Family and interpersonal relationships аудирование егэ

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Раздел 1. ЧТЕНИЕ

1.1. Подумайте и ответьте на вопросы:

Why are family relations so important for people?

What kind of family have you got?

Have you got any problems in your family relationships? Why∕why not?

> Why are there families that have problems in their relationships? > What family values are essential for a happy family life? Why?

1.2. Прочитайте рекомендации ученых как построить счастливую семью. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используй­те каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

Полезные советы:

JПрочитайте быстро текст, чтобы понять основное со­держание.

≠ Не волнуйтесь, если вы не знаете некоторых слов. Воз­можно, они не играют важной роли в определении общего смысла текста.

JПодберите заголовок, который наилучшим образом отражает основную идею текста. Помните, что в заголов­ке не обязательно будут те слова, которые встречаются в тексте. Скорее всего, основная мысль будет выражена другими словами.

подпись: подходит ни к одному ot-JНе забудьте, что один заголовок лишний. После того, как вы подобрали заголовки ко всем текстам, убедитесь, что оставшийся заголовок не рывку.

A. Building a successful family is like building a home. Both need a plan. A successful family based on unity and love takes careful planning, but it’s worth every moment. The best way to be orga­nized as a family is to talk about family matters. By doing this, families enjoy a special closeness and stability. Choosing to spend time with your family sends a message more powerful than words. Memories made together during this time will bond and sustain your family through the years.

B. Family traditions promote feelings of warmth and unity. Trace your family tree and collect all the photographs of your ancestors that you can find. Public libraries and bookstores have books on genealogy for you to get you started. Compile a family oral history. Ask older relatives to talk about their parents and childhood and record their comments. Then transcribe the tapes and send cop­ies to aunts and uncles, grandparents and cousins. These stories contain a glimpse of the past that would be lost otherwise.

C. How much time should families spend together? That varies from family to family. Families with young children usually spend most of their time together because young children need a great deal of physical care and guidance. Families with teenagers may spend less time together because teens naturally want to spend more time with their friends. Healthy families keep a good balance between ‘too much’ and ‘not enough’ time together. They spend enough time to satisfy all family members.

D. Strong families take time to talk to one another. They share their hopes and dreams, feelings and concerns. This involves listening beyond words to the meanings and feelings attached to them. A good listener can better understand and respond to the needs and concerns of others. It means laying aside personal views and really trying to understand the other person’s point of view. Even if you don’t agree with their opinion, you can make sure you understand them before responding.

E. Members of successful families feel they really belong in their family. Family members feel accepted for what they are and pro­mote one another’s self-esteem. They celebrate their victories and help each other learn from mistakes. Sometimes life gets rough and we need all the support we can get. A cheering word from a
family member can really come in handy. Put the words on sticky notes and stick them in places where they can be easily found.

F. Strong families develop predictable routines, roles, and rules that govern everyday life and provide for continuity and stability. Reasonably stable patterns empower a family to deal with the many challenges inevitable in family life; without such patterns, chaos would result. At the same time, strong families adapt relationships and family rules when needs arise. The varied circumstances of family life may necessitate individual adaptation. Since no family knows what tomorrow will bring, being adaptive is a good trait for family members to develop.

G. Recent studies affirm the importance of love in families. Research shows that expressions of affection towards children reduce problem behaviours and enhance children’s development. Strong families notice and share positive aspects of each member. They notice the talents, skills and achievements, special qualities, and characteristics that make the other person unique. They find ways to be positive even when another family member makes a mistake and make a conscious effort to develop closeness and show love at home.








1.3. Выпишите из текста синонимы к следующим словам и слово­сочетаниям:

6. подпись: 1. maintain
2. encourage
3. differs
4. to suit
5. react

7. difficulties

8. change gradually

9. conditions

10. improve

1.4. Выразите свое мнение:

> Do you find the article useful? Why∕why not?

> Is there any other advice you could give to people who want to have a happy family?

> What do you think is the best way to solve family problems?

1.5. Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания 1—7. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 Или 4, Соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Перенесите ответы в таб­лицу.

Полезные советы:

JПрочитайте внимательно текст, а затем начните отве­чать на вопросы.

JНе волнуйтесь, если вы не знаете значения каких-либо слов. Возможно, они не понадобятся вам при выборе пра­вильного ответа. Если все же эти слова существенны для ответа на вопрос, попробуйте догадаться об их значении по контексту или словообразовательным элементам.

JПопытайтесь найти в тексте ответ на вопрос до того, как вы посмотрите на варианты ответов. Затем прочитай­те варианты ответа и выберите тот, который наилучшим образом удовлетворяет содержанию текста.

When David steps out of the front door he is blinded for a mo­ment by the white, fizzing sunlight and reaches instinctively for his dad’s hand. It’s the first really warm day of the year, an unexpected heat that bridges the cusp between spring and summer. Father and son are on their way to the barbershop, something they have always done together.

Always, the routine is the same. ‘It’s about time we got that mop of yours cut,’ David’s dad will say, pointing at him with two fingers, a cigarette wedged between them. ‘Perhaps I should do it. Where are those shears, Janet?’ Sometimes his dad chases him round the living room, pretending to cut off his ears. When he was young David used to get too excited and start crying, scared that maybe he really would lose his ears, but he has long since grown out of that.

Mr Samuels’ barbershop is in a long room above the chip shop, reached by a steep flight of stairs. There is a groove worn in each step by the men who climb and descend in a regular stream. David follows his father, annoyed that he cannot make each step creak like his old man can.

David loves the barbershop — it’s like nowhere else he goes. Black and white photographs of men with various out-of-fashion hairstyles hang above a picture rail at the end of the room, where two barber’s chairs are bolted to the floor. They are heavy, old-fashioned chairs with foot pumps that hiss and chatter as Mr. Samuels, the rolls of his plump neck squashing slightly, adjusts the height of the seat. In front of the chairs are deep sinks with a showerhead and long metal hose attached to the taps. Behind the sinks are mirrors and on either side of these, shelves overflowing with a mixture of plastic combs, shaving mugs, scissors, cut throat razors, hair brushes and, stacked neatly in a pyramid, 10 bright red tubs of Brylcreem.

