Flamingos are very social and often live in large groups егэ ответы

1) Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. How people used to treat them
2. How they get their food
3. Where they live
4. How people start to collect their images
5. How they confuse the scientists
6. When they scare the people
7. How they breed
8. What endangers them

A. Flamingos are very social and often live in large groups, called colonies, throughout the world. They are found in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres. The American Flamingo is the only one that lives in the wild in North America, and on many Caribbean islands such as the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola. It also lives in northern South America, the Galapagos Islands, and parts of Mexico.

B. Flamingos fish while walking in shallow water and mud. When a flamingo notices its potential dinner (for example, shrimp, snails, and plantlike water organisms), it plunges its head into the water, twists its head upside down, and scoops the fish up using its upper beak like a shovel. Flamingos get their pink coloring from the carotenoid pigment in their food, which is the same pigment that makes carrots orange.

C. Flamingos build nests that look like mounds of mud along waterways. The parents take turns sitting on the egg to keep it warm and after about 30 days the egg hatches. Young flamingos are born white, with soft, downy feathers and a straight bill. Both adult birds look after the newborn flamingo. The young leave the nest after about five days to join other young flamingos in small groups, returning to their parents for food.

D. Scientists aren’t 100% sure why flamingos stand on one leg, but they have some theories. One theory says that it is to keep one leg warm. Another idea is that flamingos are drying out one leg at a time. A third theory states that it helps them deceive their catch, because one leg looks more like a plant than do two. Whatever the reason, it is truly amazing that these top heavy birds can balance on one leg for hours at a time.

E. Ancient Egyptians believed that flamingos were the living representation of the god Ra. In the Americas, the Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature and paid a great deal of attention to these birds and often depicted flamingos in their art. However, Andean miners killed flamingos for their fat, which is believed to be a remedy for tuberculosis, and in Ancient Rome their tongues were considered a delicacy.

F. Many people have plastic flamingos in their yards as ornaments. This is a fun and inexpensive way to add some elegance to one’s landscaping. In many parts of the world flamingos are popular collectibles, appearing in the form of magnets, water globes, and jewelry. They are also said to be an image that people find to be calming and exciting at the same time. For these purposes people buy millions of plastic flamingos annually all around the world.

G. Flamingos have been affected in many ways by global warming. One of the biggest concerns is making nests and laying eggs. Flamingos depend on rainfall to help them mate and without adequate rain they won’t engage in it. Many researchers find that global warming reduces the chance of rain and can cause drought in some of the areas where they live. This could mean a significant reduction of offspring in the years ahead.


2) Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

Running a multilingual European Union

The use of 23 official languages is the public face of the European Union (EU). The reasons ___ (A) are not hard to identify: they are democracy, transparency and the right to know. New legislation must be published and made available in a language all EU citizens can understand. The use of all official languages also makes it easier for people to participate in public debates and consultations ___ (B).

Its law-making function and the direct involvement of its citizens explain ___ (C) like the United Nations or NATO, which operate only at the intergovernmental level with no legislative function. The United Nations, with more than 190 members, uses only six languages. The Council of Europe, ___ (D), publishes official documents only in English and French, as does NATO.

Running a multilingual EU comes at a price. But it is a modest price when set against the results. The annual cost of translation and interpretation is about 1% of the EU budget, ___ (E). The total cost has risen by only a small margin despite the arrival of 12 new countries since 2004.

The EU institutions have adjusted their procedures over the years to handle the rising number of official languages. Translators work with written texts, and interpreters with the spoken word. But they must be able to translate or interpret into their main language, ___ (F), from at least two other EU languages.

1. with more members than the EU
2. which is usually their mother tongue
3. that the EU launches, often online
4. which is a little over 2 for every citizen
5. why the EU uses so many official languages
6. that was earlier translated into three main languages
7. why the EU uses more languages than multinational bodies


3) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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What does the author think about educational value of prohibiting children from internet?
1) It is useless.
2) It is important.
3) It is effective.
4) It is advisable.

4) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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What way of using internet in education does the author mention (paragraph 2)?
1) Finding ready-made research papers.
2) Online instruction by school administration.
3) Communication platform for teachers and students.
4) Teaching from home.

5) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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What, according to the author, can the parents’ refusal to allow their children supervised internet access lead to?
1) Children become overprotected.
2) Children use internet in schools under teacher’s control.
3) Children turn to misconduct in schools.
4) Children start cheating on their parents.

6) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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What does the phrase ‘don’t have an “off” switch in their brains’ (paragraph 5) mean?
1) They are unable to restrain from spontaneous actions.
2) They are making reckless decisions.
3) They are acting anonymously online.
4) They are considering the consequences of their actions.

7) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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According to the text, the best way to protect children from internet hazards is to
1) monitor their accounts in social networks.
2) follow them online.
3) ban them from using social networks.
4) limit their access to computer.

8) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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The danger of online games is, according to the author, in
1) the possibility of losing one’s money.
2) availability of VIP passes.
3) getting used to spending money easily.
4) their accessibility.

9) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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What idea is emphasized in the last paragraph?
1) Chatting with strangers online can be dangerous.
2) Nicknames conceal the real identity of a person online.
3) Learning internet security is essential for young people.
4) Pictures should be uploaded wisely.

Вербицкая ЕГЭ-2017, Чтение (часть 1)    

Установите соответствие между текстами AG и заголовками 1-8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишнийTEST 03

1. How people used to treat them E

2. How they get their food B

3. Where they live A

4. How people start to collect their images F

5. How they confuse the scientists D

6. When they scare the people

7. How they breed C

8. What endangers them G

A. Flamingos are very social and often live in large groups, called colonies, throughout the world. They are found in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres. The American Flamingo is the only one that lives in the wild in North America, and on many Caribbean islands such as the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola. It also lives in northern South America, the Galapagos Islands, and parts of Mexico.

Места обитания фламинго. Where they live

B. Flamingos fish while walking in shallow water and mud. When a flamingo notices its potential dinner (for example, shrimp, snails, and plantlike water organisms), it plunges its head into the water, twists its head upside down, and scoops the fish up using its upper beak like a shovel. Flamingos get their pink coloring from the carotenoid pigment in their food, which is the same pigment that makes carrots orange.

Как фламинго рыбачит и почему его окраска оранжевая. How they get their food

C. Flamingos build nests that look like mounds of mud along waterways. The parents take turns sitting on the egg to keep it warm and after about 30 days the egg hatches. Young flamingos are born white, with soft, downy feathers and a straight bill. Both adult birds look after the newborn flamingo. The young leave the nest after about five days to join other young flamingos in small groups, returning to their parents for food.

Как фламинго высиживают яйца и что происходит потом с птенцами. How they breed

D. Scientists aren’t 100% sure why flamingos stand on one leg, but they have some theories. One theory says that it is to keep one leg warm. Another idea is that flamingos are drying out one leg at a time. A third theory states that it helps them deceive their catch, because one leg looks more like a plant than do two. Whatever the reason, it is truly amazing that these top heavy birds can balance on one leg for hours at a time.

Теории, почему фламинго стоят на одной ноге. How they confuse the scientists

E. Ancient Egyptians believed that flamingos were the living representation of the god Ra. In the Americas, the Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature and paid a great deal of attention to these birds and often depicted flamingos in their art. However, Andean miners killed flamingos for their fat, which is believed to be a remedy for tuberculosis, and in Ancient Rome their tongues were considered a delicacy.

Фламинго поклонялись и их убивали. How people used to treat them

F. Many people have plastic flamingos in their yards as ornaments. This is a fun and inexpensive way to add some elegance to one’s landscaping. In many parts of the world flamingos are popular collectibles, appearing in the form of magnets, water globes, and jewelry. They are also said to be an image that people find to be calming and exciting at the same time. For these purposes people buy millions of plastic flamingos annually all around the world.

Сувениры с изображением фламинго популярны. How people start to collect their images

G. Flamingos have been affected in many ways by global warming. One of the biggest concerns is making nests and laying eggs. Flamingos depend on rainfall to help them mate and without adequate rain they won’t engage in it. Many researchers find that global warming reduces the chance of rain and can cause drought in some of the areas where they live. This could mean a significant reduction of offspring in the years ahead.

Потепление плохо влияет на фламинго. What endangers them

№ текста A B C D E F G
тема 3 2 7 5 1 4 8


Задание №8746.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. How people used to treat them
2. How they get their food
3. Where they live
4. How people start to collect their images
5. How they confuse the scientists
6. When they scare the people
7. How they breed
8. What endangers them

A. Flamingos are very social and often live in large groups, called colonies, throughout the world. They are found in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres. The American Flamingo is the only one that lives in the wild in North America, and on many Caribbean islands such as the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola. It also lives in northern South America, the Galapagos Islands, and parts of Mexico.

B. Flamingos fish while walking in shallow water and mud. When a flamingo notices its potential dinner (for example, shrimp, snails, and plantlike water organisms), it plunges its head into the water, twists its head upside down, and scoops the fish up using its upper beak like a shovel. Flamingos get their pink coloring from the carotenoid pigment in their food, which is the same pigment that makes carrots orange.

C. Flamingos build nests that look like mounds of mud along waterways. The parents take turns sitting on the egg to keep it warm and after about 30 days the egg hatches. Young flamingos are born white, with soft, downy feathers and a straight bill. Both adult birds look after the newborn flamingo. The young leave the nest after about five days to join other young flamingos in small groups, returning to their parents for food.

D. Scientists aren’t 100% sure why flamingos stand on one leg, but they have some theories. One theory says that it is to keep one leg warm. Another idea is that flamingos are drying out one leg at a time. A third theory states that it helps them deceive their catch, because one leg looks more like a plant than do two. Whatever the reason, it is truly amazing that these top heavy birds can balance on one leg for hours at a time.

