Эссе на тему экзамены мотивируют студентов учиться усерднее

If you go to school or university, you are faced with a number of exams. Basically, these exams are supposed to test your knowledge and skills. Also, they may motivate you to study harder.

In my opinion, it is really the case that exams motivate students to study harder. Firstly, exams are often a pass to a higher level of education. If you get good marks in examinations, you are admitted to further education. If you fail, you do not get the admittion. So, you make every effort to keep the right to study further. Secondly, exams are a good way to assess your learning efficiency and detect possible gaps in your knowledge. Bad marks mean that your knowledge is flawed and you need to be more disciplined and work harder to do away with the flaws.

But there are people who believe that examinations do not give real motivation to a student. They say that being a good student with excellent marks does not guarantee future prosperity.

Nevertheless, I cannot assent to the foregoing opinion, because being a good student is the beginning of being a good employee or worker who can earn a good living. Highly qualified professionals are always in great demand in any business sector.

In conclusion, exams play an important part in our life, although any exam is a kind of pain. But the saying is: no pain, no gain!

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“Exams motivate students to study harder”

Education is an integral part of every person’s life. It has become an unwavering procedure for all the school leavers to take exams in order to determine the level of their knowledge recently. That is why some people claim that this process makes them do their best to succeed in it while others assure it does not prove anything. So, who is right? Let us speculate about it.

I am strongly convinced that exams are of great practical value. Firstly, whereas preparing for the exams, students have to deal with a great quantity of material. Therefore if they do everything on time, it will help them to fill in the existing gaps in their knowledge. Additionally, exams upgrade some personal qualifications, making the students more organised and mature in facing various problems and coming up with right solutions. Consequently, they will be better at arranging their workspace in the future.

Nevertheless, we can find a contrary opinion on this contentious assumption. They state that exams themselves are nothing else but a pure luck phenomenon. They also claim that it is frequent for school leavers to guess the right answer while passing the exam.

I cannot completely agree with the above-mentioned opinion about the phenomenon because the whole educational system has been developed to delete all these accidental right answers, thus quite the reverse, leaving much space for students to demonstrate their own abilities and knowledge.

All in all, I reckon that this suggestion has its rational kernel as well as the ground under the feet but I still strongly believe that the exams are great motivators in the whole educational process.



Essay Sample 19

ege 2

Comment on the following statement:

Exams motivate students to study harder. 

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
—    make an introduction (state the problem)
—    express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
—    express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
—   explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
—    make a conclusion restating your position

pir 1

linking words 1

The question of exams and grades has been discussed for quite a long time. Some people say that exams are beneficial for learning process, whereas others do not agree. They believe that exams suppress pupils’ enthusiasm and bring too much stress in their life.

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In my opinion exams make students treat the subjects they study more seriously and learn them better. First of all, any test motivates a person to learn the subject better since the result will be graded. For example, one listens to some information and forgets it right away since they do not know if they need it in their future life. Secondly, the grades students get at exams characterize their level of preparation and ultimately give them a lot of advantages, if their marks are high. For instance, if a person has what we call “Red Diploma”, they enter a university without exams. 

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At he same time there are people who say that exams have bad influence on students. They claim that exams bring too much stress in pupils’ life and do not show their real knowledge.

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I do not agree with the opinion mentioned above. Stress is an integral part of human life and in reasonable amount it stimulates learning process well. Moreover, good marks are always pleasant to get and pleasure always reduce stress.

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In conclusion, I would like to say there are opposing view points on this issue. At first sightexams are stressful might suppress students, but in actual fact they increase pupils’ motivation. Thus, I strongly believe that exams motivate students to study harder.

Read by Ann Dole






esse edit

Эссе (сочинение) по английскому языку на тему: Exams motivate students to study harder


If you go to school or university, you are faced with a number of exams. Basically, these exams are supposed to test your knowledge and skills. Also, they may motivate you to study harder.

