Established in 1974 pixar animation studios is the place of birth for many movies егэ

Established in 1974 as Computer Graphics Lab, Pixar Animation Studios is the place of birth for movies such as Toy Story, Cars, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., Ratatouille, and Brave. Even though there are only 17 full-length films released so far, Pixar is considered the best of all 3D animation film companies, and rightly so. Every film they have made has a unique concept, sophisticated and compelling yet simple storytelling, extremely high-quality 3D animation, and characters that people of all age groups could love and relate to. So, here are some facts about Pixar that would make you fall in love with it a little more than you already did.

1 One of the founding fathers of Pixar, John Lasseter, was fired from Disney for pushing them to use computer animation. He was then hired by Graphics Group of Lucasfilm, later renamed Pixar, and won two Oscars. When Disney bought Pixar, Lasseter was hired back as the chief creative officer of both Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios to save Disney. 

Image credits: nicolas genin/wikimedia

Lasseter started working as an animator at The Walt Disney Company right after graduating. He soon started to feel that something was missing in the films they were making. The problem was that the Disney was repeating itself without adding new ideas and the studio received criticism for this issue. He began finding out about computer animation, but the project he was working on was canceled by the head of Disney, Ron W. Miller, saying there were no cost benefits in mixing traditional and computer animation.

Lasseter later contacted Ed Catmull of Lucasfilm Computer Graphics Group, later renamed Pixar Graphics Group, who ensured Lasseter got hired by them. However, George Lucas’s divorce forced him to sell Pixar Graphics Group, which made Steven Jobs a major shareholder. While he was there, Lasseter won two Oscars for Tin Toy and Toy Story. He was welcomed back by Disney when it purchased Pixar and he was named the chief creative officer for both the companies.(source)

2 During the production of Toy Story 2, Pixar accidentally deleted the entire movie from its servers. Luckily, the movie was saved on the personal computer of an employee who was a mother working from home. 

Image credits: Walt Disney Pictures/wikipedia, imdb

In 1998, while routinely clearing some files, one of the animators at Pixar accidentally started a deletion of the root folder of the Toy Story 2 assets on internal servers. It was first noticed by the associate technical director when the character models they were working on started disappearing. By the time they shut down the file servers they lost 90 percent of two years of work, and also there was a failure of backups some time previously. However, technical director Galyn Susman, who was working from home to take care of her newborn child, had backups of the assets on her home computer. The team were able to recover all of the lost assets except for a few recent days work, so they were able to continue working and finish the movie.(source)

3 During the making of Toy Story 2, Pixar animators had such heavy workload that many of them chose to work long hours even though they were discouraged from it. Many of them developed carpal tunnel syndrome and one of them even forgot that he left his baby in the back seat of his car all day. 

Image Source: Deborah Coleman/Pixar Animation Studios

Toy Story 2 faced a lot of challenges during production. The creative staff at Pixar were not happy with the way the film was turning out, to which John Lasseter agreed and decided that the movie had to be redone. But, Disney and Steve Jobs disagreed citing various reasons. However, Pixar decided that they could not allow the movie to be released the way it was. Hence, they roped in Lasseter to take over production, who brought in the first film’s creative team to redevelop the story.

To meet Disney’s deadline, Pixar had to finish the entire film in just nine months. Because of the compressed production schedule, there was a huge workload on the team, with as many as a third of the staff suffering from some form of repetitive strain injuries and other problems by the end, and one of them even forgot about his baby in the backseat of his car.(source)

4 Because of the complexity involved in the creation of human characters and a massive number of sets, Brad Bird, the director of The Incredibles, hired frustrated artists. These artists had unconventional ideas that nobody listened to and could accomplish things using methods that were deemed crazy by others.

Image credits: nicolas genin/wikipedia. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/wikipedia

When the technical team at Pixar looked at the human characters, hair, fire, and the massive number of sets of The Incredibles, which were things that computer animation had trouble doing, they told Brad Bird that it would take ten years to make and cost $500 million. So, instead, Brad Bird asked for the frustrated artists, those who had other ways of doing things that nobody was listening to, and were probably going to quit because of it. The Pixar malcontents were given a chance to prove their theories, and on the way, they also changed how many things were done till then. They were able to make the movie for less than the amount spent on the previous film, Finding Nemo, but with three times more number of sets and a lot of things that were very hard to do.(source)

5 The four movies A Bug’s Life (1998), Monsters Inc. (2001), Finding Nemo (2003) and WALL-E (2008) were all conceived out of a brainstorming session during a lunch meeting in 1994. 

Image Source: businessinsider

In the summer of 1994, John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, Joe Ranft, and Pete Docter sat down for a lunch meeting to figure out what Pixar is going to work on next since Toy Story was almost complete. According to Stanton, the four of them brought the best out of each other and after the brainstorming session sketching the outlines and characters they came up with the four movies. The place where the lunch took place, the Hidden City Cafe, was actually included in the movie Monsters Inc.(source)

6 It took Pixar three years of studying the physics of curly hair to accurately render Merida’s hair in the film Brave, and two months for the scene in which she removes her hood revealing the full volume of her hair.

Image credits: pixar.wikia

Merida’s hair was started, on a computer, as a series of many kinds of springs; short, long, fat, thin, stretched, compressed, bouncy, and stiff. In order to give it a volume, the springs were added in layers of varied sizes and flexibility. Over 1,500 hand-placed individually sculpted curls were used to make her hair. Another challenge was that of the physics of the hair. According to Claudia Chung, the simulation supervisor of Brave, the hair movement is paradoxical as the ‘spring’ of hair has to be stiff and resilient to hold the curl but also has to remain soft in its movement.

Chung and her team later came up with a technique called “core curve and points” whose results resemble a beaded necklace. Another challenge they had to face was figuring out how light interacts with curly hair. It took them a total of almost three years to get the final look for her hair and two more months for the scene where Merida removes her hood.(source)

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово ORIGIN так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

He invented the special camera which was used in his studios during the thirties and forties to create __________ animated pictures.


Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово FINAL так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

History of animated cartoons

Cartoon animation has a long history. A cartoon is made by drawing many pictures and showing them one after another so quickly that the pictures ______________ seem to move. The most prominent of animated cartoons were made by Walt Disney.

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 06.06.2013. Основная волна. Дальний Восток. Вариант 2


Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово CREATE так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Walt Disney, the ____________ of Mickey Mouse, is a legend of the 20th century.

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 06.06.2013. Основная волна. Дальний Восток. Вариант 2


Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово HAPPY так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Through his work he brought joy, _____________, and a universal means of communication.

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 06.06.2013. Основная волна. Дальний Восток. Вариант 2


Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово POPULAR так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Walt Disney’s worldwide ____________ is based upon the ideas his name represents: imagination, optimism, and self-made success in the American tradition.

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 06.06.2013. Основная волна. Дальний Восток. Вариант 2


Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово SUCCESS так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Today moving images are created with the help of computers. The first fully computer-animated feature film, «Toy Story», was very ____________ and since then almost all animated cartoon films have moved to computer graphics, including films such as the «Shrek» series.

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 06.06.2013. Основная волна. Дальний Восток. Вариант 2

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 06.06.2013. Основная волна. Дальний Восток. Вариант 2

Совсем недавно на сайте ФИПИ появился открытый вариант ЕГЭ английский 2021. Это прекрасная возможность оценить уровень сложности предстоящего экзамена и, конечно же, дополнительная практика. А она ой как нужна, ведь экзамен уже не за горами, поэтому мы решили посвятить нашу новую статью детальному разбору ключевых разделов открытого варианта ЕГЭ. Не будем вас больше томить и приступим. 

Читайте, берите на заметку и делитесь со своими друзьями. Поехали!

Грамматика и лексика

Абсолютно точно открытый вариант ЕГЭ английский 2021 порадовал, особенно в части грамматика и лексика, ведь задания 19-25 оказались на редкость простыми. Задания по словообразованию 26-31 и лексике 32-38 тоже сложными не назовешь, если знать алгоритм их выполнения. О нем мы рассказывали в одной из наших статей. Так что если вы еще ее не читали, то советуем обязательно прочесть. 

Задания 19-25: детальный разбор и ответы

открытый вариант ЕГЭ английский 2021

19. Сначала посмотрим на структуру предложения.

Many people think snakes enjoy __________________ to music. (listen)

В нем уже есть и подлежащее snakes, и сказуемое enjoy. Это говорит о том, что здесь не нужна личная форма глагола.

Что такое личная форма? Это такая форма, которая используется в качестве сказуемого и связана с выполняющим действие субъектом или, проще говоря, это спрягаемая форма глагола.

В данном предложении нужна неличная форма глагола. К неличным формам глагола относятся герундий (V-ing), Past Participle (V3) и инфинитив.

Чтобы понять, какая из неличных форм потребуется, вернемся к сказуемому в предложении, то есть к глаголу enjoy. По правилу после него ставится герундий (V-ing), поэтому получается listening.

Ответ: listening.