At the back of the room sit the customers, silent for most of the time, except when Mr Samuels breaks off from cutting and takes a drag on his cigarette, sending a wisp of grey-blue smoke like the tail of kite twisting into the air.

When it is David’s turn for a cut, Mr. Samuels places a wooden board covered with a piece of oxblood red leather across the arms of the chair, so that the barber doesn’t have to stoop to cut the boy’s hair. David scrambles up onto the bench.

‘The rate you’re shooting up, you won’t need this soon, you’ll be sat in the chair,’ the barber says. ‘Wow,’ says David, squirming round to look at his dad, forgetting that he can see him through the mirror. ‘Dad, Mr Samuels said I could be sitting in the chair soon, not just on the board!’ ‘So I hear,’ his father replies, not looking up from the paper. ‘I expect Mr Samuels will start charging me more for your hair then.’ ‘At least double the price,’ said Mr Samuels, winking at David. Finally David’s dad looks up from his newspaper and glances into the mirror, seeing his son looking back at him. He smiles.

In the mirror David sees a little head sticking out of a long ny­lon cape that Mr. Samuels has swirled around him and folded into his collar with a wedge of cotton wool. Occasionally he steals glances at the barber as he works. He smells a mixture of stale sweat and aftershave as the barber’s moves around him, combing and snip­ping, combing and snipping. David feels like he is in another world, noiseless except for the scuffing of the barber’s shoes on the lino and the snap of his scissors. In the reflection from the window he could see a few small clouds moving slowly to the sound of the scissors’ click.

When Mr. Samuels has finished, David hops down from the seat, rubbing the itchy hair from his face. Looking down he sees his own thick, blonde hair scattered among the browns, greys and blacks of the men who have sat in the chair before him. For a moment he wants to reach down and gather up the broken blonde locks, to separate them from the others, but he does not have time.

The sun is still strong when they reach the pavement outside the shop, but it is less fiery now, already beginning to drop from its ze­nith. ‘Let’s get some fish and chips to take home, save your mum from cooking tea,’ says David’s dad. The youngster is excited and grabs his dad’s hand. The thick-skinned fingers close gently around his and David is surprised to find, warming in his father’s palm, a lock of his own hair.

(Adapted from ‘David’s Haircut’ by Ken Elkes’)

1. Sometimes David’s dad chases him round the living room be­cause

1) . he intends to take him to the barbershop.

2) he wants to frighten David.

3) he wants to cut off David’s ears.

4) he intends to cut David’s hair with the shears.

2. In paragraph 3 ‘a groove’ Means

1) a kind of clothes worn by the men who come to the barber­shop.

2) a special perfume.

3) a thin cut into a wooden surface.

4) a creak that each step makes.

3. Mr. Samuels

1) has got a modern barbershop.

2) is a rich barber.

3) has got very few customers.

4) is slightly fat.

4. Mr. Samuels places a wooden board across the arms of the chair because

1) he wants David to sit comfortably while cutting.

2) he would like David to see himself in the mirror.

3) he doesn’t want to bend while cutting the boy’s hair.

4) in this case he doesn’t have to work hard.

5. Mr. Samuels says he will charge double the price for David’s hair because

1) he intends to raise the price of the haircut.

2) David has already grown up.

3) he is kidding.

4) he needs to buy a new chair.

6. David feels like he is in another world because

1) he has never been to the barbershop.

2) he can hear almost no sounds.

3) he smells a mixture of stale sweat and aftershave.

4) he can see a few small clouds in the sky.

7. David’s hair is

1) fair.

2) grey.

3) brown.

4) red.








1.6. Выпишите из текста синонимы к следующим словам и слово­сочетаниям:


Unable to see


Go down


Turning point


Slightly fat


The place where men have


Changes slightly to make

Their hair cut

More suitable


Very large scissors


To bend


Runs after


From time to time

1.7. Выразите свое мнение:

> Do you spend a lot of time with your parents? Why∕why not?

> Why is it important for parents and children to spend a lot of time together?

> What kind of relationships should be between parents and chil­dren?


2.1. Подготовка к аудированию. Прочитайте утверждения 1—7 в задании 2.2 И подчеркните ключевые слова, которые могут оказать влияние на выбор правильного ответа.

I Полезные советы: г

Х ≠ Не следует забывать, что информация, относящаяся к >

I утверждениям, как правило, выражена в аудиотексте не >

2 теми словами, какими сформулировано само утвержде — >

S ние, поэтому при ознакомлении с заданием рекомендуется J

I подумать о синонимах к ключевым словам высказываний. <

8 ≠ Необходимо учитывать разницу между ответами «Невер — г

I но» и «В тексте не сказано». Неверное предложение содер — г

I жит информацию, противоречащую содержанию аудио — >

I текста. Вариант «В тексте не сказано» предполагает, что $

2 исходя из содержания прослушанного, вы не можете дать $

I ни положительный, ни отрицательный ответ, то есть инфор — J

I мация по этому утверждению в аудиотексте отсутствует. е

S JВы услышите запись дважды. После первого прослу — г

2 шивания следует отметить наиболее вероятные ответы. S

2 Во время второго прослушивания сконцентрируйте свое $

2 внимание на информации, которую вы упустили в первый $

2 раз или в правильности которой у вас есть сомнения. |

2.2. Вы услышите разговор друзей. Определите, какие из приве­денных утверждений 1—7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — TYue), Какие не соответствуют (2 — False) И о чем в тек­сте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услы­шите запись дважды.