E. Ancient Egyptians believed that flamingos were the living representation of the god Ra. In the Americas, the Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature and paid a great deal of attention to these birds and often depicted flamingos in their art. However, Andean miners killed flamingos for their fat, which is believed to be a remedy for tuberculosis, and in Ancient Rome their tongues were considered a delicacy.

F. Many people have plastic flamingos in their yards as ornaments. This is a fun and inexpensive way to add some elegance to one’s landscaping. In many parts of the world flamingos are popular collectibles, appearing in the form of magnets, water globes, and jewelry. They are also said to be an image that people find to be calming and exciting at the same time. For these purposes people buy millions of plastic flamingos annually all around the world.

G. Flamingos have been affected in many ways by global warming. One of the biggest concerns is making nests and laying eggs. Flamingos depend on rainfall to help them mate and without adequate rain they won’t engage in it. Many researchers find that global warming reduces the chance of rain and can cause drought in some of the areas where they live. This could mean a significant reduction of offspring in the years ahead.

Заголовок 3 (Where they live. — Где они живут) соответствует содержанию текста A: «They are found in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres.»

Заголовок 2 (How they get their food. — Как они получают еду) соответствует содержанию текста B: «Flamingos fish while walking in shallow water and mud.»

Заголовок 7 (How they breed. — Как они размножаются) соответствует содержанию текста C: «Flamingos build nests that look like mounds…»

Заголовок 5 (How they confuse the scientists. — Как они сбивают с толку ученых) соответствует содержанию текста D: «Scientists aren’t 100% sure why flamingos stand on one leg…»

Заголовок 1 (How people used to treat them. — Как люди относились к ним) соответствует содержанию текста E: «Ancient Egyptians believed that flamingos were the living representation of the god Ra.»

Заголовок 4 (How people start to collect their images. — Как люди начинают собирать свои изображения) соответствует содержанию текста F: «Many people have plastic flamingos in their yards as ornaments.»

Заголовок 8 (What endangers them. — Что им угрожает) соответствует содержанию текста G: «Flamingos have been affected in many ways by global warming.»

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Тест с похожими заданиями

Задание 466

Установите соответствие
между заголовками 1–8 и текстами
AG. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте
каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


Flamingos are very social and often live in large groups, called colonies, throughout the world. They are found in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres. The American Flamingo is the only one that lives in the wild in North America, and on many Caribbean islands such as the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola. It also lives in northern South America, the Galapagos Islands, and parts of Mexico.


How people used to treat them


Flamingos fish while walking in shallow water and mud. When a flamingo notices its potential dinner (for example, shrimp, snails, and plantlike water organisms), it plunges its head into the water, twists its head upside down, and scoops the fish up using its upper beak like a shovel. Flamingos get their pink coloring from the carotenoid pigment in their food, which is the same pigment that makes carrots orange.


How they get their food


Flamingos build nests that look like mounds of mud along waterways. The parents take turns sitting on the egg to keep it warm and after about 30 days the egg hatches. Young flamingos are born white, with soft, downy feathers and a straight bill. Both adult birds look after the newborn flamingo. The young leave the nest after about five days to join other young flamingos in small groups, returning to their parents for food.


Where they live


Scientists aren’t 100% sure why flamingos stand on one leg, but they have some theories. One theory says that it is to keep one leg warm. Another idea is that flamingos are drying out one leg at a time. A third theory states that it helps them deceive their catch, because one leg looks more like a plant than do two. Whatever the reason, it is truly amazing that these top heavy birds can balance on one leg for hours at a time.


How people start to collect their images


Ancient Egyptians believed that flamingos were the living representation of the god Ra. In the Americas, the Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature and paid a great deal of attention to these birds and often depicted flamingos in their art. However, Andean miners killed flamingos for their fat, which is believed to be a remedy for tuberculosis, and in Ancient Rome their tongues were considered a delicacy.


How they confuse the scientists


Many people have plastic flamingos in their yards as ornaments. This is a fun and inexpensive way to add some elegance to one’s landscaping. In many parts of the world flamingos are popular collectibles, appearing in the form of magnets, water globes, and jewelry. They are also said to be an image that people find to be calming and exciting at the same time. For these purposes people buy millions of plastic flamingos annually all around the world.


When they scare the people


Flamingos have been affected in many ways by global warming. One of the biggest concerns is making nests and laying eggs. Flamingos depend on rainfall to help them mate and without adequate rain they won’t engage in it. Many researchers find that global warming reduces the chance of rain and can cause drought in some of the areas where they live. This could mean a significant reduction of offspring in the years ahead.


How they breed


What endangers them




Другие задачи на эту тему

Flamingo – beautiful bird

Flamingo – beautiful bird

Flamingos are tall, mostly pink birds with long legs. They fly and feed in large flocks of hundreds to even millions of birds. They are wading birds, this means they feed while standing or walking in shallow water.
These birds occur in tropical and temperate regions of Africa, Madagascar, India, southern Europe, Caribbean coasts, highlands of the Andes in South America, and on the Galapagos Islands.
Flamingos live in warm regions near lakes and bodies of water called lagoons.
There are five species of flamingo. The greater flamingo is also commonly kept in theme parks and zoos.
The Chilean flamingo is a smaller species, occurring from central Peru through the Andes to Tierra del Fuego.

