Фильм лед сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 11.03.2023

После просмотра фильма нам хочется с кем-то поделится впечатлениями об увиденном. Впечатления могут быть совсем разными. Положительными, отрицательными, удручающими, восторженными. А что, если ваш собеседник – иностранец, поделиться с которым вы сможете только на английском языке?

В русском языке существует огромное множество слов и фраз, которые помогают нам изложить на бумаге весь тот ураган эмоций, который обуревает нас после просмотра фильма или чтения книги, но когда дело доходит до английского языка, то только interesting и в лучшем случае exciting and wonderful приходят на ум.

Для того, чтобы грамотно описать фильм на английском языке, необходимо стараться придерживаться некого плана описания.

План описания фильма на английском языке

1. Введение
Этот раздел включает в себя информацию о фильме: название, режиссер, главные роли, место съемок и т.д. Здесь важны факты, а не ваше отношение к фильму.

2. Основная часть
Краткое содержание фильма отражает исключительно главные события фильма, без подробностей, пишется в настоящем (а не прошедшем) времени.

Для этого необходимо повторить

The film is about … – Фильм рассказывает о …
The story is told through the eyes of … – Рассказ ведется от лица …

Начиная с нового абзаца напишите чем этот фильм понравился, что интересного и запоминающегося вы в нем нашли.

I really love … because it is … – Я очень люблю это фильм, потому что он …
The special effects are really impressive/amazing. – Спецэффекты просто потрясающие.
The movie has some poignant moments, for example, when … – В фильме есть несколько трогательных моментов, например, когда …
The movie keeps you on the edge of your seat. – От фильма невозможно оторваться.
The movie is thought-provoking because … – Фильм дает почву для размышлений, потому что …
My favourite parts in the movie are … Мои любимые сцены в фильме …

3. Заключение
Описание фильма на английском языке можно закончить предложением, в котором вы рекомендуете его слушателям.

If you want to have a great day in watching a movie, I would totally recommend. – Если вы хотите получить великолепный день от просмотра фильма, я могу это порекомендовать.

The interesting facts offered in this book/film make it stand out – интересные факты, представленные в фильме/книге, выделяют ее среди других.
Don’t miss it – не пропусти.
It will change the way you think – она поменяет ход ваших мыслей.
It is well worth seeing/reading – стОит того, чтобы его посмотрели/прочитали.
It is a masterpiece of its kind – это классический шедевр своего рода.
It succeeds in… – преуспел в…
It is highly entertaining read – очень развлекательное чтиво.

Конечно, мы постарались вам дать основной план описания фильма на английском языке, но для того, чтобы ревью было более красочным, рекомендуем использовать лексику данную ниже:

1) have you ever seen fish _ jump? 2) how can you make a child _ learn to be polite? 3) we all want you to be very happy.4) yesterday i heard someone_ say that the weather was going to change.5) i will let you _ go to the cinema if you are good.6) sara did not expect her mother to give her a pet as a birthday present.7) i did not notice him _ leave the room.8) the children were made to learn a long poem by heart.9) in the dark the boy felt his father _ take him by the hand.10) margo would like her teacher not to be so strict.

1. она своей матери два дня назад.

2. он купил новую машину вчера.

3. они любят кушать сладости.

4. мы пошли в парк в воскресенье.

democracy is a type of political institution a form of group decision-making. democracy requires designing a set of arrangements through which each person’s prefaces will have equal weight in determining the ultimate decision. so democracy represents a set of decision making institutions that embody respect for equal worth of all citizens. democracy is more likely to protect the rights of the relatively powerless in society.democracy is what i would call a type of system or people who compete for power. democracy is something we can actually exercise our civil duty directly. i agree with the statement of abraham lincoln: “democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” as for me, democracy is indeed a set of ideals and principles about freedom.

был молодой человек, который был укушен двадцатью кошками и котенком. кричавший он, «это ясно мой конец, вполне рядом независимо от того! я умру как британец! «

Другие вопросы по Английскому языку

Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. the are twenty desk tn their classroom. my brother can count well. my friends discussed thisbook with nis teacher. i, ll copu the words into.