1. Alex has been in England for a fairly long time.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. Alex has got a big family.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. Alex’s nephew has got a large collection of kites.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. Alex’s parents enjoy traditional souvenirs.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5. Alex thinks that it will be difficult to choose a present for his sister.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6. Alex will bring traditional English tea for his sister.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7. Alex will buy the latest ‘Harry Potter’ film for his brother.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2.3. Обсудите свои ответы с партнером:

> What helped you choose your answers?

> Why are the other options wrong?

> What was the most difficult answer for you? Why?


3.1. Разминка. Вспомните и выпишите слова, относящиеся к сле­дующим тематическим рубрикам:

1. family members — mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle

2. family relationships — close, friendly, difficult, hostile…

3. the generation gap — difference in tastes and opinions, misun­derstanding, arguments…

4. family values — trust, caring, sharing, respect….

5. household duties — go shopping, do the washing-up, water the flowers…

3.2. Сделайте аргументированное сообщение по теме FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS.

Не забудьте обсудить следующие вопросы:

> what family relations can be between the members of the family, why

> whether it is good to be an only child, why

> the generation gap and its reasons

> your relations with your family members

Время говорения 1,5—2 минуты.

3.3. Прочитайте вариант ответа учащегося. Подчеркните в каж­дом абзаце вводные слова.

’ Families come in all shapes and sizes nowadays. Np wonder ’ that there can be some problems in the family relations. Members I of many families suffer from misunderstanding because there is I a great difference in their tastes and opinions. Besides, children I don’t like it when there is too much control from their parents! because they want to solve their problems independently. On the I other hand, if the members of the family love each other there can I be no or little argument and the family lives happily.

I Some families have only one child nowadays and others have ; two, three or even more children. In my opinion, both kinds of

; families have their pros and cons. On the one hand, if you are an

; only child in a family, you don’t have to share your room with

; anybody else. Besides, your parents give all their love and care

; only to you. On the other hand, if you have a brother or a sister, ; you have someone to play with or to talk to, and you’ll never feel • bored. What is more, if you get into trouble, you have someone ; to help you or give some advice.

; The generation gap will always exist not only because teenag — ; ers and their parents enjoy listening to different kinds of music. ; Some parents don’t want to understand modern views, ideals and

; values so teens are afraid to tell them about their private life. An-

; other reason for the generation gap, in my opinion, is that parents want their children to learn harder. They are always nagging when their children do badly at school. They make teens do their home-

: work, though sometimes it is unnecessary.

As for me, although I’m an only child, 1 don’t feel lonely be — • cause my parents always love and take care of me. What is more, I we often discuss my problems together. Of course, sometimes ‘ I have arguments with my family but despite all our disagreements I we always help each other. Everyone in my family is my best friend * and I love my family very much.

3.4. Сделайте аргументированное сообщение по теме FAMILY AND FAMILY VALUES.

He забудьте обсудить следующие вопросы:

> whether it is important to have a good family, why

> what family values are important for a happy family, why

> whether children should have household duties, why

> what household duties have you got, why∕why not

Время говорения 1,5—2 минуты.

Полезные советы:

JПри подготовке к ответу подумайте, какие аргументы вы можете привести по каждому из пунктов задания. Для ус­пешного выполнения задания вам следует дать не менее двух развернутых аргументов по каждому вопросу.

JОбъем тематического монологического высказывания зависит от темпа вашей речи. На ответ по заданию СЗ от­водится не более 2 минут. При среднем темпе речи вам следует сказать 15—20 предложений.

JРекомендуется обсуждать вопросы в том порядке, в ко­тором они даны в задании, однако вы можете изменить порядок обсуждения при условии, что ваше монологичес­кое высказывание будет логичным.

JПри ответе обязательно используйте средства логичес­кой связи между отдельными частями монолога (вводные слова, разговорные клише, союзы и т. д.). Постарайтесь, по возможности, проиллюстрировать свои тезисы примерами.

При подготовке к ответу вы можете воспользоваться иде­ями и аргументами, приведенными в таблице, или придумать свои собственные. Не забудьте логически связать свои аргумен­ты вводными словами, а также употребить фразы-клише для выражения собственного мнения.

Whether it is im­portant to have a good family, why

• I think that having a good family is very important because our family is like a friendly port for us when the waves of life become too wild.

• We need a family for comfort and protec­tion. For example, when I have some prob­lems, my family always take my word against anybody else’s. And Γm sure I can always rely on their help.

• I think that it’s lovely to have the family round you and to know they are interested in you. You will never feel lonely.

What family values are important for a happy family, why

• I believe that a happy family should have things sharing together like dreams and hopes, not only possessions. I think it’s great.

Окончание табл.

What family values are important for a happy family, why

• A happy family is a place where respect dwells, a place where all members can enjoy the dignity of their own personalities.

• In my opinion, love and trust are more im­portant for a happy family than any other val­ues, because without love, happiness is impos­sible. If you love each other, then all obstacles will be overcome, and all gentle words will be found, and this cruel world will turn to you with a kind smile.

Whether children should have house­hold duties, why

• I believe that children should be given as much responsibility about the house as pos­sible. I don’t think that parents should do everything for them especially if they can do certain things by themselves.

• It’s very good for children to learn how to take care of themselves and their possessions from the very early age.

• Being responsible for doing chores teaches children many important skills such as coop­eration and responsibility. Chores also teach children about fairness and commitment. The skills and values learned by doing chores will benefit children throughout their lives.

• I’m sure that everybody in the family should do their fair share, including children. They can do such household chores as cleaning, taking out rubbish, or watering the flowers.

What household duties have you got, why∕why not

• My brother and I try to help my mother to do chores because she is tired after work. As for me, I do most of the washing up, tidy my room and make my bed. In a loving family every person ought to do chores.

• It’s not difficult for me to do chores because I don’t have much homework. I often go shop­ping. Our local supermarket is just opposite our house, so it usually doesn’t take long.

3.5. Дайте аргументированные ответы на следующие вопросы:

> Would you like to live with your grandparents? Why∕why not?

> Who is the top dog in your family? Why?

> Do your parents teach you anything? How do they do that?