20. Работая с глаголами, первое, на что следует обращать внимание — это маркеры, которые указывают на определенное время. Давайте посмотрим, есть ли в предложении таковой.

People __________________ this myth for a long time. (believe)

Да, в конце предложения видим for a long time. Такой временной маркер характерен для Present Perfect Continuous или Past Perfect Continuous. Но поскольку повествование ведется в настоящем, что видно из предыдущих предложений, то рассматриваем только первый из предложенных вариантов. Но есть еще одно НО. Глагол believe является исключением и не употребляется в аспекте Continuous, поэтому мы выберем просто Present Perfect, где также есть этот маркер for a long time

При выборе между Present Perfect (PP) и Present Perfect Continuous (PPC) руководствуемся следующим правилом:

если глагол показывает процесс, то выбираем PPC, а если это глагол относится к глаголам состояния (stative verbs), то выбираем PP. 

Получаем have believed.

Ответ: have believed

21. Начнем с того, что посмотрим на структуру предложения.

In fact, snakes __________________ music or sounds and react only to your movements. (not hear)

Есть подлежащее во множественном числе — snakes и есть одно из однородных сказуемых после союза and – react. Форма этого глагола подсказывает нам и линейку времен — это Present и аспект — это Simple. Остается вспомнить, как строить отрицательные предложения в Present Simple. Это делается следующим образом: do + not + инфинитив. Получается do not hear.

Ответ: do not hear

22. Если на полях видите количественное числительное, то нужно образовать порядковое.

She was the__________________ woman to become the professor of
mathematics. (one)

Получается first.

Ответ: first

23. Переведем предложение и заодно посмотрим, есть ли маркеры.

However, few people know that Sofia __________________ interested in mathematics at a very early age. (get)

Однако немногие знают, что София начала интересоваться математикой с ранних лет.

Видим, что событие в придаточном предложении происходило в прошлом и есть даже временной указатель at a very early age, поэтому ставим глагол get в Past Simple, для которого как раз важно, когда конкретно произошло событие. Глагол get имеет форму got.

Ответ: got

24. Повествование о детстве Софии Ковалевской продолжается, значит и линейка времен по-прежнему Past, аспект Simple. Число глагола будет единственным.

There __________________ enough wallpaper for her room and her parents put some sheets of paper instead. (not be)

При работе с оборотом there is число глагола определяется по слову, стоящему после него. В данном предложении — это неисчисляемое существительное wallpaper, которое в английском языке употребляется с глаголом в единственном числе. Получается was not.

Ответ: was not

25. Если видите указательное местоимение this или that, нужно поставить их во мн.ч. This – these, that – those.

__________________ sheets turned out to be notes of lectures of a famous Russian mathematician.

Ответ: these

Задания 26-31: детальный разбор и ответы

26. Если на полях стоит certain, то обычно требуется наречие certainly со значением «несомненно, безусловно».

Capilano Suspension Bridge is __________________ one of them. (certain)

Ответ: certainly

27. Начнем с того, что посмотрим, где находится пропуск.

It is a __________________ bridge in Canada, located near Vancouver. (beauty)

Он — между неопределенным артиклем «a» и существительным «bridge». В этом случае нужно прилагательное, а именно beautiful.

Ответ: beautiful

28. Смотрим на место пропуска и что до него.

Going over this bridge is quite an adventure for __________________. (tour)

Перед ним стоит предлог, следовательно нужно существительное. А так как мы не видим неопределенного артикля после предлога, то скорее всего нам нужно будет существительное во множественном числе. Реже это может быть неисчисляемое существительное в единственном числе.

Остается вспомнить, какие существительные можно образовать от слова tour. Это tourism и tourist. Подставив оба варианта в пропуск, видим, что подходит tourist, но как мы говорили выше, оно должно быть во мн.ч. — tourists.

Going over this bridge is quite an adventure for tourism/tourists. — Пройти по мосту — это самое настоящее приключение для туризма/для туристов.

Ответ: tourists

29. От существительного wind можно образовать только прилагательное windy. Именно это и будет правильным ответом.

If the weather is __________________, the bridge sways from side to side. (wind)

Ответ: windy.

30. Как обычно смотрим на место пропуска и на слово после него. Это поможет определить необходимую часть речи.

People come here for the fresh and clean air, the scent of pine needles and __________________ attractions on the other side of the bridge. (vary)

Пропуск перед существительным, значит нужно прилагательное. От глагола vary – это various.

Ответ: various

31. Так как пропуск — это последнее слово в предложении, следовательно смотрим, что перед ним.

There is a park there with all sorts of entertainment and great boutiques for enthusiastic __________________.

Там стоит прилагательное, значит после него должно быть существительное. Поскольку артикля перед прилагательным нет, то нам нужно либо существительное во мн.ч. — shoppers, либо неисчисляемое существительное shopping.

Чтобы понять, какое из них будет правильным, посмотрим на прилагательное перед пропуском. Это enthusiastic — восторженный, увлеченный. Такое прилагательное, исходя из его перевода, может употребляться исключительно с одушевленным существительным, поэтому выбираем shoppers.

Переведем последнее словосочетание, чтобы все-таки убедиться в правильности выбранного слова.

…great boutiques for enthusiastic shoppers – великолепные магазины для страстных шопоголиков

Ответ: shoppers

Задания 32-38: детальный разбор и ответы

32. Среди предложенных глаголов есть только один, после которого предложение строится таким образом и имеет управление of.

It was a masterpiece, and he could see that it 32 ______ William of Lily and Emily.


  • reviewed
  • reminded
  • recorded
  • remembered

Это reminded.

remind smb of smb/smth — напоминать кому-то о ком-то/чем-то

Более подробно о разнице между remind и remember мы рассказываем здесь. А если вы уже ее знаете, то вам не помешает практика. Специально для этого мы приготовили для вас тест.

Ответ: reminded

33. Приступим к следующему заданию и посмотрим на предложенные варианты ответов.

Lincoln had told William he needed to speak to him privately, and they had 33 ______ to meet here.


  • arranged
  • managed
  • coordinated
  • established

Начнем с глагола coordinated. Обычно говорят coordinate smth with smb — согласовать что-то с кем-то. К данному контексту он не подойдет

Теперь посмотрим на established.

establish smth — учреждать что-то, устанавливать

Также не подходит.

На заметку: если среди вариантов ответа предлагают managed, то он обычно и является правильным.

Чтобы это проверить, достаточно взглянуть на слова после пропуска, где мы видим to + инфинитив. Глагол managed как раз требует после себя инфинитива с частицей to:

managed to do smth — удалось что-то сделать

Но все же стоит проанализировать и остальные глаголы. Возможно, составители дадут еще один или несколько глаголов, которые так же как и managed требуют инфинитива с частицей to.

Среди предложенных вариантов есть и еще один arranged, который как и managed, может употребляться с to+инфинитивом. 

arranged to do smth — договориться что-то сделать

Остается подставить в контекст, чтобы посмотреть, что подойдет по смыслу.

Lincoln had told William he needed to speak to him privately, and they had 33 ______ to meet here. — Линкольн сказала Уильяму, что ему нужно поговорить с ним с глазу на глаз, и поэтому они договорились встретиться здесь/им удалось встретиться здесь.

По контексту видим, что ранее эти герои не встречались, поэтому выбираем вариант arranged.

Ответ: arranged

34. Посмотрим на следующее предложение с пропуском и варианты ответа.

Suddenly William entered the room and apologized for 34 ______ him waiting.


  • holding
  • keeping
  • fixing
  • carrying

Здесь проверяется знание выражения keep waiting. Оно переводится как «заставлять ждать».

Ответ: keep

35. Нам предстоит выбрать один глагол из синонимичного ряда. Чтобы это сделать правильно, посмотрим на слова после пропуска.

«You 35 ______ rather serious, even sad,» William said.


  • watch
  • glance
  • see
  • look

Там словосочетание rather serious «довольно серьезный». Возникает вопрос: после какого глагола может стоять прилагательное? Ведь мы знаем, что обычно наречие характеризует глагол. Ответ прост — это глагол look в значении «выглядеть». Он является исключением и, как и глагол be, требует после себя прилагательного.

Ответ: look

36. Перейдем к следующему заданию.

In 36 ______, he tried several times with no success. 


  • fact
  • time
  • place
  • point

В данном задании проверяется знание вводной фразы in fact «в действительности».

Ответ: fact

37. Снова составители хотят подловить нас на устойчивом выражении get in touch with «связаться с кем-либо». Единственно, в предложении глагол стоит в Past Simple.

That’s why he finally got 37 ______ touch with me. 


  • by
  • at
  • on
  • in

Ответ: in

38. При выполнении этого задания важна лексическая сочетаемость: a car accident – ДТП.

He said that there was a terrible car 38 ______ sometime last night.


  • incident
  • occasion
  • accident
  • event

Ответ: accident

Множество тематических тестовых заданий из раздела 32-38 вы можете найти в нашей рубрике «Задания 32-38». А еще больше подобных разборов ищите в нашей новой рубрике «ФИПИ ответы».