Test1. this morning at eight oclock? a. you were going b. did you doc. were you doing when you called but we had thetv on louda. didn’t sleepb. weren’t sleepingc. wasn’t sleeping3e.

My favourite film is “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”. It is the first film of the ”Lord of the Rings“ film series, based on the book of the same name by J. R. R. Tolkien. The film was shot in 2001. It was directed by the New Zealand film director Peter Jackson.

The film is set in Middle-earth – a land where such “goodly” races as hobbits, elves, dwarfs and men live. Since the ancient times they have warred with orcs, goblins and trolls. At the beginning of the film we learn about the One Ring – a powerful weapon created by the Dark Lord Sauron – which was occasionally found by Bilbo Baggins, the hobbit.

On his 111th birthday Bilbo had a great party, after which he suddenly departed and left his young cousin Frodo all his belongings, including the magic ring.

A few years later Gandalf, the wizard, visits Frodo to tell him the truth about the ring. A short time after that Frodo and three of his friends leave Shire. They are followed by the Black Riders, who are searching for Frodo and the Ring. On their way they meet a new friend Aragorn.

The Black Riders attacked Frodo and his friends and one of them stabbed Frodo in the shoulder with a cursed knife. Aragorn took Frodo and the hobbits to the Rivendell where his wound was healed and the Fellowship of the Ring was formed to take the One Ring to Mordor and destroy it.

Перевод на русский язык

Действие фильма происходит в Средиземье – земле, где живут такие «добрые» расы как хоббиты, эльфы, гномы и люди. С древних времен они воевали с орками, гоблинами и троллями. В начале фильма мы узнаем о Кольце Всевластия – могущественном оружии, созданном Темным Властелином Сауроном, которое было случайно найдено хоббитом Бильбо Бэггинсом.

На свой 111-й день рождения Бильбо устроил большую вечеринку, после которой он внезапно исчез и оставил все свое имущество, в том числе волшебное кольцо, своему молодому кузену Фродо.

Через несколько лет волшебник Гэндальф навестил Фродо и рассказал ему правду о кольце. Вскоре после этого Фродо и трое его друзей покинули Шир. Их преследовали Черные Всадники, которые искали Фродо и Кольцо. На пути они встретили нового друга Арагорна.

Черные Всадники атаковали Фродо и его друзей, и один из них ударил Фродо в плечо проклятым клинком. Арагорн помог Фродо и хоббитам добраться до Ривенделла, где рану Фродо залечили, и где появилось Братство кольца, целью которого было доставить Кольцо в Мордор и уничтожить его.



Favourite filmлюбимый фильм (британский вариант);

Favorite movieлюбимый фильм (американский вариант).

Жанры фильмов:

action боевик
adventure приключенческий фильм
animation анимационный фильм
biography биографический фильм
bromance Фильм о мужской дружбе
cartoon мультфильм
chick-flick мелодрама
comedy комедия
crime криминальный фильм
documentary документальный фильм
drama драма
family семейный фильм
fantasy фэнтези
feature film художественный фильм (полнометражный)
genre жанр
historical film исторический фильм
horror фильм ужасов (хоррор)
love story любовная история
musical мюзикл
post-apocalyptic постапокалипсис
romance фильм о любви
romcom романтическая комедия
science fiction научная фантастика
sci-fi (сокр. вариант) научная фантастика
short film короткометражный фильм
silent movie немое кино
thriller триллер
war Военный фильм
western вестерн

Как можно описать сам фильм?

amazing восхитительный
amusing развлекающий
bloody кровавый
boring скучный
breathtaking захватывающий дух
catchy цепляющий
creepy жуткий
disappointing разочаровывающий
enjoyable приятный
exciting захватывающий
fast-moving динамичный
frightening пугающий
insightful поучительный
interesting интересный
intriguing интригующий
ordinary обычный
petrifying ужасающий
pleasant приятный
romantic романтичный
sad печальный
sensitive нежный, чувствительный
silly глупый
thought-provoking заставляющий задуматься
total laugh/hilarious очень веселый и смешной
wacky дурацкий

1. Titanic (1997)


Интересные слова и выражения

  • To shoot a film – снимать фильм (обратите внимание, что shootonfilm – снимать на пленку);
  • Breathtaking – захватывающий дух;
  • To take one’s breath away – удивить, поразить кого-либо, захватывает дух;
  • Masterpiece – шедевр;
  • To portray – играть; изображать;

2. Avatar

My favourite film is Avatar, which was directed by James Cameron. He is also the author of another famous film Titanic. Avatar is an action and fantasy film.