> How many children would you like to have in the future? Why?

> Do you have any problems in your family? Why∕why not?

> Do you always follow your parents’ advice? Why∕why not?




Перед выполнением заданий изучите раздел

4.1. Напишите множественное число следующих существитель­


1. church

8. woman

15. radio

2. difficulty

9. deer

16. ox

3. mouse

10. leaf

17. fish

4. month

11. goose

18. wolf

5. child

12. potato

19. country

6. roof

13. foot

20. tooth

7. boy

14. dress

21. hero

4.2. Напишите множественное число следующих существитель­


1. bench

8. scarf

15. Englishman

2. celebrity

9. belief

16. swine

3. louse

10. sheep

17. activity

4. bath

11. half

18. thief

5. man

12. tomato

19. kilo

6. safe

13. means

20. party

7. play

14. photo

21. echo

4.3. Единственное или множественное число? Вставьте IsИли Аге.

1. Your trousersin the wardrobe.

2. Where his scissors?

3. There a lecture on history today.

4. The shopping heavy.

5. Where my gloves?

6. This information correct.

7. His hair brown.

8. My socks . in the drawer.

9. Our furniture very cheap.

10. His accommodation luxurious.

11. Evidence needed before the trial can continue.

12. The news very exciting.

13. Mumps a common illness among children.

14. My glasses on the table.

15. Chinese difficult to learn.

16. Where the kitchen scales?

17. Billiards a popular game.

18. His work very interesting.

19. People starving in some countries.

20. Education the key to his success.

4.4. Подчеркните правильную форму глагола.

1. The stairs (was∕were) Very steep.

2. Economics (is/Аге) A very interesting subject.

3. His luck (was∕were) A surprise for us.

4. Fish (is∕are) My favourite food.

5. Step aerobics (have∕has) Recently taken off.

6. His advice (was∕were) Really useful.

7. Where (is/Аге) My glasses? I can’t see anything.

8. This information (was∕were) Very strange.

9. There (is/Аге) Toast on the dish.

10. Where (was∕were) Your belongings?

11. Athletics (is/аге) very popular nowadays.

12. Radio news (give∕gives) Us less information than television news.

13. Fast food (makes∕make) People fat.

14. Her knowledge of English (is∕are) Excellent.

15. The money we have (is/аге) enough to buy a new flat.

16. The police (is∕are) Collecting evidence to convict him.

17. Measles (is∕are) Rather dangerous for adults.

18. Most people (enjoy∕enjoys) Travelling nowadays.

19. The government (is∕are) Passing new laws.

20. His good looks (help∕helps) Him in any situation.

4.5. Прочитайте текст и преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглав­ными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски по­лученными словами.

One of the most striking (1) In family structure over the last twenty years has been the increase of single parent (2) . Due to high divorce (3)And adults choosing not to marry, this is currently the fastest growing family form in most de­veloped (4). More than half of all youngsters will spend some of their (5)in a single-parent family. Currently, 88 percent of these households are headed by (6) . Research shows that (7)living with a single parent tend to be more active and have more (8) such as shopping, cooking or washing the (9). One possible reason is that they are usually more involved in decision-making (10)■»

подпись: change
family rate
country life
woman child duty dish


Перед выполнением заданий изучите раздел



4.6. Образуйте существительные от следующих слов и разбейте их по категориям:

Kind, member, resent, help, assist, appreciate, full, visit, impress, hostile, censor, resolve, differ, possible, argue, revise, begin, relate, close, persist, stable, explain, collide, develop, act, white, friend, ac­tive, important, supervise, encourage, honest, leader, aware, invade, allow, research, require.


-er∕ — or





-ance∕ — ence






4.7. Заполните таблицу соответствующими существительными, образованными от выделенных слов.

— Определение


1. He takes Photographs.

2. The relationship you have with your Friend.

3. The period when you are a Child.

4. The feeling of being Excited.

5. The state of being Happy.

6. She Writes books.

7. The act of Dividing something.

8. Something people do when they are Active.

9. The feeling of being Great.

10. The quality of being Important.

4.8. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необ­ходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали со­держанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

подпись: found inform
подпись: defineподпись: responsible differFamilies are the (1) Of society. There are many places to gather (2) on family and a (3) of forms that it ex­ists in. The family form is merely the physical makeup of the family members in (4)to each other without respect to roles and function. Most of the time when a person thinks of the (5)Of a family, the image of a mother, father and children is what comes into the mind. That is actually a nuclear family. Extended family is when a nuclear family or single-parent family lives with any extended family members. In these families grandparents often take some primary (6)For child care, particularly when both parents work. There is a great (7) in life­style and traditions between these two main types.


4.9. Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

Back into on (x2) out of together up (x2)

1. A little friendly competition is a good way to bring the family

2. Ann never saw her father while she was growing

3. Do these photographs bring any memories?

4. I don’t know what’s brought this — he’s usually so friendly.

5. I’ve grown old clothes.

6. Jane has grown a beautiful woman.

7. John’s parents died when he was young and he was brought by his aunt.

8. The new house slowly began to grow her.


4.10. Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

Sincere honest outspoken annoyed frustrated nervous room space

1. We replaced the bath with a shower to create more.

2. people get into trouble because they speak before they think.

3. Some parents get very at the inability to control their


4. I want to express my apologies for what I said.

5. My parents were rather if I hadn’t done my home­


6. There was a large empty on the second floor.

7. Do you get during exams?

8. To be, I don’t think it’s a good idea to invite my cousin to stay with us.


4.11. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в кон­це строк, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соот­ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полу­ченными словами.

Полезные советы:

≠ Определите, какую часть речи требуется вставить (су­ществительное, глагол, прилагательное или наречие). Вспомните соответствующие словообразовательные эле­менты.

≠ Спросите себя, в положительном или отрицательном значении употреблено это слово: возможно, вам по­надобятся приставки и суффиксы с негативным значе­нием.