Следите за обновлениями и совершенствуйте свой английский вместе с ABC.

Задание №8664.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

Welcome to the Smithsonian

When you visit any of the Smithsonian’s 19 museums and galleries or the National zoo, you are entering the largest museum complex in the world. This complex holds about 137 million unique objects in its trust for the American people.

The Smithsonian was established in 1846 with funds given to the United States by James Smithson, an English scientist. The main idea was to increase and spread knowledge for free. And now all Smithsonian institutions are still devoted to public education, ___ (A) history.

Ten Smithsonian museums and galleries are located in the centre of the U.S. capital. Six other museums and the National zoo are nearby in the Washington metropolitan area, ___ (B).

The 19th and the newest museum ___ (C) is the National Museum of African American history and culture. It is now operating in the form of a virtual museum. Its key feature is the memory book, ___ (D). These diverse memories are linked to each other and to the museum content, ___ (E).

The Smithsonian complex is home to the world’s foremost research centres in science, the arts and the humanities. Besides the basic research ___ (F), there are a number of special facilities. Conservation centre at the zoo studies rare and endangered species, environment centre carries out research in ecosystems in the coastal area.

1. that is carried on regularly in each of the museums
2. providing different materials in the arts, science and
3. placing a spotlight on people and events in African American history
4. that has been established within the Smithsonian complex
5. which allows website visitors to upload their own stories or images
6. and visitors can enjoywatching rare exhibits on
7. and two museums are situated in New York City


Пропуску A соответствует часть текста под номером 2.
Пропуску B соответствует часть текста под номером 7.
Пропуску C соответствует часть текста под номером 4.
Пропуску D соответствует часть текста под номером 5.
Пропуску E соответствует часть текста под номером 3.
Пропуску F соответствует часть текста под номером 1.

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This article is about the computer animation studio. For other uses, see Pixar (disambiguation).

Pixar Animation Studios

Pixar logo.svg

Logo used since 1995


Headquarters in Emeryville, California

Type Subsidiary
Industry Animation
Predecessor The Graphics Group (1979–1986)
Disney Circle 7 Animation (2005-2006)
Founded February 3, 1986; 37 years ago in Richmond, California
  • Edwin Catmull
  • Alvy Ray Smith
Headquarters 1200 Park Avenue,

Emeryville, California



Area served


Key people

  • Jim Morris (general manager & president)
  • Pete Docter (CCO)
Products Computer animations
  • Pixar Image Computer
  • Pixar RenderMan
Owner Lucasfilm (1979-1986)
Steve Jobs (1986–2006)
The Walt Disney Company (2006–present)

Number of employees

1,233 (2020) Edit this on Wikidata
Parent Walt Disney Studios
(Disney Entertainment) (2006–present)
Website Edit this at Wikidata
Footnotes / references

Pixar Animation Studios () is an American computer animation studio known for its critically and commercially successful computer animated feature films. It is based in Emeryville, California. Since 2006, Pixar has been a subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios, a division of Disney Entertainment, which is owned by The Walt Disney Company.

Pixar started in 1979 as part of the Lucasfilm computer division. It was known as the Graphics Group before its spin-off as a corporation in 1986, with funding from Apple co-founder Steve Jobs who became its majority shareholder.[2] Disney purchased Pixar in January 2006 at a valuation of $7.4+ billion by converting each share of Pixar stock to 2.3 shares of Disney stock.[4][5] Pixar is best known for its feature films, technologically powered by RenderMan, the company’s own implementation of the industry-standard RenderMan Interface Specification image-rendering API. The studio’s mascot is Luxo Jr., a desk lamp from the studio’s 1986 short film of the same name.

Pixar has produced 26 feature films, starting with Toy Story (1995), which is the first fully computer-animated feature film; its most recent film was Lightyear (2022). The studio has also produced many short films. As of July 2019, its feature films have earned approximately $14 billion at the worldwide box office,[6] with an average worldwide gross of $680 million per film.[7] Toy Story 3 (2010), Finding Dory (2016), Incredibles 2 (2018), and Toy Story 4 (2019) are all among the 50 highest-grossing films of all time. Incredibles 2 being the fourth-highest-grossing animated film of all time, with a gross of $1.2 billion; the other three also grossed over $1 billion. Moreover, 15 of Pixar’s films are in the 50 highest-grossing animated films of all time.

Pixar has earned 23 Academy Awards, 10 Golden Globe Awards, and 11 Grammy Awards, along with numerous other awards and acknowledgments. Its films are frequently nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, since its inauguration in 2001, with eleven winners being Finding Nemo (2003), The Incredibles (2004), Ratatouille (2007), WALL-E (2008), Up (2009), Toy Story 3 (2010), Brave (2012), Inside Out (2015), Coco (2017), Toy Story 4 (2019), and Soul (2020); the five nominated without winning are Monsters, Inc. (2001), Cars (2006), Incredibles 2 (2018), Onward (2020), and Luca (2021). Up and Toy Story 3 were also nominated for the more competitive and inclusive Academy Award for Best Picture.

On February 10, 2009, Pixar executives John Lasseter, Brad Bird, Pete Docter, Andrew Stanton, and Lee Unkrich were presented with the Golden Lion award for Lifetime Achievement by the Venice Film Festival. The physical award was ceremoniously handed to Lucasfilm’s founder, George Lucas.


Early history

Pixar got its start in 1974, when New York Institute of Technology’s (NYIT) founder, Alexander Schure, who was also the owner of a traditional animation studio, established the Computer Graphics Lab (CGL) and recruited computer scientists who shared his ambitions about creating the world’s first computer-animated film. Edwin Catmull and Malcolm Blanchard were the first to be hired and were soon joined by Alvy Ray Smith and David DiFrancesco some months later, which were the four original members of the Computer Graphics Lab, located in a converted two-story garage acquired from the former Vanderbilt-Whitney estate.[8][9] Schure kept pouring money into the computer graphics lab, an estimated $15 million, giving the group everything they desired and driving NYIT into serious financial troubles.[10] Eventually, the group realized they needed to work in a real film studio in order to reach their goal. Francis Ford Coppola then invited Smith to his house for a three-day media conference, where Coppola and George Lucas shared their visions for the future of digital moviemaking.[11]

When Lucas approached them and offered them a job at his studio, six employees moved to Lucasfilm. During the following months, they gradually resigned from CGL, found temporary jobs for about a year to avoid making Schure suspicious, and joined the Graphics Group at Lucasfilm.[12][13]
The Graphics Group, which was one-third of the Computer Division of Lucasfilm, was launched in 1979 with the hiring of Catmull from NYIT,[14] where he was in charge of the Computer Graphics Lab. He was then reunited with Smith, who also made the journey from NYIT to Lucasfilm, and was made the director of the Graphics Group. At NYIT, the researchers pioneered many of the CG foundation techniques—in particular, the invention of the alpha channel by Catmull and Smith.[15] Over the next several years, the CGL would produce a few frames of an experimental film called The Works. After moving to Lucasfilm, the team worked on creating the precursor to RenderMan, called REYES (for «renders everything you ever saw») and developed several critical technologies for CG—including particle effects and various animation tools.[16]

John Lasseter was hired to the Lucasfilm team for a week in late 1983 with the title «interface designer»; he animated the short film The Adventures of André & Wally B.[17] In the next few years, a designer suggested naming a new digital compositing computer the «Picture Maker». Smith suggested that the laser-based device have a catchier name, and came up with «Pixer», which after a meeting was changed to «Pixar».[18]

In 1982, the Pixar team began working on special-effects film sequences with Industrial Light & Magic. After years of research, and key milestones such as the Genesis Effect in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and the Stained Glass Knight in Young Sherlock Holmes,[14] the group, which then numbered 40 individuals, was spun out as a corporation in February 1986 by Catmull and Smith. Among the 38 remaining employees, there were also Malcolm Blanchard, David DiFrancesco, Ralph Guggenheim, and Bill Reeves, who had been part of the team since the days of NYIT. Tom Duff, also an NYIT member, would later join Pixar after its formation.[2] With Lucas’s 1983 divorce, which coincided with the sudden dropoff in revenues from Star Wars licenses following the release of Return of the Jedi, they knew he would most likely sell the whole Graphics Group. Worried that the employees would be lost to them if that happened, which would prevent the creation of the first computer-animated movie, they concluded that the best way to keep the team together was to turn the group into an independent company. But Moore’s Law also suggested that sufficient computing power for the first film was still some years away, and they needed to focus on a proper product until then. Eventually, they decided they should be a hardware company in the meantime, with their Pixar Image Computer as the core product, a system primarily sold to governmental, scientific, and medical markets.[2][10][19] They also used SGI computers.[20]

