Эссе по английскому егэ household chores

38.1. Imagine that you are doing a project on what household chores teenagers do in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject — the results оf the opinion polls (see the pie chart below).

Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

What household chores do teenagers do in Zetland?

Write 200−250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

— select and report 2−3 facts;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

— outline a problem that can arise with doing household chores and suggest a way of solving it;

— conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of helping parents about the house.

38.2. Imaginе that you arе doing a projеct on the most useless things people in Zetland usually get rid of. You have found some data on the subject — the results оf the opinion polls (see the table below).

Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

What are the most useless things to get rid of?

Fast food Number of

respondents (%)

Old Toys 26
Socks With Hole 22
Broken Coffee Mugs 20
Old CDs 18
Old Schoolbooks 14

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

— select and report 2−3 facts;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

— outline a problem that one can face getting rid of useless things and suggest a way of solving it;

— conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of getting rid of useless things.


I think nobody likes it when his house is in a mess. Doing household chores and keeping the house clean and cozy are necessary in every flat.

My parents work hard and they get rather tired after work. So it goes without saying that they don’t have to manage all the housework and I have to help them. Everyone in our family has some household chores. But frankly speaking I must admit that my mother does the majority of the housework. Some things must be done every day, others need to be done once or twice a week (like watering the plants).

My daily chores are making my bed, washing up, tidying my room in the evening, cleaning my shoes and taking out the rubbish. This is my usual routine. I also pick up my little sister from the kindergarten. Fortunately I don’t have to cook any food because my mum and granny do that and they really enjoy cooking. I just sometimes help them and serve the table. Once or twice a week my mother asks me to go shopping to the nearest food supermarket. I usually buy some bread, milk, fruits and vegetables.

Once a week, on Sundays my parents give the flat a big cleaning. There is a lot of work to do: dusting the furniture, ironing the clothes, mopping the floor, clearing out the bathroom and the kitchen. I am busy with vacuum-cleaning the carpets in our bedrooms and cleaning the mirrors. 

I don’t consider my household chores difficult and I can cope with them easily, but sometimes I feel a bit lazy or I may be too busy with my school homework.

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Думаю, что никому не понравится, если в их доме будет царить беспорядок. Выполнение домашних обязанностей и поддержание чистоты и уюта в доме необходимы в любой квартире.

Мои родители много работают и сильно устают после работы. Поэтому, само собой разумеется, что они не обязаны справляться со всей работой по дому, и я должен помогать им. У каждого в нашей семье имеются домашние обязанности. Но, честно говоря, должен признать, что большую часть работы выполняет мама. Некоторые вещи нужно делать ежедневно, другие следует выполнять раз или два в неделю (например, поливать цветы).

К моим ежедневным обязанностям относятся заправка кровати, мытье посуды, уборка своей комнаты по вечерам, чистка моей обуви и вынос мусора. Это мой обычный распорядок. Я также забираю маленькую сестренка из детского сада. К счастью, мне не нужно готовить еду, потому что этим занимаются мама и бабушка, и это им доставляет большое удовольствие. Я просто иногда помогаю им и накрываю на стол. Раз или два в неделю мама просит меня сходить в ближайший продуктовый супермаркет. Обычно я покупаю хлеб, молоко, фрукты и овощи.

Раз в неделю, по воскресеньям мои родители устраивают в квартире генеральную уборку. Бывает много работы: уборка пыли с мебели, глажка утюгом, мытье полов шваброй, уборка ванной комнаты и кухни. Я занимаюсь чисткой ковров пылесосом в наших спальнях и мытьем зеркал.

Я не считаю свои домашние обязанности сложными, и могу легко с ними справляться, но иногда я чувствую лень, или же могу быть очень занят выполнение  школьных уроков.

Топик «Мои домашние обязанности» (My household chores/duties)4.2 out of
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138 votes

На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 3.8к. Обновлено 19.03.2022

In your English class, you have been talking about how much teenagers and young people should help with the housework.

Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Essay question 

Teenagers and young people should share housework equally with their parents. Do you agree?


Write about:

  1. who has more time for housework
  2. who does housework better
  3. ………(your own idea)

Write your essay

Essay was written by Ekaterina Sosnihina

In most families parents usually used to do the majority of housework. Nowadays, modern parents prefer to share laundry, washing the dishes ans so on equally. among them and their children rather than  do everything themselves. I completely agree  that everyone should so their fair share for a number of reasons.

