как другие ученики. У него нет возможности носить то, что он любит. Иногда ученики ненавидят школьную форму, потому что она неудобная или даже быстро изнашивается. Например, зимой в России очень холодно, поэтому в школьной форме ученики могут мерзнуть.

However there are many advantages of a school uniform. First of all, you do not have to decide what you need to wear. It saves much time every morning. Besides, to some extent, a school uniform helps to avoid social inequality. Some children are from rich families and some children are not. So if pupils wear a school uniform, they will not compare themselves with other pupils every minute. Also they do not digress from the process of education.

Однако у школьной формы есть много преимуществ. Прежде всего, нет нужды решать, что нужно надеть. Это экономит много времени каждое утро. К тому же, в какой-то степени школьная форма позволяет избежать социального неравенства. Некоторые дети из богатых семей, а некоторые – нет. Поэтому, если ученики носят школьную форму, они не будут каждую минуту сравнивать себя с другими. Кроме того, они не отвлекаются от процесса обучения.

A school uniform may show from what school you are. For example, in Japan if you see a pupil wearing a particular school uniform, you can easily identify from what school he or she is. The colours, emblems or parts of clothes of the school uniform may vary.

Школьная форма может указать на то, из какой вы школы. Например, в Японии, если ученик носит определенную школьную форму, можно легко определить из какой он школы. Цвета, эмблемы или части школьной формы могут различаться.

In my opinion, despite some disadvantages of a school uniform it should be compulsory at all schools.

На мой взгляд, несмотря на некоторые недостатки школьной формы, она должна быть обязательной в каждой школе.

Автор – Ирина Селезнева

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