In 1983, Nolan Bushnell founded a new computer-guided animation studio called Kadabrascope as a subsidiary of his Chuck E. Cheese’s Pizza Time Theatres company (PTT), which was founded in 1977. Only one major project was made out of the new studio, an animated Christmas special for NBC starring Chuck E. Cheese and other PTT mascots; known as «Chuck E. Cheese: The Christmas That Almost Wasn’t». The animation movement would be made using tweening instead of traditional cel animation. After the video game crash of 1983, Bushnell started selling some subsidiaries of PTT to keep the business afloat. Sente Technologies (another division, was founded to have games distributed in PTT stores) was sold to Bally Games and Kadabrascope was sold to Lucasfilm. The Kadabrascope assets were combined with the Computer Division of Lucasfilm.[21] Coincidentally, one of Steve Jobs’s first jobs was under Bushnell in 1973 as a technician at his other company Atari, which Bushnell sold to Warner Communications in 1976 to focus on PTT.[22] PTT would later go bankrupt in 1984 and be acquired by ShowBiz Pizza Place.[23]

Independent company (1986–1999)

In 1986, the newly independent Pixar was headed by President Edwin Catmull and Executive Vice President Alvy Ray Smith. Lucas’s search for investors led to an offer from Steve Jobs, which Lucas initially found too low. He eventually accepted after determining it impossible to find other investors. At that point, Smith and Catmull had been declined 45 times, and 35 venture capitalists and ten large corporations had declined.[24] Jobs, who had been edged out of Apple in 1985,[2] was now founder and CEO of the new computer company NeXT. On February 3, 1986, he paid $5 million of his own money to George Lucas for technology rights and invested $5 million cash as capital into the company, joining the board of directors as chairman.[2][25]

In 1985 while still at Lucasfilm, they had made a deal with the Japanese publisher Shogakukan to make a computer-animated movie called Monkey, based on the Monkey King. The project continued sometime after they became a separate company in 1986, but it became clear that the technology was not sufficiently advanced. The computers were not powerful enough and the budget would be too high. As a result they focused on the computer hardware business for years until a computer-animated feature became feasible according to Moore’s law.[26][27]

At the time, Walt Disney Studios was interested and eventually bought and used the Pixar Image Computer and custom software written by Pixar as part of its Computer Animation Production System (CAPS) project, to migrate the laborious ink and paint part of the 2D animation process to a more automated method. The company’s first feature film to be released using this new animation method was The Rescuers Down Under (1990).[28][29]

In a bid to drive sales of the system and increase the company’s capital, Jobs suggested releasing the product to the mainstream market. Pixar employee John Lasseter, who had long been working on not-for-profit short demonstration animations, such as Luxo Jr. (1986) to show off the device’s capabilities, premiered his creations to great fanfare at SIGGRAPH, the computer graphics industry’s largest convention.[30]

However, the Image Computer had inadequate sales[30] which threatened to end the company as financial losses grew. Jobs increased investment in exchange for an increased stake, reducing the proportion of management and employee ownership until eventually, his total investment of $50 million gave him control of the entire company. In 1989, Lasseter’s growing animation department which was originally composed of just four people (Lasseter, Bill Reeves, Eben Ostby, and Sam Leffler), was turned into a division that produced computer-animated commercials for outside companies.[1][31][32] In April 1990, Pixar sold its hardware division, including all proprietary hardware technology and imaging software, to Vicom Systems, and transferred 18 of Pixar’s approximately 100 employees. In the same year Pixar moved from San Rafael to Richmond, California.[33] Pixar released some of its software tools on the open market for Macintosh and Windows systems. RenderMan is one of the leading 3D packages of the early 1990s, and Typestry is a special-purpose 3D text renderer that competed with RayDream.[citation needed]

During this period of time, Pixar continued its successful relationship with Walt Disney Feature Animation, a studio whose corporate parent would ultimately become its most important partner. As 1991 began, however the layoff of 30 employees in the company’s computer hardware department—including the company’s president, Chuck Kolstad,[34] reduced the total number of employees to just 42, approximately its original number.[35] Pixar made a historic $26 million deal with Disney to produce three computer-animated feature films, the first of which was Toy Story, the product of the technological limitations that challenged CGI.[36] By then the software programmers, who were doing RenderMan and IceMan, and Lasseter’s animation department, which made television commercials (and four Luxo Jr. shorts for Sesame Street the same year), were all that remained of Pixar.[37]

Even with income from these projects, the company continued to lose money and Steve Jobs, as chairman of the board and now the full owner, often considered selling it. Even as late as 1994, Jobs contemplated selling Pixar to other companies such as Hallmark Cards, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Oracle CEO and co-founder Larry Ellison.[38] Only after learning from New York critics that Toy Story would probably be a hit—and confirming that Disney would distribute it for the 1995 Christmas season—did he decide to give Pixar another chance.[39][40] Also for the first time, he took an active leadership role in the company and made himself CEO.[citation needed] Toy Story grossed more than $373 million worldwide[41] and, when Pixar held its initial public offering on November 29, 1995, it exceeded Netscape’s as the biggest IPO of the year. In its first half-hour of trading, Pixar stock shot from $22 to $45, delaying trading because of unmatched buy orders. Shares climbed to US$49 and closed the day at $39.[42]

The company continued to make the television commercials during the production of Toy Story, came to an end on July 9, 1996, when Pixar announced they would shut down its televion-commercial unit, which counted 18 employees, to focus on longer projects and interactive entertainment.[43][44]

During the 1990s and 2000s, Pixar gradually developed the «Pixar Braintrust», the studio’s primary creative development process, in which all of its directors, writers, and lead storyboard artists regularly examine each other’s projects and give very candid «notes», the industry term for constructive criticism.[45] The Braintrust operates under a philosophy of a «filmmaker-driven studio», in which creatives help each other move their films forward through a process somewhat like peer review, as opposed to the traditional Hollywood approach of an «executive-driven studio» in which directors are micromanaged through «mandatory notes» from development executives outranking the producers.[46][47] According to Catmull, it evolved out of the working relationship between Lasseter, Stanton, Docter, Unkrich, and Joe Ranft on Toy Story.[45]

As a result of the success of Toy Story, Pixar built a new studio at the Emeryville campus which was designed by PWP Landscape Architecture and opened in November 2000.[citation needed]

Collaboration with Disney (1999–2006)

Pixar and Disney had disagreements over the production of Toy Story 2. Originally intended as a direct-to-video release (and thus not part of Pixar’s three-picture deal), the film was eventually upgraded to a theatrical release during production. Pixar demanded that the film then be counted toward the three-picture agreement, but Disney refused.[48] Though profitable for both, Pixar later complained that the arrangement was not equitable. Pixar was responsible for creation and production, while Disney handled marketing and distribution. Profits and production costs were split equally, but Disney exclusively owned all story, character, and sequel rights and also collected a 10- to 15-percent distribution fee. The lack of these rights was perhaps the most onerous aspect for Pixar and precipitated a contentious relationship.[citation needed]

The two companies attempted to reach a new agreement for ten months and failed on January 26, 2001, July 26, 2002, April 22, 2003, January 16, 2004, July 22, 2004, and January 14, 2005. The new deal would be only for distribution, as Pixar intended to control production and own the resulting story, character, and sequel rights while Disney would own the right of first refusal to distribute any sequels. Pixar also wanted to finance its own films and collect 100 percent profit, paying Disney only the 10- to 15-percent distribution fee.[49] More importantly, as part of any distribution agreement with Disney, Pixar demanded control over films already in production under the old agreement, including The Incredibles (2004) and Cars (2006). Disney considered these conditions unacceptable, but Pixar would not concede.[49]

Disagreements between Steve Jobs and Disney chairman and CEO Michael Eisner made the negotiations more difficult than they otherwise might have been. They broke down completely in mid-2004, with Disney forming Circle Seven Animation and Jobs declaring that Pixar was actively seeking partners other than Disney.[50] Even with this announcement and several talks with Warner Bros., Sony Pictures, and 20th Century Fox, Pixar did not enter negotiations with other distributors,[51] although a Warner Bros. spokesperson told CNN, «We would love to be in business with Pixar. They are a great company.»[49] After a lengthy hiatus, negotiations between the two companies resumed following the departure of Eisner from Disney in September 2005. In preparation for potential fallout between Pixar and Disney, Jobs announced in late 2004 that Pixar would no longer release movies at the Disney-dictated November time frame, but during the more lucrative early summer months. This would also allow Pixar to release DVDs for its major releases during the Christmas shopping season. An added benefit of delaying Cars from November 4, 2005, to June 9, 2006, was to extend the time frame remaining on the Pixar-Disney contract, to see how things would play out between the two companies.[51]

Pending the Disney acquisition of Pixar, the two companies created a distribution deal for the intended 2007 release of Ratatouille, to ensure that if the acquisition failed, this one film would be released through Disney’s distribution channels. In contrast to the earlier Pixar deal, Ratatouille was meant to remain a Pixar property and Disney would have received only a distribution fee. The completion of Disney’s Pixar acquisition, however, nullified this distribution arrangement.[52]

Walt Disney Studios subsidiary (2006–present)