Jack, the main character of the film, is a physically challenged person.

As his brother was ready to go to Pandora but he died before he could arrive, Jack got a chance to go there and take over his brother’s task in Pandora. Humans were going to get natural resources from Pandora and Jack was ordered to persuade the Pandora people to give them resources.

Later he becomes the leader of navi. He not only lives a full life, but also learns about local customs, culture and residents in general. The film shows a world in which there are many different unusual animals and plants. There is a divine tree that stores all the information about all living things on the planet. The main theme of the film is the struggle of good against evil. The avatar is thought-provoking. It makes us think about our actions and attitude to life. The film keeps in suspense.

There are many reasons for why you should watch this film. The special effects, a beautiful and meaningful story. I think everybody will enjoy the film and love it.


Джек, главный герой фильма, — человек с ограниченными физическими возможностями.

Позже он становится лидером нави. Он не только живет полноценной жизнью, но и узнает о местных обычаях, культуре и жителях в целом. В фильме показан мир, в котором обитает множество разных необычных животных и растений. Существует божественное древо, в котором хранится вся информация обо всех живых существах на планете. Главная тема фильма — борьба добра со злом. Аватар заставляет задуматься. Это заставляет нас задуматься о наших действиях и отношении к жизни. Фильм держит в напряжении.

Интересные слова и выражения

  • To direct a film – снимать фильм;
  • To take over one’s task – Взять на себя задачу другого человека;
  • Thought-provoking – заставляет задуматься;
  • An attitude to life – отношение к жизни;
  • the struggle of good against evil – борьба добра со злом;
  • to keep in suspense – держать в напряжении.

Есть много причин, по которым вам следует посмотреть этот фильм. Спецэффекты, красивая и содержательная история. Я думаю, что фильм понравится всем людям.

3. Harry Potter

This film was based on the book of the famous writer Joan Rowling. It tells about the story of the main character Harry Potter. He is a student of British boarding school of magic that is called Hogwarts. He fights the evil magician Lord Voldemort and his followers, the so-called Death Eaters. Each of the seven volumes describes a year of school life of Harry Potter. Volume 1 was published in 1997. Volume 7 was published on July 21, 2007 in English. There are 7 parts of the film. They are very interesting and breathtaking! The first, second and third parts (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) are my favorite parts. I watched these films in Russian. I also want to watch them in English.

In my opinion, the actors in this film are very talented: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, etc… And I think that this film is interesting not only for the children, but also for the adults.


Этот фильм был снят по книге известной писательницы Джоан Роулинг. В ней рассказывается об истории главного героя Гарри Поттера. Он ученик британской школы магии, которая называется Хогвартс. Он сражается со злым волшебником лордом Волан-де-Мортом и его последователями, так называемыми Пожирателями Смерти. Каждый из семи томов описывает год школьной жизни Гарри Поттера. Том 1 был опубликован в 1997 году. Том 7 был опубликован 21 июля 2007 года на английском языке. Фильм состоит из 7 частей. Они очень интересны и захватывают дух! Первая, вторая и третья части (Гарри Поттер и Философский камень, Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната, Гарри Поттер и Узник Азкабана) — мои любимые части. Я смотрел эти фильмы на русском языке. Я также хочу посмотреть их на английском языке.

На мой взгляд, актеры в этом фильме очень талантливы: Дэниел Рэдклифф, Руперт Гринт, Эмма Уотсон и другие. И я думаю, что этот фильм будет интересен не только детям, но и взрослым.

Интересные слова и выражения

  • to be based on a book – быть основанным на книге;
  • breathtaking – захватывающий дух;
  • an evil magician – злой волшебник;
  • Death Eaters – пожиратели смерти

4. Forrest Gump

One of the most important and brightest moments in Forrest’s life is the ability to run fast after having problems with his legs. Thanks to strong legs, the hero is able to run long distances and attract other people.