Firstly, it is believed that teenagers have more free time than adults do, therefore, young people should be given a bigger part of housework. However, most teenagers plan their spare time for homework or courses, thus deviding household chores can give them more freedom to advance their skills in spheres they enjoy.

Secondly, adults have more experience in managing housework. As a result, they usually do it in a more excellent way. Following their example is the best way for teenagers to learn how to deal with their chores, for the reason that it can economise the time of both, teenagers and their nearest and dearest.

Finally, doing a fair share of work can give a family an opportunity to devote time to each other, discuss urgent problems and tell interesting news.

For all those reasons, I believe that sharing responsibility between family members can make life convenient and enjoyable for both adults and their children.

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На этой странице находится топик по английскому по теме HOUSEHOLD CHORES


There are certain things in life, which you have to do whether you like it or not. One of such things is household chores, doing which is a necessity. It’s what someone in the family has to do every day in spite of his wish or desire. You can hardly find a person who doesn’t like comfort, delicious food, clean and tidy clothes. All these things need somebody’s attention and doing them is called housework.

They say that doing housework is boring and, besides, it takes a lot of time with a hardly visible result. In my opinion the best way to do many things about the house is by splitting the job among the family members. If every member of the family does his bit about the house, then keeping it isn t difficult or boring, and proves the proverb «Many hands make light work». But it’s only in theory, and it may be different in practice. Certainly I have some household chores. There are some things which I can’t avoid doing. For instance, my regular chore is cleaning my room. Generally, I do it once a week, on Sunday. I can’t say that I’m a messy person, but as I am very busy during the week at school and doing my homework in the afternoons, I hardly clean my room at all on weekdays and that’s why by the end of the week it looks like a storehouse with piles of books, cassettes, discs and my clothes on every chair. As a matter of fact I usually like to have all my things at hand and I don’t want to put them in their right places each time I have used them. Another thing which I have to do daily is washing up. It has been my duty for years.

Going on short shopping rounds for some foodstuffs is my favourite chore. In fact it is the only thing which I like doing about the house. When I am sick and tired of doing my homework I enjoy having a walk outside and eating an icecream or a cake on the way. At present we are a fairly large family by modern standards. There are six of us, and it means a lot of housework to be done to make everyone feel more or less pleased and contented.

Once a week my parents give the flat a big clean. If I am not very busy I help them with it. While my parents are dusting the carpets outside I am polishing the furniture and vacuum-cleaning. What I most hate doing about the house is washing the windows, though I have to do it from time to time. But we have agreed that it should be the father’s job.

I don’t do much washing as we have a washing machine. And I must add here that I dislike ironing clothes, though I iron my own things.

There are some other things I also do about the house, but they are occasional. I think that I should mention here the role of technical progress in making housework easier. On TV they advertise a lot of things for it from washing powders to washing machines and liquid vacuum-cleaners. That’s all very well, but not all families can afford them as most quality things are really expensive. And in the XXI century it’s already impossible to imagine our life without automatic, electric and electronic appliances which make the housework better and faster. Some scientists even say that computers will one day replace man in all household chores and I hope that in some time it will be enough just to press a button to have your housework done and you may sit comfortably in an armchair and relax. But at present il’s the mother’s hands that make my life pleasant and cosy at home.


I am a boy and though I like delicious food and clean shirts I must admit that I hate housework though I have to do some things about the house almost every day.

As for our family we are considered to be a fairy large one because there are 5 of us sharing a three-room flat and of course there is a lot of work to be done every day like cleaning, cooking, shopping and so on. The best way in my opinion to do all the chores is by splitting them among the family members. Hut it’s only in theory. In practice all the housework is the burden on the mum’s shoulders. Firstly because my father is very busy as he has to support the family and he prefers having a rest in front of the TV set or playing with the younger children alter the hard day at work rather than washing up or doing the flat. Our father’s special duty is going shopping. He does it with pleasure and our family is always provided with a great amount of all necessary and unnecessary food.

My brother and sister are too small to be helpful with doing housework. Instead they make a big mess everywhere as they can’t stay in one and the same place for more than a minute. Our little ones are very restless, more naughty than they should be. And when the two of them are playing they make a hell of the house which of course drives our mother mad because she is the only person to do the rooms afterwards.

As for me I haven’t got a room for myself, so all my stuff is scattered about the flat. I like to have all my things at hand and I think that it’s only a waste of time to put things in their right places each time I’ve used them. So my mother does it. Unfortunately we have different views on this problem. She is crazy about having the place clean and tidy with everything in its right place. So when I come home from school I have to apply all my enthusiasm and quick wit to find the things I need.