On January 24, 2006, Disney ultimately agreed to buy Pixar for approximately $7.4 billion in an all-stock deal.[53] Following Pixar shareholder approval, the acquisition was completed on May 5, 2006. The transaction catapulted Jobs, who owned 49.65% of total share interest in Pixar, to Disney’s largest individual shareholder with 7%, valued at $3.9 billion, and a new seat on its board of directors.[5][54] Jobs’ new Disney holdings exceeded holdings belonging to ex-CEO Michael Eisner, the previous top shareholder, who still held 1.7%; and Disney Director Emeritus Roy E. Disney, who held almost 1% of the corporation’s shares. Pixar shareholders received 2.3 shares of Disney common stock for each share of Pixar common stock redeemed.[citation needed]

As part of the deal, John Lasseter, by then Executive Vice President, became Chief Creative Officer (reporting directly to president and CEO Robert Iger and consulting with Disney Director Roy E. Disney) of both Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios (including its division DisneyToon Studios), as well as the Principal Creative Adviser at Walt Disney Imagineering, which designs and builds the company’s theme parks.[54] Catmull retained his position as President of Pixar, while also becoming President of Walt Disney Animation Studios, reporting to Iger and Dick Cook, chairman of the Walt Disney Studios. Jobs’s position as Pixar’s chairman and chief executive officer was abolished, and instead, he took a place on the Disney board of directors.[55]

After the deal closed in May 2006, Lasseter revealed that Iger had realized Disney needed to buy Pixar while watching a parade at the opening of Hong Kong Disneyland in September 2005.[56] Iger noticed that of all the Disney characters in the parade, not one was a character that Disney had created within the last ten years since all the newer ones had been created by Pixar.[56] Upon returning to Burbank, Iger commissioned a financial analysis that confirmed that Disney had actually lost money on animation for the past decade, then presented that information to the board of directors at his first board meeting after being promoted from COO to CEO, and the board, in turn, authorized him to explore the possibility of a deal with Pixar.[57] Lasseter and Catmull were wary when the topic of Disney buying Pixar first came up, but Jobs asked them to give Iger a chance (based on his own experience negotiating with Iger in summer 2005 for the rights to ABC shows for the fifth-generation iPod Classic),[58] and in turn, Iger convinced them of the sincerity of his epiphany that Disney really needed to re-focus on animation.[56]

Lasseter and Catmull’s oversight of both the Disney Feature Animation and Pixar studios did not mean that the two studios were merging, however. In fact, additional conditions were laid out as part of the deal to ensure that Pixar remained a separate entity, a concern that analysts had expressed about the Disney deal.[59][page needed] Some of those conditions were that Pixar HR policies would remain intact, including the lack of employment contracts. Also, the Pixar name was guaranteed to continue, and the studio would remain in its current Emeryville, California, location with the «Pixar» sign. Finally, branding of films made post-merger would be «Disney•Pixar» (beginning with Cars).[60]

Jim Morris, producer of WALL-E (2008), became general manager of Pixar. In this new position, Morris took charge of the day-to-day running of the studio facilities and products.[61]

After a few years, Lasseter and Catmull were able to successfully transfer the basic principles of the Pixar Braintrust to Disney Animation, although meetings of the Disney Story Trust are reportedly «more polite» than those of the Pixar Braintrust.[62] Catmull later explained that after the merger, to maintain the studios’ separate identities and cultures (notwithstanding the fact of common ownership and common senior management), he and Lasseter «drew a hard line» that each studio was solely responsible for its own projects and would not be allowed to borrow personnel from or lend tasks out to the other.[63][64] The rule ensures that each studio maintains «local ownership» of projects and can be proud of its own work.[63][64] Thus for example, when Pixar had issues with Ratatouille and Disney Animation had issues with Bolt (2008), «nobody bailed them out» and each studio was required «to solve the problem on its own» even when they knew there were personnel at the other studio who theoretically could have helped.[63][64]

Expansion (2010–2018)

On April 20, 2010, Pixar opened Pixar Canada in the downtown area of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.[65] The roughly 2,000 square meters studio produced seven short films based on Toy Story and Cars characters. In October 2013, the studio was closed down to refocus Pixar’s efforts at its main headquarters.[66]

In November 2014, Morris was promoted to president of Pixar, while his counterpart at Disney Animation, general manager Andrew Millstein, was also promoted to president of that studio.[67] Both continued to report to Catmull, who retained the title of president of both Disney Animation and Pixar.[67]

On November 21, 2017, Lasseter announced that he was taking a six-month leave of absence after acknowledging what he called «missteps» in his behavior with employees in a memo to staff. According to The Hollywood Reporter and The Washington Post, Lasseter had a history of alleged sexual misconduct towards employees.[68][69][70] On June 8, 2018, it was announced that Lasseter would leave Disney Animation and Pixar at the end of the year, but would take on a consulting role until then.[71] Pete Docter was announced as Lasseter’s replacement as chief creative officer of Pixar on June 19, 2018.[72]

Studio resurgence (2018–present)

On October 23, 2018, it was announced that Catmull would be retiring. He stayed in an adviser role until July 2019.[73] On January 18, 2019, it was announced that Lee Unkrich would be leaving Pixar after 25 years.[74]


The Steve Jobs Building at the Pixar campus in Emeryville

The atrium of the Pixar campus

When Steve Jobs, chief executive officer of Apple Inc. and Pixar, and John Lasseter, then-executive vice president of Pixar, decided to move their studios from a leased space in Point Richmond, California, to larger quarters of their own, they chose a 20-acre site in Emeryville, California,[75] formerly occupied by Del Monte Foods, Inc. The first of several buildings, the high-tech structure designed by Bohlin Cywinski Jackson[76] has special foundations and electricity generators to ensure continued film production, even through major earthquakes. The character of the building is intended to abstractly recall Emeryville’s industrial past. The two-story steel-and-masonry building is a collaborative space with many pathways.[77]

The digital revolution in filmmaking was driven by applied mathematics, including computational physics and geometry.[78] In 2008, this led Pixar senior scientist Tony DeRose to offer to host the second Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival at the Emeryville campus.[79]



Some of Pixar’s first animators were former cel animators including John Lasseter, and others came from computer animation or were fresh college graduates.[80] A large number of animators that make up its animation department had been hired around the releases of A Bug’s Life (1998), Monsters, Inc. (2001), and Finding Nemo (2003). The success of Toy Story (1995) made Pixar the first major computer-animation studio to successfully produce theatrical feature films. The majority of the animation industry was (and still is) located in Los Angeles, and Pixar is located 350 miles (560 km) north in the San Francisco Bay Area. Traditional hand-drawn animation was still the dominant medium for feature animated films.[citation needed]

With the scarcity of Los Angeles-based animators willing to move their families so far north to give up traditional animation and try computer animation, Pixar’s new hires at this time either came directly from college or had worked outside feature animation. For those who had traditional animation skills, the Pixar animation software Marionette was designed so that traditional animators would require a minimum amount of training before becoming productive.[80]

In an interview with PBS talk show host Tavis Smiley,[81] Lasseter said that Pixar’s films follow the same theme of self-improvement as the company itself has: with the help of friends or family, a character ventures out into the real world and learns to appreciate his friends and family. At the core, Lasseter said, «it’s gotta be about the growth of the main character and how he changes.»[81]

Actor John Ratzenberger, who had previously starred in the television series Cheers, has voiced a character in every Pixar feature film from Toy Story through Onward (2020). At this point, he does not have a role in future Pixar films; however, a non-speaking background character in Soul bears his likeness. Pixar paid tribute to Ratzenberger in the end credits of Cars (2006) by parodying scenes from three of its earlier films (Toy Story, Monsters, Inc., and A Bug’s Life), replacing all of the characters with motor vehicle versions of them and giving each film an automotive-based title. After the third scene, Mack (his character in Cars) realizes that the same actor has been voicing characters in every film.

Due to the traditions that have occurred within the films and shorts such as anthropomorphic creatures and objects, and easter egg crossovers between films and shorts that have been spotted by Pixar fans, a blog post titled The Pixar Theory was published in 2013 by Jon Negroni, and popularized by the YouTube channel Super Carlin Brothers,[82] proposing that all of the characters within the Pixar universe were related, surrounding Boo from Monsters Inc. and the Witch from Brave (2012).[83][84][85]

Additionally, Pixar is known for their films having expensive budgets, ranging from $150–200 million. Some of their films include Ratatouille (2007), Toy Story 3 (2010), Toy Story 4 (2019), Incredibles 2 (2018), Soul (2020), The Good Dinosaur (2015), Onward (2020), Turning Red (2022), and Lightyear (2022).

Sequels and prequels

As of September 2022, six Pixar films have received or will receive sequels or prequels. These films are Toy Story, Cars, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, and Inside Out.

Toy Story 2 was originally commissioned by Disney as a 60-minute direct-to-video film. Expressing doubts about the strength of the material, John Lasseter convinced the Pixar team to start from scratch and make the sequel their third full-length feature film.