Interestingly, Forrest tells the story of his life, sitting on a bench and talking to passers-by. Some people leave and others come.

Forrest Gump is one of my all-time favorites. This film captivates with its naivety and touching. He is so soulful that it is difficult to convey in words! I recommend to everyone for viewing!


Одним из самых важных и ярких момент в жизни Форреста становится способность быстро бегать после проблем с ногами. Благодаря сильным ногам герой способен пробегать большие расстояния и притягивать других людей.

Интересно, что Форрест рассказывает историю своей жизни, сидя на лавочке и разговаривая со встречными прохожими. Одни уходят и приходят другие.

Форрест Гамп – один из моих самых любимых фильмов. Этот фильм подкупает своей наивностью и трогательностью. Он настолько душевный, что это сложно передать словами! Всем рекомендую к просмотру!

Интересные слова и выражения:

  • to face a challenge – столкнуться с трудностью;
  • indifferent – безразличный;
  • it is difficult to convey in words – сложно передать словами;

5. Star Wars

My favorite movie is Star Wars. It is an American space opera created and directed by George Lucas. It quickly became a pop-culture phenomenon. I’m interested in Jedi, androids and other unusual creatures. Especially I like the fourth, the fifth and the sixth episode of the cinematic universe.

The first parts of the film began shooting more than 40 years ago, and new film adaptations from this franchise are still being released in cinemas and gather full halls of people. The main theme of the film is the struggle of good against evil. This story is about the fact that good always wins.

I would like to underline that the movie teaches us about the importance of friendship and the value of being patient. This film universe is like a fairy tale about hope and faith in yourself and friends. And about self-sacrifice for the sake of others.


Первые части фильма начали снимать более 40 лет назад, а новые экранизации из этой франшизы до сих пор выходят в кинотеатрах и собирают полные залы людей. Основная тема фильма – борьба добра со злом. Эта история о том, что добро всегда побеждает.

Я хотел бы подчеркнуть, что фильм учит нас важности дружбы и ценности терпения. Эта киновселенная похожа на сказку о надежде и вере в себя и друзей. И о самопожертвовании ради других.

Читайте также:


  • Сочинение о природных стихиях

  • Язык есть крепчайшее звено могущее вообще связывать людей друг с другом сочинение рассуждение

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  • В чем заключается героизм дарьи ее подвиг из мороз красный нос сочинение

  • Негодующий взгляд незаконченное сочинение

Светило науки — 21 ответ — 0 раз оказано помощи

Фильм cмoтрeлcя нa oднoм дыхaнии. C удoвoльcтвиeм. В нeм нa удивлeниe былo мнoгo кoмичных cцeн и фрaз. Были и тaкиe, кoгдa хoтeлocь зaмeрeть oт вocтoргa, нaблюдaя зa пoтряcaющeй крacoтoй фигурнoгo кaтaния. Нo хвaтaлo и дрaмaтизмa, и пoвoдa для рaзмышлeний. Фильм пoлучилcя oчeнь крacивым, нeoбычным и увлeкaтeльным. Финaл и вoвce рacтрoгaл. Нecмoтря нa вcю eгo нeрeaльную cкaзoчнocть, cлeзы кaтилиcь пo щeкaм. И в кaкoй-тo мoмeнт мнe пoдумaлocь, чтo тaкую cтрaну, кaк нaшa, c тaкими людьми нeвoзмoжнo cлoмить ни caнкциями, ни труднocтями. Я в oчeрeднoй рaз пoдумaлa o тoм, чтo гoржуcь cвoeй cтрaнoй, cвoими cooтeчecтвeнникaми, нaчинaя c удивитeльных cпoртcмeнoв и зaкaнчивaя oбычными грaждaнaми, кaждый из кoтoрых cпocoбeн нa cвoe мaлeнькoe пeрcoнaльнoe чудo. Фильм «Лeд» мнe oчeнь пoнрaвилcя, c удoвoльcтвиeм cтaвлю eму 5 бaллoв и рeкoмeндую пocмoтрeть eгo, a eщe лучшe oтпрaвитьcя в кинoтeaтр co cвoeй пoлoвинкoй.
Cмoтритe хoрoшee кинo, ищитe cвoe прeднaзнaчeниe – тo дeлo, рaди кoтoрoгo вы зaхoтитe cвeрнуть гoры и дocтичь нeвoзмoжнoгo, нecмoтря и вoпрeки. И, кoнeчнo, внимaтeльнee cмoтритe нa тeх, ктo нaхoдитcя c вaми рядoм. Пуcть этo будут люди, кoтoрыe рaздeлят c вaми нe тoлькo рaдocти, нo и гoрecти. В жизни, кaк извecтнo, вcякoe бывaeт.