The lesser flamingo breeds on alkaline lakes in East and South Africa, Madagascar, and northwestern India.
The Andean flamingo occurs above 2,500 m in the Andean highlands from Peru to Chile and northwestern Argentina.
Flamingos have a very long neck and long legs, with webbed toes on their feet. They have long, strong wings, and a short tail.
Flamingos eat algae, shrimp, snails, crabs, and mollusks.
These birds sleep while standing on one leg, the other leg folded up and stowed under the body, and the head laid over the back.
The nest of flamingos is placed on the top of a cone-shaped structure made of mud scooped up from shallow water using the bill. Both sexes incubate the one or two eggs. Young flamingos are born white, with soft, downy feathers and a straight bill.
Flamingos are very social and often live in large groups, called colonies.
They get their pink coloring from the carotenoid pigment in their food, which is the same pigment that makes carrots orange.
Ancient Egyptians believed that flamingos were the living representation of the god Ra. In the Americas, the Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature and paid a great deal of attention to these birds and often depicted flamingos in their art.
The flamingo is threatened on many fronts. Human collectors steal its eggs. The body fat of the bird has historically been used as a rub to treat rheumatism, a disease of the joints. People pollute and destroy its habitat.

The plumage of Flamingo can vary – from pure white to orange and red. Even the name of the bird, which comes from the Spanish word meaning flame, suggests the bright palette of colors and shades. But the most ubiquitous color is Pink. For most people pink is associated with tenderness, romance. Flocks of Pink birds is an impressive look at the background of exotic greenery surrounding the river and on the background of gray rocks. One of the many legends dedicated to Pink flamingo, tells how flamingos regretted people dying of starvation in the lean years and helped them. According to the legend, Flamingo fed poor people with pieces of meat, hatched out of its body. The blood flowing from the wounds, fell on its feathers and dyed them pink. That’s why the pink plumage of flamingos remains such a prompt to the descendants of survivors to not forget about it.

Meaning of mascot of phoenix bird, flamingo and therefore, as a type of Phoenix, in Feng Shui: Bird phoenix in China – a symbol of sun, fire, heat, summer. Since the Chinese phoenix has always been considered “the wife of” the dragon, the phoenix mascot helps to create not only a strong union, but it even helps childless couples.

In Latin, flamingo sounds like a Phoenicopterus, which is translated as “purple wing”. Flamingo – a prototype of the mythical bird Phoenix. It is known that according to legend, at the end of his career phoenix burned in the fire, then certainly reborn from the ashes. It is no accident it is believed that the prototype of flamingos are lycidae phoenix, symbol of transformation and rebirth.

Talisman with phoenix of red or fiery color will bring happiness, the victory, the beauty and wisdom, help in the prosperity. And to the creative people will assist in the execution of their desires and achieving the goal.

Colorful birds

Colorful birds

Large flock of flamingoes

Large flock of flamingoes

Large flock of flamingoes

Large flock of flamingoes

Amazing birds

Amazing birds

Mother and her child

Mother and her child

Flamingoes and their young

Flamingoes and their young

Colorful birds

Colorful birds

Picture of flamingo

Picture of flamingo

Picture of flamingo

Picture of flamingo

Вербицкая ЕГЭ-2017, Чтение (часть 1)    

Установите соответствие между текстами AG и заголовками 1-8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишнийTEST 03

1. How people used to treat them E

2. How they get their food B

3. Where they live A

4. How people start to collect their images F

5. How they confuse the scientists D

6. When they scare the people

7. How they breed C

8. What endangers them G

A. Flamingos are very social and often live in large groups, called colonies, throughout the world. They are found in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres. The American Flamingo is the only one that lives in the wild in North America, and on many Caribbean islands such as the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola. It also lives in northern South America, the Galapagos Islands, and parts of Mexico.

Места обитания фламинго. Where they live

B. Flamingos fish while walking in shallow water and mud. When a flamingo notices its potential dinner (for example, shrimp, snails, and plantlike water organisms), it plunges its head into the water, twists its head upside down, and scoops the fish up using its upper beak like a shovel. Flamingos get their pink coloring from the carotenoid pigment in their food, which is the same pigment that makes carrots orange.

Как фламинго рыбачит и почему его окраска оранжевая. How they get their food

C. Flamingos build nests that look like mounds of mud along waterways. The parents take turns sitting on the egg to keep it warm and after about 30 days the egg hatches. Young flamingos are born white, with soft, downy feathers and a straight bill. Both adult birds look after the newborn flamingo. The young leave the nest after about five days to join other young flamingos in small groups, returning to their parents for food.