Following the release of Toy Story 2 in 1999, Pixar and Disney had a gentlemen’s agreement that Disney would not make any sequels without Pixar’s involvement though retaining a right to do so. After the two companies were unable to agree on a new deal, Disney announced in 2004 they would plan to move forward on sequels with or without Pixar and put Toy Story 3 into pre-production at Disney’s then-new CGI division Circle Seven Animation. However, when Lasseter was placed in charge of all Disney and Pixar animation following Disney’s acquisition of Pixar in 2006, he put all sequels on hold and Toy Story 3 was canceled. In May 2006, it was announced that Toy Story 3 was back in pre-production with a new plot and under Pixar’s control. The film was released on June 18, 2010, as Pixar’s eleventh feature film.

Shortly after announcing the resurrection of Toy Story 3, Lasseter fueled speculation on further sequels by saying, «If we have a great story, we’ll do a sequel.»[86] Cars 2, Pixar’s first non-Toy Story sequel, was officially announced in April 2008 and released on June 24, 2011, as their twelfth. Monsters University, a prequel to Monsters, Inc. (2001), was announced in April 2010 and initially set for release in November 2012;[87] the release date was pushed to June 21, 2013, due to Pixar’s past success with summer releases, according to a Disney executive.[88]

In June 2011, Tom Hanks, who voiced Woody in the Toy Story series, implied that Toy Story 4 was «in the works», although it had not yet been confirmed by the studio.[89][90] In April 2013, Finding Dory, a sequel to Finding Nemo, was announced for a June 17, 2016 release.[91] In March 2014, Incredibles 2 and Cars 3 were announced as films in development.[92] In November 2014, Toy Story 4 was confirmed to be in development with Lasseter serving as director.[93] However, in July 2017, Lasseter announced that he had stepped down, leaving Josh Cooley as sole director.[94] Released in June 2019, Toy Story 4 ranks among the 40 top-grossing films in American cinema.[95]

After Toy Story 4, Pixar chief Pete Docter said that the studio would take a break from sequels and focus on original projects. However, in a later interview, Docter said the studio would have to return to making sequels at some point as they are more «financially secure and help keep the studio running.»[96] On September 9, 2022, during the D23 Expo, Docter and Amy Poehler (voice of Joy) confirmed that Inside Out 2 is in the works, scheduled to release on June 14, 2024.[97]

Adaptation to television

Toy Story is the first Pixar film to be adapted for television as Buzz Lightyear of Star Command film and TV series on the UPN television network, now The CW. Cars became the second with the help of Cars Toons, a series of 3-to-5-minute short films running between regular Disney Channel show intervals and featuring Mater from Cars.[98] Between 2013 and 2014, Pixar released its first two television specials, Toy Story of Terror![99] and Toy Story That Time Forgot. Monsters at Work, a television series spin-off of Monsters, Inc., premiered in July 2021 on Disney+.[100][101]

On December 10, 2020, it was announced that three series would be released on Disney+. The first is Dug Days (featuring Dug from Up) where Dug explores suburbia. Dug Days premiered on September 1, 2021.[102] Next a Cars show, titled Cars on the Road, was announced to arrive on Disney+ on September 8, 2022[103] following Mater and Lightning McQueen as they go on a road trip.[102][104] Lastly, an original show entitled Win or Lose would be released on Disney+ in Fall 2023. The series will follow a middle school softball team the week leading up to the big championship game where each episode will be from a different perspective.[102]

2D animation and live-action

The Pixar filmography to date has been computer-animated features, but so far, WALL-E (2008) has been the only Pixar film not to be completely animated as it featured a small amount of live-action footage including Hello, Dolly! while Day & Night (2010), Kitbull (2019), Burrow (2020), and Twenty Something (2021) are the only four shorts to feature 2D animation. 1906, the live-action film by Brad Bird based on a screenplay and novel by James Dalessandro about the 1906 earthquake, was in development but has since been abandoned by Bird and Pixar. Bird has stated that he was «interested in moving into the live-action realm with some projects» while «staying at Pixar [because] it’s a very comfortable environment for me to work in». In June 2018, Bird mentioned the possibility of adapting the novel as a TV series, and the earthquake sequence as a live-action feature film.[105]

The Toy Story Toons short Hawaiian Vacation (2011) also includes the fish and shark as live-action.

Jim Morris, president of Pixar, produced Disney’s John Carter (2012) which Andrew Stanton co-wrote and directed.[106]

Pixar’s creative heads were consulted to fine tune the script for the 2011 live-action film The Muppets.[107] Similarly, Pixar assisted in the story development of Disney’s The Jungle Book (2016) as well as providing suggestions for the film’s end credits sequence.[108] Both Pixar and Mark Andrews were given a «Special Thanks» credit in the film’s credits.[109] Additionally, many Pixar animators, both former and current, were recruited for a traditional hand-drawn animated sequence for the 2018 film Mary Poppins Returns.[110]

Pixar representatives have also assisted in the English localization of several Studio Ghibli films, mainly those from Hayao Miyazaki.[111]

In 2019, Pixar developed a live-action hidden camera reality show, titled Pixar in Real Life, for Disney+.[112]

Upcoming films

Six upcoming films have been announced: Elemental, directed by Peter Sohn, to be released on June 16, 2023,[113][114] Elio, directed by Adrian Molina, to be released on March 1, 2024,[115] Inside Out 2, directed by Kelsey Mann, to be released June 14, 2024,[116][117] and three untitled films on June 13, 2025, March 6, 2026, and June 19, 2026.[118]

Co-op Program

The Pixar Co-op Program, a part of the Pixar University professional development program, allows their animators to use Pixar resources to produce independent films.[119][120] The first 3D project accepted to the program was Borrowed Time (2016); all previously accepted films were live-action.[121]


This does not include the Cars spinoffs produced by DisneyToon Studios.

Titles Films Short films TV series Release Date
Toy Story 5 3 4 1995–present
Monsters, Inc. 2 2 1 2001–present
Finding Nemo 2 1 0 2003–present
The Incredibles 2 4 1 2004–present
Cars 3 4 2 2006–present
Inside Out 2 1 0 2015–present


Since December 2005, Pixar has held a variety of exhibitions celebrating the art and artists of the organization and its contribution to the world of animation.[122]

Pixar: 20 Years of Animation

Upon its 20th anniversary, in 2006, Pixar celebrated with the release of its seventh feature film Cars, and held two exhibitions from April to June 2006 at Science Centre Singapore in Jurong East, Singapore and the London Science Museum in London.[123] It was their first time holding an exhibition in Singapore.[citation needed]

The exhibition highlights consist of work-in-progress sketches from various Pixar productions, clay sculptures of their characters and an autostereoscopic short showcasing a 3D version of the exhibition pieces which is projected through four projectors. Another highlight is the Zoetrope, where visitors of the exhibition are shown figurines of Toy Story characters «animated» in real-life through the zoetrope.[123]

Pixar: 25 Years of Animation

Pixar celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2011 with the release of its twelfth feature film Cars 2, and held an exhibition at the Oakland Museum of California from July 2010 until January 2011.[124] The exhibition tour debuted in Hong Kong and was held at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum in Sha Tin from March 27 to July 11, 2011.[125][126] In 2013, the exhibition was held in the EXPO in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For 6 months from July 6, 2012, until January 6, 2013, the city of Bonn (Germany) hosted the public showing,[127]

On November 16, 2013, the exhibition moved to the Art Ludique museum in Paris, France with a scheduled run until March 2, 2014.[128] The exhibition moved to three Spanish cities later in 2014 and 2015: Madrid (held in CaixaForum from March 21 until June 22),[129] Barcelona (held also in Caixaforum from February until May) and Zaragoza.[130]

Pixar: 25 Years of Animation includes all of the artwork from Pixar: 20 Years of Animation, plus art from Ratatouille, WALL-E, Up and Toy Story 3.[citation needed]

The Science Behind Pixar

The Science Behind Pixar is a travelling exhibition that first opened on June 28, 2015, at the Museum of Science in Boston, Massachusetts. It was developed by the Museum of Science in collaboration with Pixar. The exhibit features forty interactive elements that explain the production pipeline at Pixar. They are divided into eight sections, each demonstrating a step in the filmmaking process: Modeling, Rigging, Surfaces, Sets & Cameras, Animation, Simulation, Lighting, and Rendering. Before visitors enter the exhibit, they watch a short video at an introductory theater showing Mr. Ray from Finding Nemo and Roz from Monsters, Inc..[citation needed]

The exhibition closed on January 10, 2016, and was moved to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where it ran from March 12 to September 5. Afterwards, it moved to the California Science Center in Los Angeles, California and was open from October 15, 2016, to April 9, 2017. It made another stop at the Science Museum of Minnesota in St. Paul, Minnesota from May 27 through September 4, 2017.[131]

The exhibition opened in Edmonton, Alberta on July 1, 2017, at the TELUS World of Science – Edmonton (TWOSE).[citation needed]

Pixar: The Design of Story

Pixar: The Design of Story was an exhibition held at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum in New York City from October 8, 2015, to September 11, 2016.[132][133] The museum also hosted a presentation and conversation with John Lasseter on November 12, 2015, entitled «Design By Hand: Pixar’s John Lasseter».[132]