  • Главная
  • Топики
  • Искусство: живопись, музыка, поэзия

I’d like to speak about the film called «Ice Age». The director of the film is Chris Wedge. The producers are Christopher Meledandri and Lori Forte. The budget of the film is $60,000,000.

Now about the plot of the film. We transfers to the prehistoric age, when people can’t speak. The Earth is ruling by the Mammoths. At then time appears the danger of Ice Age.

At the beginning of the film we see a lot of animals which are going to the south. But some animals, such as mammoths Manfred (the voice of Ray Romano) prefer to live in Ice. This mammoth is very kind, fair, but lonely.

The second hero is stoat Sid (the voice of John Leguizamo). He is very social, Manfred called him a terrible chatterbox. In spite of his small size, he survives in prehistoric age. Sid meets Manfred and the mammoth protects him. Sid becomes Manfred’s friend.

People in this film use pictures as a communication method.

The next hero is Soto, the leader of tigers group. Soto orders Diego, which is one of the tigers, to bring him peoples baby.

After Diego’s attack on the settlement, the mother of the baby with her child jumps to the waterfall. The mother dies, but her baby survives. Manfred and Sid shelter the baby and decide to carry him to the rest of the settlers. The tiger Diego goes with them, he leads them to the tigers group, but he feels sorry to the Manfred and Sid and becomes their friend. Later Diego protects friends from the Soto.

The end of the story is very sentimental. Friends bring the baby to his father and go back.

The film is full of humor. The main humor person is squirrel, but it has no communication with the main plot of the film. It makes a lot of funny situations. I think that this film is a real masterpiece of computer graphics. For my mind every family must see this kind film with children.

Версия для печати

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ice (2018 film).jpg

Theatrical release poster

Russian Лёд
Directed by Oleg Trofim
Screenplay by
  • Andrey Zolotarev
  • Oleg Malovichko
Produced by
  • Fyodor Bondarchuk
  • Dmitriy Rudovskiy
  • Alexander Andryuschenko
  • Mikhail Vrubel
  • Vyacheslav Murugov (ru)
  • Aglaya Tarasova
  • Alexander Petrov
  • Miloš Biković
  • Mariya Aronova
  • Yan Tsapnik
  • Kseniya Rappoport
  • Kseniya Lavrova-Glinka
  • Pavel Maykov
Cinematography Mikhail Milashin
Music by Anton Belyaev


  • Columbia Pictures
  • Art Pictures Studio
  • Vodorod
  • Russia-1
  • National Media Group Studio
  • Cinema Foundation
  • STS (TV channel)
Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Sony Pictures Releasing

Release date

  • February 14, 2018 (Russia)

Running time

113 minutes (Russia)
90 minutes (China, South Korea)
Country Russia
Language Russian
Budget $2 million[1]
(₽150 million)
Box office $26.4 million[1]
(₽1 billion)

Ice (Russian: Лёд, romanized: Lyod) is a 2018 Russian musical romantic drama sports film directed by Oleg Trofim, tells about a capable skater who received serious injury due to a partner’s mistake, and her relationship with a hockey player, whose love will help her overcome herself.[2][3] The film stars Aglaya Tarasova, Alexander Petrov and Miloš Biković.

Ice was theatrically released in Russia took place on February 14, 2018 and the Olympic Committee.

A sequel, titled Ice 2, was released in February 2020.