In my opinion, it is really the case that exams motivate students to study harder. Firstly, exams are often a pass to a higher level of education. If you get good marks in examinations, you are admitted to further education. If you fail, you do not get the admittion. So, you make every effort to keep the right to study further. Secondly, exams are a good way to assess your learning efficiency and detect possible gaps in your knowledge. Bad marks mean that your knowledge is flawed and you need to be more disciplined and work harder to do away with the flaws.

But there are people who believe that examinations do not give real motivation to a student. They say that being a good student with excellent marks does not guarantee future prosperity.

Nevertheless, I cannot assent to the foregoing opinion, because being a good student is the beginning of being a good employee or worker who can earn a good living. Highly qualified professionals are always in great demand in any business sector.

In conclusion, exams play an important part in our life, although any exam is a kind of pain. But the saying is: no pain, no gain!

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Нужны ли экзамены?/ Are Exams Necessary? с переводом на русский язык.

Are Exams Necessary? Нужны ли экзамены?
Before the exams many student feel nervous, lose appetite, suffer from insomnia and anxiety. So the question “Are exams necessary?” seems to be relevant. Why do all students have to pass the exams at certain stages of their life? Перед экзаменами многие студент нервничают, теряют аппетит, страдают от бессонницы и тревожных состояний. Поэтому возникает актуальный вопрос: «Нужны ли экзамены?» Почему все студенты должны сдавать экзамены на определенных этапах жизни?
Well, first of all, the exams are there to access and to find out actually what the students know. This helps teachers to set the standards for children of different ages and abilities. Secondly, if there are no exams, then children won’t want to learn. Exams are like accelerators of studying. Thirdly, exams hold teachers accountable for their teaching. So, the exams are made up not only for students, but for their teachers as well. The question whether exams should exist or not is being discussed and debated for many decades. Ну, прежде всего, экзамены для того, чтобы выяснить и понять, что в действительности знают студенты. Это помогает учителям устанавливать стандарты для детей разных возрастов и с разными способностями. Во-вторых, если не будет экзаменов, то дети не будут хотеть учиться. Экзамены выступают ускорителем процесса учебы. В-третьих, экзамены налагают ответственность на преподавателей за их работу. Таким образом, экзамены не только для студентов, но и для их учителей. Вопрос о том, следует, проводить экзамены или нет, обсуждается и дискутируется на протяжении многих десятилетий.
Many people claim that examinations are subjective. They test only a limited range of skills. Besides, students suffer from the consequences of stress and anxiety during exam preparations. This often results into poor performance in exams, even if a child was well prepared. Многие люди утверждают, что экзамены субъективны. Они проверяют лишь ограниченный спектр навыков. Кроме того, во время подготовки к экзаменам студенты страдают от последствий стресса и излишней тревоги. Это зачастую приводит в низкой успеваемости на экзаменах, даже если ребенок был хорошо подготовлен.
Opposed to this many psychologists say that children need a positive accomplishment. They need to be pushed towards higher achievements. So from this point of view, exams are even more useful for students, than for assessors. Parents should be also interested in exams, as they develop their children’s survival skills. В противовес этому многие психологи говорят, что дети нуждаются в положительных достижениях. Их нужно подталкивать к более высоким результатам. С этой точки зрения, экзамены еще более полезны для студентов, чем для самих проверяющих экспертов. Родители должны быть также заинтересованы в экзаменах, так как они развивают в детях навыки выживания.
Exams make students stronger and more confident. Not only they show a visible progress in certain field, but they also encourage students to strive for more. Экзамены делают студентов сильнее и увереннее в себе. Они не только показывают заметный прогресс в определенной области, но и заставляют студентов стремиться к большему.

Exams motivate students to study harder.

Some people are inclined to believe that exams are an incentive for students that urges them to pore over textbooks more often, while others tend to think that students’ motivation to study does not depend on exams.

In my opinion, exams make students scrutinize information more thoroughly than ever. First of all, students are usually afraid to let their parents down by having a bad grade. That is why they start studying pretty hard in order to live up to their parents expectations. Secondly, students want to be enrolled into university. That is why they understand that it is vital for them to be completely ready to pass exams.

However, some people claim that exams have nothing to do with students’ desire to study harder. They put forwar

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