Pixar: 30 Years of Animation

Pixar celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2016 with the release of its seventeenth feature film Finding Dory, and put together another milestone exhibition. The exhibition first opened at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, Japan from March 5, 2016, to May 29, 2016. It subsequently moved to the Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum National Museum of History, Dongdaemun Design Plaza where it ended on March 5, 2018, at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.[134]


Pixar has a strong legacy with its reach on many different generations. Its emotional depth combined with its playfulness integrated in a cutting-edge technology has left it with a lasting legacy among children and adult viewers. With Pixar’s success, many have considered it an integral part of what it means to be a child, which may contribute to its popularity in an often separate adult audience. From the 1990s to the present, Pixar movies have become a central force in animation.[135] Discover Magazine wrote:

The message hidden inside Pixar’s magnificent films is this: humanity does not have a monopoly on personhood. In whatever form non- or super-human intelligence takes, it will need brave souls on both sides to defend what is right. If we can live up to this burden, humanity and the world we live in will be better for it.[135]

See also

  • The Walt Disney Company
  • Disney’s Nine Old Men
  • 12 basic principles of animation
  • Disney Animation: The Illusion of Life
  • Modern animation in the United States: Disney
  • Animation studios owned by The Walt Disney Company
  • Walt Disney Animation Studios
  • Disneytoon Studios
  • Blue Sky Studios
  • 20th Century Animation
  • List of animation studios
  • List of Disney theatrical animated feature films


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External links

  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata
  • Pixar’s channel on YouTube
  • Pixar Animation Studios at The Big Cartoon DataBase
  • List of the 40 founding employees of Pixar

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    Aug 11, 2021 · Bokep Indo Skandal Baru 2021 Lagi Viral — Nonton Bokep hanya Bokep Indo Skandal Baru 2021 Lagi Viral, Situs nonton film bokep terbaru dan terlengkap 2020 Bokep ABG Indonesia Bokep Viral 2020, Nonton Video Bokep, Film Bokep, Video Bokep Terbaru, Video Bokep Indo, Video Bokep Barat, Video Bokep Jepang, Video Bokep, Streaming Video …

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    See all on Wikipedia

    Pixar Animation Studios is an American computer animation studio known for its critically and commercially successful computer animated feature films. It is based in Emeryville, California, United States. Since 2006, Pixar has been a subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios, a division of Disney … See more


    Web29 rows · Pixar has produced 26 feature films, which were all released by Walt Disney …


    WebPixar Animation Studios, or simply Pixar, is an American computer animation studio. It is known for its advanced CGI productions. It has been a partner of Disney for many years. …

    • Founded: February 3, 1986


    Luca is a 2021 American computer-animated coming-of-age fantasy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. The film was directed by Enrico Casarosa (in his feature directorial debut), produced by Andrea Warren and written by Jesse Andrews and Mike Jones from a story by Casarosa, Andrews, and Simon Stephenson. It stars the voices of Jacob Tremblay and Ja…

    • Box office: $49.8 million

    • Produced by: Andrea Warren


    Web19 rows · Beginning with Red’s Dream and its references to previous Pixar short films,

    • Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins


      WebPixar Animation Studios (Pixar) is an American computer animation film studio based in Emeryville, California. Pixar is a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. Feature Films Short Films Technology Careers Extras …


      WebAugust 6 and 8, 2022 (Pixar film series) Brad Bird: John Walker: Michael Giacchino: 7 Cars: June 9, 2006 () September 8, 2022 (Disney Plus celebration) John Lasseter Dan …


      WebPixar researched films within the Hollywood’s golden age for set constructions. They performed master moving shots in combining them into a single scene, the longest of which were 48 seconds or 1,200 frames.


      WebPixar Wiki is a collaborative encyclopedia about the creative work of Pixar Animation Studios. For over 30 years, Pixar has touched the hearts of millions around the world through its 26 feature-length masterpieces and …


      WebSoul is a 2020 American computer-animated comedy-drama film produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures.It was directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Kemp Powers, and produced by Dana Murray, …

    • Pixar | Disney Wiki | Fandom

      WebWebsite. Pixar Animation Studios is an American computer animation film studio based in Emeryville, California and a part of the Walt Disney Studios group. The studio has …

    • Pixar — Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

      WebPixar Animation Studios, más conocido como Pixar, es un estudio cinematográfico de animación por computadora subsidario de Walt Disney Studios y propiedad de The Walt …

    • Pixar | Moviepedia | Fandom

      WebPixar Animation Studios is an American computer animation studio based in Glendale, California for its CGI animated feature films. On January 24, 1994, The Walt Disney …

    • Elemental (2023 film) — Wikipedia

      WebOn May 16, 2022, Pixar announced a new film titled Elemental, with the anthropomorphic classical elements of fire, water, air, and earth as its central theme, with Peter Sohn …

    • Luca | Pixar Wiki | Fandom

      WebLuca is an American 3D computer animated film produced by Pixar. It was released on June 18, 2021. The film was directed by Enrico Casarosa and produced by Andrea Warren as …

    • Elemental | Pixar Wiki | Fandom

      WebThis article features content from Disney and Pixar or its subsidiaries that has yet to be released. To prevent speculation, please add reliable sources to the unreleased content. …

    • Pixar Animation Studios | Pixar Wiki | Fandom

      WebPixar celebrated 25 years of animation in 2011, the year when Cars 2 was released. Pixar celebrated its 20th anniversary with the first Cars. The Pixar: 25 Years of Animation …

    • Pixar – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

      WebPixar Animation Studios, também conhecida como Pixar (/ ˈ p ɪ k s ɑr /), é um estúdio americano de animação por computador com sede em Emeryville, Califórnia, uma …

    • Toy Story | Pixar Fanon Wiki | Fandom

      WebToy Story is a 1995 American computer-animated comedy film directed by John Lasseter (in his feature directorial debut), produced by Pixar Animation Studiosand released by Walt …

    • ピクサー・アニメーション・スタジオ — Wikipediaピクサー・アニメーション・スタジオ

      Webピクサー・アニメーション・スタジオ(Pixar Animation Studios)は、アメリカ合衆国のアニメーション制作会社 。CGIアニメーションを産業としており 、それを用いて主に長 …

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    A LAMP NAMED LUXO (1979-1991)


    George Lucas recruits Ed Catmull from the New York Institute of Technology to head Lucasfilm’s Computer Division, a group charged with developing state-of-the-art computer technology for the film industry. Lucas’s wish list: a digital (nonlinear) film editing system, a digital (nonlinear) sound editing system, a laser film printer, and further exploration of computer graphics. The following year, he is joined by Alvy Ray Smith, who is hired as Director of Computer Graphics Research.


    The Computer Division completes the “Genesis Effect” sequence for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The scene, which shows an initially lifeless planet being rapidly transformed by lush vegetation, is the first completely computer animated sequence in a feature film.


    The Computer Division’s Graphics Group creates their first film-resolution image, “The Road to Point Reyes.” Near the end of the year, animator John Lasseter is invited to come up to the Bay Area to do some freelance work with the Graphics Group.


    Lasseter is hired full-time, joining the Computer Division as an “Interface Designer.”

    A partially completed version of “The Adventures of André & Wally B.” premieres at SIGGRAPH. It is the first short film created by the future animation studio, featuring complex flexible characters, hand-painted textures, and motion blur. It is also the first example of character animation in the young medium of computer animation.

     At SIGGRAPH, the Computer Division also shows off its prototype Pixar Image Computer.


    The Computer Division completes the Stained Glass Knight sequence that appears in the film Young Sherlock Holmes.


    Steve Jobs purchases the Computer Division from George Lucas and establishes the group as an independent company, “Pixar.” At this time about 40 people are employed.

    Pixar and Disney begin collaboration on CAPS, the Computer Animation Production System, which would revolutionize the creation of traditional animated films. The first check written to Pixar by a client after its incorporation is from Disney, for work on this project.

    Luxo Jr.” is completed. The short film, John Lasseter’s official directorial debut, is unveiled in August at SIGGRAPH and then screened for general audiences at Los Angeles-area theaters in November. “Luxo Jr.” will go on to become the first three-dimensional computer animated film to be nominated for an Oscar®, receiving a nomination for Best Short Film (Animated).


    Red’s Dream is completed and premieres at SIGGRAPH. A portion of the film is rendered entirely on the Pixar Image Computer.  



    Pixar’s proprietary animation system, identified to the outside world as Marionette but internally known as Menv (“men-vee”), short for “modeling environment,” comes online.

    Pixar’s proprietary renderer, RenderMan®, also makes its internal debut.

    Both pieces of software are used to produce “Tin Toy,” Pixar’s third short film. A partially completed version of “Tin Toy” is screened at SIGGRAPH, with the finished film premiering later that year at the Ottawa International Film Fest. “Tin Toy” will go on to become the first computer animated film to receive an Academy Award® when it is named Best Short Film (Animated) the following year.


    Knick Knack” is completed. A work-in-progress version is screened at that year’s SIGGRAPH. It is Pixar’s first animation producedin stereoscopic 3D.

    The first commercial version of RenderMan® is released.  