Generally speaking, I can’t say that I am absolutely set against household chores but eventually it turns out to be like that. But nevertheless I have to wash up and to do some other work about the house. And my personal duty is to take care of the dog which in its turn demands much time and patience but I must say it’s the most pleasant and at the same time responsible housework I do every day, and here I must add as well that occasionally I assist my father in doing the shopping, help my mother when she starts giving the flat a big clean. I also sometimes go on short shopping rounds for small things but I seldom wash clothes or the windows or iron bed linen.

Frankly speaking, I’m not at all keen on housework. It never looks encouraging to me though I have to do it from time to time.


Представлено сочинение на английском языке Мои обязанности по дому/ My Household Chores с переводом на русский язык.

My Household Chores Мои обязанности по дому
My name is Kate. I’m thirteen years old. I’d like to tell you about my household chores. Many children in our country have some responsibilities around the house. I’m sure that in many other countries too. Some children are not happy about this because simply watching TV or playing computer games could be much more fun. From the other hand, it is important for every person to have at least some responsibilities. Меня зовут Катя. Мне 13 лет. Я хотела бы рассказать о своих домашних обязанностях. У многих детей в нашей стране есть свои обязанности по дому. Я уверена, что во многих других странах тоже. Некоторые дети не довольны этим, так как просто смотреть телевизор или играть в компьютерные игры, может быть гораздо веселее. С другой стороны, очень важно каждому человеку иметь хотя бы несколько обязанностей.
As for me, I have my own household chores, as well as, other members of my family. Cooking is the main responsibility of my mum and I sometimes help her with that. My own chores include washing the dishes, cleaning the dust and vacuum cleaning. My father is responsible for repairing some devices and objects in our flat. Что касается меня, то у меня есть свои домашние обязанности, также как и у других членов моей семьи. Готовить пищу – это основная обязанность моей мамы, и я ей иногда помогаю с этим. В мои личные обязанности входит мыть посуду, вытирать пыль и пылесосить. Мой отец ответственен за ремонт некоторых приборов и предметов в нашей квартире.
There is one thing that all the members of my family do together. It’s shopping for food and for clothes. I can’t say that these chores are difficult or take a lot of my time. I know that only several years ago women spent much more time on house work, when they didn’t have such household appliances as microwave, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, blender and others. Есть одна вещь, которую все члены моей семьи делают вместе. Это поход по магазинам за продуктами питания и одеждой. Не могу сказать, что эти обязанности очень трудные, или, что они занимают много моего времени. Я знаю, что всего лишь несколько лет тому назад, женщины тратили гораздо больше времени на работу по дому, когда у них не было такой бытовой техники, как микроволновая печь, стиральная машина, пылесос, блендер и прочее.
In my opinion, having certain responsibilities is very important. It helps to understand and respect other people’s work, and also to overcome laziness. По моему мнению, иметь определённые обязанности очень важно. Это помогает понять и уважать труд других людей, а также преодолевать лень.

 Imagine that you are doing a project on jobs teenagers do round the house in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject — the results of opinion polls (see the table below).

– outline a problem that can arise when teenagers do housework and suggest a way of solving it;

– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the importance of motivating teenagers to do household chores.

I am currently into the project on jobs teenagers do round the house in Zetland. I have been able to find some data on the subject, so I am going to provide an analysis of this information now.

According to the discovered data, tidying their bedroom is the most popular household chore among Zetland adolescents (81%), while dog walking arouses the least interest (5%). Only 76%, 40% and 25% respectively of those surveyed are interested in washing up, dusting surfaces and vacuuming the floors as their housework.

Comparing the data given in the table, it becomes obvious that tidying their bedroom is more than sixteen times as popular as dog walking. The difference between washing up and vacuuming the floors are also considerable. It is 51%, which is surprising because both these tasks are equally common among teenagers.

One problem that can arise when teenage boys and girls from Zetland do household chores is that they often postpone tidying their bedroom. As a result, they face difficulties dealing with large amounts of waste. This is an increasing tendency among teenagers. In order to solve this issue, adolescents should make a schedule for their chores that allows them to do work quickly and easily so that they can accomplish them on a regular basis.

To conclude, I believe that motivation in doing household chores plays a significant role in teenagers’ lives and has a big influence on their responsibility as they become more independent in life.

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