Как фламинго высиживают яйца и что происходит потом с птенцами. How they breed

D. Scientists aren’t 100% sure why flamingos stand on one leg, but they have some theories. One theory says that it is to keep one leg warm. Another idea is that flamingos are drying out one leg at a time. A third theory states that it helps them deceive their catch, because one leg looks more like a plant than do two. Whatever the reason, it is truly amazing that these top heavy birds can balance on one leg for hours at a time.

Теории, почему фламинго стоят на одной ноге. How they confuse the scientists

E. Ancient Egyptians believed that flamingos were the living representation of the god Ra. In the Americas, the Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature and paid a great deal of attention to these birds and often depicted flamingos in their art. However, Andean miners killed flamingos for their fat, which is believed to be a remedy for tuberculosis, and in Ancient Rome their tongues were considered a delicacy.

Фламинго поклонялись и их убивали. How people used to treat them

F. Many people have plastic flamingos in their yards as ornaments. This is a fun and inexpensive way to add some elegance to one’s landscaping. In many parts of the world flamingos are popular collectibles, appearing in the form of magnets, water globes, and jewelry. They are also said to be an image that people find to be calming and exciting at the same time. For these purposes people buy millions of plastic flamingos annually all around the world.

Сувениры с изображением фламинго популярны. How people start to collect their images

G. Flamingos have been affected in many ways by global warming. One of the biggest concerns is making nests and laying eggs. Flamingos depend on rainfall to help them mate and without adequate rain they won’t engage in it. Many researchers find that global warming reduces the chance of rain and can cause drought in some of the areas where they live. This could mean a significant reduction of offspring in the years ahead.

Потепление плохо влияет на фламинго. What endangers them

№ текста A B C D E F G
тема 3 2 7 5 1 4 8


Flamingos are a tall, wading bird that can be found in the Americas, Africa, Asia and Europe. There are four species of flamingo that are native to the Americans and two other species that are found throughout Europe, Africa and Asia. They are usually associated with exotic, tropical environments, but some species of flamingo prefer temperate conditions. Flamingos are very social birds and will often live in large colonies that can number into the thousands. Two common characteristic of the flamingo are its pink coloring and its ability to stand for long periods of time on one leg. So, why are Flamingos pink? Read this article to discover the answer.

Why are flamingos pink?
Flamingos can range in color from pale pink to vibrant red. The vibrancy of the color depends largely on the health of the flamingo. Flamingos gain their pink coloring from the aqueous bacteria and beta carotene that they ingest through their food. The main diet of the flamingo is brine-shrimp and blue-green algae. Both these food sources contain high amounts of beta carotene. The liver of the flamingo breaks down the beta carotene into pink and orange pigments which are deposited into the feathers, bill and legs of the bird. If a flamingo is not eating the right diet it may appear pale pink or even white in color. Flamingos that eat a large amount of algae will have a more vibrant and deep color than Flamingos that feed mainly on creatures such as shrimp. Flamingo that are kept in captivity often do not have access to the food sources they need to maintain vibrant orange, pink and red coloring. Zoo keepers have rectified this by adding canthaxanthin to their diet.

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Why Are Chicken Eggs Different Colors

Where do Peacocks Live

Установите соответствие между текстами A —Gи заголовками1—8.Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В зада­ нии один заголовок лишний.

1.How people used to treat them

2.How they get their food

3.Where they live

4.How people start to collect their images

5.How they confuse the scientists

6.When they scare the people

7.How they breed

8.What endangers them

A.Flamingos are very social and often live in large groups, called colonies, throughout the world. They are found in both the Eastern and W estern hemispheres. The American Flamingo is the only one th at lives in the wild in North America, and on many Caribbean islands such as the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola. It also lives in northern South America, the Galapagos Islands, and parts of Mexico.

B.Flamingos fish while walking in shallow w ater and mud. W hen a flamingo notices its potential dinner (for example, shrimp, snails, and plantlike w ater organisms), it plunges its head into the water, tw ists its head upside down, and scoops the fish up using its upper beak like a shovel. Flamingos get their pink coloring from the carotenoid pigment in their food, which is the same pigment th at makes carrots orange.

C.Flamingos build nests th at look like mounds of mud along waterways. The parents take turns sitting on the egg to keep it warm and after about 30 days the egg hatches. Young flamingos are born white, with soft, downy feathers and a straight bill. Both adult birds look after the newborn flamingo. The young leave the nest after about five days to join other young flamingos in small groups, returning to their parents for food.

D.Scientists aren’t 100% sure why flamingos stand on one leg, but they have some theories. One theory says th at it is to keep one leg warm. Another idea is th at flamingos are drying out one leg at a time. A third theory states that it helps them deceive their catch, because one leg looks more like a plant than do two. W hatever the reason, it is truly amazing that these top heavy birds can balance on one leg for hours at a time.

E.Ancient Egyptians believed th at flamingos were the living representation of the god Ra. In the Americas, the Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature and paid a great deal of attention to these birds and often depicted flamingos in their art. However, Andean miners killed flamingos for their fat, which is believed to be a remedy for tuberculosis, and in Ancient Rome their tongues were considered

a delicacy.