    Pixar begins making commercials.  The first is an ad for Tropicana orange juice, “Wake Up,” directed by John Lasseter.


    Andrew Stanton and Pete Docter join the company. By the end of the year, each animates a commercial – Andrew Stanton completes “Quite A Package” for Trident, and Pete Docter animates “Boxer” for Listerine. Pixar’s commercial work gives the company invaluable experience in pitching, storytelling, and working with clients, and allows it to develop and refine its production pipeline.


    Disney and Pixar announce an agreement “to make and distribute at least one computer-generated animated movie.”

    Pixar begins work on the project that will become Toy Story, while continuing to produce commercials and other short materials, including spots for public television.

    To Infinity And Beyond



    Toy Story, the world’s first computer animated feature film, is released in theaters on November 22. It opens at #1 that weekend and will go on to become the highest grossing film of the year, making $192 million domestically and $362 million worldwide.

    Pixar’s initial public offering takes place just days later, on November 28.  It is the largest IPO of the year.


    Toy Story is recognized with Academy Award® nominations for Best Original Song, Best Original Score, and Best Original Screenplay—the first time an animated film is recognized for screenwriting. John Lasseter receives a Special Achievement Oscar® from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for his “inspired leadership of the Pixar Toy Story Team resulting in the first feature-length computer animated film.”

    Pixar announces that it will stop making commercials in order to concentrate on longer-format and interactive entertainment.


    The Walt Disney Studios and Pixar Animation Studios announce an agreement to jointly produce five movies over 10 years. 


    Groundbreaking for Pixar’s Emeryville studio begins.

    «A Bug’s Life» is released in theaters on November 25, accompanied by the short film “Geri’s Game.” 



    Toy Story 2 is released in theaters on November 24. It is the first film in history to be entirely created, mastered and exhibited digitally.  It is accompanied by a rerelease of Luxo Jr.


    Pixar moves to its new building in Emeryville, California.


    Monsters, Inc. is released in theaters on November 2, accompanied by the short film “For the Birds.” 


    “A Bug’s Land”, a themed land based on A Bug’s Life, opens at Disney California Adventure Park.


    Finding Nemo is released in theaters on May 30, accompanied by a re-mastered version of Knick Knack.” 


    The Incredibles is released in theaters on November 5, accompanied by the short film “Boundin’.”

    Turtle Talk with Crush” opens at Epcot in the Walt Disney World Resort.


    Pixar’s first external exhibition of original artwork, Pixar: 20 Years of Animation, opens at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.


    Cars is released in theaters on June 9, accompanied by the short film “One Man Band.”

    The late story artist Joe Ranft is named a Disney Legend. 

    The Walt Disney Company announces that it has agreed to purchase Pixar Animation Studios.  As part of the deal,
    Ed Catmull and John Lasseter also assume leadership of Walt Disney Animation Studios.

    Pixar celebrates its 20th anniversary.


    Ratatouille is released in theaters on June 29, accompanied by the short film “Lifted.”

    «Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage” opens in Tomorrowland at Disneyland Park in California.


    WALL•E  is released in theaters on June 27, accompanied by the short film “Presto.”

    Toy Story Midway Mania! opens at Disney parks in California and Florida.


    Up becomes the first animated feature film to open the Cannes Film Festival.  It opens in wide release on May 29 with the short film“Partly Cloudy.”

    «Monsters, Inc. Ride & Go Seek» opens at Tokyo Disneyland


    Toy Story 3 is released in theaters on June 18, accompanied by the short film “Day and Night.” 

    Toy Story Playland, a themed land based on the
    Toy Story films, opens at Walt Disney Studios Park at Disneyland Paris.


    Cars 2 is released in theaters on June 24, accompanied by the first Toy Story Toon, “Hawaiian Vacation.”

    Pixar celebrates its 25th anniversary.

    Construction of the second new building on Pixar’s Emeryville campus is completed.

    Toy Story Land” opens at Hong Kong Disneyland.


    Brave is released in theaters on June 22, accompanied by the short film “La Luna.”

    «Cars Land« opens at Disney California Adventure Park. 

    Menv (“men-vee”), Pixar’s long-lived proprietary animation system, is officially retired in favor of a completely new proprietary system named Presto, after the studio’s 2008 short film.  Brave is the first film animated using this new system—which is still referred to internally as “menv.”

    Pixar, in partnership with the San Francisco Symphony, launches «Pixar in Concert», a symphonic rendition of the scores of Pixar films.


    Monsters University is released in theaters on June 21, accompanied by the short film “The Blue Umbrella.”

    The TV special «Toy Story Of TERROR!» airs on ABC.



    The holiday TV special «Toy Story That Time Forgot» airs on ABC.

    «Ratatouille: The Adventure» opens in Walt Disney Studios Park at Disneyland Paris.


    After premiering at the 68th Cannes Film Festival in May, Inside Out is released on June 19, accompanied by the short film “LAVA.”

    The Good Dinosaur, accompanied by the short film “Sanjay’s Super Team,” is released in theatres on November 25.


    Finding Dory, accompanied by the short film “Piper,” is released in theatres on June 17.

    «The Toy Story Hotel» and «Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue» attraction debut with the opening of Shanghai Disney Resort.


    Cars 3 accompanied by the short film “Lou,” is released in theatres on June 16.

    Pixar releases its Academy Award®-winning RenderMan® software for non-commercial use.

    Online educational program “Pixar in a Box” is released in partnership with Khan Academy.

    The Science Behind Pixar exhibit opens at the Museum of Science, Boston.

    “Piper», written and directed by Alan Barillaro and produced by Marc Sondheimer, won the Academy Award for Animated Short film

    Coco premiered on October 20, 2017 during the Morelia International Film Festival in Morelia, Mexico. It went on to become Mexico’s #1 highest grossing film of all time.

    Coco is released in North America on November 22.



    Incredibles 2 is released in the United States on June 15, 2018 and sets the record for best debut for an animated film of all time, eventually grossing over $1.2 Billion dollars worldwide — Pixar’s biggest grossing film yet!

    “Bao”, written and directed by Domee Shi  is released with Incredibles 2 on June 15, 2018. 

    June 19 Pete Docter is officially announced as Pixar’s Chief Creative Officer.


    Pixar debuted the first three SparkShorts projects, Smash and Grab, Purl and Kitbull in January at the El Capitan Theater in LA.

    “Bao,» written and directed by Domee Shi and produced by Becky Neiman-Cobb, won the Academy Award for Animated Short film. 

    Lightning McQueen’s Racing Academy opened on March 31 at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

    Toy Story 4 is released in the United States on June 21.

    Ed Catmull, original Pixar co-founder, retired from his role as President of Pixar Animation Studios at the end of July.

    Disney+ officially launched November 12, and with it debuted original Forky Asks a Question shorts, written and directed by Bob Peterson, and new SparkShorts projects including Float and Wind. 


    The SparkShort Loop is released on Disney+ on January 10.

    Toy Story 4 wins the Oscar for Best Animated Feature at the 92nd Academy Awards.

    Directed by Dan Scanlon and produced by Kori Rae, Onward is released in theaters on March 6.

    On March 16, with approximately 7 weeks of production remaining on the feature film, Soul, Pixar employees begin working from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic. With everyone’s health and safety foremost in mind, Soul is completed on time the following month.

    The SparkShort OUT is released on Disney+ on May 22.

    The docuseries, Inside Pixar, chronicling the many different types of work done by employees at Pixar, is released on Disney+ on November 13.

    Soul, directed by Pete Docter, produced by Dana Murray, and co-directed by Kemp Powers is released on Disney+ on December 25 along with the SparkShort Burrow.


    Soul wins the Oscar for Best Animated Feature at the 93rd Academy Awards.

    Featuring characters from Soul, the short 22 vs. Earth is released on Disney+ on April 30th.

    Directed by Enrico Casarosa and produced by Andrea Warren, Luca is released on Disney+ on June 18.

    Featuring Dug, the beloved dog and his master, Carl, from Up, the series of shorts Dug Days is released on Disney+ on September 1, kicking off the annual September celebration Pixar Fest.

    Two new SparkShorts, Twenty Something and Nona release on Disney+ on September 10th and 17th, respectively. The following week, a feature-length documentary about the making of those shorts, A Spark Story, drops on the streaming service.

    Set in the world of Luca, Ciao Alberto premieres on Disney+ on November 12.


    Directed by Domee Shi and produced by Lindsey Collins, Turning Red premieres on Disney+ on March 11 and is accompanied by a making-of doc about the film, Embrace the Panda.

    A documentary about the making of Pixar’s upcoming film, Lightyear, Beyond Infinity: Buzz and the Journey to Lightyear, is released on Disney+ June 10.

    Director Angus MacLane and producer Galyn Susman’s feature film, Lightyear — about the hero who inspired the toy — launches into theaters on June 18.

    The all new series, Cars on the Road, premieres on Disney+ on September 8.

    Ciao Alberto wins for Outstanding Editing in an Animated Program at the inaugural Children and Family Emmys ceremony.

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