The life of Nadya Lapshina (Aglaya Tarasova), a humble girl from the city of Irkutsk, Nadya Lapshina always dreamed of being a figure skater, but had problems with coordination and balance, which is why the famous children’s coach Irina Sergeyevna Shatalina (Mariya Aronova) refused to take her as a student, contrary to the faith and persuasion of Nadya’s mother.
Nadya begins to live with her aunt Margosha, who sells bananas. Margosha treats her niece well and takes care of her as she can, but does not share the late sister’s opinion about Nadya’s potential. However, the girl does not give up and in the end shows such perseverance that Irina Shatalina decides to take her.

Nadya Lapshina begins to live in a boarding school at the local sports palace and learn the basics and subtleties of figure skating. At first, nothing comes out of her, but determination and good learning take their toll and Nadya becomes the best student of the boarding school. As a result, Irina Shatalina nominates her as a candidate for children’s figure competitions held throughout the country. Another girl, who was the best before Nadya, tries to sabotage her performance by blunting her skates, but Nadya carries out the impossible and even performs dull-class dance on blunt blades.

Years pass. Nadya Lapshina has matured and became one of the most famous figure skaters in the country. She is invited to go to the big leagues, having tried on the role of a partner of the famous skater Vladimir Borisovich ‘Vova’ Leonov (Miloš Biković). At first, Nadya refuses, not wanting to leave her beloved coach, but Irina Shatalina, having fallen in love with Nadya as a daughter and wishing her advancement, tells her that her mother deceived her, saying that Irina discerned talent in her as a child. Nadya is upset, but decides to take a chance and eventually gets a place. Soon, he and Vova Leonov begin to live together and he even thinks of proposing to her. However, during the next performance, a catastrophe occurs: Vova accidentally drops Nadya and she hits so hard when she falls that she breaks the spine and becomes disabled. She closes herself from depression and stops communicating with everyone.

In the capital, she fails to recover, and she returns to her aunt and uncle, who is confined to a wheelchair. Irina Shatalina, learning about the troubles of her former student, decides to help her. Meanwhile, in the local hockey team, striker Alexander Arkadyevich ‘Sasha’ Gorin (Alexander Petrov) has a conflict with a friend, because of which he is suspended from the game. Irina offers him a deal: he will help Nadya restore spirit, and Irina will help him return to the team. Sasha Gorin pretends to agree, but at first he tries to cheat, seeing that Nadya is completely crushed and does not see a chance to recover. However, Irina quickly exposes him, and he begins to act for real.

At first, Sasha and Nadya cannot stand each other, but Sasha Gorin turns out to be a good psychologist and begins to restore Nadya’s spirit by physically mocking her and then finding a common language. Soon this is bearing fruit: the sensitivity of the legs and the ability to move their fingers begin to return to Nadya. After that, they switch to physiotherapy exercises: Sasha starts taking Nadya to the local gym, where she learns to walk again and restores her atrophied leg muscles. As a result, she again gets to her feet, and then returns to the ice. At this point, their relationship with Sasha reached an almost romantic level. As a result, Nadya even persuades him to act as her partner on the return number, speaking in her previous role as a hockey player. The resulting unusual number is received warmly. Later, Sasha also admits to Nadya that in his childhood he also went in for figure skating for some time, to which his grandmother drove him, but his father considered him a purely female sport and persuaded his son to switch to hockey.

After their joint performance, Sasha Gorin unexpectedly meets Vova Leonov in the locker room, who is trying to convince him to leave Nadya, claiming that only he, Vova, can lead her to the Olympic medal. The whole day Sasha spends sad thoughts: he realizes that he has fallen in love with Nadya and wants to be with her, but Vova’s words touched him too deeply. As a result, he gets drunk, comes to Nadya and lies to her that all this time he helped her only out of pity, leaving a big teddy bear won in the shooting gallery.

Nadya Lapshina again unites with Vova Leonova and begins performing in a big competition, but he drops her almost immediately. The doctor establishes that Nadya no longer has any problems with her back: the point is pure psychosomatics. Vova explodes and expresses that in fact he always considered Nadya an insignificant figure skater and spoke with her only because of her popularity among the people. Nadya does not stand it and returns to speak alone, although this is against the rules. Sasha, who watched the contest on television, does not dare to stay away and urgently gets to Moscow. Having entered the stadium with the support of Irina Shatalina, he takes his suit from a dejected Vova and goes out to the ice to Nadya. She in tears asks him why he came, and he confesses to her his feelings. The judges refuse to start playing music for them again, sitting among the audience, begins to sing themselves, and then the whole room picks up the song, and Nadya and Sasha perform a beautiful duet number for it.