F.Many people have plastic flamingos in their yards as ornaments. This is a fun and inexpensive way to add some elegance to one’s landscaping. In many parts of the world flamingos are popular collectibles, appearing in the form of magnets, water globes, and jewelry. They are also said to be an image that people find to be calming and exciting at the same time. For these purposes people buy millions of plastic flamingos annually all around the world.

G.Flamingos have been affected in many ways by global warming. One of the biggest concerns is making nests and laying eggs. Flamingos depend on rainfall to help

them mate and w ithout adequate rain they won’t engage in it. Many researchers find that global warming reduces the chance of rain and can cause drought in some of the areas where they live. This could mean a significant reduction of offspring in the years ahead.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Установите соответствие между текстами A —Gи заголовками1—8.Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В зада­ нии один заголовок лишний.

1.How people used to treat them

2.How they get their food

3.Where they live

4.How people start to collect their images

5.How they confuse the scientists

6.When they scare the people

7.How they breed

8.What endangers them

A.Flamingos are very social and often live in large groups, called colonies, throughout the world. They are found in both the Eastern and W estern hemispheres. The American Flamingo is the only one th at lives in the wild in North America, and on many Caribbean islands such as the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola. It also lives in northern South America, the Galapagos Islands, and parts of Mexico.

B.Flamingos fish while walking in shallow w ater and mud. W hen a flamingo notices its potential dinner (for example, shrimp, snails, and plantlike w ater organisms), it plunges its head into the water, tw ists its head upside down, and scoops the fish up using its upper beak like a shovel. Flamingos get their pink coloring from the carotenoid pigment in their food, which is the same pigment th at makes carrots orange.

C.Flamingos build nests th at look like mounds of mud along waterways. The parents take turns sitting on the egg to keep it warm and after about 30 days the egg hatches. Young flamingos are born white, with soft, downy feathers and a straight bill. Both adult birds look after the newborn flamingo. The young leave the nest after about five days to join other young flamingos in small groups, returning to their parents for food.

D.Scientists aren’t 100% sure why flamingos stand on one leg, but they have some theories. One theory says th at it is to keep one leg warm. Another idea is th at flamingos are drying out one leg at a time. A third theory states that it helps them deceive their catch, because one leg looks more like a plant than do two. W hatever the reason, it is truly amazing that these top heavy birds can balance on one leg for hours at a time.

E.Ancient Egyptians believed th at flamingos were the living representation of the god Ra. In the Americas, the Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature and paid a great deal of attention to these birds and often depicted flamingos in their art. However, Andean miners killed flamingos for their fat, which is believed to be a remedy for tuberculosis, and in Ancient Rome their tongues were considered

a delicacy.

F.Many people have plastic flamingos in their yards as ornaments. This is a fun and inexpensive way to add some elegance to one’s landscaping. In many parts of the world flamingos are popular collectibles, appearing in the form of magnets, water globes, and jewelry. They are also said to be an image that people find to be calming and exciting at the same time. For these purposes people buy millions of plastic flamingos annually all around the world.

G.Flamingos have been affected in many ways by global warming. One of the biggest concerns is making nests and laying eggs. Flamingos depend on rainfall to help

them mate and w ithout adequate rain they won’t engage in it. Many researchers find that global warming reduces the chance of rain and can cause drought in some of the areas where they live. This could mean a significant reduction of offspring in the years ahead.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

А — 3(
Where they live?)
B — 2(

How they get their food?)
C — 7(

How they breed?)
D — 5(

How they confuse the scientists?)
E — 1(

How people used to treat them?)
F — 4(

How people start to collect their images?)
G — 8(

What endangers them?)
6 — лишний

                                 Вариант №1

  1. Flamingos are very social and often live in large groups, called colonies, throughout the world. They are found in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres. The American Flamingo is the only one that lives in the wild in North America, and on many Caribbean islands such as the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola. It also lives in northern South America, the Galapagos Islands, and parts of Mexico.
  2. Flamingos fish while walking in shallow water and mud. When a flamingo notices its potential dinner(for example, shrimp, snails, and plantlike water organisms ), it plunges its head into the water, twists its heat upside down, and scoops the fish up using its upper beak like a shovel. Flamingos get their pink coloring from the carotenoid pigment in their food, which is the same pigment that makes carrots orange.
  3. Flamingos build nests that look like mounds of mud along waterways. The parents take turns sitting on the egg to keep it warm and after about 30 days the egg hatches. Young flamingos are born white, with soft, downy feathers and a straight bill. Both adult birds look after the newborn flamingo. The young leave the nest after about five days to join other young flamingos in small groups, returning to their parents for food.
  4. Scientists aren’t  100% sure why flamingos stand on one leg, but they have some theories. One theory says that it is to keep one leg warm. Another idea is that flamingos are drying out one leg at a time. A third theory states that it helps them deceive their catch, because one leg looks more like a plant than do two. Whatever the reason, it is truly amazing that these top heavy birds can balance on one leg for hours at a time.
  5. Ancient Egyptians believed that flamingos were the living representation of the god Ra. In the Americas, the Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature and paid a great deal of attention to these birds and often depicted flamingos in their art. However, Andean miners killed flamingos for their fat, which is believed to be a remedy for tuberculosis, and in Ancient Rome their tongues were considered a delicacy.
  6. Many people have plastic flamingos in their yards as ornaments. This is a fun and inexpensive way to add some elegance to one’s landscaping. In many parts of the world flamingos are popular collectibles, appearing in the form of magnets, water globes, and jewelry. They are also said to be an image that people find to be calming and exciting at the same time. For these purposes people buy millions of plastic flamingos annually all around the world.
  7. Flamingos have been affected in many ways by global warming. One of the biggest concerns is making nests and laying eggs. Flamingos depend on rainfall to help them mate and without adequate rain they won’t engage in it. Many researchers find that global warming reduces the chance of rain and can cause drought in some of the areas where they live. This could mean a significant reduction of offspring in the years ahead.