JПеречитайте весь рассказ еще раз и убедитесь, что вставленное вами слово грамматически и лексически со­ответствует содержанию текста.


подпись: necessary
Conflict is a part of life. It exists as a reality of any relationship, and is not (1) Bad. In fact a relationship with no apparent con­flict may be (2) than one with frequent conflict.

Conflicts can be (3), creating deep­er understanding, closeness and respect. However, they can also be destructive, causing resentment, (4)And pain.

Conflicts run all the way from minor differ­ences to critical fights and conflict (5) is a skill that can be useful in all aspects of living. If conflict can be avoided in any way, it’s better to go for it. (6), sometimes it is the only way to improve a situation with someone who is hurting you or doing you wrong.

4.12. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1—7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1—7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

I Полезные советы: <

Я JЭто задание направлено, скорее, на проверку вашего $ S словарного запаса, а не грамматики. Наиболее часто ветре — $ S чающиеся разделы, знание которых проверяется в этих < S заданиях — это фразовые глаголы, предлоги, устойчивые < I словосочетания, а также слова, близкие по форме или по 5 Я ‘ значению, которые легко спутать (например, make и do). г х ≠ Прежде чем начать выполнять задание, обязательно > 2 прочитайте весь рассказ, не обращая внимания на про — s S пуски, чтобы понять его основное содержание. ⅞

I ≠ Перечитайте рассказ до первого пропуска. Подумайте, <

I какое слово могло бы подойти для заполнения пропуска. <

X Даже если вы не сможете вспомнить подходящее слово, $

Х оно начнет «вертеться у вас на языке», и вы его сразу же?

Я узнаете, когда прочитаете предлагаемые ответы! Толь — >

4.13. ко теперь прочитайте предлагаемые варианты ответов и s

4.14. сделайте ваш выбор. <

The Garden Party

They could not have had a more perfect day for a gardenparty if they had ordered it. Only the blue was veiled with a haze of light gold, as it is sometimes in early summer. The gardener had been up since (1), mowing the lawns and sweeping them, As for the roses, you could not help feeling they understood that roses are the only flowers that impress people at garden parties, the only flowers that everybody is certain to know. Breakfast was not yet over before the men came to put (2)the tent.

‘Where do you want the tent put, mother?’ asked Laura. cMy dear child, it’s no use asking me,’ replied her mother. ‘I’m (3)

To leave everything to my children this year. Forget 1 am your mother and treat me as an honoured guest.’

Her sister Meg could not (4)go and supervise the men. She had washed her hair before breakfast, and she sat drinking her coffee in a green turban, with a dark wet curl stamped on each cheek.

So Laura flew away, still holding her piece of bread-and-butter. It’s so delicious to have an (5)for eating out of doors, and besides, she loved having to arrange things. She always felt she could do it so much better than anybody else.

Four men in their shirt sleeves stood grouped together on the garden path. They carried staves covered with rolls of canvas, and they had big (6)Bags slung on their backs. They looked impressive. Laura wished now that she had not got the bread-and-butter, but there was nowhere to put it, and she couldn’t throw it (7). She blushed and tried to look severe as she came up to them.

подпись: 1. 1) gloaming
2. 1) on
3. 1) dreaming
4. 1) particularly
5. 1) excuse
6. 1) equipment
7. 1) off
подпись: 2) breakday
2) up
2) assured
2) possibly
2) explanation
2) gadget
2) down
подпись: 3) dusk
3) down
3) determined
3) especially
3) idea
3) appliance
3) away
подпись: 4) dawn
4) out
4) decided
4) usually
4) allowance
4) tool
4) aside

Раздел 5. ПИСЬМО


Перед выполнением заданий изучите
РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ к составлению личного письма {см. СПРАВОЧНИК ПО ПИСЬМУ).

5.1. Прочитайте экзаменационное задание и ответ на него. От­ветьте на вопросы и выполните задания после письма.

You have received a letter from your English pen-friend John, who writes:

( …It’s difficult for me to get on well with my parents. (

( They think, that I spend too much time hanging around with

( my friends so we often argue about it. And what do you do (

( when you disagree with your parents about how you spend S

( your free time? Do you often meet your friends? What do

S You usually do together? ‘

) Oh, I’ve got to go now as I have to meet my sister from S ) her music class. Drop me a line when you can. )

Write a letter to John.

In your letter

— answer his questions

— ask 3 questions About his relationships with his sister Write 100 — 140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Moscow Russia 04/06/11

Dear John,

Thanks for your letter. Tt was great to hear from you again!

Tm sorry you don’t get on well with your parents. As for me, I have practically no problems with mine, al­though we sometimes have arguments because I spend too much time playing computer games. In this case I try to talk to them and find the way out. Unfortunately, I can meet my friends only at weekends as I’m too busy at school. We usually play football together. It’s our favourite game.

Welt, you’re lucky to have a sister. Do you get on well with her? What games do you play together? Do you help her with her homework?

Anyway, keep smiling whatever happens! I’d better go now as I’ve got loads of homework to do.

Write back soon!

All the best,


> What is the purpose of each paragraph?

>Underline Igor’s answers to John’s questions. Did Igor answer all the questions?

> Holw many questions did Igor ask in his letter? What are they?

> Is the language of the letter formal or informal? Give exam­ples.

>Underline linking words used in the letter.

> What words can you use instead of ‘All the best’?

5.2. Прочитайте экзаменационное задание.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Pam5 who writes:

) … I don’t think it’s fair to make children do household (

) chores because we’re too busy at school. And what about (

) you? Do you help your Mum about the house? What kind >

) of things do you have to do? Do you have enough time to >

) do chores? /

) As for my plans for the summer, I am going to Italy /

) with my friends. We’ll be studying Italian at a summer /

? school. It’s really great! /

/ Hope to hear from you soon! /

? Love, (

( Pam (

Write a letter to Pam.

In your letter

— answer her questions and tell her about your household duties

— ask 3 questions About her trip to Italy

Write IOO — 140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

5.3. Спланируйте свой ответ.