Despite the fact that they remained disqualified, Nadya Lapshina and Sasha Gorin are happy, because now they can be together on the ice and outside it.


  • Aglaya Tarasova as Nadezhda Alexandrovna ‘Nadya’ Lapshina, a figure skater
    • Diana Enakaeva as Nadya Lapshina, as a child
  • Alexander Petrov as Alexander Arkadyevich ‘Sasha’ Gorin, a hockey player
  • Miloš Biković as Vladimir Borisovich ‘Vova’ Leonov, a pair skater
  • Mariya Aronova as Irina Sergeyevna Shatalina, children’s coach
  • Yan Tsapnik as Vsevolod Igorevich ‘Seva’ Shulzhenko, coach Vova Leonov
  • Kseniya Rappoport as Nadya Lapshina’s mother
  • Kseniya Lavrova-Glinka [ru] as Margosha, Nadya Lapshina’s aunt
  • Pavel Maykov as Gena, Margosha’s lover
  • Irina Starshenbaum as Zhzhyonova, a competitor
  • Fyodor Bondarchuk as a tramp
  • Andrey Zolotarev as reporter
  • Maksim Belborodov as Mitya, a pair skater
  • Andrey Balyakin as Andrey Burov, hockey coach
  • Vilen Babichev as security at the Olympics in Sochi


The film was the feature-length debut of director Oleg Trofim. Aglaya Tarasova said that her figure skating coach on the set of the film was Katarina Gerbold, who was also her backup. In parallel with training on skates, Aglaya Tarasova spent about three months practicing vocals with the teacher Masha Katz.[4]


Initially, the scenario did not specify that the events occur exactly in Irkutsk and Lake Baikal. It was noted only that a place of action is a certain provincial city. However, winter photographs of Lake Baikal impressed the director Oleg Trofim and he decided to shoot there. In total, the film crew spent about a week in Irkutsk, it was in the middle of March 2016.[5][6]

During the preparation for the shooting, the main performers, who before that practically did not stand on skates, have received an intensive two-month training. The most difficult was the preparation of Aglaya Tarasova: Girl in parallel involved in dancing, figure skating, singing and even diving. By the way during the filming of the scene under water in the pool she spent nearly 12 hours.

The last shooting day was held in Moscow in the park Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy, where, according to the script, a romantic date of the main characters should take place. A number of scenes were filmed at the Olympic venues in the city of Sochi.[7]


The film contains several covers of famous russian songs :

  • Soldier (Солдат) — 5’nizza.
  • Infinite (Бесконечность) — Zemfira.
  • Do like me (Делай как я) — Bogdan Titomir.
  • Pack of Cigarettes (Пачка Сигарет) — Kino.
  • Fly (лететь) — Амега, cover by Anton Belyaev.


Ice is scheduled for release in the Russian Federation on February 14, 2018 by Walt Disney Studios Sony Pictures Releasing (WDSSPR).


On March 12, 2019, filming began for the continuation of the film, which will take place on Lake Baikal. As a director, Zhora Kryzhovnikov was invited.

Fyodor Bondarchuk said that the continuation of Ice 2 (2020 film) will be shot by another director, Zhora Kryzhovnikov, and the film will be released on February 14, 2020.