Раздел 2. Грамматика и лексика


Some of the natural wonders are known for their beauty. The Meteor Crater is not one of them. It looks like a big hole in the desert. It  _________________ by a meteorite hitting the earth thousands of years ago.                                                

The crater is 4,145 feet across, and 570 feet deep. It is the _________________ impact crater in the entire world.                                                                        

When Europeans discovered it in 1871, they ___________________ it was the top of a volcano.                                                                                      

Since then, scientists _______________________ the crater for many years, but there are still many secrets and mysteries hiding inside it.


One day last summer my nine-year-old daughter went off to the camp. All her things

_________________ in a small bag. Two weeks later, Anna came back home and I unpacked her things.                                                                    

Everything was clean and well folded. “Camp sure has changed you. Your things look much ____________ than usual.”                                          

“It was simple, Mom, “she answered.” I didn’t unpack. Many _______________


Раздел 3. Письмо

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mike who writes:

Write a letter to Mike

In your letter

  • Answer his questions
  • Ask 3 questions about his coming summer holidays.

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Вариант №2


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

  1. USEFUL INVENTION                                      5.   VERBAL MISUNDERSTANDING
  2. US YOUNGER GENERATION                        6.   BRITAIN, THE WORLD EMPIRE
  3. MODERN BRANCH OF                                  7.   ALL IN ONE


  1. HISTORICAL SEPARATION                            8.   OLD ENOUGH
  1. For 150 years America was a British colony. At that time British and American English were almost      exactly the same. When America won the War of Independence in 1776, it became a free country. The USA was quickly growing richer, and millions of Europeans came to settle here. They brought new words and expressions to the language. As a result, English in America began to develop in its own way and today, there are certain differences in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and spelling between American and British English.
  2. Typical American teenagers are in fact very ordinary. They think their teachers make them work too hard, they love their parents but are sure they do not understand anything, and their friendships are the most important things in their lives. Some of them do have a lot of money to spend, but usually they have earned it themselves. Most young people take jobs while they are in school. They work at movie theatres, fast-food restaurants, gas stations, and stores to pay for their clothes and entertainment. Maybe this is what makes them so independent from their parents at such a young age?
  3. Is it possible to have one device with the functions of a TV-set, a PC and the Internet? With the advent of Internet TV it has become a reality. Imagine watching a film on TV and getting information on the actors in the film at the same time! To enter web-addresses and write e-mails you use a remote control and an on-screen keyboard or an optional wireless keyboard. By clicking a button, you can also read adverts, «chat» with a friend, plan your holiday and play your favourite video games. And in the future you will be able to change the plot of the film you are watching!
  4. When do you stop being a child and become an adult? There are lots of laws about the age when you can start doing things. In Britain, for example, you can get married at 16, but you cannot get a tattoo until you are 18. In most American states you can have a driving licence at 17, but you cannot drink until you are 21. In Russia you can be put in prison when you are 16, but you cannot vote until you are 18. In fact, most European countries and the US have the same age for voting: 18. Many people, however, think that this is unfair. They would like to vote at an earlier age.
  5. Blue jeans were a by-product of the Gold Rush. The man who invented jeans, Levi Strauss, emigrated from Germany to San Francisco in 1850. Levi was 20 years old, and he decided to sell clothes to the miners who were in California in search of gold. When he was told that durable trousers were the most needed item of clothing, Levi began making jeans of heavy tent canvas. Levi`s jeans were an immediate success. Soon he switched from canvas to a cotton fabric which came from Nimes, a city in France. The miners called it «denim» and bought a lot of trousers from Strauss.
  6. Some fifty years ago people had not even heard of computers , and today we cannot imagine our life without them. Computer technology is now the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today, its job can be done by a chip the size of a pinhead. And the revolution is still going on. Very soon we will have computers that we will wear on our wrists or even in our glasses and ear-rings. Such wearable computers are now being developed in the USA.
  7. Some American words are simply unknown on the other side of the Atlantic, and vice versa. But a lot of words exist in both variants, and these can cause trouble. British visitors to America are often surprised at the different meanings that familiar words have acquired there. If an Englishman asks in an American store for a vest, he will be offered a waistcoat. If he wants to buy a handbag for his wife, he should ask for a purse, and if she wants to buy a pair of tights, she should ask for pantyhose: tights in America are what ballet dancers wear.