> Какие фразы вы будете использовать для выражения бла­годарности за полученное письмо и ссылки на предыдущие контакты?

> Сколько вопросов задала Пэм? На них надо дать разверну­тые ответы.

> Какие вопросы вы зададите о ее поездке в Италию? Жела­тельно, чтобы вопросы были разнообразные, а не однотип­ные.

> Как вы закончите свое письмо? Какую фразу о дальнейших контактах вы употребите?

> Выберите завершающую фразу и не забудьте подписать свое письмо — только имя.

5.4. Теперь напишите ответ Пэм.

Убедитесь, что вы:

≠ не забыли указать свой адрес в правом верхнем углу и написать дату под адресом

JНачали письмо с обращения Dear Pam1и поставили после него запятую

JРазделили письмо на абзацы и использовали неформаль­ные слова-связки

/ поблагодарили Пэм за полученное письмо

JДали развернутые ответы на ее вопросы

JЗадали 3 вопроса о ее поездке в Италию

JВежливо закончили письмо, упомянув о дальнейших кон­тактах

≠ на отдельной строке написали завершающую фразу и под ней указали свое имя (без точки)

JПроверили грамматику, орфографию и пунктуацию ≠ уложились в заданный объем 100—140 слов

5.5. Поменяйтесь письмами с партнером. Проверьте письма и пос­тавьте друг другу баллы, используя схему и бланк оценивания личного письма (см. СПРАВОЧНИК ПО ПИСЬМУ).

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.









A. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas but perhaps the most important one is the giving of presents. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. Children leave a long sock or stocking at the end of their beds on Christmas Eve, 24th December, hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney during the night and bring them small presents, fruit and nuts.

B. At some time on Christmas day the family will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding or Christmas cake. As for Christmas cake, heavy and overfilling it is not to everybody’s taste. To make things worse, it takes weeks to make and when it is ready it can last until Easter, so if you don’t like it, you have to try and eat some at Christmas to avoid being haunted by it months after.

C. Officially Christmas and New Year celebrations run from the 24th of December to the 2nd of January. However, for many Brits the Christmas marathon starts as early as the beginning of October with the first festive adverts on TV. The idea of Christmas shopping is that you spend as much money as you can on anything you cast your eyes on, preferably something neither you nor your family or friends will ever use. An average British family spends 670 pounds or more around the Christmas period.

D. Long live Christmas! -say pickpockets, car thieves and burglars getting their share of Christmas shopping. Every year thousands of people get their wallets stolen in overcrowded shops and streets. Lots of lovely presents, which somebody spent so much time and money on, disappear without a trace when cars and homes are broken into. As much as 9% of people experience a burglary in December.

E. Who doesn’t want to have a white Christmas? Playing snowballs and making a snowman with the whole family on Christmas Day is most people’s dream (apart from the countries like Australia that celebrate Christmas in summer, on the beach). This dream is more likely to come true in northern countries like Russia, but for the British people it’s different. Although it’s not uncommon to get some snow in Scotland and northern England, the rest of Britain is normally only lucky enough to get some frost. In most cases the weather is wet and gloomy.

F. New year is a time for celebrating and making a new start in life. In Britain many people make New Year’s resolutions. This involves people promising themselves that they will improve their behaviour in some way, by giving up bad habits. People might decide to give up smoking, for example, or to go on a diet. These promises are often broken in the first few days of the New Year, however!

G. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. For most families, this is the most important festival of the year. On this day many people are travelling home to be with their families. Most houses are decorated with brightly-coloured paper or holly, and there is usually a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room. Unfortunately, not all families get on well together. As it is a well-known fact, some magazines publish tips on how to cope with Christmas, such as yoga, meditation or holidays abroad.

Текст A B C D E F G

Можно ли научиться выполнять задания 32-38? Конечно да. Особенно, если следовать алгоритму, о котором мы рассказывали ранее, и учитывать типы заданий в этом разделе. Ведь порой, чтобы выбрать правильный ответ, достаточно посмотреть на пунктуацию в предложении, и ответ уже напрашивается сам собой. Сегодня мы предлагаем продолжить знакомство с разнообразием заданий в разделе «Лексика: 32-38» в рамках нашей новой статьи «My family ЕГЭ: детальный разбор и ответы».

Читайте, берите на заметку и делитесь со своими друзьями. Приступим! 

My family ЕГЭ: детальный разбор и ответы

В тексте «My family», который представлен на сайте ФИПИ, используется старая нумерация A22-A28, как вы можете видеть на изображении. При разборе мы заменили ее на новую A32-A38.

my family егэ

А32. Как обычно смотрим на слова после пропуска.

However, I do believe that the saying “There’s a place for everything, and everything has its place” A32 _______ equally well to human beings.


  • concerns
  • applies
  • affects
  • influences

Там стоят equally well to human beings. Следовательно нам нужен такой глагол, который бы требовал дополнения с to. Давайте посмотрим, какой из предложенных вариантов подойдет. Для этого переведем каждый глагол и разберемся в его особенностях.

influence smb – влиять на кого-либо

Не путайте с выражением have a great influence on smb – иметь огромное влияние на кого-либо.

Видим, что у глагола беспредложное дополнение, а у выражения с have – предложное.

affect smth – влиять на что-то, затрагивать что-то
concern smb – иметь отношение к кому-либо, касаться кого-либо, волновать кого-либо

apply smth to smb – применять что-то к кому-то
Глагол apply нам как раз подходит, так как у него есть нужное нам предложное управление.

Ответ: apply

А33. Снова задание на один из самых популярных синонимичных рядов: say, tell, speak, talk.

I was born in Yorkshire in Victorian times and I can safely A33 _______ that during this period my family played a considerable role.


  • say
  • speak
  • tell
  • talk

В данном случае проверяется знание выражения say smth safely – с уверенностью сказать.