  1. ^ a b «ЛЕД». KinoBusiness.
  2. ^ «Российский фильм «Лед» выходит в прокат в Швейцарии» [Russian film Ice comes out in Switzerland]. TASS (in Russian). March 7, 2018. Retrieved April 22, 2020.
  3. ^ «РОССИЙСКИЙ ФИЛЬМ «ЛЕД» ВЫШЕЛ В ПРОКАТ В ШВЕЙЦАРИИ» [RUSSIAN FILM ICE HAS RENTAL IN SWITZERLAND]. RuNews24.ru (in Russian). March 8, 2018. Retrieved April 22, 2020.
  4. ^ ««В наше время инстаграм — показатель того, что человек относится к тебе серьезно»: интервью с Милошем Биковичем и Аглаей Тарасовой» [«In our time, Instagram is an indicator that a person takes you seriously»: an interview with Miloš Biković and Aglaya Tarasova]. Glamour (in Russian). February 6, 2018. Retrieved April 22, 2020.
  5. ^ Chichigina, Alyona (February 14, 2018). «Премьера фильма «Лед» в Иркутске: специально для картины записали звуки Байкала» [The premiere of the film Ice in Irkutsk: the sounds of Lake Baikal were specially recorded for the picture]. Komsomolskaya Pravda (in Russian). Retrieved April 22, 2020.
  6. ^ «В сети появился трейлер фильма Федора Бондарчука «Лед», который снимали на Байкале» [The network has a trailer for the film Fyodor Bondarchuk’s Ice, which was filmed on Lake Baikal]. Komsomolskaya Pravda (in Russian). 14 April 2017. Retrieved April 22, 2020.
  7. ^ ««ЛЁД»: ТРОГАТЕЛЬНАЯ СКАЗОЧНАЯ ИСТОРИЯ О ЛЮБВИ, МЕЧТЕ И ПОИСКЕ СЕБЯ» [ICE: A touching fairy tale story of love, a dream and the search for yourself]. Russia-1 (in Russian). December 13, 2017. Retrieved April 22, 2020.

External links[edit]

  • Official website at the Vodorod (in English)
  • Ice at IMDb
  • Ice at Rotten Tomatoes
  • Ice at Box Office Mojo

Дан 1 ответ

Фильм cмoтрeлcя нa oднoм дыхaнии. C удoвoльcтвиeм. В нeм нa удивлeниe былo мнoгo кoмичных cцeн и фрaз. Были и тaкиe, кoгдa хoтeлocь зaмeрeть oт вocтoргa, нaблюдaя зa пoтряcaющeй крacoтoй фигурнoгo кaтaния. Нo хвaтaлo и дрaмaтизмa, и пoвoдa для рaзмышлeний. Фильм пoлучилcя oчeнь крacивым, нeoбычным и увлeкaтeльным. Финaл и вoвce рacтрoгaл. Нecмoтря нa вcю eгo нeрeaльную cкaзoчнocть, cлeзы кaтилиcь пo щeкaм. И в кaкoй-тo мoмeнт мнe пoдумaлocь, чтo тaкую cтрaну, кaк нaшa, c тaкими людьми нeвoзмoжнo cлoмить ни caнкциями, ни труднocтями. Я в oчeрeднoй рaз пoдумaлa o тoм, чтo гoржуcь cвoeй cтрaнoй, cвoими cooтeчecтвeнникaми, нaчинaя c удивитeльных cпoртcмeнoв и зaкaнчивaя oбычными грaждaнaми, кaждый из кoтoрых cпocoбeн нa cвoe мaлeнькoe пeрcoнaльнoe чудo. Фильм «Лeд» мнe oчeнь пoнрaвилcя, c удoвoльcтвиeм cтaвлю eму 5 бaллoв и рeкoмeндую пocмoтрeть eгo, a eщe лучшe oтпрaвитьcя в кинoтeaтр co cвoeй пoлoвинкoй.

Cмoтритe хoрoшee кинo, ищитe cвoe прeднaзнaчeниe – тo дeлo, рaди кoтoрoгo вы зaхoтитe cвeрнуть гoры и дocтичь нeвoзмoжнoгo, нecмoтря и вoпрeки. И, кoнeчнo, внимaтeльнee cмoтритe нa тeх, ктo нaхoдитcя c вaми рядoм. Пуcть этo будут люди, кoтoрыe рaздeлят c вaми нe тoлькo рaдocти, нo и гoрecти. В жизни, кaк извecтнo, вcякoe бывaeт.


29 Май, 18

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: daraunadar


Автор ответа: denis22833784


Ice ”is a Russian musical melodrama directed by Oleg Trofim. The film tells about a capable skater who was seriously injured due to a partner’s mistake and her relationship with a simple hockey player, love for whom will help her overcome herself. Starring Aglaya Tarasova and Alexander Petrov. The premiere in Russia took place on February 14, 2018.The premiere on TV took place on March 8, 2019 on Russia-1

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