                             Раздел 2 Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 3-9 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 3-9.

                                              EXCUSES, EXCUSES…

For years my husband, Tom, and I had complained bitterly about the lack of sidewalks in our village. We did not have enough exercise

3     but we                                                       jog because there were no sidewalks                NOT CAN

4     Tom had often told                                «If only we had sidewalks, we would jog            I

        or walk daily and become models of fitness».

        So we were thrilled when a community sidewalk project was announced, and

        watched eagerly as paving neared completion. Then

5      the                                    thing happened: wishful thinking and reality collided.            BAD

        «Well, dear» Tom said. «What will we use as an excuse for not walking now?»

6       I said I                                                            of some excuse.                                                THINK

                                                                        MEMORIAL DAY

In the USA, Memorial Day is the last Monday in May.

7     Memorial Day                                           a national holiday in 1971.                                   DECLARE

       But the tradition of honoring those who died in defense of

8                                      country goes back to the Civil War. The tradition to hold                  THEY

       memorial services, visit the cemeteries, decorate the graves with flowers and

       wreaths originated in Waterloo, New York, in 1866.

9     Since then, the tradition                                                 . Nowadays, on Memorial Day     CHANGE

       Americans honor not only soldiers who perished in wars but those loved

       ones who have died.

Не забудьте перенести все ответы в бланк ответов № 1. Помните, что при переносе ответов цифры и буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

                                                                  Раздел 3. Письмо

  Для выполнения задания 10 используйте обратную сторону бланка ответов № 1.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Sam who writes

          … At school we are doing projects on the greatest capitals of the world. I have decided to write about Moscow. Could you tell me about your city? What is special about your capital?

         As for the family news, my sister got married last week…

In your letter

  • tell him about Moscow

       —      ask 3 questions about his school

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Лучший ответ на вопрос «Установите соответствие между текстами A —Gи заголовками1—8.Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В зада­ нии один заголовок лишний. 1.How people used to treat them 2.How they get their food 3.Where they live 4.How people start to collect their images 5.How they confuse the scientists 6.When they scare the people 7.How they breed 8.What endangers them A.Flamingos are very social and often live in large groups, called colonies, throughout the world. They are found in both the Eastern and W estern hemispheres. The American Flamingo is the only one th at lives in the wild in North America, and on many Caribbean islands such as the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola. It also lives in northern South America, the Galapagos Islands, and parts of Mexico. B.Flamingos fish while walking in shallow w ater and mud. W hen a flamingo notices its potential dinner (for example, shrimp, snails, and plantlike w ater organisms), it plunges its head into the water, tw ists its head upside down, and scoops the fish up using its upper beak like a shovel. Flamingos get their pink coloring from the carotenoid pigment in their food, which is the same pigment th at makes carrots orange. C.Flamingos build nests th at look like mounds of mud along waterways. The parents take turns sitting on the egg to keep it warm and after about 30 days the egg hatches. Young flamingos are born white, with soft, downy feathers and a straight bill. Both adult birds look after the newborn flamingo. The young leave the nest after about five days to join other young flamingos in small groups, returning to their parents for food. D.Scientists aren’t 100% sure why flamingos stand on one leg, but they have some theories. One theory says th at it is to keep one leg warm. Another idea is th at flamingos are drying out one leg at a time. A third theory states that it helps them deceive their catch, because one leg looks more like a plant than do two. W hatever the reason, it is truly amazing that these top heavy birds can balance on one leg for hours at a time. E.Ancient Egyptians believed th at flamingos were the living representation of the god Ra. In the Americas, the Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature and paid a great deal of attention to these birds and often depicted flamingos in their art. However, Andean miners killed flamingos for their fat, which is believed to be a remedy for tuberculosis, and in Ancient Rome their tongues were considered a delicacy. F.Many people have plastic flamingos in their yards as ornaments. This is a fun and inexpensive way to add some elegance to one’s landscaping. In many parts of the world flamingos are popular collectibles, appearing in the form of magnets, water globes, and jewelry. They are also said to be an image that people find to be calming and exciting at the same time. For these purposes people buy millions of plastic flamingos annually all around the world. G.Flamingos have been affected in many ways by global warming. One of the biggest concerns is making nests and laying eggs. Flamingos depend on rainfall to help them mate and w ithout adequate rain they won’t engage in it. Many researchers find that global warming reduces the chance of rain and can cause drought in some of the areas where they live. This could mean a significant reduction of offspring in the years ahead.» от пользователя Тимур Ермоленко в разделе Английский язык. Задавайте вопросы и делитесь своими знаниями.

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