Более подробно о say, tell, speak, talk и устойчивых выражениях с этими глаголами вы можете узнать здесь. А вот знаете ли вы между ними разницу, поможет выяснить наш тест.

Ответ: say

A34. Для начала посмотрим на предложение с пропуском, чтобы понять, глагол с каким значением нужен.

At the same time he always A34 _______ his workers as if they were all part of the family.


  • counted
  • dealt
  • judged
  • treated

Сюда подойдет глагол со значением «обращаться с кем-либо» — это treated.

Обратите внимание на то, что в русском языке у глагола есть предложное дополнение, а в английском его нет: treat smb – обращаться с кем-либо.

Переведем целиком предложение, чтобы убедиться, что этот вариант действительно подходит.

At the same time he always A34 _______ his workers as if they were all part of the family. — В то же время он всегда обращался со своими работниками так, как-будто бы они все были частью его семьи.

Ответ: treated

A35. Перейдем к следующему заданию. Оно проверяет знание выражения set an example – показывать пример, подавать пример.

Indeed it was this example that he A35 _______, whenever he dealt with those less fortunate than himself.


  • did
  • made
  • set
  • put

Ответ: set

A36. Подобное задание мы уже не раз разбирали. Напомним, что при работе со словами-связками надо в первую очередь обращать внимание на пунктуацию.

Давайте посмотрим на предложение.

A36 _______ there were only a couple of years between us, I cannot pretend that we were even particularly close.


  • however
  • although
  • therefore
  • nevertheless

В качестве вариантов ответа нам предложили три вводных слова: however, therefore, nevertheless и один союз although.

По правилам после вводных слов ставится запятая. Проверим, есть ли запятая после пропуска. Ее нет, значит все три слова не подходят. Остается методом исключения союз although.

Более подробно об особенностях слов-связок мы рассказываем в серии наших статей (linking words: 1 тип, 2 тип (1 часть, 2 часть, 3 часть), 3 тип) . Если вы уже их читали, то рекомендуем пройти тест.

Ответ: although

A37. Снова задание, посвященное устойчивым выражениям. И на этот раз это make an attempt – делать попытку.

She never A37 _______ an attempt to get out of the family circle.


  • made
  • did
  • took
  • held

Ответ: made

А38. Последнее задание также проверяет знание устойчивых выражений.

As it turned A38 _______, we had much in common.


  • off
  • out
  • in
  • over

И это as it turned out – как оказалось. Тоже самое выражение может быть и в Present Simple: as it turns out – как оказывается.

Ответ: out

Множество тематических тестовых заданий из раздела 32-38 вы можете найти в нашей рубрике «Задания 32-38». А еще больше подобных разборов ищите в нашей новой рубрике «ФИПИ ответы».

Разбор следующего текста «Merrywood Elementary» уже совсем скоро. Следите за обновлениями и совершенствуйте свой английский вместе с ABC.

General Listening Quiz

Level: Topic: Speakers: Length:
easy families two men 01:10

Pre-Listening Exercise

What five questions could you ask someone about his or her family (e.g., What does your father do?)?


“get under someone’s skin” = annoy or bother someone
My brother gets under my skin when he enters my room without knocking.”

“stay-at-home mom” = a mother who doesn’t have a job outside the home
My sister finds satisfaction in being a stay-at-home mom.”

Listening Exercise

A. Listen to the recording and answer the questions.

Vocabulary Practice

Post-Listening Exercise

Ask a partner five questions about his or her family. Then introduce your partner to another student using the information you learned about that person. Who are you closest to in your family: mother, father, brother, sister, or another relative? Why?

Продолжаем изучать тему «Family and Relationship» и сегодня вас ждет список английских слов №3 по теме «Семья и отношения», а еще лексические тесты и текст «Family life in Britain». Список №3 рекомендуется изучать после того, как вы изучили слова по теме «My Family» Список №2.

Family are like branches on a tree.

Family and Relationship. Список английских слов №3 (advanced)

  1. father-in-law — тесть, свёкр
  2. mother-in-law — теща, свекровь
  3.  son-in-law — зять
  4. daughter-in-law — невестка
  5. stepfather — отчим
  6. stepmother — мачеха
  7. stepson — пасынок
  8. stepdaughter — падчерица
  9. adopted child — приемный сын или дочь
  10. widow — вдова
  11. widower — вдовец
  12. orphan — сирота
  13. foster child — воспитанник, приемыш
  14. adopted child — усыновленный ребенок
  15. extended family — семья из нескольких поколений
  16. aquaintance — знакомый
  17. bosom friend — закадычный друг
  18. be engaged to — быть помолвленной с….
  19. break off the engagement — разорвать помолвку
  20. fiancé and fiancée — жених и невеста
  21. bride and groom — невеста и жених (новобрачные)
  22. nice couple — приятная пара
  23. single — одинокий (без пары)
  24. bachelor —  холостяк
  25. unmarried — неженатый
  26. make a proposal – сделать предложение (о вступлении в брак)
  27. marriage — брак, замужество
  28. be divorced — быть в разводе
  29. break up — разойтись
  30. run the house — вести хозяйство
  31. raise — поднимать (ставить на ноги)
  32. family reunion — воссоединение семьи

Полезные выражения на английском языке по теме «Family Relationship»:

  1. Do you live on your own? — Вы живете одна?
  2. I live alone but I’m never lonely. (I never feel lonely.) — Я живу одна, но мне никогда не бывает одиноко (я никогда не чувствую себя одинокой).
  3. Are you married? — Вы женаты? (Вы замужем?)
  4. I’ve been married for 11 years. — Я женат уже 11 лет. (Изучить The Present Perfect Tense)
  5. We got married 11 years ago. — Мы поженились 11 лет назад.
  6. I married a student. —   Я женился на студентке.
  7. I am single. — Я не женат (замужем).
  8. I am divorced. — Я разведен.

Упражнения и тесты по теме «Family, Friends and Relationship»

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте, переведите и выучите диалог.

