Families are more important than friends for teenagers сочинение

A lot of people would say that friends have more influence than family on teenagers. Some believe that family is the most important. Different people have different angles of thoughts.
Teenagers are surely influenced by their family a lot, since they know them their whole life. But teenagers usually do not listen to their parents, they go out with friends, they meet new people and try new things. They can be influenced in negative ways, which are smoking, missing from school, alcohol and even drugs. Usually, if parents do not have time for their teenager or ignore them, they are more likely to get into dangerous society and end up being influenced by friends. 
On the other hand, friends can have very postive influence, for example, they can motivate you to study, they can show you new hobbies and so on. 
My view is that it depends on everyone’s personallity if they want to be influenced more by friends or family. I am not really influenced by friends, I just form my own opinions and stuff. Everyone is different. 
I think friends have more influence but sometimes it depends on family and society how they will be influenced because not all the teenagers are the same. 

To start with the fact that the discussion is really urgent and important. Nowadays teenagers grow up very quickly under the influence of a large number of information as beneficial and harmful. They want to be independent not only in their clothing and in the choice of friends but also in other aspects of life. At this point, the opinion of their friends is more important for them than the opinion of their parents.
First, teenagers spend much more time with their peers than with their parents and they want to assert themselves, to be independent, or at least to seem so. Secondly, the conflict of generations has always been and always will be. It is a natural phenomenon, but most parents behave incorrectly. They do not want to understand that children grow up and they may have their own point of view. Permanent conflicts at home are the reason that teenagers go to the friends who understand them better than parents.
On the other hand, of course, it’s wrong. The most important people in our fate are our parents. They will never betray and won’t hurt you, even if they not always accept your point of view.
In conclusion, I would like to say that adults need to be smarter and more delicate than their children. A compromise is needed. And most importantly, parents have to trust their children and don’t care of them stupidly, then they will see that parents are their friends not enemies. I believe that family is the main thing in our life. That’s why parents must learn how to manage any situation, and the child will respond with love and understanding.
Начну с того, что тема обсуждения действительно актуальна и важна. В наше время подростки очень быстро взрослеют под влиянием огромного количества информации как полезной, так и вредной. Они хотят быть самостоятельными не только в одежде и выборе друзей, но и в других аспектах жизни. На этом этапе мнение друзей для них важнее, чем мнение родителей.
Во-первых, подростки больше времени проводят со сверстниками, чем с родителями и хотят самоутвердиться, быть самостоятельными или хотя бы казаться такими. Во-вторых, конфликт поколений был всегда и всегда будет. Это закономерное явление, но чаще всего родители ведут себя неправильно. Они не хотят понимать, что дети взрослеют и имеют свою точку зрения. Постоянные конфликты в доме являются причиной того, что подростки уходят к друзьям, которые их понимают лучше.
С другой стороны, конечно, это неправильно. Самые важные люди в судьбе — это родители. Они никогда не предадут и не сделают тебе больно, даже если не всегда принимают твою точку зрения.
В заключение хочу сказать, что взрослые люди должны быть умнее и тоньше чувствовать своих детей. Нужен компромисс. И главное, подросткам нужно доверие родителей, а не тягостная опека, и тогда они перестанут видеть в родителях своих недругов. Я считаю, что семья это главное. Родители должны научиться управлять любой ситуацией, и ребенок ответит любовью и пониманием.

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Что важнее семья или друзья?/ What Is More Important Family Or Friends? с переводом на русский язык.