— Your name is George Smith, isn’t it?
— Yes, it is. I’m a designer. I live and work in New York. And what’s your name?
— My name is Pete Black. I’m an editor. I live and work in Baltimore.
Are you married?
— Oh, yes. I’m married and I’ve got two daughters.
— I’ve got two daughters, too: Rose and Kate. What are your daughters’ names?
— They are Susan and Jane. Susan is nine years old and Jane is six. They both go to school. Do your daughters go to school?
— Sure. My wife Mary doesn’t work now. She runs the house and looks after the children. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
— Unfortunately not. I’m an only child in the family. I’ve got a cousin who lives in Chicago. We are on friendly terms.
— I’ve got a sister. She is much younger than I am. I’ve seen very little of her lately.

Test №1 on the topic «Family and Friends»

Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct.

1. Your ( sister, cousin, aunt) is a girl or a woman who has the same parents as you.
2. Your (cousin, uncle, nephew) is the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt.
3. Your (mother- by-law, mother-of-law, mother–in-law) is the mother of your husband or wife.
4. Your (cousin, niece, nephew) is the daughter of your sister or brother.
5. Someone’s (cousin, nephew, stepbrother) is the son of your sister or brother.
6. Both parents should take care (about, of, for) their children.
7. When she was on holiday, she (made, did, met) a lot of new friends.
8. They are (with love to, in love with, in love to) each other.
9. He is a very sociable person and gets (along, at, on with) all his friends and acquaintances (знакомые).
10. James (became, fell, got) madly in love with Helen the first time he saw her.

Test №2 on the topic «Family and Friends»

Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct.

1. He  (married, got married, married with) his wife Jane 37 years ago.
2. Mr and Mrs Brown are a nice old (pair, couple, unite).
3. What is the secret of their happy (wedding, marrying, marriage)?
4. She was close to both of her parents and was shaken by their (divorce, parting, separating).
5. You should (bring up, grow up, raise) children to be generous, not selfish.
6. He is very much a (marriage, married, family) man and needs to be close to those he loves.
7. The marriage (event, ceremony, affair) took place in a small country church.
8. They were (parted, divorced, separated) three years ago.
9. I’m married (to, -, with) Ted’s sister.
10. (A relative, A friend, An acquaintance) is someone who you know well and like, but who is not related to you.

Test №3 on the topic «Family and Friends»

Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct.

1. (An orphan, A foster child, An adopted child) is a child whose parents are dead.
2. Jack and Jill quarreled a lot and finally decided to (grow apart, quit, break up).
3. The wedding feast went on until midnight but the ___________and the __________left before that (wife and husband, bride and groom, fiancé and fiancée).
4. He was still (alone, bachelor,  lonely) at the age of 50.
5. James had known Sally for three years before he made (an offer, a suggestion, a proposal).
6. She (broke off, stopped, refused) her engagement.
7. A (widow, widower, widowed) is a man whose wife has died and who hasn’t married again.
8. In high school, Mike didn’t (have meetings, have appointments, make dates) with girls. He was too shy.
9. A (bosom friend, comrade, mate) is a very close friend who you rely on and trust the most.
10. Helen, I want to (divide, share, lead) my life with you! Will you marry me, darling?

Text «Family Life in Britain» (upper-intermediate)

Прочитайте и переведите текст. Жирным шрифтом выделены слова из списка №2 «Family and Relationship»

The condition of the British family is a frequent topic throughout Britain today. A typical British family used to consist of mother, father and two children. But in recent years there have been many changes in family life. Some of them have been caused by new laws, others are the result of social changes. For instance, as the law made it easier to get a divorce, the number of divorces has increased. In fact one marriage in every three ends in divorce, which gives rise to a lot of one-parent fami­lies. Society is now more tolerant of unmarried people, unmarried cou­ples and single parents than it used to be some years ago. The majority of divorced people marry again and sometimes take responsibility for a second family.

Изучите конструкцию Used to в разделе Грамматика английского языка (уровень III)

Close relatives and members of a family groups — grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins — keep in touch, but they see less of each other than they used to. This is because people often move away from their home town to work, and so the family becomes scattered. The traditional season for the family reunion is Christmas when relatives travel many miles in order to spend it together.

In general, each generation is eager to become independent of par­ents in establishing its own family unit, and this fact can bring about so­cial as well as geographical differences within the larger family group. There are about 10 million old-age pensioners in Britain, of whom about 8% cannot live entirely independently. The government gives fi­nancial help in the form of a pension but it is becoming more and more difficult for the normal economy to support the increasing number of elderly people. Nowadays more than half of all old people are looked af­ter at home. Many others live in Old People’s Homes, which may be pri­vate or state owned.

Old People’s Homes — Дома престарелых

Relationships within the family undergo certain changes. Parents treat their children more as equals than they used to, and children have more freedom to make their own decisions. The father is more involved in the process of bringing up children, mainly because the mother goes out to work. Due to increased leisure facilities and more money modern life provides wider opportunities for the individual to take part in activ­ities outside the home. Although the family holiday, which is usually taken in August, and often abroad, is still an important part of family life. Many children have holidays away from home, often with school or college friends or other organized groups.

Прослушайте текст на английском языке, который является примером рассказа человека о себе, и выполните ряд заданий на проверку понимания. 

1. Упражнение на вставку пропущенных слов. Впечатываем слова и цифры буквами в пустые окошки. Нажимаем Check для самопроверки.

2. По стрелке выше или ниже первого задания переходим ко второму. Это задание типа TRUE/FALSE. Впечатываем только первые буквы T или F.

3. Здесь вы увидите текст, который был дан для прослушивания. В нем пропущены некоторые предлоги. Нужно заполнить ими все пропуски и проверить себя.

4. В тексте встречается много слов, которые характеризуют человека, в данном случае Алекса и его сестру. Выучите их с помощью озвученных интерактивных карточек, которые даны ниже. Перевод на русский язык и обратно на английский осуществляем простым щелчком по каждому слову.


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