What Is More Important Family Or Friends? Что важнее семья или друзья?
Happiness consists of many components, including loving family and faithful friends. Both these social groups are very important for each person. Everyone needs support, love and attention. When we are happy, we need close people to share our happiness with them. When we are sad, we need family and friends to support us. I think that those, who have at least two or three really close and trustworthy people beside them, are really lucky. Счастье состоит из многих компонентов, в том числе любящей семьи и верных друзей. Обе эти социальные группы очень важны для каждого человека. Каждый нуждается в поддержке, любви и внимания. Когда мы счастливы, мы хотим поделиться нашим счастьем с близкими нам людьми. Когда нам грустно, мы нуждаемся в поддержке семьи и друзей. Я думаю, что тем, у кого рядом есть, по крайней мере, два или три действительно близких и надежных человека, действительно повезло.
In my opinion, family is much more important than money, success or fame. After all, parents are the only people who love us the way we are. They will always be on our side, no matter what happens. На мой взгляд, семья гораздо важнее, чем деньги, успех или слава. В конце концов, родители — это единственные люди, которые любят нас такими, какие мы есть. Они всегда будут на нашей стороне, что бы ни случилось.
Friends are also important, but we can never be sure how true they will stay to us in different situations. Sometimes friends can betray. It isn’t easy to find true and faithful friends, but when we do, they stay for a lifetime and become as close as the family. Друзья тоже важны, но мы никогда не можем быть уверены, насколько верными они останутся в различных ситуациях. Иногда друзья могут предавать. Нелегко найти истинных и верных друзей, но когда мы находим, они остаются с нами на всю жизнь и становятся почти как семья.
As for me, I have two best friends and we know each other from the nursery. Their names are Anna and Sveta. Today we study together at the 8th form and I hope that we will all stay best friends forever. We all love foreign languages, so we might enter the same university. Last year, we took part in an international exchange program. During this event together with our teacher we visited Great Britain and then hosted our English penfriends in Samara. Что касается меня, у меня есть два лучших друга, и мы знакомы с ясельного возраста. Их зовут Анна и Света. Сегодня мы учимся вместе в 8-м классе, и я надеюсь, что мы останемся друзьями на всю жизнь. Мы все любим иностранные языки, так что, возможно, мы поступим в один и тот же университет. В прошлом году мы участвовали в программе международного обмена. Во время этого мероприятия вместе с нашим учителем мы посетили Великобританию, а затем принимали в Самаре наших английских друзей по переписке.
Speaking about my family, it is always on the first place for me. Apart from parents I have a younger sister and a grandmother, who lives with us. They are always there for me, when I need help or support. Что касается моей семьи, она всегда будет на первом месте для меня. Помимо родителей у меня есть младшая сестра и бабушка, которая живет с нами. Они всегда рядом, когда мне нужна помощь или поддержка.

1 page, 333 words

There have been strong debates about whether peers have more influence than family on young people or not. Do teenagers care more about their friends than their parents? Some people adhere the opinion that friends effect on the most important decisions of their peers. I’d rather say that peers aren’t more important than parents, but sometimes peers become more important than they previously were.

It is clear that parents always want only the best for their children. The family does all it can to make the child successful by providing all the necessary assistance to the child. At any point where children are going in the wrong direction, parents will know the right way and help to understand all the mistakes, solve problems, give an important advice. It is also hard to deny that parents always accept their child as he or she really is and when the child meets his friends, who haven’t been with him for such a long period of time as family, this is not the same case, and there is no doubt that peers can propose something contrary which will not be pleasing for both sides.

On the other hand, the teenagers often spend more of their time with their friends because they want to be away from the home environment, trying new pursuits and socialising. Teenagers usually choose friends who are like thenselves, and in spite of parents best intentions, teenagers can perceive criticism of their friends as personal criticism. It can also be argued that sometimes problems can develop when parents don’t show an interest in what their children are doing and there is a breakdown in communication between children and parents. It this case teenagers may be guided by the opinion of their peers more than by the family’s opinion.

4 pages, 1899 words

The Term Paper on Cultural Differences in Parent-Child Communication

Today’s children face more diversity than their parents were when they were at the same age. The cultural differences in how the parents deal and communicate with their children around the world are a great challenge. Parent’s involvement in their children’s literacy and communication either in school, home or community will be effective through communication strategies and awareness about …

In summary, I would say that every situation depends on certain circumstances and it is always individual. But in my view, family influence is the most important in teenagers lives.

All Papers Are For Research And Reference Purposes Only. You must cite our web site as your source.

Many believe that the importance of family outweighs that of friends. In my opinion, the statement is true because,


friendship is really important in one’s life it can never be above family bonds.

Those who advocate that friends are more important claims that as individuals grow up they are more likely to be influenced by their friends.

In other words

, when people are young they live with their parents or other family members so they share everything with them


, before taking a crucial decision people ask their family’s opinion. But, as they reach adulthood and move to other places for work or studies they live their friends and spend more time with them.


their bond strengthens and individuals get influenced by their friends.


, at that point of life people think friends are of greater importance.


, friends pass in and out of our lives but family, they


forever. It is a well known saying that:”Blood is thicker than water”. Since, in difficult times it is our family’s who becomes our strength and helps us come out of it. At a crucial point of time in one’s life they will turn towards their family for advice and support. The reason is, individuals realize that family is something in which we can trust as they always wish for our well-being.


results in strengthening of familial bonds, making family more powerful than friends.

In conclusion, even though friends play a very important role in our lives, it is our family bond which is stronger and everlasting. So, in my perspective it is very important to keep in touch with them and maintain healthy relations.

Submitted by jacobfranciskk on Mon Nov 23 2020

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 — Introduction
    • Sentence 1 — Background statement
    • Sentence 2 — Detailed background statement
    • Sentence 3 — Thesis
    • Sentence 4 — Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 — First supporting paragraph
    • Sentence 1 — Topic sentence
    • Sentence 2 — Example
    • Sentence 3 — Discussion
    • Sentence 4 — Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 — Second supporting paragraph
    • Sentence 1 — Topic sentence
    • Sentence 2 — Example
    • Sentence 3 — Discussion
    • Sentence 4 — Conclusion
  • Paragraph 4 — Conclusion
    • Sentence 1 — Summary
    • Sentence 2 — Restatement of thesis
    • Sentence 3 — Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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Young adults may be influenced by many aspects in forming their characters and outlooks on the world. Some people believe that family is the most important influence on young adults. Others think that friends are the most important influence on them. Both views base on respective beliefs.

It is true that friends may exert great influence on young adults. They may study together in the same school and share similar experiences. They have much in common and may share their innermost secrets that they never let their parents know. Young people are easier to make friends with each other and communicate without bothering about the so-called generation gap, which is nevertheless a common problem existing between young adults and their families.

However, it is also generally accepted that parents are the first teachers in the growing process of their children. Parents teach their children how to utter the first word in their life, help them to step out their first pace, witness their first love and give important suggestions when children need them. On the other hand, children follow their parents» examples and even adore them when they are growing from little children to young adults. They are usually ready to turn to their parents who have more life experience than them for advice when they are faced with important decisions. Therefore, parents who witness most of the whole growing process of the young adults till they are mature enough are more important influence on them than their friends.

Although young adults may reap a lot from their communication with their friends of similar ages, the most important influence to their life is always their families.

Some people claim that family
members are more important than friends. Do you agree or disagree?

Here is a band 7.5 IELTS essay on this topic written by one of our students.
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Band 7.5 IELTS essay sample

There are so many persons in
our life and we have different relations with different people. While some
people regard friends to be highly crucial, I would argue
that family members play a more significant role in our life.

Family is the biggest strength
of any person. Firstly, family members especially parents are more involved in
individuals’ upbringing. From one’s primary school to tertiary education,
parents set a role model, spend time to accompany them
and educate them to be a useful member of the society. In addition, our parents and
grandparents love and nurture us since the day we were
born. It is them who provide us with various forms of life necessities
including shelter, clothes and food. Without their
support we are less likely to survive let alone receive education, the cost of
which is also covered by them; however, we cannot receive such kinds of help
from our friends.

Admittedly, after
attending schools, we all tend to socialize with
our friends / peers who are more understanding than family members because usually they
are of the same age as us. A person can share
personal problems with friends and get sound advice from them, whereas the suggestions of their family members are not acceptable to them, due to the fact that their adult
parents cannot stand in their shoes. Nevertheless, this benefit is not
significant enough, compared to the aid that their families offer to them.

In conclusion, it is true that friends play a significant role in our life.
However, family members are more important, care for growth,
give without expecting anything from us and help us overcome life difficulties.

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